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658 lines
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Executable File
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2008 Dr. Boris Neubert (omega@online.de)
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# $Id$
# Internals introduced in this module:
# MODEL distinguish between different X10 device types
# BRIGHT brightness level of dimmer devices in units of microdims (0..210)
# Readings introduced in this module:
# state function and argument of last command
# onoff inherited from switch interface (0= on, 1= off)
# dimmer inherited from dimmer interface (0= dark, 100= bright)
# Setters introduced in this module:
# on inherited from switch interface
# off inherited from switch interface
# dimmer inherited from dimmer interface (0= dark, 100= bright)
# dimdown inherited from dimmer interface
# dimup inherited from dimmer interface
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %functions = ( ALL_UNITS_OFF => "all_units_off",
ALL_LIGHTS_ON => "all_lights_on",
ON => "on",
OFF => "off",
DIM => "dimdown",
BRIGHT => "dimup",
ALL_LIGHTS_OFF => "all_lights_off",
HAIL_ACK => "",
PRESET_DIM1 => "",
PRESET_DIM2 => "",
STATUS_ON => "",
my %snoitcnuf; # the reverse of the above
my %functions_rewrite = ( "all_units_off" => "off",
"all_lights_on" => "on",
"all_lights_off" => "off",
my %functions_snd = qw( ON 0010
OFF 0011
DIM 0100
BRIGHT 0101 );
my %housecodes_snd = qw(A 0110 B 1110 C 0010 D 1010
E 0001 F 1001 G 0101 H 1101
I 0111 J 1111 K 0011 L 1011
M 0000 N 1000 O 0100 P 1100);
my %unitcodes_snd = qw( 1 0110 2 1110 3 0010 4 1010
5 0001 6 1001 7 0101 8 1101
9 0111 10 1111 11 0011 12 1011
13 0000 14 1000 15 0100 16 1100);
my %functions_set = ( "on" => 0,
"off" => 0,
"dimup" => 1,
"dimdown" => 1,
"dimto" => 1,
"on-till" => 1,
"on-for-timer" => 1,
"all_units_off" => 0,
"all_units_on" => 0,
"all_lights_off" => 0,
"all_lights_on" => 0,
my %models = (
lm12 => 'dimmer',
lm15 => 'switch',
am12 => 'switch',
tm13 => 'switch',
my %interfaces = (
lm12 => 'dimmer',
lm15 => 'switch_passive',
am12 => 'switch_passive',
tm13 => 'switch_passive',
my @lampmodules = ('lm12','lm15'); # lamp modules
my ($hash) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %functions) {
$snoitcnuf{$functions{$k}}= $k;
$hash->{Match} = "^X10:[A-P];";
$hash->{SetFn} = "X10_Set";
$hash->{StateFn} = "X10_SetState";
$hash->{DefFn} = "X10_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "X10_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "X10_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 model:lm12,lm15,am12,tm13";
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
return undef;
my($hash, $time, $function, $argument)= @_;
