mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 10:34:52 +00:00
2172 lines
58 KiB
2172 lines
58 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
# only to suppress file reload error in FHEM
sub UConv_Initialize() { }
package UConv;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use utf8;
use Math::Trig;
use Math::Trig ':pi';
use Math::Trig ':radial';
use Math::Trig ':great_circle';
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Time::Local;
use Encode;
#use Data::Dumper;
sub _ReplaceStringByHashKey($$;$);
# Translations
our %compasspoints = (
en => [
[ "North", "N", '▲' ],
[ "North-Northeast", "NNE", '⬈' ],
[ "North-East", "NE", '⬈' ],
[ "East-Northeast", "ENE", '⬈' ],
[ "East", "E", '▶' ],
[ "East-Southeast", "ESE", '⬊' ],
[ "Southeast", "SE", '⬊' ],
[ "South-Southeast", "SSE", '⬊' ],
[ "South", "S", '▼' ],
[ "South-Southwest", "SSW", '⬋' ],
[ "Southwest", "SW", '⬋' ],
[ "West-Southwest", "WSW", '⬋' ],
[ "West", "W", '◀' ],
[ "West-Northwest", "WNW", '⬉' ],
[ "Northwest", "NW", '⬉' ],
[ "North-Northwest", "NNW", '⬉' ],
de => [
[ "Norden", "N", '▲' ],
[ "Nord-Nordost", "NNO", '⬈' ],
[ "Nordost", "NO", '⬈' ],
[ "Ost-Nordost", "ONO", '⬈' ],
[ "Osten", "O", '▶' ],
[ "Ost-Südost", "OSO", '⬊' ],
[ "Südost", "SO", '⬊' ],
[ "Süd-Südost", "SSO", '⬊' ],
[ "Süden", "S", '▼' ],
[ "Süd-Südwest", "SSW", '⬋' ],
[ "Südwest", "SW", '⬋' ],
[ "West-Südwest", "WSW", '⬋' ],
[ "Westen", "W", '◀' ],
[ "West-Nordwest", "WNW", '⬉' ],
[ "Nordwest", "NW", '⬉' ],
[ "Nord-Nordwest", "NNW", '⬉' ],
es => [
[ "Norte", "N", '▲' ],
[ "Norte-Noreste", "NNE", '⬈' ],
[ "Noreste", "NE", '⬈' ],
[ "Este-Noreste", "ENE", '⬈' ],
[ "Este", "E", '▶' ],
[ "Este-Sureste", "ESE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sureste", "SE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sur-Sureste", "SSE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sur", "S", '▼' ],
[ "Sudoeste", "SDO", '⬋' ],
[ "Sur-Oeste", "SO", '⬋' ],
[ "Oeste-Suroeste", "OSO", '⬋' ],
[ "Oeste", "O", '◀' ],
[ "Oeste-Noroeste", "ONO", '⬉' ],
[ "Noroeste", "NO", '⬉' ],
[ "Norte-Noroeste", "NNE", '⬉' ],
it => [
[ "Nord", "N", '▲' ],
[ "Nord-Nord-Est", "NNE", '⬈' ],
[ "Nord-Est", "NE", '⬈' ],
[ "Est-Nord-Est", "ENE", '⬈' ],
[ "Est", "E", '▶' ],
[ "Est-Sud-Est", "ESE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sud-Est", "SE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sud-Sud-Est", "SSE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sud", "S", '▼' ],
[ "Sud-Sud-Ovest", "SSO", '⬋' ],
[ "Sud-Ovest", "SO", '⬋' ],
[ "Ovest-Sud-Ovest", "OSO", '⬋' ],
[ "Ovest", "O", '◀' ],
[ "Ovest-Nord-Ovest", "ONO", '⬉' ],
[ "Nord-Ovest", "NO", '⬉' ],
[ "Nord-Nord-Ovest", "NNO", '⬉' ],
nl => [
[ "Noorden", "N", '▲' ],
[ "Noord-Noordoosten", "NNO", '⬈' ],
[ "Noordoosten", "NO", '⬈' ],
[ "Oost-Noordoost", "ONO", '⬈' ],
[ "Oosten", "O", '▶' ],
[ "Oost-Zuidoost", "OZO", '⬊' ],
[ "Zuidoosten", "ZO", '⬊' ],
[ "Zuid-Zuidoost", "ZZO", '⬊' ],
[ "Zuiden", "Z", '▼' ],
[ "Zuid-Zuidwest", "ZZW", '⬋' ],
[ "Zuidwest", "ZW", '⬋' ],
[ "West-Zuidwest", "WZW", '⬋' ],
[ "West", "W", '◀' ],
[ "West-Noord-West", "WNW", '⬉' ],
[ "Noord-West", "NW", '⬉' ],
[ "Noord-Noord-West", "NNW", '⬉' ],
fr => [
[ "Nord", "N", '▲' ],
[ "Nord-Nord-Est", "NNE", '⬈' ],
[ "Nord-Est", "NE", '⬈' ],
[ "Est-Nord-Est", "ENE", '⬈' ],
[ "Est", "E", '▶' ],
[ "Est-Sud-Est", "ESE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sud-Est", "SE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sud-Sud-Est", "SSE", '⬊' ],
[ "Sud", "S", '▼' ],
[ "Sud-Sud-Ouest", "SSW", '⬋' ],
[ "Sud-Ouest", "SW", '⬋' ],
[ "Ouest-Sud-Ouest", "OSO", '⬋' ],
[ "Ouest", "O", '◀' ],
[ "Ouest-Nord-Ouest", "ONO", '⬉' ],
[ "Nord-Ouest", "NO", '⬉' ],
[ "Nord-Nord-Ouest", "NNO", '⬉' ],
pl => [
[ "Północ", "N", '▲' ],
[ "Północny-Północny-Wschód", "NNE", '⬈' ],
[ "Północny-Wschód", "NE", '⬈' ],
[ "Wschód-Północny-Wschód", "ENE", '⬈' ],
[ "Wschód", "E", '▶' ],
[ "Wschód-Południowy-Wschód", "ESE", '⬊' ],
[ "Południowy-Południowy-Wschód", "SE", '⬊' ],
[ "Południowy-Wschód", "SSE", '⬊' ],
[ "Południe", "S", '▼' ],
[ "Południowo-Południowy-Zachód", "SSW", '⬋' ],
[ "Południowy-Zachód", "SW", '⬋' ],
[ "Zachód-Południowy-Zachód", "WSW", '⬋' ],
[ "Zachód", "W", '◀' ],
[ "Zachód-Północny-Zachód", "WNW", '⬉' ],
[ "Północny-Zachód", "NW", '⬉' ],
[ "Północno-Północny-Zachód", "NNW", '⬉' ],
our %hr_formats = (
# 1 234 567.89
std => {
delim => "\x{2009}",
sep => ".",
# 1 234 567,89
'std-fr' => {
delim => "\x{2009}",
sep => ",",
# 1,234,567.89
'old-english' => {
delim => ",",
sep => ".",
# 1.234.567,89
'old-european' => {
delim => ".",
sep => ",",
# 1'234'567.89
ch => {
delim => "'",
sep => ".",
### lang ref ###
en => { ref => "std", },
de => { ref => "std-fr", },
de_at => {
ref => "std-fr",
min => 4,
de_ch => { ref => "std", },
nl => { ref => "std-fr", },
fr => { ref => "std-fr", },
pl => { ref => "std-fr", },
### number ref ###
0 => { ref => "std", },
1 => { ref => "std-fr", },
2 => { ref => "old-english", },
3 => { ref => "old-european", },
4 => { ref => "ch", },
5 => {
ref => "std-fr",
min => 4,
our %daytimes = (
en => [
"morning", "midmorning", "noon", "afternoon",
"evening", "midevening", "night",
de => [
"Morgen", "Vormittag", "Mittag", "Nachmittag",
"Vorabend", "Abend", "Nacht",
nl => [
"Ochtend", "Vormiddag", "Middag", "Nachmiddag",
"Avond", "Midavond", "Nacht",
fr => [
"Matin", "Martinée", "Midi", "Après-midi", "Veille", "Soir", "Nuit",
pl => [
"Ranek", "Rano", "Południe", "Popołudnie",
"Wigilia", "Wieczór", "Noc",
icons => [
"weather_sunrise", "scene_day",
"weather_sun", "weather_summer",
"weather_sunset", "scene_night",
our %sdt2daytimes = (
