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# $Id$Date: $
# 23_LUXTRONIK2.pm
# (c) 2012,2014 Torsten Poitzsch (torsten poitzsch at gmx . de)
# (c) 2012-2013 Jan-Hinrich Fessel (oskar at fessel . org)
# Copyright notice
# The modul reads and writes parameters of the heat pump controller
# Luxtronik 2.0 used in Alpha Innotec and Siemens Novelan (WPR NET) heat pumps.
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Blocking;
use IO::Socket;
use Time::HiRes qw/ time /;
use Net::Telnet;
sub LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticThermalPower ($$$$$$$$$);
sub LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMax ($$$);
sub LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$);
sub LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings ($$$$$$);
sub LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDelta ($$$$$) ;
sub LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($$$$$$$);
#List of firmware versions that are known to be compatible with this modul
my $testedFirmware = "#V1.51#V1.54C#V1.60#V1.61#V1.64#V1.69#V1.70#V1.73#V1.77#";
my $compatibleFirmware = "#V1.51#V1.54C#V1.60#V1.61#V1.64#V1.69#V1.70#V1.73#V1.77#";
sub ##########################################
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/LUXTRONIK2_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $hash;
Log3 $instName, $loglevel, "LUXTRONIK2 $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Undefine";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Notify";
$hash->{SetFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 ".
"allowSetParameter:0,1 ".
"autoSynchClock:slider,10,5,300 ".
"boilerVolumn ".
"heatPumpElectricalPowerFactor ".
"heatPumpElectricalPowerWatt ".
"heatRodElectricalPowerWatt ".
"compressor2ElectricalPowerWatt ".
"doStatistics:0,1 ".
"ignoreFirmwareCheck:0,1 ".
"statusHTML ".
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> LUXTRONIK2 <ip-address> [poll-interval]"
if(@a <3 || @a >4);
my $name = $a[0];
my $host = $a[2];
my $interval = 5*60;
$interval = $a[3] if(int(@a) == 4);
$interval = 30 if( $interval < 30 );
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initializing";
$hash->{HOST} = $host;
if ( $host =~ /(.*):(.*)/ ) {
$hash->{HOST} = $1;
$hash->{PORT} = $2;
$hash->{fhem}{portDefined} = 1;
else {
$hash->{HOST} = $host;
$hash->{PORT} = 8888;
$hash->{fhem}{portDefined} = 0;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
#Get first data after 10 seconds
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, "LUXTRONIK2_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
#Reset temporary values
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMax} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{alertFirmware} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpStep} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStep} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{modulVersion} = '$Date$';
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
return undef;
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_Notify(@) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# if ($dev->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})){
# housekeeping
# my %cleanUp = (
# delayDeviceTime => "delayDeviceTimeCalc",
# deviceTimeStartReadings => "deviceTimeCalc",
# heatingSummerMode => "heatingLimit",
# thresholdTemperatureSummerMode => "thresholdHeatingLimit",
# lastDeviceClockSynch => "deviceTimeLastSync",
# operatingHoursHeatPump => "counterHoursHeatPump",
# operatingHoursSecondHeatSource1 => "counterHours2ndHeatSource1",
# operatingHoursSecondHeatSource2 => "counterHours2ndHeatSource2",
# operatingHoursSecondHeatSource3 => "counterHours2ndHeatSource3",
# operatingHoursHeating => "counterHoursHeating",
# operatingHoursHotWater => "counterHoursHotWater",
# heatQuantityHeating => "counterHeatQHeating",
# heatQuantityHotWater => "counterHeatQHotWater",
# heatQuantityTotal => "counterHeatQTotal",
# currentOperatingStatus1 => "opStateHeatPump1",
# currentOperatingState1 => "opStateHeatPump1",
# currentOperatingStatus2 => "opStateHeatPump3",
# currentOperatingState2 => "opStateHeatPump2",
# currentOperatingState3 => "opStateHeatPump3",
# heatingOperatingMode => "opModeHeating",
# heatingOperatingState => "opStateHeating",
# hotWaterOperatingMode => "opModeHotWater",
# hotWaterStatus => "opStateHotWater",
# hotWaterState => "opStateHotWater",
# heatingSystemCirculationPump => "heatingSystemCircPump",
# hotWaterCirculationPumpExtern => "hotWaterCircPumpExtern",
# currentThermalOutput => "thermalPower",
# returnTemperaturSetBack => "returnTemperatureSetBack",
# statGradientBoilerTempLoss => "statBoilerGradientHeatUp' and 'statBoilerGradientCoolDown" );
# my $oldReading;
# my $newReading;
# while (($oldReading, $newReading) = each(%cleanUp)) {
# if ( exists( $hash->{READINGS}{$oldReading} ) ) {
# delete($hash->{READINGS}{$oldReading});
# LUXTRONIK2_Log $name,2,"!!! Change/fix in LUXTRONIK2-Modul: '$oldReading' is now '$newReading'";
# }
# }
# }
sub ########################################
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName eq "1allowSetParameter") {
eval { qr/$aVal/ };
if ($@) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "Invalid allowSetParameter in attr $name $aName $aVal: $@";
return "Invalid allowSetParameter $aVal";
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $val) = @_;
my $resultStr = "";
if($cmd eq 'statusRequest') {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq 'resetStatistics') {
if ( $val eq "statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin"
&& exists($hash->{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin})) {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin};
$resultStr .= " statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin";
elsif ($val =~ /all|statAmbientTemp\.\.\.|statElectricity\.\.\.|statHours\.\.\.|statHeatQ\.\.\./) {
my $regExp;
if ($val eq "all") { $regExp = "stat"; }
else { $regExp = substr $val, 0, -3; }
foreach (sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} }) {
if ($_ =~ /^\.?$regExp/ && $_ ne "state") {
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_};
$resultStr .= " " . $_;
if ( $resultStr eq "" ) {
$resultStr = "$name: No statistics to reset";
} else {
$resultStr = "$name: Statistic value(s) deleted:" . $resultStr;
# LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 3, $resultStr;
return $resultStr;
elsif($cmd eq 'INTERVAL' && int(@_)==4 ) {
$val = 30 if( $val < 30 );
return "Polling interval set to $val seconds.";
elsif($cmd eq 'activeTariff' && int(@_)==4 ) {
$val = 0 if( $val < 1 || $val > 9 );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"activeTariff",$val, 1);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "LUXTRONIK2: set $name $cmd $val";
return undef;
#Check Firmware and Set-Parameter-lock
if ( $cmd =~ /^(synchronizeClockHeatPump|hotWaterTemperatureTarget|opModeHotWater)$/i )
my $firmware = ReadingsVal($name,"firmware","");
my $firmwareCheck = LUXTRONIK2_checkFirmware($firmware);
# stop in case of incompatible firmware
if ($firmwareCheck eq "fwNotCompatible") {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, " Error: Host firmware '$firmware' not compatible for parameter setting.";
return "Firmware '$firmware' not compatible for parameter setting. ";
# stop in case of untested firmware and firmware check enabled
} elsif (AttrVal($name, "ignoreFirmwareCheck", 0)!= 1 &&
$firmwareCheck eq "fwNotTested") {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, " Error: Host firmware '$firmware' not tested for parameter setting. To test set attribute 'ignoreFirmwareCheck' to 1";
return "Firmware '$firmware' not compatible for parameter setting. To test set attribute 'ignoreFirmwareCheck' to 1.";
# stop in case setting of parameters is not enabled
} elsif ( AttrVal($name, "allowSetParameter", 0) != 1) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, " Error: Setting of parameters not allowed. Please set attribut 'allowSetParameter' to 1";
return "Setting of parameters not allowed. To unlock, please set attribut 'allowSetParameter' to 1.";
if ($cmd eq 'synchronizeClockHeatPump') {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$resultStr = LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock($hash);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, $resultStr;
return $resultStr;
elsif(int(@_)==4 &&
($cmd eq 'hotWaterTemperatureTarget'
|| $cmd eq 'opModeHotWater'
|| $cmd eq 'returnTemperatureSetBack')) {
Log3 $name, 3, "LUXTRONIK2: set $name $cmd $val";
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$resultStr = LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter ($hash, $cmd, $val);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
return $resultStr;
elsif( int(@_)==4 && $cmd eq 'hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate' ) { # Einstellung->Entl<74>ftung
Log3 $name, 3, "LUXTRONIK2: set $name $cmd $val";
return "$name Error: Wrong parameter given for opModeHotWater, use Automatik,Party,Off"
if $val !~ /on|off/;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$resultStr = LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter ($hash, $cmd, $val);
if ($val eq "on" ) { $resultStr .= LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter ($hash, "runDeaerate", 1); }
else { $resultStr .= LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter ($hash, "runDeaerate", 0); } # only send if no Deaerate checkbox is selected at all.
