mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:56:55 +00:00
2520 lines
110 KiB
Executable File
2520 lines
110 KiB
Executable File
# $Id$
# - be able to use type "default" to let read from attr
# - forceType/forceDevice in user parameters
# - implement default messages in RESIDENTS using msg command
# - queue message until recipient is available again (e.g. when absent)
# also see https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,69683.0.html
# - new msgType "queue"
# - escalation to type "queue" when n/a
# - automatically trigger to release queue messages by arriving at home
# - allow some other ? to only reach people when they are at home
# - if ROOMMATE is asleep, queue message for next day
# (usefull escalate for screen with PostMe?)
# - delivery options as attributes (like ! or ? to gateways, devices or types)
# - all messages should be queued and then delivered so a timer may come back
# and check the gateway device for successful delivery
# - fix readings: store texts with \x{0000} notation
# - end user documentation / commandref !!
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Encode;
use utf8;
# initialize ##################################################################
sub MSG_Initialize($$) {
my %hash = (
Fn => "CommandMsg",
Hlp =>
"[<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message-text>",
$cmds{msg} = \%hash;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/msgSchema.pm";
# regular Fn ##################################################################
sub CommandMsg($$;$$);
sub CommandMsg($$;$$) {
my ( $cl, $msg, $testMode ) = @_;
my $return = "";
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a ) = ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($msg) );
$msg = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
# find existing msgConfig device or create a new instance
my $globalDevName = "globalMsg";
if ( defined( $modules{msgConfig}{defptr} ) ) {
$globalDevName = $modules{msgConfig}{defptr}{NAME};
else {
fhem "define $globalDevName msgConfig";
$return .=
"Global configuration device $globalDevName was created.\n\n";
if ( $msg eq "" || $msg =~ /^\?[\s\t ]*$/ || $msg eq "help" ) {
return $return
. "Usage: msg [<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message>";
# default settings
my $cmdSchema = msgSchema::get();
my $settings = {
audio => {
typeEscalation => {
gwUnavailable => 'text',
emergency => 'text',
residentGone => 'text',
residentAbsent => 'text',
light => {
typeEscalation => {
gwUnavailable => 'audio',
emergency => 'audio',
residentGone => 'audio',
residentAbsent => 'audio',
push => {
typeEscalation => {
gwUnavailable => 'mail',
emergency => 'mail',
screen => {
typeEscalation => {
gwUnavailable => 'light',
emergency => 'light',
residentGone => 'light',
residentAbsent => 'light',
### extract message details
my ( $msgA, $params ) = parseParams($msg, "[^\\S\\n]", " ");
# only use output from parseParams when
# parameters where found
if ( ref($params) eq "HASH" && keys %$params ) {
if ( scalar @$msgA > 0 ) {
$msg = join( " ", @$msgA );
else {
$msg = "";
if ( defined( $params->{msgText} ) ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5,
"msg: Adding message text from given user parameters";
$msg .= " " unless ( $msg eq "" );
$msg .= $params->{msgText};
delete $params->{msgText};
return $return
. "Usage: msg [<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message>"
if ( $msg =~ m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ );
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: Extracted user parameters\n" . Dumper($params)
if ( ref($params) eq "HASH" && keys %$params );
my $types = "";
my $recipients = "";
my $priority = "";
my $title = "-";
my $priorityCat = "";
# check for message types
if ( $params->{msgType} ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given types=$params->{msgType}";
$types = $params->{msgType};
$types =~ s/[\s\t ]+//g;
delete $params->{msgType};
elsif ( $msg =~
s/^[\s\t ]*([a-z,]*!?(screen|light|audio|text|push|mail|queue)[\w,!?&|]*)[\s\t ]+//i
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found types=$1"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
$types = $1;
# programatic exception:
# e.g. recipients were given automatically from empty readings
if (
$msg =~ m/^[\s\t ]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([,\-:|]+)))[\s\t ]+/
|| ( $params->{msgRcpt}
&& $params->{msgRcpt} =~
m/^[\s\t ]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([,\-:|]+)))[\s\t ]+/ )
Log3 $globalDevName, 4,
"msg: message won't be sent - recipient '$1' contains special"
. " characters like ',-:|' or behind the @ character is simply"
. " emptiness. This might be okay, e.g. if you are using something"
. " like a reading from RESIDENTS/ROOMMATE/GUEST to address present"
. " or absent residents and this list is simply empty at this time."
