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# FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire adressable switches DS2413, DS206, DS2408
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# $Id$
# define <name> OWSWITCH [<model>] <ROM_ID> [interval]
# where <name> may be replaced by any name string
# <model> is a 1-Wire device type. If omitted, we assume this to be an
# DS2413. Allowed values are DS2413, DS2406
# <ROM_ID> is a 12 character (6 byte) 1-Wire ROM ID
# without Family ID, e.g. A2D90D000800
# [interval] is an optional query interval in seconds
# get <name> id => FAM_ID.ROM_ID.CRC
# get <name> present => 1 if device present, 0 if not
# get <name> interval => query interval
# get <name> input <channel-name> => state for channel (name A, B or defined channel name)
# note: this value reflects the measured value, not necessarily the one set as
# output state, because the output transistors are open collector switches. A measured
# state of 1 = OFF therefore corresponds to an output state of 1 = OFF, but a measured
# state of 0 = ON can also be due to an external shortening of the output.
# get <name> gpio => values for channels
# set <name> interval => set period for measurement
# set <name> output <channel-name> on|off|on-for-timer <int>|on-for-timer <int>
# => set value for channel (name A, B or defined channel name)
# note: 1 = OFF, 0 = ON in normal usage. See also the note above
# ON-for-timer/OFF-for-timer will set the desired value only for <int> seconds
# and then will return to the opposite value.
# set <name> gpio value => set values for channels (3 = both OFF, 1 = B ON 2 = A ON 0 = both ON)
# set <name> init yes => re-initialize device
# Additional attributes are defined in fhem.cfg, in some cases per channel, where <channel>=A,B
# Note: attributes are read only during initialization procedure - later changes are not used.
# attr <name> stateS <string> = character string denoting external shortening condition, default is (ext)
# overwritten by an attribute setting "red angled arrow downwward"
# attr <name> <channel>Name <string>|<string> = name for the channel | a type description for the measured value
# attr <name> <channel>Unit <string>|<string> = values to display in state variable for on|off condition
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use vars qw{%attr %defs};
use strict;
use warnings;
sub Log($$);
#-- channel name - fixed is the first array, variable the second
my @owg_fixed = ("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H");
my @owg_channel;
#-- channel values - always the raw input resp. output values from the device
my @owg_val;
my @owg_vax;
my %gets = (
"id" => "",
"present" => "",
"interval" => "",
"input" => "",
"gpio" => ""
my %sets = (
"interval" => "",
"output" => "",
"gpio" => "",
"init" => ""
my %updates = (
"present" => "",
"gpio" => ""
my %cnumber = (
"DS2413" => 2,
"DS2406" => 2,
"DS2408" => 8
# The following subroutines are independent of the bus interface
# Prefix = OWSWITCH
# OWSWITCH_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWSWITCH_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "OWSWITCH_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "OWSWITCH_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "OWSWITCH_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "OWSWITCH_Set";
my $attlist = "IODev do_not_notify:0,1 showtime:0,1 model:DS2413,DS2406,DS2408 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 ".
"event-on-update-reading event-on-change-reading ".
