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synced 2025-03-08 20:16:35 +00:00

Merge branch 'owx_timeout' git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@6378 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
1285 lines
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# FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire bus devices
# * via an active DS2480 bus master interface attached to a serial port, USB or Ethernet<->Serial interface
# * via a passive DS9097 bus master interface attached to a serial port
# * via an Arduino running ConfigurableFirmata attached to USB
# * via an Arduino running ConfigurableFirmata connecting to FHEM via Ethernet
# Norbert Truchsess
# based on 00_OWX.pm written by Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# $Id$
# define <name> OWX_ASYNC <serial-device> for serial or USB interfaces (both DS2480 and DS9097)
# define <name> OWX_ASYNC <ip:port> for DS2480 over Ethernet
# define <name> OWX_ASYNC <arduino-pin> for a Arduino/Firmata (10_FRM.pm) interface
# where <name> may be replaced by any name string
# <serial-device> is a serial (USB) device
# <arduino-pin> is an Arduino pin
# get <name> alarms => find alarmed 1-Wire devices (not with CUNO)
# get <name> devices => find all 1-Wire devices
# get <name> version => OWX_ASYNC version number
# set <name> interval <seconds> => set period for temperature conversion and alarm testing
# set <name> followAlarms on/off => determine whether an alarm is followed by a search for
# alarmed devices
# attr <name> buspower real/parasitic => for devices that steal power from data-line
# attr <name> dokick 0/1 => 1 if the interface regularly kicks thermometers on the
# bus to do a temperature conversion,
# and to make an alarm check
# 0 if not
# attr <name> interval <seconds> => set period for temperature conversion and alarm testing
# attr <name> IODev <frm-device> => required when there's more than a single frm-device defined.
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use GPUtils qw(:all);
#add FHEM/lib to @INC if it's not allready included. Should rather be in fhem.pl than here though...
if (!grep(/FHEM\/lib$/,@INC)) {
foreach my $inc (grep(/FHEM$/,@INC)) {
push @INC,$inc."/lib";
use ProtoThreads;
no warnings 'deprecated';
#-- unfortunately some things OS-dependent
my $SER_regexp;
if( $^O =~ /Win/ ) {
require Win32::SerialPort;
$SER_regexp= "com";
} else {
require Device::SerialPort;
$SER_regexp= "/dev/";
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval );
sub Log3($$$);
use vars qw{%owg_family %gets %sets $owx_async_version $owx_async_debug};
# 1-Wire devices
# http://owfs.sourceforge.net/family.html
%owg_family = (
"01" => ["DS2401/DS1990A","OWID DS2401"],
"05" => ["DS2405","OWID 05"],
"10" => ["DS18S20/DS1920","OWTHERM DS1820"],
"12" => ["DS2406/DS2507","OWSWITCH DS2406"],
"1B" => ["DS2436","OWID 1B"],
"1D" => ["DS2423","OWCOUNT DS2423"],
"20" => ["DS2450","OWAD DS2450"],
"22" => ["DS1822","OWTHERM DS1822"],
"24" => ["DS2415/DS1904","OWID 24"],
"26" => ["DS2438","OWMULTI DS2438"],
"27" => ["DS2417","OWID 27"],
"28" => ["DS18B20","OWTHERM DS18B20"],
"29" => ["DS2408","OWSWITCH DS2408"],
"3A" => ["DS2413","OWSWITCH DS2413"],
"3B" => ["DS1825","OWID 3B"],
"81" => ["DS1420","OWID 81"],
"FF" => ["LCD","OWLCD"]
#-- These we may get on request
%gets = (
"alarms" => "A",
"devices" => "D",
"version" => "V"
#-- These occur in a pulldown menu as settable values for the bus master
%sets = (
"interval" => "T",
"followAlarms" => "F"
#-- These are attributes
my %attrs = (
#-- some globals needed for the 1-Wire module
#-- Debugging 0,1,2,3
# The following subroutines are independent of the bus interface
# OWX_ASYNC_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWX_ASYNC_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- Provider
#-- Normal Devices
$hash->{DefFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Notify";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Read";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Ready";
$hash->{InitFn} = "OWX_ASYNC_Init";
$hash->{AttrList} = "dokick:0,1 interval buspower:real,parasitic IODev timeout maxtimeouts";
# OWX_ASYNC_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub OWX_ASYNC_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
#-- check syntax
return "OWX: Syntax error - must be define <name> OWX <serial-device>|<arduino-pin>" if(int(@a) < 3);
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},2,"OWX: Warning - Some parameter(s) ignored, must be define <name> OWX <serial-device>|<arduino-pin>") if( int(@a)>3 );
my $dev = $a[2];
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
#-- Dummy 1-Wire ROM identifier, empty device lists
$hash->{ROM_ID} = "FF";
$hash->{DEVS} = [];
$hash->{ALARMDEVS} = [];
