mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-06 12:46:57 +00:00
2021-01-06 18:50:45 +00:00

2929 lines
94 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use HttpUtils;
#use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
# This block is only needed when SVG is loaded bevore FHEMWEB
sub FW_pO(@);
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), needed by 97_GROUP
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_RETTYPE); # image/png or the like
use vars qw($FW_cssdir); # css directory
use vars qw($FW_detail); # currently selected device for detail view
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server
use vars qw($FW_gplotdir);# gplot directory for web server: the first
use vars qw($FW_plotmode);# Global plot mode (WEB attribute), used by SVG
use vars qw($FW_plotsize);# Global plot size (WEB attribute), used by SVG
use vars qw($FW_room); # currently selected room
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw(%FW_hiddenroom); # hash of hidden rooms, used by weblink
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw(%FW_webArgs); # all arguments specified in the GET
use vars qw($FW_formmethod);
use vars qw($FW_userAgent);
use vars qw($FW_hiddenroom);
use vars qw($FW_CSRF);
my $SVG_RET; # Returned data (SVG)
sub SVG_calcOffsets($$);
sub SVG_doround($$$);
sub SVG_fmtTime($$);
sub SVG_pO($);
sub SVG_readgplotfile($$$);
sub SVG_render($$$$$$$$$$);
sub SVG_showLog($);
sub SVG_substcfg($$$$$$);
sub SVG_time_align($$);
sub SVG_time_to_sec($);
sub SVG_openFile($$$);
sub SVG_doShowLog($$$$;$);
sub SVG_getData($$$$$);
sub SVG_sel($$$;$$);
sub SVG_getControlPoints($);
sub SVG_calcControlPoints($$$$$$);
my %SVG_devs; # hash of from/to entries per device
my $SVG_hdr = 'version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" '.
'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" '.
my $isDE;
my %monthNamesDE = (
Jan=>"Jan", Feb=>"Feb", Mar=>"Mrz", Apr=>"Apr", May=>"Mai", Jun=>"Jun",
Jul=>"Jul", Aug=>"Aug", Sep=>"Sep", Oct=>"Okt", Nov=>"Nov", Dec=>"Dez"
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "SVG_Define";
no warnings 'qw';
my @attrList = qw(
use warnings 'qw';
$hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList);
$hash->{SetFn} = "SVG_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SVG_AttrFn";
$hash->{RenameFn} = "SVG_Rename";
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "SVG_FwFn";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "SVG_FwFn";
$hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1;
$data{FWEXT}{"/SVG_WriteGplot"}{CONTENTFUNC} = "SVG_WriteGplot";
$data{FWEXT}{"/SVG_showLog"}{FUNC} = "SVG_showLog";
$data{FWEXT}{"/SVG_showLog"}{FORKABLE} = 1;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $arg) = split("[ \t]+", $def, 3);
if(!$arg ||
!($arg =~ m/^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/ || $arg =~ m/^(.*):(.*)$/)) {
return "Usage: define <name> SVG <logdevice>:<gnuplot-file>:<logfile>";
$hash->{LOGDEVICE} = $1;
$hash->{GPLOTFILE} = $2;
$hash->{LOGFILE} = ($3 ? $3 : "CURRENT");
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
$hash->{LOGDEVICE} =~ s/^fileplot //; # Autocreate bug.
# notifyRegexpChanged($hash, "global"); # ??
return undef;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $me = $hash->{NAME};
return "no set argument specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
my $cmd = $a[1];
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of copyGplotFile:noArg"
if($cmd ne "copyGplotFile");
my $srcName = "$FW_gplotdir/$hash->{GPLOTFILE}.gplot";
my ($og,$od) = ($hash->{GPLOTFILE}, $hash->{DEF});
$hash->{GPLOTFILE} = $hash->{NAME};
my $dstName = "$FW_gplotdir/$hash->{GPLOTFILE}.gplot";
return "this is already a unique gplot file" if($srcName eq $dstName);
$hash->{DEF} = $hash->{LOGDEVICE} . ":".
$hash->{GPLOTFILE} . ":".
my ($err,@rows) = FileRead($srcName);
return $err if($err);
$err = FileWrite($dstName, @rows);
if($err) {
$hash->{DEF} = $od; $hash->{GPLOTFILE} = $og;
} else {
addStructChange("modify", $me, "$me $hash->{DEF}")
return $err;
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
if($aName && $aName eq "captionLeft" && $cmd eq "set") {
my $dir = (!defined($aVal) || $aVal) ? "left" : "right";
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "attr $name captionPos $dir");
return "attr $name captionLeft converted to attr $name captionPos $dir";
return undef;
my ($parent, $dev, $attr, $default) = @_;
my $val = AttrVal($dev, $attr, undef);
return $val if(defined($val));
return AttrVal($parent, $attr, $default);
my ($new, $old) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$new};
return if($hash->{GPLOTFILE} ne $old);
SVG_Set($hash, $new, "copyGplotFile"); # Forum #59786
my ($d) = @_;
return $FW_webArgs{plotsize} ?
$FW_webArgs{plotsize} :
AttrVal($d,"plotsize", $FW_plotsize ? $FW_plotsize : "800,400");
return AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotEmbed", ($numCPUs>1 ? 2:0));
my ($n) = @_;
$n = 0.0000000001 if($n <= 0);
return log($n)/log(10);
my ($n) = @_;
return 10**$n;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $ret = "";
my $isFirst = (!$pageHash || !$pageHash->{svgLoaded});
$isFirst = 0 if($pageHash && $pageHash->{svgIdx} && $pageHash->{svgIdx} != 1);
$pageHash->{svgLoaded} = 1 if($pageHash);
$ret .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$FW_ME/pgm2/svg.js'></script>"
# plots navigation buttons
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
if($isFirst) {
$ret .= '<div class="SVGlabel" data-name="svgZoomControl">';
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
$ret .= SVG_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
$ret .= '</div>';
$pageHash->{buttons} = 1 if($pageHash);
$ret .= "<br>";
my $arg="$FW_ME/SVG_showLog?dev=$d".
"&pos=" . join(";", map {"$_=$FW_pos{$_}"} keys %FW_pos);
if($pm eq "SVG") {
$ret .= "<div class=\"SVGplot SVG_$d\">";
my $embed = SVG_embed();
if($embed) {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", SVG_getplotsize($d));
if($embed == 1) {
$ret .= "<embed src='$arg' type='image/svg+xml' " .
"width='$w' height='$h' name='$d'/>\n";
} else {
$ret .= "<svg $SVG_hdr class='plotembed_2' data-src='$arg' ".
"data-dev='$d' style='width:${w}px; height:${h}px'></svg>\n";
} else {
my $oret=$FW_RET; $FW_RET="";
my ($type, $data) = SVG_doShowLog($d, $hash->{LOGDEVICE},
$hash->{GPLOTFILE}, $hash->{LOGFILE}, 1);
$ret .= $data;
$ret .= "</div>";
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
$ret .= "<img src=\"$arg\"/>";
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll-svg") {
$ret .= "<object type=\"image/svg+xml\" ".
"data=\"$arg\">Your browser does not support SVG.</object>";
if(!$pageHash) {
if($FW_plotmode eq "SVG") {
$ret .= SVG_PEdit($FW_wname,$d,$room,$pageHash) . "<br>";
} else {
if(!AttrVal($d, "group", "") && !$FW_subdir) {
my $alias = AttrVal($d, "alias", $d);
my $clAdd = "\" data-name=\"$d";
$clAdd .= "\" style=\"display:none;" if($FW_hiddenroom{detail});
$ret .= FW_pH("detail=$d", $alias, 0, "SVGlabel SVG_$d $clAdd", 1, 0);
$ret .= "<br>";
return $ret;
my ($v,$t,$c) = @_;
$c = ($c ? " checked" : "");
return "$t&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$v\" value=\"$v\"$c>";
my ($v,$t,$c,$sz) = @_;
$c = "" if(!defined($c));
$c =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
$c =~ s/"/\&quot;/g;
return "$t&nbsp;<input type=\"text\" name=\"$v\" size=\"$sz\" ".
my ($v,$l,$c,$fnData,$class) = @_;
my @al = split(",",$l);
$c =~ s/\\x3a/:/g if($c);
return FW_select(undef,$v,\@al,$c, $class?$class:"set", $fnData);
# gnuplot file "editor"
my ($FW_wname,$d,$room,$pageHash) = @_;
my $pe = AttrVal($FW_wname, "ploteditor", "always");
return "" if( $pe eq 'never' );
my $gpf = $defs{$d}{GPLOTFILE};
my $gpfEsc = $gpf;
$gpfEsc =~ s,\.,\\\\.,g;
my $link = "$FW_ME?cmd=style edit $gpf.gplot".
(configDBUsed() ? " configDB" : "").$FW_CSRF;
my $gp = "$FW_gplotdir/$gpf.gplot";
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $srcDesc) = SVG_readgplotfile($d, $gp, $pm);
my %conf = SVG_digestConf($cfg, $plot);
my $ret = "<br>";
my $pestyle = "";
if( $pe eq 'onClick' ) {
my $pgm = "Javascript:" .
"s.display = s.display=='none' ? 'block' : 'none';".
"s.display = s.display=='none' ? 'block' : 'none';";
$ret .= "<a id=\"pdisp\" style=\"cursor:pointer\" onClick=\"$pgm\">".
"Show Plot Editor</a>";
$pestyle = 'style="display:none"';
$ret.="<form $pestyle id='pedit' method='$FW_formmethod' autocomplete='off' ".
$ret .= FW_hidden("detail", $d); # go to detail after save
if(defined($FW_pos{zoom}) && defined($FW_pos{off})) { # for showData
$ret .= FW_hidden("pos", "zoom=$FW_pos{zoom};off=$FW_pos{off}");
$ret .= "<div class='makeTable wide'><span>Plot Editor</span>";
$ret .= "<table class=\"block wide plotEditor\">";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\">";
$ret .= "<td>Plot title</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("title", "", $conf{title}, 32)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\">";
$ret .= "<td>Y-Axis label</td>";
$conf{ylabel} =~ s/"//g if($conf{ylabel});
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("ylabel", "left", $conf{ylabel}, 16)."</td>";
$conf{y2label} =~ s/"//g if($conf{y2label});
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("y2label","right", $conf{y2label}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\">";
$ret .= "<td>Grid aligned</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_cb("gridy", "left", $conf{hasygrid})."</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_cb("gridy2","right",$conf{hasy2grid})."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\">";
$ret .= "<td>Range as [min:max]</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("yrange", "left", $conf{yrange}, 16);
$ret .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".
SVG_cb("yscale", "log", $conf{yscale})."</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("y2range", "right", $conf{y2range}, 16);
$ret .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".
SVG_cb("y2scale", "log", $conf{y2scale})."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
if( $conf{xrange} ) {
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td/><td>";
$ret .= SVG_txt("xrange", "x&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",$conf{xrange},16)."</td>";
$ret .= "<td/></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\">";
$ret .= "<td>Tics as (\"Txt\" val, ...)</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("ytics", "left", $conf{ytics}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "<td>".SVG_txt("y2tics","right", $conf{y2tics}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
if( $conf{xtics} ) {
$ret .= "<tr class=\"even\"><td/><td>";
$ret .= SVG_txt("xtics", "x&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $conf{xtics}, 16)."</td>";
$ret .= "<td/></tr>";
my ($desc, $cnt) = ("Spec", 0);
my (@srcHtml, @paramHtml, @exampleHtml, @revIdx);
my @srcNames = grep { $modules{$defs{$_}{TYPE}}{SVG_sampleDataFn} }
sort keys %defs;
foreach my $src (@{$srcDesc->{order}}) {
my $lmax = $srcDesc->{src}{$src}{idx}+1;
my $fn = $modules{$defs{$src}{TYPE}}{SVG_sampleDataFn};
my @argArr = split(" ", $srcDesc->{src}{$src}{arg});
if($fn) {
no strict "refs";
my ($ldesc, $paramHtml, $example) =
&{$fn}($src, \@argArr, $lmax,\%conf, $FW_wname);
use strict "refs";
$desc = $ldesc;
push @paramHtml, @{$paramHtml} if($paramHtml);
map { push @exampleHtml, $example } (0..$lmax-1);
} else {
push @paramHtml, map { SVG_txt("par_${_}_0","",$_,20) } @argArr;
map { push @exampleHtml, "" } (0..$lmax-1);
push @srcHtml,
map { FW_select(undef,"src_$_",\@srcNames,$src,"svgSrc");} (0..$lmax-1);
map { push @revIdx,$srcDesc->{rev}{$cnt}{$_}; } (0..$lmax-1);
# Last, empty line
push @revIdx,int(@revIdx);
push @srcHtml, FW_select(undef,"src_".int(@srcHtml),\@srcNames,"","svgSrc");
push @paramHtml, (@paramHtml==0 ?
