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# 94_PWMR.pm
# written by Andreas Goebel 2012-07-25
# e-mail: ag at goebel-it dot de
# $Id:
# 29.07.15 GA change set <name> manualTempDuration <minutes>
# 21.09.15 GA update, use Log3 and readingsSingleUpdate
# 07.10.15 GA initial version published
# module for PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) calculation
# this module defines a room for calculation
# it is used by a PWM object
# reference to the PWM object is via IODev
# PWMR object defines:
# IODev: reference to PWM
# factor (also used in PID calculation):
# temperatur difference * factor * cycletime (from PWM) defines on/off periods (pulse)
# sensor delivering the temperature (temperature is read from reading using a regexp)
# actor to switch on/off the heating devices (may be a structure if more than on actor..)
# comma separated list of window contacts followd by ":" and a regular expression
# default for the regular expression is "Open"
# if the regular expression matches on of the contacts
# then readRoom will return c_tempFrostProtect as desired-temp
# instead of the current calculated desired-temp
# this should cause the calculation routine for the room to switch off heating
# calculation of "desired-temp" is done in a loop (5-minutes default)
# - if c_frostProtect is "1" -> set to c_tempFrostProtect
# - if c_autoCalcTemp is "1" -> use c_tempN, c_tempD, c_tempC, c_tempE and c_tempRule[1-5]
# - c_* variables are syntax checked and derived from attr which have a readable syntax
# - c_tempRule[1-5] are processed in order 5..1 (5 is highes priority)
# rules define:
# <interval of valid days (0..6 = So..Sa)
# <time>,[N|D|C] [<time>,[N|D|C|E]]
# ... time is interpreted as Hour[:Min]
# ... N,D,C,E reference timeN (Night), timeD (Day), timeC (Cosy), timeE(Energysave)
# attr names are: tempDay, tempCosy, tempNight, tempEnergy ...
# subroutines PWMR_ReedRoom and PWMR_SetRoom are called from PWM object
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %dayno = (
"mo" => 1,
"di" => 2,
"di" => 3,
"do" => 4,
"fr" => 5,
"sa" => 6,
"so" => 0
sub PWMR_Get($@);
sub PWMR_Set($@);
sub PWMR_Define($$);
sub PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp($);
sub PWMR_SetRoom(@);
sub PWMR_ReadRoom(@);
sub PWMR_Attr(@);
sub PWMR_Boost(@);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{GetFn} = "PWMR_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PWMR_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "PWMR_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "PWMR_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "PWMR_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 ".
"frostProtect:0,1 ".
"autoCalcTemp:0,1 ".
"tempFrostProtect ".
"tempDay ".
"tempNight ".
"tempCosy ".
"tempEnergy ".
"tempRule1 ".
"tempRule2 ".
"tempRule3 ".
"tempRule4 ".
"tempRule5 ".
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{STATE} = "Calculating";
if($hash->{INTERVAL} > 0) {
if ($hash->{INTERVAL} eq 300) {
# align interval to hh:00:ss, hh:05:ss, ... hh:55:ss
my $n = gettimeofday();
my ($hour, $min, $sec) = split (":", FmtTime($n));
# 15:12:05 -> 15:16:05
my $offset = ((((int($min/ 5)) +1 ) * 5 ) - $min) * 60;
#Log3 ($hash, 4, "offset $min -> ".int($min / 5)." $offset ".($offset / 60));
InternalTimer($n + $offset, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp", $hash, 0);
} else {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp", $hash, 0);
#Log3 ($hash, 4, "interval not 300");
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME} gt TimeNow()) {
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: desired-temp was manualy set until ".
