mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-01 07:19:24 +00:00
rudolfkoenig 6f5d7a5431 98_SVG: plotAsPng debug removed by Boris
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4187 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2013-11-09 09:55:16 +00:00

1691 lines
53 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
#use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
# This block is only needed when SVG is loaded bevore FHEMWEB
sub FW_pO(@);
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), needed by 97_GROUP
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_RETTYPE); # image/png or the like
use vars qw($FW_cssdir); # css directory
use vars qw($FW_detail); # currently selected device for detail view
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server
use vars qw($FW_gplotdir);# gplot directory for web server: the first
use vars qw($FW_plotmode);# Global plot mode (WEB attribute), used by SVG
use vars qw($FW_plotsize);# Global plot size (WEB attribute), used by SVG
use vars qw($FW_room); # currently selected room
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw(%FW_hiddenroom); # hash of hidden rooms, used by weblink
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw(%FW_webArgs); # all arguments specified in the GET
use vars qw($FW_formmethod);
my $SVG_RET; # Returned data (SVG)
sub SVG_calcOffsets($$);
sub SVG_doround($$$);
sub SVG_fmtTime($$);
sub SVG_pO($);
sub SVG_readgplotfile($$);
sub SVG_render($$$$$$$$$);
sub SVG_showLog($);
sub SVG_substcfg($$$$$$);
sub SVG_time_align($$);
sub SVG_time_to_sec($);
my ($SVG_lt, $SVG_ltstr);
my %SVG_devs; # hash of from/to entries per device
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "SVG_Define";
$hash->{AttrList} = "fixedrange startDate plotsize label title plotfunction";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SVG_Set";
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "SVG_FwFn";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "SVG_FwFn";
$hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1;
$data{FWEXT}{"/SVG_WriteGplot"}{CONTENTFUNC} = "SVG_WriteGplot";
$data{FWEXT}{"/SVG_showLog"}{FUNC} = "SVG_showLog";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $arg) = split("[ \t]+", $def, 3);
if(!$arg ||
!($arg =~ m/^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/ || $arg =~ m/^(.*):(.*)$/)) {
return "Usage: define <name> SVG <logdevice>:<gnuplot-file>:<logfile>";
$hash->{LOGDEVICE} = $1;
$hash->{GPLOTFILE} = $2;
$hash->{LOGFILE} = ($3 ? $3 : "CURRENT");
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
$hash->{LOGDEVICE} =~ s/^fileplot //; # Autocreate bug.
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
return "no set argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
my $cmd = $a[1];
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of copyGplotFile:noArg"
if($cmd ne "copyGplotFile");
my $srcName = "$FW_gplotdir/$hash->{GPLOTFILE}.gplot";
$hash->{GPLOTFILE} = $hash->{NAME};
my $dstName = "$FW_gplotdir/$hash->{GPLOTFILE}.gplot";
return "this is already a unique gplot file" if($srcName eq $dstName);
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{LOGDEVICE} . ":".
$hash->{GPLOTFILE} . ":".
open(SFH, $srcName) || return "Can't open $srcName: $!";
open(DFH, ">$dstName") || return "Can't open $dstName: $!";
while(my $l = <SFH>) {
print DFH $l;
close(SFH); close(DFH);
return undef;
my ($d, $text, $nobr)= @_;
return "" if(AttrVal($d, "group", ""));
my $alias= AttrVal($d, "alias", $d);
my $ret = ($nobr ? "" : "<br>");
$ret .= "$text " if($text);
$ret .= FW_pHPlain("detail=$d", $alias) if(!$FW_subdir);
$ret .= "<br>";
return $ret;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $ld = $defs{$hash->{LOGDEVICE}};
my $ret = "";
# plots navigation buttons
if((!$pageHash || !$pageHash->{buttons}) &&
AttrVal($d, "fixedrange", "x") !~ m/^[ 0-9:-]*$/) {
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
$pageHash->{buttons} = 1 if($pageHash);
$ret .= "<br>";
my $arg="$FW_ME/SVG_showLog?dev=$d".
"&amp;pos=" . join(";", map {"$_=$FW_pos{$_}"} keys %FW_pos);
if(AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode) eq "SVG") {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", AttrVal($d,"plotsize",$FW_plotsize));
$ret .= "<div class=\"SVGplot\">";
$ret .= "<embed src=\"$arg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" " .
"width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" name=\"$d\"/>\n";
$ret .= "</div>";
} else {
$ret .= "<img src=\"$arg\"/>";
if(!$pageHash) {
if($FW_plotmode eq "SVG") {
$ret .= SVG_PEdit($FW_wname,$d,$room,$pageHash) . "<br>";
} else {
$ret .= SVG_FwDetail($d, "", 1) if(!$FW_hiddenroom{detail});
return $ret;
my ($v,$t,$c) = @_;
$c = ($c ? " checked" : "");
return "<td>$t&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$v\" value=\"$v\"$c></td>";
my ($v,$t,$c,$sz) = @_;
$c = "" if(!defined($c));
$c =~ s/"/\&quot;/g;
return "$t&nbsp;<input type=\"text\" name=\"$v\" size=\"$sz\" ".
my ($v,$l,$c,$fnData) = @_;
my @al = split(",",$l);
$c =~ s/\\x3a/:/g if($c);
return FW_select($v,$v,\@al,$c, "set", $fnData);
# gnuplot file "editor"
my ($FW_wname,$d,$room,$pageHash) = @_;
my $ld = $defs{$d}{LOGDEVICE};
my $ldt = $defs{$ld}{TYPE};
my $gp = "$FW_gplotdir/$defs{$d}{GPLOTFILE}.gplot";
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $flog) = SVG_readgplotfile($d, $gp);
my %conf = SVG_digestConf($cfg, $plot);
my $ret = "<br>";
$ret .= "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" autocomplete=\"off\" ".
