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# $Id$
# 20_GUEST.pm
# Submodule of 10_RESIDENTS.
# Copyright by Julian Pawlowski
# e-mail: julian.pawlowski at gmail.com
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
use Data::Dumper;
require RESIDENTStk;
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental';
sub GUEST_Set($@);
sub GUEST_Define($$);
sub GUEST_Notify($$);
sub GUEST_Undefine($$);
sub GUEST_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 $hash, 5, "GUEST_Initialize: Entering";
$hash->{SetFn} = "GUEST_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "GUEST_Define";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "GUEST_Notify";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "GUEST_Undefine";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"rg_locationHome rg_locationWayhome rg_locationUnderway rg_autoGoneAfter:12,16,24,26,28,30,36,48,60 rg_showAllStates:0,1 rg_realname:group,alias rg_states:multiple-strict,home,gotosleep,asleep,awoken,absent,gone rg_locations rg_moods rg_moodDefault rg_moodSleepy rg_noDuration:0,1 rg_wakeupDevice rg_geofenceUUIDs "
. $readingFnAttributes;
sub GUEST_Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $name_attr;
Log3 $name, 5, "GUEST $name: called function GUEST_Define()";
if ( int(@a) < 2 ) {
my $msg = "Wrong syntax: define <name> GUEST [RESIDENTS-DEVICE-NAMES]";
Log3 $name, 4, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{TYPE} = "GUEST";
my $parents = ( defined( $a[2] ) ? $a[2] : "" );
# unregister at parent objects if we get modified
my @registeredResidentgroups;
my $modified = 0;
if ( defined( $hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} ) && $hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} ne "" ) {
$modified = 1;
@registeredResidentgroups =
split( /,/, $hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} );
# unregister at parent objects
foreach my $parent (@registeredResidentgroups) {
if ( defined( $defs{$parent} )
&& $defs{$parent}{TYPE} eq "RESIDENTS" )
fhem("set $parent unregister $name");
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: Unregistered at RESIDENTS device $parent";
# register at parent objects
$hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} = "";
if ( $parents ne "" ) {
@registeredResidentgroups = split( /,/, $parents );
foreach my $parent (@registeredResidentgroups) {
if ( !defined( $defs{$parent} ) ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"GUEST $name: Unable to register at RESIDENTS device $parent (not existing)";
if ( $defs{$parent}{TYPE} ne "RESIDENTS" ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"GUEST $name: Device $parent is not a RESIDENTS device (wrong type)";
fhem("set $parent register $name");
$hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} .= $parent . ",";
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: Registered at RESIDENTS device $parent";
else {
$modified = 0;
# set reverse pointer
$modules{GUEST}{defptr}{$name} = \$hash;
# set default settings on first define
if ( $init_done && !defined( $hash->{OLDDEF} ) ) {
my $aliasname = $name;
$aliasname =~ s/^rg_//;
$attr{$name}{alias} = $aliasname;
$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} =
".*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*none:control_building_empty:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown:home";
$attr{$name}{group} = "Guests";
$attr{$name}{icon} = "scene_visit_guests";
$attr{$name}{rg_realname} = "alias";
$attr{$name}{sortby} = "1";
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = "state";
$attr{$name}{room} = $attr{ $registeredResidentgroups[0] }{room}
if ( @registeredResidentgroups
&& exists( $attr{ $registeredResidentgroups[0] }{room} ) );
# trigger for modified objects
unless ( $modified == 0 ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "" ) );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# run timers
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 15, "GUEST_StartInternalTimers", $hash, 0 );
# Injecting AttrFn for use with RESIDENTS Toolkit
if ( !defined( $modules{dummy}{AttrFn} ) ) {
$modules{dummy}{AttrFn} = "RESIDENTStk_AttrFnDummy";
elsif ( $modules{dummy}{AttrFn} ne "RESIDENTStk_AttrFnDummy" ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"RESIDENTStk $name: concurrent AttrFn already defined for dummy module ("
. $modules{dummy}{AttrFn}
. "). Some attribute based functions like auto-creations will not be available.";
return undef;
sub GUEST_Undefine($$) {
my ( $hash, $name ) = @_;
RESIDENTStk_RemoveInternalTimer( "AutoGone", $hash );
RESIDENTStk_RemoveInternalTimer( "DurationTimer", $hash );
if ( defined( $hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} ) ) {
my @registeredResidentgroups =
split( /,/, $hash->{RESIDENTGROUPS} );
# unregister at parent objects
foreach my $parent (@registeredResidentgroups) {
if ( defined( $defs{$parent} )
&& $defs{$parent}{TYPE} eq "RESIDENTS" )
fhem("set $parent unregister $name");
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: Unregistered at RESIDENTS device $parent";
# release reverse pointer
delete $modules{GUEST}{defptr}{$name};
return undef;
sub GUEST_Notify($$) {
my ( $hash, $dev ) = @_;
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $hashName = $hash->{NAME};
# process global:INITIALIZED
if ( $dev->{NAME} eq "global"
&& grep( m/^INITIALIZED$/, @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } ) )
my @registeredWakeupdevs =
split( /,/, AttrVal( $hashName, "rg_wakeupDevice", 0 ) );
# if we have registered wakeup devices
if (@registeredWakeupdevs) {
# look for at devices for each wakeup device
foreach my $wakeupDev (@registeredWakeupdevs) {
my $wakeupAtdevice = AttrVal( $wakeupDev, "wakeupAtdevice", 0 );
# make sure computeAfterInit is set at at-device
# and re-calculate on our own this time
if ( defined( $defs{$wakeupAtdevice} )
&& $defs{$wakeupAtdevice}{TYPE} eq "at"
&& AttrVal( $wakeupAtdevice, "computeAfterInit", 0 ) ne
"1" )
Log3 $wakeupDev, 3,
"RESIDENTStk $wakeupDev: Correcting '$wakeupAtdevice' attribute computeAfterInit required for correct recalculation after reboot";
fhem "attr $wakeupAtdevice computeAfterInit 1";
my $command;
( $command, undef ) =
split( "[ \t]+", $defs{$wakeupAtdevice}{DEF}, 2 );
$command =~ s/^[*+]//;
return at_Set( $defs{$wakeupAtdevice},
( $wakeupAtdevice, "modifyTimeSpec", $command ) );
# process child notifies
elsif ( $devName ne $hashName ) {
my @registeredWakeupdevs =
split( /,/, $attr{$hashName}{rg_wakeupDevice} )
if ( defined( $attr{$hashName}{rg_wakeupDevice} )
&& $attr{$hashName}{rg_wakeupDevice} ne "" );
# if we have registered wakeup devices
if (@registeredWakeupdevs) {
# if this is a notification of a registered wakeup device
if ( $devName ~~ @registeredWakeupdevs ) {
# Some previous notify deleted the array.
if ( !$dev->{CHANGED} );
foreach my $change ( @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } ) {
RESIDENTStk_wakeupSet( $devName, $change );
# process sub-child notifies: *_wakeupDevice
foreach my $wakeupDev (@registeredWakeupdevs) {
# if this is a notification of a registered sub dummy device
# of one of our wakeup devices
if ( defined( $attr{$wakeupDev}{wakeupResetSwitcher} )
&& $attr{$wakeupDev}{wakeupResetSwitcher} eq $devName
&& $defs{$devName}{TYPE} eq "dummy" )
