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# $Id$
# 70_BRAVIA.pm
# An FHEM Perl module for controlling Sony Televisons
# via network connection. Supported are models with release date starting from 2011.
# Copyright by Ulf von Mersewsky
# e-mail: umersewsky at gmail.com
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub BRAVIA_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
Log3($hash, 5, "BRAVIA_Initialize: Entering");
$hash->{GetFn} = "BRAVIA::Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "BRAVIA::Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "BRAVIA::Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "BRAVIA::Undefine";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 macaddr:textField channelsMax:textField " . $::readingFnAttributes;
$::data{RC_layout}{BRAVIA_SVG} = "BRAVIA::RClayout_SVG";
$::data{RC_layout}{BRAVIA} = "BRAVIA::RClayout";
$::data{RC_makenotify}{BRAVIA} = "BRAVIA::RCmakenotify";
package BRAVIA;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use GPUtils qw(:all); # wird für den Import der FHEM Funktionen aus der fhem.pl benötigt
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Time::Local;
use Encode;
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use MIME::Base64;
use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
use IO::Socket;
require "HttpUtils.pm";
## Import der FHEM Funktionen
sub Set($@);
sub Get($@);
sub GetStatus($;$);
sub Define($$);
sub Undefine($$);
sub Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function Define()");
if ( int(@a) < 3 ) {
my $msg =
"Wrong syntax: define <name> BRAVIA <ip-or-hostname> [<poll-interval>]";
Log3($name, 4, $msg);
return $msg;
$hash->{TYPE} = "BRAVIA";
my $address = $a[2];
$hash->{helper}{ADDRESS} = $address;
# use interval of 45 sec if not defined
my $interval = $a[3] || 45;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
# number of channels read from channellist, maximum 50
my $channelCount = 50;
$hash->{CHANNELCOUNT} = $channelCount;
$hash->{helper}{PORT} = {
'IRCC' => "80",
'SERVICE' => "80",
'UPNP' => "52323",
$hash->{helper}{HEADER} = 'X-CERS-DEVICE-ID: fhem_remote';
unless ( defined( AttrVal( $name, "webCmd", undef ) ) ) {
$::attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'volume:channelUp:channelDown';
unless ( defined( AttrVal( $name, "devStateIcon", undef ) ) ) {
$::attr{$name}{devStateIcon} =
'on:rc_GREEN:off off:rc_YELLOW:on absent:rc_STOP:on';
unless ( defined( AttrVal( $name, "icon", undef ) ) ) {
$::attr{$name}{icon} = 'it_television';
# start the status update timer
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 2, "BRAVIA::GetStatus", $hash, 1 );
sub Undefine($$) {
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function Undefine()");
# Stop the internal GetStatus-Loop and exit
sub GetStatus($;$) {
my ( $hash, $update ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $interval = $hash->{INTERVAL};
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function GetStatus()");
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $interval, "BRAVIA::GetStatus", $hash, 0 );
return if ( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0) == 1 );
# check device availability
if (!$update) {
SendCommand( $hash, "getStatus", "xml" )
if (ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "xml") eq "xml");
SendCommand( $hash, "getStatus", "json" )
if (ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "json") eq "json");
sub Get($@) {
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $what;
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function Get()");
return "argument is missing" if ( int(@a) < 2 );
$what = $a[1];
if ( $what =~ /^(power|presence|input|channel|volume|mute)$/ ) {
my $value = ReadingsVal($name, $what, "");
if ($value ne "") {
return $value;
else {
return "no such reading: $what";
else {
"Unknown argument $what, choose one of power:noArg presence:noArg input:noArg channel:noArg volume:noArg mute:noArg";
sub Set($@) {
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $power = ReadingsVal($name, "power", "");
my $presence = ReadingsVal($name, "presence", "");
my $channel = ReadingsVal($name, "channel", "");
my $channelId = ReadingsVal($name, "channelId", "");
my $channels = "";
my $inputs = "";
my $apps = "";
my $mutes = "toggle";
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") ne "-" ) {
$hash->{helper}{lastInput} = ReadingsVal($name, "input", "");
} elsif ( !defined( $hash->{helper}{lastInput} ) ) {
$hash->{helper}{lastInput} = "";
my $input = $hash->{helper}{lastInput};
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function Set()");
return "No Argument given" if ( !defined( $a[1] ) );
# Input handling
my @inputs;
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset} )
&& ref( $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset} ) eq "HASH" ) {
@inputs = keys %{ $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset} };
@inputs = sort(@inputs);
$inputs = join(",", @inputs);
# load channel list
my @channels;
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset} )
&& ref( $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset} ) eq "HASH" )
my $count = 0;
my @keys = keys %{ $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset} };
@keys = sort(@keys);
my $maxChannels = (@keys < AttrVal($name, "channelsMax", 50) ? @keys : AttrVal($name, "channelsMax", 50));
for (my $i = 0; $i < $maxChannels; $i++) {
my $preset = $keys[$i];
if ( $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{$preset}{name}
&& $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{$preset}{name} ne ""
&& $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{$preset}{name} ne "-"
&& $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{$preset}{id} ne "-" ) {
if ( $channel ne "" && $channel ne "-" && $channelId ne "-" ) {
my $currentChannel = $channelId . ":" . $channel;
my @matches = grep("/".$currentChannel."/", @channels);
push( @channels, $currentChannel ) if ( ( scalar @matches ) eq "0" );
@channels = sort(@channels);
$channels = join(",", @channels);
$mutes .= ",on,off";
#$mutes .= ",off" if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{generation}{VAL} ) and $hash->{READINGS}{generation}{VAL} ne "1.0" );
# App handling
my @apps;
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset} )
&& ref( $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset} ) eq "HASH" ) {
@apps = keys %{ $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset} };
@apps = sort(@apps);
$apps = join(",", @apps);
my $usage = "Unknown argument " . $a[1] . ", choose one of";
$usage .= " requestFormat:json,xml register";
$usage .= ":noArg"
if (ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "") eq "xml");
$usage .= " statusRequest:noArg toggle:noArg on:noArg off:noArg tvpause:noarg play:noArg pause:noArg stop:noArg record:noArg upnp:on,off volume:slider,1,1,100 volumeUp:noArg volumeDown:noArg channelUp:noArg channelDown:noArg remoteControl";
$usage .= " mute:" . $mutes;
$usage .= " input:" . $inputs if ( $inputs ne "" );
$usage .= " channel:$channels" if ( $channels ne "" );
$usage .= " openUrl application:" . $apps if ( $apps ne "" );
$usage .= " text" if (ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "") eq "json");
my $cmd = '';
my $result;
# statusRequest
if ( lc( $a[1] ) eq "statusrequest" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
delete $hash->{helper}{device}
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{device} ) );
# toggle
elsif ( $a[1] eq "toggle" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "off" ) {
return Set( $hash, $name, "on" );
else {
return Set( $hash, $name, "off" );
# on
elsif ( $a[1] eq "on" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "off" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set_on", 1);
my $macAddr = AttrVal( $name, "macaddr", "" );
if ($macAddr eq "") {
$macAddr = ReadingsVal( $name, "macAddr", "");
if ( $macAddr ne "" && $macAddr ne "-" &&
($presence eq "absent" ||
ReadingsVal($name, "generation", "") eq "1.0.5" ||
ReadingsVal($name, "generation", "") eq "2.5.0") ) {
$result = wake( $name, $macAddr );
return "wake-up command sent";
} else {
$cmd = "POWER";
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", $cmd );
# off
elsif ( $a[1] eq "off" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set_off", 1);
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "generation", "") ne "1.0" ) {
$cmd = "STANDBY";
} else {
$cmd = "POWER";
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", $cmd );
} else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to toggle standby mode.";
# volume
elsif ( $a[1] eq "volume" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
return "No argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
my $vol = $a[2];
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
if ( $vol =~ m/^\d+$/ && $vol >= 1 && $vol <= 100 ) {
$cmd = 'setVolume:' . $vol;
else {
"Argument does not seem to be a valid integer between 1 and 100";
SendCommand( $hash, "upnp", $cmd );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volume", $a[2], 1 )
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "volume", "") ne $a[2] );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to adjust volume.";
# volumeUp/volumeDown
elsif ( lc( $a[1] ) =~ /^(volumeup|volumedown)$/ ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
if ( lc( $a[1] ) eq "volumeup" ) {
$cmd = "VOLUP";
else {
$cmd = "VOLDOWN";
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", $cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to adjust volume.";
