mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00

Fix ITv3 Dim0% userV1setCodes used for receive 14_CUL_TCM97001: Add new attribute max-diff-rain, with 0 (default) the query of the rain difference between 2 measured values is deactivated Correction of the calculation of windSpeed, windGuest and windDirection. New attribute windDirectionInverse if the anemometer was installed the wrong way round. New model "Auriol_IAN" (NC-3982, ADE WS 1503, Tchibo 65 722) added, New model "TCM218943" added - New attribute "negation-batt", so that battery reading can be inverted Some checksum routines optimized and Log outputs standardized and optimized. There is now an alternative device code (DEF) for the Prologue protocol in which the 2nd and 3rd hex digits are used as longID. For example, with s916001A0A000 (Prologue) the DEF CUL_TCM97001_9_22 and with s5DEA06615000 (NC_WS) the DEF CUL_TCM97001_5_222 model Auriol Z31743B added git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@20839 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
1908 lines
74 KiB
1908 lines
74 KiB
# InterTechno Switch Manager as FHM-Module
# (c) Olaf Droegehorn / DHS-Computertechnik GmbH
# (c) Björn Hempel
# Published under GNU GPL License
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use SetExtensions;
my %codes = (
"XMIToff" => "off",
"XMITon" => "on", # Set to previous dim value (before switching it off)
"00" => "dim00%", # alt off
"01" => "dim06%",
"02" => "dim12%",
"03" => "dim18%",
"04" => "dim25%",
"05" => "dim31%",
"06" => "dim37%",
"07" => "dim43%",
"08" => "dim50%",
"09" => "dim56%",
"0a" => "dim62%",
"0b" => "dim68%",
"0c" => "dim75%",
"0d" => "dim81%",
"0e" => "dim87%",
"0f" => "dim93%",
"10" => "dim100%",
"XMITdimup" => "dimup",
"XMITdimdown" => "dimdown",
"99" => "on-till",
my %codes_he800 = (
"XMIToff" => "off",
"XMITon" => "on", # Set to previous dim value (before switching it off)
"00" => "off",
#"01" => "last-dim-on",
"02" => "dim12%",
"03" => "dim25%",
"04" => "dim37%",
"05" => "dim50%",
"06" => "dim62%",
"07" => "dim75%",
"08" => "dim87%",
"09" => "dim100%",
"XMITdimup" => "dimup",
"XMITdimdown" => "dimdown",
"99" => "on-till",
my %it_c2b;
my %it_c2b_he800;
my $it_defrepetition = 6; ## Default number of InterTechno Repetitions
my %models = (
itremote => 'sender',
itswitch => 'simple',
itdimmer => 'dimmer',
ev1527 => 'ev1527',
itswitch_CHN => 'itswitch_CHN',
my %bintotristate=(
"00" => "0",
"01" => "F",
"10" => "D",
"11" => "1"
my %bintotristateV3=(
"10" => "1",
"01" => "0",
"00" => "D",
"11" => "2"
my %bintotristateHE=(
"10" => "1",
"01" => "0",
"11" => "2",
"00" => "D"
my %ev_action = (
"on" => "0011",
"off" => "0000"
sub bin2dec {
unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));
sub bin2dec64 {
unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 64 . shift, -64)));
my ($hash) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %codes) {
$it_c2b{$codes{$k}} = $k;
foreach my $k (keys %codes_he800) {
$it_c2b_he800{$codes_he800{$k}} = $k;
$hash->{Match} = "^i......";
$hash->{SetFn} = "IT_Set";
#$hash->{StateFn} = "IT_SetState";
$hash->{DefFn} = "IT_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "IT_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "IT_Parse";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "IT_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ITfrequency ITrepetition ITclock switch_rfmode:1,0 do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 protocol:V1,V3,HE_EU,SBC_FreeTec,HE800 SIGNALduinoProtocolId userV1setCodes unit group dummy:1,0 " .
"$readingFnAttributes " .
"model:".join(",", sort keys %models);
{ "IT.*" => { GPLOT => "", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:30"} };
my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_;
return undef;
$val = $1 if($val =~ m/^(.*) \d+$/);
return "Undefined value $val" if(!defined($it_c2b{$val}));
my ($hash, $name, @a) = @_;
return "Timespec (HH:MM[:SS]) needed for the on-till command" if(@a != 3);
my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($a[2]);
return $err if($err);
my @lt = localtime;
my $hms_till = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr, $min, $sec);
my $hms_now = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $lt[2], $lt[1], $lt[0]);
if($hms_now ge $hms_till) {
Log 4, "on-till: won't switch as now ($hms_now) is later than $hms_till";
return "";
my @b = ("on");
IT_Set($hash, $name, @b);
my $tname = $hash->{NAME} . "_till";
CommandDelete(undef, $tname) if($defs{$tname});
CommandDefine(undef, "$tname at $hms_till set $name off");
my ($hash, $name, @a) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my $na = int(@a);
my $message;
return "no set value specified" if($na < 1);
# return, if this is a dummy device
return "Dummydevice $hash->{NAME}: will not set data" if(IsDummy($hash->{NAME}));
my $list = "";
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") ne "itremote" && AttrVal($name, "model", "") ne "itswitch_CHN") {
$list .= "off:noArg on:noArg ";
if ($hash->{userV1setCodes} && ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "EV1527" || $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V1")) {
foreach my $setCode (keys %{$hash->{userV1setCodes}}) {
$list .= "$setCode:noArg ";
my $c = $it_c2b{$a[0]};
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V3") {
if($na > 1 && $a[0] eq "dim") {
$a[0] = ($a[1] eq "0" ? "off" : sprintf("dim%02d%%",$a[1]) );
splice @a, 1, 1;
$na = int(@a);
} elsif ($na == 2 && ($a[0] =~ /dim/)) {
return "Bad time spec" if($na == 2 && $a[1] !~ m/^\d*\.?\d+$/);
my $val;
#$a[0] = ($a[1] eq "0" ? "off" : sprintf("dim%02d%%",$a[1]) );
#splice @a, 1, 1;
#$na = int(@a);
if($na == 2) { # Timed command.
$c = sprintf("%02X", (hex($c) | 0x20)); # Set the extension bit
# Calculating the time.
LOOP: for(my $i = 0; $i <= 12; $i++) {
for(my $j = 0; $j <= 15; $j++) {
$val = (2**$i)*$j*0.25;
if($val >= $a[1]) {
if($val != $a[1]) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: changing timeout to $val from $a[1]";
$c .= sprintf("%x%x", $i, $j);
last LOOP;
Log3 $hash ,2, "$name: NOT Implemented now!";
return "Specified timeout too large, max is 15360" if(length($c) == 2);
$list = (join(" ", sort keys %it_c2b) . " dim:slider,0,6.25,100")
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" );
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") {
$c = $it_c2b_he800{$a[0]};
if($na > 1 && $a[0] eq "dim") {
$a[0] = ($a[1] eq "0" ? "off" : sprintf("dim%02d%%",$a[1]) );
splice @a, 1, 1;
$na = int(@a);
$list = (join(" ", sort keys %it_c2b_he800) . " dim:slider,0,12.5,100")
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" );
} else {
$list .= "dimup:noArg dimdown:noArg on-till" if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" );
#if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") {
# $list .= " learn_on_codes:noArg learn_off_codes:noArg";
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, @a) if( $a[0] eq "?" );
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, @a) if( !grep( $_ =~ /^\Q$a[0]\E($|:)/, split( ' ', $list ) ) );
return IT_Do_On_Till($hash, $name, @a) if($a[0] eq "on-till");
return "Bad time spec" if($na == 2 && $a[1] !~ m/^\d*\.?\d+$/);
my $io = $hash->{IODev};
my $v = $name ." ". join(" ", @a);
## Log that we are going to switch InterTechno
Log3 $hash, 3, "$io->{NAME} IT_set: $v";
my (undef, $cmd) = split(" ", $v, 2); # Not interested in the name...
