mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
betateilchen 09aaddb07c :for testing
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18362 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2019-01-21 20:46:46 +00:00

4823 lines
152 KiB

# $Id: 01_FHEMWEB.pm 18326 2019-01-18 22:09:42Z rudolfkoenig $
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use TcpServerUtils;
use HttpUtils;
use Blocking;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
# Forward declaration
sub FW_IconURL($);
sub FW_addContent(;$);
sub FW_addToWritebuffer($$@);
sub FW_answerCall($);
sub FW_dev2image($;$);
sub FW_devState($$@);
sub FW_digestCgi($);
sub FW_directNotify($@);
sub FW_doDetail($);
sub FW_fatal($);
sub FW_fileList($;$);
sub FW_htmlEscape($);
sub FW_iconName($);
sub FW_iconPath($);
sub FW_logWrapper($);
sub FW_makeEdit($$$);
sub FW_makeImage(@);
sub FW_makeTable($$$@);
sub FW_makeTableFromArray($$@);
sub FW_pF($@);
sub FW_pH(@);
sub FW_pHPlain(@);
sub FW_pO(@);
sub FW_parseColumns($);
sub FW_readIcons($);
sub FW_readIconsFrom($$);
sub FW_returnFileAsStream($$$$$);
sub FW_roomOverview($);
#sub FW_roomStatesForInform($$); # Forum 30515
sub FW_select($$$$$@);
sub FW_serveSpecial($$$$);
sub FW_showRoom();
sub FW_style($$);
sub FW_submit($$@);
sub FW_textfield($$$);
sub FW_textfieldv($$$$);
sub FW_updateHashes();
sub FW_visibleDevices(;$);
sub FW_widgetOverride($$);
sub FW_Read($$);
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server
use vars qw($FW_icondir); # icon base directory
use vars qw($FW_cssdir); # css directory
use vars qw($FW_gplotdir);# gplot directory
use vars qw($FW_confdir); # conf dir
use vars qw($MW_dir); # moddir (./FHEM), needed by edit Files in new
# structure
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), used by 97_GROUP/weblink
use vars qw($FW_CSRF); # CSRF Token or empty
use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen, needed by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW
use vars qw($FW_tp); # is touchpad (iPad / etc)
use vars qw($FW_sp); # stylesheetPrefix
# global variables, also used by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW/95_FLOORPLAN
use vars qw(%FW_types); # device types,
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_RETTYPE); # image/png or the like
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw($FW_cname); # Current connection name
use vars qw(%FW_hiddenroom); # hash of hidden rooms, used by weblink
use vars qw($FW_plotmode);# Global plot mode (WEB attribute), used by SVG
use vars qw($FW_plotsize);# Global plot size (WEB attribute), used by SVG
use vars qw(%FW_webArgs); # all arguments specified in the GET
use vars qw(@FW_fhemwebjs);# List of fhemweb*js scripts to load
use vars qw($FW_fhemwebjs);# List of fhemweb*js scripts to load
use vars qw($FW_detail); # currently selected device for detail view
use vars qw($FW_cmdret); # Returned data by the fhem call
use vars qw($FW_room); # currently selected room
use vars qw($FW_formmethod);
use vars qw(%FW_visibleDeviceHash);
use vars qw(@FW_httpheader); # HTTP header, line by line
use vars qw(%FW_httpheader); # HTTP header, as hash
use vars qw($FW_userAgent); # user agent string
use vars qw(%FW_customConfFiles);
$FW_formmethod = "post";
my %FW_use;
my $FW_activateInform = 0;
my $FW_lastWebName = ""; # Name of last FHEMWEB instance, for caching
my $FW_lastHashUpdate = 0;
my $FW_httpRetCode = "";
my %FW_csrfTokenCache;
my %FW_id2inform;
# As we are _not_ multithreaded, it is safe to use global variables.
# Note: for delivering SVG plots we fork
my $FW_data; # Filecontent from browser when editing a file
my %FW_icons; # List of icons
my @FW_iconDirs; # Directory search order for icons
my $FW_RETTYPE; # image/png or the like
my %FW_rooms; # hash of all rooms
my @FW_roomsArr; # ordered list of rooms
my %FW_groups; # hash of all groups
my %FW_types; # device types, for sorting
my %FW_hiddengroup;# hash of hidden groups
my $FW_inform;
my $FW_XHR; # Data only answer, no HTML
my $FW_id=""; # id of current page
my $FW_jsonp; # jasonp answer (sending function calls to the client)
my $FW_headerlines; #
my $FW_chash; # client fhem hash
my $FW_encoding="UTF-8";
my $FW_styleStamp=time();
my %FW_svgData;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{ReadFn} = "FW_Read";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FW_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FW_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "FW_Attr";
$hash->{DefFn} = "FW_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FW_Undef";
$hash->{NotifyFn}= "FW_Notify";
$hash->{AsyncOutputFn} = "FW_AsyncOutput";
$hash->{ActivateInformFn} = "FW_ActivateInform";
$hash->{CanAuthenticate} = 1;
no warnings 'qw';
my @attrList = qw(
use warnings 'qw';
$hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList);
# Initialize internal structures
map { addToAttrList($_) } (
InternalTimer(time()+60, "FW_closeInactiveClients", 0, 0);
$FW_confdir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/conf";
$FW_dir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/www";
$FW_icondir = "$FW_dir/images";
$FW_cssdir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
$FW_gplotdir = "$FW_dir/gplot";
if(opendir(DH, "$FW_dir/pgm2")) {
$FW_fhemwebjs = join(",", map { $_ = ~m/^fhemweb_(.*).js$/; $1 }
grep { /fhemweb_(.*).js$/ }
$data{webCmdFn}{"~"} = "FW_widgetFallbackFn"; # Should be the last
if($init_done) { # reload workaround
foreach my $pe ("fhemSVG", "openautomation", "default") {
my %optMod = (
zlib => { mod=>"Compress::Zlib", txt=>"compressed HTTP transfer" },
sha => { mod=>"Digest::SHA", txt=>"longpoll via websocket" },
base64 => { mod=>"MIME::Base64", txt=>"parallel SVG computing" }
foreach my $mod (keys %optMod) {
eval "require $optMod{$mod}{mod}";
if($@) {
Log 4, $@;
Log 3, "FHEMWEB: Can't load $optMod{$mod}{mod}, ".
"$optMod{$mod}{txt} is not available";
} else {
$FW_use{$mod} = 1;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $port, $global) = split("[ \t]+", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> FHEMWEB [IPV6:]<tcp-portnr> [global]"
if($port !~ m/^(IPV6:)?\d+$/);
FW_Undef($hash, undef) if($hash->{OLDDEF}); # modify
foreach my $pe ("fhemSVG", "openautomation", "default") {
my $ret = TcpServer_Open($hash, $port, $global);
# Make sure that fhem only runs once
if($ret && !$init_done) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$ret. Exiting.";
$hash->{CSRFTOKEN} = $FW_csrfTokenCache{$name};
if(!defined($hash->{CSRFTOKEN})) { # preserve over rereadcfg
InternalTimer(1, sub(){
if($featurelevel >= 5.8 && !AttrVal($name, "csrfToken", undef)) {
my ($x,$y) = gettimeofday();
($defs{$name}{CSRFTOKEN}="csrf_".(rand($y)*rand($x))) =~s/[^a-z_0-9]//g;
$FW_csrfTokenCache{$name} = $hash->{CSRFTOKEN};
}, $hash, 0);
return $ret;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $ret = TcpServer_Close($hash);
if($hash->{inform}) {
delete $FW_id2inform{$hash->{FW_ID}} if($hash->{FW_ID});
%FW_visibleDeviceHash = FW_visibleDevices();
return $ret;
my ($hash, $reread) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($hash->{SERVERSOCKET}) { # Accept and create a child
my $nhash = TcpServer_Accept($hash, "FHEMWEB");
return if(!$nhash);
my $wt = AttrVal($name, "alarmTimeout", undef);
$nhash->{ALARMTIMEOUT} = $wt if($wt);
$FW_chash = $hash;
$FW_wname = $hash->{SNAME};
$FW_cname = $name;
$FW_subdir = "";
my $c = $hash->{CD};
if(!$reread) {
# Data from HTTP Client
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($c, $buf, 1024);
if(!defined($ret) && $! == EWOULDBLOCK ){
$hash->{wantWrite} = 1
} elsif(!$ret) { # 0==EOF, undef=error
CommandDelete(undef, $name);
Log3 $FW_wname, 4, "Connection closed for $name: ".
