mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
rudolfkoenig dc1f242fa9 98_JsonList2.pm: add IODev (Forum #112429)
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22270 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2020-06-26 09:25:18 +00:00

179 lines
4.8 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub CommandJsonList2($$);
my %lhash = ( Fn=>"CommandJsonList2",
Hlp=>"[<devspec>],list definitions as JSON" );
$cmds{jsonlist2} = \%lhash;
my $a = shift;
return "null" if(!defined($a));
$a =~ s/([\x00-\x09\x0b-\x1f\x5c])/sprintf '\u%04x', ord($1)/ge; # Forum 57377
$a =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$a =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
my $b = "x$a";
$a = "<BINARY>" if(!utf8::decode($b)); # Forum #55318
return $a;
my ($arrp, $name, $h, $isReading, $showInternal, $attr) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my %filter = map { $_=>1 } @$attr if(@$attr);
my @arr = grep { ($showInternal || $_ !~ m/^\./) &&
($isReading || $_ eq "IODev" || !ref($h->{$_}) ) &&
(!@$attr || $filter{$_}) } sort keys %{$h};
for(my $i2=0; $i2 < @arr; $i2++) {
my $k = $arr[$i2];
my $v = $h->{$k};
$ret .= " \"".JsonList2_Escape($k)."\": ";
if($isReading) {
$ret .= "{ \"Value\":\"".JsonList2_Escape($v->{VAL})."\",";
$ret .= " \"Time\":\"".JsonList2_Escape($v->{TIME})."\" }";
} else {
$v = $v->{NAME} if($k eq "IODev" && ref($v) eq "HASH" && $v->{NAME});
$ret .= "\"".JsonList2_Escape($v)."\"";
$ret .= "," if($i2 < int(@arr)-1);
$ret .= "\n" if(int(@arr)>1);
if(@arr > 1) {
push @{$arrp}, " \"$name\": {\n$ret }";
} else {
push @{$arrp}, " \"$name\": {$ret }";
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my @d;
my $ret;
my $cnt=0;
my $si = AttrVal("global", "showInternalValues", 0);
my @attr;
$cl->{contenttype} = "application/json; charset=utf-8" if($cl);
if($param) {
@attr = split(" ", $param);
@d = devspec2array(shift(@attr),$cl);
} else {
@d = devspec2array(".*", $cl); # Needed for Authorization
$ret = "{\n";
$ret .= " \"Arg\":\"".JsonList2_Escape($param)."\",\n",
$ret .= " \"Results\": [\n";
for(my $i1 = 0; $i1 < int(@d); $i1++) {
my $d = $d[$i1];
next if(IsIgnored($d));
my $h = $defs{$d};
my $n = $h->{NAME};
next if(!$h || !$n);
my @r;
if(!@attr) {
push(@r," \"PossibleSets\":\"".JsonList2_Escape(getAllSets($n))."\"");
push(@r," \"PossibleAttrs\":\"".JsonList2_Escape(getAllAttr($n))."\"");
JsonList2_dumpHash(\@r, "Internals", $h, 0, $si, \@attr);
JsonList2_dumpHash(\@r, "Readings", $h->{READINGS}, 1, $si, \@attr);
JsonList2_dumpHash(\@r, "Attributes",$attr{$d}, 0, $si, \@attr);
next if(!@r);
$ret .= ",\n" if($cnt);
$ret .= " {\n";
$ret .= " \"Name\":\"".JsonList2_Escape($n)."\",\n".join(",\n",@r)."\n";
$ret .= " }";
$ret .= " ],\n";
$ret .= " \"totalResultsReturned\":$cnt\n";
$ret .= "}\n";
return $ret;
=item command
=item summary show device data in JSON format
=item summary_DE zeigt Ger&auml;tedaten in JSON Format an
=begin html
<a name="JsonList2"></a>
<code>jsonlist2 [&lt;devspec&gt;] [&lt;value1&gt; &lt;value2&gt; ...]</code>
This is a command, to be issued on the command line (FHEMWEB or telnet
interface). Can also be called via HTTP by
Returns an JSON tree of the internal values, readings and attributes of the
requested definitions.<br>
If valueX is specified, then output only the corresponding internal (like DEF,
TYPE, etc), reading (actuator, measured-temp) or attribute for all devices
from the devspec.<br><br>
<b>Note</b>: the old command jsonlist (without the 2 as suffix) is deprecated
and will be removed in the future<br>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="JsonList2"></a>
<code>jsonlist2 [&lt;devspec&gt;] [&lt;value1&gt; &lt;value2&gt; ...]</code>
Dieses Befehl sollte in der FHEMWEB oder telnet Eingabezeile ausgef&uuml;hrt
werden, kann aber auch direkt &uuml;ber HTTP abgerufen werden &uuml;ber
Es liefert die JSON Darstellung der internen Variablen, Readings und
Attribute zur&uuml;ck.<br>
Wenn valueX angegeben ist, dann wird nur der entsprechende Internal (DEF,
TYPE, usw), Reading (actuator, measured-temp) oder Attribut
zur&uuml;ckgeliefert f&uuml;r alle Ger&auml;te die in devspec angegeben sind.
<b>Achtung</b>: die alte Version dieses Befehls (jsonlist, ohne 2 am Ende) is
&uuml;berholt, und wird in der Zukunft entfernt.<br>
=end html_DE