mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:26:35 +00:00

# sub EnOcean_SndRadio: new unified and expanded ESP3 routine, replaced sub EnOcean_A5Cmd and other # sub EnOcean_Parse: new dynamic extraction of the data bytes $db[x] ... $db[0] # profile MD15 and sub EnOcean_MD15Cmd: adjustments to the changed data structure and routines # analysis of the packet type data prepared # ESP3: unicast telegrams now supported # EEP: VLD basic functions implemented (no teach-in) # commandref: further explanations added git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@3270 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
4079 lines
161 KiB
Executable File
4079 lines
161 KiB
Executable File
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
sub EnOcean_Define($$);
sub EnOcean_Initialize($);
sub EnOcean_Parse($$);
sub EnOcean_Set($@);
sub EnOcean_MD15Cmd($$$);
sub EnOcean_SndRadio($$$$$$$);
sub EnOcean_ReadingScaled($$$$);
sub EnOcean_TimerSet($);
sub EnOcean_Undef($$);
my %EnO_rorgname = ("F6" => "switch", # RPS, org 05
"D5" =>" contact", # 1BS, org 06
"A5" => "sensor", # 4BS, org 07
"D2" => "vld", # VLD
my @EnO_ptm200btn = ("AI", "A0", "BI", "B0", "CI", "C0", "DI", "D0");
my %EnO_ptm200btn;
# Gateway Commands
my @EnO_gwCmd = ("switching", "dimming", "setpointShift", "setpointBasic", "controlVar", "fanStage", "blindCmd");
my %EnO_gwCmd = (
"switching" => 1,
"dimming" => 2,
"setpointShift" => 3,
"setpointBasic" => 4,
"controlVar" => 5,
"fanStage" => 6,
"blindCmd" => 7,
# Some Manufacturers (e.g. Jaeger Direkt) also sell EnOcean products without an
# entry in the table below. This table is only needed for 4BS category devices.
my %EnO_manuf = (
"001" => "Peha",
"002" => "Thermokon",
"003" => "Servodan",
"004" => "EchoFlex Solutions",
"005" => "Omnio AG",
"006" => "Hardmeier electronics",
"007" => "Regulvar Inc",
"008" => "Ad Hoc Electronics",
"009" => "Distech Controls",
"00A" => "Kieback + Peter",
"00B" => "EnOcean GmbH",
"00C" => "Probare",
"00D" => "Eltako",
"00E" => "Leviton",
"00F" => "Honeywell",
"010" => "Spartan Peripheral Devices",
"011" => "Siemens",
"012" => "T-Mac",
"013" => "Reliable Controls Corporation",
"014" => "Elsner Elektronik GmbH",
"015" => "Diehl Controls",
"016" => "BSC Computer",
"017" => "S+S Regeltechnik GmbH",
"018" => "Masco Corporation",
"019" => "Intesis Software SL",
"01A" => "Res.",
"01B" => "Lutuo Technology",
"01C" => "CAN2GO",
"7FF" => "Multi user Manufacturer ID",
my %EnO_subType = (
"A5.02.01" => "tempSensor.01",
"A5.02.02" => "tempSensor.02",
"A5.02.03" => "tempSensor.03",
"A5.02.04" => "tempSensor.04",
"A5.02.05" => "tempSensor.05",
"A5.02.06" => "tempSensor.06",
"A5.02.07" => "tempSensor.07",
"A5.02.08" => "tempSensor.08",
"A5.02.09" => "tempSensor.09",
"A5.02.0A" => "tempSensor.0A",
"A5.02.0B" => "tempSensor.0B",
"A5.02.10" => "tempSensor.10",
"A5.02.11" => "tempSensor.11",
"A5.02.12" => "tempSensor.12",
"A5.02.13" => "tempSensor.13",
"A5.02.14" => "tempSensor.14",
"A5.02.15" => "tempSensor.15",
"A5.02.16" => "tempSensor.16",
"A5.02.17" => "tempSensor.17",
"A5.02.18" => "tempSensor.18",
"A5.02.19" => "tempSensor.19",
"A5.02.1A" => "tempSensor.1A",
"A5.02.1B" => "tempSensor.1B",
"A5.02.20" => "tempSensor.20",
"A5.02.30" => "tempSensor.30",
"A5.04.01" => "roomSensorControl.01",
"A5.04.02" => "tempHumiSensor.02",
"A5.06.01" => "lightSensor.01",
"A5.06.02" => "lightSensor.02",
"A5.06.03" => "lightSensor.03",
"A5.07.01" => "occupSensor.01",
"A5.07.02" => "occupSensor.02",
"A5.07.03" => "occupSensor.03",
"A5.08.01" => "lightTempOccupSensor.01",
"A5.08.02" => "lightTempOccupSensor.02",
"A5.08.03" => "lightTempOccupSensor.03",
"A5.09.01" => "COSensor.01",
"A5.09.04" => "tempHumiCO2Sensor.01",
"A5.09.05" => "vocSensor.01",
"A5.09.06" => "radonSensor.01",
"A5.09.07" => "particlesSensor.01",
"A5.10.01" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.02" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.03" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.04" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.05" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.06" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.07" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.08" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.09" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.0A" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.0B" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.0C" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.0D" => "roomSensorControl.05",
"A5.10.10" => "roomSensorControl.01",
"A5.10.11" => "roomSensorControl.01",
"A5.10.12" => "roomSensorControl.01",
"A5.10.13" => "roomSensorControl.01",
"A5.10.14" => "roomSensorControl.01",
"A5.10.15" => "roomSensorControl.02",
"A5.10.16" => "roomSensorControl.02",
"A5.10.17" => "roomSensorControl.02",
"A5.10.18" => "roomSensorControl.18",
"A5.10.19" => "roomSensorControl.19",
"A5.10.1A" => "roomSensorControl.1A",
"A5.10.1B" => "roomSensorControl.1B",
"A5.10.1C" => "roomSensorControl.1C",
"A5.10.1D" => "roomSensorControl.1D",
"A5.10.1E" => "roomSensorControl.1B",
"A5.10.1F" => "roomSensorControl.1F",
"A5.11.01" => "lightCtrlState.01",
"A5.11.02" => "tempCtrlState.01",
"A5.11.03" => "shutterCtrlState.01",
"A5.11.04" => "lightCtrlState.02",
"A5.12.00" => "autoMeterReading.00",
"A5.12.01" => "autoMeterReading.01",
"A5.12.02" => "autoMeterReading.02",
"A5.12.03" => "autoMeterReading.03",
"A5.13.01" => "environmentApp",
"A5.13.02" => "environmentApp",
"A5.13.03" => "environmentApp",
"A5.13.04" => "environmentApp",
"A5.13.05" => "environmentApp",
"A5.13.06" => "environmentApp",
"A5.13.10" => "environmentApp",
"A5.14.01" => "multiFuncSensor",
"A5.14.02" => "multiFuncSensor",
"A5.14.03" => "multiFuncSensor",
"A5.14.04" => "multiFuncSensor",
"A5.14.05" => "multiFuncSensor",
"A5.14.06" => "multiFuncSensor",
"A5.20.01" => "MD15",
"A5.30.01" => "digitalInput.01",
"A5.30.02" => "digitalInput.02",
"A5.38.08" => "gateway",
"A5.3F.7F" => "manufProfile",
"D5.00.01" => "contact",
"F6.04.01" => "keycard",
"F6.10.00" => "windowHandle",
1 => "switch",
2 => "sensor",
3 => "vld",
4 => "FRW",
5 => "PM101",
6 => "raw",
my @EnO_models = qw (
# Initialize
my ($hash) = @_;
my %subTypeList;
my %subTypeSetList;
$hash->{Match} = "^EnOcean:";
$hash->{DefFn} = "EnOcean_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "EnOcean_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "EnOcean_Parse";
$hash->{SetFn} = "EnOcean_Set";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 dummy:0,1 " .
"showtime:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 " .
"actualTemp angleMax:slider,-180,20,180 angleMin:slider,-180,20,180 " .
"angleTime:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 destinationID dimValueOn " .
"model:" . join(",", @EnO_models) . " " .
"gwCmd:" . join(",", sort @EnO_gwCmd) . " " .
"manufID:" . join(",", keys %EnO_manuf) . " " .
"rampTime repeatingAllowed:yes,no " .
"scaleDecimals:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 scaleMax scaleMin " .
"securityLevel:unencrypted " .
"shutTime shutTimeCloses subDef subDef0 subDefI " .
"subType:" . join(",", sort grep { !$subTypeList{$_}++ } values %EnO_subType) . " " .
"subTypeSet:" . join(",", sort grep { !$subTypeSetList{$_}++ } values %EnO_subType) . " " .
"switchMode:switch,pushbutton " .
"switchType:direction,universal,central " .
for(my $i=0; $i<@EnO_ptm200btn;$i++) {
$EnO_ptm200btn{$EnO_ptm200btn[$i]} = "$i:30";
$EnO_ptm200btn{released} = "0:20";
return undef;
# Define
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "wrong syntax: define <name> EnOcean 8-digit-hex-code"
if(int(@a)!=3 || $a[2] !~ m/^[A-F0-9]{8}$/i);
$modules{EnOcean}{defptr}{uc($a[2])} = $hash;
# Help FHEMWEB split up devices
$attr{$name}{subType} = $1 if($name =~ m/EnO_(.*)_$a[2]/);
return undef;
# Set
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if(@a < 2);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $data;
my $destinationID = AttrVal($name, "destinationID", undef);
if (!defined $destinationID || $destinationID eq "multicast") {
$destinationID = "FFFFFFFF";
} elsif ($destinationID eq "unicast") {
$destinationID = $hash->{DEF};
} elsif ($destinationID !~ m/^[\dA-F]{8}$/) {
return "DestinationID $destinationID wrong, choose <8-digit-hex-code>.";
my $ll2 = GetLogLevel($name, 2);
my $manufID = AttrVal($name, "manufID", "");
my $model = AttrVal($name, "model", "");
my $rorg;
my $sendCmd = "yes";
my $status = "00";
my $st = AttrVal($name, "subType", "");
my $stSet = AttrVal($name, "subTypeSet", undef);
if (defined $stSet) {$st = $stSet;}
my $subDef = AttrVal($name, "subDef", $hash->{DEF});
if ($subDef !~ m/^[\dA-F]{8}$/) {return "SenderID $subDef wrong, choose <8-digit-hex-code>.";}
my $switchMode = AttrVal($name, "switchMode", "switch");
my $tn = TimeNow();
my $updateState = 1;
shift @a;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++) {
my $cmd = $a[$i];
if($st eq "MD15") {
# Battery Powered Actuator (EEP A5-20-01)
# [Kieback&Peter MD15-FTL-xx]
# See also http://www.oscat.de/community/index.php/topic,985.30.html
# Maintenance commands (runInit, liftSet, valveOpen, valveClosed)
$rorg = "A5";
my %sets = (
"desired-temp" => "\\d+(\\.\\d)?",
"actuator" => "\\d+",
"unattended" => "",
"initialize" => "",
"runInit" => "",
"liftSet" => "",
"valveOpen" => "",
"valveClosed" => "",
my $re = $sets{$a[0]};
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".join(" ", sort keys %sets)
return "Need a parameter" if ($re && @a < 2);
return "Argument $a[1] is incorrect (expect $re)"
if ($re && $a[1] !~ m/^$re$/);
$hash->{CMD} = $cmd;
$hash->{READINGS}{CMD}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{CMD}{VAL} = $cmd;
my $arg = "true";
if($re) {
$arg = $a[1];
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{VAL} = $arg;
} elsif ($st eq "gateway") {
# Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)
# select Command from attribute gwCmd or command line
my $gwCmd = AttrVal($name, "gwCmd", undef);
if ($gwCmd && $EnO_gwCmd{$gwCmd}) {
# command from attribute gwCmd
if ($EnO_gwCmd{$cmd}) {
# shift $cmd
$cmd = $a[1];
} elsif ($EnO_gwCmd{$cmd}) {
# command from command line
$gwCmd = $cmd;
$cmd = $a[1];
} else {
return "Unknown Gateway command " . $cmd . ", choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %EnO_gwCmd);
my $gwCmdID;
$rorg = "A5";
my $setCmd = 0;
my $time = 0;
if ($gwCmd eq "switching") {
# Switching
$gwCmdID = 1;
if($cmd eq "teach") {
$data = sprintf "%02X000000", $gwCmdID;
} elsif ($cmd eq "on" || $cmd eq "B0") {
$setCmd = 9;
if ($a[1]) {
return "Usage: $cmd [lock|unlock]" if (($a[1] ne "lock") && ($a[1] ne "unlock"));
$setCmd = $setCmd | 4 if ($a[1] eq "lock");
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X%04X%02X", $gwCmdID, $time, $setCmd;
} elsif ($cmd eq "off" || $cmd eq "BI") {
$setCmd = 8;
if ($a[1]) {
return "Usage: $cmd [lock|unlock]" if (($a[1] ne "lock") && ($a[1] ne "unlock"));
$setCmd = $setCmd | 4 if ($a[1] eq "lock");
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X%04X%02X", $gwCmdID, $time, $setCmd;
} else {
my $cmdList = "B0 BI teach";
return SetExtensions ($hash, $cmdList, $name, @a);
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X%04X%02X", $gwCmdID, $time, $setCmd;
} elsif ($gwCmd eq "dimming") {
# Dimming
$gwCmdID = 2;
my $dimVal = $hash->{READINGS}{dimValue}{VAL};
my $rampTime = AttrVal($name, "rampTime", 1);
my $sendDimCmd = 0;
$setCmd = 9;
if ($cmd eq "teach") {
$setCmd = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X000000", $gwCmdID;
} elsif ($cmd eq "dim") {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]"
if(@a < 2 || $a[1] < 0 || $a[1] > 100 || $a[1] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
# for eltako relative (0-100) (but not compliant to EEP because DB0.2 is 0)
# >> if manufID needed: set DB2.0
$dimVal = $a[1];
if ($dimVal > 0) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "dimValueStored", $dimVal, 1);
if (defined($a[1])) {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]" if ($a[1] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$rampTime = $a[1];
$sendDimCmd = 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "dimup") {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]"
if(@a < 2 || $a[1] < 0 || $a[1] > 100 || $a[1] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$dimVal += $a[1];
if ($dimVal > 0) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "dimValueStored", $dimVal, 1);
if (defined($a[1])) {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]" if ($a[1] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$rampTime = $a[1];
$sendDimCmd = 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "dimdown") {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]"
if(@a < 2 || $a[1] < 0 || $a[1] > 100 || $a[1] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$dimVal -= $a[1];
if ($dimVal > 0) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "dimValueStored", $dimVal, 1);
if (defined($a[1])) {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]" if ($a[1] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$rampTime = $a[1];
$sendDimCmd = 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "on" || $cmd eq "B0") {
$rampTime = 1;
my $dimValueOn = AttrVal($name, "dimValueOn", 100);
if ($dimValueOn eq "stored") {
$dimVal = ReadingsVal($name, "dimValueStored", 100);
if ($dimVal < 1) {
$dimVal = 100;
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "dimValueStored", $dimVal, 1);
} elsif ($dimValueOn eq "last") {
$dimVal = ReadingsVal ($name, "dimValueLast", 100);
if ($dimVal < 1) { $dimVal = 100; }
} else {
if ($dimValueOn !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/) {
$dimVal = 100;
} elsif ($dimValueOn > 100) {
$dimVal = 100;
} elsif ($dimValueOn < 1) {
$dimVal = 1;
} else {
$dimVal = $dimValueOn;
$sendDimCmd = 1
} elsif ($cmd eq "off" || $cmd eq "BI") {
$dimVal = 0;
$rampTime = 1;
$setCmd = 8;
$sendDimCmd = 1;
} else {
my $cmdList = "dim:slider,0,1,100 B0 BI teach";
return SetExtensions ($hash, $cmdList, $name, @a);
if($sendDimCmd) {
if (defined $a[1]) {
return "Usage: $cmd dim/% [rampTime/s lock|unlock]" if (($a[1] ne "lock") && ($a[1] ne "unlock"));
if ($manufID eq "OOD") {
# Eltako devices: block dimming value
if ($a[1] eq "lock") { $setCmd = $setCmd | 4; }
} else {
# Dimming value relative
$setCmd = $setCmd | 4;
} else {
if ($manufID ne "OOD") { $setCmd = $setCmd | 4; }
if ($dimVal > 100) { $dimVal = 100; }
if ($dimVal <= 0) { $dimVal = 0; $setCmd = 8; }
if ($rampTime > 255) { $rampTime = 255; }
if ($rampTime < 0) { $rampTime = 0; }
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X%02X%02X%02X", $gwCmdID, $dimVal, $rampTime, $setCmd;
} elsif ($gwCmd eq "setpointShift") {
$gwCmdID = 3;
if ($cmd eq "teach") {
$data = sprintf "%02X000000", $gwCmdID;
} elsif ($cmd eq "shift") {
if (($a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) && ($a[1] >= -12.7) && ($a[1] <= 12.8)) {
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X08", $gwCmdID, ($a[1] + 12.7) * 10;
} else {
return "Usage: $a[1] is not numeric or out of range";
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of teach shift";
} elsif ($gwCmd eq "setpointBasic") {
$gwCmdID = 4;
if($cmd eq "teach") {
$data = sprintf "A5%02X000000", $gwCmdID;
} elsif ($cmd eq "basic") {
if (($a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) && ($a[1] >= 0) && ($a[1] <= 51.2)) {
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X08", $gwCmdID, $a[1] * 5;
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd parameter is not numeric or out of range.";
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of teach basic";
} elsif ($gwCmd eq "controlVar") {
$gwCmdID = 5;
my $controlVar = ReadingsVal($name, "controlVar", 0);
if($cmd eq "teach") {
$data = printf "A5%02X000000", $gwCmdID;
} elsif ($cmd eq "presence") {
if ($a[1] eq "standby") {
$setCmd = 0x0A;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "absent") {
$setCmd = 9;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "present") {
$setCmd = 8;
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd parameter unknown.";
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X%02X", $gwCmdID, $controlVar, $setCmd;
} elsif ($cmd eq "energyHoldOff") {
if ($a[1] eq "normal") {
$setCmd = 8;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "holdoff") {
$setCmd = 0x0C;
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd parameter unknown.";
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X%02X", $gwCmdID, $controlVar, $setCmd;
} elsif ($cmd eq "controllerMode") {
if ($a[1] eq "auto") {
$setCmd = 8;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "heating") {
$setCmd = 0x28;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "cooling") {
$setCmd = 0x48;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "off" || $a[1] eq "BI") {
$setCmd = 0x68;
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd parameter unknown.";
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X%02X", $gwCmdID, $controlVar, $setCmd;
} elsif ($cmd eq "controllerState") {
if ($a[1] eq "auto") {
$setCmd = 8;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "override") {
$setCmd = 0x18;
if (defined $a[2] && ($a[2] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/) && ($a[2] >= 0) && ($a[2] <= 100) ) {
$controlVar = $a[2] * 255;
} else {
return "Usage: Control Variable Override is not numeric or out of range.";
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd parameter unknown.";
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X%02X", $gwCmdID, $controlVar, $setCmd;
} else {
return "Unknown argument, choose one of teach presence:absent,present,standby energyHoldOff:holdoff,normal controllerMode:cooling,heating,off controllerState:auto,override";
