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# $Id$
# 57_Calendar.pm
# Copyright by Dr. Boris Neubert
# e-mail: omega at online dot de
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
package main;
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
# *** Potential isses:
# There might be issues when turning to daylight saving time and back that
# need further investigation. For reference please see
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=18707
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=15827
# modeStarted triggered on calendar update
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=28516
# take care of unitialized value warnings
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=28409
# *** Potential future extensions:
# add support for EXDATE
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=24485
# nonblocking retrieval
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=29622
# sequence of events fired sorted by time
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=29112
# document ownCloud ical use
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=28667
# ICal
# the ical format is governed by RFC2445 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt
package ICal::Entry;
sub new {
my $class= shift;
my ($type)= @_;
my $self= {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{type}= $type;
$self->{entries}= [];
#main::Debug "NEW: $type";
sub addproperty {
my ($self,$line)= @_;
# contentline = name *(";" param ) ":" value CRLF [Page 13]
# example:
#main::Debug "line=\'$line\'";
# for DTSTART, DTEND there are several variants:
# DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20140205T183600
# * DTSTART;TZID="(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna":20140904T180000
# DTSTART:20140211T212000Z
my ($key,$parts,$parameter);
if($line =~ /^([\w\d\-]+)(;(.*))?:(.*)$/) {
$key= $1;
$parts= defined($3) ? $3 : "";
$parameter= defined($4) ? $4 : "";
} else {
return unless($key);
#main::Debug "-> key=\'$key\' parts=\'$parts\' parameter=\'$parameter\'";
if($key eq "EXDATE") {
push @{$self->{properties}{exdates}}, $parameter;
$self->{properties}{$key}= {
PARTS => "$parts",
VALUE => "$parameter"
#main::Debug "ADDPROPERTY: ". $self ." key= $key, parts= $parts, value= $parameter";
#main::Debug "WE ARE " . $self->{properties}{$key}{VALUE};
sub value {
my ($self,$key)= @_;
return $self->{properties}{$key}{VALUE};
sub parts {
my ($self,$key)= @_;
return split(";", $self->{properties}{$key}{PARTS});
sub parse {
my ($self,@ical)= @_;
$self->parseSub(0, @ical);
sub parseSub {
my ($self,$ln,@ical)= @_;
#main::Debug "ENTER @ $ln";
while($ln<$#ical) {
my $line= $ical[$ln];
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/[\x0D]$//; # chomp will not remove the CR
# check for and handle continuation lines (4.1 on page 12)
while($ln<$#ical) {
my $line1= $ical[$ln];
last unless($line1 =~ /^\s(.*)/);
$line.= $1;
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/[\x0D]$//; # chomp will not remove the CR
#main::Debug "$ln: $line";
next if($line eq ""); # ignore empty line
last if($line =~ m/^END:.*$/);
if($line =~ m/^BEGIN:(.*)$/) {
my $entry= ICal::Entry->new($1);
push @{$self->{entries}}, $entry;
$ln= $entry->parseSub($ln,@ical);
} else {
#main::Debug "BACK";
return $ln;
sub asString() {
my ($self,$level)= @_;
$level= "" unless(defined($level));
my $s= $level . $self->{type} . "\n";
$level .= " ";
for my $key (keys %{$self->{properties}}) {
$s.= $level . "$key: ". $self->value($key) . "\n";
my @entries= @{$self->{entries}};
for(my $i= 0; $i<=$#entries; $i++) {
$s.= $entries[$i]->asString($level);
return $s;
# Event
package Calendar::Event;
sub new {
my $class= shift;
my $self= {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{_state}= "";
$self->{_mode}= "undefined";
$self->{alarmTriggered}= 0;
$self->{startTriggered}= 0;
$self->{endTriggered}= 0;
sub uid {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{uid};
sub start {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{start};
sub setState {
my ($self,$state)= @_;
#main::Debug "Before setState $state: States(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousState} . " -> " . $self->{_state};
$self->{_previousState}= $self->{_state};
$self->{_state}= $state;
#main::Debug "After setState $state: States(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousState} . " -> " . $self->{_state};
return $state;
sub setMode {
my ($self,$mode)= @_;
$self->{_previousMode}= $self->{_mode};
$self->{_mode}= $mode;
#main::Debug "After setMode $mode: Modes(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousMode} . " -> " . $self->{_mode};
return $mode;
sub touch {
my ($self,$t)= @_;
$self->{_lastSeen}= $t;
return $t;
sub lastSeen {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{_lastSeen};
sub state {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{_state};
sub mode {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{_mode};
sub lastModified {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{lastModified};
sub isState {
my ($self,$state)= @_;
return $self->{_state} eq $state ? 1 : 0;
sub isNew {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("new");
sub isKnown {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("known");
sub isUpdated {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("updated");
sub isDeleted {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("deleted");
sub stateChanged {
my ($self)= @_;
#main::Debug "States(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousState} . " -> " . $self->{_state};
return $self->{_state} ne $self->{_previousState} ? 1 : 0;
sub modeChanged {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{_mode} ne $self->{_previousMode} ? 1 : 0;