$hash->{tasks} = {};
my $owx;
#-- First step - different methods
#-- check if we have a serial device attached
if ( $dev =~ m|$SER_regexp|i or $dev =~ m/^(.+):([0-9]+)$/ ){
require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/OWX_SER.pm";
$owx = OWX_SER->new();
#-- check if we have a COC/CUNO interface attached
}elsif( (defined $main::defs{$dev} && (defined( $main::defs{$dev}->{VERSION} ) ? $main::defs{$dev}->{VERSION} : "") =~ m/CSM|CUNO/ )){
require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/OWX_CCC.pm";
$owx = OWX_CCC->new();
#-- check if we are connecting to Arduino (via FRM):
} elsif ($dev =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) {
require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/OWX_FRM.pm";
$owx = OWX_FRM->new();
} else {
return "OWX: Define failed, unable to identify interface type $dev"
my $ret = $owx->Define($hash,$def);
#-- cancel definition of OWX if interface define fails
return $ret if $ret;
$hash->{OWX} = $owx;
$hash->{INTERFACE} = $owx->{interface};
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
if ($main::init_done) {
return OWX_ASYNC_Init($hash);
return undef;
# OWTX_Attr - Set one attribute value for device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub OWX_ASYNC_Attr(@) {
my ($do,$name,$key,$value) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $ret;
if ( $do eq "set") {
$key eq "interval" and do {
$hash->{interval} = $value;
if ($main::init_done) {
$key eq "buspower" and do {
if ($value eq "parasitic" and (defined $hash->{dokick}) and $hash->{dokick} ne "ignored") {
$hash->{dokick} = "ignored";
Log3($name,3,"OWX_ASYNC: ignoring attribute dokick because buspower is parasitic");
} elsif ($value eq "real" and (defined $hash->{dokick}) and $hash->{dokick} eq "ignored") {
$hash->{dokick} = $main::attr{$name}{dokick};
$key eq "dokick" and do {
if ($main::attr{$name}{"buspower"} and $main::attr{$name}{"buspower"} eq "parasitic" and ((!defined $hash->{dokick}) or $hash->{dokick} ne "ignored")) {
$hash->{dokick} = "ignored";
Log3($name,3,"OWX_ASYNC: ignoring attribute dokick because buspower is parasitic");
} else {
$hash->{dokick} = $value;
} elsif ( $do eq "del" ) {
$key eq "interval" and do {
$hash->{interval} = 300;
if ($main::init_done) {
$key eq "buspower" and do {
if ((defined $hash->{dokick}) and $hash->{dokick} eq "ignored") {
$hash->{dokick} = $main::attr{$name}{dokick};
$key eq "dokick" and do {
delete $hash->{dokick};
return $ret;
sub OWX_ASYNC_Notify ($$) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
if( grep(m/^(INITIALIZED|REREADCFG)$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}) ) {
} elsif( grep(m/^SAVE$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}) ) {
sub OWX_ASYNC_Ready ($) {
my $hash = shift;
unless ( $hash->{STATE} eq "Active" ) {
my $ret = OWX_ASYNC_Init($hash);
if ($ret) {
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},2,"OWX: Error initializing ".$hash->{NAME}.": ".$ret);
return undef;
return 1;
sub OWX_ASYNC_Read ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_Read") if ($owx_async_debug > 2);
if (defined $hash->{ASYNC}) {
sub OWX_ASYNC_Disconnect($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $async = $hash->{ASYNC};
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},3, "OWX_ASYNC_Disconnect");
if (defined $async) {
delete $hash->{ASYNC};
$hash->{STATE} = "disconnected" if $hash->{STATE} eq "Active";
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
GP_ForallClients($hash,sub {
my ($client) = @_;
$client->{PRESENT} = 0;
# OWX_ASYNC_Alarms - Initiate search for devices on the 1-Wire bus which have the alarm flag set
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return: 1 if search could be successfully initiated. Message or list of alarmed devices
# undef otherwise
#TODO fix OWX_ASYNC_Alarms return value on failure
sub OWX_ASYNC_PT_Alarms ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- get the interface
my $async = $hash->{ASYNC};
#-- Discover all devices on the 1-Wire bus, they will be found in $hash->{DEVS}
if (defined $async) {
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
$thread->{pt_alarms} = $async->get_pt_alarms();
die $thread->{pt_alarms}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_alarms}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
if (defined (my $alarmed_devs = $thread->{pt_alarms}->PT_RETVAL())) {
} else {
my $owx_interface = $hash->{INTERFACE};
if( !defined($owx_interface) ) {
die "OWX: Alarms called with undefined interface on bus $hash->{NAME}";
} else {
die "OWX: Alarms called with unknown interface $owx_interface on bus $hash->{NAME}";
# OWX_ASYNC_AfterAlarms - is called when the search for alarmed devices that was initiated by OWX_ASYNC_Alarms successfully returns
