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synced 2025-03-04 17:36:39 +00:00
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1489 lines
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# $Id$
# (c) 2019 Copyright: Wzut
# All rights reserved
# FHEM Forum : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg891666.html#msg891666
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# based on Broadlink Python script at https://github.com/ralphm2004/broadlink-thermostat
# Broadlink protocol parts are stolen from 38_Broadlink.pm :) , THX to daniel2311
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
use Blocking; # http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Blocking_Call
use Time::Local;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
my $version = 'V1.41 / 07.04.19';
my %gets = ('status:noArg' => '', 'auth:noArg' =>'' , 'temperature:noArg' => '');
sub BEOK_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = 'BEOK_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = 'BEOK_Undef';
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = 'BEOK_Undef';
$hash->{SetFn} = 'BEOK_Set';
$hash->{GetFn} = 'BEOK_Get';
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'BEOK_Attr';
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = 'BEOK_summaryFn';
$hash->{AttrList} = 'interval timeout disable:0,1 timesync:0,1 language display:auto,always_on keepAuto:0,1 '
.'skipTimeouts:0,9 maxErrorLog model:BEOK,Floureon,Hysen,KETOTEK,Chunyang,unknown weekprofile '
#eval "use FHEM::Meta";
#return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) if (!$@);
sub BEOK_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @param = split('[ \t]+', $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
eval "use Crypt::CBC";
return "please install Crypt::CBC first" if ($@);
eval "use Crypt::OpenSSL::AES";
return "please install Crypt::OpenSSL::AES first" if ($@);
eval "use MIME::Base64";
return "please install MIME::Base64 first" if ($@);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> BEOK <ip> [<mac>]" if(int(@param) < 2);
$hash->{'.ip'} = $param[2];
$hash->{'MAC'} = (defined($param[3])) ? $param[3] : 'de:ad:be:ef:08:15'; # immer noch unklar ob die echte MAC nötig ist oder nicht
$hash->{'.key'} = pack('C*', 0x09, 0x76, 0x28, 0x34, 0x3f, 0xe9, 0x9e, 0x23, 0x76, 0x5c, 0x15, 0x13, 0xac, 0xcf, 0x8b, 0x02);
$hash->{'.iv'} = pack('C*', 0x56, 0x2e, 0x17, 0x99, 0x6d, 0x09, 0x3d, 0x28, 0xdd, 0xb3, 0xba, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x2e, 0x6f, 0x58);
$hash->{'.id'} = pack('C*', 0, 0, 0, 0);
$hash->{'counter'} = 1;
$hash->{'isAuth'} = 0;
$hash->{'lastCMD'} = '';
$hash->{TIME} = time();
$hash->{VERSION} = $version;
$hash->{ERRORCOUNT} = 0;
$hash->{weekprofile} = "none";
$hash->{'skipError'} = 0;
# wird mit dem ersten Full Status ueberschrieben
$hash->{helper}{temp_manual} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{power} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{remote_lock} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{loop_mode} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{SEN} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{OSV} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{dIF} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{SVH} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{SVL} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{AdJ} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{FrE} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{PoM} = 0;
$hash->{helper}{0}{temp} = 10;
$hash->{helper}{0}{time} = '05:00';
$hash->{helper}{1}{temp} = 15;
$hash->{helper}{1}{time} = '08:00';
$hash->{helper}{2}{temp} = 20;
$hash->{helper}{2}{time} = '11:00';
$hash->{helper}{3}{temp} = 25;
$hash->{helper}{3}{time} = '12:00';
$hash->{helper}{4}{temp} = 30;
$hash->{helper}{4}{time} = '17:00';
$hash->{helper}{5}{temp} = 35;
$hash->{helper}{5}{time} = '22:00';
$hash->{helper}{6}{temp} = 40;
$hash->{helper}{6}{time} = '08:00';
$hash->{helper}{7}{temp} = 45;
$hash->{helper}{7}{time} = '23:00';
CommandAttr(undef,$name.' devStateIcon on:on off:off close:secur_locked open:secur_open hon:on hoff:off') unless (exists($attr{$name}{devStateIcon}));
CommandAttr(undef,$name.' interval 60') unless (exists($attr{$name}{interval}));
CommandAttr(undef,$name.' timeout 5') unless (exists($attr{$name}{timeout}));
CommandAttr(undef,$name.' timesync 1') unless (exists($attr{$name}{timesync}));
CommandAttr(undef,$name.' model unknown') unless (exists($attr{$name}{model}));
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "BEOK_update", $hash,0);
#eval "use FHEM::Meta";
#FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) if(!$@);
return undef;
sub BEOK_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
sub BEOK_update($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $interval = AttrNum($name,'interval',60);
my $wp = AttrVal($name,'weekprofile','');
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{MODEL} = AttrVal($name,'model','unknown');
if ($interval)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+int($interval), "BEOK_update", $hash,0);
return if (!$init_done || IsDisabled($name));
if ((time()-($interval*5)) > $hash->{TIME}) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'alive','no',1);}
CommandGet(undef,$name.' auth') if (!$hash->{isAuth});
if (!$wp)
if ((AttrVal($name,'display','auto') eq 'auto') && ($hash->{isAuth}))
{ CommandGet(undef,$name.' status'); return undef; }
CommandSet(undef,$name.' on') if ($hash->{isAuth}); # Display immer an
return undef;
my (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$now_day) = localtime(time()); # jetzt
my (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$last_day) = localtime($hash->{TIME}); # letzter
my (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$next_day) = localtime(time()+$interval); # nächster
# letzter Lauf für heute ?
if ($now_day != $next_day && AttrNum($name,'keepAuto',0) && !$hash->{helper}{auto_mode})
$hash->{'.lastdayrun'} = 0;
my $error = CommandSet(undef,$name.' mode auto');
if ($error)
#Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name, $error";
$hash->{TIME} = time();
return undef;
#neuer Tag ?
