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# $Id$
# 31_MilightDevice.pm (Based on 32_WifiLight.pm by hermannj)
# FHEM module for MILIGHT lightbulbs. Supports RGB (untested), RGBW and White models.
# Author: Matthew Wire (mattwire)
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Time::HiRes;
#use Math::Round ();
use Color;
use SetExtensions;
my %dim_values = (
0 => "dim_00",
1 => "dim_10",
2 => "dim_20",
3 => "dim_30",
4 => "dim_40",
5 => "dim_50",
6 => "dim_60",
7 => "dim_70",
8 => "dim_80",
9 => "dim_90",
10 => "dim_100",
# RGBW 3 byte commands. 3rd byte not required Bridge V3+
my @RGBWCmdsOn = ("\x45", "\x47", "\x49", "\x4B", "\x42"); # Byte 1 for setting On
my @RGBWCmdsOff = ("\x46", "\x48", "\x4A", "\x4C", "\x41"); # Byte 1 for setting Off
my @RGBWCmdsWT = ("\xC5", "\xC7", "\xC9", "\xCB", "\xC2"); # Byte 1 for setting WhiteMode
my @RGBWCmdsNt = ("\xC6", "\xC8", "\xCA", "\xCC", "\xC1"); # Byte 1 for setting NightMode
my $RGBWCmdBri = "\x4E"; # Byte 1 for setting brightness (Byte 2 specifies level (0x02-0x1B 25 steps)
my $RGBWCmdCol = "\x40"; # Byte 1 for setting color (Byte 2 specifies color value (0x00-0xFF (255 steps))
my $RGBWCmdDiscoUp = "\x4D"; # Byte 1 for setting discoMode Up
my $RGBWCmdDiscoInc = "\x44"; # Byte 1 for setting discoMode speed +
my $RGBWCmdDiscoDec = "\x43"; # Byte 1 for setting discoMode speed -
my $RGBWCmdEnd = "\x55"; # Byte 3
# White 3 byte commands.
my @WhiteCmdsOn = ("\x38", "\x3D", "\x37", "\x32", "\x35"); # Byte 1 for setting On
my @WhiteCmdsOff = ("\x3B", "\x33", "\x3A", "\x36", "\x39"); # Byte 1 for setting Off
my @WhiteCmdsOnFull = ("\xB8", "\xBD", "\xB7", "\xB2", "\xB5"); # Byte 1 for setting full brightness
my @WhiteCmdsNt = ("\xBB", "\xB3", "\xBA", "\xB6", "\xB9"); # Byte 1 for setting NightMode
my @WhiteCmdBriDn = ("\x34", "\x34", "\x34", "\x34", "\xB4"); # Byte 1 for setting Brightness down (11 steps, no direct setting)
my @WhiteCmdBriUp = ("\x3C", "\x3C", "\x3C", "\x3C", "\xBC"); # Byte 1 for setting Brightness up (11 steps, no direct setting)
my @WhiteCmdColDn = ("\x3F", "\x3F", "\x3F", "\x3F", "\xBF"); # Byte 1 for setting colour temp down
my @WhiteCmdColUp = ("\x3E", "\x3E", "\x3E", "\x3E", "\xBE"); # Byte 1 for setting colour temp up
my $WhiteCmdEnd = "\x55"; # Byte 3
sub MilightDevice_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "MilightDevice_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "MilightDevice_Undef";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "MilightDevice_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "MilightDevice_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "MilightDevice_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "MilightDevice_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "MilightDevice_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev dimStep defaultBrightness defaultRampOn " .
"defaultRampOff presets dimOffWhite:1,0 updateGroupDevices:1,0 " .
"restoreAtStart:1,0 colorCast gamma lightSceneParamsToSave " .
# Device State Icon for FHEMWEB: Shows a colour changing icon with dim level
sub MilightDevice_devStateIcon($)
my($hash) = @_;
$hash = $defs{$hash} if(ref($hash) ne 'HASH');
return undef if(!$hash);
return undef if($hash->{helper}->{group});
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $percent = ReadingsVal($name,"brightness","100");
my $s = $dim_values{MilightDevice_roundfunc($percent/10)};
# Return SVG coloured icon with toggle as default action
return ".*:light_light_$s@#".ReadingsVal($name, "rgb", "FFFFFF").":toggle"
if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW') || ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'));
# Return SVG icon with toggle as default action (for White bulbs)
return ".*:light_light_$s:toggle";
# Define Milight device
sub MilightDevice_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @args = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ($name, $type, $ledtype, $iodev, $slot) = @args;
$hash->{INIT} = 0; # Set to 1 when lamp initialised (MilightDevice_Restore)
$hash->{LEDTYPE} = $ledtype;
$hash->{SLOT} = $slot;
$hash->{SLOTID} = $slot;
if($slot eq 'A') {
$hash->{SLOTID} = 9 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
$hash->{SLOTID} = 5 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
$hash->{SLOTID} = 0 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# Validate parameters
return "wrong syntax: define <name> MilightDevice <devType(RGB|RGBW|White)> <IODev> <slot>" if(@args < 5);
return "unknown LED type ($hash->{LEDTYPE}): choose one of RGB, RGBW, White" if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} !~ /RGBW|White|RGB/);
return "Invalid slot: Select one of 1..4 / A for White" if (($hash->{SLOTID} !~ /^\d*$/) || (($hash->{SLOT} ne 'A') && (($hash->{SLOT} < 1) || ($hash->{SLOT} > 4))) && ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White'));
return "Invalid slot: Select one of 5..8 / A for RGBW" if (($hash->{SLOTID} !~ /^\d*$/) || (($hash->{SLOT} ne 'A') && (($hash->{SLOT} < 5) || ($hash->{SLOT} > 8))) && ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW'));
return "Invalid slot: Select 0 for RGB" if (($hash->{SLOTID} !~ /^\d*$/) || ($hash->{SLOTID} != 0 && $hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'));
Log3 ($hash, 4, $name."_Define: $name $type $hash->{LEDTYPE} $iodev $hash->{SLOT}");
# Verify IODev is valid
AssignIoPort($hash, $iodev);
if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) {
Log3 $name, 4, $name."_Define: I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, $name."_Define: no I/O device";
# Look for already defined device on IODev
if ($hash->{SLOT} ne 'A' && defined($hash->{IODev}->{$hash->{SLOT}}->{NAME}))
# If defined slot does not match current device name don't allow new definition. Redefining the same device is ok though.
#return "Slot $hash->{SLOT} already defined as $hash->{IODev}->{$hash->{SLOT}}->{NAME}" if ($hash->{IODev}->{$hash->{SLOT}}->{NAME} ne $name);
# Define device on IODev
if ($hash->{SLOT} ne 'A')
$hash->{IODev}->{$hash->{SLOT}}->{NAME} = $name;
#$hash->{IODev}->{$hash->{SLOT}}->{DEVNAME} = $name;
# Define Command Queue
my @cmdQueue = [];
$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue} = \@cmdQueue;
my $baseCmds = "on off toggle dimup dimdown";
my $sharedCmds = "pair unpair restorePreviousState:noArg saveState:noArg restoreState:noArg";
my $rgbCmds = "hsv rgb:colorpicker,RGB hue:colorpicker,HUE,0,1,360 saturation:slider,0,100,100 preset";
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} = "$baseCmds discoModeUp:noArg discoSpeedUp:noArg discoSpeedDown:noArg night:noArg white:noArg toggleWhite:noArg $sharedCmds $rgbCmds"
if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} = "$baseCmds discoModeUp:noArg discoModeDown:noArg discoSpeedUp:noArg discoSpeedDown:noArg $sharedCmds $rgbCmds"
if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} = "$baseCmds hsv ct:colorpicker,CT,3000,350,6500 night:noArg $sharedCmds"
if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
my $defaultcommandset = $hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET};
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} .= " dim:slider,0,".MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)).",100 brightness:slider,0,".MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)).",100";
# webCmds
if (!defined($attr{$name}{webCmd}))
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on:off:dim:hue:night:rgb ffffff:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:rgb ffff00' if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on:off:dim:hue:rgb ffffff:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:rgb ffff00' if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on:off:dim:ct:night' if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
$hash->{helper}->{GAMMAMAP} = MilightDevice_CreateGammaMapping($hash, 1.0);
$hash->{helper}->{COLORMAP} = MilightDevice_ColorConverter($hash, split(',', "0,0,0,0,0,0"));
# Define devStateIcon
$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{(MilightDevice_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")}' if(!defined($attr{$name}{devStateIcon}));
# Event on change reading
$attr{$name}{"event-on-change-reading"} = "state,transitionInProgress" if (!defined($attr{$name}{"event-on-change-reading"}));
# lightScene
$attr{$name}{"lightSceneParamsToSave"} = "hsv" if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW')|| ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'));
$attr{$name}{"lightSceneParamsToSave"} = "brightness" if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
# IODev
$attr{$name}{IODev} = $hash->{IODev} if (!defined($attr{$name}{IODev}));
# restoreAtStart
if($slot eq 'A') {
$attr{$name}{"restoreAtStart"} = 0 if (!defined($attr{$name}{"restoreAtStart"}));
} else {
$attr{$name}{"restoreAtStart"} = 1 if (!defined($attr{$name}{"restoreAtStart"}));
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_Init($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "gamma", "1.0") eq "1.0")
Log3 ($name, 5, $name." dimstep ".MilightDevice_roundfunc(100 / MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash))." / gamma 1.0");
} else {
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} =~ s/dim:slider,0,.*,100/dim:slider,0,1,100/g;
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} =~ s/brightness:slider,0,.*,100/brightness:slider,0,1,100/g;
Log3 $name, 5, $name." dimstep 1 / gamma ".AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "gamma", "1.0");
$hash->{helper}->{GAMMAMAP} = MilightDevice_CreateGammaMapping($hash, AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "gamma", "1.0"));
# Colormap / Commandsets
if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW') || ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'))
my @a = split(',', "0,0,0,0,0,0");
if ( defined( $attr{$name}{colorCast} ) )
@a = split(',', AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "colorCast", "0,0,0,0,0,0"));
@a = split(',', "0,0,0,0,0,0") unless (@a == 6);
foreach my $tc (@a)
@a = split(',', "0,0,0,0,0,0") unless ($tc =~ m/^\s*[\-]{0,1}[0-9]+[\.]{0,1}[0-9]*\s*$/g);
@a = split(',', "0,0,0,0,0,0") if (abs($tc) >= 30);
$hash->{helper}->{COLORMAP} = MilightDevice_ColorConverter($hash, @a);
return undef;
# Undefine device
sub MilightDevice_Undef(@)
my ($hash,$args) = @_;
# Remove slot on bridge
delete ($hash->{IODev}->{$hash->{SLOT}}->{NAME}) if ($hash->{SLOT} ne 'A');
return undef;
# Set functions
sub MilightDevice_Set(@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
my $cnt = @args;
my $ramp = 0;
my $flags = "";
my $event = undef;
my $usage = "set $name ...";
if ($hash->{IODev}->{STATE} ne "ok" && $hash->{IODev}->{STATE} ne "Initialized") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "error", 1);
$flags = "q";
$args[2] = "" if(!defined($args[2]));
$args[2] .= "q" if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[qQ].*/);
