mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:47:00 +00:00
512 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
512 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
################# Creates graphics vor pgm3
include "../config.php"; #make your settings there
include "functions.php";
if ($DBUse=="1") {
$sqlquery=mysql_query("select timestamp from history where device='".$drawks."' order by timestamp desc limit 1");
$date=str_replace(" ","_",$query->timestamp);
else {
if (! file_exists($file)) show_error($file,$drawks,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
## do we really need a new graphic??
$execorder=$tailpath.' -1 '.$file;
$parts = explode(" ", $tail1[0]);
} #dbuse
#if the expected graphic already exist then do not redraw the picture
if (file_exists($savefile)) {
$im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile);
header("Content-type: image/png");
exit; # ;-)))
else #delete old pngs
#echo "not exist: $savefile"; exit;
foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) {
$arraydata = array();
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $bg1_R,$bg1_G,$bg1_B);
$bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $buttonBg_R,$buttonBg_G,$buttonBg_B);
$bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$gray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 133, 133, 133);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$yellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0);
$orange= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 230, 25);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxks-1, $imgmaxyks-1, $white);
if ($DBUse=="1")
$sqlarray=mysql_query("select timestamp,event from history where device='".$drawks."' and reading='data' order by timestamp desc limit ".$logrotateKS300lines."") or die (mysql_error());
while ( $row=mysql_fetch_object($sqlarray))
$date=str_replace(" ","_",$row->timestamp);
array_push($array,$date.' '.$drawks.' '.$row->event);
#print_r($array); #debug
else $array = file($file);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
$oldhour=0; //only the data from every 10min
if ((($logrotateKS300lines+200) < $counter) and ($logrotate == 'yes') and ($DBUse!="1")) LogRotate($array,$file,$logrotateKS300lines);
# go
for ($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++)
list ($date,$ks300,$t,$temp,$h,$hum,$w,$wind,$r,$rain,$ir,$israin) = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $array[$x]);
if (
(($array[$x][14] != $oldmin)
or ($array[$x][12] != $oldhour)
or ($x==$counter-1))
and ($t!="avg_day")
and ($date!="NEWLOGS")
and ($t=="T:")
array_push( $arraydata,array($date,$temp,$hum,$wind,$rain,$israin));
#WS300 has Willi instead other things
if ($r=="Willi:") {$willi=1;};
$resultreverse = array_reverse($arraydata);
if ( $imgmaxxks > count ($resultreverse) )
{ $maxdata = count ($resultreverse); }
{ $maxdata = $imgmaxxks; };
### min/max
for ($x = 0; $x <= $maxdata; $x++)
if ( $resultreverse[$x][1] > $maxtemp ) $maxtemp=$resultreverse[$x][1];
if ( ($resultreverse[$x][1] < $mintemp) and ($resultreverse[$x][1]>-100) ) $mintemp=$resultreverse[$x][1];
if ($tempdiff==0) $tempdiff=1;
if ($maxcountKS < $maxdata) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;} else {$anzlines=$maxdata;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
$y = round($imgmaxyks-(($resultreverse[$x][1]-$mintemp)*$fac));
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $red);
$parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]);
if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) )
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $bg1p);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $yellow);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS, 0,$imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS , $imgmaxyks, $white);
if ($mintemp < 0)
$y = round($imgmaxyks-((0-$mintemp)*$fac));
#ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS, $y,0 , $y, $bg1p);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks, $y,$imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS , $y, $bg1p);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, 10, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$temp=$resultreverse[0][1]; #Martin
$text=$temp." °C";
$tvalue= $temp;
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 90-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 37, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
$text= $drawks;
ImageTTFText ($im, 8, 0, 90-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 22, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
$text="min= $mintemp max= $maxtemp";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 67-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxks-1, $imgmaxyks-1, $white);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
if ($maxcountKS < $maxdata) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;} else {$anzlines=$maxdata;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
if ( $temp > $max ) $max=$temp;
if ( ($temp < $min) and ($temp != '')) $min=$temp;
if ($tempdiff==0) $tempdiff=1;
$olddate = ($resultreverse[0][0][9]);
if ($maxcountKS < $countresultrev) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;}else {$anzlines=$countresultrev;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
$y = round($imgmaxyks-(($resultreverse[$x][2]-$min)*$fac));
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $red);
$parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]);
if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) )
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $bg1p);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $yellow);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS, 0,$imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS , $imgmaxyks, $white);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, 10, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$text=$temp." %";
$hvalue= $temp;
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 90-$XcorrectMainText, 37, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
$text="min= $min max= $max";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 67-$XcorrectMainText, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
# dewpoint
if ($showdewpointks300='yes')
$dp = sprintf("%3.1f", dewpoint($tvalue,$hvalue));
$text=$dp." °C";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 350, 35, $bg1p, $fontttfb, $text);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 350, 47, $bg1p, $fontttf, $text);
#wind/Air Pressure
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxks-1, $imgmaxyks-1, $white);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