$ret .= FW_hidden("detail", $d);
$ret .= FW_hidden("gplotName", $gp);
$ret .= FW_hidden("logdevicetype", $ldt);
$ret .= "<table class=\"block wide plotEditor\">";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\">";
$ret .= "<td>Plot title</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("title", "", $conf{title}, 32)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\">";
$ret .= "<td>Y-Axis label</td>";
$conf{ylabel} =~ s/"//g if($conf{ylabel});
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("ylabel", "left", $conf{ylabel}, 16)."</td>";
$conf{y2label} =~ s/"//g if($conf{y2label});
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("y2label","right", $conf{y2label}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\">";
$ret .= "<td>Grid aligned</td>";
$ret .= SVG_cb("gridy", "left", $conf{hasygrid});
$ret .= SVG_cb("gridy2","right",$conf{hasy2grid});
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\">";
$ret .= "<td>Range as [min:max]</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("yrange", "left", $conf{yrange}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("y2range", "right", $conf{y2range}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\">";
$ret .= "<td>Tics as (\"Txt\" val, ...)</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("ytics", "left", $conf{ytics}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("y2tics","right", $conf{y2tics}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
my $max = @{$conf{lType}}+1;
$max = 8 if($max > 8);
my ($desc, $htmlArr, $example) = ("Spec", undef, "");
if($modules{$ldt}{SVG_sampleDataFn}) {
no strict "refs";
($desc, $htmlArr, $example) =
&{$modules{$ldt}{SVG_sampleDataFn}}($ld, $flog, $max,\%conf, $FW_wname);
use strict "refs";
} else {
my @htmlArr;
@htmlArr = map { SVG_txt("par_${_}_0","",$flog->[$_] ? $flog->[$_]:"",20) }
$htmlArr = \@htmlArr;
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>Diagramm label</td>";
$ret .= "<td>$desc</td>";
$ret .=" <td>Y-Axis,Plot-Type,Style,Width</td></tr>";
my $r = 0;
for($r=0; $r < $max; $r++) {
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($r&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td>";
$ret .= SVG_txt("title_${r}", "", !$conf{lTitle}[$r]&&$r<($max-1) ?
"notitle" : $conf{lTitle}[$r], 12);
$ret .= "</td><td>";
$ret .= $htmlArr->[$r] if($htmlArr && @{$htmlArr} > $r);
$ret .= "</td><td>";
my $v = $conf{lAxis}[$r];
$ret .= SVG_sel("axes_${r}", "left,right",
($v && $v eq "x1y1") ? "left" : "right");
$ret .= SVG_sel("type_${r}", "lines,points,steps,fsteps,histeps,bars",
my $ls = $conf{lStyle}[$r];
if($ls) {
$ls =~ s/class=//g;
$ls =~ s/"//g;
$ret .= SVG_sel("style_${r}", "l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,".
"l0fill,l1fill,l2fill,l3fill,l4fill,l5fill,l6fill", $ls);
my $lw = $conf{lWidth}[$r];
if($lw) {
$lw =~ s/.*stroke-width://g;
$lw =~ s/"//g;
$ret .= SVG_sel("width_${r}", "0.2,0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4", ($lw ? $lw : 1));
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($r++&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td colspan=\"3\">";
$ret .= "Example lines for input:<br>$example</td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($r++&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td colspan=\"3\">";
$ret .= FW_submit("submit", "Write .gplot file")."</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table></form>";
# Generate the zoom and scroll images with links if appropriate
my ($cmd, $img, $alt) = @_;
my $prf;
$cmd =~ m/^(.*);([^;]*)$/;
if($2) {
($prf, $cmd) = ($1, $2);
$prf =~ s/&pos=.*//;
my ($d,$off) = split("=", $cmd, 2);
my $val = $FW_pos{$d};
$cmd = ($FW_detail ? "detail=$FW_detail":
($prf ? $prf : "room=$FW_room")) . "&amp;pos=";
if($d eq "zoom") {
my $n = 0;
my @FW_zoom = ("hour","qday","day","week","month","year");
my %FW_zoom = map { $_, $n++ } @FW_zoom;
$val = "day" if(!$val);
$val = $FW_zoom{$val};
return "" if(!defined($val) || $val+$off < 0 || $val+$off >= int(@FW_zoom));
$val = $FW_zoom[$val+$off];
return "" if(!$val);
# Approximation of the next offset.
my $w_off = $FW_pos{off};
$w_off = 0 if(!$w_off);
if ($val eq "hour") {
$w_off = $w_off*6;
} elsif($val eq "qday") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*4 : int($w_off/6);
} elsif($val eq "day") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*7 : int($w_off/4);
} elsif($val eq "week") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*4 : int($w_off/7);
} elsif($val eq "month") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*12: int($w_off/4);
} elsif($val eq "year") {
$w_off = int($w_off/12);
$cmd .= "zoom=$val;off=$w_off";
} else {
return "" if((!$val && $off > 0) || ($val && $val+$off > 0)); # no future
$off=($val ? $val+$off : $off);
my $zoom=$FW_pos{zoom};
$zoom = 0 if(!$zoom);
$cmd .= "zoom=$zoom;off=$off";
return "&nbsp;&nbsp;".FW_pHPlain("$cmd", FW_makeImage($img, $alt));
my ($arg) = @_;
if(!defined($FW_webArgs{par_0_0})) {
FW_pO "missing data in logfile: won't write incomplete .gplot definition";
return 0;
my $hasTl;
for(my $i=0; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$hasTl = 1 if($FW_webArgs{"title_$i"});
return 0 if(!$hasTl);
my $fName = $FW_webArgs{gplotName};
return if(!$fName);
if(!open(FH, ">$fName")) {
FW_pO "SVG_WriteGplot: Can't write $fName";
return 0;
print FH "# Created by FHEM/98_SVG.pm, ".TimeNow()."\n";
print FH "set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop\n";
print FH "set output '<OUT>.png'\n";
print FH "set xdata time\n";
print FH "set timefmt \"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S\"\n";
print FH "set xlabel \" \"\n";
print FH "set title '$FW_webArgs{title}'\n";
print FH "set ytics ".$FW_webArgs{ytics}."\n";
print FH "set y2tics ".$FW_webArgs{y2tics}."\n";
print FH "set grid".($FW_webArgs{gridy} ? " ytics" :"").