# Some previous notify deleted the array.
if ( !$dev->{CHANGED} );
foreach my $change ( @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } ) {
RESIDENTStk_wakeupSet( $wakeupDev, $change )
if ( $change ne "off" );
sub GUEST_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $state = ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "initialized" );
my $presence = ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "undefined" );
my $mood = ReadingsVal( $name, "mood", "-" );
my $location = ReadingsVal( $name, "location", "undefined" );
my $silent = 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "GUEST $name: called function GUEST_Set()";
return "No Argument given" if ( !defined( $a[1] ) );
# depending on current FHEMWEB instance's allowedCommands,
# restrict set commands if there is "set-user" in it
my $adminMode = 1;
my $FWallowedCommands = 0;
$FWallowedCommands = AttrVal( $FW_wname, "allowedCommands", 0 )
if ( defined($FW_wname) );
if ( $FWallowedCommands && $FWallowedCommands =~ m/\bset-user\b/ ) {
$adminMode = 0;
return "Forbidden command: set " . $a[1]
if ( lc( $a[1] ) eq "create" );
# states
my $states = (
defined( $attr{$name}{rg_states} ) ? $attr{$name}{rg_states}
: (
defined( $attr{$name}{rg_showAllStates} )
&& $attr{$name}{rg_showAllStates} == 1
? "home,gotosleep,asleep,awoken,absent,none"
: "home,gotosleep,absent,none"
$states = $state . "," . $states if ( $states !~ /$state/ );
$states =~ s/ /,/g;
# moods
my $moods = (
defined( $attr{$name}{rg_moods} )
? $attr{$name}{rg_moods} . ",toggle"
: "calm,relaxed,happy,excited,lonely,sad,bored,stressed,uncomfortable,sleepy,angry,toggle"
$moods = $mood . "," . $moods if ( $moods !~ /$mood/ );
$moods =~ s/ /,/g;
# locations
my $locations = (
defined( $attr{$name}{rg_locations} )
? $attr{$name}{rg_locations}
: ""
if ( $locations !~ /$location/
&& $locations ne "" )
$locations = ":" . $location . "," . $locations;
elsif ( $locations ne "" ) {
$locations = ":" . $locations;
$locations =~ s/ /,/g;
my $usage = "Unknown argument " . $a[1] . ", choose one of state:$states";
$usage .= " mood:$moods";
$usage .= " location$locations";
if ($adminMode) {
$usage .= " create:wakeuptimer";
$usage .= ",locationMap"
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "locationLat", "-" ) ne "-"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "locationLong", "-" ) ne "-" );
# silentSet
if ( $a[1] eq "silentSet" ) {
$silent = 1;
my $first = shift @a;
$a[0] = $first;
# states
if ( $a[1] eq "state"
|| $a[1] eq "home"
|| $a[1] eq "gotosleep"
|| $a[1] eq "asleep"
|| $a[1] eq "awoken"
|| $a[1] eq "absent"
|| $a[1] eq "none"
|| $a[1] eq "gone" )
my $newstate;
# if not direct
if (
$a[1] eq "state"
&& defined( $a[2] )
&& ( $a[2] eq "home"
|| $a[2] eq "gotosleep"
|| $a[2] eq "asleep"
|| $a[2] eq "awoken"
|| $a[2] eq "absent"
|| $a[2] eq "none"
|| $a[2] eq "gone" )
$newstate = $a[2];
elsif ( defined( $a[2] ) ) {
"Invalid 2nd argument, choose one of home gotosleep asleep awoken absent none ";
else {
$newstate = $a[1];
$newstate = "none" if ( $newstate eq "gone" );
Log3 $name, 2, "GUEST set $name " . $newstate if ( !$silent );
# if state changed
if ( $state ne $newstate ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastState", $state );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", $newstate );
my $datetime = TimeNow();
# reset mood
my $mood_default =
( defined( $attr{$name}{"rg_moodDefault"} ) )
? $attr{$name}{"rg_moodDefault"}
: "calm";
my $mood_sleepy =
( defined( $attr{$name}{"rg_moodSleepy"} ) )
? $attr{$name}{"rg_moodSleepy"}
: "sleepy";
if (
$mood ne "-"
&& ( $newstate eq "gone"
|| $newstate eq "none"
|| $newstate eq "absent"
|| $newstate eq "asleep" )
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit mood change caused by state "
. $newstate;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "mood", "-" );
elsif ( $mood ne $mood_sleepy
&& ( $newstate eq "gotosleep" || $newstate eq "awoken" ) )
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit mood change caused by state "
. $newstate;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "mood", $mood_sleepy );
elsif ( ( $mood eq "-" || $mood eq $mood_sleepy )
&& $newstate eq "home" )
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit mood change caused by state "
. $newstate;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "mood", $mood_default );
# if state is asleep, start sleep timer
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastSleep", $datetime )
if ( $newstate eq "asleep" );
# if prior state was asleep, update sleep statistics
if ( $state eq "asleep"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "lastSleep", "" ) ne "" )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastAwake", $datetime );
$datetime, ReadingsVal( $name, "lastSleep", "" )
$datetime, ReadingsVal( $name, "lastSleep", "" ),
# calculate presence state
my $newpresence =
( $newstate ne "none"
&& $newstate ne "gone"
&& $newstate ne "absent" )
? "present"
: "absent";
# stop any running wakeup-timers in case state changed
my $wakeupState = ReadingsVal( $name, "wakeup", 0 );
if ( $wakeupState > 0 ) {
my $wakeupDeviceList = AttrVal( $name, "rg_wakeupDevice", 0 );
for my $wakeupDevice ( split /,/, $wakeupDeviceList ) {
next if !$wakeupDevice;
if ( defined( $defs{$wakeupDevice} )
&& $defs{$wakeupDevice}{TYPE} eq "dummy" )
# forced-stop only if resident is not present anymore
if ( $newpresence eq "present" ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"ROOMMATE $name: ending wakeup-timer $wakeupDevice";
fhem "set $wakeupDevice:FILTER=running!=0 end";
else {
Log3 $name, 4,
"ROOMMATE $name: stopping wakeup-timer $wakeupDevice";
fhem "set $wakeupDevice:FILTER=running!=0 stop";
# if presence changed
if ( $newpresence ne $presence ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "presence", $newpresence );
# update location
my @location_home =
split( ' ', AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationHome", "home" ) );
my @location_underway =
split( ' ',
AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationUnderway", "underway" ) );
my @location_wayhome =
split( ' ',
AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationWayhome", "wayhome" ) );
my $searchstring = quotemeta($location);
if ( $newpresence eq "present" ) {
if ( !grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_home )
&& $location ne $location_home[0] )
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit location change caused by state "
. $newstate;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "location",
$location_home[0] );
else {
if ( !$silent
&& !grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_underway )
&& $location ne $location_underway[0] )
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit location change caused by state "
. $newstate;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "location",
$location_underway[0] );
# reset wayhome
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "wayhome", 1 ) > 0 ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wayhome", "0" );
# update statistics
if ( $newpresence eq "present" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastArrival", $datetime );
# absence duration
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDeparture", "-" ) ne "-" ) {
ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDeparture", "-" )
ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDeparture", "-" ),
else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastDeparture", $datetime );
# presence duration
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastArrival", "-" ) ne "-" ) {
ReadingsVal( $name, "lastArrival", "-" )
ReadingsVal( $name, "lastArrival", "-" ), "min"
# adjust linked objects
if ( defined( $attr{$name}{"rg_passPresenceTo"} )