# mute
elsif ( $a[1] eq "mute" ) {
if ( defined( $a[2] ) ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
else {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
if ( !defined( $a[2] ) || $a[2] eq "toggle" ) {
$result = SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", "MUTE" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "mute", (ReadingsVal($name, "mute", "") eq "on" ? "off" : "on"), 1 );
elsif ( $a[2] eq "off" ) {
#$result = SendCommand( $hash, "MuteOff" )
$result = SendCommand( $hash, "upnp", "setMute:0" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "mute", $a[2], 1 )
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "mute", "") ne $a[2] );
elsif ( $a[2] eq "on" ) {
#$result = SendCommand( $hash, "MuteOn" )
$result = SendCommand( $hash, "upnp", "setMute:1" );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "mute", $a[2], 1 )
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "mute", "") ne $a[2] );
else {
return "Unknown argument " . $a[2];
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to mute/unmute audio.";
# remoteControl
elsif ( lc( $a[1] ) eq "remotecontrol" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
if ( !defined( $a[2] ) ) {
my $commandKeys = "";
for (sort keys %{GetRemotecontrolCommand("GetRemotecontrolCommands")}) {
$commandKeys = $commandKeys . " " . $_;
return "No argument given, choose one of" . $commandKeys;
$cmd = uc( $a[2] );
if ( $cmd eq "MUTE" ) {
Set( $hash, $name, "mute" );
elsif ( $cmd eq "CHANUP" ) {
Set( $hash, $name, "channelUp" );
elsif ( $cmd eq "CHANDOWN" ) {
Set( $hash, $name, "channelDown" );
elsif ( $cmd eq "WOL" ) {
my $macAddr = AttrVal( $name, "macaddr", "" );
$macAddr = ReadingsVal( $name, "macAddr", "") if ($macAddr eq "");
wake( $name, $macAddr ) if ( $macAddr ne "" && $macAddr ne "-" );
elsif ( $cmd ne "" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", $cmd );
else {
my $commandKeys = "";
for (sort keys %{GetRemotecontrolCommand("GetRemotecontrolCommands")}) {
$commandKeys = $commandKeys . " " . $_;
"Unknown argument "
. $a[2]
. ", choose one of"
. $commandKeys;
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to be controlled remotely.";
# channel
elsif ( $a[1] eq "channel" ) {
if (defined($a[2]) && $presence eq "present" && $power ne "on" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: indirect switching request to ON");
Set( $hash, $name, "on" );
shift(@a); shift(@a);
my $channelStr = join("#", @a);
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name channel " . $channelStr);
"No argument given, choose one of channel presetNumber channelName "
if ( !defined( $channelStr ) );
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
my $channelName = $channelStr;
if ( defined($hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}) && $channelName =~ /^(\d+).*$/ ) {
if ( defined($hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{$1}{uri}) ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "setPlayContent", $hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{$1}{uri} );
if ( $channelName =~ /^(\d)(\d?)(\d?)(\d?).*$/ ) {
my @successor = ();
push(@successor, ["ircc", $2]) if (defined($2));
push(@successor, ["ircc", $3]) if (defined($3));
push(@successor, ["ircc", $4]) if (defined($4));
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", $1, undef, @successor );
return "Argument " . $channelName . " is not a valid channel name";
else {
"Device needs to be reachable to switch to a specific channel.";
# channelUp/channelDown
elsif ( lc( $a[1] ) =~ /^(channelup|channeldown)$/ ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
if ( lc( $a[1] ) eq "channelup" ) {
$cmd = "CHANUP";
else {
$cmd = "CHANDOWN";
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", $cmd );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to switch channel.";
# input
elsif ( $a[1] eq "input" ) {
if (defined($a[2]) && $presence eq "present" && $power ne "on" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: indirect switching request to ON");
Set( $hash, $name, "on" );
return "No 2nd argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
shift(@a); shift(@a);
my $inputStr = join("#", @a);
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name input $inputStr");
# Resolve input uri
my $input_uri;
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{ $inputStr } ) ) {
$input_uri = $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{ $inputStr }{uri};
} else {
return "Unknown source input '" . $inputStr . "' on that device.";
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "setPlayContent", $input_uri );
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") ne $inputStr ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "input", $inputStr, 1 );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to switch input.";
# application
elsif ( $a[1] eq "application" or $a[1] eq "app") {
if (defined($a[2]) && $presence eq "present" && $power ne "on" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: indirect switching request to ON");
Set( $hash, $name, "on" );
return "No 2nd argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
shift(@a); shift(@a);
my $appStr;
# Resolve app uri + data
my $app_name;
my $app_uri;
my $app_data;
while (@a) {
my $arg = shift(@a);
if (defined($appStr)) {
$appStr .= "#";
$appStr .= $arg;
} else {
$appStr = $arg;
if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset}{ $appStr } ) ) {
$app_name = $appStr;
$app_uri = $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset}{ $appStr }{uri};
$app_data = join(" ", @a);
return "Unknown app '" . $appStr . "' on that device." unless defined($app_uri);
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $app_name . ($app_data ? " " . $app_data : ""));
SendCommand( $hash, "setActiveApp", $app_uri, $app_data );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to start an app.";
# openUrl
elsif ( $a[1] eq "openUrl") {
if (defined($a[2]) && $presence eq "present" && $power ne "on" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: indirect switching request to ON");
Set( $hash, $name, "on" );
return "No 2nd argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
if ( $presence eq "present" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
my $url = lc($a[2]);
if ($url !~ /^https?:\/\/.*/) {
$url = "http://$url";
$url =~ s/([\x2F \x3A])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg;
$url = "localapp://webappruntime?url=$url";
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $url);
SendCommand( $hash, "setActiveApp", $url );
else {
return "Device needs to be reachable to start an app.";
# tvpause
elsif ( $a[1] eq "tvpause" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "on" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", "TVPAUSE" );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to pause tv.";
# pause
elsif ( $a[1] eq "pause" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "on" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", "PAUSE" );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to pause video.";
# play
elsif ( $a[1] eq "play" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "on" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", "PLAY" );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to play video.";
# stop
elsif ( $a[1] eq "stop" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "on" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", "STOP" );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to stop video.";
# record
elsif ( $a[1] eq "record" ) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
if ( $power eq "on" ) {
SendCommand( $hash, "ircc", "RECORD" );
else {
return "Device needs to be ON to start instant recording.";
# register
elsif ( $a[1] eq "register" ) {
if (defined($a[2])) {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
SendCommand( $hash, "register", $a[2] );
} else {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1]);
SendCommand( $hash, "register" );
# requestFormat
elsif ( $a[1] eq "requestFormat" ) {
return "No 2nd argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "requestFormat", $a[2], 1 )
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "") ne $a[2] );
# upnp
elsif ( $a[1] eq "upnp" ) {
return "No 2nd argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name " . $a[1] . " " . $a[2]);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "upnp", $a[2], 1 )
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "upnp", "") ne $a[2] );
# text
elsif ( $a[1] eq "text" ) {
return "No 2nd argument given" if ( !defined( $a[2] ) );
shift(@a); shift(@a);
my $text = join(" ", @a);
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA set $name text $text");
SendCommand( $hash, "text", $text );
# return usage hint
else {
return $usage;
# Begin of helper functions
sub SendCommand($$;$$@) {
my ( $hash, $service, $cmd, $param, @successor ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $address = $hash->{helper}{ADDRESS};
my $port = $hash->{helper}{PORT};
my $header = $hash->{helper}{HEADER};
my $timestamp = gettimeofday();
my $data;
my $timeout;
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function SendCommand()");
my $URL;
my $response;
my $return;
my $requestFormat = ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "");
if ($service ne "register" && $service ne "getStatus") {
return if CheckRegistration($hash, $service, $cmd, $param, @successor);
if ( !defined($cmd) ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: REQ $service");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: REQ $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd));
