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# $Id: 98_PID.pm 4930 2014-02-15 03:59:16Z betateilchen $
# This module is derived from the contrib/99_PID by Alexander Titzel.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub PID_sv($$$);
sub PID_setValue($);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "PID_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "PID_Set";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "PID_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 roundValveValue:0,1";
my ($pid, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $pn = $a[0];
if(@a < 4 || @a > 7) {
return "wrong syntax: define <name> PID " .
"<sensor>[:reading:regexp] <actor>[:cmd:min:max] [p i d]";
# Sensor
my ($sensor, $reading, $regexp) = split(":", $a[2], 3);
if(!$defs{$sensor}) {
my $msg = "$pn: Unknown sensor device $sensor specified";
Log3 $pn, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$pid->{sensor} = $sensor;
if(!$regexp) {
my $t = $defs{$sensor}{TYPE};
if($t eq "HMS" || $t eq "CUL_WS" || $t eq "CUL_HM" ) {
$reading = "temperature";
$regexp = '([\\d\\.]*)';
} else {
my $msg = "$pn: Unknown sensor type $t, specify regexp";
Log3 $pn, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$pid->{reading} = $reading;
$pid->{regexp} = $regexp;
# Actor
my ($actor, $cmd, $min, $max) = split(":", $a[3], 4);
my ($p_p, $p_i, $p_d) = (0, 0, 0);
if(!$defs{$actor}) {
my $msg = "$pn: Unknown actor device $actor specified";
Log3 $pn, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$pid->{actor} = $actor;
if(!$max) {
my $t = $defs{$actor}{TYPE};
if($t eq "FHT8V") {
$cmd = "valve";
$min = 0;
$max = 100;
$p_p = 65.0/2.55;
$p_i = 7.8/2.55;
$p_d = 15.0/2.55;
} else {
my $msg = "$pn: Unknown actor type $t, specify command:min:max";
Log3 $pn, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$pid->{command} = $cmd;
$pid->{pFactor} = (@a > 4 ? $a[4] : $p_p);
$pid->{iFactor} = (@a > 5 ? $a[5] : $p_i);
$pid->{dFactor} = (@a > 6 ? $a[6] : $p_d);
$pid->{satMin} = $min;
$pid->{satMax} = $max;
PID_sv($pid, 'delta', 0.0);
PID_sv($pid, 'actuation', 0.0);
PID_sv($pid, 'integrator', 0.0);
$pid->{STATE} = 'initialized';
return undef;
my ($pid, @a) = @_;
my $pn = $pid->{NAME};
return "" if($attr{$pn} && $attr{$pn}{disable});
return "Need a parameter for set" if(@a < 2);
my $arg = $a[1];
if($arg eq "factors" ) {
return "Set factors needs 3 parameters (p i d)" if(@a != 5);
$pid->{pFactor} = $a[2];
$pid->{iFactor} = $a[3];
$pid->{dFactor} = $a[4];