"stateS ";
#TODO: correct number of channels
for( my $i=0;$i<8;$i++ ){
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Name";
$attlist .= " ".$owg_fixed[$i]."Unit";
$hash->{AttrList} = $attlist;
# OWSWITCH_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub OWSWITCH_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
# define <name> OWSWITCH [<model>] <id> [interval]
# e.g.: define flow OWSWITCH 525715020000 300
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ($name,$model,$fam,$id,$crc,$interval,$scale,$ret);
#-- default
$name = $a[0];
$interval = 300;
$scale = "";
$ret = "";
#-- check syntax
return "OWSWITCH: Wrong syntax, must be define <name> OWSWITCH [<model>] <id> [interval]"
if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 5);
#-- check if this is an old style definition, e.g. <model> is missing
my $a2 = $a[2];
my $a3 = defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : "";
if( $a2 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$model = "DS2413";
$id = $a[2];
if(int(@a)>=4) { $interval = $a[3]; }
} elsif( $a3 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$model = $a[2];
$id = $a[3];
if(int(@a)>=5) { $interval = $a[4]; }
} else {
return "OWSWITCH: $a[0] ID $a[2] invalid, specify a 12 digit value";
#-- 1-Wire ROM identifier in the form "FF.XXXXXXXXXXXX.YY"
# FF = family id follows from the model
# YY must be determined from id
if( $model eq "DS2413" ){
$fam = "3A";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS2413");
}elsif( $model eq "DS2406" ){
$fam = "12";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS2406");
}elsif( $model eq "DS2408" ){
$fam = "29";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS2408");
return "OWSWITCH: Wrong 1-Wire device model $model";
#-- determine CRC Code - only if this is a direct interface
$crc = defined($hash->{IODev}->{INTERFACE}) ? sprintf("%02x",OWX_CRC($fam.".".$id."00")) : "00";
#-- Define device internals
$hash->{ROM_ID} = $fam.".".$id.$crc;
$hash->{OW_ID} = $id;
$hash->{OW_FAMILY} = $fam;
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
#-- Couple to I/O device
if( !defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) | !defined($hash->{IODev}) | !defined($hash->{IODev}->{PRESENT}) ){
return "OWSWITCH: Warning, no 1-Wire I/O device found for $name.";
if( $hash->{IODev}->{PRESENT} != 1 ){
return "OWSWITCH: Warning, 1-Wire I/O device ".$hash->{IODev}->{NAME}." not present for $name.";
$modules{OWSWITCH}{defptr}{$id} = $hash;
Log 3, "OWSWITCH: Device $name defined.";
#-- Initialization reading according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- Start timer for initialization in a few seconds
InternalTimer(time()+10, "OWSWITCH_InitializeDevice", $hash, 0);
#-- Start timer for updates
InternalTimer(time()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWSWITCH_GetValues", $hash, 0);
return undef;
# OWSWITCH_InitializeDevice - delayed setting of initial readings and channel names
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWSWITCH_InitializeDevice($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- Set channel names, channel units
for( my $i=0;$i<$cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}} ;$i++) {
#-- Initial readings ERR
$owg_val[$i] = 1;
$owg_vax[$i] = 0;
#-- name
my $cname = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"} : $owg_fixed[$i]."|onoff";
my @cnama = split(/\|/,$cname);
if( int(@cnama)!=2){
Log 1, "OWSWITCH: Incomplete channel name specification $cname. Better use $cname|<type of data>";
#-- unit
my $unit = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Unit"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Unit"} : "ON|OFF";
my @unarr= split(/\|/,$unit);
if( int(@unarr)!=2 ){
Log 1, "OWSWITCH: Wrong channel unit specification $unit, replaced by ON|OFF";
#-- put into readings
$owg_channel[$i] = $cnama[0];
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{TYPE} = $cnama[1];
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{UNIT} = $unit;
$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{UNITABBR} = $unit;
#-- set status according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- OWX interface
if( !defined($interface) ){
return "OWSWITCH: Interface missing";
} elsif( $interface eq "OWX" ){
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetPage($hash,"reading");
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWSWITCH: InitializeDevice with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- Initialize all the display stuff
# OWSWITCH_FormatValues - put together various format strings
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, fs = format string
sub OWSWITCH_FormatValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($offset,$factor,$vval,$vvax,$vstr,$cname,@cnama,@unarr,$valid);
my $svalue = "";
#-- external shortening signature
my $sname = defined($attr{$name}{"stateS"}) ? $attr{$name}{"stateS"} : "&#x2607;";
#-- put into READINGS
#-- formats for output
for (my $i=0;$i<$cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}};$i++){
$cname = defined($attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"}) ? $attr{$name}{$owg_fixed[$i]."Name"} : $owg_fixed[$i];
@cnama = split(/\|/,$cname);
#-- input state is 0 = ON or 1 = OFF
$vval = $owg_val[$i];
#-- output state is 0 = ON or 1 = OFF
$vvax = $owg_vax[$i];
#-- string buildup for return value and STATE
@unarr= split(/\|/,$hash->{READINGS}{"$owg_channel[$i]"}{UNIT});
$vstr = $unarr[$vval];
#-- put into readings only when valid
if( ($vval == 1) && ($vvax == 0) ){
$vstr ="???"
