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# $Id$
# ErrCodes.pm
# (c) 2020 by Heiko Maaz
# e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# This Module provides Synology API Error Codes.
# This script is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package FHEM::SynoModules::ErrCodes;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Carp qw(croak carp);
use version; our $VERSION = version->declare('1.3.4');
use Exporter ('import');
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(expErrorsAuth expErrors);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]);
# Standard Rückgabewert wenn keine Message zum Error Code / keine Rückgabefunktion gefunden wurde
my $nofound = qq{Message not found for error code:};
my $noauthres = qq{No authentication error resolution Hash defined for module type:};
my $nores = qq{No error resolution Hash defined for module type:};
# Error Code Hashes
## SSCam ##
my %errauthsscam = ( # Authentification Error Codes der Surveillance Station API
100 => "Unknown error",
101 => "The account parameter is not specified",
102 => "API does not exist",
400 => "Invalid user or password",
401 => "Guest or disabled account",
402 => "Permission denied - DSM-Session: make sure user is member of Admin-group, SVS-Session: make sure SVS package is started, make sure FHEM-Server IP won't be blocked in DSM automated blocking list",
403 => "One time password not specified",
404 => "One time password authenticate failed",
405 => "method not allowd - maybe the password is too long",
406 => "OTP code enforced",
407 => "Max Tries (if auto blocking is set to true) - make sure FHEM-Server IP won't be blocked in DSM automated blocking list",
408 => "Password Expired Can not Change",
409 => "Password Expired",
410 => "Password must change (when first time use or after reset password by admin)",
411 => "Account Locked (when account max try exceed)",
my %errsscam = ( # Standard Error Codes der Surveillance Station API
100 => "Unknown error",
101 => "Invalid parameters",
102 => "API does not exist",
103 => "Method does not exist",
104 => "This API version is not supported",
105 => "Insufficient user privilege",
106 => "Connection time out",
107 => "Multiple login detected",
117 => "need manager rights in SurveillanceStation for operation",
400 => "Execution failed",
401 => "Parameter invalid",
402 => "Camera disabled",
403 => "Insufficient license",
404 => "Codec activation failed",
405 => "CMS server connection failed",
407 => "CMS closed",
410 => "Service is not enabled",
412 => "Need to add license",
413 => "Reach the maximum of platform",
414 => "Some events not exist",
415 => "message connect failed",
417 => "Test Connection Error",
418 => "Object is not exist",
419 => "Visualstation name repetition",
439 => "Too many items selected",
502 => "Camera disconnected",
600 => "Presetname and PresetID not found in Hash",
806 => "couldn't get Synology Surveillance Station API informations",
9000 => "malformed JSON string received",
9001 => "API keys and values not completed",
## SSCal ##
my %errauthsscal = ( # Authentification Error Codes der Calendar API
400 => "No such account or the password is incorrect",
401 => "Account disabled",
402 => "Permission denied",
403 => "2-step verification code required",
404 => "Failed to authenticate 2-step verification code",
my %errsscal = ( # Standard Error Codes der Calendar API
100 => "Unknown error",
101 => "No parameter of API, method or version",
102 => "The requested API does not exist - may be the Synology Calendar package is stopped",
103 => "The requested method does not exist",
104 => "The requested version does not support the functionality",
105 => "The logged in session does not have permission",
106 => "Session timeout",
107 => "Session interrupted by duplicate login",
114 => "Missing required parameters",
117 => "Unknown internal error",
119 => "session id not valid",
120 => "Invalid parameter",
160 => "Insufficient application privilege",
400 => "Invalid parameter of file operation",
401 => "Unknown error of file operation",
402 => "System is too busy",
403 => "The user does not have permission to execute this operation",
404 => "The group does not have permission to execute this operation",
405 => "The user/group does not have permission to execute this operation",
406 => "Cannot obtain user/group information from the account server",
407 => "Operation not permitted",
408 => "No such file or directory",
409 => "File system not supported",
410 => "Failed to connect internet-based file system (ex: CIFS)",
411 => "Read-only file system",
412 => "Filename too long in the non-encrypted file system",
413 => "Filename too long in the encrypted file system",
414 => "File already exists",
415 => "Disk quota exceeded",
416 => "No space left on device",
417 => "Input/output error",
418 => "Illegal name or path",
419 => "Illegal file name",
420 => "Illegal file name on FAT file system",
421 => "Device or resource busy",
599 => "No such task of the file operation",
800 => "malformed or unsupported URL",
805 => "empty API data received - may be the Synology cal Server package is stopped",
806 => "couldn't get Synology calendar API informations",
810 => "The credentials couldn't be retrieved",
900 => "malformed JSON string received from Synology Calendar Server",
910 => "Wrong timestamp definition. Check attributes \"cutOlderDays\", \"cutLaterDays\". ",
9000 => "malformed JSON string received",
9001 => "API keys and values not completed",
## SSChatBot ##
my %errsschat = ( # Standard Error Codes des Chat Servers
100 => "Unknown error",
101 => "Payload is empty",
102 => "API does not exist - may be the Synology Chat Server package is stopped",
117 => "illegal file name or path",