# the following changes between (onoff,bright) states were
# experimentally observed for a Busch Timac Ferndimmer 2265
# bright and argument are measured in brightness steps
# from 0 (0%) to 210 (100%).
# for convenience, we connect the off state with a 210 bright state
# initial on off dimup d dimdown d
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (on,x) -> (on,x) (off,210) (on,x+d) (on,x-d)
# (off,210) -> (on,210) (off,210) (on,210) (on,210-d)
my $onoff;
my $bright;
if(defined($hash->{ONOFF})) {
$onoff= $hash->{ONOFF};
} else {
$onoff= 0; }
if(defined($hash->{BRIGHT})) {
$bright= $hash->{BRIGHT};
} else {
$bright= 0; }
#Log3 $hash, 1, $hash->{NAME} . " initial state ($onoff,$bright)";
if($onoff) {
# initial state (on,bright)
if($function eq "on") {
} elsif($function eq "off") {
$onoff= 0; $bright= 210;
} elsif($function eq "dimup") {
$bright+= $argument;
if($bright> 210) { $bright= 210 };
} elsif($function eq "dimdown") {
$bright-= $argument;
if($bright< 0) { $bright= 0 };
} else {
# initial state (off,bright)
if($function eq "on") {
$onoff= 1; $bright= 210;
} elsif($function eq "off") {
$onoff= 0; $bright= 210;
} elsif($function eq "dimup") {
$onoff= 1; $bright= 210;
} elsif($function eq "dimdown") {
$onoff= 1;
$bright= 210-$argument;
if($bright< 0) { $bright= 0 };
#Log3 $hash, 1, $hash->{NAME} . " final state ($onoff,$bright)";
$hash->{ONOFF}= $onoff;
$hash->{BRIGHT}= $bright;
$hash->{READINGS}{onoff}{TIME}= $time;
$hash->{READINGS}{onoff}{VAL}= $onoff;
$hash->{READINGS}{dimmer}{TIME}= $time;
$hash->{READINGS}{dimmer}{VAL}= int(1000.0*$bright/210.0+0.5)/10.0;
# 22= 100%
my ($level)= @_;
my $dim= int(22*$level/100.0+0.5);
return $dim;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Timespec (HH:MM[:SS]) needed for the on-till command" if(@a != 3);
my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($a[2]);
return $err if($err);
my @lt = localtime;
my $hms_till = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr, $min, $sec);
my $hms_now = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $lt[2], $lt[1], $lt[0]);
if($hms_now ge $hms_till) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "on-till: won't switch as now ($hms_now) is later than $hms_till";
return "";
if($modules{X10}{ldata}{$a[0]}) {
CommandDelete(undef, $a[0] . "_timer");
delete $modules{FS20}{ldata}{$a[0]};
$modules{X10}{ldata}{$a[0]} = "$hms_till";
my @b = ($a[0], "on");
X10_Set($hash, @b);
CommandDefine(undef, $hash->{NAME} . "_timer at $hms_till set $a[0] off");
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Timespec (HH:MM[:SS]) needed for the on-for-timer command" if(@a != 3);
my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($a[2]);
return $err if($err);
my $hms_for_timer = sprintf("+%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr, $min, $sec);
if($modules{X10}{ldata}{$a[0]}) {
CommandDelete(undef, $a[0] . "_timer");
delete $modules{FS20}{ldata}{$a[0]};
$modules{X10}{ldata}{$a[0]} = "$hms_for_timer";
my @b = ($a[0], "on");
X10_Set($hash, @b);
CommandDefine(undef, $hash->{NAME} . "_timer at $hms_for_timer set $a[0] off");
my ($hash, $function, $dim)= @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $housecode= $hash->{HOUSE};
my $unitcode = $hash->{UNIT};
my $x10func = $snoitcnuf{$function};
undef $function; # do not use after this point
my $prefix= "X10 device $name:";
Log3 $name, 5, "$prefix sending X10:$housecode;$unitcode;$x10func $dim";
my ($hc_b, $hu_b, $hf_b);
my ($hc, $hu, $hf);
# Header:Code, Address
$hc_b = "00000100"; # 0x04
$hc = pack("B8", $hc_b);
$hu_b = $housecodes_snd{$housecode} . $unitcodes_snd{$unitcode};
$hu = pack("B8", $hu_b);
IOWrite($hash, $hc, $hu);
# Header:Code, Function
$hc_b = substr(unpack('B8', pack('C', $dim)), 3) . # dim, 0..22
"110"; # always 110
$hc = pack("B8", $hc_b);
$hf_b = $housecodes_snd{$housecode} . $functions_snd{$x10func};
$hf = pack("B8", $hf_b);
IOWrite($hash, $hc, $hf);
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my $na = int(@a);
# initialization and sanity checks
return "no set value specified" if($na < 2);
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
my $function= $a[1];
my $nrparams= $functions_set{$function};
return "Unknown argument $function, choose one of " .
