mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 12:06:35 +00:00
890 lines
29 KiB
890 lines
29 KiB
# $Id$
# (c) 2014 Torsten Poitzsch < torsten . poitzsch at gmx . de >
# Weather forecast values for 12 days are captured from www.proplanta.de
# inspired by 23_KOSTALPIKO.pm
# Copyright notice
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the text file GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# parser for the weather data
package MyProplantaParser;
use base qw(HTML::Parser);
our @texte = ();
my $lookupTag = "span|b";
my $curTag = "";
my $curReadingName = "";
my $curRowID = "";
my $curCol = 0;
our $startDay = 0;
my $curTextPos = 0;
my $curReadingType = 0;
# 1 = span|b Text, 2 = readingName, 3 = Tag-Type
# Tag-Types:
# 1 = Number Col 3
# 2 = Number Col 2-5
# 3 = Number Col 2|4|6|8
# 4 = Intensity-Text Col 2-5
# 5 = Time Col 2-5
# 6 = Time Col 3
# 7 = Image Col 2-5
# 8 = MinMaxNummer Col 3
my @knownNoneIDs = ( ["Temperatur", "temperature", 1]
,["relative Feuchte", "humidity", 1]
,["Sichtweite", "visibility", 1]
,["Windgeschwindigkeit", "wind", 1]
,["Luftdruck", "pressure", 1]
,["Taupunkt", "dewPoint", 1]
,["Uhrzeit", "obs_time", 6]
,["H<>he der", "cloudBase", 8]
# 1 = Tag-ID, 2 = readingName, 3 = Tag-Type (see above)
my @knownIDs = (
["TMAX", "tempMax", 2]
,["TMIN", "tempMin", 2]
,["NW", "chOfRainDay", 2]
,["NW_Nacht", "chOfRainNight", 2]
,["BF", "frost", 4]
,["VERDUNST", "evapor", 4]
,["TAUBILDUNG", "dew", 4]
,["SD", "sun", 2]
,["UV", "uv", 2]
,["GS", "rad", 3]
,["WETTER_ID", "weather", 7]
,["WETTER_ID_MORGENS", "weatherMorning", 7]
,["WETTER_ID_TAGSUEBER", "weatherDay", 7]
,["WETTER_ID_ABENDS", "weatherEvening", 7]
,["WETTER_ID_NACHT", "weatherNight", 7]
,["T_0", "temp00", 2]
,["T_3", "temp03", 2]
,["T_6", "temp06", 2]
,["T_9", "temp09", 2]
,["T_12", "temp12", 2]
,["T_15", "temp15", 2]
,["T_18", "temp18", 2]
,["T_21", "temp21", 2]
,["NW_0", "chOfRain00", 2]
,["NW_3", "chOfRain03", 2]
,["NW_6", "chOfRain06", 2]
,["NW_9", "chOfRain09", 2]
,["NW_12", "chOfRain12", 2]
,["NW_15", "chOfRain15", 2]
,["NW_18", "chOfRain18", 2]
,["NW_21", "chOfRain21", 2]
,["NS_0", "rain00", 2]
,["NS_3", "rain03", 2]
,["NS_6", "rain06", 2]
,["NS_9", "rain09", 2]
,["NS_12", "rain12", 2]
,["NS_15", "rain15", 2]
,["NS_18", "rain18", 2]
,["NS_21", "rain21", 2]
,["BD_0", "cloud00", 2]
,["BD_3", "cloud03", 2]
,["BD_6", "cloud06", 2]
,["BD_9", "cloud09", 2]
,["BD_12", "cloud12", 2]
,["BD_15", "cloud15", 2]
,["BD_18", "cloud18", 2]
,["BD_21", "cloud21", 2]
,["MA", "moonRise", 5]
,["MU", "moonSet", 5]
my %intensity = ( "keine" => 0
,"nein" => 0
,"gering" => 1
,"leicht" => 1
,"ja" => 1
,"mäßig" => 2
,"stark" => 3
# here HTML::text/start/end are overridden
sub text
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
my $found = 0;
my $readingName;
if ( $curTag =~ $lookupTag )
$text =~ s/^\s+//; # trim string
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$text =~ s/0/0/g; # replace 0
# Tag-Type 0 = Check for readings without tag-ID (current readings)
if ($curReadingType == 0)
if ($startDay == 0 && $curCol == 1 && $curTextPos == 1)
foreach my $r (@knownNoneIDs)
if ( $$r[0] eq $text )
$curReadingName = $$r[1];
$curReadingType = $$r[2];
# Tag-Type 1 = Number Col 3
elsif ($curReadingType == 1)
if ( $curCol == 3 )
$readingName = $curReadingName;