# return SetExtensions($hash, $hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET}, $name, $cmd, @args);
# IO error, we need to keep our current state settings!
# Commands that map to other commands
if ($cmd eq "toggle")
$cmd = ReadingsVal($name,"state","on") ne "off" ? "off" :"on";
elsif ($cmd eq "white")
$cmd = "saturation";
$args[0] = 0;
elsif ($cmd eq "toggleWhite")
$cmd = "saturation";
$args[0] = (ReadingsVal($name,"saturation",100) > 0) ? 0 : 100;
# Commands
if ($cmd eq 'on')
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name on [seconds(0..X)]" if ($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/);
$ramp = $args[0];
elsif (defined($attr{$name}{defaultRampOn}))
$ramp = $attr{$name}{defaultRampOn};
return MilightDevice_RGBW_On($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_DimOn($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimOffWhite", 0) == 1);
return MilightDevice_White_On($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_On($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
elsif ($cmd eq 'off')
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name off [seconds(0..X)]" if ($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/);
$ramp = $args[0];
elsif (defined($attr{$name}{defaultRampOff}))
$ramp = $attr{$name}{defaultRampOff};
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Off($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_DimOff($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimOffWhite", 0) == 1);
return MilightDevice_White_Off($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_Off($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# Set HSV value
elsif ($cmd eq 'hsv')
$usage = "Usage: set $name hsv <h(0..360)>,<s(0..100)>,<v(0..100)> [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]";
$usage = "Usage: set $name hsv <h(3000=Warm..6500=Cool)>,<s(-)>,<v(0..100)> [seconds(0..x)] [flags(q=don't clear queue)]" if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return $usage if ($args[0] !~ /^(\d{1,4}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})$/);
my ($h, $s, $v) = ($1, $2, $3);
return "Invalid hue ($h): valid range 0..360" if (!(($h >= 0) && ($h <= 360)) && ($hash->{LEDTYPE} ne 'White'));
return "Invalid color temperature ($h): valid range 3000..6500" if (!(($h >= 3000) && ($h <= 6500)) && ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White'));
return "Invalid saturation ($s): valid range 0..100" if (!(($s >= 0) && ($s <= 100)) && ($hash->{LEDTYPE} ne 'White'));
return "Invalid brightness ($v): valid range 0..100" if !(($v >= 0) && ($v <= 100));
if (defined($args[1]))
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] > 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
if (defined($args[2]))
return $usage if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[lLqQ].*/); # Flags l=Long way round for transition, q=don't clear queue (add to end)
$flags = $args[2];
return MilightDevice_White_Transition($hash, $h, 0, $v, $ramp, $flags) if($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $v, $ramp, $flags);
# Dim to a fixed percentage with transition if requested
elsif ($cmd eq 'dim' || $cmd eq 'brightness')
$usage = "Usage: set $name dim <percent(0..100)> [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]";
return $usage if (($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/) || ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 100)); # Decimal value for percent between 0..100
if (defined($args[1]))
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] > 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
if (defined($args[2]))
return $usage if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[lLqQ].*/); # Flags l=Long way round for transition, q=don't clear queue (add to end)
$flags = $args[2];
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, $args[0], $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, $args[0], $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, $args[0], $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# Set night mode
elsif ($cmd eq 'night')
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name night";
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Night($hash) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_Night($hash) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
# Set hue
elsif ($cmd eq 'hue')
$usage = "Usage: set $name hue <h(0..360)> [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]";
return $usage if (($args[0] !~ /^(\d+)$/) || ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 360));
if (defined($args[1]))
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] > 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
if (defined($args[2]))
return $usage if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[lLqQ].*/); # Flags l=Long way round for transition, q=don't clear queue (add to end)
$flags = $args[2];
my $sat = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 100);
$sat = 100 if(ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0) == 0);
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $args[0], $sat, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36)), $ramp, $flags);
# Set color temperature
elsif ($cmd eq 'ct')
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name ct <3000=Warm..6500=Cool>" if (($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/) || ($args[0] < 2500 || $args[0] > 7000));
if (defined($args[1]))
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] > 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
if (defined($args[2]))
return $usage if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[lLqQ].*/); # Flags l=Long way round for transition, q=don't clear queue (add to end)
$flags = $args[2];
return MilightDevice_White_SetColourTemp($hash, $args[0], $ramp, $flags);
# Set RGB value
elsif( $cmd eq "rgb")
$usage = "Usage: set $name rgb RRGGBB [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]";
return $usage if ($args[0] !~ /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2})$/);
my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1), hex($2), hex($3)); #change to color.pm?
my( $h, $s, $v ) = Color::rgb2hsv($r/255.0,$g/255.0,$b/255.0);
$h = MilightDevice_roundfunc($h * 360);
$s = MilightDevice_roundfunc($s * 100);
$v = MilightDevice_roundfunc($v * 100);
if (defined($args[1]))
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] > 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
if (defined($args[2]))
return $usage if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[lLqQ].*/); # Flags l=Long way round for transition, q=don't clear queue (add to end)
$flags = $args[2];
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $v, $ramp, $flags);
# Dim up by 1 "dimStep" or by a percentage with transition if requested
elsif ($cmd eq 'dimup')
$usage = "Usage: set $name dimup [percent change(0..100)] [seconds(0..x)]";
my $percentChange = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100 / MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)); # Default one dimStep
if (defined($args[0]))
{ # Percent change (0..100%)
return $usage if (($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/) || ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 100)); # Decimal value for percent between 0..100
$percentChange = $args[0]; # Percentage to change, will be converted in dev specific function
if (defined($args[1]))
{ # Seconds for transition (0..x)
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] >= 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
# Special case, if percent=100 adjust the ramp so it matches the actual amount required.
# Eg. start: 80%. ramp 5seconds. Amount change: 100-80=20. Ramp time req: 20/100*5 = 1second.
if ($percentChange == 100)
my $difference = $percentChange - ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0);
$ramp = ($difference/100) * $ramp;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_Set: dimdown. Adjusted ramp to $ramp");
my $newBrightness = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0) + $percentChange;
$newBrightness = 100 if $newBrightness > 100;
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, $newBrightness, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, $newBrightness, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, $newBrightness, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# Dim down by 1 "dimStep" or by a percentage with transition if requested
elsif ($cmd eq 'dimdown')
$usage = "Usage: set $name dimdown [percent change(0..100)] [seconds(0..x)]";
my $percentChange = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100 / MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)); # Default one dimStep
if (defined($args[0]))
{ # Percent change (0..100%)
return $usage if (($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/) || ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 100)); # Decimal value for percent between 0..100
$percentChange = $args[0]; # Percentage to change, will be converted in dev specific function
if (defined($args[1]))
{ # Seconds for transition (0..x)
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] >= 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