} elsif ($gwCmd eq "fanStage") {
$gwCmdID = 6;
if($cmd eq "teach") {
$data = sprintf "%02X000000", $gwCmdID;
} elsif ($cmd eq "stage") {
if ($a[1] eq "auto") {
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X08", $gwCmdID, 255;
} elsif ($a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[0-3]$/) {
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X00%02X08", $gwCmdID, $a[1];
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd parameter is not numeric or out of range"
} else {
return "Unknown argument, choose one of teach stage:auto,0,1,2,3";
} elsif ($gwCmd eq "blindCmd") {
$gwCmdID = 7;
my %blindFunc = (
"status" => 0,
"stop" => 1,
"opens" => 2,
"closes" => 3,
"position" => 4,
"up" => 5,
"down" => 6,
"runtimeSet" => 7,
"angleSet" => 8,
"positionMinMax" => 9,
"angleMinMax" => 10,
"positionLogic" => 11,
"teach" => 255,
my $blindFuncID;
if (defined $blindFunc {$cmd}) {
$blindFuncID = $blindFunc {$cmd};
} else {
return "Unknown Gateway Blind Central Function " . $cmd . ", choose one of ". join(" ", sort keys %blindFunc);
my $blindParam1 = 0;
my $blindParam2 = 0;
$setCmd = $blindFuncID << 4 | 8;
if($blindFuncID == 255) {
# teach
$setCmd = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 0) {
# status
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 1) {
# stop
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 2) {
# opens
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 3) {
# closes
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 4) {
# position
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 100) {
$blindParam1 = $a[1];
if (defined $a[2] && $a[2] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[2] >= -180 && $a[2] <= 180) {
$blindParam2 = abs($a[2]) / 2;
if ($a[2] < 0) {$blindParam2 |= 0x80;}
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 5 || $blindFuncID == 6) {
# up / down
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 255) {
$blindParam1 = $a[1];
if (defined $a[2] && $a[2] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ && $a[2] >= 0 && $a[2] <= 25.5) {
$blindParam2 = $a[2] * 10;
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 7) {
# runtimeSet
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 255) {
$blindParam1 = $a[1];
if (defined $a[2] && $a[2] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[2] >= 0 && $a[2] <= 255) {
$blindParam2 = $a[2];
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "runTimeUp", $blindParam1, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "runTimeDown", $blindParam2, 1);
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 8) {
# angleSet
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 25.5) {
$blindParam1 = $a[1] * 10;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "angleTime", (sprintf "%0.1f", $a[1]), 1);
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 9) {
# positionMinMax
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 100) {
$blindParam1 = $a[1];
if (defined $a[2] && $a[2] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[2] >= 0 && $a[2] <= 100) {
$blindParam2 = $a[2];
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
if ($blindParam1 > $blindParam2) {($blindParam1, $blindParam2) = ($blindParam2, $blindParam1);}
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "positionMin", $blindParam1, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "positionMax", $blindParam2, 1);
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 10) {
# angleMinMax
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= -180 && $a[1] <= 180) {
if (!defined $a[2] || $a[2] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ || $a[2] < -180 || $a[2] > 180) {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
if ($a[1] > $a[2]) {($a[1], $a[2]) = ($a[2], $a[1]);}
$blindParam1 = abs($a[1]) / 2;
if ($a[1] < 0) {$blindParam1 |= 0x80;}
$blindParam2 = abs($a[2]) / 2;
if ($a[2] < 0) {$blindParam2 |= 0x80;}
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is not numeric or out of range.";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "angleMin", $a[1], 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "angleMax", $a[2], 1);
splice (@a, 0, 2);
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($blindFuncID == 11) {
# positionLogic
if ($a[1] eq "normal") {
$blindParam1 = 0;
} elsif ($a[1] eq "inverse") {
$blindParam1 = 1;
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd variable is unknown.";
$updateState = 0;
} else {
$data = sprintf "%02X%02X%02X%02X", $gwCmdID, $blindParam1, $blindParam2, $setCmd;
} else {
return "Unknown Gateway command " . $cmd . ", choose one of ". join(" ", sort keys %EnO_gwCmd);
Log $ll2, "EnOcean: set $name $cmd $setCmd";
} elsif ($st eq "manufProfile") {
if ($manufID eq "00D") {
# Eltako Shutter
my $angleMax = AttrVal($name, "angleMax", 90);
my $angleMin = AttrVal($name, "angleMin", -90);
my $anglePos = ReadingsVal($name, "anglePos", undef);
my $angleTime = AttrVal($name, "angleTime", 0);
my $position = ReadingsVal($name, "position", undef);
$rorg = "A5";
my $shutTime = AttrVal($name, "shutTime", 255);
my $shutTimeCloses = AttrVal($name, "shutTimeCloses", $shutTime);
$shutTimeCloses = $shutTime if ($shutTimeCloses < $shutTimeCloses);
my $shutCmd = 0;
$angleMax = 90 if ($angleMax !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$angleMax = 180 if ($angleMax > 180);
$angleMax = -180 if ($angleMax < -180);
$angleMin = -90 if ($angleMin !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$angleMin = 180 if ($angleMin > 180);
$angleMin = -180 if ($angleMin < -180);
($angleMax, $angleMin) = ($angleMin, $angleMax) if ($angleMin > $angleMax);
$angleMax ++ if ($angleMin == $angleMax);
$angleTime = 6 if ($angleTime !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$angleTime = 6 if ($angleTime > 6);
$angleTime = 0 if ($angleTime < 0);
$shutTime = 255 if ($shutTime !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
$shutTime = 255 if ($shutTime > 255);
$shutTime = 1 if ($shutTime < 1);
if ($cmd eq "teach") {
$data = "FFF80D80";
} elsif ($cmd eq "stop") {
# stop
# delete readings, as they are undefined
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name anglePos");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name position");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "stop", 1);
$shutCmd = 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq "opens") {
# opens >> B0
$anglePos = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "anglePos", $anglePos, 1);
$position = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "position", $position, 1);
$shutTime = $shutTimeCloses;
$shutCmd = 1;
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq "closes") {
# closes >> BI
$anglePos = $angleMax;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "anglePos", $anglePos, 1);
$position = 100;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "position", $position, 1);
$shutTime = $shutTimeCloses;
$shutCmd = 2;
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq "up" || $cmd eq "B0") {
# up
if(defined $a[1]) {
if ($a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 255) {
$position -= $a[1] / $shutTime * 100;
if ($angleTime) {
$anglePos -= ($angleMax - $angleMin) * $shutTime / $angleTime;
if ($anglePos < $angleMin) {
$anglePos = $angleMin;
} else {
$anglePos = $angleMin;
if ($position <= 0) {
$anglePos = 0;
$position = 0;
$shutTime = $a[1];
} else {
return "Usage: $a[1] is not numeric or out of range";
} else {
$anglePos = 0;
$position = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "anglePos", sprintf("%d", $anglePos), 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "position", sprintf("%d", $position), 1);
$shutCmd = 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "down" || $cmd eq "BI") {
# down
if(defined $a[1]) {
if ($a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] < 255) {
$position += $a[1] / $shutTime * 100;
if ($angleTime) {
$anglePos += ($angleMax - $angleMin) * $shutTime / $angleTime;
if ($anglePos > $angleMax) {
$anglePos = $angleMax;
} else {
$anglePos = $angleMax;
if($position > 100) {
$anglePos = $angleMax;
$position = 100;
$shutTime = $a[1];
} else {
return "Usage: $a[1] is not numeric or out of range";
} else {
$anglePos = $angleMax;
$position = 100;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "anglePos", sprintf("%d", $anglePos), 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "position", sprintf("%d", $position), 1);
$shutCmd = 2;
} elsif ($cmd eq "position") {
if (!defined $position) {
return "Position unknown, please first opens the blinds completely."
} elsif ($angleTime > 0 && !defined $anglePos){
return "Slats angle position unknown, please first opens the blinds completely."
} else {
my $anglePosLast = $anglePos;
my $shutTimeSet = $shutTime;
if (defined $a[2]) {
if ($a[2] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[2] >= $angleMin && $a[2] <= $angleMax) {
$anglePos = $a[2];
} else {
return "Usage: $a[1] $a[2] is not numeric or out of range";
} else {
$anglePos = $angleMax;
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/ && $a[1] >= 0 && $a[1] <= 100) {
if ($position < $a[1]) {
# down
$angleTime = $angleTime * ($angleMax - $anglePos)/($angleMax - $angleMin);
$shutTime = $shutTime * ($a[1] - $position) / 100 + $angleTime;
$position = $a[1] + $angleTime / $shutTimeSet * 100;
if ($position >= 100) {
$position = 100;
$shutCmd = 2;
if ($angleTime) {
my @timerCmd = ($name, "up", $angleTime);
my %par = (hash => $hash, timerCmd => \@timerCmd);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $shutTime + 1, "EnOcean_TimerSet", \%par, 0);
} elsif ($position > $a[1]) {
# up
$angleTime = $angleTime * ($anglePos - $angleMin) /($angleMax - $angleMin);
$shutTime = $shutTime * ($position - $a[1]) / 100 + $angleTime;
$position = $a[1] - $angleTime / $shutTimeSet * 100;
if ($position <= 0) {
$position = 0;
$anglePos = 0;
$shutCmd = 1;
if ($angleTime && $a[1] > 0) {
my @timerCmd = ($name, "down", $angleTime);
my %par = (hash => $hash, timerCmd => \@timerCmd);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $shutTime + 1, "EnOcean_TimerSet", \%par, 0);
} else {
if ($anglePosLast > $anglePos) {
# up
$shutTime = $angleTime * ($anglePosLast - $anglePos)/($angleMax - $angleMin);
$shutCmd = 1;
} elsif ($anglePosLast < $anglePos) {
# down
$shutTime = $angleTime * ($anglePos - $anglePosLast) /($angleMax - $angleMin);
$shutCmd = 2;
} else {
# position and slats angle ok
$shutCmd = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "anglePos", sprintf("%d", $anglePos), 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "position", sprintf("%d", $position), 1);
} else {
return "Usage: $a[1] is not numeric or out of range";
} else {
return "Unknown argument " . $cmd . ", choose one of closes down opens position:slider,0,5,100 stop teach up"
if($shutCmd || $cmd eq "stop") {
$updateState = 0;
$data = sprintf "%02X%02X%02X%02X", 0, $shutTime, $shutCmd, 8;
Log $ll2, "EnOcean: set $name $cmd";
} elsif ($st eq "contact") {
# 1BS Telegram
# Single Input Contact (EEP D5-00-01)
$rorg = "D5";
my $setCmd;
if ($cmd eq "teach") {
$setCmd = 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq "closed") {
$setCmd = 9;
} elsif ($cmd eq "open") {
$setCmd = 8;
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of open closed teach";
$data = sprintf "%02X", $setCmd;
Log $ll2, "EnOcean: set $name $cmd";
} elsif ($st eq "raw") {
# sent raw data
# to do: optional data
if ($cmd eq "4BS"){
# 4BS Telegram
if ($a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[\dA-F]{8}$/) {
$data = $a[1];
$rorg = "A5";
} else {
return "Wrong parameter, choose 4BS <data 4 Byte hex> [status 1 Byte hex]";
} elsif ($cmd eq "1BS") {
# 1BS Telegram
if ($a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[\dA-F]{2}$/) {
$data = $a[1];
$rorg = "D5";
} else {
return "Wrong parameter, choose 1BS <data 1 Byte hex> [status 1 Byte hex]";
} elsif ($cmd eq "RPS") {
# RPS Telegram
if ($a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[\dA-F]{2}$/) {
$data = $a[1];
$rorg = "F6";
} else {
return "Wrong parameter, choose RPS <data 1 Byte hex> [status 1 Byte hex]";
} elsif ($cmd eq "VLD") {
# VLD Telegram
if ($a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[\dA-F]{2,28}$/ && !(length($a[1]) % 2)) {
$data = $a[1];
$rorg = "D2";
} else {
return "Wrong parameter, choose VLD <data 1 ... 14 Byte hex> [status 1 Byte hex]";
} elsif ($cmd eq "timer") {
### test
if ($a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[\d]{2}$/) {
$data = "09";
$rorg = "F6";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "test", 127, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "testScaled", EnOcean_ReadingScaled($hash, 127, 0, 255), 1) ;
my @timerCmd = ($name, "RPS", "08");
my %par = (hash => $hash, timerCmd => \@timerCmd);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $a[1], "EnOcean_TimerSet", \%par, 0);
} else {
return "Wrong parameter, choose timer <time/s>";
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of 1BS 4BS RPS VLD timer";
if ($a[2]) {
if ($a[2] !~ m/^[\dA-F]{2}$/) {
return "Wrong status parameter, choose $cmd $a[1] [status 1 Byte hex]";
$status = $a[2];
$updateState = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "RORG", $cmd, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dataSent", $data, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "statusSent", $status, 1);
Log $ll2, "EnOcean: set $name $cmd";
} else {
# Rocker Switch, simulate a PTM200 switch module
# separate first and second action
my ($c1,$c2) = split(",", $cmd, 2);
# check values
if(!defined($EnO_ptm200btn{$c1}) || ($c2 && !defined($EnO_ptm200btn{$c2}))) {
my $list = join(" ", sort keys %EnO_ptm200btn);
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, @a);
my $channelA = ReadingsVal($name, "channelA", undef);
my $channelB = ReadingsVal($name, "channelB", undef);
my $channelC = ReadingsVal($name, "channelC", undef);
my $channelD = ReadingsVal($name, "channelD", undef);
my $subDef0 = AttrVal($name, "subDef0", "$hash->{DEF}");
my $subDefI = AttrVal($name, "subDefI", "$hash->{DEF}");
my $switchType = AttrVal($name, "switchType", "direction");
# first action
if ($switchType eq "central") {
if ($c1 =~ m/.0/ || $c1 eq "released") {
$subDef = $subDef0;
} else {
$subDef = $subDefI;
if ($switchType eq "universal") {
if ($c1 =~ m/A0|AI/ && (!$channelA || ($c1 ne $channelA))) {
$c1 = "A0";
} elsif ($c1 =~ m/B0|BI/ && (!$channelB || $c1 ne $channelB)) {
$c1 = "B0";
} elsif ($c1 =~ m/C0|CI/ && (!$channelC || ($c1 ne $channelC))) {
$c1 = "C0";
} elsif ($c1 =~ m/D0|DI/ && (!$channelD || ($c1 ne $channelD))) {
$c1 = "D0";
} elsif ($c1 eq "released") {
} else {
$sendCmd = "no";
# second action
if ($c2 && $switchType eq "universal") {
if ($c2 =~ m/A0|AI/ && (!$channelA || ($c2 ne $channelA))) {
$c2 = "A0";
} elsif ($c2 =~ m/B0|BI/ && (!$channelB || $c2 ne $channelB)) {
$c2 = "B0";
} elsif ($c2 =~ m/C0|CI/ && (!$channelC || ($c2 ne $channelC))) {
$c2 = "C0";
} elsif ($c2 =~ m/D0|DI/ && (!$channelD || ($c2 ne $channelD))) {
$c2 = "D0";
} else {
$c2 = undef;
if ($c2 && $sendCmd eq "no") {
# only second action has changed, send as first action
$c1 = $c2;
$c2 = undef;
$sendCmd = "yes";
# convert and send first and second command
my $switchCmd;
($switchCmd, $status) = split(":", $EnO_ptm200btn{$c1}, 2);
$switchCmd <<= 5;
$switchCmd |= 0x10 if($c1 ne "released"); # set the pressed flag
if($c2 && $switchType ne "central") {
my ($d2, undef) = split(":", $EnO_ptm200btn{$c2}, 2);
$switchCmd |= ($d2<<1) | 0x01;
if ($sendCmd ne "no") {
$data = sprintf "%02X", $switchCmd;
$rorg = "F6";
Log $ll2, "EnOcean: set $name $cmd";
if($st ne "MD15") {
EnOcean_SndRadio(undef, $hash, $rorg, $data, $subDef, $status, $destinationID);
if ($switchMode eq "pushbutton") {
$data = "00";
$rorg = "F6";
$status = "20";
# next commands will be sent with a delay
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2);
Log $ll2, "EnOcean: set $name released";
EnOcean_SndRadio(undef, $hash, $rorg, $data, $subDef, $status, $destinationID);
# next commands will be sent with a delay
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2);
# set reading state if acknowledge is not expected
$subDef = AttrVal($name, "subDef", undef);
if($updateState == 1 || !defined $subDef) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", join(" ", @a), 1);
return undef;
# Parse
my ($iohash, $msg) = @_;
my (undef, $packetType, $rorg, $data, $id, $status, $odata) = split(":", $msg);
my $rorgname = $EnO_rorgname{$rorg};
if (!$rorgname) {
Log 2, "EnOcean: RORG ($rorg) received from $id unknown.";
return "";
my $hash = $modules{EnOcean}{defptr}{$id};
if (!$hash) {
Log 3, "EnOcean: Unknown device with ID $id, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED EnO_${rorgname}_$id EnOcean $id";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# extract data bytes $db[x] ... $db[0]
my @db;
my $dbCntr = 0;
for (my $strCntr = length($data) / 2 - 1; $strCntr >= 0; $strCntr--) {
$db[$dbCntr] = hex substr($data, $strCntr * 2, 2);
my @event;
my $ll4 = GetLogLevel($name, 4);
my $model = AttrVal($name, "model", "");
my $manufID = AttrVal($name, "manufID", "");
my $st = AttrVal($name, "subType", "");
Log $ll4, "EnOcean: $name PacketType: $packetType RORG:$rorg DATA:$data ID:$id STATUS:$status";
if ($rorg eq "F6") {
# RPS Telegram (PTM200)
# Rocker Switch (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-03-02)
# Position Switch, Home and Office Application (EEP F6-04-01)
# Mechanical Handle (EEP F6-10-00)
my $event = "state";
my $nu = ((hex($status) & 0x10) >> 4);
# unused flags (AFAIK)
#push @event, "1:T21:".((hex($status)&0x20)>>5);
#push @event, "1:NU:$nu";