elsif ($now_day != $last_day)
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK $name, firstday run";
$hash->{'.firstdayrun'} = 1;
my $error = CommandSet(undef,$name.' weekprofile '.$wp);
if ($error)
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name, $error";
$hash->{TIME} = time(); # sonst Endlos Schleife wenn weekprofile nicht gesetzt werden kann !
return undef; # neuer status kommt via set weekprofile
$hash->{'.firstdayrun'} = 0;
$hash->{'.lastdayrun'} = 0;
if ((AttrVal($name,'display','auto') eq 'auto') && ($hash->{isAuth}))
{ CommandGet(undef,$name.' status'); return undef; }
CommandSet(undef,$name.' on') if ($hash->{isAuth}); # Display immer an
} # interval
return undef;
sub BEOK_Get($@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
my $ret;
my $cmd = $a[1];
return 'get '.$name.' needs at least one argument' if(int(@a) < 2);
return $name.' get with unknown argument '.$cmd.', choose one of ' . join(' ', sort keys %gets) if (($cmd ne 'status') && ($cmd ne 'auth') && ($cmd ne 'temperature'));
#$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 0;
if ($cmd eq 'auth')
return 'device auth key already stored' if ($hash->{isAuth});
my @payload = ((0x00) x 80);
$payload[0x04] = 0x31;
$payload[0x05] = 0x31;
$payload[0x06] = 0x31;
$payload[0x07] = 0x31;
$payload[0x08] = 0x31;
$payload[0x09] = 0x31;
$payload[0x0a] = 0x31;
$payload[0x0b] = 0x31;
$payload[0x0c] = 0x31;
$payload[0x0d] = 0x31;
$payload[0x0e] = 0x31;
$payload[0x0f] = 0x31;
$payload[0x10] = 0x31;
$payload[0x11] = 0x31;
$payload[0x12] = 0x31;
$payload[0x1e] = 0x01;
$payload[0x2d] = 0x01;
$payload[0x30] = ord('T');
$payload[0x31] = ord('e');
$payload[0x32] = ord('s');
$payload[0x33] = ord('t');
$payload[0x34] = ord(' ');
$payload[0x35] = ord(' ');
$payload[0x36] = ord('1');
$hash->{lastCMD} = 'get auth';
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x65, @payload);
elsif (($cmd eq 'status') || ($cmd eq 'temperature'))
return 'you must run get '.$name.' auth first !' if (!$hash->{isAuth});
if ($cmd eq 'status')
my @payload = (1,3,0,0,0,22);
$hash->{lastCMD} = 'get status';
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ($cmd eq 'temperature')
# Get current external temperature in degrees celsius
# [0x01,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08]
# return payload[5] / 2.0
# return payload[18] / 2.0
my @payload = (1,3,0,0,0,8);
$hash->{lastCMD} = 'get temperature';
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
return $ret;
sub BEOK_Set(@)
my ($hash, $name , @a) = @_;
my $cmd = $a[0];
my $subcmd = (defined $a[1]) ? $a[1] : "";
my $ret;
my @payload;
my $len;
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd" if (($cmd ne '?') && $subcmd);
my $cmdList = "desired-temp on:noArg off:noArg mode:auto,manual loop:12345.67,123456.7,1234567 ";
$cmdList .= " sensor:external,internal,both time:noArg active:noArg inactive:noArg lock:on,off";
$cmdList .= " power-on-memory:on,off fre:open,close room-temp-adj:";
for (my $i=-10;$i<=9;$i++) {my $s= sprintf('%.1f',$i/2); $s+=0; $cmdList.=$s.',';}
$cmdList .= "5 osv svh svl dif:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 weekprofile";
for (my $i=1;$i<7;$i++) {$cmdList .= " day-profile".$i."-temp day-profile".$i."-time";}
for (my $i=7;$i<9;$i++) {$cmdList .= " we-profile".$i."-temp we-profile".$i."-time";}
if (($cmd eq '?') || ($cmd =~ /^(on-|off-|toggle|intervals)/)) { return SetExtensions($hash,$cmdList,$name,@a); }
if ($subcmd) { Log3 $name,5,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd"; }
else { Log3 $name,5,"BEOK set $name $cmd"; }
return 'no set commands allowed, auth key and device id are missing ! ( need run get auth first )' if (!$hash->{isAuth});
if (($cmd eq 'inactive') && !IsDisabled($name))
elsif (($cmd eq 'active') && IsDisabled($name))
elsif (($cmd eq 'on') || ($cmd eq 'off') || ($cmd eq 'lock'))