# Look for all devices with the same code, and set state, timestamp
my $code;
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "EV1527") { # beim EV1527 darf der code nicht aus dem $hash->{XMIT} geholt werden
$code = "$hash->{CODE}{1}";
} else {
$code = "$hash->{XMIT}";
foreach my $n (keys %{ $modules{IT}{defptr}{$code} }) {
my $lh = $modules{IT}{defptr}{$code}{$n};
#$lh->{STATE} = $cmd;
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") {
my $count = $hash->{"count"};
$count = $count + 1;
if ($count > 3) {
$count = 0;
$hash->{"count"} = $count;
# }
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V3" || $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
if ($cmd eq "on") {
my $lastDimVal = $hash->{READINGS}{lastDimValue}{VAL};
if ($lastDimVal ne "") {
#$cmd = $lastDimVal;
#readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", $lastDimVal,1);
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "dim", substr($lastDimVal, 3, -1),1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "dim", "100",1);
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", "on",1);
} elsif ($cmd eq "off") {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "dim", "0",1);
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", "off",1);
} else {
if ($cmd eq "dim100%") {
$lh->{STATE} = "on";
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", "on",1);
} elsif ($cmd eq "dim00%") {
$lh->{STATE} = "off";
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "lastDimValue", "",1);
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", "off",1);
#} elsif ($cmd eq "last-dim-on") {
# $cmd = AttrVal($name, "lastDimValue", "");
# readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", $cmd,1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", $cmd,1);
if ($cmd eq "dimup") {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "lastDimValue", "dim100%",1);
} elsif ($cmd eq "dimdown") {
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "lastDimValue", "dim12%",1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "lastDimValue", "dim06%",1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "lastDimValue", $cmd,1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", $cmd,1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($lh, "state", $cmd,1);
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$io->{NAME} IT_set: Type=" . $io->{TYPE} . ' Protocol=' . $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL};
if ($io->{TYPE} ne "SIGNALduino") {
# das IODev ist kein SIGNALduino
## Do we need to change RFMode to SlowRF??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"switch_rfmode"})) {
if ($attr{$name}{"switch_rfmode"} eq "1") { # do we need to change RFMode of IODev
my $ret = CallFn($io->{NAME}, "AttrFn", "set", ($io->{NAME}, "rfmode", "SlowRF"));
## Do we need to change ITClock ?? }
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"ITclock"})) {
#$message = "isc".$attr{$name}{"ITclock"};
#CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", $message));
$message = $attr{$name}{"ITclock"};
CallFn($io->{NAME}, "SetFn", $io, ($hash->{NAME}, "ITClock", $message));
Log3 $hash, 3, "IT set ITclock: $message for $io->{NAME}";
## Do we need to change ITrepetition ??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"ITrepetition"})) {
$message = "isr".$attr{$name}{"ITrepetition"};
CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", $message));
Log3 $hash,4, "IT set ITrepetition: $message for $io->{NAME}";
## Do we need to change ITfrequency ??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"ITfrequency"})) {
my $f = $attr{$name}{"ITfrequency"}/26*65536;
my $f2 = sprintf("%02x", $f / 65536);
my $f1 = sprintf("%02x", int($f % 65536) / 256);
my $f0 = sprintf("%02x", $f % 256);
my $arg = sprintf("%.3f", (hex($f2)*65536+hex($f1)*256+hex($f0))/65536*26);
Log3 $hash, 3, "Setting ITfrequency (0D,0E,0F) to $f2 $f1 $f0 = $arg MHz";
CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", "if$f2$f1$f0"));
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V3") {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
my @itvalues = split(' ', $v);
if ($itvalues[1] eq "dimup") {
$a[0] = "dim100%";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $itvalues[1],1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dim", 100, 1);
$message = "is".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-5).$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL}."D".$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL}."1111");
} elsif ($itvalues[1] eq "dimdown") {
$a[0] = "dim06%";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $itvalues[1],1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dim", 6, 1);
$message = "is".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-5).$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL}."D".$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL}."0000");
} elsif ($itvalues[1] =~ /dim/) {
my $dperc = substr($itvalues[1], 3, -1);
my $dec = (15*$dperc)/100;
my $bin = sprintf ("%b",$dec);
while (length($bin) < 4) {
# suffix 0
$bin = '0'.$bin;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dim", $dperc, 1);
if ($dperc == 0) {
$message = "is".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-5).$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL}."0".$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL});
} else {
$message = "is".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-5).$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL}."D".$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL}.$bin);
} else {
my $stateVal;
if ($a[0] eq "off") {
$stateVal = "0";
} else {
$stateVal = $hash->{$c};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastDimValue", "",1);
$message = "is".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-5).$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL}.$stateVal.$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL});
} else {
$message = "is".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-5).$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL}.$hash->{$c}.$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL});
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE_EU") {
my $masterVal = "11";
if ($hash->{READINGS}{mode}{VAL} eq "master") {
if ($hash->{$c} eq "01") {
$masterVal = "01";
$message = "ise".uc(substr($hash->{XMIT},0,length($hash->{XMIT})-7).$hash->{$c}.$masterVal.$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL});
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") {
my $cVal;
my $mode;
my @mn;
my $msg;
my %he800MapingTable = (
12 => 2,
25 => 3,
37 => 4,
50 => 5,
62 => 6,
75 => 7,
87 => 8,
100 => 9,
(undef, $cVal) = split(" ", $v, 2); # Not interested in the name...
my @key = (9, 6, 3, 8, 10, 0, 2, 12, 4, 14, 7, 5, 1, 15, 11, 13, 9); # cryptokey
my $rollingCode = $hash->{"count"};
if ($rollingCode > 3) {
$rollingCode = 0;
my $oldMode = 0;
if ($cVal eq "on") {
my $sendVal = $hash->{READINGS}{"on_" . $rollingCode}{VAL};
if (defined $sendVal && $sendVal ne "" && $sendVal ne "0") {
$message = "ish".uc($sendVal);
$oldMode = 1;
Log3 $hash,4, "Use old Mode sendVal $sendVal ";
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastDimValue", "",1);
$mode = 1;
} elsif ($cVal eq "off") {
my $sendVal = $hash->{READINGS}{"off_" . $rollingCode}{VAL};
if (defined $sendVal && $sendVal ne "" && $sendVal ne "0") {
$message = "ish".uc($sendVal);
$oldMode = 1;
Log3 $hash,4, "Use old Mode sendVal $sendVal ";
} else {
$mode = 0;
} else {
Log3 $hash,5, "mode is DIM MODE: $v Model: " . AttrVal($name, "model", "");
# DIM Mode
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
my @itvalues = split(' ', $v);
if ($itvalues[1] eq "dimup") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $itvalues[1],1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dim", 100, 1);
$mode = 9;
} elsif ($itvalues[1] eq "dimdown") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $itvalues[1],1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dim", 12, 1);
$mode = 2;
} else {
if ($itvalues[1] =~ /dim/) {
my $dperc = substr($itvalues[1], 3, -1);
#my $dperc = $itvalues[2];
my $dec = $he800MapingTable{$dperc};
my $bin = sprintf ("%b",$dec);
while (length($bin) < 4) {
# suffix 0
$bin = '0'.$bin;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dim", $dperc, 1);
if ($dperc == 0) {
$mode = 0;
} else {
$mode = $dec;
if ($oldMode == 0) {
Log3 $hash,5, "mode is $mode";
my @XMIT_split = split(/_/,$hash->{XMIT});
my $receiverID = $XMIT_split[1];
my $transmitterID = $XMIT_split[0];
$mn[0] = $XMIT_split[1]; # mn[0] = iiiib i=receiver-ID
$mn[1] = ($rollingCode << 2) & 15; # 2 lowest bits of rolling-code
if ($mode > 0) { # ON or OFF
$mn[1] |= 2; # mn[1] = rrs0b r=rolling-code, s=ON/OFF, 0=const 0?
$mn[2] = $transmitterID & 15; # mn[2..5] = ttttb t=txID in nibbles -> 4x ttttb
$mn[3] = ($transmitterID >> 4) & 15;
$mn[4] = ($transmitterID >> 8) & 15;
$mn[5] = ($transmitterID >> 12) & 15;
if ($mode >= 2 && $mode <= 9) { # mn[6] = dpppb d = dim ON/OFF, p=%dim/10 - 1
$mn[6] = $mode - 2; # dim: 0=10%..7=80%
$mn[6] |= 8; # dim: ON
} else {
$mn[6] = 0; # dim: OFF
#XOR encryption 2 rounds
for (my $r=0; $r<=1; $r++){ # 2 encryption rounds
$mn[0] = $key[ $mn[0]-$r+1]; # encrypt first nibble
my $i = 0;
for ($i=1; $i<=5 ; $i++){ # encrypt 4 nibbles
$mn[$i] = $key[($mn[$i] ^ $mn[$i-1])-$r+1]; # crypted with predecessor & key
$mn[6] = $mn[6] ^ 9; # no encryption
$msg = ($mn[6] << 0x18) | ($mn[5] << 0x14) | # copy the encrypted nibbles in output buffer
($mn[4] << 0x10) | ($mn[3] << 0x0c) |
($mn[2] << 0x08) | ($mn[1] << 0x04) | $mn[0];
$msg = ($msg >> 2) | (($msg & 3) << 0x1a); # shift 2 bits right & copy lowest 2 bits of cbuf[0] in msg bit 27/28
$msg = ~$msg & 0xFFFFFFF;
my $bin1=sprintf("%024b",$msg);
while (length($bin1) < 28) {
# suffix 0
$bin1 = '0'.$bin1;
my $bin = $bin1;# . $bin3;
Log3 $hash,4, "msg $msg - bin1 $bin1";
$message = "ish".uc($bin);
} else {
my $onoffcode;
if (defined($c)) {
$onoffcode = $hash->{$c};
} else {
if ($hash->{userV1setCodes}) {
$onoffcode = $hash->{userV1setCodes}{$a[0]};
if (length($onoffcode) == 4 && $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne 'SBC_FreeTec') { # EV1527
$onoffcode = $bintotristate{substr($onoffcode,0,2)} . $bintotristate{substr($onoffcode,2,2)};
$message = "is".uc($hash->{XMIT}.$onoffcode);
if ($io->{TYPE} ne "SIGNALduino") {
# das IODev ist kein SIGNALduino
## Send Message to IODev and wait for correct answer
my $msg = CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", $message));
Log3 $hash,5,"IT_Set: GetFn(raw): message = $message Antwort = $msg";
if ($msg =~ m/raw => $message/) {
Log 4, "ITSet: Answer from $io->{NAME}: $msg";
} else {
Log 2, "IT IODev device didn't answer is command correctly: $msg";
## Do we need to change ITrepetition back??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"ITrepetition"})) {
$message = "isr".$it_defrepetition;
CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", $message));
Log3 $hash, 3, "IT set ITrepetition back: $message for $io->{NAME}";
## Do we need to change ITfrequency back??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"ITfrequency"})) {
Log3 $hash,4 ,"Setting ITfrequency back to 433.92 MHz";
CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", "if0"));
## Do we need to change ITClock back??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"ITclock"}))
Log3 $hash, 3, "Setting ITClock back to 420";
#CallFn($io->{NAME}, "GetFn", $io, (" ", "raw", "sic250"));
CallFn($io->{NAME}, "SetFn", $io, ($hash->{NAME}, "ITClock", "420"));