# User overwrite format:
# <SeasonSrc><SeasonIndex><DST><daytimeStage>:<daytime>
# M000:0
# M001:0
# M002:0
# M003:1
# M004:1
# M005:2
# M006:2
# M007:3
# M008:3
# M009:3
# M0010:3
# M0011:4
# M0012:5
# M010:0
# M011:0
# M012:0
# M013:1
# M014:1
# M015:2
# M016:2
# M017:3
# M018:3
# M019:3
# M0110:3
# M0111:4
# M0112:5
0 => {
# DST = no
0 => {
1 => 0,
4 => 1,
6 => 2,
8 => 3,
12 => 4,
# DST = yes
1 => {
1 => 0,
4 => 1,
6 => 2,
8 => 3,
12 => 4,
1 => {
# DST = yes
1 => {
1 => 0,
4 => 1,
6 => 2,
7 => 3,
10 => 4,
12 => 5,
2 => {
# DST = no
0 => {
1 => 0,
4 => 1,
6 => 2,
7 => 3,
11 => 4,
# DST = yes
1 => {
1 => 0,
4 => 1,
6 => 2,
7 => 3,
11 => 4,
3 => {
# DST = no
0 => {
1 => 0,
3 => 1,
6 => 2,
8 => 3,
12 => 4,
our %seasons = (
en => [ "Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter", ],
de => [ "Frühling", "Sommer", "Herbst", "Winter", ],
nl => [ "Voorjaar", "Zomer", "Herfst", "Winter", ],
fr => [ "Printemps", "Été", "Automne", "Hiver", ],
pl => [ "Wiosna", "Lato", "Jesień", "Zima", ],
pheno => [ 2, 4, 7, 9 ],
our %seasonsPheno = (
en => [
"Early Spring",
"First Spring",
"Full Spring",
"Early Summer",
"Late Summer",
"Early Fall",
"Late Fall",
de => [
"Vorfrühling", "Erstfrühling", "Vollfrühling", "Frühsommer",
"Hochsommer", "Spätsommer", "Frühherbst", "Vollherbst",
"Spätherbst", "Winter",
nl => [
"Vroeg Voorjaar",
"Eerste Voorjaar",
"Vroeg Zomer",
"Laat Zomer",
"Vroeg Herfst",
"Laat Herfst",
fr => [
"Avant du printemps",
"Début du printemps",
"Avant de l'été",
"Milieu de l'été",
"Fin de l'été",
"Avant de l'automne",
"Fin de l'automne",
pl => [
"Pierwsza Wiosna",
"Wczesne Lato",
"Połowa Lata",
"Późnym Latem",
"Wczesną Jesienią",
"Późną Jesienią",
our %dst = (
en => [ "standard", "daylight" ],
de => [ "Normalzeit", "Sommerzeit" ],
nl => [ "Standaardtijd", "Zomertijd" ],
fr => [ "Heure normale", "L'heure d'été" ],
pl => [ "Standardowy czas", "Czas Letni" ],
our %daystages = (
en => [ "weekday", "weekend", "holiday", "vacation", ],
de => [ "Wochentag", "Wochenende", "Feiertag", "Urlaubstag", ],
nl => [ "Weekdag", "Weekend", "Vieringsdag", "Vakantiedag", ],
fr => [ "Jour de la semaine", "Weekend", "Vacances", "Villégiature", ],
pl => [ "dzień powszedni", "Weekend", "święto", "Wakacjach", ],
our %reldays = (
en => [ "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow" ],
de => [ "gestern", "heute", "morgen" ],
nl => [ "gisteren", "vandaag", "morgen" ],
fr => [ "hier", "aujourd'hui", "demain" ],
pl => [ "wczoraj", "dzisiaj", "jutro" ],
our %monthss = (
en => [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan"
de => [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez", "Jan"
nl => [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan"
fr => [
"Jan", "Fév", "Mar", "Avr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aût",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan"
pl => [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan"
our %months = (
en => [
"January", "Febuary", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August",
"September", "October", "November", "December",
de => [
"Januar", "Februar", "März", "April",
"Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August",
"September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember",
nl => [
"Januari", "Februari", "Maart", "April",
"Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus",
"September", "Oktober", "November", "December",
fr => [
"Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril",
"Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août",
"Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre",
pl => [
"Styczeń", "Luty", "Marzec", "Kwiecień",
"Maj", "Czerwiec", "July", "Lipiec",
"Wrzesień", "Październik", "Listopad", "Grudzień",
our %dayss = (
en => [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" ],
de => [ "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So" ],
nl => [ "Zon", "Maa", "Din", "Woe", "Don", "Vri", "Zat", "Zon" ],
fr => [ "Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam", "Dim" ],
pl => [ "Nie", "Pon", "Wto", "śro", "Czw", "Pią", "Sob", "Nie" ],
our %days = (
en => [
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
de => [
"Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch",
"Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag"
nl => [
"Zondag", "Maandag", "Dinsdag", "Woensdag",
"Donderdag", "Vrijdag", "Zaterdag", "Zondag"
fr => [
"Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi",
"Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi", "Dimanche"
pl => [
"Niedziela", "Poniedziałek", "Wtorek", "środa",
"Czwartek", "Piątek", "Sobota", "Niedziela"
our %dateformats = (
en => '%wday_long%, %mon_long% %mday%',
de => '%wday_long%, %mday%. %mon_long%',
nl => '%wday_long%, %mday%. %mon_long%',
fr => '%wday_long%, %mday%. %mon_long%',
pl => '%wday_long%, %mday%. %mon_long%',
our %dateformatss = (
en => '%mon_long% %mday%',
de => '%mday%. %mon_long%',
nl => '%mday%. %mon_long%',
fr => '%mday%. %mon_long%',
pl => '%mday%. %mon_long%',
# https://www.luftfeuchtigkeit-raumklima.de/tabelle.php
our %ideal_clima = (
bathroom => {
c => [ -273.15, 6, 16, 20, 23, 27, ],
h => [ 0, 40, 50, 70, 80 ],
living => {
c => [ -273.15, 6, 16, 20, 23, 27, ],
h => [ 0, 30, 40, 60, 70 ],
kitchen => {
c => [ -273.15, 6, 16, 18, 20, 27, ],
h => [ 0, 40, 50, 60, 70 ],
bedroom => {
c => [ -273.15, 6, 12, 17, 20, 23, ],
h => [ 0, 30, 40, 60, 70 ],
hallway => {
c => [ -273.15, 6, 12, 15, 18, 23, ],
h => [ 0, 30, 40, 60, 70 ],
cellar => {
c => [ -273.15, 6, 7, 10, 15, 20, ],
h => [ 0, 40, 50, 60, 70 ],
outdoor => {
c => [ -273.15, 2.5, 5, 14, 30, 35, ],
h => [ 0, 40, 50, 70, 80 ],
our %clima_names = (
c => {