# Special case, if percent=100 adjust the ramp so it matches the actual amount required.
# Eg. start: 80%. ramp 5seconds. Amount change: 80. Ramp time req: 80/100*5 = 4second.
if ($percentChange == 100)
my $difference = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0);
$ramp = ($difference/100) * $ramp;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_Set: dimdown. Adjusted ramp to $ramp");
my $newBrightness = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0) - $percentChange;
$newBrightness = 0 if $newBrightness < 0;
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, $newBrightness, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, $newBrightness, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, $newBrightness, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
elsif ($cmd eq 'saturation')
$usage = "Usage: set $name saturation <h(0..100)> [seconds(0..x)] [flags(q=don't clear queue)]";
return $usage if (($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/) || ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 100));
if (defined($args[1]))
return $usage if (($args[1] !~ /^\d+$/) && ($args[1] > 0)); # Decimal value for ramp > 0
$ramp = $args[1];
if (defined($args[2]))
return $usage if ($args[2] !~ m/.*[qQ].*/); # Flags q=don't clear queue (add to end)
$flags = $args[2];
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0), $args[0], ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36)), $ramp, $flags);
elsif ($cmd eq 'discoModeUp')
return MilightDevice_RGBW_DiscoModeStep($hash, 1);
elsif ($cmd eq 'discoModeDown')
return MilightDevice_RGBW_DiscoModeStep($hash, 0);
elsif ($cmd eq 'discoSpeedUp')
return MilightDevice_RGBW_DiscoModeSpeed($hash, 1);
elsif ($cmd eq 'discoSpeedDown')
return MilightDevice_RGBW_DiscoModeSpeed($hash, 0);
elsif ($cmd eq 'restorePreviousState')
# Restore the previous state (as store in previous* readings)
my ($h, $s, $v) = MilightDevice_HSVFromStr($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "previousState", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, 0, 0, 0)));
if($v eq 0)
if (defined($attr{$name}{defaultRampOff}))
$ramp = $attr{$name}{defaultRampOff};
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Off($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_DimOff($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimOffWhite", 0) == 1);
return MilightDevice_White_Off($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_Off($hash, $ramp, $flags) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $v, 0, '');
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq 'saveState')
# Save the hsv state as a string
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "savedState", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0), ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0), ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0)), 1);
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq 'restoreState')
my ($h, $s, $v) = MilightDevice_HSVFromStr($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "savedState", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, 0, 0, 0)));
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $v, 0, '');
elsif ($cmd eq 'preset')
my $preset = "+";
# Default to "preset +" if no args defined
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name preset <0..X|+>" if ($args[0] !~ /^(\d+|\+)$/);
$preset = $args[0];
# Get presets, if not defined default to 1 preset 0,0,100.
my @presets = split(/ /, AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "presets", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, 0, 0, 100)));
# Load the next preset (and loop back to the first) if "+" specified.
if ("$preset" eq "+")
$preset = (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "lastPreset", -1) + 1);
if ($#presets < $preset) { $preset = 0; }
return "No preset defined at index $preset" if ($#presets < $preset);
# Update reading and load preset
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastPreset", $preset, 1);
my ($h, $s, $v) = MilightDevice_HSVFromStr($hash, $presets[$preset]);
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $v, 0, '');
elsif ($cmd eq 'pair')
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name pair [seconds(0..X)(default 3)]" if ($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/);
$ramp = $args[0];
else { $ramp = 3; } # Default pair for 3 seconds
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Pair($hash, $ramp) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_Pair($hash, $ramp) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_Pair($hash, $ramp) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
elsif ($cmd eq 'unpair')
if (defined($args[0]))
return "Usage: set $name unpair [seconds(0..X)(default 3)]" if ($args[0] !~ /^\d+$/);
$ramp = $args[0];
else { $ramp = 3; } # Default unpair for 3 seconds
return MilightDevice_RGBW_UnPair($hash, $ramp) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_UnPair($hash, $ramp) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_UnPair($hash, $ramp) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
return SetExtensions($hash, $hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET}, $name, $cmd, @args);
# Get functions
sub MilightDevice_Get(@)
my ($hash, @args) = @_;
my $name = $args[0];
return "$name: get needs at least one parameter" if(@args < 2);
my $cmd= $args[1];
if($cmd eq "rgb" || $cmd eq "RGB") {
return ReadingsVal($name, "rgb", "FFFFFF");
elsif($cmd eq "hsv") {
return MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "ct", 3000), 0, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0)) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0), ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0), ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0));
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of rgb:noArg hsv:noArg";
# Attribute functions
sub MilightDevice_Attr(@)
my ($cmd, $device, $attribName, $attribVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$device};
$attribVal = "" if (!defined($attribVal));
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_Attr: Cmd: $cmd; Attribute: $attribName; Value: $attribVal");
if ($cmd eq 'set' && $attribName eq 'gamma')
return "gamma is required as numerical value with one decimal (eg. 0.5 or 2.2)" if ($attribVal !~ /^\d*\.\d*$/);
$hash->{helper}->{GAMMAMAP} = MilightDevice_CreateGammaMapping($hash, $attribVal);
if($attribVal ne "1.0")
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} =~ s/dim:slider,0,.*,100/dim:slider,0,1,100/g;
$hash->{helper}->{COMMANDSET} =~ s/brightness:slider,0,.*,100/brightness:slider,0,1,100/g;
# Allows you to modify the default number of dimSteps for a device
elsif ($cmd eq 'set' && $attribName eq 'dimStep')
return "dimStep is required as numerical value [1..100]" if ($attribVal !~ /^\d*$/) || (($attribVal < 1) || ($attribVal > 100));
# Allows you to set a default transition time for on/off
elsif ($cmd eq 'set' && (($attribName eq 'defaultRampOn') || ($attribName eq 'defaultRampOff')))
return "defaultRampOn/Off is required as numerical value [0..100]" if ($attribVal !~ /^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$/) || (($attribVal < 0) || ($attribVal > 100));
# List of presets in hsv separated by space. Loaded by set command preset X
elsif ($cmd eq 'set' && ($attribName eq 'presets'))
return "presets is required as space separated list of hsv(h,s,v) (eg. 0,0,100, 0,100,50)" if ($attribVal !~ /^[(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})(?:$|\s)]*$/);
elsif ($cmd eq 'set' && $attribName eq 'colorCast')
return "colorCast: only works with RGB(W) devices" if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
my @a = split(',', $attribVal);
my $msg = "colorCast: correction requires red, yellow, green ,cyan, blue, magenta (each in a range of -29 .. 29)";
return $msg unless (@a == 6);
foreach my $tc (@a)
return $msg unless ($tc =~ m/^\s*[\-]{0,1}[0-9]+[\.]{0,1}[0-9]*\s*$/g);
return $msg if (abs($tc) >= 30);
$hash->{helper}->{COLORMAP} = MilightDevice_ColorConverter($hash, @a);
#MilightDevice_RGB_ColorConverter($hash, @a);
if ($init_done && !(@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}} > 0))
my $hue = $hash->{READINGS}->{hue}->{VAL};
my $sat = $hash->{READINGS}->{saturation}->{VAL};
my $val = $hash->{READINGS}->{brightness}->{VAL};
return MilightDevice_RGBW_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, 1) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_RGB_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, 1) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
elsif ($cmd eq 'set' && $attribName eq 'defaultBrightness')
return "defaultBrighness: has to be between ".MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash))." and 100" if ($attribVal < MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)) || $attribVal > 100);
return undef;
# Notify functions
sub MilightDevice_Notify(@)
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
return MilightDevice_Restore($hash);
# Restore HSV settings from readings.
# Called after initialization to synchronise lamp state with fhem.
sub MilightDevice_Restore(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
return if ($hash->{INIT});
if ($init_done)
return if (AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "restoreAtStart", 0) == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_Restore: Restoring saved HSV values");
$hash->{INIT} = 1;
# Initialize device
# Clear inProgress flag: MJW Do we still need to do this?
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "transitionInProgress", 0, 1);
# Default to OFF if not defined
my ($hue, $sat, $val);
$hue = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0);
$sat = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0);
$val = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0);
# Restore state
return MilightDevice_RGBW_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, 1) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return MilightDevice_White_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, 1) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return MilightDevice_RGB_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, 1) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# device specific controller functions RGB
# LED Strip or bulb, no white, controller V2+. No longer manufactured Jan2014
sub MilightDevice_RGB_Pair(@)
my ($hash, $numSeconds) = @_;
$numSeconds = 3 if (($numSeconds || 0) == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_Pair: RGB LED slot $hash->{SLOT} pair $numSeconds s");
# DISCO SPEED FASTER 0x25 (SYNC/PAIR RGB Bulb within 2 seconds of Wall Switch Power being turned ON)
my $ctrl = "\x25\x00\x55";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numSeconds; $i++)
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 1000, undef);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_RGB_UnPair(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $numSeconds = 8;
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_UnPair: RGB LED slot $hash->{SLOT} unpair $numSeconds s");
# DISCO SPEED FASTER 0x25 (SYNC/PAIR RGB Bulb within 2 seconds of Wall Switch Power being turned ON)
my $ctrl = "\x25\x00\x55";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numSeconds; $i++)
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_RGB_On(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $v = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_On: RGB slot $hash->{SLOT} set on $ramp");
# Switch on with same brightness it was switched off with, or max if undefined.
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "off")
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness_on", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
# When turning on, make sure we request at least minimum dim step.
if ($v < MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)))
$v = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash));
return MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, $v, $ramp, $flags);
sub MilightDevice_RGB_Off(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_Off: RGB slot $hash->{SLOT} set off $ramp");
# Store value of brightness before turning off
# "on" will be of the form "on 50" where 50 is current dimlevel
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "off")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36)), 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "brightness_on") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
# Dim down to min brightness then send off command (avoid flicker on turn on)
MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)), $ramp, $flags);
return MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'qP');
# If we are already off just send the off command again
return MilightDevice_RGB_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'P');
sub MilightDevice_RGB_Dim(@)
my ($hash, $level, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $h = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0);
my $s = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_Dim: RGB slot $hash->{SLOT} dim $level $ramp $flags");
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $level, $ramp, $flags);
sub MilightDevice_RGB_SetHSV(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) = @_;
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_setHSV: RGB slot $hash->{SLOT} set h:$hue, s:$sat, v:$val");
$sat = 100;
MilightDevice_SetHSV_Readings($hash, $hue, $sat, $val);
# apply gamma correction
my $gammaVal = $hash->{helper}->{GAMMAMAP}[$val];
# convert to device specs
my ($cv, $cl, $wl) = MilightDevice_RGB_ColorConverter($hash, $hue, $sat, $gammaVal);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGB_setHSV: RGB slot $hash->{SLOT} set levels: $cv, $cl, $wl");
$repeat = 1 if (!defined($repeat));
