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# $Id$
# 66_ECMD.pm
# Copyright by Dr. Boris Neubert
# e-mail: omega at online dot de
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main;
# Potential future extensions: add support for PARTIALly received datagrams
# http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,24280.msg174330.html#msg174330
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use DevIo;
sub ECMD_Attr($@);
sub ECMD_Clear($);
#sub ECMD_Parse($$$$$);
sub ECMD_Read($);
sub ECMD_ReadAnswer($$);
sub ECMD_Ready($);
sub ECMD_Write($$$);
use vars qw {%attr %defs};
my ($hash) = @_;
# Provider
$hash->{WriteFn} = "ECMD_Write";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "ECMD_Read";
$hash->{Clients} = ":ECMDDevice:";
# Consumer
$hash->{DefFn} = "ECMD_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ECMD_Undef";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "ECMD_Ready";
$hash->{GetFn} = "ECMD_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "ECMD_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "ECMD_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList}= "classdefs split logTraffic:0,1,2,3,4,5 timeout partial requestSeparator responseSeparator";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def);
my $name = $a[0];
my $protocol = $a[2];
if(@a < 4 || @a > 4 || (($protocol ne "telnet") && ($protocol ne "serial"))) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> ECMD telnet <ipaddress[:port]> or define <name> ECMD serial <devicename[\@baudrate]>";
Log 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{Protocol}= $protocol;
my $devicename= $a[3];
$hash->{DeviceName} = $devicename;
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, undef);
return $ret;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# deleting port for clients
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) &&
defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) &&
$defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash) {
my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2);
Log3 $hash, $lev, "deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $msg = undef;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized" if(!$hash->{STATE});
return undef;
my ($s)= @_;
$s= "<nothing>" unless(defined($s));
return "\"" . escapeLogLine($s) . "\"";
my ($hash, $loglevel, $logmsg)= @_;
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
$loglevel= AttrVal($name, "logTraffic", undef) unless(defined($loglevel));
return unless(defined($loglevel));
Log3 $hash, $loglevel , "$name: $logmsg";
my ($hash) = @_;
return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, "ECMD_DoInit")
if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected");
# This is relevant for windows/USB only
my $po = $hash->{USBDev};
my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags);
if($po) {
($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status;
return ($InBytes && $InBytes>0);
my $hash = shift;
my $answer= DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
ECMD_Log $hash, undef, "read " . dq($answer);
return $answer;
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
ECMD_Log $hash, undef, "write " . dq($msg);
DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg, 0);
my ($hash, $msg, $expect) = @_;
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
my $timeout= AttrVal($name, "timeout", 3.0);
my $partialTimeout= AttrVal($name, "partial", 0.0);
ECMD_Log $hash, undef, "write " . dq($msg) . ", expect $expect";
my $answer= DevIo_Expect($hash, $msg, $timeout );
#Debug "$name: Expect got \"" . escapeLogLine($answer) . "\".";
# complete partial answers
if($partialTimeout> 0) {
my $t0= gettimeofday();
while(!defined($answer) || ($answer !~ /^$expect$/)) {
#Debug "$name: waiting for a match...";
my $a= DevIo_SimpleReadWithTimeout($hash, $partialTimeout); # we deliberately use partialTimeout here!
#Debug "$name: SimpleReadWithTimeout got \"" . escapeLogLine($a) . "\".";
if(defined($a)) {
$answer= ( defined($answer) ? $answer . $a : $a );
#Debug "$name: SimpleExpect has now answer \"" . escapeLogLine($answer) . "\".";
last if(gettimeofday()-$t0> $partialTimeout);
if(defined($answer)) {
ECMD_Log $hash, undef, "read " . dq($answer);
if($answer !~ m/^$expect$/) {
ECMD_Log $hash, 1, "unexpected answer " . dq($answer) . " received (wrote " .
dq($msg) . ", expected $expect)";
} else {
ECMD_Log $hash, 1, "no answer received (wrote " .