. " ($msg)";
# check for given recipients
if ( $params->{msgRcpt} ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given recipient=$params->{msgRcpt}";
$recipients = $params->{msgRcpt};
$recipients =~ s/[\s\t ]+//g;
delete $params->{msgRcpt};
elsif ( $msg =~
s/^[\s\t ]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]+))[\w,@.!?|:]*)[\s\t ]+//
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found recipient=$1"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
$recipients = $1;
# check for given priority
if ( defined( $params->{msgPrio} ) ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given priority=$params->{msgPrio}";
$priority = $params->{msgPrio};
$priority =~ s/[\s\t ]+//g;
delete $params->{msgPrio};
elsif ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t ]*([-+]{0,1}\d+[\.\d]*)[\s\t ]*// ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found priority=$1"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
$priority = $1;
$priority = int($priority) if ( $priority =~ /^[-+]{0,1}\d+\.\d*$/ );
return "Invalid priority $priority: Needs to be an integer value"
unless ( $priority eq "" || $priority =~ /^[-+]{0,1}\d+$/ );
# check for given message title
if ( defined( $params->{msgTitle} ) ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: given title=$params->{msgTitle}";
$title = $params->{msgTitle};
$title =~ s/^[\s\t ]*\|(.*?)\|[\s\t ]*/$1/;
delete $params->{msgTitle};
elsif ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t ]*\|(.*?)\|[\s\t ]*// ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found title=$1"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
$title = $1;
# check for user parameters (DEPRECATED / legacy compatibility only)
if ( $msg =~ s/[\s\t ]*O(\[\{.*\}\])[\s\t ]*$// ) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5, "msg: found options=$1"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
# Use JSON module if possible
eval {
require JSON::PP;
import JSON::PP qw( decode_json );
if ($@) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 3,
"msg: Error loading JSON::PP. "
. "Please switch to new syntax to use user parameters";
else {
Log3 $globalDevName, 4,
"msg: Please switch to new syntax to use user parameters";
my $o;
eval '$o = decode_json( encode_utf8($1) ); 1';
if ($@) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 5,
"msg: Error decoding JSON for user parameters: $@";
elsif ( ref($o) eq "ARRAY" ) {
for my $item (@$o) {
next unless ( ref($item) eq "HASH" );
for my $key ( keys(%$item) ) {
next if ( ref( $item->{$key} ) );
my $val = $item->{$key};
$params->{$key} = $item->{$key}
unless ( $params->{$key} );
Log3 $globalDevName, 5,
"msg: Decoded user parameters\n" . Dumper($params)
if ($params);
$types = "default"
if ( $types eq "" );
my $msgSent = 0;
my $forwarded = "";
my %sentTypesPerDevice;
my $sentCounter = 0;
my $msgID = time();
my $msgDateTime = TimeNow();
my $isTypeOr = 1;
my $isRecipientOr = 1;
my $hasTypeOr = 0;
my $hasRecipientOr = 0;
my $softFail = 0;
$recipients = "\@" . $globalDevName if ( $recipients eq "" );
### recipient loop
my @recipientsOr = split( /\|/, $recipients );
Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
"msg: recipientOr total is " . scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr )
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
for (
my $iRecipOr = 0 ;
$iRecipOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) ;
Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
"msg: "
. "running loop recipientsOr for recipient(s) $recipientsOr[$iRecipOr]"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
my $loopReturn1 = "";
$hasRecipientOr = 1
if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) > 1 );
my @recipient = split( /,/, $recipientsOr[$iRecipOr] );
foreach my $device (@recipient) {
Log3 $globalDevName, 6, "msg: running loop for device $device"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
my $loopReturn2 = "";
### type loop
my @typesOr = split( /\|/, $types );
Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
"msg: typeOr total is " . scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr )
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
for (
my $iTypesOr = 0 ;
$iTypesOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) ;
Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
"msg: running loop typeOr for type(s) $typesOr[$iTypesOr]"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
my $loopReturn3 = "";
$hasTypeOr = 1
if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) > 1 );
my @type = split( /,/, lc( $typesOr[$iTypesOr] ) );
for (
my $i = 0 ;
$i < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @type ) ;
Log3 $globalDevName, 6,
"msg: running loop for type $type[$i]"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
last unless ( defined( $type[$i] ) );
# check for correct type
my @msgCmds = (
"screen", "light", "audio", "text",
"push", "mail", "queue", "default"
unless ( grep { $type[$i] =~ /^$_/i } @msgCmds ) {
$loopReturn3 .= "Unknown message type $type[$i]\n";
### /type loop
my @unavailabilityIndicators = (
"0", "false",
"absent", "disappeared",
"unauthorized", "unavailable",
"unreachable", "disconnected"
my $logDevice;
$logDevice = $globalDevName;
$logDevice = $device
if (
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "verbose", undef, undef ) );
my $msgSentDev = 0;
my $gatewayDevs = "";
my $forceDevice = 0;
my $forceQueue = 0;
# for device type
my $deviceType = "device";
if ( $device =~
m/^(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])+@+([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]*))$/ )
$gatewayDevs = $1;
$deviceType = "email";
elsif ( $device =~
m/^@?([A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)([^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)[\s\t ]*$/
$device = $1;
foreach ( split( /(\S)/, $2 ) ) {
$forceDevice = 1 if ( $_ eq "!" );
$softFail = 1 if ( $_ eq "?" );
$forceQueue = 1 if ( $_ eq "&" );
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: forceDevice=$forceDevice (from device contact)"
if ($forceDevice);
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: softFail=$softFail (from device contact)"
if ($softFail);
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: forceQueue=$forceQueue (from device contact)"
if ($forceQueue);
elsif ( $device =~ /^@(.*)/ ) {
$device = $1;
# sub-recipient
my $subRecipient = "";
my $termRecipient = "";
if ( $device =~
$device = $1;
$subRecipient = $2;
$termRecipient = $3;
# FATAL ERROR: device does not exist
if ( !IsDevice($device)
&& $deviceType eq "device" )
$loopReturn3 .= "Device $device does not exist\n"
unless ($softFail);
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 2,
"msg $device: Device does not exist"
unless ($softFail);
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: Device does not exist"
if ($softFail);
my $regex1 =
"\\s*!?@?" . $device . "[,|]"; # at the beginning
my $regex2 = "[,|]!?@?" . $device . "\\s*"; # at the end
my $regex3 =
",!?@?" . $device . ","; # in the middle with comma
my $regex4 =
. $device
. "[\|,]"; # in the middle with pipe and/or comma
$recipients =~ s/^$regex1//gi;
$recipients =~ s/$regex2$/|/gi;
$recipients =~ s/$regex3/,/gi;
$recipients =~ s/$regex4/|/gi;
# Find custom types for devices
if ( $type[$i] eq "default" ) {
delete $typesOr[$iTypesOr]
if ( $typesOr[$iTypesOr] eq "default" );
delete $type[$i];
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: msgType lookup for $device:";
my @t = split(
$device, "msgType", undef, "text"
$hasTypeOr = 1
if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @t ) > 1 );
foreach (@t) {
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: Adding to \@typesOr: $_";
push @typesOr, $_;
foreach ( split( /,/, lc($_) ) ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: Adding to \@type: $_";
push @type, $_;
my $forceType = 0;
if ( $type[$i] =~
m/^([A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)([^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+)[\s\t ]*$/ )
$type[$i] = $1;
foreach ( split( /(\S)/, $2 ) ) {
$forceType = 1 if ( $_ eq "!" );
$softFail = 1 if ( $_ eq "?" );
$forceQueue = 1 if ( $_ eq "&" );
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: forceType=$forceType (from type)"
if ($forceType);
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: softFail=$softFail (from type)"
if ($softFail);
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: forceQueue=$forceQueue (from type)"
if ($forceQueue);