en => [ "freeze", "cold", "low", "ideal", "high", "hot" ],
de => [ "frostig", "kalt", "niedrig", "optimal", "hoch", "heiß" ],
nl => [ "kil", "koude", "laag", "optimale", "hoog", "heet" ],
fr => [ "froid", "froid", "faible", "optimal", "haut", "chaud" ],
pl =>
[ "chłodny", "zimno", "niski", "optymalny", "wysoki", "gorący" ],
rgb => [ "0055BB", "0066CC", "009999", "4C9329", "E7652B", "C72A23" ],
h => {
en => [ "dry", "low", "ideal", "high", "wet" ],
de => [ "trocken", "niedrig", "optimal", "hoch", "nass" ],
nl => [ "droog", "laag", "optimale", "hoog", "nat" ],
fr => [ "sec", "faible", "optimal", "haut", "humide" ],
pl => [ "suchy", "niski", "optymalny", "wysoki", "mokro" ],
rgb => [ "C72A23", "E7652B", "4C9329", "009999", "0066CC" ],
### Inner metric conversions
# Temperature: convert Celsius to Kelvin
sub c2k($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data + 273.15, $rnd );
# Temperature: convert Kelvin to Celsius
sub k2c($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data - 273.15, $rnd );
# Speed: convert km/h (kilometer per hour) to m/s (meter per second)
sub kph2mps($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data / 3.6, $rnd );
# Speed: convert m/s (meter per second) to km/h (kilometer per hour)
sub mps2kph($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 3.6, $rnd );
# Pressure: convert hPa (hecto Pascal) to mmHg (milimeter of Mercury)
sub hpa2mmhg($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.00750061561303, $rnd );
### Metric to angloamerican conversions
# Temperature: convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
sub c2f($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 1.8 + 32, $rnd );
# Temperature: convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
sub k2f($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( ( $data - 273.15 ) * 1.8 + 32, $rnd );
# Pressure: convert hPa (hecto Pascal) to in (inches of Mercury)
sub hpa2inhg($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.02952998751, $rnd );
# Pressure: convert hPa (hecto Pascal) to PSI (Pound force per square inch)
sub hpa2psi($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 100.00014504, $rnd );
# Speed: convert km/h (kilometer per hour) to mph (miles per hour)
sub kph2mph($;$) {
return km2mi(@_);
# Speed: convert m/s (meter per seconds) to mph (miles per hour)
sub mps2mph($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( kph2mph( mps2kph( $data, 9 ), 9 ), $rnd );
# Length: convert mm (milimeter) to in (inch)
sub mm2in($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.039370, $rnd );
# Length: convert cm (centimeter) to in (inch)
sub cm2in($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.39370, $rnd );
# Length: convert m (meter) to ft (feet)
sub m2ft($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 3.2808, $rnd );
# Length: convert km (kilometer) to miles (mi)
sub km2mi($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.621371192, $rnd );
### Inner Angloamerican conversions
# Speed: convert mph (miles per hour) to ft/s (feet per second)
sub mph2fts($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 1.467, $rnd );
# Speed: convert ft/s (feet per second) to mph (miles per hour)
sub fts2mph($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data / 1.467, $rnd );
### Angloamerican to Metric conversions
# Temperature: convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
sub f2c($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( ( $data - 32 ) * 0.5556, $rnd );
# Temperature: convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin
sub f2k($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( ( $data - 32 ) / 1.8 + 273.15, $rnd );
# Pressure: convert in (inches of Mercury) to hPa (hecto Pascal)
sub inhg2hpa($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 33.8638816, $rnd );
# Pressure: convert PSI (Pound force per square inch) to hPa (hecto Pascal)
sub psi2hpa($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data / 100.00014504, $rnd );
# Speed: convert mph (miles per hour) to km/h (kilometer per hour)
sub mph2kph($;$) {
return mi2km(@_);
# Speed: convert mph (miles per hour) to m/s (meter per seconds)
sub mph2mps($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( kph2mps( mph2kph( $data, 9 ), 9 ), $rnd );
# Length: convert in (inch) to mm (milimeter)
sub in2mm($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 25.4, $rnd );
# Length: convert in (inch) to cm (centimeter)
sub in2cm($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data / 0.39370, $rnd );
# Length: convert ft (feet) to m (meter)
sub ft2m($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data / 3.2808, $rnd );
# Length: convert mi (miles) to km (kilometer)
sub mi2km($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 1.609344, $rnd );
### Plane angle conversions
# convert direction in degree to point of the compass
sub direction2compasspoint($;$$) {
my ( $deg, $txt, $lang ) = @_;
my $i = floor( ( ( $deg + 11.25 ) % 360 ) / 22.5 );
return $i if ( !wantarray && defined($txt) && $txt == "0" );
my $directions_txt_i18n;
$lang = main::AttrVal( "global", "language", "EN" ) unless ($lang);
if ( exists( $compasspoints{ lc($lang) } ) ) {
$directions_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{ lc($lang) };
else {
$directions_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{en};
return (
encode_utf8 $directions_txt_i18n->[$i][0],
encode_utf8 $directions_txt_i18n->[$i][2]
) if wantarray;
return encode_utf8 $directions_txt_i18n->[$i][2] if ( $txt && $txt eq "3" );
return encode_utf8 $directions_txt_i18n->[$i][0] if ( $txt && $txt eq "2" );
return $directions_txt_i18n->[$i][1];
