mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
512 lines
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512 lines
16 KiB
# $Id$
# The purpose of this module is to support serval
# weather sensors which use various protocol
# Sidey79 & Ralf9 2016
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;
sub SD_WS_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = '^W\d+x{0,1}#.*';
$hash->{DefFn} = "SD_WS_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SD_WS_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SD_WS_Parse";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SD_WS_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 showtime:1,0 " .
"$readingFnAttributes ";
$hash->{AutoCreate} =
"SD_WS37_TH.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"SD_WS50_SM.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"BresserTemeo.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", FILTER => "%NAME", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"}
sub SD_WS_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> SD_WS <code> ".int(@a) if(int(@a) < 3 );
$hash->{CODE} = $a[2];
$hash->{lastMSG} = "";
$hash->{bitMSG} = "";
$modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$a[2]} = $hash;
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
return undef;
sub SD_WS_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
if(defined($hash->{CODE}) && defined($modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$hash->{CODE}}));
return undef;
sub SD_WS_Parse($$)
my ($iohash, $msg) = @_;
#my $rawData = substr($msg, 2);
my $name = $iohash->{NAME};
my ($protocol,$rawData) = split("#",$msg);
$protocol=~ s/^[WP](\d+)/$1/; # extract protocol
my $dummyreturnvalue= "Unknown, please report";
my $hlen = length($rawData);
my $blen = $hlen * 4;
my $bitData = unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData));
my $bitData2;
my $model; # wenn im elsif Abschnitt definiert, dann wird der Sensor per AutoCreate angelegt
my $SensorTyp;
my $id;
my $bat;
my $channel;
my $rawTemp;
my $temp;
my $hum;
my $trend;
my %decodingSubs = (
50 => # Protocol 50
# FF550545FF9E
# FF550541FF9A
# A = Preamble, always FF
# B = TX type, always 5
# C = Address (5/6/7) > low 2 bits = 1/2/3
# D = Soil moisture 05%
# E = temperature
# F = security code, always F
# G = Checksum 55+05+45+FF=19E CRC value = 9E
{ # subs to decode this
sensortype => 'XT300',
model => 'SD_WS_50_SM',
prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^FF5[0-9A-F]{5}FF[0-9A-F]{2}/); }, # prematch
crcok => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ((hex(substr($msg,2,2))+hex(substr($msg,4,2))+hex(substr($msg,6,2))+hex(substr($msg,8,2))&0xFF) == (hex(substr($msg,10,2))) ); }, # crc
id => sub {my $msg = shift; return (hex(substr($msg,2,2)) &0x03 ); }, #id
#temp => sub {my $msg = shift; return (sprintf('%x',((hex(substr($msg,6,2)) <<4)/2/10))); }, #temp
#temphex => sub {my $msg = shift; return sprintf("%04X",((hex(substr($msg,6,2)))<<4)/2); }, #temp
temp => sub {my $msg = shift; return ((hex(substr($msg,6,2)))-40) }, #temp
#hum => sub {my $msg = shift; return (printf('%02x',hex(substr($msg,4,2)))); }, #hum
hum => sub {my $msg = shift; return hex(substr($msg,4,2)); }, #hum
channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return ( SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,15)&0x03 ); }, #channel
33 =>
sensortype => 's014/TFA 30.3200/TCM/Conrad',
model => 'SD_WS_33_TH',
prematch => sub {my $msg = shift; return 1 if ($msg =~ /^[0-9A-F]{10,11}/); }, # prematch
crcok => sub {return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,36,39); }, # crc
id => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,0,9); }, # id
# sendmode => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11) eq "1" ? "manual" : "auto"; }
temp => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (((SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,22,25)*256 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,18,21)*16 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,14,17)) *10 -12200) /18)/10; }, #temp
hum => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,30,33)*16 + SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,26,29)); }, #hum
channel => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,13)+1 ); }, #channel
bat => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,34) eq "1" ? "ok" : "critical");},
# sync => sub {my (undef,$bitData) = @_; return (SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,35,35) eq "1" ? "true" : "false");},
Log3 $name, 4, "SD_WS_Parse: Protocol: $protocol, rawData: $rawData";
