mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
2018-10-18 14:45:30 +00:00

789 lines
25 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "at_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "at_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "at_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "at_Attr";
$hash->{StateFn} = "at_State";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals $readingFnAttributes ".
"skip_next:0,1 alignTime computeAfterInit";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "at_fhemwebFn";
my %at_stt;
my $at_detailFnCalled;
at_SecondsTillTomorrow($) # 86400, if tomorrow is no DST change
my $t = shift;
my $dayHour = int($t/3600);
if(!$at_stt{$dayHour}) {
my @l1 = localtime($t);
my @l2 = localtime($t+86400);
$at_stt{$dayHour} = 86400+($l1[8]-$l2[8])*3600;
return $at_stt{$dayHour};
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, undef, $tm, $command) = split("[ \t\n]+", $def, 4);
if(!$command) {
if($hash->{OLDDEF}) { # Called from modify, where command is optional
(undef, $command) = split("[ \t]+", $hash->{OLDDEF}, 2);
$hash->{DEF} = "$tm $command";
} else {
return "Usage: define <name> at [timespec or datespec] <command>";
return "Wrong timespec, use \"[+][*[{count}]]<time or func>\""
if($tm !~ m/^(\+)?(\*(\{\d+\})?)?(.*)$/);
my ($rel, $rep, $cnt, $tspec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
my ($abstime, $err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn);
if($tspec =~ m/^\d{10}$/) {
$abstime = $tspec;
} elsif($tspec =~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/) {
my ($y,$m,$d,$h,$m2,$s) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
$abstime = mktime($s,$m2,$h,$d,$m-1,$y-1900, 0,0,-1);
} else {
($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($tspec);
return $err if($err);
return "datespec is not allowed with + or *" if($abstime && ($rel || $rep));
if($hash->{CL}) { # Do not check this for definition
$err = perlSyntaxCheck($command, ());
return $err if($err);
$rel = "" if(!defined($rel));
$rep = "" if(!defined($rep));
$cnt = "" if(!defined($cnt));
delete $hash->{VOLATILE} if (defined($hash->{VOLATILE}));
$hash->{RELATIVE} = ($rel ? "yes" : "no");
$hash->{PERIODIC} = ($rep ? "yes" : "no");
$hash->{TIMESPEC} = $tspec;
$hash->{COMMAND} = $command;
my $ot = $data{AT_TRIGGERTIME} ? $data{AT_TRIGGERTIME} : gettimeofday();
$ot = int($ot) if(!$rel); # No way to specify subseconds
my $nt = $ot;
if($abstime) {
$nt = $abstime;
} elsif($rel eq "+") {
$nt += ($hr*3600+$min*60+$sec); # Relative time
} else {
my @lt = localtime($ot);
($lt[2], $lt[1], $lt[0]) = ($hr+0, $min+0, $sec+0);
$lt[8] = -1; # Forum #52074
$nt = mktime(@lt);
$nt += at_SecondsTillTomorrow($nt) if($ot >= $nt); # Do it tomorrow...
my @lt = localtime($nt);
my $ntm = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $lt[2], $lt[1], $lt[0]);
if($rep) { # Setting the number of repetitions
$cnt =~ s/[{}]//g;
return undef if($cnt eq "0");
$cnt = 0 if(!$cnt);
delete($hash->{VOLATILE}); # Modify
$hash->{REP} = $cnt;
} else {
$hash->{VOLATILE} = 1; # Write these entries to the statefile
delete($hash->{REP}); # Modify
my $alTime = AttrVal($name, "alignTime", undef);
if(!$data{AT_RECOMPUTE} && $alTime) {
my $ret = at_adjustAlign($hash, $alTime);
return $ret if($ret);
} else {
my $fmt = FmtDateTime($nt);
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $nt;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = $fmt;
if($hash->{PERIODIC} eq "no") { # Need for restart
$fmt =~ s/ /T/;
$hash->{DEF} = $fmt." ".$hash->{COMMAND};
InternalTimer($nt, "at_Exec", $hash, 0);
$hash->{NTM} = $ntm if($rel eq "+" || $fn);
my $d = IsDisabled($name); # 1
my $val = ($d==3 ? "inactive" : ($d ? "disabled":("Next: ".