$vstr.= $sname if( ($vval == 0) && ($vvax == 1) );
$svalue .= sprintf( "%s: %s" , $owg_channel[$i], $vstr);
#-- insert space
if( $i<($cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}}-1) ){
$svalue .= " ";
return $svalue;
# OWSWITCH_Get - Implements GetFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, a = argument array
sub OWSWITCH_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $reading = $a[1];
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
my ($value,$value2,$value3) = (undef,undef,undef);
my $ret = "";
my $offset;
my $factor;
my $page;
#-- check syntax
return "OWSWITCH: Get argument is missing @a"
if(int(@a) < 2);
#-- check argument
return "OWSWITCH: Get with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(",", sort keys %gets)
#-- get id
if($a[1] eq "id") {
$value = $hash->{ROM_ID};
return "$name.id => $value";
#-- get present
if($a[1] eq "present") {
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
$value = OWX_Verify($master,$hash->{ROM_ID});
$hash->{PRESENT} = $value;
return "$name.present => $value";
#-- get interval
if($a[1] eq "interval") {
$value = $hash->{INTERVAL};
return "$name.interval => $value";
#-- reset presence
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
#-- get values according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- get single state
# TODO: WAS passiert, wenn channel name noch falsch ist ?
if( $reading eq "input" ){
return "OWSWITCH: get needs parameter when reading input: <channel>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
my $fnd=undef;
for (my $i=0;$i<$cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}};$i++){
if( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[$i]) || ($a[2] eq $owg_fixed[$i]) ){
return "OWSWITCH: invalid output address, must be A,B,... or defined channel name"
if( !defined($fnd) );
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXSWITCH_GetState($hash);
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSSWITCH_GetPage($hash,"reading");
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWSWITCH: Get with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results
my @states = split(/,/,$hash->{STATE});
return $a[2]." = ".$states[$fnd];
#-- get all states
}elsif( $reading eq "gpio" ){
return "OWSWITCH: get needs no parameter when reading gpio"
if( int(@a)==1 );
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXSWITCH_GetState($hash);
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetValues($hash);
return "OWSWITCH: GetValues with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
return "OWSWITCH: Could not get values from device $name, reason $ret";
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
return "OWSWITCH: $name.$reading => ".OWSWITCH_FormatValues($hash);
# OWSWITCH_GetValues - Updates the reading from one device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWSWITCH_GetValues($) {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
my $value = "";
my $ret = "";
my $offset;
my $factor;
#-- restart timer for updates
InternalTimer(time()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWSWITCH_GetValues", $hash, 1);
#-- reset presence
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
#-- Get readings according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
#-- max 3 tries
for(my $try=0; $try<3; $try++){
$ret = OWXSWITCH_GetState($hash);
if( !defined($ret) );
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSSWITCH_GetValues($hash);
Log 3, "OWSWITCH: GetValues with wrong IODev type $interface";
return 1;
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
for (my $i=0;$i<$cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}};$i++){
$owg_val[$i] = 1;
$owg_vax[$i] = 0;
Log 3, "OWSWITCH: Could not get values from device $name, reason $ret";
return 1;
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
$value = OWSWITCH_FormatValues($hash);
Log 5, $value;
return undef;
# OWSWITCH_Set - Set one value for device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub OWSWITCH_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $key = $a[1];
my $value = $a[2];
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
if (@a == 2){
my $newkeys = join(" ", sort keys %sets);
return $newkeys ;
#-- check argument
if( !defined($sets{$a[1]}) ){
return "OWSWITCH: Set with unknown argument $a[1]";
#-- define vars
my $ret = undef;
my $channel = undef;
my $channo = undef;
my $condx;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
#-- reset the device
if($key eq "init") {
return "OWCOUNT: init needs parameter 'yes'"
if($value ne "yes");
return "OWCOUNT: Re-initialized device";
#-- set new timer interval
if($key eq "interval") {
# check value
return "OWSWITCH: Set with short interval, must be > 1"
if(int($value) < 1);
# update timer
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $value;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWSWITCH_GetValues", $hash, 1);
return undef;
#-- Set readings according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- set single state