# Set device on(1) or off(0), does not deactivate Wifi connectivity
$hash->{helper}{power} = 1 if ($cmd eq 'on');
$hash->{helper}{power} = 0 if ($cmd eq 'off');
$hash->{helper}{remote_lock} = 1 if (($cmd eq 'lock') && ($subcmd eq 'on' ));
$hash->{helper}{remote_lock} = 0 if (($cmd eq 'lock') && ($subcmd eq 'off'));
@payload = (1,6,0,0,$hash->{helper}{remote_lock},$hash->{helper}{power});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'state','set_'.$cmd,0) if ($cmd ne 'lock');
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'lock','set_'.$subcmd,0) if ($cmd eq 'lock');
$hash->{lastCMD} = 'set '.$cmd;
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif (($cmd eq "mode") || ($cmd eq "sensor") || ($cmd eq "loop"))
# mode_byte = ( (loop_mode + 1) << 4) + auto_mode
# [0x01,0x06,0x00,0x02,mode_byte,sensor
$hash->{helper}{'auto_mode'} = ($subcmd eq "auto") ? 1 : 0 if ($cmd eq "mode");
# Sensor control option | 0:internal sensor 1:external sensor 2:internal control temperature, external limit temperature
if ($cmd eq 'sensor')
$hash->{helper}{SEN} = 2 if ($subcmd eq "both");
$hash->{helper}{SEN} = 0 if ($subcmd eq "internal");
$hash->{helper}{SEN} = 1 if ($subcmd eq "external");
# E.g. loop_mode = 1 ("12345,67") means Saturday and Sunday follow the "weekend" schedule
# loop_mode = 3 ("1234567") means every day (including Saturday and Sunday) follows the "weekday" schedule
if ($cmd eq 'loop')
$hash->{helper}{'loop_mode'} = 3 if ($subcmd eq "1234567");
$hash->{helper}{'loop_mode'} = 2 if ($subcmd eq "123456.7");
$hash->{helper}{'loop_mode'} = 1 if ($subcmd eq "12345.67");
@payload = (1,6,0,2);
push @payload , (($hash->{helper}{'loop_mode'} << 4) + $hash->{helper}{'auto_mode'});
push @payload , $hash->{helper}{'SEN'};
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif (($cmd eq "power-on-memory") || ($cmd eq "fre") || ($cmd eq "room-temp-adj")
|| ($cmd eq "osv") || ($cmd eq "svh") || ($cmd eq "svl") || ($cmd eq "dif"))
# 1 | SEN | Sensor control option | 0:internal sensor 1:external sensor 2:internal control temperature, external limit temperature
# 2 | OSV | Limit temperature value of external sensor | 5-99C
# 3 | dIF | Return difference of limit temperature value of external sensor | 1-9C
# 4 | SVH | Set upper limit temperature value | 5-99C
# 5 | SVL | Set lower limit temperature value | 5-99C
# 6 | AdJ | Measure temperature | Measure temperature,check and calibration | 0.1C precision Calibration (actual temperature)
# 7 | FrE | Anti-freezing function | 0:anti-freezing function shut down 1:anti-freezing function open
# 8 | PoM | Power on memory | 0:Power on no need memory 1:Power on need memory
# set_advanced(loop_mode, sensor, osv, dif, svh, svl, adj, fre, poweron):
# input_payload = bytearray([0x01,0x10,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x05,0x0a,
# loop_mode, sensor, osv, dif,
# svh, svl, (int(adj*2)>>8 & 0xff), (int(adj*2) & 0xff),
# fre, poweron])
$hash->{helper}{PoM} = 1 if ( ($cmd eq 'power-on-memory') && ($subcmd eq 'off') );
$hash->{helper}{PoM} = 0 if ( ($cmd eq 'power-on-memory') && ($subcmd eq 'on') );
$hash->{helper}{FrE} = 1 if ( ($cmd eq 'fre') && ($subcmd eq 'open') );
$hash->{helper}{FrE} = 0 if ( ($cmd eq 'fre') && ($subcmd eq 'close') );
$hash->{helper}{SVH} = int($subcmd) if ( ($cmd eq 'svh') && (int($subcmd) > 4) && (int($subcmd) < 100));
$hash->{helper}{SVL} = int($subcmd) if ( ($cmd eq 'svl') && (int($subcmd) > 4) && (int($subcmd) < 100));
$hash->{helper}{OSV} = int($subcmd) if ( ($cmd eq 'osv') && (int($subcmd) > 4) && (int($subcmd) < 100));
$hash->{helper}{dIF} = int($subcmd) if ( ($cmd eq 'dif') && (int($subcmd) > 0) && (int($subcmd) < 10));
if ($cmd eq 'room-temp-adj')
my $temp = int($subcmd*2);
if (($temp >= 0 ) && ($temp <= 10)) { $hash->{helper}{AdJ} = $temp; }
elsif (($temp < 0 ) && ($temp >= -10)) { $hash->{helper}{AdJ} = 0x10000 + $temp; }