($abstime ? FmtDateTime($nt) : FmtTime($nt)) )));
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $val,
!$hash->{READINGS}{state} || $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} ne $val);
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
$hash->{DELETED} = 1;
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
return if($hash->{DELETED}); # Just deleted
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $skip = AttrVal($name, "skip_next", undef);
delete $attr{$name}{skip_next} if($skip);
$hash->{TEMPORARY} = 1 if($hash->{VOLATILE}); # 68680
delete $hash->{VOLATILE};
if(!$skip && !IsDisabled($name)) {
Log3 $name, 5, "exec at command $name";
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, SemicolonEscape($hash->{COMMAND}));
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: $ret" if($ret);
return if($hash->{DELETED}); # Deleted in the Command
my $count = $hash->{REP};
my $def = $hash->{DEF};
# Avoid drift when the timespec is relative
$data{AT_TRIGGERTIME} = $hash->{TRIGGERTIME} if($def =~ m/^\+/);
if($count) {
$def =~ s/\{\d+\}/{$count}/ if($def =~ m/^\+?\*\{\d+\}/); # Replace count
Log3 $name, 5, "redefine at command $name as $def";
$data{AT_RECOMPUTE} = 1; # Tell sunrise compute the next day
at_Define($hash, "$name at $def"); # Recompute the next TRIGGERTIME
} else {
CommandDelete(undef, $name); # We are done
my($hash, $attrVal) = @_;
my ($tm, $command) = split("[ \t]+", $hash->{DEF}, 2);
$tm =~ m/^(\+)?(\*(\{\d+\})?)?(.*)$/;
my ($rel, $rep, $cnt, $tspec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
return "startTimes: $hash->{NAME} is not relative" if(!$rel);
my ($err, $ttime) = computeAlignTime($tspec, $attrVal,$hash->{TRIGGERTIME});
return "$hash->{NAME} $err" if($err);
InternalTimer($ttime, "at_Exec", $hash, 0);
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $ttime;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($ttime);
$hash->{STATE} = "Next: " . FmtTime($ttime);
$hash->{NTM} = FmtTime($ttime);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{STATE}, 1)
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my %sets = (modifyTimeSpec=>1, inactive=>0, active=>0, execNow=>0);
my $cmd = join(" ", sort keys %sets);
$cmd =~ s/modifyTimeSpec/modifyTimeSpec:time/ if($at_detailFnCalled);
$at_detailFnCalled = 0;
return "no set argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of $cmd"
if($a[1] eq "modifyTimeSpec") {
my ($err, undef) = GetTimeSpec($a[2]);
return $err if($err);
my $def = ($hash->{RELATIVE} eq "yes" ? "+":"").
($hash->{PERIODIC} eq "yes" ? "*":"").
$hash->{OLDDEF} = $hash->{DEF};
my $ret = at_Define($hash, "$hash->{NAME} at $def");
delete $hash->{OLDDEF};
return $ret;
} elsif($a[1] eq "inactive") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "inactive", 1);
return undef;
} elsif($a[1] eq "active") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Next: ".FmtTime($hash->{TRIGGERTIME}),1)
if(!AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "disable", undef));
return undef;
} elsif($a[1] eq "execNow") {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, SemicolonEscape($hash->{COMMAND}));
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: $ret" if($ret);
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $do = 0;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($cmd eq "set" && $attrName eq "computeAfterInit" &&
$attrVal && !$init_done) {
InternalTimer(1, sub(){
$hash->{OLDDEF} = $hash->{DEF};
at_Define($hash, "$name at $hash->{DEF}");
}, $name, 0);
return undef;
if($cmd eq "set" && $attrName eq "alignTime") {
return "alignTime needs a list of timespec parameters" if(!$attrVal);
my $ret = at_adjustAlign($hash, $attrVal);
return $ret if($ret);
if($cmd eq "set" && $attrName eq "stateFormat" && !$init_done) {
$attr{$name}{stateFormat} = $attrVal;
return undef;
if($cmd eq "set" && $attrName eq "disable") {
$do = (!defined($attrVal) || $attrVal) ? 1 : 2;
$do = 2 if($cmd eq "del" && (!$attrName || $attrName eq "disable"));
return if(!$do);
my $val = ($do == 1 ? "disabled" :
"Next: " . FmtTime($hash->{TRIGGERTIME}));
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $val, 1);
return undef;
# Adjust one-time relative at's after reboot, the execution time is stored as
# state
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
if($vt eq "state" && $val eq "inactive") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "inactive", 1);
return undef;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
$at_detailFnCalled = 1 if(!$pageHash);
my $ts = $hash->{TIMESPEC}; $ts =~ s/'/\\'/g;
my $isPerl = ($ts =~ m/^{(.*)}/);
$ts = $1 if($isPerl);
my $h1 .= "<div class='makeTable wide'><span>Change wizard</span>".