if ($protocol eq "37") # Bresser 7009994
# 0 7 8 9 10 12 22 25 31
# 01011010 0 0 01 01100001110 10 0111101 11001010
# ID B? T Kan Temp ?? Hum Pruefsumme?
# MU;P0=729;P1=-736;P2=483;P3=-251;P4=238;P5=-491;D=010101012323452323454523454545234523234545234523232345454545232345454545452323232345232340;CP=4;
$model = "SD_WS37_TH";
$SensorTyp = "Bresser 7009994";
$id = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,0,7);
#$bat = int(substr($bitData,8,1)) eq "1" ? "ok" : "low";
$channel = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,10,11);
$rawTemp = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,12,22);
$hum = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($bitData,25,31);
$id = sprintf('%02X', $id); # wandeln nach hex
$temp = ($rawTemp - 609.93) / 9.014;
$temp = sprintf("%.1f", $temp);
if ($hum < 10 || $hum > 99 || $temp < -30 || $temp > 70) {
return "";
$bitData2 = substr($bitData,0,8) . ' ' . substr($bitData,8,4) . ' ' . substr($bitData,12,11);
$bitData2 = $bitData2 . ' ' . substr($bitData,23,2) . ' ' . substr($bitData,25,7) . ' ' . substr($bitData,32,8);
Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name converted to bits: " . $bitData2;
Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: $protocol ($SensorTyp) sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, rawTemp=$rawTemp, temp=$temp, hum=$hum";
elsif ($protocol eq "44" || $protocol eq "44x") # BresserTemeo
# 0 4 8 12 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 52 56 60
# 0101 0111 1001 00010101 0010 0100 0001 1010 1000 0110 11101010 1101 1011 1110 110110010
# hhhh hhhh ?bcc iiiiiiii sttt tttt tttt xxxx xxxx ?BCC IIIIIIII Syyy yyyy yyyy
# - h humidity / -x checksum
# - t temp / -y checksum
# - c Channel / C checksum
# - i 8 bit random id (aendert sich beim Batterie- und Kanalwechsel) / - I checksum
# - b battery indicator (0=>OK, 1=>LOW) / - B checksum
# - s Test/Sync (0=>Normal, 1=>Test-Button pressed) / - S checksum
$model= "BresserTemeo";
$SensorTyp = "BresserTemeo";
#my $binvalue = unpack("B*" ,pack("H*", $rawData));
my $binvalue = $bitData;
if (length($binvalue) != 72) {
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: length error (72 bits expected)!!!";
return "";
# Check what Humidity Prefix (*sigh* Bresser!!!)
if ($protocol eq "44")
$binvalue = "0".$binvalue;
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: Humidity <= 79 Flag";
$binvalue = "1".$binvalue;
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: Humidity > 79 Flag";
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: new bin $binvalue";
my $checksumOkay = 1;
my $hum1Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 0, 3);
my $hum2Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 4, 7);
my $checkHum1 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 32, 35) ^ 0b1111;
my $checkHum2 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 36, 39) ^ 0b1111;
if ($checkHum1 != $hum1Dec || $checkHum2 != $hum2Dec)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: checksum error in Humidity";
$hum = $hum1Dec.$hum2Dec;
if ($hum < 1 || $hum > 100)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: Humidity Error. Humidity=$hum";
return "";
my $temp1Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 21, 23);
my $temp2Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 24, 27);
my $temp3Dec = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 28, 31);
my $checkTemp1 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 53, 55) ^ 0b111;
my $checkTemp2 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 56, 59) ^ 0b1111;
my $checkTemp3 = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 60, 63) ^ 0b1111;
$temp = $temp1Dec.$temp2Dec.".".$temp3Dec;
if ($checkTemp1 != $temp1Dec || $checkTemp2 != $temp2Dec || $checkTemp3 != $temp3Dec)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: checksum error in Temperature";
$checksumOkay = 0;
if ($temp > 60)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: Temperature Error. temp=$temp";
return "";
$bat = substr($binvalue,9,1);
my $checkBat = substr($binvalue,41,1) ^ 0b1;
if ($bat != $checkBat)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: checksum error in Bat";
$bat = undef;
$bat = ($bat == 0) ? "ok" : "low";
$channel = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 10, 11);
my $checkChannel = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 42, 43) ^ 0b11;
$id = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 12, 19);
my $checkId = SD_WS_binaryToNumber($binvalue, 44, 51) ^ 0b11111111;
if ($channel != $checkChannel || $id != $checkId)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: checksum error in Channel or Id";
$checksumOkay = 0;
if ($checksumOkay == 0)
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse BresserTemeo: checksum error!!! These Values seem incorrect: temp=$temp, channel=$channel, id=$id";
return "";
$id = sprintf('%02X', $id); # wandeln nach hex
Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name SD_WS_Parse: model=$model, temp=$temp, hum=$hum, channel=$channel, id=$id, bat=$bat";
elsif (defined($decodingSubs{$protocol})) # durch den hash decodieren
return "" && Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: $protocol ($SensorTyp) prematch error" if (!$decodingSubs{$protocol}{prematch}->( $rawData ));
return "" && Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: $protocol ($SensorTyp) crc error" if (!$decodingSubs{$protocol}{crcok}->( $rawData ));
$id=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{id}->( $rawData,$bitData );