# see below for compasspoint2compasspoint() text translations.
### Solar conversions
# Power: convert uW/cm2 (micro watt per square centimeter) to UV-Index
sub uwpscm2uvi($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return 0 unless ($data);
# Forum topic,44403.msg501704.html#msg501704
return int( ( $data - 100 ) / 450 + 1 ) unless ( defined($rnd) );
$rnd = 0 unless ( defined($rnd) );
return _round( ( ( $data - 100 ) / 450 + 1 ), $rnd );
# Power: convert UV-Index to uW/cm2 (micro watt per square centimeter)
sub uvi2uwpscm($) {
my ($data) = @_;
return 0 unless ($data);
return ( $data * ( 450 + 1 ) ) + 100;
# Power: convert lux to W/m2 (watt per square meter)
sub lux2wpsm($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
# Forum topic,44403.msg501704.html#msg501704
return _round( $data / 126.7, $rnd );
# Power: convert W/m2 to lux
sub wpsm2lux($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
# Forum topic,44403.msg501704.html#msg501704
return _round( $data * 126.7, $rnd );
### Nautic unit conversions
# Speed: convert smi (statute miles) to nmi (nautical miles)
sub smi2nmi($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.8684, $rnd );
# Speed: convert km (kilometer) to nmi (nautical miles)
sub km2nmi($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( smi2nmi( km2mi( $data, 9 ), 9 ), $rnd );
# Speed: convert km/h to knots
sub kph2kn($;$) {
my ( $data, $rnd ) = @_;
return _round( $data * 0.539956803456, $rnd );
# Speed: convert km/h to Beaufort wind force scale
sub kph2bft($) {
my ($data) = @_;
my $val = "0";
if ( $data >= 118 ) {
$val = "12";
elsif ( $data >= 103 ) {
$val = "11";
elsif ( $data >= 89 ) {
$val = "10";
elsif ( $data >= 75 ) {
$val = "9";
elsif ( $data >= 62 ) {
$val = "8";
elsif ( $data >= 50 ) {
$val = "7";
elsif ( $data >= 39 ) {
$val = "6";
elsif ( $data >= 29 ) {
$val = "5";
elsif ( $data >= 20 ) {
$val = "4";
elsif ( $data >= 12 ) {
$val = "3";
elsif ( $data >= 6 ) {
$val = "2";
elsif ( $data >= 1 ) {
$val = "1";
if (wantarray) {
my ( $cond, $rgb, $warn ) = bft2condition($val);
return ( $val, $rgb, $cond, $warn );
return $val;
# Speed: convert mph (miles per hour) to Beaufort wind force scale
sub mph2bft($) {
my ($data) = @_;
my $val = "0";
if ( $data >= 73 ) {
$val = "12";
elsif ( $data >= 64 ) {
$val = "11";
elsif ( $data >= 55 ) {
$val = "10";
elsif ( $data >= 47 ) {
$val = "9";
elsif ( $data >= 39 ) {
$val = "8";
elsif ( $data >= 32 ) {
$val = "7";
elsif ( $data >= 25 ) {
$val = "6";
elsif ( $data >= 19 ) {
$val = "5";
elsif ( $data >= 13 ) {
$val = "4";
elsif ( $data >= 8 ) {
$val = "3";
elsif ( $data >= 4 ) {
$val = "2";
elsif ( $data >= 1 ) {
$val = "1";
if (wantarray) {
my ( $cond, $rgb, $warn ) = bft2condition($val);
return ( $val, $rgb, $cond, $warn );
return $val;
### Differential conversions
sub distance($$$$;$$) {
my ( $lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $rnd, $unit ) = @_;
return _round( "0.000000000", $rnd )
if ( $lat1 eq $lat2 && $lng1 eq $lng2 );
my $aearth = 6378.137; # GRS80/WGS84 semi major axis of earth ellipsoid
my $km = great_circle_distance(
deg2rad($lat1), pi / 2. - deg2rad($lng1),
deg2rad($lat2), pi / 2. - deg2rad($lng2),
return _round(
$unit && $unit eq "nmi" ? km2nmi($km) : ( $unit ? km2mi($km) : $km )
sub duration ($$;$) {
my ( $datetimeNow, $datetimeOld, $format ) = @_;
if ( $datetimeNow eq "" || $datetimeOld eq "" ) {
$datetimeNow = "1970-01-01 00:00:00";
$datetimeOld = "1970-01-01 00:00:00";
my $timestampNow = main::time_str2num($datetimeNow);
my $timestampOld = main::time_str2num($datetimeOld);
my $timeDiff = $timestampNow - $timestampOld;
# return seconds
return _round( $timeDiff, 0 )
if ( defined($format) && $format eq "sec" );
# return minutes
return _round( $timeDiff / 60, 0 )
if ( defined($format) && $format eq "min" );
# return human readable format
return s2hms( _round( $timeDiff, 0 ) );
### Textual unit conversions
# Translate point of the compass to other languages
# Also works to convert from short text to long text and vice versa.
sub compasspoint2compasspoint($;$$$) {
my ( $shortTxt, $fromLang, $txt, $toLang ) = @_;
return $shortTxt if ( !$shortTxt || $shortTxt eq "" );
return direction2compasspoint( $shortTxt, $txt,
$toLang ? $toLang : $fromLang )
if ( $shortTxt =~ m/^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ );
return compasspoint2direction( $shortTxt, $fromLang )
if ( defined($txt) && $txt eq "0" );
my $fromDirections_txt_i18n;
$fromLang = "EN" unless ($fromLang);
if ( exists( $compasspoints{ lc($fromLang) } ) ) {
$fromDirections_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{ lc($fromLang) };
else {
$fromLang = "EN";
$fromDirections_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{en};
my $toDirections_txt_i18n;
$toLang = main::AttrVal( "global", "language", "EN" )
unless ($toLang);
if ( exists( $compasspoints{ lc($toLang) } ) ) {
$toDirections_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{ lc($toLang) };
else {
$toLang = "EN";
$toDirections_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{en};
my $i;
my $i2;
my $f = 0;
foreach my $a ( @{$fromDirections_txt_i18n} ) {
my $f2 = 0;
foreach my $b ( @{$a} ) {
if ( lc($b) eq lc( decode_utf8($shortTxt) ) ) {
$i2 = $f2;
if ( defined($i2) ) {
$i = $f;
unless ( defined($txt) ) {
$txt = 1;
$txt = 3 if ( $i2 eq "2" );
$txt = 2 if ( $i2 eq "0" );
unless ( defined($i) ) {
return ( "", "", "" ) if wantarray;
return "";
return (
encode_utf8 $toDirections_txt_i18n->[$i][0],
encode_utf8 $toDirections_txt_i18n->[$i][2]
) if wantarray;
return encode_utf8 $toDirections_txt_i18n->[$i][2] if ( $txt eq "3" );
return encode_utf8 $toDirections_txt_i18n->[$i][0] if ( $txt eq "2" );