# WICHTIG : Loop Mode und Auto Mode werden sonst mit geändert !
$hash->{helper}{'loop_mode'} = (($hash->{helper}{'loop_mode'} << 4) + $hash->{helper}{'auto_mode'});
@payload = (0x01,0x10,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x05,0x0a,
$hash->{helper}{AdJ}>>8 & 0xff,
$hash->{helper}{AdJ} & 0xff,
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ($cmd eq "time")
my ($sec,$min,$hour,undef,undef,undef,$wday,undef,undef) = localtime(gettimeofday());
$wday = 7 if (!$wday); # Local 0..6 Sun-Sat, Thermo 1..7 Mon-Sun
@payload = (1,16,0,8,0,2,4, $hour, $min, $sec, $wday);
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name time $hour:$min:$sec, $wday";
$hash->{lastCMD} = 'set '.$cmd;
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ($cmd eq "desired-temp")
return undef if (!$subcmd);
my $temp = int($subcmd*2);
return "Temperature must be between 5 and 99" if (($temp < 10) || ($temp > 198));
@payload = (1,6,0,1,0,$temp); # setzt angeblich auch mode manu
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
#$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 1;
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ( $cmd =~ /^(day|we)-profile[1-8]-time$/ )
return "Time must be between 0:00 and 23:59" if $subcmd !~ /^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/; #Uhrzeit
my $day = $cmd;
$day =~ s/(day|we)-profile//;
$day =~ s/-time//;
$day--; # 0 - 7
$hash->{helper}{$day}{time} = $subcmd;
@payload = BEOK_set_timer_schedule($hash);
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{weekprofile} = "???";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ( $cmd =~ /^(day|we)-profile[1-8]-temp$/ )
my $temp = int($subcmd*2);
return "Temperature must be between 5 and 99" if (($temp < 10) || ($temp > 198));
my $day = $cmd;
$day =~ s/(day|we)-profile//;
$day =~ s/-temp//;
$hash->{helper}{$day}{temp} = $temp;
@payload = BEOK_set_timer_schedule($hash);
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{weekprofile} = "???";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ($cmd eq 'weekprofile')
my ($wpd,$wpp,$wpday) = split(":",$subcmd);
return "use set $name weekprofile <weekday_device_name:profile_name[:day]>" if ((!$wpd) || (!$wpp));
$wpday= ' ' if(!$wpday);
my $topic;
if (AttrNum($wpd, 'useTopics', 0)) { $topic = ReadingsVal($wpd, 'active_topic', '');}
$wpp = ($topic) ? $topic.':'.$wpp : $wpp;
eval "use JSON";
return "please install JSON first" if ($@);
my $json = CommandGet(undef,$wpd.' profile_data '.$wpp);
if (substr($json,0,2) ne "{\"") #} kein JSON = Fehlermeldung FHEM Device nicht vorhanden oder Fehler von weekprofile
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $json";
return $json;
my @days = ('Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun');
my $today = ($wpday eq ' ') ? $days[ (localtime(time))[6] -1 ] : $wpday;
return "$today is not a valid weekprofile day, please use on of ".join(",",@days) if !grep {/$today/} @days;
my $j;
eval { $j = decode_json($json); 1; } or do
$ret = $@;
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
for (my $i=0;$i<6;$i++)
if (!defined($j->{$today}{time}[$i]))
$ret = "Day $today time #".($i+1)." is missing in weekprofile $wpd profile_data $wpp";
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
if (int(substr($j->{$today}{time}[$i],0,2)) > 23)
$ret = "Day $today time #".($i+1)." hour ".substr($j->{$today}{time}[$i],0,2)." is invalid";
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
if (!defined($j->{$today}{temp}[$i])) # eigentlich überflüssig
$ret = "Day $today temperature #".($i+1)." is missing in weekprofile $wpd profile_data $wpp";
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
for (my $i=0;$i<6;$i++)
$hash->{helper}{$i}{time} = $j->{$today}{time}[$i];
$hash->{helper}{$i}{temp} = int($j->{$today}{temp}[$i]*2);
@payload = BEOK_set_timer_schedule($hash);
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{weekprofile} = "$wpd:$wpp:$today";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
else {
$cmdList .=' on-for-timer off-for-timer on-till off-till on-till-overnight off-till-overnight toggle intervals';
return "$name, set with unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $cmdList";
return $ret;
sub BEOK_NBStart($)
my ($arg) = @_;
return unless(defined($arg));
my ($name,$cmd) = split("\\|",$arg);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $logname = $name."[".$$."]";
my $timeout = AttrVal($name, 'timeout', 3);
my $data;
Log3 $name,5,'BEOK '.$logname.' NBStart '.$cmd;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $hash->{'.ip'},
PeerPort => '80',
Proto => 'udp',
ReuseAddr => 1,
Timeout => $timeout);
if (!$sock)
Log3 $name, 2, 'BEOK '.$logname.' '.$!;
return $name.'|1|NBStart: '.$!;
my $select = IO::Select->new($sock);
$cmd = decode_base64($cmd);
$sock->recv($data, 1024) if ($select->can_read($timeout));
return $name.'|1|no data from device' if (!$data);
return $name.'|0|'.encode_base64($data,'');
sub BEOK_NBAbort($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $error = 'BlockingCall Timeout';
$error .= ' ['.$hash->{ERRORCOUNT}.'], abort for cmd : '.$hash->{lastCMD};
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name $error" if ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT} < AttrNum($name,'maxErrorLog',10));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,'error', $error);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,'state', 'error');
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,'alive', 'no');
return $error;
sub BEOK_NBDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my @r = split("\\|",$string);
my $name = $r[0];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $error = (defined($r[1])) ? int($r[1]) : 1;
my $data = (defined($r[2])) ? $r[2] : "";
Log3 $name,5,"BEOK $name NBDone : $string";
if ($error)
if ($hash->{'skipError'} < AttrNum($name,'skipTimeouts',1))
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK $name Timeout skip ".$hash->{'skipError'}.' , max : '.AttrVal($name,'skipTimeouts','1');
return undef;
$hash->{'skipError'} = 0;
$data .= ' ['.$hash->{ERRORCOUNT}.'], for cmd : '.$hash->{lastCMD};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'error', $data);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'state', 'error');
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'alive', 'no');
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name $data" if ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT} < AttrNum($name,'maxErrorLog',10));
return $data;
$data = decode_base64($data);
if ((length($data) > 0x38) && ($hash->{lastCMD} eq 'get auth'))
my $cipher = BEOK_getCipher($hash);
my $dData = $cipher->decrypt(substr($data, 0x38));
if (length($dData) < 32)
$error = 'auth -> decrypt data to short : '.length($dData);
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name $error";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'error', $error);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'alive', 'yes');
return undef;
$hash->{'.key'} = substr($dData, 4, 16);
$hash->{'.id'} = substr($dData, 0, 4);
$hash->{isAuth} = 1;
return CommandGet(undef, $name.' status'); # gleich die aktuellen Werte holen
if ((length($data) < 0x39) || unpack("C*", substr($data, 0x22, 1)) | (unpack("C*", substr($data, 0x23, 1)) << 8))
$error = 'wrong data, '.unpack("C*", substr($data, 0x22, 1)).' | '.(unpack("C*", substr($data, 0x23, 1)) << 8);
$error = 'to short data, length '.length($data) if (length($data) < 0x39);
my $cipher = BEOK_getCipher($hash);
my $dData = $cipher->decrypt(substr($data, 0x38));
my $payload_len = unpack("C*", substr($dData, 0, 1));
my @payload;
if (length($dData) > $payload_len)
for my $i (2..$payload_len+1) # Payload ohne Header aber mit CRC
push @payload, unpack("C*",substr($dData, $i,1));
my $crc1 = int(((pop @payload) <<8) + pop @payload); # CRC entfernen und merken
@payload = BEOK_CRC16(@payload); # CRC selbst berechnen
my $crc2 = int(((pop @payload) <<8) + pop @payload);
if ($crc1 != $crc2)
$error = "CRC Error $crc1 / $crc2";
else { $error = "response to short $payload_len / ".length($dData);}
if ($error)
$error .= ' ['.$hash->{ERRORCOUNT}.']';
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'error', $error);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'state', 'error');
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'alive', 'yes');
Log3 $name,2,"BEOK $name $error" if ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT} < AttrNum($name,'maxErrorLog',10));
return $error;
$hash->{ERRORCOUNT} = 0;
$hash->{TIME} = time();
return BEOK_UpdateTemp($hash,@payload) if ($hash->{lastCMD} eq 'get temperature');
return CommandGet(undef, "$name status") if ($hash->{lastCMD} ne 'get status');
BEOK_UpdateStatus($hash,@payload) if ($hash->{lastCMD} eq 'get status');
return undef;
sub BEOK_UpdateTemp(@)
my ($hash,@data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name,5,"BEOK $name UpdateTemp";
if (int(@data) < 19)