if ( $text =~ m/([-,\+]?\d+[,\.]?\d*)/ )
$text = $1;
$text =~ tr/,/./; # komma durch punkt ersetzen
push( @texte, $readingName."|".$text );
$curReadingType = 0;
# Tag-Type 2 = Number Col 2-5
elsif ($curReadingType == 2)
if ( 1 < $curCol && $curCol <= 5 )
$readingName = "fc".($startDay+$curCol-2)."_".$curReadingName;
if ( $text =~ m/([-+]?\d+[,.]?\d*)/ )
$text = $1;
$text =~ tr/,/./; # komma durch punkt ersetzen
push( @texte, $readingName."|".$text );
# Tag-Type 3 = Number Col 2|4|6|8
elsif ($curReadingType == 3)
if ( 2 <= $curCol && $curCol <= 5 )
if ( $curTextPos % 2 == 1 )
$readingName = "fc".($startDay+$curCol-2)."_".$curReadingName;
$text =~ tr/,/./; # komma durch punkt ersetzen
push( @texte, $readingName."|".$text );
# Tag-Type 4 = Intensity-Text Col 2-5
elsif ($curReadingType == 4)
if ( 2 <= $curCol && $curCol <= 5 )
$readingName = "fc".($startDay+$curCol-2)."_".$curReadingName;
$text = $intensity{$text} if defined $intensity{$text};
push( @texte, $readingName . "|" . $text );
# Tag-Type 5 = Time Col 2-5
elsif ($curReadingType == 5)
if ( 2 <= $curCol && $curCol <= 5 )
$readingName = "fc".($startDay+$curCol-2)."_".$curReadingName;
if ( $text =~ m/([012-]?[-0-9][.:][-0-5][-0-9])/ )
$text = $1;
$text =~ tr/./:/; # Punkt durch Doppelpunkt ersetzen
push( @texte, $readingName."|".$text );
# Tag-Type 6 = Time Col 3
elsif ($curReadingType == 6)
if ( $curCol == 3 )
$readingName = $curReadingName;
if ( $text =~ m/([012-]?[-0-9][.:][-0-5][-0-9])/ )
$text = $1;
$text =~ tr/./:/; # Punkt durch Doppelpunkt ersetzen
push( @texte, $readingName."|".$text );
# Tag-Type 8 = MinMaxNumber Col 3
elsif ($curReadingType == 8)
if ( $curCol == 3 )
$readingName = $curReadingName;
if ( $text =~ m/(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)/ )
push( @texte, $readingName."Min|".$1 );
push( @texte, $readingName."Max|".$2 );
push( @texte, $readingName."Min|-" );
push( @texte, $readingName."Max|-" );
sub start
my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_;
$curTag = $tagname;
if ( $tagname eq "tr" )
$curReadingType = 0;
$curCol = 0;
$curTextPos = 0;
if ( defined( $attr->{id} ) )
foreach my $r (@knownIDs)
if ( $$r[0] eq $attr->{id} )
$curReadingName = $$r[1];
$curReadingType = $$r[2];
elsif ($tagname eq "td")
$curTextPos = 0;
#wetterstate and icon
elsif ($tagname eq "img" && $curReadingType == 7)
if ( 2 <= $curCol && $curCol <= 5 )
# Alternativer text
$readingName = "fc".($startDay+$curCol-2)."_".$curReadingName;
$text = $attr->{alt};
$text =~ s/Wetterzustand: //;
$text =~ s/<2F>/oe/;
$text =~ s/<2F>/ae/;
$text =~ s/<2F>/ue/;
$text =~ s/<2F>/ss/;
push( @texte, $readingName . "|" . $text );
# Image URL
push( @texte, $readingName."Icon" . "|" . $attr->{src} );
sub end
my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_;
$curTag = "";
if ( $tagname eq "tr" )
$curReadingType = 0
package main;
use strict;
use feature qw/say switch/;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTML::Parser;
require 'Blocking.pm';
require 'HttpUtils.pm';
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%defs);
my %url_template_1 =( "de" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter/LOKALERORT-Wetter.html"
, "at" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Agrarwetter-Oesterreich/LOKALERORT/"