# converts a date/time string to the number of non-leap seconds since the epoch
# 20120520T185202Z: date/time string in ISO8601 format, time zone GMT
# 20121129T222200: date/time string in ISO8601 format, time zone local
# 20120520: a date string has no time zone associated
sub tm {
my ($t)= @_;
return undef if(!$t);
#main::Debug "convert >$t<";
my ($year,$month,$day)= (substr($t,0,4), substr($t,4,2),substr($t,6,2));
if(length($t)>8) {
my ($hour,$minute,$second)= (substr($t,9,2), substr($t,11,2),substr($t,13,2));
my $z;
$z= substr($t,15,1) if(length($t) == 16);
#main::Debug "$day.$month.$year $hour:$minute:$second $z";
if($z) {
return main::fhemTimeGm($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month-1,$year-1900);
} else {
return main::fhemTimeLocal($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month-1,$year-1900);
} else {
#main::Debug "$day.$month.$year";
return main::fhemTimeLocal(0,0,0,$day,$month-1,$year-1900);
# dur-value = (["+"] / "-") "P" (dur-date / dur-time / dur-week)
# dur-date = dur-day [dur-time]
# dur-time = "T" (dur-hour / dur-minute / dur-second)
# dur-week = 1*DIGIT "W"
# dur-hour = 1*DIGIT "H" [dur-minute]
# dur-minute = 1*DIGIT "M" [dur-second]
# dur-second = 1*DIGIT "S"
# dur-day = 1*DIGIT "D"
# example: -P0DT0H30M0S
sub d {
my ($d)= @_;
#main::Debug "Duration $d";
my $sign= 1;
my $t= 0;
my @c= split("P", $d);
$sign= -1 if($c[0] eq "-");
my ($dw,$dt)= split("T", $c[1]);
$dt="" unless defined($dt);
if($dw =~ m/(\d+)D$/) {
$t+= 86400*$1; # days
} elsif($dw =~ m/(\d+)W$/) {
$t+= 604800*$1; # weeks
if($dt =~ m/(\d+)H/) {
$t+= $1*3600;
if($dt =~ m/(\d+)M/) {
$t+= $1*60;
if($dt =~ m/(\d+)S/) {
$t+= $1;
$t*= $sign;
#main::Debug "sign: $sign dw: $dw dt: $dt t= $t";
return $t;
sub dt {
my ($t0,$value,$parts)= @_;
#main::Debug "t0= $t0 parts= $parts value= $value";
if(defined($parts) && $parts =~ m/VALUE=DATE/) {
return tm($value);
} else {
return $t0+d($value);
sub ts {
my ($tm)= @_;
return "" unless($tm);
my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime($tm);
return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%4d %02d:%02d:%02d", $day,$month+1,$year+1900,$hour,$minute,$second);
sub ts0 {
my ($tm)= @_;
return "" unless($tm);
my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime($tm);
return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%2d %02d:%02d", $day,$month+1,$year-100,$hour,$minute);
sub fromVEvent {
my ($self,$vevent)= @_;
$self->{uid}= $vevent->value("UID");
$self->{uid}=~ s/\W//g; # remove all non-alphanumeric characters, this makes life easier for perl specials
$self->{start}= tm($vevent->value("DTSTART"));
if(defined($vevent->value("DTEND"))) {
$self->{end}= tm($vevent->value("DTEND"));
} elsif(defined($vevent->value("DURATION"))) {
$self->{end}= $self->{start} + d($vevent->value("DURATION"));
# we take the creation time if the last modification time is unavailable
if(defined($vevent->value("LAST-MODIFIED"))) {
$self->{lastModified}= tm($vevent->value("LAST-MODIFIED"));
#main::Debug "LAST-MOD: $self->{lastModified} ";
} else {
$self->{lastModified}= tm($vevent->value("DTSTAMP"));
#main::Debug "DTSTAMP: $self->{lastModified} ";
$self->{summary}= $vevent->value("SUMMARY");
$self->{location}= $vevent->value("LOCATION");
#Dates to exclude in reoccuring rule
my @exdate;
if(exists($vevent->{properties}{exdates})) {
foreach my $entry (@{$vevent->{properties}{exdates}}) {
my @ed = split(",", $entry);
@ed = map { tm($_) } @ed;
push @exdate, @ed;
#@exdate= split(",", $vevent->value("EXDATE")) if($vevent->value("EXDATE"));
#@exdate = map { tm($_) } @exdate;
$self->{exdate} = \@exdate;
#$self->{summary}=~ s/;/,/g;
# recurring events
# this part is under construction
# we have to think a lot about how to deal with the migration of states for recurring events
my $rrule= $vevent->value("RRULE");
if($rrule) {
my @rrparts= split(";", $rrule);
my %r= map { split("=", $_); } @rrparts;
foreach my $k (keys %r) {
if(not($k ~~ @keywords)) {
main::Log3 undef, 2, "Calendar: RRULE $rrule is not supported";
$self->{freq} = $r{"FREQ"};
#According to RFC, interval defaults to 1
$self->{interval} = exists($r{"INTERVAL"}) ? $r{"INTERVAL"} : 1;
$self->{until} = tm($r{"UNTIL"}) if(exists($r{"UNTIL"}));
$self->{count} = $r{"COUNT"} if(exists($r{"COUNT"}));
$self->{bymonthday} = $r{"BYMONTHDAY"} if(exists($r{"BYMONTHDAY"})); # stored but ignored
$self->{byday} = $r{"BYDAY"} if(exists($r{"BYDAY"})); # stored but ignored
$self->{bymonth} = $r{"BYMONTH"} if(exists($r{"BYMONTH"})); # stored but ignored
$self->{wkst} = $r{"WKST"} if(exists($r{"WKST"})); # stored but ignored
# advanceToNextOccurance until we are in the future
my $t = time();
while($self->{end} < $t and $self->advanceToNextOccurance()) { ; }
# alarms
my @valarms= grep { $_->{type} eq "VALARM" } @{$vevent->{entries}};
my @alarmtimes= sort map { dt($self->{start}, $_->value("TRIGGER"), $_->parts("TRIGGER")) } @valarms;
if(@alarmtimes) {
$self->{alarm}= $alarmtimes[0];
} else {
$self->{alarm}= undef;
# sub asString {
# my ($self)= @_;
# return sprintf("%s %s(%s);%s;%s;%s;%s",
# $self->state(),
# $self->{uid},
# ts($self->{lastModified}),
# $self->{alarm} ? ts($self->{alarm}) : "",
# ts($self->{start}),
# ts($self->{end}),
# $self->{summary}
# );
# }
sub summary {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{summary};
sub location {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{location};
sub asText {
my ($self)= @_;
return sprintf("%s %s",
sub asFull {
my ($self)= @_;
return sprintf("%s %7s %8s %s %s-%s %s %s",
$self->{alarm} ? ts($self->{alarm}) : " ",
sub alarmTime {
my ($self)= @_;
return ts($self->{alarm});
sub startTime {
my ($self)= @_;
return ts($self->{start});
sub endTime {
my ($self)= @_;
return ts($self->{end});
sub DSTOffset($$) {
my ($t1,$t2)= @_;
my @lt1 = localtime($t1);
my @lt2 = localtime($t2);
return 3600 *($lt1[8] - $lt2[8]);
