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# A module to send notifications to Pushover.
# written 2013 by Johannes B <johannes_b at icloud.com>
# modified 24.02.2014 by Benjamin Battran <fhem.contrib at benni.achalmblick.de>
# -> Added title, device, priority and sound attributes (see documentation below)
# Definition:
# define <name> Pushover <token> <user>
# Example:
# define Pushover1 Pushover 12345 6789
# You can send messages via the following command:
# set <Pushover_device> msg ['title'] '<msg>' ['<device>' <priority> '<sound>' [<retry> <expire>]]
# Examples:
# set Pushover1 msg 'This is a text.'
# set Pushover1 msg 'Title' 'This is a text.'
# set Pushover1 msg 'Title' 'This is a text.' '' 0 ''
# set Pushover1 msg 'Emergency' 'Security issue in living room.' '' 2 'siren' 30 3600
# Explantation:
# For the first and the second example the corresponding device attributes for the
# missing arguments must be set with valid values (see attributes section)
# If device is empty, the message will be sent to all devices.
# If sound is empty, the default setting in the app will be used.
# If priority is higher or equal 2, retry and expire must be defined.
# For further documentation of these parameters:
# https://pushover.net/api
package main;
use HttpUtils;
use utf8;
my %sets = (
"msg" => 1
sub Pushover_Initialize($$)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "Pushover_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Pushover_Set";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 timestamp:0,1 title sound device priority:0,1,-1 ssl:0,1";
#a priority value of 2 is not predifined as for this also a value for retry and expire must be set
#which will most likely not be used with default values.
sub Pushover_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @args = split("[ \t]+", $def);
if (int(@args) < 2)
return "Invalid number of arguments: define <name> Pushover <token> <user>";
my ($name, $type, $token, $user) = @args;
$hash->{STATE} = 'Initialized';
if(defined($token) && defined($user))
$hash->{Token} = $token;
$hash->{User} = $user;
return undef;
return "Token and/or user missing.";
sub Pushover_Set($@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
if (!defined($sets{$cmd}))
return "Unknown argument " . $cmd . ", choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets);
if (AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1)
return "Device is disabled";
if ($cmd eq 'msg')
return Pushover_Set_Message($hash, @args);
sub Pushover_HTTP_Call
my ($hash,$body,$ssl) = @_;
my $url = "http";
if (1 == $ssl)
$url = $url . "s";
$url = $url . "://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json";
$response = GetFileFromURL($url, 10, $body, 0, 5);
if ($response =~ m/"status":(.*),/)
if ($1 eq "1")
return undef;
elsif ($response =~ m/"errors":\[(.*)\]/)
return "Error: " . $1;
return "Error";
return "Error: No known response\nResponse was: " . $response;
sub Pushover_Set_Message
my $hash = shift;
my $attr = join(" ", @_);
#Set defaults
my $title=AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "title", "");
my $message="";
my $device=AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "device", "");
my $priority=AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "priority", 0);
my $sound=AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "sound", "");
my $retry="";
my $expire="";
my $ssl=AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "ssl", 1);
#Split parameters
my $argc=0;
if($attr =~ /(".*"|'.*')\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*(-?\d+)\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*$/s)
} elsif ($attr =~ /(".*"|'.*')\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*(-?\d+)\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*$/s)
} elsif ($attr =~ /(".*"|'.*')\s*(".*"|'.*')\s*$/s)
} elsif ($attr =~ /(".*"|'.*')\s*$/s)
if($argc > 1) {
if($argc >2) {
if($argc > 5) {
elsif ($argc==1) {
#Remove quotation marks
if($title =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$title = $1;
if($message =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$message = $1;
if($device =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$device = $1;
if($priority =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$priority = $1;
if($sound =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$sound = $1;
if($retry =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$retry = $1;
if($expire =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s)
$expire = $1;
#Check if all mandatory arguments are filled
#"title" and "message" can not be empty and if "priority" is set to "2" "retry" and "expire" must also be set
if((($title ne "") && ($message ne "")) && ((($retry ne "") && ($expire ne "")) || ($priority < 2)))
#Build the "body" for the URL-Call of Pushover-Service (see Pushover-API-Documentation)
my $body = "token=" . $hash->{Token} . "&" .
"user=" . $hash->{User} . "&" .
"title=" . $title . "&" .
"message=" . $message;
if ($device ne "")
$body = $body . "&" . "device=" . $device;
if ($priority ne "")
$body = $body . "&" . "priority=" . $priority;
if ($sound ne "")
$body = $body . "&" . "sound=" . $sound;
if ($retry ne "")
$body = $body . "&" . "retry=" . $retry;
if ($expire ne "")
$body = $body . "&" . "expire=" . $expire;
my $timestamp = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "timestamp", 0);
if (1 == $timestamp)
$body = $body . "&" . "timestamp=" . int(time());
my $result = Pushover_HTTP_Call($hash, $body, $ssl);
#Save result and data of the last call to the readings.