, "ch" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Agrarwetter-Schweiz/LOKALERORT/"
, "fr" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Agrarwetter-Frankreich/LOKALERORT/"
, "it" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Agrarwetter-Italien/LOKALERORT/"
my %url_template_2 = ( "de" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter/profi-wetter.php?SITEID=60&PLZ=LOKALERORT&STADT=LOKALERORT&WETTERaufrufen=stadt&Wtp=&SUCHE=Wetter&wT="
, "at" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter-Oesterreich/profi-wetter-at.php?SITEID=70&PLZ=LOKALERORT&STADT=LOKALERORT&WETTERaufrufen=stadt&Wtp=&SUCHE=Wetter&wT="
, "ch" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter-Schweiz/profi-wetter-ch.php?SITEID=80&PLZ=LOKALERORT&STADT=LOKALERORT&WETTERaufrufen=stadt&Wtp=&SUCHE=Wetter&wT="
, "fr" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter-Frankreich/profi-wetter-fr.php?SITEID=50&PLZ=LOKALERORT&STADT=LOKALERORT&WETTERaufrufen=stadt&Wtp=&SUCHE=Wetter-Frankreich&wT="
, "it" => "http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter-Italien/profi-wetter-it.php?SITEID=40&PLZ=LOKALERORT&STADT=LOKALERORT&WETTERaufrufen=stadt&Wtp=&SUCHE=Wetter-Italien&wT="
sub PROPLANTA_Log($$$)
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/PROPLANTA_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $hash;
Log3 $instName, $loglevel, "$MODUL $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub PROPLANTA_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "PROPLANTA_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "PROPLANTA_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PROPLANTA_Set";
$hash->{AttrList} = "INTERVAL URL disable:0,1 " . $readingFnAttributes;
sub PROPLANTA_Define($$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $lang = "";
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
return "Wrong syntax: use define <name> PROPLANTA [City] [CountryCode]" if int(@a) > 4;
$lang = "de" if int(@a) == 3;
$lang = lc( $a[3] ) if int(@a) == 4;
if ( $lang ne "")
{ # {my $test="http://www.proplanta.de/Wetter/LOKALERORT-Wetter.html";; $test =~ s/LOKALERORT/M<>nchen/g;; return $test;;}
return "Wrong country code '$lang': use " . join(" | ", keys( %url_template_1 ) ) unless defined( $url_template_1{$lang} );
my $URL = $url_template_1{$lang};
$URL =~ s/LOKALERORT/$a[2]/g;
$hash->{URL} = $URL;
$URL = $url_template_2{$lang};
$URL =~ s/LOKALERORT/$a[2]/g;
$hash->{URL2} = $URL;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initializing";
$hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} = 0;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 3600;
$hash->{fhem}{modulVersion} = '$Date$';
#Get first data after 12 seconds
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 12, "PROPLANTA_Start", $hash, 0 );
return undef;
sub PROPLANTA_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
BlockingKill( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} ) if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} ) );
return undef;
sub PROPLANTA_Set($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $reUINT = '^([\\+]?\\d+)$';
my $usage = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of update:noArg ";
return $usage if ( @a < 2 );
my $cmd = lc( $a[1] );
given ($cmd)
when ("?")