SVG_txt("par_0_0", "", "parameter", 10) : $paramHtml[0]);
push @exampleHtml, "Set the label and 'Write .gplot file' first in order to ".
"get example data and correct parameter choice";
my @lineStyles;
AttrVal($FW_wname,"stylesheetPrefix",""), "svg_style.css")) {
map { push(@lineStyles,$1) if($_ =~ m/^\.SVGplot.(l[^{ ]*)/) } <FH>; # }
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>Diagram label, Source</td>";
$ret .= "<td>$desc</td>";
$ret .=" <td>Y-Axis,Plot-Type,Style,Width</td></tr>";
my ($r, $example, @output) = (0, "");
my $max = int(@srcHtml);
for($r=0; $r < $max; $r++) {
my $idx = $revIdx[$r];
$example .= "<div class='ex ex_$idx' style='display:".($idx?"none":"block").
my $o = "<tr row='$idx' class=\"".(($r&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td>";
$o .= SVG_txt("title_$idx", "", !$conf{lTitle}[$idx]&&$idx<($max-1) ?
"notitle" : $conf{lTitle}[$idx], 12);
my $sh = $srcHtml[$r]; $sh =~ s/src_\d+/src_$idx/g;
$o .= $sh;
$o .= "</td><td>";
my $ph = $paramHtml[$r]; $ph =~ s/par_\d+_/par_${idx}_/g;
$o .= $ph;
$o .= "</td><td>";
my $v = $conf{lAxis}[$idx];
my $sel = ($v && $v eq "x1y1") ? "left" : "right";
$o .= SVG_sel("axes_${idx}", "left,right,left log,right log", $sel );
$o .= SVG_sel("type_${idx}",
my $ls = $conf{lStyle}[$idx];
if($ls) {
$ls =~ s/class=.* //g;
$ls =~ s/"//g;
$o .= SVG_sel("style_$idx", join(",", @lineStyles), $ls);
my $lw = $conf{lWidth}[$idx];
if($lw) {
$lw =~ s/.*stroke-width://g;
$lw =~ s/"//g;
$o .= SVG_sel("width_$idx", "0.2,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,4,8,12,16,24",
($lw ? $lw:1));
$o .= "</td></tr>";
$output[$idx] = $o;
$ret .= join("", @output);
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($r++&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td colspan=\"3\">";
$ret .= "Example lines for input:<br>$example</td></tr>";
my %gpf;
map {
$gpf{$defs{$_}{GPLOTFILE}}{$_} = 1 if($defs{$_}{TYPE} eq "SVG");
} sort keys %defs;
if(int(keys %{$gpf{$defs{$d}{GPLOTFILE}}}) > 1) {
$ret .= "<tr class='".(($r++&1)?"odd":"even")."'><td colspan='3'>".
"The .gplot file ($defs{$d}{GPLOTFILE}) is used by multiple SVG ".
"devices (".join(",", sort keys %{$gpf{$defs{$d}{GPLOTFILE}}})."), ".
"writing probably will corrupt the other SVGs. ".
"Remedy: execute set $d copyGplotFile".
$ret .= "<tr class=\"".(($r++&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td colspan=\"3\">";
$ret .= FW_submit("submit", "Write .gplot file")."&nbsp;".
FW_submit("showFileLogData", "Show preprocessed input").
$ret .= "</table></div></form>";
my $sl = "$FW_ME/SVG_WriteGplot?detail=$d&showFileLogData=1";
if(defined($FW_pos{zoom}) && defined($FW_pos{off})) {
$sl .= "&pos=zoom=$FW_pos{zoom};off=$FW_pos{off}";
$ret .= <<'EOF';
<script type="text/javascript">
var sel = "table.plotEditor tr[row] ";
var row = $(this).closest("tr").attr("row");
$("table.plotEditor div.ex").css("display","none");
$("table.plotEditor div.ex_"+row).css("display","block");
$("table.plotEditor input[name=title_0]").focus();
$("table.plotEditor input[name=showFileLogData]").click(function(e){
$ret .=
"FW_cmd('$sl', function(arg){" .<<"EOF";
\$("table.internals div[informid=$gpfEsc-GPLOTFILE]")
.html("<a href='$link'>$gpf</a>");
}, 10);
return $ret;
# Generate the zoom and scroll images with links if appropriate
my ($cmd, $img, $alt) = @_;
my $prf;
$cmd =~ m/^(.*);([^;]*)$/;
if($2) {
($prf, $cmd) = ($1, $2);
$prf =~ s/&pos=.*//;
my ($d,$off) = split("=", $cmd, 2);
my $val = $FW_pos{$d};
$cmd = ($FW_detail ? "detail=".urlEncode($FW_detail):
($prf ? $prf : "room=".urlEncode($FW_room))) . "&pos=";
if($d eq "zoom") {
my $n = 0;
my @FW_zoom=("hour","qday","day","week","month","year","10years","20years");
my %FW_zoom = map { $_, $n++ } @FW_zoom;
$val = "day" if(!$val);
$val = $FW_zoom{$val};
return "" if(!defined($val) || $val+$off < 0 || $val+$off >= int(@FW_zoom));
$val = $FW_zoom[$val+$off];
return "" if(!$val);
# Approximation of the next offset.
my $w_off = $FW_pos{off};
$w_off = 0 if(!$w_off);
if ($val eq "hour") {
$w_off = $w_off*6;
} elsif($val eq "qday") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*4 : int($w_off/6);
} elsif($val eq "day") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*7 : int($w_off/4);
} elsif($val eq "week") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*4 : int($w_off/7);
} elsif($val eq "month") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*12: int($w_off/4);
} elsif($val eq "year") {
$w_off = int($w_off/12);
} elsif($val eq "10years") {
$w_off = int($w_off/120);
} elsif($val eq "20years") {
$w_off = int($w_off/240);
$cmd .= "zoom=$val;off=$w_off";
} else {
return "" if((!$val && $off > 0) || ($val && $val+$off > 0)); # no future
$off=($val ? $val+$off : $off);
my $zoom=$FW_pos{zoom};
$zoom = 0 if(!$zoom);
$cmd .= "zoom=$zoom;off=$off";
return "&nbsp;&nbsp;".FW_pHPlain("$cmd", FW_makeImage($img, $alt));
# Debugging: show the data received from GET
my $wl = $FW_webArgs{detail};
my $hash = $defs{$wl};
my ($d, $gplotfile, $file) = split(":", $hash->{DEF});
$gplotfile = "$FW_gplotdir/$gplotfile.gplot";
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $srcDesc) = SVG_readgplotfile($wl, $gplotfile, $pm);
if($err) {
return 1;
SVG_calcOffsets($d, $wl);
$FW_RET = SVG_getData($wl,$SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to}, $srcDesc,1);
$FW_RET =~ s/\n/<br>/gs;
return 1;
my ($arg) = @_;
return if($FW_hiddenroom{detail});
return SVG_showData() if($FW_webArgs{showFileLogData});
if(!defined($FW_webArgs{par_0_0})) {
$FW_RET .=
'<div id="errmsg">'.
"missing data in logfile: won't write incomplete .gplot definition".
return 0;
my $maxLines = 0;
foreach my $i (keys %FW_webArgs) {
next if($i !~ m/^title_(.*)$/);
$maxLines = $1 if($1 > $maxLines);
my @rows;
push @rows, "# Created by FHEM/98_SVG.pm, ".TimeNow();
push @rows, "set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop";
push @rows, "set output '<OUT>.png'";
push @rows, "set xdata time";
push @rows, "set timefmt \"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S\"";
push @rows, "set xlabel \" \"";
push @rows, "set title '$FW_webArgs{title}'";
push @rows, "set xtics ".$FW_webArgs{xtics} if($FW_webArgs{xtics});
push @rows, "set ytics ".$FW_webArgs{ytics};
push @rows, "set y2tics ".$FW_webArgs{y2tics};
push @rows, "set grid".($FW_webArgs{gridy} ? " ytics" :"").
($FW_webArgs{gridy2} ? " y2tics":"")."";
push @rows, "set ylabel \"$FW_webArgs{ylabel}\"";
push @rows, "set y2label \"$FW_webArgs{y2label}\"";
push @rows, "set xrange $FW_webArgs{xrange}" if($FW_webArgs{xrange});
push @rows, "set yrange $FW_webArgs{yrange}" if($FW_webArgs{yrange});
push @rows, "set y2range $FW_webArgs{y2range}" if($FW_webArgs{y2range});
push @rows, "set yscale log" if($FW_webArgs{yscale});
push @rows, "set y2scale log" if($FW_webArgs{y2scale});
push @rows, "";
my @plot;
for(my $i=0; $i <= $maxLines; $i++) {
next if(!$FW_webArgs{"title_$i"});
my $prf = "par_${i}_";
my @v = map {$FW_webArgs{"$prf$_"}}
grep {defined($FW_webArgs{"$prf$_"})} (0..9);
my $r = @v > 1 ?
join(":", map { $v[$_] =~ s/:/\\x3a/g if($_<$#v); $v[$_] } 0..$#v) :
my $src = $FW_webArgs{"src_$i"};
push @rows, "#$src $r";
push @plot, "\"<IN>\" using 1:2 axes ".
($FW_webArgs{"axes_$i"} eq "right" ? "x1y2" : "x1y1").
($FW_webArgs{"title_$i"} eq "notitle" ? " notitle" :
" title '".$FW_webArgs{"title_$i"} ."'").
" ls " .$FW_webArgs{"style_$i"} .
" lw " .$FW_webArgs{"width_$i"} .