$hash->{STATE} = "ManualSetUntil";
return undef;
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: calc desired-temp");
# frost protection
if ($hash->{c_frostProtect} > 0) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "desired-temp", $hash->{c_tempFrostProtect}, 1);
#$hash->{READINGS}{"desired-tem"}{TIME} = TimeNow();
#$hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL} = $hash->{c_tempFrostProtect};
#push @{$hash->{CHANGED}}, "desired-temp $hash->{c_tempFrostProtect}";
#DoTrigger($name, undef);
$hash->{STATE} = "FrostProtect";
return undef;
# rule based calculation
if ($hash->{c_autoCalcTemp} > 0) {
my @time = localtime();
my $wday = $time[6];
my $cmptime = sprintf ("%02d%02d", $time[2], $time[1]);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: wday $wday cmptime $cmptime");
foreach my $rule ($hash->{c_tempRule5},
$hash->{c_tempRule1} ) {
if ($rule ne "") { # valid rule is 1-5 0600,D 1800,C 2200,N
Log3 ($hash, 5, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: $rule");
my @points = split (" ", $rule);
my ($dayfrom, $dayto) = split ("-", $points[0]);
#Log3 ($hash, 5, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: dayfrom $dayfrom dayto $dayto");
my $rulematch = 0;
if ($dayfrom <= $dayto ) { # rule 1-5 or 4-4
$rulematch = ($wday >= $dayfrom && $wday <= $dayto);
} else { # rule 5-2
$rulematch = ($wday >= $dayfrom || $wday <= $dayto);
if ($rulematch) {
for (my $i=int(@points)-1; $i>0; $i--) {
Log3 ($hash, 5, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: i:$i $points[$i]");
my ($ruletime, $tempV) = split (",", $points[$i]);
if ($cmptime >= $ruletime) {
my $temperature = $hash->{"c_tempN"};
$temperature = $hash->{"c_tempD"} if ($tempV eq "D");
$temperature = $hash->{"c_tempC"} if ($tempV eq "C");
$temperature = $hash->{"c_tempE"} if ($tempV eq "E");
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: match i:$i $points[$i] ($tempV/$temperature)");
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "desired-temp", $temperature, 1);
#$hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME} = TimeNow();
#$hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL} = $temperature;
#push @{$hash->{CHANGED}}, "desired-temp $temperature";
#DoTrigger($name, undef);
return undef;
# no interval matched .. guess I am before the first one
# so I choose the temperature from yesterday :-)
# this should be the tempN
my $newTemp = $hash->{"c_tempN"};
my $act_dtemp = $hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp $name: use last value ($act_dtemp)");
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "desired-temp", $newTemp, 1);
#$hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME} = TimeNow();
#$hash->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL} = $newTemp;
#push @{$hash->{CHANGED}}, "desired-temp $newTemp";
#DoTrigger($name, undef);
return undef;
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = "Manual";
DoTrigger($name, undef);
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2);
my $msg;
if($a[1] ne "status") {
return "unknown get value, valid is status";
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
my $v = PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp($hash);
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
return "$a[0] $a[1] => recalculatd";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @list = map { ($_.".0", $_+0.5) } (6..29);
my $valList = join (",", @list);
$valList .= ",30.0";
#my $u = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of factor actor:off,on desired-temp:knob,min:6,max:26,step:0.5,linecap:round interval manualTempDuration:slider,60,60,600";
#my $u = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of factor actor:off,on desired-temp:uzsuDropDown:$valList interval manualTempDuration:slider,60,60,600";
my $u = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of factor actor:off,on desired-temp:$valList interval manualTempDuration:slider,60,60,600";
$valList = "slider,6,0.5,30,0.5";