# next type loop if device is an email address
# and this is not the mail type loop run
if ( $deviceType eq "email"
&& $type[$i] ne "mail"
&& $type[$i] ne "text" )
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "Skipping loop for device type 'email' with unmatched message type '"
. $type[$i] . "'";
my $typeUc = ucfirst( $type[$i] );
my $catchall = 0;
my $useLocation = 0;
### get target information from device location
# search for location references
my @locationDevs;
@locationDevs = split(
$device, "msgLocationDevs", $typeUc, ""
if ( $deviceType eq "device" ) {
# get device location
my $deviceLocation =
msgConfig_FindReadingsVal( $device, "location",
$typeUc, "" );
my $locationDev = "";
if ( $deviceLocation ne "" && $deviceType eq "device" )
# lookup matching location
foreach (@locationDevs) {
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($_) );
$_ = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
my $lName =
AttrVal( $_, "msgLocationName", "" );
if ( $lName ne "" && $lName eq $deviceLocation )
$locationDev = $_;
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($locationDev) );
$locationDev = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
# look for gateway device
$gatewayDevs =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $locationDev, "msgContact",
$typeUc, "" );
# at least one of the location gateways needs to
# be available. Otherwise we fall back to
# non-location contacts
if ( $gatewayDevs ne "" ) {
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0,
($gatewayDevs) );
$gatewayDevs = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
my $gatewayDevOr ( split /\|/, $gatewayDevs )
foreach my $gatewayDev ( split /,/,
$gatewayDevOr )
my $tmpSubRecipient;
if ( $gatewayDev =~ /:(.*)/ ) {
$tmpSubRecipient = $1;
if ( $type[$i] ne "mail"
&& !IsDevice($gatewayDev)
&& $deviceType eq "device" )
$useLocation = 2
if ( $useLocation == 0 );
elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail"
&& IsDisabled($gatewayDev) )
$useLocation = 2
if ( $useLocation == 0 );
elsif (
$type[$i] ne "mail"
&& (
grep {
) eq $_
} @unavailabilityIndicators
|| (
grep {
) eq $_
} @unavailabilityIndicators
|| (
&& defined(
&& (
grep {
{STATE} eq $_
} @unavailabilityIndicators
|| ReadingsVal(
$gatewayDev, "available",
) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i
|| ReadingsVal(
$gatewayDev, "reachable",
) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i
$useLocation = 2
if ( $useLocation == 0 );
else {
$useLocation = 1;
# use gatewayDevs from location only
# if it has been confirmed to be available
if ( $useLocation == 1 ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: "
. "Matching location definition found";
else {
$gatewayDevs = "";
### given device name is already a gateway device itself
my $deviceType2 = GetType($device);
if (
$gatewayDevs eq ""
&& $deviceType eq "device"
&& $deviceType2 ne ""
&& (
$type[$i] eq "audio" && defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
|| (
$type[$i] eq "light"
&& defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
|| (
$type[$i] eq "push"
&& defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
|| (
$type[$i] eq "screen"
&& defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
|| (
$type[$i] eq "queue"
&& defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$deviceType2}
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Recipient type $deviceType2 "
. "is a gateway device itself for message type "
. $type[$i]
. ". Still checking for any delegates ..."
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
$gatewayDevs =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgContact", $typeUc,
$device );
### get target information from device
elsif ( $deviceType eq "device" && $gatewayDevs eq "" ) {
# look for gateway device
$gatewayDevs =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgContact", $typeUc, "" );
# fallback/catchall
if ( $gatewayDevs eq "" ) {
$catchall = 1
if ( $device ne $globalDevName );
Log3 $logDevice, 6,
"msg $device: (No $typeUc contact defined, "
. "trying global instead)"
if ( $catchall == 1 );
$gatewayDevs =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgContact",
$typeUc, "" );
# Find priority if none was explicitly specified
my $loopPriority = $priority;
$loopPriority =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgPriority$typeUc", $typeUc,
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgPriority", $typeUc, 0 ) )
if ( $priority eq "" );
# check for available routes
my %routes;
$routes{screen} = 0;
$routes{light} = 0;
$routes{audio} = 0;
$routes{text} = 0;
$routes{push} = 0;
$routes{mail} = 0;
$routes{queue} = 1;
if (
|| ( $testMode ne "1"
&& $testMode ne "2" )
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: Checking for available routes "
. "(triggered by type $type[$i])";
$routes{screen} = 1
if (
$deviceType eq "device"
&& CommandMsg( "screen",
"screen \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 )
$routes{light} = 1
if (
$deviceType eq "device"
&& CommandMsg( "light",
"light \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 )
$routes{audio} = 1
if (
$deviceType eq "device"
&& CommandMsg( "audio",
"audio \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 )
if (
$deviceType eq "device"
&& CommandMsg( "push",
"push \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq
$routes{push} = 1;
$routes{text} = 1;
if (
CommandMsg( "mail",
"mail \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq
$routes{mail} = 1;
$routes{text} = 1;
$routes{mail} = 1
if ( $deviceType eq "email" );
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Available routes: screen="
. $routes{screen}
. " light="
. $routes{light}
. " audio="
. $routes{audio}
. " text="
. $routes{text}
. " push="
. $routes{push}
. " mail="
. $routes{mail};
### dynamic routing for text (->push, ->mail)
if ( $type[$i] eq "text" ) {
# user selected emergency priority text threshold
my $prioThresTextEmg =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioTextEmergency",
$typeUc, 2 );
# user selected low priority text threshold
my $prioThresTextNormal =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioTextNormal",
$typeUc, -2 );
# Decide push and/or e-mail destination based
# on priorities
if ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresTextEmg
&& $routes{push} == 1
&& $routes{mail} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Text routing decision: push+mail(1)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>push+mail";
push @type, "push"
unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
push @type, "mail"
unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextEmg
&& $routes{push} == 1
&& $routes{mail} == 0 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Text routing decision: push(2)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>push";
push @type, "push"
unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextEmg
&& $routes{push} == 0
&& $routes{mail} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(3)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>mail";
push @type, "mail"
unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextNormal
&& $routes{push} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Text routing decision: push(4)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>push";
push @type, "push"
unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
elsif ($loopPriority >= $prioThresTextNormal
&& $routes{mail} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(5)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>mail";
push @type, "mail"
unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
elsif ( $routes{mail} == 1 ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(6)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>mail";
push @type, "mail"
unless grep { "mail" eq $_ } @type;
elsif ( $routes{push} == 1 ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Text routing decision: push(7)";
$forwarded .= ","
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= "text>push";
push @type, "push"
unless grep { "push" eq $_ } @type;
# FATAL ERROR: routing decision failed
else {
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Text routing FAILED - priority=$loopPriority push="
. $routes{push}
. " mail="
. $routes{mail};
$loopReturn3 .=
"ERROR: Could not find any Push or Mail contact "
. "for device $device - set attributes: msgContactPush "
. "| msgContactMail | msgContactText | msgRecipientPush "
. "| msgRecipientMail | msgRecipientText | msgRecipient\n";
