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pahenning c79682e4f9 Some fixes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1322 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2012-03-06 16:30:04 +00:00

1543 lines
44 KiB

# OWX.pm
# FHEM module to commmunicate directly with 1-Wire bus devices
# via an active DS2480/DS2490/DS9097U bus master interface or
# via a passive DS9097 interface
# Version 1.05 - March, 2012
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning, 2012
# Setup interface as:
# define <name> OWX <device>
# where <name> may be replaced by any name string
# <device> is a serial (USB) device
# get <name> alarms => find alarmed 1-Wire devices
# get <name> devices => find all 1-Wire devices
# set <name> interval => set period for temperature conversion and alarm testing
# attr <name> buspower real/parasitic - whether the 1-Wire bus is really powered or
# the 1-Wire devices take their power from the data wire (parasitic is default !)
# Ordering of subroutines in this module
# 1. Subroutines independent of bus interface type
# 2. Subroutines for a specific type of the interface
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Device::SerialPort;
# Prototypes to make komodo happy
use vars qw{%attr %defs};
sub Log($$);
# Line counter
my $cline=0;
# These we may get on request
my %gets = (
"alarms" => "A",
"devices" => "D"
# These occur in a pulldown menu as settable values for the bus master
my %sets = (
"interval" => "T"
# These are attributes
my %attrs = (
#-- some globals needed for the 1-Wire module
my $owx_serport;
#-- baud rate serial interface
my $owx_baud=9600;
#-- Debugging
my $owx_debug=0;
#-- bus master mode
my $owx_mode="undef";
#-- bus interface
my $owx_interface="";
#-- 8 byte 1-Wire device address
my @owx_ROM_ID =(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0);
#-- List of addresses found on the bus
my @owx_devs=();
my @owx_fams=();
my @owx_alarm_devs=();
#-- 16 byte search string
my @owx_search=(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
#-- search state for 1-Wire bus search
my $owx_LastDiscrepancy = 0;
my $owx_LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
my $owx_LastDeviceFlag = 0;
# The following subroutines are independent of the bus interface
# OWX_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWX_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- Provider
$hash->{Clients} = ":OWAD:OWID:OWTEMP:";
#-- Normal Devices
$hash->{DefFn} = "OWX_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "OWX_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "OWX_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "OWX_Set";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 buspower:real,parasitic";
# OWX_Alarms - Find devices on the 1-Wire bus,
# which have the alarm flag set
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : no device present
sub OWX_Alarms ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my @owx_alarm_names=();
#-- Discover all alarmed devices on the 1-Wire bus
my $res = OWX_First($hash,"alarm");
while( $owx_LastDeviceFlag==0 && $res != 0){
$res = $res & OWX_Next($hash,"alarm");
if( @owx_alarm_devs == 0){
return "OWX: No alarmed 1-Wire devices found ";
#-- walk through all the devices to get their proper fhem names
foreach my $fhem_dev (sort keys %main::defs) {
#-- skip if busmaster
next if( $hash->{NAME} eq $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME} );
#-- all OW types start with OW
next if( substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE},0,2) ne "OW");
foreach my $owx_dev (@owx_alarm_devs) {
#-- two pieces of the ROM ID found on the bus
my $owx_rnf = substr($owx_dev,3,12);
my $owx_f = substr($owx_dev,0,2);
my $id_owx = $owx_f.".".$owx_rnf;
#-- skip if not in alarm list
if( $owx_dev eq $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{ROM_ID} ){
$main::defs{$fhem_dev}{STATE} = "Alarmed";
#-- so far, so good - what do we want to do with this ?