return $u if ($a[1] eq "?");
return $u if(int(@a) < 3);
my $cmd = $a[1];
# manualTempDuration
if ( $cmd eq "manualTempDuration" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "manualTempDuration", $a[2], 0);
#$hash->{READINGS}{"manualTempDuration"}{VAL} = $a[2];
#$hash->{READINGS}{"manualTempDuration"}{TIME} = TimeNow();
return undef;
# desired-temp
if ( $cmd eq "desired-temp" ) {
my $val = $a[2];
if ( $val < 6 || $val > 30 ) {
return "Unknown argument for $cmd, choose <6..30>";
my $duration = defined($hash->{READINGS}{"manualTempDuration"}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{"manualTempDuration"}{VAL} * 60 : 60 * 60;
if (defined($a[3])) {
$duration = int($a[3]) * 60;
#$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{TIME} = TimeNow();
# manual set desired-temp will be set for 1 hour (default)
# afterwards it will be overwritten by auto calc
my $now = time();
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{TIME} = FmtDateTime($now + $duration);
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{VAL} = $val;
$hash->{STATE} = "ManualSetUntil";
return undef
# actor
if ( $cmd eq "actor" ) {
my $val = $a[2];
if ( $val eq "on" || $val eq "off" ) {
PWMR_SetRoom($hash, $val);
return undef;
} else {
return "Unknow argument for $cmd, choose on|off";
# others
if ($cmd =~ /^interval$|^factor$/) {
my $var = uc($a[1]);
$hash->{$var} = $a[2];
} else {
return $u;
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "syntax: define <name> PWMR <IODev> <factor[,offset]> <tsensor[:reading:t_regexp]> <actor> [<window>[,<window>]:w_regexp]"
if(int(@a) < 6 || int(@a) > 8);
my $iodev = $a[2];
my $factor = ((int(@a) > 2) ? $a[3] : 0.2);
my $tsensor = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[4] : "");
my $actor = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[5] : "");
my $window = ((int(@a) > 6) ? $a[6] : "");
my ($f, $o) = split (",", $factor, 2);
$o = 0.11 unless (defined ($o)); # if cycletime is 900 then this increases the on-time by 1:39 (=99 seconds)
$hash->{TEMPSENSOR} = $tsensor;
$hash->{ACTOR} = $actor;
$hash->{WINDOW} = $window;
$hash->{FACTOR} = $f; # pulse is calculated using the below formular
$hash->{FOFFSET} = $o; # ( $deltaTemp * $factor) ** 2) + $factoroffset
#$hash->{helper}{cycletime} = 0;
if ( !$defs{$iodev} ) {
return "unknown device $iodev";
if ( $defs{$iodev}->{TYPE} ne "PWM" ) {
return "wrong type of $iodev (not PWM)";
$hash->{IODev} = $iodev;
# calculage factoroffset
# 01.10.2015
#my $minonoff = $defs{$iodev}->{MINONOFFTIME};
#my $cycle = $defs{$iodev}->{CYCLETIME};
#my $factorOffset = ($minonoff / $cycle) - 0.02;
#$factorOffset = sprintf ("%.2f", $factorOffset);
#$hash->{factoroffset} = $factorOffset;
# check window
$hash->{windows} = "";
my ($allwindows, $w_regexp) = split (":", $window, 2);
if ( !defined($w_regexp) )
# this regexp defines the result of ReadRoom
# if any window is open return 1
$w_regexp = '.*Open.*'
$hash->{w_regexp} = $w_regexp;
if ( defined ($allwindows) ) {
my (@windows) = split (",", $allwindows);
foreach my $onewindow (@windows) {
if (!$defs{$onewindow} && $onewindow ne "dummy") {
my $msg = "$name: Unknown window device $onewindow specified";
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWMR_Define $msg");
return $msg;
if (length($hash->{windows}) > 0 ) {
$hash->{windows} .= ",$onewindow"
} else {
$hash->{windows} = "$onewindow"
# check sensor
# dummy is allowed and will be ignored
my ($sensor, $reading, $t_regexp) = split (":", $tsensor, 3);
if (!$defs{$sensor} && $sensor ne "dummy")
my $msg = "$name: Unknown sensor device $sensor specified";
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWMR_Define $msg");
return $msg;
$sensor =~ s/dummy//;
$hash->{t_sensor} = $sensor;
$reading = "temperature" unless (defined($reading));
$hash->{t_reading} = $reading;
if ( !defined($t_regexp) )
$t_regexp = '([\\d\\.]*)'
$hash->{t_regexp} = $t_regexp;
# check actor
$actor =~ s/dummy//;
$hash->{actor} = $actor;
$hash->{actorState} = "unknown";
