mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
611 lines
14 KiB
611 lines
14 KiB
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
my %gets = (
# "libnodaveversion" => ""
sub S7_DRead_Initialize($) {
my $hash = shift @_;
# Provider
# Consumer
$hash->{Match} = "^DR";
$hash->{DefFn} = "S7_DRead_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "S7_DRead_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "S7_DRead_Parse";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "S7_DRead_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev " . $readingFnAttributes;
sub S7_DRead_Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my ( $name, $area, $DB, $start, $position );
$name = $a[0];
AssignIoPort($hash); # logisches modul an physikalisches binden !!!
my $sname = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $byte;
my $bit;
if ( uc $a[2] =~ m/^[QIMN](\d*)/ ) {
my $Offset;
$area = "db";
$DB = 0;
my $startposition;
if ( uc $a[2] =~ m/^Q(\d*)/ ) {
$startposition = 1;
if ( defined($hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE}) && $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO7" ) {
$Offset = 942;
elsif ( defined($hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE}) && $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO8" ) {
$Offset = 1064;
else {
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
elsif ( uc $a[2] =~ m/^I(\d*)/ ) {
$startposition = 1;
if ( $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO7" ) {
$Offset = 923;
elsif ( $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO8" ) {
$Offset = 1024;
else {
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
elsif ( uc $a[2] =~ m/^NI(\d*)/ ) {
$startposition = 2;
if ( $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO8" ) {
$Offset = 1246;
else {
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
elsif ( uc $a[2] =~ m/^NQ(\d*)/ ) {
$startposition = 2;
if ( $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO8" ) {
$Offset = 1390;
else {
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
elsif ( uc $a[2] =~ m/^M(\d*)/ ) {
$startposition = 1;
if ( $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO7" ) {
$Offset = 948;
elsif ( $hash->{IODev}{S7TYPE} eq "LOGO8" ) {
$Offset = 1104;
else {
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
else {
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$position =
( $Offset * 8 ) + int( substr( $a[2], $startposition ) ) - 1;
$byte = int( $position / 8 );
$bit = ( $position % 8 );
else {
$area = lc $a[2];
$DB = $a[3];
$position = $a[4];
if ( $area ne "inputs"
&& $area ne "outputs"
&& $area ne "flags"
&& $area ne "db" )
my $msg =
"wrong syntax : define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address> \n Only for Logo7 or Logo8:\n define <name> S7_DRead {I|Q|M|NI|NQ}1..24";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
my @address = split( /\./, $position );
if ( int(@address) == 2 ) {
$byte = $address[0];
$bit = $address[1];
else {
$byte = int( $address[0] / 8 );
$bit = ( $address[0] % 8 );
$hash->{AREA} = $area;
$hash->{DB} = $DB;
$hash->{POSITION} = ( $byte * 8 ) + $bit;
$hash->{ADDRESS} = "$byte.$bit";
$hash->{LENGTH} = 1;
my $ID = "$area $DB";
if ( !defined( $modules{S7_DRead}{defptr}{$ID} ) ) {
my @b = ();
push( @b, $hash );
$modules{S7_DRead}{defptr}{$ID} = \@b;
else {
push( @{ $modules{S7_DRead}{defptr}{$ID} }, $hash );
$hash->{IODev}{dirty} = 1;
Log3 $name, 4, "S7_DRead ($sname): define $name Adress:$byte.$bit";
return undef;
sub S7_DRead_Undef($$) {
my ( $hash, $name ) = @_;
Log3 $name, 4,
"S7_DRead ("
. $hash->{IODev}{NAME}
. "): undef "
. $hash->{NAME}
. " Adress:"
. $hash->{ADDRESS};
delete( $modules{S7_DRead}{defptr} );
return undef;
sub S7_DRead_Parse_new($$) {
my ( $hash, $rmsg ) = @_;
my $name;
if ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) ) {
$name = $hash->{NAME};
else {
Log3 undef, 2, "S7_DRead: Error ...";
return undef;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $rmsg );
my @list;
my ( $area, $DB, $start, $length, $datatype, $s7name, $hexbuffer );
$area = lc $a[1];
$DB = $a[2];
$start = $a[3];
$length = $a[4];
$s7name = $a[5];
$hexbuffer = $a[6];
my $ID = "$area $DB";
Log3 $name, 6, "$name S7_DRead_Parse $rmsg";
my @Writebuffer =
unpack( "C" x $length, pack( "H2" x $length, split( ",", $hexbuffer ) ) );
# my $b = pack( "C" x $length, @Writebuffer );
my $clientArray = $hash->{"Clients"};
foreach my $h ( @{$clientArray} ) {
if ( $start <= int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 )
&& $start + $length >= int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 ) )
#die Nachricht ist für den client
my $n = $h->{NAME}; #damit die werte im client gesetzt werden!