# On first load, colorLevel won't be defined, define it.
$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} = $cl if (!defined($hash->{helper}->{colorLevel}));
# NOTE: All commands sent twice for reliability (it's udp with no feedback)
if (($wl < 1) && ($cl < 1)) # off
# if no white or colour switch off
IOWrite($hash, "\x21\x00\x55"); # switch off
$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} = 0;
else # on
if (($wl > 0) || ($cl > 0)) # Colour/White on
IOWrite($hash, "\x22\x00\x55"); # switch on
IOWrite($hash, "\x20".chr($cv)."\x55"); # set color
if ($repeat eq 1) {
IOWrite($hash, "\x22\x00\x55"); # switch on
IOWrite($hash, "\x20".chr($cv)."\x55"); # set color
# cl decrease
if ($hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} > $cl)
for (my $i=$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel}; $i > $cl; $i--)
IOWrite($hash, "\x24\x00\x55"); # brightness down
$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} = $i - 1;
# cl increase
if ($hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} < $cl)
for (my $i=$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel}; $i < $cl; $i++)
IOWrite($hash, "\x23\x00\x55"); # brightness up
$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} = $i + 1;
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_RGB_ColorConverter(@)
my ($hash, $h, $s, $v) = @_;
my $color = $hash->{helper}->{COLORMAP}[$h % 360];
# there are 0..9 dim level, setup correction
my $valueSpread = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash));
my $totalVal = MilightDevice_roundfunc($v / $valueSpread);
# saturation 100..50: color full, white increase. 50..0 white full, color decrease
my $colorVal = ($s >= 50) ? $totalVal : int(($s / 50 * $totalVal) +0.5);
my $whiteVal = ($s >= 50) ? int(((100-$s) / 50 * $totalVal) +0.5) : $totalVal;
return ($color, $colorVal, $whiteVal);
# RGBW device specific: Bridge V3+ only.
# Available as GU10, E14, E27, B22, led strip controller...
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_Pair(@)
my ($hash, $numSeconds) = @_;
$numSeconds = 3 if (($numSeconds || 0) == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGBW_Pair: $hash->{LEDTYPE} at $hash->{CONNECTION}, slot $hash->{SLOT}: pair $numSeconds");
# find my slot and get my group-all-on cmd
my $ctrl = @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd;
# Send on command once a second
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numSeconds; $i++)
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 1000, undef);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_UnPair(@)
my ($hash, $numSeconds, $releaseFromSlot) = @_;
$numSeconds = 3 if (($numSeconds || 0) == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGBW_UnPair: $hash->{LEDTYPE} at $hash->{CONNECTION}, slot $hash->{SLOT}: unpair $numSeconds");
# find my slot and get my group-all-on cmd
my $ctrl = @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd;
# Send on command every 200ms
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numSeconds; $i++)
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_On(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $v = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGBW_On: Set ON; Ramp: $ramp");
# Switch on with same brightness it was switched off with, or max if undefined.
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "off" || ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "night")
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness_on", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
# When turning on, make sure we request at least minimum dim step.
if ($v < MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)))
$v = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash));
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, $v, $ramp, $flags);
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_Off(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGBW_Off: Set OFF; Ramp: $ramp");
# Store value of brightness before turning off
# "on" will be of the form "on 50" where 50 is current dimlevel
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "off" && ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "night")
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0), 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "brightness_on") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
# Dim down to min brightness then send off command (avoid flicker on turn on)
MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)), $ramp, $flags);
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'qP');
# If we are already off just send the off command again
return MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'P');
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_Night(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGBW_Night: Set NIGHTMODE");
if(ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "night") {
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0) > 0)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 4), 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "brightness_on") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd); # off
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsNt[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd); # night
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "night", 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "state") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_Dim(@)
my ($hash, $v, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $h = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0);
my $s = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_RGBW_Dim: Brightness: $v; Ramp: $ramp; Flags: ". $flags || '');
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, $h, $s, $v, $ramp, $flags);
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_SetHSV(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) = @_;
my ($cl, $wl);
$repeat = 1 if (!defined($repeat));
my $cv = $hash->{helper}->{COLORMAP}[$hue % 360];
#check dim levels to decide wether to change color or brightness first
my $dimup = 0;
$dimup = 1 if($val > ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 100));
# apply gamma correction
my $gammaVal = $hash->{helper}->{GAMMAMAP}[$val];
# brightness 2..27 (x02..x1b) | 25 dim levels
my $cf = MilightDevice_roundfunc((($gammaVal / 100) * MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)) + 1);
if ($sat < 20)
$wl = $cf;
$cl = 0;
$sat = 0;
$cl = $cf;
$wl = 0;
$sat = 100;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "MilightDevice_RGBW_SetHSV: h:$hue s:$sat v:$val / cv:$cv wl:$wl cl:$cl ");
# Set readings in FHEM
MilightDevice_SetHSV_Readings($hash, $hue, $sat, $val);
# NOTE: All commands sent twice for reliability (it's udp with no feedback)
# Off is shifted to "2" above so check for < 2
if (($wl < 2) && ($cl < 2)) # off
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd); # group off
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if ($repeat eq 1); # group off
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = 0;
$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} = 0;
else # on
if ($wl > 0) # white
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($wl > 0) || ($cl > 0)); # group on
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsWT[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd); # white
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdBri.chr($wl).$RGBWCmdEnd); # brightness
if ($repeat eq 1) {
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($wl > 0) || ($cl > 0)); # group on
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsWT[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd); # white
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdBri.chr($wl).$RGBWCmdEnd); # brightness
elsif ($cl > 0) # color
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($wl > 0) || ($cl > 0)); # group on
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdCol.chr($cv).$RGBWCmdEnd); # color
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdBri.chr($cl).$RGBWCmdEnd); # brightness
} else {
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdBri.chr($cl).$RGBWCmdEnd); # brightness
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdCol.chr($cv).$RGBWCmdEnd); # color
if ($repeat eq 1) {
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($wl > 0) || ($cl > 0)); # group on
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdCol.chr($cv).$RGBWCmdEnd); # color
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdBri.chr($cl).$RGBWCmdEnd); # brightness
} else {
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdBri.chr($cl).$RGBWCmdEnd); # brightness
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdCol.chr($cv).$RGBWCmdEnd); # color
$hash->{helper}->{colorValue} = $cv;
$hash->{helper}->{colorLevel} = $cl;
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = $wl;
return undef;
# RGB and RGBW types
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_DiscoModeStep(@)
my ($hash, $step) = @_;
$step = 0 if ($step < 0);
$step = 1 if ($step > 1);
# Set readings in FHEM
MilightDevice_SetDisco_Readings($hash, $step, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, 'discoSpeed', 5));
# NOTE: Only sending commands once, because it makes changes on each successive command
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW')); # group on
IOWrite($hash, "\x22\x00\x55") if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB')); # switch on
if ($step == 1)
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdDiscoUp."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW')); # discoMode step up
IOWrite($hash, "\x27\x00\x55") if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB')); # discoMode step up
elsif ($step == 0)
IOWrite($hash, "\x28\x00\x55") if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB')); # discoMode step down
# There is no discoMode step down for RGBW
return undef;
# RGB and RGBW types
sub MilightDevice_RGBW_DiscoModeSpeed(@)
my ($hash, $speed) = @_;
$speed = 0 if ($speed < 0);
$speed = 1 if ($speed > 1);
# Set readings in FHEM
MilightDevice_SetDisco_Readings($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, 'discoMode', 1), $speed);
# NOTE: Only sending commands once, because it makes changes on each successive command
IOWrite($hash, @RGBWCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -5]."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW')); # group on
IOWrite($hash, "\x22\x00\x55") if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB')); # switch on
if ($speed == 1)
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdDiscoInc."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW'); # discoMode speed up
IOWrite($hash, "\x25\x00\x55") if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'); # discoMode speed up
elsif ($speed == 0)
IOWrite($hash, $RGBWCmdDiscoDec."\x00".$RGBWCmdEnd) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW'); # discoMode speed down
IOWrite($hash, "\x26\x00\x55") if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'); # discoMode speed down
return undef;
# White device specific: Warm/Cold White with Dim - Bridge V2+
sub MilightDevice_White_Pair(@)
my ($hash, $numSeconds) = @_;
$numSeconds = 3 if (($numSeconds || 0) == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Pair: $hash->{LEDTYPE} at $hash->{CONNECTION}, slot $hash->{SLOT}: pair $numSeconds");
# find my slot and get my group-all-on cmd
my $ctrl = @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd;
# Send on command once a second
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numSeconds; $i++)
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 1000, undef);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_White_UnPair(@)
my ($hash, $numSeconds, $releaseFromSlot) = @_;
$numSeconds = 3 if (($numSeconds || 0) == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_UnPair: $hash->{LEDTYPE} at $hash->{CONNECTION}, slot $hash->{SLOT}: unpair $numSeconds");
# find my slot and get my group-all-on cmd
my $ctrl = @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numSeconds; $i++)
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_White_On(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $v = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_On: Set ON: Ramp: $ramp");