return $usage;
when ("update")
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 3, "set command: " . $a[1];
$hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} = 0;
return $usage;
# acquires the html page
sub PROPLANTA_HtmlAcquire($$)
my ($hash, $URL) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return unless (defined($hash->{NAME}));
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 4, "Start capturing of $URL";
my $err_log = "";
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10 );
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL );
my $response = $agent->request($request);
$err_log = "Can't get $URL -- " . $response->status_line
unless $response->is_success;
if ( $err_log ne "" )
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastConnection", $response->status_line, 1);
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 1, "Error: $err_log";
return "Error|Error " . $response->status_line;
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 4, length($response->content)." characters captured";
return $response->content;
sub PROPLANTA_Start($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return unless (defined($hash->{NAME}));
$hash->{INTERVAL} = AttrVal( $name, "INTERVAL", $hash->{INTERVAL} );
if(!$hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} && $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0) {
# set up timer if automatically call
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL}, "PROPLANTA_Start", $hash, 1 );
return undef if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
if ( AttrVal( $name, 'URL', '') eq '' && not defined( $hash->{URL} ) )
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 3, "missing URL";
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} =
"PROPLANTA_Run", # callback worker task
$name, # name of the device
"PROPLANTA_Done", # callback result method
120, # timeout seconds
"PROPLANTA_Aborted", # callback for abortion
$hash ); # parameter for abortion
sub PROPLANTA_Run($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $ptext=$name;
my $URL;
return unless ( defined($name) );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless (defined($hash->{NAME}));
my $readingStartTime = time();
my $attrURL = AttrVal( $name, 'URL', "" );
if ($attrURL eq "")
$URL = $hash->{URL};
$URL = $attrURL;
# acquire the html-page
my $response = PROPLANTA_HtmlAcquire($hash,$URL);
if ($response =~ /^Error\|/)
$ptext .= "|".$response;
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 4, "Start HTML parsing of captured page";
my $parser = MyProplantaParser->new;
$parser->report_tags(qw(tr td span b img));
@MyProplantaParser::texte = ();
$MyProplantaParser::startDay = 0;
# parsing the complete html-page-response, needs some time
# add next periods
if ($attrURL eq "")
$URL = $hash->{URL2};
my @URL_days = (4, 7, 11);
unshift @URL_days, 0
if @MyProplantaParser::texte == 0;
foreach (@URL_days)
$response = PROPLANTA_HtmlAcquire($hash,$URL . $_);
$MyProplantaParser::startDay = $_;
if ($response !~ /^Error\|/)
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 4, "Start HTML parsing of captured page";
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 4, "Found terms: " . @MyProplantaParser::texte;
# pack the results in a single string
if (@MyProplantaParser::texte > 0)
$ptext .= "|". join('|', @MyProplantaParser::texte);
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 5, "Parsed string: " . $ptext;
$ptext .= "|durationFetchReadings|";
$ptext .= sprintf "%.2f", time() - $readingStartTime;
return $ptext;
# asyncronous callback by blocking
sub PROPLANTA_Done($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless ( defined($string) );
# all term are separated by "|" , the first is the name of the instance
my ( $name, %values ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return unless ( defined($hash->{NAME}) );
# delete the marker for RUNNING_PID process
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} );
# Wetterdaten speichern
if ( defined $values{Error} )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastConnection", $values{Error} );
my $x = 0;
while (my ($rName, $rValue) = each(%values) )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $rName, $rValue );
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 5, "reading:$rName value:$rValue";
if (keys %values > 0)
my $newState = "Tmin: " . $values{fc0_tempMin} . " Tmax: " . $values{fc0_tempMax};
# Achtung! Nach Mitternacht fehlen f<>r 1 h die aktuellen Werte
$newState .= " T: " . $values{temperature} . " H: " . $values{humidity} . " W: " . $values{wind} . " P: " . $values{pressure}
if defined $values{temperature};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $newState);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastConnection", keys( %values )." values captured" );
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 4, keys( %values )." values captured";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastConnection", "no data found" );
PROPLANTA_Log $hash, 1, "No data found. Check city name or URL.";
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
sub PROPLANTA_Aborted($)
my ($hash) = @_;
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} );
##### noch nicht fertig ###########
sub #####################################
my ($d) = @_;
$d = "<none>" if(!$d);
return "$d is not a PROPLANTA instance<br>"
if(!$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "PROPLANTA");
my $uselocal= 0; #AttrVal($d,"localicons",0);
my $isday;
if ( exists &isday)
$isday = isday();
$isday = 1; #($hour>6 && $hour<19);
my $ret = "<table>";
$ret .= sprintf '<tr><td>%s</td><td><br></td></tr>', $defs{$d}{DEF};
# $ret .= sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s %s<br>temp: %s <20>C, hum %s<br>wind: %s km/h %s<br>pressure: %s bar visibility: %s km</td></tr>',
# WWOIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "icon", ""),$uselocal,$isday),
# ReadingsVal($d, "localObsDateTime", ""),ReadingsVal($d, "weatherDesc", ""),
# ReadingsVal($d, "temp_C", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "humidity", ""),
# ReadingsVal($d, "windspeedKmph", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "winddir16Point", ""),
# ReadingsVal($d, "pressure", ""),ReadingsVal($d, "visibility", ""));
# for(my $i=0; $i<=4; $i++) {
# $ret .= sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s: %s<br>min %s <20>C max %s <20>C<br>wind: %s km/h %s<br>precip: %s mm</td></tr>',
# WWOIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc${i}_weatherDayIcon", ""),$uselocal,$isday),
# ReadingsVal($d, "fc${i}_date", ""),
# ReadingsVal($d, "fc${i}_weatherDay", ""),
# ReadingsVal($d, "fc${i}_tempMinC", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "fc${i}_tempMaxC", ""),
# }
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret;
=begin html
<a name="PROPLANTA"></a>
<div style="width:800px">
The module extracts weather data from <a href="http://www.proplanta.de">www.proplanta.de</a>.
