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synced 2025-03-09 08:36:36 +00:00
508 lines
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508 lines
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Executable File
# $Id$
# This code is derived from DateTime::Event::Sunrise, version 0.0501.
# Simplified and removed further package # dependency (DateTime,
# Params::Validate, etc). For comments see the original code.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Trig;
sub sr($$$$$$);
sub sunrise_rel(@);
sub sunset_rel(@);
sub sunrise_abs(@);
sub sunset_abs(@);
sub isday(@);
sub sunrise_coord($$$);
sub SUNRISE_Initialize($);
# See perldoc DateTime::Event::Sunrise for details
my $long;
my $lat;
my $tz = ""; # will be overwritten
my $defaultaltit = "-6"; # Civil twilight
my $RADEG = ( 180 / 3.1415926 );
my $DEGRAD = ( 3.1415926 / 180 );
my $INV360 = ( 1.0 / 360.0 );
my %alti = (REAL => 0, CIVIL => -6, NAUTIC => -12, ASTRONOMIC => -16); # or HORIZON <number>
my ($hash) = @_;
# Compute the _next_ event
# rise: 1: event is sunrise (else sunset)
# isrel: 1: relative times
# seconds: second offset to event
# daycheck: if set, then return 1 if the sun is visible, 0 else
my ($rise, $seconds, $isrel, $daycheck, $min, $max) = @_;
sr_alt(time(), $rise, $isrel, $daycheck, 1, $defaultaltit,$seconds,$min,$max);
my $nt=shift;
my $rise=shift;
my $isrel=shift;
my $daycheck=shift;
my $nextDay=shift;
my $altit = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : "";
if(exists $alti{uc($altit)}) {
} elsif($altit =~ /HORIZON=([\-\+]*[0-9\.]+)/i) {
} else {
$altit=-6; #default
my($seconds, $min, $max)=@_;
my $needrise = ($rise || $daycheck) ? 1 : 0;
my $needset = (!$rise || $daycheck) ? 1 : 0;
$seconds = 0 if(!$seconds);
# If set in global, use longitude/latitude
# from global, otherwise set Frankfurt/Germany as
# default
$long = AttrVal("global", "longitude", "8.686");
$lat = AttrVal("global", "latitude", "50.112");
Log3 undef, 5, "Compute sunrise/sunset for latitude $lat , longitude $long";
#my $nt = time;
my @lt = localtime($nt);
my $gmtoff = _calctz($nt,@lt); # in hour
my ($rt,$st) = _sr_alt($altit,$needrise,$needset, $lt[5]+1900,$lt[4]+1,$lt[3], $gmtoff);
my $sst = ($rise ? $rt : $st) + ($seconds/3600);
my $nh = $lt[2] + $lt[1]/60 + $lt[0]/3600; # Current hour since midnight
if($daycheck) {
return 0 if($nh < $rt || $nh > $st);
return 1;
$sst = hms2h($min) if(defined($min) && (hms2h($min) > $sst));
$sst = hms2h($max) if(defined($max) && (hms2h($max) < $sst));
my $diff = 0;
if (($data{AT_RECOMPUTE} || # compute it for tommorow
int(($nh-$sst)*3600) >= 0) && $nextDay) { # if called a subsec earlier
$nt += 86400;
@lt = localtime($nt);
my $ngmtoff = _calctz($nt,@lt); # in hour
$diff = 24+$gmtoff-$ngmtoff;
($rt,$st) = _sr_alt($altit,$needrise,$needset, $lt[5]+1900,$lt[4]+1,$lt[3], $ngmtoff);
$sst = ($rise ? $rt : $st) + ($seconds/3600);
$sst = hms2h($min) if(defined($min) && (hms2h($min) > $sst));
$sst = hms2h($max) if(defined($max) && (hms2h($max) < $sst));
$sst += $diff if($isrel);
$sst -= $nh if($isrel == 1);
return h2hms_fmt($sst);
my ($altit,$needrise, $needset, $y, $m, $dy, $offset) = @_;
my $d = _days_since_2000_Jan_0($y,$m,$dy) + 0.5 - $long / 360.0;
my ( $tmp_rise_1, $tmp_set_1 ) =
_sunrise_sunset( $d, $long, $lat, $altit, 15.04107 );
my ($tmp_rise_2, $tmp_rise_3) = (0,0);
if($needrise) {
$tmp_rise_2 = 9; $tmp_rise_3 = 0;
until ( _equal( $tmp_rise_2, $tmp_rise_3, 8 ) ) {
my $d_sunrise_1 = $d + $tmp_rise_1 / 24.0;
( $tmp_rise_2, undef ) =
_sunrise_sunset( $d_sunrise_1, $long, $lat, $altit, 15.04107 );
$tmp_rise_1 = $tmp_rise_3;
my $d_sunrise_2 = $d + $tmp_rise_2 / 24.0;
( $tmp_rise_3, undef ) =
_sunrise_sunset( $d_sunrise_2, $long, $lat, $altit, 15.04107 );
my ($tmp_set_2, $tmp_set_3) = (0,0);
if($needset) {
$tmp_set_2 = 9; $tmp_set_3 = 0;
until ( _equal( $tmp_set_2, $tmp_set_3, 8 ) ) {
my $d_sunset_1 = $d + $tmp_set_1 / 24.0;
( undef, $tmp_set_2 ) =
_sunrise_sunset( $d_sunset_1, $long, $lat, $altit, 15.04107 );
$tmp_set_1 = $tmp_set_3;
my $d_sunset_2 = $d + $tmp_set_2 / 24.0;
( undef, $tmp_set_3 ) =
_sunrise_sunset( $d_sunset_2, $long, $lat, $altit, 15.04107 );
