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jamesgo 3854b145d9 94_PWM : loglevel angepasst
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@25211 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2021-11-10 14:11:37 +00:00

1546 lines
55 KiB

# 94_PWM.pm
# written by Andreas Goebel 2012-07-25
# e-mail: ag at goebel-it dot de
# 21.09.15 GA update, use Log3
# 07.10.15 GA initial version published
# 13.10.15 GA add event-on-change-reading
# 13.10.15 GA add several readings
# 15.10.15 GA add reading for avg pulses
# 19.10.15 GA add overall heating switch
# 22.10.15 GA add new definition for overall heating switch. Decision now based on threshold for pulseMax
# 30.11.15 GA add new definition for overall heating switch. based on pulseMax or roomsOn
# 30.11.15 GA add new followUpTime can now delay switching of OverallHeatingSwitch from "on" to "off"
# 26.01.16 GA fix don't call AssignIoPort
# 26.01.16 GA fix IODev from PWMR object is now a reference to PWM object
# 29.06.16 GA add attribute valveProtectIdlePeriod
# 16.08.16 GA add event-min-interval
# 23.09.16 GA fix set default for maxPulse to 1 (from 0.85)
# 28.09.16 GA add "get timers" to collect a maximum of all timers from the rooms attached
# 11.10.16 GA add new delayTimeOn can now suspend switching of OverallHeadtingSwitch from "off" to "on"
# 16.11.16 GA add new attribute overallHeatingSwitchRef for threshold based configuration
# 17.11.16 GA add internals for configuration parameters: p_interval, p_cycletime, p_minOnOffTime,
# p_maxPulse, p_roomsMinOnOffThreshold and p_overallHeatingSwitch
# 01.08.17 GA add attribute disable to stop calculations of PWM
# 01.08.17 GA fix OverallHeatingSwitch (without threshold) now independent from ValveProtection
# 17.08.17 GA add attribute overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp define a threshold temperature to prevent switch to "on"
# 30.11.17 GA add helper for last pulses of rooms
# 30.11.17 GA fix clear roomsToStayOn and roomsToStayOnList if not used
# 05.12.17 GA add extend helper for last pulses by $roomsWaitOffset{$wkey}
# 13.12.17 GA fix consider $roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} in oldpulse set for each room
# 31.01.18 GA add support for stateFormat
# 05.02.18 GA fix typo overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemup
# 19.11.18 GA add support for attribute maxOffTime
# 05.03.19 GA fix reading maxOffTimeCalculation was set but not used
# 30.12.19 GA fix access to ReadingsVal via $name (reported by stromer-12)
# 26.05.20 GA fix division by zero if minRoomsOn is >0 and roomsCounted is zero
# 22.12.20 GA fix maxOffTime for P calculation never activated
# 28.12.20 GA fix maxOffTime; maxOffTimeApply is now only set if no heating is required
# 31.01.21 GA add attribute maxOffTimeMode (max, 1, 2, 3)
# 01.02.21 GA fix move reading maxOffTimeCalculation into an attribute and internal values
# 11.03.21 GA fix prevent parallel InternalTimer calls
# 14.03.21 GA fix change order of PWMR processing for maxOffTime handling
# 18.03.21 GA fix maxOffTime handling bug in restriction of max rooms on
# 10.11.21 GA fix default verbosity of logs adjusted
# $Id$
# module for PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) calculation
# this module uses PWMR (R like room) to
# - get information (ReadRoom)
# - set actors (SetRoom)
# standard heating devices support 0 to 100% heating they can be driven by the PID module
# heating devices only supporing "on" of "off" can be driven by PWM
# in PWM 50% is realised by defining a timeframe (cycletime)
# and switch the defive "on" for 50% of this time
# basis for calculation of this pulse is a factor multiplied with the difference
# between desired-temp and act-temp
# default for cycletime is 15 minutes (900 sec)
# since the devices act very slow
# there is a parameter minonofftime to prevent "senseless" switches
# PWM recalculates the needed pulse every 60 seconds and
# then decides if the devices will be switched
# "on->off", "off->on" or stays in the current state
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub PWM_Get($@);
sub PWM_Set($@);
sub PWM_Define($$);
sub PWM_Calculate($);
sub PWM_Undef($$);
sub PWM_CalcRoom(@);
my %roomsWaitOffset = ();
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{GetFn} = "PWM_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PWM_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "PWM_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "PWM_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "PWM_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 valveProtectIdlePeriod overallHeatingSwitchRef:pulseMax,pulseSum,pulseAvg,pulseAvg2,pulseAvg3,avgPulseRoomsOn".
" overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp maxOffTimeCalculation:on,off maxOffTimeMode:max,1,2,3 ".$readingFnAttributes;
#$hash->{GetList} = "status timers";
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my %RoomsToSwitchOn = ();
my %RoomsToSwitchOff = ();
my %RoomsToStayOn = ();
my %RoomsToStayOff = ();
my %RoomsValveProtect = ();
my %RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect = ();
my %RoomsPulses = ();
my $roomsActive = 0;
my $newpulseMax = 0;
my $newpulseSum = 0;
my $newpulseAvg = 0;
my $newpulseAvg2 = 0;
my $newpulseAvg3 = 0;
my $RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect_on = 0;
my $RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect_off = 0;
my $RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect_stay_on = 0;
my $wkey = "";
if($hash->{INTERVAL} > 0) {
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "PWM_Calculate");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL}, "PWM_Calculate", $hash, 0);
if (defined($attr{$name}{disable}) and $attr{$name}{disable} == 1) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $name");
#$hash->{STATE} = "disabled";
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", "disabled", 1);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "lastrun", "disabled", 0);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $name");
$hash->{helper}{pulses} = ();
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "lastrun", "calculating");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "lastrun: ".$hash->{READINGS}{lastrun}{TIME});
# migrate reading maxOffTimeCalculate to attribute, added 01.02.2021, will be deleted later
if (defined($hash->{READINGS}{maxOffTimeCalculation})) {
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation} = $hash->{READINGS}{maxOffTimeCalculation}{VAL};
$attr{$name}{maxOffTimeCalculation} = $hash->{READINGS}{maxOffTimeCalculation}{VAL};
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} = 999 unless defined ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode});
# loop over all devices
# fetch all PWMR devices
# which are not disabled
# and are linked to me (via IODev)
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if ( (defined ($defs{$d}{TYPE})) && $defs{$d}{TYPE} eq "PWMR" ) { # all PWMR objects
if (!defined ($attr{$d}{disable}) or $attr{$d}{disable} == 0) { # not disabled
if ($hash->{NAME} eq $defs{$d}{IODev}->{NAME}) { # referencing to this fb
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWM_Calculate calc $name, room $d");
# calculate room
# $newstate is "" if state is unchanged
# $newstate is "on" or "off" if state changes
# $newstate may be "on_vp" or "off_vp" if valve protection is active
# $newstate may be "off_mop" if maxOffTime protection has ended
# $newstate may be "on_mop" or "on_mop_stay" or "on_mop_maybe" if maxOffTime protection is active stays active or may become active
my ($newstate, $newpulse, $cycletime, $oldstate) = PWM_CalcRoom($hash, $defs{$d});
my $onoff = $newpulse * $cycletime;
if ($newstate =~ "off.*") {
$onoff = (1 - $newpulse) * $cycletime
##### Valve Protect
if ($newstate eq "on_vp") {
$RoomsValveProtect{$d} = "on";
} elsif ($newstate eq "off_vp") {
$RoomsValveProtect{$d} = "off";
} elsif ($newstate =~ /mop/) {
##### maxOffTimeProtect
if ($newstate eq "on_mop") {
$RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} = $newstate;
$newstate = "on";
} elsif ($newstate eq "on_mop_stay") {
$RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} = $newstate;
$newstate = "";
} elsif ($newstate eq "on_mop_maybe") {
$RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} = $newstate;
$newstate = "";
} elsif ($newstate eq "off_mop") {
$RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} = $newstate;
$newstate = "off";
} else {
##### regular calculation
$wkey = $name."_".$d;
if (defined ($roomsWaitOffset{$wkey})) {
$hash->{helper}{pulses}{$d} = $newpulse." / ".$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey};
$newpulse += $roomsWaitOffset{$wkey};
} else {
$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{pulses}{$d} = $newpulse." / ".$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey};
$defs{$d}->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$defs{$d}->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{VAL} = $newpulse;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = $newpulse;
$newpulseSum += $newpulse;
$newpulseMax = max($newpulseMax, $newpulse);
# $newstate ne "" -> state changed "on" -> "off" or "off" -> "on"
if ((int($hash->{MINONOFFTIME}) > 0) &&
(($newstate eq "on") or ($newstate eq "off")) &&
($onoff < int($hash->{MINONOFFTIME}))
) {
# actor devices take 3 minutes for an open/close cycle
# this is handled by MINONOFFTIME
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $d: F0 stay unchanged $oldstate: ".
"($onoff < $hash->{MINONOFFTIME} sec)");
if ($oldstate eq "off") {
$RoomsToStayOff{$d} = 1;
} else {
$RoomsToStayOn{$d} = 1;
} else {
# state changed and it is worth to move the device
if ($newstate eq "on") {
$RoomsToSwitchOn{$d} = 1;
} elsif ($newstate eq "off") {
$RoomsToSwitchOff{$d} = 1;
} elsif ($newstate eq "") {
if ($oldstate eq "on") {
$RoomsToStayOn{$d} = 1;
} else {
$RoomsToStayOff{$d} = 1;
# maxOffTimeProtect handling
if (defined($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation}) and ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation} eq "on")) {
my $maxOffTimeCnt = $RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect_stay_on;
my $maxOffTimeMode = $hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode};
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $name: checkpoint maxOffTime (param $maxOffTimeMode) (cur $maxOffTimeCnt)");
# handle: off_mop, on_mop_stay
foreach my $d (sort keys %RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect) {
if ($RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} eq "off_mop") {
$RoomsToSwitchOff{$d} = 1;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = 0;
} elsif ($RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} eq "on_mop_stay") {
$RoomsToStayOn{$d} = 1;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = $hash->{MaxPulse};
# handle: on_mop
# sort ascending reading lastswitch (longest time off serves first)
foreach my $d (
sort { $defs{$a}->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} <=> $defs{$b}->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} }
keys %RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect) {
if ($RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} eq "on_mop") {
if ($maxOffTimeCnt < int($maxOffTimeMode)) {
$RoomsToSwitchOn{$d} = 1;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = $hash->{MaxPulse};
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $defs{$d}->{NAME}: F19 maxOffTime protection stay off (Max $maxOffTimeMode)");
$RoomsToStayOff{$d} = 1;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = 0;
# handle: on_mop_maybe
# sort ascending reading lastswitch (longest time off serves first)
foreach my $d (
sort { $defs{$a}->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} <=> $defs{$b}->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} }
keys %RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect) {
#Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $name: checkpoint2 maxOffTime $defs{$d}->{NAME} ".