"<table class='block wide' id='atWizard' nm='$hash->{NAME}' ts='$ts' ".
"rl='$hash->{RELATIVE}' ".
"pr='$hash->{PERIODIC}' ip='$isPerl' class='block wide'>".<<'EOF';
<tr class="even"><td>Change the timespec:</td></tr>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Relative <input type="checkbox" id="aw_rl" value="yes">&nbsp;
Periodic <input type="checkbox" id="aw_pr" value="yes">&nbsp;
Use perl function for timespec <input type="checkbox" id="aw_ip"></td>
</tr><tr class="even"><td><input type="text" name="aw_pts"></td>
</tr><tr class="even"><td><input type="text" name="aw_ts"></td>
</tr><tr class="odd"><td><input type="button" id="aw_md"
value="Change the timespec"></td>
my $j1 = << 'EOF';
<script type="text/javascript">
var t=$("#atWizard"), ip=$(t).attr("ip"), ts=$(t).attr("ts");
FW_replaceWidget("[name=aw_ts]", "aw_ts", ["time"], "12:00");
$("[name=aw_ts] input[type=text]").attr("id", "aw_ts");
function ipClick() {
var c = $("#aw_ip").prop("checked");
$("[name=aw_ts]") .closest("tr").css("display",!c ? "table-row" : "none");
$("[name=aw_pts]").closest("tr").css("display", c ? "table-row" : "none");
$("#aw_rl").prop("checked", $(t).attr("rl")=="yes");
$("#aw_pr").prop("checked", $(t).attr("pr")=="yes");
$("#aw_ip").prop("checked", ip);
$("[name=aw_ts]").val(ip ? "12:00" : ts);
$("[name=aw_pts]").val(ip ? ts : 'sunset()');
var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
var def = nm+" ";
def += $("#aw_rl").prop("checked") ? "+":"";
def += $("#aw_pr").prop("checked") ? "*":"";
def += $("#aw_ip").prop("checked") ?
"{"+$("[name=aw_pts]").val()+"}" : $("[name=aw_ts]").val();
def = def.replace(/\+/g, "%2b");
def = def.replace(/;/g, ";;");
location = location.pathname+"?detail="+nm+"&cmd=modify "+addcsrf(def);
my @d = split(" ",$hash->{DEF},2);
my ($h2, $j2) = notfy_addFWCmd($d, $d[0], 2);
return "$h1$h2</table></div><br>$j1$j2";
=item summary start an FHEM command at a later time
=item summary_DE FHEM Befehl zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt starten
=item helper
=begin html
<a name="at"></a>
Start an arbitrary FHEM command at a later time.<br>
<a name="atdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; at [&lt;timespec&gt;|&lt;datespec&gt;]
<code>&lt;timespec&gt;</code> format: [+][*{N}]&lt;timedet&gt;<br>
The optional <code>+</code> indicates that the specification is
<i>relative</i>(i.e. it will be added to the current time).<br>
The optional <code>*</code> indicates that the command should be
executed <i>repeatedly</i>.<br>
The optional <code>{N}</code> after the * indicates,that the command
should be repeated <i>N-times</i> only.<br>
&lt;timespec&gt; is either HH:MM, HH:MM:SS or {perlfunc()}. perlfunc must
return a string in timedet format. Note: {perlfunc()} may not contain
any spaces or tabs.<br>
&lt;datespec&gt; is either ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) or number of
seconds since 1970.
