mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-01 01:09:47 +00:00
rudolfkoenig 619f3980ce 95_holiday.pm: allow tabs (Forum #95168)
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18112 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2019-01-01 14:52:36 +00:00

669 lines
21 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
sub holiday_refresh($;$$);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "holiday_Define";
$hash->{GetFn} = "holiday_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "holiday_Set";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "holiday_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList} = $readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "holiday_FW_detailFn";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
return holiday_refresh($hash->{NAME}, undef, 1) if($init_done);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "holiday_refresh", $hash->{NAME}, 0);
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
my ($name, $fordate, $showAvailable) = (@_);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $fromTimer=0;
return if(!$hash); # Just deleted
my $nt = gettimeofday();
my @lt = localtime($nt);
my @fd;
if(!$fordate) {
$fromTimer = 1;
$fordate = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $lt[4]+1, $lt[3]);
@fd = @lt;
} else {
my ($m,$d) = split("-", $fordate);
@fd = localtime(mktime(1,1,1,$d,$m-1,$lt[5],0,0,-1));
Log3 $name, 5, "holiday_refresh $name called for $fordate ($fromTimer)";
my $dir = $attr{global}{modpath} . "/FHEM";
my ($err, @holidayfile) = FileRead("$dir/$name.holiday");
if($err) {
$dir = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/holiday";
($err, @holidayfile) = FileRead("$dir/$name.holiday");
$hash->{READONLY} = 1;
} else {
$hash->{READONLY} = 0;
if($err) {
if($showAvailable) {
my @ret;
if(configDBUsed()) {
@ret = cfgDB_FW_fileList($dir,".*.holiday",@ret);
map { s/\.configDB$//;$_ } @ret;
} else {
if(opendir(DH, $dir)) {
@ret = grep { m/\.holiday$/ } readdir(DH);
$err .= "\nAvailable holiday files: ".
join(" ", map { s/.holiday//;$_ } @ret);
} else {
Log 1, "$name: $err";
return $err;
$hash->{HOLIDAYFILE} = "$dir/$name.holiday";
my @foundList;
foreach my $l (@holidayfile) {
next if($l =~ m/^\s*#/);
next if($l =~ m/^\s*$/);
my $found;
if($l =~ m/^1/) { # Exact date: 1 MM-DD Holiday
my @args = split(" ", $l, 3);
if($args[1] eq $fordate) {
$found = $args[2];
} elsif($l =~ m/^2/) { # Easter date: 2 +1 Ostermontag
###mh new code for easter sunday calc w.o. requirement for
# DateTime::Event::Easter
# replace $a1 with $1 !!!
# split line from file into args '2 <offset from E-sunday> <tagname>'
my @a = split(" ", $l, 3);
# get month & day for E-sunday
my ($Om,$Od) = western_easter(($lt[5]+1900));
my $timex = mktime(0,0,12,$Od,$Om-1, $lt[5],0,0,-1); # gen timevalue
$timex = $timex + $a[1]*86400; # add offset days
my ($msecond, $mminute, $mhour,
$mday, $mmonth, $myear, $mrest) = localtime($timex);
$myear = $myear+1900;
$mmonth = $mmonth+1;
#Log 1, "$name: Ostern:".sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $lt[5]+1900, $Om, $Od).
