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# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(@FW_httpheader); # HTTP header, line by line
use MIME::Base64;
my $allowed_haveSha;
sub allowed_CheckBasicAuth($$$$);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "allowed_Define";
$hash->{AuthorizeFn} = "allowed_Authorize";
$hash->{AuthenticateFn} = "allowed_Authenticate";
$hash->{SetFn} = "allowed_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "allowed_Attr";
no warnings 'qw';
my @attrList = qw(
use warnings 'qw';
$hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList)." ".$readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{UndefFn} = "allowed_Undef";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "allowed_fhemwebFn";
eval { require Digest::SHA; };
if($@) {
Log3 $hash, 4, $@;
$allowed_haveSha = 0;
} else {
$allowed_haveSha = 1;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @l = split(" ", $def);
if(@l > 2) {
my %list;
for(my $i=2; $i<@l; $i++) {
$list{$l[$i]} = 1;
$hash->{devices} = \%list;
$auth_refresh = 1;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "validFor:", 0);
SecurityCheck() if($init_done);
return undef;
$auth_refresh = 1;
return undef;
# Return 0 for don't care, 1 for Allowed, 2 for forbidden.
my ($me, $cl, $type, $arg, $silent) = @_;
return 0 if($me->{disabled});
if( $cl->{SNAME} ) {
return 0 if(!$me->{validFor} || $me->{validFor} !~ m/\b$cl->{SNAME}\b/);
} else {
return 0 if(!$me->{validFor} || $me->{validFor} !~ m/\b$cl->{NAME}\b/);
return 0 if(AttrVal($me->{NAME}, "allowedIfAuthenticatedByMe", 0) &&
(!$cl->{AuthenticatedBy} ||
$cl->{AuthenticatedBy} ne $me->{NAME}));
if($type eq "cmd") {
return 0 if(!$me->{allowedCommands});
# Return 0: allow stacking with other instances, see Forum#46380
return 0 if($me->{allowedCommands} =~ m/\b\Q$arg\E\b/);
Log3 $me, 3, "Forbidden command $arg for $cl->{NAME}";
stacktrace() if(AttrVal($me, "verbose", 5));
return 2;
if($type eq "devicename") {
return 0 if(!$me->{allowedDevices} &&
return 1 if($me->{allowedDevices} &&
$me->{allowedDevices} =~ m/\b\Q$arg\E\b/);
return 1 if($me->{allowedDevicesRegexp} &&
$arg =~ m/^$me->{allowedDevicesRegexp}$/);
if(!$silent) {
Log3 $me, 3, "Forbidden device $arg for $cl->{NAME}";
stacktrace() if(AttrVal($me, "verbose", 5));
return 2;
return 0;
# Return 0 for authentication not needed, 1 for auth-ok, 2 for wrong password
my ($me, $cl, $param) = @_;
my $doReturn = sub($$){
my ($r,$a) = @_;
$cl->{AuthenticatedBy} = $me->{NAME} if($r == 1);
$cl->{AuthenticationDeniedBy} = $me->{NAME} if($r == 2 && $a);
return $r;
return 0 if($me->{disabled});
return 0 if(!$me->{validFor} || $me->{validFor} !~ m/\b$cl->{SNAME}\b/);
my $aName = $me->{NAME};
if($cl->{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB") {
my $basicAuth = AttrVal($aName, "basicAuth", undef);
delete $cl->{".httpAuthHeader"};
return 0 if(!$basicAuth);
return 2 if(!$param);
my $FW_httpheader = $param;
my $secret = $FW_httpheader->{Authorization};
$secret =~ s/^Basic //i if($secret);
# Check for Cookie in headers if no basicAuth header is set
my $authcookie;
if (!$secret && $FW_httpheader->{Cookie}) {
if(AttrVal($aName, "basicAuthExpiry", 0)) {
my $cookie = "; ".$FW_httpheader->{Cookie}.";";
$authcookie = $1 if ( $cookie =~ /; AuthToken=([^;]+);/ );
$secret = $authcookie;
my $pwok = (allowed_CheckBasicAuth($me, $cl, $secret, $basicAuth) == 1);
# Add Cookie header ONLY if authentication with basicAuth was succesful
if($pwok && (!defined($authcookie) || $secret ne $authcookie)) {
my $time = AttrVal($aName, "basicAuthExpiry", 0);
if ( $time ) {
my ($user, $password) = split(":", decode_base64($secret)) if($secret);
$time = int($time*86400+time());
# generate timestamp according to RFC-1130 in Expires
my $expires = FmtDateTimeRFC1123($time);
readingsBulkUpdate($me,'lastAuthUser', $user, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($me,'lastAuthExpires', $time, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($me,'lastAuthExpiresFmt', $expires, 1);
readingsEndUpdate($me, 1);
# set header with expiry
$cl->{".httpAuthHeader"} = "Set-Cookie: AuthToken=".$secret.