dq($msg) . ", expected $expect)";
return $answer;
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
return undef;
my $hash = shift;
# Clear the pipe
DevIo_TimeoutRead($hash, 0.1);
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "get needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2);
my $name = $a[0];
my $cmd= $a[1];
my $arg = ($a[2] ? $a[2] : "");
my @args= @a; shift @args; shift @args;
my ($answer, $err);
return "No get $cmd for dummies" if(IsDummy($name));
if($cmd eq "raw") {
return "get raw needs an argument" if(@a< 3);
my $ecmd= join " ", @args;
$ecmd= AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $ecmd);
$answer= ECMD_SimpleExpect($hash, $ecmd, ".*");
} else {
return "get $cmd: unknown command ";
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{VAL} = $answer;
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{TIME} = TimeNow();
return "$name $cmd => $answer";
my ($hash, $classname, $filename)=@_;
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
# refuse overwriting existing definitions
if(defined($hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname})) {
my $err= "$name: class $classname is already defined.";
Log3 $hash, 1, $err;
return $err;
# try and open the class definition file
if(!open(CLASSDEF, $filename)) {
my $err= "$name: cannot open file $filename for class $classname.";
Log3 $hash, 1, $err;
return $err;
my @classdef= <CLASSDEF>;
# add the class definition
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: adding new class $classname from file $filename";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{filename}= $filename;
# format of the class definition:
# params <params> parameters for device definition
# get <cmdname> cmd {<perlexpression>} defines a get command
# get <cmdname> params <params> parameters for get command
# get <cmdname> expect regex expected regex for get command
# get <cmdname> postproc { <perl command> } postprocessor for get command
# set <cmdname> cmd {<perlexpression>} defines a set command
# set <cmdname> expect regex expected regex for set command
# set <cmdname> params <params> parameters for get command
# set <cmdname> postproc { <perl command> } postprocessor for set command
# all lines are optional
# eaxmple class definition 1:
# get adc cmd {"adc get %channel"}
# get adc params channel
# eaxmple class definition 1:
# params btnup btnstop btndown
# set up cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nio set port 2 1%btnup\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
# set stop cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nio set port 2 1%btnstop\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
# set down cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nio set port 2 1%btndown\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
my $cont= "";
foreach my $line (@classdef) {
# kill trailing newline
chomp $line;
# kill comments and blank lines
$line=~ s/\#.*$//;
$line=~ s/\s+$//;
$line= $cont . $line;
if($line=~ s/\\$//) { $cont= $line; undef $line; }
next unless($line);
$cont= "";
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: evaluating >$line<";
# split line into command and definition
my ($cmd, $def)= split("[ \t]+", $line, 2);
#if($cmd eq "nonl") {
# Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: no newline";
# $hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{nonl}= 1;
# params
if($cmd eq "params") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: parameters are $def";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{params}= $def;
# state
} elsif($cmd eq "state") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: state is determined as $def";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{state}= $def;
# reading
} elsif($cmd eq "reading") {
my ($readingname, $spec, $arg)= split("[ \t]+", $def, 3);
# match
if($spec eq "match") {
if($arg !~ m/^"(.*)"$/s) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name: match for reading $readingname is not enclosed in double quotes.";
$arg = $1;
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: reading $readingname will match $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{readings}{$readingname}{match}= $arg;
# postproc
} elsif($spec eq "postproc") {
if($arg !~ m/^{.*}$/s) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name: postproc command for reading $readingname is not a perl command.";
$arg =~ s/^(\\\n|[ \t])*//; # Strip space or \\n at the beginning
$arg =~ s/[ \t]*$//;
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: reading $readingname postprocessor defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{readings}{$readingname}{postproc}= $arg;
# anything else
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1,
"$name: illegal spec $spec for reading $readingname for class $classname in file $filename.";
# set, get
} elsif($cmd eq "set" || $cmd eq "get") {
my ($cmdname, $spec, $arg)= split("[ \t]+", $def, 3);
if($spec eq "params") {