# "$defs{$d}->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{TIME} ".
# "$defs{$d}->{READINGS}{actorState}{VAL} "
if ($RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$d} eq "on_mop_maybe") {
# on_mop_maybe may only be set if c_maxOffTimeMode > 1
if (($RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect_on + $RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect_stay_on > 0)
and ($maxOffTimeCnt < int($maxOffTimeMode))) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $defs{$d}->{NAME}: F20 maxOffTime protection pulled on with another room");
$RoomsToSwitchOn{$d} = 1;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = $hash->{MaxPulse};
} else {
$RoomsToStayOff{$d} = 1;
$RoomsPulses{$d} = 0;
# for all types of *mop*
$defs{$d}->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$defs{$d}->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{VAL} = $RoomsPulses{$d};
$newpulseSum += $RoomsPulses{$d};
$newpulseMax = max($newpulseMax, $RoomsPulses{$d});
# synchronize the heating on the "off" edge of the pulse
# try to minimize the situation where all rooms are "on" at the same time
# algorithm:
# -> if more than 2 rooms are switched off at the same time,
# -> simply keep some on (but this will last only for one calculation cycle)
# assumption: 100% "on" time is not allowed (max newpulse = 85%)
# -> in the morning all rooms will be switched on at the same time
# -> and then off at the same time
# normally we switch off only one room at the same time
# normally we switch on only one room at the same time
my $switchOn = $hash->{MaxSwitchOnPerCycle}; # default 1
my $switchOff = $hash->{MaxSwitchOffPerCycle}; # default 1
# rooms may stay on due to logic below ...
# switch off only (one) the room with lowest need for heating
# sort rooms with ascending "newpulse"
foreach my $room (sort { $RoomsToSwitchOff{$a} <=> $RoomsToSwitchOff{$b} } keys %RoomsToSwitchOff) {
# only the first room in the list will be switched off
# all others will stay on
# first room has the lowest need for heating ... it will be switched off
if ($switchOff >= 0) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $room: F99 switch off ".
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $room: F99 keep room on ".
$RoomsToStayOn{$room} = 1;
if (defined($RoomsToSwitchOff{$room})) {
delete ($RoomsToSwitchOff{$room});
# try to minimize the situation where all rooms are "on" at the same time
# switch "on" only one room at the same time
# sort rooms with decending "newpulse"
foreach my $room (sort { $RoomsToSwitchOn{$b} <=> $RoomsToSwitchOn{$a} } keys %RoomsToSwitchOn) {
# only the first room in the list will be switched on
# all others will stay off
# first room has the highest need for heating ... it will be switched on
if ($switchOn >= 0) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $room: F98 switch on ".
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $room: F98 keep room off ".
my $wkey = $name."_".$room;
$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} += 0.0001;
$RoomsToStayOff{$room} = 1;
if (defined($RoomsToSwitchOn{$room})) {
delete ($RoomsToSwitchOn{$room});
# in addition to the above max. of 85% of the active rooms may be on at the same time
# 11 * 0.8 = 8.8 ... 8 is ok ... 9, 10, 11 is not (laraEG!)
my $roomsOn = (scalar keys %RoomsToStayOn) - (scalar keys %RoomsToSwitchOff);
my $maxRoomsOn = $roomsActive - $hash->{NoRoomsToStayOff};
# looks complicated but this will work if more than one room would be switched on
# prevent rooms to be switched on if maxRoomsOn is reached
while (
(($roomsOn + (scalar keys %RoomsToSwitchOn)) > $maxRoomsOn) &&
((scalar keys %RoomsToSwitchOn) > 0)
) {
# sort rooms with ascending "newpulse"
foreach my $room (sort { $RoomsToSwitchOn{$a} <=> $RoomsToSwitchOn{$b} } keys %RoomsToSwitchOn) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $room: F97 keep room off ".
"(pulse=$RoomsToSwitchOn{$room}) (max=$maxRoomsOn)");
my $wkey = $name."_".$room;
$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} += 0.001;
$RoomsToStayOff{$room} = 1;
if (defined($RoomsToSwitchOn{$room})) {
delete ($RoomsToSwitchOn{$room});
last; # continue in while loop
# in addition to the above try to prevent that too many rooms are off
# use $roomsActive and $newpulseSum to differentiate if heating is required
# 11 * 0.27 = 2.97 ... 3 rooms is ok ... 0,1 or 2 is not
# 23.09.2015
#my $minRoomsOn = $roomsActive * 0.29;
# if overall required heating is below 0.42 ... possibly drive Vaillant into "Sperrzeit"
# 15.01.2015: adjust this from 0.42 to 0.25 (=25% Pulse needed)
# 23.09.2015
#if ($roomsActive == 0 or $newpulseSum/$roomsActive < 0.42) {
# $minRoomsOn = 0;
my $minRoomsOn = $hash->{NoRoomsToStayOn};
my $minRoomsOnList = "";
if ($minRoomsOn > 0) {
my $roomsCounted = 0;
my $pulseSum = 0;
my $avgPulse = 0;
foreach my $room (sort { $RoomsPulses{$b} <=> $RoomsPulses{$a} } keys %RoomsPulses) {
last if ($roomsCounted == $minRoomsOn);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate: loop $roomsCounted $room $RoomsPulses{$room}");
$minRoomsOnList .= "$room,";
$pulseSum += $RoomsPulses{$room};
$minRoomsOnList =~ s/,$//;
$avgPulse = $pulseSum/$roomsCounted if ($roomsCounted > 0);
if ($roomsActive == 0 or $hash->{NoRoomsToStayOnThreshold} == 0 or $avgPulse < $hash->{NoRoomsToStayOnThreshold}) {
$minRoomsOn = 0;
$minRoomsOnList = "";
#Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate: newpulseSum $newpulseSum avg ".$newpulseSum/$roomsActive." minRoomsOn(".$minRoomsOn.")") if ($roomsActive > 0);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate: pulseSum $pulseSum avg ".$avgPulse." minRoomsOn(".$minRoomsOn.")") if ($roomsActive > 0);
# looks complicated but this will work if more than one room would stay on
while (
(((scalar keys %RoomsToStayOn) + (scalar keys %RoomsToSwitchOn)) < $minRoomsOn) &&
((scalar keys %RoomsToSwitchOff) > 0)
) {
# sort rooms with decending "newpulse"
foreach my $room (sort { $RoomsToSwitchOff{$b} <=> $RoomsToSwitchOff{$a} } keys %RoomsToSwitchOff) {
my $ron = 1 + (scalar keys %RoomsToStayOn) + (scalar keys %RoomsToSwitchOn);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $room: F96 keep room on ".