&& $attr{$name}{"rg_passPresenceTo"} ne "" )
my @linkedObjects =
split( ' ', $attr{$name}{"rg_passPresenceTo"} );
foreach my $object (@linkedObjects) {
if (
defined( $defs{$object} )
&& $defs{$object} ne $name
&& defined( $defs{$object}{TYPE} )
&& ( $defs{$object}{TYPE} eq "ROOMMATE"
|| $defs{$object}{TYPE} eq "GUEST" )
&& ReadingsVal( $object, "state", "" ) ne "gone"
&& ReadingsVal( $object, "state", "" ) ne "none"
fhem("set $object $newstate");
# clear readings if guest is gone
if ( $newstate eq "none" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastArrival", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastArrival", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastAwake", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastAwake", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastDurAbsence", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDurAbsence", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastDurSleep", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDurSleep", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastLocation", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastLocation", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastSleep", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastSleep", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastMood", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastMood", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "location", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "location", "-" ) ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mood", "-" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "mood", "-" ) ne "-" );
# calculate duration timers
GUEST_DurationTimer( $hash, $silent );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# enable or disable AutoGone timer
if ( $newstate eq "absent" ) {
elsif ( $state eq "absent" ) {
RESIDENTStk_RemoveInternalTimer( "AutoGone", $hash );
# mood
elsif ( $a[1] eq "mood" ) {
if ( defined( $a[2] ) && $a[2] ne "" ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "GUEST set $name mood " . $a[2] if ( !$silent );
readingsBeginUpdate($hash) if ( !$silent );
if ( $a[2] eq "toggle"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "lastMood", "" ) ne "" )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mood",
ReadingsVal( $name, "lastMood", "" ) );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastMood", $mood );
elsif ( $mood ne $a[2] ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastMood", $mood )
if ( $mood ne "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "mood", $a[2] );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ) if ( !$silent );
else {
return "Invalid 2nd argument, choose one of mood toggle";
# location
elsif ( $a[1] eq "location" ) {
if ( defined( $a[2] ) && $a[2] ne "" ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "GUEST set $name location " . $a[2] if ( !$silent );
if ( $location ne $a[2] ) {
my $searchstring;
readingsBeginUpdate($hash) if ( !$silent );
# read attributes
my @location_home =
split( ' ', AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationHome", "home" ) );
my @location_underway =
split( ' ',
AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationUnderway", "underway" ) );
my @location_wayhome =
split( ' ',
AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationWayhome", "wayhome" ) );
$searchstring = quotemeta($location);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastLocation", $location )
if ( $location ne "wayhome"
&& !grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_underway ) );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "location", $a[2] )
if ( $a[2] ne "wayhome" );
# wayhome detection
$searchstring = quotemeta($location);
if (
$a[2] eq "wayhome"
|| grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_wayhome )
&& ( $presence eq "absent" )
Log3 $name, 3,
"GUEST $name: on way back home from $location";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wayhome", "1" )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "wayhome", "0" ) ne "1" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ) if ( !$silent );
# auto-updates
$searchstring = quotemeta( $a[2] );
if (
$a[2] eq "home"
|| grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_home )
&& $state ne "home"
&& $state ne "gotosleep"
&& $state ne "asleep"
&& $state ne "awoken"
&& $state ne "initialized"
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit state change caused by location "
. $a[2];
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "state", "home" );
elsif (
$a[2] eq "underway"
|| grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_underway )
&& $state ne "gone"
&& $state ne "none"
&& $state ne "absent"
&& $state ne "initialized"
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit state change caused by location "
. $a[2];
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "state", "absent" );
else {
return "Invalid 2nd argument, choose one of location ";
# create
elsif ( lc( $a[1] ) eq "create" ) {
if ( !defined( $a[2] ) ) {
"Invalid 2nd argument, choose one of wakeuptimer locationMap ";
elsif ( lc( $a[2] ) eq "wakeuptimer" ) {
my $i = "1";
my $wakeuptimerName = $name . "_wakeuptimer" . $i;
my $created = 0;
until ($created) {
if ( defined( $defs{$wakeuptimerName} ) ) {
$wakeuptimerName = $name . "_wakeuptimer" . $i;
else {
my $sortby = AttrVal( $name, "sortby", -1 );
# create new dummy device
fhem "define $wakeuptimerName dummy";
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName alias Wake-up Timer $i";
"attr $wakeuptimerName comment Auto-created by GUEST module for use with RESIDENTS Toolkit";
"attr $wakeuptimerName devStateIcon OFF:general_aus\@red:reset running:general_an\@green:stop .*:general_an\@orange:nextRun%20OFF";
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName group " . $attr{$name}{group}
if ( defined( $attr{$name}{group} ) );
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName icon time_timer";
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName room " . $attr{$name}{room}
if ( defined( $attr{$name}{room} ) );
"attr $wakeuptimerName setList nextRun:OFF,00:00,00:15,00:30,00:45,01:00,01:15,01:30,01:45,02:00,02:15,02:30,02:45,03:00,03:15,03:30,03:45,04:00,04:15,04:30,04:45,05:00,05:15,05:30,05:45,06:00,06:15,06:30,06:45,07:00,07:15,07:30,07:45,08:00,08:15,08:30,08:45,09:00,09:15,09:30,09:45,10:00,10:15,10:30,10:45,11:00,11:15,11:30,11:45,12:00,12:15,12:30,12:45,13:00,13:15,13:30,13:45,14:00,14:15,14:30,14:45,15:00,15:15,15:30,15:45,16:00,16:15,16:30,16:45,17:00,17:15,17:30,17:45,18:00,18:15,18:30,18:45,19:00,19:15,19:30,19:45,20:00,20:15,20:30,20:45,21:00,21:15,21:30,21:45,22:00,22:15,22:30,22:45,23:00,23:15,23:30,23:45 reset:noArg trigger:noArg start:noArg stop:noArg end:noArg";
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName userattr wakeupUserdevice";
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName sortby " . $sortby
if ($sortby);
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName wakeupUserdevice $name";
fhem "attr $wakeuptimerName webCmd nextRun";
# register slave device
my $wakeupDevice = AttrVal( $name, "rg_wakeupDevice", 0 );
if ( !$wakeupDevice ) {
fhem "attr $name rg_wakeupDevice $wakeuptimerName";
elsif ( $wakeupDevice !~ /(.*,?)($wakeuptimerName)(.*,?)/ )
fhem "attr $name rg_wakeupDevice "
. $wakeupDevice
. ",$wakeuptimerName";
# trigger first update
fhem "set $wakeuptimerName nextRun OFF";
$created = 1;
"Dummy $wakeuptimerName and other pending devices created and pre-configured.\nYou may edit Macro_$wakeuptimerName to define your wake-up actions\nand at_$wakeuptimerName for optional at-device adjustments.";
elsif ( lc( $a[2] ) eq "locationmap" ) {
