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2016-07-18 12:46:25 +00:00

703 lines
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# $Id$
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2016 Copyright: Volker Kettenbach (volker at kettenbach minus it dot de)
# Credits:
# - based on an Idea by SpenZerX and HDO
# - Waldmensch for various improvements
# - sbfspot (https://sbfspot.codeplex.com/)
# Description:
# This is an FHEM-Module for the SMA Sunny Tripower Inverter.
# Tested on Sunny Tripower 6000TL-20, 10000-TL20 and 10000TL-10 with
# Speedwire/Webconnect Piggyback
# Requirements:
# This module requires:
# - Perl Module: IO::Socket::INET
# - Perl Module: Datime
# Origin:
# https://github.com/kettenbach-it/FHEM-SMA-Speedwire
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use DateTime;
# Global vars
my $cmd_login = "534d4100000402a000000001003a001060650ea0ffffffffffff00017800C8E8033800010000000004800c04fdff07000000840300004c20cb5100000000encpw00000000";
my $cmd_logout = "534d4100000402a00000000100220010606508a0ffffffffffff00037800C8E80338000300000000d7840e01fdffffffffff00000000";
my $cmd_query_total_today = "534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0ffffffffffff00007800C8E80338000000000000f1b10002005400002600ffff260000000000";
my $cmd_query_spot_ac_power = "534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0ffffffffffff00007800C8E8033800000000000081f00002005100002600ffff260000000000";
my $cmd_query_spot_dc_power = "534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0ffffffffffff00007800C8E8033800000000000081f00002805300002500ffff260000000000";
my $averagebuf = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
my $code_login = "0d04fdff"; #0xfffd040d;
my $code_total_today = "01020054"; #0x54000201;
my $code_spot_ac_power = "01020051"; #0x51000201;
my $code_spot_dc_power = "01028053"; #0x53800201;
my $default_starthour = "05:00";
my $starthour = 5;
my $startminute = 0;
my $default_endhour = "22:00";
my $endhour = 22;
my $endminute = 0;
my $force_sleep = 0;
my $sleep_forced = 0;
my $suppress_night_mode = 0;
my $suppress_inactivity_mode = 0;
my $modulstate_enabled = 0;
my ($alarm_value1,$alarm_value2,$alarm_value3);
sub SMASTP_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $hval;
my $mval;
$hash->{DefFn} = "SMASTP_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SMASTP_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList} = "suppress-night-mode:0,1 " .
"suppress-inactivity-mode:0,1 " .
"starttime " .
"endtime " .
"force-sleepmode:0,1 " .
"enable-modulstate:0,1 " .
"alarm1-value " .
"alarm2-value " .
"alarm3-value " .
"interval " .
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SMASTP_Attr";
if ($attr{$name}{"starttime"})
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$attr{$name}{"starttime"});
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_starthour);
$starthour = int($hval);
$startminute = int($mval);
if ($attr{$name}{"endtime"})
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$attr{$name}{"endtime"});
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_endhour);
$endhour = int($hval);
$endminute = int($mval);
$suppress_night_mode = ($attr{$name}{"suppress-night-mode"}) ? $attr{$name}{"suppress-night-mode"} : 0;
$suppress_inactivity_mode = ($attr{$name}{"suppress-inactivity-mode"}) ? $attr{$name}{"suppress-inactivity-mode"} : 0;
$force_sleep = ($attr{$name}{"force-sleepmode"}) ? $attr{$name}{"force-sleepmode"} : 0;
$modulstate_enabled = ($attr{$name}{"enable-modulstate"}) ? $attr{$name}{"enable-modulstate"} : 0;
$alarm_value1 = ($attr{$name}{"alarm1-value"}) ? $attr{$name}{"alarm1-value"} : 0;
$alarm_value2 = ($attr{$name}{"alarm2-value"}) ? $attr{$name}{"alarm2-value"} : 0;
$alarm_value3 = ($attr{$name}{"alarm3-value"}) ? $attr{$name}{"alarm3-value"} : 0;
Log3 $name, 0, "$name: Started with sleepmode from $endhour:$endminute - $starthour:$startminute";
sub is_Sleepmode()
# Build 3 DateTime Objects to make the comparison more robust
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
my $dt_startdate = DateTime->new(year=>$year+1900,month=>$mon+1,day=>$mday,hour=>$starthour,minute=>$startminute,second=>0,time_zone=>'local');
my $dt_enddate = DateTime->new(year=>$year+1900,month=>$mon+1,day=>$mday,hour=>$endhour,minute=>$endminute,second=>0,time_zone=>'local');
my $dt_now = DateTime->now(time_zone=>'local');
# Return of any value != 0 means "sleeping"
if ($dt_now >= $dt_enddate || $dt_now <= $dt_startdate)
# switch forced sleepmode off because we have reached normal sleepmode now
$sleep_forced = 0;
