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synced 2025-03-07 07:16:35 +00:00
3950 lines
113 KiB
3950 lines
113 KiB
# $Id$
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use FHEM::UConv;
use Data::Dumper;
sub Unit_Initialize() {
my $scales_m = {
autoscale => {
'0' => { format => '%i', scale => 1000, },
'0.001' => { format => '%i', scale => 1000, },
'0.1' => { format => '%.1f', scale => 1, },
'10' => { format => '%i', scale => 1, },
'1.0e3' => { format => '%.1f', scale => 0.001, },
'2.0e3' => { format => '%i', scale => 0.001, },
'1.0e6' => { format => '%.1f', scale => 0.001, },
'2.0e6' => { format => '%i', scale => 0.001, },
'1.0e-12' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'p',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Piko',
en => 'Pico',
fr => 'Pico',
nl => 'Pico',
pl => 'Pico',
'1.0e-9' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'n',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Nano',
en => 'Nano',
fr => 'Nano',
nl => 'Nano',
pl => 'Nano',
'1.0e-6' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'μ',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Mikro',
en => 'Micro',
fr => 'Micro',
nl => 'Micro',
pl => 'Micro',
'1.0e-3' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'm',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Milli',
en => 'Mili',
fr => 'Mili',
nl => 'Mili',
pl => 'Mili',
'1.0e-2' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'c',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Zenti',
en => 'Centi',
fr => 'Centi',
nl => 'Centi',
pl => 'Centi',
'1.0e-1' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'd',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Dezi',
en => 'Deci',
fr => 'Deci',
nl => 'Deci',
pl => 'Deci',
'1.0e0' => {
'scale_txt_m' => '',
'scale_txt_long_m' => '',
'1.0e1' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'da',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Deka',
en => 'Deca',
fr => 'Deca',
nl => 'Deca',
pl => 'Deca',
'1.0e2' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'h',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Hekto',
en => 'Hecto',
fr => 'Hecto',
nl => 'Hecto',
pl => 'Hecto',
'1.0e3' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'k',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Kilo',
en => 'Kilo',
fr => 'Kilo',
nl => 'Kilo',
pl => 'Kilo',
'1.0e6' => {
'scale_txt_m' => 'M',
'scale_txt_long_m' => {
de => 'Mega',
en => 'Mega',
fr => 'Mega',
nl => 'Mega',
pl => 'Mega',
my $scales_sq = {
'scale_txt_sq' => '2',
'scale_txt_long_sq' => {
de => 'Quadrat',
en => 'Square',
fr => 'Square',
nl => 'Square',
pl => 'Square',
my $scales_cu = {
'scale_txt_cu' => '3',
'scale_txt_long_cu' => {
de => 'Kubik',
en => 'Cubic',
fr => 'Cubic',
nl => 'Cubic',
pl => 'Cubic',
my $scales_t = {
'1' => {},
'60' => {},
'3600' => {},
'86400' => {},
'604800' => {},
'2592000' => {},
'31536000' => {},
my $rtype_base = {
# based on https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_physikalischer_Gr%C3%B6%C3%9Fen
0 => {
dimension => 'L',
formula_symbol => 'l',
rtype_base => 'm',
base_description => {
de => 'Länge',
en => 'length',
fr => 'length',
nl => 'length',
pl => 'length',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
1 => {
dimension => 'M',
formula_symbol => 'm',
rtype_base => 'kg',
base_description => {
de => 'Masse',
en => 'mass',
fr => 'mass',
nl => 'mass',
pl => 'mass',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
2 => {
dimension => 'T',
formula_symbol => 't',
rtype_base => 's',
base_description => {
de => 'Zeit',
en => 'time',
fr => 'time',
nl => 'time',
pl => 'time',
format => '%.0f',
scope => { min => 0 },
3 => {
dimension => 'I',
formula_symbol => 'i',
rtype_base => 'a',
base_description => {
de => 'elektrische Stromstärke',
en => 'electric current',
fr => 'electric current',
nl => 'electric current',
pl => 'electric current',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
4 => {
dimension => 'θ',
formula_symbol => 'T',
rtype_base => 'k',
base_description => {
de => 'absolute Temperatur',
en => 'absolute temperature',
fr => 'absolute temperature',
nl => 'absolute temperature',
pl => 'absolute temperature',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
5 => {
dimension => 'N',
formula_symbol => 'n',
rtype_base => 'mol',
base_description => {
de => 'Stoffmenge',
en => 'amount of substance',
fr => 'amount of substance',
nl => 'amount of substance',
pl => 'amount of substance',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
6 => {
dimension => 'J',
formula_symbol => 'Iv',
rtype_base => 'cd',
base_description => {
de => 'Lichtstärke',
en => 'luminous intensity',
fr => 'luminous intensity',
nl => 'luminous intensity',
pl => 'luminous intensity',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
7 => {
dimension => 'M L^2 T^−2',
formula_symbol => 'E',
rtype_base => 'j',
base_description => {
de => 'Energie',
en => 'energy',
fr => 'energy',
nl => 'energy',
pl => 'energy',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
8 => {
dimension => 'T^−1',
formula_symbol => 'f',
rtype_base => 'hz',
base_description => {
de => 'Frequenz',
en => 'frequency',
fr => 'frequency',
nl => 'frequency',
pl => 'frequency',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
9 => {
dimension => 'M L^2 T^−3',
formula_symbol => 'P',
rtype_base => 'w',
base_description => {
de => 'Leistung',
en => 'power',
fr => 'power',
nl => 'power',
pl => 'power',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
10 => {
dimension => 'M L^−1 T^−2',
formula_symbol => 'p',
rtype_base => 'pa',
base_description => {
de => 'Druck',
en => 'pressure',
fr => 'pressure',
nl => 'pressure',
pl => 'pressure',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
11 => {
dimension => 'M L^−1 T^−2',
formula_symbol => 'pabs',
rtype_base => 'pabs',
base_description => {
de => 'absoluter Druck',
en => 'absolute pressure',
fr => 'absolute pressure',
nl => 'absolute pressure',
pl => 'absolute pressure',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
12 => {
dimension => 'M L^−1 T^−2',
formula_symbol => 'pamb',
rtype_base => 'pamb',
base_description => {
de => 'Luftdruck',
en => 'air pressure',
fr => 'air pressure',
nl => 'air pressure',
pl => 'air pressure',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
13 => {
dimension => 'M L^2 T^−3 I^−1',
formula_symbol => 'U',
rtype_base => 'v',
base_description => {
de => 'elektrische Spannung',
en => 'electric voltage',
fr => 'electric voltage',
nl => 'electric voltage',
pl => 'electric voltage',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
14 => {
dimension => '1',
formula_symbol => '',
rtype_base => 'rad',
base_description => {
de => 'ebener Winkel',
en => 'plane angular',
fr => 'plane angular',
nl => 'plane angular',
pl => 'plane angular',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
15 => {
dimension => 'L T^−1',
formula_symbol => 'v',
rtype_base => 'kmh',
base_description => {
de => 'Geschwindigkeit',
en => 'speed',
fr => 'speed',
nl => 'speed',
pl => 'speed',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
16 => {
dimension => 'L^−2 J',
formula_symbol => 'Ev',
rtype_base => 'lx',
base_description => {
de => 'Beleuchtungsstärke',
en => 'illumination intensity',
fr => 'illumination intensity',
nl => 'illumination intensity',
pl => 'illumination intensity',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
17 => {
dimension => 'J',
formula_symbol => 'F',
rtype_base => 'lm',
base_description => {
de => 'Lichtstrom',
en => 'luminous flux',
fr => 'luminous flux',
nl => 'luminous flux',
pl => 'luminous flux',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
18 => {
dimension => 'L^3',
formula_symbol => 'V',
rtype_base => 'm3',
base_description => {
de => 'Volumen',
en => 'volume',
fr => 'volume',
nl => 'volume',
pl => 'volume',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
19 => {
dimension => '1',
formula_symbol => 'B',
rtype_base => 'b',
base_description => {
de => 'Logarithmische Größe',
en => 'logarithmic level',
fr => 'logarithmic level',
nl => 'logarithmic level',
pl => 'logarithmic level',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
20 => {
dimension => 'I T',
formula_symbol => 'C',
rtype_base => 'coul',
base_description => {
de => 'elektrische Ladung',
en => 'electric charge',
fr => 'electric charge',
nl => 'electric charge',
pl => 'electric charge',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
21 => {
dimension => '',
formula_symbol => 'F',
rtype_base => 'far',
base_description => {
de => 'elektrische Kapazität',
en => 'electric capacity',
fr => 'electric capacity',
nl => 'electric capacity',
pl => 'electric capacity',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
22 => {
dimension => '',
formula_symbol => 'F',
rtype_base => 'far',
base_description => {
de => 'elektrische Widerstand',
en => 'electric resistance',
fr => 'electric resistance',
nl => 'electric resistance',
pl => 'electric resistance',
format => '%.1f',
scope => { min => 0 },
23 => {
dimension => 'L^2',
formula_symbol => 'A',
rtype_base => 'm2',
base_description => {
de => 'Flächeninhalt',
en => 'surface area',
fr => 'surface area',
nl => 'surface area',
pl => 'surface area',
format => '%i',
scope => { min => 0 },
24 => {
base_description => {
de => 'Währung',
en => 'currency',
fr => 'currency',
nl => 'currency',
pl => 'currency',
format => '%.2f',
scope => '^[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?$',
tmpl => '%value% %symbol%',
25 => {
base_description => {
de => 'Zahlen',
en => 'Numbering',
fr => 'Numbering',
nl => 'Numbering',
pl => 'Numbering',
tmpl => '%value%',
26 => {
base_description => {
de => 'Logische Operatoren',
en => 'Logical operators',
fr => 'Logical operators',
nl => 'Logical operators',
pl => 'Logical operators',
tmpl => '%value%',
900 => {
base_description => 'FHEM Builtin Readings Type',
