mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-05 12:06:35 +00:00
2014-10-27 21:44:59 +00:00

1660 lines
53 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
# See ZWDongle.pm for inspiration
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
use Compress::Zlib;
sub ZWave_Parse($$@);
sub ZWave_Set($@);
sub ZWave_Get($@);
sub ZWave_Cmd($$@);
sub ZWave_ParseMeter($$);
sub ZWave_ParseScene($);
sub ZWave_SetClasses($$$$);
sub ZWave_getParse($$$);
use vars qw(%zw_func_id);
use vars qw(%zw_type6);
my %zwave_id2class;
my %zwave_class = (
NO_OPERATION => { id => '00', },
BASIC => { id => '20',
set => { basicValue => "01%02x", },
get => { basicStatus => "02", },
parse => { "..200.(.*)"=> '"basicReport:$1"',}, },
CONTROLLER_REPLICATION => { id => '21', },
APPLICATION_STATUS => { id => '22', },
ZIP_SERVICES => { id => '23', },
ZIP_SERVER => { id => '24', },
SWITCH_BINARY => { id => '25',
set => { off => "0100",
on => "01FF",
reportOn => "03FF",
reportOff => "0300", },
get => { swbStatus => "02", },
parse => { "03250300" => "state:off",
"032503ff" => "state:on", }, } ,
SWITCH_MULTILEVEL => { id => '26',
set => { off => "0100",
on => "01FF",
dim => "01%02x",
reportOn => "03FF",
reportOff => "0300", },
get => { swmStatus => "02", },
#03260363 reported in http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?t=rview&th=10216
parse => { "032603(.*)"=> '($1 eq "00" ? "state:off" :
($1 eq "ff" ? "state:on" :
"state:dim ".hex($1)))',}, },
SWITCH_ALL => { id => '27',
set => { swaIncludeNone => "0100",
swaIncludeOff => "0101",
swaIncludeOn => "0102",
swaIncludeOnOff => "01ff",
swaOn => "04",
swaOff => "05", },
get => { swaInclude => "02", },
parse => { "03270300" => "swa:none",
"03270301" => "swa:off",
"03270302" => "swa:on",
"032703ff" => "swa:on off", }, },
SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY => { id => '28', },
SWITCH_TOGGLE_MULTILEVEL => { id => '29', },
CHIMNEY_FAN => { id => '2a', },
SCENE_ACTIVATION => { id => '2b',
set => { sceneActivate => "01%02x%02x",},
parse => { "042b01(..)(..)" => '"scene_$1:$2"',
"042b01(..)ff" => 'ZWave_ParseScene($1)',}, },
SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF => { id => '2c',
set => { sceneConfig => "01%02x%02x80%02x",},
get => { sceneConfig => "02%02x", },
parse => { "052c03(..)(..)(..)" => '"scene_$1:level $2 duration $3"',}, },
SCENE_CONTROLLER_CONF => { id => '2d',
set => { sceneConfig => "01%02x%02x%02x",},
get => { sceneConfig => "02%02x", },
parse => { "052d03(..)(..)(..)" => '"group_$1:scene $2 duration $3"',}, },
ZIP_CLIENT => { id => '2e', },
ZIP_ADV_SERVICES => { id => '2f', },
SENSOR_BINARY => { id => '30',
get => { sbStatus => "02", },
parse => { "03300300" => "state:closed",
"033003ff" => "state:open",
"043003(..)0c" => '"motion:$1"', #Philio PHI_PSP01, PSM02-1
"043003(..)08" => '"tamper:$1"', #Philio PHI_PSP01, PSM02-1
"043003000a" => "state:closed", #Philio PSM02-1
"043003ff0a" => "state:open", #Philio PSM02-1
SENSOR_MULTILEVEL => { id => '31',
get => { smStatus => "04" },
parse => { "..3105(..)(..)(.*)" => 'ZWave_ParseMultilevel($1,$2,$3)'},},
METER => { id => '32',
get => { meter => "01" },
parse => { "..3202(.*)"=> 'ZWave_ParseMeter($hash, $1)' }, },
ZIP_ADV_SERVER => { id => '33', },
ZIP_ADV_CLIENT => { id => '34', },
METER_PULSE => { id => '35', },
HRV_STATUS => { id => '37',
get => { hrvStatus => "01%02x",
hrvStatusSupported => "03",},
parse => { "0637020042(....)" =>
'sprintf("outdoorTemperature: %0.1f C", s2Hex($1)/100)',
"0637020142(....)" =>
'sprintf("supplyAirTemperature: %0.1f C", s2Hex($1)/100)',
"0637020242(....)" =>
'sprintf("exhaustAirTemperature: %0.1f C", s2Hex($1)/100)',
"0637020342(....)" =>
'sprintf("dischargeAirTemperature: %0.1f C",s2Hex($1)/100)',
"0637020442(....)" =>
'sprintf("indoorTemperature: %0.1f C", s2Hex($1)/100)',
"0537020501(..)" =>
'sprintf("indoorHumidity: %s %%", hex($1))',
"0537020601(..)" =>
'sprintf("remainingFilterLife: %s %%", hex($1))',
"033704(..)" =>
'sprintf("supportedStatus: %s", ZWave_HrvStatus($1))',
THERMOSTAT_HEATING => { id => '38', },
HRV_CONTROL => { id => '39',
set => { bypassOff => "0400",
bypassOn => "04FF",
ventilationRate => "07%02x", },
get => { bypass => "05",
ventilationRate => "08", },
parse => { "033906(..)"=> '($1 eq "00" ? "bypass:off" : '.
'($1 eq "ff" ? "bypass:on" : '.
'"bypass:dim ".hex($1)))',
"033909(..)"=> 'sprintf("ventilationRate: %s",hex($1))', },},
METER_TBL_CONFIG => { id => '3c', },
METER_TBL_MONITOR => { id => '3d', },
METER_TBL_PUSH => { id => '3e', },
THERMOSTAT_MODE => { id => '40',
set => { tmOff => "0100",
tmHeating => "0101",
tmCooling => "010b",
tmManual => "011f", },
get => { thermostatMode => "02", },
parse => { "03400300" => "state:off",
"0340030b" => "state:cooling",
"03400301" => "state:heating",
"0340031f" => "state:manual", }, } ,
THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT => { id => '43',
set => { setpointHeating => "010101%02x",
setpointCooling => "010201%02x"},
get => { setpoint => "02" },
parse => { "064303(..)(..)(....)" => 'sprintf("temperature:%0.1f %s %s", '.
