mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 08:36:36 +00:00

MOV bug, add update-mov-bug-workaround to 01_FHEMWEB.pm git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@7503 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
596 lines
16 KiB
596 lines
16 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
use File::Copy qw(mv);
use Blocking;
sub CommandUpdate($$);
sub upd_getUrl($);
sub upd_initRestoreDirs($);
sub upd_mkDir($$$);
sub upd_rmTree($);
sub upd_writeFile($$$$);
my $updateInBackground;
my $updRet;
my %updDirs;
my $updArg;
my $mainPgm = "/fhem.pl\$";
my %hash = (
Fn => "CommandUpdate",
Hlp => "[<fileName>|all|check|force] [http://.../controlfile],update FHEM",
$cmds{update} = \%hash;
my ($cl,$param) = @_;
my @args = split(/ +/,$param);
my $arg = (defined($args[0]) ? $args[0] : "all");
my $src = (defined($args[1]) ? $args[1] :
my $ret = eval { "Hello" =~ m/$arg/ };
return "first argument must be a valid regexp, all, force or check"
if($arg =~ m/^[-\?\*]/ || $ret);
$arg = lc($arg) if($arg =~ m/^(check|all|force)$/i);
$updateInBackground = AttrVal("global","updateInBackground",undef);
$updateInBackground = 0 if($arg ne "all");
$updArg = $arg;
if($updateInBackground) {
CallFn($cl->{NAME}, "ActivateInformFn", $cl, "global");
BlockingCall("doUpdateInBackground", {src=>$src,arg=>$arg});
return "Executing the update the background.";
} else {
doUpdate($src, $arg);
my $ret = $updRet; $updRet = "";
return $ret;
my ($loglevel, $arg) = @_;
return if($loglevel > $attr{global}{verbose} || !defined($arg));
if($updateInBackground) {
Log 1, $arg;
} else {
Log $loglevel, $arg if($updArg ne "check");
$updRet .= "$arg\n";
my $inLog = 0;
my ($level, $text) = @_;
return if($inLog || $level > $attr{global}{verbose});
$inLog = 1;
$text =~ s/\n/ /g; # Multiline text causes havoc in Analyze
BlockingInformParent("DoTrigger", ["global", $text, 1], 0);
BlockingInformParent("Log", [$level, $text], 0);
$inLog = 0;
my ($h) = @_;
no warnings 'redefine'; # The main process is not affected
*Log = \&update_Log2Event;
sleep(2); # Give time for ActivateInform / FHEMWEB / JavaScript
doUpdate($h->{src}, $h->{arg});
my ($src, $arg) = @_;
my ($basePath, $ctrlFileName);
if($src !~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,) {
uLog 1, "Cannot parse $src, probably not a valid http control file";
$basePath = $1;
$ctrlFileName = $2;
if(AttrVal("global", "backup_before_update", 0) && $arg ne "check") {
my $cmdret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "backup");
if ($cmdret !~ m/backup done.*/) {
uLog 1, "Something went wrong during backup: $cmdret";
uLog 1, "update was canceled. Please check manually!";
my $remCtrlFile = upd_getUrl($src);
return if(!$remCtrlFile);
my @remList = split("\n", $remCtrlFile);
uLog 4, "Got remote controlfile with ".int(@remList)." entries.";
# read in & digest the local control file
my $root = $attr{global}{modpath};
my $restoreDir = ($arg eq "check" ? "" : upd_initRestoreDirs($root));
my @locList;
if(($arg eq "check" || $arg eq "all") &&
open(FD, "$root/FHEM/$ctrlFileName")) {
@locList = map { $_ =~ s/[\r\n]//; $_ } <FD>;
uLog 4, "Got local controlfile with ".int(@locList)." entries.";
my %lh;
foreach my $l (@locList) {
my @l = split(" ", $l, 4);
next if($l[0] ne "UPD");
$lh{$l[3]}{TS} = $l[1];
$lh{$l[3]}{LEN} = $l[2];
my @excl = split(" ", AttrVal("global", "exclude_from_update", ""));
my @rl = upd_getChanges($root, $basePath);
# process the remote controlfile
my $nChanged = 0;
my $isSingle = ($arg ne "all" && $arg ne "force" && $arg ne "check");