tmpl => '%value%',
999 => {
base_description => 'FHEM User Defined Readings Type',
tmpl => '%value%',
my $rtypes = {
# others
url => {
ref_base => 900,
rtype_description => 'General URL including protocol prefix',
tmpl => '<html><a href="%value%">%value%</a></html>',
url_http => {
ref_base => 900,
rtype_description => 'HTTP/S URL w/ or w/o protocol prefix',
tmpl => '<html><a href="%value%">%value%</a></html>',
trend => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => [ '=', '+', '-' ],
txt_long => {
de => [ 'gleichbleibend', 'steigend', 'fallend' ],
en => [ 'steady', 'rising', 'falling' ],
fr => [ 'stable', 'croissant', 'décroissant' ],
nl => [ 'stabiel', 'stijgend', 'dalend' ],
pl => [ 'stabilne', 'rośnie', 'spada' ],
scope => [ '^(=|0)$', '^(+|1)$', '^(-|2)$' ],
tmpl => '%txt%',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
rtype_description => 'Trend',
oknok => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'Fehler', 'ok', 'Warnung' ],
en => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
fr => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
nl => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
pl => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
scope => [
'^(nok|error|dead|0)$', '^(ok|alive|1)$',
'^(warning|warn|low|2)$', '^(.*)$'
rtype_description => {
de =>
'Fehlerstatus; siehe RType roknok, sofern 0<>1 vertauschte Bedeutung haben',
en => 'error state',
fr => 'error state',
nl => 'error state',
pl => 'error state',
roknok => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'Fehler', 'ok', 'Warnung' ],
en => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
fr => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
nl => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
pl => [ 'error', 'ok', 'warning' ],
scope => [
'^(nok|error|dead|1)$', '^(ok|alive|0)$',
'^(warning|warn|low|2)$', '^(.*)$'
rtype_description => {
de =>
'verdrehter Fehlerstatus, bei dem 0=ok und 1=Fehler bedeutet; Gegenteil von RType oknok',
en => 'reversed error state',
fr => 'reversed error state',
nl => 'reversed error state',
pl => 'reversed error state',
onoff => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'aus', 'an', 'nicht verfügbar' ],
en => [ 'off', 'on', 'absent' ],
fr => [ 'off', 'on', 'absent' ],
nl => [ 'off', 'on', 'absent' ],
pl => [ 'off', 'on', 'absent' ],
scope =>
[ '^(off|no|standby|0)$', '^(on|yes|1)$', '^(absent|offline|2)$', ],
rtype_description => {
de => 'Schaltstatus',
en => 'Switch state',
fr => 'Switch state',
nl => 'Switch state',
pl => 'Switch state',
presence => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'nicht verfügbar', 'verfügbar' ],
en => [ 'absent', 'present' ],
fr => [ 'absent', 'present' ],
nl => [ 'absent', 'present' ],
pl => [ 'absent', 'present' ],
scope => [
rtype_description => {
de => 'Verfügbarkeit',
en => 'availability',
fr => 'availability',
nl => 'availability',
pl => 'availability',
epoch => {
ref_base => 900,
scope => { min => 0 },
rtype_description => {
de => 'Unix Epoche in s seit 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
en => 'Unix epoch in s since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
fr => 'Unix epoch in s since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
nl => 'Unix epoch in s since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
pl => 'Unix epoch in s since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
weekday => {
ref_base => 900,
symbol => {
de => [ 'So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa' ],
en => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
fr => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
nl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
pl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
txt => {
de => [ 'So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa' ],
en => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
fr => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
nl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
pl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
txt_long => {
de => [
'Sonntag', 'Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch',
'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag'
en => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
fr => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
nl => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
pl => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
scope => [
'^(Sun|Su|Sunday|0)$', '^(Mon|Mo|Monday|1)$',
'^(Tue|Tu|Tuesday|2)$', '^(Wed|We|Wednesday|3)$',
'^(Thu|Th|Thursday|4)$', '^(Fri|Fr|Friday|5)$',
tmpl => '%txt%',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
rtype_description => {
de =>
'Wochentag nach englisch-amerikanischer Annahme des Wochenstarts am Sonntag',
en =>
'Day of the week according to english assumption for the week to start on sunday',
fr =>
'Day of the week according to english assumption for the week to start on sunday',
nl =>
'Day of the week according to english assumption for the week to start on sunday',
pl =>
'Day of the week according to english assumption for the week to start on sunday',
weekday_iso => {
ref_base => 900,
symbol => {
de => [ 'So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa' ],
en => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
fr => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
nl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
pl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
txt => {
de => [ 'So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa' ],
en => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
fr => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
nl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
pl => [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tus', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
txt_long => {
de => [
'Sonntag', 'Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch',
'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag'
en => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
fr => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
nl => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
pl => [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
scope => [
'^(Sun|Su|Sunday|6)$', '^(Mon|Mo|Monday|0)$',
'^(Tue|Tu|Tuesday|1)$', '^(Wed|We|Wednesday|2)$',
'^(Thu|Th|Thursday|3)$', '^(Fri|Fr|Friday|4)$',
tmpl => '%txt%',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Wochentag nach ISO-Standard, Woche beginnend mit Montag',
en =>
'Day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
fr =>
'Day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
nl =>
'Day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
pl =>
'Day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
weekday_night => {
ref_base => 900,
symbol => {
de => [ 'So N', 'Mo N', 'Di N', 'Mi N', 'Do N', 'Fr N', 'Sa N' ],
en =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
fr =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
nl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
pl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
txt => {
de => [ 'So N', 'Mo N', 'Di N', 'Mi N', 'Do N', 'Fr N', 'Sa N' ],
en =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
fr =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
nl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
pl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
txt_long => {
de => [
'Sonntag Nacht',
'Montag Nacht',
'Dienstag Nacht',
'Mittwoch Nacht',
'Donnerstag Nacht',
'Freitag Nacht',
'Samstag Nacht'
en => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
fr => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
nl => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
pl => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
scope => [
tmpl => '%txt%',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
rtype_description => {
de =>
'Nächtlicher Wochentag nach englisch-amerikanischer Standard des Wochenstarts am Sonntag',
en =>
'Nightly day of the week according to english standard for the week to start on sunday',
fr =>
'Nightly day of the week according to english standard for the week to start on sunday',
nl =>
'Nightly day of the week according to english standard for the week to start on sunday',
pl =>
'Nightly day of the week according to english standard for the week to start on sunday',
weekday_night_iso => {
ref_base => 900,
symbol => {
de => [ 'So N', 'Mo N', 'Di N', 'Mi N', 'Do N', 'Fr N', 'Sa N' ],
en =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
fr =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
nl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
pl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
txt => {
de => [ 'So N', 'Mo N', 'Di N', 'Mi N', 'Do N', 'Fr N', 'Sa N' ],
en =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
fr =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
nl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
pl =>
[ 'Sun N', 'Mon N', 'Tus N', 'Wed N', 'Thu N', 'FriN ', 'Sat N' ],
txt_long => {
de => [
'Sonntag Nacht',
'Montag Nacht',
'Dienstag Nacht',
'Mittwoch Nacht',
'Donnerstag Nacht',
'Freitag Nacht',
'Samstag Nacht'
en => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
fr => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
nl => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
pl => [
'Sunday Night',
'Monday Night',
'Tuesday Night',
'Wednesday Night',
'Thursday Night',
'Friday Night',
'Saturday Night'
scope => [
tmpl => '%txt%',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
rtype_description => {
de =>
'Nächtlicher Wochentag nach ISO-Standard, Woche beginnend mit Montag',
en =>
'Nightly day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
fr =>
'Nightly day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