"; Path=/ ; Expires=$expires\r\n" ;
return &$doReturn(1, 1) if($pwok);
my $msg = AttrVal($aName, "basicAuthMsg", "FHEM: login required");
$cl->{".httpAuthHeader"} = "HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required\r\n".
"WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"$msg\"\r\n";
return &$doReturn(2, $secret);
} elsif($cl->{TYPE} eq "telnet") {
my $pw = AttrVal($aName, "password", undef);
if(!$pw) {
$pw = AttrVal($aName, "globalpassword", undef);
$pw = undef if($pw && $cl->{NAME} =~ m/_127.0.0.1_/);
return 0 if(!$pw);
return 2 if(!defined($param));
if($pw =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
my $password = $param;
my $ret = eval $pw;
Log3 $aName, 1, "password expression: $@" if($@);
return &$doReturn($ret ? 1 : 2, $param);
} elsif($pw =~ m/^SHA256:(.{8}):(.*)$/) {
if($allowed_haveSha) {
return &$doReturn(Digest::SHA::sha256_base64("$1:$param") eq $2 ?
1 : 2, $param);
} else {
Log3 $me, 3, "Cant load Digest::SHA to decode $me->{NAME} beiscAuth";
return &$doReturn(($pw eq $param) ? 1 : 2, $param);
} else {
$param =~ m/^basicAuth:(.*)/ if($param);
return &$doReturn(allowed_CheckBasicAuth($me, $cl, $1,
AttrVal($aName,"basicAuth",undef)), $param);
my ($me, $cl, $secret, $basicAuth) = @_;
return 0 if(!$basicAuth);
my $aName = $me->{NAME};
my $pwok = ($secret && $secret eq $basicAuth) ? 1 : 2; # Base64
my ($user, $password) = split(":", decode_base64($secret)) if($secret);
($user,$password) = ("","") if(!defined($user) || !defined($password));
if($secret && $basicAuth =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
$pwok = eval $basicAuth;
if($@) {
Log3 $aName, 1, "basicAuth expression: $@";
$pwok = 2;
} else {
$pwok = ($pwok ? 1 : 2);
} elsif($basicAuth =~ m/^SHA256:(.{8}):(.*)$/) {
if($allowed_haveSha) {
$pwok = (Digest::SHA::sha256_base64("$1:$user:$password") eq $2 ? 1 : 2);
} else {
Log3 $me, 3, "Cannot load Digest::SHA to decode $aName basicAuth";
$pwok = 2;
$cl->{AuthenticatedUser} = $user if($user);
return $pwok;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my %sets = (globalpassword=>1, password=>1, basicAuth=>2);
return "no set argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(" ",sort keys %sets)
return "$a[1] needs $sets{$a[1]} parameters"
if(@a-2 != $sets{$a[1]});
return "Cannot load Digest::SHA" if(!$allowed_haveSha);
my $plain = ($a[1] eq "basicAuth" ? "$a[2]:$a[3]" : $a[2]);
my ($x,$y) = gettimeofday();
my $salt = substr(sprintf("%08X", rand($y)*rand($x)),0,8);
CommandAttr($hash->{CL}, "$a[0] $a[1] SHA256:$salt:".