" with " .$FW_webArgs{"type_$i"};
push @rows, "";
for(my $i=0; $i < @plot; $i++) {
my $r = $plot[$i];
$r = "plot $r" if($i == 0);
$r = " $r" if($i > 0);
$r = "$r,\\" if($i+1 < @plot);
push @rows, $r;
my $hash = $defs{$FW_webArgs{detail}};
my $err = FileWrite("$FW_gplotdir/$hash->{GPLOTFILE}.gplot", @rows);
$FW_RET .= "<div id='errmsg'>SVG_WriteGplot: $err</div>" if($err);
return 0;
# srcDesc:
# - {all} : space separated plot arguments, in the file order, without devname
# - {order}: unique name of the devs (FileLog,etc) in the .gplot order
# - {src}{X}: hash (X is an order element), consisting of
# {arg}: plot arguments for one dev, space separated
# {idx}: number of lines requested from the same source
# {num}: number of this src in the order array
# - {rev}{orderIdx}{localIdx} = N: reverse lookup of the plot argument index,
# using {src}{X}{num} as orderIdx and {src}{X}{idx} as localIdx
my ($wl, $gplot_pgm, $plotmode) = @_;
# Read in the template gnuplot file. Digest the #FileLog lines. Replace
# the plot directive with our own, as we offer a file for each line
my (%srcDesc, @data, $plot);
my ($err1, $err2, @svgplotfile);
return ("Nonexisting device $wl specified", @svgplotfile)
my $ld = $defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}
my $ldType = $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}}{TYPE}
if($ld && $defs{$ld});
if(!$ldType) {
$ldType = $defs{$wl}{TYPE};
$ld = $wl;
($err1, @svgplotfile) = FileRead($gplot_pgm);
($err2, @svgplotfile) = FileRead("$FW_gplotdir/template.gplot") if($err1);
return ($err1, undef) if($err2);
my ($plotfnCnt, $srcNum) = (0,0);
my @empty;
$srcDesc{all} = "";
$srcDesc{order} = \@empty;
my $specval = AttrVal($wl, "plotfunction", undef);
my $plotReplace = AttrVal($wl, "plotReplace", $FW_webArgs{plotReplace});
my $pr;
(undef, $pr) = parseParams($plotReplace,"\\s"," ") if($plotReplace);
my $prSubst = sub($)
return "%$_[0]%" if(!$pr);
my $v = $pr->{$_[0]};
return "%$_[0]%" if(!defined($v));
if($v =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
$cmdFromAnalyze = $v;
return eval $v;
} else {
return $v;
foreach my $l (@svgplotfile) {
$l = "$l\n" unless $l =~ m/\n$/;
map { $l =~ s/%($_)%/&$prSubst($1)/ge } keys %$pr if($plotReplace);
my ($src, $plotfn) = (undef, undef);
if($l =~ m/^#([^ ]*) (.*)$/) {
if($1 eq $ldType) {
$src = $ld; $plotfn = $2;
} elsif($1 && $defs{$1}) {
$src = $1; $plotfn = $2;
} elsif($l =~ "^plot" || $plot) {
$plot .= $l;
} else {
push(@data, $l);
if($plotfn) {
Log 3, "$wl: space is not allowed in >$ldType< definition: $plotfn"
if($plotfn =~ m/\s/);
if ($specval) {
my @spec = split(" ",$specval);
my $spec_count=1;
foreach (@spec) {
$plotfn =~ s/<SPEC$spec_count>/$_/g;
my $p = $srcDesc{src}{$src};
if(!$p) {
$p = { arg => $plotfn, idx=>0, num=>$srcNum++ };
$srcDesc{src}{$src} = $p;
push(@{$srcDesc{order}}, $src);
} else {
$p->{arg} .= " $plotfn";
$srcDesc{rev}{$p->{num}}{$p->{idx}} = $plotfnCnt++;
$srcDesc{all} .= " $plotfn";
return (undef, \@data, $plot, \%srcDesc);
my ($splitret, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile) = @_;
# interpret title and label as a perl command and make
# to all internal values e.g. $value.
my $ldt = $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}}{TYPE}
if($defs{$wl} && $defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE});
$ldt = "" if(!defined($ldt));
if($file eq "CURRENT" && $ldt eq "FileLog") {
$file = $defs{$defs{$wl}{LOGDEVICE}}{currentlogfile};
$file =~ s+.*/++;
my $fileesc = $file;
$fileesc =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # For Windows, by MarkusRR
my $title = AttrVal($wl, "title", "\"$fileesc\"");
$title = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "{ $title }");
my $label = AttrVal($wl, "label", undef);
my @g_label;
if ($label) {
@g_label = split("::",$label);
foreach (@g_label) {
$_ = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "{ $_ }");
my $gplot_script = join("", @{$cfg});
$gplot_script .= $plot if(!$splitret);
my $plotReplace = AttrVal($wl, "plotReplace", $FW_webArgs{plotReplace});
if($plotReplace) {
my ($list, $pr) = parseParams($plotReplace, "\\s"," ");
for my $k (keys %$pr) {
if($pr->{$k} =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
$cmdFromAnalyze = $pr->{$k};
$pr->{$k} = eval $cmdFromAnalyze;
$gplot_script =~ s/<$k>/$pr->{$k}/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<OUT>/$tmpfile/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<IN>/$file/g;
my $ps = SVG_getplotsize($wl);
$gplot_script =~ s/<SIZE>/$ps/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<TL>/$title/g;
my $g_count=1;
if ($label) {
foreach (@g_label) {
$gplot_script =~ s/<L$g_count>/$_/g;
$plot =~ s/<L$g_count>/$_/g;
$plot =~ s/\r//g; # For our windows friends...
$gplot_script =~ s/\r//g;
if($splitret == 1) {
my @ret = split("\n", $gplot_script);
return (\@ret, $plot);
} else {
return $gplot_script;
my $d=$_[3];
$d = 28 if($d==29 && $_[4]==1 && $_[5]%4);
$d = 30 if($d==31 && ($_[4] =~ /3|5|8|10/));
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d",
# Calculate either the number of scrollable SVGs (for $d = undef) or
# for the device the valid from and to dates for the given zoom and offset
my ($d,$wl) = @_;
my $pm = AttrVal($wl,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
my ($fr, $fo);
my $frx; #fixedrange with offset
if($defs{$wl}) {
$fr = AttrVal($wl, "fixedrange", undef);
if($fr) {
if($fr =~ "^(hour|qday|day|week|month|year)" ||
$fr =~ m/^\d+hour/ || #fixedrange with offset
$fr =~ m/^\d+day/ ||
$fr =~ m/^\d+year/ ) {
$frx=$fr; #fixedrange with offset
} else {
my @range = split(" ", $fr);
my @t = localtime;
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = ResolveDateWildcards($range[0], @t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = ResolveDateWildcards($range[1], @t);
$fo = AttrVal( $wl, "fixedoffset", undef);
my $off = 0;
$off += $FW_pos{off} if($FW_pos{off});
$off = $fo if(defined($fo) && $fo =~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/);
my $now;
my $st = AttrVal($wl, "startDate", undef);
if($st) {
$now = mktime(0,0,12,$3,$2-1,$1-1900,0,0,-1)
if($st =~ m/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/);
$now = time() if(!$now);
my $zoom = $FW_pos{zoom};
$zoom = "day" if(!$zoom);
$zoom = $fr if(defined($fr));
$zoom = $frx if ($frx); #fixedrange with offset
my @zrange = split(" ", $zoom); #fixedrange with offset
if(defined($zrange[1])) { $off += $zrange[1]; $zoom=$zrange[0]; } #fixedrange with offset
my $endPlotNow = (SVG_Attr($FW_wname, $wl, "endPlotNow", undef) && !$st);
if($zoom =~ m/^(\d+)?hour/) {
my $nHours = $1 ? ($1-1) : 0;
if($endPlotNow) {
my $t = int(($now + ($off-$nHours-1)*3600)/300.0)*300 + 300;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec(@l);
@l = localtime($t+$nHours*3600+3599);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(@l);
} else {
my $t = int($now/3600)*3600 + ($off-$nHours)*3600;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec(@l);
@l = localtime($t+($nHours+1)*3600-1);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(@l);
} elsif($zoom eq "qday") {
if($endPlotNow) {
my $t = int($now/300)*300+300 + ($off-1)*21600;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0,$l[1],$l[2],$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
@l = localtime($t+21600-1);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,$l[1],$l[2],$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
} else {
my $t = int($now/3600)*3600 + $off*21600;
my @l = localtime($t);
$l[2] = int($l[2]/6)*6;
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0,$l[2],$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
$l[2] += 5;
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,$l[2],$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
} elsif($zoom =~ m/^(\d+)?day/) {
my $nDays = $1 ? ($1-1) : 0;
if($endPlotNow) {
my $t = int($now/300)*300+300 + ($off-$nDays-1)*86400;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec(0,$l[1],$l[2],$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
@l = localtime($t+(1+$nDays)*86400-1);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,$l[1],$l[2],$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
} else {
my $t = $now + ($off-$nDays)*86400;
my @l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0, 0,$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
@l = localtime($t+$nDays*86400);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,23,$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
} elsif($zoom eq "week") {
my @l = localtime($now);
my $start = (SVG_Attr($FW_wname, $wl, "endPlotToday", undef) ?
6 : $l[6] - SVG_Attr($FW_wname, $wl, "plotWeekStartDay", 0));
$start += 7 if($start < 0);
my $t = $now - ($start*86400) + ($off*86400)*7;
@l = localtime($t);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0, 0,$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
@l = localtime($t+6*86400);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,23,$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
} elsif($zoom eq "month") {
my ($sd,$ed,$sm,$em,$sy,$ey);
my @l = localtime($now);
while($off < -12) { # Correct the year
$off += 12; $l[5]--;
$l[4] += $off;
$l[4] += 12, $l[5]-- if($l[4] < 0);
my @me = (31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); # 29 is fixed in SVG_tspec
if(SVG_Attr($FW_wname, $wl, "endPlotToday", undef)) {
$sy = $ey = $l[5];
$sm = $l[4]-1; $em = $l[4];
$sm += 12, $sy-- if($sm < 0);
$sd = $l[3]+1; $ed = $l[3];
$sd=1, $sm=$em, $sy=$ey if($sd > $me[$sm]);
} else {
$sy = $ey = $l[5];
$sm = $em = $l[4];
$sd = 1; $ed = $me[$l[4]];
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0, 0,$sd,$sm,$sy);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,23,$ed,$em,$ey);
} elsif($zoom =~ m/^(\d+)?year/) {
my $nyear = $1 ? ($1-1) : 0;
my @l = localtime($now);
$l[5] += ($off-1);
if ($st) { #
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,$l[5] ); #Jan01 00:00:00
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,23,31,11,$l[5]+$nyear);
} elsif(SVG_Attr($FW_wname, $wl, "endPlotToday", undef)) {
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0, 0,$l[3],$l[4],$l[5] - $nyear);
$l[5]++; # today, 23:59
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,23,$l[3],$l[4],$l[5]);
} elsif(SVG_Attr($FW_wname, $wl, "endPlotNow", undef)) {
#$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec(0, $l[0], @l);
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec($l[0], $l[1], $l[2],$l[3],$l[4],
$l[5] - $nyear);
#$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec(@l);
$l[5]++; # now
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(@l);
} else {
$SVG_devs{$d}{from} = SVG_tspec( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,$l[5]-$nyear);
$SVG_devs{$d}{to} = SVG_tspec(59,59,23,31,11,$l[5]); #Dec31 23:59:59
# Generate an image from the log via gnuplot or SVG
return SVG_doShowLog($FW_webArgs{dev},
my ($wl, $d, $type, $file, $noHeader) = @_;
my $pm = AttrVal($wl,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
$pm = "SVG" if(!defined($pm)); # if called from plotAsPng before FHEMWEB
my $gplot_pgm = "$FW_gplotdir/$type.gplot";
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $srcDesc) = SVG_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm, $pm);
if($err || !$defs{$d}) {
my $msg = ($err ? $err : "No Logdevice /$d/");
Log3 $FW_wname, 1, $msg;
if($pm && $pm =~ m/SVG/) { # FW_fatal for SVG:
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO "<svg $SVG_hdr>";
FW_pO "<text x='20' y='20'>$msg</text>";
FW_pO "</svg>";
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
} else {
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $msg);
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
$f = 0 if(!$f); # From the beginning of time...