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
# values for calculation of desired-temp
$hash->{c_frostProtect} = 0;
$hash->{c_autoCalcTemp} = 1;
$hash->{c_tempFrostProtect} = 6;
$hash->{c_tempN} = 16;
$hash->{c_tempD} = 20;
$hash->{c_tempC} = 22;
$hash->{c_tempE} = 19;
$hash->{c_tempRule1} = "1-5 0600,D 2200,N";
$hash->{c_tempRule2} = "6-0 0800,D 2200,N";
$hash->{c_tempRule3} = "";
$hash->{c_tempRule4} = "";
$hash->{c_tempRule5} = "";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 300;
if($hash->{INTERVAL}) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "PWMR_CalcDesiredTemp", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub PWMR_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $args) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 3, "PWMR Undef $name");
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} )
return undef;
my ($room, $newState) = @_;
my $name = $room->{NAME};
Log3 ($room, 4, "PWMR_SetRoom $name <$newState>");
my $nowR = TimeNow();
my $now = time();
$room->{READINGS}{energyused}{TIME} = $nowR;
$room->{READINGS}{energyusedp}{TIME} = $nowR;
if (!defined($room->{READINGS}{energyused}{VAL})) {
$room->{READINGS}{energyused}{VAL} = "";
my $energyused = substr ( $room->{READINGS}{energyused}{VAL}, -29);
# newState may be "", "on", "off"
if ($newState eq "") {
$energyused = $energyused.substr ( $energyused ,-1);
} else {
$energyused = $energyused.($newState eq "on" ? "1" : "0");
$room->{READINGS}{energyused}{VAL} = $energyused;
$room->{READINGS}{energyusedp}{VAL} = ($energyused =~ tr/1//) /30;
return if ($newState eq "");
if ($room->{actor})
my $ret = fhem sprintf ("set %s %s", $room->{actor}, $newState);
if (!defined($ret)) { # sucessfull
Log3 ($room, 2, "PWMR_SetRoom $room->{NAME}: set $room->{actor} $newState");
$room->{actorState} = $newState;
$room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{TIME} = $nowR;
$room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} = $now;
push @{$room->{CHANGED}}, "actor $newState";
DoTrigger($name, undef);
} else {
Log3 ($room, 2, "PWMR_SetRoom $name: set $room->{actor} $newState failed ($ret)");
my ($room, $cycletime, $MaxPulse) = @_; # room, cylcetime for PMW Calculation (15Min), Max Time to stay on (0.00 .. 1.00)
my $name = $room->{NAME};
my $temperaturT;
my $desiredTemp;
my $prevswitchtimeT;
#$room->{helper}{cycletime} = $cycletime;
my ($temperaturV, $actorV, $factor, $oldpulse, $newpulse, $prevswitchtime, $windowV) =
(99, "off", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
#Log3 ($room, 4, "PWMR_ReadRoom $name <$room->{t_sensor}> <$room->{actor}>");
if ($room->{t_sensor})
my $sensor = $room->{t_sensor};
my $reading = $room->{t_reading};
my $t_regexp = $room->{t_regexp};
$temperaturV = $defs{$sensor}->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL};
$temperaturT = $defs{$sensor}->{READINGS}{$reading}{TIME};
$temperaturV =~ s/$t_regexp/$1/;
if ($room->{actor})
#$actorV = (($defs{$room->{actor}}->{STATE} eq "on") : "on" ? "off");
#$actorV = $defs{$room->{actor}}->{STATE};
# until 26.01.2013 -> may be undef which forces room to be switched off first
#$actorV = $room->{actorState};
# starting from 26.01.2013 -> try to read act status .. (may also be invalid if struct)
if ($defs{$room->{actor}}->{TYPE} eq "RBRelais") {
$actorV = $defs{$room->{actor}}->{STATE};
} elsif (defined($defs{$room->{actor}}->{STATE})) {
$actorV = $defs{$room->{actor}}->{STATE};
} else {
$actorV = $room->{actorState};
if (!$room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME})
$room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL} = 6.0;
$room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME} = TimeNow();
if (!$room->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{TIME})
$room->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{VAL} = 0.0;
$room->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{TIME} = TimeNow();
if (!$room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{TIME})