($FW_webArgs{gridy2} ? " y2tics":"")."\n";
print FH "set ylabel \"$FW_webArgs{ylabel}\"\n";
print FH "set y2label \"$FW_webArgs{y2label}\"\n";
print FH "set yrange $FW_webArgs{yrange}\n" if($FW_webArgs{yrange});
print FH "set y2range $FW_webArgs{y2range}\n" if($FW_webArgs{y2range});
print FH "\n";
my $ld = $FW_webArgs{logdevicetype};
my @plot;
for(my $i=0; $i <= 8; $i++) {
next if(!$FW_webArgs{"title_$i"});
my $prf = "par_${i}_";
my @v = map {$FW_webArgs{"$prf$_"}}
grep {defined($FW_webArgs{"$prf$_"})} (0..9);
my $r = @v > 1 ?
join(":", map { $v[$_] =~ s/:/\\x3a/g if($_<$#v); $v[$_] } 0..$#v) :
print FH "#$ld $r\n";
push @plot, "\"<IN>\" using 1:2 axes ".
($FW_webArgs{"axes_$i"} eq "right" ? "x1y2" : "x1y1").
($FW_webArgs{"title_$i"} eq "notitle" ? " notitle" :
" title '".$FW_webArgs{"title_$i"} ."'").
" ls " .$FW_webArgs{"style_$i"} .
" lw " .$FW_webArgs{"width_$i"} .
" with " .$FW_webArgs{"type_$i"};
print FH "\n";
print FH "plot ".join(",\\\n ", @plot)."\n";
return 0;
my ($wl, $gplot_pgm) = @_;
# Read in the template gnuplot file. Digest the #FileLog lines. Replace
# the plot directive with our own, as we offer a file for each line
my (@filelog, @data, $plot);
my $ldType = $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}}{TYPE}
if($defs{$wl} && $defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE} && $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}});
$ldType = $wl if(!$ldType);
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return (FW_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!"), undef);
while(my $l = <FH>) {
$l =~ s/\r//g;
my $plotfn = undef;
if($l =~ m/^#$ldType (.*)$/) {
$plotfn = $1;
} elsif($l =~ "^plot" || $plot) {
$plot .= $l;
} else {
push(@data, $l);
if($plotfn) {
my $specval = AttrVal($wl, "plotfunction", undef);
if ($specval) {
my @spec = split(" ",$specval);
my $spec_count=1;
foreach (@spec) {
$plotfn =~ s/<SPEC$spec_count>/$_/g;
push(@filelog, $plotfn);
return (undef, \@data, $plot, \@filelog);
my ($splitret, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile) = @_;
# interpret title and label as a perl command and make
# to all internal values e.g. $value.
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my $ldt = $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}}{TYPE}
if($defs{$wl} && $defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE});
$ldt = "" if(!defined($ldt));
if($file eq "CURRENT" && $ldt eq "FileLog") {
$file = $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}}{currentlogfile};
$file =~ s+.*/++;
my $fileesc = $file;
$fileesc =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # For Windows, by MarkusRR
my $title = AttrVal($wl, "title", "\"$fileesc\"");
$title = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "{ $title }");
my $label = AttrVal($wl, "label", undef);
my @g_label;
if ($label) {
@g_label = split("::",$label);
foreach (@g_label) {
$_ = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "{ $_ }");
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
my $gplot_script = join("", @{$cfg});
$gplot_script .= $plot if(!$splitret);
$gplot_script =~ s/<OUT>/$tmpfile/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<IN>/$file/g;
my $ps = AttrVal($wl,"plotsize",$FW_plotsize);
$gplot_script =~ s/<SIZE>/$ps/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<TL>/$title/g;
my $g_count=1;
if ($label) {
foreach (@g_label) {
$gplot_script =~ s/<L$g_count>/$_/g;
$plot =~ s/<L$g_count>/$_/g;
$plot =~ s/\r//g; # For our windows friends...
$gplot_script =~ s/\r//g;
if($splitret == 1) {
my @ret = split("\n", $gplot_script);
return (\@ret, $plot);
} else {
return $gplot_script;
# Calculate either the number of scrollable SVGs (for $d = undef) or
# for the device the valid from and to dates for the given zoom and offset
my ($d,$wl) = @_;
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
return if($pm eq "gnuplot");
my $frx;
if($defs{$wl}) {
my $fr = AttrVal($wl, "fixedrange", undef);
if($fr) {
#klaus fixed range day, week, month or year
if($fr eq "day" || $fr eq "week" || $fr eq "month" || $fr eq "year" ) {
} else {
my @range = split(" ", $fr);
my @t = localtime;
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = ResolveDateWildcards($range[0], @t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = ResolveDateWildcards($range[1], @t);
my $off = $FW_pos{$d};
$off = 0 if(!$off);
$off += $FW_pos{off} if($FW_pos{off});
my $now;
my $st = AttrVal($wl, "startDate", undef);
if($st) {
$now = mktime(0,0,12,$3,$2-1,$1-1900,0,0,-1)
if($st =~ m/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/);
$now = time() if(!$now);
my $zoom = $FW_pos{zoom};
$zoom = "day" if(!$zoom);
$zoom = $frx if ($frx); #for fixedrange {day|week|...} klaus
if($zoom eq "hour") {
if(AttrVal($FW_wname, "endPlotNow", undef) && !$st) {
my $t = int(($now + $off*3600 - 3600)/300.0)*300 + 300;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
@l = localtime($t+3600);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
} else {
my $t = $now + $off*3600;
my @l = localtime($t);
= sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:00:00",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3],$l[2]);
@l = localtime($t+3600);
= sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:00:01",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3],$l[2]);
} elsif($zoom eq "qday") {
if(AttrVal($FW_wname, "endPlotNow", undef) && !$st) {
my $t = int(($now + $off*21600 - 21600)/300.0)*300 + 300;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
@l = localtime($t+21600);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
} else {
my $t = $now + $off*21600;
my @l = localtime($t);
$l[2] = int($l[2]/6)*6;
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
@l = localtime($t+21600);
$l[2] = int($l[2]/6)*6;
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
} elsif($zoom eq "day") {
if(AttrVal($FW_wname, "endPlotNow", undef) && !$st) {
my $t = int(($now + $off*86400 - 86400)/900.0)*900 + 900;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
@l = localtime($t+86400);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
} else {
my $t = $now + $off*86400;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
