mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-06 12:46:57 +00:00
gernot-h 42bd31b9bc 52_I2C_HDC1008.pm: fix "PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value"
This fixes "PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation
(.) or string at ./FHEM/52_I2C_HDC1008.pm line 180". The {type} element
seems to be completely unused in the rest of the code, no idea what the
intention of the original author was when adding it here.

Thanks to joco for reporting! (Forum: #115543)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23153 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2020-11-13 19:44:16 +00:00

673 lines
18 KiB

# Modul für I2C Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor HDC1008
# Autor : Karsten Grüttner (schlawiano) bis 2016, Änderungen ab 2018: Gernot Hillier (yoda_gh)
# $Id$
# Technische Dokumention für den Sensor befindet sich http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/hdc1008.pdf
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Konfigurationsparameter Temperatur, Lesedauer in Microsekunden und Konfigurationscode als Word (Bit 10)
my %I2C_HDC1008_tempParams =
'11Bit' => {delay => 3650, code => 1 << 10 },
'14Bit' => {delay => 6350, code => 0 }
# Konfigurationsparameter Feuchtigkeit, Lesedauer in Microsekunden und Konfigurationscode als Word (Bit 9:8)
my %I2C_HDC1008_humParams = #
'8Bit' => {delay => 2500, code => 1 << 9 },
'11Bit' => {delay => 3850, code => 1 << 8 } ,
'14Bit' => {delay => 6500, code => 0 }
# Konfigurationsparameter Heizelement, Konfigurationscode als Word (Bit 13 )
my %I2C_HDC1008_validsHeater =
'off' => 0, # 0
'on' => 1 << 13 # 1
sub I2C_HDC1008_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = 'I2C_HDC1008_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = 'I2C_HDC1008_Undef';
$hash->{SetFn} = 'I2C_HDC1008_Set';
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'I2C_HDC1008_Attr';
$hash->{ReadFn} = 'I2C_HDC1008_Read';
$hash->{I2CRecFn} = 'I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec';
$hash->{AttrList} =
"interval ".
"IODev ".
"Resolution_Temperature:11Bit,14Bit ". # als Dropdown
"Resolution_Humidity:8Bit,11Bit,14Bit ". # als Dropdown
"roundTemperatureDecimal ".
"roundHumidityDecimal ".
sub I2C_HDC1008_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split('[ \t][ \t]*', $def);
$hash->{MODUL_STATE} = "defined";
$hash->{RESOLUTION_HUMIDITY} = '14Bit';
$hash->{HEATER} = 'off';
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 0;
if ($main::init_done) {
eval { I2C_HDC1008_Init( $hash, [ @a[ 2 .. scalar(@a) - 1 ] ] ); };
return I2C_HDC1008_Catch($@) if $@;
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$hash->{NAME}] I2C_HDC1008_Define main::init_done was false";
return undef;
sub I2C_HDC1008_Init($$) {
my ( $hash, $args ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (defined $args && int(@$args) > 1)
return "Define: Wrong syntax. Usage:\n" .
"define <name> I2C_HDC1008 [<i2caddress>]";
if (defined (my $address = shift @$args))
$address = $address =~ /^0.*$/ ? oct($address) : $address;
if ($address < 64 && $address > 67) # nur 0x40 bis 0x43 erlaubt
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] I2C Address not valid for HDC1008";
return "$name I2C Address not valid for HDC1008";
$hash->{I2C_Address} = $address;
$hash->{I2C_Address} = oct('0x40');
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_Init default-I2C-addresse 0x40 used";
my $msg = '';
$msg = CommandAttr(undef, $name . ' interval 5');
if ($msg) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_Init interval:".$msg;
return $msg;
if (defined AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "IODev", undef))
$hash->{MODUL_STATE} = 'Initialized';
$hash->{DEVICE_STATE} = 'READY';
$hash->{MODUL_STATE} = "Error: Missing Attr 'IODev'";
return undef;
sub I2C_HDC1008_Catch($) {
my $exception = shift;
if ($exception) {
$exception =~ /^(.*)( at.*FHEM.*)$/;
return $1;
return undef;
sub I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec ($$) {
my ($hash, $clientmsg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $phash = $hash->{IODev};
my $pname = $phash->{NAME};
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %$clientmsg )
#erzeugen von Internals fuer alle Keys in $clientmsg die mit dem physical Namen beginnen
my $upper_k = uc $k;
$hash->{$upper_k} = $v if $k =~ /^$pname/ ;
if ($clientmsg->{direction} && $clientmsg->{$pname . "_SENDSTAT"}) {
my $sendstat = $clientmsg->{$pname . "_SENDSTAT"};
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec $clientmsg->{direction} $sendstat ";
if ( $clientmsg->{$pname . "_SENDSTAT"} eq "Ok") {
if ( $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cwrite" ) {