## Do we need to change RFMode back to HomeMatic??
if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"switch_rfmode"})) {
if ($attr{$name}{"switch_rfmode"} eq "1") { # do we need to change RFMode of IODev
my $ret = CallFn($io->{NAME}, "AttrFn", "set", ($io->{NAME}, "rfmode", "HomeMatic"));
} else { # SIGNALduino
my $SignalRepeats = AttrVal($name,'ITrepetition', '6');
my $ITClock = AttrVal($name,'ITclock', undef);
my $f = AttrVal($name,'ITfrequency',undef);
my $ITfrequency = '';
my $protocolId;
if (defined($f)) {
$f = $f / 26 * 65536;
my $f2 = sprintf("%02x", $f / 65536);
my $f1 = sprintf("%02x", int($f % 65536) / 256);
my $f0 = sprintf("%02x", $f % 256);
my $arg = sprintf("%.3f", (hex($f2)*65536+hex($f1)*256+hex($f0))/65536*26);
Log3 $hash, 3, "$io->{NAME} IT_set: Setting ITfrequency (0D,0E,0F) to $f2 $f1 $f0 = $arg MHz";
$ITfrequency = "#F$f2$f1$f0";
if (defined($ITClock)) {
$ITClock = '#C' . $ITClock;
} else {
$ITClock = '';
$protocolId = AttrVal($name,'SIGNALduinoProtocolId', undef);
if (defined($protocolId)) {
$protocolId = 'P' . $protocolId . '#';
} else {
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V3") {
$protocolId = 'P17#';
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") { # HomeEasy HE800
$protocolId = 'P35#';
} elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE_EU") { # HomeEasy HE_EU
$protocolId = 'P65#';
} else {
$protocolId = 'P3#'; # IT V1
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne "EV1527" && $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne "V1" && $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne 'SBC_FreeTec') { # bei ITv1, SBC_FreeTec und EV1527 wird das "is" am Anfang nicht entfernt
$message =~ s/^is//;
if ($message =~ m/^[he]/) { # h oder e entfernen, falls am Anfang
$message = substr($message,1);
Log3 $hash, 4, "$io->{NAME} IT_set: sendMsg=" . $protocolId . $message . '#R' . $SignalRepeats . $ITClock . $ITfrequency;
IOWrite($hash, 'sendMsg', $protocolId . $message . '#R' . $SignalRepeats . $ITClock . $ITfrequency);
return $ret;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $ioname = $modules{IT}{defptr}{ioname};
# calculate transmit code from IT A-P rotary switches
if($a[2] =~ /^([A-O])(([0]{0,1}[1-9])|(1[0-6]))$/i) {
my %it_1st = (
my %it_2nd = (
1 ,"0000",2 ,"F000",3 ,"0F00",4 ,"FF00",5 ,"00F0",6 ,"F0F0",
7 ,"0FF0",8 ,"FFF0",9 ,"000F",10,"F00F",11,"0F0F",12,"FF0F",
$a[2] = $it_1st{$1}.$it_2nd{int($2)}."0F";
defined $a[3] or $a[3] = "FF";
defined $a[4] or $a[4] = "F0";
defined $a[5] or $a[5] = "0F";
defined $a[6] or $a[6] = "00";
# calculate transmit code from FLS 100 I,II,III,IV rotary switches
if($a[2] =~ /^(I|II|III|IV)([1-4])$/i) {
my %fls_1st = ("I","0FFF","II","F0FF","III","FF0F","IV","FFF0" );
my %fls_2nd = (1 ,"0FFF",2 ,"F0FF",3 ,"FF0F",4 ,"FFF0");
$a[2] = $fls_1st{$1}.$fls_2nd{int($2)}."0F";
defined $a[3] or $a[3] = "FF";
defined $a[4] or $a[4] = "F0";
defined $a[5] or $a[5] = "0F";
defined $a[6] or $a[6] = "00";
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> IT 10-bit-housecode " .
"off-code on-code [dimup-code] [dimdown-code] or for protocol V3 " .
"define <name> IT <26 bit Address> <1 bit group bit> <4 bit unit>";
return $u if(int(@a) < 3);
my $housecode;
my $oncode;
my $offcode;
my $unitCode;
my $groupBit;
my $name = $a[0];
if ($a[3] eq "HE800") {
# OLD, do not use anymore
$housecode = $a[2];
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'HE800';
$hash->{"count"} = '0';
$oncode = "N/A";
$offcode = "N/A";
#return "FALSE";
} elsif ($a[2] eq "HE800") {
$housecode = ($a[3] + 0) . "_" . ($a[4] + 0);
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'HE800';
$hash->{"count"} = '0';
$oncode = "N/A";
$offcode = "N/A";
#return "FALSE";
} elsif (length($a[2]) == 26) {
# Is Protocol V3
return "Define $a[0]: wrong ITv3-Code format: specify a 26 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[2] !~ m/^[0-1]{26}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong Bit Group format: specify a 1 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[0-1]{1}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong Unit format: specify 4 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[4] !~ m/^[0-1]{4}$/i) );
#return "Define $a[0]: wrong on/off/dimm format: specify a 1 digits 0/1/d "
# if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[d0-1]{1}$/i) );
$oncode = 1;
$offcode = 0;
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'V3';
$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL} = $unitCode;
$hash->{READINGS}{group}{VAL} = $groupBit;
} elsif (length($a[2]) == 46) { # HE_EU
return "Define $a[0]: wrong IT-Code format: specify a 29 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[2] !~ m/^[0-1]{46}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong group format: specify a 1 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[0-1]{1}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong unit format: specify a 7 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[4] !~ m/^[0-1]{7}$/i) );
$housecode = $a[2].$a[4];
$groupBit = $a[3];
if ($groupBit == "1") {
# looks like a master key
$hash->{READINGS}{mode}{VAL} = "master";
$oncode = "01";
$offcode = "00";
} else {
$hash->{READINGS}{mode}{VAL} = "single";
$oncode = "10";
$offcode = "01";
$hash->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL} = $unitCode;
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'HE_EU';
} elsif (length($a[2]) == 10 && (substr($a[2],0,4) eq '1527' || AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "ev1527" || length($a[3]) == 4)) {
# Is Protocol EV1527
#Log3 $hash,2,"ITdefine 1527: $name a3=" . $a[3];
$housecode = $a[2];
if (substr($housecode,0,4) eq '1527') {
my $evcode = "";
my $bincode = sprintf("%020b",hex(substr($housecode,5)));
for (my $n=0; $n<20; $n=$n+2) {
$evcode = $evcode . $bintotristate{substr($bincode,$n,2)};
$hash->{XMIT} = lc($evcode);
} else {
$hash->{XMIT} = lc($housecode);
return "Define $a[0]: wrong dimup-code format: specify a 4 digits 0/1 "
if ( ($a[3] !~ m/^[0-1]{4}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong dimup-code format: specify a 4 digits 0/1 "
if ( ($a[4] !~ m/^[0-1]{4}$/i) );
$oncode = $a[3];
$offcode = $a[4];
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'EV1527';
} elsif (length($a[2]) == 8) { # SBC, FreeTec
return "Define $a[0]: wrong IT-Code format: specify a 8 digits 0/1/f "
if( ($a[2] !~ m/^[f0-1]{8}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong ON format: specify a 4 digits 0/1/f "
if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[f0-1]{4}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong OFF format: specify a 4 digits 0/1/f "
if( ($a[4] !~ m/^[f0-1]{4}$/i) );
$housecode = $a[2];
$oncode = $a[3];
$offcode = $a[4];
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'SBC_FreeTec';
} else {
#Log3 $hash,2,"ITdefine v1: $name";
return "Define $a[0]: wrong IT-Code format: specify a 10 digits 0/1/f "
if( ($a[2] !~ m/^[f0-1]{10}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong ON format: specify a 2 digits 0/1/f/d "
if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[df0-1]{2}$/i) );
return "Define $a[0]: wrong OFF format: specify a 2 digits 0/1/f/d "
if( ($a[4] !~ m/^[df0-1]{2}$/i) );
$housecode = $a[2];
$oncode = $a[3];
$offcode = $a[4];
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'V1';
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne 'EV1527') {
$hash->{XMIT} = lc($housecode);
$hash->{$it_c2b{"on"}} = lc($oncode);
$hash->{$it_c2b{"off"}} = lc($offcode);
if (int(@a) > 5) {
if (length($a[5]) != 4) { # kein EV1527
return "Define $a[0]: wrong dimup-code format: specify a 2 digits 0/1/f/d "
if( ($a[5] !~ m/^[df0-1]{2}$/i) );
} else {
return "Define $a[0]: wrong dimup-code format: specify a 4 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[5] !~ m/^[0-1]{4}$/i) );