# FATAL ERROR: we could not find any targets for
# user specified device...
if ( $gatewayDevs eq ""
&& $device ne $globalDevName )
$loopReturn3 .=
"ERROR: Could not find any $typeUc contact "
. "for device $device - set attributes: msgContact$typeUc | msgRecipient$typeUc | msgRecipient\n"
unless ( $type[$i] eq "queue" );
# FATAL ERROR: we could not find any targets at all
elsif ( $gatewayDevs eq "" ) {
$loopReturn3 .=
"ERROR: Could not find any general $typeUc contact. "
. "Please specify a destination device or set attributes in general msg configuration device $globalDevName : msgContact$typeUc | msgRecipient$typeUc | msgRecipient\n"
unless ( $type[$i] eq "queue" );
# user selected audio-visual announcement state
my $annState = ReadingsVal(
$device, "msgSwitcherDev", $typeUc, ""
"state", "long"
# user selected emergency priority audio threshold
my $prioThresAudioEmg =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioAudioEmergency",
$typeUc, 2 );
# user selected high priority audio threshold
my $prioThresAudioHigh =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioAudioHigh", $typeUc,
1 );
# user selected high priority threshold
my $prioThresHigh =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioHigh", $typeUc, 2 );
# user selected normal priority threshold
my $prioThresNormal =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioNormal", $typeUc, 0 );
if ( $type[$i] eq "audio" ) {
if ( $annState eq "long"
|| $forceType == 1
|| $forceDevice == 1
|| $loopPriority >= $prioThresAudioEmg )
$priorityCat = "";
elsif ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresAudioHigh ) {
$priorityCat = "ShortPrio";
else {
$priorityCat = "Short";
else {
if ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresHigh ) {
$priorityCat = "High";
elsif ( $loopPriority >= $prioThresNormal ) {
$priorityCat = "";
else {
$priorityCat = "Low";
# get resident presence information
my $residentDevState = "";
my $residentDevPresence = "";
# device
if ( ReadingsVal( $device, "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) {
$residentDevState = ReadingsVal( $device, "state", "" );
$residentDevPresence =
ReadingsVal( $device, "presence", "" );
# device indirect
if (
$residentDevState eq ""
|| $residentDevPresence eq ""
&& ReadingsVal(
AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ),
"presence", "-" ) ne "-"
$residentDevState =
AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ),
"state", "" )
if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
$residentDevPresence =
AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ),
"presence", "" )
if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );
# device indirect general
if (
$residentDevState eq ""
|| $residentDevPresence eq ""
&& ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ),
"presence", "-" ) ne "-"
$residentDevState =
ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ),
"state", "" )
if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
$residentDevPresence =
ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ),
"presence", "" )
if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );
# device explicit
if (
$residentDevState eq ""
|| $residentDevPresence eq ""
&& ReadingsVal(
AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
"presence", "-" ) ne "-"
$residentDevState =
AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
"state", "" )
if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
$residentDevPresence =
AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
"presence", "" )
if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );
# global indirect
if (
$residentDevState eq ""
|| $residentDevPresence eq ""
&& ReadingsVal(
$globalDevName, "msgRecipient$typeUc", ""
) ne "-"
$residentDevState = ReadingsVal(
$globalDevName, "msgRecipient$typeUc", ""
"state", ""
) if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
$residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal(
$globalDevName, "msgRecipient$typeUc", ""
) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );
# global indirect general
if (
$residentDevState eq ""
|| $residentDevPresence eq ""
&& ReadingsVal(
AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgRecipient", "" ),
"presence", "-" ) ne "-"
$residentDevState =
AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgRecipient", "" ),
"state", "" )
if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
$residentDevPresence =
AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgRecipient", "" ),
"presence", "" )
if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );
# global explicit
if (
$residentDevState eq ""
|| $residentDevPresence eq ""
&& ReadingsVal(
AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
"presence", "-" ) ne "-"
$residentDevState =
AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
"state", "" )
if ( $residentDevState eq "" );
$residentDevPresence =
AttrVal( $globalDevName, "msgResidentsDev", "" ),
"presence", "" )
if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" );
### Send message
my $queued = 0;
# user selected emergency priority text threshold
my $prioThresGwEmg =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgThPrioGwEmergency",
$typeUc, 2 );
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($gatewayDevs) );
$gatewayDevs = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
my %gatewaysStatus;
$gatewayDevs = $globalDevName if ( $type[$i] eq "queue" );
foreach my $gatewayDevOr ( split /\|/, $gatewayDevs ) {
foreach my $gatewayDev ( split /,/, $gatewayDevOr ) {
if ( $gatewayDev =~
$gatewayDev = $1;
$subRecipient = $2 if ( $subRecipient eq "" );
$termRecipient = $3 if ( $termRecipient eq "" );
my $logMsg =
"msg $device: "
. "Trying to send message via gateway $gatewayDev";
$logMsg .= " to recipient $subRecipient"
if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
$logMsg .= ", terminal device $termRecipient"
if ( $termRecipient ne "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 5, $logMsg
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
# check for gateway availability and set route status
my $routeStatus = "OK";
if ( $type[$i] eq "queue" ) {
$routeStatus = "OK_QUEUE";
elsif ($type[$i] ne "mail"
&& !IsDevice($gatewayDev)
&& $deviceType eq "device" )
$routeStatus = "UNDEFINED";
elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail"
&& IsDisabled($gatewayDev) )
$routeStatus = "DISABLED";
elsif (
$type[$i] ne "mail"
&& (
grep {
ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev,
"presence", "present" ) eq $_
} @unavailabilityIndicators
|| (
grep {
ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state",
"present" ) eq $_
} @unavailabilityIndicators
|| (
&& defined( $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} )