# This function adds $n times $seconds to $t1 (seconds from the epoch).
# A correction of 3600 seconds (one hour) is applied if and only if
# one of $t1 and $t1+$n*$seconds falls into wintertime and the other
# into summertime. Thus, e.g., adding a multiple of 24*60*60 seconds
# to 5 o'clock always gives 5 o'clock and not 4 o'clock or 6 o'clock
# upon a change of summertime to wintertime or vice versa.
sub plusNSeconds($$$) {
my ($t1, $seconds, $n)= @_;
$n= 1 unless defined($n);
my $t2= $t1+$n*$seconds;
return $t2+DSTOffset($t1,$t2);
sub plusNMonths($$) {
my ($tm, $n)= @_;
my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime($tm);
#main::Debug "Adding $n months to $day.$month.$year $hour:$minute:$second= " . ts($tm);
$month+= $n;
$year+= int($month / 12);
$month %= 12;
#main::Debug " gives $day.$month.$year $hour:$minute:$second= " . ts(main::fhemTimeLocal($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year));
return main::fhemTimeLocal($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year);
sub advanceToNextOccurance {
my ($self) = @_;
# See RFC 2445 page 39 and following
return if(!exists($self->{freq})); #This event is not reoccuring
$self->{count}-- if(exists($self->{count})); # since we look for the next occurance we have to decrement count first
return if(exists($self->{count}) and $self->{count} <= 0); #We are already at the last occurance
my @weekdays = qw(SU MO TU WE TH FR SA);
#There are no leap seconds in epoch time
my $nextstart = $self->{start};
if($self->{freq} eq "SECONDLY") {
$nextstart = plusNSeconds($nextstart, 1, $self->{interval});
} elsif($self->{freq} eq "MINUTELY") {
$nextstart = plusNSeconds($nextstart, 60, $self->{interval});
} elsif($self->{freq} eq "HOURLY") {
$nextstart = plusNSeconds($nextstart, 60*60, $self->{interval});
} elsif($self->{freq} eq "DAILY") {
$nextstart = plusNSeconds($nextstart, 24*60*60, $self->{interval});
} elsif($self->{freq} eq "WEEKLY") {
# special handling for WEEKLY and BYDAY
if(exists($self->{byday})) {
# this fails for intervals > 1
# BYDAY with prefix (e.g. -1SU or 2MO) is not recognized
# BYDAY with list (e.g. SU,TU,TH) is not recognized
my ($msec, $mmin, $mhour, $mday, $mmon, $myear, $mwday, $yday, $isdat);
my $preventloop = 0;
do {
$nextstart = plusNSeconds($nextstart, 24*60*60, $self->{interval});
($msec, $mmin, $mhour, $mday, $mmon, $myear, $mwday, $yday, $isdat) = gmtime($nextstart);
$preventloop ++;
} while(index($self->{byday}, $weekdays[$mwday]) == -1 and $preventloop < 10);
else {
# default WEEKLY handling
$nextstart = plusNSeconds($nextstart, 7*24*60*60, $self->{interval});
} elsif($self->{freq} eq "MONTHLY") {
# here we ignore BYMONTHDAY as we consider the day of month of $self->{start}
# to be equal to BYMONTHDAY.
$nextstart= plusNMonths($nextstart, $self->{interval});
} elsif($self->{freq} eq "YEARLY") {
$nextstart= plusNMonths($nextstart, 12*$self->{interval});
} else {
main::Log3 undef, 1, "Calendar: event frequency '" . $self->{freq} . "' not implemented";
# Loop if nextstart is in the "dates to exclude"
} while(exists($self->{exdate}) and ($nextstart ~~ $self->{exdate}));
#the UNTIL clause is inclusive, so $newt == $self->{until} is okey
return if(exists($self->{until}) and $nextstart > $self->{until});
my $duration = $self->{end} - $self->{start};
$self->{start} = $nextstart;
$self->{end} = $self->{start} + $duration;
main::Log3 undef, 5, "Next time of $self->{summary} is: start " . ts($self->{"start"}) . ", end " . ts($self->{"end"});
return 1;
# returns 1 if time is before alarm time and before start time, else 0
sub isUpcoming {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
return 0 if($self->isDeleted());
if($self->{alarm}) {
return $t< $self->{alarm} ? 1 : 0;
} else {
return $t< $self->{start} ? 1 : 0;
# returns 1 if time is between alarm time and start time, else 0
sub isAlarmed {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
return 0 if($self->isDeleted());
return $self->{alarm} ?