if ($nu) {
# Theoretically there can be a released event with some of the A0,BI
# pins set, but with the plastic cover on this wont happen.
$msg = $EnO_ptm200btn[($db[0] & 0xE0) >> 5];
$msg .= ",".$EnO_ptm200btn[($db[0] & 0x0E) >> 1] if ($db[0] & 1);
$msg .= " released" if (!($db[0] & 0x10));
} else {
if ($db[0] == 112) {
# Key Card, not tested
$msg = "keycard inserted";
} elsif ($db[0] & 0xC0) {
# Only a Mechanical Handle is setting these bits when nu=0
$msg = "closed" if ($db[0] == 0xF0);
$msg = "open" if ($db[0] == 0xE0);
$msg = "tilted" if ($db[0] == 0xD0);
$msg = "open from tilted" if ($db[0] == 0xC0);
} else {
if($st eq "keycard") {
$msg = "keycard removed";
else {
$msg = (($db[0] & 0x10) ? "pressed" : "released");
if ($st eq "FRW") {
# smoke detector Eltako FRW, untested
if ($msg =~ m/A0$/) {
push @event, "3:battery:low";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/AI$/) {
push @event, "3:alarm:smoke-alarm";
$msg = "smoke-alarm";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/released$/) {
push @event, "3:alarm:off";
push @event, "3:battery:ok";
$msg = "off";
} else {
if ($msg =~ m/A0$/) {
push @event, "3:channelA:A0";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/AI$/) {
push @event, "3:channelA:AI";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/B0$/) {
push @event, "3:channelB:B0";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/BI$/) {
push @event, "3:channelB:BI";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/C0$/) {
push @event, "3:channelC:C0";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/CI$/) {
push @event, "3:channelC:CI";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/D0$/) {
push @event, "3:channelD:D0";
} elsif ($msg =~ m/DI$/) {
push @event, "3:channelD:DI";
# released events are disturbing when using a remote, since it overwrites
# the "real" state immediately. In the case of an Eltako FSB14, FSB61 ...
# the state should remain released. (by Thomas)
$event = "buttons" if ($msg =~ m/released$/ &&
$model ne "FT55" && $model ne "FSB14" &&
$model ne "FSB61" && $model ne "FSB70" &&
$model ne "FSM12" && $model ne "FSM61" &&
$model ne "FTS12" && $model ne "slats");
push @event, "3:$event:$msg";
} elsif ($rorg eq "D5") {
# 1BS Telegram
# Single Input Contact (EEP D5-00-01)
# [Eltako FTK, STM-250]
push @event, "3:state:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "closed" : "open");
push @event, "3:learnBtn:on" if (!($db[0] & 8));
} elsif ($rorg eq "A5") {
# 4BS Telegram
if (($db[0] & 0x08) == 0) {
# teach-in telegram
if ($db[0] & 0x80) {
# teach-in telegram with EEP and Manufacturer ID
my $fn = sprintf "%02X", ($db[3] >> 2);
my $tp = sprintf "%02X", ((($db[3] & 3) << 5) | ($db[2] >> 3));
my $mf = sprintf "%03X", ((($db[2] & 7) << 8) | $db[1]);
# manufID to account for vendor-specific features
$attr{$name}{manufID} = $mf;
$mf = $EnO_manuf{$mf} if($EnO_manuf{$mf});
my $m = "teach-in:EEP A5-$fn-$tp Manufacturer: $mf";
Log 1, $m;
push @event, "3:$m";
my $st = "A5.$fn.$tp";
$st = $EnO_subType{$st} if($EnO_subType{$st});
$attr{$name}{subType} = $st;
if ("$fn.$tp" eq "20.01" && $iohash->{pair}) {
# bidirectional teach-in for EEP A5-20-01 (MD15)
# SenderID = BaseID
$attr{$name}{subDef} = "00000000";
$attr{$name}{destinationID} = "unicast";
# next commands will be sent with a delay, max 10 s
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);
# teach-in response
EnOcean_SndRadio(undef, $hash, $rorg, "800800F0", "00000000", "00", $hash->{DEF});
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5);
EnOcean_MD15Cmd($hash, $name, 128); # 128 == 20 degree C
# store attr subType, manufID ...
CommandSave(undef, undef);
# delete standard readings
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name sensor[0-9]");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name D[0-9]");
} else {
push @event, "3:teach-in:No EEP profile identifier and no Manufacturer ID";
} elsif ($st eq "MD15") {
# Battery Powered Actuator (EEP A5-20-01)
# [Kieback&Peter MD15-FTL-xx]
push @event, "3:state:$db[3]";
push @event, "3:currentValue:$db[3]";
push @event, "3:serviceOn:" . (($db[2] & 0x80) ? "yes" : "no");
push @event, "3:energyInput:" . (($db[2] & 0x40) ? "enabled":"disabled");
push @event, "3:energyStorage:". (($db[2] & 0x20) ? "charged":"empty");
push @event, "3:battery:" . (($db[2] & 0x10) ? "ok" : "low");
push @event, "3:cover:" . (($db[2] & 0x08) ? "open" : "closed");
push @event, "3:tempSensor:" . (($db[2] & 0x04) ? "failed" : "ok");
push @event, "3:window:" . (($db[2] & 0x02) ? "open" : "closed");
push @event, "3:actuatorStatus:".(($db[2] & 0x01) ? "obstructed" : "ok");
push @event, "3:measured-temp:". sprintf "%0.1f", ($db[1]*40/255);
push @event, "3:selfCtl:" . (($db[0] & 0x04) ? "on" : "off");
EnOcean_MD15Cmd($hash, $name, $db[1]);
} elsif ($st eq "PM101") {
# Light and Presence Sensor [Omnio Ratio eagle-PM101]
# The sensor also sends switching commands (RORG F6) with the senderID-1
# $db[2] is the illuminance where 0x00 = 0 lx ... 0xFF = 1000 lx
my $channel2 = $db[0] & 2 ? "yes" : "no";
push @event, "3:brightness:" . $db[2] << 2;
push @event, "3:channel1:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "yes" : "no");
push @event, "3:channel2:" . $channel2;
push @event, "3:motion:" . $channel2;
push @event, "3:state:" . $channel2;
} elsif ($st =~ m/^tempSensor/) {
# Temperature Sensor with with different ranges (EEP A5-02-01 ... A5-02-1B)
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = max <20>C ... 0xFF = min <20>C
my $temp;
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -40 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.01");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -30 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.02");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -20 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.03");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -10 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.04");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 0 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.05");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 10 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.06");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 20 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.07");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 30 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.08");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.09");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 50 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.0A");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 60 - $db[1] / 6.375 if ($st eq "tempSensor.0B");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -60 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.10");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -50 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.11");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -40 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.12");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -30 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.13");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -20 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.14");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -10 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.15");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 0 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.16");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 10 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.17");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 20 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.18");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 30 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.19");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.1A");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 50 - $db[1] / 3.1875 if ($st eq "tempSensor.1B");
$temp = sprintf "%0.2f", -10 - (($db[2] << 8) | $db[1]) / 19.98 if ($st eq "tempSensor.20");
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -40 - (($db[2] << 8) | $db[1]) / 6.3 if ($st eq "tempSensor.30");
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:$temp";
} elsif ($st eq "COSensor.01") {
# Gas Sensor, CO Sensor (EEP A5-09-01)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the CO concentration where 0x00 = 0 ppm ... 0xFF = 255 ppm
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = 0 <20>C ... 0xFF = 255 <20>C
# $db[0] bit D1 temperature sensor available 0 = no, 1 = yes
my $coChannel1 = $db[3];
push @event, "3:CO:$coChannel1";
if ($db[0] & 2) {
my $temp = $db[1];
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:$coChannel1";
} elsif ($st eq "COSensor.02") {
# Gas Sensor, CO Sensor (EEP A5-09-02)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 5.1 V
# $db[2] is the CO concentration where 0x00 = 0 ppm ... 0xFF = 1020 ppm
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = 0 <20>C ... 0xFF = 51 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_1 temperature sensor available 0 = no, 1 = yes
my $coChannel1 = $db[2] << 2;
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
push @event, "3:CO:$coChannel1";
if ($db[0] & 2) {
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 0.2;
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:state:$coChannel1";
} elsif ($st eq "tempHumiCO2Sensor.01") {
# Gas Sensor, CO2 Sensor (EEP A5-09-04)
# [Thermokon SR04 CO2 *, untested]
# $db[3] is the humidity where 0x00 = 0 %rH ... 0xC8 = 100 %rH
# $db[2] is the CO2 concentration where 0x00 = 0 ppm ... 0xFF = 2500 ppm
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = 0<>C ... 0xFF = +51 <20>C
# $db[0] bit D2 humidity sensor available 0 = no, 1 = yes
# $db[0] bit D1 temperature sensor available 0 = no, 1 = yes
my $humi = "unknown";
my $temp = "unknown";
my $airQuality;
if ($db[0] & 4) {
$humi = $db[3] >> 1;
push @event, "3:humidity:$humi";
my $co2 = sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 10;
push @event, "3:CO2:$co2";
if ($db[0] & 2) {
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 51 / 255 ;
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
if ($co2 <= 400) {
$airQuality = "high";
} elsif ($co2 <= 600) {
$airQuality = "mean";
} elsif ($co2 <= 1000) {
$airQuality = "moderate";
} else {
$airQuality = "low";
push @event, "3:airQuality:$airQuality";
push @event, "3:state:CO2 $co2 AQ: $airQuality T: $temp H: $humi";
} elsif ($st eq "radonSensor.01") {
# Gas Sensor, Radon Sensor (EEP A5-09-06)
# [untested]
# $db[3]_bit_7 ... $db[2]_bit_6 is the radon activity where 0 = 0 Bq/m3 ... 1023 = 1023 Bq/m3
my $rn = $db[3] << 2 | $db[2] >> 6;
push @event, "3:Rn:$rn";
push @event, "3:state:$rn";
} elsif ($st eq "vocSensor.01") {
# Gas Sensor, VOC Sensor (EEP A5-09-05)
# [untested]
# $db[3]_bit_7 ... $db[2]_bit_0 is the VOC concentration where 0 = 0 ppb ... 65535 = 65535 ppb
# $db[1] is the VOC identification
# $db[0]_bit_1 ... $db[0]_bit_0 is the scale multiplier
my $vocSCM = $db[0] & 3;
if ($vocSCM == 3) {
$vocSCM = 10;
} elsif ($vocSCM == 2) {
$vocSCM = 1;
} elsif ($vocSCM == 1) {
$vocSCM = 0.1;
} else {
$vocSCM = 0.01;
my $vocConc = sprintf "%f", ($db[3] << 8 | $db[2]) * $vocSCM;
my %vocID = (
0 => "VOCT",
1 => "Formaldehyde",
2 => "Benzene",
3 => "Styrene",
4 => "Toluene",
5 => "Tetrachloroethylene",
6 => "Xylene",
7 => "n-Hexane",
8 => "n-Octane",
9 => "Cyclopentane",
10 => "Methanol",
11 => "Ethanol",
12 => "1-Pentanol",
13 => "Acetone",
14 => "Ethylene Oxide",
15 => "Acetaldehyde ue",
16 => "Acetic Acid",
17 => "Propionice Acid",
18 => "Valeric Acid",
19 => "Butyric Acid",
20 => "Ammoniac",
22 => "Hydrogen Sulfide",
23 => "Dimethylsulfide",
24 => "2-Butanol",
25 => "2-Methylpropanol",
26 => "Diethyl Ether",
255 => "Ozone",
if ($vocID{$db[1]}) {
push @event, "3:vocName:$vocID{$db[1]}";
} else {
push @event, "3:vocName:unknown";
push @event, "3:concentration:$vocConc";
push @event, "3:state:$vocConc";
} elsif ($st eq "particlesSensor.01") {
# Gas Sensor, Particles Sensor (EEP A5-09-07)
# [untested]
# $db[3]_bit_7 ... $db[2]_bit_7 is the particle concentration < 10 <20>m
# where 0 = 0 <20>g/m3 ... 511 = 511 <20>g/m3
# $db[2]_bit_6 ... $db[1]_bit_6 is the particle concentration < 2.5 <20>m
# where 0 = 0 <20>g/m3 ... 511 = 511 <20>g/m3
# $db[1]_bit_5 ... $db[0]_bit_5 is the particle concentration < 1 <20>m
# where 0 = 0 <20>g/m3 ... 511 = 511 <20>g/m3
# $db[0]_bit_2 = 1 = Sensor PM10 active
# $db[0]_bit_1 = 1 = Sensor PM2_5 active
# $db[0]_bit_0 = 1 = Sensor PM1 active
my $pm_10 = "inactive";
my $pm_2_5 = "inactive";
my $pm_1 = "inactive";
if ($db[0] & 4) {$pm_10 = $db[3] << 1 | $db[2] >> 7;}
if ($db[0] & 2) {$pm_2_5 = ($db[2] & 0x7F) << 1 | $db[1] >> 7;}
if ($db[0] & 1) {$pm_1 = ($db[1] & 0x3F) << 3 | $db[0] >> 5;}
push @event, "3:particles_10:$pm_10";
push @event, "3:particles_2_5:$pm_2_5";
push @event, "3:particles_1:$pm_1";
push @event, "3:state:PM10: $pm_10 PM2_5: $pm_2_5 PM1: $pm_1";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.05") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-01 ... A5-10-0D)
# [Eltako FTF55D, FTF55H, Thermokon SR04 *, Thanos SR *, untested]
# $db[3] is the fan speed or night reduction for Eltako
# $db[2] is the setpoint where 0x00 = min ... 0xFF = max or
# reference temperature for Eltako where 0x00 = 0<>C ... 0xFF = 40<34>C
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = +40<34>C ... 0xFF = 0<>C
# $db[0] bit D0 is the occupy button, pushbutton or slide switch
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] / 6.375;
if ($manufID eq "00D") {
my $nightReduction = 0;
$nightReduction = 1 if ($db[3] == 0x06);
$nightReduction = 2 if ($db[3] == 0x0c);
$nightReduction = 3 if ($db[3] == 0x13);
$nightReduction = 4 if ($db[3] == 0x19);
$nightReduction = 5 if ($db[3] == 0x1f);
my $setpointTemp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[2] / 6.375;
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp SPT: $setpointTemp NR: $nightReduction";
push @event, "3:nightReduction:$nightReduction";
push @event, "3:setpointTemp:$setpointTemp";
} else {
my $fspeed = 3;
$fspeed = 2 if ($db[3] >= 145);
$fspeed = 1 if ($db[3] >= 165);
$fspeed = 0 if ($db[3] >= 190);
$fspeed = "auto" if ($db[3] >= 210);
my $switch = $db[0] & 1;
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp SP: $db[2] F: $fspeed SW: $switch";
push @event, "3:fan:$fspeed";
push @event, "3:switch:$switch";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$db[2]";
my $setpointScaled = EnOcean_ReadingScaled($hash, $db[2], 0, 255);
if (defined $setpointScaled) {
push @event, "3:setpointScaled:" . $setpointScaled;
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.01") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-04-01, A5-10-10 ... A5-10-14)
# [Thermokon SR04 * rH, Thanus SR *, untested]
# $db[3] is the setpoint where 0x00 = min ... 0xFF = max
# $db[2] is the humidity where 0x00 = 0%rH ... 0xFA = 100%rH
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = 0<>C ... 0xFA = +40<34>C
# $db[0] bit D0 is the occupy button, pushbutton or slide switch
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $humi = sprintf "%d", $db[2] / 2.5;
my $switch = $db[0] & 1;
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp H: $humi SP: $db[2] SW: $switch";
push @event, "3:humidity:$humi";
push @event, "3:switch:$switch";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$db[2]";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
my $setpointScaled = EnOcean_ReadingScaled($hash, $db[2], 0, 255);
if (defined $setpointScaled) {
push @event, "3:setpointScaled:" . $setpointScaled;
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.02") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-15 ... A5-10-17)
# [untested]
# $db[2] bit D7 ... D2 is the setpoint where 0 = min ... 63 = max
# $db[2] bit D1 ... $db[1] bit D0 is the temperature where 0 = -10<31>C ... 1023 = +41.2<EFBFBD>C
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $temp = sprintf "%0.2f", -10 + ((($db[2] & 3) << 8) | $db[1]) / 19.98;
my $setpoint = ($db[2] & 0xFC) >> 2;