'hex($3)/(10**int(hex($2)/32)), '.
'hex($2)&8 ? "F":"C", $1==1 ? "heating":"cooling")' }, },
THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE => { id => '44', },
THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE => { id => '45', },
get => { ccsOverride => "07", },
parse => { "0446080079" => "ccsOverride:no, frost protection",
"044608007a" => "ccsOverride:no, energy saving",
"044608007f" => "ccsOverride:no, unused",
"0446080179" => "ccsOverride:temporary, frost protection",
"044608017a" => "ccsOverride:temporary, energy saving",
"044608017f" => "ccsOverride:temporary, unused",
"0446080279" => "ccsOverride:permanent, frost protection",
"044608027a" => "ccsOverride:permanent, energy saving",
"044608027f" => "ccsOverride:permanent, unused", }, },
THERMOSTAT_SETBACK => { id => '47', },
DOOR_LOCK_LOGGING => { id => '4c', },
SCHEDULE_ENTRY_LOCK => { id => '4e', },
BASIC_WINDOW_COVERING => { id => '50',
set => { coveringClose => "0140",
coveringOpen => "0100",
coveringStop => "02" , }, },
MTP_WINDOW_COVERING => { id => '51', },
CRC_16_ENCAP => { id => '56', },
MULTI_CHANNEL => { id => '60', # Version 2, aka MULTI_INSTANCE
get => { mcEndpoints => "07", # Endpoints
mcCapability=> "09%02x"},
parse => { "^046008(..)(..)" => '"mcEndpoints:total ".hex($2).'.
'(hex($1)&0x80 ? ", dynamic":"").'.
'(hex($1)&0x40 ? ", identical":", different")',
"^..600a(.*)"=> 'ZWave_mcCapability($hash, $1)' }, },
DOOR_LOCK => { id => '62', },
USER_CODE => { id => '63', },
CONFIGURATION => { id => '70',
set => { configDefault=>"04%02x80",
configByte => "04%02x01%02x",
configWord => "04%02x02%04x",
configLong => "04%02x04%08x", },
get => { config => "05%02x", },
parse => { "^..70..(..)..(.*)" => 'ZWave_configParse($hash,$1,$2)'} },
ALARM => { id => '71',
get => { alarm => "04%02x", },
parse => { "..7105(..)(..)" => '"alarm_type_$1:level $2"',}, },
get => { model => "04", },
parse => { "087205(....)(....)(....)" => 'ZWave_mfsParse($1,$2,$3,0)',
"087205(....)(....)(.{4})" => 'ZWave_mfsParse($1,$2,$3,1)',
"087205(....)(.{4})(.{4})" => '"modelId:$1-$2-$3"', }},
POWERLEVEL => { id => '73', },
PROTECTION => { id => '75',
set => { protectionOff => "0100",
protectionSeq => "0101",
protectionOn => "0102", },
get => { protection => "02", },
parse => { "03750300" => "protection:off",
"03750301" => "protection:seq",
"03750302" => "protection:on", }, },
LOCK => { id => '76', },
NODE_NAMING => { id => '77', },
FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD => { id => '7a', },
GROUPING_NAME => { id => '7b', },
REMOTE_ASSOCIATION => { id => '7d', },
BATTERY => { id => '80',
get => { battery => "02" },
parse => { "038003(..)"=> '"battery:".hex($1)." %"' }, },
CLOCK => { id => '81',
parse => { "028105"=> "clock:get" }, },
HAIL => { id => '82', },
WAKE_UP => { id => '84',
set => { wakeupInterval => "04%06x%02x",
wakeupNoMoreInformation => "08", },
get => { wakeupInterval => "05",
wakeupIntervalCapabilities => "09", },
parse => { "028407" => 'wakeup:notification',
"..8406(......)(..)" =>
'"wakeupReport:interval ".hex($1)." target ".hex($2)',
"..840a(......)(......)(......)(......)" =>
'"wakeupIntervalCapabilitiesReport:min ".hex($1).'.
'" max ".hex($2)." default ".hex($3)." step ".hex($4)'
}, },
ASSOCIATION => { id => '85',
set => { associationAdd => "01%02x%02x*",
associationDel => "04%02x%02x*", },
get => { association => "02%02x", },
parse => { "..8503(..)(..)..(.*)" => '"assocGroup_$1:Max $2 Nodes $3"',}, },
VERSION => { id => '86',
get => { version => "11",
versionClass => "13%02x", },
parse => { "078612(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)" =>
'sprintf("version:Lib %d Prot %d.%d App %d.%d",'.
"048614(..)(..)" => '"versionClass_$1:$2"', }, },
INDICATOR => { id => '87',
set => { indicatorOff => "0100",
indicatorOn => "01FF",
indicatorDim => "01%02x", },
get => { indicatorStatus => "02", },
parse => { "038703(..)" => '($1 eq "00" ? "indState:off" :
($1 eq "ff" ? "indState:on" :
"indState:dim ".hex($1)))',}, },
PROPRIETARY => { id => '88', },
LANGUAGE => { id => '89', },
TIME => { id => '8a', },
TIME_PARAMETERS => { id => '8b', },
GEOGRAPHIC_LOCATION => { id => '8c', },
COMPOSITE => { id => '8d', },
MULTI_CMD => { id => '8f', }, # Handled in Parse
ENERGY_PRODUCTION => { id => '90', },
MANUFACTURER_PROPRIETARY => { id => '91', }, # see also zwave_deviceSpecial
SCREEN_MD => { id => '92', },
SCREEN_ATTRIBUTES => { id => '93', },
SIMPLE_AV_CONTROL => { id => '94', },
AV_CONTENT_DIRECTORY_MD => { id => '95', },
AV_RENDERER_STATUS => { id => '96', },
AV_CONTENT_SEARCH_MD => { id => '97', },
SECURITY => { id => '98', },
AV_TAGGING_MD => { id => '99', },
IP_CONFIGURATION => { id => '9a', },
=> { id => '9b', },
SENSOR_ALARM => { id => '9c',
get => { alarm => "01%02x", },
parse => { "..9c02(..)(..)(..)(....)" =>
'"alarm_type_$2:level $3 node $1 seconds ".hex($4)',}, },
SILENCE_ALARM => { id => '9d', },
SENSOR_CONFIGURATION => { id => '9e', },
MARK => { id => 'ef', },
NON_INTEROPERABLE => { id => 'f0', },
my %zwave_cmdArgs = (
set => {
dim => "slider,0,1,99",
indicatorDim => "slider,0,1,99",
get => {
parse => {
my %zwave_modelConfig;
my %zwave_modelIdAlias = ( "010f-0301-1001" => "Fibaro_FGRM222",
"013c-0001-0003" => "Philio_PAN04" );
# Patching certain devices.
my %zwave_deviceSpecial = (
Fibaro_FGRM222 => {
set => { positionSlat=>"010f26010100%02x",
get => { position=>"010f2602020000", },
parse => { "010f260303(..)(..)" =>'sprintf("position:Blinds %d Slat %d",'.