$hash->{$it_c2b{"dimup"}} = lc($a[5]);
if (int(@a) == 7) {
if (length($a[6]) != 4) { # kein EV1527
return "Define $a[0]: wrong dimdown-code format: specify a 2 digits 0/1/f/d "
if( ($a[6] !~ m/^[df0-1]{2}$/i) );
} else {
return "Define $a[0]: wrong dimup-code format: specify a 4 digits 0/1 "
if( ($a[6] !~ m/^[0-1]{4}$/i) );
$hash->{$it_c2b{"dimdown"}} = lc($a[6]);
} else {
$hash->{$it_c2b{"dimup"}} = "00";
$hash->{$it_c2b{"dimdown"}} = "00";
my $code = lc($housecode);
my $ncode = 1;
$hash->{CODE}{$ncode++} = $code;
$modules{IT}{defptr}{$code}{$name} = $hash;
AssignIoPort($hash, $ioname);
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
foreach my $c (keys %{ $hash->{CODE} } ) {
$c = $hash->{CODE}{$c};
# As after a rename the $name my be different from the $defptr{$c}{$n}
# we look for the hash.
foreach my $dname (keys %{ $modules{IT}{defptr}{$c} }) {
if($modules{IT}{defptr}{$c}{$dname} == $hash);
return undef;
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
my $ioname = $hash->{NAME};
my $housecode;
my $transmittercode;
my $dimCode;
my $unitCode;
my $groupBit;
my $onoffcode;
my $def;
my $newstate;
my @list;
$modules{IT}{defptr}{ioname} = $ioname;
if ((substr($msg, 0, 1)) ne 'i') {
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: message not supported by IT \"$msg\"!";
return undef;
if (length($msg) != 7 && length($msg) != 12 && length($msg) != 17 && length($msg) != 19 && length($msg) != 20) {
Log3 $hash,3,"$ioname IT: message \"$msg\" (" . length($msg) . ") too short!";
return undef;
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: message \"$msg\" (" . length($msg) . ")";
my $bin = undef;
my $isDimMode = 0;
if (length($msg) == 17) { # IT V3
my $bin1=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,1,length($msg)-1-8)));
while (length($bin1) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin1 = '0'.$bin1;
my $bin2=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,1+8,length($msg)-1)));
while (length($bin2) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin2 = '0'.$bin2;
$bin = $bin1 . $bin2;
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname ITv3: bin message \"$bin\" (" . length($bin) . ")";
} elsif (length($msg) == 19 ) { # IT V3 Dimm
my $bin1=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,1,length($msg)-1-8-8)));
while (length($bin1) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin1 = '0'.$bin1;
my $bin2=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,1+2,length($msg)-1-8-2)));
while (length($bin2) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin2 = '0'.$bin2;
my $bin3=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,1+8+2,length($msg)-1)));
while (length($bin3) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin3 = '0'.$bin3;
$bin = substr($bin1 . $bin2 . $bin3,24,length($bin1 . $bin2 . $bin3)-1);
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname ITv3dimm: bin message \"$bin\" (" . length($bin) . ")";
} elsif (length($msg) == 20 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy EU
#Log3 undef,3,"HEX Part1: " . substr($msg,2,8);
my $bin1=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,2,8)));
while (length($bin1) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin1 = '0'.$bin1;
#Log3 undef,3,"HEX Part2: " . substr($msg,2+8,7);
my $bin2=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,2+8,7)));
#$bin2 = substr($bin2,4);
while (length($bin2) < 28) {
# suffix 0
$bin2 = '0'.$bin2;
$bin = $bin1 . $bin2;# . $bin3;
} elsif (length($msg) == 12 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy HE800
my $bin1=sprintf("%024b",hex(substr($msg,2,8)));
while (length($bin1) < 32) {
# suffix 0
$bin1 = '0'.$bin1;
$bin = $bin1;# . $bin3;
} else { # IT
if (length($msg) > 10) {
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: Wrong IT message received: $msg";
return undef;
} else {
if ((length($bin) % 2) != 0) {
# suffix 0
$bin = '0'.$bin;
my $binorg = $bin;
my $msgcode="";
if (length($msg) == 12 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy HE800;
$msgcode=substr($bin, 0, 28);
} elsif (length($msg) == 20 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy EU;
$msgcode=substr($bin, 0, 57);
} else {
while (length($bin)>=2) {
if (length($msg) == 7) {
if (substr($bin,0,2) != "10") {
} else {
if (length($msgcode) >= 10) {
Log3 $hash,5,"$ioname IT Parse bintotristate: msgcode=$msgcode, unknown tristate in onoff-code. is evtl a EV1527 sensor";
# $msgcode = substr($msgcode,0,10) . '00';
$msgcode = substr($msgcode,0,10) . $bintotristate{substr($binorg,20,2)} . $bintotristate{substr($binorg,22,2)};
} else {
$msgcode = "";
#Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT:unknown tristate in \"$bin\"";
#return "unknown tristate in \"$bin\""
} elsif (length($msg) == 20 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy EU
} else {
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: msgcode \"$msgcode\" (" . length($msgcode) . ") bin = $binorg";
my $isEV1527 = undef;
if (length($msg) == 7) {
if ($msgcode) { # ITv1 or SBC_FreeTec
my $sbcFreeTec = substr($msgcode,0,8);
if (defined($modules{IT}{defptr}{lc("$sbcFreeTec")}) || substr($msg,6, 1) eq '0' && substr($msgcode,8,2) ne 'FF') { # SBC_FreeTec
Log3 $hash,5,"$ioname IT: SBC_FreeTec housecode = $housecode onoffcode = $onoffcode";
} else { # ITv1
Log3 $hash,5,"$ioname IT: V1 housecode = $housecode onoffcode = $onoffcode";
} else {
$isEV1527 = 1;
$housecode = '1527x' . sprintf("%05x", oct("0b".substr($binorg,0,20)));
$onoffcode = substr($binorg, 20);
Log3 $hash,5,"$ioname IT: EV1527 housecode = $housecode onoffcode = $onoffcode";
} elsif (length($msg) == 17 || length($msg) == 19) {
if (length($msg) == 19) {
} elsif (length($msg) == 20 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy EU
} elsif (length($msg) == 12 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HomeEasy HE800
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: msg:" . $msg . " msgcode:" . substr($msg, 2, 8) ;
my $msgVal = hex(substr($msg, 2, 8));
my @mn;
my $receiverID;
my $mode;
my @ikey = (5, 12, 6, 2, 8, 11, 1, 10, 3, 0, 4, 14, 7, 15, 9, 13); #invers cryptokey (exchanged index & value)
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: HEX:" . $msg . " DEC:" . $msgVal ;
$msgVal = ~($msgVal >> 4) & 0xFFFFFFF;
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: DEC:" . $msgVal ;
$msgVal = (($msgVal << 2) & 0x0FFFFFFF) | (($msgVal & 0xC000000) >> 0x1a); # shift 2 bits left & copy bit 27/28 to bit 1/2
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: DEC:" . $msgVal ;
$mn[0] = $msgVal & 0x0000000F;
$mn[1] = ($msgVal & 0x000000F0) >> 0x4;
$mn[2] = ($msgVal & 0x00000F00) >> 0x8;
$mn[3] = ($msgVal & 0x0000F000) >> 0xc;
$mn[4] = ($msgVal & 0x000F0000) >> 0x10;
$mn[5] = ($msgVal & 0x00F00000) >> 0x14;
$mn[6] = ($msgVal & 0x0F000000) >> 0x18;
$mn[6] = $mn[6] ^ 9; # no decryption
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: mn: @mn";
# XOR decryption 2 rounds
my $r = 0;
for ($r=0; $r<=1; $r++){ # 2 decryption rounds
my $i = 5;
for ($i=5; $i>=1 ; $i--){ # decrypt 4 nibbles
$mn[$i] = (($ikey[$mn[$i]]-$r) & 0x0F) ^ $mn[$i-1]; # decrypted with predecessor & key
$mn[0] = ($ikey[$mn[0]]-$r) & 0x0F; #decrypt first nibble
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: mn: @mn ";
$receiverID = $mn[0];
$mode = ((($mn[1]>>1) & 1) + ($mn[6] & 0x7) + (($mn[6] & 0x8) >> 3));
my $rollingCode = ($mn[1] >> 2);
my $transmitterID = (($mn[5] << 12) + ($mn[4] << 8) + ($mn[3] << 4) + $mn[2]);
$housecode = $transmitterID . "_" . $receiverID;
$transmittercode = $transmitterID;
$unitCode = $receiverID;
$onoffcode = $mode;
Log3 $hash,4,"receiverID : " . $receiverID ; # receiver-ID [0]1..15, 0=Broadcast 1-15 (HE844A button# 1-4 & MASTER=0, HE850 UNIT# 1-15, HE853 = 1)
Log3 $hash,4,"OFF/ON/DIM : " . $mode ; # 0=OFF 1=ON, 2=10%dim..9=80%dim (no 90%dim!)