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: set $cmdname has parameters $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{params}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: get $cmdname has parameters $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{params}= $arg;
} elsif($spec eq "cmd") {
if($arg !~ m/^{.*}$/s) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name: command for $cmd $cmdname is not a perl command.";
$arg =~ s/^(\\\n|[ \t])*//; # Strip space or \\n at the beginning
$arg =~ s/[ \t]*$//;
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: set $cmdname command defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{cmd}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: get $cmdname command defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{cmd}= $arg;
} elsif($spec eq "postproc") {
if($arg !~ m/^{.*}$/s) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name: postproc command for $cmd $cmdname is not a perl command.";
$arg =~ s/^(\\\n|[ \t])*//; # Strip space or \\n at the beginning
$arg =~ s/[ \t]*$//;
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: set $cmdname postprocessor defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{postproc}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: get $cmdname postprocessor defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{postproc}= $arg;
} elsif($spec eq "expect") {
if($arg !~ m/^"(.*)"$/s) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name: expect for $cmd $cmdname is not enclosed in double quotes.";
$arg = $1;
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: set $cmdname expects $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{expect}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: get $cmdname expects $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{expect}= $arg;
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1,
"$name: illegal spec $spec for $cmd $cmdname for class $classname in file $filename.";
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name: illegal tag $cmd for class $classname in file $filename.";
# store class definitions in attribute
$attr{$name}{classdefs}= "";
my @a;
foreach my $c (keys %{$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}}) {
push @a, "$c=$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$c}{filename}";
$attr{$name}{"classdefs"}= join(":", @a);
return undef;
my @a = @_;
my $hash= $defs{$a[1]};
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "classdefs") {
my @classdefs= split(/:/,$a[3]);
delete $hash->{fhem}{classDefs};
foreach my $classdef (@classdefs) {
my ($classname,$filename)= split(/=/,$classdef,2);
ECMD_EvalClassDef($hash, $classname, $filename);
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, undef);
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $a[0];
# usage check
#my $usage= "Usage: set $name classdef <classname> <filename> OR set $name reopen";
my $usage= "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of reopen classdef";
if((@a == 2) && ($a[1] eq "reopen")) {
return ECMD_Reopen($hash);
return $usage if(@a != 4);
return $usage if($a[1] ne "classdef");
# from the definition
my $classname= $a[2];
my $filename= $a[3];
return ECMD_EvalClassDef($hash, $classname, $filename);
# called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data
sub ECMD_Read($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef unless($hash->{STATE} eq "opened"); # avoid reading from closed device
my $buf = ECMD_SimpleRead($hash);
return unless(defined($buf));
return if($buf eq "");
ECMD_Log $hash, 5, "Spontaneously received " . dq($buf);
Dispatch($hash, $buf, undef); # dispatch result to ECMDDevices
my ($hash,$msg,$expect) = @_;
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
my $answer;
my $ret= "";
my $requestSeparator= AttrVal($hash, "requestSeparator", "\000");
my $responseSeparator= AttrVal($hash, "responseSeparator", "");
my @ecmds= split $requestSeparator, $msg;
ECMD_Log $hash, 5, "command split into " . ($#ecmds+1) . " parts." if($#ecmds>0);
foreach my $ecmd (@ecmds) {
ECMD_Log $hash, 5, "sending command " . dq($ecmd);
my $msg .= $ecmd;
#$msg.= "\n" unless($nonl);
if(defined($expect)) {
$answer= ECMD_SimpleExpect($hash, $msg, $expect);
$answer= "" unless(defined($answer));
ECMD_Log $hash, 5, "received answer " . dq($answer);
$answer.= $responseSeparator if($#ecmds>0);
$ret.= $answer;
} else {
ECMD_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg);
return $ret;
=begin html
<a name="ECMD"></a>
Any physical device with request/response-like communication capabilities
over a TCP connection can be defined as ECMD device. A practical example
of such a device is the AVR microcontroller board AVR-NET-IO from
<a href="http://www.pollin.de">Pollin</a> with
<a href="http://www.ethersex.de/index.php/ECMD">ECMD</a>-enabled
<a href="http://www.ethersex.de">Ethersex</a> firmware. The original
NetServer firmware from Pollin works as well.<p>
A physical ECMD device can host any number of logical ECMD devices. Logical
devices are defined as <a href="#ECMDDevice">ECMDDevice</a>s in fhem.