# absolute ones:
define a1 at 17:00:00 set lamp on # fhem command
define a2 at 17:00:00 { Log 1, "Teatime" } # Perl command
define a3 at 17:00:00 "/bin/echo "Teatime" > /dev/console" # shell command
define a4 at *17:00:00 set lamp on # every day
# relative ones
define a5 at +00:00:10 set lamp on # switch on in 10 seconds
define a6 at +00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blink once in 2 seconds
define a7 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blink 3 times
# Blink 3 times if the piri sends a command
define n1 notify piri:on.* define a8 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1
# Switch the lamp on from sunset to 11 PM
define a9 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on
define a10 at *23:00:00 set lamp off
# More elegant version, works for sunset > 23:00 too
define a11 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on-till 23:00
# Only do this on weekend
define a12 at +*{sunset_rel()} { fhem("set lamp on-till 23:00") if($we) }
# Switch lamp1 and lamp2 on from 7:00 till 10 minutes after sunrise
define a13 at *07:00 set lamp1,lamp2 on-till {sunrise(+600)}
# Switch the lamp off 2 minutes after sunrise each day
define a14 at *{sunrise(+120)} set lamp on
# Switch lamp1 on at sunset, not before 18:00 and not after 21:00
define a15 at *{sunset(0,"18:00","21:00")} set lamp1 on
<li>if no <code>*</code> is specified, then a command will be executed
only once, and then the <code>at</code> entry will be deleted. In
this case the command will be saved to the statefile (as it
considered volatile, i.e. entered by cronjob) and not to the
configfile (see the <a href="#save">save</a> command.)
<li>if the current time is greater than the time specified, then the
command will be executed tomorrow.</li>
<li>For even more complex date handling you either have to call fhem from
cron or filter the date in a perl expression, see the last example and
the section <a href="#perl">Perl special</a>.
<a name="atset"></a>
<a name="modifyTimeSpec"></a>
<li>modifyTimeSpec &lt;timespec&gt;<br>
Change the execution time. Note: the N-times repetition is ignored.
It is intended to be used in combination with
<a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a>, for an easier modification from the room
overview in FHEMWEB.</li>
Inactivates the current device. Note the slight difference to the
disable attribute: using set inactive the state is automatically saved
to the statefile on shutdown, there is no explicit save necesary.<br>
This command is intended to be used by scripts to temporarily
deactivate the at.<br>
The concurrent setting of the disable attribute is not recommended.
Activates the current device (see inactive).</li>
Execute the command associated with the at. The execution of a relative
at is not affected by this command.</li>
<a name="atget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="atattr"></a>
<a name="alignTime"></a>
Applies only to relative at definitions: adjust the time of the next
command execution so, that it will also be executed at the desired
alignTime. The argument is a timespec, see above for the
# Make sure that it chimes when the new hour begins<br>
define at2 at +*01:00 set Chime on-for-timer 1<br>
attr at2 alignTime 00:00<br>
<a name="computeAfterInit"></a>
If perlfunc() in the timespec relies on some other/dummy readings, then
it will return a wrong time upon FHEM start, as the at define is
processed before the readings are known. If computeAfterInit is set,
FHEM will recompute timespec after the initialization is finished.
<a name="disable"></a>
Can be applied to at/watchdog/notify/FileLog devices.<br>
Disables the corresponding at/notify or FileLog device. Note:
If applied to an <a href="#at">at</a>, the command will not be executed,
but the next time will be computed.</li><br>
<a name="disabledForIntervals"></a>
<li>disabledForIntervals HH:MM-HH:MM HH:MM-HH:MM ...<br>
Space separated list of HH:MM or D@HH:MM tupels. If the current time is
between the two time specifications, the current device is disabled.
Instead of HH:MM you can also specify HH or HH:MM:SS. D is the day of
the week, with 0 indicating Sunday and 3 indicating Wednesday.
