mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
rudolfkoenig ab8512ba19 HRC Class numbers added
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@3133 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2013-04-29 18:20:21 +00:00

796 lines
24 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
# See ZWDongle.pm for inspiration
# - versioned commands
# - use central readings functions
# - Generate MISSING ACK
# - implement (global?) on-for-timer
# - better autocreate integration
# - get support in FHEMWEB
# - class meter: get
# - class SWITCH_ALL
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
sub ZWave_Parse($$@);
sub ZWave_Set($@);
sub ZWave_Get($@);
sub ZWave_Cmd($$@);
sub ZWave_ParseMeter($);
sub ZWave_SetClasses($$$$);
use vars qw(%zw_func_id);
my @zwave_models = qw(
Everspring_AN1582 Everspring_AN1583
my %zwave_id2class;
my %zwave_class = (
NO_OPERATION => { id => '00', },
BASIC => { id => '20',
set => { basicValue => "01%02x", },
get => { basicStatus => "02", },
parse => { "..200.(.*)"=> '"basicReport:$1"',}, },
CONTROLLER_REPLICATION => { id => '21', },
APPLICATION_STATUS => { id => '22', },
ZIP_SERVICES => { id => '23', },
ZIP_SERVER => { id => '24', },
SWITCH_BINARY => { id => '25',
set => { off => "0100",
on => "01FF",
reportOn => "03FF",
reportOff => "0300", },
get => { swbStatus => "02", },
parse => { "03250300" => "state:off",
"032503ff" => "state:on", }, } ,
SWITCH_MULTILEVEL => { id => '26',
set => { off => "0100",
on => "01FF",
dim => "01%02x",
reportOn => "03FF",
reportOff => "0300", },
get => { swmStatus => "02", },
#03260363 reported in http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?t=rview&th=10216
parse => { "032603(.*)"=> '($1 eq "00" ? "state:off" :
($1 eq "ff" ? "state:on" :
"state:dim ".hex($1)))',}, },
SWITCH_ALL => { id => '27', },
SWITCH_TOGGLE_BINARY => { id => '28', },
SWITCH_TOGGLE_MULTILEVEL => { id => '29', },
CHIMNEY_FAN => { id => '2A', },
SCENE_ACTUATOR_CONF => { id => '2C', },
SCENE_CONTROLLER_CONF => { id => '2D', },
ZIP_ADV_SERVICES => { id => '2F', },
SCENE_ACTIVATION => { id => '2b', },
ZIP_CLIENT => { id => '2e', },
SENSOR_BINARY => { id => '30',
get => { sbStatus => "02", },
parse => { "03300300" => "state:closed",
"033003ff" => "state:open", },},
SENSOR_MULTILEVEL => { id => '31', },
METER => { id => '32',
parse => { "..3202(.*)"=> 'ZWave_ParseMeter($1)' }, },
ZIP_ADV_SERVER => { id => '33', },
ZIP_ADV_CLIENT => { id => '34', },
METER_PULSE => { id => '35', },
HRV_STATUS => { id => '37', },
THERMOSTAT_HEATING => { id => '38', },
HRV_CONTROL => { id => '39', },
THERMOSTAT_MODE => { id => '40', },
THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT => { id => '43', },
THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE => { id => '44', },
THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE => { id => '45', },
CLIMATE_CONTROL_SCHEDULE => { id => '46', },
THERMOSTAT_SETBACK => { id => '47', },
BASIC_WINDOW_COVERING => { id => '50', },
MTP_WINDOW_COVERING => { id => '51', },
MULTI_CHANNEL => { id => '60', # Version 2!
get => { mcEndpoints => "07", # Endpoints
mcCapability=> "09%02x"},
parse => { "^046008(..)(..)" => '"mcEndpoints:total ".hex($2).'.
'(hex($1)&0x80 ? ", dynamic":"").'.