# stores device-addresses found in $hash->{ALARMDEVS}
# Attention: this function is not intendet to be called directly!
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# alarmed_devs = Reference to Array of device-address-strings
# Returns: nothing
sub OWX_ASYNC_AfterAlarms($$) {
my ($hash,$alarmed_devs) = @_;
my @alarmed_devnames = ();
GP_ForallClients($hash,sub {
my ($client) = @_;
my $romid = $client->{ROM_ID};
Log3 ($client->{IODev}->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_AfterAlarms client NAME: $client->{NAME}, ROM_ID: $romid, ALARM: $client->{ALARM}, alarmed_devs: [".join(",",@$alarmed_devs)."]") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
if (grep {$romid eq $_} @$alarmed_devs) {
push (@alarmed_devnames,$client->{NAME});
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($client,"alarm",0, $client->{ALARM});
$hash->{ALARMDEVS} = \@alarmed_devnames;
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_AfterAlarms: ALARMDEVS = [".join(",",@alarmed_devnames)."]") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
# OWX_ASYNC_Discover - Discover devices on the 1-Wire bus,
# autocreate devices if not already present
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return: List of devices in table format or undef
sub OWX_ASYNC_PT_Discover ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- get the interface
my $async = $hash->{ASYNC};
#-- Discover all devices on the 1-Wire bus, they will be found in $hash->{DEVS}
if (defined $async) {
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
$thread->{pt_discover} = $async->get_pt_discover();
die $thread->{pt_discover}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_discover}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
if (my $owx_devices = $thread->{pt_discover}->PT_RETVAL()) {
} else {
my $owx_interface = $hash->{INTERFACE};
if( !defined($owx_interface) ) {
die "OWX: Discover called with undefined interface on bus $hash->{NAME}";
} else {
die "OWX: Discover called with unknown interface $owx_interface on bus $hash->{NAME}";
# OWX_ASYNC_Search - Initiate Search for devices on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return: 1, if initiation of search could be startet, undef if not
sub OWX_ASYNC_PT_Search($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- get the interface
my $async = $hash->{ASYNC};
#-- Discover all devices on the 1-Wire bus, they will be found in $hash->{DEVS}
if (defined $async) {
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
$thread->{pt_discover} = $async->get_pt_discover();
die $thread->{pt_discover}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_discover}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
if (defined (my $owx_devs = $thread->{pt_discover}->PT_RETVAL())) {
} else {
my $owx_interface = $hash->{INTERFACE};
if( !defined($owx_interface) ) {
die "OWX: Search called with undefined interface on bus $hash->{NAME}";
} else {
die "OWX: Search called with unknown interface $owx_interface on bus $hash->{NAME}";
# OWX_ASYNC_AfterSearch - is called when the search initiated by OWX_ASYNC_Search successfully returns
# stores device-addresses found in $hash->{DEVS}
# Attention: this function is not intendet to be called directly!
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# owx_devs = Reference to Array of device-address-strings
# Returns: nothing
sub OWX_ASYNC_AfterSearch($$) {
my ($hash,$owx_devs) = @_;
# if (defined $owx_devs and (ref($owx_devs) eq "ARRAY")) {
my @devnames = ();
GP_ForallClients($hash,sub {
my ($client) = @_;
my $romid = $client->{ROM_ID};
Log3 ($client->{IODev}->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_AfterSearch client NAME: $client->{NAME}, ROM_ID: $romid, PRESENT: $client->{PRESENT}, devs: [".join(",",@$owx_devs)."]") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
if (grep {$romid eq $_} @$owx_devs) {
$client->{PRESENT} = 1;
push (@devnames,$client->{NAME});
} else {
$client->{PRESENT} = 0;
$hash->{DEVS} = \@devnames;
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_AfterSearch: DEVS = [".join(",",@devnames)."]") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
# }
# OWX_ASYNC_Autocreate - autocreate devices if not already present
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# owx_devs = Reference to Array of device-address-strings as OWX_ASYNC_AfterSearch stores in $hash->{DEVS}
# Return: List of devices in table format or undef
sub OWX_ASYNC_AutoCreate($$) {
my ($hash,$owx_devs) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($chip,$acstring,$acname,$exname);
my $ret= "";
my @owx_names=();
if (defined $owx_devs and (ref($owx_devs) eq "ARRAY")) {
#-- Go through all devices found on this bus
foreach my $owx_dev (@{$owx_devs}) {
#-- ignore those which do not have the proper pattern
if( !($owx_dev =~ m/[0-9A-F]{2}\.[0-9A-F]{12}\.[0-9A-F]{2}/) ){
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},3,"OWX: Invalid 1-Wire device ID $owx_dev, ignoring it");
#-- three pieces of the ROM ID found on the bus
my $owx_rnf = substr($owx_dev,3,12);
my $owx_f = substr($owx_dev,0,2);
my $owx_crc = substr($owx_dev,16,2);
my $id_owx = $owx_f.".".$owx_rnf;
my $match = 0;
#-- Check against all existing devices
foreach my $fhem_dev (sort keys %main::defs) {
#-- skip if busmaster
# next if( $hash->{NAME} eq $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME} );
#-- all OW types start with OW
next if( !defined($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}));
next if( substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE},0,2) ne "OW");
my $id_fhem = substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{ROM_ID},0,15);
#-- skip interface device
next if( length($id_fhem) != 15 );
#-- testing if equal to the one found here
# even with improper family
# Log 1, " FHEM-Device = ".substr($id_fhem,3,12)." OWX discovered device ".substr($id_owx,3,12);
if( substr($id_fhem,3,12) eq substr($id_owx,3,12) ) {
#-- warn if improper family id
if( substr($id_fhem,0,2) ne substr($id_owx,0,2) ){
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},3, "OWX: Warning, $fhem_dev is defined with improper family id ".substr($id_fhem,0,2).
