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# $Id: 14_SIGNALduino_un.pm 12202 2015-10-17 $
# The file is part of the SIGNALduino project
# see http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/SIGNALduino
# to support debugging of unknown signal data
# The purpos is to use it as addition to the SIGNALduino
# S. Butzek, 2015
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = '^[uP]\d+#.*';
$hash->{DefFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Attr";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:0,1 showtime:0,1 ignore:0,1 ".$readingFnAttributes;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> SIGNALduino_un <code> <minsecs> <equalmsg>".int(@a)
if(int(@a) < 3 || int(@a) > 5);
$hash->{CODE} = $a[2];
$hash->{minsecs} = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[3] : 30);
$hash->{equalMSG} = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[4] : 0);
$hash->{lastMSG} = "";
$hash->{bitMSG} = "";
$modules{SIGNALduino_un}{defptr}{$a[2]} = $hash;
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
delete($modules{SIGNALduino_un}{defptr}{$hash->{CODE}}) if($hash && $hash->{CODE});
return undef;
sub SIGNALduino_un_hex2bin {
my $h = shift;
my $hlen = length($h);
my $blen = $hlen * 4;
return unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $h));
my ($hash,$msg) = @_;
my @a = split("", $msg);
my $name = "SIGNALduino_unknown";# $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name incomming msg: $msg";
#my $rawData=substr($msg,2);
my ($protocol,$rawData) = split("#",$msg);
my $dummyreturnvalue= "Unknown, please report";
$protocol=~ s/^[uP](\d+)/$1/; # extract protocol
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name rawData: $rawData";
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name Protocol: $protocol";
my $hlen = length($rawData);
my $blen = $hlen * 4;
my $bitData= unpack("B$blen", pack("H$hlen", $rawData));
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name converted to bits: $bitData";
if ($protocol == "7" && length($bitData)>=36) ## Unknown Proto 7
## Try TX70DTH Decoding
my $SensorTyp = "TX70DTH";
my $channel = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,9,3));
my $bin = substr($bitData,0,8);
my $id = sprintf('%X', oct("0b$bin"));
my $bat = int(substr($bitData,8,1)) eq "1" ? "ok" : "critical";
my $trend = "";
my $sendMode = "";
my $temp = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,16,8));
if (substr($bitData,14,1) eq "1") {
$temp = $temp - 1024;
$temp = $temp / 10;
my $hum = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,29,7));
my $val = "T: $temp H: $hum B: $bat";
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: 7 ($SensorTyp) sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp, hum=$hum, bat=$bat\n" ;
# Try Eurochron EAS 800
# 4 8 12 24 28 36
# 0011 0110 1010 000100000010 1111 00111000 0000 Kanal 3, 25.8 Grad, 56%
# 0011 0110 1010 000011110011 1111 00111000 0000 Kanal 3, 24.3 Grad, 56%
# 0011 0001 1001 000100001001 1111 00111101 0000 Kanal 2, 26.5 Grad, 61%
# 0011 1000 1000 000100000011 1111 01000000 0000 Kanal 1
$SensorTyp = "EAS800z";
$id = oct ("0b".substr($bitData,4,4));
$channel = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,9,3))+1;
$temp = oct ("0b".substr($bitData,12,12))/10;
$bat = int(substr($bitData,8,1)) eq "1" ? "ok" : "critical"; # Eventuell falsch!
$hum = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,28,8));
$sendMode = int(substr($bitData,4,1)) eq "1" ? "auto" : "manual"; # Eventuell falsch!
my $type = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,0,4));
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: 7 ($SensorTyp / type=$type) mode=$sendMode, sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp, hum=$hum, bat=$bat\n" ;
} elsif ($protocol == "6" && length($bitData)>=36) ## Eurochron
# EuroChron / Tchibo
# /--------------------------- Channel, changes after every battery change
# / / ------------------ Battery state 0 == Ok
# / / /------------------ unknown
# / / / / --------------- forced send
# / / / / / ------------- unknown
# / / / / / / -------- Humidity
# / / / / / / / - neg Temp: if 1 then temp = temp - 2048
# / / / / / / / / Temp
# 01100010 1 00 1 00000 0100011 0 00011011101
# Bit 0 8 9 11 12 17 24 25 36
my $SensorTyp = "EuroChron";
my $channel = "";
my $bin = substr($bitData,0,8);
my $id = sprintf('%X', oct("0b$bin"));
my $bat = int(substr($bitData,8,1)) eq "0" ? "ok" : "critical";
my $trend = "";
my $sendMode = int(substr($bitData,11,1)) eq "0" ? "automatic" : "manual";
my $temp = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,25,11));
if (substr($bitData,24,1) eq "1") {
$temp = $temp - 2048
$temp = $temp / 10.0;
my $hum = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,17,7));
my $val = "T: $temp H: $hum B: $bat";
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: 6 $SensorTyp, sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp\n" ;
} elsif ($protocol == "9" && length($bitData)>=70) ## Unknown Proto 9
{ #http://nupo-artworks.de/media/report.pdf
my $syncpos= index($bitData,"11111110"); #7x1 1x0 preamble
if ($syncpos ==-1 || length($bitData)-$syncpos < 68)
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name ctw600 not found, aborting";
return undef;
my $sensdata = substr($bitData,$syncpos+8);
my $bat = substr($sensdata,0,3);
my $id = substr($sensdata,4,6);
my $temp = substr($sensdata,12,10);
my $hum = substr($sensdata,22,8);
my $wind = substr($sensdata,30,16);
my $rain = substr($sensdata,46,16);
my $winddir = substr($sensdata,66,4);