join(" ", sort keys %functions_set) if(!defined($nrparams));
return "Wrong number of parameters" if($na != 2+$nrparams);
# special for on-till
return X10_Do_On_Till($hash, @a) if($function eq "on-till");
# special for on-for-timer
return X10_Do_On_For_Timer($hash, @a) if($function eq "on-for-timer");
# argument evaluation
my $model= $hash->{MODEL};
my $dim= 0;
if($function =~ m/^dim/) {
return "Cannot dim $name (model $model)" if($models{$model} ne "dimmer");
my $arg= $a[2];
return "Wrong argument $arg, use 0..100" if($arg !~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}$/);
return "Wrong argument $arg, use 0..100" if($arg>100);
if($function eq "dimto") {
# translate dimmer command to dimup/dimdown command
my $bright= 210;
if(defined($hash->{BRIGHT})) { $bright= $hash->{BRIGHT} };
$arg= $arg-100.0*$bright/210.0;
if($arg> 0) {
$function= "dimup";
$dim= X10_LevelToDims($arg);
} else {
$function= "dimdown";
$dim= X10_LevelToDims(-$arg);
} else {
$dim= X10_LevelToDims($arg);
# the meaning of $dim= 0, 1 is unclear
# if we encounter the need for dimming by such a small amount, we
# ignore it
if($dim< 2) { return "Dim amount too small" };
# send command to CM11
X11_Write($hash, $function, $dim) if(!IsDummy($a[0]));
my $v = join(" ", @a);
Log3 $a[0], 2, "X10 set $v";
(undef, $v) = split(" ", $v, 2); # Not interested in the name...
my $tn = TimeNow();
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $v;
$hash->{STATE} = $v;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $v;
X10_StateMachine($hash, $tn, $function, int(210.0*$dim/22.0+0.5));
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> X10 model housecode unitcode"
if(int(@a)!= 5);
my $model= $a[2];
return "Define $a[0]: wrong model: specify one of " .
join ",", sort keys %models
if(!grep { $_ eq $model} keys %models);
my $housecode = $a[3];
return "Define $a[0]: wrong housecode format: specify a value ".
"from A to P"
if($housecode !~ m/^[A-P]$/i);
my $unitcode = $a[4];
return "Define $a[0]: wrong unitcode format: specify a value " .
"from 1 to 16"
if( ($unitcode<1) || ($unitcode>16) );
$hash->{MODEL} = $model;
$hash->{HOUSE} = $housecode;
$hash->{UNIT} = $unitcode;
$hash->{internals}{interfaces}= $interfaces{$model};
if(defined($modules{X10}{defptr}{$housecode}{$unitcode})) {
return "Error: duplicate X10 device $housecode $unitcode definition " .
$hash->{NAME} . " (previous: " .
$modules{X10}{defptr}{$housecode}{$unitcode}->{NAME} .")";
$modules{X10}{defptr}{$housecode}{$unitcode}= $hash;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
if( defined($hash->{HOUSE}) && defined($hash->{UNIT}) ) {
return undef;
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
# message example: X10:N;1 12;OFF
(undef, $msg)= split /:/, $msg, 2; # strip off "X10"
my ($housecode,$unitcodes,$command)= split /;/, $msg, 4;
my @list; # list of selected devices
# command evaluation
my ($x10func,$arg)= split / /, $command, 2;
my $function= $functions{$x10func}; # translate, eg BRIGHT -> dimup
undef $x10func; # do not use after this point
# the following code sequence converts an all on/off command into
# a sequence of simple on/off commands for all defined devices
my $all_lights= ($function=~ m/^all_lights_/);
my $all_units= ($function=~ m/^all_units_/);
if($all_lights || $all_units) {
$function= $functions_rewrite{$function}; # translate, all_lights_on -> on
$unitcodes= "";
foreach my $unitcode (keys %{ $modules{X10}{defptr}{$housecode} } ) {
my $h= $modules{X10}{defptr}{$housecode}{$unitcode};
my $islampmodule= grep { $_ eq $h->{MODEL} } @lampmodules;
if($all_units || $islampmodule ) {
$unitcodes.= " " if($unitcodes ne "");
$unitcodes.= $h->{UNIT};
# no units for that housecode
if($unitcodes eq "") {
Log3 $hash, 3, "X10 No units with housecode $housecode, command $command, " .