LogSuccessors($hash, @successor);
$URL = "http://" . $address . ":";
$header .= "\r\nCookie: auth=".ReadingsVal($name, "authCookie", "")
if (ReadingsVal($name, "authCookie", "") ne "");
if ($service eq "ircc") {
$URL .= $port->{IRCC};
$URL .= "/sony"
if ($requestFormat eq "json");
$URL .= "/IRCC";
$header .= "\r\nSoapaction: \"urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1#X_SendIRCC\"";
$header .= "\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8";
$cmd = GetRemotecontrolCommand($cmd);
$data = GetIrccRequest($cmd);
} elsif ($service eq "upnp") {
my $value;
if ($cmd =~ m/^(.+):(\d+)$/) {
$cmd = $1;
$value = $2;
$URL .= $port->{UPNP};
$URL .= "/upnp/control/RenderingControl";
$header .= "\r\nSoapaction: \"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1#";
$header .= ucfirst($cmd);
$header .= "\"";
$header .= "\r\nContent-Type: text/xml";
$data = GetUpnpRequest($cmd, $value);
} elsif ($service eq "register") {
my $id = "Fhem Remote";
my $device = "fhem_remote";
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
my $uuid = ReadingsVal($name, "registrationUUID", "");
if (defined($cmd) && $uuid ne "") {
if ($cmd ne "renew") {
$header = "Authorization: Basic ";
$header .= encode_base64(":".$cmd,"");
} else {
undef $header;
$uuid = createUniqueId();
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "registrationUUID", $uuid, 1);
$URL .= "/sony/accessControl";
$data = "{\"method\":\"actRegister\",\"params\":[{";
$data .= "\"clientid\":\"".$id.":".$uuid."\",";
$data .= "\"nickname\":\"".$id." (".$device.")\",";
$data .= "\"level\":\"private\"},";
$data .= "[{\"value\":\"yes\",\"function\":\"WOL\"}]],\"id\":8,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} else {
$URL .= "/cers/api/register?name=".urlEncode($id)."®istrAtionType=initial&deviceId=".$device;
} elsif ($service eq "getStatus") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($cmd eq "xml") {
$URL .= "/cers/api/" . $service;
} else {
$URL .= "/sony/system";
$data = "{\"method\":\"getPowerStatus\",\"params\":[],\"id\":1,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} elsif ($service eq "getContentInformation") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"method\":\"getPlayingContentInfo\",\"params\":[],\"id\":1,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} else {
$URL .= "/cersEx/api/" . $service;
} elsif ($service eq "getContentCount") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"method\":\"getContentCount\",\"params\":[{\"source\":\"" . $cmd . "\",\"type\":\"\"}],\"id\":1,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} elsif ($service eq "getContentList") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
my $source = $cmd;
my $index = 0;
if ($cmd =~ /^(.*)\|(\d+)$/){
$source = $1;
$index = $2;
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"method\":\"getContentList\",\"params\":[{\"source\":\"".$source."\",\"type\":\"\",\"cnt\":".InternalVal($name, "CHANNELCOUNT", 50).",\"stIdx\":".$index."}],\"id\":1,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} elsif ($service eq "getSchemeList") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"getSchemeList\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[]}";
} elsif ($service eq "getSourceList") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"getSourceList\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[{\"scheme\":\"".$cmd."\"}]}";
} elsif ($service eq "getCurrentExternalInputsStatus") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"getCurrentExternalInputsStatus\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[]}";
} elsif ($service eq "setPlayContent") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"setPlayContent\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[{\"uri\":\"".$cmd."\"}]}";
} elsif ($service eq "setPlayTvContent") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/avContent";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"setPlayTvContent\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[{\"channel\":\"".$cmd."\"}]}";
} elsif ($service eq "getScheduleList") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/recording";
$data = "{\"method\":\"getScheduleList\",\"params\":[{\"cnt\":100,\"stIdx\":0}],\"id\":1,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} else {
$URL .= "/cersEx/api/" . $service;
} elsif ($service eq "getApplicationList") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/appControl";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"getApplicationList\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[]}";
} elsif ($service eq "setActiveApp") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/appControl";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"setActiveApp\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[{\"uri\":\"".$cmd."\"";
$data .= ",\"data\":\"".$param."\"" if (defined($param));
$data .= "}]}";
} elsif ($service eq "text") {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/appControl";
$data = "{\"id\":2,\"method\":\"setTextForm\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"params\":[\"".$cmd."\"]}";
} else {
$URL .= $port->{SERVICE};
if ($requestFormat eq "json") {
$URL .= "/sony/system";
$data = "{\"method\":\"".$service."\",\"params\":[],\"id\":1,\"version\":\"1.0\"}";
} else {
$URL .= "/cers";
if ($service =~ /^Mute.*$/) {
$URL .= "/command/".$service;
} else {
$URL .= "/api/" . $service;
$timeout = AttrVal($name, "timeout", 0);
if ($timeout !~ /^\d+$/ or $timeout == 0) {
if ( $service eq "getStatus" ) {
$timeout = 10;
} else {
$timeout = 30;
# send request via HTTP-POST method
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: POST " . $URL . " (" . ::urlDecode($data) . ")")
if ( defined($data) );
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: GET " . $URL)
if ( !defined($data) );
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: header " . $header)
if ( defined($header) );
url => $URL,
timeout => $timeout,
noshutdown => 1,
header => $header,
data => $data,
hash => $hash,
service => $service,
cmd => $cmd,
successor => \@successor,
timestamp => $timestamp,
callback => \&BRAVIA::ReceiveCommand,
sub ReceiveCommand($$$) {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $service = $param->{service};
my $cmd = $param->{cmd};
my @successor = @{$param->{successor}};
my $newstate;
my $rc = ( $param->{buf} ) ? $param->{buf} : $param;
my $return;
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: called function ReceiveCommand() rc: $rc err: $err data: $data ");
# device not reachable
if ($err) {
if ( !defined($cmd) || ref($cmd) eq "HASH" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RCV TIMEOUT $service");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RCV TIMEOUT $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd));
# device is not reachable or
# does not even support master command for status
if ( $service eq "getStatus" ) {
$newstate = "absent";
if (
( !defined( $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} ) )
or ( defined( $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} )
and $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} eq 1 )
$hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "presence", "absent", 1 );
# stop pulling for current interval
# upnp service might not run at all, e.g. on KDL-65W857C
if ($service ne "upnp") {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: drop successors");
LogSuccessors($hash, @successor);
# data received
elsif ($data) {
if (
( !defined( $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} ) )
or ( defined( $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} )
and $hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} eq 0 )
$hash->{helper}{AVAILABLE} = 1;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "presence", "present", 1 );
if ( !defined($cmd) ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RCV $service");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RCV $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd));
LogSuccessors($hash, @successor);
if ( $data ne "" ) {
if ( $data =~ /^<\?xml/ ) {
my $parser = XML::Simple->new(
NormaliseSpace => 2,
KeepRoot => 0,
ForceArray => 0,
SuppressEmpty => 1
if ( !defined($cmd) || ref($cmd) eq "HASH" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service - $data");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd) . " - $data");
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "requestFormat", "xml", 1 )
if ( $service eq "getStatus" && ReadingsVal($name , "requestFormat", "") eq "" );
$return = $parser->XMLin( encode_utf8($data), KeyAttr => [ ] );
elsif ( $data =~ /^{/ || $data =~ /^\[/ ) {
if ( !defined($cmd) || ref($cmd) eq "HASH" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service - $data");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd) . " - $data");
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "requestFormat", "json", 1 )
if ( $service eq "getStatus" && ReadingsVal($name , "requestFormat", "") eq "" );
$return = decode_json( encode_utf8($data) );
elsif ( $data eq "<html><head><title>not found</title></head><body>not found</body></html>" ) {
if ( !defined($cmd) || ref($cmd) eq "HASH" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service - not found");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd) . " - not found");
$return = "not found";
elsif ( $data =~ /^<s:Envelope/ ) {
if ( !defined($cmd) ) {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service - response");
else {