Log3 $hash,4,"Rolling-Code : " . $rollingCode ; # rolling-code 0-3 (differentiate new message from repeated message)
Log3 $hash,4,"Transmitter-ID: " . $transmitterID ; # unique transmitter-ID [0]1..65535 (0 valid?, 65535 or lower limit?)
} else {
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: Wrong IT message received: $msgcode";
return undef;
if(!defined($modules{IT}{defptr}{lc("$housecode")})) {
if(length($msg) == 7) {
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT: $housecode not defined (Switch code: $onoffcode)";
#return "$housecode not defined (Switch code: $onoffcode)!";
my $tmpOffCode;
my $tmpOnCode;
if (!defined($isEV1527)) { # itv1
if ($onoffcode eq "F0") { # on code IT
Log3 $hash,3,"$ioname IT: For autocreate please use the on button.";
return undef;
$tmpOffCode = "F0";
$tmpOnCode = "0F";
if ($onoffcode eq "FF") { # on code IT
$tmpOnCode = "FF";
} else { # ev1527
$tmpOffCode = $ev_action{'off'};
#$tmpOnCode = $ev_action{'on'};
$tmpOnCode = $onoffcode;
if (length($housecode) == 8){
$tmpOffCode = '1000';
$tmpOnCode = '0100';
return "UNDEFINED IT_$housecode IT $housecode $tmpOnCode $tmpOffCode" if(!$def);
} elsif (length($msg) == 20) { # HE_EU
my $isGroupCode = '0';
if (($onoffcode == '01' && $groupBit == '01') || ($onoffcode == '00' && $groupBit == '11')) {
# Group Code found
$isGroupCode = '1';
Log3 $hash,2,"$ioname IT: $housecode not defined (Address: ".substr($msgcode,0,46)." Unit: $unitCode Switch code: $onoffcode GroupCode: $isGroupCode)";
#return "$housecode not defined (Address: ".substr($msgcode,0,26)." Group: $groupBit Unit: $unitCode Switch code: $onoffcode)!";
return "UNDEFINED IT_$housecode IT " . substr($msgcode,0,46) . " $isGroupCode $unitCode" if(!$def);
} elsif (length($msg) == 12 && (substr($msg, 1, 1)) eq 'h') { # HE800
Log3 $hash,2,"$ioname IT: $housecode not defined (HE800)";
return "UNDEFINED IT_HE800_$housecode IT " . "HE800 $transmittercode $unitCode" if(!$def);
} else {
my $hexCode = sprintf("%x", oct("0b".$housecode));
Log3 $hash,2,"$ioname IT: IT_V3_$hexCode ($housecode) not defined (Address: ".substr($msgcode,0,26)." Group: $groupBit Unit: $unitCode Switch code: $onoffcode)";
return "UNDEFINED IT_V3_$hexCode IT " . substr($msgcode,0,26) . " $groupBit $unitCode" if(!$def);
#$lh->{"learn"} = 'ON';
foreach my $name (keys %{$def}) {
next if (IsIgnored($name));
if (length($msg) == 17 || length($msg) == 19) {
if ($def->{$name}->{READINGS}{group}{VAL} != $groupBit || $def->{$name}->{READINGS}{unit}{VAL} != $unitCode) {
} elsif (length($msg) == 7 && !defined($isEV1527) && AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "ev1527") {
$onoffcode = substr($binorg, 20);
$def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'EV1527';
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT EV1527: " . $def->{$name}{NAME} . ', on code=' . $def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"on"}} . ", Switch code=$onoffcode";
$newstate = "";
if ($def->{$name}{userV1setCodes} && ($def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "EV1527" || $def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V1")) {
foreach my $usercode (keys %{$def->{$name}{userV1setCodes}}) {
if ($def->{$name}{userV1setCodes}{$usercode} eq $onoffcode) {
$newstate = $usercode;
if ($newstate eq "") {
Log3 $def->{$name}{NAME},3,"$ioname IT: Code $onoffcode not found in userV1setCodes, try XMIT";
if ($newstate eq "") {
if ($def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq 'HE800') {
my %he800MapingTable = (
2 => 12,
3 => 25,
4 => 37,
5 => 50,
6 => 62,
7 => 75,
8 => 87,
9 => 100,
if ($onoffcode == 0) {
my $actState = $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL};
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
} elsif ($onoffcode == 1) {
# On
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
my $lastDimVal = $def->{$name}->{READINGS}{lastDimValue}{VAL};
if (defined $lastDimVal && $lastDimVal ne "") {
my $dperc = substr($lastDimVal, 3, -1);
readingsSingleUpdate($def->{$name}, "lastDimValue", "",1);
} else {
} else {
my $binVal = $he800MapingTable{$onoffcode};
$binVal = int($binVal);
$newstate = sprintf("dim%02d%%",$binVal);
readingsSingleUpdate($def->{$name}, "lastDimValue", $newstate,1);
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname HE800: onoffcode $onoffcode newstate " . $newstate;
#if ($binVal == 100) {
# $newstate="on";
#} els
if ($binVal == 0) {
} elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"on"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
my $lastDimVal = $def->{$name}->{READINGS}{lastDimValue}{VAL};
if (defined $lastDimVal && $lastDimVal ne "") {
my $dperc = substr($lastDimVal, 3, -1);
readingsSingleUpdate($def->{$name}, "lastDimValue", "",1);
} else {
} elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"off"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
} elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"dimup"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
} elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"dimdown"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
} elsif ('d' eq lc($onoffcode)) {
# dim
my $binVal = ((bin2dec($dimCode)+1)*100)/16;
$binVal = int($binVal);
$newstate = sprintf("dim%02d%%",$binVal);
readingsSingleUpdate($def->{$name}, "lastDimValue", $newstate,1);
if ($binVal == 100) {
} elsif ($binVal == 0) {
} else {
Log3 $def->{$name}{NAME},3,"$ioname IT: Code $onoffcode not supported by $def->{$name}{NAME}.";
Log3 $def->{$name}{NAME},3,"$ioname IT: $def->{$name}{NAME} ".$def->{$name}->{STATE}."->".$newstate;
return @list;
sub IT_Attr(@)
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $ret;
#Log3 $hash, 4, "$name IT_Attr: Calling Getting Attr sub with args: $cmd $aName = $aVal";
if( $aName eq 'model') {
if ($aVal eq 'ev1527') {
#Log3 $hash, 4, "$name IT_Attr: ev1527";
$hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'EV1527';
} elsif ($aVal eq 'itswitch_CHN') {
$hash->{userV1setCodes} = undef;
$hash->{userV1setCodes}{open} = "1010";
$hash->{userV1setCodes}{closed} = "1110";
$hash->{userV1setCodes}{tamper} = "0111";
} elsif ( $aName eq 'userV1setCodes') {
my @array = split(" ",$aVal);
$hash->{userV1setCodes} = undef;
foreach my $item(@array) {
my ($i,$j)= split(/:/, $item);
$ret = "$i wrong chars in setname (only [0-9a-zA-Z-_])"
if ( ($i !~ m/^[0-9a-z-_]+$/i) );
if (length($j) != 4) { # kein EV1527
$ret = "$j wrong setcode format: specify a 2 digits 0/1/f/d "
if( ($j !~ m/^[df0-1]{2}$/i) );
} else {
$ret = "$j wrong setcode format: specify a 4 digits 0/1 "
if( ($j !~ m/^[0-1]{4}$/i) );
last if (defined($ret));
$hash->{userV1setCodes}{$i} = $j;
return $ret;
=item summary supports Intertechno protocol version 1 and version 3 devices
=item summary_DE unterstuetzt Intertechno Protocol Version 1 und Version 3 Geraete
=begin html
<a name="IT"></a>
<h3>IT - InterTechno</h3>
The InterTechno 433MHZ protocol is used by a wide range of devices, which are either of
the sender/sensor or the receiver/actuator category.