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
return $resultStr;
my $list = "statusRequest:noArg"
." activeTariff:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9"
." hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate:on,off"
." hotWaterTemperatureTarget "
." resetStatistics:all,statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin,statAmbientTemp...,statElectricity...,statHours...,statHeatQ..."
." returnTemperatureSetBack "
." opModeHotWater:Auto,Party,Off"
." synchronizeClockHeatPump:noArg"
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "LUXTRONIK2_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
return undef if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate", $name, "LUXTRONIK2_UpdateDone", 25, "LUXTRONIK2_UpdateAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
sub ########################################
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
my $port = $hash->{PORT};
my @heatpump_values;
my @heatpump_parameters;
my @heatpump_visibility;
my $count=0;
my $result="";
my $readingStartTime = time();
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Opening connection to $host:$port";
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
# Type = SOCK_STREAM, # probably needed on some systems
Proto => 'tcp'
if (!$socket) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Could not open connection to host $host:$port";
return "$name|0|Can't connect to $host:$port";
#Fetch operational values (FOV)
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Ask host for operational values";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3004));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Start to receive operational values";
#(FOV) read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo = 3004
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3004) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Fetching operational values - wrong echo of request 3004: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|3004 != $count";
#(FOV) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be status = 0
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count > 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Parameter on target changed, restart parameter reading after 5 seconds";
return "$name|2|Status = $count - parameter on target changed, restart device reading after 5 seconds";
#(FOV) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be count_calc_values > 0
my $count_calc_values = unpack("N", $result);
if($count_calc_values == 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Fetching operational values - 0 values announced: ".length($result)." -> ".$count_calc_values;
return "$name|0|0 values read";
#(FOV) read remaining response -> should be previous number of parameters
my $i=1;
my $buf="";
while($i<=$count_calc_values) {
if(length($result) != $count_calc_values*4) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Operational values length check: ".length($result)." should have been ". $count_calc_values * 4;
return "$name|0|Number of values read mismatch ( $!)\n";
#(FOV) unpack response in array
@heatpump_values = unpack("N$count_calc_values", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_values) != $count_calc_values) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Unpacking problem by operation values: ".scalar(@heatpump_values)." instead of ".$count_calc_values;
return "$name|0|Unpacking problem of operational values";
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "$count_calc_values operational values received";
#Fetch set parameters (FSP)
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Ask host for set parameters";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3003));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Start to receive set parameters";
#(FSP) read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo=3003
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3003) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Wrong echo of request 3003: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|3003 != 3003";
#(FSP) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be number_of_parameters > 0
my $count_set_parameter = unpack("N", $result);
if($count_set_parameter == 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "0 parameter read: ".length($result)." -> ".$count_set_parameter;
return "$name|0|0 parameter read";
#(FSP) read remaining response -> should be previous number of parameters
while($i<=$count_set_parameter) {
if(length($result) != $count_set_parameter*4) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Parameter length check: ".length($result)." should have been ". $count_set_parameter * 4;
return "$name|0|Number of parameters read mismatch ( $!)\n";
@heatpump_parameters = unpack("N$count_set_parameter", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_parameters) != $count_set_parameter) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Unpacking problem by set parameter: ".scalar(@heatpump_parameters)." instead of ".$count_set_parameter;
return "$name|0|Unpacking problem of set parameters";
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "$count_set_parameter set values received";
#Fetch Visibility Attributes (FVA)
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Ask host for visibility attributes";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3005));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Start to receive visibility attributes";
#(FVA) read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo=3005
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3005) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Wrong echo of request 3005: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|3005 != $count";
#(FVA) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be number_of_Visibility_Attributes > 0
my $countVisibAttr = unpack("N", $result);
if($countVisibAttr == 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "0 visibility attributes announced: ".length($result)." -> ".$countVisibAttr;
return "$name|0|0 visibility attributes announced";
#(FVA) read remaining response bytewise -> should be previous number of parameters
while($i<=$countVisibAttr) {
if(length($result) != $countVisibAttr) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Visibility attributes length check: ".length($result)." should have been ". $countVisibAttr;
return "$name|0|Number of Visibility attributes read mismatch ( $!)\n";
@heatpump_visibility = unpack("C$countVisibAttr", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_visibility) != $countVisibAttr) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Unpacking problem by visibility attributes: ".scalar(@heatpump_visibility)." instead of ".$countVisibAttr;
return "$name|0|Unpacking problem of visibility attributes";
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "$countVisibAttr visibility attributs received";
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Closing connection to host $host";
my $readingEndTime = time();
#return certain readings for further processing
# 0 - name
my $return_str="$name";
# 1 - no error = 1
$return_str .= "|1";
# 2 - opStateHeatPump1
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[117];
# 3 - opStateHeatPump3
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[119];
# 4 - Stufe - ID_WEB_HauptMenuAHP_Stufe
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[121];
# 5 - Temperature Value - ID_WEB_HauptMenuAHP_Temp
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[122];
# 6 - Compressor1
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[44];
# 7 - opModeHotWater
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[4];
# 8 - hotWaterMonitoring
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[124];
# 9 - hotWaterBoilerValve
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[38];
# 10 - opModeHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[3];
# 11 - heatingLimit
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[699];
# 12 - ambientTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[15];
# 13 - averageAmbientTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[16];
# 14 - hotWaterTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[17];
# 15 - flowTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[10];
# 16 - returnTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[11];
# 17 - returnTemperatureTarget
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[12];
# 18 - returnTemperatureExtern
$return_str .= "|".($heatpump_visibility[24]==1 ? $heatpump_values[13] : "no");
# 19 - flowRate
$return_str .= "|".($heatpump_parameters[870]!=0 ? $heatpump_values[155] : "no");
# 20 - firmware
my $fwvalue = "";
for(my $fi=81; $fi<91; $fi++) {
$fwvalue .= chr($heatpump_values[$fi]) if $heatpump_values[$fi];
$return_str .= "|".$fwvalue;
# 21 - thresholdHeatingLimit
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[700];
# 22 - rawDeviceTimeCalc
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[134];
# 23 - heatSourceIN
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[19];
# 24 - heatSourceOUT
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[20];
# 25 - hotWaterTemperatureTarget
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[18];
# 26 - hotGasTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[14];
# 27 - heatingSystemCircPump
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[39];
# 28 - hotWaterCircPumpExtern
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[57]==1 ? $heatpump_values[46] : "no");
# 29 - readingFhemStartTime
$return_str .= "|".$readingStartTime;
# 30 - readingFhemEndTime
$return_str .= "|".$readingEndTime;
# 31 - typeHeatpump
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[78];
# 32 - counterHours2ndHeatSource1
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[84]==1 ? $heatpump_values[60] : "no");