", must enter correct model in configuration");
#$main::defs{$fhem_dev}{OW_FAMILY} = substr($id_owx,0,2);
#-- replace the ROM ID by the proper value including CRC
$match = 1;
#-- Determine the device type
if(exists $owg_family{$owx_f}) {
$chip = $owg_family{$owx_f}[0];
$acstring = $owg_family{$owx_f}[1];
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},3, "OWX: Unknown family code '$owx_f' found");
#-- All unknown families are ID only
$chip = "unknown";
$acstring = "OWID $owx_f";
#Log 1,"###\nfor the following device match=$match, chip=$chip name=$name acstring=$acstring";
#-- device exists
if( $match==1 ){
$ret .= sprintf("%s.%s %-14s %s\n", $owx_f,$owx_rnf, $chip, $exname);
#-- device unknown, autocreate
#-- example code for checking global autocreate - do we want this ?
#foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
#next if($defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "autocreate");
#return undef if(AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME},"disable",undef));
$acname = sprintf "OWX_%s_%s",$owx_f,$owx_rnf;
#Log 1, "to define $acname $acstring $owx_rnf";
my $res = CommandDefine(undef,"$acname $acstring $owx_rnf");
if($res) {
$ret.= "OWX: Error autocreating with $acname $acstring $owx_rnf: $res\n";
} else{
#-- THIS IODev, default room (model is set in the device module)
CommandAttr (undef,"$acname IODev $hash->{NAME}");
CommandAttr (undef,"$acname room OWX");
#-- replace the ROM ID by the proper value
$ret .= sprintf("%s.%s %-10s %s\n", $owx_f,$owx_rnf, $chip, $acname);
#-- final step: Undefine all 1-Wire devices which
# are autocreated and
# not discovered on this bus
# but have this IODev
foreach my $fhem_dev (sort keys %main::defs) {
#-- skip if malformed device
#next if( !defined($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME}) );
#-- all OW types start with OW, but safeguard against deletion of other devices
#next if( !defined($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}));
next if( substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE},0,2) ne "OW");
next if( uc($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}) eq "OWX");
next if( uc($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}) eq "OWFS");
next if( uc($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}) eq "OWSERVER");
next if( uc($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}) eq "OWDEVICE");
#-- restrict to autocreated devices
next if( $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME} !~ m/OWX_[0-9a-fA-F]{2}_/);
#-- skip if the device is present.
next if( $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{PRESENT} == 1);
#-- skip if different IODev, but only if other IODev exists
if ( $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{IODev} ){
next if( $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{IODev}{NAME} ne $hash->{NAME} );
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},3, "OWX: Deleting unused 1-Wire device $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME} of type $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}");
#Log 1, "present= ".$main::defs{$fhem_dev}{PRESENT}." iodev=".$main::defs{$fhem_dev}{IODev}{NAME};
#-- Log the discovered devices
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},2, "OWX: 1-Wire devices found on bus $name (".join(",",@owx_names).")");
#-- tabular view as return value
return "OWX: 1-Wire devices found on bus $name \n".$ret;
# OWX_ASYNC_Get - Implements GetFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of the bus master a = argument array
sub OWX_ASYNC_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "OWX: Get needs exactly one parameter" if(@a != 2);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
my ($task,$task_state);
if( $a[1] eq "alarms") {
eval {
return $@ if $@;
unless ( defined $hash->{ALARMDEVS} and @{$hash->{ALARMDEVS}}) {
return "OWX: No alarmed 1-Wire devices found on bus $name";
return "OWX: ".scalar(@{$hash->{ALARMDEVS}})." alarmed 1-Wire devices found on bus $name (".join(",",@{$hash->{ALARMDEVS}}).")";
} elsif( $a[1] eq "devices") {
eval {
$task_state = OWX_ASYNC_RunToCompletion($hash,OWX_ASYNC_PT_Discover($hash));
return $@ if $@;
return $task_state;
} elsif( $a[1] eq "version") {
return $owx_async_version;
} else {
return "OWX: Get with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".