if ($maxcountKS < $maxdata) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;} else {$anzlines=$maxdata;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
if ( $temp > $max ) $max=$temp;
if ( $temp < $min and ($temp != '')) $min=$temp;
if ($tempdiff==0) $tempdiff=1;
if ($maxcountKS < $countresultrev) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;}else {$anzlines=$countresultrev;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
$y = round($imgmaxyks-(($resultreverse[$x][3]-$min)*$fac));
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $red);
$parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]);
if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) )
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $bg1p);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $yellow);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS, 0,$imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS , $imgmaxyks, $white);
if (isset($willi)) $text="Air Pressure"; else $text="Wind";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, 10, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
if (isset($willi)) $text=$temp." hPa"; else $text=$temp." km/h";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 80-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 37, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
if (($showbft==1) and (! isset($willi)))
$text="( ".bft($temp)." Bft)";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 140-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 37, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
$text2="min= $min max= $max (".bft($max)." Bft)";
$text2="min= $min max= $max";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 57-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text2);
if (! isset($willi))
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxks-1, $imgmaxyks-1, $white);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
if ($maxcountKS < $maxdata) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;} else {$anzlines=$maxdata;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
if ( $temp > $max ) $max=$temp;
if ( $temp < $min and ($temp != '')) $min=$temp;
if ( $temdiff == 0 ) $tempdiff=1;
if ($maxcountKS < $maxdata) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;} else {$anzlines=$maxdata;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
$parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]);
if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) )
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $bg1p);
$y = round($imgmaxyks-(($resultreverse[$x][4]-$min)*$fac));
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $red);
if ( $israin2 == "no" )
{ ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 18, $imgmaxxks-$x,18, $white);}
{ ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 17, $imgmaxxks-$x,19, $red);};
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $yellow);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS, 0,$imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS , $imgmaxyks, $white);
$text="Is raining:";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 50, 14, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
if ($israin == "no" )
{ imagestring($im, 5, 110, 2, $israin, $white);}
{ imagestring($im, 5, 110, 2, $israin, $red);};
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, 10, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$text=$temp." l/m2";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 90-$XcorrectMainTextKS, 37, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
$text="min= $min max= $max";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxks-130, 30, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxks-130, 15, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$text="avg_day: ".$avgday;
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 70, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$text="avg_mon: ".$avgmonth;
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 320, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
else # Willi:
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxks-1, $imgmaxyks-1, $white);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
if ($maxcountKS < $maxdata) {$anzlines=$maxcountKS;} else {$anzlines=$maxdata;}
for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++)
if ( $temp > $max ) $max=$temp;
if ( $temp < $min and ($temp != '')) $min=$temp;
if ($tempdiff==0) $tempdiff=1;
for ($x = 0; $x < count($resultreverse); $x++)
$y = round($imgmaxyks-(($resultreverse[$x][4]-$min)*$fac));
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $red);
$parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]);
if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) )
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $bg1p);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$x, 0,$imgmaxxks-$x , $imgmaxyks, $yellow);
ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS, 0,$imgmaxxks-$maxcountKS , $imgmaxyks, $white);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 12, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 80, 35, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text);
$text2="min= $min max= $max";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 60, 47, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text2);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxks-130, 15, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 7, 47, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
# big picture
$imall = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks*4);
ImageFill($imall, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageCopy ($imall,$imt,0,0,0,0,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageCopy ($imall,$imh,0,$imgmaxyks,0,0,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageCopy ($imall,$imw,0,$imgmaxyks*2,0,0,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageCopy ($imall,$imr,0,$imgmaxyks*3,0,0,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
header("Content-type: image/png");
function show_error($file,$draw,$imgmaxx,$imgmaxy)
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxx,$imgmaxy*4);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxx-1, $imgmaxy-1, $white);
imagestring($im, 3, 5, 5, "Error, there is no $file", $black);
imagestring($im, 1, 3, 25, "Please add the following to your fhem.cfg", $black);
imagestring($im, 1, 3, 35, "define $logname FileLog $file $draw:*", $black);
header("Content-type: image/png");