$room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL} = time();
$room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$factor = $room->{FACTOR};
$oldpulse = $room->{READINGS}{oldpulse}{VAL};
$prevswitchtime = $room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{VAL};
$prevswitchtimeT = $room->{READINGS}{lastswitch}{TIME};
$windowV = 0;
if ($room->{windows} && $room->{windows} ne "" && $room->{w_regexp} ne "")
foreach my $window (split (",", $room->{windows})) {
Log3 ($room, 4, "PWMR_ReadRoom $name: check window $window");
if (defined($room->{w_regexp}) && $room->{w_regexp} ne "") {
if (defined($defs{$window}) && $defs{$window}{STATE} ) {
Log3 ($room, 5, "PWMR_ReadRoom $name: $window ($defs{$window}{STATE}/$room->{w_regexp})");
if ( $defs{$window}{STATE} =~ /$room->{w_regexp}/ ) {
$windowV = 1;
Log3 ($room, 3, "PWMR_ReadRoom $name: $window state: set to 1");
if ($windowV > 0) {
$desiredTemp = $room->{c_tempFrostProtect};
} else {
$desiredTemp = $room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL};
my $deltaTemp = max (0, $desiredTemp - $temperaturV);
my $factoroffset = $room->{FOFFSET};
my $PWMPulse = (( $deltaTemp * $factor) ** 2);
$newpulse = $PWMPulse + $factoroffset;
$newpulse = sprintf ("%.2f", $newpulse);
$newpulse = min ($MaxPulse, $newpulse); # default 85% max ontime
my $PWMOnTime = sprintf ("%02s:%02s", int ($PWMPulse * $cycletime / 60), ($PWMPulse * $cycletime) % 60);
readingsBeginUpdate ($room);
readingsBulkUpdate ($room, "PWMOnTime", $PWMOnTime);
readingsBulkUpdate ($room, "PWMPulse", $newpulse);
readingsEndUpdate($room, 1);
Log3 ($room, 4, "PWMR_ReadRoom $name: desT($desiredTemp), actT($temperaturV von($temperaturT)), state($actorV)");
Log3 ($room, 4, "PWMR_ReadRoom $name: newpulse($newpulse/$PWMOnTime), oldpulse($oldpulse), lastSW($prevswitchtime = $prevswitchtimeT), window($windowV)");
return ($temperaturV, $actorV, $factor, $oldpulse, $newpulse, $prevswitchtime, $windowV);
PWMR_normTime ($)
my ($time) = @_;
my $hour = 0;
my $minute = 0;
#Log 4, "normTime $time";
$time =~ /^([0-9]+):*([0-9]*)$/;
if (defined ($2) && ($2 ne "")) { # set $minute to 0 if time was only 6
$minute = $2;
if (defined ($1)) { # error if no hour given
$hour = $1
} else {
return undef;
#Log 4, "<$hour> <$minute>";
if ($hour < 0 || $hour > 23) {
return undef;
if ($minute < 0 || $minute > 59) {
return undef;
#Log 4, "uhrzeit $hour $minute";
return sprintf ("%02d%02d", $hour, $minute);
my ($hash, $var, $vals) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $valid = "";
my $usage = "usage: [Mo|Di|..|So[-Mo|-Di|..|-So] <zeit>,D|C|E|N [<zeit>,D|C|E|N] ]\n".
"e.g. Mo-Fr 6:00,D 22,N\n".
"or So 10,D 23,N";
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CheckTempRule: $hash->{NAME} $var <$vals>");
my @points = split (" ", $vals);
my $day = $points[0];
unless ( $day =~ /-/ ) { # normalise Mo to Mo-Mo
$day = "$day-$day";
# analyse Mo-Di
my ($from, $to) = split ("-", $day);
$from = lc ($from);
$to = lc ($to);
if (defined ($dayno{$from}) && defined ($dayno{$to})) {
$valid .= "$dayno{$from}-$dayno{$to} ";
} else {
return $usage;
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CheckTempRule: $name day valid: $valid");
shift @points;
foreach my $point (@points) {
#Log3 ($hash, 4, "loop: $point");
my ($from, $temp) = split(",", $point);
$temp = uc($temp);
unless ($temp eq "D" || $temp eq "N" || $temp eq "C" || $temp eq "E") { # valid temp
return $usage;
#Log3 ($hash, 4, "loop: fromto: $fromto");
return $usage unless ( $from = PWMR_normTime($from) );
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CheckTempRule: $name time valid: $from,$temp");
$valid .= "$from,$temp ";
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CheckTempRule: $name $var <$valid>");
$hash->{$var} = $valid;
return undef
my ($hash, $var, $vals) = @_;
my $error = "valid values are 0 ... 30";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_CheckTemp: $name $var <$vals>");
if ($vals !~ /^[0-9]+\.{0,1}[0-9]*$/ ) {
return "$error";
} else {
if ($vals < 0 || $vals > 30) {
