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# $Id: 73_km200.pm 0045 2015-03-26 21:30:00Z Matthias_Deeke $
# 73_km200.pm
# Creates the possibility to access the Buderus central heating system via
# Buderus KM200, KM100 or KM50 communication module. It uses HttpUtils_NonblockingGet
# from Rudolf Koenig to avoid a full blockage of the fhem main system during the
# polling procedure.
# Author : Matthias Deeke
# Contributions : Olaf Droegehorn, Andreas Hahn, Rudolf Koenig, Markus Bloch, Stefan M., Furban, KaiKr, grossi33
# e-mail : matthias.deeke(AT)deeke(PUNKT)eu
# Fhem Forum : http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,25540.0.html
# Fhem Wiki : http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Buderus_Web_Gateway
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# fhem.cfg: define <devicename> km200 <IPv4-address> <GatewayPassword> <PrivatePassword>
# Example 1 - Bare Passwords:
# define myKm200 km200 GatewayGeheim PrivateGeheim
# Example 2 - base64 encoded passwords: Both passwords may be pre-encode with base64
# define myKm200 km200 R2F0ZXdheUdlaGVpbQ== UHJpdmF0ZUdlaGVpbQ==
# Version Date Programmer Subroutine Description of Change
# 0010 28.08.2014 Sailor All Initial Release for collaborative programming work
# 0011 13.10.2014 Furban km200_Define Correcting "if (int(@a) == 6))" into "if (int(@a) == 6)"
# 0011 13.10.2014 Furban km200_Define Changing "if ($url =~ m/^((\d\d\d[01]\d\d2[0-4]\d25[0-5])\.){3}(\d\d\d[01]\d\d2[0-4]\d25[0-5])$/)" into "if ($url =~ m/^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/)"
# 0012 20.10.2014 Sailor km200_Encrypt Swapping over to Crypt::Rijndael
# 0012 20.10.2014 Sailor km200_Decrypt Swapping over to Crypt::Rijndael
# 0013 21.10.2014 Sailor All Improving log3 functions for debugging
# 0014 22.10.2014 Sailor All New function for get status and implementing export to Readings
# 0015 23.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Minimum interval changed to 20s since polling procedure lasts about 10s
# 0015 23.10.2014 Sailor km200_Get New subroutine to receive individual data adhoc
# 0016 25.10.2014 Sailor km200_Set First try
# 0017 26.10.2014 Nobody0472 ALL Add FailSafe & Error Handling + KM50 + Interval in Definition
# 0018 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_GetData Trying out whether "my $options = HTTP::Headers->new("Accept" => "application/json","User-Agent" => "TeleHeater/2.2.3", "agent" => "TeleHeater/2.2.3");" is the same as "$ua->agent('TeleHeater/2.2.3');"
# 0018 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Lot's of commenting in order to improve readability :-)
# 0018 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_CompleteDataInit Improvement of console output for easier debugging
# 0018 27.10.2014 Sailor =pod First Issue of description added
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_GetData Try-out Failed and original code re enabled for: "Trying out whether "my $options = HTTP::Headers->new("Accept" => "application/json","User-Agent" => "TeleHeater/2.2.3", "agent" => "TeleHeater/2.2.3");" is the same as "$ua->agent('TeleHeater/2.2.3');""
# 0019 27.10.2014 Nobody0472 km200_Attr First Issue
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_Attr Adapted to double interval attributes "IntervalDynVal" and "IntervalStatVal"
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Adapted to double interval attributes "IntervalDynVal" and "IntervalStatVal" and deleted interval of being imported from the define line.
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Created list of known static services
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Calculated a list of responding services which are not static = responding dynamic services
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_CompleteDynData Subroutine km200_CompleteData renamed to "km200_CompleteDynData" and only downloading responding dynamic services
# 0019 27.10.2014 Sailor km200_CompleteStatData Subroutine "km200_CompleteStatData" created only downloading responding static services
# 0020 28.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Attribute check moved to km200_Attr
# 0020 28.10.2014 Sailor km200_Attr Attribute check included
# 0020 28.10.2014 Sailor All Clear-ups for comments and unused debug - print commands
# 0020 28.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Decoding of passwords with base64 implemented to avoid bare passwords in fhem.cfg
# 0021 31.10.2014 Sailor km200_Define Added "/heatingCircuits/hc2" and subordinates
# 0021 31.10.2014 Sailor km200_CompleteDynData First try-outs with fork() command - FAILED! All fork() commands deleted
# 0022 04.11.2014 Sailor ----------- Nearly all subroutines renamed! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0022 04.11.2014 Sailor All Integration of HttpUtils_NonblockingGet(). Nearly all Subroutines renamed due to new functionality
# 0023 05.11.2014 Sailor All Clearing up "print" and "log" command
# 0023 05.11.2014 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit encode_utf8() command added to avoid crashes with "/heatSources/flameCurrent" or "/system/appliance/flameCurrent"
# 0023 05.11.2014 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn encode_utf8() command added to avoid crashes with "/heatSources/flameCurrent" or "/system/appliance/flameCurrent"
# 0023 05.11.2014 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseStat encode_utf8() command added to avoid crashes with "/heatSources/flameCurrent" or "/system/appliance/flameCurrent"
# 0023 05.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetSingleService New function used to obtain single value: HttpUtils_BlockingGet()
# 0023 05.11.2014 Sailor km200_PostSingleService New function used to write single value: HttpUtils_BlockingGet() (Yes, even called "get" in the end, it allows to write (POST) as well
# 0024 06.11.2014 Sailor km200_PostSingleService Set value works! But only if no background download of dynamic or static values is active the same time
# 0025 06.11.2014 Sailor km200_Get Creating proper hash out of array of responding services
# 0025 07.11.2014 Sailor km200_Set Creating proper hash out of array of writeable services
# 0025 07.11.2014 Sailor km200_Initialize Adding DbLog_splitFn
# 0025 07.11.2014 Sailor km200_DbLog_splitFn First try-out. print function temporarily disabled
# 0025 07.11.2014 Sailor All Adding some print-commands for debugging
# 0025 07.11.2014 Sailor km200_Set Starting with blocking flags
# 0026 09.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetDynService Additional Log for debugging added
# 0026 09.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetStatService Additional Log for debugging added
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Initialize Corrected DbLog entry to $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = "km200_DbLog_splitFn";
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Define Password logging deleted. Too dangerous as soon a user posts its log seeking for help since gateway password cannot be changed
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Define Adding $hash->{DELAYDYNVAL} and $hash->{DELAYSTATVAL} to delay start of timer
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Attr Adding $hash->{DELAYDYNVAL} and $hash->{DELAYSTATVAL} to delay start of timer
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_PostSingleService Error handling
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetSingleService Error handling
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Define Added additional STATE information
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetDynService Added additional STATE information
# 0027 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetStatService Added additional STATE information
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Initialize Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Define Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_Attr Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_PostSingleService Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetSingleService Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetInitService Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetDynService Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0028 10.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetStatService Implementing polling time-out attribute in $hash
# 0029 14.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetInitService Log Level for data not being available downgraded to Level 4
# 0029 14.11.2014 Sailor km200_GetSingleService Log Level for data not being available downgraded to Level 4
# 0029 14.11.2014 Sailor =pod Description updated
# 0030 14.11.2014 Sailor All Implement Console-Printouts only if attribute "ConsoleMessage" is set
# 0031 09.12.2014 Sailor km200_GetDynService Catching JSON parsing errors in order to prevent fhem crashes
# 0031 09.12.2014 Sailor km200_GetStatService Catching JSON parsing errors in order to prevent fhem crashes
# 0031 09.12.2014 Sailor km200_GetInitService Catching JSON parsing errors in order to prevent fhem crashes
# 0031 09.12.2014 Sailor km200_GetSingleService Catching JSON parsing errors in order to prevent fhem crashes
# 0032 09.12.2014 Sailor All Small format corrections
# 0033 12.12.2014 Sailor km200_Define Swapping service for test of communication from "/system/brand" to "/gateway/DateTime"
# 0034 12.12.2014 Sailor km200_Initialize Deactivating $hash->{DbLog_splitFn}
# 0035 07.01.2015 Sailor Comments Updating comments based on created WIKI
# 0035 07.01.2015 Sailor km200_Attr BugFix around ConsoleMessage Attribute
# 0035 07.01.2015 Sailor All Log Message of verbose level 2 improved
# 0035 07.01.2015 Sailor =pod Bug-fix to be joined in commandref
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor Comments Switched version system to fhem 4-digit version number scheme
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_Define Switched version system to fhem 4-digit version number scheme