'(hex($1)&0x40 ? ", identical":", different")',
"^..600a(.*)"=> 'ZWave_mcCapability($hash, $1)' }, },
DOOR_LOCK => { id => '62', },
USER_CODE => { id => '63', },
CONFIGURATION => { id => '70',
set => { configDefault=>"04%02x80",
configByte => "04%02x01%02x",
configWord => "04%02x02%04x",
configLong => "04%02x04%08x", },
get => { config => "05%02x", },
parse => { "..7006(..)..(.*)" => '"config_$1:".hex($2)',}, },
ALARM => { id => '71',
get => { alarm => "04%02x", },
parse => { "..7105(..)(..)" => '"alarm_type_$1:level $2"',}, },
MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC => { id => '72', },
POWERLEVEL => { id => '73', },
PROTECTION => { id => '75', },
LOCK => { id => '76', },
NODE_NAMING => { id => '77', },
GROUPING_NAME => { id => '7B', },
FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD => { id => '7a', },
REMOTE_ASSOCIATION => { id => '7d', },
BATTERY => { id => '80',
get => { battery => "02" },
parse => { "038003(..)"=> '"battery:".hex($1)." %"' }, },
CLOCK => { id => '81', },
HAIL => { id => '82', },
WAKE_UP => { id => '84',
set => { wakeupInterval => "04%06x%02x" },
get => { wakeupInterval => "05" },
parse => { "028407" => 'wakeup:notification',
"..8406(......)(..)" =>
'"wakeupReport:interval ".hex($1)." target ".hex($2)',}, },
ASSOCIATION => { id => '85',
set => { associationAdd => "01%02x%02x*",
associationDel => "04%02x%02x*", },
get => { association => "02%02x", },
parse => { "..8503(..)(..)..(.*)" => '"assocGroup_$1:Max $2 Nodes $3"',}, },
VERSION => { id => '86',
get => { version => "11", },
parse => { "078612(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)" =>
'sprintf("version:Lib %d Prot %d.%d App %d.%d",'.
'hex($1),hex($2),hex($3),hex($4),hex($5))', } },
INDICATOR => { id => '87', },
PROPRIETARY => { id => '88', },
LANGUAGE => { id => '89', },
TIME_PARAMETERS => { id => '8B', },
GEOGRAPHIC_LOCATION => { id => '8C', },
COMPOSITE => { id => '8D', },
MULTI_CMD => { id => '8F', },
TIME => { id => '8a', },
ENERGY_PRODUCTION => { id => '90', },
SCREEN_MD => { id => '92', },
SCREEN_ATTRIBUTES => { id => '93', },
SIMPLE_AV_CONTROL => { id => '94', },
AV_CONTENT_DIRECTORY_MD => { id => '95', },
AV_RENDERER_STATUS => { id => '96', },
AV_CONTENT_SEARCH_MD => { id => '97', },
SECURITY => { id => '98', },
AV_TAGGING_MD => { id => '99', },
IP_CONFIGURATION => { id => '9A', },
SENSOR_ALARM => { id => '9C', },
SENSOR_CONFIGURATION => { id => '9E', },
SILENCE_ALARM => { id => '9d', },
MARK => { id => 'ef', },
NON_INTEROPERABLE => { id => 'f0', },
my %zwave_cmdArgs = (
dim => "slider,0,1,100",
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = ".*";
$hash->{SetFn} = "ZWave_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "ZWave_Get";
$hash->{DefFn} = "ZWave_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ZWave_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "ZWave_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ".
"ignore:1,0 dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 classes ".
"loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 $readingFnAttributes " .