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: RES $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd) . " - response");
$return = "ok";
else {
if ( !defined($cmd) || ref($cmd) eq "HASH" || $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: RES ERROR $service\n" . $data);
else {
Log3($name, 5, "BRAVIA $name: RES ERROR $service/" . ::urlDecode($cmd) . "\n" . $data);
return undef;
$newstate = ProcessCommandData( $param, $return, \@successor );
if ( defined( $newstate ) ) {
# Set reading for power
my $readingPower = "off";
if ( $newstate eq "on" ) {
$readingPower = "on";
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "power", "") ne $readingPower )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "power", $readingPower );
# Set reading for state
my $currentState = ReadingsVal($name, "state", "");
if ( ( $currentState !~ /set_.*/ and $currentState ne $newstate )
or $currentState eq "set_".$newstate
or ($currentState =~ /set_.*/ and ReadingsAge($name, "state", 0) > 60) )
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", $newstate );
# Set BRAVIA online-only readings to "-"
# in case box is not reachable
if ( $newstate eq "absent"
|| $newstate eq "undefined" )
foreach ( 'input', ) {
if ( ReadingsVal($name, $_, "-") ne "-" ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $_, "-" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
if (@successor) {
my @nextCmd = @{shift(@successor)};
my $cmdLength = @nextCmd;
my $cmdService = $nextCmd[0];
my $cmdCmd;
my $cmdParam;
$cmdCmd = $nextCmd[1] if ($cmdLength > 1);
$cmdParam = $nextCmd[2] if ($cmdLength > 2);
SendCommand($hash, $cmdService, $cmdCmd, $cmdParam, @successor);
sub wake ($$) {
my ( $name, $mac_addr ) = @_;
my $address = '';
my $port = 9;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => 'udp' )
or die "socket : $!";
die "Can't create WOL socket" if ( !$sock );
my $ip_addr = inet_aton($address);
my $sock_addr = sockaddr_in( $port, $ip_addr );
$mac_addr =~ s/://g;
my $packet =
pack( 'C6H*', 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, $mac_addr x 16 );
setsockopt( $sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1 )
or die "setsockopt : $!";
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: Waking up by sending Wake-On-Lan magic package to $mac_addr");
send( $sock, $packet, 0, $sock_addr ) or die "send : $!";
# process return data
sub ProcessCommandData ($$$) {
my ($param,$return,$successor) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $service = $param->{service};
my $cmd = $param->{cmd};
my $header = $param->{httpheader};
my $newstate;
# ircc
if ( $service eq "ircc" ) {
# nothing to do
# upnp
elsif ( $service eq "upnp" ) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if ( $cmd eq "getVolume" ) {
my $volume = $return->{"s:Body"}{"u:GetVolumeResponse"}{CurrentVolume};
if ( defined( $volume ) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "volume", $volume, 1 )
if (ReadingsVal($name, "volume", "-1") ne $volume);
} elsif ( $cmd eq "getMute" ) {
my $mute = $return->{"s:Body"}{"u:GetMuteResponse"}{CurrentMute} eq "0" ? "off" : "on";
if ( defined( $mute ) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "mute", $mute, 1 )
if (ReadingsVal($name, "mute", "-1") ne $mute);
# getStatus
elsif ( $service eq "getStatus" ) {
my $input = "-";
my $setInput;
my %statusKeys;
foreach ( keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
$statusKeys{$_} = 1 if ( $_ =~ /^s_.*/ && ReadingsVal($name, $_, "") ne "-" );
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if ( ref($return->{status}{statusItem}) eq "ARRAY" ) {
foreach ( @{ $return->{status}{statusItem} } ) {
if ( $_->{field} eq "source" ) {
$input = $_->{value};
$setInput = "true";
} else {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "s_".$_->{field}, $_->{value} );
delete $statusKeys{"s_".$_->{field}};
} elsif (defined($return->{status}{statusItem}{field})) {
my $field = "s_".$return->{status}{statusItem}{field};
if ( defined($field) && $field ne "" ) {
if ( $field eq "s_source" ) {
$input = $return->{status}{statusItem}{value};
$setInput = "true";
} else {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, $field, $return->{status}{statusItem}{value} );
delete $statusKeys{$field};
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "input", $input ) if ( defined($setInput) );
#remove outdated content information - replaces by "-"
foreach ( keys %statusKeys ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $_, "-" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# check for valid status
if (ref $return eq ref {} && ref($return->{error}) eq "ARRAY" && $return->{error}[0] eq "404") {
return "off";
# fetch other info
# read system information if not existing
push(@$successor, ["getSystemInformation"])
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "name", "0") eq "0" || ReadingsVal($name, "model", "0") eq "0" );
# read content information
if ( ReadingsVal($name, "generation", "1.0") ne "1.0" ) {
if (ref $return eq ref {} && ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY" && $return->{result}[0]{status} ne "active") {
# current status is not active, don't need to fetch content information
$newstate = "off";
} else {
push(@$successor, ["getContentInformation"]);
} elsif (ref $return eq ref {}) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
$newstate = ( $return->{result}[0]{status} eq "active" ? "on" : $return->{result}[0]{status} );
} else {
$newstate = ( $return->{status}{name} eq "viewing" ? "on" : $return->{status}{name} );
# get current system settings
if ($newstate eq "on" && ReadingsVal($name, "upnp", "on") eq "on") {
push(@$successor, ["upnp", "getVolume"]);
push(@$successor, ["upnp", "getMute"]);
# getSystemInformation
elsif ( $service eq "getSystemInformation" ) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
my $sysInfo = $return->{result}[0];
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "name", $sysInfo->{name} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "generation", $sysInfo->{generation} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "area", $sysInfo->{area} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "language", $sysInfo->{language} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "country", $sysInfo->{region} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "model", $sysInfo->{model} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "macAddr", $sysInfo->{macAddr} );
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "name", $return->{name} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "generation", $return->{generation} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "area", $return->{area} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "language", $return->{language} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "country", $return->{country} );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "model", $return->{modelName} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# getContentInformation
elsif ( $service eq "getContentInformation" ) {
my %contentKeys;
my $channelName = "-";
my $channelNo = "-";
my $channelUri;
my $currentTitle = "-";
my $currentMedia = "-";
foreach ( keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
$contentKeys{$_} = 1
if ( $_ =~ /^ci_.*/ and ReadingsVal($name, $_, "") ne "-" );
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
$newstate = "on";
if ( defined($return->{infoItem}) ) {
# xml
if ( ref($return->{infoItem}) eq "ARRAY" ) {
foreach ( @{ $return->{infoItem} } ) {
if ( $_->{field} eq "displayNumber" ) {
$channelNo = $_->{value};
} elsif ( $_->{field} eq "inputType" ) {
$currentMedia = $_->{value};
} elsif ( $_->{field} eq "serviceName" ) {
$channelName = $_->{value};
} elsif ( $_->{field} eq "title" ) {
$currentTitle = $_->{value};
} else {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "ci_".$_->{field}, $_->{value} );
delete $contentKeys{"ci_".$_->{field}};
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
} else {
my $field = "ci_".$return->{infoItem}->{field};
my $value = $return->{infoItem}->{value};
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $field, $value, 1 )
if ( ReadingsVal($name, $field, "") ne $value );
delete $contentKeys{$field};
} else {
# json
if ( ref($return->{result}[0]) eq "HASH" ) {
my $uri;
my $input;
foreach ( keys %{$return->{result}[0]} ) {
if ( $_ eq "dispNum" ) {
$channelNo = $return->{result}[0]{$_};
} elsif ( $_ eq "programMediaType" ) {
$currentMedia = $return->{result}[0]{$_};
} elsif ( $_ eq "title" ) {
$channelName = $return->{result}[0]{$_};
} elsif ( $_ eq "programTitle" ) {
$currentTitle = $return->{result}[0]{$_};
} elsif ( $_ eq "source" ) {
$input = $return->{result}[0]{$_};
} elsif ( $_ eq "uri" ) {
$uri = $return->{result}[0]{$_};
# set TV input uri to last tv-norm (tv:dvbt, tv:dvbs)
$hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{TV}{uri} = $return->{result}[0]{$_}
if (defined($hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}) && $return->{result}[0]{$_} =~ /tv:.*/);
} else {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "ci_".$_, $return->{result}[0]{$_} );
delete $contentKeys{"ci_".$_};
if ($uri) {
$channelUri = $uri;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "uri", $uri);
foreach ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}} ) {
if ($hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{$_}{uri} eq $uri) {
$input = $_;
$input =~ s/#/ /g;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "input", $input) if ($input);
#reset application
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "application", "-" ) if (ReadingsVal($name, "application", "-") ne "-");