Momentarily, we are able to send and receive InterTechno commands.
Supported devices are switches, dimmers, etc. through an <a href="#CUL">CUL</a> or <a href="#SIGNALduino">SIGNALduino</a> device (this must be defined first).<br>
This module supports the version 1 and version 3 of the Intertechno protocol.
Newly found devices are added into the category "IT" by autocreate.
Hint: IT protocol 1 devices are only created when pressing the on-button twice within 30 seconds.
<a name="ITdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> IT <housecode> <on-code> <off-code>
[<dimup-code>] [<dimdown-code>] </code>
<code>define <name> IT <ITRotarySwitches|FLS100RotarySwitches> </code>
<code>define <name> IT <address 26 Bit> <group bit> <unit Code></code>
<code>define <name> IT HE800 <Transmitter ID> <Receiver ID></code>
The value of <housecode> is a 10-digit InterTechno Code, consisting of 0/1/F (co called tri-state format). These digits depend on the device you are using.
Bit 11 and 12 are used for switching/dimming. Different manufacturers are using
different bit-codes. You specifiy here the 2-digit code for off/on/dimup/dimdown
using the tri state format, i.e., 0/1/F.
The value of ITRotarySwitches consists of the value of the alpha switch A-P and
the numeric switch 1-16 as set on the intertechno device (for example A1 or G12). Please use the Wiki for more information how
to decode your device.
The value of FLS100RotarySwitches consist of the value of the I,II,II,IV switch
and the numeric 1,2,3,4 switch (for example I2 or IV4).
The value of ITRotarySwitches and FLS100RotarySwitches are internaly translated
into a houscode value.
For the Intertechno protocol 3 the housecode consists of 26 numbers. Additionally 4 numbers are used as unit code as well as
group code.
To add a new device in Fhem: define IT myITSwitch IT <Adresse 26 Bit> <Group bit> <Unit Code>
<b>Intertechno protocol 1 (ITv1)</b>
<li><code><housecode></code> 10 numbers in tri state format (i.e., either 0/1/F) depending on the device.</li>
<li><code><on-code> <off-code></code> 2 numbers in quad state format (0/1/F/D), containing the on-format;
this number is added to the <housecode> to get the 12-number IT command that is acutally send.</li>
<li>optional <code><dimup-code> <dimdown-code></code> 2 numbers in quad state format (0/1/F/D),
contains the command for dimming;
this number is added to the <housecode> to define tha actual 12-number sending command.</li>
<li>If the attribute userV1setCodes exists, these codes are also used for reception, the userV1setCodes have priority over the XMIT Codes.</li>
<li>Notice: orginal ITv1 devices are only defined using the on command.</li>
<li>Devices which are nt orignal ITv1 devices cen be defined as follows:</li><br>
To autocreate press twice "on" within 30 seconds. The Log gives:<br>
<code>2016.11.27 11:47:37.753 4: sduinoD IT: 001F001000 not defined (Switch code: <b>11</b>)</code><br>
<code>2016.11.27 11:47:37.755 2: autocreate: define IT_001F001000 IT 001F001000 0F F0</code><br><br>
Now press "off" or any other button:<br>
<code>2016.11.27 11:48:32.004 3: sduinoD IT: Code <b>1D</b> not supported by IT_001F001000.</code><br><br>
Because this is not original Intertechno, the on/off code in the list is not correct and has to be changed. This can be done as follows<br>
<code>DEF 001F001000 <b>11 1D</b></code><br><br>
<li> <b>EV1527</b></li>
If the housecode does not contain a valid (10) ITv1 tri state code, autocreate will define the deviceas EV1527.<br>
<code><housecode></code> 1527xabcde , abcde is the collected housecode in hex format<br>
<code><on-code> <off-code></code> 4 numbers bin number (0/1) containing the on command;
this number is added to the housecode to get the entire 12-number sending command.<br>
optional <code><dimup-code> <dimdown-code></code> 4 numbers in bin format (0/1),
contains the command for dimming up or down;
this number is added to the housecode to get the entire 12-number sending command.<br><br>
If the device was autocreated the on/off- as well as the dimcode has to be adapted.<br>
<li><code><housecode></code> 8 numbers in tri state format (0/1/F), depending from the used device.</li>
<li><code><on-code></code> 4 numbers in tri state format, contains the on-command;
this number is added to the housecode to form the 12-number sending command.</li>
<li><code><off-code></code> 4 numbers in tri state format, contains the off-command;
this number is added to the housecode to get the 12-number sending command.</li>
<li><code><Transmitter ID></code> unique transmitter ID (1..65535)</li>
<li><code><Receiver ID></code> receiver ID [0]1..15, 0=Broadcast 1-15 (HE844A button# 1-4 & MASTER=0, HE850 UNIT# 1-15, HE853 = 1)</li>
<code>define lamp IT 01FF010101 11 00 01 10</code><br>
<code>define roll1 IT 111111111F 11 00 01 10</code><br>
<code>define otherlamp IT 000000000F 11 10 00 00</code><br>
<code>define otherroll1 IT FFFFFFF00F 11 10</code><br>
<code>define IT_1527xe0fec IT 1527xe0fec 1001 0000</code><br>
<code>define SBC_FreeTec_Steck1 IT FFF00FFF 000F 0000</code><br>
<code>define itswitch1 IT A1</code><br>
<code>define lamp IT J10</code><br>
<code>define flsswitch1 IT IV1</code><br>
<code>define lamp IT II2</code><br>
<code>define HE800_TID1_SW1 IT HE800 1 1</code><br>
For Intertechno protocol 3 the <housecode> is a 26-digits number.
Additionaly there is a 4-digits <unit code> and a 1-digit <group code>.
<li><code><address></code> is a 26 digit number (0/1)</li>
<li><code><group></code> is a 1 digit number (0/1)</li>
<li><code><unit></code> is a 4 digit number (0/1)</li>
<code>define myITSwitch IT 00111100110101010110011111 0 0000</code>
<a name="ITset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set <name> <value> [<time>]</code>
where <code>value</code> is one of:<br>
on-till # Special, see the note
dim06% dim12% dim18% dim25% dim31% dim37% dim43% dim50%
dim56% dim62% dim68% dim75% dim81% dim87% dim93% dim100%<br>
<li><a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> are supported.</li>
<code>set lamp on</code><br>
<code>set lamp1,lamp2,lamp3 on</code><br>
<code>set lamp1-lamp3 on</code><br>
<code>set lamp off</code><br>
<li>on-till requires an absolute time in the "at" format (HH:MM:SS, HH:MM
or { <perl code> }, where the perl-code returns a time specification).
If the current time is greater than the specified time, the
command is ignored, else an "on" command is generated, and for the
given "till-time" an off command is scheduleld via the at command.
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="ITattr"></a>
<a name="IODev"></a>
Set the IO device which will be used to send signals
for this device. An example for the physical device is a CUL or the SIGNALduino.
Note: On startup, fhem WILL NOT automatically assign an
IODevice to the Intertechno device! The attribute IODev needs ALLWAYS to be set manually!</li><br>
<a name="eventMap"></a>
Replace event names and set arguments. The value of this attribute
consists of a list of space separated values. Each value is a colon
separated pair. The first part specifies the value to be replaced, the second
the new/desired value. In order to use spaces in the new/desired values it is necessary to inform Fhem about the new separating character. This is done by using a slash(/) or comma(,)
as first character, then the values are not separated by space but by this character.
attr store eventMap on:open off:closed<br>
attr store eventMap /on-for-timer 10:open/off:closed/<br>
set store open
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<a name="attrdummy"></a>
Set the device attribute dummy to define devices which should not
output any radio signals. Associated notifys will be executed if
the signal is received. Used e.g. to react to a code from a sender, but
it will not emit radio signal if triggered in the web frontend.
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li><br>
<a name="model"></a>
The model attribute denotes the type of the device.
This attribute will (currently) not be used by Fhem directly.