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "last-message", $title . ": " . $message);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "last-result", $result);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return $result;
#There was a problem with the arguments, so tell the user the correct usage of the 'set msg' command
if ((1 == $argc) && ($title eq ""))
return "Please define the default title in the pushover device arguments.";
return "Syntax: <Pushover_device> msg [title] <msg> [<device> <priority> <sound> [<retry> <expire>]]";
=begin html
<a name="Pushover"></a>
Pushover is a service to receive instant push notifications on your
phone or tablet from a variety of sources.<br>
You need an account to use this module.<br>
For further information about the service see <a href="https://pushover.net">pushover.net</a>.<br>
Discuss the module <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,16215.0.html">here</a>.<br>
<a name="PushoverDefine"></a>
<code>define <name> Pushover <token> <user></code><br>
You have to create an account to get the user key.<br>
And you have to create an application to get the API token.<br>
<code>define Pushover1 Pushover 01234 56789</code>
<a name="PushoverSet"></a>
<code>set <Pushover_device> msg [title] <msg> [<device> <priority> <sound> [<retry> <expire>]]</code>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'This is a text.'</code><br>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Title' 'This is a text.'</code><br>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Title' 'This is a text.' '' 0 ''</code><br>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Emergency' 'Security issue in living room.' '' 2 'siren' 30 3600</code><br>
<li>For the first and the second example the corresponding default attributes for the missing arguments must be defined for the device (see attributes section)
<li>If device is empty, the message will be sent to all devices.
<li>If sound is empty, the default setting in the app will be used.
<li>If priority is higher or equal 2, retry and expire must be defined.
<li>For further documentation of these parameters have a look at the <a href="https://pushover.net/api">Pushover API</a>.
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="PushoverAttr"></a>
<a name="timestamp"></a>
Send the unix timestamp with each message.
<a name="title"></a>
Will be used as title if title is not specified as an argument.
<a name="device"></a>
Will be used for the device name if device is not specified as an argument. If left blank, the message will be sent to all devices.
<a name="priority"></a>
Will be used as priority value if priority is not specified as an argument. Valid values are -1 = silent / 0 = normal priority / 1 = high priority
<a name="sound"></a>
Will be used as the default sound if sound argument is missing. If left blank the adjusted sound of the app will be used.
<a name="ssl"></a>
Send the requests over HTTP or HTTPS. Valid values are 0 = HTTP / 1 = HTTPS. Default is 1.
<a name="PushoverEvents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="Pushover"></a>
Pushover ist ein Dienst, um Benachrichtigungen von einer vielzahl
von Quellen auf Deinem Smartphone oder Tablet zu empfangen.<br>
Du brauchst einen Account um dieses Modul zu verwenden.<br>
Für weitere Informationen über den Dienst besuche <a href="https://pushover.net">pushover.net</a>.<br>
Diskutiere das Modul <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,16215.0.html">hier</a>.<br>
<a name="PushoverDefine"></a>
<code>define <name> Pushover <token> <user></code><br>
Du musst einen Account erstellen, um den User Key zu bekommen.<br>
Und du musst eine Anwendung erstellen, um einen API Token zu bekommen.<br>
<code>define Pushover1 Pushover 01234 56789</code>
<a name="PushoverSet"></a>
<code>set <Pushover_device> msg [title] <msg> [<device> <priority> <sound> [<retry> <expire>]]</code>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Dies ist ein Text.'</code><br>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Titel' 'Dies ist ein Text.'</code><br>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Titel' 'Dies ist ein Text.' '' 0 ''</code><br>
<code>set Pushover1 msg 'Notfall' 'Sicherheitsproblem im Wohnzimmer.' '' 2 'siren' 30 3600</code><br>
<li>Bei der Verwendung der ersten beiden Beispiele müssen die entsprechenden Attribute als Ersatz für die fehlenden Parameter belegt sein (s. Attribute)
<li>Wenn device leer ist, wird die Nachricht an alle Geräte geschickt.
<li>Wenn sound leer ist, dann wird die Standardeinstellung in der App verwendet.
<li>Wenn die Priorität höher oder gleich 2 ist müssen retry und expire definiert sein.
<li>Für weiterführende Dokumentation über diese Parameter lies Dir die <a href="https://pushover.net/api">Pushover API</a> durch.
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="PushoverAttr"></a>
<a name="timestamp"></a>
Sende den Unix-Zeitstempel mit jeder Nachricht.
<a name="title"></a>
Wird beim Senden als Titel verwendet, sofern dieser nicht als Aufrufargument angegeben wurde.
<a name="device"></a>
Wird beim Senden als Gerätename verwendet, sofern dieser nicht als Aufrufargument angegeben wurde. Kann auch generell entfallen, bzw. leer sein, dann wird an alle Geräte gesendet.
<a name="priority"></a>
Wird beim Senden als Priorität verwendet, sofern diese nicht als Aufrufargument angegeben wurde. Zulässige Werte sind -1 = leise / 0 = normale Priorität / 1 = hohe Priorität
<a name="sound"></a>
Wird beim Senden als Titel verwendet, sofern dieser nicht als Aufrufargument angegeben wurde. Kann auch generell entfallen, dann wird der eingestellte Ton der App verwendet.
<a name="ssl"></a>
Sende die Requests über HTTP oder HTTPS. Zulässige Werte sind 0 = HTTP / 1 = HTTPS. Standard ist 1.
<a name="PushoverEvents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
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