# 33 - counterHoursHeatpump
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[87]==1 ? $heatpump_values[63] : "no");
# 34 - counterHoursHeating
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[195]==1 ? $heatpump_values[64] : "no");
# 35 - counterHoursHotWater
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[196]==1 ? $heatpump_values[65] : "no");
# 36 - counterHeatQHeating
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[0]==1 ? $heatpump_values[151] : "no");
# 37 - counterHeatQHotWater
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[1]==1 ? $heatpump_values[152] : "no");
# 38 - counterHours2ndHeatSource2
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[85]==1 ? $heatpump_values[61] : "no");
# 39 - counterHours2ndHeatSource3
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[86]==1 ? $heatpump_values[62] : "no");
# 40 - opStateHeatPump2
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[118];
# 41 - opStateHeatPump2Duration
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[120];
# 42 - timeError0
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[95];
# 43 - bivalentLevel
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[79];
# 44 - Number of calculated values
$return_str .= "|".$count_calc_values;
# 45 - Number of set parameters
$return_str .= "|".$count_set_parameter;
# 46 - opStateHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[125];
# 47 - deltaHeatingReduction
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[13];
# 48 - thresholdTemperatureSetBack
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[111];
# 49 - hotWaterTemperatureHysterese
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[74];
# 50 - solarCollectorTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[36]==1 ? $heatpump_values[26] : "no");
# 51 - solarBufferTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[37]==1 ? $heatpump_values[27] : "no");
# 52 - counterHoursSolar
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[248]==1 ? $heatpump_values[161] : "no");
# 53 - Number of visibility attributes
$return_str .= "|".$countVisibAttr;
# 54 - returnTemperatureSetBack
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[1];
# 55 - mixer1FlowTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[31]==1 ? $heatpump_values[21] : "no");
# 56 - mixer1TargetTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[32]==1 ? $heatpump_values[22] : "no");
# 57 - mixer2FlowTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[34]==1 ? $heatpump_values[24] : "no");
# 58 - mixer2TargetTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[35]==1 ? $heatpump_values[25] : "no");
# 59 - mixer3FlowTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[210]==1 ? $heatpump_values[137] : "no");
# 60 - mixer3TargetTemperature
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[211]==1 ? $heatpump_values[136] : "no");
# 61 - hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[167]==1 ? $heatpump_parameters[684] : "no");
# 62 - counterHeatQPool
$return_str .= "|". ($heatpump_visibility[2]==1 ? $heatpump_values[153] : "no");
return $return_str;
sub ########################################
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my $value = "";
my $state = "";
my @a = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$a[0]};
my $name = $a[0];
return if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED});
my $cop = 0;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 5, $string;
#Define Status Messages
my %wpOpStat1 = ( 0 => "Waermepumpe laeuft",
1 => "Waermepumpe steht",
2 => "Waermepumpe kommt",
4 => "Fehler",
5 => "Abtauen",
6 => "Warte auf LIN-Verbindung",
7 => "Verdichter heizt auf",
8 => "Pumpenvorlauf" );
my %wpOpStat2 = ( 0 => "Heizbetrieb",
1 => "Keine Anforderung",
2 => "Netz Einschaltverzoegerung",
3 => "Schaltspielzeit",
4 => "EVU Sperrzeit",
5 => "Brauchwasser",
6 => "Stufe",
7 => "Abtauen",
8 => "Pumpenvorlauf",
9 => "Thermische Desinfektion",
10 => "Kuehlbetrieb",
12 => "Schwimmbad/Photovoltaik",
13 => "Heizen_Ext_En",
14 => "Brauchw_Ext_En",
16 => "Durchflussueberwachung",
17 => "Elektrische Zusatzheizung" );
my %wpMode = ( 0 => "Automatik",
1 => "Zusatzheizung",
2 => "Party",
3 => "Ferien",
4 => "Aus" );
my %heatingState = ( 0 => "Abgesenkt",
1 => "Normal",
3 => "Aus");
my %wpType = ( 0 => "ERC", 1 => "SW1",
2 => "SW2", 3 => "WW1",
4 => "WW2", 5 => "L1I",
6 => "L2I", 7 => "L1A",
8 => "L2A", 9 => "KSW",
10 => "KLW", 11 => "SWC",
12 => "LWC", 13 => "L2G",
14 => "WZS", 15 => "L1I407",
16 => "L2I407", 17 => "L1A407",
18 => "L2A407", 19 => "L2G407",
20 => "LWC407", 21 => "L1AREV", 22 => "L2AREV", 23 => "WWC1",
24 => "WWC2", 25 => "L2G404", 26 => "WZW", 27 => "L1S",
28 => "L1H", 29 => "L2H", 30 => "WZWD", 31 => "ERC",
40 => "WWB_20", 41 => "LD5", 42 => "LD7", 43 => "SW 37_45",
44 => "SW 58_69", 45 => "SW 29_56", 46 => "LD5 (230V)",
47 => "LD7 (230 V)", 48 => "LD9", 49 => "LD5 REV",
50 => "LD7 REV", 51 => "LD5 REV 230V",
52 => "LD7 REV 230V", 53 => "LD9 REV 230V",
54 => "SW 291", 55 => "LW SEC", 56 => "HMD 2", 57 => "MSW 4",
58 => "MSW 6", 59 => "MSW 8", 60 => "MSW 10", 61 => "MSW 12",
62 => "MSW 14", 63 => "MSW 17", 64 => "MSW 19", 65 => "MSW 23",
66 => "MSW 26", 67 => "MSW 30", 68 => "MSW 4S", 69 => "MSW 6S",
70 => "MSW 8S", 71 => "MSW 10S",72 => "MSW 13S", 73 => "MSW 16S",
74 => "MSW2-6S", 75 => "MSW4-16" );
my $counterRetry = $hash->{fhem}{counterRetry};
my $doStatistic = AttrVal($name,"doStatistics",0);
# Error
if ($a[1]==0 ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error: ".$a[2],1);
$counterRetry = 0;
if ( $hash->{fhem}{portDefined} == 0 ) {
if ($hash->{PORT} == 8888 ) {
$hash->{PORT} = 8889;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "Error when using port 8888. Changed port to 8889";
elsif ($hash->{PORT} == 8889 ) {
$hash->{PORT} = 8889;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "Error when using port 8889. Changed port to 8888";
# Busy, restart update
elsif ($a[1]==2 ) {
if ($counterRetry <=3) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5, "LUXTRONIK2_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error: Reading skipped after $counterRetry tries",1);
LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 2, "Device reading skipped after $counterRetry tries with parameter change on target";
# Update readings
elsif ($a[1]==1 ) {
$counterRetry = 0;
# Temporary storage of values because needed several times
my $ambientTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[12]);
my $averageAmbientTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[13]);
my $hotWaterTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[14]);
my $hotWaterTemperatureTarget = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[25]);
my $hotWaterTemperatureThreshold = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[25] - $a[49]);
my $heatSourceIN = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[23]);
my $thresholdHeatingLimit = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[21]);
my $thresholdTemperatureSetBack = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[48]);
my $flowTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[15]);
my $returnTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[16]);
my $returnTemperatureTarget = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[17]);
my $heatPumpPower = 0;
my $heatRodPower = AttrVal($name, "heatRodElectricalPowerWatt", 0);
#WM[kW] = delta_Temp [K] * Durchfluss [l/h] / ( 3.600 [kJ/kWh] / ( 4,179 [kJ/(kg*K)] (H2O W<>rmekapazit<69>t bei 30 & 40<34>C) * 0,994 [kg/l] (H2O Dichte bei 35<33>C) )
my $thermalPower = 0;
# 0=Heizen, 5=Brauchwasser, 7=Abtauen, 16=Durchfluss<73>berwachung
if ($a[3] =~ /^(0|5|16)$/) {
if ($a[19] !~ /no/) { $thermalPower = abs($flowTemperature - $returnTemperature) * $a[19] / 866.65; } #Nur bei W<>rmez<65>hlern
$heatPumpPower = AttrVal($name, "heatPumpElectricalPowerWatt", -1);
$heatPumpPower *= (1 + ($flowTemperature-35) * AttrVal($name, "heatPumpElectricalPowerFactor", 0));
if ($a[19] !~ /no/) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "thermalPower", sprintf "%.1f", $thermalPower); } #Nur bei W<>rmez<65>hlern
if ($heatPumpPower >-1 ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatPumpElectricalPowerEstimated", sprintf "%.0f", $heatPumpPower); }
if ($heatPumpPower > 0 && $a[19] !~ /no/) { #Nur bei W<>rmez<65>hlern
$cop = $thermalPower * 1000 / $heatPumpPower;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "COP", sprintf "%.2f", $cop);
# if selected, do all the statistic calculations
if ( $doStatistic == 1) {
#LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerHeatUp $hash, $currOpHours, $currHQ, $currTemp, $opState, $target
$value = LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerHeatUp ($hash, $a[35], $a[37]/10, $hotWaterTemperature, $a[3],$hotWaterTemperatureTarget);
if ($value ne "") {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "statBoilerGradientHeatUp set to $value";
#LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerCoolDown $hash, $time, $currTemp, $opState, $target, $threshold
$value = LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerCoolDown ($hash, $a[22], $hotWaterTemperature, $a[3], $hotWaterTemperatureTarget, $hotWaterTemperatureThreshold);
if ($value ne "") {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "statBoilerGradientCoolDown set to $value";
my @new = split / /, $value;
if ( exists( $hash->{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin} ) ) {
my @old = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin}{VAL};
if ($new[5]>6 && $new[1]>$old[1] && $new[1] < 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin set to '$value'";
} elsif ($new[5]>6 && $new[1] < 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin set to '$value'";
# LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticThermalPower: $hash, $MonitoredOpState, $currOpState, $currHeatQuantity, $currOpHours, $currAmbTemp, $currHeatSourceIn, $TargetTemp, $electricalPower
$value = LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticThermalPower ($hash, 5, $a[3], $a[37]/10, $a[35], $ambientTemperature, $heatSourceIN,$hotWaterTemperatureTarget, $heatPumpPower);
if ($value ne "") { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"statThermalPowerBoiler",$value); }
$value = LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticThermalPower ($hash, 0, $a[3], $a[36]/10, $a[34], $ambientTemperature, $heatSourceIN, $returnTemperatureTarget, $heatPumpPower);
if ($value ne "") { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"statThermalPowerHeating",$value); }
# LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMax $hash, $readingName, $value
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMax ( $hash, "statAmbientTemp", $ambientTemperature);
#Operating status of heat pump
my $opStateHeatPump1 = $wpOpStat1{$a[2]}; ##############
$opStateHeatPump1 = "unbekannt (".$a[2].")" unless $opStateHeatPump1;
my $opStateHeatPump2 = "unknown ($a[40])"; ##############
my $prefix = "";
if ($a[40] == 0 || $a[40] == 2) { $prefix = "seit ";}
elsif ($a[40] == 1) { $prefix = "in ";}
if ($a[40] == 2) { #Sonderbehandlung bei WP-Fehlern
$opStateHeatPump2 = $prefix . strftime "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime($a[42]);
} else {
$opStateHeatPump2 = $prefix . LUXTRONIK2_FormatDuration($a[41]);
my $opStateHeatPump3 = $wpOpStat2{$a[3]}; ##############
# refine text of third state
if ($a[3]==6) {
$opStateHeatPump3 = "Stufe ".$a[4]." ".LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[5])." C ";
elsif ($a[3]==7) {
if ($a[6]==1) {$opStateHeatPump3 = "Abtauen (Kreisumkehr)";}
else {$opStateHeatPump3 = "Luftabtauen";}
$opStateHeatPump3 = "unbekannt (".$a[3].")" unless $opStateHeatPump3;
# Hot water operating mode
$value = $wpMode{$a[7]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[7].")" unless $value;
# opStateHotWater
if ($a[8]==0) {$value="Sperrzeit";}
elsif ($a[8]==1 && $a[9]==1) {$value="Aufheizen";}
elsif ($a[8]==1 && $a[9]==0) {$value="Temp. OK";}
elsif ($a[8]==3) {$value="Aus";}
else {$value = "unbekannt (".$a[8]."/".$a[9].")";}
# Heating operating mode
$value = $wpMode{$a[10]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[10].")" unless $value;
# Heating operating state
# Consider also heating limit
if ($a[10] == 0
&& $a[11] == 1
&& $averageAmbientTemperature >= $thresholdHeatingLimit) {
if ($ambientTemperature>=10 ) {
$value = "Heizungsgrenze (Soll 15 C)";
} else {
$value = "Frostschutz (Soll 20 C)";
} else {
$value = $heatingState{$a[46]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[46].")" unless $value;
# Consider heating reduction limit
if ($a[46] == 0) {
if ($thresholdTemperatureSetBack <= $ambientTemperature) {
$value .= " ".LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[47])." C"; #<23> &deg; &#176; &#x00B0;
} else {
$value = "Normal da < ".$thresholdTemperatureSetBack." C";
# Device and reading times, delays and durations
$value = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($a[22]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "deviceTimeCalc", $value);
my $delayDeviceTimeCalc=sprintf("%.0f",$a[29]-$a[22]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "delayDeviceTimeCalc", $delayDeviceTimeCalc);
my $durationFetchReadings = sprintf("%.2f",$a[30]-$a[29]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "durationFetchReadings", $durationFetchReadings);
#Remember min and max reading durations, will be reset when initializing the device
if ($hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} == 0 || $hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} > $durationFetchReadings) {
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} = $durationFetchReadings;
if ($hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMax} < $durationFetchReadings) {
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMax} = $durationFetchReadings;
# Temperatures and flow rate
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ambientTemperature", $ambientTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "averageAmbientTemperature", $averageAmbientTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatingLimit",$a[11]?"on":"off");
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "thresholdHeatingLimit", $thresholdHeatingLimit);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "thresholdTemperatureSetBack", $thresholdTemperatureSetBack);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotWaterTemperature", $hotWaterTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotWaterTemperatureTarget",$hotWaterTemperatureTarget);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "flowTemperature", $flowTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperature", $returnTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperatureTarget",$returnTemperatureTarget);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperatureSetBack",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[54]));
if ($a[18] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperatureExtern",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[18]));}
if ($a[19] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "flowRate",$a[19]);}
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatSourceIN",$heatSourceIN);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatSourceOUT",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[24]));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotGasTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[26]));
if ($a[55] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mixer1FlowTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[55]));}
if ($a[56] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mixer1TargetTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[56]));}
if ($a[57] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mixer2FlowTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[57]));}
if ($a[58] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mixer2TargetTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[58]));}
if ($a[59] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mixer3FlowTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[59]));}
if ($a[60] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mixer3TargetTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[60]));}
# Operating hours (seconds->hours) and heat quantities
# LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings: $hash, $readingName, $value, $factor, $doStatistic, $electricalPower
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHours2ndHeatSource1", $a[32], 3600, $doStatistic, $heatRodPower;
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHours2ndHeatSource2", $a[38], 3600, $doStatistic, $heatRodPower;
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHours2ndHeatSource3", $a[39], 3600, $doStatistic, $heatRodPower;
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHoursHeatPump", $a[33], 3600, $doStatistic, $heatPumpPower;
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHoursHeating", $a[34], 3600, $doStatistic, $heatPumpPower;
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHoursHotWater", $a[35], 3600, $doStatistic, $heatPumpPower;
my $heatQTotal = 0 ;
if ($a[36] !~ /no/) {
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHeatQHeating", $a[36], 10, ($a[19] !~ /no/ ? $doStatistic : 0), -1;
$heatQTotal += $a[36];
if ($a[37] !~ /no/) {
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHeatQHotWater", $a[37], 10, ($a[19] !~ /no/ ? $doStatistic : 0), -1;
$heatQTotal += $a[37];
if ($a[62] !~ /no/) {
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHeatQPool", $a[62], 10, ($a[19] !~ /no/ ? $doStatistic : 0), -1;
$heatQTotal += $a[62];
LUXTRONIK2_storeReadings $hash, "counterHeatQTotal", $heatQTotal, 10, ($a[19] !~ /no/ ? $doStatistic : 0), -1;
# Input / Output status
# Deaerate Function
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate",$a[61]?"on":"off") unless $a[61] eq "no";
# bivalentLevel
# Firmware
my $firmware = $a[20];
my $firmwareCheck = LUXTRONIK2_checkFirmware($firmware);
# if unknown firmware, ask at each startup to inform comunity
if ($hash->{fhem}{alertFirmware} != 1 && $firmwareCheck eq "fwNotTested") {
$hash->{fhem}{alertFirmware} = 1;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 2, "Alert: Host uses untested Firmware '$a[20]'. Please inform FHEM comunity about compatibility.";
# Type of Heatpump
$value = $wpType{$a[31]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[31].")" unless $value;
# Solar
if ($a[50] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "solarCollectorTemperature", LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[50]));}
if ($a[51] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "solarBufferTemperature", LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[51]));}
if ($a[52] !~ /no/) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "counterHoursSolar", sprintf("%.1f", $a[52]/3600));}
# HTML for floorplan
if(AttrVal($name, "statusHTML", "none") ne "none") {
$value = ""; #"<div class=fp_" . $a[0] . "_title>" . $a[0] . "</div> \n";
$value .= "$opStateHeatPump1<br>\n";
$value .= "$opStateHeatPump2<br>\n";
$value .= "$opStateHeatPump3<br>\n";
$value .= "Brauchwasser: ".$hotWaterTemperature."&deg;C";
# State update
$value = "$opStateHeatPump1 $opStateHeatPump2 - $opStateHeatPump3";
if ($thermalPower != 0) {
$value .= sprintf (" (%.1f kW", $thermalPower);
if ($heatPumpPower>0) {$value .= sprintf (", COP: %.2f", $cop);}
$value .= ")"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $value);
$hash->{helper}{fetched_calc_values} = $a[44];
$hash->{helper}{fetched_parameters} = $a[45];
$hash->{helper}{fetched_visib_attr} = $a[53];
#Auto Synchronize Device Clock
my $autoSynchClock = AttrVal($name, "autoSynchClock", 0);