&& (
grep {
$defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} eq $_
} @unavailabilityIndicators
|| ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "available",
"yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i
|| ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable",
"yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|false)$/i
$routeStatus = "UNAVAILABLE";
elsif (
$type[$i] ne "mail"
&& (
ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "presence",
"present" ) =~
|| ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state",
"present" ) =~
|| ( IsDevice($gatewayDev)
&& defined( $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} )
&& $defs{$gatewayDev}{STATE} =~
|| ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "available",
"yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|off|false)$/i
|| ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable",
"yes" ) =~ m/^(0|no|off|false)$/i
$routeStatus = "UNAVAILABLE";
elsif ( $type[$i] eq "screen"
&& ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "power", "on" ) =~
m/^(0|off)$/i )
$routeStatus = "OFF";
elsif ($type[$i] eq "audio"
&& $annState ne "long"
&& $annState ne "short" )
$routeStatus = "USER_DISABLED";
elsif ( $type[$i] eq "light" && $annState eq "off" )
$routeStatus = "USER_DISABLED";
elsif ($type[$i] ne "push"
&& $type[$i] ne "mail"
&& $residentDevPresence eq "absent" )
$routeStatus = "USER_ABSENT";
elsif ($type[$i] ne "push"
&& $type[$i] ne "mail"
&& $residentDevState eq "asleep" )
$routeStatus = "USER_ASLEEP";
# enforce by user request
if (
$routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED"
|| $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT"
|| $routeStatus eq "USER_ASLEEP"
&& ( $forceType == 1 || $forceDevice == 1 )
$routeStatus = "OK_ENFORCED";
# enforce by priority
if (
$routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED"
|| $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT"
|| $routeStatus eq "USER_ASLEEP"
&& $loopPriority >= $prioThresGwEmg
$routeStatus = "OK_EMERGENCY";
# add location status
if ( $useLocation == 2 ) {
$routeStatus .= "+LOCATION-UNAVAILABLE";
elsif ( $useLocation == 1 ) {
$routeStatus .= "+LOCATION";
# # add to queue
# if (
# (
# $routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED"
# || $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT"
# || $routeStatus eq "USER_ASLEEP"
# )
# && $routeStatus !~ /^OK/
# && !$softFail
# )
# {
# $routeStatus .= "+QUEUE";
# }
my $gatewayType =
$type[$i] eq "mail"
? "fhemMsgMail"
: GetType( $gatewayDev, "UNDEFINED" );
my $defTitle = "";
$defTitle =
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
if (
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
&& $priorityCat ne ""
$defTitle =
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
if (
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
&& $priorityCat eq ""
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "Determined default title: $defTitle"
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" );
# use title from device, global or internal default
my $loopTitle = $title;
$loopTitle = MSG_FindAttrVal(
$device, "msgTitle",
$typeUc, $defTitle
) if ( $title eq "-" );
$loopTitle = ""
if ( $loopTitle eq "none"
|| $loopTitle eq "-" );
my $loopMsg = $msg;
if ( $catchall == 1 && $type[$i] ne "queue" ) {
$loopTitle = "Fw: $loopTitle"
if ( $loopTitle ne ""
&& $type[$i] !~ /^(audio|screen)$/ );
$loopMsg = "Forwarded Message: $loopMsg"
if ( $loopTitle eq "" );
if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" ) {
$loopMsg .=
"\n\n-- \nMail catched "
. "from device $device";
elsif ( $type[$i] !~ /^(audio|screen)$/ ) {
$loopMsg .=
" ### (Catched from device $device)";
my $loopMsgShrt =
defined( $params->{msgTextShrt} )
? $params->{msgTextShrt}
: $msg;
# correct message format
# Remove Sonos Speak commands
$loopMsg =~ s/(\s*\|\w+\|\s*)/\\n\\n/gi
if ( $type[$i] ne "audio" );
$loopMsgShrt =~ s/(\s*\|\w+\|\s*)/\\n\\n/gi
if ( $type[$i] ne "audio" );
# Replace new line with HTML break
# for e-mails
$loopMsg =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/gi
if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" );
$loopMsgShrt =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/gi
if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" );
# use command from device, global or internal default
my $defCmd = "";
$defCmd =
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
if (
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
&& $priorityCat ne ""
$defCmd =
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}{Normal}
if (
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
&& $priorityCat eq ""
my $cmd =
# gateway device
$gatewayDev, "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat",
$device, "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat",
$typeUc, $defCmd
if ( $cmd eq "" && $type[$i] ne "queue" ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"$gatewayDev: Unknown command schema "
. "for gateway device type $gatewayType. Use manual definition by userattr msgCmd*"
unless ( defined($testMode)
&& $testMode eq "1" );
$loopReturn3 .=
"$gatewayDev: Unknown command schema "
. "for gateway device type $gatewayType. Use manual definition by userattr msgCmd*\n";
# ReplaceSetMagic
my $replaceError;
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7 ) {
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a );
( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($loopTitle) );
$replaceError .=
"ReplaceSetMagic failed for TITLE: $err\n"
if ($err);
$loopTitle = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
if ( $subRecipient ne "" ) {
( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0,
($subRecipient) );
$replaceError .=
"ReplaceSetMagic failed "
. "for RECIPIENT: $err\n"
if ($err);
$subRecipient = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
if ( $termRecipient ne "" ) {
( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0,
($termRecipient) );
$replaceError .=
"ReplaceSetMagic failed "
. "for TERMINAL: $err\n"
if ($err);
$termRecipient = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
$cmd =~ s/%PRIORITY%/$loopPriority/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%PRIOCAT%/$priorityCat/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%MSG%/$loopMsg/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%MSGSHRT%/$loopMsgShrt/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%MSGID%/$msgID.$sentCounter/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%TITLE%/$loopTitle/gi;
my $loopTitleShrt =
defined( $params->{msgTitleShrt} )
? $params->{msgTitleShrt}
: MSG_FindAttrVal(
$device, "msgTitleShrt",
$typeUc, $loopTitle
$loopTitleShrt =
substr( $loopTitleShrt, 0, 37 ) . "..."