# Switch on with same brightness it was switched off with, or max if undefined.
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "off" || ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "night")
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness_on", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
# When turning on, make sure we request at least minimum dim step.
if ($v < MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)))
$v = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash));
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, $v, $ramp, $flags);
sub MilightDevice_White_Off(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Off: Set OFF; Ramp: $ramp");
# Store value of brightness before turning off
# "on" will be of the form "on 50" where 50 is current dimlevel
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "off" && ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "night")
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0) > 0)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36)), 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "brightness_on") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
# Dim down to min brightness then send off command (avoid flicker on turn on)
MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)), $ramp, $flags);
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'q');
# If we are already off just send the off command again
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'P');
sub MilightDevice_White_DimOff(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_DimOff: Set OFF; Ramp: $ramp");
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0) > 0)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36)), 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "brightness_on") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdBriDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'q');
sub MilightDevice_White_DimOn(@)
my ($hash, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_DimOn: Set ON; Ramp: $ramp");
my $v = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36);
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "off" || ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") eq "night")
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness_on", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
$v = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36));
# When turning on, make sure we request at least minimum dim step.
if ($v < MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)))
$v = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash));
MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, $v, $ramp, $flags);
for (my $i = 0; $i < ($v/(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash))); $i++)
#IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdBriUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
#$ctrl = @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd;
#MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, undef, undef, undef, $ctrl, 200, undef);
#return MilightDevice_White_Dim($hash, 0, 0, 'q');
sub MilightDevice_White_Night(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_NIGHT: Set NIGHTMODE");
if(ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "state", "off") ne "night")
if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0) > 0)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36)), 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "brightness_on") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # off
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsNt[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # night
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "night", 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "state") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_White_Dim(@)
my ($hash, $level, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Dim: Brightness: $level; Ramp: $ramp; Flags: $flags");
return MilightDevice_HSV_Transition($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "ct", 3000), 0, $level, $ramp, $flags);
# $hue is colourTemperature, $val is brightness
sub MilightDevice_White_SetHSV(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$repeat = 1 if (!defined($repeat));
# Validate brightness
$val = 100 if ($val > 100);
$val = 0 if ($val < 0);
# Validate colour temperature
$hue = 6500 if ($hue > 6500);
$hue = 3000 if ($hue < 3000);
my $oldHueStep = MilightDevice_White_ct_hwValue($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "ct", 6500));
my $newHueStep = MilightDevice_White_ct_hwValue($hash, $hue);
$hue = MilightDevice_White_ct_hwValue($hash, $newHueStep);
# Set colour temperature
if ($oldHueStep != $newHueStep)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on
if ($oldHueStep > $newHueStep)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_setColourTemp: Decrease from $oldHueStep to $newHueStep");
for (my $i=$oldHueStep; $i > $newHueStep; $i--)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # Cooler (colourtemp up)
elsif ($oldHueStep < $newHueStep)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_setColourTemp: Increase from $oldHueStep to $newHueStep");
for (my $i=$oldHueStep; $i < $newHueStep; $i++)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # Warmer (colourtemp down)
if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimOffWhite", 0) == 1)
if($newHueStep == 1)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
elsif($newHueStep == 11)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
# apply gamma correction
my $gammaVal = $hash->{helper}->{GAMMAMAP}[$val];
# Calculate brightness hardware value (10 steps / 11 positions for white)
my $maxWl = (100 / MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash));
my $wl = MilightDevice_roundfunc($gammaVal / $maxWl);
# On first load, whiteLevel won't be defined, define it.
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = $wl if (!defined($hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel}));
if (ReadingsVal($hash, "brightness", 0) > 0)
# We are transitioning from on to off so store new value of wl and stop brightness up/down being triggered below
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = $wl;
# Store new values for colourTemperature and Brightness
MilightDevice_SetHSV_Readings($hash, $hue, 0, $val);
# Make sure we actually send off command if we should be off
if ($wl == 0)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group off
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOff[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd) if ($repeat eq 1); # group off
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_setHSV: OFF");
elsif ($wl == $maxWl)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOnFull[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on full
if ($repeat eq 1) {
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOnFull[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on full
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_setHSV: Full Brightness");
# Not off or MAX brightness, so make sure we are on
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd) if ($repeat eq 1); # group on
if ($hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} > $wl)
# Brightness level should be decreased
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_setHSV: Brightness decrease from $hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} to $wl");
for (my $i=$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel}; $i > $wl; $i--)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdBriDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # brightness down
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = $i - 1;
elsif ($hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} < $wl)
# Brightness level should be increased
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = 1 if ($hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} == 0);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_setHSV: Brightness increase from $hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} to $wl");
for (my $i=$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel}; $i < $wl; $i++)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdBriUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # brightness up
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = $i + 1;
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_setHSV: ON");
$hash->{helper}->{whiteLevel} = $wl;
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_White_SetColourTemp(@)
# $hue is colourTemperature (1-11), $val is brightness (0-100%)
my ($hash, $hue) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Save old value of ct
my $oldHue = MilightDevice_White_ct_hwValue($hash, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "ct", 6500));
# Store new values for colourTemperature and Brightness
MilightDevice_SetHSV_Readings($hash, $hue, 0, ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "defaultBrightness", 36) ) );
# Validate colourTemperature (11 steps)
# 3000-6500 (350 per step) Warm-White to Cool White
# Maps backwards 1=6500 11=3000
$hue = MilightDevice_White_ct_hwValue($hash, $hue);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_setColourTemp: $oldHue to $hue");
# Set colour temperature
if ($oldHue != $hue)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdsOn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # group on
if ($oldHue > $hue)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_setColourTemp: Decrease from $oldHue to $hue");
for (my $i=$oldHue; $i > $hue; $i--)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # Cooler (colourtemp up)
elsif ($oldHue < $hue)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_setColourTemp: Increase from $oldHue to $hue");
for (my $i=$oldHue; $i < $hue; $i++)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd); # Warmer (colourtemp down)
if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimOffWhite", 0) == 1)
if($hue == 1)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColDn[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
elsif($hue == 11)
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
IOWrite($hash, @WhiteCmdColUp[$hash->{SLOTID} -1]."\x00".$WhiteCmdEnd);
return undef;
# Convert from 3000-6500 colourtemperature to hardware value
sub MilightDevice_White_ct_hwValue(@)
my ($hash, $ct) = @_;
# Couldn't get switch statement to work so using if
if ($ct == 11) { return 3000; }
elsif ($ct == 10) { return 3350; }
elsif ($ct == 9) { return 3700; }
elsif ($ct == 8) { return 4050; }
elsif ($ct == 7) { return 4400; }
elsif ($ct == 6) { return 4750; }
elsif ($ct == 5) { return 5100; }
elsif ($ct == 4) { return 5450; }
elsif ($ct == 3) { return 5800; }
elsif ($ct == 2) { return 6150; }
elsif ($ct == 1) { return 6500; }
elsif ($ct < 3350) { return 11; }
elsif ($ct < 3700) { return 10; }
elsif ($ct < 4050) { return 9; }
elsif ($ct < 4400) { return 8; }
elsif ($ct < 4750) { return 7; }
elsif ($ct < 5100) { return 6; }
elsif ($ct < 5450) { return 5; }
elsif ($ct < 5800) { return 4; }
elsif ($ct < 6150) { return 3; }
elsif ($ct < 6500) { return 2; }
return 1;
# Device independent routines
sub MilightDevice_HSVFromStr(@)
# Convert HSV values from string in format "h,s,v"
my ($hash, @args) = @_;
if ((!defined($args[0])) || ($args[0] !~ /^(\d{1,4}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})$/))
Log3 ($hash, 3, "MilightDevice_HSVFromStr: Could not parse h,s,v values from $args[0]");
return (0, 0, 0);
Log3 ($hash, 5, "MilightDevice_HSVFromStr: Parsed hsv string: h:$1,s:$2,v:$3");
return ($1, $2, $3);
sub MilightDevice_HSVToStr(@)
# Convert HSV values to string in format "h,s,v"
my ($hash, $h, $s, $v) = @_;
$h=0 if (!defined($h));
$s=0 if (!defined($s));
$v=0 if (!defined($v));
Log3 ($hash, 5, "MilightDevice_HSVToStr: h:$h,s:$s,v:$v");
return "$h,$s,$v";
sub MilightDevice_ValidateHSV(@)
# Validate and return valid values for HSV
my ($hash, $h, $s, $v) = @_;
$h = 0 if ($h < 0);
$h = 360 if ($h > 360 && $hash->{LEDTYPE} ne 'White');
$h = 3000 if ($h < 3000 && $hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
$h = 6500 if ($h > 6500);
$s = 0 if ($s < 0);
$s = 100 if ($s > 100);
$v = 0 if ($v < 0);
$v = 100 if ($v > 100);
return ($h, $s, $v);
# Return number of steps for each type of bulb
# White: 11 steps (step = 9.1)
# RGB: 9 steps (step = 11)
# RGBW: 25 steps (step = 4)
sub MilightDevice_DimSteps(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
return AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimStep", 25) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimStep", 11) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "dimStep", 9) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# Return number of colour steps for each type of bulb