return "OWX: Alarmed 1-Wire devices found (".join(",",@owx_alarm_names).")";
# OWX_Block - Send data block
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, data = string to send
# Return response, if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub OWX_Block ($$) {
my ($hash,$data) =@_;
if( $owx_interface eq "DS2480" ){
return OWX_Block_2480($hash,$data);
}elsif( $owx_interface eq "DS9097" ){
return OWX_Block_9097($hash,$data);
Log 1,"OWX: Block called with unknown interface";
return 0;
# OWX_CRC - Check the CRC8 code of a device address in @owx_ROM_ID
# Parameter romid = if not zero, return the CRC8 value instead of checking it
sub OWX_CRC ($) {
my ($romid) = @_;
my @crc8_table = (
0, 94,188,226, 97, 63,221,131,194,156,126, 32,163,253, 31, 65,
157,195, 33,127,252,162, 64, 30, 95, 1,227,189, 62, 96,130,220,
35,125,159,193, 66, 28,254,160,225,191, 93, 3,128,222, 60, 98,
190,224, 2, 92,223,129, 99, 61,124, 34,192,158, 29, 67,161,255,
70, 24,250,164, 39,121,155,197,132,218, 56,102,229,187, 89, 7,
219,133,103, 57,186,228, 6, 88, 25, 71,165,251,120, 38,196,154,
101, 59,217,135, 4, 90,184,230,167,249, 27, 69,198,152,122, 36,
248,166, 68, 26,153,199, 37,123, 58,100,134,216, 91, 5,231,185,
140,210, 48,110,237,179, 81, 15, 78, 16,242,172, 47,113,147,205,
17, 79,173,243,112, 46,204,146,211,141,111, 49,178,236, 14, 80,
175,241, 19, 77,206,144,114, 44,109, 51,209,143, 12, 82,176,238,
50,108,142,208, 83, 13,239,177,240,174, 76, 18,145,207, 45,115,
202,148,118, 40,171,245, 23, 73, 8, 86,180,234,105, 55,213,139,
87, 9,235,181, 54,104,138,212,149,203, 41,119,244,170, 72, 22,
233,183, 85, 11,136,214, 52,106, 43,117,151,201, 74, 20,246,168,
116, 42,200,150, 21, 75,169,247,182,232, 10, 84,215,137,107, 53);
my $crc8=0;
if( $romid eq "0" ){
for(my $i=0; $i<8; $i++){
$crc8 = $crc8_table[ $crc8 ^ $owx_ROM_ID[$i] ];
return $crc8;
} else {
#-- from search string to byte id
for(my $i=0;$i<8;$i++){
for(my $i=0; $i<7; $i++){
$crc8 = $crc8_table[ $crc8 ^ $owx_ROM_ID[$i] ];
return $crc8;
# OWX_CRC16 - Calculate the CRC16 code of a string
# Parameter crc - previous CRC code, c next character
sub OWX_CRC16($) {
my ($data) = @_;
my $crc=0;
for( my $i=0; $i<length($data); $i++) {
$crc = OWX_DOCRC16($crc,substr($data,$i,1));
printf "=====> New CRC value = %x",$crc;
return $crc;
sub OWX_DOCRC16($$) {
my ($crc,$c) = @_;
#-- polynomial for x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1
my $mask = 0xA001;
my $i;
for($i=0;$i<8;$i++) {
if(($crc ^ ord($c)) & 1) {
} else {
return ($crc);
#Aufruf der Funktion im Programm:
# unsigned int DEVICE_CRC16=0;
# DEVICE_CRC16 = calcCRC16r (DEVICE_CRC16,chr,0xA001);
# OWX_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub OWX_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(@a == 3){
#-- If this line contains 3 parameters, it is the bus master definition
my $dev = $a[2];
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
#-- Dummy 1-Wire ROM identifier
$hash->{ROM_ID} = "FF";
#-- First step: open the serial device to test it
#Log 3, "OWX opening device $dev";
$owx_serport = new Device::SerialPort ($dev);
return "OWX: Can't open $dev: $!" if(!$owx_serport);
Log 3, "OWX: opened device $dev";
#-- sleeping for some time
#-- Second step: see, if a bus interface is detected
if (!OWX_Detect($hash)){
$hash->{STATE} = "Failed";
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
$init_done = 1;
return undef;
#-- In 10 seconds discover all devices on the 1-Wire bus
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "OWX_Discover", $hash,0);
#-- Default settings
$hash->{interval} = 60; # kick every minute
#-- InternalTimer blocks if init_done is not true
my $oid = $init_done;
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
#$hash->{TYPE} = "OWX";
#$hash->{T} = "OWX";
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{INTERFACE} = $owx_interface;
$init_done = 1;
#-- Intiate first alarm detection and eventually conversion in a minute or so