# modify DEF, alse save won't work.
my @d = split(' ', $pid->{DEF});
$pid->{DEF} = "$d[0] $d[1] $a[2] $a[3] $a[4]";
} elsif ($arg eq "desired" ) {
return "Set desired needs a numeric parameter"
if(@a != 3 || $a[2] !~ m/^[\d\.]*$/);
Log3 $pn, 3, "PID set $pn $arg $a[2]";
PID_sv($pid, 'desired', $a[2]);
} else {
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of factors desired"
return "";
my ($pid, $dev) = @_;
my $pn = $pid->{NAME};
return "" if($attr{$pn} && $attr{$pn}{disable});
return if($dev->{NAME} ne $pid->{sensor});
my $reading = $pid->{reading};
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
$s = "" if(!defined($s));
next if($s !~ m/$reading/);
return "";
my ($pid, $v) = @_;
return $pid->{satMax} if($v > $pid->{satMax});
return $pid->{satMin} if($v < $pid->{satMin});
return $v;
my ($pid,$name,$val) = @_;
$pid->{READINGS}{$name}{VAL} = $val;
$pid->{READINGS}{$name}{TIME} = TimeNow();
my ($pid,$name) = @_;
return $pid->{READINGS}{$name}{VAL}
if($pid->{READINGS} && $pid->{READINGS}{$name});
return undef;
my ($pid) = @_;
my $pn = $pid->{NAME};
my $sensor = $pid->{sensor};
my $reading = $pid->{reading};
my $re = $pid->{regexp};
# Get the value from the READING
my $inStr;
$inStr = $defs{$sensor}{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL}
if($defs{$sensor}{READINGS} && $defs{$sensor}{READINGS}{$reading});
if(!$inStr) {
Log3 $pn, 4, "PID $pn: no $reading yet for $sensor";
$inStr =~ m/$re/;
my $in = $1;
my $desired = PID_gv($pid, 'desired');
return if(!defined($desired));
my $delta = $desired - $in;
my $p = $delta * $pid->{pFactor};
my $i = PID_saturate($pid, PID_gv($pid,'integrator')+$delta*$pid->{iFactor});
PID_sv($pid, 'integrator', $i);
my $d = ($delta - PID_gv($pid,'delta')) * $pid->{dFactor};
PID_sv($pid, 'delta', $delta);
my $a = PID_saturate($pid, $p + $i + $d);
PID_sv($pid, 'actuation', $a);
Log3 $pn, 4, sprintf("PID $pn: p:%.2f i:%.2f d:%.2f", $p, $i, $d);
# Hack to round.
my ($satMin, $satMax) = ($pid->{satMin}, $pid->{satMax});
$a = int($a) if(AttrVal($pn, "roundValveValue", ($satMax-$satMin >= 100)));
my $ret = fhem sprintf("set %s %s %g", $pid->{actor}, $pid->{command}, $a);
Log3 $pn, 1, "output of $pn command: $ret" if($ret);
$pid->{STATE} = "$in (delta $delta)";
not to be translated
=begin html
<a name="PID"></a>
The PID device is a loop controller, used to set the value e.g of a heating
valve dependent of the current and desired temperature.
<a name="PIDdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> PID sensor[:reading:regexp] actor[:cmd:min:max] [p i d]</code>
<code>sensor[:reading:regexp]</code> specifies the sensor, which is an
already defined fhem device, e.g. a S300TH temperature sensor. The reading
and regexp fields are necessary only for unknown devices (currently <a
href="#CUL_WS">CUL_WS</a> and <a href="#HMS">HMS</a> devices are "known").
Reading specifies the READINGS field of the sensor, and the regexp extracts
the number from this field. E.g. for the complete definition for a CUL_WS
device is: <code>s300th_dev:temperature:([\d\.]*)</code>
<code>actor[:cmd:min:max]</code> specifies the actor, which is an
already defined fhem device, e.g. an FHT8V valve. The cmd, min and max
fields are necessary only for unknown devices (currently <a
href="#FHT8V">FHT8V</a> is "known"). cmd specifies the command name for the
actor, min the minimum value and max the maximum value. The complete
definition for an FHT8V device is:<code>fht8v_dev:valve:0:100</code>
p, i and d are the parameters use to controlling, see also the <a
href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regler">this</a> wikipedia entry.
The default values are around 25.5, 3 and 5.88, you probably need to tune
these values. They can be also changed later.
<code>define wz_pid PID wz_th wz_fht8v</code><br>
<a name="PIDset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<li>set <name> factors p i d<br>
Set the p, i and d factors, as described above.
<li>set <name> desired <value><br>
Set the desired value (e.g. temperature). Note: until this value is not
set, no command is issued.
<a name="PIDget"></a>
<b>Get </b>
<a name="PIDattr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<a name="roundValveValue"></a>
round the valve value to an integer, of the attribute is set to 1.
The valve value is automatically rounded, if the attribtue is not set,
and the difference between min and max is greater than 100.
=end html