mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-26 10:34:52 +00:00
sidey79 7f5a74a3b1 14_SD_RSL.PM: support for setExtensions added
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@20671 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2019-12-06 20:43:40 +00:00

373 lines
12 KiB

# $Id$
# The file is part of the SIGNALduino project.
# SIGNALduino RSL Modul. Modified version of FHEMduino Modul by Wzut
# 2019 - Ralf9 & Sidey79
# Supports following devices:
# - Conrad RSL
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
my %sets = (
"on" => sub { return $_[0]->{OnCode}; },
"off" => sub { return $_[0]->{OffCode}; }
my @RSLCodes;
# Schiebeschalter/Kanal [I - IV] , Tastenpaar [1 - 4] , an-aus [1 - 0]
$RSLCodes[0][0][0] = 0xBE; # ? / ? off
$RSLCodes[0][0][1] = 0xB6; # ? / ? on
$RSLCodes[1][1][0] = 0x81; # I 1 / off
$RSLCodes[1][1][1] = 0x8E; # I 1 / on
$RSLCodes[1][2][0] = 0xAE; # I 2 / off
$RSLCodes[1][2][1] = 0xA6; # I 2 / on
$RSLCodes[1][3][0] = 0x9E; # I 3 / off
$RSLCodes[1][3][1] = 0x96; # I 3 / on
$RSLCodes[1][4][0] = 0xB5; # I 4 / off - nicht auf 12 Kanal FB
$RSLCodes[1][4][1] = 0xB9; # I 4 / on - nicht auf 12 Kanal FB
$RSLCodes[2][1][0] = 0x8D; # II 1 / off
$RSLCodes[2][1][1] = 0x85; # II 1 / on
$RSLCodes[2][2][0] = 0xA5; # II 2 / off
$RSLCodes[2][2][1] = 0xA9; # II 2 / on
$RSLCodes[2][3][0] = 0x95; # II 3 / off
$RSLCodes[2][3][1] = 0x99; # II 3 / on
$RSLCodes[2][4][0] = 0xB8; # II 4 / off - nicht auf 12 Kanal FB
$RSLCodes[2][4][1] = 0xB0; # II 4 / on - nicht auf 12 Kanal FB
$RSLCodes[3][1][0] = 0x84; # III 1 / off
$RSLCodes[3][1][1] = 0x88; # III 1 / on
$RSLCodes[3][2][0] = 0xA8; # III 2 / off
$RSLCodes[3][2][1] = 0xA0; # III 2 / on
$RSLCodes[3][3][0] = 0x98; # III 3 / off
$RSLCodes[3][3][1] = 0x90; # III 3 / on
$RSLCodes[3][4][0] = 0xB2; # III 4 / off - nicht auf 12 Kanal FB
$RSLCodes[3][4][1] = 0xBC; # III 4 / on - nicht auf 12 Kanal FB
$RSLCodes[4][1][0] = 0x8A; # IV 1 / off
$RSLCodes[4][1][1] = 0x82; # IV 1 / on
$RSLCodes[4][2][0] = 0xA2; # IV 2 / off
$RSLCodes[4][2][1] = 0xAC; # IV 2 / on
$RSLCodes[4][3][0] = 0x92; # IV 3 / off
$RSLCodes[4][3][1] = 0x9C; # IV 3 / on
$RSLCodes[4][4][0] = 0xA3; # IV 4 / off All
$RSLCodes[4][4][1] = 0x93; # IV 4 / on All
sub SD_RSL_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = "^P1#[A-Fa-f0-9]+";
$hash->{SetFn} = "SD_RSL_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "SD_RSL_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SD_RSL_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SD_RSL_Attr";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SD_RSL_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev RSLrepetition ignore:0,1 ".$readingFnAttributes;
{ "RSL.*" => { GPLOT => "", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:30"} };
sub SD_RSL_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> SD_RSL <code (00000-FFFFFF)_channel (1-4)_button (1-4)> <optional IODEV>" if(int(@a) < 3 || int(@a) > 5);
my $name = $a[0];
my ($device,$channel,$button) = split("_",$a[2]);
if ($channel eq "ALL") {
$channel = 4;
$button = 4;
return "wrong syntax: use channel 1 - 4" if(($channel > 4)); # || ($channel < 1 ));
return "wrong syntax: use button 1 - 4" if(($button > 4)); # || ($button < 1));
return "wrong syntax: use code 000000 - FFFFFF" if (length($device) != 6);
return "wrong Device Code $device , please use 000000 - FFFFFF" if ((hex($device) < 0) || (hex($device) > 16777215));
my $code = uc($a[2]);
$hash->{DEF} = $code;
$modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{$code} = $hash;
$modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{$code}{$name} = $hash;
# code auf 32Bit umrechnen int 16777216 = 0x1000000
#$hash->{OnCode} = ($RSLCodes[$channel][$button][1]*16777216) + hex($device);
#$hash->{OffCode} = ($RSLCodes[$channel][$button][0]*16777216) + hex($device);
$hash->{OnCode} = sprintf('%02X', ($RSLCodes[$channel][$button][1]));
$hash->{OffCode} = sprintf('%02X', ($RSLCodes[$channel][$button][0]));
my $iodevice;
$iodevice = $a[3] if($a[3]);