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 60, "OWX_Kick", $hash,1);
$init_done = $oid;
$hash->{STATE} = "Active";
return undef;
# OWX_Detect - Detect 1-Wire interface
# Method rather crude - treated as an 2480, and see whatis returned
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub OWX_Detect ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k,$l,$res,$ret,$ress);
#-- timing byte for DS2480
#-- Max 4 tries to detect an interface
for($l=0;$l<4;$l++) {
#-- write 1-Wire bus (Fig. 2 of Maxim AN192)
$res = OWX_Query_2480($hash,"\x17\x45\x5B\x0F\x91");
#$ress = "OWX: Answer was ";
# $j=int(ord(substr($res,$i,1))/16);
# $k=ord(substr($res,$i,1))%16;
# $ress.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
#Log 1, $ress;
#-- process 4/5-byte string for detection
if( $res eq "\x16\x44\x5A\x00\x93"){
Log 1, "OWX: 1-Wire bus master DS2480 detected for the first time";
} elsif( $res eq "\x17\x45\x5B\x0F\x91"){
Log 1, "OWX: 1-Wire bus master DS2480 re-detected";
} elsif( ($res eq "\x17\x0A\x5B\x0F\x02") || ($res eq "\x00\x17\x0A\x5B\x0F\x02") ){
Log 1, "OWX: Passive 1-Wire bus interface DS9097 detected";
} else {
if( $ret==1 );
$ress = "OWX: Trying again to detect an interface, answer was ";
$ress.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
Log 1, $ress;
#-- sleeping for some time
if( $ret == 0 ){
$ress = "OWX: No 1-Wire bus interface detected, answer was ";
$ress.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
Log 1, $ress;
return $ret;
# OWX_Discover - Discover devices on the 1-Wire bus,
# autocreate devices if not already present
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : no device present
sub OWX_Discover ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- Discover all devices on the 1-Wire bus
my @owx_names=();
my $res = OWX_First($hash,"discover");
while( $owx_LastDeviceFlag==0 && $res!=0 ){
$res = $res & OWX_Next($hash,"discover");
#-- Check, which of these is already defined in the cfg file
foreach my $owx_dev (@owx_devs) {
#-- two pieces of the ROM ID found on the bus
my $owx_rnf = substr($owx_dev,3,12);
my $owx_f = substr($owx_dev,0,2);
my $owx_crc = substr($owx_dev,15,3);
my $id_owx = $owx_f.".".$owx_rnf;
my $match = 0;
#-- check against all existing devices
foreach my $fhem_dev (sort keys %main::defs) {
#-- skip if busmaster
# next if( $hash->{NAME} eq $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME} );
#-- all OW types start with OW
next if( substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE},0,2) ne "OW");
my $id_fhem = substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{ROM_ID},0,15);
#-- testing if present in defined devices
if( $id_fhem eq $id_owx ){
#-- replace the ROM ID by the proper value
$match = 1;
#-- autocreate the device
if( $match==0 ){
#-- Default name OWX_FF_XXXXXXXXXXXX, default type = OWX_FF
my $name = sprintf "OWX_%s_%s",$owx_f,$owx_rnf;
#-- Family 10 = Temperature sensor, assume DS1820 as default
if( $owx_f eq "10" ){
CommandDefine(undef,"$name OWTEMP DS1820 $owx_rnf");
#-- Family 20 = A/D converter, assume DS2450 as default
} elsif( $owx_f eq "20" ){
CommandDefine(undef,"$name OWAD DS2450 $owx_rnf");
#-- Family 10 = Temperature sensor, assume DS1820 as default
}elsif( $owx_f eq "22" ){
CommandDefine(undef,"$name OWTEMP DS1822 $owx_rnf");
#-- All unknown families are ID only
} else {
CommandDefine(undef,"$name OWID $owx_f $owx_rnf");
#-- yes, it is on the bus and therefore present
#-- default room
CommandAttr (undef,"$name IODev $hash->{NAME}");
CommandAttr (undef,"$name room OWX");
#-- replace the ROM ID by the proper value
#-- final step: Undefine all 1-Wire devices which are not on the bus
foreach my $fhem_dev (sort keys %main::defs) {
#-- skip if malformed device
#next if( !defined($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME}) );
#-- all OW types start with OW
next if( substr($main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE},0,2) ne "OW");
#-- skip if the device is present.