nl =>
'Nightly day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
pl =>
'Nightly day of the week according to ISO standard, week beginning on Mondays',
time => {
ref_base => 900,
scope => '^(([0-1]?[0-9]|[0-2]?[0-3]):([0-5]?[0-9]))$',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Uhrzeit hh:mm',
en => 'time hh:mm',
fr => 'time hh:mm',
nl => 'time hh:mm',
pl => 'time hh:mm',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% Uhr',
en => '%value%',
fr => '%value%',
nl => '%value%',
pl => '%value%',
datetime => {
ref_base => 900,
scope =>
'^(([1-2][0-9]{3})-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) (0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):(0?[1-9]|[1-5][0-9]))$',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Datum+Uhrzeit YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm',
en => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm',
fr => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm',
nl => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm',
pl => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm',
timesec => {
ref_base => 900,
scope => '^(([0-1]?[0-9]|[0-2]?[0-3]):([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9]))$',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Uhrzeit hh:mm:ss',
en => 'time hh:mm:ss',
fr => 'time hh:mm:ss',
nl => 'time hh:mm:ss',
pl => 'time hh:mm:ss',
datetimesec => {
ref_base => 900,
scope =>
'^(([1-2][0-9]{3})-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) (0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):(0?[1-9]|[1-5][0-9]):(0?[1-9]|[1-5][0-9]))$',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Datum+Uhrzeit YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss',
en => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss',
fr => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss',
nl => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss',
pl => 'date+time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss',
direction => {
ref_base => 900,
formula_symbol => 'Dir',
ref => 'gon',
scope => { min => 0, max => 360 },
rtype_description => {
de => 'Richtungsangabe',
en => 'direction',
fr => 'direction',
nl => 'direction',
pl => 'direction',
compasspoint => {
ref_base => 900,
formula_symbol => 'CP',
txt => {
de => [
'N', 'NNO', 'NO', 'ONO', 'O', 'OSO', 'SO', 'SSO',
'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
en => [
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
nl => [
'N', 'NNO', 'NO', 'ONO', 'O', 'OZO', 'ZO', 'ZZO',
'Z', 'ZZW', 'ZW', 'WZW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
fr => [
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO', 'O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO'
pl => [
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
txt_long => {
de => [
'Norden', 'Nord-Nordost', 'Nordost', 'Ost-Nordost',
'Osten', 'Ost-Südost', 'Südost', 'Süd-Südost',
'Süden', 'Süd-Südwest', 'Südwest', 'West-Südwest',
'Westen', 'West-Nordwest', 'Nordwest', 'Nord-Nordwest'
en => [
'North', 'North-Northeast',
'Northeast', 'East-Northeast',
'East', 'East-Southeast',
'Southeast', 'South-Southeast',
'South', 'South-Southwest',
'Southwest', 'West-Southwest',
'West', 'West-Northwest',
'Northwest', 'North-Northwest'
nl => [
'North', 'North-Northeast',
'Northeast', 'East-Northeast',
'East', 'East-Southeast',
'Southeast', 'South-Southeast',
'South', 'South-Southwest',
'Southwest', 'West-Southwest',
'West', 'West-Northwest',
'Northwest', 'North-Northwest'
fr => [
'North', 'North-Northeast',
'Northeast', 'East-Northeast',
'East', 'East-Southeast',
'Southeast', 'South-Southeast',
'South', 'South-Southwest',
'Southwest', 'West-Southwest',
'West', 'West-Northwest',
'Northwest', 'North-Northwest'
pl => [
'North', 'North-Northeast',
'Northeast', 'East-Northeast',
'East', 'East-Southeast',
'Southeast', 'South-Southeast',
'South', 'South-Southwest',
'Southwest', 'West-Southwest',
'West', 'West-Northwest',
'Northwest', 'North-Northwest'
#TODO: integrate gradiants into scope regex
# if ($azimuth < 22.5) {
# $compassPoint = "north";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 45) {
# $compassPoint = "north-northeast";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 67.5) {
# $compassPoint = "northeast";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 90) {
# $compassPoint = "east-northeast";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 112.5){
# $compassPoint = "east";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 135) {
# $compassPoint = "east-southeast";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 157.5){
# $compassPoint = "southeast";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 180) {
# $compassPoint = "south-southeast";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 202.5){
# $compassPoint = "south";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 225) {
# $compassPoint = "south-southwest";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 247.5){
# $compassPoint = "southwest";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 270) {
# $compassPoint = "west-southwest";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 292.5){
# $compassPoint = "west";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 315) {
# $compassPoint = "west-northwest";
# } elsif ($azimuth < 337.5){
# $compassPoint = "northwest";
# } elsif ($azimuth <= 361) {
# $compassPoint = "north-northwest";
# }
scope => [
rtype_description => {
de => 'Himmelsrichtung',
en => 'point of the compass',
fr => 'point of the compass',
nl => 'point of the compass',
pl => 'point of the compass',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
closure => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'geschlossen', 'offen', 'gekippt' ],
en => [ 'closed', 'open', 'tilted' ],
fr => [ 'closed', 'open', 'tilted' ],
nl => [ 'closed', 'open', 'tilted' ],
pl => [ 'closed', 'open', 'tilted' ],
scope => [ '^(closed|0)$', '^(open|1)$', '^(tilted|2)$' ],
rtype_description => {
de => 'Status für Fenster und Türen',
en => 'state for windows and doors',
fr => 'state for windows and doors',
nl => 'state for windows and doors',
pl => 'state for windows and doors',
condition_weather => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'klar', 'sonnig ', 'bewölkt', 'Regen' ],
en => [ 'clear', 'sunny', 'cloudy', 'rain' ],
fr => [ 'clear', 'sunny', 'cloudy', 'rain' ],
nl => [ 'clear', 'sunny', 'cloudy', 'rain' ],
pl => [ 'clear', 'sunny', 'cloudy', 'rain' ],
scope => [ '^(clear|0)$', '^(sunny|1)$', '^(cloudy|2)$', '^(rain|3)$' ],
rtype_description => {
de => 'Wetterbedingung',
en => 'weather condition',
fr => 'weather condition',
nl => 'weather condition',
pl => 'weather condition',
condition_hum => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'trocken', 'niedrig', 'optimal', 'hoch', 'feucht' ],
en => [ 'dry', 'low', 'optimal', 'high', 'wet' ],
fr => [ 'dry', 'low', 'optimal', 'high', 'wet' ],
nl => [ 'dry', 'low', 'optimal', 'high', 'wet' ],
pl => [ 'dry', 'low', 'optimal', 'high', 'wet' ],
scope => [
'^(dry|0)$', '^(low|1)$', '^(optimal|2)$', '^(high|3)$',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Feuchtigkeitsbedingung',
en => 'humidity condition',
fr => 'humidity condition',
nl => 'humidity condition',
pl => 'humidity condition',
condition_uvi => {
ref_base => 900,
txt => {
de => [ 'niedrig', 'moderat', 'hoch', 'sehr hoch', 'extrem' ],
en => [ 'low', 'moderate', 'high', 'very high', 'extreme' ],
fr => [ 'low', 'moderate', 'high', 'very high', 'extreme' ],
nl => [ 'low', 'moderate', 'high', 'very high', 'extreme' ],
pl => [ 'low', 'moderate', 'high', 'very high', 'extreme' ],
scope => [
'^(low|0)$', '^(moderate|1)$',
'^(high|2)$', '^(veryhigh|3)$',
rtype_description => {
de => 'UV Bedingung',
en => 'UV condition',
fr => 'UV condition',
nl => 'UV condition',
pl => 'UV condition',
# logical operators
bool => {
ref_base => 26,
txt => {
de => [ 'falsch', 'wahr' ],
en => [ 'false', 'true' ],
fr => [ 'false', 'true' ],
nl => [ 'false', 'true' ],
pl => [ 'false', 'true' ],
scope => [ '^(false|no|0)$', '^(true|yes|1)$' ],
rtype_description => {
de => 'Boolesch wahr/falsch',
en => 'Boolean true/false',
fr => 'Boolean true/false',
nl => 'Boolean true/false',
pl => 'Boolean true/false',
yesno => {
ref_base => 26,
txt => {
de => [ 'nein', 'ja' ],
en => [ 'no', 'yes' ],
fr => [ 'no', 'yes' ],
nl => [ 'no', 'yes' ],
pl => [ 'no', 'yes' ],
scope => [ '^(no|n|false|0)$', '^(yes|y|true|1)$' ],
rtype_description => {
de => 'Boolesch ja/nein',
en => 'Boolean ja/nein',
fr => 'Boolean ja/nein',
nl => 'Boolean ja/nein',
pl => 'Boolean ja/nein',
# numbering
short => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%i',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Ganzzahl zwischen -32768 und 32767',
en => 'Integer between -32768 and 32767',
fr => 'Integer between -32768 and 32767',
nl => 'Integer between -32768 and 32767',
pl => 'Integer between -32768 and 32767',
scope => { min => -32768, max => 32767 },
rshort => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%.0f',
rtype_description => {
de => 'gerundete Ganzzahl zwischen -32768 und 32767',
en => 'rounded integer between -32768 and 32767',
fr => 'rounded integer between -32768 and 32767',
nl => 'rounded integer between -32768 and 32767',
pl => 'rounded integer between -32768 and 32767',
scope => { min => -32768, max => 32767 },
long => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%i',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Ganzzahl zwischen -2147483648 und 214748364',
en => 'Integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
fr => 'Integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
nl => 'Integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
pl => 'Integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
scope => { min => -2147483648, max => 214748364 },