foreach my $r (@remList) {
my @r = split(" ", $r, 4);
if($r[0] eq "MOV" && ($arg eq "all" || $arg eq "force")) {
if($r[1] =~ m+\.\.+ || $r[2] =~ m+\.\.+) {
uLog 1, "Suspicious line $r, aborting";
return 1;
upd_mkDir($root, $r[2], 0);
my $mvret = mv "$root/$r[1]", "$root/$r[2]";
uLog 4, "mv $root/$r[1] $root/$r[2]". ($mvret ? " FAILED:$mvret":"");
next if($r[0] ne "UPD");
my $fName = $r[3];
if($fName =~ m+\.\.+) {
uLog 1, "Suspicious line $r, aborting";
return 1;
my $isExcl;
foreach my $ex (@excl) {
$isExcl = 1 if($fName =~ m/$ex/);
if($isExcl) {
uLog 4, "update: skipping $fName, matches exclude_from_update";
if($isSingle) {
next if($fName !~ m/$arg/);
} else {
next if($lh{$fName} &&
$lh{$fName}{TS} eq $r[1] &&
$lh{$fName}{LEN} eq $r[2]);
uLog 1, "List of new / modified files since last update:"
if($arg eq "check" && $nChanged == 0);
uLog 1, "$r[0] $fName";
next if($arg eq "check");
my $remFile = upd_getUrl("$basePath/$fName");
return if(!$remFile); # Error already reported
if(length($remFile) ne $r[2]) {
uLog 1,
"Got ".length($remFile)." bytes for $fName, not $r[2] as expected,";
if($attr{global}{verbose} == 5) {
upd_writeFile($root, $restoreDir, "$fName.corrupt", $remFile);
uLog 1, "saving it to $fName.corrupt .";
} else {
uLog 1, "aborting.";
return if(!upd_writeFile($root, $restoreDir, $fName, $remFile));
if($nChanged == 0) {
uLog 1, "nothing to do...";
if(@rl) {
uLog(1, "");
uLog 1, "New entries in the CHANGED file:";
map { uLog 1, $_ } @rl;
return if($arg eq "check");
if($arg eq "all" || $arg eq "force") { # store the controlfile
return if(!upd_writeFile($root, $restoreDir,
"FHEM/$ctrlFileName", $remCtrlFile));
uLog(1, "");
uLog 1,
'update finished, "shutdown restart" is needed to activate the changes.';
my $ss = AttrVal("global","sendStatistics",undef);
if(!defined($ss)) {
uLog(1, "");
uLog(1, "Please consider using the global attribute sendStatistics");
} elsif(defined($ss) && lc($ss) eq "onupdate") {
uLog(1, "");
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "fheminfo send");
$ret =~ s/.*server response:/server response:/ms;
uLog(1, "fheminfo $ret");
my ($root, $dir, $isFile) = @_;
if($isFile) { # Delete the file Component
$dir =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,;
$dir = $1;
return if($updDirs{$dir});
$updDirs{$dir} = 1;
my @p = split("/", $dir);
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@p); $i++) {
my $path = "$root/".join("/", @p[0..$i]);
if(!-d $path) {
mkdir $path;
uLog 4, "MKDIR $root/".join("/", @p[0..$i]);
my ($root, $basePath) = @_;
my $lFile = "";
if(open(FH, "$root/CHANGED")) {
foreach my $l (<FH>) { # first non-comment line
next if($l =~ m/^#/);
chomp $l;
$lFile = $l;
my @lines = split(/[\r\n]/,upd_getUrl("$basePath/CHANGED"));
my $maxLines = 25;
my @ret;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
next if($line =~ m/^#/);
last if($line eq "" || $line eq $lFile);
push @ret, $line;
if($maxLines-- < 1) {
push @ret, "... rest of lines skipped.";
return @ret;
my ($url) = @_;
$url =~ s/%/%25/g;
my ($err, $data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({ url=>$url });
if($err) {
uLog 1, $err;
return "";
if(length($data) == 0) {
uLog 1, "$url: empty file received";
return "";
return $data;
my($root, $restoreDir, $fName, $content) = @_;
# copy the old file and save the new
upd_mkDir($root, $fName, 1);
upd_mkDir($root, "$restoreDir/$fName", 1) if($restoreDir);
if($restoreDir && -f "$root/$fName" &&
! mv("$root/$fName", "$root/$restoreDir/$fName")) {
uLog 1, "mv $root/$fName $root/$restoreDir/$fName failed:$!, ".