next if( $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{PRESENT} == 1);
Log 1, "OWX: Deleting unused 1-Wire device $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{NAME} of type $main::defs{$fhem_dev}{TYPE}";
Log 1, "OWX: 1-Wire devices found (".join(",",@owx_names).")";
return "OWX: 1-Wire devices found (".join(",",@owx_names).")";
# OWX_First - Find the 'first' devices on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number pushed to list
# 0 : no device present
sub OWX_First ($$) {
my ($hash,$mode) = @_;
#-- clear 16 byte of search data
@owx_search=(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
#-- reset the search state
$owx_LastDiscrepancy = 0;
$owx_LastDeviceFlag = 0;
$owx_LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
#-- now do the search
return OWX_Search($hash,$mode);
# OWX_Get - Implements GetFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of the bus master a = argument array
sub OWX_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "OWX: Get needs exactly one parameter" if(@a != 2);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
if( $a[1] eq "alarms") {
my $res = OWX_Alarms($hash);
#-- process result
return $res
} elsif( $a[1] eq "devices") {
my $res = OWX_Discover($hash);
#-- process result
return $res
} else {
return "OWX: Get with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".
join(",", sort keys %gets);
# OWX_Kick - Initiate some processes in all devices
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : Not OK
sub OWX_Kick($) {
my($hash) = @_;
my $ret;
#-- Call us in n seconds again.
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{interval}, "OWX_Kick", $hash,1);
#-- Only if we have real power on the bus
if( defined($attr{$hash->{NAME}}{buspower}) && ($attr{$hash->{NAME}}{buspower} eq "real") ){
#-- issue the skip ROM command \xCC followed by start conversion command \x44
$ret = OWX_Block($hash,"\xCC\x44");
if( $ret eq 0 ){
Log 3, "OWX: Failure in temperature conversion\n";
return 0;
#-- sleeping for some time
return 1;
# OWX_Next - Find the 'next' devices on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number in owx_ROM_ID and pushed to list (LastDeviceFlag=0)
# or only in owx_ROM_ID (LastDeviceFlag=1)
# 0 : device not found, or ot searched at all
sub OWX_Next ($$) {
my ($hash,$mode) = @_;
#-- now do the search
return OWX_Search($hash,$mode);
# OWX_Reset - Reset the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub OWX_Reset ($) {
my ($hash)=@_;
if( $owx_interface eq "DS2480" ){
return OWX_Reset_2480($hash);
}elsif( $owx_interface eq "DS9097" ){
return OWX_Reset_9097($hash);
Log 1,"OWX: Reset called with unknown interface";
return 0;
# OWX_Search - Perform the 1-Wire Search Algorithm on the 1-Wire bus using the existing
# search state.
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode=alarm,discover or verify
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number in owx_ROM_ID and pushed to list (LastDeviceFlag=0)
# or only in owx_ROM_ID (LastDeviceFlag=1)
# 0 : device not found, or ot searched at all
sub OWX_Search ($$) {
my ($hash,$mode)=@_;
#-- if the last call was the last one, no search
if ($owx_LastDeviceFlag==1){
return 0;
#-- 1-Wire reset
if (OWX_Reset($hash)==0){
#-- reset the search
Log 1, "OWX: Search reset failed";
$owx_LastDiscrepancy = 0;
$owx_LastDeviceFlag = 0;
$owx_LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
return 0;
#-- Here we call the device dependent part
if( $owx_interface eq "DS2480" ){
}elsif( $owx_interface eq "DS9097" ){
Log 1,"OWX: Search called with unknown interface";
return 0;
#--check if we really found a device
if( OWX_CRC(0)!= 0){
#-- reset the search
Log 1, "OWX: Search CRC failed ";
$owx_LastDiscrepancy = 0;
$owx_LastDeviceFlag = 0;
$owx_LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
return 0;
#-- character version of device ROM_ID, first byte = family
my $dev=sprintf("%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X",@owx_ROM_ID);
#-- for some reason this does not work - replaced by another test, see below
#if( $owx_LastDiscrepancy==0 ){
# $owx_LastDeviceFlag=1;
if( $owx_LastDiscrepancy==$owx_LastFamilyDiscrepancy ){
#-- mode was to verify presence of a device
if ($mode eq "verify") {
