mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 13:29:26 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27006 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2261 lines
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2261 lines
74 KiB
# $Id$
# Usage
# define <name> weekprofile [device]
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON; #libjson-perl
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw($FW_ME);
use vars qw($FW_wname);
use vars qw($FW_subdir);
use vars qw($init_done);
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw(%FW_hiddenroom);
my @shortDays = ("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun");
my @DEVLIST_SEND = ("MAX","CUL_HM","HMCCUDEV","HMCCUCHN","weekprofile","dummyWT","WeekdayTimer","MQTT2_DEVICE");
my $CONFIG_VERSION = "1.1";
$DEV_READINGS{"Mon"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-2-Mon";
$DEV_READINGS{"Tue"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-3-Tue";
$DEV_READINGS{"Wed"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-4-Wed";
$DEV_READINGS{"Thu"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-5-Thu";
$DEV_READINGS{"Fri"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-6-Fri";
$DEV_READINGS{"Sat"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-0-Sat";
$DEV_READINGS{"Sun"}{"MAX"} = "weekprofile-1-Sun";
$DEV_READINGS{"Mon"}{"CUL_HM"} = "2_tempListMon";
$DEV_READINGS{"Tue"}{"CUL_HM"} = "3_tempListTue";
$DEV_READINGS{"Wed"}{"CUL_HM"} = "4_tempListWed";
$DEV_READINGS{"Thu"}{"CUL_HM"} = "5_tempListThu";
$DEV_READINGS{"Fri"}{"CUL_HM"} = "6_tempListFri";
$DEV_READINGS{"Sat"}{"CUL_HM"} = "0_tempListSat";
$DEV_READINGS{"Sun"}{"CUL_HM"} = "1_tempListSun";
# ccutype=HmIP.*
# ccutype = HM-.*
sub weekprofile_findPRF($$$$);
sub weekprofile_minutesToTime($)
my ($minutes) = @_;
my $hours =($minutes - $minutes % 60)/60;
$minutes = $minutes - $hours * 60;
if (length($hours) eq 1){
$hours = "0$hours";
if (length($minutes) eq 1){
$minutes = "0$minutes";
return "$hours:$minutes";
sub weekprofile_timeToMinutes($)
my ($time) = @_;
my ($hours, $minutes) = split(':',$time, 2);
return $hours * 60 + $minutes;
sub tempValue($) {
my ($in) = @_;
my $val = sprintf("%.1f", $in);
return $val;
sub weekprofile_getDeviceType($$;$)
my ($me,$device,$sndrcv) = @_;
if (IsDummy($device)){
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $device is dummy - ignored");
return undef;
if (IsIgnored($device)){
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $device is ignored");
return undef;
$sndrcv = "RCV" if (!defined($sndrcv));
# determine device type
my $devHash = $main::defs{$device};
if (!defined($devHash)){
return undef;
my $type = undef;
my $devType = $devHash->{TYPE};
$devType = $devHash->{wt_type} if ($devType =~ /dummyWT/); #special dummy fake WT for testing
Log3($me, 5, "$me(getDeviceType): type: $devType");
if ($devType =~ /CUL_HM/){
my $model = AttrVal($device,"model","");
my $readonly = AttrVal($device,"readOnly",0);
if ($readonly) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME} is readonly - ignored");
return undef;
unless ($model =~ m/.*HM-[C|T]C-.*/) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME}, model $model is not supported");
return undef;
if (!defined($devHash->{chanNo})) { #no channel device
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME}, model $model has no chanNo");
return undef;
my $channel = $devHash->{chanNo};
unless ($channel =~ /^\d+?$/) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME}, model $model chanNo $channel is no number");
return undef;
$channel += 0;
Log3($me, 5, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME}, $model, $channel");
$type = "CUL_HM" if ( ($model =~ m/.*HM-CC-RT.*/) && ($channel == 4) );
$type = "CUL_HM" if ( ($model =~ m/.*HM-TC.*/) && ($channel == 2) );
$type = "CUL_HM" if ( ($model =~ m/.*HM-CC-TC.*/) && ($channel == 2) );
#avoid max shutter contact
elsif ( ($devType =~ /MAX/) && ($devHash->{type} =~ /.*Thermostat.*/) ){
$type = "MAX";
elsif ( $devType =~ /HMCCUDEV/ or $devType =~/HMCCUCHN/){
my $readonly = AttrVal($device,"readOnly",0);
if ($readonly) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME} is readonly - ignored");
return undef;
my $model = $devHash->{ccutype};
if (!defined($model)) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): ccutype not defined for device $device - take NAME");
$model = $devHash->{NAME};
return undef if (!defined($model));
Log3($me, 5, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME}, $model");
$type = "HMCCU_IP" if ( $model =~ m/HmIP.*/ );
$type = "HMCCU_HM" if ( $model =~ m/HM-.*/ );
return $type if ($sndrcv eq "RCV");
if ($devType =~ /weekprofile/){
$type = "WEEKPROFILE";
elsif ($devType =~ /WeekdayTimer/){
my $def = $defs{$device}{DEF};
Log3($me, 5, "$me(getDeviceType): def WDT $def");
#if (index($def, $me) != -1) {
if ($def =~ m/.*weekprofile.*/) {
$type = "WDT";
else {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): found WDT but not configured for weekprofile");
elsif ($devType eq 'MQTT2_DEVICE'){
my $attr = AttrVal($device,'weekprofile','');
Log3($me, 5, "$me(getDeviceType): attr MQTT2_DEVICE $attr");
if ($attr ne "") {
$type = "MQTT2_DEVICE";
else {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): found MQTT2_DEVICE but not configured for weekprofile");
if (defined($type)) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME} is type $type");
} else {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(getDeviceType): $devHash->{NAME} is not supported");
return $type;
sub weekprofile_get_prefix_HM($@)
my ($device,$base_name,$me) = @_;
my @prefix_lst = ("","R-1.P1_","R-","R-P1_","P1_");
my $prefix = undef;
foreach (@prefix_lst) {
my $reading = "$_"."$base_name";
my $time = ReadingsVal($device, $reading, "");
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_get_prefix_HM): check: $reading $time");
if ($time ne "") {
$prefix = $_;
return $prefix;
sub weekprofile_readDayProfile($@)
my ($device,$day,$type,$me) = @_;
my @times;
my @temps;
$type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me,$device) if (!defined($type));
return if (!defined($type));
Log3($me, 5, "$me(readDayProfile): read from type $type");
my $reading = $DEV_READINGS{$day}{$type};
#Log3($me, 5, "$me(ReadDayProfile): $reading");
if($type eq "MAX") {
@temps = split('/',ReadingsVal($device,"$reading-temp",""));
@times = split('/',ReadingsVal($device,"$reading-time",""));
# only use to from interval 'from-to'
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@times); $i+=1){
my $interval = $times[$i];
my @parts = split('-',$interval);
$times[$i] = ($parts[1] ne "00:00") ? $parts[1] : "24:00";
} elsif ($type eq "CUL_HM") {
# get temp list for the day
my $prf = ReadingsVal($device,"R_$reading","");
$prf = ReadingsVal($device,"R_P1_$reading","") if (!$prf); #HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU
# split into time temp time temp etc.
# 06:00 17.0 22:00 21.0 24:00 17.0
my @timeTemp = split(' ', $prf);
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@timeTemp); $i += 2) {
push(@times, $timeTemp[$i]);
push(@temps, $timeTemp[$i+1]);
elsif ($type =~ /HMCCU.*/){
my $lastTime = "";
my $prefix = weekprofile_get_prefix_HM($device,"ENDTIME_$reading"."_1",$me);
if (!defined($prefix)) {
Log3($me, 2, "$me(readDayProfile): no readings for $reading found");
return (\@times, \@temps);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(readDayProfile): HM-Prefix is $prefix");
for (my $i = 1; $i < 14; $i+=1){
my $prfTime = ReadingsVal($device, "$prefix"."ENDTIME_$reading"."_$i", "");
my $prfTemp = ReadingsVal($device, "$prefix"."TEMPERATURE_$reading"."_$i", "");
if ($prfTime eq "" or $prfTemp eq ""){
Log3($me, 2, "$me(readDayProfile): no readings for $reading found ($i)");
return (\@times, \@temps);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(readDayProfile): $reading"."_$i $prfTime $prfTemp");
$prfTime = weekprofile_minutesToTime($prfTime);
if ($lastTime ne "24:00"){
$lastTime = $prfTime;
push(@temps, $prfTemp);
push(@times, $prfTime);
else {
Log3($me, 3, "$me(readDayProfile): unsupported device type $type");
my $hash = $defs{$me};
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@temps); $i+=1) {
Log3($me, 5, "$me(ReadDayProfile): temp $i $temps[$i]");
my $tv = "\"".$temps[$i]."\"";
$tv = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash, $tv, 'toValue');
$tv =~s/\"//g;
$tv =~s/[^\d.]//g; #only numbers
$temps[$i] = tempValue($tv);
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@times); $i+=1){
$times[$i] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #trim whitespace both ends
return (\@times, \@temps);
sub weekprofile_readDevProfile(@)
my ($device,$type,$me) = @_;
$type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me, $device) if (!defined($type));
return "" if (!defined ($type));
my $prf = {};
my $logDaysWarning="";
my $logDaysCnt=0;
foreach my $day (@shortDays){
my ($dayTimes, $dayTemps) = weekprofile_readDayProfile($device,$day,$type,$me);
if (scalar(@{$dayTemps})==0) {
push(@{$dayTimes}, "24:00");
push(@{$dayTemps}, "18.0");
$logDaysWarning .= "\n" if ($logDaysCnt>0);
$logDaysWarning .= "WARNING master device $device has no day profile for $day - create default";
$prf->{$day}->{"temp"} = $dayTemps;
$prf->{$day}->{"time"} = $dayTimes;
if ( ($logDaysCnt>0) && ($logDaysCnt<(@shortDays)) ) {
Log3($me, 3, $logDaysWarning);
} else {
if ($logDaysCnt == (@shortDays)) {
Log3($me, 3, "WARNING master device $device has no week profile - create default");
return $prf;
sub weekprofile_createDefaultProfile(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $prf = {};
foreach my $day (@shortDays){
my @times; push(@times, "24:00");
my @temps; push(@temps, "18.0");
$prf->{$day}->{"temp"} = \@temps;
$prf->{$day}->{"time"} = \@times;
return $prf;
sub weekprofile_sendDevProfile(@)
my ($device,$prf,$me) = @_;
my $type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me, $device,"SND");
return "Error device type not supported" if (!defined ($type));
return "profile has no data" if (!defined($prf->{DATA}));
if ($type eq "WEEKPROFILE") {
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $json_text = undef;
eval ( $json_text = $json->encode($prf->{DATA}) );
return "Error in profile data" if (!defined($json_text));
return fhem("set $device profile_data $prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME} $json_text",1);
elsif ($type eq "WDT") {
my $cmd = "set $device weekprofile $me:$prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME}";
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): send to WDT $cmd");
return fhem("$cmd",1);
elsif ($type eq "MQTT2_DEVICE") {
my $cmd = "set $device weekprofile $me $prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME}";
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): send to MQTT2_DEVICE $cmd");
return fhem("$cmd",1);
my $devPrf = weekprofile_readDevProfile($device,$type,$me);
my $force = AttrVal($me,"forceCompleteProfile",0);
# only send changed days
my @dayToTransfer = ();
foreach my $day (@shortDays){
my $tmpCnt = scalar(@{$prf->{DATA}->{$day}->{"temp"}});
next if ($tmpCnt <= 0);
if ($tmpCnt != scalar(@{$devPrf->{$day}->{"temp"}})) {
push @dayToTransfer , $day;
my $equal = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $tmpCnt; $i++) {
if ( ($prf->{DATA}->{$day}->{"temp"}[$i] ne $devPrf->{$day}->{"temp"}[$i] ) ||
$prf->{DATA}->{$day}->{"time"}[$i] ne $devPrf->{$day}->{"time"}[$i] ) {
$equal = 0;
if ($equal == 0 || $force > 0) {
push @dayToTransfer , $day;
if (scalar(@dayToTransfer) <=0) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): nothing to do");
return undef;
# make a copy to manipulate temps to keywords
my $prfData = dclone($prf->{DATA});
# send keywords to device if attr 'sendKeywordsToDevices' is set
my $useKeywords = AttrVal($me, "sendKeywordsToDevices", 0);
if ($useKeywords) {
my $hash = $defs{$me};
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $json_text = undef;
eval { $json_text = $json->encode($prfData) };
$json_text = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash, $json_text, 'toKey');
eval { $prfData = $json->decode($json_text) };
my $cmd="";
if($type eq "MAX") {
$cmd = "set $device weekProfile ";
foreach my $day (@dayToTransfer){
my $tmpCnt = scalar(@{$prfData->{$day}->{"temp"}});
$cmd.=$day.' ';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $tmpCnt; $i++) {
my $endTime = $prfData->{$day}->{"time"}[$i];
$endTime = ($endTime eq "24:00") ? ' ' : ','.$endTime.',';
} elsif ($type eq "CUL_HM") {
my $k=0;
my $dayCnt = scalar(@dayToTransfer);
foreach my $day (@dayToTransfer){
$cmd .= "set $device tempList";
$cmd .= $day;
$cmd .= ($k < $dayCnt-1) ? " prep": " exec";
my $tmpCnt = scalar(@{$prfData->{$day}->{"temp"}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $tmpCnt; $i++) {
$cmd .= " ".$prfData->{$day}->{"time"}[$i]." ".$prfData->{$day}->{"temp"}[$i];
$cmd .= ($k < $dayCnt-1) ? "; ": "";
} elsif ($type =~ /HMCCU.*/){
$cmd .= "set $device config device" if ($type eq "HMCCU_HM");
$cmd .= "set $device config 1" if ($type eq "HMCCU_IP");
my $k=0;
my $dayCnt = scalar(@dayToTransfer);
my $prefix = weekprofile_get_prefix_HM($device,"ENDTIME_SUNDAY_1",$me);
$prefix = ""; # always no prefix by set #msg1113658
if (!defined($prefix)) {
Log3($me, 3, "$me(sendDevProfile): no prefix found");
$prefix = "";
foreach my $day (@dayToTransfer){
my $reading = $DEV_READINGS{$day}{$type};
my $dpTime = "$prefix"."ENDTIME_$reading";
my $dpTemp = "$prefix"."TEMPERATURE_$reading";
my $tmpCnt = scalar(@{$prfData->{$day}->{"temp"}});
for (my $i = 0; $i < $tmpCnt; $i++) {
$cmd .= " " . $dpTemp . "_" . ($i + 1) . "=" . $prfData->{$day}->{"temp"}[$i];
$cmd .= " " . $dpTime . "_" . ($i + 1) . "=" . weekprofile_timeToMinutes($prfData->{$day}->{"time"}[$i]);
$cmd .= ":" if ($type eq "HMCCU_HM"); # ':' after time see #msg1191311
my $ret = undef;
if ($cmd) {
$cmd =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
#transfer profil data delayed e.q. to avoid messages like "queue is full, dropping packet" by HM devices
my $snd_delay = AttrVal($me,"sendDelay",0);
if ($snd_delay>0) {
my $datetimenow = gettimeofday();
my $last_profile_send = $LAST_SEND{$type};
if (!($last_profile_send)) {
$last_profile_send = $datetimenow - $snd_delay;
} else {
my $last_profile_send_fmt = FmtDateTime($last_profile_send);
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): last profile to device type $type wars or will be at ($last_profile_send_fmt)");
if ($last_profile_send <= $datetimenow - $snd_delay) {
$last_profile_send = $datetimenow - $snd_delay;
$last_profile_send = $last_profile_send + $snd_delay;
my $last_profile_send_fmt = FmtDateTime($last_profile_send);
my $sleepTime = $last_profile_send - $datetimenow;
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): profile data to $device ($type) will be sent $sleepTime seconds delayed at ($last_profile_send_fmt)");
$LAST_SEND{$type} = $last_profile_send;
$cmd=$cmd.";trigger $me PROFILE_TRANSFERED $device";
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): sleep $sleepTime; $cmd");
$ret = fhem("sleep $sleepTime; $cmd",1);
else {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(sendDevProfile): $cmd");
$ret = fhem($cmd,1);
DoTrigger($me,"PROFILE_TRANSFERED $device",1);
return $ret;
sub weekprofile_refreshSendDevList($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $useTopics = AttrVal($me,"useTopics",0);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_refreshSendDevList): start");