"(pulse=$RoomsToSwitchOff{$room}) (min=$minRoomsOn) (roomsOn=$ron)");
my $wkey = $name."_".$room;
$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} -= 0.001;
$RoomsToStayOn{$room} = 1;
if (defined($RoomsToSwitchOff{$room})) {
delete ($RoomsToSwitchOff{$room});
last; # continue in while loop
# now process the calculated actions
my $cntRoomsOn = 0;
my $cntRoomsOnVP = 0;
my $cntRoomsOff = 0;
my $pulseRoomsOn = 0;
my $pulseRoomsOff = 0;
foreach my $roomStay (sort keys %RoomsToStayOff) {
PWMR_SetRoom ($defs{$roomStay}, "");
$pulseRoomsOff += $RoomsPulses{$roomStay};
foreach my $roomStay (sort keys %RoomsToStayOn) {
PWMR_SetRoom ($defs{$roomStay}, "");
$pulseRoomsOn += $RoomsPulses{$roomStay};
foreach my $roomOff (sort keys %RoomsToSwitchOff) {
PWMR_SetRoom ($defs{$roomOff}, "off");
if (defined($defs{$roomOff}->{helper}{maxOffTimeLastSwitch})) {
delete ($defs{$roomOff}->{helper}{maxOffTimeLastSwitch});
$pulseRoomsOff += $RoomsPulses{$roomOff};
foreach my $roomOn (sort keys %RoomsToSwitchOn) {
my $wkey = $name."-".$roomOn;
$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} = 0;
PWMR_SetRoom ($defs{$roomOn}, "on");
if (defined($RoomsMaxOffTimeProtect{$roomOn})) {
$defs{$roomOn}->{helper}{maxOffTimeLastSwitch} = time();
$pulseRoomsOn += $RoomsPulses{$roomOn};
foreach my $roomVP (sort keys %RoomsValveProtect) {
my $wkey = $name."-".$roomVP;
$roomsWaitOffset{$wkey} = 0;
if ( $RoomsValveProtect{$roomVP} eq "on") {
PWMR_SetRoom ($defs{$roomVP}, "on");
$pulseRoomsOn += $RoomsPulses{$roomVP};
} else {
PWMR_SetRoom ($defs{$roomVP}, "off");
$pulseRoomsOff += $RoomsPulses{$roomVP};
my $cntAvg = 0;
# sort rooms with decending "newpulse"
foreach my $room (sort { $RoomsPulses{$b} <=> $RoomsPulses{$a} } keys %RoomsPulses) {
$newpulseAvg += $RoomsPulses{$room};
$newpulseAvg2 += $RoomsPulses{$room} if ($cntAvg < 2);
$newpulseAvg3 += $RoomsPulses{$room} if ($cntAvg < 3);
$newpulseAvg = sprintf ("%.02f", $newpulseAvg / $cntAvg) if ($cntAvg > 0);
$newpulseAvg2 = sprintf ("%.02f", $newpulseAvg2 / minNum (2, $cntAvg)) if ($cntAvg > 0);
$newpulseAvg3 = sprintf ("%.02f", $newpulseAvg3 / minNum (3, $cntAvg)) if ($cntAvg > 0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsActive", $roomsActive);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsOn", $cntRoomsOn);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsOff", $cntRoomsOff);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "avgPulseRoomsOn", ($cntRoomsOn > 0 ? sprintf ("%.2f", $pulseRoomsOn / $cntRoomsOn) : 0));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "avgPulseRoomsOff", ($cntRoomsOff > 0 ? sprintf ("%.2f", $pulseRoomsOff /$cntRoomsOff) : 0));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "pulseMax", $newpulseMax);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "pulseSum", $newpulseSum);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "pulseAvg", $newpulseAvg);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "pulseAvg2", $newpulseAvg2);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "pulseAvg3", $newpulseAvg3);
if ( $hash->{NoRoomsToStayOn} > 0) {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsToStayOn", $minRoomsOn);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsToStayOnList", $minRoomsOnList);
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsToStayOn", 0);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "roomsToStayOnList", "");
if ( defined ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch}) ) {
if ( $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch} ne "") {
my $newstateOHS = "on";
if ( $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_threshold} > 0) {
# threshold based
my $refValue = $newpulseMax;
if (defined($attr{$name}{overallHeatingSwitchRef})) {
my $ref = $attr{$name}{overallHeatingSwitchRef};
$refValue = $newpulseMax if ($ref eq "pulseMax");
$refValue = $newpulseSum if ($ref eq "pulseSum");
$refValue = $newpulseAvg if ($ref eq "pulseAvg");
$refValue = $newpulseAvg2 if ($ref eq "pulseAvg2");
$refValue = $newpulseAvg3 if ($ref eq "pulseAvg3");
$newstateOHS = ($refValue > $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_threshold}) ? "on" : "off";
} else {
# room based
$newstateOHS = (($cntRoomsOn - $cntRoomsOnVP) > 0) ? "on" : "off";
# OverallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp may prevent switch ot on and sets OverallHeatingSwitch to e-off
my $newstateOHS_eoff = 0;
if ($newstateOHS eq "on" and defined ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_tsensor})) {
my $sensor = $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_tsensor};
my $reading = $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_reading};
if (defined ($defs{$sensor}) and defined ($defs{$sensor}->{READINGS}{$reading})) {
my $t_regexp = $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_t_regexp};
my $maxTemp = $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_maxTemp};
my $temp = $defs{$sensor}->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL};
$temp =~ /$t_regexp/;
if (defined ($1))
$temp = $1;
if ($temp >= $maxTemp)
$newstateOHS_eoff = 1;
$newstateOHS = "off";
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitch forced to off since ThresholdTemp reached maxTemp ($temp >= $maxTemp)");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchTT_Off", 1);
if ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_Off}{VAL} == 1) {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchTT_Off", 0);
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp t_regexp does not match temperature");
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp refers to invalid device or reading");
my $actor = $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch};
my $actstateOHS = ($defs{$actor}{STATE} =~ $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_regexp_on}) ? "on" : "off";
if ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_followUpTime} > 0) {
if ($newstateOHS_eoff == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff", "");
if ($actstateOHS eq "on" and $newstateOHS eq "off") {
if ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff}{VAL} eq "") {
$newstateOHS = "on";
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitch wait for followUpTime before switching off (init timestamp)");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff", FmtDateTime(time() + $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_followUpTime}));
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff}{VAL} ge TimeNow()) {
$newstateOHS = "on";
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitch wait for followUpTime before switching off");