if ( length($loopTitleShrt) > 40 );
$cmd =~ s/%TITLESHRT%/$loopTitleShrt/gi;
$loopTitleShrt =~ s/ /_/;
$cmd =~ s/%TITLESHRT2%/$loopTitleShrt/gi;
$loopTitleShrt =~ s/^([\s\t ]*\w+).*/$1/g;
$loopTitleShrt =
substr( $loopTitleShrt, 0, 17 ) . "..."
if ( length($loopTitleShrt) > 20 );
$cmd =~ s/%TITLESHRT3%/$loopTitleShrt/gi;
my $deviceName = AttrVal(
AttrVal( $device, "rr_realname", "group" )
AttrVal( $device, "alias", $device )
my $deviceName2 = $deviceName;
$deviceName2 =~ s/ /_/;
$cmd =~ s/%SOURCE%/$device/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%SRCALIAS%/$deviceName/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%SRCALIAS2%/$deviceName2/gi;
my $gatewayDevName = AttrVal(
$gatewayDev, "rr_realname", "group"
AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "alias", $gatewayDev )
my $gatewayDevName2 = $gatewayDevName;
$gatewayDevName2 =~ s/ /_/;
$cmd =~ s/%DEVICE%/$gatewayDev/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%DEVALIAS%/$gatewayDevName/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%DEVALIAS2%/$gatewayDevName2/gi;
my $loopMsgDateTime = $msgDateTime;
$loopMsgDateTime .= ".$sentCounter"
if ($sentCounter);
my $loopMsgDateTime2 = $loopMsgDateTime;
$loopMsgDateTime2 =~ s/ /_/;
$cmd =~ s/%MSGDATETIME%/$loopMsgDateTime/gi;
$cmd =~ s/%MSGDATETIME2%/$loopMsgDateTime2/gi;
my $subRecipientName =
$subRecipient eq ""
? ""
: AttrVal(
$subRecipient, "rr_realname",
$subRecipient, "alias", $subRecipient
my $subRecipientName2 = $subRecipientName;
$subRecipientName2 =~ s/ /_/;
$cmd =~ s/%RECIPIENT%/$subRecipient/gi
if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
$cmd =~ s/%RCPTNAME%/$subRecipientName/gi
if ( $subRecipientName ne "" );
$cmd =~ s/%RCPTNAME2%/$subRecipientName2/gi
if ( $subRecipientName2 ne "" );
$cmd =~ s/%TERMINAL%/$termRecipient/gi
if ( $termRecipient ne "" );
my $paramsA;
unless ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) {
# user parameters from message
if ( ref($params) eq "HASH" ) {
for my $key ( keys %$params ) {
next if ( ref( $params->{$key} ) );
my $val = $params->{$key};
$cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
$cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: User parameters: "
. "replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";
# user parameters from attributes
my $paramsAttr1 =
AttrVal( $gatewayDev,
"msgParams$typeUc$priorityCat", undef );
my $paramsAttr2 =
AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "msgParams$typeUc",
undef );
my $paramsAttr3 =
AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "msgParams", undef );
my $paramsAttr4 =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device,
$typeUc, undef );
my $paramsAttr5 =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgParams$typeUc",
$typeUc, undef );
my $paramsAttr6 =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgParams",
$typeUc, undef );
foreach (
$paramsAttr1, $paramsAttr2, $paramsAttr3,
$paramsAttr4, $paramsAttr5, $paramsAttr6
next unless ($_);
if ( $_ =~ m/^{.*}$/s
&& $_ =~ m/=>/
&& $_ !~ m/\$/ )
my $av = eval $_;
if ($@) {
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ERROR while reading attribute msgParams";
else {
$paramsA = $av;
else {
my ( $a, $h ) = parseParams($_);
$paramsA = $h;
next unless ref($paramsA) eq "HASH";
if ( ref($paramsA) eq "HASH" ) {
for my $key ( keys %$paramsA ) {
next if ( ref( $params->{$key} ) );
my $val = $paramsA->{$key};
$cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
$cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "msgParams: replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";
# user parameters from command schema hash
if (
$priorityCat ne ""
&& defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
for my $item (
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
{defaultValues}{$priorityCat} )
for my $key ( keys(%$item) ) {
my $val = $item->{$key};
$cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
$cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "msgSchema: replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";
elsif (
$priorityCat eq ""
&& defined(
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
for my $item (
$cmdSchema->{ $type[$i] }{$gatewayType}
{defaultValues}{Normal} )
for my $key ( keys(%$item) ) {
my $val = $item->{$key};
$cmd =~ s/%$key%/$val/gi;
$cmd =~ s/\$$key/$val/g;
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "msgSchema: replacing %$key% and \$$key by '$val'";
if ( $routeStatus =~ /^OK\w*/ ) {
my $error = 0;
unless ( defined($testMode)
&& $testMode eq "1" )
# ReplaceSetMagic
if ( $featurelevel >= 5.7
&& !$replaceError )
my %dummy;
my ( $err, @a ) =
ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($cmd) );
$replaceError .=
"ReplaceSetMagic failed for CMD: "
. "$err\n"
if ($err);
$cmd = join( " ", @a )
unless ($err);
# add user parameters
# if gateway supports parseParams
my $gatewayDevType = GetType($gatewayDev);
if (
&& ref($params) eq "HASH"
&& ( $modules{$gatewayDevType}
|| $modules{$gatewayDevType}
|| $modules{$gatewayDevType}
->{'.msgParams'}{parseParams} )
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "parseParams support: Handing over user parameters to other device";
my ( $a, $h ) = parseParams($cmd);
keys %$params;
while ( ( my $key, my $value ) =
each %$params )
# Compatibility to legacy schema:
# lowercase after _
my $s = $gatewayDevType
. "[\_\/-]([A-Z0-9_-]+)";
$key =~ s/^$s$/\L$1/;
# remove gateway TYPE when
# used as prefix
$s = $gatewayDevType . "[_\/-]";
$key =~ s/^$s//;
$cmd .= " $key='$value'"
if ( !defined( $h->{$key} )
|| $h->{$key} =~
m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ );
keys %$paramsA;
while ( ( my $key, my $value ) =
each %$paramsA )
# Compatibility to legacy schema:
# lowercase after _
my $s = $gatewayDevType
. "[\_\/-]([A-Z0-9_-]+)";
$key =~ s/^$s$/\L$1/;
# remove gateway TYPE when
# used as prefix
$s = $gatewayDevType . "[_\/-]";
$key =~ s/^$s//;
$cmd .= " $key='$value'"
if ( !defined( $h->{$key} )
|| $h->{$key} =~
m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ );
# excplicitly queue message
if ( $routeStatus eq "OK_QUEUE" ) {
$queued = msgConfig_QueueAdd(
$msgA, $params,
$msgDateTime, $msgID,
$sentCounter, $type[$i],
$device, $subRecipient,
$termRecipient, $priority,
$loopTitle, $loopMsg
) ? 1 : 0;
# run command
elsif ($replaceError) {
$error = 2;
$loopReturn3 .= $replaceError;
elsif ( $cmd =~ /^\s*\{.*\}\s*$/ ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "$type[$i] route command (Perl): $cmd";
#eval $cmd;
my $ret = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $cmd);
unless ( !$ret || $ret =~ m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ )
$error = 1;
$loopReturn3 .= "$gatewayDev: $ret\n";
else {
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "$type[$i] route command (fhem): $cmd";
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef,$cmd);
unless ( !$ret
|| $ret =~ m/^[\s\t\n ]*$/ )
$error = 1;
$loopReturn3 .=
"$gatewayDev: $ret\n";
$routeStatus = "ERROR"
if ( $error == 1 );
$routeStatus = "ERROR_EVAL"
if ( $error == 2 );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority($priorityCat) "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
. "MSG='$loopMsg'"
if ( $priorityCat ne ""
&& $subRecipient ne "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
. "MSG='$loopMsg'"
if ( $priorityCat eq ""
&& $subRecipient ne "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority($priorityCat) "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
. "MSG='$loopMsg'"
if ( $priorityCat ne ""
&& $subRecipient eq "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' "
. "MSG='$loopMsg'"
if ( $priorityCat eq ""
&& $subRecipient eq "" );
$msgSent = 1 if ( $error == 0 );
$msgSentDev = 1 if ( $error == 0 );
if ( $subRecipient ne "" ) {
= $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
$gatewaysStatus{"$device:$subRecipient"} =
if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );
else {
$gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
$gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );
elsif ( $routeStatus =~ /\+QUEUE/ || $forceQueue ) {
unless ( defined($testMode)
&& $testMode eq "1" )
if ( !( grep { "queue" eq $_ } @type ) ) {
$queued = msgConfig_QueueAdd(
$msgA, $params,
$msgDateTime, $msgID,
$sentCounter, $type[$i],
$device, $subRecipient,
$termRecipient, $priority,
$loopTitle, $loopMsg
) ? 1 : 0;
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
if ( $subRecipient eq "" );
$msgSent = 3 if ( $msgSent != 1 );
$msgSentDev = 3 if ( $msgSentDev != 1 );
$gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
$gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );
elsif ($routeStatus eq "UNAVAILABLE"
|| $routeStatus eq "UNDEFINED" )
unless ( defined($testMode)
&& $testMode eq "1" )
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
if ( $subRecipient eq "" );
$gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
$gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );
else {
unless ( defined($testMode)
&& $testMode eq "1" )
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "RECIPIENT=$subRecipient "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
if ( $subRecipient ne "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 3,
"msg $device: "
. "ID=$msgID.$sentCounter "
. "TYPE=$type[$i] "
. "ROUTE=$gatewayDev "
. "STATUS=$routeStatus "
. "PRIORITY=$loopPriority "
. "TITLE='$loopTitle' '$loopMsg'"
if ( $subRecipient eq "" );
$msgSent = 2 if ( $msgSent != 1 );
$msgSentDev = 2 if ( $msgSentDev != 1 );
$gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName ne $gatewayDev );
$gatewaysStatus{$device} = $routeStatus
if ( $globalDevName eq $gatewayDev );
last if ( $msgSentDev == 1 || $msgSentDev == 3 );
# return if we are in routing target test mode
if ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) {
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "$type[$i] route check result: ROUTE_AVAILABLE"
if ( $loopReturn3 eq "" );
Log3 $logDevice, 5,
"msg $device: "
. "$type[$i] route check result: ROUTE_UNAVAILABLE"
if ( $loopReturn3 ne "" );
return "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" if ( $loopReturn3 eq "" );
return "ROUTE_UNAVAILABLE" if ( $loopReturn3 ne "" );
if ( $catchall == 0 ) {
if ( !defined( $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} ) ) {
$sentTypesPerDevice{$device} = "";
else {
$sentTypesPerDevice{$device} .= " ";
$sentTypesPerDevice{$device} .=
$type[$i] . ":" . $msgSentDev;
else {
if ( !defined( $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} ) ) {
$sentTypesPerDevice{$globalDevName} = "";
else {
$sentTypesPerDevice{$globalDevName} .= " ";
$sentTypesPerDevice{$globalDevName} .=
$type[$i] . ":" . $msgSentDev;
# update device readings
my $readingsDev = $defs{$device};
$readingsDev = $defs{$globalDevName}
if ( $catchall == 1 || $deviceType eq "email" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc,
$msg );
readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
"fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Title", $title );
readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
"fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Prio",
$loopPriority );
my $gwStates = "-";
keys %gatewaysStatus;
while ( ( my $gwName, my $gwState ) = each %gatewaysStatus )
$gwStates = "" if $gwStates eq "-";
$gwStates .= " " if $gwStates ne "-";
$gwStates .= "$gwName:$gwState";
readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
"fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Gw", $gwStates );
readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev,
"fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "State", $msgSentDev );
# suppress errors when there are still alternatives
if ( $hasTypeOr == 1
&& $isTypeOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) )
$loopReturn3 = "";
### Implicit forwards based on priority or presence
# Skip if typeOr is defined
# and this is not the last type entry
if ( $msgSentDev != 3
&& $msgSentDev != 1
&& $hasTypeOr == 1
&& $isTypeOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Skipping implicit forward due to typesOr definition";