foreach my $d (keys %defs)
next if ($defs{$d}{NAME} eq $me);
my $module = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
my %sndHash;
next if (!exists $sndHash{$module});
my $type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me, $defs{$d}{NAME},"SND");
next if (!defined($type));
my $dev = {};
$dev->{NAME} = $defs{$d}{NAME};
$dev->{ALIAS} = AttrVal($dev->{NAME},"alias",$dev->{NAME});
# add userattr weekprofile to device
# help of attr weekprofile will come from module weekprofile
addToDevAttrList($dev->{NAME},"weekprofile","weekprofile") if ($useTopics);
push @{$hash->{SNDDEVLIST}} , $dev;
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_refreshSendDevList): add device $dev->{NAME}");
my $cnt = scalar(@{$hash->{SNDDEVLIST}});
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_refreshSendDevList): $cnt devices in list");
return undef;
sub weekprofile_receiveList($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my @rcvList = ();
foreach my $d (keys %defs)
next if ($defs{$d}{NAME} eq $me);
my $module = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
my %sndHash;
next if (!exists $sndHash{$module});
my $type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me, $defs{$d}{NAME});
next if (!defined($type));
push @rcvList, $defs{$d}{NAME};
return @rcvList;
sub weekprofile_assignDev($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $prf = undef;
if (defined($hash->{MASTERDEV})) {
Log3($me, 5, "$me(assignDev): assign to device $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME}");
my $type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me, $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME});
if (!defined($type)) {
Log3($me, 2, "$me(assignDev): device $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} not supported or defined");
} else {
$hash->{MASTERDEV}->{TYPE} = $type;
my $prfDev = weekprofile_readDevProfile($hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME},$type, $me);
$prf = {};
$prf->{NAME} = 'master';
$prf->{TOPIC} = 'default';
if(defined($prfDev)) {
$prf->{DATA} = $prfDev;
} else {
Log3($me, 3, "WARNING master device $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} has no week profile - create default profile");
$prf->{DATA} = weekprofile_createDefaultProfile($hash);
$hash->{STATE} = "assigned";
if (!defined($prf)) {
Log3($me, 5, "create default profile");
my $prfDev = weekprofile_createDefaultProfile($hash);
if(defined($prfDev)) {
$prf = {};
$prf->{DATA} = $prfDev;
$prf->{NAME} = 'default';
$prf->{TOPIC} = 'default';
$hash->{STATE} = "created";
if(defined($prf)) {
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}} , $prf;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
sub weekprofile_updateReadings($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $prfCnt = scalar(@{$hash->{PROFILES}});
#readings with profile names???
#my $idx = 1;
#foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
#my $str = sprintf("profile_name_%02d",$idx);
my $topic_list="";
foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}) {
if ( !grep( /^$prf->{TOPIC}$/, @{$hash->{TOPICS}}) ) {
push @{$hash->{TOPICS}}, $prf->{TOPIC};
if (length($topic_list) > 0){
$topic_list = $topic_list . ':' . $prf->{TOPIC};
} else {
$topic_list = $prf->{TOPIC};
my $useTopics = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"useTopics",0);
if ($useTopics) {
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
sub weekprofile_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "weekprofile_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "weekprofile_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "weekprofile_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "weekprofile_Set";
$hash->{StateFn} = "weekprofile_State";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "weekprofile_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "weekprofile_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "useTopics:0,1 widgetTranslations widgetWeekdays widgetTempRange widgetEditOnNewPage:0,1 widgetEditDaysInRow:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 \
sendDelay tempON tempOFF configFile forceCompleteProfile:0,1 tempMap sendKeywordsToDevices:0,1 ".$readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "weekprofile_SummaryFn";
$hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1;
sub weekprofile_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(@a < 1) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> weekprofile [device]";
Log3(undef, 2, $msg);
return $msg;
my $me = $a[0];
my $devName = undef;
if (@a > 1) {
$devName = $a[2];
$devName =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g if ($devName);
$hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} = $devName if (defined($devName));
$hash->{STATE} = "defined";
my @profiles = ();
my @sendDevList = ();
my @topics = ();
$hash->{PROFILES} = \@profiles;
$hash->{SNDDEVLIST} = \@sendDevList;
$hash->{TOPICS} = \@topics;
$hash->{TEMPMAP} = {};
#$attr{$me}{verbose} = 5;
if ($init_done) {
return undef;
sub sort_by_name
return lc("$a->{TOPIC}:$a->{NAME}") cmp lc("$b->{TOPIC}:$b->{NAME}");
sub dumpData($$$)
require Data::Dumper;
my ($hash,$prefix,$data) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $dmp = Dumper($data);
$dmp =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #trim whitespace both ends
if (AttrVal($me,"verbose",3) < 4) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me$prefix - set verbose to 4 to see the data");
} else {
Log3($me, 4, "$me$prefix $dmp");
sub weekprofile_Get($$@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $list = '';
my $prfCnt = scalar(@{$hash->{PROFILES}});
my $useTopics = AttrVal($name,"useTopics",0);
$list.= 'profile_data:' if ($prfCnt > 0);
foreach my $prf (sort sort_by_name @{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
$list.= $prf->{TOPIC}.":" if ($useTopics);
$list.= $prf->{NAME} if ($useTopics || (!$useTopics && ($prf->{TOPIC} eq 'default')));
$list.= ',';
$list = substr($list, 0, -1) if ($prfCnt > 0);
if($cmd eq "profile_data") {
return 'usage: profile_data <name> [usekeywords]' if(@params < 1);
return "no profile" if ($prfCnt <= 0);
my ($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
my ($prf,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$name,$topic,1);
return "profile $params[0] not found" if (!defined($prf));
return "profile $params[0] has no data" if (!defined($prf->{DATA}));
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $json_text = undef;
eval { $json_text = $json->encode($prf->{DATA}) };
dumpData($hash,"(Get): invalid profile data",$prf->{DATA}) if (!defined($json_text));
my $useKeywords = 1;
# 1 - return data with keywords
# 0 - depending on attr
# -1 - return data with values instead of keywords
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_Get): params: @params");
if(@params >= 2) {
$useKeywords = AttrVal($me, "sendKeywordsToDevices", 1) if ($params[1] == 0);
$useKeywords = 0 if ($params[1] < 0);
my $direction = -1;
$direction = 1 if ($useKeywords <=0);
$json_text = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash, $json_text, $direction);
return $json_text;
$list.= ' profile_names';
if($cmd eq "profile_names") {
my $names = '';
my $topic = 'default';
$topic = $params[0] if(@params == 1);
foreach my $prf (sort sort_by_name @{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
$names .=$prf->{NAME}."," if ($topic eq $prf->{TOPIC});
$names .="$prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME}," if ($topic eq '*');
if ($names) {
$names = substr($names, 0, -1);
$names =~ s/ $//;
return $names;
$list.= ' profile_references' if ($useTopics);
if($cmd eq "profile_references") {
return 'usage: profile_references <name>' if(@params < 1);
my $refs = '';
my $topic = 'default';
if ($params[0] eq '*') {
foreach my $prf (sort sort_by_name @{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
next if (!defined($prf->{REF}));
$refs .= "$prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME}>$prf->{REF},";
$refs = substr($refs, 0, -1);
} else {
my ($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
my ($prf,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$name,$topic,0);
return "profile $params[0] not found" unless ($prf);
$refs = '0';
$refs = "$prf->{REF}" if ($prf->{REF});
return $refs;
$list.= ' topic_names:noArg' if ($useTopics);
if($cmd eq "topic_names") {
my $names = '';
foreach my $topic (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} @{$hash->{TOPICS}}) {