return 1;
elsif ($sleep_forced == 1)
# 2 = forced sleep
return 2;
return 0;
sub SMASTP_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Wrong syntax: use define <name> SMASTP <inv-userpwd> <inv-hostname/inv-ip > " if ((int(@a) < 4) and (int(@a) > 5));
my $name = $a[0];
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 60;
# SMASTP = $a[1];
my ($IP,$Host,$Caps);
my $Pass = $a[2]; # to do: check 1-12 Chars
# extract IP or Hostname from $a[4]
if ( $a[3] ~~ m/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/ )
if ( $1 <= 255 && $2 <= 255 && $3 <= 255 && $4 <= 255 )
$Host = int($1).".".int($2).".".int($3).".".int($4);
if (!defined $Host)
if ( $a[3] =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_.])/ )
$Host = $a[3];
if (!defined $Host)
return "Argument:{$a[3]} not accepted as Host or IP. Read device specific help file.";
$hash->{Pass} = $Pass;
$hash->{Host} = $Host;
# Use C8E80338, but NOT the number of the Inverter!
# my $src_serial = 939780296;
my $encpw = "888888888888888888888888"; # unencoded pw
for my $index (0..length $Pass ) # encode password
substr($encpw,($index*2),2) = substr(sprintf ("%lX", (hex(substr($encpw,($index*2),2)) + ord(substr($Pass,$index,1)))),0,2);
$cmd_login =~ s/encpw/$encpw/g; #replace the placeholder with password
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "SMASTP_GetStatus", $hash, 0); # refresh timer start
return undef;
sub SMASTP_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
Log3 $hash, 0, "$name: Undefined!";
return undef;
sub SMASTP_Attr(@)
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $hval;
my $mval;
if (($aName eq "starttime" || $aName eq "endtime") && not ($aVal =~ /^([0-1]?[0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$/))
return "value $aVal invalid"; # no correct time format hh:mm
if ($aName eq "enable-modulstate")
$modulstate_enabled = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
if ($aName eq "alarm1-value")
$alarm_value1 = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
if ($aName eq "alarm2-value")
$alarm_value2 = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
if ($aName eq "alarm3-value")
$alarm_value3 = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
if ($aName eq "starttime")
if ($cmd eq "set")
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$aVal);
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_starthour);
if (int($hval) < 12)
$starthour = int($hval);
$startminute = int($mval);
return "$name: Attr starttime must be set smaller than 12:00! Not set to $starthour:$startminute";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Attr starttime is set to " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$starthour,$startminute);
if ($aName eq "endtime")
if ($cmd eq "set")
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$aVal);
($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_endhour);
if (int($hval) > 12)
$endhour = int($hval);
$endminute = int($mval);
return "$name: Attr endtime must be set larger than 12:00! Not set to $endhour:$endminute";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Attr endtime is set to " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$endhour,$endminute);
if ($aName eq "suppress-night-mode")
$suppress_night_mode = ($cmd eq "set") ? $aVal : 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
if ($aName eq "suppress-inactivity-mode")
$suppress_inactivity_mode = ($cmd eq "set") ? $aVal : 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
if ($aName eq "force-sleepmode")
if ($cmd eq "set")
$force_sleep = $aVal;
$sleep_forced = ($aVal == 0) ? 0 : $sleep_forced;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
$force_sleep = 0;
$sleep_forced = 0;
if ($aName eq "interval")
if ($cmd eq "set")
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $aVal;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
} else
$hash->{INTERVAL} = "60";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal";
return undef;
sub SMASTP_GetStatus($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (defined($attr{$name}{"interval"})) {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $attr{$name}{"interval"};
} else {
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 60;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
if ($suppress_night_mode == 0)
if(is_Sleepmode() > 0)
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: " .
sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min) .
" is out of working hours " .
sprintf("%02d:%02d",$starthour,$startminute) .