$t = 9 if(!$t); # till the end
if($pm =~ m/gnuplot/) {
my $tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $errfile = "/tmp/gnuplot.err";
my $da = SVG_getData($wl, $f, $t, $srcDesc, 0); # substcfg needs it(!)
my $tmpstring = "";
open(FH, ">$tmpfile");
for(my $dIdx=0; $dIdx<@{$da}; $dIdx++) {
if (${$da->[$dIdx]}) {
$tmpstring = ${$da->[$dIdx]};
$tmpstring =~ s/#.*/\n/g;
} else {
$tmpstring = "$f 0\n\n";
print FH "$tmpstring";
# put in the filename of the temporary data file into the plot file string
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$tmpfile\" i " . $i++ . " using 1:2 "/gse;
$plot = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n\n$plot" if($SVG_devs{$d}{from});
my $gplot_script = SVG_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
$gplot_script =~ s/<TMPFILE>/$tmpfile/g;
my $ext;
if($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
$ext = "png";
else {
$gplot_script =~ s/set terminal png transparent/set terminal svg/;
$gplot_script =~ s/set terminal (.*) crop/set terminal $1/;
$gplot_script =~ s/set output (.*).png'/set output $1.svg'/;
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
$ext = "svg";
$gplot_script =~ s/ls \w+//g;
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script;
open(FH, "$tmpfile.$ext"); # read in the result and send it
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($pm eq "SVG") {
my ($f,$t)=($SVG_devs{$d}{from}, $SVG_devs{$d}{to});
$f = 0 if(!$f); # From the beginning of time...
$t = 9 if(!$t); # till the end
Log3 $FW_wname, 5, "plotcommand: get $d $file INT $f $t ".$srcDesc->{all};
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
(my $cachedate = TimeNow()) =~ s/ /_/g;
my $SVGcache = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "SVGcache", undef) && $t lt $cachedate);
my $cDir = "$FW_dir/SVGcache";
my $cFile = "$wl-$f-$t.svg";
$cFile =~ s/:/-/g; # For Windows / #11053
my $cPath = "$cDir/$cFile";
if($SVGcache && open(CFH, $cPath)) {
FW_pO join("", <CFH>);
} else {
my $da = SVG_getData($wl, $f, $t, $srcDesc, 0); # substcfg needs it(!)
($cfg, $plot) = SVG_substcfg(1, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, "<OuT>");
my $ret = SVG_render($wl, $f, $t, $cfg, $da,
$plot, $FW_wname, $FW_cssdir, $srcDesc, $noHeader);
$internal_data = "";
FW_pO $ret;
if($SVGcache) {
mkdir($cDir) if(! -d $cDir);
if(open(CFH, ">$cPath")) {
print CFH $ret;
return ($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET);
# Note: d is FileLog-Name if called from the FileLog details, else SVG-name
my ($d, $f,$t,$srcDesc,$showData) = @_;
my (@da, $ret, @vals);
my @keys = ("min","mindate","max","maxdate","currval","currdate",
foreach my $src (@{$srcDesc->{order}}) {
my $s = $srcDesc->{src}{$src};
my $fname = ($defs{$d}{LOGDEVICE} && $src eq $defs{$d}{LOGDEVICE}) ||
($defs{$src} && $defs{$src}{TYPE} eq "DbLog") ?
$defs{$d}{LOGFILE} : "CURRENT";
my $cmd = "get $src $fname INT $f $t ".$s->{arg};
FW_fC($cmd, 1);
if($showData) {
$ret .= "\n$cmd\n\n";
$ret .= $$internal_data if(ref $internal_data eq "SCALAR");
} else {
push(@da, $internal_data);
for(my $i = 0; $i<=$s->{idx}; $i++) {
my %h;
foreach my $k (@keys) {
$h{$k} = $data{$k.($i+1)};
push @vals, \%h;
# Reorder the $data{maxX} stuff
my ($min, $max) = (999999, -999999);
my $no = int(keys %{$srcDesc->{rev}});
for(my $oi = 0; $oi < $no; $oi++) {
my $nl = int(keys %{$srcDesc->{rev}{$oi}});
for(my $li = 0; $li < $nl; $li++) {
my $r = $srcDesc->{rev}{$oi}{$li}+1;
my $val = shift @vals;
foreach my $k (@keys) {
$min = $val->{$k} if($k eq "min" && defined($val->{$k}) &&
$val->{$k} =~ m/[-+]?\d*\.?\d+/ && $val->{$k} < $min);
$max = $val->{$k} if($k eq "max" && defined($val->{$k}) &&
$val->{$k} =~ m/[-+]?\d*\.?\d+/ && $val->{$k} > $max);
$data{"$k$r"} = $val->{$k};
$data{maxAll} = $max;
$data{minAll} = $min;
return $ret if($showData);
return \@da;
# Convert the configuration to a "readable" form -> array to hash
my ($confp,$plot) = @_;
my %conf;
map { chomp; my @a=split(" ",$_, 3);
if($a[0] && $a[0] eq "set") { $conf{lc($a[1])} = $a[2]; }
} @{$confp};
$conf{title} = "" if(!defined($conf{title}));
$conf{title} =~ s/'//g;
# Digest grid
my $t = ($conf{grid} ? $conf{grid} : "");
#$conf{hasxgrid} = ( $t =~ /.*xtics.*/ ? 1 : 0); # Unused
$conf{hasygrid} = ( $t =~ /.*ytics.*/ ? 1 : 0);
$conf{hasy2grid}= ( $t =~ /.*y2tics.*/ ? 1 : 0);
# Digest axes/title/etc from $plot (gnuplot) and draw the line-titles
my (@lAxis,@lTitle,@lType,@lStyle,@lWidth);
my ($i, $pTemp);
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ axes (\w+)/$lAxis[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0;
$pTemp =~ s/title( '([^']*)')?/$lTitle[$i++]=(defined($2)?$2:"")/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ with (\w+)/$lType[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ ls (\w+)/$lStyle[$i++]=$1/gse;
$pTemp = $plot; $i = 0; $pTemp =~ s/ lw ([\w.]+)/$lWidth[$i++]=$1/gse;
for my $i (0..int(@lType)-1) { # lAxis is optional
$lAxis[$i] = "x1y2" if(!$lAxis[$i]);
$lStyle[$i] = "class=\"SVGplot ".
(defined($lStyle[$i]) ? $lStyle[$i] : "l$i")."\"";
$lWidth[$i] = (defined($lWidth[$i]) ? "stroke-width:$lWidth[$i]" :"");
$conf{lAxis} = \@lAxis;
$conf{lTitle} = \@lTitle;
$conf{lType} = \@lType;
$conf{lStyle} = \@lStyle;
$conf{lWidth} = \@lWidth;
return %conf;
my ($dir, $prf, $fName) = @_;
my $baseStyle = $prf;
$baseStyle =~ s/(touchpad|smallscreen)//;
if(open(FH, "$dir/${baseStyle}$fName") || # Forum #32530
open(FH, "$dir/$fName")) {
return 1;
return 0;
my ($range,$min,$max) = @_;
my $dh = $max - $min;
my ($step, $mi, $ma) = (1, 1, 1);
my @limit = (0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50,
100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000,
200000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000);
for my $li (0..$#limit-1) {
my $l = $limit[$li];
next if($dh > $l*10);
$ma = $range ? $max : SVG_doround($max, $l, 1);
$mi = $range ? $min : SVG_doround($min, $l, 0);
if(($ma-$mi)/$l >= 7) { # If more then 7 steps, then choose next
$l = $limit[$li+1];
$ma = $range ? $max : SVG_doround($max, $l, 1);
$mi = $range ? $min : SVG_doround($min, $l, 0);
$step = $l;
if($step==0.001 && $max==$min) { # Don't want 0.001 range for nil
$step = 1;
$ma = $mi + $step;
return ($step, $mi, $ma);
my $name = shift; # e.g. wl_8
my $from = shift; # e.g. 2008-01-01
my $to = shift; # e.g. 2009-01-01
my $confp = shift; # lines from the .gplot file, w/o FileLog and plot
my $da = shift; # data pointer array
my $plot = shift; # Plot lines from the .gplot file
my $parent_name = shift; # e.g. FHEMWEB instance name
my $parent_dir = shift; # FW_dir
my $srcDesc = shift; # #FileLog lines, as array pointer
my $noHeader = shift;
my $SVG_ss = AttrVal($parent_name, "smallscreen", 0);
my ($nr_left_axis,$nr_right_axis,$use_left_axis,$use_right_axis) =
split(",", SVG_Attr($parent_name, $name,"nrAxis","1,1"));
$use_left_axis = $nr_left_axis if( !defined($use_left_axis) );
$use_right_axis = $nr_right_axis if( !defined($use_right_axis) );
my $th = 16; # "Font" height
my $axis_width = ($SVG_ss ? 2 : 3)*$th;
my ($x, $y) = ($axis_width*$nr_left_axis, 1.2*$th); # Rect offset
# Convert the configuration to a "readable" form -> array to hash
my %conf = SVG_digestConf($confp, $plot);
my $ps = "800,400";
$ps = $1 if($conf{terminal} =~ m/.*size[ ]*([^ ]*)/);
my ($ow,$oh) = split(",", $ps); # Original width
my $w = $ow-$nr_left_axis*$axis_width-$nr_right_axis*$axis_width;
my $h = $oh-2*$y; # Rect size
my @filter;
foreach my $src (keys %{$srcDesc->{src}}) {
my $f = CallFn($src, "SVG_regexpFn", $src, $srcDesc->{src}{$src}{arg});
push(@filter, $f) if($f);
my $filter = join("|", @filter);
$filter =~ s/"/./g;
$filter = AttrVal($parent_name, "longpollSVG", 0) ? "flog=\"$filter\"" : "";
my %dataIdx; # Build a reverse Index for the dataSource
# SVG Header
my $svghdr = "$SVG_hdr id='SVGPLOT_$name' $filter";
my $style = "style='width:${ow}px; height:${oh}px;'";
if(!$noHeader) {
SVG_pO '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
SVG_pO '<!DOCTYPE svg>';
SVG_pO "<svg $svghdr width='${ow}px' height='${oh}px' $style>";
} else {
SVG_pO "<svg $svghdr $style>";
my $prf = AttrVal($parent_name, "stylesheetPrefix", "");
SVG_pO "<style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[";
if(SVG_openFile($parent_dir, $prf, "svg_style.css")) {
SVG_pO join("", <FH>);
} else {
Log3 $name, 0, "Can't open $parent_dir/svg_style.css"
SVG_pO "]]></style>";
# gradient definitions
if(SVG_openFile($parent_dir, $prf, "svg_defs.svg")) {
SVG_pO join("", <FH>);
} else {
Log3 $name, 0, "Can't open $parent_dir/svg_defs.svg"
# Mask:
SVG_pO "<defs>".
"<mask id='mask_$name' maskUnits='userSpaceOnUse' ".
"x='0' y='0' width ='$ow' height ='$oh'>".
sprintf("<rect x='%d' y='%d' width='%d' height='%d' ",
$x-2, $y-1, $w+2, $h+1).
"style='stroke:none; fill:#ffffff'/>".
# Rectangle
SVG_pO "<rect x='$x' y='$y' width ='$w' height ='$h' rx='8' ry='8' ".
"fill='none' class='border'/>";
my ($off1,$off2) = ($x+$w/2, 3*$y/4);
my $title = ($conf{title} ? $conf{title} : " ");
$title =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$title =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
SVG_pO "<text id='svg_title' x='$off1' y='$off2' " .