if ($hash->{DEVICE_STATE} eq 'READY') {
} elsif($hash->{DEVICE_STATE} eq 'CONFIGURING') {
if ( $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cread" && defined($clientmsg->{received}) )
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec received: $clientmsg->{received}";
I2C_HDC1008_UpdateTempHum ($hash, $clientmsg->{received}) if $clientmsg->{nbyte} == 4;
sub I2C_HDC1008_UpdateTempHum ($$)
my ($hash, $rawdata) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @raw = split(" ",$rawdata);
my $tempWord = ($raw[0] << 8 | $raw[1]);
if ( ($tempWord & 0x3) != 0 ) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec invalid temperature raw value: $tempWord";
return undef;
my $temperature = (($tempWord /65536.0)*165.0)-40.0;
my $humWord = ($raw[2] << 8 | $raw[3]);
if ( ($humWord & 0x3) != 0) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec invalid humidity raw value: $humWord";
return undef;
my $humidity = ($humWord /65536.0)*100.0;
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_I2CRec calced temp/hum: $temperature $humidity";
$temperature = sprintf( '%.' . AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'roundTemperatureDecimal', 1) . 'f', $temperature );
$humidity = sprintf( '%.' . AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'roundHumidityDecimal', 1) . 'f', $humidity );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'humidity', $humidity);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'temperature', $temperature);
'T: ' . $temperature . ' H: ' . $humidity
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
sub I2C_HDC1008_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
if ( defined (AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "interval", undef)) )
return undef;
sub I2C_HDC1008_Reset($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($hash->{MODUL_STATE} ne 'Initialized') { return "Error MODULE_STATE in $name is not 'Initialized' " };
return "$name: no IO device defined" unless ($hash->{IODev});
my $Param = 1 << 15; # Bit 15 für Reset
my $low_byte = $Param & 0xff;
my $high_byte = ($Param & 0xff00) >> 8;
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $i2caddress = $hash->{I2C_Address};
CallFn($iodev->{NAME}, "I2CWrtFn", $iodev, {
direction => "i2cwrite",
i2caddress => $i2caddress,
reg => 2,
data => $high_byte. " ".$low_byte
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 15.0/1000, 'I2C_HDC1008_Poll', $hash, 0); # Sensor braucht bis 15 ms bis er bereit ist
# Funktion holt die Werte vom Sensor via I2C
# asynchrones Lesen, über Status-Wechsel in $hash->{DEVICE_STATE} und Rückgabe der notwendigen Dauer des aktuellen Schritts in Sekunden,
# die dann an den Timer gegeben wird. Der schaut nach Ablauf der Zeit hier wieder vorbei und weiß als nächstes zu tun ist,
# andere Prozesse werden dabei nicht mehr blockiert.
sub I2C_HDC1008_UpdateValues($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($hash->{MODUL_STATE} ne 'Initialized') { return "Error MODULE_STATE in $name is not 'Initialized' " };
return "$name: no IO device defined" unless ($hash->{IODev});
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_UpdateValues starts with state: $hash->{DEVICE_STATE}";
# baue Konfigurationsparameter zusammen
my $modeReading = 1 << 12; # lies beides gleichzeitig
my $resTempIndex = $hash->{RESOLUTION_TEMPERATURE};
my $resHumIndex = $hash->{RESOLUTION_HUMIDITY};
my $heaterIndex = $hash->{HEATER};
my $resTempParam = $I2C_HDC1008_tempParams{$resTempIndex}{code};
my $resHumParam = $I2C_HDC1008_humParams{$resHumIndex}{code};
my $heaterParam = $I2C_HDC1008_validsHeater{$heaterIndex};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $i2caddress = $hash->{I2C_Address};
if ($hash->{DEVICE_STATE} eq 'READY')
my $Param = $modeReading | $resTempParam | $resHumParam | $heaterParam;
# schicke Konfiguration zum HDC1008-Sensor
# --------------------------------------------------------
my $low_byte = $Param & 0xff;
my $high_byte = ($Param & 0xff00) >> 8;
CallFn($iodev->{NAME}, "I2CWrtFn", $iodev, {
direction => "i2cwrite",
i2caddress => $i2caddress,
reg => 2,
data => $high_byte. " ".$low_byte # Leider fehlt es hier an Doku. Laut Quellcode (00_RPII2C.pm, ab Zeile 369), werden die dezimale Zahlen durch Leerzeichen getrennt, binär gewandelt und zum I2C-Bus geschickt
return 15.0/1000; # Sensor braucht bis 15 ms bis er bereit ist
elsif($hash->{DEVICE_STATE} eq 'CONFIGURING')
# HDC1008-Sensor soll messen
# --------------------------------------------------------
CallFn($iodev->{NAME}, "I2CWrtFn", $iodev, {
direction => "i2cwrite",
i2caddress => $i2caddress,
data => (0)
my $tempWait = $I2C_HDC1008_tempParams{$resTempIndex}{delay} +
$I2C_HDC1008_humParams{$resTempIndex}{delay}; # in ns