# " Target:".sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $myear, $mmonth, $mday);
next if($mday != $fd[3] || $mmonth != $fd[4]+1);
$found = $a[2];
Log 4, "$name: Match day: $a[2]\n";
} elsif($l =~ m/^3/) { # Relative date: 3 -1 Mon 03 Holiday
my @a = split(" ", $l, 5);
my %wd = ("Sun"=>0, "Mon"=>1, "Tue"=>2, "Wed"=>3,
"Thu"=>4, "Fri"=>5, "Sat"=>6);
my @md = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
$md[1]=29 if(schaltjahr($fd[5]+1900) && $fd[4] == 1);
my $wd = $wd{$a[2]};
if(!defined($wd)) {
Log 1, "Wrong timespec: $l";
next if($wd != $fd[6]); # Weekday
next if($a[3] != ($fd[4]+1)); # Month
if($a[1] > 0) { # N'th day from the start
my $d = $fd[3] - ($a[1]-1)*7;
next if($d < 1 || $d > 7);
} elsif($a[1] < 0) { # N'th day from the end
my $d = $fd[3] - ($a[1]+1)*7;
my $md = $md[$fd[4]];
next if($d > $md || $d < $md-6);
$found = $a[4];
} elsif($l =~ m/^4/) { # Interval: 4 MM-DD MM-DD Holiday
my @args = split(" ", $l, 4);
if($args[1] le $fordate && $args[2] ge $fordate) {
$found = $args[3];
} elsif($l =~ m/^5/) { # nth weekday since MM-DD / before MM-DD
my @a = split(" ", $l, 6);
# arguments: 5 <distance> <weekday> <month> <day> <name>
my %wd = ("Sun"=>0, "Mon"=>1, "Tue"=>2, "Wed"=>3,
"Thu"=>4, "Fri"=>5, "Sat"=>6);
my $wd = $wd{$a[2]};
if(!defined($wd)) {
Log 1, "Wrong weekday spec: $l";
next if $wd != $fd[6]; # check wether weekday matches today
my $yday=$fd[7];
# create time object of target date - mktime counts months and their
# days from 0 instead of 1, so subtract 1 from each
my $tgt=mktime(0,0,1,$a[4],$a[3]-1,$fd[5],0,0,-1);
my $tgtmin=$tgt;
my $tgtmax=$tgt;
my $weeksecs=7*24*60*60; # 7 days, 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60seconds each
my $cd=mktime(0,0,1,$fd[3],$fd[4],$fd[5],0,0,-1);
if ( $a[1] =~ /^-([0-9])*$/ ) {
$tgtmin -= $1*$weeksecs; # Minimum: target date minus $1 weeks
$tgtmax = $tgtmin+$weeksecs; # Maximum: one week after minimum
# needs to be lower than max and greater than or equal to min
if( ($cd ge $tgtmin) && ( $cd lt $tgtmax) ) {
} elsif ( $a[1] =~ /^\+?([0-9])*$/ ) {
$tgtmin += ($1-1)*$weeksecs; # Minimum: target date plus $1-1 weeks
$tgtmax = $tgtmin+$weeksecs; # Maximum: one week after minimum
# needs to be lower than or equal to max and greater min
if( ($cd gt $tgtmin) && ( $cd le $tgtmax) ) {
} else {
Log 1, "Wrong distance spec: $l";
} elsif($l =~ m/^6/) { # own calculation
my @args = split(" ", $l, 4);
my $res = "?";
no strict "refs";
eval { $res = &{$args[1]}($args[2]); };
use strict "refs";
if($@) {
Log 1, "holiday: Error in own function: $@";
if($res eq $fordate) {
$found = $args[3];
push @foundList, $found if($found);
push @foundList, "none" if(!int(@foundList));
my $found = join(", ", @foundList);
if($fromTimer) {
$nt -= ($lt[2]*3600+$lt[1]*60+$lt[0]); # Midnight
$nt += 86400 + 2; # Tomorrow
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $nt;
InternalTimer($nt, "holiday_refresh", $name, 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'state', $found);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'yesterday', CommandGet(undef,"$name yesterday"));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'tomorrow', CommandGet(undef,"$name tomorrow"));
return undef;
} else {
return $found;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my %sets = (
createPrivateCopy => $hash->{READONLY},
deletePrivateCopy => !$hash->{READONLY},
reload => 1
return "unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".