my $presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp SP: $setpoint P: $presence";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
my $setpointScaled = EnOcean_ReadingScaled($hash, $db[2], 0, 255);
if (defined $setpointScaled) {
push @event, "3:setpointScaled:" . $setpointScaled;
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.18") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-18)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the illuminance where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFA = 1000 lx
# $db[2] is the setpoint where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $lux = $db[3] << 2;
if ($db[3] == 251) {$lux = "over range";}
my $setpoint = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[2] * 40 / 250;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $fanSpeed;
if ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 0) {
$fanSpeed = "auto";
} elsif ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 7) {
$fanSpeed = "off";
} else {
$fanSpeed = (($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) - 1;
my $presence;
if ($db[0] & 2) {
$presence = "disabled";
} else {
$presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp B: $lux F: $fanSpeed SP: $setpoint P: $presence";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.19") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-19)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the humidity where min 0x00 = 0 %rH, max 0xFA = 10 %rH
# $db[2] is the setpoint where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
my $humi = $db[3] / 2.5;
my $setpoint = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[2] * 40 / 250;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $fanSpeed;
if ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 0) {
$fanSpeed = "auto";
} elsif ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 7) {
$fanSpeed = "off";
} else {
$fanSpeed = (($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) - 1;
my $presence;
if ($db[0] & 1) {
$presence = "disabled";
} else {
$presence = $db[0] & 2 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:humidity:$humi";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp H: $humi F: $fanSpeed SP: $setpoint P: $presence";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.1A") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-1A)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[2] is the setpoint where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
my $setpoint = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[2] * 40 / 250;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $fanSpeed;
if ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 0) {
$fanSpeed = "auto";
} elsif ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 7) {
$fanSpeed = "off";
} else {
$fanSpeed = (($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) - 1;
my $presence;
if ($db[0] & 2) {
$presence = "disabled";
} else {
$presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp F: $fanSpeed SP: $setpoint P: $presence U: $voltage";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.1B") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-1B)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[2] is the illuminance where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFA = 1000 lx
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
my $lux = $db[2] << 2;
if ($db[2] == 251) {$lux = "over range";}
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $fanSpeed;
if ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 0) {
$fanSpeed = "auto";
} elsif ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 7) {
$fanSpeed = "off";
} else {
$fanSpeed = (($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) - 1;
my $presence;
if ($db[0] & 2) {
$presence = "disabled";
} else {
$presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp B: $lux F: $fanSpeed P: $presence U: $voltage";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.1C") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-1C)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the illuminance where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFA = 1000 lx
# $db[2] is the illuminance setpoint where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFA = 1000 lx
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $lux = $db[3] << 2;
if ($db[3] == 251) {$lux = "over range";}
my $setpoint = $db[2] << 2;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $fanSpeed;
if ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 0) {
$fanSpeed = "auto";
} elsif ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 7) {
$fanSpeed = "off";
} else {
$fanSpeed = (($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) - 1;
my $presence;
if ($db[0] & 2) {
$presence = "disabled";
} else {
$presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp B: $lux F: $fanSpeed SP: $setpoint P: $presence";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.1D") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-1D)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the humidity where min 0x00 = 0 %rH, max 0xFA = 10 %rH
# $db[2] is the humidity setpoint where min 0x00 = 0 %rH, max 0xFA = 10 %rH
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $humi = $db[3] / 2.5;
my $setpoint = $db[2] / 2.5;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250;
my $fanSpeed;
if ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 0) {
$fanSpeed = "auto";
} elsif ((($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) == 7) {
$fanSpeed = "off";
} else {
$fanSpeed = (($db[0] & 0x70) >> 4) - 1;
my $presence;
if ($db[0] & 2) {
$presence = "disabled";
} else {
$presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:humidity:$humi";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp H: $humi F: $fanSpeed SP: $setpoint P: $presence";
} elsif ($st eq "roomSensorControl.1F") {
# Room Sensor and Control Unit (A5-10-1F)
# [untested]
# $db[3] is the fan speed
# $db[2] is the setpoint where 0 = 0 ... 255 = 255
# $db[1] is the temperature where 250 = 0 <20>C ... 0 = 40 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the fan speed
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_4 are flags
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Occupany enable where 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $fanSpeed = "unknown";
if ($db[0] & 0x10) {
$fanSpeed = 3;
$fanSpeed = 2 if ($db[3] >= 145);
$fanSpeed = 1 if ($db[3] >= 165);
$fanSpeed = 0 if ($db[3] >= 190);
$fanSpeed = "auto" if ($db[3] >= 210);
my $setpoint = "unknown";
$setpoint = $db[2] if ($db[0] & 0x20);
my $temp = "unknown";
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", 40 - $db[1] * 40 / 250 if ($db[0] & 0x40);
my $presence = "unknown";
$presence = "absent" if (!($db[0] & 2));
$presence = "present" if (!($db[0] & 1));
push @event, "3:fan:$fanSpeed";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp F: $fanSpeed SP: $setpoint P: $presence";
my $setpointScaled = EnOcean_ReadingScaled($hash, $db[2], 0, 255);
if (defined $setpointScaled) {
push @event, "3:setpointScaled:" . $setpointScaled;
} elsif ($st eq "tempHumiSensor.02") {
# Temperatur and Humidity Sensor(EEP A5-04-02)
# [Eltako FAFT60, FIFT63AP]
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x59 = 2.5V ... 0x9B = 4V, only at Eltako
# $db[2] is the humidity where 0x00 = 0%rH ... 0xFA = 100%rH
# $db[1] is the temperature where 0x00 = -20<32>C ... 0xFA = +60<36>C
my $humi = sprintf "%d", $db[2] / 2.5;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -20 + $db[1] * 80 / 250;
my $battery = "unknown";
if ($manufID eq "00D") {
# Eltako sensor
my $voltage = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[3] * 6.58 / 255;
my $energyStorage = "unknown";
if ($db[3] <= 0x58) {
$energyStorage = "empty";
$battery = "low";
elsif ($db[3] <= 0xDC) {
$energyStorage = "charged";
$battery = "ok";
else {
$energyStorage = "full";
$battery = "ok";
push @event, "3:battery:$battery";
push @event, "3:energyStorage:$energyStorage";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp H: $humi B: $battery";
push @event, "3:humidity:$humi";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
} elsif ($st eq "lightSensor.01") {
# Light Sensor (EEP A5-06-01)
# [Eltako FAH60, FAH63, FIH63, Thermokon SR65 LI, untested]
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 5.1 V
# $db[3] is the low illuminance for Eltako devices where
# min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFF = 100 lx, if $db[2] = 0
# $db[2] is the illuminance (ILL2) where min 0x00 = 300 lx, max 0xFF = 30000 lx
# $db[1] is the illuminance (ILL1) where min 0x00 = 600 lx, max 0xFF = 60000 lx
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Range select where 0 = ILL1, 1 = ILL2
my $lux;
my $voltage = "unknown";
if ($manufID eq "00D") {
if($db[2] == 0) {
$lux = sprintf "%d", $db[3] * 100 / 255;
} else {
$lux = sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 116.48 + 300;
} else {
$voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if($db[0] & 1) {
$lux = sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 116.48 + 300;
} else {
$lux = sprintf "%d", $db[1] * 232.94 + 600;
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:state:$lux";
} elsif ($st eq "lightSensor.02") {
# Light Sensor (EEP A5-06-02)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 5.1 V
# $db[2] is the illuminance (ILL2) where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFF = 510 lx
# $db[1] is the illuminance (ILL1) where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFF = 1020 lx
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Range select where 0 = ILL1, 1 = ILL2
my $lux;
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if($db[0] & 1) {
$lux = $db[2] << 1;
} else {
$lux = $db[1] << 2;
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:state:$lux";
} elsif ($st eq "lightSensor.03") {
# Light Sensor (EEP A5-06-03)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[2]_bit_7 ... $db[1]_bit_6 is the illuminance where min 0x000 = 0 lx, max 0x3E8 = 1000 lx
my $lux = $db[2] << 2 | $db[1] >> 6;
if ($lux == 1001) {$lux = "over range";}
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:state:$lux";
} elsif ($st eq "occupSensor.01") {
# Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-07-01)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[1] is PIR Status (motion) where 0 ... 127 = off, 128 ... 255 = on
my $motion = "off";
if ($db[1] >= 128) {$motion = "on";}
if ($db[0] & 1) {push @event, "3:voltage:" . sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;}
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
push @event, "3:motion:$motion";
push @event, "3:state:$motion";
} elsif ($st eq "occupSensor.02") {
# Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-07-02)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[0]_bit_7 is PIR Status (motion) where 0 = off, 1 = on
my $motion = $db[0] >> 7 ? "on" : "off";
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
push @event, "3:motion:$motion";
push @event, "3:voltage:" . sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
push @event, "3:state:$motion";
} elsif ($st eq "occupSensor.03") {
# Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-07-03)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[2]_bit_7 ... $db[1]_bit_6 is the illuminance where min 0x000 = 0 lx, max 0x3E8 = 1000 lx
# $db[0]_bit_7 is PIR Status (motion) where 0 = off, 1 = on
my $motion = $db[0] >> 7 ? "on" : "off";
my $lux = $db[2] << 2 | $db[1] >> 6;
if ($lux == 1001) {$lux = "over range";}
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:motion:$motion";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux U: $voltage";
} elsif ($st =~ m/^lightTempOccupSensor/) {
# Light, Temperatur and Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-08-01 ... A5-08-03)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 5.1 V
# $db[2] is the illuminance where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFF = 510 lx, 1020 lx, (2048 lx)
# $db[1] is the temperature whrere 0x00 = 0 <20>C ... 0xFF = 51 <20>C or -30 <20>C ... 50<35>C
# $db[0]_bit_1 is PIR Status (motion) where 0 = on, 1 = off
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Occupany Button where 0 = pressed, 1 = released
my $lux;
my $temp;
my $voltage = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
my $motion = $db[0] & 2 ? "off" : "on";
my $presence = $db[0] & 1 ? "absent" : "present";
if ($st eq "lightTempOccupSensor.01") {
# Light, Temperatur and Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-08-01)
# [Eltako FABH63, FBH55, FBH63, FIBH63]
if ($manufID eq "00D") {
$lux = sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 2048 / 255;
push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux";
} else {
$lux = $db[2] << 1;
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 0.2;
push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux P: $presence T: $temp U: $voltage";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
} elsif ($st eq "lightTempOccupSensor.02") {
# Light, Temperatur and Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-08-02)
$lux = $db[2] << 2;
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 0.2;
push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux P: $presence T: $temp U: $voltage";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
} elsif ($st eq "lightTempOccupSensor.03") {
# Light, Temperatur and Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-08-03)
$lux = $db[2] * 6;
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -30 + $db[1] * 80 / 255;
push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux P: $presence T: $temp U: $voltage";
push @event, "3:presence:$presence";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:motion:$motion";
} elsif ($st eq "lightCtrlState.01") {
# Lighting Controller State (EEP A5-11-01)
# $db[3] is the illumination where 0x00 = 0 lx ... 0xFF = 510 lx
# $db[2] is the illumination Setpoint where 0x00 = 0 ... 0xFF = 255
# $db[1] is the Dimming Output Level where 0x00 = 0 ... 0xFF = 255
# $db[0]_bit_7 is the Repeater state where 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
# $db[0]_bit_6 is the Power Relay Timer state where 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
# $db[0]_bit_5 is the Daylight Harvesting state where 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
# $db[0]_bit_4 is the Dimming mode where 0 = switching, 1 = dimming
# $db[0]_bit_2 is the Magnet Contact state where 0 = open, 1 = closed
# $db[0]_bit_1 is the Occupancy (prensence) state where 0 = absent, 1 = present
# $db[0]_bit_0 is the Power Relay state where 0 = off, 1 = on
push @event, "3:brightness:" . ($db[3] << 1);
push @event, "3:illum:$db[2]";
push @event, "3:dimValue:$db[1]";
push @event, "3:powerRelayTimer:" . ($db[0] & 0x80 ? "enabled" : "disabled");
push @event, "3:repeater:" . ($db[0] & 0x40 ? "enabled" : "disabled");
push @event, "3:daylightHarvesting:" . ($db[0] & 0x20 ? "enabled" : "disabled");
push @event, "3:mode:" . ($db[0] & 0x10 ? "dimming" : "switching");
push @event, "3:contact:" . ($db[0] & 4 ? "closed" : "open");
push @event, "3:presence:" . ($db[0] & 2 ? "present" : "absent");
push @event, "3:powerSwitch:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
push @event, "3:state:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
} elsif ($st eq "tempCtrlState.01") {
# Temperature Controller Output (EEP A5-11-02)
# $db[3] is the Control Variable where 0x00 = 0 % ... 0xFF = 100 %
# $db[2] is the Fan Stage
# $db[1] is the Actual Setpoint where 0x00 = 0 <20>C ... 0xFF = 51.2 <20>C
# $db[0]_bit_7 is the Alarm state where 0 = no, 1 = yes
# $db[0]_bit_6 ... $db[0]_bit_5 is the Controller Mode
# $db[0]_bit_4 is the Controller State where 0 = auto, 1 = override
# $db[0]_bit_2 is the Energy hold-off where 0 = normal, 1 = hold-off
# $db[0]_bit_1 ... $db[0]_bit_0is the Occupancy (prensence) state where 0 = present
# 1 = absent, 3 = standby, 4 = frost
push @event, "3:controlVar:" . sprintf "%d", $db[3] * 100 / 255;
if (($db[2] & 3) == 0) {
push @event, "3:fan:0";
} elsif (($db[2] & 3) == 1){
push @event, "3:fan:1";
} elsif (($db[2] & 3) == 2){
push @event, "3:fan:2";
} elsif (($db[2] & 3) == 3){