Specifying the day for the "from" part does _not_ specify it for the
"to" part, i.e. 1@00-24 will disable from monday to the end of the
week, but not on sunday (as 1@00 is greater than any time on sunday).
To specify an interval spawning midnight, you have to specify two
intervals, e.g.:
23:00-24:00 00:00-01:00
If parts of the attribute value are enclosed in {}, they are evaluated:
{sunset_abs()}-24 {sunrise_abs()}-08
<a name="skip_next"></a>
Used for at commands: skip the execution of the command the next
<li><a href="#perlSyntaxCheck">perlSyntaxCheck</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="at"></a>
Startet einen beliebigen FHEM Befehl zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt.<br>
<a name="atdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; at [&lt;timespec&gt;|&lt;datespec&gt;]
<code>&lt;timespec&gt;</code> Format: [+][*{N}]&lt;timedet&gt;<br>
Das optionale <code>+</code> zeigt, dass die Angabe <i>relativ</i> ist
(also zur jetzigen Zeit dazugez&auml;hlt wird).<br>
Das optionale <code>*</code> zeigt, dass die Ausf&uuml;hrung
<i>wiederholt</i> erfolgen soll.<br>
Das optionale <code>{N}</code> nach dem * bedeutet, dass der Befehl genau
<i>N-mal</i> wiederholt werden soll.<br>
&lt;timespec&gt; ist entweder HH:MM, HH:MM:SS oder {perlfunc()}. perlfunc
muss ein String in timedet Format zurueckliefern. Achtung: {perlfunc()}
darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.<br>
&lt;datespec&gt; ist entweder ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) oder Anzahl
der Sekunden seit 1970.
# Absolute Beispiele:
define a1 at 17:00:00 set lamp on # fhem Befehl
define a2 at 17:00:00 { Log 1, "Teatime" } # Perl Befehl
define a3 at 17:00:00 "/bin/echo "Teatime" > /dev/console" # shell Befehl
define a4 at *17:00:00 set lamp on # Jeden Tag
# Realtive Beispiele:
define a5 at +00:00:10 set lamp on # Einschalten in 10 Sekunden
define a6 at +00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Einmal blinken in 2 Sekunden
define a7 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blinke 3 mal
# Blinke 3 mal wenn piri einen Befehl sendet
define n1 notify piri:on.* define a8 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1
# Lampe von Sonnenuntergang bis 23:00 Uhr einschalten
define a9 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on
define a10 at *23:00:00 set lamp off
# Elegantere Version, ebenfalls von Sonnenuntergang bis 23:00 Uhr
define a11 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on-till 23:00
# Nur am Wochenende ausf&uuml;hren
define a12 at +*{sunset_rel()} { fhem("set lamp on-till 23:00") if($we) }
# Schalte lamp1 und lamp2 ein von 7:00 bis 10 Minuten nach Sonnenaufgang
define a13 at *07:00 set lamp1,lamp2 on-till {sunrise(+600)}
# Schalte lamp jeden Tag 2 Minuten nach Sonnenaufgang aus
define a14 at *{sunrise(+120)} set lamp on
# Schalte lamp1 zum Sonnenuntergang ein, aber nicht vor 18:00 und nicht nach 21:00
define a15 at *{sunset(0,"18:00","21:00")} set lamp1 on
<li>wenn kein <code>*</code> angegeben wird, wird der Befehl nur einmal
ausgef&uuml;hrt und der entsprechende <code>at</code> Eintrag danach
gel&ouml;scht. In diesem Fall wird der Befehl im Statefile gespeichert
(da er nicht statisch ist) und steht nicht im Config-File (siehe auch <a
<li>wenn die aktuelle Zeit gr&ouml;&szlig;er ist als die angegebene Zeit,
dann wird der Befehl am folgenden Tag ausgef&uuml;hrt.</li>
<li>F&uuml;r noch komplexere Datums- und Zeitabl&auml;ufe muss man den
Aufruf entweder per cron starten oder Datum/Zeit mit perl weiter
filtern. Siehe hierzu das letzte Beispiel und das <a href="#perl">Perl
special</a>. </li>
<a name="atset"></a>
<a name="modifyTimeSpec"></a>
<li>modifyTimeSpec &lt;timespec&gt;<br>
&Auml;ndert die Ausf&uuml;hrungszeit. Achtung: die N-malige
Wiederholungseinstellung wird ignoriert. Gedacht zur einfacheren
Modifikation im FHEMWEB Raum&uuml;bersicht, dazu muss man
modifyTimeSpec in <a href="webCmd">webCmd</a> spezifizieren.