The website provides a forecast for 12 days, for the first 7 days in a 3-hours-interval.
It uses the perl moduls HTTP::Request, LWP::UserAgent and HTML::Parse.
<a name="PROPLANTAdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> PROPLANTA [City] [CountryCode]</code>
<code>define wetter PROPLANTA Bern ch</code>
<code>define wetter PROPLANTA Wittingen+(Niedersachsen)</code>
Optional. The city must be selectable on <a href="http://www.proplanta.de">www.proplanta.de</a>.
Please pay attention to the <b>Capital</b> letters in the city names.
Spaces within the name are replaced by a + (plus).
Optional. Possible values: de (default), at, ch, fr, it
<a name="PROPLANTAset"></a>
<li><code>set <name> update</code>
The weather data are immediately polled from the website.
<a name="PROPLANTAattr"></a>
<li><code>INTERVAL <seconds></code>
Poll interval for weather data in seconds (default 3600 = 1 hour)
<li><code>URL <internet address></code>
URL to extract information from. Overwrites the values in the 'define' term.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="PROPLANTAreading"></a>
<b>Forecast readings</b>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0|1|2|3|...|13</i><b>_...</b> - forecast values for <i>today|tommorrow|in 2|3|...|13 days</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_...<i>00|03|06|09|12|15|18|21</i></b> - forecast values for <i>today</i> at <i>00|03|06|09|12|15|18|21</i> o'clock</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_chOfRain</b><i>Day|Night</i> - chance of rain <i>today</i> by <i>day|night</i> in %</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_chOfRain</b><i>15</i> - chance of rain <i>today</i> at <i>15:00</i> in %</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_cloud</b><i>15</i> - cloud coverage <i>today</i> at <i>15:00</i> in %</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_dew</b> - dew formation <i>today</i> (0=none, 1=small, 2=medium, 3=strong)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_evapor</b> - evaporation <i>today</i> (0=none, 1=small, 2=medium, 3=strong)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_frost</b> - ground frost <i>today</i> (0=no, 1=yes)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_moon</b><i>Rise|Set</i> - moon <i>rise|set today</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_rad</b> - global radiation <i>today</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_rain</b><i>15</i> - amount of rainfall <i>today</i> at <i>15:00</i> o'clock in mm</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_sun</b> - relative sun shine duration <i>today</i> in % (between sun rise and set)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_temp</b><i>Min|Max</i> - <i>minimal|maximal</i> temperature <i>today</i> in °C</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_temp</b><i>15</i> - temperatur <i>today</i> at <i>15:00</i> o'clock in °C</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_uv</b> - UV-Index <i>today</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_weather</b><i>Morning|Day|Evening|Night</i> - weather situation <i>today morning|during day|in the evening|during night</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_weather</b><i>Day</i><b>Icon</b> - icon of weather situation <i>today</i> by <i>day</i></li>
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<a name="PROPLANTA"></a>
<div style="width:800px">
<a name="PROPLANTAdefine"></a>
Das Modul extrahiert Wetterdaten von der Website <a href="http://www.proplanta.de">www.proplanta.de</a>.