rlong => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%.0f',
rtype_description => {
de => 'gerundete Ganzzahl zwischen -2147483648 und 214748364',
en => 'rounded integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
fr => 'rounded integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
nl => 'rounded integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
pl => 'rounded integer between -2147483648 and 214748364',
scope => { min => -2147483648, max => 214748364 },
integer => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%i',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Ganzzahl',
en => 'Integer',
fr => 'Integer',
nl => 'Integer',
pl => 'Integer',
scope => '^([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$',
rinteger => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%.0f',
rtype_description => {
de => 'gerundete Ganzzahl',
en => 'rounded integer',
fr => 'rounded integer',
nl => 'rounded integer',
pl => 'rounded integer',
scope => '^([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$',
float => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%.2f',
rtype_description => {
de => 'Fließkommazahl',
en => 'floating number',
fr => 'floating number',
nl => 'floating number',
pl => 'floating number',
scope => '^([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$',
pct => {
ref_base => 25,
format => '%i',
symbol => '%',
suffix => 'pct',
txt => {
de => 'Prozent',
en => 'percent',
fr => 'percent',
nl => 'percent',
pl => 'percent',
tmpl => '%value% %symbol%',
scope => { min => 0, max => 100 },
# currency
euro => {
ref_base => 24,
format => '%.2f',
symbol => '€',
suffix => 'EUR',
txt => 'Euro',
scope => '^([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$',
pound_uk => {
ref_base => 24,
format => '%.2f',
symbol => '£',
suffix => 'GBP',
txt => {
de => 'Pfund',
en => 'Pound',
fr => 'Pound',
nl => 'Pound',
pl => 'Pound',
txt_long => {
de => 'Britische Pfund',
en => 'British Pound',
fr => 'British Pound',
nl => 'British Pound',
pl => 'British Pound',
scope => '^([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
dollar_us => {
ref_base => 24,
format => '%.2f',
symbol => '$',
suffix => 'USD',
txt => 'Dollar',
txt_long => 'US Dollar',
tmpl => '%symbol%%value%',
scope => '^([0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)$',
tmpl_long => '%txt_long%',
# plane angular
gon => {
ref_base => 14,
symbol => '°',
suffix => 'gon',
txt => {
de => 'Grad',
en => 'gradians',
fr => 'gradians',
nl => 'gradians',
pl => 'gradians',
tmpl => '%value%%symbol%',
scope => { min => 0 },
rad => {
ref_base => 14,
suffix => 'rad',
txt => {
de => 'Radiant',
en => 'radiant',
fr => 'radiant',
nl => 'radiant',
pl => 'radiant',
scope => { min => 0 },
# temperature
c => {
ref_base => 4,
symbol => chr(0xC2) . chr(0xB0) . 'C',
suffix => 'C',
txt => {
de => 'Grad Celsius',
en => 'Degree Celsius',
fr => 'Degree Celsius',
nl => 'Degree Celsius',
pl => 'Degree Celsius',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Grad Celsius',
en => 'Degrees Celsius',
fr => 'Degrees Celsius',
nl => 'Degrees Celsius',
pl => 'Degrees Celsius',
tmpl => '%value%%symbol%',
scope => { min => -273.15 },
f => {
ref_base => 4,
symbol => chr(0xC2) . chr(0xB0) . 'F',
suffix => 'F',
txt => {
de => 'Grad Fahrenheit',
en => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
fr => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
nl => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
pl => 'Degree Fahrenheit',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Grad Fahrenheit',
en => 'Degrees Fahrenheit',
fr => 'Degrees Fahrenheit',
nl => 'Degrees Fahrenheit',
pl => 'Degrees Fahrenheit',
tmpl => '%value% %symbol%',
scope => { min => -459.67 },
k => {
ref_base => 4,
suffix => 'K',
txt => {
de => 'Kelvin',
en => 'Kelvin',
fr => 'Kelvin',
nl => 'Kelvin',
pl => 'Kelvin',
# pressure
bar => {
ref_base => 10,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'bar',
txt => {
de => 'Bar',
en => 'Bar',
fr => 'Bar',
nl => 'Bar',
pl => 'Bar',
mbar => {
ref => 'bar',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
pa => {
ref_base => 10,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'Pa',
txt => {
de => 'Pascal',
en => 'Pascal',
fr => 'Pascal',
nl => 'Pascal',
pl => 'Pascal',
hpa => {
ref => 'pa',
scale_m => '1.0e2',
pamb => {
ref_base => 12,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'Pa',
txt => {
de => 'Pascal',
en => 'Pascal',
fr => 'Pascal',
nl => 'Pascal',
pl => 'Pascal',
hpamb => {
ref => 'pamb',
scale_m => '1.0e2',
inhg => {
ref_base => 12,
suffix => 'inHg',
txt => {
de => 'Zoll Quecksilbersäule',
en => 'Inches of Mercury',
fr => 'Inches of Mercury',
nl => 'Inches of Mercury',
pl => 'Inches of Mercury',
mmhg => {
ref_base => 12,
suffix => 'mmHg',
txt => {
de => 'Millimeter Quecksilbersäule',
en => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
fr => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
nl => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
pl => 'Milimeter of Mercury',
# length
km => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e3',
hm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e2',
dam => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e1',
m => {
ref_base => 0,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'm',
txt => {
de => 'Meter',
en => 'meter',
fr => 'meter',
nl => 'meter',
pl => 'meter',
dm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-1',
cm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-2',
mm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
um => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
nm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-9',
pm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-12',
fm => {
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-15',
in => {
ref_base => 4,
symbol => '″',
suffix => 'in',
txt => {
de => 'Zoll',
en => 'inch',
fr => 'inch',
nl => 'inch',
pl => 'inch',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Zoll',
en => 'inches',
fr => 'inches',
nl => 'inches',
pl => 'inches',
tmpl => '%value%%symbol%',
tmpl_long => '%value% %txt%',
tmpl_long_pl => '%value% %txt_pl%',
ft => {
ref_base => 0,
symbol => '′',
suffix => 'ft',
txt => {
de => 'Fuss',
en => 'foot',
fr => 'foot',
nl => 'foot',
pl => 'foot',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Fuss',
en => 'feet',
fr => 'feet',
nl => 'feet',
pl => 'feet',
tmpl => '%value%%symbol%',
tmpl_long => '%value% %txt%',
tmpl_long_pl => '%value% %txt_pl%',
yd => {
ref_base => 0,
suffix => 'yd',
txt => {
de => 'Yard',
en => 'yard',
fr => 'yard',
nl => 'yard',
pl => 'yard',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Yards',
en => 'yards',
fr => 'yards',
nl => 'yards',
pl => 'yards',
mi => {
ref_base => 0,
suffix => 'mi',
txt => {
de => 'Meilen',
en => 'miles',
fr => 'miles',
nl => 'miles',
pl => 'miles',
# time
sec => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '1',
suffix => {
de => 's',
en => 's',
fr => 's',
nl => 'sec',
pl => 'sec',
txt => {
de => 'Sekunde',
en => 'second',
fr => 'second',
nl => 'second',
pl => 'second',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Sekunden',
en => 'seconds',
fr => 'seconds',
nl => 'seconds',
pl => 'seconds',
min => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '60',
suffix => {
de => 'Min',
en => 'min',
fr => 'min',
nl => 'min',
pl => 'min',
txt => {
de => 'Minute',
en => 'minute',
fr => 'minute',
nl => 'minute',
pl => 'minute',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Minuten',
en => 'minutes',
fr => 'minutes',
nl => 'minutes',
pl => 'minutes',
hr => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '3600',
suffix => 'h',
txt => {
de => 'Stunde',
en => 'hour',
fr => 'hour',
nl => 'hour',
pl => 'hour',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Stunden',
en => 'hours',
fr => 'hours',
nl => 'hours',
pl => 'hours',
d => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '86400',
suffix => {
de => 'T',
en => 'd',
fr => 'd',
nl => 'd',
pl => 'd',
txt => {
de => 'Tag',
en => 'day',
fr => 'day',
nl => 'day',
pl => 'day',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Tage',
en => 'days',
fr => 'days',
nl => 'days',
pl => 'days',
w => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '604800',
suffix => {
de => 'W',
en => 'w',
fr => 'w',
nl => 'w',
pl => 'w',
txt => {
de => 'Woche',
en => 'week',
fr => 'week',
nl => 'week',
pl => 'week',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Wochen',
en => 'weeks',
fr => 'weeks',
nl => 'weeks',
pl => 'weeks',
mon => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '2592000',
suffix => {
de => 'M',
en => 'm',
fr => 'm',
nl => 'm',
pl => 'm',
txt => {
de => 'Monat',
en => 'month',
fr => 'month',
nl => 'month',
pl => 'month',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Monate',
en => 'Monat',
fr => 'Monat',
nl => 'Monat',
pl => 'Monat',
y => {
ref_base => 2,
scale_t => '31536000',
suffix => {
de => 'J',
en => 'y',
fr => 'y',
nl => 'y',
pl => 'y',
txt => {
de => 'Jahr',
en => 'year',
fr => 'year',
nl => 'year',
pl => 'year',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Jahre',
en => 'years',
fr => 'years',
nl => 'years',
pl => 'years',
# speed
bft => {
ref_base => 15,
suffix => 'bft',
txt => {
de => 'Windstärke',
en => 'wind force',
fr => 'wind force',
nl => 'wind force',
pl => 'wind force',
tmpl_long => '%txt% %value%',
kn => {
ref_base => 15,
suffix => 'kn',
txt => {
de => 'Knoten',
en => 'knots',
fr => 'knots',
nl => 'knots',
pl => 'knots',
fts => {
ref_base => 15,
ref => 'ft',
ref_t => 'sec',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_t%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
mph => {
ref_base => 15,
ref => 'mi',
ref_t => 'hr',
tmpl => '%value% mph',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
kmh => {
ref_base => 15,
ref => 'm',
ref_t => 'hr',