@l = localtime($t+86400);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
} elsif($zoom eq "week") {
my @l = localtime($now);
my $start = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "endPlotToday", undef) ? 6 : $l[6]);
my $t = $now - ($start*86400) + ($off*86400)*7;
@l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
@l = localtime($t+7*86400);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
} elsif($zoom eq "month") {
my ($endDay, @l);
if(AttrVal($FW_wname, "endPlotToday", undef)) {
@l = localtime($now+86400);
$endDay = $l[3];
} else {
@l = localtime($now);
$endDay = 1;
while($off < -12) { # Correct the year
$off += 12; $l[5]--;
$l[4] += $off;
$l[4] += 12, $l[5]-- if($l[4] < 0);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} =
sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_00:00:00", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1,$endDay);
$l[4] = 0, $l[5]++ if($l[4] == 12);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} =
sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_00:00:01", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1,$endDay);
} elsif($zoom eq "year") {
my @l = localtime($now);
$l[5] += $off;
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-01-01_00:00:00", $l[5]+1900);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-01-01_00:00:01", $l[5]+1901);
# Generate an image from the log via gnuplot or SVG
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $wl = $FW_webArgs{dev};
my $d = $FW_webArgs{logdev};
my $type = $FW_webArgs{gplotfile};
my $file = $FW_webArgs{logfile};
my $pm = AttrVal($wl,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
my $gplot_pgm = "$FW_gplotdir/$type.gplot";
if(!-r $gplot_pgm) {
my $msg = "Cannot read $gplot_pgm";
Log3 $FW_wname, 1, $msg;
if($pm =~ m/SVG/) { # FW_fatal for SVG:
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">';
FW_pO '<text x="20" y="20">'.$msg.'</text>';
FW_pO '</svg>';
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
} else {
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $msg);
if($pm =~ m/gnuplot/) {
my $tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $errfile = "/tmp/gnuplot.err";
if($pm eq "gnuplot" || !$SVG_devs{$d}{from}) {
# Looking for the logfile....
$defs{$d}{logfile} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File
my $path = "$1/$file";
$path = AttrVal($d,"archivedir","") . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
return ($FW_RETTYPE, "Cannot read $path") if(!-r $path);
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, undef) = SVG_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm);
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $err) if($err);
my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file,$tmpfile);
my $fr = AttrVal($wl, "fixedrange", undef);
if($fr) {
$fr =~ s/ /\":\"/;
$fr = "set xrange [\"$fr\"]\n";
$gplot_script =~ s/(set timefmt ".*")/$1\n$fr/;
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script;
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $flog) = SVG_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm);
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $err) if($err);
# Read the data from the filelog
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my @path = split(" ", FW_fC("get $d $file $tmpfile $f $t " .
join(" ", @{$flog})));
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
# replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
my $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
next if(!-z $p);
open(FH, ">$p");
print FH "$f 0\n";
my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
foreach my $p (@path) {
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
open(FH, "$tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($pm eq "SVG") {
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $flog) = SVG_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm);
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $err) if($err);
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
$f = 0 if(!$f); # From the beginning of time...
$t = 9 if(!$t); # till the end
Log3 $FW_wname, 5,
"plotcommand: get $d $file INT $f $t " . join(" ", @{$flog});
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
(my $cachedate = TimeNow()) =~ s/ /_/g;
my $SVGcache = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "SVGcache", undef) && $t lt $cachedate);
my $cDir = "$FW_dir/SVGcache";
my $cName = "$cDir/$wl-$f-$t.svg";
if($SVGcache && open(CFH, $cName)) {
FW_pO join("", <CFH>);
} else {
FW_fC("get $d $file INT $f $t " . join(" ", @{$flog}), 1);
($cfg, $plot) = SVG_substcfg(1, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, "<OuT>");
my $ret = SVG_render($wl, $f, $t, $cfg,
$internal_data, $plot, $FW_wname, $FW_cssdir, $flog);
FW_pO $ret;
if($SVGcache) {
mkdir($cDir) if(! -d $cDir);
if(open(CFH, ">$cName")) {
print CFH $ret;
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
# Convert the configuration to a "readable" form -> array to hash
my ($confp,$plot) = @_;
my %conf;
map { chomp; my @a=split(" ",$_, 3);
if($a[0] && $a[0] eq "set") { $conf{lc($a[1])} = $a[2]; }
} @{$confp};
$conf{title} = "" if(!defined($conf{title}));
$conf{title} =~ s/'//g;
# Digest grid
my $t = ($conf{grid} ? $conf{grid} : "");
#$conf{hasxgrid} = ( $t =~ /.*xtics.*/ ? 1 : 0); # Unused
$conf{hasygrid} = ( $t =~ /.*ytics.*/ ? 1 : 0);
$conf{hasy2grid}= ( $t =~ /.*y2tics.*/ ? 1 : 0);
# Digest axes/title/etc from $plot (gnuplot) and draw the line-titles
my (@lAxis,@lTitle,@lType,@lStyle,@lWidth);
my ($i, $pTemp);
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ axes (\w+)/$lAxis[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ title '([^']*)'/$lTitle[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ with (\w+)/$lType[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ ls (\w+)/$lStyle[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ lw ([\w.]+)/$lWidth[$i++]=$1/gse;
for my $i (0..int(@lType)-1) { # lAxis is optional
$lAxis[$i] = "x1y2" if(!$lAxis[$i]);
$lStyle[$i] = "class=\"". (defined($lStyle[$i]) ? $lStyle[$i] : "l$i")."\"";
$lWidth[$i] = (defined($lWidth[$i]) ?