#my $temphex=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{temphex}->( $rawData,$bitData );
$temp=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{temp}->( $rawData,$bitData );
$hum=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{hum}->( $rawData,$bitData );
$channel=$decodingSubs{$protocol}{channel}->( $rawData,$bitData );
$model = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{model};
$bat = $decodingSubs{$protocol}{bat};
Log3 $iohash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: $protocol ($SensorTyp) sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp, hum=$hum";
else {
Log3 $iohash, 4, "SD_WS_Parse: unknown message, please report. converted to bits: $bitData";
return undef;
if (!defined($model)) {
return undef;
my $deviceCode;
my $longids = AttrVal($iohash->{NAME},'longids',0);
if (($longids ne "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/)))
$deviceCode = $model . '_' . $id . $channel;
Log3 $iohash,4, "$name using longid: $longids model: $model";
} else {
$deviceCode = $model . "_" . $channel;
#print Dumper($modules{SD_WS}{defptr});
my $def = $modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$iohash->{NAME} . "." . $deviceCode};
$def = $modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$deviceCode} if(!$def);
if(!$def) {
Log3 $iohash, 1, 'SD_WS: UNDEFINED sensor ' . $model . ' detected, code ' . $deviceCode;
return "UNDEFINED $deviceCode SD_WS $deviceCode";
#Log3 $iohash, 3, 'SD_WS: ' . $def->{NAME} . ' ' . $id;
my $hash = $def;
$name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
Log3 $name, 4, "SD_WS: $name ($rawData)";
if (!defined(AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"event-min-interval",undef)))
my $minsecs = AttrVal($iohash->{NAME},'minsecs',0);
if($hash->{lastReceive} && (time() - $hash->{lastReceive} < $minsecs)) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "$deviceCode Dropped due to short time. minsecs=$minsecs";
return "";
$hash->{lastReceive} = time();
$hash->{lastMSG} = $rawData;
if (defined($bitData2)) {
$hash->{bitMSG} = $bitData2;
} else {
$hash->{bitMSG} = $bitData;
my $state = "T: $temp" . ($hum > 0 ? " H: $hum":"");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature", $temp) if (defined($temp));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "humidity", $hum) if (defined($hum) && $hum > 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "battery", $bat) if (defined($bat));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", $channel) if (defined($channel));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "trend", $trend) if (defined($trend));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # Notify is done by Dispatch
return $name;
sub SD_WS_Attr(@)
my @a = @_;
# Make possible to use the same code for different logical devices when they
# are received through different physical devices.
return if($a[0] ne "set" || $a[2] ne "IODev");
my $hash = $defs{$a[1]};
my $iohash = $defs{$a[3]};
my $cde = $hash->{CODE};
$modules{SD_WS}{defptr}{$iohash->{NAME} . "." . $cde} = $hash;
return undef;
sub SD_WS_binaryToNumber
my $binstr=shift;
my $fbit=shift;
my $lbit=$fbit;
$lbit=shift if @_;
return oct("0b".substr($binstr,$fbit,($lbit-$fbit)+1));
=item summary Supports various weather stations
=item summary_DE Unterstützt verschiedene Funk Wetterstationen
=begin html
<a name="SD_WS"></a>
<h3>Weather Sensors various protocols</h3>
The SD_WS module interprets temperature sensor messages received by a Device like CUL, CUN, SIGNALduino etc.<br>
<b>Known models:</b>
<li>Bresser 7009994</li>
<li>Opus XT300</li>
New received device are add in fhem with autocreate.
<a name="SD_WS_Define"></a>
<ul>The received devices created automatically.<br>
The ID of the defice is the cannel or, if the longid attribute is specified, it is a combination of channel and some random generated bits at powering the sensor and the channel.<br>
If you want to use more sensors, than channels available, you can use the longid option to differentiate them.
<a name="SD_WS Events"></a>
<b>Generated readings:</b>
<br>Some devices may not support all readings, so they will not be presented<br>
<li>State (T: H:)</li>
<li>temperature (°C)</li>
<li>humidity: (The humidity (1-100 if available)</li>
<li>battery: (low or ok)</li>
<li>channel: (The Channelnumber (number if)</li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="SD_WS_Set"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SD_WS_Parse"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SD_WS"></a>
Das SD_WS Modul verarbeitet von einem IO Gerät (CUL, CUN, SIGNALDuino, etc.) empfangene Nachrichten von Temperatur-Sensoren.<br>
<b>Unterstützte Modelle:</b>
<li>Bresser 7009994</li>
<li>Opus XT300</li>
Neu empfangene Sensoren werden in FHEM per autocreate angelegt.
<a name="SD_WS_Define"></a>
<ul>Die empfangenen Sensoren werden automatisch angelegt.<br>
Die ID der angelgten Sensoren ist entweder der Kanal des Sensors, oder wenn das Attribut longid gesetzt ist, dann wird die ID aus dem Kanal und einer Reihe von Bits erzeugt, welche der Sensor beim Einschalten zufällig vergibt.<br>
<a name="SD_WS Events"></a>
<b>Generierte Readings:</b>
<li>State (T: H:)</li>
<li>temperature (°C)</li>
<li>humidity: (Luftfeuchte (1-100)</li>
<li>battery: (low oder ok)</li>
<li>channel: (Der Sensor Kanal)</li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="SD_WS_Set"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SD_WS_Parse"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
=end html_DE