scale_m => '1.0e3',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_t%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
mps => {
ref_base => 15,
ref => 'm',
ref_t => 'sec',
scale_m => '1.0e0',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_t%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_t%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_t%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_t%',
# weight
mol => {
ref_base => 5,
suffix => 'mol',
pg => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e-12",
ng => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e-9",
ug => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e-6",
mg => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e-3",
cg => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e-2",
dg => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e-1",
g => {
ref_base => 1,
scale_m => "1.0e0",
suffix => 'g',
txt => {
de => 'Gramm',
en => 'gram',
fr => 'gram',
nl => 'gram',
pl => 'gram',
kg => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e3",
t => {
ref => 'g',
scale_m => "1.0e6",
suffix => 't',
txt => {
de => 'Tonne',
en => 'ton',
fr => 'ton',
nl => 'ton',
pl => 'ton',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Tonnen',
en => 'tons',
fr => 'tons',
nl => 'tons',
pl => 'tons',
lb => {
ref_base => 1,
suffix => 'lb',
txt => {
de => 'Pfund',
en => 'pound',
fr => 'pound',
nl => 'pound',
pl => 'pound',
lbs => {
ref_base => 1,
suffix => 'lbs',
txt => {
de => 'Pfund',
en => 'pound',
fr => 'pound',
nl => 'pound',
pl => 'pound',
# luminous intensity
cd => {
ref_base => 6,
suffix => 'cd',
txt => {
de => 'Candela',
en => 'Candela',
fr => 'Candela',
nl => 'Candela',
pl => 'Candela',
# illumination intensity
lx => {
ref_base => 16,
suffix => 'lx',
txt => {
de => 'Lux',
en => 'Lux',
fr => 'Lux',
nl => 'Lux',
pl => 'Lux',
# luminous flux
lm => {
ref_base => 17,
suffix => 'lm',
txt => {
de => 'Lumen',
en => 'Lumen',
fr => 'Lumen',
nl => 'Lumen',
pl => 'Lumen',
uvi => {
ref_base => 900,
suffix => 'UVI',
txt => {
de => 'UV-Index',
en => 'UV-Index',
fr => 'UV-Index',
nl => 'UV-Index',
pl => 'UV-Index',
tmpl => '%suffix% %value%',
tmpl_long => '%txt% %value%',
format => '%i',
# surface area
cm2 => {
ref_base => 23,
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-2',
scale_sq => 1,
m2 => {
ref_base => 23,
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e0',
scale_sq => 1,
# volume
cm3 => {
ref_base => 18,
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e-2',
scale_cu => 1,
m3 => {
ref_base => 18,
ref => 'm',
scale_m => '1.0e0',
scale_cu => 1,
ml => {
ref => 'l',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
l => {
ref_base => 18,
suffix => 'l',
txt => {
de => 'Liter',
en => 'liter',
fr => 'liter',
nl => 'liter',
pl => 'liter',
txt_pl => {
de => 'Liter',
en => 'liters',
fr => 'liters',
nl => 'liters',
pl => 'liters',
hl => {
ref => 'l',
scale_m => '1.0e2',
b => {
ref_base => 19,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'B',
txt => {
de => 'Bel',
en => 'Bel',
fr => 'Bel',
nl => 'Bel',
pl => 'Bel',
db => {
ref => 'b',
scale_m => '1.0e-1',
ua => {
ref => 'a',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
ma => {
ref => 'a',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
a => {
ref_base => 3,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'A',
txt => {
de => 'Ampere',
en => 'Ampere',
fr => 'Ampere',
nl => 'Ampere',
pl => 'Ampere',
uv => {
ref => 'v',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
mv => {
ref => 'v',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
v => {
ref_base => 13,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'V',
txt => {
de => 'Volt',
en => 'Volt',
fr => 'Volt',
nl => 'Volt',
pl => 'Volt',
uj => {
ref => 'j',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
mj => {
ref => 'j',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
j => {
ref_base => 7,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'J',
txt => {
de => 'Joule',
en => 'Joule',
fr => 'Joule',
nl => 'Joule',
pl => 'Joule',
uw => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
mw => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
w => {
ref_base => 9,
scale_m => '1.0e0',
suffix => 'Watt',
txt => {
de => 'Watt',
en => 'Watt',
fr => 'Watt',
nl => 'Watt',
pl => 'Watt',
va => {
ref => 'w',
uwpscm => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
ref_sq => 'm',
scale_sq => '1.0e-2',
format => '%.0f',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_sq%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
uwpsm => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e-6',
ref_sq => 'm',
scale_sq => '1.0e0',
format => '%.0f',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_sq%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
mwpscm => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
ref_sq => 'm',
scale_sq => '1.0e-2',
format => '%.0f',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_sq%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
mwpsm => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e-3',
ref_sq => 'm',
scale_sq => '1.0e0',
format => '%.0f',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_sq%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
wpscm => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e0',
ref_sq => 'm',
scale_sq => '1.0e-2',
format => '%.0f',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_sq%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
wpsm => {
ref => 'w',
scale_m => '1.0e0',
ref_sq => 'm',
scale_sq => '1.0e0',
format => '%.0f',
tmpl => '%value% %suffix%/%suffix_sq%',
tmpl_long => {
de => '%value% %txt% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt% per %txt_sq%',
tmpl_long_pl => {
de => '%value% %txt_pl% pro %txt_sq%',
en => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
fr => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
nl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
pl => '%value% %txt_pl% per %txt_sq%',
coul => {
ref_base => 20,
suffix => 'C',
txt => {
de => 'Coulomb',
en => 'Coulomb',
fr => 'Coulomb',
nl => 'Coulomb',
pl => 'Coulomb',
far => {
ref_base => 21,
suffix => 'F',
txt => {
de => 'Farad',
en => 'Farad',
fr => 'Farad',
nl => 'Farad',
pl => 'Farad',
ohm => {
ref_base => 22,
symbol => 'Ω',
suffix => 'Ohm',
txt => {
de => 'Ohm',
en => 'Ohm',
fr => 'Ohm',
nl => 'Ohm',
pl => 'Ohm',
my $readingsDB = {
global => {
airpress => {
aliasname => 'pressure_hpa', # alias only
azimuth => {
rtype => 'gon',
compasspoint => {
rtype => 'compasspoint'
daylight => {
rtype => 'yesno',
dewpoint => {
aliasname => 'dewpoint_c', # alias only
dewpoint_c => {
rtype => 'c',
elevation => {
rtype => 'gon',
feelslike => {
aliasname => 'feelslike_c', # alias only
feelslike_c => {
rtype => 'c',
humidity => {
rtype => 'pct',
formula_symbol => 'H',
humidityabs => {
aliasname => 'humidityabs_c', # alias only
humidityabs_c => {
rtype => 'c',
formula_symbol => 'H',
humidityabs_f => {
rtype => 'f',
formula_symbol => 'H',
humidityabs_k => {
rtype => 'k',
formula_symbol => 'H',
horizon => {
rtype => 'gon',
indoordewpoint => {
aliasname => 'indoordewpoint_c', # alias only
indoordewpoint_c => {
rtype => 'c',
indoorhumidity => {
rtype => 'pct',
formula_symbol => 'H',
indoorhumidityabs => {
aliasname => 'indoorhumidityabs_c', # alias only
indoorhumidityabs_c => {
rtype => 'c',
indoortemperature => {
aliasname => 'indoortemperature_c', # alias only
indoortemperature_c => {
rtype => 'c',
israining => {
rtype => 'yesno',
level => {
rtype => 'pct',
luminosity => {
rtype => 'lx',
pct => {
rtype => 'pct',
pressure => {
aliasname => 'pressure_hpa', # alias only
pressure_hpa => {
rtype => 'hpamb',
pressure_in => {
rtype => 'inhg',
pressure_mm => {
rtype => 'mmhg',
pressureabs => {
aliasname => 'pressureabs_hpamb', # alias only
pressureabs_hpamb => {
rtype => 'hpamb',
pressureabs_in => {
rtype => 'inhg',
pressureabs_mm => {
rtype => 'mmhg',
pressureabs_psi => {
aliasname => 'pressureabs_psia',
pressureabs_psia => {
rtype => 'psia',
rain => {
aliasname => 'rain_mm', # alias only
rain_mm => {
rtype => 'mm',
rain_day => {
aliasname => 'rain_day_mm', # alias only
rain_day_mm => {
rtype => 'mm',
rain_night => {
aliasname => 'rain_night_mm', # alias only
rain_night_mm => {
rtype => 'mm',
rain_week => {
aliasname => 'rain_week_mm', # alias only
rain_week_mm => {
rtype => 'mm',
rain_month => {
aliasname => 'rain_month_mm', # alias only
rain_month_mm => {
rtype => 'mm',
rain_year => {
aliasname => 'rain_year_mm', # alias only
rain_year_mm => {
rtype => 'mm',
snow => {
aliasname => 'snow_cm', # alias only
snow_cm => {
rtype => 'cm',
snow_day => {
aliasname => 'snow_day_cm', # alias only
snow_day_cm => {
rtype => 'cm',
snow_night => {
aliasname => 'snow_night_cm', # alias only
snow_night_cm => {
rtype => 'cm',
sunshine => {
aliasname => 'solarradiation', # alias only
solarradiation => {
rtype => 'wpsm',
temp => {
aliasname => 'temperature_c', # alias only
temp_c => {
aliasname => 'temperature_c', # alias only
temperature => {
aliasname => 'temperature_c', # alias only
temperature_c => {
rtype => 'c',
uv => {
aliasname => 'uvi', # alias only
uvi => {
rtype => 'uvi',
uvr => {
rtype => 'uwpscm',
valvedesired => {
aliasname => 'valve', # alias only
valvepos => {
aliasname => 'valve', # alias only
valveposition => {
aliasname => 'valve', # alias only
valvepostc => {
aliasname => 'valve', # alias only
valve => {
rtype => 'pct',
visibility => {
aliasname => 'visibility_km', # alias only
visibility_km => {
rtype => 'km',
wind_chill => {
aliasname => 'wind_chill_c', # alias only
wind_chill_c => {
rtype => 'c',
wind_compasspoint => {
rtype => 'compasspoint'
windspeeddirection => {
aliasname => 'wind_compasspoint', # alias only
winddirectiontext => {
aliasname => 'wind_compasspoint', # alias only
wind_direction => {
aliasname => 'wind_compasspoint', # alias only