my ($type, $devName, $attrName, @param) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$devName};
my $set = ($type eq "del" ? 0 : (!defined($param[0]) || $param[0]) ? 1 : 0);
if($attrName eq "disable") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $set ? "disabled" : "active", 1);
if($set) {
$hash->{disabled} = 1;
} else {
} elsif($attrName eq "allowedCommands" || # hoping for some speedup
$attrName eq "allowedDevices" ||
$attrName eq "allowedDevicesRegexp" ||
$attrName eq "validFor") {
if($set) {
$hash->{$attrName} = join(" ", @param);
} else {
if($attrName eq "validFor") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "validFor:".join(",",@param), 1);
InternalTimer(1, "SecurityCheck", 0) if($init_done);
} elsif(($attrName eq "basicAuth" ||
$attrName eq "password" || $attrName eq "globalpassword") &&
$type eq "set") {
foreach my $d (devspec2array("TYPE=(FHEMWEB|telnet)")) {
delete $defs{$d}{Authenticated} if($defs{$d});
InternalTimer(1, "SecurityCheck", 0) if($init_done);
return undef;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $vf = $defs{$d}{validFor} ? $defs{$d}{validFor} : "";
my (@F_arr, @t_arr);
my @arr = map {
my $ca = $modules{$defs{$_}{TYPE}}{CanAuthenticate};
push(@F_arr, $_) if($ca == 1);
push(@t_arr, $_) if($ca == 2);
"<input type='checkbox' ".($vf =~ m/\b$_\b/ ? "checked ":"").
"name='$_' class='vfAttr'><label>$_</label>"
grep { !$defs{$_}{SNAME} &&
$modules{$defs{$_}{TYPE}}{CanAuthenticate} }
sort keys %defs;
my $r = "<input id='vfAttr' type='button' value='attr'> $d validFor <ul>".
join("<br>",@arr)."</ul><script>var dev='$d';".<<'EOF';
var names=[];
FW_cmd(FW_root+"?cmd=attr "+dev+" validFor "+names.join(",")+"&XHR=1");
$r .= "For ".join(",",@F_arr).
": \"set $d basicAuth <username> <password>\"<br>"
$r .= "For ".join(",",@t_arr).
": \"set $d password <password>\" or".
" \"set $d globalpassword <password>\"<br>"
return $r;
=item helper
=item summary authorize command execution based on frontend
=item summary_DE authorisiert Befehlsausführung basierend auf dem Frontend
=begin html
<a name="allowed"></a>
<a name="alloweddefine"></a>
<code>define <name> allowed <deviceList></code>
Authorize execution of commands and modification of devices based on the
frontend used and/or authenticate users.<br><br>
If there are multiple instances defined which are valid for a given
frontend device, then all authorizations must succeed. For authentication
it is sufficient when one of the instances succeeds. The checks are
executed in alphabetical order of the allowed instance names.<br><br>
<b>Note:</b> this module should work as intended, but no guarantee
can be given that there is no way to circumvent it.<br><br>
define allowedWEB allowed<br>
attr allowedWEB validFor WEB,WEBphone,WEBtablet<br>
attr allowedWEB basicAuth { "$user:$password" eq "admin:secret" }<br>
attr allowedWEB allowedCommands set,get<br><br>
define allowedTelnet allowed<br>
attr allowedTelnet validFor telnetPort<br>
attr allowedTelnet password secret<br>
<a name="allowedset"></a>
<li>basicAuth <username> <password></li>
<li>password <password></li>
<li>globalpassword <password><br>
these commands set the corresponding attribute, by computing an SHA256
hash from the arguments and a salt. Note: the perl module Digest::SHA is
<a name="allowedget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="allowedattr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li><br>
<a name="allowedCommands"></a>
A comma separated list of commands allowed from the matching frontend
(see validFor).<br>
If set to an empty list <code>, (i.e. comma only)</code>
then no comands are allowed. If set to <code>get,set</code>, then only
a "regular" usage is allowed via set and get, but changing any
configuration is forbidden.<br>
<a name="allowedDevices"></a>
A comma or space separated list of device names which can be
manipulated via the matching frontend (see validFor).