(($self->{alarm}<= $t && $t< $self->{start}) ? 1 : 0) : 0;
# return 1 if time is between start time and end time, else 0
sub isStarted {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
return 0 if($self->isDeleted());
return 0 unless(defined($self->{start}));
return 0 if($t < $self->{start});
if(defined($self->{end})) {
return 0 if($t>= $self->{end});
return 1;
sub isEnded {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
return 0 if($self->isDeleted());
return 0 unless(defined($self->{end}));
return $self->{end}<= $t ? 1 : 0;
sub nextTime {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
my @times= ( );
push @times, $self->{start} if(defined($self->{start}));
push @times, $self->{end} if(defined($self->{end}));
unshift @times, $self->{alarm} if($self->{alarm});
@times= sort grep { $_ > $t } @times;
# main::Debug "Calendar: " . $self->asFull();
# main::Debug "Calendar: Start " . main::FmtDateTime($self->{start});
# main::Debug "Calendar: End " . main::FmtDateTime($self->{end});
# main::Debug "Calendar: Alarm " . main::FmtDateTime($self->{alarm}) if($self->{alarm});
# main::Debug "Calendar: times[0] " . main::FmtDateTime($times[0]);
# main::Debug "Calendar: times[1] " . main::FmtDateTime($times[1]);
# main::Debug "Calendar: times[2] " . main::FmtDateTime($times[2]);
if(@times) {
return $times[0];
} else {
return undef;
# Events
package Calendar::Events;
sub new {
my $class= shift;
my $self= {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{events}= {};
sub uids {
my ($self)= @_;
return keys %{$self->{events}};
sub events {
my ($self)= @_;
return values %{$self->{events}};
sub event {
my ($self,$uid)= @_;
return $self->{events}{$uid};
sub setEvent {
my ($self,$event)= @_;
$self->{events}{$event->uid()}= $event;
sub deleteEvent {
my ($self,$uid)= @_;
delete $self->{events}{$uid};
# sub ts {
# my ($tm)= @_;
# my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime($tm);
# return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%4d %02d:%02d:%02d", $day,$month+1,$year+1900,$hour,$minute,$second);
# }
sub updateFromCalendar {
my ($self,$calendar,$removeall)= @_;
my $t= time();
my $uid;
my $event;
# we first remove all elements which were previously marked for deletion
foreach $event ($self->events()) {
if($event->isDeleted() || $removeall) {
# we iterate over the VEVENTs in the calendar
my @vevents= grep { $_->{type} eq "VEVENT" } @{$calendar->{entries}};
foreach my $vevent (@vevents) {
# convert event to entry
my $event= Calendar::Event->new();
$uid= $event->uid();
#main::Debug "Processing event $uid.";
#foreach my $ee ($self->events()) {
# main::Debug $ee->asFull();
if(defined($self->event($uid))) {
# the event already exists
#main::Debug "Event $uid already exists.";
$event->setState($self->event($uid)->state()); # copy the state from the existing event
$event->setMode($self->event($uid)->mode()); # copy the mode from the existing event
#main::Debug "Our lastModified: " . ts($self->event($uid)->lastModified());
#main::Debug "New lastModified: " . ts($event->lastModified());
defined($self->event($uid)->lastModified()) &&
defined($event->lastModified()) &&
($self->event($uid)->lastModified() != $event->lastModified())
) {
#main::Debug "We set it to updated.";
} else {
# new events that have ended are omitted
if($event->state() ne "new" || !$event->isEnded($t)) {
# untouched elements get marked as deleted
foreach $event ($self->events()) {
if($event->lastSeen() != $t) {
package main;
sub Calendar_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "Calendar_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Calendar_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Calendar_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Calendar_Set";
$hash->{AttrList}= $readingFnAttributes;
sub Calendar_Wakeup($$) {
my ($hash,$removeall) = @_;
my $t= time();
Log3 $hash, 4, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Wakeup";
Calendar_GetUpdate($hash,$removeall) if($t>= $hash->{fhem}{nxtUpdtTs});
$hash->{fhem}{lastChkTs}= $t;
$hash->{fhem}{lastCheck}= FmtDateTime($t);
# find next event
my $nt= $hash->{fhem}{nxtUpdtTs};
foreach my $event ($hash->{fhem}{events}->events()) {
next if $event->isDeleted();
my $et= $event->nextTime($t);
# we only consider times in the future to avoid multiple
# invocations for calendar events with the event time
$nt= $et if(defined($et) && ($et< $nt) && ($et > $t));
$hash->{fhem}{nextChkTs}= $nt;
$hash->{fhem}{nextCheck}= FmtDateTime($nt);
InternalTimer($nt, "Calendar_Wakeup", $hash, 0) ;
sub Calendar_CheckTimes($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $eventsObj= $hash->{fhem}{events};
my $t= time();
Log3 $hash, 4, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Checking times...";
# we now run over all events and update the readings
my @allevents= $eventsObj->events();
my @endedevents= grep { $_->isEnded($t) } @allevents;
foreach (@endedevents) { $_->advanceToNextOccurance(); }
my @upcomingevents= grep { $_->isUpcoming($t) } @allevents;
my @alarmedevents= grep { $_->isAlarmed($t) } @allevents;
my @startedevents= grep { $_->isStarted($t) } @allevents;
my $event;
#main::Debug "Updating modes...";
foreach $event (@upcomingevents) { $event->setMode("upcoming"); }
foreach $event (@alarmedevents) { $event->setMode("alarm"); }
foreach $event (@startedevents) { $event->setMode("start"); }
foreach $event (@endedevents) { $event->setMode("end"); }
my @changedevents= grep { $_->modeChanged() } @allevents;
my @upcoming= sort map { $_->uid() } @upcomingevents;
my @alarm= sort map { $_->uid() } @alarmedevents;
my @alarmed= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->modeChanged() } @alarmedevents;
my @start= sort map { $_->uid() } @startedevents;
my @started= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->modeChanged() } @startedevents;
my @end= sort map { $_->uid() } @endedevents;
my @ended= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->modeChanged() } @endedevents;
my @changed= sort map { $_->uid() } @changedevents;
readingsBeginUpdate($hash); # clears all events in CHANGED, thus must be called first
# we create one fhem event for one changed calendar event
map { addEvent($hash, "changed: " . $_->uid() . " " . $_->mode() ); } @changedevents;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastCheck", $hash->{fhem}{lastCheck});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeUpcoming", join(";", @upcoming));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeAlarm", join(";", @alarm));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeAlarmed", join(";", @alarmed));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeAlarmOrStart", join(";", @alarm,@start));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeChanged", join(";", @changed));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeStart", join(";", @start));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeStarted", join(";", @started));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeEnd", join(";", @end));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modeEnded", join(";", @ended));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # DoTrigger, because sub is called by a timer instead of dispatch
sub Calendar_GetUpdate($$) {
my ($hash,$removeall) = @_;
my $t= time();
$hash->{fhem}{lstUpdtTs}= $t;
$hash->{fhem}{lastUpdate}= FmtDateTime($t);
$t+= $hash->{fhem}{interval};