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_Define Implementing DoNotPoll attribute
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_Attribute Implementing DoNotPoll attribute
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_GetInitService Implementing DoNotPoll attribute
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit Implementing DoNotPoll attribute
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_Initialize Try-out DbLog Split (DbLog_Split is currently disabled)
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_Define Preparing DbLog Split
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_DbLog_splitFn Try-out DbLog Split
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_GetSingleService Preparing DbLog Split
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_GetInitService Preparing DbLog Split
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_GetDynService Preparing DbLog Split
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor km200_GetStatService Preparing DbLog Split
# 0036 13.01.2015 Sailor =pod Correction of errors and German description added
# 0037 14.01.2015 Sailor km200_DbLog_splitFn Try-out DbLog Split (Failed... no name of device handed over in event)
# 0037 14.01.2015 Sailor =pod Correction of errors
# 0037 14.01.2015 Sailor km200_Attr Readings are being deleted if set not to be polled by attribute
# 0038 16.01.2015 Sailor km200_Attr Implementing hierarchy top-down in DoNotPoll
# 0038 16.01.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit Implementing hierarchy top-down in DoNotPoll
# 0038 16.01.2015 Sailor =pod Implementing hierarchy top-down in DoNotPoll
# 0038 16.01.2015 Sailor del_double Adding a helper to delete double entries in arrays
# 0039 19.01.2015 Sailor km200_Attr Bugfix: Handling of unknown attributes
# 0039 19.01.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added: SC2 as copy of SC1
# 0039 19.01.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added: More services since apparently forgotten due to update on IP-Symcon site
# 0039 19.01.2015 Sailor km200_Get Changed: get-command is able to return raw data if valid json dataset is not existing to be returned
# 0039 19.01.2015 Sailor km200_GetSingleService Changed: get-command is able to return raw data if valid json dataset is not existing to be returned
# 0040 20.01.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /system/holidayModes
# 0041 21.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /heatingCircuits/hc1/heatingCurveSetting
# 0041 21.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /heatingCircuits/hc2/heatingCurveSetting
# 0041 21.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /heatingCircuits/hc1/holidayMode
# 0041 21.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /heatingCircuits/hc2/holidayMode
# 0041 21.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /gateway/language
# 0041 21.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /recordings/system/sensors/outdoorTemperatures
# 0041 24.02.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /dhwCircuits/*
# 0042 03.03.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added more services
# 0042 03.03.2015 Sailor km200_Set Re-read of written value bug fixed.
# 0042 04.03.2015 Sailor km200_Set Correction of type change for numeric values
# 0043 09.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit Read of "switchPrograms" implemented
# 0043 09.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn Read of "switchPrograms" implemented
# 0043 09.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseStat Read of "switchPrograms" implemented
# 0043 14.03.2015 Sailor All My 41st birthday version.
# 0044 15.03.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /system/appliance/type
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added additional services below /dhwCircuits/dhw...
# 0044 15.03.2015 Sailor km200_Set First try-outs for switchProgram writings
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit fullResponde = ERROR - bug corrected
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn fullResponde = ERROR - bug corrected
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseStat fullResponde = ERROR - bug corrected
# 0045 26.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit Automatic Service Search
# 0045 26.03.2015 Sailor km200_Attr Changes for Automatic Service Search
# List of open Problems:
# *DbLog: X_DbLog_splitFn not completely implemented in order to hand over the units of the readings to DbLog database
# Unfortunately the global %hash of this module will not be transferred to the DbLog function. Therefore this
# function is useless.
# *switchPrograms: Writing programs not yet implemented
# *notifications: Read of boiler controller error messages not yet implemented
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Blocking;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use base qw( Exporter );
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
use MIME::Base64;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
use Crypt::Rijndael;
use HttpUtils;
use Encode;
use constant false => 0;
use constant true => 1;
sub km200_Define($$);
sub km200_Undefine($$);
###START###### Initialize module ##############################################################################START####
sub km200_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{STATE} = "Init";
$hash->{DefFn} = "km200_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "km200_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "km200_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "km200_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "km200_Attr";
# $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = "km200_DbLog_split";
$hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 " .
"IntervalDynVal " .
"IntervalStatVal " .
"PollingTimeout " .
"ConsoleMessage " .
"DoNotPoll " .
####END####### Initialize module ###############################################################################END#####
###START###### Activate module after module has been used via fhem command "define" ##########################START####
sub km200_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $a[0];
#$a[1] just contains the "km200" module name and we already know that! :-)
my $url = $a[2];
my $km200_gateway_password = $a[3];
my $km200_private_password = $a[4];
my $ModuleVersion = "0045";
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "define";
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Starting to define module with version: " . $ModuleVersion;
###START###### Define known services of gateway ###########################################################START####
my @KM200_AllServices = (
my @KM200_StatServices = (
####END####### Define known services of gateway ############################################################END#####
###START### Check whether all variables are available #####################################################START####
if (int(@a) == 5)
###START### Check whether IPv4 address is valid
if ($url =~ m/^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/)
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - IPv4-address is valid : " . $url;
return $name .": Error - IPv4 address is not valid \n Please use \"define <devicename> km200 <IPv4-address> <interval/[s]> <GatewayPassword> <PrivatePassword>\" instead";
####END#### Check whether IPv4 address is valid
###START### Check whether gateway password is base64 encoded or bare, has the right length and delete "-" if required
my $PasswordEncrypted = false;
my $EvalPassWord = $km200_gateway_password;
$EvalPassWord =~ tr/-//d;
if ( length($EvalPassWord) == 16)
$km200_gateway_password = $EvalPassWord;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Provided GatewayPassword provided as bareword has the correct length at least.";
else # Check whether the password is eventually base64 encoded
# Remove additional encoding with base64
my $decryptData = decode_base64($km200_gateway_password);
$decryptData =~ tr/-//d;
$decryptData =~ s/\r|\n//g;
if ( length($decryptData) == 16)
$km200_gateway_password = $decryptData;
$PasswordEncrypted = true;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Provided GatewayPassword encoded with base64 has the correct length at least.";
return $name .": Error - GatewayPassword does not have the correct length.\n".
" Please enter gateway password in the format of \"aaaabbbbccccdddd\" or \"aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd\"\n".
" You may encode your password with base64 first, in order to prevent bare passwords in fhem.cfg.\n".
" If you choose to encrypt your gateway password with base64, you also must encrypt your private password the same way\n";
Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : km200 - Provided Gateway Password does not follow the specifications";
####END#### Check whether gateway password has the right length and delete "-" if required
###START### Check whether private password is available and decode it with base64 if encoding is used
if ($PasswordEncrypted == true)
my $decryptData = decode_base64($km200_private_password);
$decryptData =~ s/\r|\n//g;
if (length($decryptData) > 0)
$km200_private_password = $decryptData;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Provided PrivatePassword exists at least";
return $name .": Error - PrivatePassword does not have the minimum length.\n".
" You may encode your password with base64 first, in order to prevent bare passwords in fhem.cfg.\n".
" If you choose to encrypt your private password with base64, you also must encrypt your gateway password the same way\n";
else # If private password is provided as bare word
if (length($km200_private_password) > 0)
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Provided PrivatePassword exists at least";
return $name .": Error - PrivatePassword has not been provided.\n".
" You may encode your password with base64 first, in order to prevent bare passwords in fhem.cfg.\n".