'hex($1),hex($2))' } } },
Philio_PAN04 => {
METER => {
get => { meter => "01",
meterWatt => "0110", #Watt
meterVoltage=> "0120", #Voltage
meterAmpere => "0128" } } } #Ampere
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = ".*";
$hash->{SetFn} = "ZWave_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "ZWave_Get";
$hash->{DefFn} = "ZWave_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ZWave_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "ZWave_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ".
"ignore:1,0 dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 classes $readingFnAttributes";
map { $zwave_id2class{lc($zwave_class{$_}{id})} = $_ } keys %zwave_class;
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "ZWave_fhemwebFn";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = shift @a;
my $type = shift(@a); # always ZWave
my $u = "wrong syntax for $name: define <name> ZWave homeId id [classes]";
return $u if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 3);
my $homeId = lc(shift @a);
my $id = shift @a;
return "define $name: wrong homeId ($homeId): need an 8 digit hex value"
if( ($homeId !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{8}$/i) );
return "define $name: wrong id ($id): need a number"
if( ($id !~ m/^\d+$/i) );
$id = sprintf("%0*x", ($id > 255 ? 4 : 2), $id);
$hash->{homeId} = $homeId;
$hash->{id} = $id;
$modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"} = $hash;
AssignIoPort($hash); # FIXME: should take homeId into account
if(@a) {
ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, undef, $a[0]);
if($attr{$name}{classes} =~ m/ASSOCIATION/) {
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $homeReading = ReadingsVal($iodev->{NAME}, "homeId", "") if($iodev);
my $ctrlId = $1 if($homeReading && $homeReading =~ m/CtrlNodeId:(..)/);
if($ctrlId) {
Log3 $name, 1, "Adding the controller $ctrlId to association group 1";
IOWrite($hash, "00", "130a04850101${ctrlId}05");
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "Cannot associate $name, missing controller id";
return undef;
my ($type, $hash, @a) = @_;
return "no $type argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
my $name = shift(@a);
my $cmd = shift(@a);
# Collect the commands from the distinct classes
my %cmdList;
my $classes = AttrVal($name, "classes", "");
foreach my $cl (split(" ", $classes)) {
my $ptr = ZWave_getHash($hash, $cl, $type);
next if(!$ptr);
foreach my $k (keys %{$ptr}) {
if(!$cmdList{$k}) {
$cmdList{$k}{fmt} = $ptr->{$k};
$cmdList{$k}{id} = $zwave_class{$cl}{id};
if(!$cmdList{$cmd}) {
my @list;
foreach my $cmd (sort keys %cmdList) {
if($zwave_cmdArgs{$type}{$cmd}) {
push @list, "$cmd:$zwave_cmdArgs{$type}{$cmd}";
} elsif($cmdList{$cmd}{fmt} !~ m/%/) {
push @list, "$cmd:noArg";
} else {
push @list, $cmd;
my $list = join(" ",@list);
if($type eq "set") {
unshift @a, $name, $cmd;
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, @a);
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
Log3 $name, 2, "ZWave $type $name $cmd";
my $id = $hash->{id};
my $cmdFmt = $cmdList{$cmd}{fmt};
my $cmdId = $cmdList{$cmd}{id};
my $nArg = 0;
if($cmdFmt =~ m/%/) {
my @ca = split("%", $cmdFmt);
$nArg = int(@ca)-1;
my $parTxt = ($nArg == 0 ? "no parameter" :
($nArg == 1 ? "one parameter" :
"$nArg parameters"));
if($cmdFmt =~ m/^(.*)\*$/) {
$cmdFmt = $1;
return "$type $cmd needs at least $parTxt" if($nArg > int(@a));
$cmdFmt .= ("%02x" x (int(@a)-$nArg));
} else {
return "$type $cmd needs $parTxt" if($nArg != int(@a));
if($cmd =~ m/^config/) {
my ($err, $cmd) = ZWave_configCheckParam($hash, $type, $cmd, $cmdFmt, @a);
return $err if($err);
$cmdFmt = $cmd;
} else {
$cmdFmt = sprintf($cmdFmt, @a) if($nArg);
my ($baseClasses, $baseHash) = ($classes, $hash);
if($id =~ m/(..)(..)/) { # Multi-Channel, encapsulate
my ($baseId,$ch) = ($1, $2);
$id = $baseId;
$cmdFmt = "0d01$ch$cmdId$cmdFmt";
$cmdId = "60"; # MULTI_CHANNEL
$baseHash = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$hash->{homeId} $baseId"};
$baseClasses = AttrVal($baseHash->{NAME}, "classes", "");
my $len = sprintf("%02x", length($cmdFmt)/2+1);
my $data = "13$id$len$cmdId${cmdFmt}05"; # 13==SEND_DATA
if($baseClasses =~ m/WAKE_UP/) {
if(!$baseHash->{WakeUp}) {
my @arr = ();
$baseHash->{WakeUp} = \@arr;
my $awake = ($baseHash->{lastMsgTimestamp} &&
time() - $baseHash->{lastMsgTimestamp} < 2);
if($awake && @{$baseHash->{WakeUp}} == 0) {
push @{$baseHash->{WakeUp}}, ""; # Block the next
} else {
push @{$baseHash->{WakeUp}}, $data;
return ($type eq "get" && AttrVal($name,"verbose",3) > 2 ?