It can be used by e.g. external programs or web interfaces to
distinguish classes of devices and send the appropriate commands
(e.g. "on" or "off" to a switch, "dim..%" to dimmers etc.).
The spelling of the model should match the modelname used in the
documentation that comes which the device. The name should consist of
lower-case characters without spaces. Valid characters are
<code>a-z 0-9</code> and <code>-</code> (dash),
other characters should not be used. Here is a list of "official"
<b>Sender/Sensor</b>: itremote<br>
<b>Dimmer</b>: itdimmer<br>
<b>door/window contact (china)</b>: itswitch_CHN (closed:1110 open:1010 tamper:0111)<br>
<b>Receiver/Actor</b>: itswitch<br>
<b>EV1527</b>: ev1527
<a name="ignore"></a>
Ignore this device, e.g., if it belongs to your neighbour. The device
will not trigger any FileLogs/notifys, issued commands will be silently
ignored (no RF signal will be sent out, just like for the <a
href="#attrdummy">dummy</a> attribute). The device will not appear in the
list command (only if it is explicitely asked for it), nor will it
be affected by commands which use wildcards or attributes as name specifiers
(see <a href="#devspec">devspec</a>). You still get them with the
"ignored=1" special devspec.
<a name="ITclock"></a>
IT clock is the smallest time length of any pulse while sending the Intertechno V1 protocol.<br>
Any signal of the IT protocol typically consists of a sequence of HIGHs and LOWs with a particular time length. These lengths usually have a ratio of 1:3 (if, for example, LOW has a pulse length of X then HIGH has a pulse length of 3*X).<br>
The default value of original IT devices is 250. Other vendors use sometimes a different value; nevertheless ITclock should only be changed if you encounter problems using this device in Fhem.<br>
- In order to discover the correct ITclock using a SIGNALduino: After pressing a button at a remote the received raw signal can be found in the log as well as in the device view of the IT-device, for example<br>
The number after "CP=" shows the pattern number of the clock, so e.g. follows from CP=0 --> P0, which defines at the beginning of the message, hence the clock was 357 (microseconds).<br>
- at the CUL can the ITclock found out from the raw messages (X31).
<a name="ITfrequency"></a>
Sets the frequency of the sender.
<a name="ITrepetition"></a>
Sets the number of repitions (default=6).
<a name="userV1setCodes"></a>
If an ITv1 protocol is used indivual setcodes can be added.<br>
The setcodes are also used for reception, the userV1setCodes have priority over the XMIT Codes.<br>
attr lamp userV1setCodes red:FD blue:1F<br>
attr lamp userV1setCodes up:1001 down:1000 stop:1011<br>
attr IT_1527x12345 userV1setCodes closed:0111 open:1110 tamper:1011 lowVoltage:1111 # Kerui magnetic contact sensors
<a name="SIGNALduinoProtocolId"></a>
Using this attribute the protocol ID can be choosen if one uses a SIGNALduino.
<a name="ITevents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
The IT device generates the following events.
<li>dim06% dim12% dim18% dim25% dim31% dim37% dim43% dim50%<br>
dim56% dim62% dim68% dim75% dim81% dim87% dim93% dim100%<br></li>
Which event is sent dependents on the device and can sometimes configured on
the device.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="IT"></a>
<h3>IT - InterTechno</h3>
Das InterTechno 433MHZ Protokoll wird von einer Vielzahl von Geräten
benutzt. Diese gehören entweder zur Kategorie Sender/Sensoren oder zur
Kategorie Empfänger/Aktoren. Es ist das Senden sowie das Empfangen von InterTechno
Befehlen möglich. Geräten kötnnen z.B.
Schalter, Dimmer usw. sein.
Von diesem Modul wird sowohl das Protolkoll 1 sowie das Protokoll 3 unterstützt.
Neu empfangene Pakete werden per autocreate in Fhem unter der Kategorie IT angelegt.
Hinweis: Für ein AutoCreate muss die Taste innerhalb von 30 Sek 2 mal gedrückt werden.
<a name="ITdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> IT <housecode> <on-code> <off-code>
[<dimup-code>] [<dimdown-code>] </code>
<code>define <name> IT <ITRotarySwitches|FLS100RotarySwitches> </code>
<code>define <name> IT <Adresse 26 Bit> <Group bit> <Unit Code></code>
<code>define <name> IT HE800 <Transmitter ID> <Receiver ID></code>
Der Wert von Hauscode ist abhängig vom verwendeten Gerät und besteht aus zehn Ziffern InterTechno-Code Protokoll 1.
Da dieser ein tri-State-Protokoll ist, können die Ziffern jeweils die Werte 0/1/F annehmen.
Bit 11/12 werden für Schalten oder Dimmen verwendet. Da die Hersteller verschiedene Codes verwenden, können hier die
(2-stelligen) Codes für an, aus, heller und dunkler (on/off/dimup/dimdown) als tri-State-Ziffern (0/1/F) festgelegt werden.
Der Wert des ITRotary-Schalters setzt sich aus dem Wert des Buchstaben-Schalters A-P und dem numerischen Schalter 1-16
des InterTechno-Gerätes zusammen, z.B. A1 oder G12.
Der Wert des FLS100Rotary-Schalters setzt sich aus dem Wert des Schalters I,II,II,IV und dem numerischen Schalter 1-4
des InterTechno-Gerätes zusammen, z.B. I2 oder IV4.
Die Werte der ITRotary-Schalter und FLS100Rotary-Schalter werden intern in Hauscode-Werte umgewandelt.
Für Intertechno Protokoll 3 besteht der Hauscode aus 26 Ziffern. Zusätzlich werden noch 4 Ziffern als Unit Code sowie eine Ziffer als Group code benötigt.
Neues IT Element in FHEM anlegen: define IT myITSwitch IT <Adresse 26 Bit> <Group bit> <Unit Code>
<b>Intertechno Protokoll 1 (ITv1)</b>
<li><code><housecode></code> 10 Ziffern lange tri-State-Zahl (0/1/F) abhängig vom benutzten Gerät.</li>
<li><code><on-code> <off-code></code> jeweils 2 Ziffern lange quad-State-Zahl (0/1/F/D), die den Einschaltbefehl enthält;
die Zahl wird an den <housecode> angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.</li>
<li>optional <code><dimup-code> <dimdown-code></code> jeweils 2 Ziffern lange quad-State-Zahl (0/1/F/D),
die den Befehl zum Herauf- und Herunterregeln enthält;
die Zahl wird an den <housecode> angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.</li>
<li>Falls es das Attribut userV1setCodes gibt, werden diese Codes auch für den Empfang verwendet, dabei haben die userV1setCodes Vorrang vor den XMIT Codes.</li>
<li>Hinweis: orginal ITv1 devices werden nur beim on Befehl angelegt.</li>
<li>Die nicht orginal ITv1 devices können wie folgt angelegt werden:</li><br>
Zum anlegen mit autocreate 2 mal auf "on" drücken:<br>
<code>2016.11.27 11:47:37.753 4: sduinoD IT: 001F001000 not defined (Switch code: <b>11</b>)</code><br>
<code>2016.11.27 11:47:37.755 2: autocreate: define IT_001F001000 IT 001F001000 0F F0</code><br><br>
Nun auf "off" oder eine andere Taste drücken:<br>
<code>2016.11.27 11:48:32.004 3: sduinoD IT: Code <b>1D</b> not supported by IT_001F001000.</code><br><br>
Da dies keine orginal Intertechno Steckdose ist, passt der on/off code im define nicht und muss angepasst werden<br>
<code>DEF 001F001000 <b>11 1D</b></code><br><br>
<li> <b>EV1527</b></li>
Wenn im housecode ein nicht gültiger (10) ITv1 Tristatecode enthalten ist, dann wird es per autocreate als EV1527 angelegt.<br>
<code><housecode></code> 1527xabcde , abcde ist der empfangene housecode im Hex Format<br>
<code><on-code> <off-code></code> jeweils 4 Ziffern lange Bin Zahl (0/1), die den Einschaltbefehl enthält;
die Zahl wird an den housecode angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.<br>
optional <code><dimup-code> <dimdown-code></code> jeweils 4 Ziffern lange Bin Zahl (0/1),
die den Befehl zum Herauf- und Herunterregeln enthält;
die Zahl wird an den housecode angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.<br><br>
Nach dem anlegen per autocreate muss noch der on/off- und optional der dimcode beim define (DEF) angepasst werden.<br>
<li><code><housecode></code> 8 Ziffern lange tri-State-Zahl (0/1/F) abhängig vom benutzten Gerät.</li>
<li><code><on-code></code> 4 Ziffern lange tri-State-Zahl, die den Einschaltbefehl enthält;
die Zahl wird an den housecode angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.</li>
<li><code><off-code></code> 4 Ziffern lange tri-State-Zahl, die den Ausschaltbefehl enthält;
die Zahl wird an den housecode angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.</li>
<li><code><Transmitter ID></code> Eindeutige Transmitter-ID (1..65535)</li>
<li><code><Receiver ID></code> Receiver-ID [0]1..15, 0=Broadcast 1-15 (HE844A button# 1-4 & MASTER=0, HE850 UNIT# 1-15, HE853 = 1)</li>
<code>define lamp IT 01FF010101 11 00 01 10</code><br>
<code>define roll1 IT 111111111F 11 00 01 10</code><br>
<code>define otherlamp IT 000000000F 11 10 00 00</code><br>
<code>define otherroll1 IT FFFFFFF00F 11 10</code><br>
<code>define IT_1527xe0fec IT 1527xe0fec 1001 0000</code><br>
<code>define SBC_FreeTec_Steck1 IT FFF00FFF 000F 0000</code><br>
<code>define itswitch1 IT A1</code><br>
<code>define lamp IT J10</code><br>
<code>define flsswitch1 IT IV1</code><br>
<code>define lamp IT II2</code><br>
<code>define HE800_TID1_SW1 IT HE800 1 1</code><br>
Für <b>Intertechno Protokoll 3 (ITv3)</b> ist der <housecode> eine 26-stellige Zahl. Zusätzlich wird noch ein 1 stelliger Gruppen-Code, sowie
ein 4-stelliger <unit code> verwendet.