" If you choose to encrypt your private password with base64, you also must encrypt your gateway password the same way\n";
Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : km200 - Provided Private Password does not follow the specifications";
####END#### Check whether private password is available and decode it with base64 if encoding is used
return $name .": km200 - Error - Not enough parameter provided." . "\n" . "Gateway IPv4 address, Gateway and Private Passwords must be provided" ."\n". "Please use \"define <devicename> km200 <IPv4-address> <GatewayPassword> <PrivatePassword>\" instead";
####END#### Check whether all variables are available ######################################################END#####
###START###### Create the secret SALT of the MD5-Hash for AES-encoding ####################################START####
my $Buderus_MD5Salt = pack(
0x86, 0x78, 0x45, 0xe9, 0x7c, 0x4e, 0x29, 0xdc,
0xe5, 0x22, 0xb9, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0xa3, 0xe0, 0x7b,
0x15, 0x2b, 0xff, 0xad, 0xdd, 0xbe, 0xd7, 0xf5,
0xff, 0xd8, 0x42, 0xe9, 0x89, 0x5a, 0xd1, 0xe4
####END####### Create the secret SALT of the MD5-Hash for AES-encoding #####################################END#####
###START###### Create keys with MD5 #######################################################################START####
# Copy Salt
my $km200_crypt_md5_salt = $Buderus_MD5Salt;
# First half of the key: MD5 of (km200GatePassword . Salt)
my $key_1 = md5($km200_gateway_password . $km200_crypt_md5_salt);
# Second half of the key: - Initial: MD5 of ( Salt)
my $key_2_initial = md5($km200_crypt_md5_salt);
# Second half of the key: - private: MD5 of ( Salt . km200PrivatePassword)
my $key_2_private = md5($km200_crypt_md5_salt . $km200_private_password);
# Create keys
my $km200_crypt_key_initial = ($key_1 . $key_2_initial);
my $km200_crypt_key_private = ($key_1 . $key_2_private);
####END####### Create keys with MD5 #########################################################################END#####
###START###### Writing values to global hash ###############################################################START####
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{URL} = $url;
$hash->{VERSION} = $ModuleVersion;
$hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL} = 60;
$hash->{DELAYDYNVAL} = 60;
$hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL} = 3600;
$hash->{DELAYSTATVAL} = 120;
$hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT} = 5;
$hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} = false;
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit} = 0;
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn} = 0;
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterStat} = 0;
$hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash} = ();
$hash->{status}{FlagInitRequest} = false;
$hash->{status}{FlagGetRequest} = false;
$hash->{status}{FlagSetRequest} = false;
$hash->{status}{FlagDynRequest} = false;
$hash->{status}{FlagStatRequest} = false;
$hash->{Secret}{CRYPTKEYPRIVATE} = $km200_crypt_key_private;
$hash->{Secret}{CRYPTKEYINITIAL} = $km200_crypt_key_initial;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}} = sort @KM200_AllServices;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200STATSERVICES}} = @KM200_StatServices;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200RESPONDINGSERVICES}} = ();
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200WRITEABLESERVICES}} = ();
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200DONOTPOLL}} = ();
####END####### Writing values to global hash ################################################################END#####
###START###### Reset fullResponse error message ############################################################START####
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
####END####### Reset fullResponse error message #############################################################END#####
###START###### For Debugging purpose only ##################################################################START####
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Define H : " .$hash;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Define D : " .$def;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Define A : " .@a;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Define Name : " .$name;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Define Adr : " .$url;
####END####### For Debugging purpose only ###################################################################END#####
###START###### Check whether communication to the physical unit is possible ################################START####
my $Km200Info ="";
$hash->{temp}{service} = "/gateway/DateTime";
$Km200Info = km200_GetSingleService($hash);
if ($Km200Info eq "ERROR")
$Km200Info = $hash->{temp}{TransferValue};
$hash->{temp}{TransferValue} = "";
if ($Km200Info eq "ERROR")
## Communication with Gateway WRONG !! ##
$hash->{STATE}="Error - No Communication";
return ($name .": km200 - ERROR - The communication between fhem and the Buderus KM200 failed! \n".
" Please check physical connection, IP-address and passwords! \n");
elsif ($Km200Info eq "SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE") ## Communication OK but service not available ##
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - /gateway/DateTime : NOT AVAILABLE";
else ## Communication OK and service is available ##
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - /gateway/DateTime : AVAILABLE";
####END####### Check whether communication to the physical unit is possible ################################END#####
###START###### Initiate the timer for first time polling of values from KM200 but wait 5s ################START####
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "km200_GetInitService", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Internal timer for Initialisation of services started for the first time.";
####END####### Initiate the timer for first time polling of values from KM200 but wait 60s ################END#####
return undef;
####END####### Activate module after module has been used via fhem command "define" ############################END#####
###START###### To bind unit of value to DbLog entries #########################################################START####
#sub km200_DbLog_split($)
# my ($event) = @_;
# my $name = $event[0];
# my $hash = $defs{$name};
# my ($reading, $value, $unit);
#print("DbLog_splitFn - event : " . $event . "\n");
#print("DbLog_splitFn - event[0] : " . $event[0] . "\n");
#print("DbLog_splitFn - event[1] : " . $event[1] . "\n");
#print("DbLog_splitFn - event[2] : " . $event[2] . "\n");
#print("DbLog_splitFn - unit : " . $hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash}{unit} ."\n");
# ### Get values being changed from hash
# $reading = $hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash}{id};
# $value = $hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash}{value};
# $unit = $hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash}{unit};
# ### Get values being changed from hash
#print("DbLog_splitFn - event:" . $event . "; value: ". $value . "; unit: ". $unit . ".\n");
# ### Delete temporary json-hash for DbLog-Split
# $hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash} = ();
# ### Delete temporary json-hash for DbLog-Split
# return ($reading, $value, $unit);
####END####### To bind unit of value to DbLog entries ##########################################################END#####
###START###### Deactivate module module after "undefine" command by fhem ######################################START####
sub km200_Undefine($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $url = $hash->{URL};
# Stop the internal timer for this module
Log3 $name, 3, $name. " - km200 has been undefined. The KM unit at $url will no longer polled.";
return undef;
####END####### Deactivate module module after "undefine" command by fhem #######################################END#####
###START###### Handle attributes after changes via fhem GUI ###################################################START####
sub km200_Attr(@)
my @a = @_;
my $name = $a[1];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $DisableStatValPolling = $hash->{DISABLESTATVALPOLLING};
my $IntervalDynVal = $hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL};
my $IntervalStatVal = $hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL};
my $DelayDynVal = $hash->{DELAYDYNVAL};
my $DelayStatVal = $hash->{DELAYSTATVAL};
### Check whether dynamic interval attribute has been provided
if($a[2] eq "IntervalDynVal")
$IntervalDynVal = $a[3];
###START### Check whether polling interval is not too short
if ($IntervalDynVal > 19)
$hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL} = $IntervalDynVal;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - IntervalDynVal set to attribute value:" . $IntervalDynVal ." s";
return $name .": Error - Gateway interval for IntervalDynVal too small - server response time longer than defined interval, please use something >=20, default is 90";
####END#### Check whether polling interval is not too short
### Check whether static interval attribute has been provided
elsif($a[2] eq "IntervalStatVal")
$IntervalStatVal = $a[3];
if ($IntervalStatVal == 0) ### Check whether statical values supposed to be polled at all. The attribute "IntervalStatVal" set to "0" means no polling for statical values.