"aborting the update";
return 0;
my $rest = ($restoreDir ? "trying to restore the previous version and ":"").
"aborting the update";
my $fPath = "$root/$fName";
$fPath = $0 if($fPath =~ m/$mainPgm/);
if(!open(FD, ">$fPath")) {
uLog 1, "open $fPath failed: $!, $rest";
mv "$root/$restoreDir/$fName", "$root/$fName" if($restoreDir);
return 0;
print FD $content;
my $written = -s "$fPath";
if($written != length($content)) {
uLog 1, "writing $fPath failed: $!, $rest";
mv "$root/$restoreDir/$fName", "$fPath" if($restoreDir);
cfgDB_FileUpdate("$fPath") if(configDBUsed());
return 1;
my ($dir) = @_;
my $dh;
if(!opendir($dh, $dir)) {
uLog 1, "opendir $dir: $!";
my @files = grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir($dh);
foreach my $f (@files) {
if(-d "$dir/$f") {
} else {
uLog 4, "rm $dir/$f";
uLog 4, "rmdir $dir";
my ($root) = @_;
my $nDirs = AttrVal("global","restoreDirs", 3);
if($nDirs !~ m/^\d+$/ || $nDirs < 0) {
uLog 1, "invalid restoreDirs value $nDirs, setting it to 3";
$nDirs = 3;
return "" if($nDirs == 0);
my $rdName = "restoreDir";
my @t = localtime;
my $restoreDir = sprintf("$rdName/%04d-%02d-%02d",
$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3]);
Log 1, "MKDIR $restoreDir" if(! -d "$root/restoreDir");
upd_mkDir($root, $restoreDir, 0);
if(!opendir(DH, "$root/$rdName")) {
uLog 1, "opendir $root/$rdName: $!";
return "";
my @oldDirs = sort grep { $_ !~ m/^\./ && $_ ne $restoreDir } readdir(DH);
while(int(@oldDirs) > $nDirs) {
my $dir = "$root/$rdName/". shift(@oldDirs);
next if($dir =~ m/$restoreDir/); # Just in case
uLog 1, "RMDIR: $dir";
return $restoreDir;
=begin html
<a name="update"></a>
<code>update [<fileName>|all|check|force]
Update the FHEM installation. Technically this means update will download
http://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt first, compare it to the local
version in FHEM/controls_fhem.txt, and will download each file where the
attributes (timestamp and filelength) are different.
<li>The contrib directory will not be updated.</li>
<li>The files are automatically transferred from the source repository
(SVN) to the web site once a day, at 7:45 CET / CEST.</li>
<li>The all argument is default.</li>
<li>The force argument will disregard the local file.</li>
<li>The check argument will only display the files it would download, and
the last section of the CHANGED file.</li>
<li>Specifying a filename will only download matching files (regexp).</li>
See also the restore command.<br>
<li>update check</li>
<li>update force</li>
<li>update check http://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt</li>
<a name="updateattr"></a>
<b>Attributes</b> (use attr global ...)