$hash->{fhem}{nxtUpdtTs}= $t;
$hash->{fhem}{nextUpdate}= FmtDateTime($t);
$hash->{STATE}= "No data";
Log3 $hash, 4, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Updating...";
my $type = $hash->{fhem}{type};
my $url= $hash->{fhem}{url};
my $errmsg= "";
my $ics;
if($type eq "url"){
#$ics= GetFileFromURLQuiet($url,10,undef,0,5) if($type eq "url");
($errmsg, $ics)= HttpUtils_BlockingGet( { url => $url, hideurl => 1, timeout => 10, } );
} elsif($type eq "file") {
if(open(ICSFILE, $url)) {
while(<ICSFILE>) {
$ics .= $_;
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Could not open file $url";
return 0;
} else {
# this case never happens by virtue of _Define, so just
die "Software Error";
if(!defined($ics) or ("$ics" eq "") or ($errmsg ne "")) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Could not retrieve file at URL. $errmsg";
return 0;
# we parse the calendar into a recursive ICal::Entry structure
my $ical= ICal::Entry->new("root");
#main::Debug "*** Result:\n";
#main::Debug $ical->asString();
my @entries= @{$ical->{entries}};
if($#entries<0) {
eval { require Compress::Zlib; };
if($@) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Maybe gzip data, but cannot load Compress::Zlib";
else {
$ics = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($ics);
@entries= @{$ical->{entries}};
if($#entries<0) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Not an ical file at URL";
$hash->{STATE}= "Not an ical file at URL";
return 0;
my $root= @{$ical->{entries}}[0];
my $calname= "?";
if($root->{type} ne "VCALENDAR") {
Log3 $hash, 1, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": Root element is not a VCALENDAR";
$hash->{STATE}= "Root element is not a VCALENDAR";
return 0;
} else {
$calname= $root->value("X-WR-CALNAME");
$hash->{STATE}= "Active";
# we now create the events from it
#main::Debug "Creating events...";
my $eventsObj= $hash->{fhem}{events};
$hash->{fhem}{events}= $eventsObj;
# we now update the readings
my @allevents= $eventsObj->events();
my @all= sort map { $_->uid() } @allevents;
my @new= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isNew() } @allevents;
my @updated= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isUpdated() } @allevents;
my @deleted = sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isDeleted() } @allevents;
my @changed= sort (@new, @updated, @deleted);
#$hash->{STATE}= $val;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "calname", $calname);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastUpdate", $hash->{fhem}{lastUpdate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "all", join(";", @all));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "stateNew", join(";", @new));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "stateUpdated", join(";", @updated));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "stateDeleted", join(";", @deleted));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "stateChanged", join(";", @changed));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # DoTrigger, because sub is called by a timer instead of dispatch
return 1;
sub Calendar_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $cmd= $a[1];
$cmd= "?" unless($cmd);
# usage check
if((@a == 2) && ($a[1] eq "update")) {
$hash->{fhem}{nxtUpdtTs}= 0; # force update
return undef;
} elsif((@a == 2) && ($a[1] eq "reload")) {
$hash->{fhem}{nxtUpdtTs}= 0; # force update
Calendar_Wakeup($hash,1); # remove all events before update
return undef;
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg reload:noArg";
sub Calendar_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $eventsObj= $hash->{fhem}{events};
my @events;
my $cmd= $a[1];
$cmd= "?" unless($cmd);
my @cmds2= qw/text full summary location alarm start end/;
if($cmd ~~ @cmds2) {
return "argument is missing" if($#a < 2);
my $reading= $a[2];
# $reading is alarmed, all, changed, deleted, new, started, updated
# if $reading does not match any of these it is assumed to be a uid
if(defined($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})) {
@events= grep { my $uid= $_->uid(); $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL} =~ m/$uid/ } $eventsObj->events();
} else {
@events= grep { $_->uid() eq $reading } $eventsObj->events();
my @texts;
if(@events) {
foreach my $event (sort { $a->start() <=> $b->start() } @events) {
push @texts, $event->asText() if $cmd eq "text";
push @texts, $event->asFull() if $cmd eq "full";
push @texts, $event->summary() if $cmd eq "summary";
push @texts, $event->location() if $cmd eq "location";
push @texts, $event->alarmTime() if $cmd eq "alarm";
push @texts, $event->startTime() if $cmd eq "start";
push @texts, $event->endTime() if $cmd eq "end";
if(defined($a[3])) {
my $keep= $a[3];
return "Argument $keep is not a number." unless($keep =~ /\d+/);
$keep= $#texts+1 if($keep> $#texts);
splice @texts, $keep if($keep>= 0);
return "" if($#texts<0);
return join("\n", @texts);
} elsif($cmd eq "find") {
return "argument is missing" if($#a != 2);
my $regexp= $a[2];
my @uids;
eval {
foreach my $event ($eventsObj->events()) {
push @uids, $event->uid() if($event->summary() =~ m/$regexp/);
Log3($hash, 2, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} .
": The regular expression $regexp caused a problem: $@") if($@);
return join(";", @uids);
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of find text full summary location alarm start end";
sub Calendar_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
# define <name> Calendar ical URL [interval]
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "syntax: define <name> Calendar ical url <URL> [interval]\n".\
" define <name> Calendar ical file <FILENAME> [interval]"
if(($#a < 4 && $#a > 5) || ($a[2] ne 'ical') || (($a[3] ne 'url') && ($a[3] ne 'file')));
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
my $name = $a[0];
my $type = $a[3];
my $url = $a[4];
my $interval = 3600;
$interval= $a[5] if($#a==5);
$hash->{fhem}{type}= $type;
$hash->{fhem}{url}= $url;
$hash->{fhem}{interval}= $interval;
$hash->{fhem}{events}= Calendar::Events->new();
#main::Debug "Interval: ${interval}s";
$hash->{fhem}{nxtUpdtTs}= 0;
return undef;
sub Calendar_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="Calendar"></a>
<a name="Calendardefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Calendar ical url &lt;URL&gt; [&lt;interval&gt;]</code><br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Calendar ical file &lt;FILENAME&gt; [&lt;interval&gt;]</code><br>
Defines a calendar device.<br><br>
A calendar device periodically gathers calendar events from the source calendar at the given URL or from a file.
The file must be in ICal format.<br><br>
If the URL
starts with <code>https://</code>, the perl module IO::Socket::SSL must be installed
(use <code>cpan -i IO::Socket::SSL</code>).<br><br>
Note for users of Google Calendar: You can literally use the private ICal URL from your Google Calendar.
<!--Google App accounts do not work since requests to the URL
get redirected first and the fhem mechanism for retrieving data via http/https cannot handle this. -->
If your Google Calendar
URL starts with <code>https://</code> and the perl module IO::Socket::SSL is not installed on your system, you can
replace it by <code>http://</code> if and only if there is no redirection to the <code>https://</code> URL.