Log 5, "OWX: Device verified $dev";
return 1;
#-- mode was to discover devices
} elsif( $mode eq "discover" ){
#-- check families
my $famfnd=0;
foreach (@owx_fams){
if( substr($dev,0,2) eq $_ ){
#-- if present, set the fam found flag
push(@owx_fams,substr($dev,0,2)) if( !$famfnd );
foreach (@owx_devs){
if( $dev eq $_ ){
#-- if present, set the last device found flag
if( $owx_LastDeviceFlag!=1 ){
#-- push to list
Log 5, "OWX: New device found $dev";
return 1;
#-- mode was to discover alarm devices
} else {
for(my $i=0;$i<@owx_alarm_devs;$i++){
if( $dev eq $owx_alarm_devs[$i] ){
#-- if present, set the last device found flag
if( $owx_LastDeviceFlag!=1 ){
#--push to list
Log 5, "OWX: New alarm device found $dev";
return 1;
# OWX_Set - Implements SetFn function
# Parameter hash , a = argument array
sub OWX_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = shift @a;
my $res;
#-- First we need to find the ROM ID corresponding to the device name
my $owx_romid = $hash->{ROM_ID};
Log 5, "OWX_Set request $name $owx_romid ".join(" ",@a);
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
return join(" ", sort keys %sets) if(@a != 2);
return "OWX_Set: With unknown argument $a[0], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets)
#-- Set timer value
if( $a[0] eq "interval" ){
#-- only values >= 15 secs allowed
if( $a[1] >= 15){
$hash->{interval} = $a[1];
$res = 1;
} else {
$res = 0;
Log GetLogLevel($name,3), "OWX_Set $name ".join(" ",@a)." => $res";
DoTrigger($name, undef) if($init_done);
return "OWX_Set => $name ".join(" ",@a)." => $res";
# OWX_Undef - Implements UndefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of the bus master, name
sub OWX_Undef ($$) {
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
# OWX_Verify - Verify a particular device on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, dev = 8 Byte ROM ID of device to be tested
# Return 1 : device found
# 0 : device not
sub OWX_Verify ($$) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $i;
#-- from search string to byte id
my $devs=$dev;
#-- reset the search state
$owx_LastDiscrepancy = 64;
$owx_LastDeviceFlag = 0;
#-- now do the search
my $res=OWX_Search($hash,"verify");
my $dev2=sprintf("%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X",@owx_ROM_ID);
#-- reset the search state
$owx_LastDiscrepancy = 0;
$owx_LastDeviceFlag = 0;
#-- check result
if ($dev eq $dev2){
return 1;
return 0;
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a DS2480 bus interface
# OWX_Block_2480 - Send data block (Fig. 6 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, data = string to send
# Return response, if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub OWX_Block_2480 ($$) {
my ($hash,$data) =@_;
my $data2="";
#-- if necessary, prepend E1 character for data mode
if( ($owx_mode ne "data") && (substr($data,0,1) ne '\xE1')) {
$data2 = "\xE1";
#-- all E3 characters have to be duplicated
for(my $i=0;$i<length($data);$i++){
my $newchar = substr($data,$i,1);
if( $newchar eq '\xE3'){
#-- write 1-Wire bus as a single string
my $res =OWX_Query_2480($hash,$data2);
return $res;
# OWX_Level_2480 - Change power level (Fig. 13 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, newlevel = "normal" or something else
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub OWX_Level_2480 ($$) {
my ($hash,$newlevel) =@_;
my $cmd="";
#-- if necessary, prepend E3 character for command mode
if( $owx_mode ne "command") {
$cmd = "\xE3";
#-- return to normal level
if( $newlevel eq "normal" ){
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res = OWX_Query_2480($hash,$cmd);
#-- process result
my $r1 = ord(substr($res,0,1)) & 236;
my $r2 = ord(substr($res,1,1)) & 236;
if( ($r1 eq 236) && ($r2 eq 236) ){
Log 5, "OWX: Level change to normal OK";
return 1;
} else {
Log 3, "OWX: Failed to change to normal level";
return 0;
#-- start pulse
} else {
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res = OWX_Query_2480($hash,$cmd);
#-- process result
if( $res eq "\x3E" ){
Log 5, "OWX: Level change OK";
return 1;
} else {
Log 3, "OWX: Failed to change level";
return 0;
# OWX_Query_2480 - Write to and read from the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter: hash = hash of bus master, cmd = string to send to the 1-Wire bus
# Return: string received from the 1-Wire bus
sub OWX_Query_2480 ($$) {