# White: 11 steps (this is colour temperature)
# RGB: 255 steps (not mentioned in API?)
# RGBW: 255 steps
sub MilightDevice_ColourSteps(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
return 255 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
return 11 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
return 255 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
# dispatcher
sub MilightDevice_SetHSV(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) = @_;
MilightDevice_RGBW_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
MilightDevice_White_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
MilightDevice_RGB_SetHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $repeat) if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB');
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_HSV_Transition(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my ($hueFrom, $satFrom, $valFrom, $timeFrom)=0;
# Clear command queue if flag "q" not specified
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Clear($hash) if ($flags !~ m/.*[qQ].*/);
# if queue in progress set start vals to last cached hsv target, else set start to actual hsv
if (@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}} > 0)
$hueFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetHue};
$satFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetSat};
$valFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetVal};
$timeFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetTime};
$hueFrom = 0 if(!defined($hueFrom));
$satFrom = 100 if(!defined($satFrom));
$valFrom = 0 if(!defined($valFrom));
$timeFrom = 0 if(!defined($timeFrom));
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Prepare Start (cached): $hueFrom,$satFrom,$valFrom@".$timeFrom);
$hueFrom = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0);
$satFrom = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0);
$valFrom = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0);
$timeFrom = gettimeofday();
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Prepare Start (actual): $hueFrom,$satFrom,$valFrom@".$timeFrom);
if ($flags !~ m/.*[pP].*/ and ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB') || ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW'))
# Store previous state if different to requested state
if (($hueFrom != $hue) || ($satFrom != $sat) || ($valFrom != $val))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "previousState", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, $hueFrom, $satFrom, $valFrom),1);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Current: $hueFrom,$satFrom,$valFrom");
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Set: $hue,$sat,$val; Ramp: $ramp; Flags: ". $flags);
# Store target vales
$hash->{helper}->{targetHue} = $hue;
$hash->{helper}->{targetSat} = $sat;
$hash->{helper}->{targetVal} = $val;
# if there is no ramp we don't need transition
if (($ramp || 0) == 0)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Set: $hue,$sat,$val; No Ramp");
$hash->{helper}->{targetTime} = $timeFrom;
return MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, undef, 0, undef);
# calculate the left and right turn length based
# startAngle +360 -endAngle % 360 = counter clock
# endAngle +360 -startAngle % 360 = clockwise
my $hueTo = ($hue == 0) ? 1 : ($hue == 360) ? 359 : $hue;
my $fadeLeft = ($hueFrom + 360 - $hue) % 360;
my $fadeRight = ($hue + 360 - $hueFrom) % 360;
my $direction = ($fadeLeft <=> $fadeRight); # -1 = counterclock, +1 = clockwise
$direction = ($direction == 0)?1:$direction; # in dupt cw
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Colour rotation: cc(-1): $fadeLeft, cw(+1): $fadeRight; Shortest: $direction;");
$direction *= -1 if ($flags =~ m/.*[lL].*/); # reverse if long path desired (flag l or L is set)
my $rotation = ($direction == 1)?$fadeRight:$fadeLeft; # angle of hue rotation in based on flags
my $sFade = abs($sat - $satFrom);
my $vFade = abs($val - $valFrom);
# No transition, so set immediately and ignore ramp setting
if ($rotation == 0 && $sFade == 0 && $vFade == 0)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Unchanged. Set: $hue,$sat,$val; Ignoring Ramp");
$hash->{helper}->{targetTime} = $timeFrom;
return MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, undef, 0, undef);
my ($stepWidth, $steps, $maxSteps, $hueToSet, $hueStep, $satToSet, $satStep, $valToSet, $valStep);
# Calculate stepWidth
if ($rotation >= ($sFade || $vFade))
# Transition based on Hue, so max steps = colourSteps
$stepWidth = ($ramp * 1000 / $rotation); # how long is one step (set hsv) in ms based on hue
$maxSteps = MilightDevice_ColourSteps($hash);
elsif ($sFade >= ($rotation || $vFade))
# Transition based on Saturation, so max steps = 2 (devices don't support sat, so set to 0 or 100 mostly)
$stepWidth = ($ramp * 1000 / $sFade); # how long is one step (set hsv) in ms based on sat
$maxSteps = 2;
# Transition based on Brightness, so max steps = dimSteps
$stepWidth = ($ramp * 1000 / $vFade); # how long is one step (set hsv) in ms based on val
$maxSteps = MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash);
# Calculate number of steps, limit to max number (no point running more if they are the same)
$steps = int($ramp * 1000 / $stepWidth);
if ($steps > $maxSteps)
$stepWidth *= ($steps/$maxSteps);
$steps = $maxSteps;
# Calculate number of steps, limit to max number (no point running more if they are the same)
$steps = int($ramp * 1000 / $stepWidth);
if ($steps > $maxSteps)
$stepWidth *= ($steps/$maxSteps);
$steps = $maxSteps;
# Calculate minimum stepWidth
# Min bridge delay as specified by Bridge * 3 (eg. 100*3=300ms).
# On average min 3 commands need to be sent per step (eg. Group On; Mode; Brightness;) so this gets it approximately right
my $minStepWidth = $hash->{IODev}->{INTERVAL} * 3;
$stepWidth = $minStepWidth if ($stepWidth < $minStepWidth); # Make sure we have min stepWidth
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Steps: $steps; Step Interval(ms): $stepWidth");
# Calculate hue step
$hueToSet = $hueFrom; # Start at current hue
$hueStep = $rotation / $steps * $direction;
# Calculate saturation step
$satToSet = $satFrom; # Start at current saturation
$satStep = ($sat - $satFrom) / $steps;
# Calculate brightness step
$valToSet = $valFrom; # Start at current brightness
$valStep = ($val - $valFrom) / $steps;
for (my $i=1; $i <= $steps; $i++)
$hueToSet += $hueStep; # Increment new hue by step (negative step decrements)
$hueToSet -= 360 if ($hueToSet > 360); #handle turn over zero
$hueToSet += 360 if ($hueToSet < 0);
$satToSet += $satStep; # Increment new saturation by step (negative step decrements)
$valToSet += $valStep; # Increment new brightness by step (negative step decrements)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: Add to Queue: h:".($hueToSet).", s:".($satToSet).", v:".($valToSet)." ($i/$steps)");
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, MilightDevice_roundfunc($hueToSet), MilightDevice_roundfunc($satToSet), MilightDevice_roundfunc($valToSet), undef, $stepWidth, $timeFrom + (($i-1) * $stepWidth / 1000) );
# Set target time for completion of sequence.
# This may be slightly higher than what was requested since $stepWidth > minDelay (($steps * $stepWidth) > $ramp)
$hash->{helper}->{targetTime} = $timeFrom + ($steps * $stepWidth / 1000);
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_HSV_Transition: TargetTime: $hash->{helper}->{targetTime}");
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_White_Transition(@)
my ($hash, $ct, $sat, $val, $ramp, $flags) = @_;
my ($ctFrom, $valFrom, $timeFrom)=0;
# Clear command queue if flag "q" not specified
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Clear($hash) if ($flags !~ m/.*[qQ].*/);
# if queue in progress set start vals to last cached hsv target, else set start to actual hsv
if (@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}} > 0)
$ctFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetCt};
$valFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetVal};
$timeFrom = $hash->{helper}->{targetTime};
$ctFrom = 3000 if(!defined($ctFrom));
$valFrom = 0 if(!defined($valFrom));
$timeFrom = 0 if(!defined($timeFrom));
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Prepare Start (cached): $ctFrom,$valFrom@".$timeFrom);
$ctFrom = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "ct", 3000);
$valFrom = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0);
$timeFrom = gettimeofday();
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Prepare Start (actual): $ctFrom,$valFrom@".$timeFrom);
if ($flags !~ m/.*[pP].*/)
# Store previous state if different to requested state
if (($ctFrom != $ct) || ($valFrom != $val))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "previousState", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, $ctFrom, 0, $valFrom),1);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Current: $ctFrom,$valFrom");
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Set: $ct,$val; Ramp: $ramp; Flags: ". $flags);
# Store target vales
$hash->{helper}->{targetCt} = $ct;
$hash->{helper}->{targetVal} = $val;
# if there is no ramp we don't need transition
if (($ramp || 0) == 0)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Set: $ct,$val; No Ramp");
$hash->{helper}->{targetTime} = $timeFrom;
return MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, $ct, 0, $val, undef, 0, undef);
my $vFade = abs($val - $valFrom);
my $ctFade = abs($ct - $ctFrom);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Colour temp: $ctFade, Brightness: $vFade;");
# No transition, so set immediately and ignore ramp setting
if ($ctFade == 0 && $vFade == 0)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Unchanged. Set: $ct,0,$val; Ignoring Ramp");
$hash->{helper}->{targetTime} = $timeFrom;
return MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, $ct, 0, $val, undef, 0, undef);
my ($stepWidth, $steps, $maxSteps, $ctToSet, $ctStep, $valToSet, $valStep);
# Calculate stepWidth
if ($ctFade >= $vFade)
# Transition based on ct, so max steps = colourSteps
$stepWidth = ($ramp * 1000 / $ctFade /100); # how long is one step (set hsv) in ms based on ct
$maxSteps = MilightDevice_ColourSteps($hash);
# Transition based on Brightness, so max steps = dimSteps
$stepWidth = ($ramp * 1000 / $vFade); # how long is one step (set hsv) in ms based on val
$maxSteps = MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash);
# Calculate number of steps, limit to max number (no point running more if they are the same)
$steps = int($ramp * 1000 / $stepWidth);
if ($steps > $maxSteps)
$stepWidth *= ($steps/$maxSteps);
$steps = $maxSteps;
# Calculate number of steps, limit to max number (no point running more if they are the same)
$steps = int($ramp * 1000 / $stepWidth);
if ($steps > $maxSteps)
$stepWidth *= ($steps/$maxSteps);
$steps = $maxSteps;