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name found ctw600 syncpos at $syncpos message is: $sensdata - sensor id:$id, bat:$bat, temp=$temp, hum=$hum, wind=$wind, rain=$rain, winddir=$winddir";
} elsif ($protocol == "13" && length($bitData)>=14) ## RF20 Protocol
my $model=$a[3];
my $deviceCode = $a[5].$a[6].$a[7].$a[8].$a[9];
my $Freq = $a[10].$a[11].$a[12].$a[13].$a[14];
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name found RF21 protocol. model=$model, devicecode=$deviceCode, freq=$Freq ";
elsif ($protocol == "14" && length($bitData)>=12) ## Heidman HX
my $bin = substr($bitData,0,4);
my $deviceCode = sprintf('%X', oct("0b$bin"));
my $sound = substr($bitData,7,5);
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name found Heidman HX doorbell. devicecode=$deviceCode, sound=$sound";
elsif ($protocol == "15" && length($bitData)>=64) ## TCM
my $deviceCode = $a[4].$a[5].$a[6].$a[7].$a[8];
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name found TCM doorbell. devicecode=$deviceCode";
elsif ($protocol == "16" && length($bitData)>=36) ##Rohrmotor24
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name / shutter Dooya $bitData received";
my $id = oct("0b".substr($bitData,0,29));
my $channel = oct("0b".substr($bitData,29,3));
my $all = ($channel == 0) ? 1 : 0;
my $commandcode = oct("0b".substr($bitData,33,4));
my $direction="";
if ($commandcode == 0b001) {$direction="up";}
elsif ($commandcode == 0b011) {$direction="down";}
elsif ($commandcode == 0b101) {$direction="stop";}
else { $direction="unknown";}
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name found shutter from Dooya. id=$id, channel=$channel, direction=$direction, all_shutters=$all";
elsif ($protocol == "21" && length($bitData)>=32) ##Einhell doorshutter
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name / Einhell doorshutter received";
my $id = oct("0b".substr($bitData,0,28));
my $dir = oct("0b".substr($bitData,28,2));
my $channel = oct("0b".substr($bitData,30,3));
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name found doorshutter from Einhell. id=$id, channel=$channel, direction=$dir";
} elsif ($protocol == "23" && length($bitData)>=32) ##Perl Sensor
my $SensorTyp = "perl NC-7367?";
my $id = oct ("0b".substr($bitData,4,4));
my $channel = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,9,3))+1;
my $temp = oct ("0b".substr($bitData,20,8))/10;
my $bat = int(substr($bitData,8,1)) eq "1" ? "ok" : "critical"; # Eventuell falsch!
my $sendMode = int(substr($bitData,4,1)) eq "1" ? "auto" : "manual"; # Eventuell falsch!
my $type = SIGNALduino_un_bin2dec(substr($bitData,0,4));
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name decoded protocolid: 7 ($SensorTyp / type=$type) mode=$sendMode, sensor id=$id, channel=$channel, temp=$temp, bat=$bat\n" ;
} else {
return $dummyreturnvalue;
return $dummyreturnvalue; # This prevents unkown code Messages in our log
my @a = @_;
# Make possible to use the same code for different logical devices when they
# are received through different physical devices.
return if($a[0] ne "set" || $a[2] ne "IODev");
my $hash = $defs{$a[1]};
my $iohash = $defs{$a[3]};
my $cde = $hash->{CODE};
$modules{SIGNALduino_un}{defptr}{$iohash->{NAME} . "." . $cde} = $hash;
return undef;
my $h = shift;
my $int = unpack("N", pack("B32",substr("0" x 32 . $h, -32)));
return sprintf("%d", $int);
my $h = shift;
my $hlen = length($h);
my $i = 0;
my $flip = "";
for ($i=$hlen-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$flip = $flip.substr($h,$i,1);
return $flip;
=begin html
<a name="SIGNALduino_un"></a>
The SIGNALduino_un module is a testing and debugging module to decode some devices, it will not create any devices, it will catch only all messages from the signalduino which can't be send to another module
<a name="SIGNALduino_undefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SIGNALduino_un &lt;code&gt; ]</code> <br>
You can define a Device, but currently you can do nothing with it.
Autocreate is also not enabled for this module.
The function of this module is only to output some logging at verbose 4 or higher. May some data is decoded correctly but it's also possible that this does not work.
The Module will try to process all messages, which where not handled by other modules.
<a name="SIGNALduino_unset"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SIGNALduino_unget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SIGNALduino_unattr"></a>
<li><a href="#verbose">Verbose</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SIGNALduino_un"></a>
Das SIGNALduino_un module ist ein Hilfsmodul um unbekannte Nachrichten debuggen und analysieren zu k<>nnen.
Das Modul legt keinerlei Ger<65>te oder <20>hnliches an.
<a name="SIGNALduino_undefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SIGNALduino_un &lt;code&gt; </code> <br>
Es ist m<>glich ein Ger<65>t manuell zu definieren, aber damit passiert <20>berhaupt nichts.
Autocreate wird auch keinerlei Ger<65>te aus diesem Modul anlegen.
Die einzgeste Funktion dieses Modules ist, ab Verbose 4 Logmeldungen <20>ber die Empfangene Nachricht ins Log zu schreiben. Dabei kann man sich leider nicht darauf verlassen, dass die Nachricht korrekt dekodiert wurde.<br>
Dieses Modul wird alle Nachrichten verarbeiten, welche von anderen Modulen nicht verarbeitet wurden.
<a name="SIGNALduino_unset"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SIGNALduino_unget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SIGNALduino_unattr"></a>
<li><a href="#verbose">Verbose</a></li>
=end html_DE