my $locationmapName = $name . "_map";
if ( defined( $defs{$locationmapName} ) ) {
"Device $locationmapName existing already, delete it first to have it re-created.";
else {
my $sortby = AttrVal( $name, "sortby", -1 );
# create new weblink device
fhem "define $locationmapName weblink htmlCode {
'<ul style=\"width: 400px;; overflow: hidden;; height: 300px;;\">
<iframe name=\"$locationmapName\" src=\"https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyB66DvcpbXJ5eWgIkzxpUN2s_9l3_6fegM&q='
.'&zoom=13\" width=\"480\" height=\"480\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border:0;; margin-top: -165px;; margin-left: -135px;;\">
fhem "attr $locationmapName alias Current Location";
"attr $locationmapName comment Auto-created by GUEST module";
fhem "attr $locationmapName group " . $attr{$name}{group}
if ( defined( $attr{$name}{group} ) );
fhem "attr $locationmapName room " . $attr{$name}{room}
if ( defined( $attr{$name}{room} ) );
return "Weblink device $locationmapName was created.";
# return usage hint
else {
return $usage;
return undef;
# Begin of helper functions
sub GUEST_AutoGone($;$) {
my ( $mHash, @a ) = @_;
my $hash = ( $mHash->{HASH} ) ? $mHash->{HASH} : $mHash;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
RESIDENTStk_RemoveInternalTimer( "AutoGone", $hash );
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "home" ) eq "absent" ) {
my ( $date, $time, $y, $m, $d, $hour, $min, $sec, $timestamp,
$timeDiff );
my $timestampNow = gettimeofday();
my $timeout = (
defined( $attr{$name}{rg_autoGoneAfter} )
? $attr{$name}{rg_autoGoneAfter}
: "16"
( $date, $time ) = split( ' ', $hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} );
( $y, $m, $d ) = split( '-', $date );
( $hour, $min, $sec ) = split( ':', $time );
$m -= 01;
$timestamp = timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $d, $m, $y );
$timeDiff = $timestampNow - $timestamp;
if ( $timeDiff >= $timeout * 3600 ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"GUEST $name: AutoGone timer changed state to 'gone'";
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "state", "gone" );
else {
my $runtime = $timestamp + $timeout * 3600;
Log3 $name, 4, "GUEST $name: AutoGone timer scheduled: $runtime";
RESIDENTStk_InternalTimer( "AutoGone", $runtime, "GUEST_AutoGone",
$hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub GUEST_DurationTimer($;$) {
my ( $mHash, @a ) = @_;
my $hash = ( $mHash->{HASH} ) ? $mHash->{HASH} : $mHash;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $state = ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "initialized" );
my $silent = ( defined( $a[0] ) && $a[0] eq "1" ) ? 1 : 0;
my $timestampNow = gettimeofday();
my $diff;
my $durPresence = "0";
my $durAbsence = "0";
my $durSleep = "0";
RESIDENTStk_RemoveInternalTimer( "DurationTimer", $hash );
if ( !defined( $attr{$name}{rg_noDuration} )
|| $attr{$name}{rg_noDuration} == 0 )
# presence timer
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "absent" ) eq "present"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "lastArrival", "-" ) ne "-" )
$durPresence =
$timestampNow -
time_str2num( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastArrival", "" ) );
# absence timer
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "present" ) eq "absent"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDeparture", "-" ) ne "-" )
$durAbsence =
$timestampNow -
time_str2num( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastDeparture", "" ) );
# sleep timer
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "home" ) eq "asleep"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "lastSleep", "-" ) ne "-" )
$durSleep =
$timestampNow -
time_str2num( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastSleep", "" ) );
my $durPresence_hr =
( $durPresence > 0 )
? RESIDENTStk_sec2time($durPresence)
: "00:00:00";
my $durPresence_cr =
( $durPresence > 60 ) ? int( $durPresence / 60 + 0.5 ) : 0;
my $durAbsence_hr =
( $durAbsence > 0 ) ? RESIDENTStk_sec2time($durAbsence) : "00:00:00";
my $durAbsence_cr =
( $durAbsence > 60 ) ? int( $durAbsence / 60 + 0.5 ) : 0;
my $durSleep_hr =
( $durSleep > 0 ) ? RESIDENTStk_sec2time($durSleep) : "00:00:00";
my $durSleep_cr = ( $durSleep > 60 ) ? int( $durSleep / 60 + 0.5 ) : 0;
readingsBeginUpdate($hash) if ( !$silent );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "durTimerPresence_cr", $durPresence_cr )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "durTimerPresence_cr", "" ) ne
$durPresence_cr );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "durTimerPresence", $durPresence_hr )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "durTimerPresence", "" ) ne $durPresence_hr );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "durTimerAbsence_cr", $durAbsence_cr )
if (
ReadingsVal( $name, "durTimerAbsence_cr", "" ) ne $durAbsence_cr );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "durTimerAbsence", $durAbsence_hr )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "durTimerAbsence", "" ) ne $durAbsence_hr );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "durTimerSleep_cr", $durSleep_cr )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "durTimerSleep_cr", "" ) ne $durSleep_cr );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "durTimerSleep", $durSleep_hr )
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "durTimerSleep", "" ) ne $durSleep_hr );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ) if ( !$silent );
RESIDENTStk_InternalTimer( "DurationTimer", $timestampNow + 60,
"GUEST_DurationTimer", $hash, 1 )
if ( $state ne "none" );
return undef;
sub GUEST_SetLocation($$$;$$$$$$) {
my ( $name, $location, $trigger, $id, $time, $lat, $long, $address,
$device ) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $state = ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "initialized" );
my $presence = ReadingsVal( $name, "presence", "present" );
my $currLocation = ReadingsVal( $name, "location", "-" );
my $currWayhome = ReadingsVal( $name, "wayhome", "0" );
my $currLat = ReadingsVal( $name, "locationLat", "-" );
my $currLong = ReadingsVal( $name, "locationLong", "-" );
my $currAddr = ReadingsVal( $name, "locationAddr", "" );
$id = "-" if ( !$id || $id eq "" );
$lat = "-" if ( !$lat || $lat eq "" );
$long = "-" if ( !$long || $long eq "" );
$address = "" if ( !$address );
$time = "" if ( !$time );
$device = "" if ( !$device );
Log3 $name, 5,
"GUEST $name: received location information: id=$id name=$location trig=$trigger date=$time lat=$lat long=$long address:$address device=$device";
my $searchstring;
# read attributes
my @location_home =
split( ' ', AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationHome", "home" ) );
my @location_underway =
split( ' ', AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationUnderway", "underway" ) );
my @location_wayhome =
split( ' ', AttrVal( $name, "rg_locationWayhome", "wayhome" ) );
$searchstring = quotemeta($location);
# update locationPresence
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "locationPresence", "present" )
if ( $trigger == 1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "locationPresence", "absent" )
if ( $trigger == 0 );
# check for implicit state change
my $stateChange = 0;
# home
if ( $location eq "home" || grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_home ) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "GUEST $name: received signal from home location";
# home
if ( $state ne "home"
&& $state ne "gotosleep"
&& $state ne "asleep"
&& $state ne "awoken"
&& $trigger eq "1" )
$stateChange = 1;
# absent
elsif ($state ne "gone"
&& $state ne "none"
&& $state ne "absent"
&& $trigger eq "0" )
$stateChange = 2;
# underway
elsif ($location eq "underway"
