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# 66_ECMD.pm
# written by Dr. Boris Neubert 2011-01-15
# e-mail: omega at online dot de
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
#sub ECMD_Attr(@);
sub ECMD_Clear($);
#sub ECMD_Parse($$$$$);
#sub ECMD_Read($);
sub ECMD_ReadAnswer($$);
#sub ECMD_Ready($);
sub ECMD_Write($$);
sub ECMD_OpenDev($$);
sub ECMD_CloseDev($);
sub ECMD_SimpleWrite(@);
sub ECMD_SimpleRead($);
sub ECMD_Disconnected($);
use vars qw {%attr %defs};
my ($hash) = @_;
# Provider
$hash->{WriteFn} = "ECMD_Write";
#$hash->{ReadFn} = "ECMD_Read";
$hash->{Clients}= ":ECMDDevice:";
# Consumer
$hash->{DefFn} = "ECMD_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ECMD_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "ECMD_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "ECMD_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "ECMD_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList}= "classdefs nonl loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def);
my $name = $a[0];
my $protocol = $a[2];
if(@a < 4 || @a > 4 || (($protocol ne "telnet") && ($protocol ne "serial"))) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> ECMD telnet <ipaddress[:port]> or define <name> ECMD serial <devicename[\@baudrate]>";
Log 2, $msg;
return $msg;
$hash->{Protocol}= $protocol;
my $devicename= $a[3];
$hash->{DeviceName} = $devicename;
my $ret = ECMD_OpenDev($hash, 0);
return $ret;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) &&
defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) &&
$defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash)
my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2);
Log GetLogLevel($name,$lev), "deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
return if(!$dev);
if($hash->{TCPDev}) {
} elsif($hash->{USBDev}) {
$hash->{USBDev}->close() ;
($dev, undef) = split("@", $dev); # Remove the baudrate
my ($hash, $reopen) = @_;
my $protocol = $hash->{Protocol};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devicename = $hash->{DeviceName};
$hash->{PARTIAL} = "";
Log 3, "ECMD opening $name (protocol $protocol, device $devicename)"
if($hash->{Protocol} eq "telnet") {
# This part is called every time the timeout (5sec) is expired _OR_
# somebody is communicating over another TCP connection. As the connect
# for non-existent devices has a delay of 3 sec, we are sitting all the
# time in this connect. NEXT_OPEN tries to avoid this problem.
if($hash->{NEXT_OPEN} && time() < $hash->{NEXT_OPEN}) {
my $conn;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'Timed Out'; };
alarm 10;
$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $devicename, timeout => 5);
alarm 0;
$conn= undef if $@;
# return "Error: timeout." if ( $@ && $@ =~ /Timed Out/ );
# return "Error: Eval corrupted: $@" if $@;
if($conn) {
} else {
Log(3, "Can't connect to $devicename: $!") if(!$reopen);
$readyfnlist{"$name.$devicename"} = $hash;
$hash->{STATE} = "disconnected";
$hash->{NEXT_OPEN} = time()+60;
return "";
$hash->{TCPDev} = $conn;
$hash->{FD} = $conn->fileno();
$selectlist{"$name.$devicename"} = $hash;
} else {
my $baudrate;
($devicename, $baudrate) = split("@", $devicename);
my $po;
if ($^O=~/Win/) {
require Win32::SerialPort;
$po = new Win32::SerialPort ($devicename);
} else {
require Device::SerialPort;
$po = new Device::SerialPort ($devicename);
if(!$po) {
return undef if($reopen);
Log(3, "Can't open $devicename: $!");
$readyfnlist{"$name.$devicename"} = $hash;
$hash->{STATE} = "disconnected";
return "";
$hash->{USBDev} = $po;
if( $^O =~ /Win/ ) {
$readyfnlist{"$name.$devicename"} = $hash;
} else {
$hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO;
$selectlist{"$name.$devicename"} = $hash;
if($baudrate) {
Log 3, "ECMD setting $name baudrate to $baudrate";