(defined($ret) ? 'EOF' : $!);
$hash->{BUF} .= $buf;
if($hash->{SSL} && $c->can('pending')) {
while($c->pending()) {
sysread($c, $buf, 1024);
$hash->{BUF} .= $buf;
if($hash->{websocket}) { # 59713
my $fin = (ord(substr($hash->{BUF},0,1)) & 0x80)?1:0;
my $op = (ord(substr($hash->{BUF},0,1)) & 0x0F);
my $mask = (ord(substr($hash->{BUF},1,1)) & 0x80)?1:0;
my $len = (ord(substr($hash->{BUF},1,1)) & 0x7F);
my $i = 2;
if($op == 8) {
TcpServer_Close($hash, 1);
if( $len == 126 ) {
$len = unpack( 'n', substr($hash->{BUF},$i,2) );
$i += 2;
} elsif( $len == 127 ) {
$len = unpack( 'q', substr($hash->{BUF},$i,8) );
$i += 8;
if( $mask ) {
$mask = substr($hash->{BUF},$i,4);
$i += 4;
#my $data = substr($hash->{BUF}, $i, $len);
#for( my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
# substr( $data, $i, 1, substr( $data, $i, 1, ) ^ substr($mask, $i% , 1) );
#Log 1, "Received via websocket: ".unpack("H*",$data);
$hash->{BUF} = "";
if(!$hash->{HDR}) {
return if($hash->{BUF} !~ m/^(.*?)(\n\n|\r\n\r\n)(.*)$/s);
$hash->{HDR} = $1;
$hash->{BUF} = $3;
if($hash->{HDR} =~ m/Content-Length:\s*([^\r\n]*)/si) {
$hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH} = $1;
my $POSTdata = "";
if($hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH}) {
return if(length($hash->{BUF})<$hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH});
$POSTdata = substr($hash->{BUF}, 0, $hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH});
$hash->{BUF} = substr($hash->{BUF}, $hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH});
@FW_httpheader = split(/[\r\n]+/, $hash->{HDR});
%FW_httpheader = map {
my ($k,$v) = split(/: */, $_, 2);
$k =~ s/(\w+)/\u$1/g; # Forum #39203
$k=>(defined($v) ? $v : 1);
} @FW_httpheader;
my @origin = grep /Origin/i, @FW_httpheader;
$FW_headerlines = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "CORS", 0) ?
(($#origin<0) ? "": "Access-Control-Allow-".$origin[0]."\r\n").
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Authorization, Accept\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\n".
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-FHEM-csrfToken\r\n": "");
$FW_headerlines .= "X-FHEM-csrfToken: $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}\r\n"
if(defined($defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}) &&
AttrVal($FW_wname, "csrfTokenHTTPHeader", 1));
my $hh = AttrVal($FW_wname, "httpHeader", undef);
$FW_headerlines .= "$hh\r\n" if($hh);
# Return 200 for OPTIONS or 405 for unsupported method
my ($method, $arg, $httpvers) = split(" ", $FW_httpheader[0], 3)
$method = "" if(!$method);
my $ahm = AttrVal($FW_wname, "allowedHttpMethods", "GET|POST");
if($method !~ m/^($ahm)$/i){
my $retCode = ($method eq "OPTIONS") ? "200 OK" : "405 Method Not Allowed";
"HTTP/1.1 $retCode\r\n" .
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n");
delete $hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH};
FW_Read($hash, 1) if($hash->{BUF});
Log 3, "$FW_cname: unsupported HTTP method $method, rejecting it."
if($retCode ne "200 OK");
if(!defined($FW_chash->{Authenticated})) {
my $ret = Authenticate($FW_chash, \%FW_httpheader);
if($ret == 0) {
$FW_chash->{Authenticated} = 0; # not needed
} elsif($ret == 1) {
$FW_chash->{Authenticated} = 1; # ok
# Need to send set-cookie (if set) after succesful authentication
my $ah = $FW_chash->{".httpAuthHeader"};
$FW_headerlines .= $ah if($ah);
delete $FW_chash->{".httpAuthHeader"};
} else {
my $ah = $FW_chash->{".httpAuthHeader"};
($ah ? $ah : "").
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n");
delete $hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH};
FW_Read($hash, 1) if($hash->{BUF});
} else {
my $ah = $FW_chash->{".httpAuthHeader"};
$FW_headerlines .= $ah if($ah);
my $now = time();
$arg .= "&".$POSTdata if($POSTdata);
delete $hash->{CONTENT_LENGTH};
$hash->{LASTACCESS} = $now;
$FW_userAgent = $FW_httpheader{"User-Agent"};
$FW_userAgent = "" if(!defined($FW_userAgent));
$FW_ME = "/" . AttrVal($FW_wname, "webname", "fhem");
$FW_CSRF = (defined($defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}) ?
"&fwcsrf=".$defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN} : "");
if($FW_use{sha} && $method eq 'GET' &&
$FW_httpheader{Connection} && $FW_httpheader{Connection} =~ /Upgrade/i) {
my $shastr = Digest::SHA::sha1_base64($FW_httpheader{'Sec-WebSocket-Key'}.
"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" .
"Upgrade: websocket\r\n" .
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n" .
"\r\n" );
$FW_chash->{websocket} = 1;
my $me = $FW_chash;
my ($cmd, $cmddev) = FW_digestCgi($arg);
if($FW_id) {
$me->{FW_ID} = $FW_id;
$me->{canAsyncOutput} = 1;
FW_initInform($me, 0) if($FW_inform);
return -1;
$arg = "" if(!defined($arg));
Log3 $FW_wname, 4, "$name $method $arg; BUFLEN:".length($hash->{BUF});
my $pf = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotfork", 0);
if($pf) { # 0 disables
# Process SVG rendering as a parallel process
my $p = $data{FWEXT};
if(grep { $p->{$_}{FORKABLE} && $arg =~ m+^$FW_ME$_+ } keys %{$p}) {
my $pid = fhemFork();
if($pid) { # success, parent
use constant PRIO_PROCESS => 0;
setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, $pid, getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS,$pid) + $pf)
if($^O !~ m/Win/);
# a) while child writes a new request might arrive if client uses
# pipelining or
# b) parent doesn't know about ssl-session changes due to child writing
# to socket
# -> have to close socket in parent... so that its only used in this
# child.
TcpServer_Disown( $hash );
FW_Read($hash, 1) if($hash->{BUF});
} elsif(defined($pid)){ # child
delete $hash->{BUF};
$hash->{isChild} = 1;
} # fork failed and continue in parent
$FW_httpRetCode = "200 OK";
my $cacheable = FW_answerCall($arg);
if($cacheable == -1) {
return if($cacheable == -2); # async op, well be answered later
FW_finishRead($hash, $cacheable, $arg);
my ($hash, $cacheable, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $compressed = "";
if($FW_RETTYPE =~ m/(text|xml|json|svg|script)/i &&
($FW_httpheader{"Accept-Encoding"} &&
$FW_httpheader{"Accept-Encoding"} =~ m/gzip/) &&
$FW_use{zlib}) {
if(utf8::is_utf8($FW_RET) && $FW_RET =~ m/[^\x00-\xFF]/ );
eval { $FW_RET = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($FW_RET); };
if($@) {
Log 1, "memGzip: $@"; $FW_RET=""; #Forum #29939
} else {
$compressed = "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
my $length = length($FW_RET);
my $expires = ($cacheable ?
"Expires: ".FmtDateTimeRFC1123($hash->{LASTACCESS}+900)."\r\n" :
"Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\r\n");
Log3 $FW_wname, 4,
"$FW_wname: $arg / RL:$length / $FW_RETTYPE / $compressed / $expires";
if( ! FW_addToWritebuffer($hash,
"HTTP/1.1 $FW_httpRetCode\r\n" .
"Content-Length: $length\r\n" .
$expires . $compressed . $FW_headerlines .
"Content-Type: $FW_RETTYPE\r\n\r\n" .
$FW_RET, "FW_closeConn", 1) ){
Log3 $name, 4, "Closing connection $name due to full buffer in FW_Read"
TcpServer_Close($hash, 1);
my ($me, $longpoll) = @_;
if($FW_inform =~ /type=/) {
foreach my $kv (split(";", $FW_inform)) {
my ($key,$value) = split("=", $kv, 2);
$me->{inform}{$key} = $value;
} else { # Compatibility mode
$me->{inform}{type} = ($FW_room ? "status" : "raw");
$me->{inform}{filter} = ($FW_room ? $FW_room : ".*");
$FW_id2inform{$FW_id} = $me if($FW_id);
my $filter = $me->{inform}{filter};
$filter =~ s/([[\]().+?])/\\$1/g if($filter =~ m/room=/); # Forum #80390
$filter = "NAME=.*" if($filter eq "room=all");
$filter = "room!=.+" if($filter eq "room=Unsorted");
my %h = map { $_ => 1 } devspec2array($filter);
$h{global} = 1 if( $me->{inform}{addglobal} );
$h{"#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname"} = 1;
$me->{inform}{devices} = \%h;
%FW_visibleDeviceHash = FW_visibleDevices();
# NTFY_ORDER is larger than the normal order (50-)
$me->{NTFY_ORDER} = $FW_cname; # else notifyfn won't be called
%ntfyHash = ();
$me->{inform}{since} = time()-5
if(!defined($me->{inform}{since}) || $me->{inform}{since} !~ m/^\d+$/);
my $sinceTimestamp = FmtDateTime($me->{inform}{since});
if($longpoll) {
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=$FW_encoding\r\n\r\n".
