mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-06 18:56:55 +00:00
betateilchen 09357f54df : minor code cleanups
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21551 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2020-03-31 11:01:06 +00:00

337 lines
8.9 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $ret;
sub CommandHelp;
sub cref_internals;
sub cref_search;
sub cref_search_cmd;
sub cref_fill_list;
sub cref_findInfo;
sub help_Initialize {
my %hash = ( Fn => "CommandHelp",
Hlp => "[<moduleName>],get help (this screen or module dependent docu)",
InternalCmds => cref_internals() );
$cmds{help} = \%hash;
sub CommandHelp {
my ($cl, $arg) = @_;
my ($mod,$lang) = split(" ",$arg);
$lang //= AttrVal('global','language','en');
$lang = (lc($lang) eq 'de') ? '_DE' : '';
if($mod) {
$mod = "help" if($mod eq "?");
$mod = $defs{$mod}->{TYPE} if( defined($defs{$mod}) && $defs{$mod}->{TYPE} );
$mod = lc($mod);
my $modPath = AttrVal('global','modpath','.');
my $output = '';
my $outputInfo = cref_findInfo($modPath,$mod);
if($cmds{help}{InternalCmds} !~ m/$mod\,/) {
my %mods;
my @modDir = ("$modPath/FHEM");
$mod = $cmds{$mod}{ModuleName} if defined($cmds{$mod}) && defined($cmds{$mod}{ModuleName});
foreach my $modDir (@modDir) {
eval { opendir(DH, $modDir); }; # || die "Cant open $modDir: $!\n";
while(my $l = readdir DH) {
next if($l !~ m/^\d\d_.*\.pm$/);
my $of = $l;
$l =~ s/.pm$//;
$l =~ s/^[0-9][0-9]_//;
$mods{lc($l)} = "$modDir/$of";
return "Module $mod not found" unless defined($mods{$mod});
# read commandref docu from file
$output = cref_search($mods{$mod},$lang);
unless($output) {
$output = cref_search($mods{$mod},"");
$output = "<br/><br/>Keine deutsche Hilfe gefunden!<br/>$output" if $output;
$output = "No help found for module: $mod" unless $output;
$output = $outputInfo.$output;
} else {
$output = "<br/><b>Internal command:</b> $mod";
my $i;
my $f = "$modPath/docs/commandref_frame$lang.html";
my $skip = 1;
my ($err,@text) = FileRead({FileName => $f, ForceType => 'file'});
return $err if $err;
foreach my $l (@text) {
if($l =~ m/^<a name=\"$mod\"/) {
$skip = 0;
} elsif($l =~ m/^<!-- $mod.end/) {
$skip = 1;
} elsif (!$skip) {
$output .= $l;
if( $cl && $cl->{TYPE} eq 'telnet' ) { # telnet output
$output =~ s/<br\s*\?>/\n/ig;
$output =~ s/\s*<li>\s*/\n- /ig;
$output =~ s/<\/?ul>/\n/ig;
$output =~ s/<\/?[^>]+>//g;
$output =~ s/&lt;/</g;
$output =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
$output =~ tr/ / /s;
$output =~ s/\n\n\ /\n/g;
$output =~ s/&nbsp;/ /g;
$output =~ s/&auml;/ä/g;
$output =~ s/&Auml;/Ä/g;
$output =~ s/&ouml;/ö/g;
$output =~ s/&Ouml;/Ö/g;
$output =~ s/&uuml;/ü/g;
$output =~ s/&Uuml;/Ü/g;
$output =~ s/&szlig;/ß/g;
$output =~ s/\n\s*\n\s*\n/\n\n\n/g;
$output =~ s/^\s+//;
$output =~ s/\s+$//;
} else { # html output
my $url_prefix;
if(AttrVal('global','exclude_from_update','') =~ m/commandref/) {
$url_prefix = "http://fhem.de/commandref$lang.html";
} else {
$url_prefix = "$FW_ME/docs/commandref$lang.html";
# replace <a href="#..."> tags with a
# working real link to commandref
$output =~ s,<a\s+href="#,<a target="_blank" href="$url_prefix#,g;
$output = "<html>$output</html>";
return $output;
} else { # mod
# cref_search_cmd(undef);
my $str = "Possible commands:\n\n" .
"Command Parameter\n" .
" Description\n" .