return $toDirections_txt_i18n->[$i][1];
# convert point of the compass to direction in degree
sub compasspoint2direction($;$) {
my ( $shortTxt, $fromLang ) = @_;
return $shortTxt if ( !$shortTxt || $shortTxt eq "" );
my $fromDirections_txt_i18n;
$fromLang = "EN" unless ($fromLang);
if ( exists( $compasspoints{ lc($fromLang) } ) ) {
$fromDirections_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{ lc($fromLang) };
else {
$fromLang = "EN";
$fromDirections_txt_i18n = $compasspoints{en};
my $i;
my $i2;
my $f = 0;
foreach my $a ( @{$fromDirections_txt_i18n} ) {
my $f2 = 0;
foreach my $b ( @{$a} ) {
if ( lc($b) eq lc( decode_utf8($shortTxt) ) ) {
$i2 = $f2;
if ( defined($i2) ) {
$i = $f;
$f += 22.5;
unless ( defined($i) ) {
return ("") if wantarray;
return "";
return $i;
# Convert an arabic number to roman numerals
sub arabic2roman ($) {
my ($n) = @_;
my %items = ();
my @r;
return "" if ( !$n || $n eq "" || $n !~ m/^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ || $n eq "0" );
return $n
if ( $n >= 1000001. ); # numbers above cannot be displayed/converted
my %roman = (
1 => 'I',
5 => 'V',
10 => 'X',
50 => 'L',
100 => 'C',
500 => 'D',
1000 => 'M',
5000 => '(V)',
10000 => '(X)',
50000 => '(L)',
100000 => '(C)',
500000 => '(D)',
1000000 => '(M)',
for my $v ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %roman ) {
my $c = int( $n / $v );
next unless ($c);
$items{ $roman{$v} } = $c;
$n -= $v * $c;
my @th = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %roman;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @th ; $i++ ) {
my $v = $th[$i];
next if ( $v >= 1000000. ); # numbers above have no greater icon
my $k = $roman{$v};
my $c = $items{$k};
next unless ($c);
my $gv = $th[ $i + 1. ];
my $gk = $roman{$gv};
if ( $c == 4 || ( $gv / $v == $c ) ) {
$c = $gv - $c * $v;
$items{$k} = $c * -1;
for my $v ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %roman ) {
my $l = $roman{$v};
my $c = $items{$l};
next unless ($c);
if ( $c > 0 ) {
push @r, $l for ( 1 .. $c );
else {
push @r, ( $l, pop @r );
return join '', @r;
######## humanReadable #########################################
# What : Formats a number or text string to be more readable for humans
# Syntax: { humanReadable( <value>, [ <format> ] ) }
# Call : { humanReadable(102345.6789) }
# { humanReadable(102345.6789, 3) }
# { humanReadable(102345.6789, "DE") }
# { humanReadable(102345.6789, "si-fr") }
# { humanReadable(102345.6789, {
# group=>3, delim=>".", sep=>"," } ) }
# { humanReadable("DE44500105175407324931", {
# group=>4, rev=>0 } ) }
# Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_mark
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schreibweise_von_Zahlen
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dezimaltrennzeichen
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zifferngruppierung
sub humanReadable($;$) {
my ( $v, $f ) = @_;
my $l =
$main::attr{global}{humanReadable} ? $main::attr{global}{humanReadable}
: (
$main::attr{global}{language} ? $main::attr{global}{language}
: "EN"
my $h =
!$f || ref($f) || !$hr_formats{$f} ? $f
: (
$hr_formats{$f}{ref} ? $hr_formats{ $hr_formats{$f}{ref} }
: $hr_formats{$f}
my $min =
&& defined( $h->{min} ) ? $h->{min}
: (
&& $hr_formats{$f}{min} ? $hr_formats{$f}{min}
: 5
my $group =
&& defined( $h->{group} ) ? $h->{group}
: (
&& $hr_formats{$f}{group} ? $hr_formats{$f}{group}
: 3
my $delim =
&& $h->{delim} ? $h->{delim}
: $hr_formats{
$l =~ /^de|nl|fr|pl/i ? "std-fr"
: "std"
my $sep =
&& $h->{sep} ? $h->{sep}
: $hr_formats{
$l =~ /^de|nl|fr|pl/i ? "std-fr"
: "std"
my $reverse = ref($h) && defined( $h->{rev} ) ? $h->{rev} : 1;
my @p = split( /\./, $v, 2 );
if ( length( $p[0] ) < $min && length( $p[1] ) < $min ) {
$v =~ s/\./$sep/g;
return $v;
$v =~ s/\./\*/g;
# digits after thousands separator
if ( ( $delim eq "\x{202F}" || $delim eq " " )
&& length( $p[1] ) >= $min )
$v =~ s/(\w{$group})(?=\w)(?!\w*\*)/$1$delim/g;
# digits before thousands separator
if ( length( $p[0] ) >= $min ) {
$v = reverse $v if ($reverse);
$v =~ s/(\w{$group})(?=\w)(?!\w*\*)/$1$delim/g;
if ($reverse) {
$v =~ s/\*/$sep/g;
return scalar reverse $v;
$v =~ s/\*/$sep/g;
return $v;
# ######## machineReadable #########################################
# # What : find the first matching number in a string and make it
# # machine readable.
# # Syntax: { machineReadable( <value>, [ <global>, [ <format> ]] ) }
# # Call : { machineReadable("102 345,6789") }
# sub machineReadable($;$) {
# my ( $v, $g ) = @_;
# sub mrVal($$) {
# my ( $n, $n2 ) = @_;
# $n .= "." . $n2 if ($n2);
# $n =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
# return $n;
# }
# foreach ( "std", "std-fr" ) {
# my $delim = '\\' . $hr_formats{$_}{delim};
# $delim .= ' ' if ($_ =~ /^std/);
# if ( $g
# && $v =~
# s/((-?)((?:\d+(?:[$delim]\d)*)+)([\.\,])((?:\d+(?:[$delim]\d)*)+)?)/$2.mrVal($3, $5)/eg
# )
# {
# last;
# }
# elsif ( $v =~
# m/^((\-?)((?:\d(?:[$delim]\d)*)+)(?:([\.\,])((?:\d(?:[$delim]\d)*)+))?)/ )
# {
# $v = $2 . mrVal( $3, $5 );
# last;
# }
# }
# return $v;
# }
# Condition: convert temperature (Celsius) to temperature condition
sub c2condition($;$$) {
my ( $data, $roomType, $lang ) = @_;
my $val = "?";
my $rgb = "FFFFFF";
$lang = "en" if ( !$lang );
my $thresholds;
if ($roomType) {
if ( ref($roomType)
&& ref($roomType) eq 'ARRAY'
&& scalar @{$roomType} == 6 )
$thresholds = $roomType;
elsif (ref($roomType)
|| looks_like_number($roomType)
|| !defined( $ideal_clima{$roomType} ) )
$thresholds = $ideal_clima{living}{c};
else {
$thresholds = $ideal_clima{$roomType}{c};
else {
$thresholds = $ideal_clima{outdoor}{c};
my $i = 0;
foreach my $th ( @{$thresholds} ) {
if ( $data > $th ) {
$val = $clima_names{c}{ lc($lang) }[$i];