|| $location eq "wayhome"
|| grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_underway )
|| grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_wayhome ) )
Log3 $name, 5, "GUEST $name: received signal from underway location";
# absent
$stateChange = 2
if ( $state ne "gone"
&& $state ne "none"
&& $state ne "absent" );
# wayhome
if (
$location eq "wayhome"
|| ( grep( m/^$searchstring$/, @location_wayhome )
&& $trigger eq "0" )
Log3 $name, 5, "GUEST $name: wayhome signal received";
# wayhome=true
if (
( $location eq "wayhome" && $trigger eq "1" )
|| ( $location ne "wayhome" && $trigger eq "0" )
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "wayhome", "0" ) ne "1"
Log3 $name, 3, "GUEST $name: on way back home from $location";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wayhome", "1" );
# wayhome=false
elsif ($location eq "wayhome"
&& $trigger eq "0"
&& ReadingsVal( $name, "wayhome", "0" ) ne "0" )
Log3 $name, 3,
"GUEST $name: seems not to be on way back home anymore";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wayhome", "0" );
# activate wayhome tracing when reaching another location while wayhome=1
elsif ( $stateChange == 0 && $trigger == 1 && $currWayhome == 1 ) {
Log3 $name, 3,
"GUEST $name: seems to stay at $location before coming home";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wayhome", "2" );
# revert wayhome during active wayhome tracing
elsif ( $stateChange == 0 && $trigger == 0 && $currWayhome == 2 ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "GUEST $name: finally on way back home from $location";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wayhome", "1" );
my $currLongDiff = 0;
my $currLatDiff = 0;
$currLongDiff =
maxNum( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastLocationLong", 0 ), $currLong ) -
minNum( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastLocationLong", 0 ), $currLong )
if ( $currLong ne "-" );
$currLatDiff =
maxNum( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastLocationLat", 0 ), $currLat ) -
minNum( ReadingsVal( $name, "lastLocationLat", 0 ), $currLat )
if ( $currLat ne "-" );
if (
$trigger == 1
&& ( $stateChange > 0
|| ReadingsVal( $name, "lastLocation", "-" ) ne $currLocation
|| $currLongDiff > 0.00002
|| $currLatDiff > 0.00002 )
Log3 $name, 5, "GUEST $name: archiving last known location";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastLocationLat", $currLat );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastLocationLong", $currLong );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastLocationAddr", $currAddr )
if ( $currAddr ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "lastLocation", $currLocation );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "locationLat", $lat );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "locationLong", $long );
if ( $address ne "" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "locationAddr", $address );
elsif ( $currAddr ne "" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "locationAddr", "-" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "location", $location );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# trigger state change
if ( $stateChange > 0 ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"GUEST $name: implicit state change caused by location " . $location;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "state", "home" )
if $stateChange == 1;
GUEST_Set( $hash, $name, "silentSet", "state", "absent" )
if $stateChange == 2;
sub GUEST_StartInternalTimers($$) {
my ($hash) = @_;
=item helper
=item summary special virtual device to represent a guest of your home
=item summary_DE spezielles virtuelles Device, welches einen Gast zu Hause repr&auml;sentiert
=begin html
<a name="GUEST" id="GUEST"></a>
<a name="GUESTdefine" id="GUESTdefine"></a> <b>Define</b>
<code>define &lt;rg_GuestName&gt; GUEST [&lt;device name(s) of resident group(s)&gt;]</code><br>
Provides a special virtual device to represent a guest of your home.<br>
Based on the current state and other readings, you may trigger other actions within FHEM.<br>
Used by superior module <a href="#RESIDENTS">RESIDENTS</a> but may also be used stand-alone.<br>
<br />
Use comma separated list of resident device names for multi-membership (see example below).<br />
<code># Standalone<br>
define rg_Guest GUEST<br>
# Typical group member<br>
define rg_Guest GUEST rgr_Residents # to be member of resident group rgr_Residents<br>
# Member of multiple groups<br>
define rg_Guest GUEST rgr_Residents,rgr_Guests # to be member of resident group rgr_Residents and rgr_Guests</code>
Please note the RESIDENTS group device needs to be existing before a GUEST device can become a member of it.
<a name="GUESTset" id="GUESTset"></a> <b>Set</b>
<code>set &lt;rg_GuestName&gt; &lt;command&gt; [&lt;parameter&gt;]</code><br>
Currently, the following commands are defined.<br>
<b>location</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; sets reading 'location'; see attribute rg_locations to adjust list shown in FHEMWEB
<b>mood</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; sets reading 'mood'; see attribute rg_moods to adjust list shown in FHEMWEB
<b>state</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;home,gotosleep,asleep,awoken,absent,none&nbsp;&nbsp; switch between states; see attribute rg_states to adjust list shown in FHEMWEB
<li><i>locationMap</i>&nbsp;&nbsp; add a pre-configured weblink device using showing a Google Map if readings locationLat+locationLong are present.</li>
<li><i>wakeuptimer</i>&nbsp;&nbsp; add several pre-configurations provided by RESIDENTS Toolkit. See separate section in <a href="#RESIDENTS">RESIDENTS module commandref</a> for details.</li>
<u>Note:</u> If you would like to restrict access to admin set-commands (-> create) you may set your FHEMWEB instance's attribute allowedCommands like 'set,set-user'.
The string 'set-user' will ensure only non-admin set-commands can be executed when accessing FHEM using this FHEMWEB instance.
<u>Possible states and their meaning</u><br>
This module differs between 6 states:<br>
<b>home</b> - individual is present at home and awake
<b>gotosleep</b> - individual is on it's way to bed
<b>asleep</b> - individual is currently sleeping
<b>awoken</b> - individual just woke up from sleep
<b>absent</b> - individual is not present at home but will be back shortly
<b>none</b> - guest device is disabled
<u>Presence correlation to location</u><br>
Under specific circumstances, changing state will automatically change reading 'location' as well.<br>
Whenever presence state changes from 'absent' to 'present', the location is set to 'home'. If attribute rg_locationHome was defined, first location from it will be used as home location.<br>
Whenever presence state changes from 'present' to 'absent', the location is set to 'underway'. If attribute rg_locationUnderway was defined, first location from it will be used as underway location.
<u>Auto Gone</u><br>
Whenever an individual is set to 'absent', a trigger is started to automatically change state to 'gone' after a specific timeframe.<br>
Default value is 16 hours.<br>
This behaviour can be customized by attribute rg_autoGoneAfter.
<u>Synchronizing presence with other ROOMMATE or GUEST devices</u><br>
If you always leave or arrive at your house together with other roommates or guests, you may enable a synchronization of your presence state for certain individuals.<br>
By setting attribute rg_passPresenceTo, those individuals will follow your presence state changes to 'home', 'absent' or 'gone' as you do them with your own device.<br>
Please note that individuals with current state 'none' or 'gone' (in case of roommates) will not be touched.