join(" ", sort keys %gets);
# OWX_ASYNC_Init - Re-Initialize the device
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 0 or undef : OK
# 1 or Errormessage : not OK
sub OWX_ASYNC_Init ($) {
my ($hash)=@_;
if (defined ($hash->{ASNYC})) {
delete $hash->{ASYNC}; #TODO should we call delete on $hash->{ASYNC}?
#-- get the interface
my $owx = $hash->{OWX};
if (defined $owx) {
$hash->{INTERFACE} = $owx->{interface};
my $ret;
#-- Third step: see, if a bus interface is detected
eval {
$ret = $owx->initialize($hash);
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_Init failed: $@") if $@;
if (my $err = GP_Catch($@)) {
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
$hash->{STATE} = "Init Failed: $err";
return "OWX_ASYNC_Init failed: $err";
return undef unless $ret;
$hash->{ASYNC} = $ret ;
$hash->{ASYNC}->{debug} = $owx_async_debug;
$hash->{INTERFACE} = $owx->{interface};
} else {
return "OWX: Init called with undefined interface";
$hash->{STATE} = "Active";
#-- Fourth step: discovering devices on the bus
# in 10 seconds discover all devices on the 1-Wire bus
my $pt_discover = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Discover($hash);
$pt_discover->{ExecuteTime} = gettimeofday()+10;
eval {
return GP_Catch($@) if $@;
#-- Default settings
$hash->{interval} = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"interval",300); # kick every 5 minutes
$hash->{followAlarms} = "off";
$hash->{ALARMED} = "no";
#-- InternalTimer blocks if init_done is not true
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
#-- Intiate first alarm detection and eventually conversion in a minute or so
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{interval}, "OWX_ASYNC_Kick", $hash,0);
return undef;
sub OWX_ASYNC_InitClient {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return undef unless (defined $hash->{InitFn});
my $ret = CallFn($name,"InitFn",$hash);
if ($ret) {
Log3 $name,2,"error initializing '".$hash->{NAME}."': ".$ret;
# OWX_ASYNC_Kick - Initiate some processes in all devices
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : Not OK
sub OWX_ASYNC_Kick($) {
my($hash) = @_;
my $ret;
#-- Call us in n seconds again.
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{interval}, "OWX_ASYNC_Kick", $hash,0);
unless ($hash->{".kickrunning"}) {
$hash->{".kickrunning"} = 1;
eval {
OWX_ASYNC_Schedule( $hash, PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
#-- Only if we have the dokick attribute set to 1
if ((defined $hash->{dokick}) and $hash->{dokick} eq "1") {
Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_PT_Kick: kicking DS14B20 temperature conversion";
#-- issue the skip ROM command \xCC followed by start conversion command \x44
$thread->{pt_execute} = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Execute($hash,1,undef,"\x44",0);
if ($thread->{pt_execute}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR) {
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_PT_Kick: Failure in temperature conversion: ".$thread->{pt_execute}->PT_CAUSE());
} else {
$thread->{ExecuteTime} = gettimeofday()+1;
PT_YIELD_UNTIL(gettimeofday() >= $thread->{ExecuteTime});
delete $thread->{ExecuteTime};
GP_ForallClients($hash,sub {
my ($client) = @_;
if ($client->{TYPE} eq "OWTHERM" and AttrVal($client->{NAME},"tempConv","") eq "onkick" ) {
Log3 $client->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_PT_Kick: doing tempConv for $client->{NAME}";
OWX_ASYNC_Schedule($client, OWXTHERM_PT_GetValues($client) );
$thread->{pt_search} = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Search($hash);
if ($thread->{pt_search}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR) {
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_PT_Kick: Failure in search: ".$thread->{pt_search}->PT_CAUSE());
} else {
$thread->{pt_alarms} = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Alarms($hash);
if ($thread->{pt_alarms}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR) {
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_PT_Kick: Failure in alarm-search: ".$thread->{pt_alarms}->PT_CAUSE());
delete $hash->{".kickrunning"};