wind_dir => {
aliasname => 'wind_compasspoint', # alias only
winddir => {
aliasname => 'wind_compasspoint', # alias only
winddirection => {
aliasname => 'wind_compasspoint', # alias only
wind_gust => {
aliasname => 'wind_gust_kmh', # alias only
wind_gust_kmh => {
rtype => 'kmh',
wind_speed => {
aliasname => 'wind_speed_kmh', # alias only
wind_speed_kmh => {
rtype => 'kmh',
# Find rtype through reading name
sub rname2rtype ($$@) {
my ( $name, $reading, $lang ) = @_;
my $details;
my $r = $reading;
my $l = ( $lang ? lc($lang) : "en" );
my $rt;
my $guess;
my %return;
# remove some prefix or other values to
# flatten reading name
$r =~ s/^fc\d+_//i;
$r =~ s/_(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m)_/_/i;
$r =~ s/^(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m)_//i;
$r =~ s/_(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m)$//i;
$r =~ s/.*[-_](temp)$/$1/i;
# rename capital letter containing readings
if ( !$readingsDB->{global}{ lc($r) } ) {
$r =~ s/^([A-Z])(.*)/\l$1$2/;
$r =~ s/([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)[\/\|\-_]?/_$1/g;
$r = lc($r);
# known aliasname reading names
if ( $readingsDB->{global}{$r}{aliasname} ) {
my $dr = $readingsDB->{global}{$r}{aliasname};
$return{aliasname} = $dr;
$return{shortname} = $readingsDB->{global}{$dr}{shortname};
$rt = (
? $readingsDB->{global}{$dr}{rtype}
: "-"
# known standard reading names
elsif ( $readingsDB->{global}{$r}{shortname} ) {
$return{aliasname} = $reading;
$return{shortname} = $readingsDB->{global}{$r}{shortname};
$rt = (
? $readingsDB->{global}{$r}{rtype}
: "-"
# just guessing the rtype from reading name format
elsif ( $r =~ /^.*_([A-Za-z0-9]+)$/i ) {
$return{guess} = 1;
$rt = $1;
return $rt if ( $rt && $rtypes->{$rt} );
# package main
package main;
# Get value + rtype combined string
sub replaceTemplate ($$$$;$) {
my ( $device, $reading, $odesc, $lang, $value ) = @_;
my $l = ( $lang ? lc($lang) : "en" );
my $txt;
my $txt_long;
my $r = $defs{$device}{READINGS} if ($device);
if ( !$odesc || ref($odesc) ne "HASH" );
$value = $odesc->{value}
if ( !defined($value) && defined( $odesc->{value} ) );
return $value
if ( !defined($value) || $value eq "" );
# clone
my $desc;
foreach ( keys %{$odesc} ) {
$desc->{$_} = $odesc->{$_};
# language support
# keep only defined language if set
foreach ( keys %{$desc} ) {
if ( defined( $desc->{$_} )
&& ref( $desc->{$_} ) eq "HASH"
&& defined( $desc->{$_}{$l} ) )
my $v;
$v = $desc->{$_}{$l};
delete $desc->{$_};
$desc->{$_} = $v if ( defined($v) );
# handle textual types after language normalisation
if ( defined( $desc->{value_num} ) ) {
if ( ref( $desc->{txt} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& $desc->{txt}[ $desc->{value_num} ] )
my $v = $desc->{txt}[ $desc->{value_num} ];
delete $desc->{txt};
$desc->{txt} = $v;
if ( ref( $desc->{txt_pl} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& $desc->{txt_pl}[ $desc->{value_num} ] )
my $v = $desc->{txt_pl}[ $desc->{value_num} ];
delete $desc->{txt_pl};
$desc->{txt_pl} = $v;
if ( ref( $desc->{txt_long} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& $desc->{txt_long}[ $desc->{value_num} ] )
my $v = $desc->{txt_long}[ $desc->{value_num} ];
delete $desc->{txt_long};
$desc->{txt_long} = $v;
if ( ref( $desc->{txt_long_pl} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& $desc->{txt_long_pl}[ $desc->{value_num} ] )
my $v = $desc->{txt_long_pl}[ $desc->{value_num} ];
delete $desc->{txt_long_pl};
$desc->{txt_long_pl} = $v;
# template support
# add metric name to suffix
$desc->{suffix} = $desc->{scale_txt_m} . $desc->{suffix}
if ( $desc->{suffix}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_m} );
$desc->{txt} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_m} . lc( $desc->{txt} )
if ( $desc->{txt}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_m} );
# add square information to suffix and txt
# if no separate suffix_sq and txt_sq was found
$desc->{suffix} = $desc->{suffix} . $desc->{scale_txt_sq}
if (!$desc->{suffix_sq}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_sq} );
$desc->{txt} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_sq} . lc( $desc->{txt} )
if (!$desc->{txt_sq}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_sq} );
# add cubic information to suffix and txt
# if no separate suffix_cu and txt_cu was found
$desc->{suffix} = $desc->{suffix} . $desc->{scale_txt_cu}
if (!$desc->{suffix_cu}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_cu} );
$desc->{txt} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_cu} . lc( $desc->{txt} )
if (!$desc->{txt_cu}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_cu} );
# add metric name to suffix_sq
$desc->{suffix_sq} = $desc->{scale_txt_m_sq} . $desc->{suffix_sq}
if ( $desc->{suffix_sq}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_m_sq}
&& $desc->{suffix_sq} !~ /$desc->{scale_txt_m_sq}/ );
$desc->{txt_sq} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_m_sq} . lc( $desc->{txt_sq} )
if ( $desc->{txt_sq}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_m_sq} );
# # add square information to suffix_sq
$desc->{suffix_sq} = $desc->{suffix_sq} . $desc->{scale_txt_sq}
if ( $desc->{suffix_sq}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_sq} );
$desc->{txt_sq} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_sq} . lc( $desc->{txt_sq} )
if ( $desc->{txt_sq}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_sq} );
# add metric name to suffix_cu
$desc->{suffix_cu} = $desc->{scale_txt_m_cu} . $desc->{suffix_cu}
if ( $desc->{suffix_cu}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_m_cu} );
$desc->{txt_cu} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_m_cu} . lc( $desc->{txt_cu} )
if ( $desc->{txt_cu}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_m_cu} );
# add cubic information to suffix_cu
$desc->{suffix_cu} = $desc->{suffix_cu} . $desc->{scale_txt_cu}
if ( $desc->{suffix_cu}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_cu} );
$desc->{txt_cu} = $desc->{scale_txt_long_cu} . lc( $desc->{txt_cu} )
if ( $desc->{txt_cu}
&& $desc->{scale_txt_long_cu} );
# short
$txt = '%value% %suffix%';
$txt = $desc->{tmpl} if ( $desc->{tmpl} );
if ( $r && $reading && $r->{$reading} ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $r->{$reading} } ) {
$txt =~ s/%$k%/$r->{$reading}{$k}/g;
foreach my $k ( keys %{$desc} ) {
$txt =~ s/%$k%/$desc->{$k}/g;
return ($txt) if ( !wantarray );
# long plural
if ( looks_like_number($value)
&& ( $value eq "0" || $value > 1 )
&& $desc->{txt_long_pl} )
$txt_long = '%value% %txt_long_pl%';
$txt_long = $desc->{tmpl_long_pl}
if ( $desc->{tmpl_long_pl} );
elsif (looks_like_number($value)
&& ( $value eq "0" || $value > 1 )
&& $desc->{txt_pl} )
$txt_long = '%value% %txt_pl%';
$txt_long = $desc->{tmpl_long_pl}
if ( $desc->{tmpl_long_pl} );
# long singular
elsif ( $desc->{txt_long} ) {
$txt_long = '%value% %txt_long%';
$txt_long = $desc->{tmpl_long}
if ( $desc->{tmpl_long} );
elsif ( $desc->{txt} ) {
$txt_long = '%value% %txt%';
$txt_long = $desc->{tmpl_long}
if ( $desc->{tmpl_long} );
if ($txt_long) {
if ( $r && $reading && $r->{$reading} ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $r->{$reading} } ) {
$txt_long =~ s/%$k%/$r->{$reading}{$k}/g;
foreach my $k ( keys %{$desc} ) {
$txt_long =~ s/%$k%/$desc->{$k}/g;
return ( $txt, $txt_long );
# format a number according to desc and optional format.
sub formatValue($$$;$$$$) {
my ( $device, $reading, $value, $desc, $format, $scope, $lang ) = @_;
$lang = "en" if ( !$lang );
my $value_num;
return $value if ( !defined($value) || ref($value) );
$desc = readingsDesc( $device, $reading )
if ( !$desc || !ref($desc) );
return $value
if ( !$format && ( !$desc || ref($desc) ne 'HASH' )
|| keys %{$desc} < 1 );
my $llvl = ( defined( $desc->{verbose} ) ? $desc->{verbose} : 4 );
$lang = $desc->{lang} if ( $desc->{lang} );
$value *= $desc->{factor} if ( $desc && $desc->{factor} );
$format = $desc->{format} if ( !$format && $desc );
# $format = $scales_m->{autoscale} if ( !$format );
$scope = $desc->{scope} if ( !$scope && $desc );
# scope
if ( ref($scope) eq 'CODE' && &$scope ) {
( $value, $value_num ) = $scope->($value);
elsif ( ref($scope) eq 'HASH' ) {
my $log;
if ( !looks_like_number($value) ) {
$log = "'$value' is not a number"
if ( !$scope->{empty} && !$scope->{empty_replace} );
$value = "0" if ( !$scope->{keep} && !$scope->{empty_replace} );
$value = $scope->{empty_replace}
if ( defined( $scope->{empty_replace} ) );
elsif ( $scope->{min} && $scope->{max} ) {
if ( $value < $scope->{min} ) {
$value = $scope->{min}
if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is smaller than $scope->{min}";
if ( $value > $scope->{max} ) {
$value = $scope->{max}
if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is higher than $scope->{max}";
elsif ( $scope->{lt} && $scope->{gt} ) {
if ( $value < $scope->{lt} ) {
$value = $scope->{lt}
if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is less than $scope->{lt}";
if ( $value > $scope->{gt} ) {
$value = $scope->{gt}
if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is greater than $scope->{gt}";
elsif ( $scope->{le} && $scope->{ge} ) {
if ( $value <= $scope->{le} ) {
$value = $scope->{le}
if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is less or equal than $scope->{le}";
if ( $value >= $scope->{ge} ) {
$value = $scope->{ge}
if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is geater or qual than $scope->{ge}";
elsif ( $scope->{min} && $value < $scope->{min} ) {
$value = $scope->{min} if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is smaller than $scope->{min}";
elsif ( $scope->{lt} && $value < $scope->{lt} ) {
$value = $scope->{lt} if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is less than $scope->{lt}";
elsif ( $scope->{max} && $value > $scope->{max} ) {