"class='title' text-anchor='middle'>$title</text>";
# Left label = ylabel and right label = y2label
if(!$SVG_ss) {
for my $idx (1..$use_left_axis) {
my $name = "y".($idx)."label";
$name = "ylabel" if( $idx == 1 );
my $t = ($conf{$name} ? $conf{$name} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
($off1,$off2) = ($x-($idx)*$axis_width+3*$th/4, $oh/2);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
"class=\"ylabel\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>";
for my $idx ($use_left_axis+1..$use_left_axis+$use_right_axis) {
my $name = "y".($idx)."label";
$name = "ylabel" if( $idx == 1 );
my $t = ($conf{$name} ? $conf{$name} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
($off1,$off2) = ($x+$w+($idx-$use_left_axis)*$axis_width-$th/4, $oh/2);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
"class=\"y2label\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>";
($off1,$off2) = ($ow-$nr_right_axis*$axis_width-$th, $y+$th);
my ($xmin, $xmax, $xtics)= (99999999, -99999999, "");
if(defined($conf{xrange})) {
my $idx= 1;
while(defined($data{"xmin$idx"})) {
$xmin= $data{"xmin$idx"} if($data{"xmin$idx"}< $xmin);
$xmax= $data{"xmax$idx"} if($data{"xmax$idx"}> $xmax);
$conf{xrange} = AnalyzeCommand(undef, $1) if($conf{xrange} =~ /^(\{.*\})$/);
if($conf{xrange} =~ /\[(.*):(.*)\]/) {
$xmin = $1 if($1 ne "");
$xmax = $2 if($2 ne "");
my $xmul = ($xmax > $xmin) ? $w/($xmax-$xmin) : 0;
$xtics = defined($conf{xtics}) ? $conf{xtics} : "";
# Loop over the input, digest dates, calculate min/max values
my ($fromsec, $tosec);
$fromsec = SVG_time_to_sec($from) if($from ne "0"); # 0 is special
$tosec = SVG_time_to_sec($to) if($to ne "9"); # 9 is special
my $tmul=0;
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec) if($tosec && $fromsec && $tosec != $fromsec);
my ($min, $max, $idx) = (9e+30, -9e+30, 0);
my (%hmin, %hmax, @hdx, @hdy);
my ($dxp, $dyp) = (\(), \());
my ($d, $v, $ld, $lv) = ("","","","");
for(my $dIdx=0; $dIdx<@{$da}; $dIdx++) {
my $lIdx = 0;
$idx = $srcDesc->{rev}{$dIdx}{$lIdx};
my $dp = $da->[$dIdx];
next if(ref $dp ne "SCALAR"); # Avoid Crash, Forum #34523
my ($dpl,$dpoff,$l) = (length($$dp), 0, "");
while($dpoff < $dpl) { # using split instead is memory hog
my $ndpoff = index($$dp, "\n", $dpoff);
if($ndpoff == -1) {
$l = substr($$dp, $dpoff);
} else {
$l = substr($$dp, $dpoff, $ndpoff-$dpoff);
$dpoff = $ndpoff+1;
if($l =~ m/^#/) {
my $a = $conf{lAxis}[$idx];
if(defined($a)) {
$hmin{$a} = $min if(!defined($hmin{$a}) || $hmin{$a} > $min);
$hmax{$a} = $max if(!defined($hmax{$a}) || $hmax{$a} < $max);
($min, $max) = (9e+30, -9e+30);
$hdx[$idx] = $dxp; $hdy[$idx] = $dyp;
($dxp, $dyp) = (\(), \());
$idx = $srcDesc->{rev}{$dIdx}{$lIdx};
last if(!$idx);
} elsif( $l =~ /^;/ ) { #allow ;special lines
if( $l =~ m/^;p (\S+)\s(\S+)/ ) {# point
my $x1;
if( $conf{xrange} ) {
$x1 = int(($1-$xmin)*$xmul);
} else {
$x1 = $x1;
my $y1 = $2;
push @{$dxp}, $x1;
push @{$dyp}, $y1;
$min = $y1 if($min > $y1);
$max = $y1 if($max < $y1);
} elsif( $conf{lType}[$idx] eq "lines" ) {
push @{$dxp}, undef;
push @{$dyp}, $l;
} else {
($d, $v) = split(" ", $l);
$d = ($tmul ? int((SVG_time_to_sec($d)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $d);
$d = 0 if($tmul && $d < 0); # Forum #40358
if($ld ne $d || $lv ne $v) { # Saves a lot on year zoomlevel
$ld = $d; $lv = $v;
push @{$dxp}, $d;
push @{$dyp}, $v;
$min = $v if($min > $v);
$max = $v if($max < $v);
last if($ndpoff == -1);
$dxp = $hdx[0];
if(($dxp && int(@{$dxp}) < 2 && !$tosec) || # not enough data and no range...
(!$tmul && !$dxp)) {
SVG_pO "</svg>";
return $SVG_RET;
if(!$tmul) { # recompute the x data if no range sepcified
$fromsec = SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[0]) if(!$fromsec);
$tosec = SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[int(@{$dxp})-1]) if(!$tosec);
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec) if($tosec != $fromsec);
for my $i (0..@hdx-1) {
$dxp = $hdx[$i];
for my $i (0..@{$dxp}-1) {
$dxp->[$i] = int((SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[$i])-$fromsec)*$tmul);
# Compute & draw vertical tics, grid and labels
my $ddur = ($tosec-$fromsec)/86400;
my ($first_tag, $tag, $step, $tstep, $aligntext, $aligntics);
if($ddur <= 0.05) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 300; $tstep = 60;
} elsif($ddur <= 0.2) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 1200; $tstep = 300;
} elsif($ddur <= 0.5) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 3600; $tstep = 900;
} elsif($ddur <= 1.1) { # +0.1 -> DST
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 4*3600; $tstep = 3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 7.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 24*3600; $tstep = 6*3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 31.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 7*24*3600; $tstep = 24*3600;
$aligntext = 1;
} elsif ($ddur <= 732.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 1"; $step = 28*24*3600; $tstep = 28*24*3600;
$aligntext = 2; $aligntics = 2;
} else {
$step = (($ddur / 365.2425) / 20) * 365 * 86400;
if($step < 365 * 86400) {
$step = 365 * 86400;
$tstep = $step;
$first_tag=""; $tag=". 6";
$aligntext = 2; $aligntics = 2;
my $barwidth = $tstep;
# First the tics
$off2 = $y+4;
my ($off3, $off4) = ($y+$h-4, $y+$h);
my $initoffset = $tstep;
if( $conf{xrange} ) { # user defined range
if( !$xtics || $xtics ne "()" ) { # auto tics
my ($step,$mi,$ma) = SVG_getSteps( $conf{xrange}, $xmin, $xmax );
$step /= 5 if( $step > 50 );
$step /= 2 if( $step > 10 );
for(my $i = $mi; $i <= $ma; $i += $step) {
$off1 = int($x+($i-$xmin)*$xmul);
SVG_pO "<polyline class='SVGplot' points='$off1,$y $off1,$off2'/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline class='SVGplot' points='$off1,$off3 $off1,$off4'/>";
} else { # times
$initoffset = int(($tstep/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntics);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $tstep) {
$i = SVG_time_align($i,$aligntics);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
SVG_pO "<polyline class='SVGplot' points='$off1,$y $off1,$off2'/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline class='SVGplot' points='$off1,$off3 $off1,$off4'/>";
# then the text and the grid
$off1 = $x;
$off2 = $y+$h+$th;
$isDE = (AttrVal("global", "language","EN") eq "DE");
my $t = SVG_fmtTime($first_tag, $fromsec);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"0\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\">$t</text>"
$initoffset = $step;
if(SVG_Attr($parent_name,$name,"endPlotNow",undef) && $ddur>1.1 && $ddur<6.9){
my $now = time();
$initoffset -= ($now+fhemTzOffset($now))%86400; # Forum #25768
if( $conf{xrange} ) { # user defined range
if( $xtics ) { #user tics and grid
my $tic = $xtics;
$tic =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # Strip ()
foreach my $onetic (split(",", $tic)) {
$onetic =~ s/^ *(.*) *$/$1/;
my ($tlabel, $tvalue) = split(" ", $onetic);
$tlabel =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$tvalue = 0 if( !$tvalue );
$off1 = int($x+($tvalue-$xmin)*$xmul);
$t = $tvalue;
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\" " .
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>";
} else { # auto grid
my ($step,$mi,$ma) = SVG_getSteps( $conf{xrange}, $xmin, $xmax );
for(my $i = $mi; $i <= $ma; $i += $step) {
$off1 = int($x+($i-$xmin)*$xmul);
$t = $i;
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\" " .
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>"
if( $i != $mi && $i != $ma );
} else { # times
$initoffset = int(($step/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntext);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $step) {
$i = SVG_time_align($i,$aligntext);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
$t = SVG_fmtTime($tag, $i);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\" " .
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>";
# Left and right axis tics / text / grid
#-- just in case we have only one data line, but want to draw both axes
$hmin{x1y1}=$hmin{x1y2}, $hmax{x1y1}=$hmax{x1y2} if(!defined($hmin{x1y1}));
$hmin{x1y2}=$hmin{x1y1}, $hmax{x1y2}=$hmax{x1y1} if(!defined($hmin{x1y2}));
my (%hstep,%htics);
#-- yrange handling for axes x1y1..x1y8
for my $idx (0..7) {
my $a = "x1y".($idx+1);
next if( !defined($hmax{$a}) || !defined($hmin{$a}) );
my $yra="y".($idx+1)."range";
$yra="yrange" if ($yra eq "y1range");
#-- yrange is specified in plotfile
if($conf{$yra}) {
$conf{$yra} = AnalyzeCommand(undef, $1)
if($conf{$yra} =~ /^(\{.*\})$/);
if($conf{$yra} =~ /\[(.*):(.*)\]/) {
$hmin{$a} = $1 if($1 ne "");
$hmax{$a} = $2 if($2 ne "");
#-- tics handling
my $yt="y".($idx+1)."tics";
$yt="ytics" if ($yt eq"y1tics");
$htics{$a} = defined($conf{$yt}) ? $conf{$yt} : "";
#-- Round values, compute a nice step
my $scale = $conf{"y".($idx ? $idx+1:"")."scale"};
$scale = "" if(!defined($scale));
if($scale eq "log") {
$hmax{$a} = SVG_log10($hmax{$a});
$hmin{$a} = SVG_log10($hmin{$a});
($hstep{$a}, $hmin{$a}, $hmax{$a}) =
#Log3 $name, 2, "Axis $a has interval [$hmin{$a},$hmax{$a}],
# step $hstep{$a}, tics $htics{$a}\n";
#-- run through all axes for drawing (each only once !)