<a name="allowedDevicesRegexp"></a>
Regexp to match the devicenames, which can be manipulated. The regexp
is prepended with ^ and suffixed with $, as usual.
<a name="allowedIfAuthenticatedByMe"></a>
if set (to 1), then the allowed parameters will only be checked, if the
authentication was executed by this allowed instance.
<a name="basicAuth"></a>
<li>basicAuth, basicAuthMsg<br>
request a username/password authentication for FHEMWEB access.
It can be a base64 encoded string of user:password, an SHA256 hash
(which should be set via the corresponding set command) or a perl
expression if enclosed in {}, where $user and $password are set, and
which returns true if accepted or false if not. Examples:
attr allowed basicAuth ZmhlbXVzZXI6c2VjcmV0<br>
attr allowed basicAuth SHA256:F87740B5:q8dHeiClaPLaWVsR/rqkzcBhw/JvvwVi4bEwKmJc/Is<br>
attr allowed basicAuth {"$user:$password" eq "fhemuser:secret"}<br>
If basicAuthMsg is set, it will be displayed in the popup window when
requesting the username/password. Note: not all browsers support this
<a name="basicAuthExpiry"></a>
allow the basicAuth to be kept valid for a given number of days.
So username/password as specified in basicAuth are only requested
after a certain period.
This is achieved by sending a cookie to the browser that will expire
after the given period.
Only valid if basicAuth is set.
<a name="password"></a>
Specify a password for telnet instances, which has to be entered as the
very first string after the connection is established. The same rules
apply as for basicAuth, with the expception that there is no user to be
Note: if this attribute is set, you have to specify a password as the
first argument when using fhem.pl in client mode:
perl fhem.pl localhost:7072 secret "set lamp on"
<a name="globalpassword"></a>
Just like the attribute password, but a password will only required for
non-local connections.
<a name="validFor"></a>
A comma separated list of frontend names. Currently supported frontends
are all devices connected through the FHEM TCP/IP library, e.g. telnet
and FHEMWEB. The allowed instance is only active, if this attribute is
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="allowed"></a>
<a name="alloweddefine"></a>
<code>define <name> allowed <deviceList></code>
Authorisiert das Ausführen von Kommandos oder das Ändern von
Geräten abhängig vom verwendeten Frontend.<br>
Falls man mehrere allowed Instanzen definiert hat, die für dasselbe
Frontend verantwortlich sind, dann müssen alle Authorisierungen
genehmigt sein, um das Befehl ausführen zu können. Auf der
anderen Seite reicht es, wenn einer der Authentifizierungen positiv
entschieden wird. Die Prüfungen werden in alphabetischer Reihenfolge
der Instanznamen ausgeführt. <br><br>
<b>Achtung:</b> das Modul sollte wie hier beschrieben funktionieren,
allerdings können wir keine Garantie geben, daß man sie nicht
überlisten, und Schaden anrichten kann.<br><br>
define allowedWEB allowed<br>
attr allowedWEB validFor WEB,WEBphone,WEBtablet<br>
attr allowedWEB basicAuth { "$user:$password" eq "admin:secret" }<br>
attr allowedWEB allowedCommands set,get<br><br>
define allowedTelnet allowed<br>
attr allowedTelnet validFor telnetPort<br>
attr allowedTelnet password secret<br>
<a name="allowedset"></a>
<li>basicAuth <username> <password></li>
<li>password <password></li>
<li>globalpassword <password><br>
diese Befehle setzen das entsprechende Attribut, indem sie aus den
Parameter und ein Salt ein SHA256 Hashwert berechnen. Achtung: das perl
Modul Digest::SHA wird benötigt.