"Scheduled for sending after WAKEUP" : undef);
IOWrite($hash, "00", $data);
my $val;
if($type eq "get") {
no strict "refs";
my $iohash = $hash->{IODev};
my $fn = $modules{$iohash->{TYPE}}{ReadAnswerFn};
my ($err, $data) = &{$fn}($iohash, $cmd, "^000400$id") if($fn);
use strict "refs";
return $err if($err);
$val = ($data ? ZWave_Parse($iohash, $data, $type) : "no data returned");
} else {
$cmd .= " ".join(" ", @a) if(@a);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $cmd, 1) if($type eq "set");
return $val;
sub ZWave_Set($@) { return ZWave_Cmd("set", shift, @_); }
sub ZWave_Get($@) { return ZWave_Cmd("get", shift, @_); }
# returns supported Parameters by hrvStatus
my ($p) = @_;
$p = hex($p);
my @hrv_status = ( "outdoorTemperature", "supplyAirTemperature",
"exhaustAirTemperature", "dischargeAirTemperature",
"indoorTemperature", "indoorHumidity",
"remainingFilterLife" );
my @l;
for(my $i=0; $i < 7; $i++) {
push @l, "$i = $hrv_status[$i]" if($p & (1<<$i));
return join("\n", @l);
my ($hash,$val) = @_;
return if($val !~ m/^(..)(..)(.*)$/);
my ($v1, $v2, $v3) = (hex($1) & 0x1f, hex($2), $3);
my @prectab = (1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000, 10000000);
my $prec = $prectab[($v2 >> 5) & 0x7];
my $scale = ($v2 >> 3) & 0x3;
my $size = ($v2 >> 0) & 0x7;
my @txt = ("undef", "energy", "gas", "water");
my $txt = ($v1 > $#txt ? "undef" : $txt[$v1]);
my %unit = (energy => ["kWh", "kVAh", "W", "pulseCount"],
gas => ["m3", "feet3", "undef", "pulseCount"],
water => ["m3", "feet3", "USgallons", "pulseCount"]);
my $unit = $txt eq "undef" ? "undef" : $unit{$txt}[$scale];
$txt = "power" if ($unit eq "W");
$v3 = hex(substr($v3, 0, 2*$size))/$prec;
my $modelId = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "modelId", "");
$modelId = $zwave_modelIdAlias{$modelId} if($zwave_modelIdAlias{$modelId});
if($modelId eq "Philio_PAN04") {
if($prec==100 && $scale==1 && $size==2) { $unit="A"; $txt="current" }
if($prec== 10 && $scale==0 && $size==2) { $unit="V"; $txt="voltage" }
return "$txt:$v3 $unit";
my ($type,$fl,$arg) = @_;
my %ml_tbl = (
'01' => { n => 'temperature', st => ['C', 'F'] },
'02' => { n => 'generalPurpose', st => ['%', ''] },
'03' => { n => 'luminance', st => ['%', 'Lux'] },
'04' => { n => 'power', st => ['W', 'Btu/h'] },
'05' => { n => 'humidity', st => ['%'] },
'06' => { n => 'velocity', st => ['m/s', 'mph'] },
'07' => { n => 'direction', st => [] },
'08' => { n => 'atmosphericPressure', st => ['kPa', 'inchHg'] },
'09' => { n => 'barometricPressure', st => ['kPa', 'inchHg'] },
'0a' => { n => 'solarRadiation', st => ['W/m2'] },
'0b' => { n => 'dewpoint', st => ['C', 'F'] },
'0c' => { n => 'rain', st => ['mm/h', 'in/h'] },
'0d' => { n => 'tideLevel', st => ['m', 'feet'] },
'0e' => { n => 'weight', st => ['kg', 'pound'] },
'0f' => { n => 'voltage', st => ['V', 'mV'] },
'10' => { n => 'current', st => ['A', 'mA'] },
'11' => { n => 'CO2-level', st => ['ppm']},
'12' => { n => 'airFlow', st => ['m3/h', 'cfm'] },
'13' => { n => 'tankCapacity', st => ['l', 'cbm', 'usgal'] },
'14' => { n => 'distance', st => ['m', 'cm', 'feet'] },
'15' => { n => 'anglePosition', st => ['%', 'relN', 'relS'] },
my $pr = (hex($fl)>>5)&0x07; # precision
my $sc = (hex($fl)>>3)&0x03; # scale
my $bc = (hex($fl)>>0)&0x07; # bytecount
$arg = substr($arg, 0, 2*$bc);
my $msb = (hex($arg)>>8*$bc-1); # most significant bit ( 0 = pos, 1 = neg )
my $val = $msb ? -( 2 ** (8 * $bc) - hex($arg) ) : hex($arg); # 2's complement
my $ml = $ml_tbl{$type};
return "UNKNOWN multilevel type: $type fl: $fl arg: $arg" if(!$ml);
return sprintf("%s:%.*f %s", $ml->{n}, $pr, $val/(10**$pr),
int(@{$ml->{st}}) > $sc ? $ml->{st}->[$sc] : "");
my ($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes) = @_;
my $def = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
if(!$def) {
$type6 = $zw_type6{$type6} if($type6 && $zw_type6{$type6});
$id = hex($id);
return "UNDEFINED ZWave_${type6}_$id ZWave $homeId $id $classes"
my @classes;
for my $classId (grep /../, split(/(..)/, lc($classes))) {
push @classes, $zwave_id2class{lc($classId)} ?
$zwave_id2class{lc($classId)} : "UNKNOWN_".lc($classId);
my $name = $def->{NAME};
$attr{$name}{classes} = join(" ", @classes) if(@classes);
$def->{DEF} = "$homeId ".hex($id);
return "";
my ($p)=@_;
my @arg = ("unknown", "on", "off",
"dim up start", "dim down start", "dim up end", "dim down end");
return sprintf("sceneEvent%s:%s", int(hex($p)/10), $arg[hex($p)%10]);
my ($hash, $caps) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
return "Missing IODev for $name" if(!$iodev);
my $homeId = $iodev->{homeId};
my @l = grep /../, split(/(..)/, lc($caps));
my $chid = shift(@l);
my $id = $hash->{id};
my @classes;
for my $classId (@l) {
push @classes, $zwave_id2class{lc($classId)} ?
$zwave_id2class{lc($classId)} : "UNKNOWN_".uc($classId);
return "mcCapability_$chid:no classes" if(!@classes);
if(!$modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id$chid"}) {
my $lid = hex("$id$chid");
my $lcaps = substr($caps, 2);
$id = hex($id);
"UNDEFINED ZWave_$classes[0]_$id.$chid ZWave $homeId $lid $caps",
return "mcCapability_$chid:".join(" ", @classes);
my ($mf, $prod, $id, $config) = @_;
my $xml = $attr{global}{modpath}.