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
} elsif ( ref($return->{error}) eq "ARRAY" && $return->{error}[0] eq "7" && $return->{error}[1] eq "Illegal State" ) {
#could be timeshift mode or app mode
push(@$successor, ["getScheduleList"]);
FetchPresets($hash, $successor);
} else {
if (ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Others" || ReadingsVal($name, "input", "") eq "Broadcast" ) {
$newstate = "off";
} else {
$newstate = "on";
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "channel", $channelName );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "channelId", $channelNo );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "currentTitle", $currentTitle );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "currentMedia", $currentMedia );
#remove outdated content information - replaces by "-"
foreach ( keys %contentKeys ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $_, "-" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
if ($channelName ne "-" && $channelNo ne "-") {
# push(@$successor, ["getContentList", ReadingsVal($name, "input", "")])
# if (ReadingsVal($name, "requestFormat", "") eq "json"
# && (!defined($hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}) || ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") ne "on"));
$hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{ $channelNo }{id} = $channelNo;
$hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{ $channelNo }{name} = GetNormalizedName($channelName);
$hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{ $channelNo }{uri} = $channelUri;
# get current system settings
if ($newstate eq "on" && ReadingsVal($name, "upnp", "on") eq "on") {
push(@$successor, ["upnp", "getVolume"]);
push(@$successor, ["upnp", "getMute"]);
FetchPresets($hash, $successor) if ($newstate eq "on");
# getScheduleList
elsif ( $service eq "getScheduleList" ) {
my %contentKeys;
my $channelName = "-";
my $currentTitle = "-";
my $currentMedia = "-";
foreach ( keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
$contentKeys{$_} = 1
if ( $_ =~ /^ci_.*/ and ReadingsVal($name, $_, "") ne "-" );
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
$newstate = "on";
foreach ( @{ $return->{result} } ) {
foreach ( @{ $_ } ) {
if ($_->{recordingStatus} eq "recording") {
my $key;
foreach $key ( keys %{ $_ }) {
if ( $key eq "type" ) {
$currentMedia = $_->{$key};
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "input", $_->{$key} );
} elsif ( $key eq "channelName" ) {
$channelName = $_->{$key};
} elsif ( $key eq "title" ) {
$currentTitle = $_->{$key};
} else {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "ci_".$key, $_->{$key} );
delete $contentKeys{"ci_".$key};
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "channel", $channelName );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "currentTitle", $currentTitle );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "currentMedia", $currentMedia );
#remove outdated content information - replaces by "-"
foreach ( keys %contentKeys ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $_, "-" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# get current system settings
if (ReadingsVal($name, "upnp", "on") eq "on") {
push(@$successor, ["upnp", "getVolume"]);
push(@$successor, ["upnp", "getMute"]);
# getContentList
elsif ( $service eq "getContentList" ) {
my $channelIndex = 0;
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach ( @{ $return->{result} } ) {
foreach ( @{ $_ } ) {
my $channelNo;
my $channelName;
my $channelUri;
my $key;
foreach $key ( keys %{ $_ }) {
if ( $key eq "dispNum" ) {
$channelNo = $_->{$key};
} elsif ( $key eq "title" ) {
$channelName = GetNormalizedName($_->{$key});
} elsif ( $key eq "index" ) {
$channelIndex = $_->{$key};
} elsif ( $key eq "uri" ) {
$channelUri = $_->{$key};
$hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{ $channelNo }{id} = $channelNo;
$hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{ $channelNo }{name} = $channelName;
$hash->{helper}{device}{channelPreset}{ $channelNo }{uri} = $channelUri;
# increment index, because it starts with 0
if (++$channelIndex % InternalVal($name, "CHANNELCOUNT", 50) == 0) {
# try next junk of channels
my $source = $cmd;
if ($cmd =~ /^(.*)\|(\d+)$/){
$source = $1;
push(@$successor, ["getContentList", $source."|".$channelIndex]);
# getSchemeList
elsif ( $service eq "getSchemeList" ) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach ( @{ $return->{result} } ) {
foreach ( @{ $_ } ) {
my $key;
my $scheme = undef;
foreach $key ( keys %{ $_ }) {
if ( $key eq "scheme" ) {
$scheme = $_->{$key};
if (defined($scheme)) {
if ($scheme eq "extInput") {
push(@$successor, ["getCurrentExternalInputsStatus"]);
} elsif ($scheme eq "tv") {
push(@$successor, ["getSourceList", $scheme]);
# getSourceList
elsif ( $service eq "getSourceList" ) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach ( @{ $return->{result} } ) {
foreach ( @{ $_ } ) {
my $key;
my $source = undef;
foreach $key ( keys %{ $_ }) {
if ( $key eq "source" ) {
$source = $_->{$key};
if (defined($source) and $source =~ /tv:dvb(.)/) {
my $dvbName = GetNormalizedName("TV / DVB-".uc($1));
$hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{$dvbName}{uri} = $source;
push(@$successor, ["getContentList", $source]);
# getCurrentExternalInputsStatus
elsif ( $service eq "getCurrentExternalInputsStatus" ) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach ( @{ $return->{result} } ) {
foreach ( @{ $_ } ) {
my $inputName;
my $inputLabel;
my $inputUri;
my $key;
foreach $key ( keys %{ $_ }) {
if ( $key eq "uri" ) {
$inputUri = $_->{$key};
} elsif ( $key eq "title" ) {
$inputName = GetNormalizedName($_->{$key});
} elsif ( $key eq "label" ) {
$inputLabel = GetNormalizedName($_->{$key});
$hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{$inputName}{uri} = $inputUri;
my $tvUri = ReadingsVal($name, "uri", "tv");
$tvUri = "tv" if ($tvUri !~ /tv.*/);
$hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset}{TV}{uri} = $tvUri;
# getApplicationList
elsif ( $service eq "getApplicationList" ) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if (ref($return->{result}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach ( @{ $return->{result} } ) {
foreach ( @{ $_ } ) {
my $appName;
my $appUri;
my $key;
foreach $key ( keys %{ $_ }) {
if ( $key eq "uri" ) {
$appUri = $_->{$key};
} elsif ( $key eq "title" ) {
$appName = GetNormalizedName($_->{$key});
$hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset}{$appName}{uri} = $appUri;
# setPlayContent
elsif ( $service eq "setPlayContent" ) {
# nothing to do
# setActiveApp
elsif ( $service eq "setActiveApp" ) {
my $appName;
foreach ( keys %{$hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset}} ) {
if ($hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset}{$_}{uri} eq $cmd) {
$appName = $_;
$appName =~ s/#/ /g;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "application", $appName, 1 ) if ($appName);
# text
elsif ( $service eq "text" ) {
# nothing to do
# register
elsif ( $service eq "register" ) {
# check for error
if (ref $return eq ref {} && ref($return->{error}) eq "ARRAY" && $return->{error}[0] eq "401") {
# drop successors for current interval
Log3($name, 4, "BRAVIA $name: drop successors");
LogSuccessors($hash, @$successor);
@$successor = ();
} else {
if ( $header =~ /auth=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "authCookie", $1 );
if ( $header =~ /[Ee]xpires=([^;]+)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "authExpires", $1 );
if ( $header =~ /[Mm]ax-[Aa]ge=(\d+)/ ) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "authMaxAge", $1 );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# all other command results
else {
Log3($name, 2, "BRAVIA $name: ERROR: method to handle response of $service not implemented");
return $newstate;
sub ClearContentInformation ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#remove outdated content information - replaces by "-"
foreach ( keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, $_, "-") if ( $_ =~ /^ci_.*/ );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "channel", "-" );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "channelId", "-" );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "currentTitle", "-" );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "currentMedia", "-" );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "input", "-" );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "uri", "-" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
sub FetchPresets($$) {
my ($hash,$successor) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "requestFormat", "" ) eq "json" ) {
# load input
push(@$successor, ["getSchemeList"])
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "" ) ne "on"
|| !defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset} )
|| scalar( keys %{ $hash->{helper}{device}{inputPreset} } ) == 0 );
# load app
push(@$successor, ["getApplicationList"])
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "" ) ne "on"
|| !defined( $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset} )
|| scalar( keys %{ $hash->{helper}{device}{appPreset} } ) == 0 );
sub LogSuccessors($@) {
my ($hash,@successor) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $msg = "BRAVIA $name: successors";
my @succ_item;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @successor; $i++) {
@succ_item = @{$successor[$i]};
$msg .= " $i: ";
$msg .= join(",", map { defined($_) ? $_ : '' } @succ_item);
Log3($name, 4, $msg) if (@successor > 0);