push @event, "3:fan:3";
} elsif ($db[2] == 255){
push @event, "3:fan:unknown";
push @event, "3:fanMode:" . ($db[2] & 0x10 ? "auto" : "manual");
my $setpointTemp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 0.2;
push @event, "3:setpointTemp:$setpointTemp";
push @event, "3:alarm:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
my $controllerMode = ($db[0] & 0x60) >> 5;
if ($controllerMode == 0) {
push @event, "3:controllerMode:auto";
} elsif ($controllerMode == 1) {
push @event, "3:controllerMode:heating";
} elsif ($controllerMode == 2) {
push @event, "3:controllerMode:cooling";
} elsif ($controllerMode == 3) {
push @event, "3:controllerMode:off";
push @event, "3:controllerState:" . ($db[0] & 0x10 ? "override" : "auto");
push @event, "3:energyHoldOff:" . ($db[0] & 4 ? "holdoff" : "normal");
if (($db[0] & 3) == 0) {
push @event, "3:presence:present";
} elsif (($db[0] & 3) == 1){
push @event, "3:presence:absent";
} elsif (($db[0] & 3) == 2){
push @event, "3:presence:standby";
} elsif (($db[0] & 3) == 3){
push @event, "3:presence:frost";
push @event, "3:state:$setpointTemp";
} elsif ($st eq "shutterCtrlState.01") {
# Blind Status (EEP A5-11-03)
# $db[3] is the Shutter Position where 0 = 0 % ... 100 = 100 %
# $db[2]_bit_7 is the Angle sign where 0 = positive, 1 = negative
# $db[2]_bit_6 ... $db[2]_bit_0 where 0 = 0<> ... 90 = 180<38>
# $db[1]_bit_7 is the Positon Value Flag where 0 = no available, 1 = available
# $db[1]_bit_6 is the Angle Value Flag where 0 = no available, 1 = available
# $db[1]_bit_5 ... $db[1]_bit_4 is the Error State (alarm)
# $db[1]_bit_3 ... $db[1]_bit_2 is the End-position State
# $db[1]_bit_1 ... $db[1]_bit_0 is the Shutter State
# $db[0]_bit_7 is the Service Mode where 0 = no, 1 = yes
# $db[0]_bit_6 is the Position Mode where 0 = normal, 1 = inverse
push @event, "3:positon:" . $db[3];
my $anglePos = ($db[2] & 0x7F) << 1;
if ($db[2] & 80) {$anglePos *= -1;}
push @event, "3:anglePos:" . $anglePos;
my $alarm = ($db[1] & 0x30) >> 4;
if ($alarm == 0) {
push @event, "3:alarm:off";
} elsif ($alarm == 1){
push @event, "3:alarm:no endpoints defined";
} elsif ($alarm == 2){
push @event, "3:alarm:on";
} elsif ($alarm == 3){
push @event, "3:alarm:not used";
my $endPosition = ($db[1] & 0x0C) >> 2;
if ($endPosition == 0) {
push @event, "3:endPosition:not available";
push @event, "3:state:not available";
} elsif ($endPosition == 1) {
push @event, "3:endPosition:not reached";
push @event, "3:state:not reached";
} elsif ($endPosition == 2) {
push @event, "3:endPosition:open";
push @event, "3:state:open";
} elsif ($endPosition == 3){
push @event, "3:endPosition:closed";
push @event, "3:state:closed";
my $shutterState = $db[1] & 3;
if (($db[1] & 3) == 0) {
push @event, "3:shutterState:not available";
} elsif (($db[1] & 3) == 1) {
push @event, "3:shutterState:stopped";
} elsif (($db[1] & 3) == 2){
push @event, "3:shutterState:opens";
} elsif (($db[1] & 3) == 3){
push @event, "3:shutterState:closes";
push @event, "3:serviceOn:" . ($db[2] & 0x80 ? "yes" : "no");
push @event, "3:positionMode:" . ($db[2] & 0x40 ? "inverse" : "normal");
} elsif ($st eq "lightCtrlState.02") {
# Extended Lighting Status (EEP A5-11-04)
# $db[3] the contents of the variable depends on the parameter mode
# $db[2] the contents of the variable depends on the parameter mode
# $db[1] the contents of the variable depends on the parameter mode
# $db[0]_bit_7 is the Service Mode where 0 = no, 1 = yes
# $db[0]_bit_6 is the operating hours flag where 0 = not available, 1 = available
# $db[0]_bit_5 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the Error State (alarm)
# $db[0]_bit_2 ... $db[0]_bit_1 is the parameter mode
# $db[0]_bit_0 is the lighting status where 0 = off, 1 = on
push @event, "3:serviceOn:" . ($db[1] & 0x80 ? "yes" : "no");
my $alarm = ($db[0] & 0x30) >> 4;
if ($alarm == 0) {
push @event, "3:alarm:off";
} elsif ($alarm == 1){
push @event, "3:alarm:lamp failure";
} elsif ($alarm == 2){
push @event, "3:alarm:internal failure";
} elsif ($alarm == 3){
push @event, "3:alarm:external periphery failure";
my $mode = ($db[0] & 6) >> 1;
if ($mode == 0) {
# dimmer value and lamp operating hours
push @event, "3:dimValue:$db[3]";
if ($db[0] & 40) {
push @event, "3:lampOpHours:" . ($db[2] << 8 | $db[1]);
} else {
push @event, "3:lampOpHours:unknown";
} elsif ($mode == 1){
# RGB value
push @event, "3:RGB:$db[3] $db[2] $db[1]";
} elsif ($mode == 2){
# energy metering value
my @measureUnit = ("mW", "W", "kW", "MW", "Wh", "kWh", "MWh", "GWh",
"mA", "1/10 A", "mV", "1/10 V");
push @event, "3:measuredValue:" . ($db[3] << 8 | $db[2]);
if (defined $measureUnit[$db[1]]) {
push @event, "3:measureUnit:" . $measureUnit[$db[1]];
} else {
push @event, "3:measureUnit:unknown";
} elsif ($mode == 3){
# not used
push @event, "3:powerSwitch:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
push @event, "3:state:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
} elsif ($st =~ m/^autoMeterReading/) {
# Automated meter reading (AMR) (EEP A5-12-00 ... A5-12-03)
# $db[3] (MSB) + $db[2] + $db[1] (LSB) is the Meter reading
# $db[0]_bit_7 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the Measurement channel
# $db[0]_bit_2 is the Data type where 0 = cumulative value, 1 = current value
# $db[0]_bit_1 ... $db[0]_bit_0 is the Divisor where 0 = x/1, 1 = x/10,
# 2 = x/100, 3 = x/1000
# my $meterReading = hex sprintf "%02x%02x%02x", $db[3], $db[2], $db[1];
my $dataType = ($db[0] & 4) >> 2;
my $divisor = $db[0] & 3;
if ($divisor == 3) {
$divisor = 1000;
} elsif ($divisor == 2) {
$divisor = 100;
} elsif ($divisor == 1) {
$divisor = 10;
} else {
$divisor = 1;
my $meterReading = sprintf "%0.1f", ($db[3] << 16 | $db[2] << 8 | $db[1]) / $divisor;
my $channel = $db[0] >> 4;
if ($st eq "autoMeterReading.00") {
# Automated meter reading (AMR), Counter (EEP A5-12-01)
# [Thermokon SR-MI-HS, untested]
if ($dataType == 1) {
# current value
push @event, "3:currentValue:$meterReading";
push @event, "3:state:$meterReading";
} else {
# cumulative counter
push @event, "3:counter$channel:$meterReading";
} elsif ($st eq "autoMeterReading.01") {
# Automated meter reading (AMR), Electricity (EEP A5-12-01)
# [Eltako FSS12, FWZ12, DSZ14DRS, DSZ14WDRS]
# $db[0]_bit_7 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the Tariff info
# $db[0]_bit_2 is the Data type where 0 = cumulative value kWh,
# 1 = current value W
if ($dataType == 1) {
# momentary power
push @event, "3:power:$meterReading";
push @event, "3:state:$meterReading";
} elsif ($db[0] == 0x8F && $manufID eq "00D") {
# Eltako, read meter serial number
my $serialNumber;
if ($db[0] == 0) {
# first 2 digits of the serial number
$serialNumber = printf "S-%01x%01x", $db[3] >> 4, $db[3] & 0x0F;
} else {
# last 4 digits of the serial number
$serialNumber = substr (ReadingsVal($name, "serialNumber", "S---"), 0, 4);
$serialNumber = printf "%4c%01x%01x%01x%01x", $serialNumber,
$db[2] >> 4, $db[2] & 0x0F, $db[3] >> 4, $db[3] & 0x0F;
push @event, "3:serialNumber:$serialNumber";
} else {
# power consumption
push @event, "3:energy$channel:$meterReading";
push @event, "3:currentTariff:$channel";
} elsif ($st eq "autoMeterReading.02" | $st eq "autoMeterReading.03") {
# Automated meter reading (AMR), Gas, Water (EEP A5-12-02, A5-12-03)
if ($dataType == 1) {
# current value
push @event, "3:flowrate:$meterReading";
push @event, "3:state:$meterReading";
} else {
# cumulative counter
push @event, "3:consumption$channel:$meterReading";
push @event, "3:currentTariff:$channel";
} elsif ($st eq "environmentApp") {
# Environmental Applications (EEP A5-13-01 ... EEP A5-13-06, EEP A5-13-10)
# [Eltako FWS61, untested]
# $db[0]_bit_7 ... $db[0]_bit_4 is the Identifier
my $identifier = $db[0] >> 4;
if ($identifier == 1) {
# Weather Station (EEP A5-13-01)
# $db[3] is the dawn sensor where 0x00 = 0 lx ... 0xFF = 999 lx
# $db[2] is the temperature where 0x00 = -40 <20>C ... 0xFF = 80 <20>C
# $db[1] is the wind speed where 0x00 = 0 m/s ... 0xFF = 70 m/s
# $db[0]_bit_2 is day / night where 0 = day, 1 = night
# $db[0]_bit_1 is rain indication where 0 = no (no rain), 1 = yes (rain)
my $dawn = sprintf "%d", $db[3] * 999 / 255;
my $temp = sprintf "%0.1f", -40 + $db[2] * 120 / 255;
my $windSpeed = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 70 / 255;
my $dayNight = $db[0] & 2 ? "night" : "day";
my $isRaining = $db[0] & 1 ? "yes" : "no";
push @event, "3:brightness:$dawn";
push @event, "3:dayNight:$dayNight";
push @event, "3:isRaining:$isRaining";
push @event, "3:temperature:$temp";
push @event, "3:windSpeed:$windSpeed";
push @event, "3:state:T: $temp B: $dawn W: $windSpeed IR: $isRaining";
} elsif ($identifier == 2) {
# Sun Intensity (EEP A5-13-02)
# $db[3] is the sun exposure west where 0x00 = 1 lx ... 0xFF = 150 klx
# $db[2] is the sun exposure south where 0x00 = 1 lx ... 0xFF = 150 klx
# $db[1] is the sun exposure east where 0x00 = 1 lx ... 0xFF = 150 klx
# $db[0]_bit_2 is hemisphere where 0 = north, 1 = south
push @event, "3:hemisphere:" . ($db[0] & 4 ? "south" : "north");
push @event, "3:sunWest:" . sprintf "%d", 1 + $db[3] * 149999 / 255;
push @event, "3:sunSouth:" . sprintf "%d", 1 + $db[2] * 149999 / 255;
push @event, "3:sunEast:" . sprintf "%d", 1 + $db[1] * 149999 / 255;
} elsif ($identifier == 7) {
# Sun Position and Radiation (EEP A5-13-10)
# $db[3]_bit_7 ... $db[3]_bit_1 is Sun Elevation where 0 = 0 <20> ... 90 = 90 <20>
# $db[3]_bit_0 is day / night where 0 = day, 1 = night
# $db[2] is Sun Azimuth where 0 = -90 <20> ... 180 = 90 <20>
# $db[1] and $db[0]_bit_2 ... $db[0]_bit_0 is Solar Radiation where
# 0 = 0 W/m2 ... 2000 = 2000 W/m2
my $sunElev = $db[3] >> 1;
my $sunAzim = $db[2] - 90;
my $solarRad = $db[1] << 3 | $db[0] & 7;
push @event, "3:dayNight:" . ($db[3] & 1 ? "night" : "day");
push @event, "3:solarRadiation:$solarRad";
push @event, "3:sunAzimuth:$sunAzim";
push @event, "3:sunElevation:$sunElev";
push @event, "3:state:SRA: $solarRad SNA: $sunAzim SNE: $sunElev";
} else {
# EEP A5-13-03 ... EEP A5-13-06 not implemented
} elsif ($st eq "multiFuncSensor") {
# Multi-Func Sensor (EEP A5-14-01 ... A5-14-06)
# $db[3] is the voltage where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFA = 5.0 V
# $db[3] > 0xFA is error code
# $db[2] is the illuminance where min 0x00 = 0 lx, max 0xFA = 1000 lx
# $db[0]_bit_1 is Vibration where 0 = off, 1 = on
# $db[0]_bit_0 is Contact where 0 = closed, 1 = open
my $lux = $db[2] << 2;
if ($db[2] == 251) {$lux = "over range";}
my $voltage = sprintf "0.1f", $db[3] * 0.02;
if ($db[3] > 250) {push @event, "3:errorCode:$db[3]";}
my $vibration = $db[0] & 2 ? "on" : "off";
my $contact = $db[0] & 1 ? "open" : "closed";
push @event, "3:brightness:$lux";
push @event, "3:contact:$contact";
push @event, "3:vibration:$vibration";
push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
push @event, "3:state:C: $contact V: $vibration E: $lux U: $voltage";
} elsif ($st =~ m/^digitalInput/) {
# Digital Input (EEP A5-30-01, A5-30-02)
my $contact;
if ($st eq "digtalInput.01") {
# Single Input Contact, Batterie Monitor (EEP A5-30-01)
# [Thermokon SR65 DI, untested]
# $db[2] is the supply voltage, if >= 121 = battery ok
# $db[1] is the input state, if <= 195 = contact closed
my $battery = $db[2] >= 121 ? "ok" : "low";
$contact = $db[1] <= 195 ? "closed" : "open";
push @event, "3:battery:$battery";
} else {
# Single Input Contact (EEP A5-30-01)
# $db[0]_bit_0 is the input state where 0 = closed, 1 = open
$contact = $db[0] & 1 ? "open" : "closed";
push @event, "3:contact:$contact";
push @event, "3:state:$contact";
} elsif ($st eq "gateway") {
# Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)
# $db[3] is the command ID ($gwCmdID)
# Eltako devices not send teach-in telegrams
if(($db[0] & 8) == 0) {
# teach-in, identify and store command type in attr gwCmd
my $gwCmd = AttrVal($name, "gwCmd", undef);
if (!$gwCmd) {
$gwCmd = $EnO_gwCmd[$db[3] - 1];
$attr{$name}{gwCmd} = $gwCmd;
if ($db[3] == 1) {
# Switching
# Eltako devices not send A5 telegrams
push @event, "3:executeTime:" . sprintf "%0.1f", (($db[2] << 8) | $db[1]) / 10;
push @event, "3:lock:" . ($db[0] & 4 ? "lock" : "unlock");
push @event, "3:executeType" . ($db[0] & 2 ? "delay" : "duration");
push @event, "3:state:" . ($db[0] & 1 ? "on" : "off");
} elsif ($db[3] == 2) {
# Dimming
# $db[0]_bit_2 is store final value, not used, because
# dimming value is always stored
push @event, "3:rampTime:$db[1]";
push @event, "3:state:" . ($db[0] & 0x01 ? "on" : "off");
if ($db[0] & 4) {
# Relative Dimming Range
push @event, "3:dimValue:" . sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 100 / 255;
} else {
push @event, "3:dimValue:$db[2]";
push @event, "3:dimValueLast:$db[2]" if ($db[2] > 0);
} elsif ($db[3] == 3) {
# Setpoint shift
# $db1 is setpoint shift where 0 = -12.7 K ... 255 = 12.8 K
my $setpointShift = sprintf "%0.1f", -12.7 + $db[1] / 10;
push @event, "3:setpointShift:$setpointShift";
push @event, "3:state:$setpointShift";
} elsif ($db[3] == 4) {
# Basic Setpoint
# $db1 is setpoint where 0 = 0 <20>C ... 255 = 51.2 <20>C
my $setpoint = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] / 5;
push @event, "3:setpoint:$setpoint";
push @event, "3:state:$setpoint";
} elsif ($db[3] == 5) {
# Control variable
# $db1 is control variable override where 0 = 0 % ... 255 = 100 %
push @event, "3:controlVar:" . sprintf "%d", $db[1] * 100 / 255;
my $controllerMode = ($db[0] & 0x60) >> 5;
if ($controllerMode == 0) {
push @event, "3:controllerMode:auto";
push @event, "3:state:auto";
} elsif ($controllerMode == 1) {
push @event, "3:controllerMode:heating";
push @event, "3:state:heating";
} elsif ($controllerMode == 2){
push @event, "3:controllerMode:cooling";
push @event, "3:state:cooling";
} elsif ($controllerMode == 3){
push @event, "3:controllerMode:off";
push @event, "3:state:off";
push @event, "3:controllerState:" . ($db[0] & 0x10 ? "override" : "auto");
push @event, "3:energyHoldOff:" . ($db[0] & 4 ? "holdoff" : "normal");
my $occupancy = $db[0] & 3;
if ($occupancy == 0) {
push @event, "3:presence:present";
} elsif ($occupancy == 1){
push @event, "3:presence:absent";
} elsif ($occupancy == 2){
push @event, "3:presence:standby";
} elsif ($db[3] == 6) {
# Fan stage
if ($db[1] == 0) {
push @event, "3:fan:0";
push @event, "3:state:0";
} elsif ($db[1] == 1) {
push @event, "3:fan:1";
push @event, "3:state:1";
} elsif ($db[1] == 2) {
push @event, "3:fan:2";
push @event, "3:state:2";
} elsif ($db[1] == 3) {
push @event, "3:fan:3";
push @event, "3:state:3";
} elsif ($db[1] == 255) {
push @event, "3:fan:auto";
push @event, "3:state:auto";
} else {
push @event, "3:state:Gateway Command ID $db[3] unknown.";
} elsif ($st eq "manufProfile") {
# Manufacturer Specific Applications (EEP A5-3F-7F)
if ($manufID eq "002") {
# [Thermokon SR65 3AI, untested]
# $db[3] is the input 3 where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 10 V
# $db[2] is the input 2 where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 10 V
# $db[1] is the input 1 where 0x00 = 0 V ... 0xFF = 10 V
my $input3 = sprintf "%0.2f", $db[3] * 10 / 255;
my $input2 = sprintf "%0.2f", $db[2] * 10 / 255;
my $input1 = sprintf "%0.2f", $db[1] * 10 / 255;
push @event, "3:input1:$input1";
push @event, "3:input2:$input2";
push @event, "3:input3:$input3";
push @event, "3:state:I1: $input1 I2: $input2 I3: $input3";
} else {
# Unknown Application
push @event, "3:state:Manufacturer Specific Application unknown";
} elsif ($st eq "raw") {
# raw
push @event, "3:state:RORG: $rorg DATA: $data STATUS: $status ODATA: $odata";
} else {
# unknown devices
push @event, "3:state:$db[3]";
push @event, "3:sensor1:$db[3]";
push @event, "3:sensor2:$db[2]";
push @event, "3:sensor3:$db[1]";
push @event, "3:D3:".(($db[0] & 8) ? 1:0);
push @event, "3:D2:".(($db[0] & 4) ? 1:0);
push @event, "3:D1:".(($db[0] & 2) ? 1:0);
push @event, "3:D0:".(($db[0] & 1) ? 1:0);
} elsif ($rorg eq "D2") {
# VLD Telegram
if ($st eq "test") {
} elsif ($st eq "raw") {
# raw
push @event, "3:state:RORG: $rorg DATA: $data STATUS: $status ODATA: $odata";
# display data bytes $db[0] ... $db[x]
for (my $dbCntr = 0; $dbCntr <= $#db; $dbCntr++) {
push @event, "3:DB_" . $dbCntr . ":" . $db[$dbCntr];
} else {
# unknown devices
push @event, "3:state:$data";