FW_roomStatesForInform($me, $sinceTimestamp));
} else { # websocket
FW_roomStatesForInform($me, $sinceTimestamp));
if($FW_id && $defs{$FW_wname}{asyncOutput}) {
my $data = $defs{$FW_wname}{asyncOutput}{$FW_id};
if($data) {
FW_addToWritebuffer($me, $data."\n");
delete $defs{$FW_wname}{asyncOutput}{$FW_id};
if($me->{inform}{withLog}) {
$logInform{$me->{NAME}} = "FW_logInform";
} else {
my ($hash, $txt, $callback, $nolimit) = @_;
if( $hash->{websocket} ) {
my $len = length($txt);
if( $len < 126 ) {
$txt = chr(0x81) . chr($len) . $txt;
} else {
if ( $len < 65536 ) {
$txt = chr(0x81) . chr(0x7E) . pack('n', $len) . $txt;
} else {
$txt = chr(0x81) . chr(0x7F) . chr(0x00) . chr(0x00) .
chr(0x00) . chr(0x00) . pack('N', $len) . $txt;
return addToWritebuffer($hash, $txt, $callback, $nolimit);
my ($hash, $ret) = @_;
return if(!$hash || !$hash->{FW_ID});
if( $ret =~ m/^<html>(.*)<\/html>$/s ) {
$ret = $1;
} else {
$ret = FW_htmlEscape($ret);
$ret = "<pre>$ret</pre>" if($ret =~ m/\n/ );
$ret =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
my $data = FW_longpollInfo('JSON',
# find the longpoll connection with the same fw_id as the page that was the
# origin of the get command
my $fwid = $hash->{FW_ID};
if(!$fwid) {
Log3 $hash->{SNAME}, 4, "AsyncOutput from $hash->{NAME} without FW_ID";
Log3 $hash->{SNAME}, 4, "AsyncOutput from $hash->{NAME}";
$hash = $FW_id2inform{$fwid};
if($hash) {
FW_addToWritebuffer($hash, $data."\n");
} else {
$defs{$FW_wname}{asyncOutput}{$fwid} = $data;
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
if(!$hash->{inform} && !$hash->{BUF}) { # Forum #41125
my $cc = AttrVal($hash->{SNAME}, "closeConn",
$FW_userAgent =~ m/(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/);
if(!$FW_httpheader{Connection} || $cc) {
TcpServer_Close($hash, 1);
POSIX::exit(0) if($hash->{isChild});
FW_Read($hash, 1) if($hash->{BUF});
my ($file,$ext,$dir,$cacheable)= @_;
$file =~ s,\.\./,,g; # little bit of security
$file = "$FW_sp$file" if($ext eq "css" && -f "$dir/$FW_sp$file.$ext");
$FW_RETTYPE = ext2MIMEType($ext);
my $fname = ($ext ? "$file.$ext" : $file);
return FW_returnFileAsStream("$dir/$fname", "", $FW_RETTYPE, 0, $cacheable);
my ($arg) = @_;
my $me=$defs{$FW_cname}; # cache, else rereadcfg will delete us
$FW_RET = "";
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=$FW_encoding";
$MW_dir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM";
$FW_sp = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "f18");
$FW_ss = ($FW_sp =~ m/smallscreen/);
$FW_tp = ($FW_sp =~ m/smallscreen|touchpad/);
my $spDir = ($FW_sp eq "default" ? "" : "$FW_sp:");
@FW_iconDirs = grep { $_ } split(":", AttrVal($FW_wname, "iconPath",
@FW_fhemwebjs = ("fhemweb.js");
push(@FW_fhemwebjs, "$FW_sp.js") if(-r "$FW_dir/pgm2/$FW_sp.js");
if($arg =~ m,$FW_ME/floorplan/([a-z0-9.:_]+),i) { # FLOORPLAN: special icondir
unshift @FW_iconDirs, $1;
# /icons/... => current state of ...
# also used for static images: unintended, but too late to change
my ($dir1, $dirN, $ofile) = ($1, $2, $3)
if($arg =~ m,^$FW_ME/([^/]*)(.*/)([^/]*)$,);
if($arg =~ m,\brobots.txt$,) {
Log3 $FW_wname, 1, "NOTE: $FW_wname is probed by a search engine";
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/plain; charset=$FW_encoding";
FW_pO "User-agent: *\r";
FW_pO "Disallow: *\r";
return 0;
} elsif($arg =~ m,^$FW_ME/icons/(.*)$,) {
my ($icon,$cacheable) = (urlDecode($1), 1);
my $iconPath = FW_iconPath($icon);
# if we do not have the icon, we convert the device state to the icon name
if(!$iconPath) {
my ($img, $link, $isHtml) = FW_dev2image($icon);
$cacheable = 0;
return 0 if(!$img);
$iconPath = FW_iconPath($img);
if($iconPath =~ m/\.svg$/i) {
$FW_RETTYPE = ext2MIMEType("svg");
FW_pO FW_makeImage($img, $img);
return 0;
} elsif($iconPath =~ m/\.svg$/i && $icon=~ m/@/) {
$FW_RETTYPE = ext2MIMEType("svg");
FW_pO FW_makeImage($icon, $icon);
return 0;
$iconPath =~ m/(.*)\.([^.]*)/;
return FW_serveSpecial($1, $2, $FW_icondir, $cacheable);
} elsif($dir1 && !$data{FWEXT}{"/$dir1"}) {
my $dir = "$dir1$dirN";
my $ext = "";
$dir =~ s,/$,,;
$dir =~ s/\.\.//g;
$dir =~ s,www/,,g; # Want commandref.html to work from file://...
my $file = urlDecode($ofile); # 69164
$file =~ s/\?.*//; # Remove timestamp of CSS reloader
if($file =~ m/^(.*)\.([^.]*)$/) {
$file = $1; $ext = $2;
my $ldir = "$FW_dir/$dir";
$ldir = "$FW_dir/pgm2" if($dir eq "css" || $dir eq "js"); # FLOORPLAN compat
$ldir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/docs" if($dir eq "docs");
# pgm2 check is for jquery-ui images
my $static = ($ext =~ m/(css|js|png|jpg)/i || $dir =~ m/^pgm2/);
my $fname = ($ext ? "$file.$ext" : $file);
return FW_serveSpecial($file, $ext, $ldir, ($arg =~ m/nocache/) ? 0 : 1)
if(-r "$ldir/$fname" || $static); # no return for FLOORPLAN
$arg = "/$dir/$ofile";
} elsif($arg =~ m/^$FW_ME(.*)/s) {
$arg = $1; # The stuff behind FW_ME, continue to check for commands/FWEXT
} else {
Log3 $FW_wname, 4, "$FW_wname: redirecting $arg to $FW_ME";
"HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n".
"Content-Length: 0\r\n".
"Location: $FW_ME\r\n\r\n");
return -1;
$FW_plotmode = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotmode", "SVG");
$FW_plotsize = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotsize", $FW_ss ? "480,160" :
$FW_tp ? "640,160" : "800,160");
my ($cmd, $cmddev) = FW_digestCgi($arg);
if($cmd && $FW_CSRF && $cmd !~ m/style (list|select|eventMonitor)/) {
my $supplied = defined($FW_webArgs{fwcsrf}) ? $FW_webArgs{fwcsrf} : "";
my $want = $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN};
if($supplied ne $want) {
Log3 $FW_wname, 3, "FHEMWEB $FW_wname CSRF error: $supplied ne $want ".
"for client $FW_chash->{NAME} / command $cmd. ".
"For details see the csrfToken FHEMWEB attribute.";
$FW_httpRetCode = "400 Bad Request";
return 0;
if( $FW_id ) {
$me->{FW_ID} = $FW_id;
$me->{canAsyncOutput} = 1;
if($FW_inform) { # Longpoll header
FW_initInform($me, 1);
return -1;
my $docmd = 0;
$docmd = 1 if($cmd &&
$cmd !~ /^showlog/ &&
$cmd !~ /^style / &&
$cmd !~ /^edit/);
#If we are in XHR or json mode, execute the command directly
if($FW_XHR || $FW_jsonp) {
$FW_cmdret = $docmd ? FW_fC($cmd, $cmddev) : undef;
$FW_RETTYPE = $FW_chash->{contenttype} ?