$DisableStatValPolling = true;
$hash->{DISABLESTATVALPOLLING} = $DisableStatValPolling;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Polling for static values diabled";
###START### Check whether polling interval is not too short
if ($IntervalStatVal > 19)
$DisableStatValPolling = false;
$hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL} = $IntervalStatVal;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - IntervalStatVal set to attribute value:" . $IntervalStatVal ." s";
return $name .": Error - Gateway interval for IntervalStatVal too small - server response time longer than defined interval, please use something >=20, default is 3600";
####END#### Check whether polling interval is not too short
### Check whether polling timeout attribute has been provided
elsif($a[2] eq "PollingTimeout")
###START### Check whether timeout is not too short
if ($a[3] >= 5)
$hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT} = $a[3];
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Polling timeout set to attribute value:" . $a[3] ." s";
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Error - Gateway polling timeout attribute too small: " . $a[3] ." s";
return $name .": Error - Gateway polling timeout attribute is too small - server response time is 5s minimum, default is 5";
####END#### Check whether timeout is not too short
### Check whether console printout attribute has been provided
elsif($a[2] eq "ConsoleMessage")
### If messages on console shall be visible
if ($a[3] == 1)
$hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} = true;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Console printouts enabled";
### If messages on console shall NOT be visible
$hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} = false;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Console printouts disabled";
### Check whether DoNotPoll attribute have been provided
elsif($a[2] eq "DoNotPoll")
my @KM200_DONOTPOLL = ();
my @temp = @a;
### Delete the first 3 items of the array
splice @temp, 0, 3;
### Insert empty field as minimum entry
push @temp, "";
### Transform string entries seperated by blank into array
@KM200_DONOTPOLL = split(/ /, $temp[0]);
### Save list of services not to be polled into hash
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200DONOTPOLL}} = @KM200_DONOTPOLL;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - The following services will not be polled: ". $a[3];
### If no attributes of the above known ones have been selected
# Do nothing
return undef;
####END####### Handle attributes after changes via fhem GUI ####################################################END#####
###START###### Obtain value after "get" command by fhem #######################################################START####
sub km200_Get($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
### If not enough arguments have been provided
if ( @a < 2 )
return "\"get km200\" needs at least one argument";
my $name = shift @a;
my $opt = shift @a;
my %km200_gets;
my $ReturnValue;
### Get the list of possible services and create a hash out of it
my @GetServices = @{$hash->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}};
foreach my $item(@GetServices)
$km200_gets{$item} = ("1");
### Remove trailing slash if available
$opt = $1 if($opt=~/(.*)\/$/);
### If service chosen in GUI does not exist
my @cList = keys %km200_gets;
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
### Save chosen service into hash
$hash->{temp}{service} = $opt;
### Block other scheduled and unscheduled routines
$hash->{status}{FlagGetRequest} = true;
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Obtaining value of : $opt \n");}
### Read service-hash
my $ReturnHash = km200_GetSingleService($hash);
### De-block other scheduled and unscheduled routines
$hash->{status}{FlagGetRequest} = false;
### Extract value
$ReturnValue = $ReturnHash->{value};
or do
### Just copy string
$ReturnValue = $ReturnHash;
### Delete temporary value
$hash->{temp}{service} = "";
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
### Return value
####END####### Obtain value after "get" command by fhem ########################################################END#####
###START###### Manipulate service after "set" command by fhem #################################################START####
sub km200_Set($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
### If not enough arguments have been provided
if ( @a < 2 )
return "\"set km200\" needs at least one argument";
my $name = shift @a;
my $opt = shift @a;
my $value = join("", @a);
my %km200_sets;
### Get the list of possible services and create a hash out of it
my @WriteableServices = @{$hash->{Secret}{KM200WRITEABLESERVICES}};
foreach my $item(@WriteableServices)
$km200_sets{$item} = ("1");
### If service chosen in GUI does not exist
my @cList = keys %km200_sets;
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
### Save chosen service into hash
$hash->{temp}{service} = $opt;
### Check whether value is numeric
if ($value =~ /^[0-9.-]+$/)
### Save chosen value into hash
$hash->{temp}{postdata} = $value * 1;
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_Set - Numeric value detected\n");}
### Save chosen value into hash
$hash->{temp}{postdata} = $value;
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_Set - String value detected\n");}
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_Set - Writing value: $value to the service : $opt\n");}
### Block other scheduled and unscheduled routines
$hash->{status}{FlagGetRequest} = true;
### Call set sub
### Read service-hash
my $ReturnHash = km200_GetSingleService($hash);
### De-block other scheduled and unscheduled routines
$hash->{status}{FlagGetRequest} = false;
### Find out what has been returned
my $ReadValue = "";
### Extract value
$ReadValue = $ReturnHash->{value};
or do
### Just copy string
$ReadValue = $ReturnHash;
### Return value
my $ReturnValue = "";
if ($ReadValue eq $value)
$ReturnValue = "The service " . $opt . " has been changed to: " . $ReadValue;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_Set - Writing $opt succesfully with value: $value\n");}
$ReturnValue = "ERROR - The service " . $opt . " could not changed to: " . $value . "\n" . "The curent value for the service " . $opt . " is: " . $ReadValue;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_Set - Writing $opt was NOT successful\n");}
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
### Delete temporary hash values
$hash->{temp}{postdata} = "";
$hash->{temp}{service} = "";
####END####### Manipulate service after "Set" command by fhem ##################################################END#####
###START####### Repeats "string" for "count" times ############################################################START####
sub str_repeat($$)
my $string = $_[0];
my $count = $_[1];
####END######## Repeats "string" for "count" times #############################################################END#####
###START####### Removes double entries in arrays ##############################################################START####
sub del_double
my %all;
$all{$_}=0 for @_;
return (keys %all);
####END######## Removes double entries in arrays ###############################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine Encrypt Data ########################################################################START####
sub km200_Encrypt($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $km200_crypt_key_private = $hash->{Secret}{CRYPTKEYPRIVATE};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $encryptData = $hash->{temp}{jsoncontent};
# Create Rijndael encryption object
my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($km200_crypt_key_private, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_ECB() );
# Get blocksize and add PKCS #7 padding
my $blocksize = $cipher->blocksize();
my $encrypt_padchar = $blocksize - ( length( $encryptData ) % $blocksize );
$encryptData .= str_repeat( chr( $encrypt_padchar ), $encrypt_padchar );
# Do the encryption
my $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt( $encryptData );
# Do additional encoding with base64
$ciphertext = encode_base64($ciphertext);
# Return the encoded text
####END####### Subroutine Encrypt Data #########################################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine Decrypt Data ########################################################################START####
sub km200_Decrypt($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $km200_crypt_key_private = $hash->{Secret}{CRYPTKEYPRIVATE};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $decryptData = $hash->{temp}{decodedcontent};
# Remove additional encoding with base64
$decryptData = decode_base64($decryptData);
# Create Rijndael decryption object and do the decryption
my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($km200_crypt_key_private, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_ECB() );
my $deciphertext = $cipher->decrypt( $decryptData );
# Remove zero padding
$deciphertext =~ s/\x00+$//;
# Remove PKCS #7 padding
my $decipher_len = length($deciphertext);
my $decipher_padchar = ord(substr($deciphertext,($decipher_len - 1),1));
my $i = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $decipher_padchar ; $i++ )
if ( $decipher_padchar != ord( substr($deciphertext,($decipher_len - $i - 1),1)))
# Return decrypted text
if ( $i != $decipher_padchar )
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - decryptData1 - decipher_len : " .$decipher_len;
$deciphertext =~ s/\x00+$//;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - decryptData1 - deciphertext : " .$deciphertext;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
return $deciphertext;
$deciphertext = substr($deciphertext,0,$decipher_len - $decipher_padchar);
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - decryptData2 - decipher_len : " .$decipher_len;
$deciphertext =~ s/\x00+$//;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - decryptData2 - deciphertext : " .$deciphertext;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
return $deciphertext;
####END####### Subroutine Decrypt Data #########################################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine set individual data value ###########################################################START####
sub km200_PostSingleService($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $Service = $hash->{temp}{service};
my $km200_gateway_host = $hash->{URL} ;
my $name = $hash->{NAME} ;
my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT};
my $err;
my $data;
my $json;
my $JsonContent;
my $url ="http://" . $km200_gateway_host . $Service;
### Manipulate the value
$json->{value} = $hash->{temp}{postdata};
### Encode as json
$JsonContent = encode_json($json);
### Encrypt
$hash->{temp}{jsoncontent} = $JsonContent;
$data = km200_Encrypt($hash);
### Create parameter set for HttpUtils_BlockingGet
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $PollingTimeout,
data => $data,
method => "POST",
header => "agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nUser-Agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nAccept: application/json",
### Write value with HttpUtils_BlockingGet
($err, $data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param);
### If error messsage has been returned
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 2, $name . " - ERROR: $err";
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_PostSingleService - Error: $err\n");}
return "ERROR";
### ReRead the whole json hash by read-out the value
$json = km200_GetSingleService($hash);
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_PostSingleService : " .$json;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
$hash->{status}{FlagSetRequest} = false;
return $json;
####END####### Subroutine set individual data value ############################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine get individual data value ###########################################################START####
sub km200_GetSingleService($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $Service = $hash->{temp}{service};