"style=\"stroke-width:$lWidth[$i]\"" :"");
$conf{lAxis} = \@lAxis;
$conf{lTitle} = \@lTitle;
$conf{lType} = \@lType;
$conf{lStyle} = \@lStyle;
$conf{lWidth} = \@lWidth;
return %conf;
my $name = shift; # e.g. wl_8
my $from = shift; # e.g. 2008-01-01
my $to = shift; # e.g. 2009-01-01
my $confp = shift; # lines from the .gplot file, w/o FileLog and plot
my $dp = shift; # pointer to data (one string)
my $plot = shift; # Plot lines from the .gplot file
my $parent_name = shift; # e.g. FHEMWEB instance name
my $parent_dir = shift; # FW_dir
my $flog = shift; # #FileLog lines, as array pointer
my $SVG_ss = AttrVal($parent_name, "smallscreen", 0);
return $SVG_RET if(!defined($dp));
my $th = 16; # "Font" height
my ($x, $y) = (($SVG_ss ? 2 : 3)*$th, 1.2*$th); # Rect offset
# Convert the configuration to a "readable" form -> array to hash
my %conf = SVG_digestConf($confp, $plot);
my $ps = "800,400";
$ps = $1 if($conf{terminal} =~ m/.*size[ ]*([^ ]*)/);
my ($ow,$oh) = split(",", $ps); # Original width
my ($w, $h) = ($ow-2*$x, $oh-2*$y); # Rect size
# Keep only the Filter part of the #FileLog
$flog = join(" ", map { my @a=split(":",$_);
$a[1]=~s/\.[^\.]*$//; $a[1]; } @{$flog});
$flog = AttrVal($parent_name, "longpollSVG", 0) ? "flog=\" $flog \"" : "";
# Html Header
SVG_pO '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
SVG_pO '<!DOCTYPE svg>';
SVG_pO '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" '.
'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" '.$flog.'>';
my $prf = AttrVal($parent_name, "stylesheetPrefix", "");
SVG_pO "<style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[";
if(open(FH, "$parent_dir/${prf}svg_style.css") ||
open(FH, "$parent_dir/svg_style.css")) {
SVG_pO join("", <FH>);
} else {
Log3 $name, 0, "Can't open $parent_dir/svg_style.css"
SVG_pO "]]></style>";
# gradient definitions
if(open(FH, "$parent_dir/${prf}svg_defs.svg") ||
open(FH, "$parent_dir/svg_defs.svg")) {
SVG_pO join("", <FH>);
} else {
Log3 $name, 0, "Can't open $parent_dir/svg_defs.svg"
# Draw the background
SVG_pO "<rect width =\"$ow\" height=\"$oh\" class=\"background\"/>";
# Rectangle
SVG_pO "<rect x=\"$x\" y=\"$y\" width =\"$w\" height =\"$h\" rx=\"8\" ry=\"8\" ".
"fill=\"none\" class=\"border\"/>";
my ($off1,$off2) = ($ow/2, 3*$y/4);
my $title = ($conf{title} ? $conf{title} : " ");
$title =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$title =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
SVG_pO "<text id=\"svg_title\" x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" " .
"class=\"title\" text-anchor=\"middle\">$title</text>";
# Copy and Paste labels, hidden by default
SVG_pO "<text id=\"svg_paste\" x=\"" . ($ow-$x) . "\" y=\"$off2\" " .
"onclick=\"parent.svg_paste(evt)\" " .
"class=\"paste\" text-anchor=\"end\"> </text>";
SVG_pO "<text id=\"svg_copy\" x=\"" . ($ow-2*$x) . "\" y=\"$off2\" " .
"onclick=\"parent.svg_copy(evt)\" " .
"class=\"copy\" text-anchor=\"end\"> </text>";
# Left label = ylabel and right label = y2label
my $t = ($conf{ylabel} ? $conf{ylabel} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
if(!$SVG_ss) {
($off1,$off2) = (3*$th/4, $oh/2);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
"class=\"ylabel\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>";
$t = ($conf{y2label} ? $conf{y2label} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
($off1,$off2) = ($ow-$th/4, $oh/2);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
"class=\"y2label\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>";
($off1,$off2) = ($ow-$x-$th, $y+$th);
# Plot caption (title)
for my $i (0..int(@{$conf{lTitle}})-1) {
my $j = $i+1;
my $t = $conf{lTitle}[$i];
my $desc = "";
if(defined($data{"min$j"}) && $data{"min$j"} ne "undef") {
$desc = sprintf("%s: Min:%g Max:%g Last:%g",
$t, $data{"min$j"}, $data{"max$j"}, $data{"currval$j"});
SVG_pO "<text title=\"$desc\" ".
"onclick=\"parent.svg_labelselect(evt)\" line_id=\"line_$i\" " .
"x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"end\" ".
$off2 += $th;
# Loop over the input, digest dates, calculate min/max values
my ($fromsec, $tosec);
$fromsec = SVG_time_to_sec($from) if($from ne "0"); # 0 is special
$tosec = SVG_time_to_sec($to) if($to ne "9"); # 9 is special
my $tmul;
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec) if($tosec && $fromsec);
my ($min, $max, $idx) = (99999999, -99999999, 0);
my (%hmin, %hmax, @hdx, @hdy);
my ($dxp, $dyp) = (\(), \());
my ($d, $v, $ld, $lv) = ("","","","");
my ($dpl,$dpoff,$l) = (length($$dp), 0, "");
while($dpoff < $dpl) { # using split instead is memory hog
my $ndpoff = index($$dp, "\n", $dpoff);
if($ndpoff == -1) {
$l = substr($$dp, $dpoff);
} else {
$l = substr($$dp, $dpoff, $ndpoff-$dpoff);
$dpoff = $ndpoff+1;
if($l =~ m/^#/) {
my $a = $conf{lAxis}[$idx];
if(defined($a)) {
$hmin{$a} = $min if(!defined($hmin{$a}) || $hmin{$a} > $min);
$hmax{$a} = $max if(!defined($hmax{$a}) || $hmax{$a} < $max);
($min, $max) = (99999999, -99999999);
$hdx[$idx] = $dxp; $hdy[$idx] = $dyp;
($dxp, $dyp) = (\(), \());
} else {
($d, $v) = split(" ", $l);
$d = ($tmul ? int((SVG_time_to_sec($d)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $d);
if($ld ne $d || $lv ne $v) { # Saves a lot on year zoomlevel
$ld = $d; $lv = $v;
push @{$dxp}, $d;
push @{$dyp}, $v;
$min = $v if($min > $v);
$max = $v if($max < $v);
last if($ndpoff == -1);
$dxp = $hdx[0];
if(($dxp && int(@{$dxp}) < 2 && !$tosec) || # not enough data and no range...