"model:".join(",", sort @zwave_models);
map { $zwave_id2class{$zwave_class{$_}{id}} = $_ } keys %zwave_class;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = shift @a;
my $type = shift(@a); # always ZWave
my $u = "wrong syntax for $name: define <name> ZWave homeId id [classes]";
return $u if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 3);
my $homeId = lc(shift @a);
my $id = shift @a;
return "define $name: wrong homeId ($homeId): need an 8 digit hex value"
if( ($homeId !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{8}$/i) );
return "define $name: wrong id ($id): need a number"
if( ($id !~ m/^\d+$/i) );
$id = sprintf("%0*x", ($id > 255 ? 4 : 2), $id);
$hash->{homeId} = $homeId;
$hash->{id} = $id;
$modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"} = $hash;
AssignIoPort($hash); # FIXME: should take homeId into account
if(@a) {
ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, undef, $a[0]);
if($attr{$name}{classes} =~ m/ASSOCIATION/) {
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $homeReading = ReadingsVal($iodev->{NAME}, "homeId", "") if($iodev);
my $ctrlId = $1 if($homeReading && $homeReading =~ m/CtrlNodeId:(..)/);
if($ctrlId) {
Log 1, "Adding the controller $ctrlId to association group 1";
IOWrite($hash, "00", "130a04850101${ctrlId}05");
} else {
Log 1, "Cannot associate $name, missing controller id";
return undef;
my ($type, $hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
return "no $type argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
my $name = shift(@a);
my $cmd = shift(@a);
# Collect the commands from the distinct classes
my %cmdList;
my $classes = AttrVal($name, "classes", "");
foreach my $cl (split(" ", $classes)) {
my $ptr = $zwave_class{$cl}{$type} if($zwave_class{$cl}{$type});
next if(!$ptr);
foreach my $k (keys %{$ptr}) {
if(!$cmdList{$k}) {
$cmdList{$k}{fmt} = $ptr->{$k};
$cmdList{$k}{id} = $zwave_class{$cl}{id};
if(!$cmdList{$cmd}) {
my $list = join(" ",sort keys %cmdList);
foreach my $cmd (keys %zwave_cmdArgs) { # add slider & co
$list =~ s/\b$cmd\b/$cmd:$zwave_cmdArgs{$cmd}/;
if($type eq "set") {
unshift @a, $name, $cmd;
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, @a);
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "ZWave $type $name $cmd";
my $id = $hash->{id};
my $cmdFmt = $cmdList{$cmd}{fmt};
my $cmdId = $cmdList{$cmd}{id};
my $nArg = 0;
$nArg = int(split("%", $cmdFmt))-1 if($cmdFmt =~ m/%/);
my $parTxt = ($nArg == 0 ? "no parameter" :
($nArg == 1 ? "one parameter" :
"$nArg parameters"));
if($cmdFmt =~ m/^(.*)\*$/) {
$cmdFmt = $1;
return "$type $cmd needs at least $parTxt" if($nArg > int(@a));
$cmdFmt .= ("%02x" x (int(@a)-$nArg));
} else {
return "$type $cmd needs $parTxt" if($nArg != int(@a));
$cmdFmt = sprintf($cmdFmt, @a) if($nArg);
if($id =~ m/(..)(..)/) { # Multi-Channel, encapsulate
my ($lid,$ch) = ($1, $2);
$id = $lid;
$cmdFmt = "0d01$ch$cmdId$cmdFmt";
$cmdId = "60"; # MULTI_CHANNEL
my $len = sprintf("%02x", length($cmdFmt)/2+1);
my $data = "13$id$len$cmdId${cmdFmt}05";
if($classes =~ m/WAKE_UP/) {
if(!$hash->{WakeUp}) {
my @arr = ();
$hash->{WakeUp} = \@arr;
push @{$hash->{WakeUp}}, $data;
return ($type eq "get" ? "Scheduled for sending after WAKEUP" : undef);
IOWrite($hash, "00", $data);
my $val;
if($type eq "get") {
no strict "refs";
my $iohash = $hash->{IODev};
my $fn = $modules{$iohash->{TYPE}}{ReadAnswerFn};