my $km200_gateway_host = $hash->{URL};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT};
my $json = "";
my $err;
my $data;
my $url ="http://" . $km200_gateway_host . $Service;
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $PollingTimeout,
method => "GET",
header => "agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nUser-Agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nAccept: application/json",
($err, $data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param);
### If error message has been reported
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : ERROR: Service: ".$Service. ": No proper Communication with Gateway: " .$err;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_GetSingleService ERROR: $err\n");}
return "ERROR";
### If NO error message has been reported
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = $data;
my $decodedContent = km200_Decrypt($hash);
if ($decodedContent ne "")
$json = decode_json(encode_utf8($decodedContent));
or do
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_GetSingleService - Data cannot be parsed by JSON on km200 for http://" . $param->{url};
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Data not parseable on km200 for " . $param->{url} . "\n");}
### Check whether the type is a single value containing a string or float value
if(($json -> {type} eq "stringValue") || ($json -> {type} eq "floatValue"))
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
my $JsonValue = $json->{value};
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
$hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash} = $json;
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
### Write reading for fhem
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $JsonId, $JsonValue, 1);
### Write reading for fhem
### Check whether the type is an switchProgram
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "switchProgram")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: type : " .$JsonType;
### Set up variables
my $TempReturnVal = "";
my $TempReadingMo = "";
my $TempReadingTu = "";
my $TempReadingWe = "";
my $TempReadingTh = "";
my $TempReadingFr = "";
my $TempReadingSa = "";
my $TempReadingSu = "";
foreach my $item (@{ $json->{switchPoints} })
### Create string for time and switchpoint in fixed format and write part of Reading String
my $temptime = sprintf ('%04d', ($item->{time}/0.6));
my $tempsetpoint = $item->{setpoint};
$tempsetpoint =~ s/^(.+)$/sprintf("%s%s", $1, ' 'x(8-length($1)))/e;
my $TempReading = $temptime . " " . $tempsetpoint;
### Create ValueString for this day
if ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Mo")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingMo eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReadingMo . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Tu")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReadingTu . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "We")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingWe eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReadingWe . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Th")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTh eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReadingTh . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Fr")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingFr eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReadingFr . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Sa")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSa eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReadingSa . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Su")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReadingSu . " " . $TempReading;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "dayOfWeek of unknow day: " . $item->{dayOfWeek};}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempReturnVal = "1-Mo: " . $TempReadingMo . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "2-Tu: " . $TempReadingTu . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "3-We: " . $TempReadingWe . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "4-Th: " . $TempReadingTh . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "5-Fr: " . $TempReadingFr . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "6-Sa: " . $TempReadingSa . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "7-Su: " . $TempReadingSu . "\n";
$json -> {"value"} = $TempReturnVal;
### If the type is unknown
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_GetSingleService - type is unknown for: " .$Service;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_GetSingleService: ". $Service . " NOT available";
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service CANNOT be read : $Service \n";}
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_GetSingleService : " .$json;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
### Reset Flag
$hash->{status}{FlagGetRequest} = false;
### If json exists then return json otherwise return the raw decoded content
if( exists $json -> {"value"})
return $json;
return $decodedContent;
####END####### Subroutine get individual data value ############################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine initial contact of services via HttpUtils ###########################################START####
sub km200_GetInitService($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $km200_gateway_host = $hash->{URL} ;
my $name = $hash->{NAME} ;
$hash->{status}{FlagInitRequest} = true;
my @KM200_InitServices = @{$hash->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}};
my $ServiceCounterInit = $hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit};
my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT};
my $Service = $KM200_InitServices[$ServiceCounterInit];
### If this this loop is accessed for the first time, stop the timer and set status
if ($ServiceCounterInit == 0)
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("\n" . "Sounding and importing of services started\n");}
### Set status of km200 fhem module
$hash->{STATE} = "Sounding...";
### Stop the current timer
### Get the values
my $url ="http://" . $km200_gateway_host . $Service;
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $PollingTimeout,
hash => $hash,
method => "GET",
header => "agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nUser-Agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nAccept: application/json",
callback => \&km200_ParseHttpResponseInit
####END####### Subroutine initial contact of services via HttpUtils ############################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine to download complete initial data set from gateway ##################################START####
# For all known, but not excluded services by attribute "DoNotPoll", try reading the respective values from gateway
sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash ->{NAME};
my $ServiceCounterInit = $hash ->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit};
my @KM200_RespondingServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200RESPONDINGSERVICES}};
my @KM200_WriteableServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200WRITEABLESERVICES}};
my @KM200_InitServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}};
my $NumberInitServices = "";
my $Service = $KM200_InitServices[$ServiceCounterInit];
my $json -> {type} = "";
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: Try to parse : " .$Service;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : ERROR: Service: ".$Service. ": No proper Communication with Gateway: " .$err;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_ParseHttpResponseInit ERROR: $err\n");}
return "ERROR";
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = $data;
my $decodedContent = km200_Decrypt($hash);
### Check whether the decoded content is not empty and therefore available
if ($decodedContent ne "")
$json = decode_json(encode_utf8($decodedContent));
or do
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: ". $Service . " CANNOT be parsed";
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service CANNOT be parsed by JSON : $Service \n";}
### Check whether the type is a single value containing a string or float value
if(($json -> {type} eq "stringValue") || ($json -> {type} eq "floatValue"))
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
my $JsonValue = $json->{value};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: type : " .$JsonType;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: value : " .$JsonValue;
### Add service to the list of responding services
push (@KM200_RespondingServices, $Service);
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
$hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash} = $json;
### Write reading for fhem
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $JsonId, $JsonValue, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read";}
### Check whether service is writeable and write name of service in array
if ($json->{writeable} == 1)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print " and is writeable ";}
push (@KM200_WriteableServices, $Service);
# Do nothing
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print " ";}
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ": $JsonId\n";}
### Check whether the type is an switchProgram
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "switchProgram")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
my @JsonValues = $json->{switchPoints};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: type : " .$JsonType;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: value : " .@JsonValues;
### Add service to the list of responding services
push (@KM200_RespondingServices, $Service);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read";}
### Check whether service is writeable and write name of service in array
if ($json->{writeable} == 1)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print " and is writeable ";}
push (@KM200_WriteableServices, $Service);
# Do nothing
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print " ";}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ": $JsonId\n";}
### Set up variables
my $TempJsonId = "";
my $TempReadingMo = "";
my $TempReadingTu = "";
my $TempReadingWe = "";
my $TempReadingTh = "";
my $TempReadingFr = "";
my $TempReadingSa = "";
my $TempReadingSu = "";
foreach my $item (@{ $json->{switchPoints} })
### Create string for time and switchpoint in fixed format and write part of Reading String
my $temptime = sprintf ('%04d', ($item->{time}/0.6));
my $tempsetpoint = $item->{setpoint};
$tempsetpoint =~ s/^(.+)$/sprintf("%s%s", $1, ' 'x(8-length($1)))/e;
my $TempReading = $temptime . " " . $tempsetpoint;
### Create ValueString for this day
if ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Mo")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingMo eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReadingMo . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Tu")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReadingTu . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "We")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingWe eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReadingWe . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Th")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTh eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReadingTh . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Fr")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingFr eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReadingFr . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Sa")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSa eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReadingSa . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Su")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReadingSu . " " . $TempReading;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "dayOfWeek of unknow day: " . $item->{dayOfWeek};}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "1-Mo";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingMo, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "2-Tu";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingTu, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "3-We";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingWe, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "4-Th";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingTh, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "5-Fr";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingFr, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "6-Sa";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingSa, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "7-Su";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingSu, 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read and is writeable : " . $TempJsonId . "\n";}