(!$tmul && !$dxp)) {
SVG_pO "</svg>";
return $SVG_RET;
if(!$tmul) { # recompute the x data if no range sepcified
$fromsec = SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[0]) if(!$fromsec);
$tosec = SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[int(@{$dxp})-1]) if(!$tosec);
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec);
for my $i (0..@hdx-1) {
$dxp = $hdx[$i];
for my $i (0..@{$dxp}-1) {
$dxp->[$i] = int((SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[$i])-$fromsec)*$tmul);
# Compute & draw vertical tics, grid and labels
my $ddur = ($tosec-$fromsec)/86400;
my ($first_tag, $tag, $step, $tstep, $aligntext, $aligntics);
if ($ddur <= 0.1) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 300; $tstep = 60;
} elsif($ddur <= 0.5) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 3600; $tstep = 900;
} elsif($ddur <= 1.1) { # +0.1 -> DST
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 4*3600; $tstep = 3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 7.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 24*3600; $tstep = 6*3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 31.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 7*24*3600; $tstep = 24*3600;
$aligntext = 1;
} else {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 1"; $step = 28*24*3600; $tstep = 28*24*3600;
$aligntext = 2; $aligntics = 2;
my $barwidth = $tstep;
# First the tics
$off2 = $y+4;
my ($off3, $off4) = ($y+$h-4, $y+$h);
my $initoffset = $tstep;
$initoffset = int(($tstep/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntics);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $tstep) {
$i = SVG_time_align($i,$aligntics);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off2\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$off3 $off1,$off4\"/>";
# then the text and the grid
$off1 = $x;
$off2 = $y+$h+$th;
$t = SVG_fmtTime($first_tag, $fromsec);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"0\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\">$t</text>";
$initoffset = $step;
$initoffset = int(($step/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntext);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $step) {
$i = SVG_time_align($i,$aligntext);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
$t = SVG_fmtTime($tag, $i);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\" " .
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>";
# Left and right axis tics / text / grid
#-- just in case we have only one data line, but want to draw both axes
$hmin{x1y1}=$hmin{x1y2}, $hmax{x1y1}=$hmax{x1y2} if(!defined($hmin{x1y1}));
$hmin{x1y2}=$hmin{x1y1}, $hmax{x1y2}=$hmax{x1y1} if(!defined($hmin{x1y2}));
my (%hstep,%htics,%axdrawn);
#-- yrange handling for axes x1y1..x1y8
for my $idx (0..7) {
my $a = "x1y".($idx+1);
next if( !defined($hmax{$a}) || !defined($hmin{$a}) );
my $yra="y".($idx+1)."range";
$yra="yrange" if ($yra eq "y1range");
#-- yrange is specified in plotfile
if($conf{$yra} && $conf{$yra} =~ /\[(.*):(.*)\]/) {
$hmin{$a} = $1 if($1 ne "");
$hmax{$a} = $2 if($2 ne "");
#-- tics handling
my $yt="y".($idx+1)."tics";
$yt="ytics" if ($yt eq"y1tics");
$htics{$a} = defined($conf{$yt}) ? $conf{$yt} : "";
#-- Round values, compute a nice step
my $dh = $hmax{$a} - $hmin{$a};
my ($step, $mi, $ma) = (1, 1, 1);
my @limit = (0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000,
200000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000);
for my $li (0..$#limit-1) {
my $l = $limit[$li];
next if($dh > $l);
$ma = SVG_doround($hmax{$a}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = SVG_doround($hmin{$a}, $l/10, 0);
if(($ma-$mi)/($l/10) >= 7) { # If more then 7 steps, then choose next
$l = $limit[$li+1];
$ma = SVG_doround($hmax{$a}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = SVG_doround($hmin{$a}, $l/10, 0);
$step = $l/10;
if($step==0.001 && $hmax{$a}==$hmin{$a}) { # Don't want 0.001 range for nil
$step = 1;
$ma = $mi + $step;
$hmax{$a} = $ma;
$hmin{$a} = $mi;
$hstep{$a} = $step;
$axdrawn{$a} = 0;
#Log3 $name, 2, "Axis $a has interval [$hmin{$a},$hmax{$a}], step $hstep{$a}, tics $htics{$a}\n";
#-- run through all axes for drawing (each only once !)