$names .= "$topic,";
if ($names) {
$names = substr($names, 0, -1);
$names =~ s/ $//;
return $names;
$list .= ' associations:0,1' if ($useTopics);
if($cmd eq "associations") {
my $retType = 1;
$retType = $params[0] if(@params >= 1);
# html only if FHEMWEB and canAsyncOutput
if (defined($hash->{CL})) {
$retType = ($hash->{CL}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB" && $hash->{CL}{canAsyncOutput}) ? $retType : 1;
else {
$retType = 1;
# dumpData($hash,"(Get): asso",$hash->{CL}) if defined($hash->{CL});
my @not_asso = ();
my @json_arr = ();
my $retHTML = "<html><table><thead><tr>";
$retHTML .= "<th width='150'><b>Device</b></th><th width='150'><b>Profile</b></th></tr>";
$retHTML .= "<th> </th><th></th></tr>";
$retHTML .= "</thead><tbody>";
foreach my $dev (@{$hash->{SNDDEVLIST}}) {
my $entry = {};
$entry->{DEVICE}->{NAME} = $dev->{NAME};
$entry->{PROFILE}->{NAME} = "";
my $prfName = AttrVal($dev->{NAME},"weekprofile",undef);
if (!defined($prfName)) {
push @not_asso, $dev->{NAME};
push @json_arr , $entry;
my ($prf,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash, $prfName, undef, 0);
my $color = defined($prf) ? "" : "color:red" ;
$entry->{PROFILE}->{NAME} = $prfName;
$entry->{PROFILE}->{EXISTS} = defined($prf) + 0;
push @json_arr , $entry;
$retHTML .= "<tr><td style='text-align:left'>$dev->{NAME}</td><td style='text-align:center;$color'>$prfName</td></tr>";
$retHTML .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><i>Not associated devices</i></td></tr>" if (scalar(@not_asso));
foreach my $devname (@not_asso) {
$retHTML .= "<tr><td style='text-align:left'>$devname</td><td style='text-align:center'></td></tr>";
$retHTML.= "</tbody></table></html>";
my $ret = $retHTML;
if ($retType == 1) {
my $json_text = undef;
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
eval { $json_text = $json->encode(\@json_arr) };
$ret = $json_text;
return $ret;
# hidden functions
if($cmd eq "sndDevList") {
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my @sortDevList = sort {lc($a->{ALIAS}) cmp lc($b->{ALIAS})} @{$hash->{SNDDEVLIST}};
my $json_text = undef;
eval { $json_text = $json->encode(\@sortDevList) };
dumpData($hash,"(Get): invalid device list",\@sortDevList) if (!defined($json_text));
return $json_text;
if($cmd eq "tempList") {
my $tempList = weekprofile_createTempList($hash);
return $tempList;
$list =~ s/ $//;
return "Unknown argument $cmd choose one of $list";
sub weekprofile_findPRF($$$$)
my ($hash, $name, $topic, $followRef) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
if (!$topic) {
$topic = ReadingsVal($me, "active_topic", "default");
Log3($me, 3, "$me(weekprofile_findPRF): use topic $topic");
$followRef = '0' if (!$followRef);
my $found = undef;
my $idx = 0;
my $topicOk = 0;
foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
$topicOk = defined($topic) ? ($prf->{TOPIC} eq $topic) : 1;
if ( ($prf->{NAME} eq $name) && $topicOk ){
$found = $prf;
$idx = -1 if (!defined($found));
if ($followRef == 1 && defined($found) && defined($found->{REF})) {
($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $found->{REF});
($found,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$name,$topic,0);
return ($found,$idx);
sub weekprofile_hasREF(@)
my ($hash, $refPrf) = @_;
my $refName = "$refPrf->{TOPIC}:$refPrf->{NAME}";
foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
if ( defined($prf->{REF}) && ($prf->{REF} eq $refName) ) {
return "$prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME}";
return undef;
sub weekprofile_splitName($$)
my ($me, $in) = @_;
my @parts = split(':',$in);
return ($parts[0],$parts[1]) if (@parts == 2);
my $topic = ReadingsVal($me, "active_topic", "default");
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_splitName): use topic $topic");
return ($topic,$in);
sub weekprofile_Set($$@)
my ($hash, $me, $cmd, @params) = @_;
my $prfCnt = scalar(@{$hash->{PROFILES}});
my $list = '';
my $useTopics = AttrVal($me,"useTopics",0);
$list.= "profile_data";
if ($cmd eq 'profile_data') {
return 'usage: profile_data <name> <json data>' if(@params < 2);
my ($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
return "Error topics not enabled" if (!$useTopics && ($topic ne 'default'));
my $jsonData = $params[1];
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $data = undef;
$jsonData = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash, $jsonData, 'toValue');
eval { $data = $json->decode($jsonData); };
if (!defined($data)) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(Set): Error parsing profile data.");
return "Error parsing profile data. No valid json format";
my ($found,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$name,$topic,1);
if (defined($found)) {
$found->{DATA} = $data;
# automatic we send master profile to master device
if ( ($name eq "master") && defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}) ){
} else {
return undef;
my $prfNew = {};
$prfNew->{NAME} = $name;
$prfNew->{DATA} = $data;
$prfNew->{TOPIC} = $topic;
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}}, $prfNew;
return undef;
$list.= ' send_to_device' if ($prfCnt > 0);
if ($cmd eq 'send_to_device') {
return 'usage: send_to_device <name> [device(s)]' if(@params < 1);
my ($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
return "Error topics not enabled" if (!$useTopics && ($topic ne 'default'));
my @devices = ();
if (@params == 2) {
@devices = split(',',$params[1]);
} else {
push @devices, $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} if (defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}));
return "Error no devices given and no master device" if (@devices == 0);
my ($found,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$name,$topic,1);
if (!defined($found)) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(Set): Error unknown profile $params[0]");
return "Error unknown profile $params[0]";
my $err = '';
foreach my $device (@devices){
my $ret = weekprofile_sendDevProfile($device,$found,$me);
if ($ret) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(Set): $ret") if ($ret);
$err .= $ret . "\n";
return $err;
$list.= " copy_profile";
if ($cmd eq 'copy_profile') {
return 'usage: copy_profile <source> <target>' if(@params < 2);
my ($srcTopic, $srcName) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
my ($destTopic, $destName) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[1]);
return "Error topics not enabled" if (!$useTopics && ( ($srcTopic ne 'default') || ($destTopic ne 'default')) );
my $prfSrc = undef;
my $prfDest = undef;
foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
$prfSrc = $prf if ( ($prf->{NAME} eq $srcName) && ($prf->{TOPIC} eq $srcTopic) );
$prfDest = $prf if ( ($prf->{NAME} eq $destName) && ($prf->{TOPIC} eq $destTopic) );
return "Error unknown profile $srcName" unless($prfSrc);
Log3($me, 4, "$me(Set): override profile $destName") if ($prfDest);
if ($prfDest){
$prfDest->{DATA} = $prfSrc->{DATA};
$prfDest->{REF} = $prfSrc->{REF};
} else {
$prfDest = {};
$prfDest->{NAME} = $destName;
$prfDest->{DATA} = $prfSrc->{DATA};
$prfDest->{TOPIC} = $destTopic;
$prfDest->{REF} = $prfSrc->{REF};
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}}, $prfDest;
return undef;
$list.= " reference_profile" if ($useTopics);
if ($cmd eq 'reference_profile') {
return 'usage: copy_profile <source> <target>' if(@params < 2);
my ($srcTopic, $srcName) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
my ($destTopic, $destName) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[1]);
return "Error topics not enabled" if (!$useTopics && ( ($srcTopic ne 'default') || ($destTopic ne 'default')) );
my $prfSrc = undef;
my $prfDest = undef;
foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
$prfSrc = $prf if ( ($prf->{NAME} eq $srcName) && ($prf->{TOPIC} eq $srcTopic) );
my ($prf2,undef) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$srcName,$srcTopic,0);
if ( $prf2 && defined $prf2->{REF} ) {
($srcTopic, $srcName) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $prf2->{REF});
$prfSrc = $prf2;
$prfDest = $prf if ( ($prf->{NAME} eq $destName) && ($prf->{TOPIC} eq $destTopic) );
last if defined $prfSrc && defined $prfDest;
return "Error unknown profile $srcName" unless($prfSrc);
Log3($me, 4, "$me(Set): override profile $destName") if ($prfDest);
if ($prfDest){
$prfDest->{DATA} = undef;
$prfDest->{REF} = "$srcTopic:$srcName";
} else {
$prfDest = {};
$prfDest->{NAME} = $destName;
$prfDest->{DATA} = undef;
$prfDest->{TOPIC} = $destTopic;
$prfDest->{REF} = "$srcTopic:$srcName";