Check with your browser first if unsure.<br><br>
The optional parameter <code>interval</code> is the time between subsequent updates
in seconds. It defaults to 3600 (1 hour).<br><br>
define MyCalendar Calendar ical url https://www.google.com&shy;/calendar/ical/john.doe%40example.com&shy;/private-foo4711/basic.ics
define YourCalendar Calendar ical url http://www.google.com&shy;/calendar/ical/jane.doe%40example.com&shy;/private-bar0815/basic.ics 86400
define SomeCalendar Calendar ical file /home/johndoe/calendar.ics
<a name="Calendarset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; update</code><br><br>
Forces the retrieval of the calendar from the URL. The next automatic retrieval is scheduled to occur
<code>interval</code> seconds later.<br><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; reload</code><br><br>
Same as <code>update</code> but all calendar events are removed first.<br><br>
<a name="Calendarget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; full|text|summary|location|alarm|start|end &lt;reading&gt|&lt;uid&gt; [max]</code><br><br>
Returns, line by line, the full state or a textual representation or the summary (subject, title) or the
location or the alarm time or the start time or the end time
of the calendar event(s) listed in the
reading &lt;reading&gt or identified by the UID &lt;uid&gt. The optional parameter <code>max</code> limits
the number of returned lines.<br><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; find &lt;regexp&gt;</code><br><br>
Returns, line by line, the UIDs of all calendar events whose summary matches the regular expression
<a name="Calendarattr"></a>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
A calendar is a set of calendar events. A calendar event has a summary (usually the title shown in a visual
representation of the source calendar), a start time, an end time, and zero, one or more alarm times. The calendar events are
fetched from the source calendar at the given URL.<p>
In case of multiple alarm times for a calendar event, only the
earliest alarm time is kept.<p>
Recurring calendar events are currently supported to an extent:
are recognized but not interpreted. BYDAY is only correctly interpreted for weekly events.
The module will get it most likely wrong
if you have recurring calendar events with unrecognized or uninterpreted keywords.
A calendar event is identified by its UID. The UID is taken from the source calendar. All non-alphanumerical characters
are stripped off the UID to make your life easier.<p>
A calendar event can be in one of the following states:
<table border="1">
<tr><td>new</td><td>The calendar event was first seen at the most recent update. Either this was your first retrieval of
the calendar or you newly added the calendar event to the source calendar.</td></tr>
<tr><td>known</td><td>The calendar event was already there before the most recent update.</td></tr>
<tr><td>updated</td><td>The calendar event was already there before the most recent update but it has changed since it
was last retrieved.</td></tr>
<tr><td>deleted</td><td>The calendar event was there before the most recent update but is no longer. You removed it from the source calendar. The calendar event will be removed from all lists at the next update.</td></tr>
Calendar events that lie completely in the past (current time on wall clock is later than the calendar event's end time)
are not retrieved and are thus not accessible through the calendar.
A calendar event can be in one of the following modes:
<table border="1">
<tr><td>upcoming</td><td>Neither the alarm time nor the start time of the calendar event is reached.</td></tr>
<tr><td>alarm</td><td>The alarm time has passed but the start time of the calendar event is not yet reached.</td></tr>
<tr><td>start</td><td>The start time has passed but the end time of the calendar event is not yet reached.</td></tr>
<tr><td>end</td><td>The end time of the calendar event has passed.</td></tr>
A calendar event transitions from one mode to another immediately when the time for the change has come. This is done by waiting
for the earliest future time among all alarm, start or end times of all calendar events.
A calendar device has several readings. Except for <code>calname</code>, each reading is a semicolon-separated list of UIDs of
calendar events that satisfy certain conditions:
<table border="1">
<tr><td>calname</td><td>name of the calendar</td></tr>
<tr><td>all</td><td>all events</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeAlarm</td><td>events in alarm mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeAlarmOrStart</td><td>events in alarm or start mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeAlarmed</td><td>events that have just transitioned from upcoming to alarm mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeChanged</td><td>events that have just changed their mode somehow</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeEnd</td><td>events in end mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeEnded</td><td>events that have just transitioned from start to end mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeStart</td><td>events in start mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeStarted</td><td>events that have just transitioned to start mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeUpcoming</td><td>events in upcoming mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateChanged</td><td>events that have just changed their state somehow</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateDeleted</td><td>events in state deleted</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateNew</td><td>events in state new</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateUpdated</td><td>events in state updated</td></tr>
When a calendar event has changed, an event is created in the form
<code>changed: UID mode</code> with mode being the current mode the calendar event is in after the change.
<b>Usage scenarios</b>
<i>Show all calendar events with details</i><br><br>
get MyCalendar full all<br>
2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4&shy;dsa234r234sdfds6bh874&shy;googlecom known alarm 31.05.2012 17:00:00 07.06.2012 16:30:00-07.06.2012 18:00:00 Erna for coffee<br>
992hydf4y44awer5466lhfdsr&shy;gl7tin6b6mckf8glmhui4&shy;googlecom known upcoming 08.06.2012 00:00:00-09.06.2012 00:00:00 Vacation
<i>Show calendar events in your photo frame</i><br><br>
Put a line in the <a href="#RSSlayout">layout description</a> to show calendar events in alarm or start mode:<br><br>
<code>text 20 60 { fhem("get MyCalendar text modeAlarmOrStart") }</code><br><br>
This may look like:<br><br>
07.06.12 16:30 Erna for coffee<br>
08.06.12 00:00 Vacation
<i>Switch the light on when Erna comes</i><br><br>
First find the UID of the calendar event:<br><br>
get MyCalendar find .*Erna.*<br>
Then define a notify:<br><br>
define ErnaComes notify MyCalendar:modeStarted.*2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4&shy;dsa234r234sdfds6bh874&shy;googlecom.* set MyLight on
You can also do some logging:<br><br>
define LogErna notify MyCalendar:modeAlarmed.*2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4&shy;dsa234r234sdfds6bh874&shy;googlecom.* { Log3 %NAME, 1, "ALARM name=%NAME event=%EVENT part1=%EVTPART0 part2=%EVTPART1" }
<i>Switch actors on and off</i><br><br>
Think about a calendar with calendar events whose summaries (subjects, titles) are the names of devices in your fhem installation.