($mf, $prod, $id) = (lc($mf), lc($prod), lc($id)); # Just to make it sure
if(open(FH, $xml)) {
my ($lastMf, $mName, $ret) = ("","");
while(my $l = <FH>) {
if($l =~ m/<Manufacturer.*id="([^"]*)".*name="([^"]*)"/) {
$lastMf = lc($1);
$mName = $2;
if($l =~ m/<Product type="([^"]*)".*id="([^"]*)".*name="([^"]*)"/) {
if($mf eq $lastMf && $prod eq lc($1) && $id eq lc($2)) {
if($config) {
$ret = "modelConfig:$1" if($l =~ m/config="([^"]*)"/);
return $ret;
} else {
$ret = "model:$mName $3";
return $ret if($ret);
} else {
Log 1, "can't open $xml: $!";
return sprintf("model:0x%s 0x%s 0x%s", $mf, $prod, $id);
my ($c, $postfix) = @_;
$c =~ s/[^A-Z]+(.)/uc($1)/gei;
$c =~ s/[^A-Z]//i;
my $shortened=0;
while(length($c) > 32) { # might be endless loop
$c =~ s/[A-Z][^A-Z]*$//;
$c .= $postfix if($shortened);
return ($c, $shortened);;
# Poor mans XML-Parser
my ($cfg) = @_;
Log 3, "ZWave reading config for $cfg";
my $fn = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz";
my $gz = gzopen($fn, "rb");
if(!$gz) {
Log 3, "Can't open $fn: $!";
my ($line, $class, %hash, $cmdName);
while($gz->gzreadline($line)) { # Search the "file" entry
last if($line =~ m/^<Product sourceFile="$cfg">$/);
while($gz->gzreadline($line)) {
last if($line =~ m+^</Product>+);
$class = $1 if($line =~ m/^<CommandClass.*id="([^"]*)"/);
next if(!$class || $class ne "112");
if($line =~ m/^<Value /) {
my %h;
$h{type} = $1 if($line =~ m/type="([^"]*)"/i);
$h{genre} = $1 if($line =~ m/genre="([^"]*)"/i); # config, user
$h{label} = $1 if($line =~ m/label="([^"]*)"/i);
$h{min} = $1 if($line =~ m/min="([^"]*)"/i);
$h{max} = $1 if($line =~ m/max="([^"]*)"/i);
$h{value} = $1 if($line =~ m/value="([^"]*)"/i);
$h{index} = $1 if($line =~ m/index="([^"]*)"/i); # 1, 2, etc
$h{read_only} = $1 if($line =~ m/read_only="([^"]*)"/i); # true,false
$h{write_only} = $1 if($line =~ m/write_only="([^"]*)"/i); # true,false
my ($cmd,$shortened) = ZWave_cleanString($h{label}, $h{index});
$cmdName = "config$cmd";
$h{Help} = "";
$h{Help} .= "Full text for $cmdName is $h{label}<br>" if($shortened);
$hash{$cmdName} = \%h;
$hash{$cmdName}{Help} .= "$1<br>" if($line =~ m+^<Help>(.*)</Help>$+);
if($line =~ m/^<Item/) {
my $label = $1 if($line =~ m/label="([^"]*)"/i);
my $value = $1 if($line =~ m/value="([^"]*)"/i);
my ($item, $shortened) = ZWave_cleanString($label, $value);
$hash{$cmdName}{Item}{$item} = $value;
$hash{$cmdName}{Help} .= "Full text for $item is $label<br>"
my %mc = (set=>{}, get=>{}, config=>{});
foreach my $cmd (keys %hash) {
my $h = $hash{$cmd};
my $arg = ($h->{type} eq "button" ? "a" : "a%b");
$mc{set}{$cmd} = $arg if(!$h->{read_only} || $h->{read_only} ne "true");
$mc{get}{$cmd} ="noArg" if(!$h->{write_only} || $h->{write_only} ne "true");
$mc{config}{$cmd} = $h;
$zwave_cmdArgs{set}{$cmd} = join(",", keys %{$h->{Item}}) if($h->{Item});
$zwave_cmdArgs{set}{$cmd} = "noArg" if($h->{type} eq "button");
$zwave_cmdArgs{get}{$cmd} = "noArg";
$zwave_modelConfig{$cfg} = \%mc;
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef if(!$hash);
my $mc = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "modelConfig", "");
ZWave_configParseModel($mc) if($mc && !$zwave_modelConfig{$mc});
return $zwave_modelConfig{$mc};
my ($hash, $type, $cmd, $fmt, @arg) = @_;
my $mc = ZWave_configGetHash($hash);
return ("", sprintf($fmt, @arg)) if(!$mc);
my $h = $mc->{config}{$cmd};
return ("", sprintf($fmt, @arg)) if(!$h);
return ("", sprintf("05%02x", $h->{index})) if($type eq "get");
my $t = $h->{type};
if($t eq "list") {
my $v = $h->{Item}{$arg[0]};
return ("Unknown parameter $arg[0] for $cmd, use one of ".
join(",", keys %{$h->{Item}}), "") if(!$v);
return ("", sprintf("04%02x01%02x", $h->{index}, $v));
if($t eq "button") {
return ("", sprintf("04%02x01%02x", $h->{index}, $h->{value}));
return ("Parameter is not decimal", "") if($arg[0] !~ m/^[0-9]+$/);
if($t eq "short") {
return ("", sprintf("04%02x02%04x", $h->{index}, $arg[0]));
if($t eq "byte") {
return ("", sprintf("04%02x01%02x", $h->{index}, $arg[0]));
return ("", sprintf("04%02x01%02x", $h->{index}, $arg[0]));
my ($hash, $cmdId, $val) = @_;
$val = hex($val);
$cmdId = hex($cmdId);
my $mc = ZWave_configGetHash($hash);
return "config_$cmdId:$val" if(!$mc);
my $h = $mc->{config};
foreach my $cmd (keys %{$h}) {
if($h->{$cmd}{index} == $cmdId) {
my $hi = $h->{$cmd}{Item};
if($hi) {
foreach my $item (keys %{$hi}) {
return "$cmd:$item" if($hi->{$item} == $val);
return "$cmd:$val";
return "config_$cmdId:$val";
my ($hash, $cl, $type) = @_;
my $ptr = $zwave_class{$cl}{$type}
if($zwave_class{$cl} && $zwave_class{$cl}{$type});
if($cl eq "CONFIGURATION" && $type ne "parse") {
my $mc = ZWave_configGetHash($hash);
if($mc) {
my $mcp = $mc->{$type};
my %nptr = ();
map({$nptr{$_} = $ptr->{$_}} keys %{$ptr});
map({$nptr{$_} = $mcp->{$_}} keys %{$mcp});
$ptr = \%nptr;
my $modelId = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "modelId", "");
$modelId = $zwave_modelIdAlias{$modelId} if($zwave_modelIdAlias{$modelId});
my $p = $zwave_deviceSpecial{$modelId};
$ptr = $p->{$cl}{$type} if($p && $p->{$cl} && $p->{$cl}{$type});
return $ptr;
# 0004000a03250300 (sensor binary off for id 11)
# { ZWave_Parse($defs{zd}, "0004000c028407", "") }
my ($iodev, $msg, $srcCmd) = @_;
my $homeId = $iodev->{homeId};
my $ioName = $iodev->{NAME};
if(!$homeId) {
Log3 $ioName, 1, "ERROR: $ioName homeId is not set!"