foreach my $a (sort keys %hmin) {
next if(!defined($hmin{$a})); # Bogus case
my $axis = 1;
$axis = $1 if( $a =~ m/x\d+y(\d+)/ );
my $scale = $conf{"y".($axis==1?"":$axis)."scale"};
$scale = "" if(!defined($scale));
#-- Draw the y-axis values and grid
my $dh = $hmax{$a} - $hmin{$a};
my $hmul = $dh>0 ? $h/$dh : $h;
# offsets
my ($align,$display,$cll);
if( $axis <= $use_left_axis ) {
$off1 = $x - ($axis-1)*$axis_width-4-$th*0.3;
$off3 = $x - ($axis-1)*$axis_width-4;
$off4 = $off3+5;
$align = " text-anchor=\"end\"";
$display = "";
$cll = "";
} elsif( $axis <= $use_left_axis+$use_right_axis ) {
$off1 = $x+4+$w+($axis-1-$use_left_axis)*$axis_width+$th*0.3;
$off3 = $x+4+$w+($axis-1-$use_left_axis)*$axis_width-5;
$off4 = $off3+5;
$align = "";
$display = "";
$cll = "";
} else {
$off1 = $x-$th*0.3+30;
$off3 = $x+30;
$off4 = $off3+5;
$align = " text-anchor=\"end\"";
$display = " display=\"none\" id=\"hline_$axis\"";
$cll = " class=\"SVGplot l$axis\"";
#-- grouping
SVG_pO "<g$display>";
my $yp = $y + $h;
#-- axis if not left or right axis
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$y $off3,$yp\" $cll/>"
if($a ne "x1y1" && $a ne "x1y2");
#-- tics handling
my $tic = $htics{$a};
#-- tics as in the config-file
if($tic) {
$tic =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # Strip ()
foreach my $onetic (split(",", $tic)) {
last if($onetic eq "nomirror");
$onetic =~ s/^ *(.*) *$/$1/;
my ($tlabel, $tvalue) = split(" ", $onetic);
$tlabel =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$tvalue = 0 if( !$tvalue );
$tlabel = $tvalue if( !$tlabel );
$tvalue = SVG_log10($tvalue) if($scale eq "log");
$off2 = int($y+($hmax{$a}-$tvalue)*$hmul);
#-- tics
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\" $cll/>";
my $off6 = $x+$w;
if( ($a eq "x1y1") && $conf{hasygrid} ) {
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($tvalue > $hmin{$a} && $tvalue < $hmax{$a});
}elsif( ($a eq "x1y2") && $conf{hasy2grid} ) {
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($tvalue > $hmin{$a} && $tvalue < $hmax{$a});
$off2 += $th/4;
#-- text
"<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$tlabel</text>";
#-- tics automatically
} elsif( $hstep{$a}>0 ) {
for(my $i = $hmin{$a}; $i <= $hmax{$a}; $i += $hstep{$a}) {
$off2 = int($y+($hmax{$a}-$i)*$hmul);
#-- tics
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\" $cll/>";
my $off6 = $x+$w;
if( ($a eq "x1y1") && $conf{hasygrid} ) {
my $off6 = $x+$w;
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($i > $hmin{$a} && $i < $hmax{$a});
}elsif( ($a eq "x1y2") && $conf{hasy2grid} ) {
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $off6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($i > $hmin{$a} && $i < $hmax{$a});
$off2 += $th/4;
#-- text
my $name = ($axis==1 ? "y":"y$axis")."sprintf"; # Forum #88460
my $txt = sprintf($conf{$name} ? $conf{$name} :
($scale eq "log" ? "%0.0e" : "%g"),
($scale eq "log" ? SVG_exp10($i) : $i));
"<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$txt</text>";
SVG_pO "</g>";
# Second loop over the data: draw the measured points
for(my $idx=$#hdx; $idx >= 0; $idx--) {
my $a = $conf{lAxis}[$idx];
SVG_pO "<!-- Warning: No axis for data item $idx defined -->"
next if(!defined($a));
my $axis = 1; $axis = $1 if( $a =~ m/x\d+y(\d+)/ );
my $scale = $conf{"y".($axis==1?"":$axis)."scale"};
$scale = "" if(!defined($scale));
$min = $hmin{$a};
$hmax{$a} += 1 if($min == $hmax{$a}); # Else division by 0 in the next line
my $hmul = $h/($hmax{$a}-$min);
my $hfill = $hmul*$hmax{$a}; # Fill only to the 0-line, #108858
my $ret = "";
my ($dxp, $dyp) = ($hdx[$idx], $hdy[$idx]);
SVG_pO "<!-- Warning: No data item $idx defined -->" if(!defined($dxp));
next if(!defined($dxp));
if($scale eq 'log') {
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dyp})-1) {
$dyp->[$i] = SVG_log10($dyp->[$i]);
my $yh = $y+$h;
#-- Title attributes
my $tl = $conf{lTitle}[$idx] ? $conf{lTitle}[$idx] : "";
#my $dec = int(log($hmul*3)/log(10)); # perl can be compiled without log() !
my $dec = length(sprintf("%d",$hmul*3))-1;
$dec = 0 if($dec < 0);
my $attributes = "id=\"line_$idx\" decimals=\"$dec\" ".
"style='mask:url(#mask_$name); $conf{lWidth}[$idx]' ".
"x_min=\"$x\" ".
($conf{xrange}?"x_off=\"$xmin\" ":"x_off=\"$fromsec\" ").
($conf{xrange}?"x_mul=\"$xmul\" ":"t_mul=\"$tmul\" ").
"y_h=\"$yh\" y_min=\"$min\" y_mul=\"$hmul\" title=\"$tl\" ".
"scale=\"$scale\" ".
my $lStyle = $conf{lStyle}[$idx];
my $isFill = ($conf{lStyle}[$idx] =~ m/fill/);
my $doClose = $isFill;
my ($lx, $ly) = (-1,-1);
my $lType = $conf{lType}[$idx];
if($lType eq "points" ) {
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = (int($x+$dxp->[$i]),
next if($x1 == $lx && $y1 == $ly);
$lx = $x1; $ly = $y1;
$ret = sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1-3,$y1, $x1,$y1-3, $x1+3,$y1, $x1,$y1+3, $x1-3,$y1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes $lStyle points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif($lType eq "steps" || $lType eq "fsteps" ) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x+$dxp->[0],$y+$hfill) if($isFill && @{$dxp});
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
my $nEl = int(@{$dxp})-1;
foreach my $i (1..$nEl) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
next if(int($x2) == $lx && int($y2) == $ly);
$lx = int($x2); $ly = int($y2);
if($i == $nEl) {
if($lType eq "steps") {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x2,$y1, $x2,$y2);
} else {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x1,$y2, $x2,$y2);
} else {
if($lType eq "steps") {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x2,$y1);
} else {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x1,$y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$hfill) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes $lStyle points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif($lType eq "histeps" ) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x+$dxp->[0],$y+$hfill) if($isFill && @{$dxp});
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
next if(int($x2) == $lx && int($y1) == $ly);
$lx = int($x2); $ly = int($y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y2, $x2,$y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$hfill) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes $lStyle points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif( $lType eq "bars" ) {
my $bw = $barwidth*$tmul;
# bars are all of equal width (see far above !),
# position rounded to integer multiples of bar width
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ( $x + $dxp->[$i] - $bw,
$y +$h-($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul);
my $curBw = $bw;
if($x1 < $x) {
$curBw -= $x - $x1;
$x1 = $x;
my ($x2, $y2) = ($curBw, ($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul);
SVG_pO "<rect $attributes $lStyle x=\"$x1\" y=\"$y1\" ".
"width=\"$x2\" height=\"$y2\"/>";
} elsif( $lType eq "ibars" ) { # Forum #35268
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
# interconnected bars (ibars):
# these bars will connect all datapoints. so the width of the bars
# might vary depending on the distance between data points
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my $x1 = $x + $dxp->[$i-1];
my $y1 = $y +$h-($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul;
my $x2 = $x + $dxp->[$i]; # used to calculate bar width later
my $height = ($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul;
my $bw = $x2 - $x1;
SVG_pO "<rect $attributes $lStyle x=\"$x1\" y=\"$y1\" ".
"width=\"$bw\" height=\"$height\"/>";
} elsif($lType =~ m/^horizontalLine(From|To)$/) {
$attributes =~ s/id=\"line_[^\"]+\"//; # no id for each line
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-2) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i+1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i+1]-$min)*$hmul);
$x2 += 0.2 if($x1 == $x2);
my $Y = ($lType eq "horizontalLineFrom" ? $y1 : $y2);
SVG_pO "<line $attributes $lStyle x1='$x1' y1='$Y' x2='$x2' y2='$Y'/>";
} else { # lines and everything else
my ($ymin, $ymax) = (99999999, -99999999);
my %lt =(cubic=>"C",quadratic=>"Q",quadraticSmooth=>"T");
my ($x1, $y1);
my $lt = ($lt{$lType} ? $lt{$lType} : "L"); # defaults to line
my $maxIdx = int(@{$dxp})-1;
foreach my $i (0..$maxIdx) {
if( !defined($dxp->[$i]) ) { # specials
if( $dyp->[$i] =~ m/^;$/ ) { # new line segment after newline
my @tvals = split("[ ,]", $ret);
if (@tvals > 2) {
if ($tvals[0] ne "M") { # just points, no M/L
$ret = sprintf("M %d,%d $lt $ret", $tvals[1],$tvals[2]);
SVG_pO "<path $attributes $lStyle d=\"$ret\"/>";
$ret = "";
} elsif( $dyp->[$i] =~ m/^;c (.*)/ ) {# close polyline ?
$doClose = $1;
} elsif( $dyp->[$i] =~ m/^;ls (\w+)?/ ) {# line style
if( $1 ) {
$lStyle = "class='SVGplot $1'";
} else {
$lStyle = $conf{lStyle}[$idx];
# marker with optional text
} elsif( $dyp->[$i] =~ m/^;m (\S+)\s(\S+)(\s(\S+)\s(.*))?/ ) {
if( defined($xmin) ) {
$x1 = int($x+($1-$xmin)*$xmul);
} else {
$x1 = ($tmul ? int((SVG_time_to_sec($1)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $x);
$y1 = int($y+$h-($2-$min)*$hmul);
my $ret = sprintf("%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1-3,$y1, $x1,$y1-3, $x1+3,$y1, $x1,$y1+3, $x1-3,$y1);
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes $lStyle points=\"$ret\"/>";
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$x1\" y=\"$y1\" $lStyle text-anchor=\"$4\">$5".
"</text>" if( $3 );
} elsif( $dyp->[$i] =~ m/^;t (\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(.*)/ ) {# text
if( defined($xmin) ) {
$x1 = int($x+($1-$xmin)*$xmul);
} else {
$x1 = ($tmul ? int((SVG_time_to_sec($1)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $x);
$y1 = int($y+$h-($2-$min)*$hmul);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$x1\" y=\"$y1\" $lStyle text-anchor=\"$3\">$4".
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "unknown special $dyp->[$i]"
($x1, $y1) = (int($x+$dxp->[$i]),
next if($x1 == $lx && $y1 == $ly);
# calc ymin/ymax for points with the same x coordinates
if($x1 == $lx && $i < $maxIdx) {
$ymin = $y1 if($y1 < $ymin);
$ymax = $y1 if($y1 > $ymax);
$ly = $y1;
if($i == 0) {
if($doClose) {
$ret .= sprintf("M %d,%d L %d,%d $lt", $x1,$y+$hfill, $x1,$y1);
} else {
$ret .= sprintf("M %d,%d $lt", $x1,$y1);
$lx = $x1; $ly = $y1;
# plot ymin/ymax range for points with the same x coordinates
if( $ymin != 99999999 ) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $ymin);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $ymax);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $ly);
($ymin, $ymax) = (99999999, -99999999);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x1, $y1) if ($lt ne "T");
$ret .= sprintf(" %.1f,%.1f", (($lx+$x1)/2.0), (($ly+$y1)/2.0))
if (($lt eq "T") && ($lx > -1));
$lx = $x1; $ly = $y1;
#-- calculate control points for interpolation
$ret = SVG_getControlPoints($ret) if (($lt eq "C") || ($lt eq "Q"));
#-- insert last point for filled line
$ret .= sprintf(" %.1f,%.1f", $x1, $y1) if(($lt eq "T") && defined($x1));
$ret .= sprintf(" L %d,%d Z", $x1,$y+$hfill) if($doClose && defined($x1));
if($ret =~ m/^ (\d+),(\d+)/) { # just points, no M/L
$ret = sprintf("M %d,%d $lt ", $1, $2).$ret;
$ret = "" if($maxIdx == 0);
SVG_pO "<path $attributes $lStyle d=\"$ret\"/>";
# Plot caption (title) at the end, should be draw on top of the lines
my $caption_pos = SVG_Attr($parent_name, $name, "captionPos", 'right');
my( $li,$ri ) = (0,0);
for my $i (0..int(@{$conf{lTitle}})-1) {
my $caption_anchor = "end";
if( $caption_pos eq 'auto' ) {
my $a = $conf{lAxis}[$i];
my $axis = 1; $axis = $1 if( $a && $a =~ m/x\d+y(\d+)/ );
if( $axis <= $use_left_axis ) {
$caption_anchor = "beginning";
} else {
$caption_anchor = "end";
} elsif( $caption_pos eq 'left' ) {
$caption_anchor = "beginning";
my $txtoff1 = $nr_left_axis*$axis_width + $w - $th/2;
$txtoff1 = $nr_left_axis*$axis_width+$th/2
if($caption_anchor eq 'beginning');
my $j = $i+1;
my $t = $conf{lTitle}[$i];
next if( !$t );
my $txtoff2;
if( $caption_anchor eq 'beginning' ) {
$txtoff2 = $y + 3 + $th/1.3 + $th * $li;
} else {
$txtoff2 = $y + 3 + $th/1.3 + $th * $ri;
my $desc = "";
if(defined($data{"min$j"}) && $data{"min$j"} ne "undef" &&
defined($data{"currval$j"}) && $data{"currval$j"} ne "undef") {
$desc = sprintf("%s: Min:%g Max:%g Last:%g",
$t, $data{"min$j"}, $data{"max$j"}, $data{"currval$j"});
my $style = $conf{lStyle}[$i];
$style =~ s/class="/class="legend /;
SVG_pO "<text line_id=\"line_$i\" x=\"$txtoff1\" y=\"$txtoff2\" ".