$autoSynchClock = 10 unless ($autoSynchClock >= 10 || $autoSynchClock == 0);
$autoSynchClock = 600 unless $autoSynchClock <= 600;
if ($autoSynchClock != 0 and abs($delayDeviceTimeCalc) > $autoSynchClock ) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "autoSynchClock triggered (delayDeviceTimeCalc ".abs($delayDeviceTimeCalc)." > $autoSynchClock).";
# Firmware not tested and Firmware Check not ignored
if ($firmwareCheck eq "fwNotTested" && AttrVal($name, "ignoreFirmwareCheck", 0)!= 1) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Host firmware '$firmware' not tested for clock synchronization. To test set 'ignoreFirmwareCheck' to 1.";
$attr{$name}{autoSynchClock} = 0;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "Attribute 'autoSynchClock' set to 0.";
#Firmware not compatible
} elsif ($firmwareCheck eq "fwNotCompatible") {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Host firmware '$firmware' not compatible for host clock synchronization.";
$attr{$name}{autoSynchClock} = 0;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 3, "Attribute 'autoSynchClock' set to 0.";
#Firmware OK -> Synchronize Clock
} else {
$value = LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock($hash, 600);
LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 3, $value;
#End of Auto Synchronize Device Clock
else {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 5, "Status = $a[1]";
$hash->{fhem}{counterRetry} = $counterRetry;
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
LUXTRONIK2_Log $hash, 1, "Timeout when connecting to host $host";
sub ########################################
my ($temp) = @_;
#change unsigned into signed
if ($temp > 2147483648) {$temp = $temp-4294967296;}
$temp /= 10;
return $temp;
sub ########################################
my ($value) = @_;
my $returnstr = sprintf "%02d:", int($value/3600);
$value %= 3600;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d:", int($value/60);
$value %= 60;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d", $value;
return $returnstr;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $parameterName, $realValue) = @_;
my $setParameter = 0;
my $setValue = 0;
my $result;
my $buffer;
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my %opMode = ( "Auto" => 0,
"Party" => 2,
"Off" => 4);
if(AttrVal($name, "allowSetParameter", 0) != 1) {
return $name." Error: Setting of parameters not allowed. Please set attribut 'allowSetParameter' to 1";
if ($parameterName eq "hotWaterTemperatureTarget") {
#parameter number
$setParameter = 2;
#limit temperature range
$realValue = 30 if( $realValue < 30 );
$realValue = 65 if( $realValue > 65 );
#Allow only integer temperature or with decimal .5
$setValue = int($realValue * 2) * 5;
$realValue = $setValue / 10;
elsif ($parameterName eq "opModeHotWater") {
if (! exists($opMode{$realValue})) {
return "$name Error: Wrong parameter given for opModeHotWater, use Automatik,Party,Off"
$setParameter = 4;
$setValue = $opMode{$realValue};
elsif ($parameterName eq "returnTemperatureSetBack") {
#parameter number
$setParameter = 1;
#limit temperature range
$realValue = -5 if( $realValue < -5 );
$realValue = 5 if( $realValue > 5 );
#Allow only integer temperature or with decimal .5
$setValue = int($realValue * 2) * 5;
$realValue = $setValue / 10;
elsif ($parameterName eq "hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate") { #isVisible(167)
$setParameter = 684;
$setValue = $realValue eq "on" ? 1 : 0;
elsif ($parameterName eq "runDeaerate") {
$setParameter = 158;
$setValue = $realValue;
else {
return "$name LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter-Error: unknown parameter $parameterName";
# Send new parameter to host
if ($setParameter != 0) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Opening connection to host ".$host;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 8888,
Proto => 'tcp'
# Socket error
if (!$socket) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, "Could not open connection to host ".$host;
return "$name Error: Could not open connection to host ".$host;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Set parameter $parameterName ($setParameter) = $realValue ($setValue)";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3002));
$socket->send(pack("N", $setParameter));
$socket->send(pack("N", $setValue));
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Receive confirmation";
#read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo = 3002
$result = unpack("N", $buffer);
if($result != 3002) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Set parameter $parameterName - wrong echo of request: $result instead of 3002";
return "$name Error: Host did not confirm parameter setting";
#Read next 4 bytes of response -> should be setParameter
$result = unpack("N", $buffer);
if($result !=$setParameter) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 2, "Set parameter $parameterName - missing confirmation: $result instead of $setParameter";
return "$name Error: Host did not confirm parameter setting";
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Parameter setting confirmed";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$parameterName,$realValue,1) unless $parameterName eq "runDeaerate";
return undef;
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock (@)
my ($hash,$maxDelta) = @_;
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $delay = 0;
my $returnStr = "";
$maxDelta = 60 unless $maxDelta >= 0;
$maxDelta = 600 unless $maxDelta <= 600;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Open telnet connection to $host";
my $telnet = new Net::Telnet ( Host=>$host, Port => 23, Timeout=>10, Errmode=>'return');
if (!$telnet) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, $telnet->errmsg;
return "$name synchronizeDeviceClock-Error: ".$telnet->errmsg;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Log into $host";
if (!$telnet->login('root', '')) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 1, $telnet->errmsg;
return "$name synchronizeDeviceClock-Error: ".$telnet->errmsg;
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Read current time of host";
my @output = $telnet->cmd('date +%s');
$delay = sprintf("%.1f",time() - $output[0]);
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Current time is ".localtime($output[0])." Delay is $delay seconds.";
if (abs($delay)>$maxDelta && $maxDelta!=0) {
$returnStr = "Do not dare to synchronize. Device clock of host $host differs by $delay seconds (max. is $maxDelta).";
} elsif ($delay == 0) {
$returnStr = "Internal clock of host $host has no delay. -> not synchronized";
} else {
my $newTime = strftime "%m%d%H%M%Y.%S", localtime();
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Run command 'date ".$newTime."'";
@output=$telnet->cmd('date '.$newTime);
$returnStr = "Internal clock of host $host corrected by $delay seconds. -> ".$output[0];
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 5, "Close telnet connection.";
return $returnStr;
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_checkFirmware ($)
my ($myFirmware) = @_;
#Firmware not tested
if (index($testedFirmware,"#".$myFirmware."#") == -1) {
return "fwNotTested";
#Firmware tested but not compatible
} elsif (index($compatibleFirmware,"#".$myFirmware."#") == -1) {
return "fwNotCompatible";
#Firmware compatible
} else {
return "fwCompatible";
# Calculate heat-up gradients of boiler based on hotWaterTemperature and counterHeatQHeating
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticThermalPower ($$$$$$$$$)
my ($hash, $MonitoredOpState, $currOpState, $currHeatQuantity, $currOpHours, $currAmbTemp, $currHeatSourceIn, $targetTemp, $electricalPower) = @_;
my @last = split / /, $hash->{fhem}{"statThermalPowerOpState_".$MonitoredOpState} || "1";
my $returnStr = "";
my $value1;
my $value2;
my $value3;
my $save = 0;
if ( $last[0] != $MonitoredOpState && $currOpState == $MonitoredOpState ) {
# Save start values at the beginning of the monitored operation (5=Hot Water, 0=Heating)
$save = 1;
$last[0] = $currOpState;
$last[1] = $currHeatQuantity;
$last[2] = $currOpHours;
$last[3] = $currAmbTemp;
$last[4] = $currHeatSourceIn;
$last[5] = 1;
$last[6] = $targetTemp;
$last[7] = $electricalPower;
} elsif ($last[0] == $MonitoredOpState && ($currOpState == $MonitoredOpState || $currOpState == 16) ) { #16=Durchfluss<73>berwachung
# Store intermediate values as long as the correct opMode runs
$save = 1;
$last[3] += $currAmbTemp;
$last[4] += $currHeatSourceIn;
$last[7] += $electricalPower;
} elsif ($last[0] == $MonitoredOpState && $currOpState != $MonitoredOpState && $currOpState != 16 ) { #16=Durchfluss<73>berwachung
# Do statistics at the end of the monitored operation if it run at least 9.5 minutes
$save = 1;
$last[0] = $currOpState;
$value2 = ($currOpHours - $last[2])/60;
if ($value2 >= 6) {
$returnStr = sprintf "aT: %.1f iT: %.1f tT: %.1f", $last[3]/$last[5], $last[4]/$last[5], $targetTemp;
$value1 = $currHeatQuantity - $last[1];
$value3 = $value1 * 60 / $value2;
$returnStr .= sprintf " thP: %.1f DQ: %.1f t: %.0f", $value3, $value1, $value2;
if ($last[7]>0) {
$value1 = $value3 *1000 / $last[7] * $last[5];;
$returnStr .= sprintf " COP: %.2f", $value1;
if ($last[6] > $targetTemp) { $returnStr .= " tTStart: " . $last[6]; }
if ($save == 1) { $hash->{fhem}{"statThermalPowerOpState_".$MonitoredOpState} = join( " ", @last);}
return $returnStr;
# Calculate heat-up gradients of boiler based on hotWaterTemperature and counterHeatQHeating
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerHeatUp ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $currOpHours, $currHQ, $currTemp, $opState, $target) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $step = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpStep};
my $minTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMin};
my $maxTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMax};