$FW_chash->{contenttype} : "text/plain; charset=$FW_encoding";
if($FW_jsonp) {
$FW_cmdret =~ s/'/\\'/g;
# Escape newlines in JavaScript string
$FW_cmdret =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
FW_pO "$FW_jsonp('$FW_cmdret');";
} else {
$FW_cmdret = FW_addLinks($FW_cmdret) if($FW_webArgs{addLinks});
FW_pO $FW_cmdret;
return 0;
# FHEMWEB extensions (FLOORPLOAN, SVG_WriteGplot, etc)
my $FW_contentFunc;
if(defined($data{FWEXT})) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$data{FWEXT}}) {
my $h = $data{FWEXT}{$k};
next if($arg !~ m/^$k/);
$FW_contentFunc = $h->{CONTENTFUNC};
next if($h !~ m/HASH/ || !$h->{FUNC});
#Returns undef as FW_RETTYPE if it already sent a HTTP header
no strict "refs";
($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET) = &{$h->{FUNC}}($arg);
if(defined($FW_RETTYPE) && $FW_RETTYPE =~ m,text/html,) {
my $dataAttr = FW_dataAttr();
$FW_RET =~ s/<body/<body $dataAttr/;
use strict "refs";
return defined($FW_RETTYPE) ? 0 : -1;
#Now execute the command
$FW_cmdret = undef;
if($docmd) {
$FW_cmdret = FW_fC($cmd, $cmddev);
if($cmd =~ m/^define +([^ ]+) /) { # "redirect" after define to details
$FW_detail = $1;
elsif($cmd =~ m/^copy +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)/) { # redirect define to details
$FW_detail = $2;
# Redirect after a command, to clean the browser URL window
if($docmd && !defined($FW_cmdret) && AttrVal($FW_wname, "redirectCmds", 1)) {
my $tgt = $FW_ME;
if($FW_detail) { $tgt .= "?detail=$FW_detail&fw_id=$FW_id" }
elsif($FW_room) { $tgt .= "?room=".urlEncode($FW_room)."&fw_id=$FW_id" }
else { $tgt .= "?fw_id=$FW_id" }
"HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n".
"Content-Length: 0\r\n". $FW_headerlines.
"Location: $tgt\r\n".
return -1;
if($FW_lastWebName ne $FW_wname || $FW_lastHashUpdate != $lastDefChange) {
$FW_lastWebName = $FW_wname;
$FW_lastHashUpdate = $lastDefChange;
my $hsh = "Home, Sweet Home";
my $t = AttrVal($FW_wname, "title", AttrVal("global", "title", $hsh));
$t = eval $t if($t =~ m/^{.*}$/s); # Forum #48668
$t = $hsh if(!defined($t));
FW_pO '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" '.
FW_pO '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">';
FW_pO "<head root=\"$FW_ME\">\n<title>$t</title>";
FW_pO '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.FW_IconURL("favicon").'" />';
FW_pO "<meta charset=\"$FW_encoding\">"; # Forum 28666
FW_pO "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">";#Forum 18316
# Enable WebApps
if($FW_tp || $FW_ss) {
my $icon = FW_iconPath("fhemicon_ios.png");
$icon = $FW_ME."/images/".($icon ? $icon : "default/fhemicon_ios.png");
my $viewport = '';
if($FW_ss) {
my $stf = $FW_userAgent =~ m/iPad|iPhone|iPod/ ? ",shrink-to-fit=no" :"";
$viewport = "initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=1$stf";
} elsif($FW_tp) {
$viewport = "width=768";
$viewport = AttrVal($FW_wname, "viewport", $viewport);
FW_pO '<meta name="viewport" content="'.$viewport.'"/>' if ($viewport);
FW_pO '<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>';
FW_pO '<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>'; # Forum #36183
FW_pO '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="'.$icon.'"/>';
FW_pO '<link rel="shortcut-icon" href="'.$icon.'"/>';
if(!$FW_detail) {
my $rf = AttrVal($FW_wname, "refresh", "");
FW_pO "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$rf\">" if($rf);
my $cssTemplate = "<link href=\"$FW_ME/%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>";
FW_pO sprintf($cssTemplate, "pgm2/style.css?v=$FW_styleStamp");
FW_pO sprintf($cssTemplate, "pgm2/jquery-ui.min.css");
map { FW_pO sprintf($cssTemplate, $_); }
split(" ", AttrVal($FW_wname, "CssFiles", ""));
my $sd = AttrVal($FW_wname, "styleData", ""); # Avoid flicker in f18
if($sd && $sd =~ m/"$FW_sp":/s) {
my $bg;
$bg = $1 if($FW_room && $sd =~ m/"Room\.$FW_room\.cols.bg": "([^"]*)"/s);
$bg = $1 if(!defined($bg) && $sd =~ m/"cols.bg": "([^"]*)"/s);
my $bgImg;
$bgImg = $1 if($FW_room && $sd =~ m/"Room\.$FW_room\.bgImg": "([^"]*)"/s);
$bgImg = $1 if(!defined($bgImg) && $sd =~ m/"bgImg": "([^"]*)"/s);
FW_pO "<style id='style_css'>";
FW_pO "body { background-color:#$bg; }" if($bg);
FW_pO "body { background-image:url($FW_ME/images/background/$bgImg); }"
FW_pO "</style>";
my $css = AttrVal($FW_wname, "Css", "");
FW_pO "<style id='fhemweb_css'>$css</style>\n" if($css);
# JavaScripts
my $jsTemplate =
'<script attr=\'%s\' type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>';
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "", "$FW_ME/pgm2/jquery.min.js");
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "", "$FW_ME/pgm2/jquery-ui.min.js");
my (%jsNeg, @jsList); # jsNeg was used to exclude automatically loaded files
map { $_ =~ m/^-(.*)$/ ? $jsNeg{$1} = 1 : push(@jsList, $_); }
split(" ", AttrVal($FW_wname, "JavaScripts", ""));
map { FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "", "$FW_ME/pgm2/$_") if(!$jsNeg{$_}); }
# "Own" JavaScripts + their Attributes
map {
my $n = $_; $n =~ s+.*/++; $n =~ s/.js$//; $n =~ s/fhem_//; $n .= "Param";
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, AttrVal($FW_wname, $n, ""), "$FW_ME/$_");
} @jsList;
# FW Extensions
if(defined($data{FWEXT})) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$data{FWEXT}}) {
my $h = $data{FWEXT}{$k};
next if($h !~ m/HASH/ || !$h->{SCRIPT} || $h->{SCRIPT} =~ m+pgm2/jquery+);
my $script = $h->{SCRIPT};
$script = ($script =~ m,^/,) ? "$FW_ME$script" : "$FW_ME/pgm2/$script";
FW_pO sprintf($jsTemplate, "", $script);
my $csrf= ($FW_CSRF ? "fwcsrf='$defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}'" : "");
my $gen = 'generated="'.(time()-1).'"';
my $lp = 'longpoll="'.AttrVal($FW_wname,"longpoll",
$FW_use{sha} && $FW_userAgent=~m/Chrome/ ? "websocket": 1).'"';
$FW_id = $FW_chash->{NR} if( !$FW_id );
my $dataAttr = FW_dataAttr();
FW_pO "</head>\n<body name='$t' fw_id='$FW_id' $gen $lp $csrf $dataAttr>";
if($FW_activateInform) {
$cmd = "style eventMonitor $FW_activateInform";
$FW_cmdret = undef;
$FW_activateInform = "";
if(defined($FW_cmdret)) {
$FW_detail = "";
$FW_room = "";
if( $FW_cmdret =~ m/^<html>(.*)<\/html>$/s ) {
$FW_cmdret = $1;
} else { # "linkify" output (e.g. for list)
$FW_cmdret = FW_addLinks(FW_htmlEscape($FW_cmdret));
$FW_cmdret =~ s/:\S+//g if($FW_cmdret =~ m/unknown.*choose one of/i);
$FW_cmdret = "<pre>$FW_cmdret</pre>" if($FW_cmdret =~ m/\n/);
if($FW_ss) {
FW_pO "<div class=\"tiny\">$FW_cmdret</div>";
} else {
FW_pO $FW_cmdret;
FW_pO "</div>";
if($FW_contentFunc) {
no strict "refs";
my $ret = &{$FW_contentFunc}($arg);
use strict "refs";
return $ret if($ret);
my $srVal = 0;
if($cmd =~ m/^style /) { FW_style($cmd,undef); }
elsif($FW_detail) { FW_doDetail($FW_detail); }
elsif($FW_room) { $srVal = FW_showRoom(); }
elsif(!defined($FW_cmdret) &&
!$FW_contentFunc) {
$FW_room = AttrVal($FW_wname, "defaultRoom", '');
if($FW_room ne '') {
$srVal = FW_showRoom();
} else {
my $motd = AttrVal("global","motd","none");
if($motd ne "none") {
FW_addContent("><pre class='motd'>$motd</pre></div");
return $srVal if($srVal);
FW_pO "</body></html>";
return 0;
my ($p, $default) = @_;
my $val = AttrVal($FW_wname,$p, $default);
$val =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$val =~ s/'/&quot;/g;
return "data-$p='$val' ";
addParam("confirmDelete", 1).
addParam("confirmJSError", 1).
addParam("addHtmlTitle", 1).
addParam("styleData", "").
"data-availableJs='$FW_fhemwebjs' ".
"data-webName='$FW_wname '";
my $add = ($_[0] ? " $_[0]" : "");
FW_pO "<div id='content' $add>";
my ($txt) = @_;
return undef if(!defined($txt));
$txt =~ s,\b([a-z0-9._]+)\b,
$defs{$1} ? "<a href='$FW_ME$FW_subdir?detail=$1'>$1</a>" : $1,gei;
return $txt;
# Digest CGI parameters
my ($arg) = @_;
my (%arg, %val, %dev);
my ($cmd, $c) = ("","","");
%FW_pos = ();
$FW_room = "";
$FW_detail = "";
$FW_XHR = undef;
$FW_id = "";
$FW_jsonp = undef;
$FW_inform = undef;
%FW_webArgs = ();
#Remove (nongreedy) everything including the first '?'