for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@event); $i++) {
# Flag & 1: reading, Flag & 2: changed. Currently ignored.
my ($flag, $vn, $vv) = split(":", $event[$i], 3);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $vn, $vv);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return $name;
# MD15Cmd
my ($hash, $name, $db_1) = @_;
my $cmd = ReadingsVal($name, "CMD", undef);
if($cmd) {
my $msg; # Unattended
my $arg1 = ReadingsVal($name, $cmd, 0); # Command-Argument
if($cmd eq "actuator") {
# $msg = sprintf("%02X000000", $arg1);
$msg = sprintf "%02X7F0008", $arg1;
} elsif($cmd eq "desired-temp") {
# $msg = sprintf "%02X%02X0400", $arg1*255/40, AttrVal($name, "actualTemp", ($db_1*40/255)) * 255/40;
# $msg = sprintf "%02X%02X0408", $arg1*255/40, AttrVal($name, "actualTemp", (255 - $db_1)*40/255) *255/40;
# $msg = sprintf "%02X7F0408", $arg1*255/40;
$msg = sprintf "%02X%02X0408", $arg1*255/40, AttrVal($name, "actualTemp", 127);
} elsif($cmd eq "initialize") {
# $msg = sprintf("00006400");
$msg = "00006408";
# Maintenance commands
} elsif($cmd eq "runInit") {
$msg = "00008108";
} elsif($cmd eq "liftSet") {
$msg = "00004108";
} elsif($cmd eq "valveOpen") {
$msg = "00002108";
} elsif($cmd eq "valveClosed") {
$msg = "00001108";
if($msg) {
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2);
EnOcean_SndRadio(undef, $hash, "A5", $msg, "00000000", "00", $hash->{DEF});
if($cmd eq "initialize") {
# send EnOcean ESP3 Packet Type Radio
my ($ctrl, $hash, $rorg, $data, $senderID, $status, $destinationID) = @_;
my $odata = "";
my $odataLength = 0;
if (AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "repeatingAllowed", "yes") eq "no") {
$status = substr ($status, 0, 1) . "F";
my $securityLevel = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "securityLevel", 0);
if ($securityLevel eq "unencrypted") {$securityLevel = 0;}
if ($destinationID ne "FFFFFFFF" || $securityLevel) {
# SubTelNum = 03, DestinationID:4, RSSI = FF, SecurityLevel:2
$odata = sprintf "03%sFF%02X", $destinationID, $securityLevel;
$odataLength = 7;
# Data Length:4 Optional Length:2 Packet Type = 01 (radio)
my $header = sprintf "%04X%02X01", (length($data)/2 + 6), $odataLength;
$data = $rorg . $data . $senderID . $status . $odata;
IOWrite($hash, $header, $data);
# Scale Readings
my ($hash, $readingVal, $readingMin, $readingMax) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $valScaled;
my $scaleDecimals = AttrVal($name, "scaleDecimals", undef);
my $scaleMin = AttrVal($name, "scaleMin", undef);
my $scaleMax = AttrVal($name, "scaleMax", undef);
if (defined $scaleMax && defined $scaleMin &&
$scaleMax =~ m/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ && $scaleMax =~ m/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/) {
$valScaled = ($readingMin*$scaleMax-$scaleMin*$readingMax)/
if (defined $scaleDecimals && $scaleDecimals =~ m/^[0-9]?$/) {
$scaleDecimals = "%0." . $scaleDecimals . "f";
$valScaled = sprintf "$scaleDecimals", $valScaled;
return $valScaled;
# EnOcean_Set called from sub InternalTimer()
my ($par)=@_;
EnOcean_Set($par->{hash}, @{$par->{timerCmd}});
# Undef
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
delete $modules{EnOcean}{defptr}{uc($hash->{DEF})};
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="EnOcean"></a>
EnOcean devices are sold by numerous hardware vendors (e.g. Eltako, Peha, etc),
using the RF Protocol provided by the EnOcean Alliance. Depending on the
function of the device an specific device profile is used, called EnOcean
Equipment Profile (EEP). Basically three profiles will be differed, e. g.
switches, contacts, sensors. Some manufacturers use additional proprietary
extensions. Further technical information can be found at the
<a href="http://www.enocean-alliance.org/de/enocean_standard/">EnOcean Alliance</a>,
see in particular the
<a href="http://www.enocean-alliance.org/eep/">EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP)</a>
Fhem recognizes a number of devices automatically. In order to teach-in, for
some devices the sending of confirmation telegrams has to be turned on.
Some equipment types and/or device models must be manually specified.
Do so using the <a href="#EnOceanattr">attributes</a>
<a href="#subType">subType</a> and <a href="#model">model</a>, see chapter
<a href="#EnOceanset">Set</a> and
<a href="#EnOceanevents">Generated events</a>. With the help of additional
<a href="#EnOceanattr">attributes</a>, the behavior of the devices can be
changed separately.
The teach-in procedure depends on the type of the devices. Switches (EEP RORG
F6) and contacts (EEP RORG D5) are recognized when receiving the first message.
Contacts can also send a teach-in telegram. Fhem not need this telegram.
Sensors (EEP RORG A5) has to send a teach-in telegram. The profile-less
A5 teach-in procedure transfers no EEP profile identifier and no manufacturer
ID. In this case Fhem does not recognize the device automatically. The proper
device type must be set manually, use the <a href="#EnOceanattr">attributes</a>
<a href="#subType">subType</a>, <a href="#manufID">manufID</a> and/or
<a href="#model">model</a>. If the EEP profile identifier and the manufacturer
ID are sent the device is clearly identifiable. FHEM automatically assigns
these devices to the correct profile. Some A5 devices must be paired
bidirectional, see <a href="#pairForSec">Bidirectional A5 Teach-In</a>.<br><br>
Fhem supports many of most common EnOcean profiles and manufacturer-specific
devices. Additional profiles and devices can be added if required.
In order to enable communication with EnOcean remote stations a
<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> module is necessary.
Please note that EnOcean repeaters also send Fhem data telegrams again.
Use the TCM <code>attr <name> <a href="#blockSenderID">blockSenderID</a> own</code>
to block receiving telegrams with a TCM SenderIDs.
<a name="EnOceandefine"></a>
<code>define <name> EnOcean <def></code>
Define an EnOcean device, connected via a <a href="#TCM">TCM</a> modul. The
<def> is the SenderID/DestinationID of the device (8 digit hex number).
The <a href="#autocreate">autocreate</a> module may help you.<br>
<code>define switch1 EnOcean ffc54500</code><br>
In order to control devices, you cannot reuse the SenderIDs/
DestinationID of other devices (like remotes), instead you have to create
your own, which must be in the allowed SenderID range of the underlying Fhem
IO device, see <a href="#TCM">TCM</a> <a name="BaseID">BaseID</a>, LastID. For this first query the
<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> with the <code>get <tcm> baseID</code> command
for the BaseID. You can use up to 127 IDs starting with the BaseID + 1 shown there.
The BaseID is used for A5 devices with a bidectional teach-in only. If you
are using an Fhem SenderID outside of the allowed range, you will see an
ERR_ID_RANGE message in the Fhem log.<br>
In order to control bidirectional F6 devices (switches, actors) with
additional SenderIDs you can use the attributes <a href="#subDef">subDef</a>,
<a href="#subDef0">subDef0</a> and <a href="#subDefI">subDefI</a>.<br>
Fhem communicates unicast with the BaseID, if the A5 devices are teached-in with the
<a href="#pairForSec"> Bidirectional A5 Teach-In</a> procedure. In this case
Fhem send telegrams with its SenderID (BaseID) and the DestinationID of the
<a name="EnOceanset"></a>
<li><a name="pairForSec">Bidirectional A5 Teach-In</a>
<code>set <name> pairForSec <t/s></code>
Set the EnOcean Transceiver module (TCM Modul) in the bidirectional pairing
mode. A device, which is then also put in this state is to paired with
Fhem bidirectional. Bidirectional pearing is only used for some EEP A5-xx-xx,
e. g. EEP A5-20-01 (Battery Powered Actuator).
<code>name</code> is the name of the TCM Module . <code>t/s</code> is the
time for the teach-in period.
<ul><code>set TCM_0 pairForSec 600</code>
<li>Switch, Pushbutton Switch, Bidirectional Actor (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-03-02)<br>
[Default subType]
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is one of A0, AI, B0, BI, C0, CI, D0, DI,
combinations of these and released. First and second action can be sent
simultaneously. Separate first and second action with a comma.<br>
In fact we are trying to emulate a PT200 type remote.<br>
If you define an <a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a> attribute with on/off,
then you will be able to easily set the device from the <a
href="#FHEMWEB">WEB</a> frontend.<br>
<a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> are supported, if the corresponding
<a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a> specifies the <code>on</code> and <code>off</code>
With the help of additional <a href="#EnOceanattr">attributes</a>, the
behavior of the devices can be adapt.
set switch1 BI<br>
set switch1 B0,CI<br>
attr eventMap BI:on B0:off<br>
set switch1 on<br>
<li>Staircase off-delay timer (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-02-02)<br>
[Eltako FTN14, tested with Eltako FTN14 only]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
issue switch on command</li>
start timer</li>
Set attr eventMap to B0:on BI:off, attr subType to switch, attr
webCmd to on:released and if needed attr switchMode to pushbutton manually.<br>
Use the sensor type "Schalter" for Eltako devices. The Staircase
off-delay timer is switched on when pressing "on" and the time will be started
when pressing "released". "released" immediately after "on" is sent if
the attr switchMode is set to "pushbutton".
<li>Single Input Contact, Door/Window Contact<br>
1BS Telegram (EEP D5-00-01)<br>
[tested with Eltako FSR14]
issue closed command</li>
issue open command</li>
initiate teach-in mode</li>
The attr subType must be contact. The attribute must be set manually.
<li>Battery Powered Actuator (EEP A5-20-01)<br>
[Kieback&Peter MD15-FTL-xx]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
<li>actuator setpoint/%<br>
Set the actuator to the specifed setpoint (0-100)</li>
<li>desired-temp <value><br>
Use the builtin PI regulator, and set the desired temperature to the
specified degree. The actual value will be taken from the temperature
reported by the MD15 or from the attribute actualTemp if it is set.</li>
Maintenance Mode (service on): Run init sequence.</li>
Maintenance Mode (service on): Lift set</li>
Maintenance Mode (service on): Valve open</li>
Maintenance Mode (service on): Valve closed</li>
Do not regulate the actuator.</li>
The attr subType must be MD15. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate. To control the device, it must be bidirectional paired,
see <a href="#pairForSec">Bidirectional A5 Teach-In</a>.<br>
The command is not sent until the device wakes up and sends a mesage, usually
every 10 minutes.
<li><a name="Gateway">Gateway</a> (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
The Gateway profile include 7 different commands (Switching, Dimming,
Setpoint Shift, Basic Setpoint, Control variable, Fan stage, Blind Central Command).
The commands can be selected by the attribute gwCmd or command line. The attribute
entry has priority.<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
<li><gwCmd> <cmd> [subCmd]<br>
initiate Gateway commands by command line</li>
<li><cmd> [subCmd]<br>
initiate Gateway commands if attribute gwCmd is set.</li>
The attr subType must be gateway. Attribute gwCmd can also be set to
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.<br>
For Eltako devices attributes must be set manually.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
[Eltako FLC61, FSR14]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
<li>on [lock|unlock]<br>
issue switch on command</li>
<li>off [lock|unlock]<br>
issue switch off command</li>
<li><a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> are supported.</li>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be switching. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.<br>
For Eltako devices attributes must be set manually.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
[Eltako FUD12, FUD14, FUD61, FUD70, FSG14, ...]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
<li>on [lock|unlock]<br>
issue switch on command</li>
<li>off [lock|unlock]<br>
issue switch off command</li>
<li>dim dim/% [rampTime/s [lock|unlock]]<br>
issue dim command</li>
<li>dimup dim/% [rampTime/s [lock|unlock]]<br>
issue dim command</li>
<li>dimdown dim/% [rampTime/s [lock|unlock]]<br>
issue dim command</li>
<li><a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> are supported.</li>
rampTime Range: t = 1 s ... 255 s or 0 if no time specified,
for Eltako: t = 1 = fast dimming ... 255 = slow dimming or 0 = dimming speed on the dimmer used)<br>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be dimming. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.<br>
For Eltako devices attributes must be set manually. Use the sensor type "PC/FVS" for Eltako devices.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Dimming of fluorescent lamps<br>
[Eltako FSG70, tested with Eltako FSG70 only]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
issue switch on command</li>
issue switch off command</li>
<li><a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> are supported.</li>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be dimming. Set attr eventMap to B0:on BI:off,
attr subTypeSet to switch and attr switchMode to pushbutton manually.<br>
Use the sensor type "Richtungstaster" for Eltako devices.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Setpoint shift<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
<li>shift 1/K <br>
issue Setpoint shift</li>
Setpoint Range: T = -12.7 K ... 12.8 K<br>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be setpointShift.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.<br>
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Basic Setpoint<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
<li>basic t/°C<br>
issue Basic Setpoint</li>
Setpoint Range: t = 0 °C ... 51.2 °C<br>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be setpointBasic.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.<br>
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Control variable<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
<li>presence present|absent|standby<br>
issue Room occupancy</li>
<li>energyHoldOff normal|holdoff<br>
issue Energy hold off</li>
<li>controllerMode auto|heating|cooling|off<br>
issue Controller mode</li>
<li>controllerState auto|override <0 ... 100> <br>
issue Control variable override</li>
Override Range: cvov = 0 % ... 100 %<br>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be controlVar.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.<br>
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Fan stage<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
<li>stage 0 ... 3|auto<br>
issue Fan Stage override</li>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be fanStage.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.<br>
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
<a name="Blind Command Central">Blind Command Central</a><br>
[untested, experimental status]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
Status request</li>
issue blinds opens command</li>
<li>up tu/s ta/s<br>
issue roll up command</li>
issue blinds closes command</li>
<li>down td/s ta/s<br>
issue roll down command</li>
<li>position position/% α/°<br>
drive blinds to position with angle value</li>
issue blinds stops command</li>
<li>runtimeSet tu/s td/s<br>
set runtime parameter</li>
<li>angleSet ta/s<br>
set angle configuration</li>
<li>positionMinMax positionMin/% positionMax/%<br>
set min, max values for position</li>
<li>angleMinMax αo/° αs/°<br>
set slat angle for open and shut position</li>
<li>positionLogic normal|inverse<br>
set position logic</li>
Runtime Range: tu|td = 0 s ... 255 s<br>
Select a runtime up and a runtime down that is at least as long as the
shading element or roller shutter needs to move from its end position to
the other position.<br>
Position Range: position = 0 % ... 100 %<br>
Angle Time Range: ta = 0 s ... 25.5 s<br>
Runtime value for the sunblind reversion time. Select the time to revolve
the sunblind from one slat angle end position to the other end position.<br>
Slat Angle: α|αo|αs = -180 ° ... 180 °<br>
Position Logic, normal: Blinds fully opens corresponds to Position = 0 %<br>
Position Logic, inverse: Blinds fully opens corresponds to Position = 100 %<br>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be blindCmd. The profile
is linked with controller profile, see <a href="#Blind Status">Blind Status</a>.<br>
<li><a name="Manufacturer Specific Applications">Manufacturer Specific Applications</a> (EEP A5-3F-7F)<br>
[Eltako FSB12, FSB14, FSB61, FSB70, tested with Eltako devices only]<br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
initiate teach-in mode</li>
issue blinds opens command</li>
<li>up tu/s<br>
issue roll up command</li>
issue blinds closes command</li>
<li>down td/s<br>
issue roll down command</li>
<li>position position/% [α/°]<br>
drive blinds to position with angle value</li>
issue stop command</li>
Runtime Range: tu|td = 1 s ... 255 s<br>
Position Range: position = 0 % ... 100 %<br>
Slat Angle Range: α = -180 ° ... 180 °<br>
Angle Time Range: ta = 0 s ... 6 s<br>
The devive can only fully controlled if the attributes <a href="#angleMax">angleMax</a>,
<a href="#angleMin">angleMin</a>, <a href="#angleTime">angleTime</a>,
<a href="#shutTime">shutTime</a> and <a href="#shutTimeCloses">shutTimeCloses</a>,
are set correctly.