ADC 0 to 3 and I/O port 0 to 3 of the above mentioned board
are examples of such logical devices. ADC 0 to 3 all belong to the same
device class ADC (analog/digital converter). I/O port 0 to 3 belong to the device
class I/O port. By means of extension boards you can make your physical
device drive as many logical devices as you can imagine, e.g. IR receivers,
LC displays, RF receivers/transmitters, 1-wire devices, etc.<p>
Defining one fhem module for any device class would create an unmanageable
number of modules. Thus, an abstraction layer is used. You create a device class
on the fly and assign it to a logical ECMD device. The
<a href="#ECMDClassdef">class definition</a>
names the parameters of the logical device, e.g. a placeholder for the number
of the ADC or port, as well as the get and set capabilities. Worked examples
are to be found in the documentation of the <a href="#ECMDDevice">ECMDDevice</a> device.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the module is connected via serial Port or USB.
<a name="ECMDdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; ECMD telnet &lt;IPAddress:Port&gt;</code><br><br>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; ECMD serial &lt;SerialDevice&gt;[&lt;@BaudRate&gt;]</code>
Defines a physical ECMD device. The keywords <code>telnet</code> or
<code>serial</code> are fixed.<br><br>
<code>define AVRNETIO ECMD telnet</code><br>
<code>define AVRNETIO ECMD serial /dev/ttyS0</code><br>
<code>define AVRNETIO ECMD serial /sev/ttyUSB0@38400</code><br>
<a name="ECMDset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; classdef &lt;classname&gt; &lt;filename&gt;</code>
Creates a new device class <code>&lt;classname&gt;</code> for logical devices.
The class definition is in the file <code>&lt;filename&gt;</code>. You must
create the device class before you create a logical device that adheres to
that definition.
<code>define AVRNETIO classdef /etc/fhem/ADC.classdef</code><br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; reopen</code>
Closes and reopens the device. Could be handy if connection is lost and cannot be
reestablished automatically.
<a name="ECMDget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; raw &lt;command&gt;</code>
Sends the command <code>&lt;command&gt;</code> to the physical ECMD device
<code>&lt;name&gt;</code> and reads the response. In the likely case that
the command needs to be terminated by a newline character, you have to
resort to a <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a>.
<code>get AVRNETIO raw { "ip\n" }</code><br>
<a name="ECMDattr"></a>
<li>classdefs<br>A colon-separated list of &lt;classname&gt;=&lt;filename&gt;.
The list is automatically updated if a class definition is added. You can
directly set the attribute.</li>
Some devices send several readings in one transmission. The split attribute defines the
separator to split such transmissions into separate messages. The regular expression for
matching a reading is then applied to each message in turn. After splitting, the separator
is <b>not</b> part of the single messages.