my $lastHQ = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpHQ};
my $lastOpHours = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpOpHours};
my $value1 = 0;
my $value2 = 0;
my $value3 = 0;
my $returnStr = "";
# step 0 = Initialize - if hot water preparation is off
if ($step == 0) {
if ($opState != 5) { # wait till hot water preparation stopped
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 0->1: Initializing Measurment";
$step = 1;
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
$minTemp = $currTemp;
# step 1 = wait till hot water preparation starts -> monitor Tmin, take previous HQ and previous operating hours
} elsif ($step == 1) {
if ($currTemp < $minTemp) { # monitor minimum temperature
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 1: Monitor minimum temperature ($minTemp -> $currTemp)";
$minTemp = $currTemp;
if ($opState != 5) { # wait -> update operating hours and HQ to be used as start value in calculations
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
} else { # go to step 2 - if hot water preparation running
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 1->2: Hot water preparation started ".($currOpHours-$lastOpHours)." s ago";
$step = 2;
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
# step 2 = wait till hot water preparation done and target reached
} elsif ($step == 2) {
if ($currTemp < $minTemp) { # monitor minimal temperature
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2: Boiler temperature still decreasing ($minTemp -> $currTemp)";
$minTemp = $currTemp;
if ($currTemp > $maxTemp) { # monitor maximal temperature
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2: Boiler temperature increasing ($maxTemp -> $currTemp)";
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
if ($opState != 5) { # wait till hot water preparation stopped
if ($currTemp >= $target) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2->3: Hot water preparation stopped";
$step = 3;
} else {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2->1: Measurement cancelled (hot water preparation stopped but target not reached, $currTemp < $target)";
$step = 1;
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
$minTemp = $currTemp;
# step 3 = wait with calculation till temperature maximum reached once
} elsif ($step == 3) {
# cancel measurement - if hot water preparation has restarted
if ($opState == 5) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 3->0: Measurement cancelled (hot water preparation restarted before maximum reached)";
$step = 0;
# monitor maximal temperature
} elsif ($currTemp > $maxTemp) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 3: Temperature still increasing ($maxTemp -> $currTemp)";
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
# else calculate temperature gradient
} else {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 3->1: Boiler heat-up measurement finished";
$value1 = ( int(10 * $maxTemp) - int(10 * $minTemp) ) / 10; # delta hot water temperature
$value2 = ( $currOpHours - $lastOpHours ) / 60; # delta time (minutes)
$value3 = $currHQ - $lastHQ; # delta heat quantity, average thermal power
$returnStr = sprintf "DT/min: %.2f DT: %.2f Dmin: %.0f DQ: %.1f thP: %.1f", $value1/$value2, $value1, $value2, $value3, $value3*60/$value2;
#real (mixed) Temperature-Difference
my $boilerVolumn = AttrVal($name, "boilerVolumn", 0);
if ($boilerVolumn >0 ) {
# (delta T) [K] = W<>rmemenge [kWh] / #Volumen [l] * ( 3.600 [kJ/kWh] / ( 4,179 [kJ/(kg*K)] (H2O W<>rmekapazit<69>t bei 40<34>C) * 0,992 [kg/l] (H2O Dichte bei 40<34>C) ) [K/(kWh*l)] )
$value2 = 868.4 * $value3 / $boilerVolumn ;
$returnStr .= sprintf " realDT: %.0f", $value2;
$step = 1;
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
$minTemp = $currTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpStep} = $step;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMin} = $minTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMax} = $maxTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpHQ} = $lastHQ;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpOpHours} = $lastOpHours;
return $returnStr;
# Calculate heat loss gradients of boiler based on hotWaterTemperature and counterHeatQHeating
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerCoolDown ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $time, $currTemp, $opState, $target, $threshold) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $step = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStep};
my $maxTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownMax};
my $startTime = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStartTime};
my $lastTime = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownLastTime};
my $lastTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownLastTemp};
my $value1 = 0;
my $value2 = 0;
my $value3 = 0;
my $returnStr = "";
# step 0 = Initialize - if hot water preparation is off and target reached,
if ($step == 0) {
if ($opState == 5 || $currTemp < $target) { # -> stay step 0
# LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 0: Wait till hot water preparation stops and target is reached ($currTemp < $target)";
} else {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 0->1: Initializing, target reached ($currTemp >= $target)";
$step = 1;
$startTime = $time;
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
# step 1 = wait till threshold is reached -> do calculation, monitor maximal temperature
} elsif ($step == 1) {
if ($currTemp > $maxTemp) { # monitor maximal temperature
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 1: Temperature still increasing ($currTemp > $maxTemp)";
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
$startTime = $time;
if ($opState == 5 || $currTemp <= $threshold) {
if ($opState == 5) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 1->0: Heat-up started, measurement finished";
$value1 = $lastTemp - $maxTemp; # delta hot water temperature
$value2 = ( $lastTime - $startTime ) / 3600; # delta time (hours)
} elsif ($currTemp <= $threshold) {
LUXTRONIK2_Log $name, 4, "Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 1->0: Measurement finished, threshold reached ($currTemp <= $threshold)";
$value1 = $currTemp - $maxTemp; # delta hot water temperature
$value2 = ( $time - $startTime ) / 3600; # delta time (hours)
$returnStr = sprintf "DT/h: %.2f DT: %.1f Dh: %.2f", $value1/$value2, $value1, $value2;
$step = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStep} = $step;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownMax} = $maxTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStartTime} = $startTime;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownLastTime} = $time;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownLastTemp} = $currTemp;
return $returnStr;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMax ($$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $value) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $saveLast;
my $statReadingName;
my $lastReading;
my $lastSums;
my @newReading;
my $yearLast;
my $monthLast;
my $dayLast;
my $dayNow;
my $monthNow;
my $yearNow;
# Determine date of last and current reading
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Day"}{TIME})) {
($yearLast, $monthLast, $dayLast) = $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Day"}{TIME} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/;
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime;
$yearLast += 1900;
$monthLast ++;
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime;
$yearNow += 1900;
$monthNow ++;
# Daily Statistic
$saveLast = ($dayNow != $dayLast);
$statReadingName = $readingName."Day";
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $statReadingName, $value, $saveLast;
# Monthly Statistic
$saveLast = ($monthNow != $monthLast);
$statReadingName = $readingName."Month";
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $statReadingName, $value, $saveLast;
# Yearly Statistic
$saveLast = ($yearNow != $yearLast);
$statReadingName = $readingName."Year";
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMaxSingle $hash, $statReadingName, $value, $saveLast;
return ;
# Calculates single MaxMin Values and informs about end of day and month
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticMinMaxSingle ($$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $value, $saveLast) = @_;
my $result;
my $lastReading = $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName}{VAL} || "";
# Initializing
if ( $lastReading eq "" ) {
my $since = strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime();
$result = "Count: 1 Sum: $value ShowDate: 1";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName, $result);
$result = "Min: $value Avg: $value Max: $value (since: $since )";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, $result);
# Calculations
} else {
my @a = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName}{VAL}; # Internal values
my @b = split / /, $lastReading;
# Do calculations
$a[1]++; # Count
$a[3] += $value; # Sum
if ($value < $b[1]) { $b[1]=$value; } # Min
if ($a[1]>0) {$b[3] = sprintf "%.1f" , $a[3] / $a[1] ;} # Avg
if ($value > $b[5]) { $b[5]=$value; } # Max
# in case of period change, save "last" values and reset counters
if ($saveLast) {
$result = "Min: $b[1] Avg: $b[3] Max: $b[5]";
if ($a[5] == 1) { $result .= " (since: $b[7] )"; }
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName . "Last", $lastReading);
$a[1] = 1; $a[3] = $value; $a[5] = 0;
$b[1] = $value; $b[3] = $value; $b[5] = $value;
# Store internal calculation values
$result = "Count: $a[1] Sum: $a[3] ShowDate: $a[5]";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName, $result);
# Store visible Reading
if ($a[5] == 1) {
$result = "Min: $b[1] Avg: $b[3] Max: $b[5] (since: $b[7] )";
} else {