return $tmp_rise_3+$offset, $tmp_set_3+$offset;
my ( $d, $lon, $lat, $altit, $h ) = @_;
my $sidtime = _revolution( _GMST0($d) + 180.0 + $lon );
# Compute Sun's RA + Decl + distance at this moment
my ( $sRA, $sdec, $sr ) = _sun_RA_dec($d);
# Compute time when Sun is at south - in hours UT
my $tsouth = 12.0 - _rev180( $sidtime - $sRA ) / $h;
# Compute the diurnal arc that the Sun traverses to reach
# the specified altitude altit:
my $cost =
( sind($altit) - sind($lat) * sind($sdec) ) /
( cosd($lat) * cosd($sdec) );
my $t;
if ( $cost >= 1.0 ) {
$t = 0.0; # Sun always below altit
elsif ( $cost <= -1.0 ) {
$t = 12.0; # Sun always above altit
else {
$t = acosd($cost) / 15.0; # The diurnal arc, hours
# Store rise and set times - in hours UT
my $hour_rise_ut = $tsouth - $t;
my $hour_set_ut = $tsouth + $t;
return ( $hour_rise_ut, $hour_set_ut );
my ($d) = @_;
my $sidtim0 =
_revolution( ( 180.0 + 356.0470 + 282.9404 ) +
( 0.9856002585 + 4.70935E-5 ) * $d );
return $sidtim0;
my ($d) = @_;
my $Mean_anomaly_of_sun = _revolution( 356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * $d );
my $Mean_longitude_of_perihelion = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * $d;
my $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * $d;
# Compute true longitude and radius vector
my $Eccentric_anomaly =
$Mean_anomaly_of_sun + $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * $RADEG *
sind($Mean_anomaly_of_sun) *
( 1.0 + $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * cosd($Mean_anomaly_of_sun) );
my $x = cosd($Eccentric_anomaly) - $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit;
my $y =
sqrt( 1.0 - $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit )
* sind($Eccentric_anomaly);
my $Solar_distance = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y ); # Solar distance
my $True_anomaly = atan2d( $y, $x ); # True anomaly
my $True_solar_longitude =
$True_anomaly + $Mean_longitude_of_perihelion; # True solar longitude
if ( $True_solar_longitude >= 360.0 ) {
$True_solar_longitude -= 360.0; # Make it 0..360 degrees
return ( $Solar_distance, $True_solar_longitude );
# Sun's Right Ascension (RA), Declination (dec) and distance (r)
my ($d) = @_;
my ( $r, $lon ) = _sunpos($d);
my $x = $r * cosd($lon);
my $y = $r * sind($lon);
my $obl_ecl = 23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * $d;
my $z = $y * sind($obl_ecl);
$y = $y * cosd($obl_ecl);
my $RA = atan2d( $y, $x );
my $dec = atan2d( $z, sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y ) );
return ( $RA, $dec, $r );
my ($y, $m, $d) = @_;
my @mn = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
my $ms = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $m-1; $i++) {
$ms += $mn[$i];
my $x = ($y-2000)*365.25 + $ms + $d;
$x++ if($m > 2 && ($y%4) == 0);
return int($x);
sub sind($) { sin( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD ); }
sub cosd($) { cos( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD ); }
sub tand($) { tan( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD ); }
sub atand($) { ( $RADEG * atan( $_[0] ) ); }
sub asind($) { ( $RADEG * asin( $_[0] ) ); }
sub acosd($) { ( $RADEG * acos( $_[0] ) ); }
sub atan2d($$) { ( $RADEG * atan2( $_[0], $_[1] ) ); }
my $x = $_[0];
return ( $x - 360.0 * int( $x * $INV360 ) );
my ($x) = @_;
return ( $x - 360.0 * int( $x * $INV360 + 0.5 ) );
my ( $A, $B, $dp ) = @_;
return sprintf( "%.${dp}g", $A ) eq sprintf( "%.${dp}g", $B );
my ($nt,@lt) = @_;
my $off = $lt[2]*3600+$lt[1]*60+$lt[0];
$off = 12*3600-$off;
$nt += $off; # This is noon, localtime
my @gt = gmtime($nt);
return (12-$gt[2]);
my $in = shift;
my @a = split(":", $in);
return 0 if(int(@a) < 2 || $in !~ m/^[\d:]*$/);
return $a[0]+$a[1]/60 + ($a[2] ? $a[2]/3600 : 0);
my ($in) = @_;
my ($h,$m,$s);
$h = int($in);
$m = int(60*($in-$h));
$s = int(3600*($in-$h)-60*$m);
return ($h, $m, $s);
my ($in) = @_;
my ($h,$m,$s) = h2hms($in);
return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s);
my ($date) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($date);
return $date - $hour*3600 - $min*60 - $sec + 12*3600;