return $tempWait/1000000.0;
elsif($hash->{DEVICE_STATE} eq 'MEASURING')
# Werte vom HDC1008-Sensor lesen
# --------------------------------------------------------
CallFn($iodev->{NAME}, "I2CWrtFn", $iodev, { # Leider fehlt es hier an Doku. daher hier der Hinweis bei erfolgreichem Lesen wird die Funktion in $hash->{I2CRecFn} aufgerufen
direction => "i2cread",
i2caddress => $i2caddress,
nbyte => 4
# fertig
$hash->{DEVICE_STATE} = 'READY';
my $pollInterval = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'interval', 0);
return $pollInterval * 60; # Pollintervall in Minuten
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_UpdateValues wtf... whats wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
$hash->{DEVICE_STATE} = 'READY';
my $pollInterval = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'interval', 0);
return $pollInterval * 60; # Pollintervall in Minuten
# set wenn Befehl gesetzt wurde und nicht '?' ist,
# dann führe Befehl aus und gib den Status zurück
# ansonsten gib alle Befehle und deren Optionen zurück
sub I2C_HDC1008_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @param) = @_;
return '"set HDC1008" needs at least one argument' if (int(@param) < 2);
my $name = shift @param;
my $cmd = shift @param;
my $val = join("", @param);
if (defined $cmd && $cmd ne '?') # falls set mit Kommand aufgerufen wurde
if ($cmd eq 'Heater')
if ( defined($I2C_HDC1008_validsHeater{$val}) )
$hash->{HEATER} = $val;
return undef;
return "Invalid value for setting 'Heater'";
elsif ($cmd eq 'Update')
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq 'Reset')
return undef;
# Debug("Set HDC1008 $cmd");
return -1;
else # Ansonsten Rückgabe was an set - Optionen möglich ist
return "Update:noArg Heater:off,on Reset:noArg ";
sub I2C_HDC1008_CheckState
my ($hash) = @_;
if ($hash->{MODUL_STATE} ne 'Initialized')
my @def = split (' ',$hash->{DEF});
I2C_HDC1008_Init($hash,\@def) if (defined ($hash->{IODev}));
sub I2C_HDC1008_Poll
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $delay = I2C_HDC1008_UpdateValues($hash);
# TODO Catch ohne eval?! Das bringt wohl nix, fraglich ist, ob wir hier ein Catch brauchen?
my $ret = I2C_HDC1008_Catch($@) if $@;
if ($delay > 0)
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_Poll call InternalTimer with $delay seconds";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $delay, 'I2C_HDC1008_Poll', $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] I2C_HDC1008_Poll dont call InternalTimer, nothing todo";
sub I2C_HDC1008_Attr(@)
my ($command, $name, $attr, $val) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $msg = '';
if ($attr eq 'interval')
if ( defined($val) )
if ( looks_like_number($val) && $val > 0)
$hash->{DEVICE_STATE} = 'READY';
InternalTimer(1, 'I2C_HDC1008_Poll', $hash, 0);
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $val;
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$hash->{NAME}] I2C_HDC1008_Attr call InternalTimer with new value $val ";
} else
$msg .= "$hash->{NAME}: Wrong poll intervall defined. interval must be a number > 0";
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$hash->{NAME}] I2C_HDC1008_Attr Wrong poll intervall defined. interval must be a number > 0";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 0;
{ #wird auch aufgerufen wenn $val leer ist, aber der attribut wert wird auf 1 gesetzt
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 0;
elsif ($attr eq 'Resolution_Temperature')
if (!defined($val))
elsif ( defined($I2C_HDC1008_tempParams{$val}{code}) )
$msg .= "invalid value for attribute $attr";
elsif ($attr eq 'Resolution_Humidity')
if (!defined($val))
$hash->{RESOLUTION_HUMIDITY} = '14Bit';
elsif ( defined($I2C_HDC1008_humParams{$val}{code}) )
$hash->{RESOLUTION_HUMIDITY} = $val;
$msg .= "invalid value for attribute $attr";
elsif ($command && $command eq "set" && $attr && $attr eq "IODev")
if ($main::init_done and (!defined ($hash->{IODev}) or $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} ne $val))
my @def = split (' ',$hash->{DEF});
I2C_HDC1008_Init($hash,\@def) if (defined ($hash->{IODev}));
elsif ( ($attr eq 'roundTemperatureDecimal') || ($attr eq 'roundHumidityDecimal'))
if (!defined($val))
return undef;
elsif (!(looks_like_number($val) && ($val>=0 )))
$msg .= "$attr must be a number >= 0"
return ($msg) ? $msg : undef;
=item device
=item summary read Texas Instruments HDC1008/1080 temp/humidity sensor via I2C bus
=item summary_DE Texas Instruments HDC1008/1080 Temp./Feuchte-Sensor über I2C auslesen
=begin html
<a name="I2C_HDC1008"></a>
<a name="I2C_HDC1008"></a>
Provides an interface to the I2C_HDC1008 I2C Humidity sensor from <a href=" http://www.ti.com">Texas Instruments</a>.