"text-anchor=\"$caption_anchor\" $style>$t<title>$desc</title></text>";
$txtoff2 += $th;
my $embed = SVG_embed();
if($embed != 2) {
my $fnName = $embed ? "parent.window.svg_init" : "svg_init";
SVG_pO "<script type='text/javascript'>if(typeof $fnName == 'function') ".
SVG_pO "</svg>";
return $SVG_RET;
# Derives control points for interpolation of bezier curves for SVG "path"
my ($ret) = @_;
my (@xa, @ya);
my (@vals) = split("[ ,]", $ret);
my (@xcp1, @xcp2, @ycp1, @ycp2);
my $header = "";
foreach my $i (0..int(@vals)-1) {
$header .= $vals[$i] . ($i == 1 ? "," : " ");
if ($vals[$i] eq "C" || $vals[$i] eq "Q") {
my $lt = $vals[$i];
my $ii = 0;
while (defined($vals[$i])) {
($xa[$ii], $ya[$ii]) = ($vals[$i], $vals[$i+1]);
$i += 2;
return(1) if (@xa < 2);
SVG_calcControlPoints(\@xcp1, \@xcp2, \@ycp1, \@ycp2, \@xa, \@ya);
$ret = $header;
foreach my $i (1..int(@xa)-1) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", $xcp1[$i-1], $ycp1[$i-1], $xcp2[$i-1], $ycp2[$i-1], $xa[$i], $ya[$i]) if ($lt eq "C");
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d,%d,%d", $xcp2[$i-1], $ycp2[$i-1], $xa[$i], $ya[$i]) if ($lt eq "Q");
# Calculate control points for interpolation of bezier curves for SVG "path"
my ($px1, $px2, $py1, $py2, $inputx, $inputy) = @_;
my $n = @{$inputx};
# Loop over all Points in Input arrays
for (my $i=0; $i<$n-1; $i++) {
my (@lxp, @lyp);
# Loop over 4 Points around actual Point to calculate
my $iloc = 0;
for (my $ii=$i-1; $ii<=$i+2; $ii++) {
my $icorr = $ii;
$icorr = 0 if ($icorr < 0);
$icorr = $n-1 if ($icorr > $n-1);
$lxp[$iloc] = $inputx->[$icorr];
$lyp[$iloc] = $inputy->[$icorr];
# Calulcation of first control Point using first 3 Points around actual
# Point
my $m1x = ($lxp[0]+$lxp[1])/2.0;
my $m1y = ($lyp[0]+$lyp[1])/2.0;
my $m2x = ($lxp[1]+$lxp[2])/2.0;
my $m2y = ($lyp[1]+$lyp[2])/2.0;
my $l1 = sqrt(($lxp[0]-$lxp[1])*($lxp[0]-$lxp[1]) +
my $l2 = sqrt(($lxp[1]-$lxp[2])*($lxp[1]-$lxp[2]) +
my $dxm = ($m1x - $m2x);
my $dym = ($m1y - $m2y);
my $k = 0;
$k = $l2/($l1+$l2) if (($l1+$l2) != 0);
my $tx = $lxp[1] - ($m2x + $dxm*$k);
my $ty = $lyp[1] - ($m2y + $dym*$k);
$px1->[$i] = $m2x + $tx;
$py1->[$i] = $m2y + $ty;
# Calulcation of second control Point using last 3 Points around actual
# Point
$m1x = ($lxp[1]+$lxp[2])/2.0;
$m1y = ($lyp[1]+$lyp[2])/2.0;
$m2x = ($lxp[2]+$lxp[3])/2.0;
$m2y = ($lyp[2]+$lyp[3])/2.0;
$l1 = sqrt(($lxp[1]-$lxp[2])*($lxp[1]-$lxp[2])+
$l2 = sqrt(($lxp[2]-$lxp[3])*($lxp[2]-$lxp[3])+
$dxm = ($m1x - $m2x);
$dym = ($m1y - $m2y);
$k = $l2/($l1+$l2) if (($l1+$l2) != 0);
$tx = $lxp[2] - ($m2x + $dxm*$k);
$ty = $lyp[2] - ($m2y + $dym*$k);
$px2->[$i] = $m1x + $tx;
$py2->[$i] = $m1y + $ty;
return (1);
my ($sepfmt, $sec) = @_;
my @tarr = split("[ :]+", localtime($sec));
my ($sep, $fmt) = split(" ", $sepfmt, 2);
my $ret = "";
$fmt = "" if(!defined($fmt));
for my $f (split(" ", $fmt)) {
$ret .= $sep if($ret);
$ret .= ($isDE && $f==1) ? $monthNamesDE{$tarr[$f]} : $tarr[$f];
return $ret;
my ($v,$align) = @_;
return $v if(!$align);
if($align == 1) { # Look for the beginning of the week
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[6] == 0);
$v += 86400;
if($align == 2) { # Look for the beginning of the month
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[3] == 1);
$v += 86400;
my ($v, $step, $isup) = @_;
$step = 1 if(!$step); # Avoid division by zero
my $d = $v/$step;
my $dr = int($d);
return $v if($d == $dr);
if($v >= 0) {
return int($v/$step)*$step+($isup ? $step : 0);
} else {
return int($v/$step)*$step+($isup ? 0 : -$step);
# print (append) to output
my $arg = shift;
return if(!defined($arg));
$SVG_RET .= $arg;
$SVG_RET .= "\n";
# this is a helper function which creates a PNG image from a given plot
my (@plotName) = @_;
my (@webs, $mimetype, $svgdata, $rsvg, $pngImg);
foreach(@webs) {
if(!InternalVal($_,'TEMPORARY',undef)) {
$FW_RET = undef;
$FW_webArgs{dev} = $plotName[0];
$FW_webArgs{logdev} = InternalVal($plotName[0], "LOGDEVICE", "");
$FW_webArgs{gplotfile} = InternalVal($plotName[0], "GPLOTFILE", "");
$FW_webArgs{logfile} = InternalVal($plotName[0], "LOGFILE", "CURRENT");
$FW_pos{zoom} = $plotName[1] if $plotName[1];
$FW_pos{off} = $plotName[2] if $plotName[2];
($mimetype, $svgdata) = SVG_showLog("unused");
my ($w, $h) = split(",", AttrVal($plotName[0],"plotsize","800,160"));
$svgdata =~ s/<\/svg>/<polyline opacity="0" points="0,0 $w,$h"\/><\/svg>/;
$svgdata =~ s/\.SVGplot\./\./g;
eval {
require Image::LibRSVG;
$rsvg = new Image::LibRSVG();
$pngImg = $rsvg->getImageBitmap();
Log3 $FW_wname, 1,
"plotAsPng(): Cannot create plot as png image for \"" .
join(" ", @plotName) . "\": $@"
if($@ or !defined($pngImg) or ($pngImg eq ""));
return $pngImg if $pngImg;
=item helper
=item summary draw an SVG-Plot based on FileLog or DbLog data
=item summary_DE malt ein SVG-Plot aus FileLog oder DbLog Daten
=begin html
<a name="SVG"></a>
<a name="SVGlinkdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SVG
This is the Plotting/Charting device of FHEMWEB
<code>define MyPlot SVG inlog:temp4hum4:CURRENT</code><br>
<li>Normally you won't define an SVG device manually, as
FHEMWEB makes it easy for you, just plot a logfile (see <a
href="#logtype">logtype</a>) and click on "Create SVG instance".
Specifying CURRENT as a logfilename will always access the current
logfile, even if its name changes regularly.</li>
<li>For historic reasons this module uses a Gnuplot file description
to store different attributes. Some special commands (beginning with
#FileLog or #DbLog) are used additionally, and not all gnuplot
attribtues are implemented.</li>
<a name="SVGset"></a>
Copy the currently specified gplot file to a new file, which is named
after the SVG device, existing files will be overwritten.
This operation is needed in order to use the plot editor (see below)
without affecting other SVG instances using the same gplot file.
Creating the SVG instance from the FileLog detail menu will also
create a unique gplot file, in this case this operation is not needed.
<a name="SVGget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SVGattr"></a>
<li><a href="#endPlotNow">endPlotNow</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#endPlotToday">endPlotToday</a></li><br>
<a name="captionLeft"></a>
Show the legend on the left side (deprecated, will be autoconverted to
<a name="captionPos"></a>
right - Show the legend on the right side (default)<br>
left - Show the legend on the left side<br>
auto - Show the legend labels on the left or on the right side depending
on the axis it belongs to<br>
<a name="fixedrange"></a>
<li>fixedrange [offset]<br>
Contains two time specs in the form YYYY-MM-DD separated by a space.
In plotmode gnuplot-scroll(-svg) or SVG the given time-range will be
used, and no scrolling for this SVG will be possible. Needed e.g. for
looking at last-years data without scrolling.<br><br> If the value is
one of hour, &lt;N&gt;hours, day, &lt;N&gt;days, week, month, year,
&lt;N&gt;years then set the zoom level for this SVG independently of
the user specified zoom-level. This is useful for pages with multiple
plots: one of the plots is best viewed in with the default (day) zoom,
the other one with a week zoom.
If given, the optional integer parameter offset refers to a different
period (e.g. last year: fixedrange year -1, 2 days ago: fixedrange day
<a name="fixedoffset"></a>
<li>fixedoffset &lt;nDays&gt;<br>
Set an fixed offset (in days) for the plot.
<a name="label"></a>
Double-Colon separated list of values. The values will be used to replace
&lt;L#&gt; type of strings in the .gplot file, with # beginning at 1
(&lt;L1&gt;, &lt;L2&gt;, etc.). Each value will be evaluated as a perl
expression, so you have access e.g. to the Value functions.<br><br>
If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll(-svg) or SVG, you can also use the min,
max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, firstval, firstdate, currval (last
value) and currdate (last date) values of the individual curves, by
accessing the corresponding values from the data hash, see the example
<li>Fixed text for the right and left axis:<br>
<li>Fhem config:<br>
attr wl_1 label "Temperature"::"Humidity"</li>
<li>.gplot file entry:<br>
set ylabel &lt;L1&gt;<br>
set y2label &lt;L2&gt;</li>
<li>Title with maximum and current values of the 1st curve (FileLog)
<li>Fhem config:<br>
attr wl_1 label "Max $data{max1}, Current $data{currval1}"</li>
<li>.gplot file entry:<br>
set title &lt;L1&gt;<br></li>
The value minAll and maxAll (representing the minimum/maximum over all
values) is also available from the data hash.
<br>Deprecated, see plotReplace.
<li><a href="#nrAxis">nrAxis</a></li><br>
<a name="plotfunction"></a>
Space value separated list of values. The value will be used to replace
&lt;SPEC#&gt; type of strings in the .gplot file, with # beginning at 1
(&lt;SPEC1&gt;, &lt;SPEC2&gt;, etc.) in the #FileLog or #DbLog directive.
With this attribute you can use the same .gplot file for multiple devices
with the same logdevice.
<li>#FileLog &lt;SPEC1&gt;<br>
with: attr &lt;SVGdevice&gt; plotfunction "4:IR\x3a:0:"<br>
instead of<br>
#FileLog 4:IR\x3a:0:
<li>#DbLog &lt;SPEC1&gt;<br>
with: attr &lt;SVGdevice&gt; plotfunction
"Garage_Raumtemp:temperature::"<br> instead of<br>
#DbLog Garage_Raumtemp:temperature::
Deprecated, see plotReplace.
