mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00
2009-12-06 20:05:14 +00:00

248 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File

package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%fht8v_c2b); # would Peter like to access it from outside too? ;-)
# defptr{XMIT BTN}{DEVNAME} -> Ptr to global defs entry for this device
my %defptr;
# my %follow;
my ($hash) = @_;
# $hash->{Match} = "^([0-9]{2}:2[0-9A-F]{3} )*([0-9]{2}:2[0-9A-F]{3})\$";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FHT8V_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "FHT8V_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FHT8V_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6";
sub FHT8V_valve_position(@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $na = int(@a);
my $v;
my $arg2_percent=0;
if ( $na > 3 ) {
$arg2_percent=$a[3] eq "%";
if ( $a[2] =~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}%$/ || $a[2] =~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}$/ && $arg2_percent ) {
my $num;
if ( $arg2_percent ) {
} else {
return "Out of range." if ( $num > 100 || $num < 0 );
$num=255 if ( $num == 100 );
} else {
return "Argument hast invalid value \"$a[2]\"." if ( $a[2] !~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}$/ );
return "Out of range. Range: 0..255." if ( $a[2] > 255 || $a[2] < 0 );
$v = $a[2];
Log GetLogLevel($a[2],2), "FHT8V $a[0]: v: $v";
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X26%02X",$hash->{NO}, $v)) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
$hash->{STATE}=sprintf("%d%%", $v*0.390625);
return undef;
sub FHT8V_beep(@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X2E00",$hash->{NO})) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
return undef;
sub FHT8V_open(@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X2100",$hash->{NO})) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
return undef;
sub FHT8V_off(@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X2000",$hash->{NO})) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
return undef;
sub FHT8V_close(@)
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X2200",$hash->{NO})) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $na = int(@a);
my $v = 0;
if ( $na > 2 ) {
return "Parameter \"".$a[3]."\" defining offset must be numerical." if ( $a[3] !~ /[0-9]+/ );
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X2F%02X",$hash->{NO},$v)) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
# not sure if this is nessesary but I saw it in the documentation...
IOWrite($hash, "", sprintf("T".$hash->{XMIT}."%02X2600",$hash->{NO},$v)) # CUL hack
if($hash->{IODev} && $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "CUL");
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $na = int(@a);
return "Parameter missing" if ( $na < 2 );
if ( $_[2] eq "valve" ) {
return FHT8V_valve_position(@_);
if ( $_[2] eq "open" ) {
return FHT8V_open(@_);
if ( $_[2] eq "close" ) {
return FHT8V_close(@_);
if ( $_[2] eq "beep" ) {
return FHT8V_beep(@_);
if ( $_[2] eq "assign" ) {
return FHT8V_assign(@_);
if ( $_[2] eq "off" ) {
return FHT8V_off(@_);
return "Could not set undefined parameter \"".$_[2]."\".";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $na = int(@a);
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> FHT8V housecode " .
return $u if( $na < 3 );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong housecode format: specify a 4 digit hex value ".
"or an 8 digit quad value"
if( ($a[2] !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{4}$/i) && ($a[2] !~ m/^[1-4]{8}$/i) );
if ( $na > 3 ) {
return "Define $a[0]: wrong valve address format: specify a 2 digit hex value " .
"or a 4 digit quad value"
if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{2}$/i) && ($a[3] !~ m/^[1-4]{4}$/i) );
my $housecode = $a[2];
$housecode = four2hex($housecode,4) if (length($housecode) == 8);
my $valve_number = 1;
if ( $na > 3 ) {
my $valve_number = $a[3];
$valve_number = four2hex($valve_number,2) if (length($valve_number) == 4);
$hash->{XMIT} = lc($housecode);
$hash->{NO} = lc($valve_number);
my $code = "$housecode $valve_number";
my $ncode = 1;
my $name = $a[0];
$hash->{CODE}{$ncode++} = $code;
$defptr{$code}{$name} = $hash;
for(my $i = 4; $i < int(@a); $i += 2) {
return "No address specified for $a[$i]" if($i == int(@a)-1);
$a[$i] = lc($a[$i]);
if($a[$i] eq "fg") {
return "Bad fg address for $name, see the doc"
if( ($a[$i+1] !~ m/^f[a-f0-9]$/) && ($a[$i+1] !~ m/^44[1-4][1-4]$/));
} elsif($a[$i] eq "lm") {
return "Bad lm address for $name, see the doc"
if( ($a[$i+1] !~ m/^[a-f0-9]f$/) && ($a[$i+1] !~ m/^[1-4][1-4]44$/));
} elsif($a[$i] eq "gm") {
return "Bad gm address for $name, must be ff"
if( ($a[$i+1] ne "ff") && ($a[$i+1] ne "4444"));
} else {
return $u;
my $grpcode = $a[$i+1];
if (length($grpcode) == 4) {
$grpcode = four2hex($grpcode,2);
$code = "$housecode $grpcode";
$hash->{CODE}{$ncode++} = $code;
$defptr{$code}{$name} = $hash;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
foreach my $c (keys %{ $hash->{CODE} } ) {
$c = $hash->{CODE}{$c};
# As after a rename the $name my be different from the $defptr{$c}{$n}
# we look for the hash.
foreach my $dname (keys %{ $defptr{$c} }) {
delete($defptr{$c}{$dname}) if($defptr{$c}{$dname} == $hash);
return undef;