return "$error";
$hash->{$var} = $vals;
return undef;
my @a = @_;
my $name = $a[1];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $attr = $a[2];
my $val = $a[3];
if ($a[0] eq "del") {
if ($attr eq "tempRule1") {
$hash->{c_tempRule1} = "";
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule2") {
$hash->{c_tempRule2} = "";
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule3") {
$hash->{c_tempRule3} = "";
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule4") {
$hash->{c_tempRule4} = "";
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule5") {
$hash->{c_tempRule5} = "";
} elsif ($attr eq "frostProtect") {
$hash->{c_frostProtect} = 0;
} elsif ($attr eq "autoCalcTemp") {
$hash->{c_autoCalcTemp} = 0;
if (!defined($val)) {
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_Attr: $name, delete $attr ($val)");
return undef;
} else {
Log3 ($hash, 4, "PWMR_Attr: $name, $attr, $val");
if ($attr eq "frostProtect") { # frostProtect 0/1
if ($val eq 0 or $val eq 1) {
$hash->{c_frostProtect} = $val;
} elsif ($val eq "") {
$hash->{c_frostProtect} = 0;
} else {
return "valid values are 0 or 1";
} elsif ($attr eq "autoCalcTemp") { # autoCalcTemp 0/1
if ($val eq 0 or $val eq 1) {
$hash->{c_autoCalcTemp} = $val;
} elsif ($val eq "") {
$hash->{c_autoCalcTemp} = 0;
} else {
return "valid values are 0 or 1";
} elsif ($attr eq "tempDay") { # tempDay
return PWMR_CheckTemp($hash, "c_tempD", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempNight") { # tempNight
return PWMR_CheckTemp($hash, "c_tempN", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempCosy") { # tempCosy
return PWMR_CheckTemp($hash, "c_tempC", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempEnergy") { # tempEnergy
return PWMR_CheckTemp($hash, "c_tempE", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule1") { # tempRule1
return PWMR_CheckTempRule($hash, "c_tempRule1", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule2") { # tempRule2
return PWMR_CheckTempRule($hash, "c_tempRule2", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule3") { # tempRule3
return PWMR_CheckTempRule($hash, "c_tempRule3", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule4") { # tempRule4
return PWMR_CheckTempRule($hash, "c_tempRule4", $val);
} elsif ($attr eq "tempRule5") { # tempRule5
return PWMR_CheckTempRule($hash, "c_tempRule5", $val);
return undef;
my ($me, $outsideSensor, $outsideMax, $deltaTemp, $desiredOffset, $boostDuration) = @_;
return undef unless defined ($defs{$me}->{NAME});
my $room = $defs{$me};
my $name = $room->{NAME};
my $outsideTemp = 99;
if (defined($defs{$outsideSensor}->{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL})) {
$outsideTemp = $defs{$outsideSensor}->{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL};
if ($room->{t_sensor})
my $sensor = $room->{t_sensor};
my $reading = $room->{t_reading};
my $t_regexp = $room->{t_regexp};
my $temperaturV = $defs{$sensor}->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL};
$temperaturV =~ s/$t_regexp/$1/;
my $desiredTemp = $room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL};
# boost necessary?
if (($outsideTemp < $outsideMax)
&& ($temperaturV <= $desiredTemp - $deltaTemp)) {
Log3 ($room, 3, "PWMR_Boost: $name ".
"($outsideTemp, $outsideMax, $deltaTemp, $desiredOffset, $boostDuration) ".
"temp($temperaturV) desired-temp($desiredTemp) -> boost");
my $now = time();
$room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME} = FmtDateTime($now + $boostDuration * 60);
$room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL} = $desiredTemp + $desiredOffset;
my $t = $room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL};
push @{$room->{CHANGED}}, "desired-temp $t";
DoTrigger($name, undef);
Log3 ($room, 4, "PWMR_Boost: $name ".
"set desiredtemp ".$room->{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{TIME}." ".
} else {
Log3 ($room, 3, "PWMR_Boost: $name ".
"($outsideTemp, $outsideMax, $deltaTemp, $desiredOffset, $boostDuration) ".