# Callback from 95_remotecontrol for command makenotify.
sub RCmakenotify($$) {
my ( $nam, $ndev ) = @_;
my $nname = "notify_$nam";
fhem( "define $nname notify $nam set $ndev remoteControl " . '$EVENT', 1 );
Log3(undef, 2, "[remotecontrol:BRAVIA] Notify created: $nname");
return "Notify created by BRAVIA: $nname";
# RC layouts
# Sony TV with SVG
sub RClayout_SVG() {
my @row;
$row[0] = "SOURCE:rc_AV.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg,POWER:rc_POWER.svg";
$row[1] = "TVPAUSE:rc_TVstop.svg,ASPECT,MODE3D,TRACKID";
$row[2] = "PREVIOUS:rc_PREVIOUS.svg,REWIND:rc_REW.svg,FORWARD:rc_FF.svg,NEXT:rc_NEXT.svg";
$row[3] = "REC:rc_REC.svg,PLAY:rc_PLAY.svg,PAUSE:rc_PAUSE.svg,STOP:rc_STOP.svg";
$row[4] = "RED:rc_RED.svg,GREEN:rc_GREEN.svg,YELLOW:rc_YELLOW.svg,BLUE:rc_BLUE.svg";
$row[5] = ":rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg";
$row[6] = "HELP:rc_HELP.svg,SEN,SYNCMENU";
$row[7] = "GUIDE:rc_MENU.svg,UP:rc_UP.svg,INFO:rc_INFO.svg";
$row[8] = "LEFT:rc_LEFT.svg,OK:rc_OK.svg,RIGHT:rc_RIGHT.svg";
$row[9] = "RETURN:rc_BACK.svg,DOWN:rc_DOWN.svg,OPTIONS:rc_OPTIONS.svg,HOMEtxt";
$row[10] = ":rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg";
$row[11] = "DIGITAL,EXIT:rc_EXIT.svg,TV:rc_TV.svg";
$row[12] = "1:rc_1.svg,2:rc_2.svg,3:rc_3.svg";
$row[13] = "4:rc_4.svg,5:rc_5.svg,6:rc_6.svg";
$row[14] = "7:rc_7.svg,8:rc_8.svg,9:rc_9.svg";
$row[15] = "TEXT:rc_TEXT.svg,0:rc_0.svg,SUBTITLE";
$row[16] = ":rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg,:rc_BLANK.svg";
$row[17] = "MUTE:rc_MUTE.svg,VOLUP:rc_VOLPLUS.svg,CHANNELUP:rc_UP.svg,AUDIO:rc_AUDIO.svg";
$row[18] = ":rc_BLANK.svg,VOLDOWN:rc_VOLMINUS.svg,CHANNELDOWN:rc_DOWN.svg";
$row[19] = "attr rc_iconpath icons";
$row[20] = "attr rc_iconprefix rc_";
return @row;
# Sony TV with PNG
sub RClayout() {
my @row;
$row[0] = "SOURCE,:blank,:blank,POWER:POWEROFF";
$row[3] = "REC,PLAY,PAUSE,STOP";
$row[5] = ":blank,:blank,:blank";
$row[6] = "HELP,SEN,SYNCMENU";
$row[7] = "GUIDE,UP,INFO";
$row[8] = "LEFT,OK,RIGHT";
$row[10] = ":blank,:blank,:blank";
$row[11] = "DIGITAL,EXIT,TV";
$row[12] = "1,2,3";
$row[13] = "4,5,6";
$row[14] = "7,8,9";
$row[15] = "TEXT,0,SUBTITLE";
$row[16] = ":blank,:blank,:blank";
$row[19] = "attr rc_iconpath icons/remotecontrol";
$row[20] = "attr rc_iconprefix black_btn_";
return @row;
# <command name="Confirm" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAABlAw==" />
# <command name="Up" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAB0Aw==" />
# <command name="Down" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAB1Aw==" />
# <command name="Right" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAzAw==" />
# <command name="Left" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA0Aw==" />
# <command name="Home" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAABgAw==" />
# <command name="Options" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA2Aw==" />
# <command name="Return" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAjAw==" />
# <command name="Num1" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAw==" />
# <command name="Num2" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAABAw==" />
# <command name="Num3" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAACAw==" />
# <command name="Num4" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAADAw==" />
# <command name="Num5" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAEAw==" />
# <command name="Num6" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAFAw==" />
# <command name="Num7" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAGAw==" />
# <command name="Num8" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAHAw==" />
# <command name="Num9" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAIAw==" />
# <command name="Num0" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAJAw==" />
# <command name="Num11" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAKAw==" />
# <command name="Num12" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAALAw==" />
# <command name="Power" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAVAw==" />
# <command name="Display" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA6Aw==" />
# <command name="VolumeUp" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAASAw==" />
# <command name="VolumeDown" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAATAw==" />
# <command name="Mute" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAUAw==" />
# <command name="Audio" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAXAw==" />
# <command name="SubTitle" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAoAw==" />
# <command name="Yellow" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAnAw==" />
# <command name="Blue" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAkAw==" />
# <command name="Red" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAlAw==" />
# <command name="Green" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAmAw==" />
# <command name="Play" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAaAw==" />
# <command name="Stop" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAYAw==" />
# <command name="Pause" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAZAw==" />
# <command name="Rewind" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAbAw==" />
# <command name="Forward" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAcAw==" />
# <command name="Prev" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA8Aw==" />
# <command name="Next" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA9Aw==" />
# <command name="Replay" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAB5Aw==" />
# <command name="Advance" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAB4Aw==" />
# <command name="TopMenu" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABgAw==" />
# <command name="PopUpMenu" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABhAw==" />
# <command name="Eject" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAABIAw==" />
# <command name="Rec" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAgAw==" />
# <command name="SyncMenu" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABYAw==" />
# <command name="ClosedCaption" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAKQAAAAQAw==" />
# <command name="Teletext" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA/Aw==" />
# <command name="ChannelUp" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAQAw==" />
# <command name="ChannelDown" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAARAw==" />
# <command name="Input" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAlAw==" />
# <command name="GGuide" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAOAw==" />
# <command name="EPG" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAKQAAABbAw==" />
# 755 <command name="Enter" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAALAw==" />
# <command name="DOT" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAdAw==" />
# <command name="Analog" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAHcAAAANAw==" />
# <command name="Exit" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAABjAw==" />
# 755 <command name="*AD" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAA7Aw==" />
# <command name="Digital" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAyAw==" />
# 755 <command name="Analog?" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAuAw==" />
# <command name="BS" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAsAw==" />
# <command name="CS" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAArAw==" />
# <command name="BSCS" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAQAw==" />
# <command name="Ddata" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAVAw==" />
# 755 <command name="SEN" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB9Aw==" />
# 755 <command name="Netflix" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB8Aw==" />
# <command name="InternetWidgets" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB6Aw==" />
# <command name="InternetVideo" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB5Aw==" />
# <command name="SceneSelect" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB4Aw==" />
# <command name="Mode3D" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABNAw==" />
# <command name="iManual" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB7Aw==" />
# <command name="Wide" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAKQAAAA9Aw==" />
# <command name="Jump" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA7Aw==" />
# <command name="PAP" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAKQAAAB3Aw==" />
# <command name="MyEPG" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABrAw==" />
# <command name="ProgramDescription" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAWAw==" />
# <command name="WriteChapter" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABsAw==" />
# <command name="TrackID" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB+Aw==" />
# <command name="TenKey" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAMAw==" />
# <command name="AppliCast" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABvAw==" />
# <command name="acTVila" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAAByAw==" />
# <command name="DeleteVideo" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAHcAAAAfAw==" />
# <command name="EasyStartUp" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABqAw==" />
# <command name="OneTouchTimeRec" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABkAw==" />
# <command name="OneTouchView" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABlAw==" />
# <command name="OneTouchRec" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABiAw==" />
# <command name="OneTouchRecStop" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABjAw==" />
# <command name="Analog2" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA4Aw==" />
# 755 <command name="Tv_Radio" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABXAw==" />
# 755 <command name="PhotoFrame" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABVAw==" />
# 755 <command name="TvPause" type="ircc" value="AAAAAgAAABoAAABnAw==" />
# <command name="MuteOn" type="url" value="" />
# <command name="MuteOff" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="PowerOff" type="ircc" value="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAvAw==" />
# 755 <command name="ZoomIn" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="ZoomOut" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="BrowserBack" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="BrowserForward" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="BrowserReload" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="BrowserStop" type="url" value="" />
# 755 <command name="BrowserBookmarkList" type="url" value="" />
sub GetRemotecontrolCommand($) {
my ($command) = @_;
my $commands = {
if ( defined( $commands->{$command} ) ) {
return $commands->{$command};
elsif ( $command eq "GetRemotecontrolCommands" ) {
return $commands;
else {
# return command itself if not mapped
return $command;
sub GetModelYear($) {
my ($command) = @_;
my $commands = {
'1.0' => "2011",
'1.1' => "2012",
'1.0.4' => "2013",
'1.0.5' => "2013", #KDL42-W655A
'2.4.0' => "2014",
'2.5.0' => "2014", #KD-49X8505B
'3.8.0' => "2016", #KD-55XD8505
'3.9.0' => "201x", #KD-55X8505C,KD-55XD8505
if (defined( $commands->{$command})) {
return $commands->{$command};
} else {
return "";
sub GetIrccRequest($) {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
$data .= "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">";
$data .= "<s:Body>";
$data .= "<u:X_SendIRCC xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1\">";
$data .= "<IRCCCode>" . $cmd . "</IRCCCode>";
$data .= "</u:X_SendIRCC>";
$data .= "</s:Body>";
$data .= "</s:Envelope>";
return $data;
sub GetUpnpRequest($$) {
my ($cmd,$value) = @_;
my $data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
$data .= "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">";
$data .= "<s:Body>";
if ($cmd eq "getVolume") {
$data .= "<u:GetVolume xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1\">";
$data .= "<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>";
$data .= "<Channel>Master</Channel>";
$data .= "</u:GetVolume>";
} elsif ($cmd eq "setVolume") {
$data .= "<u:SetVolume xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1\">";
$data .= "<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>";
$data .= "<Channel>Master</Channel>";
$data .= "<DesiredVolume>";
$data .= $value;
$data .= "</DesiredVolume>";
$data .= "</u:SetVolume>";
} elsif ($cmd eq "getMute") {
$data .= "<u:GetMute xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1\">";
$data .= "<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>";
$data .= "<Channel>Master</Channel>";
$data .= "</u:GetMute>";
} elsif ($cmd eq "setMute") {
$data .= "<u:SetMute xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1\">";
$data .= "<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>";
$data .= "<Channel>Master</Channel>";
$data .= "<DesiredMute>";
$data .= $value;
$data .= "</DesiredMute>";
$data .= "</u:SetMute>";
$data .= "</s:Body>";
$data .= "</s:Envelope>";
return $data;
sub CheckRegistration($$$$@) {
my ( $hash, $service, $cmd, $param, @successor ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (ReadingsVal($name, "authCookie", "") ne "" and
ReadingsTimestamp($name, "authCookie", "") =~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) ([0-2]\d):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)$/) {
my $time = fhemTimeLocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900);
# max age defaults to 14 days
my $maxAge = ReadingsNum($name, "authMaxAge", 1209600);
# renew registration after half period of validity
if ($time + $maxAge/2 < time()) {
Log3($name, 3, "BRAVIA $name: renew registration");
my @nextCmd = ($service, $cmd, $param);
unshift(@successor, [$service, $cmd, $param]);
my @succ_item;
my $msg = " successor:";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @successor; $i++) {
@succ_item = @{$successor[$i]};
$msg .= " $i: ";
$msg .= join(",", map { defined($_) ? $_ : '' } @succ_item);
Log3($name, 4, "BOTVAC created".$msg);
SendCommand( $hash, "register", "renew", undef, @successor );
return 1;
sub GetNormalizedName($) {
my ( $name ) = @_;
$name =~ s/^\s+//;
$name =~ s/\s+$//;
$name =~ s/\s/#/g;
$name =~ s/,/./g;
return $name;
=item summary controls a Sony TV device of series starting from 2011 via LAN
=begin html
<a name="BRAVIA"></a>
This module controls a Sony TV device over ethernet. Devices of series starting from 2011 are supported.
<code>define <name> BRAVIA <ip-or-hostname> [<poll-interval>]</code>
With definition of a BRAVIA device an internal task will be scheduled.
This task pulls frequently the status and other information from the TV.<br>
The intervall can be defined in seconds by an optional parameter <poll-intervall>.
The default value is 45 seconds.
After definition of a device using this module it has to be registered as a remote control
(<a href=#register><code>set register</code></a>).
As long as readings are not among the usual AV readings they are clustered:
<tr><td>s_*</td><td>: status</td></tr>
<tr><td>ci_*</td><td>: content information</td></tr>
The module contains predefined layouts for <a href=#remotecontrol>remotecontrol</a> using PNG and SVG.
<a name="BRAVIAset"></a>
<code>set <name> <option> <value></code>
<li><a name="application"></a><i>application</i><br>
List of applications.
Applications are available with models from 2013 and newer.</li>
<li><a name="channel"></a><i>channel</i><br>
List of all known channels. The module collects all visited channels.
Channels can be loaded automtically with models from 2013 and newer.
(number of channels, see <a href=#channelsMax>channelsMax</a>).</li>
<li><a name="channelDown"></a><i>channelDown</i><br>
Switches a channel back.</li>
<li><a name="channelUp"></a><i>channelUp</i><br>
Switches a channel forward.</li>
<li><a name="input"></a><i>input</i><br>
List of input channels.
Imputs are available with models from 2013 and newer.</li>
<li><a name="mute"></a><i>mute</i><br>
Set mute if <a href=#upnp>Upnp</a> is activated.</li>
<li><a name="off"></a><i>off</i><br>
Switches TV to off. State of device will have been set to "set_off" for 60 seconds or until off-status is pulled from TV.</li>
<li><a name="on"></a><i>on</i><br>
Switches TV to on, with models from 2013 using WOL. State of device will have been set to "set_on" for 60 seconds or until on-status is pulled from TV.</li>
<li><a name="openUrl"></a><i>openUrl</i><br>
Opens an URL on the screen.