<li><a href="#plotmode">plotmode</a></li><br>
<a name="plotReplace"></a>
space separated list of key=value pairs. value may contain spaces if
enclosed in "" or {}. value will be evaluated as a perl expression, if it
is enclosed in {}.
In the .gplot file &lt;key&gt; and %key% will be replaced with the
corresponding value. The evaluation of &lt;key&gt; takes place after the
input file is processed, so e.g. $data{min1} can be used in the title.
%key% will be repaced before the input file is processed, this expression
can be used to replace parameters for the input processing. </li><br>
<li><a href="#plotsize">plotsize</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#plotWeekStartDay">plotWeekStartDay</a></li><br>
<a name="startDate"></a>
Set the start date for the plot. Used for demo installations.
<a name="title"></a>
A special form of label (see above), which replaces the string &lt;TL&gt;
in the .gplot file. It defaults to the filename of the logfile.
<br>Deprecated, see plotReplace.
<a name="plotEditor"></a>
This editor is visible on the detail screen of the SVG instance.
Most features are obvious here, up to some exceptions:
<li>if you want to omit the title for a Diagram label, enter notitle in the
input field.</li>
<li>if you want to specify a fixed value (not taken from a column) if a
string found (e.g. 1 if the FS20 switch is on and 0 if it is off), then
you have to specify the Tics first, and write the .gplot file, before you
can select this value from the dropdown.<br>
Enter in the Tics field: ("On" 1, "Off" 0)<br>
Write .gplot file<br>
Select "1" from the column dropdown (note the double quote!) for the
regexp switch.on, and "0" for the regexp switch.off.<br>
Write .gplot file again<br>
<li>If the range is of the form {...}, then it will be evaluated with perl.
The result is a string, and must have the form [min:max]
The visibility of the ploteditor can be configured with the FHEMWEB attribute
<a href="#ploteditor">ploteditor</a>.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SVG"></a>
<a name="SVGlinkdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SVG &lt;logDevice&gt;:&lt;gplotfile&gt;:&lt;logfile&gt;</code>
Dies ist das Zeichenmodul von FHEMWEB, mit dem Vektorgrafiken (SVG) erzeugt
werden. <br><br>
<code>define MyPlot SVG inlog:temp4hum4:CURRENT</code><br>
<li>Normalerweise m&uuml;ssen SVG-Ger&auml;te nicht manuell erzeugt
werden, da FHEMWEB es f&uuml;r den Nutzer einfach macht: man muss in
die Detailansicht eines FileLogs wechseln und auf "Create SVG instance"
<li>CURRENT als &lt;logfile&gt; wird immer das aktuelle Logfile
benutzen, selbst dann, wenn der Name des Logfiles sich
regelm&auml;&szlig;ig &auml;ndert. </li>
<li>Aus historischen Gr&uuml;nden ben&ouml;tigt jede SVG-Instanz eine
sog. .gplot Datei, die auch als Input f&uuml;r das gnuplot Programm
verwendet werden kann. Einige besondere Zeilen (welche mit #FileLog
oder #DbLog beginnen) werden zus&auml;tzlich benutzt, diese werden von
gnuplot als Kommentar betrachtet. Auf der anderen Seite implementiert
dieses Modul nicht alle gnuplot-Attribute.</li>
<a name="SVGset"></a>
Kopiert die aktuell ausgew&auml;hlte .gplot Datei in eine neue Datei, die
den Namen der SVG Instanz tr&auml;gt; bereits bestehende Dateien mit
gleichem Namen werden &uuml;berschrieben. Diese Vorgehensweise ist
notwendig, wenn man den Ploteditor benutzt. Erzeugt man aus der
Detailansicht eines FileLogs die SVG Instanz, wird eine eindeutige
.gplot-Datei erzeugt. In diesem Fall ist dieser Befehl nicht
<a name="SVGget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="SVGattr"></a>
<a name="captionLeft"></a>
Anzeigen der Legende auf der linken Seite. &Uuml;berholt, wird
automatisch nach captionPos konvertiert.
<a name="captionPos"></a>
right - Anzeigen der Legende auf der rechten Seite (default)<br>
left - Anzeigen der Legende auf der linken Seite<br>
auto - Anzeigen der Labels der Legende auf der linken oder rechten Seite
je nach Achsenzugeh&ouml;rigkeit<br>
<li><a href="#endPlotNow">endPlotNow</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#endPlotToday">endPlotToday</a></li><br>
<a name="fixedoffset"></a>
<li>fixedoffset &lt;nTage&gt;<br>
Verschiebt den Plot-Offset um einen festen Wert (in Tagen).
<a name="fixedrange"></a>
<li>fixedrange [offset]<br>
Erste Alternative:<br>
Enth&auml;lt zwei Zeit-Spezifikationen in der Schreibweise YYYY-MM-DD,
getrennt durch ein Leerzeichen. scrollen der Zeitachse ist nicht
m&ouml;glich, es wird z.B. verwendet, um sich die Daten verschiedener
Jahre auf eine Seite anzusehen.<br><br>
Zweite Alternative:<br>
Wenn der Wert entweder hour, &lt;N&gt;hours, day, &lt;N&gt;days, week,
month, year oder &lt;N&gt;years lautet, kann der Zoom-Level f&uuml;r
dieses SVG unabh&auml;ngig vom User-spezifischen Zoom eingestellt werden.
Diese Einstellung ist n&uuml;tzlich f&uuml;r mehrere Plots auf einer
Seite: Eine Grafik ist mit dem Standard-Zoom am aussagekr&auml;ftigsten,
die anderen mit einem Zoom &uuml;ber eine Woche. Der optionale
ganzzahlige Parameter [offset] setzt ein anderes Zeitintervall (z.B.
letztes Jahr: <code>fixedrange year -1</code>, vorgestern: <code>
fixedrange day -2</code>).
<a name="label"></a>
Eine Liste, bei der die einzelnen Werte mit einem zweifachen Doppelpunkt
voneinander getrennt werden. Diese Liste wird verwendet um die &lt;L#&gt;
Zeichenfolgen in der .gplot-Datei zu ersetzen. Dabei steht das # f&uuml;r
eine laufende Ziffer beginnend mit 1 (&lt;L1&gt;, &lt;L2&gt;, usw.).
Jeder Wert wird als Perl-Ausdruck bewertet, deshalb hat man Zugriff z.B.
auf die hinterlegten Funktionen. <br><br>
Egal, ob es sich bei der Plotart um gnuplot-scroll(-svg) oder SVG
handelt, es k&ouml;nnen ebenfalls die Werte der individuellen Kurve
f&uuml;r min, max, mindate, maxdate, avg, cnt, sum, currval (letzter
Wert) und currdate (letztes Datum) durch Zugriff der entsprechenden Werte
&uuml;ber das data Hash verwendet werden. Siehe untenstehendes
<li>Beschriftunng der rechten und linken y-Achse:<br>
<li>Fhem config:<br>
<code>attr wl_1 label "Temperature"::"Humidity"</code></li>
<li>Eintrag in der .gplot-Datei:<br>
<code>set ylabel &lt;L1&gt;<br>
set y2label &lt;L2&gt;</code></li>
<li>&Uuml;berschrift aus Maximum und dem letzten Wert der ersten
<li>Fhem config:<br>
<code>attr wl_1 label "Max $data{max1}, Current
<li>Eintrag in der .gplot-Datei:<br>
<code>set title &lt;L1&gt;</code><br></li>
Die Werte minAll und maxAll (die das Minimum/Maximum aller Werte
repr&auml;sentieren) sind ebenfals im data hash vorhanden.
<br>&Uuml;berholt, wird durch das plotReplace Attribut abgel&ouml;st.
<li><a href="#nrAxis">nrAxis</a></li><br>
<a name="plotfunction"></a>
Eine Liste, deren Werte durch Leerzeichen voneinander getrennt sind.
Diese Liste wird verwendet um die &lt;SPEC#&gt; Zeichenfolgen in der
.gplot-Datei zu ersetzen. Dabei steht das # f&uuml;r eine laufende Ziffer
beginnend mit 1 (&lt;SPEC1&gt;, &lt;SPEC2&gt;, usw.) in der #FileLog oder
#DBLog Anweisung. Mit diesem Attrbute ist es m&ouml;glich eine
.gplot-Datei f&uuml;r mehrere Ger&auml;te mit einem einzigen logdevice zu
verwenden. <br><br>
<li>#FileLog &lt;SPEC1&gt;<br>
<code>attr &lt;SVGdevice&gt; plotfunction "4:IR\x3a:0:"</code><br>
anstelle von:<br>
<code>#FileLog 4:IR\x3a:0:</code>
<li>#DbLog &lt;SPEC1&gt;<br>
<code>attr &lt;SVGdevice&gt; plotfunction
anstelle von:<br>
<code>#DbLog Garage_Raumtemp:temperature::</code>
&Uuml;berholt, wird durch das plotReplace Attribut abgel&ouml;st.
<li><a href="#plotmode">plotmode</a></li><br>
<a name="plotReplace"></a>
Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von Name=Wert Paaren. Wert kann Leerzeichen
enthalten, falls es in "" oder {} eingeschlossen ist. Wert wird als
perl-Ausdruck ausgewertet, falls es in {} eingeschlossen ist.
In der .gplot Datei wird &lt;Name&gt; und %Name% durch den
zugeh&ouml;rigen Wert ersetzt, wobei &lt;Name&gt; nach der Extraktion der
Logdaten ersetzt wird, damit man auf Werte wie $data{min1} zugreifen
kann, und %Name% davor, damit man die Regeln in der .gplot Datei f&uuml;r
die Extraktion anpassen kann.</li><br>
<li><a href="#plotsize">plotsize</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#plotWeekStartDay">plotWeekStartDay</a></li><br>
<a name="startDate"></a>
Setzt das Startdatum f&uuml;r den Plot. Wird f&uuml;r Demo-Installationen
<a name="title"></a>
Eine besondere Form der &Uuml;berschrift (siehe oben), bei der die
Zeichenfolge &lt;TL&gt; in der .gplot-Datei ersetzt wird.
Standardm&auml;&szlig;ig wird als &lt;TL&gt; der Dateiname des Logfiles
<br>&Uuml;berholt, wird durch das plotReplace Attribut abgel&ouml;st.
<a name="plotEditor"></a>
Dieser Editor ist in der Detailansicht der SVG-Instanz zu sehen. Die
meisten Features sind hier einleuchtend und bekannt, es gibt aber auch
einige Ausnahmen:
<li>wenn f&uuml;r ein Diagramm die &Uuml;berschrift unterdr&uuml;ckt werden
soll, muss im Eingabefeld <code>notitle</code> eingetragen werden.
<li>wenn ein fester Wert (nicht aus einer Wertespalte) definiert werden
soll, f&uuml;r den Fall, das eine Zeichenfoge gefunden wurde (z.B. 1
f&uuml;r eine FS20 Schalter, der AN ist und 0 f&uuml;r den AUS-Zustand),
muss zuerst das Tics-Feld gef&uuml;llt, und die .gplot-Datei
gespeichert werden, bevor der Wert &uuml;ber die Dropdownliste erreichbar
Eingabe im Tics-Feld: ("On" 1, "Off" 0)<br>
.gplot-Datei speichern<br>
"1" als Regexp switch.on und "0" f&uuml;r den Regexp switch.off vom
Spalten-Dropdown ausw&auml;hlen (auf die G&auml;nsef&uuml;&szlig;chen
.gplot-Datei erneut speichern<br>
<li>Falls Range der Form {...} entspricht, dann wird sie als Perl -
Expression ausgewertet. Das Ergebnis muss in der Form [min:max] sein.
Die Sichtbarkeit des Plot-Editors kann mit dem FHEMWEB Attribut <a
href="#ploteditor">ploteditor</a> konfiguriert werden.
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