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_PT_Kick".GP_Catch($@)) if ($@);
return 1;
# OWX_ASYNC_Set - Implements SetFn function
# Parameter hash , a = argument array
sub OWX_ASYNC_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = shift @a;
my $res;
#-- First we need to find the ROM ID corresponding to the device name
my $owx_romid = $hash->{ROM_ID};
Log3 ($hash->{NAME},5, "OWX_ASYNC_Set request $name $owx_romid ".join(" ",@a));
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
return join(" ", sort keys %sets) if(@a != 2);
return "OWX_ASYNC_Set: With unknown argument $a[0], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets)
#-- Set timer value
if( $a[0] eq "interval" ){
#-- only values >= 15 secs allowed
if( $a[1] >= 15){
$hash->{interval} = $a[1];
$res = 1;
} else {
$res = 0;
#-- Set alarm behaviour
if( $a[0] eq "followAlarms" ){
#-- only values >= 15 secs allowed
if( (lc($a[1]) eq "off") && ($hash->{followAlarms} eq "on") ){
$hash->{followAlarms} = "off";
$res = 1;
}elsif( (lc($a[1]) eq "on") && ($hash->{followAlarms} eq "off") ){
$hash->{followAlarms} = "on";
$res = 1;
} else {
$res = 0;
Log3 ($name,3, "OWX_ASYNC_Set $name ".join(" ",@a)." => $res");
DoTrigger($name, undef) if($main::init_done);
return "OWX_ASYNC_Set => $name ".join(" ",@a)." => $res";
# OWX_ASYNC_Undef - Implements UndefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of the bus master, name
sub OWX_ASYNC_Undef ($$) {
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
# OWX_ASYNC_Verify - Verify a particular device on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, dev = 8 Byte ROM ID of device to be tested
# Return 1 : device found
# 0 : device not found
sub OWX_ASYNC_PT_Verify($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- get the interface
my $async = $hash->{IODev}->{ASYNC};
my $romid = $hash->{ROM_ID};
#-- Verify a devices is present on the 1-Wire bus
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
if (defined $async) {
$thread->{pt_verify} = $async->get_pt_verify($romid);
die $thread->{pt_verify}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_verify}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
my $value = $thread->{pt_verify}->PT_RETVAL();
if( $value == 0 ){
} else {
$hash->{PRESENT} = $value;
} else {
my $owx_interface = $hash->{IODev}->{INTERFACE};
if( !defined($owx_interface) ) {
die "OWX: Verify called with undefined interface on bus $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}";
} else {
die "OWX: Verify called with unknown interface $owx_interface on bus $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}";
# OWX_Execute - # similar to OWX_Complex, but asynchronous
# executes a sequence of 'reset','skip/match ROM','write','read','delay' on the bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master,
# context = anything that can be sent as a hash-member through a thread-safe queue
# see http://perldoc.perl.org/Thread/Queue.html#DESCRIPTION
# reset = 1/0 if 1 reset the bus first
# owx_dev = 8 Byte ROM ID of device to be tested, if undef do a 'skip ROM' instead
# data = bytes to write (string)
# numread = number of bytes to read after write
# delay = optional delay (in ms) to wait after executing the next command
# for the same device
# Returns : 1 if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub OWX_ASYNC_PT_Execute($$$$$) {
my ( $hash, $reset, $owx_dev, $data, $numread ) = @_;
if (my $executor = $hash->{ASYNC}) {
return $executor->get_pt_execute($reset,$owx_dev,$data,$numread);
} else {
die "OWX_ASYNC_PT_Execute: no async device assigned";
sub OWX_ASYNC_Schedule($$) {
my ( $hash, $task ) = @_;
my $master = $hash->{TYPE} eq "OWX_ASYNC" ? $hash : $hash->{IODev};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($master->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_Schedule master: ".$master->{NAME}.", task: ".$name);
die "OWX_ASYNC_Schedule: Master not Active" unless $master->{STATE} eq "Active";
$task->{ExecuteTime} = gettimeofday() unless (defined $task->{ExecuteTime});
#if buspower is parasitic serialize all tasks by scheduling everything to master queue.