### Check whether the type is an errorlist
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "errorList")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: type : " .$JsonType;
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service can be read";}
### Check whether service is writeable and write name of service in array
if ($json->{writeable} == 1)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print " and is writeable ";}
push (@KM200_WriteableServices, $Service);
# Do nothing
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print " ";}
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ": $JsonId\n";}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print(" - JsonResponse: $json\n");}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print(" - JsonType : " . $json->{type} . "\n");}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true)
print(" - JsonValues :\n");
foreach my $item (@{ $json->{values} })
print( $item . "\n");
print("End of list\n");
### Check whether the type is an refEnum which is indicating an empty parent directory
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "refEnum")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
my @JsonReferences = $json->{references};
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service is an empty parent directory : $JsonId\n";}
### For each item found in this empty parent directory
foreach my $item (@{ $json->{references} })
### If the Service found is listed as blocked service
if ((grep {$_ eq $item->{id}} @{$hash->{Secret}{KM200DONOTPOLL}}) == 1)
### Ignore Service found
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service has been found but is blacklisted: " . $item->{id} . "\n";}
### If the Service found is NOT listed as blocked service
### Add service to the list of all known services
push (@{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}}, $item->{id});
### Sort the list of all services alphabetically
### Sort the list of all services alphabetically
@{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}} = sort @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}};
### Check whether the type is unknown
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit - type is unknown for:" .$Service;
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The data type is unknown for the following Service : $Service \n";}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print(" - JsonResponse: " . $json . "\n");}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print(" - Type : " . $json->{type} . "\n");}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print(" - Value : " . $json->{value} . "\n");}
### Check whether the decoded content is empty and therefore NOT available
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit: ". $Service . " NOT available";
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "The following Service CANNOT be read : $Service \n";}
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit : response : " .$data;
### Get the size of the array
@KM200_InitServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}};
$NumberInitServices = @KM200_InitServices;
### If the list of KM200ALLSERVICES has not been finished yet
if ($ServiceCounterInit < ($NumberInitServices-1))
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit} = $ServiceCounterInit;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200RESPONDINGSERVICES}} = @KM200_RespondingServices;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200WRITEABLESERVICES}} = @KM200_WriteableServices;
### If the list of KM200ALLSERVICES is finished
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit} = 0;
### Set status of km200 fhem module
$hash->{STATE} = "Standby";
###START###### Filter all static services out of responsive services = responsive dynamic services ########START####
my @KM200_DynServices = @KM200_RespondingServices;
foreach my $SearchWord(@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200STATSERVICES}})
my $FoundPosition = first_index{ $_ eq $SearchWord }@KM200_DynServices;
if ($FoundPosition >= 0)
splice(@KM200_DynServices, $FoundPosition, 1);
####END####### Filter all static services out of responsive services = responsive dynamic services #########END#####
###START###### Filter all responsive services out of known static services = responsive static services ###START####
my @KM200_StatServices = ();
foreach my $SearchWord(@KM200_RespondingServices)
my $FoundPosition = first_index{ $_ eq $SearchWord }@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200STATSERVICES}};
if ($FoundPosition >= 0)
push (@KM200_StatServices, $SearchWord);
####END####### Filter all responsive services out of known static services = responsive static services ####END#####
### Save arrays of services in hash
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200RESPONDINGSERVICES}} = @KM200_RespondingServices;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200WRITEABLESERVICES}} = @KM200_WriteableServices;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200DYNSERVICES}} = @KM200_DynServices;
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200STATSERVICES}} = @KM200_StatServices;
$hash->{status}{FlagInitRequest} = false;
###START###### Initiate the timer for continuous polling of dynamical values from KM200 ###################START####
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+($hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL}), "km200_GetDynService", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200 - Define: InternalTimer for dynamic values started with interval of: ".($hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL});
####END####### Initiate the timer for continuous polling of dynamical values from KM200 ####################END#####
###START###### Initiate the timer for continuous polling of static values from KM200 ######################START####
if ($hash->{DISABLESTATVALPOLLING} == false)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+($hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL}), "km200_GetStatService", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200 - Define: InternalTimer for static values started with interval of: ".($hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL});
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200 - Define: No InternalTimer for static values since polling disabled by \"attr IntervalStatVal 0\" in fhem.cfg ";
####END####### Initiate the timer for continuous polling of static values from KM200 #######################END#####
### Reset fullResponse error message
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Sounding and importing of services is completed\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
### If the Initialisation process has been interuppted with an error message
if (ReadingsVal($name,"fullResponse",0) eq "ERROR")
### Reset fullResponse error message
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "Restarted after ERROR", 1);
### Reset timer for init procedure and start over again until it works
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "km200_GetInitService", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Internal timer for Initialisation of services restarted after fullResponse - error.";
### Clear up temporary variables
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = "";
####END####### Subroutine to download complete initial data set from gateway ###################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine obtaining dynamic services via HttpUtils ##############################################################START####
sub km200_GetDynService($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $km200_gateway_host = $hash->{URL};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{status}{FlagDynRequest} = true;
$hash->{STATE} = "Polling";
my @KM200_DynServices = @{$hash->{Secret}{KM200DYNSERVICES}};
my $ServiceCounterDyn = $hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn};
my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT};
if (@KM200_DynServices != 0)
my $Service = $KM200_DynServices[$ServiceCounterDyn];
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($ServiceCounterDyn == 0)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Starting download of dynamic services\n");}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("$Service\n");}
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
my $url = "http://" . $km200_gateway_host . $Service;
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $PollingTimeout,
hash => $hash,
method => "GET",
header => "agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nUser-Agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nAccept: application/json",
callback => \&km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn
Log3 $name, 5, $name . " : No dynamic values available to be read. Skipping download.";
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("No dynamic values available to be read. Skipping download.\n")}
####END####### Subroutine get dynamic data value ###############################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine to download complete dynamic data set from gateway ##################################START####
# For all responding dynamic services read the respective values from gateway
sub km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash ->{NAME};
my $ServiceCounterDyn = $hash ->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn};
my @KM200_DynServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200DYNSERVICES}};
my $NumberDynServices = @KM200_DynServices;
my $Service = $KM200_DynServices[$ServiceCounterDyn];
my $json -> {type} = "";
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : Parsing response of dynamic service received for: " . $Service;
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : ERROR: Service: ".$Service. ": No proper Communication with Gateway: " .$err;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "fullResponse", "ERROR", 1);
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn ERROR: $err\n");}
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = $data;
my $decodedContent = km200_Decrypt($hash);
if ($decodedContent ne "")
$json = decode_json(encode_utf8($decodedContent));
or do
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseDyn - Data cannot be parsed by JSON on km200 for http://" . $param->{url};
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Data not parseable on km200 for " . $param->{url} . "\n");}
### Check whether the type is a single value containing a string or float value
if(($json -> {type} eq "stringValue") || ($json -> {type} eq "floatValue"))
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
my $JsonValue = $json->{value};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseDyn: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseDyn: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: type : " .$JsonType;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseDyn: value : " .$JsonValue;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
$hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash} = $json;
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