"temp($temperaturV) desired-temp($desiredTemp) -> do nothing");
} else {
Log3 ($room, 3, "PWMR_Boost: $name warning: no sensor.");
return undef;
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<a name="PWMR"></a>
The PMWR module defines rooms to be used for calculation within module PWM.<br><br>
PWM is based on Pulse Width Modulation which means valve position 70% is implemented in switching the device on for 70% and off for 30% in a given timeframe.<br>
PWM defines a calculation unit and depents on objects based on PWMR which define the rooms to be heated.<br>
PWMR objects calculate a desired temperature for a room based on several rules, define windows, a temperature sensor and an actor to be used to switch on/off heating.
<code>define <name> PWMR <IODev> <factor[,offset]> <tsensor[:reading:t_regexp]> <actor> [<window>[,<window>:w_regexp]<br></code>
Define a calculation object with the following parameters:<br>
Reference to an object of TYPE PWM. This object will switch on/off heating.<br>
Pulse for PWM will be calculated as ((delta-temp * factor) ** 2) + offset.<br>
<i>offset</i> defaults to 0.11<br>
<i>factor</i> can be used to weight rooms.<br>
<i>tsensor</i> defines the temperature sensor for the actual room temperature.<br>
<i>reading</i> defines the reading of the temperature sensor. Default is "temperature"<br>
<i>t_regexp</i> defines a regular expression to be applied to the reading. Default is '([\\d\\.]*)'.<br>
The actor will be set to "on" of "off" to turn on/off heating.<br>
<i>window</i> defines several window devices that can prevent heating to be turned on.
If STATE matches the regular expression then the desired-temp will be decreased to frost-protect temperature.<br>
<i>w_regexp</i> defines a regular expression to be applied to the reading. Default is '.*Open.*'.<br>
<code>define roomKitchen PWMR fh 1,0 tempKitchen relaisKitchen</code><br>
<code>define roomKitchen PWMR fh 1,0 tempKitchen relaisKitchen windowKitchen1,windowKitchen2</code><br>
<code>define roomKitchen PWMR fh 1,0 tempKitchen relaisKitchen windowKitchen1,windowKitchen2:.*Open.*</code><br>
<b>Set </b>
Temporary change of parameter <i>factor</i>.
Set the actor state for this room to <i>on</i> or <i>off</i>. This is only a temporary change that will be overwritten by PWM object.
If <i>desired-temp</i> is automatically calculated (attribute <i>autoCalcTemp</i> not set or 1) then the desired temperature is set for a defined time.<br>
Default for this period is 60 minutes, but it can be changed by attribute <i>autoCalcTemp</i>.<br>
If <i>desired-temp</i> is not automatically calculated (attribute <i>autoCalcTemp</i> is 0) then this will set the actual target temperature.<br>
Define the period how long <i>desired-temp</i> manually set will be valid. Default is 60 Minutes.<br>
Temporary change <i>INTERVAL</i> which defines how often <i>desired-temp</i> is calculated in autoCalcMode. Default is 300 seconds (5:00 Minutes).
Switch on (1) of off (0) frostProtectMode. <i>desired-temp</i> will be set to <i>tempFrostProtect</i> in autoCalcMode.
Switch on (1) of off (0) autoCalcMode. <i>desired-temp</i> will be set based on the below temperatures and rules in autoCalcMode.
Define day temperature. This will be referenced as "D" in the rules.
Define night temperature. This will be referenced as "N" in the rules.
Define cosy temperature. This will be referenced as "C" in the rules.
Define energy saving temperature. This will be referenced as "E" in the rules.
Define temperature for frostProtectMode. See also <i>frostProtect</i>.
<li>tempRule1 ... tempRule5<br>
Rule to calculate the <i>desired-temp</i> in autoCalcMode.<br>
Format is: <weekday>[-<weekday] <time>,<temperatureSelector><br>
weekday is one of Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So<br>
time is in format hh:mm, e.g. 7:00 or 07:00<br>
temperatureSelector is one of D,N,C,E<br>
Predefined are:<br>
tempRule1: Mo-Fr 6:00,D 22:00,N<br>
tempRule2: Sa-So 8:00,D 22:00,N<br>
This results in tempDay 6:00-22:00 from Monday to Friday and tempNight outside this time window.<br>
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