<u>Location correlation to state</u><br>
Under specific circumstances, changing location will have an effect on the actual state as well.<br>
Whenever location is set to 'home', the state is set to 'home' if prior presence state was 'absent'. If attribute rg_locationHome was defined, all of those locations will trigger state change to 'home' as well.<br>
Whenever location is set to 'underway', the state is set to 'absent' if prior presence state was 'present'. If attribute rg_locationUnderway was defined, all of those locations will trigger state change to 'absent' as well. Those locations won't appear in reading 'lastLocation'.<br>
Whenever location is set to 'wayhome', the reading 'wayhome' is set to '1' if current presence state is 'absent'. If attribute rg_locationWayhome was defined, LEAVING one of those locations will set reading 'wayhome' to '1' as well. So you actually have implicit and explicit options to trigger wayhome.<br>
Arriving at home will reset the value of 'wayhome' to '0'.<br>
If you are using the <a href="#GEOFANCY">GEOFANCY</a> module, you can easily have your location updated with GEOFANCY events by defining a simple NOTIFY-trigger like this:<br>
<code>define n_rg_Guest.location notify geofancy:currLoc_Guest.* set rg_Guest:FILTER=location!=$EVTPART1 location $EVTPART1</code><br>
By defining geofencing zones called 'home' and 'wayhome' in the iOS app, you automatically get all the features of automatic state changes described above.
<a name="GUESTattr" id="GUESTattr"></a> <b>Attributes</b><br>
<b>rg_autoGoneAfter</b> - hours after which state should be auto-set to 'gone' when current state is 'absent'; defaults to 16 hours
<b>rg_geofenceUUIDs</b> - comma separated list of device UUIDs updating their location via <a href="#GEOFANCY">GEOFANCY</a>. Avoids necessity for additional notify/DOIF/watchdog devices and can make GEOFANCY attribute <i>devAlias</i> obsolete. (using more than one UUID/device might not be a good idea as location my leap)
<b>rg_locationHome</b> - locations matching these will be treated as being at home; first entry reflects default value to be used with state correlation; separate entries by space; defaults to 'home'
<b>rg_locationUnderway</b> - locations matching these will be treated as being underway; first entry reflects default value to be used with state correlation; separate entries by comma or space; defaults to "underway"
<b>rg_locationWayhome</b> - leaving a location matching these will set reading wayhome to 1; separate entries by space; defaults to "wayhome"
<b>rg_locations</b> - list of locations to be shown in FHEMWEB; separate entries by comma only and do NOT use spaces
<b>rg_moodDefault</b> - the mood that should be set after arriving at home or changing state from awoken to home
<b>rg_moodSleepy</b> - the mood that should be set if state was changed to gotosleep or awoken
<b>rg_moods</b> - list of moods to be shown in FHEMWEB; separate entries by comma only and do NOT use spaces
<b>rg_noDuration</b> - may be used to disable duration timer calculation (see readings durTimer*)
<b>rg_passPresenceTo</b> - synchronize presence state with other GUEST or GUEST devices; separte devices by space
<b>rg_realname</b> - whenever GUEST wants to use the realname it uses the value of attribute alias or group; defaults to group
<b>rg_showAllStates</b> - states 'asleep' and 'awoken' are hidden by default to allow simple gotosleep process via devStateIcon; defaults to 0
<b>rg_states</b> - list of states to be shown in FHEMWEB; separate entries by comma only and do NOT use spaces; unsupported states will lead to errors though
<b>rg_wakeupDevice</b> - reference to enslaved DUMMY devices used as a wake-up timer (part of RESIDENTS Toolkit's wakeuptimer)
<b>Generated Readings/Events:</b><br>
<b>durTimerAbsence</b> - timer to show the duration of absence from home in human readable format (hours:minutes:seconds)
<b>durTimerAbsence_cr</b> - timer to show the duration of absence from home in computer readable format (minutes)
<b>durTimerPresence</b> - timer to show the duration of presence at home in human readable format (hours:minutes:seconds)
<b>durTimerPresence_cr</b> - timer to show the duration of presence at home in computer readable format (minutes)
<b>durTimerSleep</b> - timer to show the duration of sleep in human readable format (hours:minutes:seconds)
<b>durTimerSleep_cr</b> - timer to show the duration of sleep in computer readable format (minutes)
<b>lastArrival</b> - timestamp of last arrival at home
<b>lastAwake</b> - timestamp of last sleep cycle end
<b>lastDeparture</b> - timestamp of last departure from home
<b>lastDurAbsence</b> - duration of last absence from home in human readable format (hours:minutes:seconds)
<b>lastDurAbsence_cr</b> - duration of last absence from home in computer readable format (minutes)
<b>lastDurPresence</b> - duration of last presence at home in human readable format (hours:minutes:seconds)
<b>lastDurPresence_cr</b> - duration of last presence at home in computer readable format (minutes)
<b>lastDurSleep</b> - duration of last sleep in human readable format (hours:minutes:seconds)
<b>lastDurSleep_cr</b> - duration of last sleep in computer readable format (minutes)
<b>lastLocation</b> - the prior location
<b>lastMood</b> - the prior mood
<b>lastSleep</b> - timestamp of last sleep cycle begin
<b>lastState</b> - the prior state
<b>lastWakeup</b> - time of last wake-up timer run
<b>lastWakeupDev</b> - device name of last wake-up timer
<b>location</b> - the current location
<b>mood</b> - the current mood
<b>nextWakeup</b> - time of next wake-up program run
<b>nextWakeupDev</b> - device name for next wake-up program run
<b>presence</b> - reflects the home presence state, depending on value of reading 'state' (can be 'present' or 'absent')
<b>state</b> - reflects the current state
<b>wakeup</b> - becomes '1' while a wake-up program of this resident is being executed
<b>wayhome</b> - depending on current location, it can become '1' if individual is on his/her way back home
The following readings will be set to '-' if state was changed to 'none':<br>
lastArrival, lastDurAbsence, lastLocation, lastMood, location, mood
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="GUEST" id="GUEST"></a>
<a name="GUESTdefine" id="GUESTdefine"></a> <b>Define</b>
<code>define &lt;rg_FirstName&gt; GUEST [&lt;Device Name(n) der Bewohnergruppe(n)&gt;]</code><br>
Stellt ein spezielles virtuelles Device bereit, welches einen Gast zu Hause repr&auml;sentiert.<br>
Basierend auf dem aktuellen Status und anderen Readings k&ouml;nnen andere Aktionen innerhalb von FHEM angestoßen werden.<br>
Wird vom &uuml;bergeordneten Modul <a href="#RESIDENTS">RESIDENTS</a> verwendet, kann aber auch einzeln benutzt werden.<br>
<br />
Bei Mitgliedschaft mehrerer Bewohnergruppen werden diese durch Komma getrennt angegeben (siehe Beispiel unten).<br />
<code># Einzeln<br>
define rg_Guest GUEST<br>
# Typisches Gruppenmitglied<br>
define rg_Guest GUEST rgr_Residents # um Mitglied der Gruppe rgr_Residents zu sein<br>
# Mitglied in mehreren Gruppen<br>
define rg_Guest GUEST rgr_Residents,rgr_Guests # um Mitglied der Gruppen rgr_Residents und rgr_Guests zu sein</code>
Bitte beachten, dass das RESIDENTS Gruppen Device zun&auml;chst angelegt werden muss, bevor ein GUEST Objekt dort Mitglied werden kann.