### Write reading
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $JsonId, $JsonValue, 1);
### Write reading
### Check whether the type is an switchProgram
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "switchProgram")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: type : " .$JsonType;
### Set up variables
my $TempJsonId = "";
my $TempReadingMo = "";
my $TempReadingTu = "";
my $TempReadingWe = "";
my $TempReadingTh = "";
my $TempReadingFr = "";
my $TempReadingSa = "";
my $TempReadingSu = "";
foreach my $item (@{ $json->{switchPoints} })
### Create string for time and switchpoint in fixed format and write part of Reading String
my $temptime = sprintf ('%04d', ($item->{time}/0.6));
my $tempsetpoint = $item->{setpoint};
$tempsetpoint =~ s/^(.+)$/sprintf("%s%s", $1, ' 'x(8-length($1)))/e;
my $TempReading = $temptime . " " . $tempsetpoint;
### Create ValueString for this day
if ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Mo")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingMo eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReadingMo . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Tu")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReadingTu . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "We")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingWe eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReadingWe . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Th")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTh eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReadingTh . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Fr")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingFr eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReadingFr . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Sa")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSa eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReadingSa . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Su")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReadingSu . " " . $TempReading;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "dayOfWeek of unknow day: " . $item->{dayOfWeek};}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "1-Mo";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingMo, 1);
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "2-Tu";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingTu, 1);
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "3-We";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingWe, 1);
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "4-Th";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingTh, 1);
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "5-Fr";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingFr, 1);
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "6-Sa";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingSa, 1);
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempJsonId = $JsonId . "/" . "7-Su";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $TempJsonId, $TempReadingSu, 1);
### Check whether the type is an errorlist
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "errorList")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: type : " .$JsonType;
### Check whether the type is unknown
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn - type is unknown for:" .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseDyn - Data not available on km200 for http://" . $param->{url};
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Data not available on km200 for " . $param->{url} . "\n");}
### Clear up temporary variables
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = "";
$hash->{temp}{service} = "";
### Clear up temporary variables
### If list is not complete yet
if ($ServiceCounterDyn < ($NumberDynServices-1))
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn} = $ServiceCounterDyn;
### If list is complete
$hash->{STATE} = "Standby";
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn} = 0;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ("Finished\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
###START###### Re-Start the timer #####################################START####
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL}, "km200_GetDynService", $hash, 1);
####END####### Re-Start the timer ######################################END#####
### Update fullResponse Reading
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
$hash->{status}{FlagDynRequest} = false;
return undef;
####END####### Subroutine to download complete dynamic data set from gateway ###################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine obtaining static services via HttpUtils #############################################START####
sub km200_GetStatService($)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $km200_gateway_host = $hash->{URL};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{status}{FlagStatRequest} = true;
$hash->{STATE} = "Polling";
my @KM200_StatServices = @{$hash->{Secret}{KM200STATSERVICES}};
my $ServiceCounterStat = $hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterStat};
my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT};
if (@KM200_StatServices != 0)
my $Service = $KM200_StatServices[$ServiceCounterStat];
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
if ($ServiceCounterStat == 0)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Starting download of static services\n");}
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("$Service\n");}
### Console outputs for debugging purposes
my $url = "http://" . $km200_gateway_host . $Service;
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $PollingTimeout,
hash => $hash,
method => "GET",
header => "agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nUser-Agent: TeleHeater/2.2.3\r\nAccept: application/json",
callback => \&km200_ParseHttpResponseStat
Log3 $name, 5, $name . " : No static values available to be read. Skipping download.";
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("No static values available to be read. Skipping download.\n")}
####END####### Subroutine get static data value ################################################################END#####
###START###### Subroutine to download complete static data set from gateway ###################################START####
# For all responding static services read the respective values from gateway
sub km200_ParseHttpResponseStat($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash ->{NAME};
my $ServiceCounterStat = $hash ->{temp}{ServiceCounterStat};
my @KM200_StatServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200STATSERVICES}};
my $NumberStatServices = @KM200_StatServices;
my $Service = $KM200_StatServices[$ServiceCounterStat];
my $json;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : Parsing response of static service received for: " . $Service;
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : ERROR: Service: ".$Service. ": No proper Communication with Gateway: " .$err;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "fullResponse", "ERROR", 1);
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_ParseHttpResponseStat ERROR: $err\n");}
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = $data;
my $decodedContent = km200_Decrypt($hash);
if ($decodedContent ne "")
$json = decode_json(encode_utf8($decodedContent));
or do
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseStat - Data cannot be parsed by JSON on km200 for http://" . $param->{url};
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Data not parseable on km200 for " . $param->{url} . "\n");}
### Check whether the type is a single value containing a string or float value
if(($json -> {type} eq "stringValue") || ($json -> {type} eq "floatValue"))
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
my $JsonValue = $json->{value};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseStat: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseStat: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseStat: type : " .$JsonType;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseStat: value : " .$JsonValue;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
$hash->{temp}{ServiceDbLogSplitHash} = $json;
### Save json-hash for DbLog-Split
### Write reading
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $JsonId, $JsonValue, 1);
### Write reading
### Check whether the type is unknown
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseStat - type is unknown for:" .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_parseHttpResponseStat - Data not available on km200 for http://" . $param->{url};
### Clear up temporary variables
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = "";
$hash->{temp}{service} = "";
### Clear up temporary variables
if ($ServiceCounterStat < ($NumberStatServices-1))
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterStat} = $ServiceCounterStat;
$hash->{STATE} = "Standby";
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterStat} = 0;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ("Finished\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
###START###### Re-Start the timer #####################################START####
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL}, "km200_GetStatService", $hash, 1);
####END####### Re-Start the timer ######################################END#####
### Update fullResponse Reading
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
$hash->{status}{FlagStatRequest} = false;
return undef;
####END####### Subroutine to download complete static data set from gateway ####################################END#####
###START###### Description for fhem commandref ################################################################START####
=begin html
<a name="km200"></a>
The Buderus <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Logamatic_Web_KM200-4608125.html">KM200</a> or <a href="http://de.documents.buderus.com/sitemap/document/id/6720807675">KM50</a> is a communication device to establish a connection between the Buderus central heating control unit and the internet.<BR>
It has been designed in order to allow the inhabitants accessing their heating system via his Buderus App <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Online_Anwendungen/Apps/fuer_den_Endverbraucher/EasyControl-4848514.html"> EasyControl</a>.<BR>
Furthermore it allows the maintenance companies to access the central heating control system to read and change settings.<BR>
The km200 module enables read/write access to these parameters.<BR>
In order to use the KM200 or KM50 with fhem, you must define the private password with the Buderus App <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Online_Anwendungen/Apps/fuer_den_Endverbraucher/EasyControl-4848514.html"> EasyControl</a> first.<BR>
<font color="#FF0000"><b><u>Remark:</u></b><BR></font>
Despite the instruction of the Buderus KM200 Installation guide, the ports 5222 and 5223 should not be opened and allow access to the KM200/KM50 module from outside.<BR>
You should configure (or leave) your internet router with the respective settings.<BR>
If you want to read or change settings on the heating system, you should access the central heating control system via your fhem system only.<BR>
As soon the module has been defined within the fhem.cfg, the module is trying to obtain all known/possible services. <BR>
After this initial contact, the module differs between a set of continuous (dynamically) changing values (e.g.: temperatures) and not changing static values (e.g.: Firmware version).<BR>
This two different set of values can be bound to an individual polling interval. Refer to <a href="#KM200Attr">Attributes</a><BR>
<tr><td><a name="KM200define"></a><b>Define</b></td></tr>