# This part is for some Linux kernel versions whih has strange default
# settings. Device::SerialPort is nice: if the flag is not defined for your
# OS then it will be ignored.
#$po->stty_parmrk(0); # The debian standard install does not have it
# Needed for some strange distros
if($reopen) {
Log 1, "ECMD $name ($devicename) reappeared";
} else {
Log 3, "ECMD device opened";
$hash->{STATE}= ""; # Allow InitDev to set the state
my $ret = ECMD_DoInit($hash);
if($ret) {
Log 1, "$ret";
Log 1, "Cannot init $name ($devicename), ignoring it";
DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED") if($reopen);
return $ret;
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $msg = undef;
#ECMD_SimpleWrite($hash, "version");
#my ($err,$version)= ECMD_ReadAnswer($hash, "version");
#return "$name: $err" if($err);
#Log 2, "ECMD version: $version";
#$hash->{VERSION} = $version;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized" if(!$hash->{STATE});
return undef;
my ($hash, $msg, $nonl) = @_;
return if(!$hash);
$msg .= "\n" unless($nonl);
$hash->{USBDev}->write($msg) if($hash->{USBDev});
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $msg) if($hash->{TCPDev});
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.001);
my ($hash) = @_;
if($hash->{USBDev}) {
return $hash->{USBDev}->input();
if($hash->{TCPDev}) {
my $buf;
if(!defined(sysread($hash->{TCPDev}, $buf, 1024))) {
return undef;
return $buf;
return undef;
# This is a direct read for commands like get
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
#Log 5, "ECMD reading answer for get $arg...";
return ("No FD", undef)
if(!$hash || ($^O !~ /Win/ && !defined($hash->{FD})));
my ($data, $rin) = ("", '');
my $buf;
my $to = 3; # 3 seconds timeout
$to = $hash->{RA_Timeout} if($hash->{RA_Timeout}); # ...or less
#Log 5, "Timeout is $to seconds";
for(;;) {
return ("Error: device lost when reading answer for get $arg", undef)
vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1;
my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $to);
if($nfound < 0) {
next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0);
my $err = $!;
return("Error reading answer for get $arg: $err", undef);
return ("Error: timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef)
if($nfound == 0);
$buf = ECMD_SimpleRead($hash);
return ("No data", undef) if(!defined($buf));
if($buf) {
chomp $buf; # remove line break
Log 5, "ECMD (ReadAnswer): $buf";
$data .= $buf;
return (undef, $data)
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
return undef;
my $hash = shift;
# Clear the pipe
$hash->{RA_Timeout} = 0.1;
for(;;) {
my ($err, undef) = ECMD_ReadAnswer($hash, "clear");
last if($err && $err =~ m/^Error/);
my $hash = shift;
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if(!defined($hash->{FD})); # Already deleted o
Log 1, "$dev disconnected, waiting to reappear";
$readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling
$hash->{STATE} = "disconnected";
# Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV,
# and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps.
DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED");
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "get needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2);
my $name = $a[0];
my $cmd= $a[1];
my $arg = ($a[2] ? $a[2] : "");
my @args= @a; shift @args; shift @args;
my ($msg, $err);
return "No get $cmd for dummies" if(IsDummy($name));
if($cmd eq "raw") {
return "get raw needs an argument" if(@a< 3);
my $nonl= AttrVal($name, "nonl", 0);
my $ecmd= join " ", @args;
Log 5, $ecmd;
ECMD_SimpleWrite($hash, $ecmd, $nonl);
($err, $msg) = ECMD_ReadAnswer($hash, "raw");
return $err if($err);
} else {
return "get $cmd: unknown command ";
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{VAL} = $msg;
$hash->{READINGS}{$cmd}{TIME} = TimeNow();
return "$name $cmd => $msg";
my ($hash, $classname, $filename)=@_;
my $name= $hash->{NAME};
# refuse overwriting existing definitions
if(defined($hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname})) {
my $err= "$name: class $classname is already defined.";
Log 1, $err;
return $err;
# try and open the class definition file
if(!open(CLASSDEF, $filename)) {
my $err= "$name: cannot open file $filename for class $classname.";
Log 1, $err;
return $err;
my @classdef= <CLASSDEF>;
# add the class definition
Log 5, "$name: adding new class $classname from file $filename";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{filename}= $filename;