$rgb = $clima_names{c}{rgb}[$i];
else {
return ( $val, $rgb ) if (wantarray);
return $val;
# Condition: convert humidity (percent) to humidity condition
sub humidity2condition($;$$) {
my ( $data, $roomType, $lang ) = @_;
my $val = "?";
my $rgb = "FFFFFF";
$lang = "en" if ( !$lang );
my $thresholds;
if ($roomType) {
if ( ref($roomType)
&& ref($roomType) eq 'ARRAY'
&& scalar @{$roomType} == 5 )
$thresholds = $roomType;
elsif (ref($roomType)
|| looks_like_number($roomType)
|| !defined( $ideal_clima{$roomType} ) )
$thresholds = $ideal_clima{living}{h};
else {
$thresholds = $ideal_clima{$roomType}{h};
else {
$thresholds = $ideal_clima{outdoor}{h};
my $i = 0;
foreach my $th ( @{$thresholds} ) {
if ( $data > $th ) {
$val = $clima_names{h}{ lc($lang) }[$i];
$rgb = $clima_names{h}{rgb}[$i];
else {
return ( $val, $rgb ) if (wantarray);
return $val;
# Condition: convert UV-Index to UV condition
sub uvi2condition($) {
my ($data) = @_;
my $val = "low";
my $rgb = "4C9329";
if ( $data > 11 ) {
$val = "extreme";
$rgb = "674BC4";
elsif ( $data > 8 ) {
$val = "veryhigh";
$rgb = "C72A23";
elsif ( $data > 6 ) {
$val = "high";
$rgb = "E7652B";
elsif ( $data > 3 ) {
$val = "moderate";
$rgb = "F4E54C";
return ( $val, $rgb ) if (wantarray);
return $val;
# Condition: convert Beaufort to wind condition
sub bft2condition($) {
my ($data) = @_;
my $rgb = "FEFEFE";
my $cond = "calm";
my $warn = " ";
if ( $data == 12 ) {
$rgb = "E93323";
$cond = "hurricane_force";
$warn = "hurricane_force";
elsif ( $data == 11 ) {
$rgb = "EB4826";
$cond = "violent_storm";
$warn = "storm_force";
elsif ( $data == 10 ) {
$rgb = "E96E2C";
$cond = "storm";
$warn = "storm_force";
elsif ( $data == 9 ) {
$rgb = "F19E38";
$cond = "strong_gale";
$warn = "gale_force";
elsif ( $data == 8 ) {
$rgb = "F7CE46";
$cond = "gale";
$warn = "gale_force";
elsif ( $data == 7 ) {
$rgb = "FFFF54";
$cond = "near_gale";
$warn = "high_winds";
elsif ( $data == 6 ) {
$rgb = "D6FD51";
$cond = "strong_breeze";
$warn = "high_winds";
elsif ( $data == 5 ) {
$rgb = "B1FC4F";
$cond = "fresh_breeze";
elsif ( $data == 4 ) {
$rgb = "B1FC7B";
$cond = "moderate_breeze";
elsif ( $data == 3 ) {
$rgb = "B1FCA3";
$cond = "gentle_breeze";
elsif ( $data == 2 ) {
$rgb = "B1FCD0";
$cond = "light_breeze";
elsif ( $data == 1 ) {
$rgb = "D6FEFE";
$cond = "light_air";
return ( $cond, $rgb, $warn ) if (wantarray);
return $cond;
sub values2weathercondition($$$$$) {
my ( $temp, $hum, $light, $isday, $israining ) = @_;
my $val = "clear";
if ($israining) {
$val = "rain";
elsif ( $light > 40000 ) {
$val = "sunny";
elsif ($isday) {
$val = "cloudy";
$val = "nt_" . $val unless ($isday);
return $val;
### Chronological conversions
sub hms2s($) {
my $in = shift;
my @a = split( ":", $in );
return 0 if ( scalar @a < 2 || $in !~ m/^[\d:]*$/ );
return $a[0] * 3600 + $a[1] * 60 + ( $a[2] ? $a[2] : 0 );
sub hms2m($) {
return hms2s(@_) / 60;
sub hms2h($) {
return hms2m(@_) / 60;
sub s2hms($) {
my ($in) = @_;
my ( $h, $m, $s );
$h = int( $in / 3600 );
$m = int( ( $in - $h * 3600 ) / 60 );
$s = int( $in - $h * 3600 - $m * 60 );
return ( $h, $m, $s ) if (wantarray);
return sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s );
sub m2hms($) {
my ($in) = @_;
my ( $h, $m, $s );
$h = int( $in / 60 );
$m = int( $in - $h * 60 );
$s = int( 60 * ( $in - $h * 60 - $m ) );
return ( $h, $m, $s ) if (wantarray);
return sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s );
sub h2hms($) {
my ($in) = @_;
my ( $h, $m, $s );
$h = int($in);
$m = int( 60 * ( $in - $h ) );
$s = int( 3600 * ( $in - $h ) - 60 * $m );
return ( $h, $m, $s ) if (wantarray);
return sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s );
sub DaysOfMonth (;$$) {
my $y = shift;
my $m = shift;
return undef
unless (
|| $y =~ /^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?$/
|| (
$y =~ /^[1-2]\d{3}$/
&& ( !$m
|| $m =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ )
my $t = ( $y =~ /^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?$/ ? $y : gettimeofday() );
$y = 1900. + ( localtime($t) )[5] unless ($y);
$m = 1. + ( localtime($t) )[4] if ( !$y || $y !~ /^[1-2]\d{3}$/ );
$y = 1900. + ( localtime($t) )[5] if ( $y !~ /^[1-2]\d{3}$/ );
if ( $m < 8. ) {
if ( $m % 2 ) {
return 31.;
else {
return 28. + IsLeapYear($y)
if ( $m == 2. );
return 30.;
elsif ( $m % 2. ) {
return 30.;
else {
return 31.;
sub IsLeapYear (;$) {
# Either the value 0 or the value 1 is returned.
# If 0, it is not a leap year. If 1, it is a
# leap year. (Works for Julian calendar,
# established in 1582)
my $y = shift;
return undef
unless ( !$y || $y =~ /^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?$/ || $y =~ /^[1-2]\d{3}$/ );
my $t = ( $y =~ /^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?$/ ? $y : gettimeofday() );
$y = 1900. + ( localtime($t) )[5] unless ($y);
$y = 1900. + ( localtime($t) )[5] if ( $y !~ /^[1-2]\d{3}$/ );
# If $year is not evenly divisible by 4, it is
# not a leap year; therefore, we return the
# value 0 and do no further calculations in
# this subroutine. ("$year % 4" provides the
# remainder when $year is divided by 4.
# If there is a remainder then $year is
# not evenly divisible by 4.)
return 0 if $y % 4;
# At this point, we know $year is evenly divisible
# by 4. Therefore, if it is not evenly
# divisible by 100, it is a leap year --
# we return the value 1 and do no further
# calculations in this subroutine.
return 1 if $y % 100;
# At this point, we know $year is evenly divisible
# by 4 and also evenly divisible by 100. Therefore,
# if it is not also evenly divisible by 400, it is
# not leap year -- we return the value 0 and do no
# further calculations in this subroutine.
return 0 if $y % 400;