<table><tr><td><ul><code>define &lt;name&gt; km200 &lt;IPv4-address&gt; &lt;GatewayPassword&gt; &lt;PrivatePassword&gt;</code></ul></td></tr></table>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;name&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">The name of the device. Recommendation: "myKm200".</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;IPv4-address&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">A valid IPv4 address of the KM200. You might look into your router which DHCP address has been given to the KM200/KM50.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;GatewayPassword&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">The gateway password which is provided on the type sign of the KM200/KM50.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;PrivatePassword&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">The private password which has been defined by the user via <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Online_Anwendungen/Apps/fuer_den_Endverbraucher/EasyControl-4848514.html"> EasyControl</a>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="KM200Set"></a><b>Set</b></td></tr>
The set function is able to change a value of a service which has the "writeable" - tag within the KM200/KM50 service structure.<BR>
Most of those values have an additional list of allowed values which are the only ones to be set.<BR>
Other floatable type values can be changed only within their range of minimum and maximum value.<BR>
<table><tr><td><ul><code>set &lt;service&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code></ul></td></tr></table>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;service&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">The name of the service which value shall be set. E.g.: "<code>/heatingCircuits/hc1/operationMode</code>"<BR></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;value&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">A valid value for this service.<BR></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="KM200Get"></a><b>Get</b></td></tr>
The get function is able to obtain a value of a service within the KM200/KM50 service structure.<BR>
The additional list of allowed values or their range of minimum and maximum value will not be handed back.<BR>
<table><tr><td><ul><code>get &lt;service&gt;</code></ul></td></tr></table>
<td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;service&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">The name of the service which value shall be obtained. E.g.: "<code>/heatingCircuits/hc1/operationMode</code>"<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;It returns only the value but not the unit or the range or list of allowed values possible.<BR>
<tr><td><a name="KM200Attr"></a><b>Attributes</b></td></tr>
The following user attributes can be used with the km200 module in addition to the global ones e.g. <a href="#room">room</a>.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>IntervalDynVal</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">A valid polling interval for the dynamically changing values of the KM200/KM50. The value must be >=20s to allow the km200 module to perform a full polling procedure. <BR>
The default value is 90s.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>IntervalStatVal</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">A valid polling interval for the statical values of the KM200/KM50. The value must be >=20s to allow the km200 module to perform a full polling procedure. <BR>
The default value is 3600s.<BR>
The value of "0" will disable the polling of statical values until the next fhem restart or a reload of the fhem.cfg - file.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>PollingTimeout</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">A valid time in order to allow the module to wait for a response of the KM200/KM50. Usually this value does not need to be changed but might in case of slow network or slow response.<BR>
The default and minimum value is 5s.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>ConsoleMessage</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">A valid boolean value whether the activity and error messages shall be displayed in the console window. "0" (deactivated) or "1" (activated)<BR>
The default value 0 (deactivated).<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>DoNotPoll</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">A list of services separated by blanks which shall not be downloaded due to repeatable crashes or irrelevant values.<BR>
The list can be filled with the name of the top - hierarchy service, which means everything below that service will also be ignored.<BR>
The default value (empty) therefore nothing will be ignored.<BR>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="km200"></a>
Das Buderus <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Logamatic_Web_KM200-4608125.html">KM200</a> or <a href="http://de.documents.buderus.com/sitemap/document/id/6720807675">KM50</a> ist eine Schnittstelle zwischen der Buderus Zentralheizungssteuerung un dem Internet.<BR>
Es wurde entwickelt um den Bewohnern den Zugang zu Ihrem Heizungssystem durch die Buderus App <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Online_Anwendungen/Apps/fuer_den_Endverbraucher/EasyControl-4848514.html"> EasyControl zu erlauben.</a>.<BR>
Dar&uuml;ber hinaus erlaubt es nach vorheriger Freigabe dem Heizungs- bzw. Wartungsbetrieb die Heizungsanlage von aussen zu warten und Werte zu ver&auml;ndern.<BR>
Das km200 Modul erlaubt den Lese-/Schreibzugriff dieser Parameter durch fhem.<BR>
Um das KM200 oder KM50 Ger&auml;t mit fhem nutzen zu k&ouml;nnen, mu&szlig; zun&auml;chst ein privates Passwort mit der Buderus Buderus App <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Online_Anwendungen/Apps/fuer_den_Endverbraucher/EasyControl-4848514.html"> EasyControl</a> - App gesetzt werden.<BR>
<font color="#FF0000"><b><u>Anmerkung:</u></b><BR></font>
Unabh&auml;ngig der Installationsanleitung des Buderus KM200 Ger&auml;ts, sollten die Ports 5222 und 5223 am Router geschlossen bleiben um keinen Zugriff von au&szlig;en auf das Ger&auml;t zu erlauben.<BR>
Der Router sollte entsprechend Konfiguriert bzw. so belassen werden.<BR>
Wenn der Lese-/Schreibzugriff von aussen gew&uuml;nscht ist, so sollte man ausschlie&szlig;lich &uuml;ber das fhem-System auf die Zentralheizung zugreifen.<BR>
Sobald das Modul in der fhem.cfg definiert ist, wird das Modul versuchen alle bekannten Services abzuklopfen ob diese in der angeschlossenen Konstellation &uuml;berhaupt vorhanden sind.<BR>
Nach diesem Initial-Kontakt unterscheidet das Modul zwisachen einem Satz an Services die sich st&auml;ndig (dynamisch) &auml;ndern (z.B.: Vorlauftemperatur) sowie sich nicht st&auml;ndig (statisch) &auml;ndernden Werten (z.B.: Firmware Version).<BR>
Diese beiden S&auml;tze an Services k&ouml;nnen mir einem individuellen Abfrageintervall versehen werden. Siehe <a href="#KM200Attr">Attributes</a><BR>
<tr><td><a name="KM200define"></a><b>Define</b></td></tr>
<table><tr><td><ul><code>define &lt;name&gt; km200 &lt;IPv4-address&gt; &lt;GatewayPassword&gt; &lt;PrivatePassword&gt;</code></ul></td></tr></table>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;name&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Der Name des Ger&auml;tes. Empfehlung: "myKm200".</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;IPv4-address&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Eine g&uuml;ltige IPv4 Adresse des KM200. Eventuell im Router nachschauen welche DHCP - Addresse dem KM200/KM50 vergeben wurde.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;GatewayPassword&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Das gateway Passwort, welches auf dem Typenschild des KM200/KM50 zu finden ist.</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;PrivatePassword&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Das private Passwort, welches durch den User mit Hilfe der <a href="http://www.buderus.de/Online_Anwendungen/Apps/fuer_den_Endverbraucher/EasyControl-4848514.html"> EasyControl</a> - App vergeben wurde.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="KM200Set"></a><b>Set</b></td></tr>
Die set Funktion &auml;ndert die Werte der Services welche das Flag "schreibbar" innerhalb der KM200/KM50 Service Struktur besitzen.<BR>
Die meisten dieser beschreibbaren Werte haben eine exklusive Liste von m&ouml;glichen Werten innerhalb dessen sich der neue Wert bewegen muss.<BR>
Andere Flie&szlig;komma Werte haben einen maximum und minumum Wert, in dessen sich der neue Wert bewegen mu&szlig;.<BR>
<table><tr><td><ul><code>set &lt;service&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code></ul></td></tr></table>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;service&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Der Name des Service welcher gesetzt werden soll. Z.B.: "<code>/heatingCircuits/hc1/operationMode</code>"<BR></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;value&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Ein g&uuml;ltiger Wert f&uuml;r diesen Service.<BR></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="KM200Get"></a><b>Get</b></td></tr>
Die get-Funktion ist in der Lage einen Wert eines Service innerhalb der KM200/KM50 Service Struktur auszulesen.<BR>
Die zus&auml;tzliche Liste von erlaubten Werten oder der Wertebereich zwischen Minimum und Maximum wird nicht zur&uuml;ck gegeben.<BR>
<table><tr><td><ul><code>get &lt;service&gt;</code></ul></td></tr></table>
<td align="right" valign="top"><code>&lt;service&gt;</code> : </td><td align="left" valign="top">Der Name des Service welcher ausgelesen werden soll. Z.B.: "<code>/heatingCircuits/hc1/operationMode</code>"<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;Es gibt nur den Wert, aber nicht die Werteliste oder den m&ouml;glichen Wertebereich zur&uuml;ck.<BR>
<tr><td><a name="KM200Attr"></a><b>Attributes</b></td></tr>
Die folgenden Modul-spezifischen Attribute k&ouml;nnen neben den bekannten globalen Attributen gesetzt werden wie z.B.: <a href="#room">room</a>.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>IntervalDynVal</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">Ein g&uuml;ltiges Abfrageintervall f&uuml;r die sich st&auml;ndig ver&auml;ndernden - dynamischen Werte der KM200/KM50 Services. Der Wert muss gr&ouml;&szlig;er gleich >=20s sein um dem Modul gen&uuml;gend Zeit einzur&auml;umen eine volle Abfrage auszuf&uuml;hren bevor die n&auml;chste Abfrage startet.<BR>
Der Default-Wert ist 90s.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>IntervalStatVal</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">Ein g&uuml;ltiges Abfrageintervall f&uuml;r die statischen Werte des KM200/KM50. Der Wert muss gr&ouml;&szlig;er gleich >=20s sein um dem Modul gen&uuml;gend Zeit einzur&auml;umen eine volle Abfrage auszuf&uuml;hren bevor die n&auml;chste Abfrage startet. <BR>
Der Default-Wert ist 3600s.<BR>
Der Wert "0" deaktiviert die wiederholte Abfrage der statischen Werte bis das fhem-System erneut gestartet wird oder die fhem.cfg neu geladen wird.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>PollingTimeout</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">Ein g&uuml;ltiger Zeitwert um dem KM200/KM50 gen&uuml;gend Zeit zur Antwort einzelner Werte einzur&auml;umen. Normalerweise braucht dieser Wert nicht ver&auml;ndert werden, muss jedoch im Falle eines langsamen Netzwerks erh&ouml;ht werden<BR>
Der Default-Wert ist 5s.<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>ConsoleMessage</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">Ein g&uuml;ltiger Boolean Wert (0 oder 1) welcher die Aktivit&auml;ten und Fehlermeldungen des Modul in der Konsole ausgibt. "0" (Deaktiviert) or "1" (Aktiviert)<BR>
Der Default-Wert ist 0 (Deaktiviert).<BR>
<tr><td align="right" valign="top"><li><code>DoNotPoll</code> : </li></td><td align="left" valign="top">Eine durch Leerzeichen (Blank) getrennte Liste von Services welche von der Abfrage aufgrund irrelevanter Werte oder fhem - Abst&uuml;rzen ausgenommen werden sollen.<BR>
Die Liste kann auch Hierarchien von services enthalten. Dies bedeutet, das alle Services unterhalb dieses Services ebenfalls gel&ouml;scht werden.<BR>
Der Default Wert ist (empty) somit werden alle bekannten Services abgefragt.<BR>
=end html_DE