# Bug ?
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name UpdateTemp data to short ".int(@data);
return undef;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "alive", "yes");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "room-temp", sprintf("%0.1f",$data[5] /2));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "floor-temp", sprintf("%0.1f",$data[18]/2));
return undef;
sub BEOK_UpdateStatus(@)
my ($hash,@data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $t;
my $val;
Log3 $name,5,"BEOK $name UpdateStatus";
if (int(@data) < 47)
# Bug ?
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name UpdateStatus data to short ".int(@data);
return undef;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'alive', 'yes');
$val = $data[3] & 1;
$hash->{helper}{'remote_lock'} = $val;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "remote-lock",$val);
$val = $data[4] & 1;
$hash->{helper}{power} = $val;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "power",$val);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "relay", ($data[4] >> 4) & 1);
$t = ($data[4] >> 6) & 1;
$hash->{helper}{temp_manual} = $t*2;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "temp-manual", $t); # 2 = manuelle Temp im Automodus
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "room-temp", sprintf("%0.1f",$data[5] / 2));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "desired-temp", sprintf("%0.1f",$data[6] / 2));
$val = $data[7] & 15;
$hash->{helper}{auto_mode} = $val;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "mode", ($val) ? "auto" : "manual");
$val = ($data[7] >> 4) & 15;
$hash->{helper}{loop_mode} = $val;
$t = '???';
if ($val == 1) {$t = "12345.67";}
elsif ($val == 2) {$t = "123456.7";}
elsif ($val == 3) {$t = "1234567"; }
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "loop", $t);
$val = $data[8];
$hash->{helper}{SEN} = $data[8];
$t = '???';
if ($data[8] == 0) { $t = 'internal'; }
elsif ($data[8] == 1) { $t = 'external'; }
elsif ($data[8] == 2) { $t = 'both'; }
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "sensor", $t);
$val = sprintf("%.1f",$data[9]);
$hash->{helper}{OSV} = $data[9]; # 6 - 99 Bodentemp
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "osv", $val);
$val = sprintf("%.1f",$data[10]);
$hash->{helper}{dIF} = $data[10]; # 1 - 9 Bodentemp diff
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "dif", $val);
$val = sprintf("%.1f",$data[11]);
$hash->{helper}{SVH} = $data[11]; # Raumtemp max. 5 - 99
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "svh", $val);
$val = sprintf("%.1f",$data[12]);
$hash->{helper}{SVL} = $data[12]; # Raumtemp min 5 - 99
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "svl", $val);
$val = ($data[13] << 8) + $data[14];
$hash->{helper}{AdJ} = $val; # Raumtemp adj -5 - 0 - +5
my $adj;
if (($val >= 0) && ($val <= 10)) { $adj = sprintf("%.1f",$val/2);}
else { $adj = sprintf("%.1f",(0x10000 - $val) / -2);}
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "room-temp-adj", $adj);
$hash->{helper}{FrE} = $data[15];
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "fre", ($data[15]) ? 'open' : 'close');
$hash->{helper}{PoM} = $data[16];
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "power-on-mem", ($data[16]) ? 'off' : 'on');
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "unknown", $data[17]); # ???
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "floor-temp", sprintf("%0.1f", $data[18] / 2));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "time", sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $data[19],$data[20],$data[21]));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "dayofweek", $data[22]);
for (my $i=0;$i<6;$i++)
$hash->{helper}{$i}{time} = sprintf("%02d:%02d" , $data[2*$i+23] , $data[2*$i+24]);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "day-profile".($i+1)."-time", $hash->{helper}{$i}{time});
$hash->{helper}{$i}{temp} = $data[$i+39];
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "day-profile".($i+1)."-temp", sprintf("%.1f",$hash->{helper}{$i}{temp}/2));
for (my $i=6;$i<8;$i++)
$hash->{helper}{$i}{time} = sprintf("%02d:%02d" , $data[2*$i+23] , $data[2*$i+24]);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "we-profile".($i+1)."-time", $hash->{helper}{$i}{time});
$hash->{helper}{$i}{temp} = $data[$i+39];
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "we-profile".($i+1)."-temp", sprintf("%.1f",$hash->{helper}{$i}{temp}/2));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "mode_state", $hash->{helper}{temp_manual} + $hash->{helper}{auto_mode});
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", ($hash->{helper}{power}) ? "on" : "off");
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(gettimeofday());
my $time1 = timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour,$mday,$month,$year);
my $time2 = timelocal($data[21],$data[20],$data[19],$mday,$month,$year);
$data[22] = 0 if ($data[22] == 7);