<a name="GUESTset" id="GUESTset"></a> <b>Set</b>
<code>set &lt;rg_FirstName&gt; &lt;command&gt; [&lt;parameter&gt;]</code><br>
Momentan sind die folgenden Kommandos definiert.<br>
<b>location</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; setzt das Reading 'location'; siehe auch Attribut rg_locations, um die in FHEMWEB angezeigte Liste anzupassen
<b>mood</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp; setzt das Reading 'mood'; siehe auch Attribut rg_moods, um die in FHEMWEB angezeigte Liste anzupassen
<b>state</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;home,gotosleep,asleep,awoken,absent,gone&nbsp;&nbsp; wechselt den Status; siehe auch Attribut rg_states, um die in FHEMWEB angezeigte Liste anzupassen
<li><i>locationMap</i>&nbsp;&nbsp; f&uuml;gt ein vorkonfiguriertes weblink Device hinzu, welches eine Google Map anzeigt, sofern die Readings locationLat+locationLong vorhanden sind.</li>
<li><i>wakeuptimer</i>&nbsp;&nbsp; f&uuml;gt diverse Vorkonfigurationen auf Basis von RESIDENTS Toolkit hinzu. Siehe separate Sektion in der <a href="#RESIDENTS">RESIDENTS Modul Kommandoreferenz</a>.</li>
<u>Hinweis:</u> Sofern der Zugriff auf administrative set-Kommandos (-> create) eingeschr&auml;nkt werden soll, kann in einer FHEMWEB Instanz das Attribut allowedCommands &auml;hnlich wie 'set,set-user' erweitert werden.
Die Zeichenfolge 'set-user' stellt dabei sicher, dass beim Zugriff auf FHEM &uuml;ber diese FHEMWEB Instanz nur nicht-administrative set-Kommandos ausgef&uuml;hrt werden k&ouml;nnen.
<u>M&ouml;gliche Status und ihre Bedeutung</u><br>
Dieses Modul unterscheidet 6 verschiedene Status:<br>
<b>home</b> - Mitbewohner ist zu Hause und wach
<b>gotosleep</b> - Mitbewohner ist auf dem Weg ins Bett
<b>asleep</b> - Mitbewohner schl&auml;ft
<b>awoken</b> - Mitbewohner ist gerade aufgewacht
<b>absent</b> - Mitbewohner ist momentan nicht zu Hause, wird aber bald zur&uuml;ck sein
<b>none</b> - Gast Device ist deaktiviert
<u>Zusammenhang zwischen Anwesenheit/Presence und Aufenthaltsort/Location</u><br>
Unter bestimmten Umst&auml;nden f&uuml;hrt der Wechsel des Status auch zu einer Änderung des Readings 'location'.<br>
Wannimmer die Anwesenheit (bzw. das Reading 'presence') von 'absent' auf 'present' wechselt, wird 'location' auf 'home' gesetzt. Sofern das Attribut rg_locationHome gesetzt ist, wird die erste Lokation daraus anstelle von 'home' verwendet.<br>
Wannimmer die Anwesenheit (bzw. das Reading 'presence') von 'present' auf 'absent' wechselt, wird 'location' auf 'underway' gesetzt. Sofern das Attribut rg_locationUnderway gesetzt ist, wird die erste Lokation daraus anstelle von 'underway' verwendet.
<u>Auto-Status 'gone'</u><br>
Immer wenn ein Mitbewohner auf 'absent' gesetzt wird, wird ein Z&auml;hler gestartet, der nach einer bestimmten Zeit den Status automatisch auf 'gone' setzt.<br>
Der Standard ist nach 16 Stunden.<br>
Dieses Verhalten kann &uuml;ber das Attribut rg_autoGoneAfter angepasst werden.
<u>Anwesenheit mit anderen GUEST oder ROOMMATE Devices synchronisieren</u><br>
Wenn Sie immer zusammen mit anderen Mitbewohnern oder G&auml;sten das Haus verlassen oder erreichen, k&ouml;nnen Sie ihren Status ganz einfach auf andere Mitbewohner &uuml;bertragen.<br>
Durch das Setzen des Attributs rg_PassPresenceTo folgen die dort aufgef&uuml;hrten Mitbewohner ihren eigenen Status&auml;nderungen nach 'home', 'absent' oder 'gone'.<br>
Bitte beachten, dass Mitbewohner mit dem aktuellen Status 'none' oder 'gone' (im Falle von ROOMMATE Devices) nicht beachtet werden.
<u>Zusammenhang zwischen Aufenthaltsort/Location und Anwesenheit/Presence</u><br>
Unter bestimmten Umst&auml;nden hat der Wechsel des Readings 'location' auch einen Einfluss auf den tats&auml;chlichen Status.<br>
Immer wenn eine Lokation mit dem Namen 'home' gesetzt wird, wird auch der Status auf 'home' gesetzt, sofern die Anwesenheit bis dahin noch auf 'absent' stand. Sofern das Attribut rg_locationHome gesetzt wurde, so l&ouml;sen alle dort angegebenen Lokationen einen Statuswechsel nach 'home' aus.<br>
Immer wenn eine Lokation mit dem Namen 'underway' gesetzt wird, wird auch der Status auf 'absent' gesetzt, sofern die Anwesenheit bis dahin noch auf 'present' stand. Sofern das Attribut rg_locationUnderway gesetzt wurde, so l&ouml;sen alle dort angegebenen Lokationen einen Statuswechsel nach 'underway' aus. Diese Lokationen werden auch nicht in das Reading 'lastLocation' &uuml;bertragen.<br>
Immer wenn eine Lokation mit dem Namen 'wayhome' gesetzt wird, wird das Reading 'wayhome' auf '1' gesetzt, sofern die Anwesenheit zu diesem Zeitpunkt 'absent' ist. Sofern das Attribut rg_locationWayhome gesetzt wurde, so f&uuml;hrt das VERLASSEN einer dort aufgef&uuml;hrten Lokation ebenfalls dazu, dass das Reading 'wayhome' auf '1' gesetzt wird. Es gibt also 2 M&ouml;glichkeiten den Nach-Hause-Weg-Indikator zu beeinflussen (implizit und explizit).<br>
Die Ankunft zu Hause setzt den Wert von 'wayhome' zur&uuml;ck auf '0'.<br>
Wenn Sie auch das <a href="#GEOFANCY">GEOFANCY</a> Modul verwenden, k&ouml;nnen Sie das Reading 'location' ganz einfach &uuml;ber GEOFANCY Ereignisse aktualisieren lassen. Definieren Sie dazu einen NOTIFY-Trigger wie diesen:<br>
<code>define n_rg_Manfred.location notify geofancy:currLoc_Manfred.* set rg_Manfred:FILTER=location!=$EVTPART1 location $EVTPART1</code><br>
Durch das Anlegen von Geofencing-Zonen mit den Namen 'home' und 'wayhome' in der iOS App werden zuk&uuml;nftig automatisch alle Status&auml;nderungen wie oben beschrieben durchgef&uuml;hrt.