"please define one";
"UNDEFINED X10_$housecode X10 lm15 $housecode ?");
return @list;
# apply to each unit in turn
my @unitcodes= split / /, $unitcodes;
if(!int(@unitcodes)) {
# command without unitcodes, this happens when a single on/off is sent
# but no unit was previously selected
Log3 $hash, 3, "X10 No unit selected for housecode $housecode, command $command";
"UNDEFINED X10_$housecode X10 lm15 $housecode ?");
return @list;
# function rewriting
my $value= $function;
return @list if($value eq ""); # function not evaluated
# function determined, add argument
if( defined($arg) ) {
# received dims from 0..210
my $dim= $arg;
$value = "$value $dim" ;
my $unknown_unitcodes= '';
my $tn= TimeNow();
foreach my $unitcode (@unitcodes) {
my $h= $modules{X10}{defptr}{$housecode}{$unitcode};
if($h) {
my $name= $h->{NAME};
$h->{CHANGED}[0] = $value;
$h->{STATE} = $value;
$h->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tn;
$h->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $value;
X10_StateMachine($h, $tn, $function, $arg);
Log3 $hash, 2, "X10 $name $value";
push(@list, $name);
} else {
Log3 $hash, 3, "X10 Unknown device $housecode $unitcode, command $command, " .
"please define it";
"UNDEFINED X10_$housecode X10 lm15 $housecode $unitcode");
return @list;
=item summary devices communicating via the X10 protocol
=item summary_DE Anbindung von X10-Geräten
=begin html
<a name="X10"></a>
<a name="X10define"></a>
<code>define <name> X10 <model> <housecode>
Defines an X10 device via its model, housecode and unitcode.<br><br>
<li><code><model></code> is one of
<li><code>lm12</code>: lamp module, dimmable</li>
<li><code>lm15</code>: lamp module, not dimmable</li>
<li><code>am12</code>: appliance module, not dimmable</li>
<li><code>tm12</code>: tranceiver module, not dimmable. Its
unitcode is 1.</li>
Model determines whether a dim command is reasonable to be sent
or not.</li>
<li><code><housecode></code> ranges from A to P.</li>
<li><code><unitcode></code> ranges from 1 to 16.</li>
<code>define lamp1 X10 lm12 N 10</code><br>
<code>define pump X10 am12 B 7</code><br>
<code>define lamp2 X10 lm15 N 11</code><br>
<a name="X10set"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set <name> <value> [<argument>]</code>
where <code>value</code> is one of:<br>
dimdown # requires argument, see the note
dimup # requires argument, see the note
on-till # Special, see the note
on-for-timer # Special, see the note
<code>set lamp1 dimup 10</code><br>
<code>set lamp1,lamp2 off</code><br>
<code>set pump off</code><br>
<code>set lamp2 on-till 19:59</code><br>
<code>set lamp2 on-for-timer 00:02:30</code><br>
<li>Only switching and dimming are supported by now.</li>
<li>Dimming is valid only for a dimmable device as specified by
the <code>model</code> argument in its <code>define</code>
<li>An X10 device has 210 discrete brightness levels. If you use a
X10 sender, e.g. a remote control or a wall switch to dim, a
brightness step is 100%/210.</li>
<li><code>dimdown</code> and <code>dimup</code> take a number in the
range from 0 to 22 as argument. It is assumed that argument 1 is
a 1% brightness change (microdim) and arguments 2 to 22 are
10%..100% brightness changes. The meaning of argument 0 is
<li>This currently leads to some confusion in the logs as the
<code>dimdown</code> and <code>dimup</code> codes are logged with
different meaning of the arguments depending on whether the commands
were sent from the PC or from a remote control or a wall switch.</li>
<li><code>dimdown</code> and <code>dimup</code> from on and off states may
have unexpected results. This seems to be a feature of the X10
<li><code>on-till</code> requires an absolute time in the "at" format
(HH:MM:SS, HH:MM) or { <perl code> }, where the perl code
returns a time specification).
If the current time is greater than the specified time, then the
command is ignored, else an "on" command is generated, and for the
given "till-time" an off command is scheduleld via the at command.
<li><code>on-for-timer</code> requires a relative time in the "at" format
(HH:MM:SS, HH:MM) or { <perl code> }, where the perl code
returns a time specification).
<a name="X10get"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="X10attr"></a>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#model">model</a> (lm12,lm15,am12,tm13)</li>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a></li><br>
=end html