my ($hash,$cmd) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k);
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
if( $owx_debug > 1){
my $res = "OWX: Sending out ";
$res.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
Log 3, $res;
my $count_out = $owx_serport->write($cmd);
Log 1, "OWX: Write incomplete $count_out ne ".(length($cmd))."" if ( $count_out != length($cmd) );
#-- sleeping for some time
#-- read the data
my ($count_in, $string_in) = $owx_serport->read(48);
if( $owx_debug > 1){
my $res = "OWX: Receiving ";
$res.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
Log 3, $res;
#-- sleeping for some time
# OWX_Reset_2480 - Reset the 1-Wire bus (Fig. 4 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub OWX_Reset_2480 ($) {
my ($hash)=@_;
my $cmd="";
my ($res,$r1,$r2);
#-- if necessary, prepend \xE3 character for command mode
if( $owx_mode ne "command" ) {
$cmd = "\xE3";
#-- Reset command \xC5
$cmd = $cmd."\xC5";
#-- write 1-Wire bus
$res =OWX_Query_2480($hash,$cmd);
#-- if not ok, try for max. a second time
$r1 = ord(substr($res,0,1)) & 192;
if( $r1 != 192){
$res =OWX_Query_2480($hash,$cmd);
#-- process result
$r1 = ord(substr($res,0,1)) & 192;
if( $r1 != 192){
Log 3, "OWX: Reset failure";
return 0;
$r2 = ord(substr($res,0,1)) & 3;
if( $r2 == 3 ){
Log 3, "OWX: No presence detected";
return 0;
}elsif( $r2 ==2 ){
Log 1, "OWX: Alarm presence detected";
return 1;
# OWX_Search_2480 - Perform the 1-Wire Search Algorithm on the 1-Wire bus using the existing
# search state.
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode=alarm,discover or verify
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number in owx_ROM_ID and pushed to list (LastDeviceFlag=0)
# or only in owx_ROM_ID (LastDeviceFlag=1)
# 0 : device not found, or ot searched at all
sub OWX_Search_2480 ($$) {
my ($hash,$mode)=@_;
my ($sp1,$sp2,$response,$search_direction,$id_bit_number);
#-- Response search data parsing operates bytewise
$id_bit_number = 1;
#-- clear 16 byte of search data
@owx_search=(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
#-- Output search data construction (Fig. 9 of Maxim AN192)
# operates on a 16 byte search response = 64 pairs of two bits
while ( $id_bit_number <= 64) {
#-- address single bits in a 16 byte search string
my $newcpos = int(($id_bit_number-1)/4);
my $newimsk = ($id_bit_number-1)%4;
#-- address single bits in a 8 byte id string
my $newcpos2 = int(($id_bit_number-1)/8);
my $newimsk2 = ($id_bit_number-1)%8;
if( $id_bit_number <= $owx_LastDiscrepancy){
#-- first use the ROM ID bit to set the search direction
if( $id_bit_number < $owx_LastDiscrepancy ) {
$search_direction = ($owx_ROM_ID[$newcpos2]>>$newimsk2) & 1;
#-- at the last discrepancy search into 1 direction anyhow
} else {
$search_direction = 1;
#-- fill into search data;
#--increment number
#-- issue data mode \xE1, the normal search command \xF0 or the alarm search command \xEC
# and the command mode \xE3 / start accelerator \xB5
if( $mode ne "alarm" ){
$sp1 = "\xE1\xF0\xE3\xB5";
} else {
$sp1 = "\xE1\xEC\xE3\xB5";
#-- issue data mode \xE1, device ID, command mode \xE3 / end accelerator \xA5
$response = OWX_Query_2480($hash,$sp1);
$response = OWX_Query_2480($hash,$sp2);
#-- interpret the return data
if( length($response)!=16 ) {
Log 3, "OWX: Search 2nd return has wrong parameter with length = ".length($response)."";
return 0;
#-- Response search data parsing (Fig. 11 of Maxim AN192)
# operates on a 16 byte search response = 64 pairs of two bits
$id_bit_number = 1;
#-- clear 8 byte of device id for current search
@owx_ROM_ID =(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0);
while ( $id_bit_number <= 64) {
#-- adress single bits in a 16 byte string
my $newcpos = int(($id_bit_number-1)/4);
my $newimsk = ($id_bit_number-1)%4;
#-- retrieve the new ROM_ID bit
my $newchar = substr($response,$newcpos,1);
#-- these are the new bits
my $newibit = (( ord($newchar) >> (2*$newimsk) ) & 2) / 2;
my $newdbit = ( ord($newchar) >> (2*$newimsk) ) & 1;
#-- output for test purpose
#print "id_bit_number=$id_bit_number => newcpos=$newcpos, newchar=0x".int(ord($newchar)/16).