foreach my $a (sort keys %hmin) {
next if( $axdrawn{$a} );
next if(!defined($hmin{$a})); # Bogus case
#-- safeguarding against pathological data
if( !$hstep{$a} ){
$hmax{$a} = $hmin{$a}+1;
$hstep{$a} = 1;
#-- Draw the y-axis values and grid
my $dh = $hmax{$a} - $hmin{$a};
my $hmul = $dh>0 ? $h/$dh : $h;
# offsets
my ($align,$display,$cll);
if( $a eq "x1y1" ){
# first axis = left
$off1 = $x-4-$th*0.3;
$off3 = $x-4;
$off4 = $off3+5;
$align = " text-anchor=\"end\"";
$display = "";
$cll = "";
} elsif ( $a eq "x1y2" ){
# second axis = right
$off1 = $x+4+$w+$th*0.3;
$off3 = $x+4+$w-5;
$off4 = $off3+5;
$align = "";
$display = "";
$cll = "";
} else {
# other axes in between
$off1 = $x-$th*0.3+30;
$off3 = $x+30;
$off4 = $off3+5;
$align = " text-anchor=\"end\"";
$display = " display=\"none\" id=\"hline_$idx\"";
$cll = " class=\"l$idx\"";
#-- grouping
SVG_pO "<g$display>";
my $yp = $y + $h;
#-- axis if not left or right axis
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$y $off3,$yp\" $cll/>" if( ($a ne "x1y1") && ($a ne "x1y2") );
#-- tics handling
my $tic = $htics{$a};
#-- tics as in the config-file
if($tic && $tic !~ m/mirror/) {
$tic =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # Strip ()
foreach my $onetic (split(",", $tic)) {
$onetic =~ s/^ *(.*) *$/$1/;
my ($tlabel, $tvalue) = split(" ", $onetic);
$tlabel =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$tvalue = 0 if( !$tvalue );
$off2 = int($y+($hmax{$a}-$tvalue)*$hmul);
#-- tics
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\" $cll/>";
my $off6 = $x+$w;
if( ($a eq "x1y1") && $conf{hasygrid} ) {
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($tvalue > $hmin{$a} && $tvalue < $hmax{$a});
}elsif( ($a eq "x1y2") && $conf{hasy2grid} ) {
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($tvalue > $hmin{$a} && $tvalue < $hmax{$a});
$off2 += $th/4;
#-- text
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$tlabel</text>";
#-- tics automatically
} elsif( $hstep{$a}>0 ) {
for(my $i = $hmin{$a}; $i <= $hmax{$a}; $i += $hstep{$a}) {
$off2 = int($y+($hmax{$a}-$i)*$hmul);
#-- tics
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\" $cll/>";
my $off6 = $x+$w;
if( ($a eq "x1y1") && $conf{hasygrid} ) {
my $off6 = $x+$w;
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($i > $hmin{$a} && $i < $hmax{$a});
}elsif( ($a eq "x1y2") && $conf{hasy2grid} ) {
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($i > $hmin{$a} && $i < $hmax{$a});
$off2 += $th/4;
#-- text
my $txt = sprintf("%g", $i);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$txt</text>";
SVG_pO "</g>";
# Second loop over the data: draw the measured points
for(my $idx=$#hdx; $idx >= 0; $idx--) {
my $a = $conf{lAxis}[$idx];
SVG_pO "<!-- Warning: No axis for data item $idx defined -->" if(!defined($a));
next if(!defined($a));
$min = $hmin{$a};
$hmax{$a} += 1 if($min == $hmax{$a}); # Else division by 0 in the next line
my $hmul = $h/($hmax{$a}-$min);
my $ret = "";
my ($dxp, $dyp) = ($hdx[$idx], $hdy[$idx]);
SVG_pO "<!-- Warning: No data item $idx defined -->" if(!defined($dxp));
next if(!defined($dxp));
my $yh = $y+$h;
#-- Title attributes
my $tl = $conf{lTitle}[$idx] ? $conf{lTitle}[$idx] : "";
#my $dec = int(log($hmul*3)/log(10)); # perl can be compiled without log() !
my $dec = length(sprintf("%d",$hmul*3))-1;
$dec = 0 if($dec < 0);
my $attributes = "id=\"line_$idx\" decimals=\"$dec\" ".
"x_off=\"$fromsec\" x_min=\"$x\" x_mul=\"$tmul\" ".
"y_h=\"$yh\" y_min=\"$min\" y_mul=\"$hmul\" title=\"$tl\" ".
"onclick=\"parent.svg_click(evt)\" ".
"$conf{lWidth}[$idx] $conf{lStyle}[$idx]";
my $isFill = ($conf{lStyle}[$idx] =~ m/fill/);
my ($lx, $ly) = (-1,-1);
if($conf{lType}[$idx] eq "points" ) {
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = (int($x+$dxp->[$i]),
next if($x1 == $lx && $y1 == $ly);
$ly = $x1; $ly = $y1;
$ret = sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1-3,$y1, $x1,$y1-3, $x1+3,$y1, $x1,$y1+3, $x1-3,$y1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif($conf{lType}[$idx] eq "steps" || $conf{lType}[$idx] eq "fsteps" ) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x+$dxp->[0], $y+$h) if($isFill && @{$dxp});
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
next if(int($x2) == $lx && int($y1) == $ly);
$lx = int($x2); $ly = int($y2);
if($conf{lType}[$idx] eq "steps") {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x2,$y1, $x2,$y2);
} else {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x1,$y2, $x2,$y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$h) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif($conf{lType}[$idx] eq "histeps" ) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x+$dxp->[0], $y+$h) if($isFill && @{$dxp});
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
next if(int($x2) == $lx && int($y1) == $ly);
$lx = int($x2); $ly = int($y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y2, $x2,$y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$h) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif( $conf{lType}[$idx] eq "bars" ) {
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
$barwidth = $barwidth*$tmul;
# bars are all of equal width (see far above !),
# position rounded to integer multiples of bar width
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ( $x +4 + $dxp->[$i] - $barwidth,
$y +$h-($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($barwidth, ($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul);
SVG_pO "<rect $attributes x=\"$x1\" y=\"$y1\" width=\"$x2\" height=\"$y2\"/>";
} else { # lines and everything else
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = (int($x+$dxp->[$i]),
next if($x1 == $lx && $y1 == $ly);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x1, $y+$h) if($i == 0 && $isFill);
$lx = $x1; $ly = $y1;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x1, $y1);
#-- insert last point for filled line
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$h) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
SVG_pO "</svg>";
return $SVG_RET;
my ($str) = @_;
if(!$str) {
return 0;
my ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mi,$s) = split("[-_:]", $str);
$s = 0 if(!$s);
$mi= 0 if(!$mi);
$h = 0 if(!$h);
$d = 1 if(!$d);
$m = 1 if(!$m);
if(!$SVG_ltstr || $SVG_ltstr ne "$y-$m-$d-$h") { # 2.5x faster
$SVG_lt = mktime(0,0,$h,$d,$m-1,$y-1900,0,0,-1);
$SVG_ltstr = "$y-$m-$d-$h";
return $s+$mi*60+$SVG_lt;
my ($sepfmt, $sec) = @_;
my @tarr = split("[ :]+", localtime($sec));
my ($sep, $fmt) = split(" ", $sepfmt, 2);
my $ret = "";
for my $f (split(" ", $fmt)) {
$ret .= $sep if($ret);
$ret .= $tarr[$f];
return $ret;
my ($v,$align) = @_;
return $v if(!$align);
if($align == 1) { # Look for the beginning of the week
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[6] == 0);
$v += 86400;
if($align == 2) { # Look for the beginning of the month
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[3] == 1);
$v += 86400;
my ($v, $step, $isup) = @_;
$step = 1 if(!$step); # Avoid division by zero
if($v >= 0) {
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? $step : 0);
} else {
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? 0 : -$step);
# print (append) to output
my $arg = shift;
return if(!defined($arg));
$SVG_RET .= $arg;
$SVG_RET .= "\n";
# this is a helper function which creates a PNG image from a given plot
sub plotAsPng(@) {
my (@plotName) = @_;
my (@webs, $mimetype, $svgdata, $rsvg, $pngImg);
foreach(@webs) {
if(!InternalVal($_,'TEMPORARY',undef)) {
#Debug "FW_wname= $FW_wname, plotName= $plotName[0]";
$FW_RET = undef;
$FW_webArgs{dev} = $plotName[0];
$FW_webArgs{logdev} = InternalVal($plotName[0], "LOGDEVICE", "");
$FW_webArgs{gplotfile} = InternalVal($plotName[0], "GPLOTFILE", "");
$FW_webArgs{logfile} = InternalVal($plotName[0], "LOGFILE", "CURRENT");
$FW_pos{zoom} = $plotName[1] if $plotName[1];
$FW_pos{off} = $plotName[2] if $plotName[2];
($mimetype, $svgdata) = SVG_showLog("unused");
#Debug "MIME type= $mimetype";
#Debug "SVG= $svgdata";
eval {
require Image::LibRSVG;
$rsvg = new Image::LibRSVG();
$pngImg = $rsvg->getImageBitmap();
Log3 $FW_wname, 1,
"plotAsPng(): Cannot create plot as png image for \"" .