# falscher Wochentag oder Zeit Diff mehr als eine Minute ?
if (($wday != $data[22]) || (($time1-$time2) > 60) || (($time1-$time2) < -60))
my @days =('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun');
my $time1_s = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d , %3s" , $hour,$min,$sec,$days[$wday]);
my $time2_s = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d , %3s" , $data[19],$data[20],$data[21],$days[$data[22]]);
if (!AttrVal($name,'timesync',0))
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name time on device is wrong. FHEM : $time1_s / $name : $time2_s - run set $name time";
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK $name time autosync : $time1_s / $time2_s";
CommandSet(undef,$name.' time');
return undef;
sub BEOK_getCipher(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
return Crypt::CBC->new(
-key => $hash->{'.key'},
-cipher => "Crypt::OpenSSL::AES",
-header => "none",
-iv => $hash->{'.iv'},
-literal_key => 1,
-keysize => 16,
-padding => 'space'
sub BEOK_send_packet(@)
my ($hash,$command,@payload) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $error;
my $len;
Log3 $name,5,"BEOK $name send_packet ". join(' ', @payload);
if ($command != 0x65) # auth payload ist bereits fertig
$len = int(@payload)+2;
@payload = BEOK_CRC16(@payload);
unshift @payload, 0;
unshift @payload, $len;
$len +=2; # neue Länge und dann mit Nullen auffüllen bis Länge ohne Rest durch 16 teilbar ist
for (my $i=16;$i<96;$i+=16)
if (( $len > ($i-16) ) && ( $len < $i )) { while (int(@payload) < $i) { push @payload, 0; } }
$hash->{'counter'} = ($hash->{'counter'} + 1) & 0xffff;
my @id = split(//, $hash->{'.id'});
my @mac = split(':', $hash->{MAC});
my @packet = (0) x 56;
$packet[0x00] = 0x5a;
$packet[0x01] = 0xa5;
$packet[0x02] = 0xaa;
$packet[0x03] = 0x55;
$packet[0x04] = 0x5a;
$packet[0x05] = 0xa5;
$packet[0x06] = 0xaa;
$packet[0x07] = 0x55;
$packet[0x24] = 0x2a;
$packet[0x25] = 0x27;
$packet[0x26] = $command;
$packet[0x28] = $hash->{'counter'} & 0xff;
$packet[0x29] = $hash->{'counter'} >> 8;
$packet[0x2a] = hex ($mac[5]);
$packet[0x2b] = hex ($mac[4]);
$packet[0x2c] = hex ($mac[3]);
$packet[0x2d] = hex ($mac[2]);
$packet[0x2e] = hex ($mac[1]);
$packet[0x2f] = hex ($mac[0]);
$packet[0x30] = unpack('C', $id[0]);
$packet[0x31] = unpack('C', $id[1]);
$packet[0x32] = unpack('C', $id[2]);
$packet[0x33] = unpack('C', $id[3]);
#calculate payload checksum of original data
my $checksum = 0xbeaf;
$len = int(@payload);
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$checksum += $payload[$i];
$checksum = $checksum & 0xffff;
$packet[0x34] = $checksum & 0xff;
$packet[0x35] = $checksum >> 8;
#crypt payload
my $cipher = BEOK_getCipher($hash);
my $payloadCrypt = $cipher->encrypt(pack('C*', @payload));
#add the crypted data to packet
my @values = split(//,$payloadCrypt);
foreach (@values) { push @packet, unpack('C*', $_); }
#create checksum of whole packet
$checksum = 0xbeaf;
$len = int(@packet);
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$checksum += $packet[$i];
$checksum = $checksum & 0xffff;
$packet[0x20] = $checksum & 0xff;
$packet[0x21] = $checksum >> 8;
my $timeout = AttrVal($name, 'timeout', 3)*2;
Log3 $name,5,"BEOK $name send_packet ". join(' ', @packet);
my $arg = encode_base64(pack('C*',@packet));
#push(@{$hash->{CmdStack}}, $arg) if $hash->{'.CmdStack'};
$arg = $name.'|'.$arg;
Log3 $name,3,"BEOK $name last BC ".$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}.' has not ended yet !';
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall('BEOK_NBStart',$arg, 'BEOK_NBDone',$timeout,'BEOK_NBAbort',$hash);# unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
my $error = 'can`t start BlockingCall ['.$hash->{ERRORCOUNT}.']';
Log3 $name, 3, "BEOK $name $error" if ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT} <20);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'error', $error);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, 'state', 'error');
return $error;
return undef;
sub BEOK_CRC16(@)
my (@a) = @_;
my $crc = 0xFFFF;
$crc ^= 0xFF & $_;
for (1..8)
if ($crc & 0x0001)
{ $crc = (($crc >> 1) & 0xFFFF) ^ 0xA001; }
else { $crc = ($crc >> 1) & 0xFFFF; }
push @a, $crc & 0xFF;
push @a, $crc >>8;
return @a;
sub BEOK_set_timer_schedule($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# Set timer schedule