$result = "Min: $b[1] Avg: $b[3] Max: $b[5]";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, $result);
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $readingName, $value, $factor, $doStatistics, $electricalPower) = @_;
if ($value eq "no" || $value == 0 ) { return; }
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $readingName, sprintf("%.1f", $value / $factor));
$readingName =~ s/counter//;
# LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDelta: $hash, $readingName, $value, $factor, $electricalPower
if ( $doStatistics == 1) { LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDelta $hash, "stat".$readingName, $value, $factor, $electricalPower; }
# Calculates deltas for day, month and year
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDelta ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $value, $factor, $electricalPower) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dummy;
my $result;
my $deltaValue;
my $previousTariff;
my $showDate;
# Determine if time period switched (day, month, year)
# Get deltaValue and Tariff of previous call
my $periodSwitch = 0;
my $yearLast; my $monthLast; my $dayLast; my $dayNow; my $monthNow; my $yearNow;
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"})) {
($yearLast, $monthLast, $dayLast) = ($hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"}{TIME} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/);
$yearLast -= 1900;
$monthLast --;
($dummy, $deltaValue, $dummy, $previousTariff, $dummy, $showDate) = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{"." . $readingName . "Before"}{VAL} || "";
$deltaValue = $value - $deltaValue;
} else {
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayLast, $monthLast, $yearLast) = localtime;
$deltaValue = 0;
$previousTariff = 0;
$showDate = 6;
($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $dayNow, $monthNow, $yearNow) = localtime;
if ($yearNow != $yearLast) { $periodSwitch = 3; }
elsif ($monthNow != $monthLast) { $periodSwitch = 2; }
elsif ($dayNow != $dayLast) { $periodSwitch = 1; }
# Determine if "since" value has to be shown in current and last reading
if ($periodSwitch == 3) {
if ($showDate == 1) { $showDate = 0; } # Do not show the "since:" value for year changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 2) { $showDate = 1; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first year change
if ($periodSwitch >= 2){
if ($showDate == 3) { $showDate = 2; } # Do not show the "since:" value for month changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 4) { $showDate = 3; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first month change
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
if ($showDate == 5) { $showDate = 4; } # Do not show the "since:" value for day changes anymore
if ($showDate >= 6) { $showDate = 5; } # Shows the "since:" value for the first day change
# LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle; $hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $periodSwitch, $showDate, $firstCall
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $factor, $periodSwitch, $showDate, 0);
my $activeTariff = ReadingsVal($name,"activeTariff",0);
if ( $electricalPower >=0 ) {
my $readingNamePower = $readingName;
$readingNamePower =~ s/Hours/Electricity/ ;
if ($activeTariff > 0) {
foreach (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) {
if ( $previousTariff == $_ ) {
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingNamePower."Tariff".$_, $deltaValue * $electricalPower, $factor, $periodSwitch, $showDate, 1);
} elsif ($activeTariff == $_ || ($periodSwitch > 0 && exists($hash->{READINGS}{$readingNamePower . "Tariff".$_}))) {
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingNamePower."Tariff".$_, 0, $factor, $periodSwitch, $showDate, 1);
} else {
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($hash, $readingNamePower, $deltaValue * $electricalPower, $factor, $periodSwitch, $showDate, 1);
# Hidden storage of current values for next call(before values)
$result = "Value: $value Tariff: $activeTariff ShowDate: $showDate";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$readingName."Before", $result);
return ;
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticDeltaSingle ($$$$$$$)
my ($hash, $readingName, $deltaValue, $factor, $periodSwitch, $showDate, $specMonth) = @_;
my $dummy;
my $result;
# get existing statistic reading
my @curr;
if (exists($hash->{READINGS}{".".$readingName}{VAL})) {
@curr = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{".".$readingName}{VAL} || "";
} else {
$curr[1] = 0; $curr[3] = 0; $curr[5] = 0;
if ($showDate>5) {$curr[7] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime();} # start
else {$curr[7] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime();} # start
# get statistic values of previous period
my @last;
if ($periodSwitch >= 1) {
if (exists ($hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Last"})) {
@last = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{$readingName."Last"}{VAL};
} else {
@last = split / /, "Day: - Month: - Year: -";
# Do statistic
$curr[1] += $deltaValue;
$curr[3] += $deltaValue;
$curr[5] += $deltaValue;
# If change of year, change yearly statistic
if ($periodSwitch == 3){
if ($specMonth) { $last[5] = sprintf("%.3f",$curr[5] / $factor/ 1000); }
else {$last[5] = sprintf("%.0f",$curr[5] / $factor);}
$curr[5] = 0;
if ($showDate == 1) { $last[7] = $curr[7]; }
# If change of month, change monthly statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 2){
if ($specMonth) { $last[3] = sprintf("%.3f",$curr[3] / $factor/ 1000); }
else {$last[3] = sprintf("%.0f",$curr[3] / $factor);}
$curr[3] = 0;
if ($showDate == 3) { $last[7] = $curr[7];}
# If change of day, change daily statistic
if ($periodSwitch >= 1){
$last[1] = sprintf("%.1f",$curr[1] / $factor);
$curr[1] = 0;
if ($showDate == 5) {
$last[7] = $curr[7];
# Next monthly and yearly values start at 00:00 and show only date (no time)
$curr[3] = 0;
$curr[5] = 0;
$curr[7] = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(); # start
# Store hidden statistic readings (delta values)
$result = "Day: $curr[1] Month: $curr[3] Year: $curr[5]";
if ( $showDate >=2 ) { $result .= " (since: $curr[7] )"; }
# Store visible statistic readings (delta values)
if ($specMonth) { $result = sprintf "Day: %.1f Month: %.3f Year: %.3f", $curr[1]/$factor, $curr[3]/$factor/1000, $curr[5]/$factor/1000; }
else { $result = sprintf "Day: %.1f Month: %.0f Year: %.0f", $curr[1]/$factor, $curr[3]/$factor, $curr[5]/$factor; }
if ( $showDate >=2 ) { $result .= " (since: $curr[7] )"; }
# if changed, store previous visible statistic (delta) values
if ($periodSwitch >= 1) {
$result = "Day: $last[1] Month: $last[3] Year: $last[5]";
if ( $showDate =~ /1|3|5/ ) { $result .= " (since: $last[7] )";}
=begin html
<a name="LUXTRONIK2"></a>
Luxtronik 2.0 is a heating controller used in <a href="http://www.alpha-innotec.de">Alpha Innotec</a>, Siemens Novelan (WPR NET) and Wolf Heiztechnik (BWL/BWS) heat pumps.
It has a built-in ethernet port, so it can be directly integrated into a local area network (LAN).
<i>The modul is reported to work with firmware: V1.51, V1.54C, V1.60, V1.64, V1.69, V1.70, V1.73.</i>
More Info on the particular <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Luxtronik_2.0">page of FHEM-Wiki</a> (in German).
<a name="LUXTRONIK2define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LUXTRONIK2 &lt;IP-address[:Port]&gt; [poll-interval]</code><br>
If the pool interval is omitted, it is set to 300 (seconds). Smallest possible value is 30.
Usually, the port needs not to be defined.
Example: <code>define Heizung LUXTRONIK2 600</code>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2set"></a>
<ul>A firmware check assures before each set operation that a heat pump with untested firmware is not damaged accidently.
<li><code>activeTariff &lt; 0 - 9 &gt;</code>
Allows the separate measurement of the consumption (doStatistics = 1) within different tariffs.<br>
This value must be set at the correct point of time in accordance to the existing or planned tariff <b>by the FHEM command "at"</b>.<br>
0 = without separate tariffs
<li><code>INTERVAL &lt;polling interval&gt;</code><br>
Polling interval in seconds
<li><code>hotWaterTemperatureTarget &lt;temperature&gt;</code><br>
Target temperature of domestic hot water boiler in &deg;C
<li><code>hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate &lt;on | off&gt;</code><br>
Switches the external circulation pump for the hot water on or off. The circulation prevents a cool down of the hot water in the pipes but increases the heat consumption drastically.
NOTE! It uses the deaerate function of the controller. So, the pump alternates always 5 minutes on and 5 minutes off.
<li><code>opModeHotWater &lt;Mode&gt;</code><br>
Operating Mode of domestic hot water boiler (Auto | Party | Off)
<li><code>resetStatistics &lt;statReadings&gt;</code>
Deletes the selected statistic values <i>all, statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin, statAmbientTemp..., statElectricity..., statHours..., statHeatQ...</i>
<li><code>returnTemperatureSetBack &lt;Temperatur&gt;</code>
Decreasing or increasing of the returnTemperatureTarget by -5&deg;C till + 5&deg;C
Update device information
Synchronizes controller clock with FHEM time. <b>!! This change is lost in case of controller power off!!</b></li>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2get"></a>
No get implemented yet ...
<a name="LUXTRONIK2attr"></a>
<li><code>allowSetParameter &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
The <a href="#LUXTRONIK2set">parameters</a> of the heat pump controller can only be changed if this attribut is set to 1.
<li><code>autoSynchClock &lt;delay&gt;</code>
Corrects the clock of the heatpump automatically if a certain <i>delay</i> (10 s - 600 s) against the FHEM time is exeeded. Does a firmware check before.