# format of the class definition:
# params <params> parameters for device definition
# get <cmdname> cmd {<perlexpression>} defines a get command
# get <cmdname> params <params> parameters for get command
# set <cmdname> cmd {<perlexpression>} defines a set command
# set <cmdname> params <params> parameters for get command
# all lines are optional
# eaxmple class definition 1:
# get adc cmd {"adc get %channel"}
# get adc params channel
# eaxmple class definition 1:
# params btnup btnstop btndown
# set up cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nio set port 2 1%btnup\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
# set stop cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nio set port 2 1%btnstop\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
# set down cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nio set port 2 1%btndown\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
my $cont= "";
foreach my $line (@classdef) {
# kill trailing newline
chomp $line;
# kill comments and blank lines
$line=~ s/\#.*$//;
$line=~ s/\s+$//;
$line= $cont . $line;
if($line=~ s/\\$//) { $cont= $line; undef $line; }
next unless($line);
$cont= "";
Log 5, "$name: evaluating >$line<";
# split line into command and definition
my ($cmd, $def)= split("[ \t]+", $line, 2);
if($cmd eq "nonl") {
Log 5, "$name: no newline";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{nonl}= 1;
elsif($cmd eq "params") {
Log 5, "$name: parameters are $def";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{params}= $def;
} elsif($cmd eq "set" || $cmd eq "get") {
my ($cmdname, $spec, $arg)= split("[ \t]+", $def, 3);
if($spec eq "params") {
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log 5, "$name: set $cmdname has parameters $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{params}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log 5, "$name: get $cmdname has parameters $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{params}= $arg;
} elsif($spec eq "cmd") {
if($arg !~ m/^{.*}$/s) {
Log 1, "$name: command for $cmd $cmdname is not a perl command.";
$arg =~ s/^(\\\n|[ \t])*//; # Strip space or \\n at the beginning
$arg =~ s/[ \t]*$//;
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log 5, "$name: set $cmdname command defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{cmd}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log 5, "$name: get $cmdname command defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{cmd}= $arg;
} elsif($spec eq "postproc") {
if($arg !~ m/^{.*}$/s) {
Log 1, "$name: postproc command for $cmd $cmdname is not a perl command.";
$arg =~ s/^(\\\n|[ \t])*//; # Strip space or \\n at the beginning
$arg =~ s/[ \t]*$//;
if($cmd eq "set") {
Log 5, "$name: set $cmdname postprocessor defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{sets}{$cmdname}{postproc}= $arg;
} elsif($cmd eq "get") {
Log 5, "$name: get $cmdname postprocessor defined as $arg";
$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$classname}{gets}{$cmdname}{postproc}= $arg;
} else {
Log 1, "$name: illegal tag $cmd for class $classname in file $filename.";
# store class definitions in attribute
$attr{$name}{classdefs}= "";
my @a;
foreach my $c (keys %{$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}}) {
push @a, "$c=$hash->{fhem}{classDefs}{$c}{filename}";
$attr{$name}{"classdefs"}= join(":", @a);
return undef;
my @a = @_;
my $hash= $defs{$a[1]};
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "classdefs") {
my @classdefs= split(/:/,$a[3]);
delete $hash->{fhem}{classDefs};
foreach my $classdef (@classdefs) {
my ($classname,$filename)= split(/=/,$classdef,2);
ECMD_EvalClassDef($hash, $classname, $filename);
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
ECMD_OpenDev($hash, 1);
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $a[0];
# usage check
#my $usage= "Usage: set $name classdef <classname> <filename> OR set $name reopen";
my $usage= "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of reopen classdef";
if((@a == 2) && ($a[1] eq "reopen")) {
return ECMD_Reopen($hash);
return $usage if(@a != 4);
return $usage if($a[1] ne "classdef");
# from the definition
my $classname= $a[2];
my $filename= $a[3];
return ECMD_EvalClassDef($hash, $classname, $filename);
my ($hash,$msg) = @_;
my $answer;
my @r;
my @ecmds= split "\n", $msg;
my $nonl= AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "nonl", 0);
foreach my $ecmd (@ecmds) {
Log 5, "$hash->{NAME} sending $ecmd";
ECMD_SimpleWrite($hash, $ecmd, $nonl);
$answer= ECMD_ReadAnswer($hash, "$ecmd");
push @r, $answer;
Log 5, $answer;
return join("\n", @r);
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<a name="ECMD"></a>
Any physical device with request/response-like communication capabilities
over a TCP connection can be defined as ECMD device. A practical example
of such a device is the AVR microcontroller board AVR-NET-IO from
<a href="http://www.pollin.de">Pollin</a> with
<a href="http://www.ethersex.de/index.php/ECMD">ECMD</a>-enabled
<a href="http://www.ethersex.de">Ethersex</a> firmware.<p>
A physical ECMD device can host any number of logical ECMD devices. Logical
devices are defined as <a href="#ECMDDevice">ECMDDevice</a>s in fhem.