Example: <code>attr myECMD \n</code> splits <code>foo 12\nbar off</code> into
<code>foo 12</code> and <code>bar off</code>.</li>
<li>logTraffic &lt;loglevel&gt;<br>Enables logging of sent and received datagrams with the given loglevel. Control characters in the logged datagrams are escaped, i.e. a double backslash is shown for a single backslash, \n is shown for a line feed character, etc.</li>
<li>timeout &lt;seconds&gt;<br>Time in seconds to wait for a reply from the physical ECMD device before FHEM assumes that something has gone wrong. The default is 3 seconds if this attribute is not set.</li>
<li>partial &lt;seconds&gt;<br>Some physical ECMD devices split readings and replies into several transmissions. If the partial attribute is set, this behavior is accounted for as follows: (a) If a reply is expected for a get or set command, FHEM collects transmissions from the physical ECMD device until either the reply matches the expected reply or the time in seconds given with the partial attribute has expired. (b) If a spontaneous transmission does not match the regular expression for any reading, the transmission is recorded and prepended to the next transmission. If the line is quiet for longer than the time in seconds given with the partial attribute, the recorded transmission is discarded. Use regular expressions that produce exact matches.</li>
A single request from FHEM to the device might need to be split in several datagrams. A command string is split at all
occurrences of the requestSeparator. The requestSeparator itself is removed from the command string and thus
not part of the request. It defaults to the
value \000 (octal representation of control char with code zero).
In order to identify the single responses from the device to FHEM for each part of a split command, a responseSeparator
can be appended to the response to each part. The responseSeparator is only appended to commands split by means of a
requestSeparator. The default is to have no responseSeparator, i.e. responses are simply concatenated.
<li><a href="#verbose">verbose</a></li>
<a name="ECMDDatagram"></a>
<b>Datagram monitoring and matching</b>
Data to and from the physical device is processed as is. In particular, if you need to send a line feed you have to explicitely send a \n control character. On the other hand, control characters like line feeds are not stripped from the data received. This needs to be considered when defining a <a href="#ECMDClassdef">class definition</a>.<p>
For debugging purposes, especially when designing a <a href="#ECMDClassdef">class definition</a>, it is advisable to turn traffic logging on. Use <code>attr myECMD logTraffic 3</code> to log all data to and from the physical device at level 3. A typical response might look like <code>21.2\n</code>, i.e. a floating point number followed by a newline.<p>
Data received from the physical device is processed as it comes in chunks. If for some reason a datagram from the device is split in transit, pattern matching and processing will most likely fail. You can use the <code>partial</code> attribute to make FHEM collect and recombine the chunks.
<a name="ECMDConnection"></a>
<b>Connection error handling</b>
This modules handles unexpected disconnects of devices as follows (on Windows only for TCP connections):<p>
Disconnects are detected if and only if data from the device in reply to data sent to the device cannot be received with at most two attempts. FHEM waits at most 3 seconds (or the time specified in the <code>timeout</code> attribute, see <a href="#ECMDattr">Attributes</a>). After the first failed attempt, the connection to the device is closed and reopened again. The state of the device
is <code>failed</code>. Then the data is sent again to the device. If still no reply is received, the state of the device is <code>disconnected</code>, otherwise <code>opened</code>. You will have to fix the problem and then use <code>set myECMD reopen</code> to reconnect to the device.<p>
Please design your class definitions in such a way that the double sending of data does not bite you in any case.
<a name="ECMDClassdef"></a>
<b>Class definition</b>
The class definition for a logical ECMD device class is contained in a text file.
The text file is made up of single lines. Empty lines and text beginning with #
(hash) are ignored. Therefore make sure not to use hashes in commands.<br>
The following commands are recognized in the device class definition:<br><br>
<li><code>params &lt;parameter1&gt; [&lt;parameter2&gt; [&lt;parameter3&gt; ... ]]</code><br><br>
Declares the names of the named parameters that must be present in the
<a href="#ECMDDevicedefine">definition of the logical ECMD device</a>.
<li><code>state &lt;reading&gt;</code><br><br>
Normally, the state reading is set to the latest command or reading name followed
by the value, if any. This command sets the state reading to the value of the
named reading if and only if the reading is updated.<br><br>
<li><code>set &lt;commandname&gt; cmd { <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code><br>
<code>get &lt;commandname&gt; cmd { <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code>
Declares a new set or get command <code>&lt;commandname&gt;</code>. If the user invokes the set or get command <code>&lt;commandname&gt;</code>, the string that results from the execution of the &lt;perl special&gt; is sent to the physical device.<p>
A request separator (see <a href="#ECMDattr">Attributes</a>)
can be used to split the command into chunks. This is required for sending multiple <a href="http://www.ethersex.de/index.php/ECMD">Ethersex commands</a> for one command in the class definition.