my ($err, $data) = &{$fn}($iohash, $cmd, "^000400$id");
use strict "refs";
return $err if($err);
$val = ZWave_Parse($iohash, $data, 1);
} else {
$cmd .= " ".join(" ", @a) if(@a);
my $tn = TimeNow();
if($type eq "set") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $cmd, 1);
} else {
my $mval = $val;
($cmd, $mval) = split(":", $val) if($val);
if($cmd && $mval) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $cmd, $mval, 1);
return $val;
sub ZWave_Set($@) { return ZWave_Cmd("set", shift, @_); }
sub ZWave_Get($@) { return ZWave_Cmd("get", shift, @_); }
my ($val) = @_;
return if($val !~ m/^(..)(..)(.*)$/);
my ($v1, $v2, $v3) = (hex($1) & 0x1f, hex($2), $3);
my @prectab = (1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000, 10000000);
my $prec = $prectab[($v2 >> 5) & 0x7];
my $scale = ($v2 >> 3) & 0x3;
my $size = ($v2 >> 0) & 0x7;
my @txt = ("undef", "power", "gas", "water");
my $txt = ($v1 > $#txt ? "undef" : $txt[$v1]);
my %unit = (power => ["kWh", "kVAh", "W", "pulseCount"],
gas => ["m3", "feet3", "undef", "pulseCount"],
water => ["m3", "feet3", "USgallons", "pulseCount"]);
my $unit = $txt eq "undef" ? "undef" : $unit{$txt}[$scale];
$v3 = hex(substr($v3, 0, 2*$size))/$prec;
return "$txt:$v3 $unit";
my ($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes) = @_;
my $def = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
if(!$def) {
$type6 = $zw_type6{$type6} if($type6 && $zw_type6{$type6});
$id = hex($id);
return "UNDEFINED ZWave_${type6}_$id ZWave $homeId $id $classes"
my @classes;
for my $classId (grep /../, split(/(..)/, lc($classes))) {
push @classes, $zwave_id2class{$classId} if($zwave_id2class{$classId});
my $name = $def->{NAME};
$attr{$name}{classes} = join(" ", @classes) if(@classes);
$def->{DEF} = "$homeId ".hex($id);
return "";
my ($hash, $caps) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
return "Missing IODev for $name" if(!$iodev);
my $homeId = $iodev->{homeId};
my @l = grep /../, split(/(..)/, lc($caps));
my $chid = shift(@l);
my $id = $hash->{id};
my @classes;
for my $classId (@l) {
push @classes, $zwave_id2class{$classId} if($zwave_id2class{$classId});
return "mcCapability_$chid:no classes" if(!@classes);
if(!$modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id$chid"}) {
my $lid = hex("$id$chid");
my $lcaps = substr($caps, 2);
$id = hex($id);
"UNDEFINED ZWave_$classes[0]_$id.$chid ZWave $homeId $lid $caps",
return "mcCapability_$chid:".join(" ", @classes);
# 0004000a03250300 (sensor binary off for id 11)
my ($iodev, $msg, $local) = @_;
my $homeId = $iodev->{homeId};
my $ioName = $iodev->{NAME};
if(!$homeId) {
Log 1, "ERROR: $ioName homeId is not set!" if(!$iodev->{errReported});
$iodev->{errReported} = 1;
my $ll4 = AttrVal($ioName, "loglevel", 4);
return "" if($msg !~ m/00(..)(..)(..)(..*)/); # Ignore unknown commands
my ($cmd, $callbackid, $id, $arg) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$cmd = $zw_func_id{$cmd} if($zw_func_id{$cmd});
# Controller commands
my $evt;
if($cmd eq 'ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK' ||
my @vals = ("learnReady", "nodeFound", "slave",
"controller", "", "done", "failed");
$evt = ($id eq "00" || hex($id)>@vals+1) ? "unknownArg" : $vals[hex($id)-1];
if($evt eq "slave" &&
$arg =~ m/(..)....(..)..(.*)$/) {
my ($id,$type6,$classes) = ($1, $2, $3);
return ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes)