# Now we know $year is evenly divisible by 4, evenly
# divisible by 100, and evenly divisible by 400.
# We return the value 1 because it is a leap year.
return 1;
# Get current stage of the daytime based on temporal hours
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporale_Stunden
sub GetDaytime(;$$$$) {
my ( $time, $totalTemporalHours, $lang, $params ) = @_;
$lang = (
? $main::attr{global}{language}
: "EN"
) unless ($lang);
my $ret = ref($time) eq "HASH" ? $time : _time( $time, $lang, 1, $params );
return undef unless ( ref($ret) eq "HASH" );
$ret->{daytimeStages} = $totalTemporalHours
&& $totalTemporalHours =~ m/^\d+$/ ? $totalTemporalHours : 12;
# TODO: consider srParams
$ret->{sunrise} = main::sunrise_abs_dat( $ret->{time_t} );
$ret->{sunrise_s} = hms2s( $ret->{sunrise} );
$ret->{sunrise_t} = $ret->{midnight_t} + $ret->{sunrise_s};
$ret->{sunset} = main::sunset_abs_dat( $ret->{time_t} );
$ret->{sunset_s} = hms2s( $ret->{sunset} );
$ret->{sunset_t} = $ret->{midnight_t} + $ret->{sunset_s};
$ret->{isday} = $ret->{time_t} >= $ret->{sunrise_t}
&& $ret->{time_t} < $ret->{sunset_t} ? 1 : 0;
$ret->{daytimeRel_s} =
hms2s("$ret->{hour}:$ret->{min}:$ret->{sec}") - $ret->{sunrise_s};
$ret->{daytimeRel} = s2hms( $ret->{daytimeRel_s} );
$ret->{daytimeT_s} = $ret->{sunset_s} - $ret->{sunrise_s};
$ret->{daytimeT} = s2hms( $ret->{daytimeT_s} );
$ret->{daytimeStageLn_s} = $ret->{daytimeT_s} / $ret->{daytimeStages};
$ret->{daytimeStageLn} = s2hms( $ret->{daytimeStageLn_s} );
$ret->{daytimeStage_float} =
$ret->{daytimeRel_s} / $ret->{daytimeStageLn_s};
$ret->{daytimeStage} =
int( ( ( $ret->{daytimeRel_s} + 1 ) / $ret->{daytimeStageLn_s} ) + 1 );
$ret->{daytimeStage} = 0
if ( $ret->{daytimeStage} < 1
|| $ret->{daytimeStage} > $ret->{daytimeStages} );
# change midnight event when season changes
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{VALUE} = 1
if ( $ret->{seasonMeteoChng} && $ret->{seasonMeteoChng} == 1 );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{DESC} .=
", Begin meteorological $ret->{seasonMeteo_long} season"
if ( $ret->{seasonMeteoChng} && $ret->{seasonMeteoChng} == 1 );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{VALUE} = 2
if ( $ret->{seasonAstroChng} && $ret->{seasonAstroChng} == 1 );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{DESC} .=
", Begin astronomical $ret->{seasonAstro_long} season"
if ( $ret->{seasonAstroChng} && $ret->{seasonAstroChng} == 1 );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{VALUE} = 2
if ( $ret->{seasonPhenoChng} && $ret->{seasonPhenoChng} == 1 );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{DESC} .=
", Begin phenological season $ret->{seasonPheno_long}"
if ( $ret->{seasonPhenoChng} && $ret->{seasonPhenoChng} == 1 );
# calculate daytime from daytimeStage, season and DST
my $ds = $ret->{daytimeStage};
while ( !defined( $ret->{daytime} ) ) {
#TODO let user define %sdt2daytimes through attribute
$ret->{daytime} = $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$ds}
if ( $sdt2daytimes{1}
&& $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }
&& defined( $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$ds} ) );
# when no relation was found
unless ( defined( $ret->{daytime} ) || $ds > -1 ) {
# assume midevening after sunset
if ( $ret->{time_s} >= $ret->{sunset_s} ) {
$ret->{daytime} = 5;
# assume night before sunrise
else {
$ret->{daytime} = 6;
# daytime during evening and night
unless ( $ret->{daytimeStage} ) {
$ret->{daytime} = 4 unless ( $ret->{daytime} > 4 );
$ret->{daytime} = 5 unless ( $ret->{daytime} > 5 || $ret->{isday} );
$ret->{daytime} = 6 if ( $ret->{time_s} < $ret->{sunrise_s} );
$ret->{daytime_long} = $daytimes{en}[ $ret->{daytime} ];
my @langs = ('EN');
push @langs, $lang unless ( $lang =~ /^EN/i );
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $daytimes{$l} );
my $h = $l eq "en" ? $ret : \%{ $ret->{$_} };
$h->{daytime_long} = $daytimes{$l}[ $ret->{daytime} ];
# calculate daily schedule
# Midnight
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{TYPE} = "dayshift";
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{TIME} =
main::FmtDateTime( $ret->{midnight_t} );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{DESC} =
"Begin of night time and new calendar day";
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{1}{midnight_t} }{TYPE} = "dayshift";
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{1}{midnight_t} }{TIME} =
$ret->{date} . " 24:00:00";
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{1}{midnight_t} }{DESC} =
"End of calendar day and begin night time";
# Holidays
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{DESC} .=
", $daystages{en}[2]: $ret->{day_desc}"
if ( $ret->{isholiday} );
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{1}{midnight_t} }{DESC} .=
", $daystages{en}[2]: $ret->{1}{day_desc}"
if ( $ret->{1}{isholiday} );
# DST change
if ( $ret->{dstchange} && $ret->{dstchange} == 1 ) {
my $t = $ret->{midnight_t} + 2 * 60 * 60;
$ret->{events}{$t}{TYPE} = "dstshift";
$ret->{events}{$t}{VALUE} = $ret->{isdst};
$ret->{events}{$t}{TIME} = main::FmtDateTime($t);
$ret->{events}{$t}{DESC} = "Begin of standard time (-1h)"
unless ( $ret->{isdst} );
$ret->{events}{$t}{DESC} = "Begin of daylight saving time (+1h)"
if ( $ret->{isdst} );
# daytime stage event forecast for today
my $i = 1;
my $b = $ret->{sunrise_t};
while ( $i <= $ret->{daytimeStages} + 1 ) {
# find daytime
my $daytime;
$daytime = $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$i}
if ( $sdt2daytimes{1}
&& $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }
&& defined( $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$i} ) );
# create event
my $t = int( $b + 0.5 );
$ret->{events}{$t}{TIME} = main::FmtDateTime($t);
if ( $i == $ret->{daytimeStages} + 1 ) {
$ret->{events}{$t}{TYPE} = "daytime";
$ret->{events}{$t}{VALUE} = "midevening";
$ret->{events}{$t}{DESC} = "End of daytime";
else {
$ret->{events}{$t}{TYPE} = "daytimeStage";
$ret->{events}{$t}{VALUE} = $i;
$ret->{events}{$t}{DESC} = "Begin of daytime stage $i"
unless ($daytime);
if ( defined($daytime) ) {
$ret->{events}{$t}{TYPE} = "daytime";
$ret->{events}{$t}{VALUE} = $daytimes{en}[$daytime];
$ret->{events}{$t}{DESC} =
"Begin of $daytimes{en}[$daytime] time and daytime stage $i";
$b += $ret->{daytimeStageLn_s};
return $ret;
sub decimal_mark ($;$) {
my $s;
my $i;
my $f;
if ( $_[0] =~ /^(\-|\+)?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/ ) {
$s = $1;
$i = reverse $2;
$f = $3;
else {
return $_[0];
my $locale = ( $_[1] ? $_[1] : undef );
my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC);
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, $locale ) if ($locale);
use locale ':not_characters';
my ( $decimal_point, $thousands_sep, $grouping ) =
@{ localeconv() }{ 'decimal_point', 'thousands_sep', 'grouping' };
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" );
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, $old_locale );
no locale;
$decimal_point = '.'