# ".".int(ord($newchar)%16)." r$id_bit_number=$newibit d$id_bit_number=$newdbit\n";
#-- discrepancy=1 and ROM_ID=0
if( ($newdbit==1) and ($newibit==0) ){
if( $id_bit_number < 9 ){
#-- fill into device data; one char per 8 bits
#-- increment number
return 1;
# OWX_WriteBytePower_2480 - Send byte to bus with power increase (Fig. 16 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, dbyte = byte to send
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub OWX_WriteBytePower_2480 ($$) {
my ($hash,$dbyte) =@_;
my $cmd="\x3F";
my $ret="\x3E";
#-- if necessary, prepend \xE3 character for command mode
if( $owx_mode ne "command") {
$cmd = "\xE3".$cmd;
#-- distribute the bits of data byte over several command bytes
for (my $i=0;$i<8;$i++){
my $newbit = (ord($dbyte) >> $i) & 1;
my $newchar = 133 | ($newbit << 4);
my $newchar2 = 132 | ($newbit << 4) | ($newbit << 1) | $newbit;
#-- last command byte still different
if( $i == 7){
$newchar = $newchar | 2;
$cmd = $cmd.chr($newchar);
$ret = $ret.chr($newchar2);
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res = OWX_Query($hash,$cmd);
#-- process result
if( $res eq $ret ){
Log 5, "OWX: WriteBytePower OK";
return 1;
} else {
Log 3, "OWX: WriteBytePower failure";
return 0;
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a DS9097 bus interface
# OWX_Block_9097 - Send data block (
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, data = string to send
# Return response, if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub OWX_Block_9097 ($$) {
my ($hash,$data) =@_;
my $data2="";
my $res=0;
for (my $i=0; $i<length($data);$i++){
$res = OWX_TouchByte_9097($hash,ord(substr($data,$i,1)));
$data2 = $data2.chr($res);
return $data2;
# OWX_Query_9097 - Write to and read from the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter: hash = hash of bus master, cmd = string to send to the 1-Wire bus
# Return: string received from the 1-Wire bus
sub OWX_Query_9097 ($$) {
my ($hash,$cmd) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k);
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
if( $owx_debug > 1){
my $res = "OWX: Sending out ";
$res.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
Log 3, $res;
my $count_out = $owx_serport->write($cmd);
Log 1, "OWX: Write incomplete $count_out ne ".(length($cmd))."" if ( $count_out != length($cmd) );
#-- sleeping for some time
#-- read the data
my ($count_in, $string_in) = $owx_serport->read(48);
if( $owx_debug > 1){
my $res = "OWX: Receiving ";
$res.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
Log 3, $res;
#-- sleeping for some time
# OWX_ReadBit_9097 - Read 1 bit from 1-wire bus (Fig. 5/6 from Maxim AN214)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return bit value
sub OWX_ReadBit_9097 ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- set baud rate to 115200 and query!!!
my $sp1="\xFF";
my $res=OWX_Query_9097($hash,$sp1);
#-- process result
if( substr($res,0,1) eq "\xFF" ){
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# OWX_Reset_9097 - Reset the 1-Wire bus (Fig. 4 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub OWX_Reset_9097 ($) {
my ($hash)=@_;
my $cmd="";
#-- Reset command \xF0
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res =OWX_Query_9097($hash,$cmd);
#-- TODO: process result
#-- may vary between 0x10, 0x90, 0xe0
return 1;