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff", "");
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff", "");
if ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_delayTimeOn} > 0) {
if ($actstateOHS eq "off" and $newstateOHS eq "on") {
if ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn}{VAL} eq "") {
$newstateOHS = "off";
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitch wait for delayTimeOn before switching on (init timestamp)");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn", FmtDateTime(time() + $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_delayTimeOn}));
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn}{VAL} ge TimeNow()) {
$newstateOHS = "off";
Log3 ($name, 3, "PWM_Calculate: $name: OverallHeatingSwitch wait for delayTimeOn before switching on");
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn", "");
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn", "");
if ($newstateOHS ne $actstateOHS or $hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitch}{VAL} ne $actstateOHS) {
my $ret = fhem sprintf ("set %s %s", $hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch}, $newstateOHS);
if (!defined($ret)) { # sucessfull
Log3 ($name, 4, "PWMR_SetRoom: $name: set $actor $newstateOHS");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitch", $newstateOHS);
# push @{$room->{CHANGED}}, "actor $newstateOHS";
# DoTrigger($name, undef);
} else {
Log3 ($name, 4, "PWMR_SetRoom $name: set $actor $newstateOHS failed ($ret)");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Calculate $name done");
my ($hash, $room) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWM_CalcRoom: $name ($room->{NAME})");
my $cycletime = $hash->{CYCLETIME};
my ($temperaturV, $actorV, $factor, $oldpulse, $newpulse, $prevswitchtime, $windowV, $maxOffTimeApply, $maxOffTime, $maxOffTimePeriod, $maxOffTimeAct) =
PWMR_ReadRoom($room, $cycletime, $hash->{MaxPulse});
my $nextswitchtime;
if ($actorV eq "on") {
$nextswitchtime = int($oldpulse * $cycletime) + $prevswitchtime;
} else {
$nextswitchtime = int((1-$oldpulse) * $cycletime) + $prevswitchtime;
#Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: $cycletime ($prevswitchtime/$nextswitchtime)=".($nextswitchtime-$prevswitchtime));
if ($actorV eq "on") # current state is "on"
# ----------------
# check if maxOffTime is active and maxOffTimePeriod is over
if (defined ($room->{helper}{maxOffTimeLastSwitch})) {
if ( $room->{helper}{maxOffTimeLastSwitch} + ($maxOffTimePeriod * 60) > time()) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F15 maxOffTime continue");
return ("on_mop_stay", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F16 maxOffTime off");
return ("off_mop", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
# ----------------
# check if valve protection is active, keep this state for 5 minutes
if (defined ($room->{helper}{valveProtectLastSwitch})) {
if ( $room->{helper}{valveProtectLastSwitch} + 300 > time()) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F13 valveProtect continue");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F14 valveProtect off");
delete ($room->{helper}{valveProtectLastSwitch});
return ("off_vp", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
# ----------------
# decide if to change to "off"
if ($newpulse == 1) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F10 stay on");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
if ($newpulse < $oldpulse) { # on: was 80% now it is 30%
if ( time() >= $nextswitchtime ) # F3
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F3 new off");
return ("off", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
# state changed and it is worth to move the device
else #( time() < $nextswitchtime ) # F1
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F1 stay on");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
} else { #($newpulse >= $oldpulse) # unchanged, or was 30% now 40%
# maybe we switch off
# - because several cycles were not calculated
# - or on time is simply over
# - newpulse 0 is also handled here
if ( time() >= $nextswitchtime) { # F4
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F4 new off");
return ("off", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F9 stay on");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
elsif ($actorV eq "off") # current state is "off"
# ----------------
# check if valve protection is activated (attribute valveProtectIdlePeriod is set)
if (defined ($attr{$name}{"valveProtectIdlePeriod"})) {
# period is defined in days (*86400)
if ($room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} + ($attr{$name}{"valveProtectIdlePeriod"} * 86400) < time()) {
$room->{helper}{valveProtectLastSwitch} = time();
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F12 valve protect");
return ("on_vp", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
# ----------------
# decide if to change to "on"
if ($oldpulse == 0 && $newpulse > 0) { # was 0% now heating is required
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F7 new on");
return ("on", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
# ----------------
# check if maxOffTime protection is activated (attribute maxOffTimeIdlePeriod is set)
# $maxOffTImeApply will only be set if no heating is required
if ($maxOffTimeApply > 0 and defined($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation}) and ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation} eq "on")) {
## wz > 2:00
if ($maxOffTimeAct >= $maxOffTime) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F17 maxOffTime protection");
return ("on_mop", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
## wz > 2:00 / 2
if ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} > 1) {
if ($maxOffTimeAct >= $maxOffTime / 2) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F18 maxOffTime protection (possible)");
return ("on_mop_maybe", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
if ($newpulse == 0) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F11 stay off (0)");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
if ($newpulse > $oldpulse) { # was 30% now it is 80%
# F5
if ( time() < $nextswitchtime )
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F5 stay off");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
else # time >= $nextswitchtime
# F6
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F6 new on");
return ("on", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
} else { # unchanged, was 80% now 30%
# F2
if ( time() >= $nextswitchtime ) {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F2 new on");