$arg =~ s,^.*?[?],,;
foreach my $pv (split("&", $arg)) {
next if($pv eq ""); # happens when post forgot to set FW_ME
$pv =~ s/\+/ /g;
$pv =~ s/%([\dA-F][\dA-F])/chr(hex($1))/ige;
my ($p,$v) = split("=",$pv, 2);
$v = "" if(!defined($v));
# Multiline: escape the NL for fhem
$v =~ s/[\r]//g if($v && $p && $p ne "data");
$FW_webArgs{$p} = $v;
if($p eq "detail") { $FW_detail = $v; }
if($p eq "room") { $FW_room = $v; }
if($p eq "cmd") { $cmd = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^arg\.(.*)$/) { $arg{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^val\.(.*)$/) { $val{$1} = ($val{$1} ? $val{$1}.",$v" : $v) }
if($p =~ m/^dev\.(.*)$/) { $dev{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^cmd\.(.*)$/) { $cmd = $v; $c = $1; }
if($p eq "pos") { %FW_pos = split(/[=;]/, $v); }
if($p eq "data") { $FW_data = $v; }
if($p eq "XHR") { $FW_XHR = 1; }
if($p eq "fw_id") { $FW_id = $v; }
if($p eq "jsonp") { $FW_jsonp = $v; }
if($p eq "inform") { $FW_inform = $v; }
$cmd.=" $dev{$c}" if(defined($dev{$c}));
$cmd.=" $arg{$c}" if(defined($arg{$c}));
$cmd.=" $val{$c}" if(defined($val{$c}));
#replace unicode newline symbol \u2424 with real newline
my $nl = chr(226) . chr(144) . chr(164);
$cmd =~ s/$nl/\n/g;
return ($cmd, $c);
# create FW_rooms && FW_types
%FW_rooms = (); # Make a room hash
%FW_groups = (); # Make a group hash
%FW_types = (); # Needed for type sorting
my $hre = AttrVal($FW_wname, "hiddenroomRegexp", "");
foreach my $d (keys %defs ) {
next if(IsIgnored($d));
foreach my $r (split(",", AttrVal($d, "room", "Unsorted"))) {
next if($hre && $r =~ m/$hre/);
$FW_rooms{$r}{$d} = 1;
foreach my $r (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) {
$FW_groups{$r}{$d} = 1;
my $t = AttrVal($d, "subType", $defs{$d}{TYPE});
$t = AttrVal($d, "model", $t) if($t && $t eq "unknown"); # RKO: ???
$FW_types{$d} = $t;
$FW_room = AttrVal($FW_detail, "room", "Unsorted") if($FW_detail);
if(AttrVal($FW_wname, "sortRooms", "")) { # Slow!
my @sortBy = split( " ", AttrVal( $FW_wname, "sortRooms", "" ) );
my %sHash;
map { $sHash{$_} = FW_roomIdx(\@sortBy,$_) } keys %FW_rooms;
@FW_roomsArr = sort { $sHash{$a} cmp $sHash{$b} } keys %FW_rooms;
} else {
@FW_roomsArr = sort keys %FW_rooms;
my($title, $name, $hash, $cmd) = (@_);
return if(!$hash || !int(keys %{$hash}));
my $class = lc($title);
$class =~ s/[^A-Za-z]/_/g;
FW_pO "<div class='makeTable wide ".lc($title)."'>";
FW_pO "<span class='mkTitle'>$title</span>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide $class\">";
my $si = AttrVal("global", "showInternalValues", 0);
my $row = 1;
my $prefix = ($title eq "Attributes" ? "a-" : "");
foreach my $n (sort keys %{$hash}) {
next if(!$si && $n =~ m/^\./); # Skip "hidden" Values
my $val = $hash->{$n};
$val = "" if(!defined($val));
$val = $hash->{$n}{NAME} # Exception
if($n eq "IODev" && ref($val) eq "HASH" && defined($hash->{$n}{NAME}));
my $r = ref($val);
next if($r && ($r ne "HASH" || !defined($hash->{$n}{VAL})));
FW_pF "<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even";
if($n eq "DEF" && !$FW_hiddenroom{input}) {
FW_makeEdit($name, $n, $val);
} else {
FW_pO "<td><div class=\"dname\" data-name=\"$name\">$n</div></td>";
if(ref($val)) { #handle readings
my ($v, $t) = ($val->{VAL}, $val->{TIME});
if($v =~ m,^<html>(.*)</html>$,) {
$v = $1;
} else {
$v = FW_htmlEscape($v);
$v = "<pre>$v</pre>" if($v =~ m/\n/);
my $ifid = "class='dval' informId='$name-$prefix$n'";
my $ifidts = "informId='$name-$prefix$n-ts'";
if($FW_ss) {
$t = ($t ? "<br><div class='tiny' $ifidts>$t</div>" : "");
FW_pO "<td><span $ifid>$v</span>$t</td>";
} else {
$t = "" if(!$t);
FW_pO "<td><div class='dval' $ifid>$v</div></td>";
FW_pO "<td><div $ifidts>$t</div></td>";
} else {
$val = FW_htmlEscape($val);
my $tattr = "informId=\"$name-$prefix$n\" class=\"dval\"";
# if possible provide some links
if ($n eq "room"){
FW_pO "<td><div $tattr>".
join(",", map { FW_pH("room=$_",$_,0,"",1,1) } split(",",$val)).
} elsif ($n =~ m/^fp_(.*)/ && $defs{$1}){ #special for Floorplan
FW_pH "detail=$1", $val,1;
} elsif ($modules{$val} ) {
FW_pH "cmd=list%20TYPE=$val", $val,1;
} else {
$val = "<pre>$val</pre>" if($val =~ m/\n/);
FW_pO "<td><div $tattr>".
join(",", map { ($_ ne $name && $defs{$_}) ?
FW_pH( "detail=$_", $_ ,0,"",1,1) : $_ } split(",",$val)).
FW_pH "cmd.$name=$cmd $name $n&amp;detail=$name", $cmd, 1
if($cmd && !$FW_ss);
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
# Used only for set or attr lists.
my ($d, $cmd, $list, $param) = @_;
return "" if(!$list || $FW_hiddenroom{input});
my %al = map { s/:.*//;$_ => 1 } split(" ", $list);
my @al = sort keys %al; # remove duplicate items in list
my $selEl = (defined($al[0]) ? $al[0] : " ");
$selEl = $1 if($list =~ m/([^ ]*):slider,/); # promote a slider if available
$selEl = "room" if($list =~ m/room:/);
$list =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
my $ret ="";
my $psc = AttrVal("global", "perlSyntaxCheck", ($featurelevel>5.7) ? 1 : 0);
$ret .= "<div class='makeSelect' dev=\"$d\" cmd=\"$cmd\" list=\"$list\">";
$ret .= "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" ".
"action=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir\" autocomplete=\"off\">";
$ret .= FW_hidden("detail", $d);
$ret .= FW_hidden("dev.$cmd$d", $d.($param ? " $param":""));
$ret .= FW_submit("cmd.$cmd$d", $cmd, $cmd.($psc?" psc":""));
$ret .= "<div class=\"$cmd downText\">&nbsp;$d&nbsp;".
($param ? "&nbsp;$param":"")."</div>";
$ret .= FW_select("sel_$cmd$d","arg.$cmd$d",\@al, $selEl, $cmd);
$ret .= FW_textfield("val.$cmd$d", 30, $cmd);
$ret .= "</form></div>";
return $ret;
my ($d) = @_;
return if($FW_hiddenroom{detail});
return if(!defined($defs{$d}));
my $h = $defs{$d};
my $t = $h->{TYPE};
$t = "MISSING" if(!defined($t));
if($FW_ss) {
my $webCmd = AttrVal($d, "webCmd", undef);
if($webCmd) {
FW_pO "<table class=\"webcmd\">";
foreach my $cmd (split(":", $webCmd)) {
FW_pO "<tr>";
FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd&detail=$d", $cmd, 1, "col1";
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "<table><tr><td>";
if(!$modules{$t}{FW_detailFn} || $modules{$t}{FW_deviceOverview}) {
my $show = AttrVal($FW_wname, "deviceOverview", "always");
if( $show ne 'never' ) {
my %extPage = ();
if( $show eq 'iconOnly' ) {
my ($allSets, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($d, $FW_room, \%extPage);
FW_pO "<div informId='$d'".
($FW_tp?"":" style='float:right'").">$txt</div>";
} else {
my $nameDisplay = AttrVal($FW_wname,"nameDisplay",undef);
my %usuallyAtEnd = ();
my $style = "";
if( $show eq 'onClick' ) {
my $pgm = "Javascript:" .
"s.display = s.display=='none' ? 'block' : 'none';".