if($cmd eq 'ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK');
} elsif($cmd eq "ZW_APPLICATION_UPDATE" && $arg =~ m/....(..)..(.*)$/) {
my ($type6,$classes) = ($1, $2, $3);
return ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes);
if($evt) {
return "$cmd $evt" if($local);
DoTrigger($ioName, "$cmd $evt");
Log $ll4, "$ioName $cmd $evt";
return "";
} else {
Log $ll4, "$ioName $cmd $id ($arg)";
# device messages
return "" if($cmd ne "APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER");
if($arg =~ /^..600d(..)(..)(.*)/) { # MULTI_CHANNEL CMD_ENCAP
$id = "$id$1";
$arg = sprintf("%02x$3", length($3)/2);
return if($arg !~ m/^..(..)/);
my $class = $1;
my $hash = $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
if(!$hash) {
$id = hex($id);
Log 3, "Unknown ZWave device $homeId $id, please define it";
return "";
my $className = $zwave_id2class{$class} ? $zwave_id2class{$class} : "UNKNOWN";
my $ptr = $zwave_class{$className}{parse} if($zwave_class{$className}{parse});
if(!$ptr) {
Log $ll4, "$hash->{NAME}: Unknown message ($className $arg)";
return "";
my @event;
foreach my $k (keys %{$ptr}) {
if($arg =~ m/$k/) {
my $val = $ptr->{$k};
$val = eval $val if(index($val, '$') >= 0);
push @event, $val;
return "" if(!@event);
return join(" ", @event) if($local);
if($hash->{WakeUp} && @{$hash->{WakeUp}}) {
IOWrite($hash, "00", shift @{$hash->{WakeUp}});
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@event); $i++) {
next if($event[$i] eq "");
my ($vn, $vv) = split(":", $event[$i], 2);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $vn, $vv);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "reportedState", $vv)
if($vn eq "state"); # different from set
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return $hash->{NAME};
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $homeId = $hash->{homeId};
my $id = $hash->{id};
delete $modules{ZWave}{defptr}{"$homeId $id"};
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="ZWave"></a>
This module is used to control ZWave devices via FHEM, see <a
href="http://www.z-wave.com">www.z-wave.com</a> on details for this device family.
This module is a client of the <a href="#ZWDongle">ZWDongle</a> module, which
is directly attached to the controller via USB or TCP/IP.
<a name="ZWavedefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; ZWave &lt;homeId&gt; &lt;id&gt; [classes]</code>
&lt;homeId&gt; is the homeId of the controller node, and id is the id of the
slave node in the network of this controller.<br>
classes is a hex-list of ZWave device classes. This argument is usually
specified by autocreate when creating a device. If you wish to manually
create a device, use the classes attribute instead, see below for details.
Defining a ZWave device the first time is usually done by autocreate.
<code>define lamp ZWave 00ce2074 9</code><br>
Note: the sets/gets/generated events of a gven node depend on the classes
supported by this node. If a node supports 3 classes, then the union of
these sets/gets/events will be available for this node.<br>
Commands for battery operated nodes will be queues internally, and sent when
the node sends a message. Answer to get commands appear then as events, the
corresponding readings will be updated.
<a name="ZWaveset"></a>
<b>Note</b>: devices with on/off functionality support the <a
href="#setExtensions"> set extensions</a>.