$name = $master->{NAME} if (AttrVal($master->{NAME},"buspower","real") eq "parasitic");
if (defined $master->{tasks}->{$name}) {
push @{$master->{tasks}->{$name}}, $task;
$hash->{NUMTASKS} = @{$master->{tasks}->{$name}};
} else {
$master->{tasks}->{$name} = [$task];
$hash->{NUMTASKS} = 1;
#TODO make use of $master->{".nexttasktime"}
InternalTimer($task->{ExecuteTime}, "OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks", $master,0);
sub OWX_ASYNC_RunToCompletion($$) {
my ($hash,$task) = @_;
my $task_state;
eval {
my $master = $hash->{TYPE} eq "OWX_ASYNC" ? $hash : $hash->{IODev};
do {
die "interface $master->{INTERFACE} not active" unless defined $master->{ASYNC};
$task_state = $task->PT_STATE();
} while ($task_state == PT_INITIAL or $task_state == PT_WAITING or $task_state == PT_YIELDED);
die $@ if $@;
die $task->PT_CAUSE() if ($task_state == PT_ERROR or $task_state == PT_CANCELED);
return $task->PT_RETVAL();
sub OWX_ASYNC_TaskTimeout($$) {
my ( $master, $timeout ) = @_;
die "OWX_ASYNC_TaskTimeout: no task running" unless defined $master->{".runningtask"};
$master->{".runningtask"}->{TimeoutTime} = $timeout;
sub OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks($) {
my ( $master ) = @_;
if ($master->{STATE} eq "Active") {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: called") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
my $now = gettimeofday();
while(1) {
my @queue_waiting = ();
my @queue_ready = ();
my @queue_sleeping = ();
my @queue_initial = ();
foreach my $name (keys %{$master->{tasks}}) {
my $queue = $master->{tasks}->{$name};
while (@$queue) {
my $state = $queue->[0]->PT_STATE();
if ($state == PT_WAITING) {
push @queue_waiting,{ device => $name, queue => $queue};
} elsif ($state == PT_YIELDED) {
if ($now >= $queue->[0]->{ExecuteTime}) {
push @queue_ready, { device => $name, queue => $queue};
} else {
push @queue_sleeping, { device => $name, queue => $queue};
} elsif ($state == PT_INITIAL) {
push @queue_initial, { device => $name, queue => $queue};
} else {
shift @$queue;
$main::defs{$name}->{NUMTASKS} = @$queue;
delete $master->{tasks}->{$name} unless (@$queue);
if (defined (my $current = @queue_waiting ? shift @queue_waiting : @queue_ready ? shift @queue_ready : @queue_initial ? shift @queue_initial : undef)) {
my $task = $current->{queue}->[0];
$master->{".runningtask"} = $task;
my $timeout = $task->{TimeoutTime};
if ($task->PT_SCHEDULE()) {
my $state = $task->PT_STATE();
# waiting for ExecuteResponse:
if ($state == PT_WAITING) {
if (defined $task->{TimeoutTime}) {
#task timed out:
if ($now >= $task->{TimeoutTime}) {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $current->{device} task timed out");
Log3 ($master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: TimeoutTime: %.6f, now: %.6f",$task->{TimeoutTime},$now)) if ($owx_async_debug>1);
shift @{$current->{queue}};
$main::defs{$current->{device}}->{NUMTASKS} = @{$current->{queue}};
if ($master->{TIMEOUTS} > AttrVal($master->{NAME},"maxtimeouts",5)) {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},3,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $master->{NAME} maximum number of timeouts exceedet ($master->{TIMEOUTS}), trying to reconnect");
$master->{TIMEOUTS} = 0;
} else {
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $current->{device} task waiting for data or timeout" if ($owx_async_debug>2);
#new timeout or timeout did change:
if (!defined $timeout or $timeout != $task->{TimeoutTime}) {
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $current->{device} task schedule for timeout at %.6f",$task->{TimeoutTime}) if ($owx_async_debug>1);
InternalTimer($task->{TimeoutTime}, "OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks", $master,0);
} else {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},4,"$current->{device} unexpected thread state PT_WAITING without TimeoutTime");
$task->{TimeoutTime} = $now + 2; #TODO implement attribute based timeout
# sleeping:
} elsif ($state == PT_YIELDED) {
} else {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},4,"$current->{device} unexpected thread state while running: $state");
} else {
my $state = $task->PT_STATE();
if ($state == PT_ENDED) {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},5,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $current->{device} task finished");
$master->{TIMEOUTS} = 0;
} elsif ($state == PT_EXITED) {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $current->{device} task exited: ".(defined $task->PT_RETVAL() ? $task->PT_RETVAL : "- no retval -"));
} elsif ($state == PT_ERROR) {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},4,"OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $current->{device} task Error: ".$task->PT_CAUSE());
$main::defs{$current->{device}}->{PRESENT} = 0;
} else {
Log3 ($master->{NAME},4,"$current->{device} unexpected thread state after termination: $state");
shift @{$current->{queue}};
$main::defs{$current->{device}}->{NUMTASKS} = @{$current->{queue}};
} else {
my $nexttime;
my $nextdevice;
foreach my $current (@queue_sleeping) {
# if task is scheduled for future:
if (!defined $nexttime or ($nexttime > $current->{queue}->[0]->{ExecuteTime})) {