# Format is the same as you get from get_full_status.
# weekday is a list (ordered) of 6 dicts like:
# {'start_hour':17, 'start_minute':30, 'temp': 22 }
# Each one specifies the thermostat temp that will become effective at start_hour:start_minute
# weekend is similar but only has 2 (e.g. switch on in morning and off in afternoon)
# Begin with some magic values ...
my @payload = (1,16,0,10,0,0x0c,0x18);
my $i;
# Now simply append times/temps
for ($i=0;$i<8;$i++)
my ($h,$m) = split(":",$hash->{helper}{$i}{time});
push @payload,int($h); push @payload,int($m);
for ($i=0;$i<8;$i++)
push @payload, $hash->{helper}{$i}{temp}; # temperatures
return @payload;
sub BEOK_Attr (@)
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($cmd eq "set")
if ($attrName eq 'interval')
$_[3] = $attrVal;
BEOK_update($hash); # Polling Start
elsif ($cmd eq "del")
if ($attrName eq 'interval')
$_[3] = $attrVal;
sub BEOK_summaryFn($$$$)
my ($FW_wname, $name, $room, $pageHash) = @_;
return if (AttrVal($name, "stateFormat", ""));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $state = ReadingsVal($name,'state', '');
my $power = ($hash->{helper}{power}) ? 'on' : 'off';
my $relay = (ReadingsNum($name,'relay',1)) ? 'hon' : 'hoff';
my $sensor = $hash->{helper}{SEN};
my $locked = ($hash->{helper}{remote_lock}) ? 'closed' : 'open';
my $mode = ($hash->{helper}{auto_mode}) ? 'auto' : 'manual';
my $csrf = ($FW_CSRF ? "&fwcsrf=$defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}" : '');
my $sel = '';
my $html = '';
my $link = '';
my $icon;
my @names;
if (lc(AttrVal($name,'language','')) eq 'de')
{ @names = ('Raum ','Boden ','Soll','Modus'); }
else { @names = ('Room ','Floor ','desired-temp','Mode'); }
if ($state =~ /^(on|off)$/ )
($icon, undef, undef) = FW_dev2image($name,$power);
$power = FW_makeImage($icon, $power) if ($icon);
$link = "cmd.$name=set%20$name%20";
$link .= ($state eq 'on') ? 'off' : 'on';
$power = "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('/fhem?XHR=1&$link&room=$room$csrf')\">$power</a>" if ($power);
$html .= '<table border="0" class="header"><tr><td>'.$power.'</td>';
if ($state eq 'on')
($icon, undef, undef) = FW_dev2image($name,$relay);
$relay = FW_makeImage($icon, $relay) if ($icon);
($icon, undef, undef) = FW_dev2image($name,$locked);
$locked = FW_makeImage($icon, $locked) if ($icon);
#Log3 $hash,1,$locked;
$link = "cmd.$name=set%20$name%20lock%20";
$link .= (int($hash->{helper}{remote_lock})) ? 'off' : 'on';
$locked = "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('/fhem?XHR=1&$link&room=$room$csrf')\">$locked</a>" if ($locked);
$html .= '<td>'.$relay.'</td><td>'.$locked.'</td>';
$html .= '<td align="right">'.$names[0].ReadingsNum($name,'room-temp',0).' °C<br>'.$names[1].ReadingsNum($name,'floor-temp',0).' °C</td>';
$html .= "<td align=\"center\">".$names[2]."<br><select id=\"".$name."_tempList\" name=\"".$name."_tempList\" class=\"dropdown\" onchange=\"FW_cmd('/fhem?XHR=1$csrf&cmd.$name=set $name desired-temp ' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">";
for (my $i=10;$i<199;$i++)
$sel = (($i/2) == ReadingsNum($name,'desired-temp',5)) ? ' selected' : '';
$html .= "<option".$sel." value=\"".sprintf("%.1f",$i/2)."\">".sprintf("%.1f",$i/2)."</option>";
$html .= '</select></td>';
$html .= "<td align=\"center\">".$names[3]."<br><select id=\"".$name."_modeList\" name=\"".$name."_modeList\" class=\"dropdown\" onchange=\"FW_cmd('/fhem?XHR=1$csrf&cmd.$name=set $name mode ' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">";
$sel = ($mode eq 'auto') ? ' selected' : '';
$html .= "<option".$sel." value=\"auto\">auto</option>";
$sel = ($mode eq 'manual') ? ' selected' : '';
$html .= "<option".$sel." value=\"manual\">manual</option>";
$html .= '</select></td>';
$html .='</tr></table>';
} else { $html .= $state };
return $html;
=item device
=item summary implements a connection to BEOK / Floureon / Hysen WiFi room thermostat
=item summary_DE implementiert die Verbindung zu BEOK / Floureon / Hysen WiFi Raumthermostaten
=begin html
<a name="BEOK"></a>
BEOK implements a connection to BEOK / Floureon / Hysen WiFi room thermostat
AES Encyrption is needed. Maybe you must first install extra Perl modules.<br>
E.g. for Debian/Raspian :<br>
sudo apt-get install libcrypt-cbc-perl<br>
sudo apt-get install libcrypt-rijndael-perl<br>
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev<br>
sudo cpan Crypt/OpenSSL/AES.pm</code>
<a name="BEOKdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> BEOK <ip> [mac]</code>
Example: <code>define Thermo BEOK</code>
<a name="BEOKset"></a>
<li><code>desired-temp <5 - 99></code>
<li><code>mode <auto manual></code>
<li><code>loop <12345.67 123456.7 1234567></code><br>
12345.67 means Saturday and Sunday follow the "weekend" schedule<br>
1234567 means every day (including Saturday and Sunday) follows the "weekday" schedule
<li><code>sensor <external internal both></code><br>
both = internal control temperature, external limit temperature
sets time and day of week on device to FHEM time & day
<li><code>lock <on off></code>
<li><code>power-on-memory <on off></code>
<li><code>fre <open close></code>
Anti-freezing function
<li><code>room-temp-adj <-5 +5></code>
<li><code>osv <5 - 99></code><br>
Limit temperature value of external sensor
<li><code>svh <5 - 99></code><br>
Set upper limit temperature value
<li><code>svl <5 - 99></code><br>
Set lower limit temperature value
<li><code>dif <1 - 9></code><br>
difference of limit temperature value of external sensor
<li><code>day-profil[1-6]-temp <5 - 99></code>
<li><code>day-profil[1-6]-time <00:00 - 23:59></code>
<li><code>we-profile[7-8]-temp <5 - 99></code>
<li><code>we-profile[7-8]-time <00:00 - 23:59></code>
Set all weekday setpoints and temperatures with values from a weekprofile day.<br>
Syntax : set <name> weekprofile <weekprofile_device:profil_name[:weekday]><br>
see also <a href='https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303'>https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303</a>
<a name="BEOKattr"></a>
timeout for network device communication, default 5
poll time interval in seconds, set to 0 for no polling , default 60
set device time and day of week automatic to FHEM time, default 1 (on)
set to de or DE for german names of Room, Floor , etc.