"s.display = s.display=='none' ? 'block' : 'none';";
FW_pO "<div id=\"ddisp\"><br><a style=\"cursor:pointer\" ".
"onClick=\"$pgm\">Show DeviceOverview</a><br><br></div>";
$style = 'style="display:none"';
FW_pO "<div $style id=\"ddtable\" class='makeTable wide'>";
FW_pO "<span class='mkTitle'>DeviceOverview</span>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide\">";
FW_pO "</table></div>";
if($modules{$t}{FW_detailFn}) {
no strict "refs";
my $txt = &{$modules{$t}{FW_detailFn}}($FW_wname, $d, $FW_room);
FW_pO "</td></tr><tr><td>$txt<br>" if(defined($txt));
use strict "refs";
FW_pO FW_detailSelect($d, "set",
FW_widgetOverride($d, getAllSets($d, $FW_chash)));
FW_pO FW_detailSelect($d, "get",
FW_widgetOverride($d, getAllGets($d, $FW_chash)));
FW_makeTable("Internals", $d, $h);
FW_makeTable("Readings", $d, $h->{READINGS});
my $attrList = getAllAttr($d);
my $roomList = "multiple,".join(",",
sort map { $_ =~ s/ /#/g ;$_} keys %FW_rooms);
my $groupList = "multiple,".join(",",
sort map { $_ =~ s/ /#/g ;$_} keys %FW_groups);
$attrList =~ s/room /room:$roomList /;
$attrList =~ s/group /group:$groupList /;
$attrList = FW_widgetOverride($d, $attrList);
$attrList =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$attrList =~ s/'/\\'/g;
FW_pO FW_detailSelect($d, "attr", $attrList);
FW_makeTable("Attributes", $d, $attr{$d}, "deleteattr");
FW_makeTableFromArray("Probably associated with", "assoc", getPawList($d));
FW_pO "</td></tr></table>";
my ($link, $txt, $td, $class, $doRet,$nonl) = @_;
FW_pH "cmd=style iconFor $d", "Select icon", undef, "detLink iconFor";
FW_pH "cmd=style showDSI $d", "Extend devStateIcon", undef, "detLink showDSI";
FW_pH "cmd=rawDef $d", "Raw definition", undef, "detLink rawDef";
FW_pH "cmd=delete $d", "Delete this device ($d)", undef, "detLink delDev"
if($d ne "global");
my $sfx = AttrVal("global", "language", "EN");
$sfx = ($sfx eq "EN" ? "" : "_$sfx");
FW_pH "$FW_ME/docs/commandref${sfx}.html#${t}", "Device specific help",
undef, "detLink devSpecHelp";
FW_pO "<br><br>";
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_makeTableFromArray($$@) {
my ($txt,$class,@obj) = @_;
if (@obj>0) {
my $row=1;
FW_pO "<div class='makeTable wide'>";
FW_pO "<span class='mkTitle'>$txt</span>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide $class\">";
foreach (sort @obj) {
FW_pF "<tr class=\"%s\"><td>", (($row++)&1)?"odd":"even";
FW_pH "detail=$_", $_;
FW_pO "</td><td>";
FW_pO $defs{$_}{STATE} if(defined($defs{$_}{STATE}));
FW_pO "</td><td>";
FW_pH "cmd=list TYPE=$defs{$_}{TYPE}", $defs{$_}{TYPE};
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table></div>";
my ($arr,$v) = @_;
my ($index) = grep { $v =~ /^$arr->[$_]$/ } 0..$#$arr;
if( !defined($index) ) {
$index = 9999;
} else {
$index = sprintf( "%03i", $index );
return "$index-$v";
# Header, Zoom-Icons & list of rooms at the left.
my ($cmd) = @_;
%FW_hiddenroom = ();
map { $FW_hiddenroom{$_}=1 } split(",",AttrVal($FW_wname,"hiddenroom", ""));
map { $FW_hiddenroom{$_}=1 } split(",",AttrVal($FW_wname,"forbiddenroom",""));
my $hasMenuScroll;
if($FW_detail && $FW_ss) {
$FW_room = AttrVal($FW_detail, "room", undef);
$FW_room = $1 if($FW_room && $FW_room =~ m/^([^,]*),/);
$FW_room = "" if(!$FW_room);
"<div id=\"back\">" . FW_makeImage("back") . "</div>"));
FW_pO "<div id=\"menu\">$FW_detail details</div>";
} else {
$hasMenuScroll = 1;
FW_pO '<div id="menuScrollArea">';
FW_pH "", '<div id="logo"></div>';
my (@list1, @list2);
push(@list1, ""); push(@list2, "");
if(!$FW_hiddenroom{save} && !$FW_hiddenroom{"Save config"}) {
push(@list1, "Save config");
push(@list2, "$FW_ME?cmd=save");
push(@list1, ""); push(@list2, "");
# Show FW Extensions in the menu
if(defined($data{FWEXT})) {
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$data{FWEXT}}) {
my $h = $data{FWEXT}{$k};
next if($h !~ m/HASH/ || !$h->{LINK} || !$h->{NAME});
next if($FW_hiddenroom{$h->{NAME}});
push(@list1, $h->{NAME});
push(@list2, $FW_ME ."/".$h->{LINK});
if($cnt > 0) {
push(@list1, ""); push(@list2, "");
$FW_room = "" if(!$FW_room);
# Rooms and other links
foreach my $r (@FW_roomsArr) {
next if($r eq "hidden" || $FW_hiddenroom{$r});
$FW_room = AttrVal($FW_wname, "defaultRoom", $r)
if(!$FW_room && $FW_ss);
push @list1, FW_htmlEscape($r);
push @list2, "$FW_ME?room=".urlEncode($r);
my $sfx = AttrVal("global", "language", "EN");
$sfx = ($sfx eq "EN" ? "" : "_$sfx");
my @list = (
"Everything", "$FW_ME?room=all",
"", "",
"Commandref", "$FW_ME/docs/commandref${sfx}.html",
"Remote doc", "http://fhem.de/fhem.html#Documentation",
"Edit files", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20list",
"Select style", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20select",
"Event monitor", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20eventMonitor",
"", "");
my $lastname = ","; # Avoid double "".
my $lfn = "Logfile";
if($defs{$lfn}) { # Add the current Logfile to the list if defined
my @l = FW_fileList($defs{$lfn}{logfile},1);
my $fn = pop @l;
splice @list, 4,0, ("Logfile",
my @me = split(",", AttrVal($FW_wname, "menuEntries", ""));
push @list, @me, "", "" if(@me);
for(my $idx = 0; $idx < @list; $idx+= 2) {
next if($FW_hiddenroom{$list[$idx]} || $list[$idx] eq $lastname);
push @list1, $list[$idx];
push @list2, $list[$idx+1];
$lastname = $list[$idx];
FW_pO "<div id=\"menu\">";
FW_pO "<table>";
if($FW_ss) { # Make a selection sensitive dropdown list
FW_pO "<tr><td><select OnChange=\"location.href=" .
foreach(my $idx = 0; $idx < @list1; $idx++) {
next if(!$list1[$idx]);
my $sel = ($list1[$idx] eq $FW_room ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "");
FW_pO "<option value='$list2[$idx]'$sel>$list1[$idx]</option>";
FW_pO "</select></td>";
FW_pO "</tr>";
} else {
my $tblnr = 1;
my $roomEscaped = FW_htmlEscape($FW_room);
foreach(my $idx = 0; $idx < @list1; $idx++) {
my ($l1, $l2) = ($list1[$idx], $list2[$idx]);
if(!$l1) {
FW_pO "</table></td></tr>" if($idx);
if($idx<int(@list1)-1) {
FW_pO "<tr><td><table class=\"room roomBlock$tblnr\">";
} else {
FW_pF "<tr%s>", $l1 eq $roomEscaped ? " class=\"sel\"" : "";
my $class = "menu_$l1";
$class =~ s/[^A-Z0-9]/_/gi;
# image tag if we have an icon, else empty
my $icoName = "ico$l1";
map { my ($n,$v) = split(":",$_); $icoName=$v if($l1 =~ m/^$n$/); }
split(" ", AttrVal($FW_wname, "roomIcons", ""));
my $icon = FW_iconName($icoName) ?
FW_makeImage($icoName,$icoName,"icon")."&nbsp;" : "";
if($l1 eq "Save config") {
$l1 .= '</span></a> '.
'<a id="saveCheck" class="changed" style="visibility:'.
(int(@structChangeHist) ? 'visible' : 'hidden').'"><span>?';
# Force external browser if FHEMWEB is installed as an offline app.
my $target = ''; # Forum 33066, 39854
$target = 'target="_blank"' if($l2 =~ s/^$FW_ME\/\+/$FW_ME\//);
$target = 'target="_blank"' if($l2 =~ m/commandref|fhem.de.fhem.html/);
if($l2 =~ m/.html$/ || $l2 =~ m/^(http|javascript)/ || length($target)){
FW_pO "<td><div><a href='$l2' $target>$icon<span>$l1</span></a>".