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}}, $prfDest;
return undef;
$list.= " remove_profile";
if ($cmd eq 'remove_profile') {
return 'usage: remove_profile <name>' if(@params < 1);
return 'Error master profile can not removed' if( ($params[0] eq "master") && defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}) );
return 'Error Remove last profile is not allowed' if(scalar(@{$hash->{PROFILES}}) == 1);
my ($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[0]);
return "Error topics not enabled" if (!$useTopics && ($topic ne 'default'));
my ($delprf,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$name,$topic,0);
return "Error unknown profile $params[0]" unless($delprf);
my $ref = weekprofile_hasREF($hash,$delprf);
return "Error profile $params[0] is referenced from $ref" if ($ref);
splice(@{$hash->{PROFILES}},$idx, 1);
return undef;
$list.= " restore_topic" if ($useTopics);
if ($cmd eq 'restore_topic') {
return 'usage: restore_topic <name>' if(@params < 1);
my $topic = $params[0];
my $err='';
foreach my $dev (@{$hash->{SNDDEVLIST}}){
my $prfName = AttrVal($dev->{NAME},"weekprofile",undef);
next if (!defined($prfName));
Log3($me, 5, "$me(Set): found device $dev->{NAME}");
my ($prf,$idx) = weekprofile_findPRF($hash,$prfName,$topic,1);
next if (!defined($prf));
Log3($me, 4, "$me(Set): Send profile $topic:$prfName to $dev->{NAME}");
my $ret = weekprofile_sendDevProfile($dev->{NAME},$prf,$me);
if ($ret) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(Set): $ret") if ($ret);
$err .= $ret . "\n";
return $err if ($err);
return undef;
$list.= " reread_master:noArg" if (defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}));
if ($cmd eq 'reread_master') {
return "Error no master device assigned" if (!defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}));
my $devName = $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME};
Log3($me, 4, "$me(Set): reread master profile from $devName");
my $prfDev = weekprofile_readDevProfile($hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME},$hash->{MASTERDEV}->{TYPE}, $me);
if(defined($prfDev)) {
$hash->{PROFILES}[0]->{DATA} = $prfDev;
return undef;
} else {
return "Error reading master profile";
my @rcvList = weekprofile_receiveList($hash);
$list.= " import_profile:" if(@rcvList > 0);
foreach my $rcvDev (@rcvList) {
$list = substr($list, 0, -1) if (@rcvList > 0);
if ($cmd eq 'import_profile') {
return 'usage: import_profile <device> [name]' if(@params < 1);
my $device = $params[0];
my $type = weekprofile_getDeviceType($me, $device);
if (!defined($type)) {
Log3($me, 2, "$me(Set): device $device not supported or defined");
return "Error device $device not supported or defined";
my ($topic, $name) = ('default', $device);
($topic, $name) = weekprofile_splitName($me, $params[1]) if(@params == 2);
return "Error topics not enabled" if (!$useTopics && ($topic ne 'default'));
my $devPrf = weekprofile_readDevProfile($device,$type,$me);
my $prf = {};
$prf->{NAME} = $name;
$prf->{TOPIC} = $topic;
if(defined($devPrf)) {
$prf->{DATA} = $devPrf;
} else {
Log3($me, 2, "device $device has no week profile");
return "Error device $device has no week profile";
Log3($me, 3, "profile $topic:$name from $device imported");
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}} , $prf;
return undef;
$list =~ s/ $//;
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
sub weekprofile_State($$$$)
my ($hash, $time, $name, $val) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
#do nothing we do not restore readings from statefile
return undef;
sub weekprofile_Notify($$)
my ($own, $dev) = @_;
my $me = $own->{NAME}; # own name / hash
my $devName = $dev->{NAME}; # Device that created the events
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}}); # number of events / changes
if ($devName eq "global"){
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
next if(!defined($s));
my ($what,$who) = split(' ',$s);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(Notify): $devName, $what");
if ($what =~ m/^INITIALIZED$/ || $what =~ m/REREADCFG/) {
delete $own->{PROFILES};
if ($what =~ m/DEFINED/ || $what =~ m/^DELETED/) {
if ($init_done && defined($own->{MASTERDEV}) &&
($own->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} eq $devName) &&
(@{$own->{PROFILES}} > 0) ) {
my $readprf=0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
next if(!defined($s));
my ($what,$who) = split(' ',$s);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(Notify): $devName, $what");
if ($own->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} eq 'MAX') {
$readprf =1 if ($what=~m/weekprofile/); #reading weekprofile
} else {
# toDo nur auf spezielle notify bei anderen typen reagieren!!
$readprf = 1;
last if ($readprf);
if ($readprf) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(Notify): reread master profile from $devName");
my $prfDev = weekprofile_readDevProfile($own->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME},$own->{MASTERDEV}->{TYPE}, $me);
if(defined($prfDev)) {
$own->{PROFILES}[0]->{DATA} = $prfDev;
return undef;
sub weekprofile_Attr($$$)
my ($cmd, $me, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$me};
return if (!defined($attrVal));
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_Attr): $cmd, $attrName, $attrVal");
$attr{$me}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
weekprofile_writeProfilesToFile($hash) if ($attrName eq 'configFile');
if ($attrName eq 'tempON'|| $attrName eq 'tempOFF') {
return "$attrName is deprecated and will be removed in a next version. Please use tempMap and\\or widgetTempRange";
if ($attrName eq 'tempMap') {
weekprofile_createTempMap($hash, $attrVal);
return undef;
sub weekprofile_createTempMap($;$) {
my ($hash, $attrMap) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
#clear map
%{$hash->{TEMPMAP}} = ();
my $tempOn = AttrVal($me,"tempON", undef);
if (defined($tempOn)) {
$hash->{TEMPMAP}->{'on'} = tempValue($tempOn);
Log3($me, 2, "$me(weekprofile_createTempMap): tempON is deprecated, please remove it");
my $tempOff = AttrVal($me,"tempOFF", undef);
if (defined($tempOn)) {
$hash->{TEMPMAP}->{'off'} = tempValue($tempOff);
Log3($me, 2, "$me(weekprofile_createTempMap): tempOFF is deprecated, please remove it");
my $tempMap = AttrVal($me,"tempMap", $attrMap);
return if (!defined($tempMap));
Log3($me, 2, "$me(weekprofile_createTempMap): create map from $tempMap");
$tempMap .= ',';
my @data = split(',',$tempMap);
foreach (@data) {
my @pair = split(':',$_);
Log3($me, 1, "$me(weekprofile_Attr): incorrect data $_");
$hash->{TEMPMAP}->{$pair[0]} = tempValue($pair[1]);
sub weekprofile_writeProfilesToFile(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
if (!defined($hash->{PROFILES})) {
Log3($me, 4, "$me(writeProfileToFile): no profiles to save");
my $start = (defined($hash->{MASTERDEV})) ? 1:0;
my $prfCnt = scalar(@{$hash->{PROFILES}});
return if ($prfCnt <= $start);
my @content;
my $idstring = "__version__=$CONFIG_VERSION";
push (@content, $idstring);
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
for (my $i = $start; $i < $prfCnt; $i++) {
push (@content, "entry=".$json->encode($hash->{PROFILES}[$i]));
my $dbused = configDBUsed();
my $filename = weekprofile_getDataFile($hash);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(writeProfileToFile): write profiles to $filename [DB: $dbused]");
my $ret = FileWrite($filename,@content);
if ($ret){
Log3($me, 1, "$me(writeProfileToFile): write profiles to $filename [DB: $dbused] failed $ret");
} else {
sub weekprofile_getDataFile(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $filename = "%L/weekprofile-$me.cfg";
$filename = AttrVal($me,"configFile",$filename);
my @t = localtime(gettimeofday());
$filename = ResolveDateWildcards($filename,@t);
# compatibility to old weekprofile versions
# if no global logdir is set - use log
$filename =~s/%L/.\/log/g;
$hash->{CONFIGFILE} = $filename; # for configDB migration
return $filename;
sub weekprofile_replaceKeywords(@)
my ($hash, $data, $direction) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if (!defined($data));
$direction = -1 if ($direction=~m/toKey/i);
$direction = 1 if ($direction=~m/toValue/i);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_replaceKeywords): replacing keywords in $data");
foreach my $key (keys %{$hash->{TEMPMAP}}){
my $value = $hash->{TEMPMAP}->{$key};
#Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_replaceKeywords): $key $value");
$direction == 1 ? $data =~s/"$key"/"$value"/g : $data =~s/"$value"/"$key"/g;