Set attr subType to manufProfile, manufID to 00D and attr model to
FSB14|FSB61|FSB70 manually.<br>
Use the sensor type "Szenentaster/PC" for Eltako devices.
<li><a name="RAW Command">RAW Command</a><br>
<code>set <name> <value></code>
where <code>value</code> is
<li>RPS|1BS|4BS|VLD data [status]<br>
sent data telegram</li>
With the help of this command data messages in hexadecimal format can be sent.
Telegram types (RORG) RPS, 1BS, 4BS and VLD are supported. For further information,
see <a href="http://www.enocean-alliance.org/eep/">EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP)</a>.
Set attr subType to raw manually.
<a name="EnOceanget"></a>
<a name="EnOceanattr"></a>
<li><a name="actualTemp">actualTemp</a> t/°C<br>
The value of the actual temperature, used when controlling MD15 devices.
Should by filled via a notify from a distinct temperature sensor. If
absent, the reported temperature from the MD15 is used.
<li><a name="angleMax">angleMax</a> αs/°, [αs] = -180 ... 180, 90 is default.<br>
Slat angle end position maximum.<br>
angleMax is supported for shutter.<br>
<li><a name="angleMin">angleMin</a> αo/°, [αo] = -180 ... 180, -90 is default.<br>
Slat angle end position minimum.<br>
angleMin is supported for shutter.<br>
<li><a name="angleTime">angleTime</a> t/s, [angleTime] = 0 ... 6, 0 is default.<br>
Runtime value for the sunblind reversion time. Select the time to revolve
the sunblind from one slat angle end position to the other end position.<br>
angleTime is supported for shutter.<br>
<li><a name="destinationID">destinationID</a> multicast|unicast|00000000 ... FFFFFFFF,
[destinationID] = multicast is default<br>
Destination ID, special values: multicast = FFFFFFFF, unicast = [DEF],
<a href="#BaseID">BaseID</a> = 00000000
<li><a href="#devStateIcon">devStateIcon</a></li>
<li><a name="dimValueOn">dimValueOn</a> dim/%|last|stored,
[dimValueOn] = 100 is default.<br>
Dim value for the command "on".<br>
The dimmer switched on with the value 1 % ... 100 % if [dimValueOn] =
1 ... 100.<br>
The dimmer switched to the last dim value received from the
bidirectional dimmer if [dimValueOn] = last.<br>
The dimmer switched to the last Fhem dim value if [dimValueOn] =
dimValueOn is supported for dimmer.
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a></li>
<li><a name="gwCmd">gwCmd</a> switching|dimming|setpointShift|setpointBasic|controlVar|fanStage|blindCmd<br>
Gateway Command Type, see <a href="#Gateway">Gateway</a> profile
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li>
<li><a href="#model">model</a></li>
<li><a name="rampTime">rampTime</a> t/s or relative, [rampTime] = 1 is default.<br>
No ramping or for Eltako dimming speed set on the dimmer if [rampTime] = 0.<br>
Ramping time 1 s to 255 s or relative fast to low dimming speed if [rampTime] = 1 ... 255.<br>
rampTime is supported for gateway, command dimming.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li><a name="repeatingAllowed">repeatingAllowed</a> yes|no,
[repeatingAllowed] = yes is default.<br>
EnOcean Repeater in the transmission range of Fhem may forward data messages
of the device, if the attribute is set to yes.
<li><a name="scaleDecimals">scaleDecimals</a> 0 ... 9<br>
Decimal rounding with x digits of the scaled reading setpoint
<li><a name="scaleMax">scaleMax</a> <floating-point number><br>
Scaled maximum value of the reading setpoint
<li><a name="scaleMin">scaleMin</a> <floating-point number><br>
Scaled minimum value of the reading setpoint
<li><a name="securityLevel">securityLevel</a> unencrypted, [securityLevel] = unencrypted is default<br>
Type of Encryption
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
<li><a name="shutTime">shutTime</a> t/s, [shutTime] = 1 ... 255, 255 is default.<br>
Use the attr shutTime to set the time delay to the position "Halt" in
seconds. Select a delay time that is at least as long as the shading element
or roller shutter needs to move from its end position to the other position.<br>
shutTime is supported for shutter.
<li><a name="shutTimeCloses">shutTimeCloses</a> t/s, [shutTimeCloses] = 1 ... 255,
[shutTimeCloses] = [shutTime] is default.<br>
Set the attr shutTimeCloses to define the runtime used by the commands opens and closes.
Select a runtime that is at least as long as the value set by the delay switch of the actuator.
shutTimeCloses is supported for shutter.
<li><a name="subDef">subDef</a> <EnOcean SenderID>,
[subDef] = [def] is default.<br>
SenderID (<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> BaseID + offset) to control a bidirectional switch or actor.<br>
In order to control bidirectional devices, you cannot reuse the ID of this
devices, instead you have to create your own, which must be in the
allowed ID-Range of the underlying IO device. For this first query the
<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> with the "<code>get <tcm> idbase</code>" command. You can use
up to 128 IDs starting with the base shown there.<br>
subDef is supported for switches, staircase off-delay timer, dimmer and
<li><a name="subDef0">subDef0</a> <EnOcean SenderID>,
[subDef0] = [def] is default.<br>
SenderID (<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> BaseID + offset) for [value] = A0|B0|C0|D0|released<br>
Used with switch type "central". Set attr switchType to central.<br>
Use the sensor type "zentral aus/ein" for Eltako devices.<br>
subDef0 is supported for switches.<br>
Second action is not sent.
<li><a name="subDefI">subDefI</a> <EnOcean SenderID>,
[subDefI] = [def] is default.<br>
SenderID (<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> BaseID + offset) for [value] = AI|BI|CI|DI<br>
Used with switch type "central". Set attr switchType to central.<br>
Use the sensor type "zentral aus/ein" for Eltako devices.<br>
subDefI is supported for switches.<br>
Second action is not sent.
<li><a href="#subType">subType</a></li>
<li><a name="subTypeSet">subTypeSet</a> <type of device>, [subTypeSet] = [subType] is default.<br>
Type of device (EEP Profile) used for sending commands. Set the Attribute manually.
The profile has to fit their basic profile. More information can be found in the basic profiles.
<li><a name="switchMode">switchMode</a> switch|pushbutton,
[SwitchMode] = switch is default.<br>
The set command "released" immediately after <value> is sent if the
attribute is set to "pushbutton".
<li><a name="switchType">switchType</a> direction|universal|central,
[SwitchType] = direction is default.<br>
EnOcean Devices support different types of sensors, e. g. direction
switch, universal switch or pushbutton, central on/off.<br>
For Eltako devices these are the sensor types "Richtungstaster",
"Universalschalter" or "Universaltaster", "Zentral aus/ein".<br>
With the sensor type <code>direction</code> switch on/off commands are
accepted, e. g. B0, BI, released. Fhem can control an device with this
sensor type unique. This is the default function and should be
Some devices only support the sensor type <code>universal switch
</code> or <code>pushbutton</code>. With a Fhem command, for example,
B0 or BI is switched between two states. In this case Fhem cannot
control this device unique. But if the Attribute <code>switchType
</code> is set to <code>universal</code> Fhem synchronized with
a bidirectional device and normal on/off commands can be used.
If the bidirectional device response with the channel B
confirmation telegrams also B0 and BI commands are to be sent,
e g. channel A with A0 and AI. Also note that confirmation telegrams
needs to be sent.<br>
Partly for the sensor type <code>central</code> two different SenderID
are required. In this case set the Attribute <code>switchType</code> to
<code>central</code> and define the Attributes
<a href="#subDef0">subDef0</a> and <a href="#subDefI">subDefI</a>.
<li><a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a></li>
<a name="EnOceanevents"></a>
<b>Generated events</b>
<li>Switch / Bidirectional Actor (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-03-02)<br>
<li><BtnX,BtnY> First and second action where BtnX and BtnY is
one of the above, e.g. A0,BI or D0,CI</li>
<li>buttons: released</li>
<li>buttons: <BtnX> released</li>
Switches (remote controls) or actors with more than one
(pair) keys may have multiple channels e. g. B0/BI, A0/AI with one
SenderID or with separate addresses.
<li>Pushbutton Switch, Pushbutton Input Module (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-02-02)<br>
[Eltako FT55, FSM12, FSM61, FTS12]<br>
<li>state: A0|AI|B0|BI|released</li>
The status of the device may become "released", this
is not the case for a normal switch.<br>
Set attr model to FT55|FSM12|FSM61|FTS12 manually.
<li>Smoke Detector (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-02-02)<br>
[Eltako FRW, untested]<br>
<li>alarm: smoke-alarm|off</li>
<li>battery: low|ok</li>
<li>state: smoke-alarm|off</li>
Set attr subType to FRW manually.
<li>Key Card Activated Switch (EEP F6-04-01)<br>
[Eltako FKC, FKF, FZS, untested]<br>
<li>keycard inserted</li>
<li>keycard removed</li>
<li>state: keycard inserted|keycard removed</li>
Set attr subType to keycard manually.
<li>Window Handle (EEP F6-10-00)<br>
[HOPPE SecuSignal]<br>
<li>open from tilted</li>
<li>state: closed|open|tilted|open from tilted</li>
The device windowHandle should be created by autocreate.
<li>Single Input Contact, Door/Window Contact<br>
1BS Telegram (EEP D5-00-01)<br>
[Eltako FTK, Peha D 450 FU, STM-250, BSC ?]
<li>learnBtn: on</li>
<li>state: open|closed</li>
The device should be created by autocreate.
<li>Temperature Sensors with with different ranges (EEP A5-02-01 ... A5-02-30)<br>
[Thermokon SR65, untested]<br>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = <t min> °C ... <t max> °C)</li>
<li>state: t/°C</li>
The attr subType must be tempSensor.01 ... tempSensor.30. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Temperatur and Humidity Sensor (EEP A5-04-02)<br>
[Eltako FAFT60, FIFT63AP]<br>
<li>T: t/°C H: rH/% B: unknown|low|ok</li>
<li>battery: unknown|low|ok</li>
<li>energyStorage: unknown|empty|charged|full</li>
<li>humidity: rH/% (Sensor Range: rH = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = -20 °C ... 60 °C)</li>
<li>voltage: U/V</li> (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 6.6 V)
<li>state: T: t/°C H: rH/% B: unknown|low|ok</li>
The attr subType must be tempHumiSensor.02 and attr
manufID must be 00D for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Light Sensor (EEP A5-06-01)<br>
[Eltako FAH60, FAH63, FIH63, Thermokon SR65 LI]<br>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: 300 lx ... 30 klx, 600 lx ... 60 klx
, Sensor Range for Eltako: E = 0 lx ... 100 lx, 300 lx ... 30 klx)</li>
<li>voltage: U/V</li> (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.1 V)
<li>state: E/lx</li>
Eltako devices only support Brightness.<br>
The attr subType must be lightSensor.01 and attr manufID must be 00D
for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was created by
<li>Light Sensor (EEP A5-06-02)<br>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: 0 lx ... 1020 lx</li>
<li>voltage: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.1 V)</li>
<li>state: E/lx</li>
The attr subType must be lightSensor.02. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Light Sensor (EEP A5-06-03)<br>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>errorCode: 251 ... 255</li>
<li>state: E/lx</li>
The attr subType must be lightSensor.03. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-07-01, A5-07-02)<br>
<li>errorCode: 251 ... 255</li>
<li>motion: on|off</li>
<li>voltage: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.0 V)</li>
<li>state: on|off</li>
The attr subType must be occupSensor.<01|02>. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-07-03)<br>
<li>M: on|off E: E/lx U: U/V</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>errorCode: 251 ... 255</li>
<li>motion: on|off</li>
<li>voltage: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.0 V)</li>
<li>state: M: on|off E: E/lx U: U/V</li>
The attr subType must be occupSensor.03. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Light, Temperatur and Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-08-01 ... A5-08-03)<br>
[Eltako FABH63, FBH55, FBH63, FIBH63, Thermokon SR-MDS, PEHA 482 FU-BM DE]<br>
<li>M: on|off E: E/lx P: absent|present T: t/°C U: U/V</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 510, 1020, 1530 or 2048 lx)</li>
<li>motion: on|off</li>
<li>presence: absent|present</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 51 °C or -30 °C ... 50 °C)</li>
<li>voltage: U/V</li> (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.1 V)
<li>state: M: on|off E: E/lx P: absent|present T: t/°C U: U/V</li>
Eltako and PEHA devices only support Brightness and Motion.<br>
The attr subType must be lightTempOccupSensor.<01|02|03> and attr
manufID must be 00D for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gas Sensor, CO Sensor (EEP A5-09-01)<br>
<li>CO: c/ppm (Sensor Range: c = 0 ppm ... 255 ppm)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 255 °C)</li>
<li>state: c/ppm</li>
The attr subType must be COSensor.01. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gas Sensor, CO Sensor (EEP A5-09-02)<br>
<li>CO: c/ppm (Sensor Range: c = 0 ppm ... 1020 ppm)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 51.0 °C)</li>
<li>voltage: U/V</li> (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.1 V)
<li>state: c/ppm</li>
The attr subType must be COSensor.02. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gas Sensor, CO2 Sensor (EEP A5-09-04)<br>
[Thermokon SR04 CO2 *, untested]<br>
<li>airQuality: high|mean|moderate|low (Air Quality Classes DIN EN 13779)</li>
<li>CO2: c/ppm (Sensor Range: c = 0 ppm ... 2550 ppm)</li>
<li>humidity: rH/% (Sensor Range: rH = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 51 °C)</li>
<li>state: CO2: c/ppm AQ: high|mean|moderate|low T: t/°C H: rH/%</li>
The attr subType must be tempHumiCO2Sensor.01. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gas Sensor, Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Sensor (EEP A5-09-05)<br>
<li>concentration: c/ppb (Sensor Range: c = 0 ppb ... 655350 ppb)</li>
<li>vocName: Name of last measured VOC</li>
<li>state: c/ppb</li>
The attr subType must be vocSensor.01. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gas Sensor, Radon Sensor (EEP A5-09-06)<br>
<li>Rn: A m3/Bq (Sensor Range: A = 0 Bq/m3 ... 1023 Bq/m3)</li>
<li>state: A m3/Bq</li>
The attr subType must be radonSensor.01. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gas Sensor, Particles Sensor (EEP A5-09-07)<br>
Three channels with particle sizes of up to 10 μm, 2.5 μm and 1 μm are supported<br>.