# remove recipient from list to avoid
# other interaction when using recipientOr in parallel
if ( $hasRecipientOr == 1
&& $isRecipientOr <
scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) )
my $regex1 =
"\\s*!?@?" . $device . "[,|]"; # at the beginning
my $regex2 =
"[,|]!?@?" . $device . "\\s*"; # at the end
my $regex3 =
. $device
. ","; # in the middle with comma
my $regex4 =
. $device
. "[\|,]"; # in the middle with pipe and/or comma
$recipients =~ s/^$regex1//;
$recipients =~ s/$regex2$/|/gi;
$recipients =~ s/$regex3/,/gi;
$recipients =~ s/$regex4/|/gi;
# Skip if recipientOr is defined
# and this is not the last device entry
if ( $msgSentDev != 3
&& $msgSentDev != 1
&& $hasRecipientOr == 1
&& $isRecipientOr <
scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Skipping implicit forward due to recipientOr definition";
# Skip if softFail
elsif ( $msgSentDev != 3 && $msgSentDev != 1 && $softFail )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: Skipping implicit forward";
$loopReturn3 = "";
# priority forward thresholds
### emergency
my $msgFwPrioEmergency =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioEmergency$typeUc",
$typeUc, 2 );
### absent
my $msgFwPrioAbsent =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioAbsent$typeUc",
$typeUc, 0 );
### gone
my $msgFwPrioGone =
MSG_FindAttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioGone$typeUc",
$typeUc, 1 );
my $fw_gwUnavailable =
$settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{gwUnavailable}
? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{gwUnavailable}
: "";
my $fw_emergency =
$settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{emergency} )
? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{emergency}
: "";
my $fw_residentAbsent =
$settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentAbsent}
? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentAbsent}
: "";
my $fw_residentGone =
$settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentGone} )
? $settings->{ $type[$i] }{typeEscalation}{residentGone}
: "";
# Forward message
# if no gateway device for this type was available
if ( $msgSentDev == 0
&& $fw_gwUnavailable ne ""
&& !( grep { $fw_gwUnavailable eq $_ } @type )
&& $routes{$fw_gwUnavailable} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Implicit forwards: No $type[$i] gateway device available for recipient $device ($gatewayDevs). Trying alternative message type "
. $fw_gwUnavailable;
push @type, $fw_gwUnavailable;
$forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_gwUnavailable;
# Forward message
# if emergency priority
if ( $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioEmergency
&& $fw_emergency ne ""
&& !( grep { $fw_emergency eq $_ } @type )
&& $routes{$fw_emergency} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Implicit forwards: Escalating high priority $type[$i] message via "
. $fw_emergency;
push @type, $fw_emergency;
$forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_emergency;
# Forward message
# if high priority and residents are
# constantly not at home
if ( $residentDevPresence eq "absent"
&& $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioGone
&& $fw_residentGone ne ""
&& !( grep { $fw_residentGone eq $_ } @type )
&& $routes{$fw_residentGone} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Implicit forwards: Escalating high priority $type[$i] message via "
. $fw_residentGone;
push @type, $fw_residentGone;
$forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentGone;
# Forward message
# if priority is normal or higher and residents
# are not at home but nearby
if ( !$forceQueue
&& $residentDevState eq "absent"
&& $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioAbsent
&& $fw_residentAbsent ne ""
&& !( grep { $fw_residentAbsent eq $_ } @type )
&& $routes{$fw_residentAbsent} == 1 )
Log3 $logDevice, 4,
"msg $device: "
. "Implicit forwards: Escalating $type[$i] message via "
. $fw_residentAbsent
. " due to absence";
push @type, $fw_residentAbsent;
$forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" );
$forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentAbsent;
$loopReturn2 .= $loopReturn3 unless ($softFail);
last if ( $msgSent == 1 );
$loopReturn1 .= $loopReturn2;
$return .= $loopReturn1;
last if ( $msgSent == 1 );
# finalize device readings
keys %sentTypesPerDevice;
while ( ( my $device, my $types ) = each %sentTypesPerDevice ) {
$device = $globalDevName
if ( $device =~ /^(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])+@+([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]*))$/ );
readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgStateTypes", $types )
if ( $forwarded eq "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgStateTypes",
$types . " forwards:" . $forwarded )
if ( $forwarded ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgState", $msgSent );
readingsEndUpdate( $defs{$device}, 1 );
$return .= "However, message was still sent to some recipients!"
if ( $msgSent == 1 && $return ne "" );
$return .=
"FATAL ERROR: Message NOT sent. No gateway device was available."
if ( !$softFail && $msgSent == 2 );
return $return;
=item command
=item summary dynamic routing of messages to FHEM devices and modules
=item summary_DE dynamisches Routing für Nachrichten an FHEM Geräte und Module
=begin html
<a name="MSG"></a>
<code>msg [<type>] [<@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message></code>
No documentation here yet, sorry.<br>
<a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39983.0.html">FHEM Forum</a>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="MSG"></a>
<code>msg [<type>] [<@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message></code>
Bisher keine Dokumentation hier, sorry.<br>
<a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39983.0.html">FHEM Forum</a>
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 75_MSG.pm
"author": [
"Julian Pawlowski <julian.pawlowski@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"keywords": [
"audio router",
=end :application/json;q=META.json