<a name="allowedget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="allowedattr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a>
<a name="allowedCommands"></a>
Eine Komma getrennte Liste der erlaubten Befehle des passenden
Frontends (siehe validFor). Bei einer leeren Liste (, dh. nur ein
Komma) wird dieser Frontend "read-only".
Falls es auf <code>get,set</code> gesetzt ist, dann sind in dieser
Frontend keine Konfigurationsänderungen möglich, nur
"normale" Bedienung der Schalter/etc.
<a name="allowedDevices"></a>
Komma getrennte Liste von Gerätenamen, die mit dem passenden
Frontend (siehe validFor) geändert werden können.
<a name="allowedDevicesRegexp"></a>
Regexp um die Geräte zu spezifizieren, die man bearbeiten darf.
Das Regexp wird (wie in FHEM üblich) mit ^ und $ ergänzt.
<a name="allowedIfAuthenticatedByMe"></a>
falls gesetzt (auf 1), dann werden die allowed Attribute nur dann
angewendet, falls auch die Authentifikation durch diese allowed Instanz
durchgeführt wurde.
<a name="basicAuth"></a>
<li>basicAuth, basicAuthMsg<br>
Erzwingt eine Authentifizierung mit Benutzername/Passwort für die
zugerdnete FHEMWEB Instanzen. Der Wert kann entweder das base64
kodierte Benutzername:Passwort sein, ein SHA256 hash (was man am besten
mit dem passenden set Befehl erzeugt), oder, falls er in {}
eingeschlossen ist, ein Perl Ausdruck. Für Letzteres wird
$user und $passwort gesetzt, und muss wahr zurückliefern, falls
Benutzername und Passwort korrekt sind. Beispiele:
attr allowed basicAuth ZmhlbXVzZXI6c2VjcmV0<br>
attr allowed basicAuth SHA256:F87740B5:q8dHeiClaPLaWVsR/rqkzcBhw/JvvwVi4bEwKmJc/Is<br>
attr allowed basicAuth {"$user:$password" eq "fhemuser:secret"}<br>
basicAuthMsg wird (in manchen Browsern) in dem Passwort Dialog als
Überschrift angezeigt.<br>
<a name="password"></a>
Betrifft nur telnet Instanzen (siehe validFor): Bezeichnet ein
Passwort, welches als allererster String eingegeben werden muss,
nachdem die Verbindung aufgebaut wurde. Für die Werte gelten die
Regeln von basicAuth, mit der Ausnahme, dass nur Passwort und kein
Benutzername spezifiziert wird.<br> Falls dieser Parameter gesetzt
wird, sendet FHEM telnet IAC Requests, um ein Echo während der
Passworteingabe zu unterdrücken. Ebenso werden alle
zurückgegebenen Zeilen mit \r\n abgeschlossen.<br>
Falls dieses Attribut gesetzt wird, muss als erstes Argument ein
Passwort angegeben werden, wenn fhem.pl im Client-mode betrieben wird:
perl fhem.pl localhost:7072 secret "set lamp on"
<a name="globalpassword"></a>
Betrifft nur telnet Instanzen (siehe validFor): Entspricht dem
Attribut password; ein Passwort wird aber ausschließlich für
nicht-lokale Verbindungen verlangt.
<a name="validFor"></a>
Komma separierte Liste von Frontend-Instanznamen. Aktuell werden nur
Frontends unterstützt, die das FHEM TCP/IP Bibliothek verwenden,
z.Bsp. telnet und FHEMWEB. Falls nicht gesetzt, ist die allowed Instanz
nicht aktiv.
=end html_DE