This Feature is available on models from 2013 and newer.</li>
<li><a name="pause"></a><i>pause</i><br>
Pauses a playing of a recording, of an internal App, etc.</li>
<li><a name="play"></a><i>play</i><br>
Starts playing of a recording, of an internal App, etc.</li>
<li><a name="record"></a><i>record</i><br>
Starts recording of current content.</li>
<li><a name="register"></a><i>register</i><br>
One-time registration of Fhem as remote control in the TV.<br>
With <a href=#requestFormat>requestFormat</a> = "xml" registration works without parameter.<br>
With <a href=#requestFormat>requestFormat</a> = "json" registration has to be executed twice.<br>
The register option offers an additional input field:
<li>Call with empty input. A PIN for registration has to be shown on the TV.</li>
<li>Insert PIN into input field and register again.</li></ol></li>
<li><a name="requestFormat"></a><i>requestFormat</i><br>
"xml" for xml based communication (models from 2011 and 2012)<br>
"json" for communication with models from 2013 and newer</li>
<li><a name="remoteControl"></a><i>remoteControl</i><br>
Sends command directly to TV.</li>
<li><a name="statusRequest"></a><i>statusRequest</i><br>
Retrieves current status information from TV.</li>
<li><a name="stop"></a><i>stop</i><br>
Stops recording, playing of an internal App, etc.</li>
<li><a name="text"></a><i>text</i><br>
Includes the given text into an input field on display.</li>
<li><a name="toggle"></a><i>toggle</i><br>
Toggles power status of TV.</li>
<li><a name="tvpause"></a><i>tvpause</i><br>
Activates Timeshift mode.</li>
<li><a name="upnp"></a><i>upnp</i><br>
Activates Upnp service used to control volume.</li>
<li><a name="volume"></a><i>volume</i><br>
Straight setting of volume. <a href=#upnp>Upnp</a> service has to be activated.</li>
<li><a name="volumeDown"></a><i>volumeDown</i><br>
Decreases volume.</li>
<li><a name="volumeUp"></a><i>volumeUp</i><br>
Increases volume.</li>
<a name="BRAVIAattr"></a>
<code>attr <name> <attribute> <value></code>
<li><a name="channelsMax"></a><i>channelsMax</i><br>
Maximum amount of channels to be displayed, default is 50.</li>
<li><a name="macaddr"></a><i>macaddr</i><br>
Enables power on of TV using WOL.</li>
=end html
=item summary_DE steuert Sony TVs der BRAVIA-Serien ab dem Modelljahr 2011, via LAN-Verbindung
=begin html_DE
<a name="BRAVIA"></a>
Diese Module dient zur Steuerung von Sony TVs der BRAVIA-Serien beginnend mit dem Modelljahr 2011.
<code>define <name> BRAVIA <ip-or-hostname> [<poll-interval>]</code>
Bei der Definition eines BRAVIA Gerätes wird ein interner Task eingeplant,
der regelmäßig den Status des TV prüft und weitere Informationen abruft.<br>
Das Intervall des Tasks kann durch den optionalen Parameter <poll-intervall> in Sekunden gesetzt werden.
Ansonsten wird der Task mit 45 Sekunden als Intervall definiert.
Nach der Definition eines Gerätes muss dieses einmalig im TV als Fernbedienung
registriert werden (<a href=#register><code>set register</code></a>).
Soweit die Readings nicht den allgemeinen AV Readings entsprechen, sind sie gruppiert:
<tr><td>s_*</td><td>: Status</td></tr>
<tr><td>ci_*</td><td>: Inhaltsinfo</td></tr>
Das Modul enthält vorgefertigte Layouts für <a href=#remotecontrol>remotecontrol</a> mit PNG und SVG.
<a name="BRAVIAset"></a>
<code>set <name> <option> <value></code>
<li><a name="application"></a><i>application</i><br>
Liste der Anwendungen.
Anwenungen sind ab Modelljahr 2013 verfügbar.</li>
<li><a name="channel"></a><i>channel</i><br>
Liste aller bekannten Kanäle. Das Modul merkt sich alle aufgerufenen Kanäle.
Ab Modelljahr 2013 werden die Kanäle automatisch geladen
(Anzahl siehe <a href=#channelsMax>channelsMax</a>).</li>
<li><a name="channelDown"></a><i>channelDown</i><br>
Einen Kanal zurück schalten.</li>
<li><a name="channelUp"></a><i>channelUp</i><br>
Einen Kanal weiter schalten.</li>
<li><a name="input"></a><i>input</i><br>
Liste der Eingänge.
Eingänge sind ab Modelljahr 2013 verfügbar.</li>
<li><a name="mute"></a><i>mute</i><br>
Direkte Stummschaltung erfolgt nur per aktiviertem <a href=#upnp>Upnp</a>.</li>
<li><a name="off"></a><i>off</i><br>
Schaltet den TV aus. Der State des Gerätes wird auf "set_off" gesetzt. Dieser Wert wird nach 60 Sekunden wieder überschrieben oder sobald der TV entsprechend "off" meldet.</li>
<li><a name="on"></a><i>on</i><br>
Einschalten des TV, ab Modelljahr 2013 per WOL. Der State des Gerätes wird auf "set_on" gesetzt. Dieser Wert wird nach 60 Sekunden wieder überschrieben oder sobald der TV entsprechend "on" meldet.</li>
<li><a name="openUrl"></a><i>openUrl</i><br>
Öffnet eine URL auf dem Bildschirm.
Diese Funktion ist ab Modelljahr 2013 verfügbar.</li>
<li><a name="pause"></a><i>pause</i><br>
Pausiert die Wiedergabe einer Aufnahme, einer internen App, etc.</li>
<li><a name="play"></a><i>play</i><br>
Startet die Wiedergabe einer Aufnahme, einer internen App, etc.</li>
<li><a name="record"></a><i>record</i><br>
Startet die Aufnahme des aktuellen Inhalts.</li>
<li><a name="register"></a><i>register</i><br>
Einmalige Registrierung von FHEM als Fernbedienung im TV.<br>
Bei <a href=#requestFormat>requestFormat</a> = "xml" erfolgt die Registrierung ohne Parameter.<br>
Bei <a href=#requestFormat>requestFormat</a> = "json" ist die Registrierung zweistufig.<br>
Beim Aufruf des Setter gibt es ein Eingabefeld:
<li>Aufruf mit leerem Eingabefeld. Auf dem TV sollte eine PIN zur Registrierung erscheinen.</li>
<li>PIN im Eingabefeld eintragen und Registrierung noch mal ausführen</li></ol></li>
<li><a name="requestFormat"></a><i>requestFormat</i><br>
"xml" für xml-basierte Kommunikation 2011er/2012er Geräte<br>
"json" für die Kommunikation seit der 2013er Generation</li>
<li><a name="remoteControl"></a><i>remoteControl</i><br>
Direktes Senden von Kommandos an den TV.</li>
<li><a name="statusRequest"></a><i>statusRequest</i><br>
Ruft die aktuellen Statusinformationen vom TV ab.</li>
<li><a name="stop"></a><i>stop</i><br>
Stoppt die Wiedergabe einer Aufnahme, einer internen App, etc.</li>
<li><a name="text"></a><i>text</i><br>
Überträgt den eingegebenen Text in ein Textfeld der Anzeige.</li>
<li><a name="toggle"></a><i>toggle</i><br>
Wechselt den Einschaltstatus des TV.</li>
<li><a name="tvpause"></a><i>tvpause</i><br>
Aktiviert den Timeshift-Modus.</li>
<li><a name="upnp"></a><i>upnp</i><br>
Aktiviert Upnp zum Abfragen und Einstellen der Lautstärke.</li>
<li><a name="volume"></a><i>volume</i><br>
Direktes Setzen der Lautstärke erfolgt nur per aktiviertem <a href=#upnp>Upnp</a>.</li>
<li><a name="volumeDown"></a><i>volumeDown</i><br>
Verringert die Lautstärke.</li>
<li><a name="volumeUp"></a><i>volumeUp</i><br>
Erhöht die Lautstärke.</li>
<a name="BRAVIAattr"></a>
<code>attr <name> <attribute> <value></code>
<li><a name="channelsMax"></a><i>channelsMax</i><br>
Maximale Anzahl der im FHEMWEB angezeigten Kanäle. Der Standartwert ist 50.</li>
<li><a name="macaddr"></a><i>macaddr</i><br>
Ermöglicht das Einschalten des TV per WOL.</li>
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