<a name="updateInBackground"></a>
If this attribute is set (to 1), the update will be executed in a
background process. The return message is communicated via events, and
in telnet the inform command is activated, in FHEMWEB the Event
<a name="backup_before_update"></a>
If this attribute is set, an update will back up your complete
installation via the <a href="#backup">backup</a> command. The default
is not set as update relies on the restore feature (see below).<br>
attr global backup_before_update
<a name="exclude_from_update"></a>
Contains a space separated list of fileNames (regexps) which will be
excluded by an update.<br>
attr global exclude_from_update 21_OWTEMP.pm FS20.off.png
<a name="restoreDirs"></a>
update saves each file before overwriting it with the new version from
the Web. For this purpose update creates a directory restoreDir in the
global modpath directory, then a subdirectory with the current date,
where the old version of the currently replaced file is stored.
The default value of this attribute is 3, meaning that 3 old versions
(i.e. date-directories) are kept, and the older ones are deleted. If
the attribute is set to 0, the feature is deactivated.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="update"></a>
<code>update [<fileName>|all|check|force]
Erneuert die FHEM Installation. D.h. es wird zuerst die Datei
http://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt heruntergeladen, mit der lokalen
Version dieser Datei (FHEM/controls_fhem.txt) verglichen. Danach werden
alle Programmdateien heruntergeladen, deren Größe oder Zeitstempel
sich unterscheidet.
Zu beachten:
<li>Das contrib Verzeichnis wird nicht heruntergeladen.</li>
<li>Die Dateien werden auf der Webseite einmal am Tag um 07:45 MET/MEST aus
der Quell-Verwaltungssystem (SVN) bereitgestellt.</li>
<li>Das all Argument ist die Voreinstellung.</li>
<li>Das force Argument beachtet die lokale controls_fhem.txt Datei
<li>Das check Argument zeigt die neueren Dateien an, und den letzten
Abschnitt aus der CHANGED Datei</li>
<li>Falls man <fileName> spezifiziert, dann werden nur die Dateien
heruntergeladen, die diesem Regexp entsprechen.</li>
Siehe also das restore Befehl.<br>
<li>update check</li>
<li>update force</li>
<li>update check http://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt</li>
<a name="updateattr"></a>
<b>Attribute</b> (sind mit attr global zu setzen)
<a name="updateInBackground"></a>
Wenn dieses Attribut gesetzt ist, wird das update Befehl in einem
separaten Prozess ausgeführt, und alle Meldungen werden per Event
übermittelt. In der telnet Sitzung wird inform, in FHEMWEB wird
das Event Monitor aktiviert.
<a name="backup_before_update"></a>
Wenn dieses Attribut gesetzt ist, erstellt FHEM eine Sicherheitskopie
der FHEM Installation vor dem update mit dem backup Befehl. Die
Voreinstellung is "nicht gesetzt", da update sich auf das restore
Feature verlässt, s.u.<br>
attr global backup_before_update
<a name="exclude_from_update"></a>
Enthält eine Liste durch Leerzeichen getrennter Dateinamen
(regexp), welche nicht im update berücksichtigt werden.<br>
attr global exclude_from_update 21_OWTEMP.pm temp4hum4.gplot
<li><a href="#restoreDirs">restoreDirs</a>
update sichert jede Datei vor dem Überschreiben mit der neuen
Version aus dem Web. Für diesen Zweck wird zuerst ein restoreDir
Verzeichnis in der global modpath Verzeichnis angelegt, und danach
ein Unterverzeichnis mit dem aktuellen Datum. In diesem Verzeichnis
werden vor dem Überschreiben die alten Versionen der Dateien
gerettet. Die Voreinstellung ist 3, d.h. die letzten 3
Datums-Verzeichnisse werden aufgehoben, und die älteren entfernt.
Falls man den Wert auf 0 setzt, dann ist dieses Feature deaktiviert.
=end html_DE