# TODO: WAS passiert, wenn channel name noch falsch ist ?
if( $key eq "output" ){
return "OWSWITCH: get needs parameter when writing output: <channel>"
if( int(@a)<2 );
#-- find out which channel we have
my $fnd=undef;
for (my $i=0;$i<$cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}};$i++){
if( ($a[2] eq $owg_channel[$i]) || ($a[2] eq $owg_fixed[$i]) ){
return "OWSWITCH: invalid output address, must be A,B,... or defined channel name"
if( !defined($fnd) );
#-- prepare gpio value
my $nval;
my $ntim;
my $nstr="";
if( lc($a[3]) eq "on" ){
$nval = 0;
}elsif( lc($a[3]) eq "off" ){
$nval = 1;
}elsif( lc($a[3]) =~ m/for-timer/ ){
if( !($a[4] =~ m/\d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d/) ){
if( !($a[4] =~ m/\d{1,4}/ )){
return "OWSWITCH: Wrong data value $a[4], must be time format xx:xx:zz or integer";
} else {
$ntim = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",int($a[4]/3600),int( ($a[4] % 3600)/60 ),$a[4] %60);
} else {
$ntim= $a[4];
if( lc($a[3]) eq "on-for-timer" ){
$nval = 0;
$nstr = "$a[0] $a[1] $a[2] off";
}elsif( lc($a[3]) eq "off-for-timer" ){
$nval = 1;
$nstr = "$a[0] $a[1] $a[2] on";
return "OWSWITCH: Wrong data value $a[3], must be on, off, on-for-timer or off-for-timer";
if ($nstr ne ""){
fhem("define ".$a[0].".".$owg_fixed[$fnd]."Timer at +".$ntim." set ".$nstr);
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXSWITCH_GetState($hash);
$value = 0;
#-- vax or val ?
for (my $i=0;$i<$cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}};$i++){
$value += ($owg_vax[$i]<<$i)
if( $i != $fnd );
$value += ($nval<<$i)
if( $i == $fnd );
$ret = OWXSWITCH_SetState($hash,$value);
#-- OWFS interface
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSAD_GetPage($hash,"reading");
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWSWITCH: Get with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- set state
}elsif( $key eq "gpio" ){
#-- check value and write to device
return "OWSWITCH: Set with wrong value for gpio port, must be 0 <= gpio <= ".((1 << $cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}})-1)
if( ! ((int($value) >= 0) && (int($value) <= ((1 << $cnumber{$attr{$name}{"model"}})-1 ))) );
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXSWITCH_SetState($hash,int($value));
#}elsif( $interface eq "OWFS" ){
# $ret = OWFSSWITCH_GetValues($hash);
return "OWSWITCH: GetValues with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results - we have to reread the device
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
Log 4, "OWSWITCH: Set $hash->{NAME} $key $value";
#$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $value;
return undef;
# OWSWITCH_Undef - Implements UndefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWSWITCH_Undef ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a 1-Wire bus connected
# via OWFS
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a 1-Wire bus connected
# directly to the FHEM server
# Prefix = OWXSWITCH
# OWXAD_GetState - Get gpio ports from device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWXSWITCH_GetState($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my ($select, $res, $res2, $res3, @data);
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
my $owx_rnf = substr($owx_dev,3,12);
my $owx_f = substr($owx_dev,0,2);
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my ($i,$j,$k);
#-- family = 12 => DS2406
if( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "12" ) {
#=============== get gpio values ===============================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the access channel command
# \xF5 plus the two byte channel control and the value
#-- reading 9 + 3 + 1 data bytes + 2 CRC bytes = 15 bytes
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "not accessible in reading";
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
return "invalid data length, ".int(@data)." instead of 7 bytes"
if (@data != 7);
return "invalid CRC"
if ( OWX_CRC16(substr($res,9,5),$data[5],$data[6]) == 0);
$owg_val[0] = (ord($data[3])>>2) & 1;
$owg_vax[0] = ord($data[3]) & 1;
$owg_val[1] = (ord($data[3])>>3) & 1;
$owg_vax[1] = (ord($data[3])>>1) & 1;
#-- family = 29 => DS2408
}elsif( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "29" ) {
#=============== get gpio values ===============================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read PIO rtegisters command
# \xF5 plus the two byte channel target address
#-- reading 9 + 3 + 8 data bytes + 2 CRC bytes = 22 bytes
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "not accessible in reading";
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
return "invalid data length, ".int(@data)." instead of 13 bytes"
if (@data != 13);
return "invalid data"