" - " .
sprintf("%02d:%02d",$endhour,$endminute) .
" " .
(($sleep_forced == 1) ? " FORCED" : "");
my $modulstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL} : "unknown";
if($modulstate ne "sleeping" && $modulstate_enabled == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modulstate", "sleeping");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SMASTP_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
use constant MAXBYTES => scalar 200; #1024 #80
my $Host = $hash->{Host};
my $interval = $hash->{INTERVAL};
# my $averagebuf = $hash->{averagebuf};
my ($AvP01,$AvP05,$AvP15,$TodayTotal,$SpotPower,$AlltimeTotal,$statusval,$PDC1,$PDC2);
my ($socket,$data,$size,$code);
my $error = 0;
# flush after every write
$| = 1;
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerHost => $Host, PeerPort => 9522, Proto => 'udp',); # open Socket
if (!$socket) {
# in case of error
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: ERROR. Can't open socket to inverter: $!";
return undef;
# send login command
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: Sending query to inverter $Host:9522";
$data = pack "H*",$cmd_login;
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm time out" };
alarm 5;
# receive data
$socket->recv($data, MAXBYTES) or die "recv: $!";
$size = length($data);
# too little data - exit loop
if ((defined $size) && ($size > 60))
my $received = unpack("H*", $data);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Received: ($received)";
} else {
if($size > 0)
my $received = unpack("H*", $data);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Received Garbage: ($received)";
alarm 0;
} or Log3 $name, 1, "$name query timed out";
# too little data -> exit loop
if ((not defined $size) || ($size < 60))
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Too little data received (Len:".((not defined $size) ? "NaN/timeout" : $size).")";
# send: cmd_logout
$data = pack "H*",$cmd_logout;
$size = $socket->send($data);
$error = 1;
# unpack command
$code = unpack("H*", substr $data, 42, 4);
# answer to command login
if ($code_login eq $code)
# send: Query total today
$data = pack "H*",$cmd_query_total_today;
$size = $socket->send($data);
# answer to command total today
if ($code_total_today eq $code)
$TodayTotal = unpack("V*", substr $data, 78, 4);
$AlltimeTotal = unpack("V*", substr $data, 62, 4);
# send: Query spot power
$data = pack "H*",$cmd_query_spot_ac_power;
$size = $socket->send($data);
# answer to command AC Power
if ($code_spot_ac_power eq $code)
$SpotPower = unpack("V*", substr $data, 62, 4);
# special case at night ? Inverter off?
if ($SpotPower eq 0x80000000) {$SpotPower = 0};
# send: query spot DC power
$data = pack "H*",$cmd_query_spot_dc_power;
$size = $socket->send($data);
# answer to command DC Power
if ($code_spot_dc_power eq $code)
$PDC1 = unpack("V*", substr $data, 62, 4);
if ($PDC1 eq 0x80000000) {$PDC1 = 0};
$PDC2 = unpack("V*", substr $data, 90, 4);
if ($PDC2 eq 0x80000000) {$PDC2 = 0};
# send: cmd_logout
$data = pack "H*",$cmd_logout;
$size = $socket->send($data);
# close Socket
} while (($code_spot_dc_power ne $code) && ($error eq 0)); # answer to command spot_ac_power
if ($error ne 1)
if ( (int(hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8)))) eq 0)
for my $count (0..15)
# fill with new values
substr($averagebuf,$count*8,1*8) = substr(sprintf ("%08X",$AlltimeTotal),0,8);
# average buffer shiften und mit neuem Wert füllen
substr($averagebuf,1*8,15*8) = substr($averagebuf,0*8,15*8);
# und mit neuem Wert füllen
substr($averagebuf,0*8,1*8) = substr(sprintf ("%08X",$AlltimeTotal),0,8);
$AvP01 = int( ( (hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8))) - (hex(substr($averagebuf,1*8,8))) ) * ((3600 / 01) / $interval) );
$AvP05 = int( ( (hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8))) - (hex(substr($averagebuf,5*8,8))) ) * ((3600 / 05) / $interval) );
$AvP15 = int( ( (hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8))) - (hex(substr($averagebuf,15*8,8))) ) * ((3600 / 15) / $interval) );
$statusval = "SP:$SpotPower W AvP1:$AvP01 W TTP:$TodayTotal Wh ATP:$AlltimeTotal Wh";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: from ($Host): ($statusval) ";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: AvP05 = $AvP05, SpotPower = $SpotPower, AvP15 = $AvP15";