120 => "payload has wrong format",
404 => "bot is not legal - may be the bot is not active or the botToken is wrong",
407 => "record not valid",
409 => "exceed max file size",
410 => "message too long",
800 => "malformed or unsupported URL",
805 => "empty API data received - may be the Synology Chat Server package is stopped",
806 => "couldn't get Synology Chat API informations",
810 => "The botToken couldn't be retrieved",
9000 => "malformed JSON string received",
9001 => "API keys and values not completed",
## SSFile ##
my %errauthssfile = ( # Authentification Error Codes der File Station API
400 => "No such account or incorrect password",
401 => "Account disabled",
402 => "Permission denied",
403 => "2-step verification code required",
404 => "Failed to authenticate 2-step verification code",
my %errssfile = ( # Standard Error Codes der File Station API
100 => "Unknown error",
101 => "No parameter of API, method or version",
102 => "The requested API does not exist",
103 => "The requested method does not exist",
104 => "The requested version does not support the functionality",
105 => "The logged in session does not have permission",
106 => "Session timeout",
107 => "Session interrupted by duplicate login",
400 => "Invalid parameter of file operation",
401 => "Unknown error of file operation",
402 => "System is too busy",
403 => "Invalid user does this file operation",
404 => "Invalid group does this file operation",
405 => "Invalid user and group does this file operation",
406 => "Can’t get user/group information from the account server",
407 => "Operation not permitted",
408 => "No such file or directory",
409 => "Non-supported file system",
410 => "Failed to connect internet-based file system (ex: CIFS)",
411 => "Read-only file system",
412 => "Filename too long in the non-encrypted file system",
413 => "Filename too long in the encrypted file system",
414 => "File already exists",
415 => "Disk quota exceeded",
416 => "No space left on device",
417 => "Input/output error",
418 => "Illegal name or path",
419 => "Illegal file name",
420 => "Illegal file name on FAT file system",
421 => "Device or resource busy",
599 => "No such task of the file operation",
800 => "A folder path of favorite folder is already added to user’s favorites",
801 => "A name of favorite folder conflicts with an existing folder path in the user's favorites",
802 => "There are too many favorites to be added",
900 => "Failed to delete file(s)/folder(s). More information in <errors> object.",
1000 => "Failed to copy files/folders. More information in <errors> object.",
1001 => "Failed to move files/folders. More information in <errors> object.",
1002 => "An error occurred at the destination. More information in <errors> object",
1003 => "Cannot overwrite or skip the existing file because no overwrite parameter is given.",
1004 => "File cannot overwrite a folder with the same name, or folder cannot overwrite a file with the same name.",
1006 => "Cannot copy/move file/folder with special characters to a FAT32 file system.",
1007 => "Cannot copy/move a file bigger than 4G to a FAT32 file system.",
1100 => "Failed to create a folder. More information in <errors> object",
1101 => "The number of folders to the parent folder would exceed the system limitation",
1200 => "Failed to rename it. More information in <errors> object",
1300 => "Failed to compress files/folders",
1301 => "Cannot create the archive because the given archive name is too long",
1400 => "Failed to extract files.",
1401 => "Cannot open the file as archive",
1402 => "Failed to read archive data error",
1403 => "Wrong password",
1404 => "Failed to get the file and dir list in an archive",
1405 => "Failed to find the item ID in an archive file",
1800 => "There is no Content-Length information in the HTTP header or the received size doesn't match the value of Content-Length information in the HTTP header",
1801 => "Wait too long, no date can be received from client (Default maximum wait time is 3600 seconds)",
1802 => "No filename information in the last part of file content",
1803 => "Upload connection is cancelled",
1804 => "Failed to upload too big file to FAT file system",
1805 => "Can't overwrite or skip the existed file, if no overwrite parameter is given",
2000 => "Sharing link does not exist",
2001 => "Cannot generate sharing link because too many sharing links exist",
2002 => "Failed to access sharing links",
9000 => "malformed JSON string received",
9001 => "API keys and values not completed",
9002 => "File not found",
9003 => "Bad Request",
my %hterr = ( # Hash der TYPE Error Code Spezifikationen
SSCam => {errauth => \%errauthsscam, errh => \%errsscam },
SSCal => {errauth => \%errauthsscal, errh => \%errsscal },
SSChatBot => { errh => \%errsschat },
SSFile => {errauth => \%errauthssfile, errh => \%errssfile },
# Auflösung Errorcodes bei Login / Logout
sub expErrorsAuth {
my $hash = shift // carp "got no hash value !" && return;
my $errorcode = shift // carp "got no error code to analyse" && return;
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
if($hterr{$type} && %{$hterr{$type}{errauth}}) {
my $errauth = $hterr{$type}{errauth}; # der Error Kodierungshash
my $error = $errauth->{$errorcode} // $nofound." ".$errorcode;
return $error;
carp $noauthres." ".$type;
return q{};
# Auflösung Standard Errorcodes
sub expErrors {
my $hash = shift // carp "got no hash value !" && return;
my $errorcode = shift // carp "got no error code to analyse" && return;
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
if($hterr{$type} && %{$hterr{$type}{errh}}) {
my $errh = $hterr{$type}{errh}; # der Error Kodierungshash
my $error = $errh->{$errorcode} // $nofound." ".$errorcode;
return $error;
carp $nores." ".$type;
return q{};
1; |