unless ( defined($decimal_point) && $decimal_point ne '' );
$thousands_sep = chr(0x202F)
unless ( defined($thousands_sep) && $thousands_sep ne "" );
my @grouping =
$grouping && $grouping =~ /^\d+$/
? unpack( "C*", $grouping )
: (3);
$i =~ s/(\d{$grouping[0]})(?=\d)/$1$thousands_sep/g;
$f =~ s/(\d{$grouping[0]})(?=\d)/$1$thousands_sep/g
if ( defined($f) && $f ne '' );
( $s ? $s : '' )
. ( reverse $i )
. ( defined($f) && $f ne '' ? $decimal_point . $f : '' );
sub _round($;$) {
my ( $val, $n ) = @_;
$n = 1 unless ( defined($n) );
return sprintf( "%.${n}f", $val );
sub _time(;$$$$);
sub _time(;$$$$) {
my ( $time, $lang, $dayOffset, $params ) = @_;
$dayOffset = 1 if ( !defined($dayOffset) || $dayOffset !~ /^-?\d+$/ );
$lang = (
? $main::attr{global}{language}
: "EN"
) unless ($lang);
return undef
unless ( !$time || $time =~ /^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?$/ );
my %ret;
$ret{time_t} = $time if ($time);
$ret{time_t} = time unless ($time);
$ret{params} = $params if ($params);
my @t = localtime( $ret{time_t} );
$ret{sec}, $ret{min}, $ret{hour}, $ret{mday}, $ret{mon},
$ret{year}, $ret{wday}, $ret{yday}, $ret{isdst}
) = @t;
$ret{monISO} = $ret{mon} + 1;
$ret{year} += 1900;
$ret{date} =
sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d", $ret{year}, $ret{monISO}, $ret{mday} );
$ret{time} = sprintf( "%02d:%02d", $ret{hour}, $ret{min} );
$ret{time_hms} =
sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $ret{hour}, $ret{min}, $ret{sec} );
$ret{time_s} = hms2s( $ret{time_hms} ); #FIXME for DST change
$ret{datetime} = $ret{date} . " " . $ret{time_hms};
$ret{midnight_t} = $ret{time_t} - $ret{time_s}; #FIXME for DST change
# get leap year status
$ret{isly} = IsLeapYear( $ret{year} );
# remaining monthdays
$ret{mdayrem} = 0;
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 1 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 28 + $ret{isly} - $ret{mday}
if ( $ret{monISO} == 2 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 3 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 30 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 4 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 5 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 30 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 6 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 7 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 8 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 30 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 9 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 10 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 30 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 11 );
$ret{mdayrem} = 31 - $ret{mday} if ( $ret{monISO} == 12 );
# remaining yeardays
$ret{ydayrem} = 365 + $ret{isly} - $ret{yday};
# ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7)
$ret{wdaynISO} = strftime( '%u', @t );
# Week number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one (00-53)
$ret{week} = strftime( '%U', @t );
# ISO 8601 week number (00-53)
$ret{weekISO} = strftime( '%V', @t );
# weekend
$ret{iswe} = ( $ret{wday} == 0 || $ret{wday} == 6 ) ? 1 : 0;
# text strings
my @langs = ('EN');
push @langs, $lang unless ( $lang =~ /^EN/i );
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $months{$l} );
my $h = $l eq "en" ? \%ret : \%{ $ret{$_} };
$h->{dst_long} = $dst{$l}[ $ret{isdst} ];
$h->{rday_long} = $reldays{$l}[1];
$h->{day_desc} = $daystages{$l}[ $ret{iswe} ];
$h->{wday_long} = $days{$l}[ $ret{wday} ];
$h->{wday_short} = $dayss{$l}[ $ret{wday} ];
$h->{mon_long} = $months{$l}[ $ret{mon} ];
$h->{mon_short} = $monthss{$l}[ $ret{mon} ];
$h->{date_long} =
_ReplaceStringByHashKey( \%ret, $dateformats{$l}, $_ );
$h->{date_short} =
_ReplaceStringByHashKey( \%ret, $dateformatss{$l}, $_ );
# holiday
if ($dayOffset) {
$ret{'-1'}{isholiday} = 0;
$ret{1}{isholiday} = 0;
$ret{isholiday} = 0;
my $tod;
my $ytd;
my $tom;
if ( main::AttrVal( 'global', 'holiday2we', undef ) ) {
my $date = sprintf( "%02d-%02d", $ret{monISO}, $ret{mday} );
$tod = main::IsWe($date);
if ($dayOffset) {
$ytd = main::IsWe('yesterday');
$tom = main::IsWe('tomorrow');
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$ret{iswe} += 2;
$ret{isholiday} = 1;
$ret{day_desc} = $tod;
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $months{$l} );
my $h = $l eq "en" ? \%ret : \%{ $ret{$_} };
$h->{day_desc} = $tod;
if ($dayOffset) {
if ( $ytd ne "none" && $ret{'-1'} ) {
$ret{'-1'}{isholiday} = 1;
$ret{'-1'}{day_desc} = $ytd;
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $months{$l} );
my $h = $l eq "en" ? $ret{'-1'} : \%{ $ret{'-1'}{$_} };
$h->{day_desc} = $ytd;
if ( $tom ne "none" && $ret{1} ) {
$ret{1}{isholiday} = 1;
$ret{1}{day_desc} = $tom;
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $months{$l} );
my $h = $l eq "en" ? $ret{1} : \%{ $ret{1}{$_} };
$h->{day_desc} = $tom;
if (wantarray) {
my @a;
foreach (
'sec', 'min', 'hour', 'mday', 'mon',
'year', 'wday', 'wdayn', 'yday', 'isdst',
'mdayrem', 'monISO', 'week', 'weekISO', 'wdayISO',
'wdaynISO', 'ydayrem', 'time_t', 'datetime', 'date',
'time_hms', 'time', 'isly',
push @a, $ret{$_};
return @a;
elsif ($dayOffset) {
my $i = $dayOffset * -1;
while ( $i < $dayOffset + 1 ) {
$ret{$i} = _time( $ret{time_t} + ( 24 * 60 * 60 * $i ), $lang, 0 )
unless ( $i == 0 );
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = $_;
$l =~ s/^([A-Z-a-z]+).*/$1/g;
$l = lc($l);
next if ( $i == 0 || !$reldays{$l} );
my $h = $l eq "en" ? \%{ $ret{$i} } : \%{ $ret{$i}{$l} };
if ( $i == -1 || $i == 1 ) {
$h->{rday_long} = $reldays{$l}[ $i + 1 ];
else {
delete $h->{rday_long};
# DST change
$ret{'-1'}{dstchange} = 0;
$ret{dstchange} = 0;
$ret{1}{dstchange} = 0;
if ( $ret{isdst} ne $ret{1}{isdst} ) {
$ret{dstchange} = 2;
$ret{1}{dstchange} = 1;
elsif ( $ret{isdst} ne $ret{'-1'}{isdst} ) {
$ret{'-1'}{dstchange} = 2;
$ret{dstchange} = 1;
return \%ret;
sub _GetIndexFromArray($$) {
my ( $string, $array ) = @_;
return undef unless ( ref($array) eq "ARRAY" );
my ($index) = grep { $array->[$_] =~ /^$string$/i } ( 0 .. @$array - 1 );
return defined $index ? $index : undef;
sub _ReplaceStringByHashKey($$;$) {
my ( $hash, $string, $sublvl ) = @_;
return $string unless ( $hash && ref($hash) eq "HASH" );
$string = _ReplaceStringByHashKey( $hash->{$sublvl}, $string )
if ( $sublvl && $hash->{$sublvl} );
foreach my $key ( keys %{$hash} ) {
next if ( ref( $hash->{$key} ) );
my $val = $hash->{$key};
$string =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
$string =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
return $string;
=encoding utf8
=for :application/json;q=META.json UConv.pm
"author": [
"Julian Pawlowski <julian.pawlowski@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"keywords": [
=end :application/json;q=META.json