#Filter out error zero values and stop readingsupdate after 15 Mins on zero power
if ( ((not ($AvP05 > 0 && $SpotPower == 0)) && $AvP15 > 0) || $suppress_inactivity_mode == 1 || $hash->{LASTUPDATE} eq 0)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $statusval); # Status Overview
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SpotP", $SpotPower); # Momentary Spot Power
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SpotPDC1", $PDC1); # Momentary Spot DC Power String1
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SpotPDC2", $PDC2); # Momentary Spot DC Power String2
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "TodayTotalP", $TodayTotal); # Today Total Power
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AlltimeTotalP", $AlltimeTotal); # Alltime Total Power
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AvP01", $AvP01); # Average Power (last) 1 Minute (if delay 60)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AvP05", $AvP05); # Average Power (last) 5 Minutes (if delay 60)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AvP15", $AvP15); # Average Power (last) 15 Minutes (if delay 60)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modulstate", "normal");
if($alarm_value1 > 0 && $SpotPower > $alarm_value1) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm1", 1); }
elsif ($alarm_value1 > 0 && $SpotPower < $alarm_value1) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm1", (-1)); }
else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm1", 0); }
if($alarm_value2 > 0 && $SpotPower > $alarm_value2) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm2", 1); }
elsif ($alarm_value2 > 0 && $SpotPower < $alarm_value2) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm2", (-1)); }
else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm2", 0); }
if($alarm_value3 > 0 && $SpotPower > $alarm_value3) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm3", 1); }
elsif ($alarm_value3 > 0 && $SpotPower < $alarm_value3) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm3", (-1)); }
else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm3", 0); }
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # Notify is done by Dispatch
$hash->{LASTUPDATE} = sprintf "%02d.%02d.%04d / %02d:%02d:%02d" , $mday , $mon+=1 ,$year+=1900 , $hour , $min , $sec ;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Readings updated";
if ($AvP15 == 0 && $SpotPower == 0 && $force_sleep == 1 && $sleep_forced == 0 && $hour > 12)
$sleep_forced = 1;
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: sleepmode forced after 15 minutes zero power";
my $modulstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL} : "";
if($modulstate ne "inactive" && $modulstate_enabled == 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modulstate", "inactive");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Readings not updated";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$interval, "SMASTP_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
#return undef;
=begin html
<a name="SMASTP"></a>
Module for the integration of a Sunny Tripower Inverter build by SMA over it's Speedwire (=Ethernet) Interface.<br>
Tested on Sunny Tripower 6000TL-20, 10000-TL20 and 10000TL-10 with Speedwire/Webconnect Piggyback.
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SMASTP &lt;pin&gt; &lt;hostname/ip&gt; [port]</code><br>
<li>pin: User-Password of the SMA STP Inverter. Default is 0000. Can be changed by "Sunny Explorer" Windows Software</li>
<li>hostname/ip: Hostname or IP-Adress of the inverter (or it's speedwire piggyback module).</li>
<li>port: Port of the inverter. 9522 by default.</li>
The module automatically detects the inactvity of the inverter due to a lack of light (night). <br>
This inactivity is therefore called "nightmode". During nightmode, the inverter is not queried over the network.<br>
By default nightmode is between 9pm and 5am. This can be changed by "starttime" (start of inverter <br>
operation, end of nightmode) and "endtime" (end of inverter operation, start of nightmode).<br>
Further there is the inactivitymode: in inactivitymode, the inverter is queried but readings are not updated.