$iodevice = $modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{ioname} if (exists $modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{ioname} && not $iodevice);
AssignIoPort($hash, $iodevice);
return undef;
sub SD_RSL_Set($@) {
my ($hash, $name, @a) = @_;
my $cmd = $a[0];
return "\"set $name\" needs at least one argument" unless(defined($cmd));
my $cmdList= join(" ", map { "$_:noArg" } sort keys %sets);
if (exists($sets{$cmd})) {
my $ioHash = $hash->{IODev};
my $ioName = $ioHash->{NAME};
my $device = substr($hash->{DEF},0,6);
my $c= $sets{$cmd}->($hash,@a);
my $message = 'P1#0x' . $c . $device . '#R' . AttrVal($name, "RSLrepetition", 6);
Log3 $name, 3, "$ioName RSL_set: $name $cmd -> sendMsg: $message";
IOWrite($hash, 'sendMsg', $message);
} else {
return SetExtensions($hash, $cmdList, $name, @a)
return undef;
sub RSL_getButtonCode($$) {
my ($hash,$msg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $DeviceCode = "undef";
my $receivedButtonCode = "undef";
my $receivedActionCode = "undef";
my $parsedButtonCode = "undef";
my $action = "undef";
my $button = -1;
my $channel = -1;
## Groupcode
$DeviceCode = substr($msg,2,6);
$receivedButtonCode = substr($msg,0,2);
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: SD_RSL_getButtonCode Message Devicecode: $DeviceCode Buttoncode: $receivedButtonCode";
if ((hex($receivedButtonCode) & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: SD_RSL_getButtonCode Message Error: received Buttoncode $receivedButtonCode begins not with bin 10";
return "";
$parsedButtonCode = hex($receivedButtonCode); # & 63; # nur 6 Bit bitte
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: SD_RSL_getButtonCode Message parsed Devicecode: $DeviceCode Buttoncode: $parsedButtonCode";
for (my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
for (my $j=0; $j<5; $j++) {
next if ($i == 0 && $j != 0);
next if ($i != 0 && $j == 0);
if ($RSLCodes[$i][$j][0] == $parsedButtonCode) {$action ="off"; $button = $j; $channel = $i;}
if ($RSLCodes[$i][$j][1] == $parsedButtonCode) {$action ="on"; $button = $j; $channel = $i;}
if (($button >-1) && ($channel > -1)) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: SD_RSL_getButtonCode button return/result: ID: $DeviceCode $receivedButtonCode DEVICE: $DeviceCode $channel $button ACTION: $action";
if ($channel == 4 && $button == 4) {
return $DeviceCode."_ALL ".$action;
} else {
return $DeviceCode."_".$channel."_".$button." ".$action;
return "";
sub SD_RSL_Parse($$) {
my ($hash,$msg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my (undef ,$rawData) = split("#",$msg);
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: SD_RSL_Parse - Message: $rawData";
my $result = RSL_getButtonCode($hash,$rawData);
if ($result ne "") {
my ($deviceCode,$action) = split m/ /, $result, 2;
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: SD_RSL_Parse - Device: $deviceCode Action: $action";
$modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{ioname} = $name;
my $def = $modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{$hash->{NAME} . "." . $deviceCode};
$def = $modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{$deviceCode} if(!$def);
if(!$def) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "$name: SD_RSL_Parse UNDEFINED Remotebutton send to define: $deviceCode";
return "UNDEFINED RSL_$deviceCode SD_RSL $deviceCode";
$hash = $def;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
if(!$action) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: SD_RSL_Parse - can't decode $msg";
return "";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: SD_RSL_Parse - actioncode: $action";
#if (($action eq "on") && ($hash->{STATE} eq "off")){$action = "stop";}
#if (($action eq "off") && ($hash->{STATE} eq "on")) {$action = "stop";}
#$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $action;
#$hash->{STATE} = $action;
return $name;
return "";
sub SD_RSL_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
delete($modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{$hash->{DEF}}) if($hash && $hash->{DEF});
return undef;
sub SD_RSL_Attr(@) {
my @a = @_;