# OWX_Search_9097 - Perform the 1-Wire Search Algorithm on the 1-Wire bus using the existing
# search state.
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode=alarm,discover or verify
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number in owx_ROM_ID and pushed to list (LastDeviceFlag=0)
# or only in owx_ROM_ID (LastDeviceFlag=1)
# 0 : device not found, or ot searched at all
sub OWX_Search_9097 ($$) {
my ($hash,$mode)=@_;
my ($sp1,$sp2,$response,$search_direction,$id_bit_number);
#-- Response search data parsing operates bitwise
$id_bit_number = 1;
my $rom_byte_number = 0;
my $rom_byte_mask = 1;
my $last_zero = 0;
#-- issue search command
$response = OWX_Query_9097($hash,$sp2);
#-- issue the normal search command \xF0 or the alarm search command \xEC
#if( $mode ne "alarm" ){
# $sp1 = 0xF0;
#} else {
# $sp1 = 0xEC;
#$response = OWX_TouchByte($hash,$sp1);
#-- clear 8 byte of device id for current search
@owx_ROM_ID =(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0);
while ( $id_bit_number <= 64) {
#loop until through all ROM bytes 0-7
my $id_bit = OWX_TouchBit_9097($hash,1);
my $cmp_id_bit = OWX_TouchBit_9097($hash,1);
#print "id_bit = $id_bit, cmp_id_bit = $cmp_id_bit\n";
if( ($id_bit == 1) && ($cmp_id_bit == 1) ){
#print "no devices present at id_bit_number=$id_bit_number \n";
if ( $id_bit != $cmp_id_bit ){
$search_direction = $id_bit;
} else {
# hä ? if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy
# on a previous next then pick the same as last time
if ( $id_bit_number < $owx_LastDiscrepancy ){
if (($owx_ROM_ID[$rom_byte_number] & $rom_byte_mask) > 0){
$search_direction = 1;
} else {
$search_direction = 0;
} else {
# if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0
if ($id_bit_number == $owx_LastDiscrepancy){
$search_direction = 1;
} else {
$search_direction = 0;
# if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero
if ($search_direction == 0){
$last_zero = $id_bit_number;
# check for Last discrepancy in family
if ($last_zero < 9) {
$owx_LastFamilyDiscrepancy = $last_zero;
# print "search_direction = $search_direction, last_zero=$last_zero\n";
# set or clear the bit in the ROM byte rom_byte_number
# with mask rom_byte_mask
#print "ROM byte mask = $rom_byte_mask, search_direction = $search_direction\n";
if ( $search_direction == 1){
$owx_ROM_ID[$rom_byte_number] |= $rom_byte_mask;
} else {
$owx_ROM_ID[$rom_byte_number] &= ~$rom_byte_mask;
# serial number search direction write bit
$response = OWX_WriteBit_9097($hash,$search_direction);
# increment the byte counter id_bit_number
# and shift the mask rom_byte_mask
$rom_byte_mask <<= 1;
#-- if the mask is 0 then go to new rom_byte_number and
if ($rom_byte_mask == 256){
$rom_byte_mask = 1;
$owx_LastDiscrepancy = $last_zero;
return 1;
# OWX_TouchBit_9097 - Write/Read 1 bit from 1-wire bus (Fig. 5-8 from Maxim AN 214)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return bit value
sub OWX_TouchBit_9097 ($$) {
my ($hash,$bit) = @_;
my $sp1;
#-- set baud rate to 115200 and query!!!
if( $bit == 1 ){
} else {
my $res=OWX_Query_9097($hash,$sp1);
#-- process result
my $sp2=substr($res,0,1);
if( $sp1 eq $sp2 ){
return 1;
}else {
return 0;
# OWX_TouchByte_9097 - Write/Read 8 bit from 1-wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return bit value
sub OWX_TouchByte_9097 ($$) {
my ($hash,$byte) = @_;
my $loop;
my $result=0;
my $bytein=$byte;
for( $loop=0; $loop < 8; $loop++ ){
#-- shift result to get ready for the next bit
$result >>=1;
#-- if sending a 1 then read a bit else write 0
if( $byte & 0x01 ){
if( OWX_ReadBit_9097($hash) ){
$result |= 0x80;
} else {
$byte >>= 1;
#print "-----------------------\n";
#printf "Sending byte /%02x/\n",$bytein;
#printf "Receiving byte /%02x/\n",$result;
#print "-----------------------\n";
return $result;
# OWX_WriteBit_9097 - Write 1 bit to 1-wire bus (Fig. 7/8 from Maxim AN 214)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return bit value
sub OWX_WriteBit_9097 ($$) {
my ($hash,$bit) = @_;
my $sp1;
#-- set baud rate to 115200 and query!!!
if( $bit ==1 ){
} else {
my $res=OWX_Query_9097($hash,$sp1);
#-- process result
if( substr($res,0,1) eq $sp1 ){
return 1;
} else {
return 0;