ADC 0 to 3 and I/O port 0 to 3 of the above mentioned board
are examples of such logical devices. ADC 0 to 3 all belong to the same
device class ADC (analog/digital converter). I/O port 0 to 3 belong to the device
class I/O port. By means of extension boards you can make your physical
device drive as many logical devices as you can imagine, e.g. IR receivers,
LC displays, RF receivers/transmitters, 1-wire devices, etc.<p>
Defining one fhem module for any device class would create an unmanageable
number of modules. Thus, an abstraction layer is used. You create a device class
on the fly and assign it to a logical ECMD device. The
<a href="#ECMDClassdef">class definition</a>
names the parameters of the logical device, e.g. a placeholder for the number
of the ADC or port, as well as the get and set capabilities. Worked examples
are to be found in the documentation of the <a href="#ECMDDevice">ECMDDevice</a> device.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the module is connected via serial Port or USB.
<a name="ECMDdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> ECMD telnet <IPAddress:Port></code><br><br>
<code>define <name> ECMD serial <SerialDevice>[<@BaudRate>]</code>
Defines a physical ECMD device. The keywords <code>telnet</code> or
<code>serial</code> are fixed.<br><br>
<code>define AVRNETIO ECMD telnet</code><br>
<code>define AVRNETIO ECMD serial /dev/ttyS0</code><br>
<code>define AVRNETIO ECMD serial /sev/ttyUSB0@38400</code><br>
<a name="ECMDset"></a>
<code>set <name> classdef <classname> <filename></code>
Creates a new device class <code><classname></code> for logical devices.
The class definition is in the file <code><filename></code>. You must
create the device class before you create a logical device that adheres to
that definition.
<code>define AVRNETIO classdef /etc/fhem/ADC.classdef</code><br>
<code>set <name> reopen</code>
Closes and reopens the device. Could be handy if connection is lost and cannot be
reestablished automatically.
<a name="ECMDget"></a>
<code>get <name> raw <command></code>
Sends the command <code><command></code> to the physical ECMD device
<code><name></code> and reads the response.
<a name="ECMDattr"></a>
<li>classdefs<br>A colon-separated list of <classname>=<filename>.
The list is automatically updated if a class definition is added. You can
directly set the attribute.</li>
<li>nonl<br>A newline (\n) is automatically appended to every command string sent to the device
unless this attribute is set. Please note that newlines (\n) in a command string are interpreted
as separators to split the command string into several commands and are never literally sent.</li>
<a name="ECMDClassdef"></a>
<b>Class definition</b>
The class definition for a logical ECMD device class is contained in a text file.
The text file is made up of single lines. Empty lines and text beginning with #
(hash) are ignored. Therefore make sure not to use hashes in commands.<br>
The following commands are recognized in the device class definition:<br><br>
<li><code>params <parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]]</code><br><br>
Declares the names of the named parameters that must be present in the
<a href="#ECMDDevicedefine">definition of the logical ECMD device</a>.
<li><code>set <commandname> cmd { <a href="#perl"><perl special></a> }</code>
Declares a new set command <code><commandname></code>.
<li><code>get <commandname> cmd { <a href="#perl"><perl special></a> }</code>
Declares a new get command <code><commandname></code>.
<code>set <commandname> postproc { <perl command> }</code><br>
<code>get <commandname> postproc { <perl command> }</code>
Declares a postprocessor for the command <code><commandname></code>.
<code>set <commandname> params <parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]]</code><br>
<code>get <commandname> params <parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]]</code>
Declares the names of the named parameters that must be present in the
set or get command <code><commandname></code></a>. Be careful not to use a parameter name that
is already used in the device definition (see <code>params</code> above).
The perl specials in the definitions of the set and get commands can
contain macros. Apart from the rules outlined in the <a
href="#perl">documentation of perl specials</a> in fhem, the following
rules apply:<br><br>
<li>The character @ will be replaced with the device
name. To use @ in the text itself, use the double mode (@@).</li>
<li>The macro <code>%NAME</code> will expand to the device name (same
as <code>@</code>).</li>
<li>The macro <code>%<parameter></code> will expand to the
current value of the named parameter. This can be either a parameter
from the device definition or a parameter from the set or get
<li>The macro substitution occurs before perl evaluates the
expression. It is a plain text substitution.</li>
<li>If in doubt what happens, run the commands with loglevel 5 and
observe the log file.</li>
<!--Neither apply the rules outlined in the <a href="#perl">documentation of perl specials</a>
for the <code><perl command></code> in the postprocessor definitions nor can it contain macros.
This is to avoid undesired side effects from e.g. doubling of semicolons.<br><br>-->
The rules outlined in the <a href="#perl">documentation of perl specials</a>
for the <code><perl command></code> in the postprocessor definitions apply.
<b>Note:</b> Beware of undesired side effects from e.g. doubling of semicolons!
The <code>perl command</code> acts on <code>$_</code>. The result of the perl command is the
final result of the get or set command.
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