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_replaceKeywords): replaced result: $data");
return $data;
sub weekprofile_createTempList($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $min=5;
my $max=30;
my @values = ();
my $defMin = 5;
my $defMax = 30;
my $defStep = 0.5;
foreach my $key (keys %{$hash->{TEMPMAP}}){
my $value = $hash->{TEMPMAP}->{$key};
push @values, $value;
if (scalar(@values)>0) {
require List::Util;
$defMin = List::Util::min(@values);
$defMax = List::Util::max(@values);
my $attrRange = AttrVal($me, "widgetTempRange", "$defMin:$defMax:$defStep");
my @rangV = split(':',$attrRange);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(weekprofile_createTempList): range $attrRange, @rangV");
if (scalar(@rangV) >= 2) {
$defMin = $rangV[0];
$defMax = $rangV[1];
if (scalar(@rangV) == 3) {
$defStep = $rangV[2];
my @tempList = ();
for (my $temp = $defMin; $temp <= $defMax; $temp+=$defStep){
push @tempList, "\"".tempValue($temp)."\"";
my $strList = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash, join(',', @tempList), 'toKey');
$strList =~s/\"//g;
return $strList;
sub weekprofile_readProfilesFromFile(@)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
my $useTopics = AttrVal($me,"useTopics",0);
my $filename = weekprofile_getDataFile($hash);
Log3($me, 5, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): read profiles from $filename");
my ($ret, @content) = FileRead($filename);
if ($ret) {
if (configDBUsed()){
Log3($me, 1, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): please import your config file $filename into configDB!");
} else {
if ($ret =~ m/.*Can't open.*/) {
defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}) ? Log3($me, 4, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): $ret") : Log3($me, 3, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): $ret - save profil(s) at least one time");
} else {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): $ret");
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $rowCnt = 0;
my $version = undef;
foreach (@content) {
my $row = $_;
chomp $row;
Log3($me, 5, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): data row $row");
my @data = split('=',$row);
Log3($me, 1, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): incorrect data row");
if ($rowCnt == 0 && $data[0]=~/__version__/) {
$version=$data[1] * 1;
Log3($me, 5, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): detect version $version");
if (!$version || $version < 1.1) {
my $prfData=undef;
my $strData = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash,$data[1],'toValue');
eval { $prfData = $json->decode($strData); };
if (!defined($prfData)) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): Error parsing profile data $data[1]");
my $prfNew = {};
$prfNew->{NAME} = $data[0];
$prfNew->{DATA} = $prfData;
$prfNew->{TOPIC} = 'default';
if (!$hash->{MASTERDEV} && $rowCnt == 0) {
$hash->{PROFILES}[0] = $prfNew; # replace default
} else {
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}}, $prfNew;
} #----------------------------------------------------- 1.1
elsif ($version = 1.1) {
my $prfNew=undef;
my $strData = weekprofile_replaceKeywords($hash,$data[1],'toValue');
eval { $prfNew = $json->decode($strData); };
if (!defined($prfNew)) {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): Error parsing profile data $data[1]");
next if (!$useTopics && ($prfNew->{TOPIC} ne 'default')); # remove topics!!
if (!$hash->{MASTERDEV} && $rowCnt == 0) {
$hash->{PROFILES}[0] = $prfNew; # replace default
} else {
push @{$hash->{PROFILES}}, $prfNew;
} else {
Log3($me, 1, "$me(readProfilesFromFile): Error unknown version $version");
sub weekprofile_SummaryFn()
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $extPage) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $show_links = 1;
$show_links = 0 if($FW_hiddenroom{detail});
my $html;
my $iconName = AttrVal($d, "icon", "edit_settings");
my $editNewpage = AttrVal($d, "widgetEditOnNewPage", 0);
my $useTopics = AttrVal($d, "useTopics", 0);
my $editDaysInRow = AttrVal($d, "widgetEditDaysInRow", undef);
my $editIcon = FW_iconName($iconName) ? FW_makeImage($iconName,$iconName,"icon") : "";
$editIcon = "<a name=\"$d.edit\" onclick=\"weekprofile_DoEditWeek('$d','$editNewpage')\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\">$editIcon</a>";
my $lnkDetails = AttrVal($d, "alias", $d);
$lnkDetails = "<a name=\"$d.detail\" href=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir?detail=$d\">$lnkDetails</a>" if($show_links);
my $masterDev = defined($hash->{MASTERDEV}) ? $hash->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME} : undef;
my $args = "weekprofile,MODE:SHOW";
$args .= ",USETOPICS:$useTopics";
$args .= ",MASTERDEV:$masterDev" if (defined($masterDev));
$args .= ",DAYINROW:$editDaysInRow" if (defined($editDaysInRow));
my $curr = "";
if (@{$hash->{PROFILES}} > 0)
$curr = "$hash->{PROFILES}[0]->{TOPIC}:$hash->{PROFILES}[0]->{NAME}";
my $currTopic = ReadingsVal($d, "active_topic", undef);
if ($currTopic) {
foreach my $prf (@{$hash->{PROFILES}}){
if ($prf->{TOPIC} eq $currTopic){
$curr = "$prf->{TOPIC}:$prf->{NAME}";
$html .= "<table>";
$html .= "<tr><td><div class=\"devType\">$d</div></td></tr>";
$html .= "<tr><td><table><tr><td>";
$html .= "<div id=\"weekprofile.$d.header\">";
$html .= "<table style=\"padding:0\">";
$html .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:0;padding-bottom:0\"><div id=\"weekprofile.menu.base\">";
$html .= $editIcon." ".$lnkDetails;
$html .= "</div></td></tr></table></div>";
$html .= "<div class=\"fhemWidget\" informId=\"$d\" cmd=\"\" arg=\"$args\" current=\"$curr\" dev=\"$d\">"; # div tag to support inform updates
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</td></tr>";
$html .= "</table>";
$html .= "</td></tr></table>";
return $html;
sub weekprofile_editOnNewpage(@)
my ($device, $prf, $daysInRow) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$device};
my $editDaysInRow = AttrVal($device, "widgetEditDaysInRow", undef);
$editDaysInRow = $daysInRow if (defined($daysInRow));
my $args = "weekprofile,MODE:EDIT,JMPBACK:1";
$args .= ",DAYINROW:$editDaysInRow" if (defined($editDaysInRow));
my $html;
$html .= "<html>";
$html .= "<table>";
$html .= "<tr><td>";
$html .= "<div class=\"devType\" id=\"weekprofile.$device.header\">";
$html .= "<div class=\"devType\" id=\"weekprofile.menu.base\">";
$html .= "</di></div></td></tr>";
$html .= "<tr><td>";
$html .= "<div class=\"fhemWidget\" informId=\"$device\" cmd=\"\" arg=\"$args\" current=\"$prf\" dev=\"$device\">"; # div tag to support inform updates
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</td></tr>";
$html .= "</table>";
$html .= "</html>";
return $html;
#search device weekprofile from a assoziated master device
sub weekprofile_findPRFDev($)
my ($device) = @_;
foreach my $d (keys %defs)
my $module = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
next if ("$module" ne "weekprofile");
next if (!defined($defs{$d}->{MASTERDEV}));
my $masterDev = $defs{$d}->{MASTERDEV}->{NAME};
next unless(defined($masterDev));
next if ($masterDev ne $device);
return $defs{$d}{NAME};
return undef;
# get a web link to edit a profile from weekprofile from a assoziated master device
sub weekprofile_getEditLNK_MasterDev($$)
my ($aszDev, $prf) = @_;
my $device = weekprofile_findPRFDev($aszDev);
return "" if (!defined($device));
my $iconName = AttrVal($device, "icon", "edit_settings");
my $editIcon = FW_iconName($iconName) ? FW_makeImage($iconName,$iconName,"icon") : "";
my $script = '<script type="text/javascript">';
$script.= "function jump_edit_weekprofile_$aszDev() {";
$script.= "window.location.assign('$FW_ME?cmd={weekprofile_editOnNewpage(";
$script.= "\"$device\",\"$prf\");;}')};";
$script.= "</script>";
my $lnk = "$script<a onclick=\"jump_edit_weekprofile_$aszDev()\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\">$editIcon</a>";
return ($lnk,0);
=encoding utf8
=item summary administration of weekprofiles
=item summary_DE Verwaltung von Wochenprofilen
=item helper
=begin html
<a id="weekprofile"></a>
With this module you can manage and edit different weekprofiles. You can send the profiles to different devices.<br>
Currently the following devices will by supported:<br>
<li>other weekprofile modules</li>
<li>Homematic via HM_CUL and channel _Clima or _Climate</li>
<li>Homematic via HMCCUDEV, HMCCUCHN)</li>
Additionally, also the following module types can be used as logical intermediates<br>
In the normal case the module is assoziated with a master device.