You want the respective devices to switch on when the calendar event starts and to switch off when the calendar event ends.<br><br>
define SwitchActorOn notify MyCalendar:modeStarted.* {
my $reading="%EVTPART0";;
my $uid= "%EVTPART1";;
my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");;
if(defined $actor) {
fhem("set $actor on")
define SwitchActorOff notify MyCalendar:modeEnded.* {
my $reading="%EVTPART0";;
my $uid= "%EVTPART1";;
my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");;
if(defined $actor) {
fhem("set $actor off")
You can also do some logging:<br><br>
define LogActors notify MyCalendar:mode(Started|Ended).* { my $reading= "%EVTPART0";; my $uid= "%EVTPART1";; my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");; Log 3 %NAME, 1, "Actor: $actor, Reading $reading" }
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="Calendar"></a>
<a name="Calendardefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Calendar ical url &lt;URL&gt; [&lt;interval&gt;]</code><br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Calendar ical file &lt;FILENAME&gt; [&lt;interval&gt;]</code><br>
Definiert ein Kalender-Device.<br><br>
Ein Kalender-Device ermittelt periodisch Ereignisse aus einem Quell-Kalender. Dieser kann eine URL oder eine Datei sein. Die Datei muss im iCal-Format vorliegen.<br><br>
Beginnt die URL mit <code>https://</code>, muss das Perl-Modul IO::Socket::SSL installiert sein
(use <code>cpan -i IO::Socket::SSL</code>).<br><br>
Hinweis f&uuml;r Nutzer des Google-Kalenders: Du kann direkt die private iCal-URL des Google Kalender nutzen.
<!--Google App accounts do not work since requests to the URL
get redirected first and the fhem mechanism for retrieving data via http/https cannot handle this. -->
Sollte Deine Google-Kalender-URL mit <code>https://</code> beginnen und das Perl-Modul IO::Socket::SSL ist nicht auf Deinem Systeme installiert, kannst Du in der URL <code>https://</code> durch <code>http://</code> ersetzen, falls keine automatische Umleitung auf die <code>https://</code> URL erfolgt.
Solltest Du unsicher sein, ob dies der Fall ist, &uuml;berpr&uuml;fe es bitte zuerst mit Deinem Browser.<br><br>
Der optionale Paramter <code>interval</code> bestimmt die Zeit in Sekunden zwischen den Updates. Default-Wert ist 3600 (1 Stunde).<br><br>
define MeinKalender Calendar ical url https://www.google.com&shy;/calendar/ical/john.doe%40example.com&shy;/private-foo4711/basic.ics
define DeinKalender Calendar ical url http://www.google.com&shy;/calendar/ical/jane.doe%40example.com&shy;/private-bar0815/basic.ics 86400
define IrgendeinKalender Calendar ical file /home/johndoe/calendar.ics
<a name="Calendarset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; update</code><br><br>
Erzwingt das Einlesen des Kalenders von der definierten URL. Das n&auml;chste automatische Einlesen erfolgt
<code>interval</code> Sekunden sp&auml;ter.<br><br>
<a name="Calendarget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; full|text|summary|location|alarm|start|end &lt;reading&gt|&lt;uid&gt; [max]</code><br><br>
Gibt - Zeile f&uuml;r Zeile - den vollen Status, eine textbasierte Darstellung, eine Zusammenfassung (Betreff, Titel), den Ort, die Alarmzeit, die Startzeit oder die Endzeit des/der Kalender-Ereignisse aus, die im Reading &lt;reading&gt gelistet werden oder die durch die UID &lt;uid&gt identifiziert werden. Der optionale Parameter <code>max</code> limitiert die Anzahl der zur&uuml;ckgegebenen Lines.<br><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; find &lt;regexp&gt;</code><br><br>
Gibt - Zeile f&uuml;r Zeile - die UIDs aller Kalender-Ereignisse zur&uuml;ck, deren Zusammenfassung der Regular Expression
&lt;regexp&gt; entspricht.<br><br>
<a name="Calendarattr"></a>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
Ein Kalender ist eine Menge von Kalender-Ereignissen. Ein Kalender-Ereignis hat eine Zusammenfassung (normalerweise der Titel, welcher im Quell-Kalender angezeigt wird), eine Startzeit, eine Endzeit und keine, eine oder mehrere Alarmzeiten. Die Kalender-Ereignisse werden
aus dem Quellkalender ermittelt, welcher &uuml;ber die URL angegeben wird. Sollten mehrere Alarmzeiten f&uuml;r ein Kalender-Ereignis existieren, wird nur der fr&uuml;heste Alarmzeitpunkt behalten. Wiederkehrende Kalendereinträge werden in einem gewissen Umfang unterst&uuml;tzt:
werden erkannt aber nicht ausgewertet. BYDAY wird nur für wöchentliche Kalender-Ereignisse
korrekt behandelt. Das Modul wird es sehr wahrscheinlich falsch machen, wenn Du wiederkehrende Kalender-Ereignisse mit unerkannten oder nicht ausgewerteten Schlüsselworten hast.<p>
Ein Kalender-Ereignis wird durch seine UID identifiziert. Die UID wird vom Quellkalender bezogen. Um das Leben leichter zu machen, werden alle nicht-alphanumerischen Zeichen automatisch aus der UID entfernt.<p>
Ein Kalender-Ereignis kann sich in einem der folgenden Zustände befinden:
<table border="1">
<tr><td>new</td><td>Das Kalender-Ereignis wurde das erste Mal beim letzten Update gefunden. Entweder war dies das erste Mal des Kalenderzugriffs oder Du hast einen neuen Kalendereintrag zum Quellkalender hinzugef&uuml;gt.</td></tr>
<tr><td>known</td><td>Das Kalender-Ereignis existierte bereits vor dem letzten Update.</td></tr>
<tr><td>updated</td><td>Das Kalender-Ereignis existierte bereits vor dem letzten Update, wurde aber ge&auml;ndert.</td></tr>
<tr><td>deleted</td><td>Das Kalender-Ereignis existierte bereits vor dem letzten Update, wurde aber seitdem gel&ouml;scht. Das Kalender-Ereignis wird beim n&auml;chsten Update von allen Listen entfernt.</td></tr>
Kalender-Ereignisse, welche vollst&auml;ndig in der Vergangenheit liegen (aktuelle Zeit liegt nach dem Ende-Termin des Kalendereintrags) werden nicht bezogen und sind daher nicht im Kalender verf&uuml;gbar.