for my $cmd (sort keys %cmds) {
next if($cmd =~ m/header:command/);
next if(!$cmds{$cmd}{Hlp});
next if($cl && $cmds{$cmd}{ClientFilter} &&
$cl->{TYPE} !~ m/$cmds{$cmd}{ClientFilter}/);
my @a = split(",", $cmds{$cmd}{Hlp}, 2);
# $a[0] =~ s/</&lt;/g;
# $a[0] =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$a[1] //= "";
$a[1] = " $a[1]";
# $a[1] =~ s/</&lt;/g;
# $a[1] =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$str .= sprintf("%-15s%-50s\n%s\n", $cmd, $a[0], $a[1]);
return $str;
sub cref_internals {
my $mod = "./docs/commandref_frame.html";
my $output = "";
my ($err,@text) = FileRead({FileName => $mod, ForceType => 'file'});
return $err if $err;
foreach my $l (@text) {
if($l =~ m/(^<!-- )(.*)( end.*>)/) {
$output .= "$2,";
return $output;
sub cref_search {
my ($mod,$lang) = @_;
my $output = "";
my $skip = 1;
my ($err,@text) = FileRead({FileName => $mod, ForceType => 'file'});
return $err if $err;
foreach my $l (@text) {
if($l =~ m/^=begin html$lang$/) {
$skip = 0;
} elsif($l =~ m/^=end html$lang$/) {
$skip = 1;
} elsif(!$skip) {
$output .= "$l\n";
if($l =~ m,INSERT_DOC_FROM: ([^ ]+)/([^ /]+) ,) {
my ($dir, $re) = ($1, $2);
if(opendir(DH, $dir)) {
foreach my $file (grep { m/^$2$/ } readdir(DH)) {
$output .= cref_search("$dir/$file", $lang);
return $output;
sub cref_search_cmd {
my $skip = 1;
my $mod = "./docs/commandref_frame.html";
my ($err,@text) = FileRead({FileName => $mod, ForceType => 'file'});
return $err if $err;
foreach my $l (@text) {
if($l =~ m/<b>Fhem commands<\/b>/) {
$skip = 0;
} elsif($l =~ m/<\/ul>/) {
$skip = 1;
} elsif(!$skip && $l !~ m/<ul>/) {
$l =~ s/\?\,help//;
$l =~ s/<a.*">//;
$l =~ s/<\/a>.*//;
$l =~ s/ //g;
unless (defined($cmds{$l}{Hlp}) && $cmds{$l}{Hlp}) {
my %hash = ( Hlp => "use \"help $l\" for more help");
$cmds{$l} = \%hash if $l;
foreach my $i (split(",",$cmds{help}{InternalCmds})) {
my %hash = ( Hlp => "use \"help $i\" for more help");
$cmds{$i} = \%hash if $i;
sub cref_fill_list(){
my %mods;
my %modIdx;
my @modDir = ("FHEM");
foreach my $modDir (@modDir) {
opendir(DH, $modDir) || die "Cant open $modDir: $!\n";
while(my $l = readdir DH) {
next if($l !~ m/^\d\d_.*\.pm$/);
my $of = $l;
$l =~ s/.pm$//;
$l =~ s/^[0-9][0-9]_//;
$mods{$l} = "$modDir/$of";
$modIdx{$l} = "device";
open(my $MOD, "<", "$modDir/$of") || die("Cant open $modDir/$l");
while(my $cl = <$MOD>) {
if($cl =~ m/^=item\s+(helper|command|device)/) {
$modIdx{$l} = $1;
foreach my $mod (sort keys %mods) {
my %h = ( Fn => undef,
Hlp => "Command $mod not loaded. Use \"help $mod\" for more help" );
$cmds{lc($mod)} = \%h if ( ($modIdx{$mod} eq "command") && !(defined($cmds{lc($mod)})) );
sub cref_findInfo {
my ($modPath,$mod) = @_;
my ($l,@line,$found,$text);
my ($err,@text) = FileRead({FileName => "$modPath/MAINTAINER.txt", ForceType => 'file'});
foreach my $l (@text) {
@line = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $l,3);
$found = ($l =~ m/.._$mod.pm/i);
# $found = ($l =~ m/_$mod/i);
last if ($found);
if($found) {
$line[0]= (split("/",$line[0]))[1] if $line[0] =~ /\//;
$line[2]= "no info" if ($line[2] =~ /http/ || !defined($line[2]));
$text = "<br/><b>Module:</b> $line[0] ";
$text .= "<b>Maintainer:</b> $line[1] ";
$text .= "<b>Forum:</b> $line[2]\n";
$text //= '';
return $text;
=item command
=item summary show help for module or device
=item summary_DE Hilfe f&uuml;r Module und Ger&auml;te
=begin html
<a name="help"></a>
<h3>?, help</h3>
<code>? [&lt;moduleName|deviceName&gt;] [<language>]</code><br/>
<code>help [&lt;moduleName|deviceName&gt;] [<language>]</code><br/>
<li>Returns a list of available commands, when called without a
<li>Returns a module dependent helptext, same as in commandref.</li>
<li>language will be determined in following order:
<li>valid parameter &lt;language&gt; given</li>
<li>global attribute language</li>
<li>nothing founde: return english</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="help"></a>
<h3>?, help</h3>
<code>? [&lt;moduleName|deviceName&gt;] [<language>]</code><br/>
<code>help [&lt;moduleName|deviceName&gt;] [<language>]</code><br/>
<li>Liefert eine Liste aller Befehle mit einer Kurzbeschreibung zur&uuml;ck.</li>
<li>Falls moduleName oder deviceName spezifiziert ist, wird die modul-spezifische Hilfe
aus commandref zur&uuml;ckgeliefert.</li>
<li>Die anzuzeigende Sprache wird in folgender Reihenfolge bestimmt:
<li>g&uuml;ltiger Parameter &lt;language&gt; beim Aufruf &uuml;bergeben</li>
<li>globales Attribut language</li>
<li>falls alles fehlt: englisch</li>
=end html_DE