return ("on", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom $room->{NAME}: F8 stay off");
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
else # $actorV not "on" of "off"
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_CalcRoom -> $name -> $room->{NAME}: invalid actor state ($actorV) try to switch off");
return ("off", 0, $cycletime, $actorV);
return ("", $newpulse, $cycletime, $actorV);
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2);
my $msg;
if ($a[1] eq "status") {
return $hash->{STATE};
} elsif ($a[1] eq "timers") {
Log3 ($hash, 1, "in get timers");
my $cnt = 0;
my %tmpTimersFrom = ();
my %tmpTimersTo = ();
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if ( (defined ($defs{$d}{TYPE})) && $defs{$d}{TYPE} eq "PWMR" ) { # all PWMR objects
if (!defined ($attr{$d}{disable}) or $attr{$d}{disable} == 0) { # not disabled
if ($name eq $defs{$d}{IODev}->{NAME}) { # referencing to this fb
my $room = $defs{$d};
Log3 ($hash, 1, "PWM_Get $name collect $room->{NAME}");
foreach my $reading ("timer1_Mo", "timer2_Di", "timer3_Mi", "timer4_Do", "timer5_Fr", "timer6_Sa", "timer7_So") {
if (defined ($room->{READINGS}{$reading}) and $room->{READINGS}{$reading} ne "") {
Log3 ($hash, 1, "PWM_Get $name collect $room->{NAME} $reading");
my (@timers) = split / /, $room->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL};
my ($mintime, $minTempId, $minTemp ) = split /,/, $timers[0];
my ($maxtime, $maxTempId, $maxTemp ) = split /,/, $timers[$#timers];
my ($minfrom, $minto) = split /-/, $mintime;
my ($maxfrom, $maxto) = split /-/, $maxtime;
$tmpTimersFrom{$reading} = $minfrom unless defined($tmpTimersFrom{$reading});
$tmpTimersTo{$reading} = $maxto unless defined($tmpTimersTo{$reading});
$tmpTimersFrom{$reading} = $minfrom if ($tmpTimersFrom{$reading} > $minfrom);
$tmpTimersTo{$reading} = $maxto if ($tmpTimersTo{$reading} < $maxto);
if ($cnt == 0) {
foreach my $reading ("timer1_Mo", "timer2_Di", "timer3_Mi", "timer4_Do", "timer5_Fr", "timer6_Sa", "timer7_So") {
delete ($hash->{READINGS}{$reading});
} else {
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
foreach my $reading ("timer1_Mo", "timer2_Di", "timer3_Mi", "timer4_Do", "timer5_Fr", "timer6_Sa", "timer7_So") {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$reading", $tmpTimersFrom{$reading}."-".$tmpTimersTo{$reading});
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
#return "$reading from $minfrom to $maxto";
return "";
} else {
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of status timers";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $u = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of recalc interval cycletime maxOffTimeCalculation:on,off";
if ( $a[1] =~ /^interval$|^cycletime$/ ) {
return $u if(int(@a) != 3);
my $hw = uc($a[1]);
$hash->{$hw}= $a[2];
} elsif ( $a[1] =~ /^recalc$/ ) {
#$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
my $v = PWM_Calculate($hash);
#delete $hash->{LOCAL};
} elsif ( $a[1] =~ /^maxOffTimeCalculation$/ ) {
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation} = $a[2];
$attr{$name}{maxOffTimeCalculation} = $a[2];
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} = 999 unless defined ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode});
} else {
return $u;
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "syntax: define <name> PWM [<interval>] [<cycletime>] [<minonofftime>] [<maxPulse>] [<maxSwitchOnPerCycle>,<maxSwitchOffPerCycle>] [<roomStayOn>,<roomStayOff>,<stayOnThreshold>]".
" [<overallHeatingSwitch>[,<pulseThreshold>[,<followUpTime>[,<h_regexp_on>[,<delayTimeOn>]]]]"
if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 9);
my $interval = ((int(@a) > 2) ? $a[2] : 60);
my $cycletime = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[3] : 900);
my $minonofftime = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[4] : 120);
my $maxPulse = ((int(@a) > 5) ? minNum ($a[5], 1.00) : 1.00);
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{CYCLETIME} = $cycletime;
$hash->{MINONOFFTIME} = $minonofftime;
$hash->{MaxPulse} = $maxPulse;
$hash->{STATE} = "defined";
$hash->{p_interval} = $interval;
$hash->{p_cycletime} = $cycletime;
$hash->{p_minOnOfftime} = $minonofftime;
$hash->{p_maxPulse} = $maxPulse;
# [<maxSwitchOnPerCycle>,<maxSwitchOffPerCycle>]
if (int(@a) > 6) {
my ($maxOn, $maxOff) = split (",", $a[6]);
$maxOff = $maxOn unless (defined($maxOff));
$hash->{MaxSwitchOnPerCycle} = $maxOn;
$hash->{MaxSwitchOffPerCycle} = $maxOff;
} else {
if ($maxPulse == 1) {
$hash->{MaxSwitchOnPerCycle} = 99;
$hash->{MaxSwitchOffPerCycle} = 99;
} else {
$hash->{MaxSwitchOnPerCycle} = 1;
$hash->{MaxSwitchOffPerCycle} = 1;
# [<roomStayOn>,<roomStayOff>,<stayOnThreshold>]
if (int(@a) > 7) {
my ($stayOn, $stayOff, $onThreshold) = split (",", $a[7]);
$stayOff = 1 unless (defined($stayOff)); # one room stays off
$onThreshold = 0.3 unless (defined($onThreshold)); # $stayOn is used only if average pluse is >= 0.3
$hash->{NoRoomsToStayOn} = $stayOn; # eg. 4 rooms stay switched on (unless average pulse is less then threshold)
$hash->{NoRoomsToStayOff} = $stayOff; # 1 room stays off to limit energy used (maxPulse should be < 1 if this is used)
$hash->{NoRoomsToStayOnThreshold} = $onThreshold; # $stayOn is used only if average pluse is >= threshold
$hash->{p_roomsMinOnOffThreshold} = $a[7];
} else {
$hash->{NoRoomsToStayOn} = 0; # switch off all rooms is allowd
$hash->{NoRoomsToStayOff} = 0; # switch on all rooms if allowed
$hash->{NoRoomsToStayOnThreshold} = 0; # pulse threshold to use "NoRoomsToStayOn"
$hash->{p_minOnOffThreshold} = "";
# [<overallHeatingSwitch>]
if (int(@a) > 8) {
my ($hactor, $h_threshold, $h_followUpTime, $h_regexp_on, $h_delayTimeOn) = split (",", $a[8], 5);
$h_followUpTime = 0 unless ($h_followUpTime);
$h_threshold = 0 unless ($h_threshold);
$h_regexp_on = "on" unless ($h_regexp_on);
$h_delayTimeOn = 0 unless ($h_delayTimeOn);
if (!$defs{$hactor} && $hactor ne "dummy")
my $msg = "$name: Unknown actor device $hactor specified";
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM_Define $msg");
return $msg;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch} = $hactor;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_threshold} = $h_threshold;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_regexp_on} = $h_regexp_on;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_roomBased} = ($h_threshold > 0) ? "off" : "on";
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_followUpTime} = $h_followUpTime;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_delayTimeOn} = $h_delayTimeOn;
$hash->{p_overallHeatingSwitch} = $a[8];