<li>interval: Queryintreval in seconds </li>
<li>suppress-night-mode: The nightmode is deactivated </li>
<li>suppress-inactivity-mode: The inactivitymode is deactivated </li>
<li>starttime: Starttime of inverter operation (default 5am) </li>
<li>endtime: Endtime of inverter operation (default 9pm) </li>
<li>force-sleepmode: The nightmode is activated on inactivity, even the endtime is not reached </li>
<li>enable-modulstate: Turns the reading "modulstate" (normal / inactive / sleeping) on </li>
<li>alarm1-value, alarm2-value, alarm3-value: Set an alarm on the reading SpotP in watt.<br>
The readings Alarm1..Alarm3 are set accordingly: -1 for SpotP < alarmX-value and 1 for SpotP >= alarmX-value </li>
<li>SpotP: spotpower - Current power in watt delivered by the inverter </li>
<li>AvP01: average power 1 minute: average power in watt of the last minute </li>
<li>AvP05: average power 5 minutes: average power in watt of the five minutes </li>
<li>AvP15: average power 15 minutes: average power in watt of the fifteen minutes </li>
<li>SpotPDC1: current d.c. voltage delivered by string 1 </li>
<li>SpotPDC2: current d.c. voltage delivered by string 2 </li>
<li>TotalTodayP: generated power in Wh of the current day </li>
<li>AlltimeTotalP: all time generated power in Wh </li>
<li>Alarm1..3: alrm trigger 1..3. Set by parameter alarmN-value </li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SMASTP"></a>
Modul zur Einbindung eines Sunny Tripower Wechselrichters der Firma SMA über Speedwire (Ethernet).<br>
Getestet mit Sunny Tripower 6000TL-20, 10000-TL20 sowie 10000TL-10 mit Speedwire/Webconnect Piggyback
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SMASTP &lt;pin&gt; &lt;hostname/ip&gt; [port]</code><br>
<li>pin: Benutzer-Passwort des SMA STP Wechselrichters. Default ist 0000. Kann über die Windows-Software "Sunny Explorer" geändert werden </li>
<li>hostname/ip: Hostname oder IP-Adresse des Wechselrichters (bzw. dessen Speedwire Moduls mit Ethernetanschluss) </li>
<li>port: Optional der Ports des Wechselrichters. Per default 9522. </li>
Das Modul erkennt automatisch eine Inaktivität des Wechselrichters, wenn dieser aufgrund Dunkelheit seinen Betrieb einstellt. <br>
Diese Betriebspause wird als "Nightmode" bezeichnet. Im Nightmode wird der Wechelrichter nicht mehr über das Netzwerk abgefragt.<br>
Per default geht das Modul davon aus, dass vor 5:00 und nach 21:00 der Nightmode aktiv ist.<br>
Diese Grenzen lassen sich mit den Parametern "starttime" (Start des Wechelrichterbetriebs, also Ende des Nightmode) <br>
und "endtime" (Ende des Wechselrichterbetriebs, also Beginn des Nightmode) umdefinieren. <br>
Darüber hinaus gibt es den "Inactivitymode": hier wird der Wechselrichter abgefragt, aber es werden keine Readings mehr aktualisiert. <br>
<li>interval: Abfrageinterval in Sekunden </li>
<li>suppress-night-mode: Der Nightmode wird deaktiviert </li>
<li>suppress-inactivity-mode: Der Inactivitymode wird deaktiviert </li>
<li>starttime: Startzeit des Betriebsmodus (Default 5:00 Uhr) </li>
<li>endtime: Endezeit des Betriebsmodus (Default 21:00 Uhr) </li>
<li>force-sleepmode: Der Nightmode wird bei entdeckter Inaktivität auch dann aktiviert, wenn endtime noch nicht erreicht ist </li>
<li>enable-modulstate: Schaltet das reading "modulstate" (normal / inactive / sleeping) ein </li>
<li>alarm1-value, alarm2-value, alarm3-value: Setzt einen Alarm in Watt auf das Reading SpotP.
<br>Die Readings Alarm1..Alarm3 werden entsprechend gesetzt: -1 für SpotP < alarmX-value und 1 für Spot >= alarmX-value. </li>
<li>SpotP: SpotPower - Leistung in W zum Zeitpunkt der Abfrage</li>
<li>AvP01: Average Power 1 Minute - Durchschnittliche Leistung in W der letzten Minute</li>
<li>AvP05: Average Power 5 Minuten - Durchschnittliche Leistung in W der letzten 5 Minuten</li>
<li>AvP15: Average Power 15 Minuten - Durchschnittliche Leistung in W der letzten 15 Minuten</li>
<li>SpotPDC1: Spot Gleichspannung String 1 </li>
<li>SpotPDC2: Spot Gleichspannung String 2 </li>
<li>TotalTodayP: Erzeuge Leistung (in Wh) des heutigen Tages </li>
<li>AlltimeTotalP: Erzeugte Leistung (in Wh) seit Inbetriebsnahme des Gerätes </li>
<li>Alarm1..3: Alarm Trigger 1-3. Können über die Parameter "alarmN-value" gesetzt werden </li>
=end html_DE