<li>particles_10: p m3/μg | inactive (Sensor Range: p = 0 μg/m3 ... 511 μg/m3)</li>
<li>particles_2_5: p m3/μg | inactive (Sensor Range: p = 0 μg/m3 ... 511 μg/m3)</li>
<li>particles_1: p m3/μg | inactive (Sensor Range: p = 0 μg/m3 ... 511 μg/m3)</li>
<li>state: PM10: p m3/μg PM2_5: p m3/μg PM1: p m3/μg</li>
The attr subType must be particlesSensor.01. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-01 ... A5-10-0D)<br>
[Eltako FTF55, FTR55*, Thermokon SR04 *, Thanos SR *]<br>
<li>T: t/°C SP: 0 ... 255 F: 0|1|2|3|auto SW: 0|1</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|auto</li>
<li>switch: 0|1</li>
<li>setpoint: 0 ... 255</li>
<li>setpointScaled: <floating-point number></li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C SP: 0 ... 255 F: 0|1|2|3|auto SW: 0|1</li><br>
Alternatively for Eltako devices
<li>T: t/°C SPT: t/°C NR: t/°C</li>
<li>nightReduction: t/°C</li>
<li>setpointTemp: t/°C</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C SPT: t/°C NR: t/°C</li><br>
The scaling of the setpoint adjustment is device- and vendor-specific. Set the
attributes <a href="#scaleMax">scaleMax</a> and <a href="#scaleMin">scaleMin</a>
for the additional scaled reading setpointScaled. Use attribut
<a href="#userReadings">userReadings</a> to adjust the scaling alternatively.<br>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.05 and attr
manufID must be 00D for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-04-01, A5-10-10 ... A5-10-14)<br>
[Thermokon SR04 * rH, Thanos SR *, untested]<br>
<li>T: t/°C H: rH/% SP: 0 ... 255 SW: 0|1</li>
<li>humidity: rH/% (Sensor Range: rH = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>switch: 0|1</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>setpoint: 0 ... 255</li>
<li>setpointScaled: <floating-point number></li>
<li>state: T: t/°C H: rH/% SP: 0 ... 255 SW: 0|1</li>
The scaling of the setpoint adjustment is device- and vendor-specific. Set the
attributes <a href="#scaleMax">scaleMax</a> and <a href="#scaleMin">scaleMin</a>
for the additional scaled reading setpointScaled. Use attribut
<a href="#userReadings">userReadings</a> to adjust the scaling alternatively.<br>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.01. This is
done if the device was created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-15 ... A5-10-17)<br>
<li>T: t/°C SP: 0 ... 63 P: absent|present</li>
<li>presence: absent|present</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = -10 °C ... 41.2 °C)</li>
<li>setpoint: 0 ... 63</li>
<li>setpointScaled: <floating-point number></li>
<li>state: T: t/°C SP: 0 ... 63 P: absent|present</li>
The scaling of the setpoint adjustment is device- and vendor-specific. Set the
attributes <a href="#scaleMax">scaleMax</a> and <a href="#scaleMin">scaleMin</a>
for the additional scaled reading setpointScaled. Use attribut
<a href="#userReadings">userReadings</a> to adjust the scaling alternatively.<br>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.02. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-18)<br>
<li>T: t/°C B: E/lx F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: t/°C P: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>setpoint: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C B: E/lx F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: t/°C P: absent|present|disabled</li>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.18. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-19)<br>
<li>T: t/°C H: rH/% F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: t/°C P: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off</li>
<li>humidity: rH/% (Sensor Range: rH = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>setpoint: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C H: rH/% F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: t/°C P: absent|present|disabled</li>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.19. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-1A)<br>
<li>T: t/°C F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: t/°C P: absent|present|disabled U: U/V</li>
<li>errorCode: 251 ... 255</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>setpoint: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>voltage: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.0 V)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: t/°C P: absent|present|disabled U: U/V</li>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.1A. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-1B, A5-10-1D)<br>
<li>T: t/°C B: E/lx F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off P: absent|present|disabled U: U/V</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>errorCode: 251 ... 255</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>voltage: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.0 V)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C B: E/lx F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off P: absent|present|disabled U: U/V</li>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.1B. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-1C)<br>
<li>T: t/°C B: E/lx F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: E/lx P: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>setpoint: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C B: E/lx F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: E/lx P: absent|present|disabled</li>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.1C. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-1D)<br>
<li>T: t/°C H: rH/% F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: rH/% P: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>humidity: rH/% (Sensor Range: rH = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>setpoint: rH/% (Sensor Range: rH = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C H: rH/% F: 0|1|2|3|4|5|auto|off SP: rH/% P: absent|present|disabled</li>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.1D. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Room Sensor and Control Unit (EEP A5-10-1F)<br>
<li>T: t/°C F: 0|1|2|3|auto SP: 0 ... 255 P: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>fan: 0|1|2|3|auto</li>
<li>presence: absent|present|disabled</li>
<li>setpoint: 0 ... 255</li>
<li>setpointScaled: <floating-point number></li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 40 °C)</li>
<li>state: T: t/°C F: 0|1|2|3|auto SP: 0 ... 255 P: absent|present|disabled</li>
The scaling of the setpoint adjustment is device- and vendor-specific. Set the
attributes <a href="#scaleMax">scaleMax</a> and <a href="#scaleMin">scaleMin</a>
for the additional scaled reading setpointScaled. Use attribut
<a href="#userReadings">userReadings</a> to adjust the scaling alternatively.<br>
The attr subType must be roomSensorControl.1F. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Lighting Controller State (EEP A5-11-01)<br>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 510 lx)</li>
<li>contact: open|closed</li>
<li>daylightHarvesting: enabled|disabled</li>
<li>dimValue: 0 ... 255</li>
<li>presence: absent|present</li>
<li>illum: 0 ... 255</li>
<li>mode: switching|dimming</li>
<li>powerRelayTimer: enabled|disabled</li>
<li>powerSwitch: on|off</li>
<li>repeater: enabled|disabled</li>
<li>state: on|off</li>
The attr subType must be lightCtrlState.01 This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Temperature Controller Output (EEP A5-11-02)<br>
<li>alarm: on|off</li>
<li>controlVar: cvar (Sensor Range: cvar = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>controllerMode: auto|heating|cooling|off</li>
<li>controllerState: auto|override</li>
<li>energyHoldOff: normal|holdoff</li>
<li>fan: 0 ... 3|auto</li>
<li>presence: present|absent|standby|frost</li>
<li>setpointTemp: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 51.2 °C)</li>
<li>state: t/°C</li>
The attr subType must be tempCtrlState.01 This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li><a name="Blind Status">Blind Status</a> (EEP A5-11-03)<br>
[untested, experimental status]<br>
<li>open|closed|not reached|not available</li>
<li>alarm: on|off|no endpoints defined|not used</li>
<li>anglePos: α/° (Sensor Range: α = -360 ° ... 360 °)</li>
<li>endPosition: open|closed|not reached|not available</li>
<li>position: pos/% (Sensor Range: pos = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>serviceOn: yes|no</li>
<li>shutterState: opens|closes|stopped|not available</li>
<li>positionMode: normal|inverse</li>
<li>state: open|closed|not reached|not available</li>
The attr subType must be shutterCtrlState.01 This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.<br>
The profile is linked with <a href="#Blind Command Central">Blind Command Central</a>.
The profile <a href="#Blind Command Central">Blind Command Central</a>
controls the devices centrally. For that the attributes subDef, subTypeSet
and gwCmd have to be set manually.
<li>Extended Lighting Status (EEP A5-11-04)<br>
[untested, experimental status]<br>
<li>alarm: off|lamp failure|internal failure|external periphery failure</li>
<li>dimValue: 0 ... 255</li>
<li>measuredValue: <formula symbol>/<unit> (Sensor range: <formula symbol> = 0 ... 65535 <unit></li>
<li>measureUnit: mW|W|kW|MW|Wh|kWh|MWh|GWh|mA|1/10 A|mV|1/10 V</li>
<li>lampOpHours: t/h |unknown (Sensor range: t = 0 h ... 65535 h)</li>
<li>powerSwitch: on|off</li>
<li>RGB: R G B (RGB color component values: 0 ... 255)</li>
<li>serviceOn: yes|no</li>
<li>state: on|off</li>
The attr subType must be lightCtrlState.02 This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Automated meter reading (AMR), Counter (EEP A5-12-00)<br>
[Thermokon SR-MI-HS, untested]<br>
<li>currentValue: 1/s</li>
<li>counter<0 ... 15>: 0 ... 16777215</li>
<li>channel: 0 ... 15</li>
<li>state: 1/s</li>
The attr subType must be autoMeterReading.00. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Automated meter reading (AMR), Electricity (EEP A5-12-01)<br>
[Eltako FSS12, DSZ14DRS, DSZ14WDRS, Thermokon SR-MI-HS, untested]<br>
[Eltako FWZ12-16A tested]<br>
<li>power: P/W</li>
<li>energy<0 ... 15>: E/kWh</li>
<li>currentTariff: 0 ... 15</li>
<li>serialNumber: S-<nnnnnn></li>
<li>state: P/W</li>
The attr subType must be autoMeterReading.01 and attr
manufID must be 00D for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Automated meter reading (AMR), Gas, Water (EEP A5-12-02, A5-12-03)<br>
<li>flowrate: Vs/l</li>
<li>consumption<0 ... 15>: V/m3</li>
<li>currentTariff: 0 ... 15</li>
<li>state: Vs/l</li>
The attr subType must be autoMeterReading.02|autoMeterReading.02.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.
<li>Environmental Applications<br>
Weather Station (EEP A5-13-01)<br>
Sun Intensity (EEP A5-13-02)<br>
[Eltako FWS61, untested]<br>
<li>T: t/°C B: E/lx W: Vs/m IR: yes|no</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 999 lx)</li>
<li>dayNight: day|night</li>
<li>hemisphere: north|south</li>
<li>isRaining: yes|no</li>
<li>sunEast: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 1 lx ... 150 klx)</li>
<li>sunSouth: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 1 lx ... 150 klx)</li>
<li>sunWest: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 1 lx ... 150 klx)</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = -40 °C ... 80 °C)</li>
<li>windSpeed: Vs/m (Sensor Range: V = 0 m/s ... 70 m/s)</li>
<li>state:T: t/°C B: E/lx W: Vs/m IR: yes|no</li>
Brightness is the strength of the dawn light. SunEast,
sunSouth and sunWest are the solar radiation from the respective
compass direction. IsRaining is the rain indicator.<br>
The attr subType must be environmentApp and attr manufID must be 00D
for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was created by
The Eltako Weather Station FWS61 supports not the day/night indicator
<li>Environmental Applications<br>
EEP A5-13-03 ... EEP A5-13-06 are not implemented.
<li>Environmental Applications<br>
Sun Position and Radiation (EEP A5-13-10)<br>
<li>SRA: E m2/W SNA: α/° SNE: β/°</li>
<li>dayNight: day|night</li>
<li>solarRadiation: E m2/W (Sensor Range: E = 0 W/m2 ... 2000 W/m2)</li>
<li>sunAzimuth: α/° (Sensor Range: α = -90 ° ... 90 °)</li>
<li>sunElevation: β/° (Sensor Range: β = 0 ° ... 90 °)</li>
<li>state:SRA: E m2/W SNA: α/° SNE: β/°</li>
The attr subType must be environmentApp. This is done if the device was created by
<li>Multi-Func Sensor (EEP A5-14-01 ... A5-14-06)<br>
<li>C: open|closed V: on|off E: E/lx U: U/V</li>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx, over range)</li>
<li>contact: open|closed</li>
<li>errorCode: 251 ... 255</li>
<li>vibration: on|off</li>
<li>voltage: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 5.0 V)</li>
<li>state: C: open|closed V: on|off E: E/lx U: U/V</li>
The attr subType must be multiFuncSensor. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Battery Powered Actuator (EEP A5-20-01)<br>
[Kieback&Peter MD15-FTL-xx]<br>
<li>actuator: ok|obstructed</li>
<li>battery: ok|low</li>
<li>currentValue: Actuator/%</li>
<li>cover: open|closed</li>
<li>energyInput: enabled|disabled</li>
<li>energyStorage: charged|empty</li>
<li>selfCtl: on|off</li>
<li>serviceOn: yes|no</li>
<li>temperature: t/°C</li>
<li>tempSensor: failed|ok</li>
<li>window: open|closed</li>
<li>state: Actuator/%</li>
The attr subType must be MD15. This is done if the device was created by
<li>Digital Input (EEP A5-30-01, A5-30-02)<br>
[Thermokon SR65 DI, untested]<br>
<li>battery: ok|low (only EEP A5-30-01)</li>
<li>contact: open|closed</li>
<li>state: open|closed</li>
The attr subType must be digitalInput.01 or digitalInput.02. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
[Eltako FLC61, FSR14]<br>
<li>executeTime: t/s (Sensor Range: t = 0.1 s ... 6553.5 s or 0 if no time specified)</li>
<li>executeType: duration|delay</li>
<li>lock: lock|unlock</li>
<li>state: on|off</li>
The attr subType must be gateway and gwCmd must be switching. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.<br>
For Eltako devices attributes must be set manually. Eltako devices only send on/off.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
[Eltako FUD14, FUD61, FUD70, FSG14, ...]<br>
<li>dimValue: dim/% (Sensor Range: dim = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>dimValueLast: dim/%<br>
Last value received from the bidirectional dimmer.</li>
<li>dimValueStored: dim/%<br>
Last value saved by <code>set <name> dim <value></code>.</li>
<li>rampTime: t/s (Sensor Range: t = 1 s ... 255 s or 0 if no time specified,
for Eltako: t = 1 = fast dimming ... 255 = slow dimming or 0 = dimming speed on the dimmer used)</li>
<li>state: on|off</li>
The attr subType must be gateway, gwCmd must be dimming and attr manufID must be 00D
for Eltako Devices. This is done if the device was created by autocreate.<br>
For Eltako devices attributes must be set manually. Eltako devices only send on/off and dimValue.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Setpoint shift<br>
<li>setpointShift: 1/K (Sensor Range: T = -12.7 K ... 12.8 K)</li>
<li>state: 1/K</li>
The attr subType must be gateway, gwCmd must be setpointShift.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Basic Setpoint<br>
<li>setpoint: t/°C (Sensor Range: t = 0 °C ... 51.2 °C)</li>
<li>state: t/°C</li>
The attr subType must be gateway, gwCmd must be setpointBasic.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Control variable<br>
<li>controlVar: cvov (Sensor Range: cvov = 0 % ... 100 %)</li>
<li>controllerMode: auto|heating|cooling|off</li>
<li>controllerState: auto|override</li>
<li>energyHoldOff: normal|holdoff</li>
<li>presence: present|absent|standby</li>
<li>state: auto|heating|cooling|off</li>
The attr subType must be gateway, gwCmd must be controlVar.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.
<li>Gateway (EEP A5-38-08)<br>
Fan stage<br>
<li>0 ... 3|auto</li>
<li>state: 0 ... 3|auto</li>
The attr subType must be gateway, gwCmd must be fanStage.
This is done if the device was created by autocreate.
<li>Manufacturer Specific Applications (EEP A5-3F-7F)<br><br>
Wireless Analog Input Module<br>
[Thermokon SR65 3AI, untested]<br>
<li>I1: U/V I2: U/V I3: U/V</li>
<li>input1: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 10 V)</li>
<li>input2: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 10 V)</li>
<li>input3: U/V (Sensor Range: U = 0 V ... 10 V)</li>
<li>state: I1: U/V I2: U/V I3: U/V</li>
The attr subType must be manufProfile and attr manufID must be 002
for Thermokon Devices. This is done if the device was
created by autocreate.
<li>Manufacturer Specific Applications (EEP A5-3F-7F)<br><br>
Shutter (EEP F6-02-01 ... F6-02-02)<br>
[Eltako FSB12, FSB14, FSB61, FSB70]<br>
The status of the device will become "B0" after the TOP endpoint is
reached, or it has finished an "up" or "position 0" command.</li>
The status of the device will become "BI" if the BOTTOM endpoint is
The status of the device become "stop" if stop command is sent.</li>
The status of the device become "released" between one of the endpoints.</li>
<li>state: B0|BI|stop|released</li>
Set attr subType to manufProfile, attr manufID to 00D and attr model to
FSB14|FSB61|FSB70 manually.
<li><a name="RAW Command">RAW Command</a><br>
<li>RORG: RPS|1BS|4BS</li>
<li>dataSent: data (Range: 0x00 ... 0xFF or 0x00000000 ... 0xFFFFFFFF)</li>
<li>statusSent: status (Range: 0x00 ... 0xFF)</li>
<li>state: RORG: rorg DATA: data STATUS: status ODATA: odata</li>
With the help of this command data messages in hexadecimal format can be sent and received.
The telegram type (RORG) 4BS can be received. For further information,
see <a href="http://www.enocean-alliance.org/eep/">EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP)</a>.
Set attr subType to raw manually.
<li>Light and Presence Sensor<br>
[Omnio Ratio eagle-PM101]<br>
<li>brightness: E/lx (Sensor Range: E = 0 lx ... 1000 lx)</li>
<li>channel1: yes|no<br>
Motion message in depending on the brightness threshold</li>
<li>channel2: yes|no<br>
Motion message</li>
<li>motion: yes|no<br>
Channel 2</li>
<li>state: yes|no<br>
Channel 2</li>
The sensor also sends switching commands (RORG F6) with the SenderID-1.<br>
Set attr subType to PM101 manually. Automatic teach-in is not possible,
since no EEP and manufacturer ID are sent.
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