join(" ", map { "$_:noArg" }
grep { $sets{$_} } keys %sets) if(!$sets{$a[1]});
if($a[1] eq "createPrivateCopy") {
return "Already a private version" if(!$hash->{READONLY});
my $fname = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/holiday/$hash->{NAME}.holiday";
my ($err, @holidayfile) = FileRead($fname);
return $err if($err);
$fname = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/$hash->{NAME}.holiday";
$err = FileWrite($fname, @holidayfile);
return $err if($err);
} elsif($a[1] eq "deletePrivateCopy") {
return "Not a private version" if($hash->{READONLY});
my $err = FileDelete($attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/$hash->{NAME}.holiday");
return $err if($err);
} elsif($a[1] eq "reload") {
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
shift(@a) if($a[1] && $a[1] eq "MM-DD");
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) < 2);
my $arg;
if($a[1] =~ m/^[01]\d-[0-3]\d/) {
$arg = $a[1];
} elsif($a[1] =~ m/^(yesterday|today|tomorrow)$/) {
my $t = time();
$t += 86400 if($a[1] eq "tomorrow");
$t -= 86400 if($a[1] eq "yesterday");
my @a = localtime($t);
$arg = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $a[4]+1, $a[3]);
} elsif($a[1] eq "days") {
my $t = time() + ($a[2] ? int($a[2]) : 0)*86400;
my @a = localtime($t);
$arg = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $a[4]+1, $a[3]);
} else {
return "unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".
"yesterday:noArg today:noArg tomorrow:noArg days:2,3,4,5,6,7 MM-DD";
return holiday_refresh($hash->{NAME}, $arg);
my($jahr) = @_;
return 0 if $jahr % 4; # 2009
return 1 unless $jahr % 400; # 2000
return 0 unless $jahr % 100; # 2100
return 1; # 2012
### mh sub western_easter copied from cpan Date::Time::Easter
### mh changes marked with # mh
### mh
### mh calling parameter is 4 digit year
### mh
my $year = shift;
my $golden_number = $year % 19;
#quasicentury is so named because its a century, only its
# the number of full centuries rather than the current century
my $quasicentury = int($year / 100);
my $epact = ($quasicentury - int($quasicentury/4) -
int(($quasicentury * 8 + 13)/25) + ($golden_number*19) + 15) % 30;
my $interval = $epact - int($epact/28)*
(1 - int(29/($epact+1)) * int((21 - $golden_number)/11) );
my $weekday = ($year + int($year/4) + $interval +
2 - $quasicentury + int($quasicentury/4)) % 7;
my $offset = $interval - $weekday;
my $month = 3 + int(($offset+40)/44);
my $day = $offset + 28 - 31* int($month/4);
return $month, $day;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
return "" if($defs{$d}{READONLY});
my $cfgDB = (configDBUsed() ? "configDB" : "");
return FW_pH("cmd=style edit $d.holiday $cfgDB",
"<div class=\"dval\">Edit $d.holiday</div>", 0, "dval", 1);
=item summary define holidays in a local file
=item summary_DE Urlaubs-/Feiertagskalender aus einer lokalen Datei
=begin html
<a name="holiday"></a>
<a name="holidaydefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; holiday</code>
Define a set of holidays. The module will try to open the file
&lt;name&gt;.holiday in the <a href="#modpath">modpath</a>/FHEM directory
first, then in the modpath/FHEM/holiday directory, the latter containing a
set of predefined files. This list of available holiday files will be shown
if an error occurs at the time of the definition, e.g. if you type "define
help holiday"<br>
If entries in the holiday file match the current day, then the STATE of
this holiday instance displayed in the <a href="#list">list</a> command
will be set to the corresponding values, else the state is set to the text
none. Most probably you'll want to query this value in some perl script:
see Value() in the <a href="#perl">perl</a> section or the global attribute
<a href="#holiday2we"> holiday2we</a>.<br> The file will be reread once
every night, to compute the value for the current day, and by each get
command (see below).<br>
Holiday file definition:<br>
The file may contain comments (beginning with #) or empty lines.
Significant lines begin with a number (type) and contain some space
separated words, depending on the type. The different types are:<br>
Exact date. Arguments: &lt;MM-DD&gt; &lt;holiday-name&gt;<br>
Exampe: 1 12-24 Christmas
Easter-dependent date. Arguments: &lt;day-offset&gt;
The offset is counted from Easter-Sunday.