push( @list, $n );
#aktualisierung des wertes
my $s = int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 ) - $start;
my $myI = $hash->{S7PLCClient}->ByteAt( \@Writebuffer, $s );
Log3 $name, 6, "$name S7_DRead_Parse update $n ";
my $valueText = "";
if ( ( int($myI) & ( 1 << ( $h->{POSITION} % 8 ) ) ) > 0 ) {
$valueText = "on";
else {
$valueText = "off";
if (ReadingsVal($h->{NAME},"state","") ne $valueText) {
main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, "state", $valueText, 1 );
} else {
my $reading="state";
#value not changed check event-min-interval attribute
my $attrminint = AttrVal($name, "event-min-interval", undef);
if($attrminint) {
my @a = split(/,/,$attrminint);
my @v = grep { my $l = $_;
$l =~ s/:.*//;
($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef} @a;
if(@v) {
my (undef, $minInt) = split(":", $v[0]);
my $now = gettimeofday();
my $le = $hash->{".lastTime$reading"};
if($le && $now-$le >= $minInt) {
main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, $reading, $valueText, 1 );
if ( int(@list) == 0 ) {
Log3 $name, 6, "S7_DRead: Parse no client found ($name) ...";
push( @list, "" );
return @list;
sub S7_DRead_Parse($$) {
my ( $hash, $rmsg ) = @_;
my $name;
if ( defined( $hash->{NAME} ) ) {
$name = $hash->{NAME};
else {
Log3 undef, 2, "S7_DRead: Error ...";
return undef;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $rmsg );
my @list;
my ( $area, $DB, $start, $length, $datatype, $s7name, $hexbuffer,
$clientNames );
$area = lc $a[1];
$DB = $a[2];
$start = $a[3];
$length = $a[4];
$s7name = $a[5];
$hexbuffer = $a[6];
$clientNames = $a[7];
my $ID = "$area $DB";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name S7_DRead_Parse $rmsg";
# main::readingsBeginUpdate($h);
# main::readingsBulkUpdate($h,"reading",$res,1);
# main::readingsEndUpdate($h, 1);
my @clientList = split( ",", $clientNames );
if ( int(@clientList) > 0 ) {
my @Writebuffer = unpack( "C" x $length,
pack( "H2" x $length, split( ",", $hexbuffer ) ) );
my $now = gettimeofday();
foreach my $clientName (@clientList) {
my $h = $defs{$clientName};
# if ( defined( $main::attr{ $h->{NAME} }{IODev} )
# && $main::attr{ $h->{NAME} }{IODev} eq $name )
# {
if ( $h->{TYPE} eq "S7_DRead"
&& $start <= int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 )
&& $start + $length >= int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 ) )
push( @list, $clientName )
; #damit die werte im client gesetzt werden!
#aktualisierung des wertes
my $s = int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 ) - $start;
my $myI = $hash->{S7PLCClient}->ByteAt( \@Writebuffer, $s );
Log3 $name, 6, "$name S7_DRead_Parse update $clientName ";
# if ( ( int($myI) & ( 1 << ( $h->{POSITION} % 8 ) ) ) > 0 ) {
# main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, "state", "on", 1 );
# }
# else {
# main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, "state", "off", 1 );
# }
my $valueText = "";
my $reading="state";
if ( ( int($myI) & ( 1 << ( $h->{POSITION} % 8 ) ) ) > 0 ) {
$valueText = "on";
else {
$valueText = "off";
#check event-onchange-reading
#code wurde der datei fhem.pl funktion readingsBulkUpdate entnommen und adaptiert
my $attreocr= AttrVal($h->{NAME}, "event-on-change-reading", undef);
my @a;
if($attreocr) {
@a = split(/,/,$attreocr);
$h->{".attreocr"} = \@a;
# determine whether the reading is listed in any of the attributes
my @eocrv;
my $eocr = $attreocr &&
( @eocrv = grep { my $l = $_; $l =~ s/:.*//;
($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef} @a);
# check if threshold is given
my $eocrExists = $eocr;
if( $eocr
&& $eocrv[0] =~ m/.*:(.*)/ ) {
my $threshold = $1;
if($valueText =~ m/([\d\.\-eE]+)/ && looks_like_number($1)) { #41083, #62190
my $mv = $1;
my $last_value = $h->{".attreocr-threshold$reading"};
if( !defined($last_value) ) {