} else {
FW_pH $l2, "$icon<span>$l1</span>", 1, $class;
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</div>" if($hasMenuScroll);
FW_pO "<div id=\"hdr\">";
FW_pO '<table border="0" class="header"><tr><td style="padding:0">';
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" action=\"$FW_ME\">";
FW_pO FW_hidden("fw_id", $FW_id) if($FW_id);
FW_pO FW_hidden("room", $FW_room) if($FW_room);
FW_pO FW_hidden("fwcsrf", $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}) if($FW_CSRF);
FW_pO FW_textfield("cmd",
AttrVal($FW_wname, "mainInputLength", $FW_ss ? 25 : 40), "maininput");
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_pO "</td></tr></table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
my ($d) = @_;
if($FW_room) {
return AttrVal($d, "alias_$FW_room", AttrVal($d, "alias", $d));
} else {
return AttrVal($d, "alias", $d);
my ($d,$row,$extPage,$nameDisplay,$usuallyAtEnd) = @_;
my $rf = ($FW_room ? "&amp;room=$FW_room" : ""); # stay in the room
FW_pF "\n<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even";
my $devName = FW_alias($d);
if(defined($nameDisplay)) {
my ($DEVICE, $ALIAS) = ($d, $devName);
$devName = eval $nameDisplay;
my $icon = AttrVal($d, "icon", "");
$icon = FW_makeImage($icon,$icon,"icon") . "&nbsp;" if($icon);
$devName="" if($modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{FW_hideDisplayName}); # Forum 88667
if(!$usuallyAtEnd->{$d}) {
if($FW_hiddenroom{detail}) {
FW_pO "<td><div class=\"col1\">$icon$devName</div></td>";
} else {
FW_pH "detail=$d", "$icon$devName", 1, "col1";
my ($allSets, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($d, $rf, $extPage);
if($cmdlist) {
my $cl2 = $cmdlist; $cl2 =~ s/ [^:]*//g; $cl2 =~ s/:/ /g; # Forum #74053
$allSets = "$allSets $cl2";
$allSets = FW_widgetOverride($d, $allSets);
my $colSpan = ($usuallyAtEnd->{$d} ? ' colspan="2"' : '');
FW_pO "<td informId=\"$d\"$colSpan>$txt</td>";
# Commands, slider, dropdown
my $smallscreenCommands = AttrVal($FW_wname, "smallscreenCommands", "");
if((!$FW_ss || $smallscreenCommands) && $cmdlist) {
my @a = split("[: ]", AttrVal($d, "cmdIcon", ""));
Log 1, "ERROR: bad cmdIcon definition for $d" if(@a % 2);
my %cmdIcon = @a;
my @cl = split(":", $cmdlist);
my @wcl = split(":", AttrVal($d, "webCmdLabel", ""));
my $nRows;
$nRows = split("\n", AttrVal($d, "webCmdLabel", "")) if(@wcl);
@wcl = () if(@wcl != @cl); # some safety
for(my $i1=0; $i1<@cl; $i1++) {
my $cmd = $cl[$i1];
my $htmlTxt;
my @c = split(' ', $cmd); # @c==0 if $cmd==" ";
if(int(@c) && $allSets && $allSets =~ m/\b$c[0]:([^ ]*)/) {
my $values = $1;
foreach my $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$htmlTxt = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,
$d, $FW_room, $cmd, $values);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($htmlTxt));
if($htmlTxt) {
$htmlTxt =~ s,^<td[^>]*>(.*)</td>$,$1,;
} else {
my $nCmd = $cmdIcon{$cmd} ?
FW_makeImage($cmdIcon{$cmd},$cmd,"webCmd") : $cmd;
$htmlTxt = FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd$rf", $nCmd, 0, "", 1, 1;
if(@wcl > $i1) {
if($nRows > 1) {
FW_pO "<td><table class='wide'><tr>" if($i1 == 0);
FW_pO "<td>$wcl[$i1]</td><td>$htmlTxt</td>";
FW_pO "</tr><tr>" if($wcl[$i1] =~ m/\n/);
FW_pO "</tr></table></td>" if($i1 == @cl-1);
} else {
FW_pO "<td><div class='col3'>$wcl[$i1]$ htmlTxt</div></td>";
} else {
FW_pO "<td><div class='col3'>$htmlTxt</div></td>";
FW_pO "</tr>";
my ($d) = @_;
return $d if(!$attr{$d});
my $val = $attr{$d}{sortby};
if($val) {
if($val =~ m/^{.*}/) {
my %specials=("%NAME" => $d);
my $exec = EvalSpecials($val, %specials);
return AnalyzePerlCommand($FW_chash, $exec);
return lc($val);
if($FW_room) {
$val = $attr{$d}{"alias_$FW_room"};
return $val if($val);
$val = $attr{$d}{"alias"};
return $val if($val);
return $d;
# Show the overview of devices in one room
# room can be a room, all or Unsorted
return 0 if(!$FW_room ||
AttrVal($FW_wname,"forbiddenroom","") =~ m/\b$FW_room\b/);
%FW_hiddengroup = ();
foreach my $r (split(",",AttrVal($FW_wname, "hiddengroup", ""))) {
$FW_hiddengroup{$r} = 1;
my $hge = AttrVal($FW_wname, "hiddengroupRegexp", undef);
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\" ". # Why do we need a form here?
"action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">";
FW_pO "<table class=\"roomoverview\">"; # Need for equal width of subtables
# array of all device names in the room (exception weblinks without group
# attribute)
my @devs= grep { (($FW_rooms{$FW_room} && $FW_rooms{$FW_room}{$_}) ||
$FW_room eq "all") && !IsIgnored($_) } keys %defs;
my (%group, @atEnds, %usuallyAtEnd, %sortIndex);
my $nDevsInRoom = 0;
foreach my $dev (@devs) {
if($modules{$defs{$dev}{TYPE}}{FW_atPageEnd}) {
$usuallyAtEnd{$dev} = 1;
if(!AttrVal($dev, "group", undef)) {
$sortIndex{$dev} = FW_sortIndex($dev);
push @atEnds, $dev;
next if(!$FW_types{$dev}); # FHEMWEB connection, missed due to caching
foreach my $grp (split(",", AttrVal($dev, "group", $FW_types{$dev}))) {
next if($FW_hiddengroup{$grp});
next if($hge && $grp =~ m/$hge/);
$sortIndex{$dev} = FW_sortIndex($dev);
$group{$grp}{$dev} = 1;
# row counter
my $row=1;
my %extPage = ();
my $nameDisplay = AttrVal($FW_wname,"nameDisplay",undef);
my ($columns, $maxc) = FW_parseColumns(\%group);
FW_pO "<tr class=\"column\">" if($maxc != -1);
for(my $col=1; $col < ($maxc==-1 ? 2 : $maxc); $col++) {
FW_pO "<td><table class=\"column tblcol_$col\">" if($maxc != -1);
# iterate over the distinct groups
foreach my $g (sort { $maxc==-1 ?
$a cmp $b :
($columns->{$a} ? $columns->{$a}->[0] : 99) <=>
($columns->{$b} ? $columns->{$b}->[0] : 99) } keys %group) {
next if($maxc != -1 && (!$columns->{$g} || $columns->{$g}->[1] != $col));
# Check if there is a device of this type in the room
FW_pO "<tr class='devTypeTr'><td><div class='devType'>$g</div></td></tr>";
FW_pO "<tr><td>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide\" id=\"TYPE_$g\">";
foreach my $d (sort { $sortIndex{$a} cmp $sortIndex{$b} }
keys %{$group{$g}}) {
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
$extPage{group} = $g;
if($modules{$type}{FW_addDetailToSummary}) {
no strict "refs";
my $txt = &{$modules{$type}{FW_detailFn}}($FW_wname, $d, $FW_room);
use strict "refs";
if(defined($txt)) {
FW_pO "<tr class='".($row&1?"odd":"even").
"'><td colspan='50'>$txt</td></tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
FW_pO "</table></td>" if($maxc != -1); # Column
FW_pO "</tr>" if($maxc != -1);
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "<br>" if(@atEnds && $nDevsInRoom);
# Now the "atEnds"
my $doBC = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotfork", 0) &&
AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotEmbed", 0) == 0);
my %res;
my ($idx,$svgIdx) = (1,1);
@atEnds = sort { $sortIndex{$a} cmp $sortIndex{$b} } @atEnds;
$FW_svgData{$FW_cname} = { FW_RET=>$FW_RET, RES=>\%res, ATENDS=>\@atEnds };
foreach my $d (@atEnds) {
no strict "refs";
my $fn = $modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{FW_summaryFn};
$extPage{group} = "atEnd";
$extPage{index} = $idx++;
if($doBC && $defs{$d}{TYPE} eq "SVG" && $FW_use{base64}) {
$extPage{svgIdx} = $svgIdx++;
BlockingCall(sub {
return "$FW_cname,$d,".