Ein Kalender-Ereignis kann sich in einem der folgenden Modi befinden:
<table border="1">
<tr><td>upcoming</td><td>Weder die Alarmzeit noch die Startzeit des Kalendereintrags ist erreicht.</td></tr>
<tr><td>alarm</td><td>Die Alarmzeit ist &uuml;berschritten, aber die Startzeit des Kalender-Ereignisses ist noch nicht erreicht.</td></tr>
<tr><td>start</td><td>Die Startzeit ist &uuml;berschritten, aber die Ende-Zeit des Kalender-Ereignisses ist noch nicht erreicht.</td></tr>
<tr><td>end</td><td>Die Ende-Zeit des Kalender-Ereignisses wurde &uuml;berschritten.</td></tr>
Ein Kalender-Ereignis wechselt umgehend von einem Modus zum Anderen, wenn die Zeit f&uuml;r eine &Auml;nderung erreicht wurde. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass auf die fr&uuml;heste zuk&uuml;nftige Zeit aller Alarme, Start- oder Endezeiten aller Kalender-Ereignisse gewartet wird.
Ein Kalender-Device hat verschiedene Readings. Mit Ausnahme von <code>calname</code> stellt jedes Reading eine Semikolon-getrennte Liste von UIDs von Kalender-Ereignisse dar, welche bestimmte Zust&auml;nde haben:
<table border="1">
<tr><td>calname</td><td>Name des Kalenders</td></tr>
<tr><td>all</td><td>Alle Ereignisse</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeAlarm</td><td>Ereignisse im Alarm-Modus</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeAlarmOrStart</td><td>Ereignisse im Alarm- oder Startmodus</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeAlarmed</td><td>Ereignisse, welche gerade in den Alarmmodus gewechselt haben</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeChanged</td><td>Ereignisse, welche gerade in irgendeiner Form ihren Modus gewechselt haben</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeEnd</td><td>Ereignisse im Endemodus</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeEnded</td><td>Ereignisse, welche gerade vom Start- in den Endemodus gewechselt haben</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeStart</td><td>Ereignisse im Startmodus</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeStarted</td><td>Ereignisse, welche gerade in den Startmodus gewechselt haben</td></tr>
<tr><td>modeUpcoming</td><td>Ereignisse im zuk&uuml;nftigen Modus</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateChanged</td><td>Ereignisse, welche gerade in irgendeiner Form ihren Status gewechselt haben</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateDeleted</td><td>Ereignisseim Status "deleted"</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateNew</td><td>Ereignisse im Status "new"</td></tr>
<tr><td>stateUpdated</td><td>Ereignisse im Status "updated"</td></tr>
Wenn ein Kalender-Ereignis ge&auml;ndert wurde, wird ein Event in der Form
<code>changed: UID mode</code> getriggert, wobei mode den gegenw&auml;rtigen Modus des Kalender-Ereignisse nach der &Auml;nderung darstellt.
<i>Zeige alle Kalendereintr&auml;ge inkl. Details</i><br><br>
get MyCalendar full all<br>
2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4&shy;dsa234r234sdfds6bh874&shy;googlecom known alarm 31.05.2012 17:00:00 07.06.2012 16:30:00-07.06.2012 18:00:00 Erna for coffee<br>
992hydf4y44awer5466lhfdsr&shy;gl7tin6b6mckf8glmhui4&shy;googlecom known upcoming 08.06.2012 00:00:00-09.06.2012 00:00:00 Vacation
<i>Zeige Kalendereintr&auml;ge in Deinem Bilderrahmen</i><br><br>
F&uuml;ge eine Zeile in die <a href="#RSSlayout">layout description</a> ein, um Kalendereintr&auml;ge im Alarm- oder Startmodus anzuzeigen:<br><br>
<code>text 20 60 { fhem("get MyCalendar text modeAlarmOrStart") }</code><br><br>
Dies kann dann z.B. so aussehen:<br><br>
07.06.12 16:30 Erna zum Kaffee<br>
08.06.12 00:00 Urlaub
<i>Schalte das Licht ein, wenn Erna kommt</i><br><br>
Finde zuerst die UID des Kalendereintrags:<br><br>
get MyCalendar find .*Erna.*<br>
Definiere dann ein notify:<br><br>
define ErnaComes notify MyCalendar:modeStarted.*2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4&shy;dsa234r234sdfds6bh874&shy;googlecom.* set MyLight on
Du kannst auch ein Logging aufsetzen:<br><br>
define LogErna notify MyCalendar:modeAlarmed.*2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4&shy;dsa234r234sdfds6bh874&shy;googlecom.* { Log3 %NAME, 1, "ALARM name=%NAME event=%EVENT part1=%EVTPART0 part2=%EVTPART1" }
<i>Schalte die Aktoren an und aus</i><br><br>
Stell Dir einen Kalender vor, dessen Zusammenfassungen (Betreff, Titel) die Namen von Devices in Deiner fhem-Installation sind.
Du willst nun die entsprechenden Devices an- und ausschalten wenn das Kalender-Ereignis beginnt bzw. endet.<br><br>
define SwitchActorOn notify MyCalendar:modeStarted.* {
my $reading="%EVTPART0";;
my $uid= "%EVTPART1";;
my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");;
if(defined $actor) {
fhem("set $actor on")
define SwitchActorOff notify MyCalendar:modeEnded.* {
my $reading="%EVTPART0";;
my $uid= "%EVTPART1";;
my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");;
if(defined $actor) {
fhem("set $actor off")
Auch hier kann ein Logging aufgesetzt werden:<br><br>
define LogActors notify MyCalendar:mode(Started|Ended).* { my $reading= "%EVTPART0";; my $uid= "%EVTPART1";; my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");; Log 3 %NAME, 1, "Actor: $actor, Reading $reading" }
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