<i>(A 'delayDeviceTimeCalc' &lt;= 2 s can be caused by the internal calculation interval of the heat pump controller.)</i>
Electrical power of the 2nd compressor to calculated the COP and estimate electrical consumption (calculations not implemented yet)
<li><code>doStatistics &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Calculates statistic values: <i>statBoilerGradientHeatUp, statBoilerGradientCoolDown, statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin (boiler heat loss)</i>
Builds daily, monthly and yearly statistics for certain readings (average/min/max or cumulated values).
Logging and visualisation of the statistic should be done with readings of type 'stat<i>ReadingName</i><b>Last</b>'.
Electrical power of the heat pump by a flow temperature of 35&deg;C to calculated coefficency factor and estimate electrical consumption
Change of electrical power consumption per 1 K flow temperature differenz to 35&deg;C (e.g. 2% per 1 K = 0,02)
Electrical power of the heat rods (2nd heat source) to estimate electrical consumption
<li><code>ignoreFirmwareCheck &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
A firmware check assures before each set operation that a heatpump controller with untested firmware is not damaged accidently.
If this attribute is set to 1, the firmware check is ignored and new firmware can be tested for compatibility.
If set, a HTML-formatted reading named "floorplanHTML" is created. It can be used with the <a href="#FLOORPLAN">FLOORPLAN</a> module.
Currently, if the value of this attribute is not NULL, the corresponding reading consists of the current status of the heat pump and the temperature of the water.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
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<a name="LUXTRONIK2"></a>
Die Luxtronik 2.0 ist eine Heizungssteuerung, welche in W&auml;rmepumpen von <a href="http://www.alpha-innotec.de">Alpha Innotec</a>,
Siemens Novelan (WPR NET) und Wolf Heiztechnik (BWL/BWS) verbaut ist.
Sie besitzt einen Ethernet Anschluss, so dass sie direkt in lokale Netzwerke (LAN) integriert werden kann.
<i>Das Modul wurde bisher mit folgender Steuerungs-Firmware getestet: V1.51, V1.54C, V1.60, V1.64, V1.69, V1.70.</i>
Mehr Infos im entsprechenden <u><a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Luxtronik_2.0">Artikel der FHEM-Wiki</a></u>.
<a name="LUXTRONIK2define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LUXTRONIK2 &lt;IP-Adresse[:Port]&gt; [Abfrageinterval]</code>
Wenn das Abfrage-Interval nicht angegeben ist, wird es auf 300 (Sekunden) gesetzt. Der kleinste m&ouml;gliche Wert ist 30.
Die Angabe des Portes kann gew&oouml;hnlich entfallen.
Beispiel: <code>define Heizung LUXTRONIK2 600</code>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2set"></a>
Durch einen Firmware-Test wird vor jeder Set-Operation sichergestellt, dass W&auml;rmepumpen mit ungetester Firmware nicht unabsichtlich besch&auml;digt werden.
<li><code>activeTariff &lt; 0 - 9 &gt;</code>
Erlaubt die gezielte, separate Erfassung der statistischen Verbrauchswerte (doStatistics = 1) f&uuml;r verschiedene Tarife (Doppelstromz&auml;hler)<br>
Dieser Wert muss entsprechend des vorhandenen oder geplanten Tarifes zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt z.B. durch den FHEM-Befehl "at" gesetzt werden.<br>
0 = tariflos
<li><code>hotWaterCircPumpDeaerate &lt;on | off&gt;</code><br>
Schaltet die externe Warmwasser-Zirkulationspumpe an oder aus. Durch die Zirkulation wird das Abk&uuml;hlen des Warmwassers in den Hausleitungen verhindert. Der W&auml;rmeverbrauch steigt jedoch drastisch.
Achtung! Es wird die Entl&uuml;ftungsfunktion der Steuerung genutzt. Dadurch taktet die Pumpe jeweils 5 Minuten ein und 5 Minuten aus.
<li><code>hotWaterTemperatureTarget &lt;Temperatur&gt;</code>
Soll-Temperatur des Hei&szlig;wasserboilers in &deg;C
<li><code>opModeHotWater &lt;Betriebsmodus&gt;</code>
Betriebsmodus des Hei&szlig;wasserboilers ( Auto | Party | Off )
<li><code>resetStatistics &lt;statWerte&gt;</code>
L&ouml;scht die ausgew&auml;hlten statisischen Werte: <i>all, statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin, statAmbientTemp..., statElectricity..., statHours..., statHeatQ...</i>
<li><code>returnTemperatureSetBack &lt;Temperatur&gt;</code>
Absenkung oder Anhebung der R&uuml;cklauftemperatur von -5&deg;C bis + 5&deg;C
<li><code>INTERVAL &lt;Sekunden&gt;</code>
Abfrageinterval in Sekunden
Aktualisieren der Ger&auml;tewerte
Abgleich der Uhr der Steuerung mit der FHEM Zeit. <b>Diese &Auml;nderung geht verloren, sobald die Steuerung ausgeschaltet wird!!</b></li>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2get"></a>
Es wurde noch kein "get" implementiert ...
<a name="LUXTRONIK2attr"></a>
<li><code>allowSetParameter &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Die internen <a href="#LUXTRONIK2set">Parameter</a> der W&auml;rmepumpensteuerung k&ouml;nnen
nur ge&auml;ndert werden, wenn dieses Attribut auf 1 gesetzt ist.
<li><code>autoSynchClock &lt;Zeitunterschied&gt;</code>
Die Uhr der W&auml;rmepumpe wird automatisch korrigiert, wenn ein gewisser <i>Zeitunterschied</i> (10 s - 600 s)
gegen&uuml;ber der FHEM Zeit erreicht ist. Zuvor wird die Kompatibilit&auml;t der Firmware &uuml;berpr&uuml;ft.<br>
<i>(Ein Ger&auml;tewert 'delayDeviceTimeCalc' &lt;= 2 s ist auf die internen Berechnungsintervale der
W&auml;rmepumpensteuerung zur&uuml;ckzuf&uuml;hren.)</i>
Betriebsleistung des zweiten Kompressors zur Berechung der Arbeitszahl (erzeugte W&auml;rme pro elektrische Energieeinheit)
und Absch&auml;tzung des elektrischen Verbrauches (Auswertungen noch nicht implementiert)
<li><code>doStatistics &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Berechnet statistische Werte: <i>statBoilerGradientHeatUp, statBoilerGradientCoolDown,
statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin (W&auml;rmeverlust des Boilers)</i>
Bildet t&auml;gliche, monatliche und j&auml;hrliche Statistiken bestimmter Ger&auml;tewerte.<br>
F&uuml;r grafische Auswertungen k&ouml;nnen die Werte der Form 'stat<i>ReadingName</i><b>Last</b>' genutzt werden.
<li><code>heatPumpElectricalPowerWatt &lt;E-Leistung in Watt&gt;</code><br>
Elektrische Leistungsaufnahme der W&auml;rmepumpe in Watt bei einer Vorlauftemperatur von 35 &deg;C zur Berechung der Arbeitszahl (erzeugte W&auml;rme pro elektrische Energieeinheit)
und Absch&auml;tzung des elektrischen Verbrauches
&Auml;nderung der elektrischen Leistungsaufnahme pro 1 K Vorlauftemperaturdifferenz zu 35 &deg;C
(z.B. 2% pro 1 K = 0,02)
<li><code>heatRodElectricalPowerWatt &lt;E-Leistung in Watt&gt;</code><br>
Elektrische Leistungsaufnahme der Heizst&auml;be in Watt zur Absch&auml;tzung des elektrischen Verbrauches
<li><code>ignoreFirmwareCheck &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code>
Durch einen Firmware-Test wird vor jeder Set-Operation sichergestellt, dass W&auml;rmepumpen
mit ungetester Firmware nicht unabsichtlich besch&auml;digt werden. Wenn dieses Attribute auf 1
gesetzt ist, dann wird der Firmware-Test ignoriert und neue Firmware kann getestet werden.
Dieses Attribut wird jedoch ignoriert, wenn die Steuerungs-Firmware bereits als nicht kompatibel berichtet wurde.
wenn gesetzt, dann wird ein HTML-formatierter Wert "floorplanHTML" erzeugt,
welcher vom Modul <a href="#FLOORPLAN">FLOORPLAN</a> genutzt werden kann.<br>
Momentan wird nur gepr&uuml;ft, ob der Wert dieses Attributes ungleich NULL ist,
der entsprechende Ger&auml;tewerte besteht aus dem aktuellen W&auml;rmepumpenstatus und der Heizwassertemperatur.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a>
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