# Calculate minimum stepWidth
# Min bridge delay as specified by Bridge * 3 (eg. 100*3=300ms).
# On average min 3 commands need to be sent per step (eg. Group On; Mode; Brightness;) so this gets it approximately right
my $minStepWidth = $hash->{IODev}->{INTERVAL} * 3;
$stepWidth = $minStepWidth if ($stepWidth < $minStepWidth); # Make sure we have min stepWidth
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Steps: $steps; Step Interval(ms): $stepWidth");
# Calculate hue step
$ctToSet = $ctFrom; # Start at current hue
$ctStep = ($ct - $ctFrom) / $steps;
# Calculate brightness step
$valToSet = $valFrom; # Start at current brightness
$valStep = ($val - $valFrom) / $steps;
for (my $i=1; $i <= $steps; $i++)
$ctToSet += $ctStep; # Increment new hue by step (negative step decrements)
$valToSet += $valStep; # Increment new brightness by step (negative step decrements)
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: Add to Queue: ct:".(int($ctToSet)).", s:0, v:".(int($valToSet))." ($i/$steps)");
MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add($hash, MilightDevice_roundfunc($ctToSet), 0, MilightDevice_roundfunc($valToSet), undef, $stepWidth, $timeFrom + (($i-1) * $stepWidth / 1000) );
# Set target time for completion of sequence.
# This may be slightly higher than what was requested since $stepWidth > minDelay (($steps * $stepWidth) > $ramp)
$hash->{helper}->{targetTime} = $timeFrom + ($steps * $stepWidth / 1000);
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_White_Transition: TargetTime: $hash->{helper}->{targetTime}");
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_SetHSV_Readings(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $val_on) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
readingsBeginUpdate($hash); # Start update readings
# Store requested values
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "brightness", $val);
# Store on brightness so we can turn on at a set brightness
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "brightness_on", $val_on);
if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB') || ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW'))
# Store previous state if different to requested state
my $prevHue = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "hue", 0);
my $prevSat = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "saturation", 0);
my $prevVal = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "brightness", 0);
if (($prevHue != $hue) || ($prevSat != $sat) || ($prevVal != $val))
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "previousState", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, $prevHue, $prevSat, $prevVal)) if ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "transitionInProgress", 1) eq 0;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "saturation", $sat);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "hue", $hue);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "hsv", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, $hue,$sat,$val));
# Calc RGB values from HSV
my ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($hue/360.0,$sat/100.0,$val/100.0);
$r *=255; $g *=255; $b*=255;
# Store values
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "rgb", sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$r,$g,$b)); # Int to Hex convert
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "discoMode", 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "discoSpeed", 0);
elsif ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White')
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "ct", $hue);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "hsv", MilightDevice_HSVToStr($hash, $hue,0,$val));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "on $val") if ($val > 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "off") if ($val < 2);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "bulk") if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1);
sub MilightDevice_SetDisco_Readings(@)
# Step/Speed can be "1" or "0" when active
my ($hash, $step, $speed) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW') || ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGB'))
my $discoMode = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "discoMode", 0);
$discoMode = "on";
my $discoSpeed = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "discoSpeed", 5);
$discoSpeed = "-" if ($speed == 0);
$discoSpeed = "+" if ($speed == 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "discoMode", $step);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "discoSpeed", $speed);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
if ($hash->{SLOT} eq 'A' && AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "updateGroupDevices", 0) == 1)
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "discoMode");
MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update($hash, "discoSpeed");
sub MilightDevice_ColorConverter(@)
my ($hash, $cr, $cy, $cg, $cc, $cb, $cm) = @_;
my @colorMap;
my $adjRed = 0 + $cr;
my $adjYellow = 60 + $cy;
my $adjGreen = 120 + $cg;
my $adjCyan = 180 + $cc;
my $adjBlue = 240 + $cb;
my $adjLilac = 300 + $cm;
my $devRed = 176; # (0xB0)
#my $devYellow = 128; # (0x80)
my $devYellow = 144;
my $devGreen = 96; # (0x60)
#my $devCyan = 48; # (0x30)
my $devCyan = 56;
my $devBlue = 16; # (0x10)
my $devLilac = 224; # (0xE0)
my $i= 360;
# red to yellow
$adjRed += 360 if ($adjRed < 0); # in case of negative adjustment
$devRed += 256 if ($devRed < $devYellow);
$adjYellow += 360 if ($adjYellow < $adjRed);
for ($i = $adjRed; $i <= $adjYellow; $i++)
$colorMap[$i % 360] = ($devRed - int((($devRed - $devYellow) / ($adjYellow - $adjRed) * ($i - $adjRed)) +0.5)) % 255;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_ColorConverter: create colormap h: ".($i % 360)." d: ".$colorMap[$i % 360]);
#yellow to green
$devYellow += 256 if ($devYellow < $devGreen);
$adjGreen += 360 if ($adjGreen < $adjYellow);
for ($i = $adjYellow; $i <= $adjGreen; $i++)
$colorMap[$i % 360] = ($devYellow - int((($devYellow - $devGreen) / ($adjGreen - $adjYellow) * ($i - $adjYellow)) +0.5)) % 255;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_ColorConverter: create colormap h: ".($i % 360)." d: ".$colorMap[$i % 360]);
#green to cyan
$devGreen += 256 if ($devGreen < $devCyan);
$adjCyan += 360 if ($adjCyan < $adjGreen);
for ($i = $adjGreen; $i <= $adjCyan; $i++)
$colorMap[$i % 360] = ($devGreen - int((($devGreen - $devCyan) / ($adjCyan - $adjGreen) * ($i - $adjGreen)) +0.5)) % 255;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_ColorConverter: create colormap h: ".($i % 360)." d: ".$colorMap[$i % 360]);
#cyan to blue
$devCyan += 256 if ($devCyan < $devCyan);
$adjBlue += 360 if ($adjBlue < $adjCyan);
for ($i = $adjCyan; $i <= $adjBlue; $i++)
$colorMap[$i % 360] = ($devCyan - int((($devCyan - $devBlue) / ($adjBlue - $adjCyan) * ($i - $adjCyan)) +0.5)) % 255;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_ColorConverter: create colormap h: ".($i % 360)." d: ".$colorMap[$i % 360]);
#blue to lilac
$devBlue += 256 if ($devBlue < $devLilac);
$adjLilac += 360 if ($adjLilac < $adjBlue);
for ($i = $adjBlue; $i <= $adjLilac; $i++)
$colorMap[$i % 360] = ($devBlue - int((($devBlue - $devLilac) / ($adjLilac - $adjBlue) * ($i- $adjBlue)) +0.5)) % 255;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_ColorConverter: create colormap h: ".($i % 360)." d: ".$colorMap[$i % 360]);
#lilac to red
$devLilac += 256 if ($devLilac < $devRed);
$adjRed += 360 if ($adjRed < $adjLilac);
for ($i = $adjLilac; $i <= $adjRed; $i++)
$colorMap[$i % 360] = ($devLilac - int((($devLilac - $devRed) / ($adjRed - $adjLilac) * ($i - $adjLilac)) +0.5)) % 255;
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_ColorConverter: create colormap h: ".($i % 360)." d: ".$colorMap[$i % 360]);
return \@colorMap;
sub MilightDevice_CreateGammaMapping(@)
my ($hash, $gamma) = @_;
#original wifilight gamma was inverted
$gamma = 1/$gamma;
my @gammaMap;
$gammaMap[0] = 0;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= 100; $i += 1)
my $correction = ($i / 100) ** (1 / $gamma);
$gammaMap[$i] = $correction * 100;
$gammaMap[$i] = MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)) if($gammaMap[$i] < MilightDevice_roundfunc(100/MilightDevice_DimSteps($hash)));
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME} create gammamap v-in: ".$i.", v-out: $gammaMap[$i]");
return \@gammaMap;
# Device Command Queue
# Triggers commands for long running transitions for a device
sub MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Add(@)
my ($hash, $hue, $sat, $val, $ctrl, $delay, $targetTime) = @_;
my $cmd;
# Validate input
($hue, $sat, $val) = MilightDevice_ValidateHSV($hash, $hue, $sat, $val);
$cmd->{hue} = $hue;
$cmd->{sat} = $sat;
$cmd->{val} = $val;
$cmd->{ctrl} = $ctrl;
$cmd->{delay} = $delay;
$cmd->{targetTime} = $targetTime;
$cmd->{inProgess} = 0;
push @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}, $cmd;
my $hexStr = defined($cmd->{ctrl})? unpack("H*", $cmd->{ctrl} || '') : "";
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Add: h: ".(defined($cmd->{hue})? $cmd->{hue}: "")."; s: ".(defined($cmd->{sat})? $cmd->{sat}: "")."; v: ".(defined($cmd->{val})? $cmd->{val}: "")."; Ctrl $hexStr; TargetTime: ".(defined($cmd->{targetTime})? $cmd->{targetTime}: "")."; QLen: ".@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}});
my $actualCmd = @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}[0];