$iodev->{errReported} = 1;
return "";
if($msg =~ m/^01(..)(..*)/) { # 01==ANSWER
my ($cmd, $arg) = ($1, $2);
$cmd = $zw_func_id{$cmd} if($zw_func_id{$cmd});
if($cmd eq "ZW_SEND_DATA") {
Log3 $ioName, 2, "ERROR: cannot SEND_DATA: $arg" if($arg != 1);
return "";
Log3 $ioName, 4, "$ioName: unhandled ANSWER: $cmd $arg";
return "";
if($msg !~ m/^00(..)(..)(..)(.*)/) { # 00=REQUEST
Log3 $ioName, 4, "$ioName: UNKNOWN msg $msg";
return "";
my ($cmd, $callbackid, $id, $arg) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$cmd = $zw_func_id{$cmd} if($zw_func_id{$cmd});
# Controller commands
my $evt;
Log3 $ioName, 4, "$ioName CMD:$cmd ID:$id ARG:$arg";
if($cmd eq 'ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK' ||
my @vals = ("learnReady", "nodeFound", "slave",
"controller", "", "done", "failed");
$evt = ($id eq "00" || hex($id)>@vals+1) ? "unknownArg" : $vals[hex($id)-1];
if($evt eq "slave" &&
$arg =~ m/(..)....(..)..(.*)$/) {
my ($id,$type6,$classes) = ($1, $2, $3);
return ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes)
if($cmd eq 'ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK');
} elsif($cmd eq "ZW_APPLICATION_UPDATE" && $arg =~ m/....(..)..(.*)$/) {
my ($type6,$classes) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $ret = ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes);
my $hash = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
if($hash && $hash->{WakeUp} && @{$hash->{WakeUp}}) { # Always the base hash
IOWrite($hash, "00", shift @{$hash->{WakeUp}});
if(!$ret) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "CMD", $cmd, 1); # forum:20884
return $hash->{NAME};
return $ret;
} elsif($cmd eq "ZW_SEND_DATA") {
if($id ne "00") {
Log3 $ioName, 2, "$ioName ERROR: SEND_DATA returned $id";
} else {
return "";
if ($id eq "21") {
$evt = 'started';
} elsif ($id eq "22") {
$evt = 'done';
} elsif ($id eq "23") {
$evt = 'failed';
} else {
$evt = 'unknown'; # should never happen
if($evt) {
return "$cmd $evt" if($srcCmd);
DoTrigger($ioName, "$cmd $evt");
Log3 $ioName, 4, "$ioName $cmd $evt";
return "";
# device messages
Log3 $ioName, 4, "$ioName unhandled command $cmd";
return ""
my $baseHash;
if($arg =~ /^..600d(..)(..)(.*)/) { # MULTI_CHANNEL CMD_ENCAP
$baseHash = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
$id = "$id$1";
$arg = sprintf("%02x$3", length($3)/2);
my $hash = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
$baseHash = $hash if(!$baseHash);
if(!$hash) {
$id = hex($id);
Log3 $ioName, 3, "Unknown ZWave device $homeId $id, please define it";
return "";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @event;
my @args = ($arg); # MULTI_CMD handling
while(@args) {
$arg = shift(@args);
return if($arg !~ m/^..(..)/);
my $class = $1;
my $className = $zwave_id2class{lc($class)} ?
$zwave_id2class{lc($class)} : "UNKNOWN_".uc($class);
if($className eq "MULTI_CMD") {
my ($ncmd, $off) = (0, 4);
while(length($arg) > $off*2) {
my $l = hex(substr($arg, $off*2, 2))+1;
push @args, substr($arg, $off*2, $l*2);
$off += $l;
my $ptr = ZWave_getHash($hash, $className, "parse");
if(!$ptr) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: Unknown message ($className $arg)";
foreach my $k (keys %{$ptr}) {
if($arg =~ m/$k/) {
my $val = $ptr->{$k};
$val = eval $val if(index($val, '$') >= 0);
push @event, $val;
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: $className $arg generated no event"
my $wu = $baseHash->{WakeUp};
if($wu && @{$wu}) {
shift @{$wu} if($wu->[0] eq "");
IOWrite($hash, "00", shift @{$wu}) if(@{$wu});
$baseHash->{lastMsgTimestamp} = time();
return "" if(!@event);
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@event); $i++) {
next if($event[$i] eq "");
my ($vn, $vv) = split(":", $event[$i], 2);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $vn, $vv);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "reportedState", $vv)
if($vn eq "state"); # different from set
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return join("\n", @event) if($srcCmd);
return $name;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $homeId = $hash->{homeId};
my $id = $hash->{id};
delete $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
return undef;
# Show the help from the device.xml, if the correct entry is selected
my ($d,$cmd) = @_;
my $mc = ZWave_configGetHash($defs{$d});
return "" if(!$mc);
my $h = $mc->{config}{$cmd};
return "" if(!$h || !$h->{Help});
return "Help for $cmd:<br>".$h->{Help}."<br><br>";
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
return "<div id=\"Help_$d\" class=\"help\"></div>".<<JSEND
<script type="text/javascript">
var oldHelp={};
var helpDiv=document.querySelector("#Help_$d");
setTimeout(function() { // Wait for it to appear, thn move it
var w=document.querySelector("div.makeTable.wide");
}, 200);
function helpSet(val) { helpDiv.innerHTML=val; }
var sel = document.querySelector("select."+name);
var newVal = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
if(oldHelp[name] && oldHelp[name] != newVal) {
FW_queryValue('{ZWave_helpFn("$d","'+newVal+'")}', 'helpSet("%")', '');
oldHelp[name] = newVal;
setInterval(function() {
}, 300);
# 2-byte signed hex
my ($p) = @_;
$p = hex($p);
return ($p > 32767 ? -(65536-$p) : $p);
=begin html
<a name="ZWave"></a>
This module is used to control ZWave devices via FHEM, see <a
href="http://www.z-wave.com">www.z-wave.com</a> on details for this device family.