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff", "", 0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn", "", 0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitch", "", 0);
delete ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntil}) if defined ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntil});
delete ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBefore}) if defined ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBefore});
} else {
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch} = "";
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_threshold} = "";
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_regexp_on} = "";
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_roomBased} = "";
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_followUpTime} = "";
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitch_delayTimeOn} = "";
$hash->{p_overallHeatingSwitch} = "";
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntilOff", "", 0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBeforeOn", "", 0);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "OverallHeatingSwitch", "", 0);
delete ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntil}) if defined ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitUntil});
delete ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBefore}) if defined ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchWaitBefore});
if($hash->{INTERVAL} > 0) {
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "PWM_Calculate");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, "PWM_Calculate", $hash, 0);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM Define $name");
return undef;
sub PWM_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $args) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWM Undef $name");
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} )
return undef;
my @a = @_;
my ($action, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @a;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
$attrval = "" unless defined ($attrval);
if ($action eq "del")
if ($attrname eq "overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp")
delete ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_tsensor} ) if defined ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_tsensor});
delete ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_reading} ) if defined ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_reading});
delete ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_t_regexp} ) if defined ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_t_regexp});
delete ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_maxTemp} ) if defined ($hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_maxTemp});
delete ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_Off} ) if defined ($hash->{READINGS}{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_Off});
} elsif ($attrname eq "maxOffTimeCalculation") {
delete ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation}) if defined ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation});
delete ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode}) if defined ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode});
} elsif ($attrname eq "maxOffTimeMode") {
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} = 999;
if (defined $attr{$name}{$attrname}) {
delete ($attr{$name}{$attrname});
return undef;
elsif ($action eq "set")
if (defined $attr{$name}{$attrname})
if ($attrname eq "overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp")
my ($obj, $temp) = split (",", $attrval, 2);
$temp = 50 unless (defined($temp));
unless ($temp =~ /^(\d[\d\.]+)$/)
return "$name: invalid temperature for attribute $attrname ($attrval)";
if (defined ($obj))
my ($sensor, $reading, $t_regexp) = split (":", $obj, 3);
$reading = "temperature" unless defined ($reading);
$t_regexp = '(\d[\d\.]+)', unless defined ($t_regexp);
if (defined($sensor)) # may be not defined yet
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_tsensor} = $sensor;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_reading} = $reading;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_t_regexp} = $t_regexp;
$hash->{OverallHeatingSwitchTT_maxTemp} = $temp;
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 2, "invalid temperature reading in attribute overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp");
return "$name: invalid value for attribute $attrname ($attrval)";
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 2, "invalid value for attribute overallHeatingSwitchThresholdTemp");
return "$name: invalid value for attribute $attrname ($attrval)";
} elsif ($attrname eq "maxOffTimeCalculation") {
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation} = $attrval;
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} = 999 unless defined ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode});
} elsif ($attrname eq "maxOffTimeMode") {
if ($attrval eq "max") {
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} = 999;
} else {
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeMode} = $attrval;
$hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation} = "off" unless defined ($hash->{c_maxOffTimeCalculation});
Log3 (undef, 2, "called PWM_Attr($a[0],$a[1],$a[2],<$a[3]>)");
return undef;
=item device
=item summary Device for room temperature control using PWM. See also 93_PWM.pm
=begin html
<a name="PWM"></a>
The PMW module implements temperature regulation for heating systems only capeable of switching on/off.<br><br>
PWM is based on Pulse Width Modulation which means valve position 70% is implemented in switching the device on for 70% and off for 30% in a given timeframe.<br>
PWM defines a calculation unit and depents on objects based on PWMR which define the rooms to be heated.<br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; PWM [&lt;interval&gt;] [&lt;cycletime&gt;] [&lt;minonofftime&gt;] [&lt;maxPulse&gt;] [&lt;maxSwitchOnPerCycle&gt;,&lt;maxSwitchOffPerCycle&gt;] [&lt;roomStayOn&gt;,&lt;roomStayOff&gt;,&lt;stayOnThreshold&gt;] [&lt;overallHeatingSwitch&gt;[,&lt;pulseThreshold&gt;[,&lt;followUpTime&gt;[,&lt;h_regexp_on&gt;[,&lt;delayTimeOn&gt;]]]]]<br></code>
eg. define fb PWM 60 900 120 1 99,99 0,0,0 pumpactor<br>
Define a calculation object with the following parameters:<br>
Calculate the pulses every <i>interval</i> seconds. Default is 60 seconds.<br>
Timeframe to which the pulses refere to. Default is 900 seconds (=15 Minutes). "valve position" of 100% calculates to "on" for this period.<br>
Default is 120 seconds.