The result string for the command is the
concatenation of all responses received from the physical device, optionally with response separators
(see <a href="#ECMDattr">Attributes</a>) in between.
<code>set &lt;commandname&gt; expect "&lt;regex&gt;"</code><br>
<code>get &lt;commandname&gt; expect "&lt;regex&gt;"</code>
Declares what FHEM expects to receive after the execution of the get or set command <code>&lt;commandname&gt;</code>. <code>&lt;regex&gt;</code> is a Perl regular expression. The double quotes around the regular expression are mandatory and they are not part of the regular expression itself.
<code>&lt;regex&gt;</code> must match the entire reply, as in <code>m/^&lt;regex&gt;$/</code>.
Particularly, broken connections can only be detected if something is expected (see <a href="#ECMDConnection">Connection error handling</a>).
<code>set &lt;commandname&gt; postproc { <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code><br>
<code>get &lt;commandname&gt; postproc { <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code>
Declares a postprocessor for the command <code>&lt;commandname&gt;</code>. The data received from the physical device in reply to the get or set command <code>&lt;commandname&gt;</code> is processed by the Perl code <code>&lt;perl command&gt;</code>. The perl code operates on <code>$_</code>. Make sure to return the result in <code>$_</code> as well. The result of the perl command is shown as the result of the get or set command.
<code>set &lt;commandname&gt; params &lt;parameter1&gt; [&lt;parameter2&gt; [&lt;parameter3&gt; ... ]]</code><br>
<code>get &lt;commandname&gt; params &lt;parameter1&gt; [&lt;parameter2&gt; [&lt;parameter3&gt; ... ]]</code>
Declares the names of the named parameters that must be present in the
set or get command <code>&lt;commandname&gt;</code></a>. Be careful not to use a parameter name that
is already used in the device definition (see <code>params</code> above).
<code>reading &lt;reading&gt; match "&lt;regex&gt;"</code>
Declares a new reading named <code>&lt;reading&gt;</code>. A spontaneous data transmission from the physical device that matches the Perl regular expression <code>&lt;regex&gt;</code> is evaluated to become the value of the named reading. All ECMDDevice devices belonging to the ECMD device with readings with matching regular expressions will receive an update of the said readings.
<code>&lt;regex&gt;</code> must match the entire reply, as in <code>m/^&lt;regex&gt;$/</code>.
<code>reading &lt;reading&gt; postproc { <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code>
Declares a postprocessor for the reading <code>&lt;reading&gt;</code>. The data received for the named reading is processed by the Perl code <code>&lt;perl command&gt;</code>. This works analogously to the <code>postproc</code> spec for set and get commands.
The perl specials in the definitions above can
contain macros:<br><br>
<li>The macro <code>%NAME</code> will expand to the device name.</li>
<li>The macro <code>%TYPE</code> will expand to the device type.</li>
<li>The macro <code>%&lt;parameter&gt;</code> will expand to the
current value of the named parameter. This can be either a parameter
from the device definition or a parameter from the set or get
<li>The macro substitution occurs before perl evaluates the
expression. It is a plain text substitution. Be careful not to use parameters with overlapping names like
<code>%pin</code> and <code>%pin1</code>.</li>
<li>If in doubt what happens, run the commands with loglevel 5 and
inspect the log file.</li>
The rules outlined in the <a href="#perl">documentation of perl specials</a>
for the <code>&lt;perl command&gt</code> in the postprocessor definitions apply.
<b>Note:</b> Beware of undesired side effects from e.g. doubling of semicolons!
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