Exampe: 2 1 Easter-Monday<br>
Sidenote: You can check the easter date with:
fhem> { join("-", western_easter(2011)) }
Month dependent date. Arguments: &lt;nth&gt; &lt;weekday&gt;
&lt;month &lt;holiday-name&gt;.<br>
3 1 Mon 05 First Monday In May<br>
3 2 Mon 05 Second Monday In May<br>
3 -1 Mon 05 Last Monday In May<br>
3 0 Mon 05 Each Monday In May<br>
Interval. Arguments: &lt;MM-DD&gt; &lt;MM-DD&gt; &lt;holiday-name&gt;
Note: An interval cannot contain the year-end.
4 06-01 06-30 Summer holiday<br>
4 12-20 01-10 Winter holiday # DOES NOT WORK.
Use the following 2 lines instead:<br>
4 12-20 12-31 Winter holiday<br>
4 01-01 01-10 Winter holiday<br>
Date relative, weekday fixed holiday. Arguments: &lt;nth&gt;
&lt;weekday&gt; &lt;month&gt; &lt;day&gt; &lt; holiday-name&gt;<br>
Note that while +0 or -0 as offsets are not forbidden, their behaviour
is undefined in the sense that it might change without notice.<br>
5 -1 Wed 11 23 Buss und Bettag (first Wednesday before Nov, 23rd)<br>
5 1 Mon 01 31 First Monday after Jan, 31st (1st Monday in February)<br>
Use a perl function to calculate a date. Function must return the result as
an exact date in format "mm-dd", e.g. "12-02" <br/>
6 calcAdvent 21 1.Advent<br>
6 calcAdvent 14 2.Advent<br>
6 calcAdvent 7 3.Advent<br>
6 calcAdvent 0 4.Advent<br>
calcAdvent = name of function, e.g. included in 99_myUtils.pm<br/>
21 = parameter given to function<br/>
1.Advent = text to be shown in readings<br/>
this will call "calcAdvent(21)" to calculate a date.<br/>
Errors will be logged in Loglevel 1.<br/>
<a name="holidayset"></a>
if the holiday file is opened from the FHEM/holiday directory (which is
refreshed by FHEM-update), then it is readonly, and should not be
modified. With createPrivateCopy the file will be copied to the FHEM
directory, where it can be modified.
delete the private copy, see createPrivateCopy above
set the state, tomorrow and yesterday readings. Useful after manually
editing the file.
<a name="holidayget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;MM-DD&gt;</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; yesterday</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; today</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; tomorrow</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; days &lt;offset&gt;</code><br>
Return the holiday name of the specified date or the text none.
<a name="holidayattr"></a>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="holiday"></a>
<a name="holidaydefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; holiday</code>
Definiert einen Satz mit Urlaubsinformationen. Das Modul versucht die
Datei &lt;name&gt;.holiday erst in <a href="#modpath">modpath</a>/FHEM zu
&ouml;ffnen, und dann in modpath/FHEM/holiday, Letzteres enth&auml;lt eine
Liste von per FHEM-update verteilten Dateien f&uuml;r diverse
(Bundes-)L&auml;nder. Diese Liste wird bei einer Fehlermeldung angezeigt.
Wenn Eintr&auml;ge im der Datei auf den aktuellen Tag passen wird der STATE
der Holiday-Instanz die im <a href="#list">list</a> Befehl angezeigt wird
auf die entsprechenden Werte gesetzt. Andernfalls ist der STATE auf den
Text "none" gesetzt.
Meistens wird dieser Wert mit einem Perl Script abgefragt: siehe Value() im
<a href="#perl">perl</a> Abschnitt oder im globalen Attribut <a
href="#holiday2we"> holiday2we</a>.<br> Die Datei wird jede Nacht neu
eingelesen um den Wert des aktuellen Tages zu erzeugen. Auch jeder "get"
Befehl liest die Datei neu ein.