join(" ", @plotName) . "\": $@"
if($@ or !defined($pngImg) or ($pngImg eq ""));
return $pngImg if $pngImg;
=begin html
<a name="SVG"></a>
<a name="SVGlinkdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SVG
This is the Plotting/Charting device of FHEMWEB
<code>define MyPlot SVG inlog:temp4hum4:CURRENT</code><br>
<li>Normally you won't define an SVG device manually, as
FHEMWEB makes it easy for you, just plot a logfile (see <a
href="#logtype">logtype</a>) and click on "Create SVG instance".
Specifying CURRENT as a logfilename will always access the current
logfile, even if its name changes regularly.</li>
<li>For historic reasons this module uses a Gnuplot file description
to store different attributes. Some special commands (beginning with
#FileLog or #DbLog) are used additionally, and not all gnuplot
attribtues are implemented.</li>
<a name="SVGset"></a>
Copy the currently specified gplot file to a new file, which is named
after the SVG device, existing files will be overwritten.
This operation is needed in order to use the plot editor (see below)
without affecting other SVG instances using the same gplot file.
Creating the SVG instance from the FileLog detail menu will also
create a unique gplot file, in this case this operation is not needed.
<a name="SVGget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SVGattr"></a>
<a name="fixedrange"></a>
Contains two time specs in the form YYYY-MM-DD separated by a space.
In plotmode gnuplot-scroll or SVG the given time-range will be used,
and no scrolling for this weblinks will be possible. Needed e.g. for
looking at last-years data without scrolling.<br><br>
If the value is one of day, week, month, year then set the zoom level
for this weblink independently of the user specified zoom-level.
This is useful for pages with multiple plots: one of the plots is best
viewed in with the default (day) zoom, the other one with a week zoom.
<a name="startDate"></a>
Set the start date for the plot. Used for demo installations.
<li><a href="#plotsize">plotsize</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#plotmode">plotmode</a></li><br>
<a name="label"></a>
Double-Colon separated list of values. The values will be used to replace
&lt;L#&gt; type of strings in the .gplot file, with # beginning at 1
(&lt;L1&gt;, &lt;L2&gt;, etc.). Each value will be evaluated as a perl
expression, so you have access e.g. to the Value functions.<br><br>
If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll or SVG, you can also use the min, max,
avg, cnt, sum, currval (last value) and currdate (last date) values of
the individual curves, by accessing the corresponding values from the
data hash, see the example below:<br>
<li>Fixed text for the right and left axis:<br>
<li>Fhem config:<br>
attr wl_1 label "Temperature"::"Humidity"</li>
<li>.gplot file entry:<br>
set ylabel &lt;L1&gt;<br>
set y2label &lt;L2&gt;</li>
<li>Title with maximum and current values of the 1st curve (FileLog)
<li>Fhem config:<br>
attr wl_1 label "Max $data{max1}, Current $data{currval1}"</li>
<li>.gplot file entry:<br>
set title &lt;L1&gt;<br></li>
<a name="title"></a>
A special form of label (see above), which replaces the string &lt;TL&gt;
in the .gplot file. It defaults to the filename of the logfile.
<a name="plotfunction"></a>
Space value separated list of values. The value will be used to replace
&lt;SPEC#&gt; type of strings in the .gplot file, with # beginning at 1
(&lt;SPEC1&gt;, &lt;SPEC2&gt;, etc.) in the #FileLog or #DbLog directive.
With this attribute you can use the same .gplot file for multiple devices
with the same logdevice.
<li>#FileLog <SPEC1><br>
with: attr <SVGdevice> plotfunction "4:IR\x3a:0:"<br>
instead of<br>
#FileLog 4:IR\x3a:0:
<li>#DbLog <SPEC1><br>
with: attr <SVGdevice> plotfunction
"Garage_Raumtemp:temperature::"<br> instead of<br>
#DbLog Garage_Raumtemp:temperature::
<a name="plotEditor"></a>
This editor is visible on the detail screen of the SVG instance.
Most features are obvious here, up to some exceptions:
<li>if you want to omit the title for a Diagram label, enter notitle in the
input field.</li>
<li>if you want to specify a fixed value (not taken from a column) if a
string found (e.g. 1 of the FS20 switch is on 0 if it off), then you have
to specify the Tics first, and write the .gplot file, before you can
select this value from the dropdown.<br>
Enter in the Tics field: ("On" 1, "Off" 0)<br>
Write .gplot file<br>
Select "1" from the column dropdown (note the double quote!) for the
regexp switch.on, and "0" for the regexp switch.off.<br>
Write .gplot file again<br>
=end html