So a profile 'master' will be created automatically. This profile corrensponds to the current active
profile on the master device.
You can also use this module without a master device. In this case a default profile will be created.
Note: WeekdayTimer and MQTT2_DEVICE TYPE devices can not be used as 'master'.
An other use case is the usage of categories 'Topics'.
To enable the feature the attribute 'useTopics' have to be set.
Topics are e.q. winter, summer, holidays, party, and so on.
A topic consists of different week profiles. Normally one profile for each thermostat.
The connection between the thermostats and the profile is an user attribute 'weekprofile' without the topic name.
With 'restore_topic' the defined profile in the attribute will be transfered to the thermostat.
So it is possible to change the topic easily and all thermostats will be updated with the correndponding profile.
weekprofile supports configdb and configdb migrate since svn: 21314.<br>
You have to import the profile\config file into configdb manually if you update from an earlier version.
To transfer a profile to a device it needs a lot of Credits.
This is not taken into account from this module. So it could be happend that the profile in the module
and on the device are not equal until the whole profile is transfered completly.
If the maste device is Homatic HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU then only the first profile (R_P1_...) will be used!
<b>For this module <i>libjson-perl</i> have to be installed</b>
<a id="weekprofile-events"></a>
Currently the following event will be created:<br>
<li>PROFILE_TRANSFERED: if a profile or a part of a profile (changes) is send to a device</li>
<li>PROFILES_SAVED: the profile are stored in the config file (also if there are no changes)</li>
<a id="weekprofile-define"></a>
<code>define <name> weekprofile [master device]</code><br>
Activate the module with or without an assoziated master device. The master device is an optional parameter.
With a master device a spezial profile 'master' will be created.<br>
Special master' profile handling:<br>
<li>Can't be deleted</li>
<li>Will be automatically transfered to the master device if it was modified</li>
<li>Will not be saved</li>
Without a master device a 'default' profile will be created
<a id="weekprofile-set"></a>
<a id="weekprofile-set-profile_data"></a>
<code>set <name> profile_data <profilename> <json data> </code><br>
The profile 'profilename' will be changed. The data have to be in json format.
<a id="weekprofile-set-send_to_device"></a>
<code>set <name> send_to_device <profilename> [devices] </code><br>
The profile 'profilename' will be transfered to one or more the devices. Without the parameter device the profile
will be transferd to the master device. 'devices' is a comma seperated list of device names
<a id="weekprofile-set-copy_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> copy_profile <source> <destination> </code><br>
Copy from source to destination. The destination will be overwritten
<a id="weekprofile-set-remove_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> remove_profile <profilename> </code><br>
Delete profile 'profilename'.
<a id="weekprofile-set-reference_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> reference_profile <source> <destination> </code><br>
Create a reference from destination to source. The destination will be overwritten if it exits.
<a id="weekprofile-set-restore_topic"></a>
<code>set <name> restore_topic <topic></code><br>
All weekprofiles from the topic will be transfered to the correcponding devices.
Therefore a user attribute 'weekprofile' with the weekprofile name <b>without the topic name</b> have to exist in the device.
<a id="weekprofile-set-reread_master"></a>
Refresh (reread) the master profile from the master device.
<a id="weekprofile-set-import_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> import_profile <device> <[profilename]></code><br>
Importing a profile from a supported device
<a id="weekprofile-get"></a>
<a id="weekprofile-get-profile_data"></a>
<code>get <name> profile_data <profilename> </code><br>
Get the profile data from 'profilename' in json-Format
<a id="weekprofile-get-profile_names"></a>
<code>set <name> profile_names [topicname]</code><br>
Get a comma seperated list of weekprofile profile names from the topic 'topicname'
If topicname is not set, 'default' will be used
If topicname is '*', all weekprofile profile names are returned.
<a id="weekprofile-get-profile_references"></a>
<li>profile_references [name]<br>
If name is '*', a comma seperated list of all references in the following syntax
are returned
If name is 'topicname:profilename', '0' or the reference name is returned.
<a id="weekprofile-get-topic_names"></a>
Return a comma seperated list of topic names.
<a id="weekprofile-get-associations"></a>
<li>associations [ReturnType (0|1)]<br>
Returns a list of supported devices with the associated profile.<br>
ReturnType 0: HTML table</br>
ReturnType 1: json list</br>
<a id="weekprofile-readings"></a>
Active\last restored topic name
Count of all profiles including references.
List of topic names with ':' as delimiter
<a id="weekprofile-attr"></a>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetTranslations"></a>
Comma seperated list of texts translations <german>:<translation>
<code>attr name widgetTranslations Abbrechen:Cancel,Speichern:Save</code>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetWeekdays"></a>
Comma seperated list of week days starting at Monday
<code>attr name widgetWeekdays Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday</code>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetEditOnNewPage"></a>
Editing the profile on a new html page if it is set to '1'
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetEditDaysInRow"></a>
Count of visible days in on row during Edit. Default 2.<br>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetTempRange"></a>
Set the temperature range of the dropdown list in the FHEM widget
Syntax: min:max:step e.g. 5:30:0.5
<a id="weekprofile-attr-tempMap"></a>
Temperature key value pair
Syntax: <key_1>:<value 1>,<key_2>:<value 2> e.g. off:5.0,on:30.0
<a id="weekprofile-attr-tempON"></a>
deprecated - please use tempMap
<a id="weekprofile-attr-tempOFF"></a>
deprecated - please use tempMap
<a id="weekprofile-attr-sendKeywordsToDevices"></a>
Send temperatur keywords instead of temparture values to device
Default: 0
<a id="weekprofile-attr-configFile"></a>
Path and filename of the configuration file where the profiles will be stored
Default: ./log/weekprofile-<name>.cfg
<a id="weekprofile-attr-icon"></a>
icon for edit<br>
Default: edit_settings
<a id="weekprofile-attr-useTopics"></a>
Enable topics.<br>
Default: 0
<a id="weekprofile-attr-sendDelay"></a>
Default: 0
Delay in seconds between sending profile data the same type of device.
This is usefull to avoid messages like "queue is full, dropping packet" by HM devices
<a id="weekprofile-attr-forceCompleteProfile"></a>
Default: 0
Force to send the complete profile to the device instead of only the changes.
Possibility to resend a complete week profile
<a id="weekprofile-attr-weekprofile"></a>
This attribute can be a userattr of supported modules of weekprofile to receive a specific profile with the
defined name at the <i>restore_topic</i> command. See topics for further information
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a id="weekprofile"></a>
Beschreibung im Wiki: http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Weekprofile<br><br>
Mit dem Modul 'weekprofile' können mehrere Wochenprofile verwaltet und an unterschiedliche Geräte
übertragen werden. Aktuell wird folgende Hardware unterstützt:
<li>alle MAX Thermostate</li>
<li>andere weekprofile Module</li>
<li>Homematic via CUL_HM (Kanal _Clima bzw. _Climate)</li>
<li>Homematic via HMCCUDEV und HMCCUCHN</li>
Weiter können die folgenden Modul-Typen als logische Zwischenschicht eingesetzt werden:<br>
<li>MQTT2_DEVICE (zusätzlicher Code erforderlich)</li>
Im Standardfall wird das Modul mit einem Geräte = 'Master-Gerät' assoziiert,
um das Wochenprofil vom Gerät grafisch bearbeiten zu können und andere Profile auf das Gerät zu übertragen.
Wird kein 'Master-Gerät' angegeben, wird erstmalig ein Default-Profil angelegt.
<br><br>Hinweis: Geräte des Typs WeekdayTimer und MQTT2_DEVICE können nicht als 'Master-Gerät' verwendet werden.
Ein weiterer Anwendungsfall ist die Verwendung von Rubriken\Kategorien 'Topics'.