This module is a client of the <a href="#ZWDongle">ZWDongle</a> module, which
is directly attached to the controller via USB or TCP/IP.
<a name="ZWavedefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; ZWave &lt;homeId&gt; &lt;id&gt; [classes]</code>
&lt;homeId&gt; is the homeId of the controller node, and id is the id of the
slave node in the network of this controller.<br>
classes is a hex-list of ZWave device classes. This argument is usually
specified by autocreate when creating a device. If you wish to manually
create a device, use the classes attribute instead, see below for details.
Defining a ZWave device the first time is usually done by autocreate.
<code>define lamp ZWave 00ce2074 9</code><br>
Note: the sets/gets/generated events of a gven node depend on the classes
supported by this node. If a node supports 3 classes, then the union of
these sets/gets/events will be available for this node.<br>
Commands for battery operated nodes will be queues internally, and sent when
the node sends a message. Answer to get commands appear then as events, the
corresponding readings will be updated.
<a name="ZWaveset"></a>
<b>Note</b>: devices with on/off functionality support the <a
href="#setExtensions"> set extensions</a>.
<br><br><b>Class ASSOCIATION</b>
<li>associationAdd groupId nodeId ...<br>
Add the specified list of nodeIds to the assotion group groupId.<br> Note:
upon creating a fhem-device for the first time fhem will automatically add
the controller to the first association group of the node corresponding to
the fhem device, i.e it issues a "set name associationAdd 1
<li>associationDel groupId nodeId ...<br>
Remove the specified list of nodeIds from the assotion group groupId.</li>
<br><br><b>Class BASIC</b>
<li>basicValue value<br>
Send value (0-255) to this device. The interpretation is device dependent,
e.g. for a SWITCH_BINARY device 0 is off and anything else is on.</li>
<br><br><b>Class CONFIGURATION</b>
<li>configByte cfgAddress 8bitValue<br>
configWord cfgAddress 16bitValue<br>
configLong cfgAddress 32bitValue<br>
Send a configuration value for the parameter cfgAddress. cfgAddress and
value is node specific.<br>
Note: if the model is set (see MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC get), then more
specific config commands are available.</li>
<li>configDefault cfgAddress<br>
Reset the configuration parameter for the cfgAddress parameter to its
default value. See the device documentation to determine this value.</li>
<br><br><b>Class INDICATOR</b>
switch the indicator on</li>
switch the indicator off</li>
<li>indicatorDim value<br>
takes values from 1 to 99.
If the indicator does not support dimming. It is interpreted as on.</li>
drive blinds to position %</li>
drive slat to position %</li>
<br><br><b>Class PROTECTION</b>
device is unprotected</li>
device is protected</li>
device can be operated, if a certain sequence is keyed.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_ALL</b>
the device does not react to swaOn and swaOff commands</li>
the device reacts to the swaOff command
but does not react to the swaOn command</li>
the device reacts to the swaOn command
but does not react to the swaOff command</li>
the device reacts to the swaOn and swaOff commands</li>
sends the all on command to the device</li>
sends the all off command to the device.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_BINARY</b>
switch the device on</li>
switch the device off</li>
activate/deactivate the reporting of device state changes to the
association group.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</b>
<li>on, off, reportOn, reportOff<br>
the same as for SWITCH_BINARY.</li>
<li>dim value<br>
dim to the requested value (0..100)</li>
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_ACTIVATION</b>
activate settings for a specific scene.
Parameters are: sceneId, dimmingDuration (00..ff)
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF</b>
set configuration for a specific scene.
Parameters are: sceneId, dimmingDuration, finalValue (00..ff)
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_CONTROLLER_CONF</b>
set configuration for a specific scene.
Parameters are: groupId, sceneId, dimmingDuration.
<br><br><b>Class THERMOSTAT_MODE</b>
set the thermostat mode to off, cooling, heating or manual.
<br><br><b>Class THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT</b>
<li>setpointHeating value<br>
set the thermostat to heat to the given value.
The value is a whole number and read as celsius.
<li>setpointCooling value<br>
set the thermostat to heat to the given value.
The value is a whole number and read as celsius.
<br><br><b>Class WAKE_UP</b>
<li>wakeupInterval value<br>
Set the wakeup interval of battery operated devices to the given value in
seconds. Upon wakeup the device sends a wakeup notification.</li>
put a battery driven device into sleep mode. </li>
<a name="ZWaveget"></a>
<br><br><b>Class ALARM</b>
<li>alarm alarmId<br>
return the value for alarmId. The value is device specific.
<br><br><b>Class ASSOCIATION</b>
<li>association groupId<br>
return the list of nodeIds in the association group groupId in the form:<br>
assocGroup_X:Max Y, Nodes id,id...
<br><b>Class BASIC</b>
return the status of the node as basicReport:XY. The value (XY) depends on
the node, e.g a SWITCH_BINARY device report 00 for off and FF (255) for on.
<br><br><b>Class BATTERY</b>
return the charge of the battery in %, as battery:value %
<br><br><b>Class CONFIGURATION</b>
<li>config cfgAddress<br>
return the value of the configuration parameter cfgAddress. The value is
device specific.<br>
Note: if the model is set (see MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC get), then more
specific config commands are available.
report the current status (temperature, etc)
report the supported status fields as a bitfield.
<br><br><b>Class INDICATOR</b>
return the indicator status of the node, as indState:on, indState:off or
indState:dim value.
Fibaro FGRM-222: return the blinds position and slat angle.
<br><br><b>Class MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC</b>
return the manufacturer specific id (16bit),
the product type (16bit)
and the product specific id (16bit).<br>
Note: if the openzwave xml files are installed, then return the name of the
manufacturer and of the product. This call is also necessary to decode more
model specific configuration commands and parameters.