The I2C messages are send through an I2C interface module like <a href="#RPII2C">RPII2C</a>, <a href="#FRM">FRM</a>
or <a href="#NetzerI2C">NetzerI2C</a> so this device must be defined first.<br>
<b>attribute IODev must be set</b><br>
<a name="I2C_HDC1008Define"></a><br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; I2C_HDC1008 [&lt;I2C Address&gt;]</code><br>
where <code>&lt;I2C Address&gt;</code> is an 2 digit hexadecimal value<br>
<a name="I2C_HDC1008Set"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; Update</code><br>
Reads the current temperature and humidity values from sensor.<br><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; Reset</code><br>
Resets the sensor
<code>set &lt;name&gt; Heater {on|off}</code><br>
turns the sensor heater on or off
<a name="I2C_HDC1008Attr"></a>
Set the polling interval in minutes to query data from sensor<br>
Default: 5, valid values: 1,2,5,10,20,30<br><br>
resolution for measurement temperature.<br>
Standard: 14Bit, valid values: 11Bit, 14Bit<br><br>
resolution for measurement humidity.<br>
Standard: 14Bit, valid values: 8Bit, 11Bit, 14Bit<br><br>
Number of decimal places for humidity value<br>
Default: 1, valid values: 0 1 2,...<br><br>
Number of decimal places for temperature value<br>
Default: 1, valid values: 0,1,2,...<br><br>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="I2C_HDC1008"></a>
<a name="I2C_HDC1008"></a>
Erm&ouml;glicht die Verwendung eines I2C_HDC1008 I2C Feuchtesensors von <a href=" http://www.ti.com">Texas Instruments</a>.
I2C-Botschaften werden &uuml;ber ein I2C Interface Modul wie beispielsweise das <a href="#RPII2C">RPII2C</a>, <a href="#FRM">FRM</a>
oder <a href="#NetzerI2C">NetzerI2C</a> gesendet. Daher muss dieses vorher definiert werden.<br>
<b>Das Attribut IODev muss definiert sein.</b><br>
<a name="I2C_HDC1008Define"></a><br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; I2C_HDC1008 [&lt;I2C Address&gt;]</code><br>
Der Wert <code>&lt;I2C Address&gt;</code> ist ein zweistelliger Hex-Wert<br>
<a name="I2C_HDC1008Set"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; Update</code><br>
Aktuelle Temperatur und Feuchte Werte vom Sensor lesen.<br><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; Reset</code><br>
Setzt den Sensor zur&uuml;ck
<code>set &lt;name&gt; Heater {on|off}</code><br>
Schaltet das Heizelement des Sensors an oder aus
<a name="I2C_HDC1008Attr"></a>
Aktualisierungsintervall aller Werte in Minuten.<br>
Standard: 5, g&uuml;ltige Werte: 1,2,5,10,20,30<br><br>
Genauigkeit mit der die Temperatur gemessen werden soll.<br>
Standard: 14Bit, g&uuml;ltige Werte: 11Bit, 14Bit<br><br>
Genauigkeit mit der die Feuchtigkeit gemessen werden soll.<br>
Standard: 14Bit, g&uuml;ltige Werte: 8Bit, 11Bit, 14Bit<br><br>
Anzahl Dezimalstellen f&uuml;r den Feuchtewert<br>
Standard: 1, g&uuml;ltige Werte: 0 1 2<br><br>
Anzahl Dezimalstellen f&uuml;r den Temperaturwert<br>
Standard: 1, g&uuml;ltige Werte: 0,1,2<br><br>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
=end html_DE