<a name="GUESTattr" id="GUESTattr"></a> <b>Attribute</b><br>
<b>rg_autoGoneAfter</b> - Anzahl der Stunden, nach denen sich der Status automatisch auf 'gone' &auml;ndert, wenn der aktuellen Status 'absent' ist; Standard ist 36 Stunden
<b>rg_geofenceUUIDs</b> - Mit Komma getrennte Liste von Ger&auml;te UUIDs, die ihren Standort &uuml;ber <a href="#GEOFANCY">GEOFANCY</a> aktualisieren. Vermeidet zus&auml;tzliche notify/DOIF/watchdog Ger&auml;te und kann als Ersatz f&uuml;r das GEOFANCY attribute <i>devAlias</i> dienen. (hier ehr als eine UUID/Device zu hinterlegen ist eher keine gute Idee da die Lokation dann wom&ouml;glich anf&auml;ngt zu springen)
<b>rg_locationHome</b> - hiermit &uuml;bereinstimmende Lokationen werden als zu Hause gewertet; der erste Eintrag wird f&uuml;r das Zusammenspiel bei Status&auml;nderungen benutzt; mehrere Eintr&auml;ge durch Leerzeichen trennen; Standard ist 'home'
<b>rg_locationUnderway</b> - hiermit &uuml;bereinstimmende Lokationen werden als unterwegs gewertet; der erste Eintrag wird f&uuml;r das Zusammenspiel bei Status&auml;nderungen benutzt; mehrere Eintr&auml;ge durch Leerzeichen trennen; Standard ist 'underway'
<b>rg_locationWayhome</b> - das Verlassen einer Lokation, die hier aufgef&uuml;hrt ist, l&auml;sst das Reading 'wayhome' auf '1' setzen; mehrere Eintr&auml;ge durch Leerzeichen trennen; Standard ist "wayhome"
<b>rg_locations</b> - Liste der in FHEMWEB anzuzeigenden Lokationsauswahlliste in FHEMWEB; mehrere Eintr&auml;ge nur durch Komma trennen und KEINE Leerzeichen verwenden
<b>rg_moodDefault</b> - die Stimmung, die nach Ankunft zu Hause oder nach dem Statuswechsel von 'awoken' auf 'home' gesetzt werden soll
<b>rg_moodSleepy</b> - die Stimmung, die nach Statuswechsel zu 'gotosleep' oder 'awoken' gesetzt werden soll
<b>rg_moods</b> - Liste von Stimmungen, wie sie in FHEMWEB angezeigt werden sollen; mehrere Eintr&auml;ge nur durch Komma trennen und KEINE Leerzeichen verwenden
<b>rg_noDuration</b> - deaktiviert die Berechnung der Zeitspannen (siehe Readings durTimer*)
<b>rg_passPresenceTo</b> - synchronisiere die Anwesenheit mit anderen GUEST oder ROOMMATE Devices; mehrere Devices durch Leerzeichen trennen
<b>rg_realname</b> - wo immer GUEST den richtigen Namen verwenden m&ouml;chte nutzt es den Wert des Attributs alias oder group; Standard ist group
<b>rg_showAllStates</b> - die Status 'asleep' und 'awoken' sind normalerweise nicht immer sichtbar, um einen einfachen Zubettgeh-Prozess &uuml;ber das devStateIcon Attribut zu erm&ouml;glichen; Standard ist 0
<b>rg_states</b> - Liste aller in FHEMWEB angezeigter Status; Eintrage nur mit Komma trennen und KEINE Leerzeichen benutzen; nicht unterst&uuml;tzte Status f&uuml;hren zu Fehlern
<b>rg_wakeupDevice</b> - Referenz zu versklavten DUMMY Ger&auml;ten, welche als Wecker benutzt werden (Teil von RESIDENTS Toolkit's wakeuptimer)
<b>Generierte Readings/Events:</b><br>
<b>durTimerAbsence</b> - Timer, der die Dauer der Abwesenheit in normal lesbarem Format anzeigt (Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden)
<b>durTimerAbsence_cr</b> - Timer, der die Dauer der Abwesenheit in Computer lesbarem Format anzeigt (Minuten)
<b>durTimerPresence</b> - Timer, der die Dauer der Anwesenheit in normal lesbarem Format anzeigt (Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden)
<b>durTimerPresence_cr</b> - Timer, der die Dauer der Anwesenheit in Computer lesbarem Format anzeigt (Minuten)
<b>durTimerSleep</b> - Timer, der die Schlafdauer in normal lesbarem Format anzeigt (Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden)
<b>durTimerSleep_cr</b> - Timer, der die Schlafdauer in Computer lesbarem Format anzeigt (Minuten)
<b>lastArrival</b> - Zeitstempel der letzten Ankunft zu Hause
<b>lastAwake</b> - Zeitstempel des Endes des letzten Schlafzyklus
<b>lastDeparture</b> - Zeitstempel des letzten Verlassens des Zuhauses
<b>lastDurAbsence</b> - Dauer der letzten Abwesenheit in normal lesbarem Format (Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden)
<b>lastDurAbsence_cr</b> - Dauer der letzten Abwesenheit in Computer lesbarem Format (Minuten)
<b>lastDurPresence</b> - Dauer der letzten Anwesenheit in normal lesbarem Format (Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden)
<b>lastDurPresence_cr</b> - Dauer der letzten Anwesenheit in Computer lesbarem Format (Minuten)
<b>lastDurSleep</b> - Dauer des letzten Schlafzyklus in normal lesbarem Format (Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden)
<b>lastDurSleep_cr</b> - Dauer des letzten Schlafzyklus in Computer lesbarem Format (Minuten)
<b>lastLocation</b> - der vorherige Aufenthaltsort
<b>lastMood</b> - die vorherige Stimmung
<b>lastSleep</b> - Zeitstempel des Beginns des letzten Schlafzyklus
<b>lastState</b> - der vorherige Status
<b>lastWakeup</b> - Zeit der letzten Wake-up Timer Ausf&uuml;hring
<b>lastWakeupDev</b> - Device Name des zuletzt verwendeten Wake-up Timers
<b>location</b> - der aktuelle Aufenthaltsort
<b>mood</b> - die aktuelle Stimmung
<b>nextWakeup</b> - Zeit der n&auml;chsten Wake-up Timer Ausf&uuml;hrung
<b>nextWakeupDev</b> - Device Name des als n&auml;chstes ausgef&auml;hrten Wake-up Timer
<b>presence</b> - gibt den zu Hause Status in Abh&auml;ngigkeit des Readings 'state' wieder (kann 'present' oder 'absent' sein)
<b>state</b> - gibt den aktuellen Status wieder
<b>wakeup</b> - hat den Wert '1' w&auml;hrend ein Weckprogramm dieses Bewohners ausgef&uuml;hrt wird
<b>wayhome</b> - abh&auml;ngig vom aktullen Aufenthaltsort, kann der Wert '1' werden, wenn die Person auf dem weg zur&uuml;ck nach Hause ist
Die folgenden Readings werden auf '-' gesetzt, sobald der Status auf 'none' steht:<br>
lastArrival, lastDurAbsence, lastLocation, lastMood, location, mood
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