<br><br><b>Class METER</b>
request the meter report.
request the power report (Philio PHI_PAN04 only)
request the voltage report (Philio PHI_PAN04 only)
request the current report (Philio PHI_PAN04 only)
<br><br><b>Class MULTI_CHANNEL</b>
return the list of endpoints available, e.g.:<br>
mcEndpoints: total 2, identical
<li>mcCapability chid<br>
return the classes supported by the endpoint/channel chid. If the channel
does not exists, create a FHEM node for it. Example:<br>
<b>Note:</b> This is the best way to create the secondary nodes of a
MULTI_CHANNEL device. The device is only created for channel 2 or greater.
<br><br><b>Class PROTECTION</b>
returns the protection state. It can be on, off or seq.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_ALARM</b>
<li>alarm alarmType<br>
return the nodes alarm status of the requested alarmType. 00 = GENERIC,
01 = SMOKE, 02 = CO, 03 = CO2, 04 = HEAT, 05 = WATER, ff = returns the
nodes first supported alarm type.
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_BINARY</b>
return the status of the node, as state:open or state:closed.
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_MULTILEVEL</b>
request data from the node (temperature/humidity/etc)
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_ALL</b>
return the switch-all mode of the node.
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_BINARY</b>
return the status of the node, as state:on or state:off.
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</b>
return the status of the node, as state:on, state:off or state:dim value.
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF</b>
returns the settings for a given scene. Parameter is sceneId
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_CONTROLLER_CONF</b>
returns the settings for a given group. Parameter is groupId
<br><br><b>Class THERMOSTAT_MODE</b>
request the mode
<br><br><b>Class THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT</b>
request the setpoint
request the climate control schedule override report
<br><br><b>Class VERSION</b>
return the version information of this node in the form:<br>
Lib A Prot x.y App a.b
<li>versionClass classId<br>
return the supported command version for the requested class
<br><br><b>Class WAKE_UP</b>
return the wakeup interval in seconds, in the form<br>
wakeupReport:interval seconds target id
<li>wakeupIntervalCapabilities (only versionClass 2)<br>
return the wake up interval capabilities in seconds, in the form<br>
wakeupIntervalCapabilitiesReport:min seconds max seconds default seconds
step seconds
<br><br><b>Class BASIC_WINDOW_COVERING</b>
Starts closing the window cover. Moving stops if blinds are fully colsed or
a coveringStop command was issued.
Starts opening the window cover. Moving stops if blinds are fully open or
a coveringStop command was issued.
Stop moving the window cover. Blinds are partially open (closed).
<a name="ZWaveattr"></a>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#dummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li><a href="#classes">classes</a>
This attribute is needed by the ZWave module, as the list of the possible
set/get commands depends on it. It contains a space separated list of
class names (capital letters).
<a name="ZWaveevents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
<br><br><b>Class ALARM</b>
<li>alarm_type_X:level Y</li>
<br><br><b>Class ASSOCIATION</b>
<li>assocGroup_X:Max Y Nodes A,B,...</li>
<br><b>Class BASIC</b>
<br><br><b>Class BATTERY</b>
<li>battery:chargelevel %</li>
<br><br><b>Class CLOCK</b>
<br><br><b>Class CONFIGURATION</b>
Note: if the model is set (see MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC get), then more
specific config messages are available.</li>
<br><br><b>Class HRV_STATUS</b>
<li>outdoorTemperature: %0.1f C</li>
<li>supplyAirTemperature: %0.1f C</li>
<li>exhaustAirTemperature: %0.1f C</li>
<li>dischargeAirTemperature: %0.1f C</li>
<li>indoorTemperature: %0.1f C</li>
<li>indoorHumidity: %s %</li>
<li>remainingFilterLife: %s %</li>
<li>supportedStatus: <list of supported stati></li>
<br><br><b>Class INDICATOR</b>
<li>indState:[on|off|dim value]</li>
<li>position:Blinds [%] Slat [%]</li>
<br><br><b>Class MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC</b>
<li>modelId:hexValue hexValue hexValue</li>
<li>model:manufacturerName productName</li>
<br><br><b>Class METER</b>
<li>energy:val [kWh|kVAh|pulseCount]</li>
<li>gas:val [m3|feet3|pulseCount]</li>
<li>water:val [m3|feet3|USgallons|pulseCount]</li>
<li>power:val W</li>
<br><br><b>Class MULTI_CHANNEL</b>
<li>endpoints:total X $dynamic $identical</li>
<li>mcCapability_X:class1 class2 ...</li>
<br><br><b>Class PROTECTION</b>
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_ALARM</b>
<li>alarm_type_X:level Y node $nodeID seconds $seconds</li>
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_BINARY</b>
<li>tamper:00|ff </li>
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_MULTILEVEL</b>
<li>temperature $val [C|F]</li>
<li>generalPurpose $val %</li>
<li>luminance $val [%|Lux]</li>
<li>power $val [W|Btu/h]</li>
<li>humidity $val %</li>
<li>velocity $val [m/s|mph]</li>
<li>direction $val</li>
<li>atmosphericPressure $val [kPa|inchHg]</li>
<li>barometricPressure $val [kPa|inchHg]</li>
<li>solarRadiation $val W/m2</li>
<li>dewpoint $val [C|F]</li>
<li>rain $val [mm/h|in/h]</li>
<li>tideLevel $val [m|feet]</li>
<li>weight $val [kg|pound]</li>
<li>voltage $val [V|mV]</li>
<li>current $val [A|mA]</li>
<li>CO2-level $val ppm</li>
<li>airFlow $val [m3/h|cfm]</li>
<li>tankCapacity $val [l|cbm|usgal]</li>
<li>distance $val [m|cm|feet]</li>
<li>anglePosition $val [%|relN|relS]</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_ALL</b>
<li>swa:[none|on|off|on off]</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_BINARY</b>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</b>
<li>state:dim value</li>
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_ACTIVATION</b>
<li>scene_Id:level finalValue</li>
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF</b>
<li>scene_Id:level dimmingDuration finalValue</li>
<br><br><b>Class SCENE_CONTROLLER_CONF</b>
<li>group_Id:scene dimmingDuration</li>
<br><br><b>Class THERMOSTAT_MODE</b>
<br><br><b>Class THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT</b>
<li>temperature:$temp [C|F] [heating|cooling]</li>
<li>ccsOverride:[no|temporary|permanent], [frost protection|energy saving|unused]</li>
<br><br><b>Class VERSION</b>
<li>version:Lib A Prot x.y App a.b</li>
<br><br><b>Class WAKE_UP</b>
<li>wakeupReport:interval:X target:Y</li>
<li>wakeupIntervalCapabilitiesReport:min W max X default Y step Z</li>
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