<br><br><b>Class BASIC</b>
<li>basicValue value<br>
Send value (0-255) to this device. The interpretation is device dependent,
e.g. for a SWITCH_BINARY device 0 is off and anything else is on.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_BINARY</b>
switch the device on</li>
switch the device off</li>
activate/deactivate the reporting of device state changes to the
association group.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</b>
<li>on, off, reportOn, reportOff<br>
the same as for SWITCH_BINARY.</li>
<li>dim value<br>
dim to the requested value (0..100)</li>
<br><br><b>Class CONFIGURATION</b>
<li>configByte cfgAddress 8bitValue<br>
configWord cfgAddress 16bitValue<br>
configLong cfgAddress 32bitValue<br>
Send a configuration value for the parameter cfgAddress. cfgAddress and
value is node specific.</li>
<li>configDefault cfgAddress<br>
Reset the configuration parameter for the cfgAddress parameter to its
default value. See the device documentation to determine this value.</li>
<br><br><b>Class WAKE_UP</b>
<li>wakeupInterval value<br>
Set the wakeup interval of battery operated devices to the given value in
seconds. Upon wakeup the device sends a wakeup notification.</li>
<br><br><b>Class ASSOCIATION</b>
<li>associationAdd groupId nodeId ...<br>
Add the specified list of nodeIds to the assotion group groupId.<br> Note:
upon creating a fhem-device for the first time fhem will automatically add
the controller to the first association group of the node corresponding to
the fhem device, i.e it issues a "set name associationAdd 1
<li>associationDel groupId nodeId ...<br>
Remove the specified list of nodeIds from the assotion group groupId.</li>
<a name="ZWaveget"></a>
<br><b>Class BASIC</b>
return the status of the node as basicReport:XY. The value (XY) depends on
the node, e.g a SWITCH_BINARY device report 00 for off and FF (255) for on.
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_BINARY</b>
return the status of the node, as state:on or state:off.
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</b>
return the status of the node, as state:on, state:off or state:dim value.
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_BINARY</b>
return the status of the node, as state:open or state:closed.
<br><br><b>Class CONFIGURATION</b>
<li>config cfgAddress<br>
return the value of the configuration parameter cfgAddress. The value is
device specific.
<br><br><b>Class ALARM</b>
<li>alarm alarmId<br>
return the value for alarmId. The value is device specific.
<br><br><b>Class BATTERY</b>
return the charge of the battery in %, as battery:value %
<br><br><b>Class WAKE_UP</b>
return the wakeup interval in seconds, in the form<br>
wakeupReport:interval seconds target id
<br><br><b>Class ASSOCIATION</b>
<li>association groupId<br>
return the list of nodeIds in the association group groupId in the form:<br>
assocGroup_X:Max Y, Nodes id,id...
<br><br><b>Class VERSION</b>
return the version information of this node in the form:<br>
Lib A Prot x.y App a.b
<br><br><b>Class MULTI_CHANNEL</b>
return the list of endpoints available, e.g.:<br>
mcEndpoints: total 2, identical
<li>mcCapability chid<br>
return the classes supported by the endpoint/channel chid. If the channel
does not exists, create a FHEM node for it. Example:<br>
<b>Note:</b> This is the best way to create the secondary nodes of a
MULTI_CHANNEL device. The device is only created for channel 2 or greater.
<a name="ZWaveattr"></a>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#dummy">dummy</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li>
<li><a href="#model">model</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li><a href="#classes">classes</a>
This attribute is needed by the ZWave module, as the list of the possible
set/get commands depends on it. It contains a space separated list of
class names (capital letters).
<a name="ZWaveevents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
<br><b>Class BASIC</b>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_BINARY</b>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</b>
<li>state:dim value</li>
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_BINARY</b>
<br><br><b>Class METER</b>
<li>power:val [kWh|kVAh|W|pulseCount]</li>
<li>gas:val [m3|feet3|pulseCount]</li>
<li>water:val [m3|feet3|USgallons|pulseCount]</li>
<br><br><b>Class CONFIGURATION</b>
<br><br><b>Class ALARM</b>
<li>alarm_type_X:level Y</li>
<br><br><b>Class BATTERY</b>
<li>battery:chargelevel %</li>
<br><br><b>Class WAKE_UP</b>
<li>wakeupReport:interval:X target:Y</li>
<br><br><b>Class ASSOCIATION</b>
<li>assocGroup_X:Max Y Nodes A,B,...</li>
<br><br><b>Class VERSION</b>
<li>version:Lib A Prot x.y App a.b</li>
<br><br><b>Class MULTI_CHANNEL</b>
<li>endpoints:total X $dynamic $identical</li>
<li>mcCapability_X:class1 class2 ...</li>
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