# sender busy ?
return undef if (ref($actualCmd) ne 'HASH');
return undef if (!defined($actualCmd->{inProgess}));
return undef if (($actualCmd->{inProgess} || 0) == 1);
return MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Exec($hash);
sub MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Exec(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
#if ($hash->{IODev}->{STATE} ne "ok" && $hash->{IODev}->{STATE} ne "Initialized") {
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 60, "MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Exec", $hash, 0);
# return undef;
my $actualCmd = @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}[0];
# transmission complete, remove
shift @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}} if ($actualCmd->{inProgess});
# next in queue
$actualCmd = @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}[0];
my $nextCmd = @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}[1];
# return if no more elements in queue
if (!defined($actualCmd->{inProgess}))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "transitionInProgress", 0, 1); # Clear transitionInProgress flag
return undef;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "transitionInProgress", 1, 1); # Set transitionInProgress flag
# drop frames if next frame is already scheduled for given time. do not drop if it is the last frame or if it is a control command
while (defined($nextCmd->{targetTime}) && ($nextCmd->{targetTime} < gettimeofday()) && !$actualCmd->{ctrl})
shift @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}};
$actualCmd = @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}[0];
$nextCmd = @{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}}[1];
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Exec: Drop Frame. Queue Length: ".@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}});
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Exec: Dropper Delay: ".($actualCmd->{targetTime} - gettimeofday())) if (defined($actualCmd->{targetTime}));
# set hsv or if a device ctrl command is scheduled: send it and ignore hsv
if ($actualCmd->{ctrl})
my $dbgStr = unpack("H*", $actualCmd->{ctrl});
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Exec: Send ctrl: $dbgStr; Queue Length: ".@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}});
IOWrite($hash, $actualCmd->{ctrl});
# Send an HSV Command.
my $repeat = 0;
# If queue length < 2 (ie. 1) we are last command so repeat sending (takes twice as long...)
$repeat = 1 if (@{$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue}} < 2);
MilightDevice_SetHSV($hash, $actualCmd->{hue}, $actualCmd->{sat}, $actualCmd->{val}, $repeat);
$actualCmd->{inProgess} = 1;
my $next = defined($nextCmd->{targetTime})?$nextCmd->{targetTime}:gettimeofday() + ($actualCmd->{delay} / 1000);
Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Exec: Next Exec: $next");
InternalTimer($next, "MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Exec", $hash, 0);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Clear(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3 ($hash, 4, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Clear");
#if ($hash->{IODev}->{STATE} ne "ok" && $hash->{IODev}->{STATE} ne "Initialized") {
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 60, "MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Exec", $hash, 0);
# return undef;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "transitionInProgress", 0, 1); # Clear inProgress flag
#foreach my $args (keys %intAt)
# if (($intAt{$args}{ARG} eq $hash) && ($intAt{$args}{FN} eq 'MilightDevice_CmdQueue_Exec'))
# {
# Log3 ($hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}_CmdQueue_Clear: Remove timer at: ".$intAt{$args}{TRIGGERTIME});
# delete($intAt{$args});
# }
$hash->{helper}->{cmdQueue} = [];
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_BridgeDevices_Update(@)
my ($hash, $attr) = @_;
my @rdlist = ($attr);
if($attr eq 'bulk')
@rdlist = ("state","brightness","brightness_on","hue", "saturation", "hsv", "rgb", "discoMode", "discoSpeed")if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'RGBW');
@rdlist = ("state","brightness","brightness_on","ct")if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
my $sl = 5;
$sl = 1 if ($hash->{LEDTYPE} eq 'White');
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
my $devname = $hash->{IODev}->{$sl+$i}->{NAME};
next if (!defined($defs{$devname}));
my $device = $defs{$devname};
$devname = "?" if(!defined($devname));
readingsSingleUpdate($device, "transitionInProgress", 1, 1);
foreach my $rdname (@rdlist)
if (exists ($device->{READINGS}{$rdname}))
readingsBulkUpdate($device, $rdname, $hash->{READINGS}{$rdname}{VAL}, 1);
Log3 ($hash, 4, $rdname.": ".$device->{READINGS}{$rdname}{VAL}." for ".$devname);
readingsEndUpdate($device, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($device, "transitionInProgress", 0, 1);
return undef;
sub MilightDevice_roundfunc($) {
my ($number) = @_;
return sprintf("%.0f", $number);
#return Math::Round::round($number);
=begin html
<a name="MilightDevice"></a>
<p>This module represents a Milight LED Bulb or LED strip controller. It is controlled by a <a href="#MilightBridge">MilightBridge</a>.</p>
<p>The Milight system is sold under various brands around the world including "LimitlessLED, EasyBulb, AppLamp"</p>
<p>The API documentation is available here: <a href="http://www.limitlessled.com/dev/">http://www.limitlessled.com/dev/</a></p>
<p>Requires perl module Math::Round</p>
<a name="MilightDevice_define"></a>
<p><code>define &lt;name&gt; MilightDevice &lt;devType(RGB|RGBW|White)&gt; &lt;IODev&gt; &lt;slot&gt;</code></p>
<p>Specifies the Milight device.<br/>
&lt;devType&gt; One of RGB, RGBW, White depending on your device.<br/>
&lt;IODev&gt; The <a href="#MilightBridge">MilightBridge</a> which the device is paired with.<br/>
&lt;slot&gt; The slot on the <a href="#MilightBridge">MilightBridge</a> that the device is paired with or 'A' to group all slots.</p>
<a name="MilightDevice_readings"></a>
[on xxx|off|night]: Current state of the device / night mode (xxx = 0-100%).
[0-100]: Current brightness level in %.
[0-100]: The brightness level before the off command was sent. This allows the light to turn back on to the last brightness level.
[FFFFFF]: HEX value for RGB.
[hsv]: hsv value before last change. Can be used with <b>restorePreviousState</b> set command.
[hsv]: hsv value that was saved using <b>saveState</b> set function
[0-360]: Current hue value.
[0-100]: Current saturation value.
[0|1]: Set to 1 if a transition is currently in progress for this device (eg. fade).
[0|1]: 1 if discoMode is enabled, 0 otherwise.
[0|1]: 1 if discoSpeed is increased, 0 if decreased. Does not mean much for RGBW
[0..X]: Last selected preset.
[1-10]: Current colour temperature (3000=Warm,6500=Cold) for White devices.
<a name="MilightDevice_set"></a>
<b>on &lt;ramp_time (seconds)></b>
<b>off &lt;ramp_time (seconds)></b>
<b>dim &lt;percent(0..100)&gt; [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]</b><br/>
Will be replaced by <i>brightness</i> at some point
<b>dimup &lt;percent change(0..100)&gt; [seconds(0..x)]</b><br/>
Special case: If percent change=100, seconds will be adjusted for actual change to go from current brightness.
<b>dimdown &lt;percent change(0..100)&gt; [seconds(0..x)]</b><br/>
Special case: If percent change=100, seconds will be adjusted for actual change to go from current brightness.
May not work properly. Sometimes it is necessary to use a remote to clear pairing first.
May not work properly. Sometimes it is necessary to use a remote to clear pairing first.
Set device to previous hsv state as stored in <b>previousState</b> reading.
Save current hsv state to <b>savedState</b> reading.
Set device to saved hsv state as stored in <b>savedState</b> reading.
<b>preset (0..X|+)</b><br/>
Load preset (+ for next preset).
<b>hsv &lt;h(0..360)&gt;,&lt;s(0..100)&gt;,&lt;v(0..100)&gt; [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]</b><br/>
Set hsv value directly
<b>rgb RRGGBB [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]</b><br/>
Set rgb value directly or using colorpicker.
<b>hue &lt;(0..360)&gt; [seconds(0..x)] [flags(l=long path|q=don't clear queue)]</b><br/>
Set hue value.
<b>saturation &lt;s(0..100)&gt; [seconds(0..x)] [flags(q=don't clear queue)]</b><br/>
Set saturation value directly
Next disco Mode setting (for RGB and RGBW).
Previous disco Mode setting (for RGB).
Increase speed of disco mode (for RGB and RGBW).
Decrease speed of disco mode (for RGB and RGBW).
<b>ct &lt;3000-6500&gt;</b><br/>
Colour temperature 3000=Warm White,6500=Cold White (10 steps) (for White devices only).
<a href="#setExtensions"> set extensions</a> are supported.
<a name="MilightDevice_get"></a>
<a name="MilightDevice_attr"></a>
Allows you to modify the default dimStep if required.
Set the default ramp time if not specified for on command.
Set the default ramp time if not specified for off command.
List of hsv presets separated by spaces (eg 0,0,100 9,0,50).
Color shift values for red,yellow,green,cyan,blue,magenta (-29..29) for HSV color correction (eg 0,5,10,-5,0,0)
Set gamma correction value for device (eg 0.8)
Use a different switching logic for White bulbs to better handle packet loss.
Update the state of single devices switched with slot 'A'.
Restore the state of devices at startup. Default 0 for slot 'A', 1 otherwise.
Set the default brightness if not known. (Default: 36)
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