if (ord($data[9])!=255);
return "invalid CRC"
if( OWX_CRC16(substr($res,9,11),$data[11],$data[12]) == 0);
for(my $i=0;$i<8;$i++){
$owg_val[$i] = (ord($data[2])>>$i) & 1;
$owg_vax[$i] = (ord($data[3])>>$i) & 1;
#-- family = 3A => DS2413
}elsif( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "3A" ) {
#=============== get gpio values ===============================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read gpio command
# \xF5 plus 2 empty bytes
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "not accessible in reading";
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
return "invalid data length, ".int(@data)." instead of 3 bytes"
if (@data != 3);
return "invalid data"
if ( (15- (ord($data[1])>>4)) != (ord($data[1]) & 15) );
# note: value 1 corresponds to OFF, 0 to ON normally
# note: val = input value, vax = output value
$owg_val[0] = ord($data[1]) & 1;
$owg_vax[0] = (ord($data[1])>>1) & 1;
$owg_val[1] = (ord($data[1])>>2) & 1;
$owg_vax[1] = (ord($data[1])>>3) & 1;
} else {
return "unknown device family $hash->{OW_FAMILY}\n";
return undef
# OWXSWITCH_SetState - Set gpio ports of device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# value = integer value for device outputs
sub OWXSWITCH_SetState($$) {
my ($hash,$value) = @_;
my ($select, $res, $res2, @data);
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
my $owx_rnf = substr($owx_dev,3,12);
my $owx_f = substr($owx_dev,0,2);
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my ($i,$j,$k);
#-- family = 12 => DS2406
if( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "12" ) {
#=============== set gpio values ===============================
# Writing the output state via the access channel command does
# not work contrary to documentation. Using the write status command
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read status command
# \xAA at address TA1 = \x07 TA2 = \x00
#-- reading 9 + 3 + 1 data bytes + 2 CRC bytes = 15 bytes
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
$res = OWX_Complex($master,$owx_dev,"\xAA\x07\x00",3);
my $stat = ord(substr($res,10,1));
my $statneu = ( $stat & 159 ) | (($value<<5) & 96) ;
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the write status command
# \x55 at address TA1 = \x07 TA2 = \x00
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWXSWITCH: Device $owx_dev not accessible in writing";
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
#-- very crude check - should be CRC
if( int(@data) != 6){
return "OWXSWITCH: State could not be set for device $owx_dev";
#-- put into local buffer
$owg_val[0] = $value % 2;
$owg_vax[0] = $owg_val[0];
$owg_val[1] = int($value / 2);
$owg_vax[1] = $owg_val[1];
#-- family = 29 => DS2408
}elsif( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "29" ) {
#=============== set gpio values ===============================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the write gpio command
# \x5A plus the value byte and its complement
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWXSWITCH: Device $owx_dev not accessible in writing";
#-- process results
if( $data[2] ne "\xAA"){
return "OWXSWITCH: State could not be set for device $owx_dev";
#-- reset the bus
#-- family = 3A => DS2413
}elsif( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "3A" ) {
#=============== set gpio values ===============================
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the write gpio command
# \x5A plus the value byte and its complement
#-- reset the bus
#-- read the data
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWXSWITCH: Device $owx_dev not accessible in writing";
#-- reset the bus
#-- process results
if( $data[2] ne "\xAA"){
return "OWXSWITCH: State could not be set for device $owx_dev";
}else {
return "OWXSWITCH: Unknown device family $hash->{OW_FAMILY}\n";
return undef;
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<p>FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire Programmable Switches <br /><br /> Note:<br />
This 1-Wire module so far works only with the OWX interface module. Please define an <a
href="#OWX">OWX</a> device first. <br /></p>
<br /><h4>Example</h4>
<code>define OWX_S OWSWITCH DS2413 B5D502000000 60</code>
<br />
<code>attr OWX_S AName Lampe|light</code>
<br />
<code>attr OWX_S AUnit AN|AUS</code>
<br />
<br />
<a name="OWSWITCHdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; OWSWITCH [&lt;model&gt;] &lt;id&gt; [&lt;interval&gt;]</code>
<br /><br /> Define a 1-Wire switch.<br /><br /></p>
<code>[&lt;model&gt;]</code><br /> Defines the switch model (and thus 1-Wire family
id), currently the following values are permitted: <ul>
<li>model DS2413 with family id 3A (default if the model parameter is omitted).