sub sunrise_coord($$$) { ($long, $lat, $tz) = @_; return undef; }
sub sunrise_rel(@) { return sr_alt(time(),1,1,0,1,shift,shift,shift,shift); }
sub sunset_rel (@) { return sr_alt(time(),0,1,0,1,shift,shift,shift,shift); }
sub sunrise_abs(@) { return sr_alt(time(),1,0,0,1,shift,shift,shift,shift); }
sub sunset_abs (@) { return sr_alt(time(),0,0,0,1,shift,shift,shift,shift); }
sub sunrise (@) { return sr_alt(time(),1,2,0,1,shift,shift,shift,shift); }
sub sunset (@) { return sr_alt(time(),0,2,0,1,shift,shift,shift,shift); }
sub isday (@) { return sr_alt(time(),1,0,1,1,shift, 0,undef,undef); }
sub sunrise_abs_dat(@) {
return sr_alt(sr_noon(shift),1,0,0,0,shift,shift,shift,shift);
sub sunset_abs_dat (@) {
return sr_alt(sr_noon(shift),0,0,0,0,shift,shift,shift,shift);
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<a name="SUNRISE_EL"></a>
This module is used to define the functions<pre>
sunrise, sunset,
sunrise_rel, sunset_rel
sunrise_abs, sunset_abs
perl functions, to be used in <a href="#at">at</a> or FS20 on-till commands.<br>
First you should set the longitude and latitude global attributes to the
exact longitude and latitude values (see e.g. maps.google.com for the exact
values, which should be in the form of a floating point value). The default
value is Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The default altitude ($defaultaltit in SUNRISE_EL.pm) defines the sunrise/sunset
for Civil twilight (i.e. one can no longer read outside without artificial
illumination), which differs from sunrise/sunset times found on different
websites. See perldoc "DateTime::Event::Sunrise" for alternatives.
sunrise()/sunset() returns the absolute time of the next sunrise/sunset,
adding 24 hours if the next event is tomorrow, to use it in the timespec of
an at device or for the on-till command for FS20 devices.<br>
sunrise_rel()/sunset_rel() returns the relative time to the next
sunrise/sunset. <br>
sunrise_abs()/sunset_abs() return the absolute time of the corresponding
event today (no 24 hours added).<br>
sunrise_abs_dat()/sunset_abs_dat() return the absolute time of the corresponding
event to a given date(no 24 hours added).<br>
All functions take up to three arguments:<br>
<li>The first specifies an offset (in seconds), which will be added to the
<li>The second and third specify min and max values (format: "HH:MM").</li>
isday() can be used in some notify or at commands to check if the sun is up or
Optionally, for all functions you can set first argument which defines a horizon value
which then is used instead of the $defaultaltit in SUNRISE_EL.pm.<br>
Possible values are: "REAL", "CIVIL", "NAUTIC", "ASTRONOMIC" or a
positive or negative number preceded by "HORIZON="<br>
REAL is 0, CIVIL is -6, NATUIC is -12, ASTRONOMIC is -18 degrees above horizon.<br><br>
# When sun is 6 degrees below horizon - same as sunrise();
# When sun is 3 degrees below (-3 above) horizon (Between real and civil sunset)
# When sun is 1 degree above horizon
# Switch lamp1 on at real sunset, not before 18:00 and not after 21:00
define a15 at *{sunset("REAL",0,"18:00","21:00")} set lamp1 on
The functions sunrise_abs_dat()/sunset_abs_dat() need as a very first parameter the date(format epoch: time()) for which the events should be calculated.
# to calculate the sunrise of today + 7 days
my $date = time() + 7*86400;
# to calculate the sunrise of today + 7 days 6 degrees below horizon
my $date = time() + 7*86400;
sunrise_abs_dat($date, "CIVIL");
<b>Define</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="latitude"></a>
If set, this latitude is used to calculate sunset/sunrise<br>
Notation need to be in decimal format (for example Berlin = 52.666)
As default Frankfurt/Main, Germany (50.112) is used.
<a name="longitude"></a>
If set, this longitude is used to calculate sunset/sunrise<br>
Notation need to be in decimal format (for example Berlin = 13.400)
As default Frankfurt/Main, Germany (8.686) is used.
<a name="altitude"></a>
Used by other modules.
Note: these are global attributes, e.g.<br>
attr global latitude 50.112<br>
attr global longitude 8.686<br>
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