$value = $scope->{max} if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is higher than $scope->{max}";
elsif ( $scope->{gt} && $value > $scope->{gt} ) {
$value = $scope->{gt} if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is greater than $scope->{gt}";
elsif ( $scope->{ge} && $value >= $scope->{ge} ) {
$value = $scope->{ge} if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is greater or equal than $scope->{ge}";
elsif ( $scope->{le} && $value <= $scope->{le} ) {
$value = $scope->{le} if ( !$scope->{keep} || $scope->{strict} );
$log = "$value is less or equal than $scope->{le}";
Log3 $device, $llvl,
"formatValue($device:$reading,rtype=$desc->{rtype}) out of scope: $log"
if ($log);
elsif ( ref($scope) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
if ( looks_like_number($value)
&& defined( $scope->[$value] )
&& $value =~ /$scope->[$value]/gmi )
$value_num = $value;
if ( ref( $desc->{txt} ) eq "HASH"
&& ref( $desc->{txt}{$lang} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& defined( $desc->{txt}{$lang}[$value] ) )
$value = $desc->{txt}{$lang}[$value];
elsif (ref( $desc->{txt} ) eq "HASH"
&& ref( $desc->{txt}{en} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& defined( $desc->{txt}{en}[$value] ) )
$value = $desc->{txt}{en}[$value];
elsif ( ref( $desc->{txt} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& defined( $desc->{txt}[$value] ) )
$value = $desc->{txt}[$value];
else {
$value = $1 if ( defined($1) );
$value = $scope->[$value] if ( !defined($1) );
else {
my $i = 0;
foreach ( @{$scope} ) {
if ( $value =~ /^$_$/gmi ) {
$value_num = $i;
if ( ref( $desc->{txt}{$lang} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& defined( $desc->{txt}{$lang}[$i] ) )
$value = $desc->{txt}{$lang}[$i];
elsif ( ref( $desc->{txt}{en} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& defined( $desc->{txt}{en}[$i] ) )
$value = $desc->{txt}{en}[$i];
elsif ( ref( $desc->{txt} ) eq "ARRAY"
&& defined( $desc->{txt}[$i] ) )
$value = $desc->{txt}[$i];
elsif ( !ref( $desc->{txt} ) && defined( $desc->{txt} ) ) {
$value = $desc->{txt};
else {
$value = $1 if ( defined($1) );
if ( !defined($1) ) {
Log3 $device, $llvl,
"formatValue($device:$reading:$desc->{rtype}) out of scope: "
. "missing txt value or regex output";
$value = $scope->[$i];
elsif ( defined($scope) && $scope ne "" && $value =~ /$scope/gmi ) {
$value = $1 if ( defined($1) );
# format
if ( $format && !looks_like_number($value) ) {
Log3 $device, $llvl,
"formatValue($device:$reading,$desc->{rtype}) cannot re-format: $value is not a number"
if ( !$scope->{empty} && !$scope->{empty_replace} );
elsif ( ref($format) eq 'CODE' && &$format ) {
$value = $format->($value);
elsif ( ref($format) eq 'HASH' ) {
my $v = abs($value);
foreach my $l ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys( %{$format} ) ) {
if ( ref( $format->{$l} ) ne 'HASH'
|| !$format->{$l}{rescale} );
if ( $v >= $l ) {
my $rescale = $format->{$l}{rescale};
$value *= $rescale if ($rescale);
$value = sprintf( $format->{$l}{format}, $value )
if ( $format->{$l}{format} );
elsif ( ref($format) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
Log3 $device, $llvl, "formatValue($device:$reading:$desc->{rtype})"
. " format not implemented: ARRAY";
elsif ($format) {
my $rescale = $desc->{rescale};
$value *= $rescale if ($rescale);
$value = sprintf( $format, $value );
$desc->{value}{$lang} = $value;
$desc->{value_num} = $value_num if ( defined($value_num) );
my ( $txt, $txt_long ) = replaceTemplate( $device, $reading, $desc, $lang );
$desc->{value_txt}{$lang} = $txt;
$desc->{value_txt_long}{$lang} = $txt_long if ( defined($txt_long) );
delete $desc->{value_txt_long}{$lang}
if ( !defined($txt_long) && defined( $desc->{value_txt_long}{$lang} ) );
return ( $txt, $txt_long, $value, $value_num ) if (wantarray);
return $value
if ( defined( $desc->{showUnits} ) && $desc->{showUnits} eq "0" );
return $txt_long
if ( $desc->{showLong} && !$desc->{showShort} );
return $txt;
# find desc and optional format for device:reading
sub readingsDesc($;$) {
my ( $device, $reading ) = @_;
my $desc = getCombinedKeyValAttr( $device, "readingsDesc", $reading );
my $rtype;
$rtype = $desc->{rtype} if ( $desc->{rtype} );
if ( $rtype && defined( $rtypes->{$rtype} ) ) {
# copy information from other hashes until 3rd level
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $rtypes->{$rtype} } ) {
if ( ref( $rtypes->{$rtype}{$k} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k2 ( keys %{ $rtypes->{$rtype}{$k} } ) {
if ( ref( $rtypes->{$rtype}{$k}{$k2} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach ( keys %{ $rtypes->{$rtype}{$k}{$k2} } ) {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_}
if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} =
else {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2} if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2} = $rtypes->{$rtype}{$k}{$k2};
else {
delete $desc->{$k} if ( $desc->{$k} );
$desc->{$k} = $rtypes->{$rtype}{$k};
foreach ( 'ref', 'ref_t', 'ref_sq', 'ref_cu' ) {
my $suffix = $_;
$suffix =~ s/^[a-z]+//;
if ( defined( $desc->{$_} ) ) {
my $ref = $desc->{$_};
if ( !defined( $rtypes->{$ref} ) ) {
Log 1, "readingsDesc($rtype) broken reference $_";
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $rtypes->{$ref} } ) {
if ( $k =~ /^scale/ )
; # exclude scales from referenced rtype
if ( !defined( $desc->{$k} ) ) {
$desc->{$k} = $rtypes->{$ref}{$k};
else {
$desc->{ $k . $suffix } = $rtypes->{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{ $k . $suffix } ) );
if ( $desc->{scale_m} ) {
my $ref = $desc->{scale_m};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $scales_m->{$ref} } ) {
$desc->{$k} = $scales_m->{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{$k} ) );
if ( $desc->{scale_sq} ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{$scales_sq} ) {
$desc->{$k} = $scales_sq->{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{$k} ) );
my $ref = $desc->{scale_sq};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $scales_m->{$ref} } ) {
$desc->{ $k . "_sq" } = $scales_m->{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{ $k . "_sq" } ) );
if ( $desc->{scale_cu} ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{$scales_cu} ) {
$desc->{$k} = $scales_cu->{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{$k} ) );
my $ref = $desc->{scale_cu};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $scales_m->{$ref} } ) {
$desc->{ $k . "_cu" } = $scales_m->{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{ $k . "_cu" } ) );
$desc->{ref_base} = 999 if ( !defined( $desc->{ref_base} ) );
my $ref = $desc->{ref_base};
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $rtype_base->{$ref} } ) {
$desc->{$k} = $rtype_base->{$ref}{$k}
if ( !defined( $desc->{$k} ) );
return $desc;
#format device:reading with optional default value and optional desc and optional format
sub formatReading($$;$$$$$) {
my ( $device, $reading, $default, $desc, $format, $scope, $lang ) = @_;
$desc = readingsDesc( $device, $reading ) if ( !$desc );
my $value = ReadingsVal( $device, $reading, undef );
$value = $default if ( !defined($value) );
return formatValue( $device, $reading, $value, $desc, $format, $scope,
$lang );
# return unit symbol for device:reading
sub readingsUnit($$;$$$) {
my ( $device, $reading, $long, $combined, $desc ) = @_;
$desc = readingsDesc( $device, $reading ) if ( !$desc );
return (
$desc->{suffix} ? $desc->{suffix} : undef,
$desc->{symbol} ? $desc->{symbol} : undef,
$desc->{txt} ? $desc->{txt} : undef
) if (wantarray);
my ( $txt, $txt_long, $value, $value_num ) =
formatReading( $device, $reading, "", $desc );
$txt =~ s/\s*$value\s*//;
$txt_long =~ s/\s*$value\s*//;
return "$txt_long ($txt)"
if ( $combined
&& defined($txt_long)
&& $txt_long ne ""
&& defined($txt)
&& $txt ne "" );
return $txt_long if ( $long && defined($txt_long) && $txt_long ne "" );
return $txt if ( defined($txt) && $txt ne "" );
return '';
# return dimension symbol for device:reading
sub readingsShortname($$) {
my ( $device, $reading ) = @_;
if ( my $desc = readingsDesc( $device, $reading ) ) {
return $desc->{formula_symbol} if ( $desc->{formula_symbol} );
return $desc->{dimension}
if ( $desc->{dimension} && $desc->{dimension} =~ /^[A-Z]+$/ );
return $desc->{symbol} if ( $desc->{symbol} );
return $reading;
# format device STATE readings according to stateFormat and optional units
sub makeSTATE($;$$) {
my ( $device, $stateFormat, $withUnits ) = @_;
$stateFormat = '' if ( !$stateFormat );
my $hash = $defs{$device};
return $stateFormat if ( !$hash );
$stateFormat = AttrVal( $device, 'stateFormat', undef )
if ( !$stateFormat );
return '' if ( !$stateFormat );
if ( $stateFormat =~ m/^{(.*)}$/ ) {
$stateFormat = eval $1;
if ($@) {
$stateFormat = "Error evaluating $device stateFormat: $@";
Log 1, $stateFormat;
else {
my $r = $hash->{READINGS};
if ($withUnits) {
$stateFormat =~
s/\b([A-Za-z\d_\.-]+)\b/($r->{$1} ? readingsShortname($device,$1). ": ". formatReading($device,$1) : $1)/ge;
else {
$stateFormat =~
s/\b([A-Za-z\d_\.-]+)\b/($r->{$1} ? readingsShortname($device,$1). ": ". (formatReading($device,$1))[0] : $1)/ge;
return $stateFormat;
# get combined hash for settings from module, device, global and device attributes
sub getCombinedKeyValAttr($;$$) {
my ( $name, $attribute, $reading ) = @_;
my $d = $defs{$name} if ( $defs{$name} );
my $m = $modules{ $d->{TYPE} } if ( $d && $d->{TYPE} );
my $g = $defs{"global"};
# join hashes until 3rd level
my $desc;
if ( $m && $m->{$attribute} && ref( $m->{$attribute} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $m->{$attribute} } ) {
if ( ref( $m->{$attribute}{$k} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k2 ( keys %{ $m->{$attribute}{$k} } ) {