Hier sollte kein 'Master-Gerät' angegeben werden. Dieses Feature muss erst über das Attribut 'useTopics' aktiviert werden.
Topics sind z.B. Winter, Sommer, Urlaub, Party, etc.
Innerhalb einer Topic kann es mehrere Wochenprofile geben. Sinnvollerweise sollten es soviele wie Thermostate sein.
Über ein Userattribut 'weekprofile' im Thermostat wird ein Wochenprofile ohne Topicname angegeben.
Mittels 'restore_topic' wird dann das angebene Wochenprofil der Topic an das Thermostat übertragen.
Somit kann man einfach zwischen den Topics wechseln und die Thermostate bekommen das passende Wochenprofil.
weekprofile unterstützt configdb and configdb migrate seit SVN-Version: 21314.<br>
Wenn von einer früheren Version geupdatet wird, muss die Profiel-\Konfigurationsdatei manuell in configDB importiert werden.
<b>Achtung:</b> Das Übertragen von Wochenprofilen erfordet eine Menge an Credits.
Dies wird vom Modul nicht berücksichtigt. So kann es sein, dass nach dem
Setzen\Aktualisieren eines Profils das Profil im Modul nicht mit dem Profil im Gerät
übereinstimmt solange das komplette Profil übertragen wurde.
Beim Homatic HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU wird nur das 1. Profil (R_P1_...) genommen!
<b>Für das Modul wird <i>libjson-perl</i> benötigt</b>
<a id="weekprofile-events"></a>
Aktuell werden folgende Events erzeugt:<br>
<li>PROFILE_TRANSFERED: wenn ein Profil oder Teile davon zu einem Gerät gesended wurden</li>
<li>PROFILES_SAVED: wenn Profile in die Konfigurationsdatei gespeichert wurden (auch wenn es keine Änderung gab!)</li>
<a id="weekprofile-define"></a>
<code>define <name> weekprofile [master device]</code><br>
Aktiviert das Modul. Bei der Angabe eines 'Master-Gerätes' wird das Profil 'master'
entprechende dem Wochenrofil vom Gerät angelegt.
Sonderbehandlung des 'master' Profils:
<li>Kann nicht gelöscht werden</li>
<li>Bei Ändern\Setzen des Proils wird es automatisch an das 'Master-Geräte' gesendet</li>
<li>Es wird sind mit abgespeicht</li>
Wird kein 'Master-Geräte' angegeben, wird ein 'default' Profil angelegt.
<a id="weekprofile-set"></a>
<a id="weekprofile-set-profile_data"></a>
<code>set <name> profile_data <profilname> <json data> </code><br>
Es wird das Profil 'profilname' geändert. Die Profildaten müssen im json-Format übergeben werden.
<a id="weekprofile-set-send_to_device"></a>
<code>set <name> send_to_device <profilname> [devices] </code><br>
Das Profil wird an ein oder mehrere Geräte übertragen. Wird kein Gerät angegeben, wird das 'Master-Gerät' verwendet.
'Devices' ist eine kommagetrennte Auflistung von Geräten
<a id="weekprofile-set-copy_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> copy_profile <quelle> <ziel> </code><br>
Kopiert das Profil 'quelle' auf 'ziel'. 'ziel' wird überschrieben oder neu angelegt.
<a id="weekprofile-set-remove_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> remove_profile <profilname> </code><br>
Das Profil 'profilname' wird gelöscht.
<a id="weekprofile-set-reference_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> reference_profile <quelle> <ziel> </code><br>
Referenziert das Profil 'ziel'auf 'quelle'. 'ziel' wird überschrieben oder neu angelegt.
<a id="weekprofile-set-restore_topic"></a>
<code>set <name> restore_topic <topic></code><br>
Alle Wochenpläne in der Topic werden zu den entsprechenden Geräten übertragen.
Dazu muss im Gerät ein Userattribut 'weekprofile' mit dem Namen des Wochenplans <b>ohne</b> Topic gesetzt sein.
<a id="weekprofile-set-reread_master"></a>
Aktualisiert das master profile indem das 'Master-Geräte' neu ausgelesen wird.
<a id="weekprofile-set-import_profile"></a>
<code>set <name> import_profile <device> <[profilename]></code><br>
Profil von einem Gerät importieren.
<a id="weekprofile-get"></a>
<a id="weekprofile-get-profile_data"></a>
<code>get <name> profile_data <profilname> </code><br>
Liefert die Profildaten von 'profilname' im json-Format
<a id="weekprofile-get-profile_names"></a>
<code>set <name> profile_names [topic_name]</code><br>
Liefert alle Profilnamen getrennt durch ',' einer Topic 'topic_name'
Ist 'topic_name' gleich '*' werden alle Profilnamen zurück gegeben.
<a id="weekprofile-get-profile_references"></a>
<li>profile_references [name]<br>
Liefert eine Liste von Referenzen der Form <br>
Ist name 'topicname:profilename' wird '0' der Name der Referenz zurück gegeben.
<a id="weekprofile-get-associations"></a>
<li>associations [Rückgabetyp (0|1)]<br>
Gibt eine Liste der unterstützten Geräte mit dem verbundenen\zugeordnetem Profilnamen zurück.<br>
Rückgabetyp 0: HTML Tabelle</br>
Rückgabetyp 1: json Liste</br>
<a id="weekprofile-readings"></a>
Aktive\zuletzt gesetzter Topicname.
Anzahl aller Profile mit Referenzen.
Liste von Topicnamen getrennt durch ':'
<a id="weekprofile-attr"></a>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetTranslations"></a>
Liste von Übersetzungen der Form <german>:<Übersetzung> getrennt durch ',' um Texte im Widget zu Übersetzen.
<code>attr name widgetTranslations Abbrechen:Abbr,Speichern:Save</code>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetWeekdays"></a>
Liste von Wochentagen getrennt durch ',' welche im Widget angzeigt werden.
Beginnend bei Montag. z.B.
<code>attr name widgetWeekdays Montag,Dienstag,Mittwoch,Donnerstag,Freitag,Samstag,Sonntag</code>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetEditDaysInRow"></a>
Anzahl in der in einer Reihe dargestellten Tage während der Bearbeitung. Default 2.<br>
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetEditOnNewPage"></a>
Wenn gesetzt ('1'), dann wird die Bearbeitung auf einer separaten\neuen Webseite gestartet.
<a id="weekprofile-attr-widgetTempRange"></a>
Bereich der Temperatur Dropdown-Box im FHEM widget
Syntax: min:max:step z.B. 5:30:0.5
<a id="weekprofile-attr-tempMap"></a>
Temperatur Schlüssel-Werte-Paare
Syntax: <schlüsselwort_1>:<wert_1>,<schlüsselwort_2>:<wert_2><br>
z.B. off:5.0,on:30.0
<a id="weekprofile-attr-tempOn"></a>
Veraltet - bitte tempMap benutzen
<a id="weekprofile-attr-tempOff"></a>
Veraltet - bitte tempMap benutzen
<a id="weekprofile-attr-sendKeywordsToDevices"></a>
Sende Temperatur-Schlüsselwort zum Gerät anstatt der Werte
Default: 0
<a id="weekprofile-attr-configFile"></a>
Pfad und Dateiname wo die Profile gespeichert werden sollen.
Default: ./log/weekprofile-<name>.cfg
<a id="weekprofile-attr-icon"></a>
Änders des Icons zum Bearbeiten
Default: edit_settings
<a id="weekprofile-attr-useTopics"></a>
Verwendung von Topic aktivieren.
<a id="weekprofile-attr-sendDelay"></a>
Default: 0
Verzögerungszweit in Sekunden zwischen dem Senden von Profildaten an ein Thermostat gleichen Typs.
Hilfreich zur Vermeidung von Meldungen wie "queue is full, dropping packet".
<a id="weekprofile-attr-forceCompleteProfile"></a>
Default: 0
Ezwingt das Senden eines komplettes Wochenprofiles anstatt der Änderungen
Es besteht somit die Möglichkeit eines erneuten Senden der Daten an das Thermostats
<a id="weekprofile-attr-weekprofile"></a>
Kann ein userattr eines unterstützten Moduls von weekprofile sein, um ein spezifisches Profil mit dem angegeben Namen
beim Befehl <i>restore_topic</i> zu empfangen. Siehe auch 'Topics'.
=end html_DE