# $h->{".attreocr-threshold$reading"} = $mv;
} elsif( abs($mv - $last_value) < $threshold ) {
$eocr = 0;
} else {
# $h->{".attreocr-threshold$reading"} = $mv;
my $changed = !($attreocr)
|| ($eocr && ($valueText ne ReadingsVal($h->{NAME},$reading,"")));
my $attrminint = AttrVal($h->{NAME}, "event-min-interval", undef);
my @aa;
if($attrminint) {
@aa = split(/,/,$attrminint);
my @v = grep { my $l = $_;
$l =~ s/:.*//;
($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef
} @aa;
if(@v) {
my (undef, $minInt) = split(":", $v[0]);
my $le = $h->{".lastTime$reading"};
if($le && $now-$le < $minInt) {
if(!$eocr || ($eocr && $valueText eq ReadingsVal($h->{NAME},$reading,""))){
$changed = 0;
#} else {
# $hash->{".lastTime$reading"} = $now;
} else {
#$hash->{".lastTime$reading"} = $now;
$changed = 1 if($eocrExists);
if ($changed == 1) {
main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, $reading, $valueText, 1 );
# }
else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name S7_DRead_Parse going the save way ";
if ( defined( $modules{S7_DRead}{defptr}{$ID} ) ) {
foreach my $h ( @{ $modules{S7_DRead}{defptr}{$ID} } ) {
if ( defined( $main::attr{ $h->{NAME} }{IODev} )
&& $main::attr{ $h->{NAME} }{IODev} eq $name )
if ( $start <= int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 )
&& $start + $length >= int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 ) )
my $n =
$h->{NAME}; #damit die werte im client gesetzt werden!
push( @list, $n );
#aktualisierung des wertes
my @Writebuffer = unpack( "C" x $length,
pack( "H2" x $length, split( ",", $hexbuffer ) ) );
my $s = int( $h->{POSITION} / 8 ) - $start;
#my $b = pack( "C" x $length, @Writebuffer );
my $myI =
$hash->{S7PLCClient}->ByteAt( \@Writebuffer, $s );
Log3 $name, 6, "$name S7_DRead_Parse update $n ";
if ( ( int($myI) & ( 1 << ( $h->{POSITION} % 8 ) ) ) >
0 )
main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, "state", "on", 1 );
else {
main::readingsSingleUpdate( $h, "state", "off", 1 );
if ( int(@list) == 0 ) {
Log3 $name, 6, "S7_DRead: Parse no client found ($name) ...";
push( @list, "" );
return @list;
sub S7_DRead_Attr(@) {
my ( $cmd, $name, $aName, $aVal ) = @_;
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ( $cmd eq "set" ) {
if ( $aName eq "IODev" ) {
if ( defined( $hash->{IODev} ) ) { #set old master device dirty
$hash->{IODev}{dirty} = 1;
if ( defined( $defs{$aVal} ) ) { #set new master device dirty
$defs{$aVal}{dirty} = 1;
Log3 $name, 4, "S7_DRead: IODev for $name is $aVal";
return undef;
=item summary logical device for a digital reading from a S7/S5
=item summary_DE logisches Device für einen binären Nur Lese Datenpunkt von einer S5 / S7
=begin html
<a name="S7_DRead"></a>
This module is a logical module of the physical module S7. <br>
This module provides digital data (ON/OFF).<br>
Note: you have to configure a PLC reading at the physical modul (S7) first.<br>
<code>define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address></code>
<li>inputs|outputs|flags|db … defines where to read.</li>
<li>DB … Number of the DB</li>
<li>address … address you want to read. bit number to read. Example: 10.3</li>
Note: the required memory area need to be with in the configured PLC reading of the physical module.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="S7_DRead"></a>
This module is a logical module of the physical module S7. <br>
This module provides digital data (ON/OFF).<br>
Note: you have to configure a PLC reading at the physical modul (S7) first.<br>
<code>define <name> S7_DRead {inputs|outputs|flags|db} <DB> <address></code>
<li>inputs|outputs|flags|db … defines where to read.</li>
<li>DB … Number of the DB</li>
<li>address … address you want to read. bit number to read. Example: 10.3</li>
Note: the required memory area need to be with in the configured PLC reading of the physical module.
=end html_DE