2 Channel switch with onboard memory</li>
<li>model DS2406 with family id 12. 2 Channel switch </li>
<li>model DS2408 with family id 29. 8 Channel switch</li>
<br />12-character unique ROM id of the converter device without family id and CRC
code </li>
<br />Measurement interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds. </li>
<a name="OWSWITCHset"></a>
<li><a name="owswitch_interval">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; interval &lt;int&gt;</code></a><br /> Measurement
interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds. </li>
<li><a name="owswitch_output">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; output &lt;channel-name&gt; on | off | on-for-timer &lt;time&gt; | off-for-timer &lt;time&gt;</code>
</a><br />Set
value for channel (A,B,... or defined channel name). 1 = off, 0 = on in normal
usage. See also the note above.<br/>
on-for-timer/off-for-timer will set the desired value only for the given time,
either given as hh:mm:ss or as integers seconds
and then will return to the opposite value.</li>
<li><a name="owswitch_gpio">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; gpio &lt;value&gt;</code></a><br />Set values for
channels (For 2 channels: 3 = A and B off, 1 = B on 2 = A on 0 = both on)</li>
<li><a name="owswitch_init">
<code>set &lt;name&gt; init yes</code></a><br /> Re-initialize the device</li>
<br />
<a name="OWSWITCHget"></a>
<li><a name="owswitch_id">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; id</code></a>
<br /> Returns the full 1-Wire device id OW_FAMILY.ROM_ID.CRC </li>
<li><a name="owswitch_present">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; present</code>
<br /> Returns 1 if this 1-Wire device is present, otherwise 0. </li>
<li><a name="owswitch_interval2">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; interval</code></a><br />Returns measurement interval in
seconds. </li>
<li><a name="owswitch_input">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; input &lt;channel-name&gt;</code></a><br /> state for
channel (A,B, ... or defined channel name) This value reflects the measured value,
not necessarily the one set as output state, because the output transistors are open
collector switches. A measured state of 1 = OFF therefore corresponds to an output
state of 1 = OFF, but a measured state of 0 = ON can also be due to an external
shortening of the output.</li>
<li><a name="owswitch_gpio">
<code>get &lt;name&gt; gpio</code></a><br />Obtain state of all channels</li>
<br />
<a name="OWSWITCHattr"></a>
<h4>Attributes</h4> For each of the following attributes, the channel identification A,B,...
may be used. <ul>
<li><a name="owswitch_cname"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Name
<br />name for the channel | a type description for the measured value. </li>
<li><a name="owswitch_cunit"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; &lt;channel&gt;Unit
<br />display for on | off condition </li>
<li>Standard attributes <a href="#alias">alias</a>, <a href="#comment">comment</a>, <a
href="#event-on-update-reading">event-on-update-reading</a>, <a
href="#event-on-change-reading">event-on-change-reading</a>, <a href="#room"
>room</a>, <a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a>, <a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a>,
<a href="#webCmd">webCmd</a></li>
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