if ( ref( $m->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach ( keys %{ $m->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2} } ) {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_}
if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} =
else {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2} if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2} = $m->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2};
else {
delete $desc->{$_} if ( $desc->{$k} );
$desc->{$_} = $m->{$attribute}{$k};
if ( $g && $g->{$attribute} && ref( $g->{$attribute} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $g->{$attribute} } ) {
if ( ref( $g->{$attribute}{$k} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k2 ( keys %{ $g->{$attribute}{$k} } ) {
if ( ref( $g->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach ( keys %{ $g->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2} } ) {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_}
if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} =
else {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2} if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2} = $g->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2};
else {
delete $desc->{$_} if ( $desc->{$k} );
$desc->{$_} = $g->{$attribute}{$k};
if ( $d && $d->{$attribute} && ref( $d->{$attribute} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $d->{$attribute} } ) {
if ( ref( $d->{$attribute}{$k} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach my $k2 ( keys %{ $d->{$attribute}{$k} } ) {
if ( ref( $d->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2} ) eq "HASH" ) {
foreach ( keys %{ $d->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2} } ) {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_}
if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2}{$_} =
else {
delete $desc->{$k}{$k2} if ( $desc->{$k}{$k2} );
$desc->{$k}{$k2} = $d->{$attribute}{$k}{$k2};
else {
delete $desc->{$_} if ( $desc->{$k} );
$desc->{$_} = $d->{$attribute}{$k};
if (
keys %{$desc} < 1
|| (
&& ( !defined( $desc->{$reading} )
|| keys %{ $desc->{$reading} } < 1 )
return $desc->{$reading} if ($reading);
return $desc;
# save key/value pair to device attribute
sub setKeyValAttr($$$$$) {
my ( $name, $attribute, $reading, $key, $value ) = @_;
my $d = $defs{$name} if ( $defs{$name} );
my $ret;
if (
|| ( defined( $d->{$attribute} )
&& defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading} )
&& defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} )
&& $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} eq $value )
# rtype
if ( $key =~ /^rtype$/i ) {
$key = lc($key);
# Show all possible values
if ( $value && $value eq "?" ) {
. PrintHash( $rtypes, 0 );
# find rtype based on reading name
elsif ( !defined($value) || $value eq "" ) {
$value = rname2rtype( $name, $reading );
$ret =
"Set auto-detected $key for device $name $reading: " . $value
if ($value);
my $curr;
no strict "refs";
$curr = &$attribute( $name, $reading ) if (&$attribute);
use strict "refs";
if (
|| $value eq ""
|| ( defined($curr)
&& defined( $curr->{$key} )
&& $curr->{$key} eq $value )
|| ( defined( $d->{$attribute} )
&& defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading} )
&& defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} )
&& $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} eq $value )
"Invalid value $value for $key: Cannot be assigned to device $name $reading"
if ( !defined( $rtypes->{$value} ) );
$ret =
"Changed value $key='"
. $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key}
. "' for device $name $reading to: "
. $value
if ( defined( defined( $d->{$attribute} ) )
&& defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading} )
&& defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} )
&& $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} ne $value );
$d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} = $value;
# write attribute
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $txt = Dumper( $d->{$attribute} );
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 0;
$txt =~ s/(=>\s*\{|['"],?)\s*\n\s*/$1 /gsm;
CommandAttr( undef, "$name $attribute $txt" );
return $ret;
sub deleteKeyValAttr($$$;$) {
my ( $name, $attribute, $reading, $key ) = @_;
my $d = $defs{$name} if ( $defs{$name} );
my $rt;
if ( !$d
|| !defined( $d->{$attribute} )
|| !defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading} )
|| ( $key && !defined( $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key} ) ) );
if ($key) {
$rt = " $key=" . $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key};
delete $d->{$attribute}{$reading}{$key};
delete $d->{$attribute}{$reading}
if ( !$key || keys %{ $d->{$attribute}{$reading} } < 1 );
# delete attribute
if ( keys %{ $d->{$attribute} } < 1 ) {
CommandDeleteAttr( undef, "$name $attribute" );
# write attribute
else {
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $txt = Dumper( $d->{$attribute} );
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 0;
$txt =~ s/(=>\s*\{|[\'\"0-9],?)\s*\n\s*/$1 /gsm;
CommandAttr( undef, "$name $attribute $txt" );
return "Removed $reading$rt from attribute $name $attribute";
# Wrappers for commonly used core functions in device-specific modules.
# Generalized function for DbLog rtype support
sub Unit_DbLog_split($$) {
my ( $event, $name ) = @_;
my ( $reading, $value, $unit ) = "";
# exclude any multi-value events
if ( $event =~ /(.*: +.*: +.*)+/ ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $name: Ignoring multi-value event $event";
return undef;
# exclude sum/cum and avg events
elsif ( $event =~ /^.*(min|max|avg|sum|cum|avg\d+m|sum\d+m|cum\d+m): +.*/ )
Log3 $name, 5, "Unit_DbLog_split $name: Ignoring sum/avg event $event";
return undef;
# automatic text conversions through reading type
elsif ( $event =~ /^(.+): +(\S+) *(.*)/ ) {
$reading = $1;
my ( $txt, $txt_long, $val, $val_num ) =
formatReading( $name, $reading, "" );
if ( defined($txt) && defined($reading) && defined($val) ) {
$txt =~ s/\s*$val\s*//;
$txt_long =~ s/\s*$val\s*//;
$value = defined($val_num) ? $val_num : $val;
$unit = "$txt_long ($txt)" if ($txt_long);
$unit = "$txt" if ( !$txt_long );
# general event handling
if ( !defined($value)
&& $event =~ /^(.+): +(\S+) *[\[\{\(]? *([\w\°\%\^\/\\]*).*/
&& defined($1)
&& defined($2) )
$reading = $1;
$value = ReadingsNum( $name, $1, $2 );
$unit = defined($3) ? $3 : "";
if ( !looks_like_number($value) ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $name: Ignoring event $event: value $value does not look like a number";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5,
"Unit_DbLog_split $name: Splitting event $event > reading=$reading value=$value unit=$unit";
return ( $reading, $value, $unit );
# User commands
# command: setreadingdesc
my %setreadingdeschash = (
Fn => "CommandSetReadingDesc",
Hlp =>
"<devspec> <readingspec> [noCheck] <key>=[<value>|?],set reading rtype information for <devspec> <reading>",
$cmds{setreadingdesc} = \%setreadingdeschash;
sub CommandSetReadingDesc($@) {
my ( $cl, $def ) = @_;
my $attribute = "readingsDesc";
my $namedef =
"where <devspec> is a single device name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp. See the devspec section in the commandref.html for details.\n"
. "<readingspec> can be a single reading name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp.";
my ( $a, $h ) = parseParams($def);
$a->[0] = ".*" if ( !$a->[0] );
$a->[1] = ".*" if ( !$a->[1] );
"Usage: setreadingdesc <devspec> <readingspec> [noCheck] <key>=[<value>|?]\n$namedef"
if ( $a->[0] eq "?" || $a->[1] eq "?" || !%{$h} );
my @rets;
my $last;
foreach my $name ( devspec2array( $a->[0], $cl ) ) {
if ( !defined( $defs{$name} ) ) {
push @rets, "Please define $name first";
# do not check for existing reading
if ( $name eq "global"
|| ( defined( $a->[2] ) && $a->[2] =~ /nocheck/i ) )
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
my $ret =
setKeyValAttr( $name, $attribute, $a->[1], $_, $h->{$_} );
push @rets, $ret if ( defined($ret) );
$last = 1 if ( $h->{$_} eq "?" || $h->{$_} eq "" );
# check for existing reading
my $readingspec = '^' . $a->[1] . '$';
foreach my $reading (
grep { /$readingspec/ }
keys %{ $defs{$name}{READINGS} }
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
my $ret =
setKeyValAttr( $name, $attribute, $reading, $_, $h->{$_} );
push @rets, $ret if ( defined($ret) );
$last = 1 if ( $h->{$_} eq "?" || $h->{$_} eq "" );
last if ($last);
return join( "\n", @rets );
# command: deletereadingdesc
my %deletereadingdeschash = (
Fn => "CommandDeleteReadingDesc",
Hlp =>
"<devspec> <readingspec> [<keyspec>],delete key for <devspec> <reading>",
$cmds{deletereadingdesc} = \%deletereadingdeschash;
sub CommandDeleteReadingDesc($@) {
my ( $cl, $def ) = @_;
my $attribute = "readingsDesc";
my $namedef =
"where <devspec> is a single device name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp. See the devspec section in the commandref.html for details.\n"
. "<readingspec> and <keyspec> can be a single reading name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp.";
my ( $a, $h ) = parseParams($def);
$a->[0] = ".*" if ( !$a->[0] );
$a->[1] = ".*" if ( !$a->[1] );
$a->[2] = ".*" if ( !$a->[2] );
"Usage: deletereadingdesc <devspec> <readingspec> [<keyspec>]\n$namedef"
if ( $a->[0] eq "?" || $a->[1] eq "?" );
my @rets;
my $last;
foreach my $name ( devspec2array( $a->[0], $cl ) ) {
if ( !defined( $defs{$name} ) ) {
push @rets, "Please define $name first";
my $readingspec = '^' . $a->[1] . '$';
foreach my $reading (
grep { /$readingspec/ }
keys %{ $defs{$name}{$attribute} }
my $keyspec = '^' . $a->[2] . '$';
foreach my $key (
grep { /$keyspec/ }
keys %{ $defs{$name}{$attribute}{$reading} }
my $ret = deleteKeyValAttr( $name, $attribute, $reading, $key );
push @rets, $ret if ( defined($ret) );
return join( "\n", @rets );