<li><code><address></code> ist eine 26-stellige Nummer (0/1)</li>
<li><code><group></code> ist eine 1-stellige Nummer (0/1)</li>
<li><code><unit></code> ist eine 4-stellige Nummer (0/1)</li>
<code>define myITSwitch IT 00111100110101010110011111 0 0000</code>
<a name="ITset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set <name> <value> [<time>]</code>
wobei <code>value</code> eines der folgenden Schlüsselwörter ist:<br>
on-till # siehe Anmerkungen
<li>Die <a href="#setExtensions">set extensions</a> werden unterstützt.</li>
<code>set lamp on</code><br>
<code>set lamp1,lamp2,lamp3 on</code><br>
<code>set lamp1-lamp3 on</code><br>
<code>set lamp off</code><br>
<li>on-till erfordert eine Zeitangabe im "at"-Format (HH:MM:SS, HH:MM
oder { <perl code> }, wobei dieser Perl-Code eine Zeitangabe zurückgibt).
Ist die aktuelle Zeit größer als die Zeitangabe, wird der Befehl verworfen,
andernfalls wird ein Einschaltbefehl gesendet und für die Zeitangabe ein
Ausschaltbefehl mittels "at"-Befehl angelegt.
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A (nicht vorhanden)</ul><br>
<a name="ITattr"></a>
<a name="IODev"></a>
Spezifiziert das physische Gerät, das die Ausstrahlung der Befehle für das
"logische" Gerät ausführt. Ein Beispiel für ein physisches Gerät ist ein CUL oder ein SIGNALduino.<br>
Anmerkung: Beim Start weist fhem einem InterTechno-Gerät kein IO-Gerät zu.
Das Attribut IODev ist daher IMMER zu setzen.</li><br>
<a name="eventMap"></a>
Ersetzt Namen von Ereignissen (wie on und off) und set-Parametern. Die Liste besteht dabei
aus mit Doppelpunkt verbundenen Wertepaaren, die durch Leerzeichen getrennt
sind. Der erste Teil des Wertepaares ist der zu ersetzende Wert, der zweite der neue/gewünschte Wert.
Man kann Leerzeichen innerhalb der neuen/gewünschten Werte verwenden, muss dann aber Fhem signalisieren, dass das die Werte nicht mehr durch Leerzeichen getrennt werden. Die geschieht, indem das erste Zeichen der Werteliste ein Komma (,) oder ein Schrägsstrich (/) wird. Dieses Komma bzw der Schrägstrich werden dann als Listenzeichen verwendet. Beispiele:
attr store eventMap on:open off:closed<br>
attr store eventMap /on-for-timer 10:open/off:closed/<br>
set store open
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<a name="attrdummy"></a>
Mit der Eigenschaft dummy lassen sich Geräte definieren, die keine physikalischen Befehle
senden sollen. Verknüpfte notifys werden trotzdem ausgeführt. Damit kann z.B. auf Sendebefehle
reagiert werden, die über die Weboberfläche ausgelöst wurden, ohne dass der Befehl physikalisch
gesendet wurde.
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li><br>
<a name="model"></a>
Hiermit kann das Modell des IT-Geräts näher beschrieben werden. Diese
Eigenschaft wird (im Moment) nicht von Fhem ausgewertet.
Mit Hilfe dieser Information können externe Programme oder Web-Interfaces
Geräteklassen unterscheiden, um geeignete Kommandos zu senden (z.B. "on"
oder "off" an Schalter, aber "dim..%" an Dimmer usw.). Die Schreibweise
der Modellbezeichnung sollten der dem Gerät mitgelieferten Dokumentation
in Kleinbuchstaben ohne Leerzeichen entsprechen.
Andere Zeichen als <code>a-z 0-9</code> und <code>-</code> (Bindestrich)
sollten vermieden werden. Dies ist die Liste der "offiziellen" Modelltypen:<br>
<b>Sender/Sensor</b>: itremote<br>
<b>Dimmer</b>: itdimmer<br>
<b>Tür/Fensterkontakt (China)</b>: itswitch_CHN (closed:1110 open:1010 tamper:0111)<br>
<b>Empfänger/Actor</b>: itswitch<br>
<b>EV1527</b>: ev1527
<a name="ignore"></a>
Durch das Setzen dieser Eigenschaft wird das Gerät nicht durch Fhem beachtet,
z.B. weil es einem Nachbarn gehört. Aktivitäten dieses Gerätes erzeugen weder
Log-Einträge noch reagieren notifys darauf, erzeugte Kommandos werden ignoriert
(wie bei Verwendung des Attributes <a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a> werden keine
Signale gesendet). Das Gerät ist weder in der Ausgabe des list-Befehls enthalten
(außer es wird explizit aufgerufen), noch wird es bei Befehlen berücksichtigt,
die mit Platzhaltern in Namensangaben arbeiten (siehe <a href="#devspec">devspec</a>).
Sie werden weiterhin mit der speziellen devspec (Gerätebeschreibung) "ignored=1" gefunden.
<a name="ITclock"></a>
ITclock ist die kleinste Basispulslänge beim Senden des Intertechno V1 Protokolls.<br>
Ein Signal beim IT-Protokoll besteht immer aus einer Sequenz von HIGH und LOW, die mit einer bestimmten Pulslänge gesendet werden. Typischerweise stehen die Pulslängen dabei im Verhältnis 1:3 (also z.B. LOW=Basispulslänge und HIGH=3*Basispulslänge).<br>
Voreingestellt ist 250 für Original-IT-Geräte. Andere Hersteller verwenden manchmal andere Werte, dennoch sollte ITclock nur dann verändert werden, wenn es Probleme beim Schalten mit Fhem gibt. Achten Sie in dem Fall auch darauf, ob nicht vielleicht das Signal zu schwach ist oder gestört wird, um regelmässig empfangen zu werden.<br>
- Hier ist eine Beschreibung für die Ermittlung des ITclock beim Signalduino: Nach Drücken einer Taste an der Fernbedienung steht die empfangene raw Nachricht im log und in der device-Ansicht des IT-device, also etwa<br>
Die Ziffer hinter "CP=" gibt die Pattern-Nr des clock an, also z.B. folgt aus CP=0 --> P0, das am Anfang der Nachricht definiert ist, hier ist also die clock 357.<br>
- Beim CUL kann die ITclock aus den raw Daten (X31) ermittelt werden.
<a name="ITfrequency"></a>
Setzt die Sendefrequenz.
<a name="ITrepetition"></a>
Setzt die Sendewiederholungen (Default=6).
<a name="userV1setCodes"></a>
Damit können beim ITv1 Protokoll eigene setcodes zugefügt werden.<br>
Die setcodes werden auch für den Empfang verwendet, dabei haben die userV1setCodes Vorrang vor den XMIT Codes.<br>
attr lamp userV1setCodes rot:FD blau:1F<br>
attr lamp userV1setCodes hoch:1001 runter:1000 stop:1011<br>
attr IT_1527x12345 userV1setCodes closed:0111 open:1110 tamper:1011 lowVoltage:1111 # Kerui Fensterkontakt
<a name="SIGNALduinoProtocolId"></a>
Damit kann beim Senden mit dem SIGNALduino eine Protocol-Id gewählt werden.
<a name="ITevents"></a>
<b>Erzeugte Ereignisse (Events):</b>
Ein IT-Gerät kann folgende Ereignisse generieren:
Welche Ereignisse erzeugt werden ist geräteabhängig und kann evtl. eingestellt werden.
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