Floor heating systems are driven by thermomechanic elements which react very slow. on/off status changes for lower periods are ignored.<br>
Default is 1, which means that a device can be switched on for the full <i>cylcetime</i> period.<br>
For energy saving reasons it may be wanted to prevent situations were all rooms are switched on (high energy usage) and afterwards off.<br>
In this case <i>maxPulse</i> is set to 0.85 (=12:45 minutes) which forces a room with a pulse of 1 (=100%) to be switched off after 12:45 minutes to give another
room the chance to be switched on.
Defaults are 99 for both values. This means that 99 PWMR object can be switched on or off at the same time.<br>
To prevent energy usage peaks followend by "no energy consumption" situations set both values to "1".<br>
This means after the room the the least energy required is switched off the next will be switched off.<br>
Rooms are switched on or off one after the other (in <interval> cycles) and not all at one time.<br>
Waiting times are honored by a addon to the pulse.<br>
Defauts: <br>
<i>roomStayOn</i> = 0 ... all rooms can be switched off at the same time.<br>
<i>roomStayOff</i> = 0 ... all rooms can be switched on at the same time.<br>
<i>stayOnThreshold</i> = 0 ... no impact.<br>
For energy saving reasons the following may be set: "4,1,0.25". This means:<br>
The room with the least pulse will be kept off (<i>roomsStayOff</i>=1)<br>
If the average pulse for the (<i>roomsStayOn</i>=4) rooms with the most heating required is greater than (<i>stayOnThreshold</i>=0.25) then <i>maxRoomStayOn</i> will be kept in state "on", even if the time for the current pulse is reached.
If the threshold is not reached (not so much heating required) then all rooms can be switched off at the same time.<br>
Universal switch to controll eg. pumps or the heater itself. It will be set to "off" if no heating is required and otherwise "on".<br>
<i>pulseThreshold</i> defines a threshold which is applied to reading <i>pulseMax</i>, <i>pulseSum</i>, <i>pulseAvg</i>, <i>pulseAvg2</i> or <i>pulseAvg3</i> of the PWM object to decide if heating is required. If (calculated pulse > threshold) then actor is set to "on", otherwise "off".<br>
If <i>pulseThreshold</i> is set to 0 (or is not defined) then the decision is based on <i>roomsOn</i>. If (roomsOn > 0) then actor is set to "on", otherwise "off".<br>
<i>followUpTime</i> defines a number of seconds which is used to delay the status change from "on" to "off". This can be used to prevent a toggling switch.<br>
<i>regexp_on</i> defines a regular expression to be applied to the state of the actor. Default is "on". If state matches the regular expression it is handled as "on", otherwise "off".<br>
<i>delayTimeOn</i> defines a number of seconds which is used to delay the status change from "off" to "on". This can be used to give the valves time to open before switching..<br>
The pulse used for comparision is defined by attribute <i>overallHeatingSwitchRef</i>. Default is <i>maxPulse</i>.<br>
<code>define fh PWM</code>
<br>which is equal to<br>
<code>define fh PWM 60 900 120 1 99,99 0,0,0</code>
<br>Energy saving definition might be<br>
<code>define fh PWM 60 900 120 0.85 1,1 4,1,0.25</code>
<b>Set </b>
Temporary change of parameter <i>cycletime</i>.
Temporary change of parameter <i>interval</i>.
Cause recalculation that normally appeary every <i>interval</i> seconds.
Defines whether parameter maxOffTime for rooms (PWMR objects) is evaluated or not. Possible Values are "on" or "off". Sets attribute maxOffTimeCalculation and internal values c_maxOffTimeCalculation and c_maxOffTimeMode.<br>
Retrieve content of variable <i>STATE</i>.
Retrieve values from the readings "timer?_??" from the attached rooms..<br>
The readings define start and end times for different room temperatures.<br>
This funktion will retrieve the first start and the last end time. <i>STATE</i>.
Set to 1 will disable all calculations and STATE will be set to "disabled".<br>
Protect Valve by switching on actor for 300 seconds.<br>
After <i>valveProtectIdlePeriod</i> number of days without switching the valve the actor is set to "on" for 300 seconds.
overallHeatingSwitch is not affected.
Defines which reading is used for threshold comparision for <i>OverallHeatingSwitch</i> calculation. Possible values are:<br>
pulseAvg is an average pulse of all rooms which should be switched to "on".<br>
pulseAvg2 and pulseAvg3 refer to the 2 or 3 romms with highest pulses.
Defines a reading for a temperature and a maximum value that prevents the overallHeatingSwitch from switching to "on".<br>
Value has the following format: tsensor[:reading[:t_regexp]],maxValue.<br>
<i>tsensor</i> defines the temperature sensor for the actual temperature.<br>
<i>reading</i> defines the reading of the temperature sensor. Default is "temperature"<br>
<i>t_regexp</i> defines a regular expression to be applied to the reading. Default is '(\d[\d\.]+)'.<br>
if <i>maxValue</i> is reached as a temperature from tsensor then overallHeatingSwitch will not be switch to "on".<br>
Example: tsensor,44 or tsensor:temperature,44 or tsensor:temperature:(\d+).*,44<br>
The reading OverallHeatingSwitchTT_Off will be set to 1 if temperature from tsensor prevents <i>overallHeatingSwitch</i> from switching to "on".<br>
Please be aware that temperatures raising to high will seriously harm your heating system and this parameter should not be used as the only protection feature.<br>
Using this parameter is on your own risk. Please test your settings very carefully.<br>
Defines whether parameter maxOffTime for rooms (PWMR objects) is evaluated or not. Possible Values are "on" or "off". Sets internal values c_maxOffTimeCalculation and c_maxOffTimeMode.<br>
Defines the strategy for maxOffTime handling if maxOffTimeCalculation is set. Sets internal value c_maxOffTimeMode.<br>
<i>max</i>: try to activate as many rooms as possible. If one room switches to on and a second waited half of his maxOffTime, the second will be switched on as well.<br>
<i>1</i>, <i>2</i>, <i>3</i>: defines how many rooms can be switched on at the same time.<br>
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