Holiday file Definition:<br>
Die Datei darf Kommentare, beginnend mit #, und Leerzeilen enthalten. Die
entscheidenden Zeilen beginnen mit einer Zahl (Typ) und enthalten durch
Leerzeichen getrennte W&ouml;rter, je nach Typ. Die verschiedenen Typen
Genaues Datum. Argument: &lt;MM-TT&gt; &lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;<br>
Beispiel: 1 12-24 Weihnachten
Oster-abh&auml;ngiges Datum. Argument: &lt;Tag-Offset&gt;
Der Offset wird vom Oster-Sonntag an gez&auml;hlt.
Beispiel: 2 1 Oster-Montag<br>
Hinweis: Das Osterdatum kann vorher gepr&uuml;ft werden:
fhem> { join("-", western_easter(2011)) }
Monats-abh&auml;ngiges Datum. Argument: &lt;X&gt; &lt;Wochentag&gt;
&lt;Monat&gt; &lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;.<br>
3 1 Mon 05 Erster Montag In Mai<br>
3 2 Mon 05 Zweiter Montag In Mai<br>
3 -1 Mon 05 Letzter Montag In Mai<br>
3 0 Mon 05 Jeder Montag In Mai<br>
Intervall. Argument: &lt;MM-TT&gt; &lt;MM-TT&gt; &lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;
Achtung: Ein Intervall darf kein Jahresende enthalten.
4 06-01 06-30 Sommerferien<br>
4 12-20 01-10 Winterferien # FUNKTIONIER NICHT,
stattdessen folgendes verwenden:<br>
4 12-20 12-31 Winterferien<br>
4 01-01 01-10 Winterferien<br>
Datum relativ, Wochentags ein fester Urlaubstag/Feiertag. Argument:
&lt;X&gt; &lt;Wochentag&gt; &lt;Monat&gt; &lt;Tag&gt;
&lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;<br> Hinweis: Da +0 oder -0 als Offset nicht
verboten sind, ist das Verhalten hier nicht definiert, kann sich also
ohne Info &auml;ndern;<br>
5 -1 Wed 11 23 Buss und Bettag (erster Mittwoch vor dem 23. Nov)<br>
5 1 Mon 01 31 Erster Montag in Februar<br>
Datum mit einer perl Funktion berechnen. Das Ergebnis muss ein exaktes
Datum im Format "mm-dd" sein, z.B."12-02" <br/>
6 calcAdvent 21 1.Advent<br>
6 calcAdvent 14 2.Advent<br>
6 calcAdvent 7 3.Advent<br>
6 calcAdvent 0 4.Advent<br>
calcAdvent = Name der Funktion, z.B. enthalten in 99_myUtils.pm<br/>
21 = Parameter zum Funktionsaufruf<br/>
1.Advent = Text f&uuml;r die Anzeige in readings<br/>
erzeugt einen Funktionsaufruf "calcAdvent(21)" zur Berechnung eines Datums.<br/>
Fehler werden im Loglevel 1 protokolliert.<br/>
<a name="holidayset"></a>
Falls die Datei in der FHEM/holiday Verzeichnis ge&ouml;ffnet wurde,
dann ist sie nicht beschreibbar, da dieses Verzeichnis mit FHEM
update aktualisiert wird. Mit createPrivateCopy kann eine private Kopie
im FHEM Verzeichnis erstellt werden.
Entfernt die private Kopie, siehe auch createPrivateCopy
setzt die state, tomorrow und yesterday Readings. Wird nach einem
manuellen Bearbeiten der .holiday Datei ben&ouml;tigt.
<a name="holidayget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;MM-DD&gt;</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; yesterday</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; today</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; tomorrow</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; days &lt;offset&gt;</code><br>
Gibt den Name des Feiertages zum angebenenen Datum zur&uuml;ck oder den
Text none.
<a name="holidayattr"></a>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html_DE