$nexttime = $current->{queue}->[0]->{ExecuteTime};
$nextdevice = $current->{device};
if (defined $nexttime) {
if ($nexttime > $now) {
if (!defined $master->{".nexttasktime"} or $nexttime < $master->{".nexttasktime"} or $now >= $master->{".nexttasktime"}) {
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $nextdevice schedule next at %.6f",$nexttime) if ($owx_async_debug);
main::InternalTimer($nexttime, "OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks", $master,0);
$master->{".nexttasktime"} = $nexttime;
} else {
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $nextdevice skip %.6f, allready scheduled at %.6f",$nexttime,$master->{".nexttasktime"}) if ($owx_async_debug>2);
} else {
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: $nextdevice nexttime at %.6f allready passed",$nexttime) if ($owx_async_debug>2);
} else {
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: -undefined- no nexttime") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
Log3 $master->{NAME},5,sprintf("OWX_ASYNC_RunTasks: -undefined- exit loop") if ($owx_async_debug>2);
=begin html
<a name="OWX_ASYNC"></a>
<p> FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire bus devices</p>
<li>via an active DS2480 bus master interface attached to an USB port or </li>
<li>via an Arduino running ConfigurableFirmata attached to USB</li>
<li>via an Arduino running ConfigurableFirmata connecting to FHEM via Ethernet</li>
<p>Internally these interfaces are vastly different, read the corresponding <a
href="http://fhemwiki.de/wiki/Interfaces_f%C3%BCr_1-Wire"> Wiki pages </a></p>
<p>OWX_ASYNC does pretty much the same job as <a href="#OWX">OWX</a> does, but using
an asynchronous mode of communication</p>
<br />
<br />
<h4>Example</h4><br />
<code>define OWio1 OWX_ASYNC /dev/ttyUSB1</code>
<br />
<code>define OWio3 OWX_ASYNC 10</code>
<br />
<br />
<a name="OWX_ASYNCdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> OWX_ASYNC <serial-device></code> or <br />
<code>define <name> OWX_ASYNC <cuno/coc-device></code> or <br />
<code>define <name> OWX_ASYNC <arduino-pin></code>
<br /><br /> Define a 1-Wire interface to communicate with a 1-Wire bus.<br />
<br />
<code><serial-device></code> The serial device (e.g. USB port) to which the
1-Wire bus is attached.</li>
<code><cuno-device></code> The previously defined CUNO to which the 1-Wire bus
is attached. </li>
<code><arduino-pin></code> The pin of the previous defined <a href="#FRM">FRM</a>
to which the 1-Wire bus is attached. If there is more than one FRM device defined
use <a href="#IODev">IODev</a> attribute to select which FRM device to use.</li>
<br />
<a name="OWX_ASYNCset"></a>
<li><a name="owx_async_interval">
<code>set <name> interval <value></code>
<br />sets the time period in seconds for "kicking" the 1-Wire bus when the <a href="#OWX_ASYNCdokick">dokick attribute</a> is set (default
is 300 seconds).
<li><a name="owx_async_followAlarms">
<code>set <name> followAlarms on|off</code>
<br /><br /> instructs the module to start an alarm search in case a reset pulse
discovers any 1-Wire device which has the alarm flag set. </li>
<br />
<a name="OWX_ASYNCget"></a>
<li><a name="owx_async_alarms"></a>
<code>get <name> alarms</code>
<br /><br /> performs an "alarm search" for devices on the 1-Wire bus and, if found,
generates an event in the log (not with CUNO). </li>
<li><a name="owx_async_devices"></a>
<code>get <name> devices</code>
<br /><br /> redicovers all devices on the 1-Wire bus. If a device found has a
previous definition, this is automatically used. If a device is found but has no
definition, it is autocreated. If a defined device is not on the 1-Wire bus, it is
autodeleted. </li>
<br />
<a name="OWX_ASYNCattr"></a>
<li><a name="OWX_ASYNCdokick"><code>attr <name> dokick 0|1</code></a>
<br />1 if the interface regularly kicks thermometers on the bus to do a temperature conversion,
and to perform an alarm check, 0 if not</li>
<li><a name="OWX_ASYNCbuspower"><code>attr <name> buspower real|parasitic</code></a>
<br />parasitic if there are any devices on the bus that steal power from the data line.
<br />Ensures that never more than a single device on the bus is talked to (throughput is throttled noticable!)
<br />Automatically disables attribute 'dokick'.</li>
<li><a name="OWX_ASYNCIODev"><code>attr <name> IODev <FRM-device></code></a>
<br />assignes a specific FRM-device to OWX_ASYNC when working through an Arduino.
<br />Required only if there is more than one FRM defined.</li>
<li><a name="OWX_ASYNCmaxtimeouts"><code>attr <name> maxtimeouts <number></code></a>
<br />maximum number of timeouts (in a row) before OWX_ASYNC disconnects itself from the
busmaster and tries to establish a new connection</li>
<li>Standard attributes <a href="#alias">alias</a>, <a href="#comment">comment</a>, <a
href="#event-on-update-reading">event-on-update-reading</a>, <a
href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a>, <a href="#room"
>room</a>, <a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a>,
<a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a></li>
=end html