# Make possible to use the same code for different logical devices when they
# are received through different physical devices.
return if($a[0] ne "set" || $a[2] ne "IODev");
my $hash = $defs{$a[1]};
my $iohash = $defs{$a[3]};
my $cde = $hash->{DEF};
$modules{SD_RSL}{defptr}{$iohash->{NAME} . "." . $cde} = $hash;
return undef;
=item summary devices communicating using the Conrad RSL protocol
=item summary_DE Anbindung von Conrad RSL Ger&auml;ten
=begin html
<a name="SD_RSL"></a>
The SD_RSL module decrypts and creates Conrad RSL messages sent / received by a SIGNALduino device.<br>
If autocreate is used, a device &quot;&lt;code&gt;_ALL&quot; like RSL_74A400_ALLis created instead of channel and button = 4.<br>
<a name="SD_RSL_Define"></a>
<p><code>define &lt;name&gt; SD_RSL &lt;code&gt;_&lt;channel&gt;[_&lt;button&gt;] &lt;optional IODEV&gt;</code>
<code>&lt;name&gt;</code> is any name assigned to the device.
For a better overview it is recommended to use a name in the form &quot;RSL_B1A800_1_2&quot;
<br /><br />
<code>&lt;code&gt;</code> The code is 00000-FFFFFF
<br /><br />
<code>&lt;channel&gt;</code> The channel is 1-4 or ALL
<br /><br />
<code>&lt;button&gt;</code> The button is 1-4
<br /><br />
<a name="SD_RSL_Set"></a>
<code>set <name> &lt;[on|off|toggle]&gt;</code><br>
Switches the device on or off.<br><br>
<code>set <name> &lt;[on-for-timer|off-for-timer|on-till|off-till|blink|intervals]&gt;</code><br>
Switches the socket for a specified duration. For Details see <a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a>.<br><br>
<br /><br />
<a name="SD_RSL_Get"></a>
<a name="SD_RSL_Attr"></a>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="RSLrepetition"></a>
Set the repeats for sending signal.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SD_RSL"></a>
Das SD_RSL-Modul decodiert und erstellt Conrad-RSL-Nachrichten, die vom SIGNALduino gesendet bzw. empfangen werden.<br>
Beim Verwendung von Autocreate wird bei der Taste All anstatt channel und button = 4 &quot;&lt;code&gt;_ALL&quot; angelegt, z.B. RSL_74A400_ALL<br>
<a name="SD_RSL_Define"></a>
<p><code>define &lt;name&gt; SD_RSL &lt;code&gt;_&lt;channel&gt;[_&lt;button&gt;] &lt;optional IODEV&gt;</code>
<code>&lt;name&gt;</code> ist ein Name, der dem Ger&auml;t zugewiesen ist.
Zur besseren &Uuml;bersicht wird empfohlen, einen Namen in dieser Form zu verwenden &quot;RSL_B1A800_1_2&quot;
<br /><br />
<code>&lt;code&gt;</code> Der Code ist 00000-FFFFFF
<br /><br />
<code>&lt;channel&gt;</code> Der Kanal ist 1-4 oder ALL
<br /><br />
<code>&lt;button&gt;</code> Der Knopf ist 1-4
<br /><br />
<a name="SD_RSL_Set"></a>
<code>set <name> &lt;[on|off|toggle]&gt;</code><br
Schaltet das Ger&auml;t ein oder aus.<br><br>
<code>set <name> &lt;[on-for-timer|off-for-timer|on-till|off-till|blink|intervals]&gt;</code><br>
Schaltet das Ger&auml;t f&uuml;r einen bestimmten Zeitraum. Weitere Infos hierzu unter <a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a>.<br><br>
<br /><br />
<a name="SD_RSL_Get"></a>
<a name="SD_RSL_Attr"></a>
<li><a href="#IODev">IODev</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#eventMap">eventMap</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="RSLrepetition"></a>
Stellen Sie die Wiederholungen f&uumlr das Senden des Signals ein.
=end html_DE