Deaktiviert das entsprechende Ger&auml;t. Beachte den leichten
semantischen Unterschied zum disable Attribut: "set inactive"
wird bei einem shutdown automatisch in fhem.state gespeichert, es ist
kein save notwendig.<br>
Der Einsatzzweck sind Skripte, um das at tempor&auml;r zu
Das gleichzeitige Verwenden des disable Attributes wird nicht empfohlen.
Aktiviert das entsprechende Ger&auml;t, siehe inactive.
F&uuml;hrt das mit dem at spezifizierte Befehl aus. Beeinflu&szlig;t
nicht die Ausf&uuml;hrungszeiten relativer Spezifikationen.
<a name="atget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="atattr"></a>
<a name="alignTime"></a>
Nur f&uuml;r relative Definitionen: Stellt den Zeitpunkt der
Ausf&uuml;hrung des Befehls so, dass er auch zur alignTime
ausgef&uuml;hrt wird. Dieses Argument ist ein timespec. Siehe oben
f&uuml; die Definition<br>
# Stelle sicher das es gongt wenn eine neue Stunde beginnt.<br>
define at2 at +*01:00 set Chime on-for-timer 1<br>
attr at2 alignTime 00:00<br>
<a name="computeAfterInit"></a>
Falls perlfunc() im timespec Readings or Statusinformationen
ben&ouml;gt, dann wird sie eine falsche Zeit beim FHEM-Start
zurueckliefern, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt die Readings noch nicht aktiv
sind. Mit gesetztem computeAfterInit wird perlfunc nach Setzen aller
Readings erneut ausgefuehrt. (Siehe Forum #56706)
<a name="disable"></a>
Deaktiviert das entsprechende Ger&auml;t.<br>
Hinweis: Wenn angewendet auf ein <a href="#at">at</a>, dann wird der
Befehl nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt, jedoch die n&auml;chste
Ausf&uuml;hrungszeit berechnet.</li><br>
<a name="disabledForIntervals"></a>
<li>disabledForIntervals HH:MM-HH:MM HH:MM-HH:MM ...<br>
Das Argument ist eine Leerzeichengetrennte Liste von Minuszeichen-
getrennten HH:MM oder D@HH:MM Paaren. Falls die aktuelle Uhrzeit
zwischen diesen Werten f&auml;llt, dann wird die Ausf&uuml;hrung, wie
beim disable, ausgesetzt. Statt HH:MM kann man auch HH oder HH:MM:SS
angeben. D ist der Tag der Woche, mit 0 als Sonntag and 3 als
Mittwoch. Die Angabe des Wochentags f&uuml;r den "von" Wert impliziert
_nicht_ den gleichen Tag f&uuml;r den "bis" Wert, z.Bsp. deaktiviert
1@00-24 die Asf&uuml;hrung von Montag bis Ende der Woche, aber nicht
Sonntag (da alle Zeitangaben am Montag vor 1@00 liegen).
Um einen Intervall um Mitternacht zu spezifizieren, muss man
zwei einzelne angeben, z.Bsp.:
23:00-24:00 00:00-01:00
Falls Teile des Wertes in {} eingeschlossen sind, dann werden sie als
ein Perl Ausdruck ausgewertet:
{sunset_abs()}-24 {sunrise_abs()}-08
<a name="skip_next"></a>
Wird bei at Befehlen verwendet um die n&auml;chste Ausf&uuml;hrung zu
<li><a href="#perlSyntaxCheck">perlSyntaxCheck</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
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