only for FHEM modul statistics at <a href="https://fhem.de/stats/statistics.html">https://fhem.de/stats/statistics.html</a>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="BEOK"></a>
BEOK implementiert die Verbindung zu einem BEOK / Floureon / Hysen WiFi Raum Thermostaten
Wiki : <a href='https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/BEOK'>https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/BEOK</a><br><br>
Da das Modul AES-Verschlüsselung benötigt müssen ggf. noch zusätzliche Perl Module installiert werden.<br>
Bsp. für Debian/Raspian :<br>
sudo apt-get install libcrypt-cbc-perl<br>
sudo apt-get install libcrypt-rijndael-perl<br>
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev<br>
sudo cpan Crypt/OpenSSL/AES.pm</code><br>
<a name="BEOKdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> BEOK <ip> [mac]</code>
Beispiel: <code>define WT BEOK</code><br>
<code>define WT BEOK 01:02:03:04:05:06</code><br>
Es wird empfohlen die MAC Adresse mit anzugeben. Z.z ist noch nicht geklärt ob sonst eventuell vermehrte Timeouts die Folge sind.
<a name="BEOKset"></a>
<li><code>desired-temp <5 - 99></code>
<li><code>mode <auto manual></code>
<li><code>loop <12345.67 123456.7 1234567></code><br>
12345.67 Montag - Freitag Werktag, Samstag & Sonntag sind Wochenende<br>
123456.7 Montag - Samstag Werktag, nur Sonntag ist Wochendende<br>
1234567 jeder Tag (inklusive Samstag & Sonntag) ist ein Werktag, kein Wochenende
<li><code>sensor <external internal both></code><br>
both = internal control temperature, external limit temperature
setzt Uhrzeit und Wochentag
<li><code>lock <on off></code>
<li><code>power-on-memory <on off></code>
<li><code>fre <open close></code><br>
Frostschutz Funktion
<li><code>room-temp-adj <-5 - +5></code><br>
Korrekturwert (Offset) Raumtemperatur
<li><code>osv <5 - 99></code><br>
Maximum Temperatur für externen Sensor
<li><code>svh <5 - 99></code><br>
Raumtemperatur Maximum
<li><code>svl <5 - 99></code><br>
Raumtemperatur Minimum
<li><code>dif <1 - 9></code><br>
difference of limit temperature value of external sensor
<li><code>day-profil[1-6]-temp <5 - 99></code><br>
Werktagprofil Temperatur
<li><code>day-profil[1-6]-time <00:00 - 23:59></code><br>
Werktagprofil Zeit
<li><code>we-profile[7-8]-temp <5 - 99></code><br>
Wochenendprofil Temperatur
<li><code>we-profile[7-8]-time <00:00 - 23:59></code><br>
Wochenendprofil Zeit
Setzt alle Wochentag Schaltzeiten und Temperaturen mit Werten aus einem Profil des Moduls weekprofile.<br>
Syntax : set <name> weekprofile <weekprofile_device:profil_name[:Wochentag]><br>
siehe auch Erklärung im <a href='https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303'>Forum</a>
bzw. im <a href='https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/BEOK'>Wiki</a>.
<a name="BEOKattr"></a>
auto | always_on , default auto<br>
Displaybeleuchtung bei jeder Statusabfrage einschalten (always_on). Wird ausserdem das Attribut interval auf eine Zeit kleiner 9 Sekunden gesetzt,
so leuchtet das Display dauerhaft. <b>ACHTUNG</b> dies hat eine wesentlich höhere Funklast zur Folge !<br>
D.h. die Wahrscheinlichkeit von gelegentlichen Timeouts wird stark zunehmen, siehe auch Attribut skipTimeouts.
Poll Intevall in Sekunden, 0 = kein Polling , default 60
0 | 1 , default 0 (aus)<br>
Schaltet das Thermostat kurz vor Ende eines Tages in den Mode auto sollte es sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt
im Mode manu befinden.
de oder DE für deutsche Bezeichnungen in der Übersicht, z.B. Raum statt Room , usw.
nur für die FHEM Modul Statistik unter <a href="https://fhem.de/stats/statistics.html">https://fhem.de/stats/statistics.html</a>
0 - 9 , default 1<br>
Anzahl der max. zulässigen Timeouts in Folge ohne das ein Logeintrag bzw. eine Fehlermeldung erfolgt (default 1)
Timeout in Sekunden für die Wlan Kommunikation, default 5<br>
<b>ACHTUNG</b> in Verbindung mit dem Attribut Display alaways_on darf diese Wert niemals grösser als interval sein !
Uhrzeit und Wochentag automatisch mit FHEM synchronisieren, default 1 (an)<br>
Setzt automatisch FHEM Zeit und Wochentag im Thermostsat.
=end html_DE
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