Es stellt eine Vorhersage für 12 Tage, w&aauml;hrend der ersten 7 Tage im 3-Stunden-Intervall, zur Verfügung.
Es nutzt die Perl-Module HTTP::Request, LWP::UserAgent und HTML::Parse.
<code>define <Name> PROPLANTA [Stadt] [Ländercode]</code>
<code>define wetter PROPLANTA Bern ch</code>
<code>define wetter PROPLANTA Wittingen+(Niedersachsen)</code>
Optional. Die Stadt muss auf <a href="http://www.proplanta.de">www.proplanta.de</a> auswählbar sein.
Wichtig!! Auf die <b>großen</b> Anfangsbuchstaben achten.
Leerzeichen im Stadtnamen werden durch ein + (Plus) ersetzt.
Optional. Mögliche Werte: de (Standard), at, ch, fr, it
<a name="PROPLANTAset"></a>
<li><code>set <name> update</code>
Startet sofort ein neues Auslesen der Wetterdaten.
<a name="PROPLANTAattr"></a>
<li><code>INTERVAL <Abfrageinterval></code>
Abfrageinterval in Sekunden (Standard 3600 = 1 Stunde)
<li><code>URL <Internetadresse></code>
Internetadresse, von der die Daten ausgelesen werden (überschreibt die Werte im 'define'-Term
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="PROPLANTAreading"></a>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0|1|2|3...|13</i><b>_...</b> - Vorhersagewerte für <i>heute|morgen|übermorgen|in 3|...|13 Tagen</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_...<i>00|03|06|09|12|15|18|21</i></b> - Vorhersagewerte für <i>heute</i> um <i>00|03|06|09|12|15|18|21</i> Uhr</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_chOfRain</b><i>Day|Night</i> - <i>heutiges</i> Niederschlagsrisiko <i>tagsüber|nachts</i> in %</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>1</i><b>_chOfRain</b><i>15</i> - <i>morgiges</i> Niederschlagsrisiko um <i>15</i>:00 Uhr in %</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>2</i><b>_cloud</b><i>15</i> - Wolkenbedeckungsgrad <i>übermorgen</i> um <i>15</i>:00 Uhr in %</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_dew</b> - Taubildung <i>heute</i> (0=keine, 1=leicht, 2=mäßig, 3=stark)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_evapor</b> - Verdunstung <i>heute</i> (0=keine, 1=gering, 2=mäßig, 3=stark)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_frost</b> - Bodenfrost <i>heute</i> (0=nein, 1=ja)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>1</i><b>_moon</b><i>Rise|Set</i> - Mond<i>auf|unter</i>gang <i>morgen</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_rad</b> - Globalstrahlung <i>heute</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_rain</b><i>15</i> - Niederschlagsmenge <i>heute</i> um <i>15</i>:00 Uhr in mm</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_sun</b> - relative Sonnenscheindauer <i>heute</i> in % (zwischen Sonnenauf- und -untergang)</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_temp</b><i>Min|Max</i> - <i>Minimal|Maximal</i>temperatur <i>heute</i> in °C</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_temp</b><i>15</i> - Temperatur <i>heute</i> um <i>15</i>:00 Uhr in °C</li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_uv</b> - UV-Index <i>heute</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_weather</b><i>Morning|Day|Evening|Night</i> - Wetterzustand <i>heute morgen|tagsüber|abends|nachts</i></li>
<li><b>fc</b><i>0</i><b>_weather</b><i>Day</i><b>Icon</b> - Icon Wetterzustand <i>heute tagsüber</i></li>
<b>Aktuelle Werte</b>
<li><b>cloudBase</b><i>Min|Max</i> - Höhe der <i>minimalen|maximalen</i> Wolkenuntergrenze in m</li>
<li><b>dewPoint</b> - Taupunkt in °C</li>
<li><b>humidity</b> - relative Feuchtigkeit in %</li>
<li><b>obs_time</b> - Uhrzeit der Wetterbeobachtung</li>
<li><b>pressure</b> - Luftdruck in hPa</li>
<li><b>temperature</b> - Temperature in °C</li>
<li><b>visibility</b> - Sichtweite in km</li>
<li><b>wind</b> - Windgeschwindigkeit in km/h</li>
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