}, undef, "FW_svgCollect");
} else {
$res{$d} = &{$fn}($FW_wname,$d,$FW_room,\%extPage);
use strict "refs";
return FW_svgDone(\%res, \@atEnds, undef);
my ($res, $atEnds, $delayedReturn) = @_;
return -2 if(int(keys %{$res}) != int(@{$atEnds}));
foreach my $d (@{$atEnds}) {
FW_pO $res->{$d};
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_pO "</body></html>" if($delayedReturn);
return 0;
my ($cname,$d,$enc) = split(",",$_[0],3);
my $h = $FW_svgData{$cname};
my ($res, $atEnds) = ($h->{RES}, $h->{ATENDS});
$res->{$d} = decode_base64($enc);
return if(int(keys %{$res}) != int(@{$atEnds}));
$FW_RET = $h->{FW_RET};
FW_svgDone($res, $atEnds, 1);
FW_finishRead($defs{$cname}, 0, "");
# Room1:col1group1,col1group2|col2group1,col2group2 Room2:...
my ($aGroup) = @_;
my %columns;
my $colNo = -1;
foreach my $roomgroup (split("[ \t\r\n]+", AttrVal($FW_wname,"column",""))) {
my ($room, $groupcolumn)=split(":",$roomgroup,2);
$room =~ s/%20/ /g; # Space
next if(!defined($groupcolumn) || $FW_room !~ m/^$room$/);
$colNo = 1;
my @grouplist = keys %$aGroup;
my %handled;
foreach my $groups (split(/\|/,$groupcolumn)) {
my $lineNo = 1;
foreach my $group (split(",",$groups)) {
$group =~ s/%20/ /g; # Forum #33612
$group = "^$group\$"; #71381
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$group$/ };
if($@) {
Log3 $FW_wname, 1, "Bad regexp in column spec: $@";
} else {
foreach my $g (grep /$group/ ,@grouplist) {
next if($handled{$g});
$handled{$g} = 1;
$columns{$g} = [$lineNo++, $colNo]; #23212
return (\%columns, $colNo);
# return a sorted list of actual files for a given regexp
my ($fname,$mtime) = @_;
$fname =~ s/%L/$attr{global}{logdir}/g #Forum #89744
if($fname =~ m/%/ && $attr{global}{logdir});
$fname =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Split into dir and file
my ($dir,$re) = ($1, $2);
return $fname if(!$re);
$re =~ s/%./[A-Za-z0-9]*/g; # logfile magic (%Y, etc)
my @ret;
return @ret if(!opendir(DH, $dir));
while(my $f = readdir(DH)) {
next if($f !~ m,^$re$, || $f eq "99_Utils.pm");
push(@ret, $f);
return sort { (CORE::stat("$dir/$a"))[9] <=> (CORE::stat("$dir/$b"))[9] }
@ret if($mtime);
@ret = cfgDB_FW_fileList($dir,$re,@ret) if (configDBUsed());
return sort @ret;
# Stream big files in chunks, to avoid bloating ourselves.
# This is a "terminal" function, no data can be appended after it is called.
my ($hash, $buf, $d) = @_;
$buf = $d->deflate($buf) if($d);
if( length($buf) ){
TcpServer_WriteBlocking($hash, sprintf("%x\r\n",length($buf)) .$buf."\r\n");
my ($path, $suffix, $type, $doEsc, $cacheable) = @_;
my $etag;
if($cacheable) {
#Check for If-None-Match header (ETag)
my $if_none_match = $FW_httpheader{"If-None-Match"};
$if_none_match =~ s/"(.*)"/$1/ if($if_none_match);
$etag = (stat($path))[9]; #mtime
if(defined($etag) && defined($if_none_match) && $etag eq $if_none_match) {
my $now = time();
my $rsp = "Date: ".FmtDateTimeRFC1123($now)."\r\n".
"ETag: $etag\r\n".
"Expires: ".FmtDateTimeRFC1123($now+900)."\r\n";
Log3 $FW_wname, 4, "$FW_chash->{NAME} => 304 Not Modified";
TcpServer_WriteBlocking($FW_chash,"HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\r\n".
$rsp . $FW_headerlines . "\r\n");
return -1;
if(!open(FH, $path)) {
Log3 $FW_wname, 4, "FHEMWEB $FW_wname $path: $!";
"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n".
return -1;
binmode(FH) if($type !~ m/text/); # necessary for Windows
my $sz = -s $path;
$etag = defined($etag) ? "ETag: \"$etag\"\r\n" : "";
my $expires = $cacheable ? ("Expires: ".gmtime(time()+900)." GMT\r\n"): "";
my $compr = ($FW_httpheader{"Accept-Encoding"} &&
$FW_httpheader{"Accept-Encoding"} =~ m/gzip/ && $FW_use{zlib}) ?
"Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n" : "";
TcpServer_WriteBlocking($FW_chash, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
$compr . $expires . $FW_headerlines . $etag .
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" .
"Content-Type: $type; charset=$FW_encoding\r\n\r\n");
my $d = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit(-WindowBits=>31) if($compr);
FW_outputChunk($FW_chash, $FW_RET, $d);
FW_outputChunk($FW_chash, "<a name='top'></a>".
"<a href='#end_of_file'>jump to the end</a><br><br>", $d)
if($doEsc && $sz > 2048);
my $buf;
while(sysread(FH, $buf, 2048)) {
if($doEsc) { # FileLog special
$buf =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$buf =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
FW_outputChunk($FW_chash, $buf, $d);
FW_outputChunk($FW_chash, "<br/><a name='end_of_file'></a>".
"<a href='#top'>jump to the top</a><br/><br/>", $d)
if($doEsc && $sz > 2048);
FW_outputChunk($FW_chash, $suffix, $d);
if($compr) {
$buf = $d->flush();
sprintf("%x\r\n",length($buf)) .$buf."\r\n");
TcpServer_WriteBlocking($FW_chash, "0\r\n\r\n");
return -1;
my ($msg) = @_;
FW_pO "<html><body>$msg</body></html>";
my ($n, $v) = @_;
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\"/>";
# Generate a select field with option list
my ($id, $name, $valueArray, $selected, $class, $jSelFn) = @_;
$jSelFn = ($jSelFn ? "onchange=\"$jSelFn\"" : "");
$id =~ s/\./_/g if($id); # to avoid problems in JS DOM Search
$id = ($id ? "id=\"$id\" informId=\"$id\"" : "");
my $s = "<select $jSelFn $id name=\"$name\" class=\"$class\">";
foreach my $v (@{$valueArray}) {
if(defined($selected) && $v eq $selected) {
$s .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value='$v'>$v</option>\n";
} else {
$s .= "<option value='$v'>$v</option>\n";
$s .= "</select>";
return $s;
my ($n, $z, $class, $value) = @_;
my $v;
$v=" value='$value'" if(defined($value));
return if($FW_hiddenroom{input});
my $s = "<input type='text' name='$n' class='$class' size='$z'$v ".
"autocorrect='off' autocapitalize='off'/>";
return $s;
return FW_textfieldv($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], "");
my ($n, $v, $class) = @_;
$class = ($class ? "class=\"$class\"" : "");
my $s ="<input type=\"submit\" name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\" $class/>";
$s = FW_hidden("fwcsrf", $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}).$s if($FW_CSRF);
return $s;
my ($heading,@files)= @_;
my $hid = lc($heading);
$hid =~ s/[^A-Za-z]/_/g;
FW_pO "<div class=\"fileList $hid\">$heading</div>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide fileList\">";
my $cfgDB = "";
my $row = 0;
foreach my $f (@files) {
$cfgDB = ($f =~ s,\.configDB$,,);
$cfgDB = ($cfgDB) ? "configDB" : "";
FW_pO "<tr class=\"" . ($row?"odd":"even") . "\">";
FW_pH "cmd=style edit $f $cfgDB", $f, 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "<br>";
my $name = shift;
my @f = sort keys %FW_customConfFiles;
return "$FW_confdir/$name" if ( map { $name =~ $_ } @f );
$attr{global}{configfile} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
my $cfgFileName = $1;
if($name eq $cfgFileName) {
return $attr{global}{configfile};
} elsif($name =~ m/.*(js|css|_defs.svg)$/) {
return "$FW_cssdir/$name";
} elsif($name =~ m/.*(png|svg)$/) {
my $d="";
map { $d = $_ if(!$d && -d "$FW_icondir/$_") } @FW_iconDirs;
return "$FW_icondir/$d/$name";
} elsif($name =~ m/.*gplot$/) {
return "$FW_gplotdir/$name";
} elsif($name =~ m/.*log$/) {
return AttrVal("global", "logdir", "log")."/$name";
} else {
return "$MW_dir/$name";
sub FW_confFiles() {
# create and return regexp for editFileList
return "(".join ( "|" , sort keys %FW_customConfFiles ).")";
# List/Edit/Save files
my ($cmd, $msg) = @_;
my @a = split(" ", $cmd);
return if(!Authorized($FW_chash, "cmd", $a[0]));
my $start = '><table><tr><td';
my $end = "</td></tr></table></div>";
if($a[1] eq "list") {
FW_pO "$msg<br><br>" if($msg);
$attr{global}{configfile} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
my $cfgFileName = $1;
FW_displayFileList("config file", $cfgFileName)
my $efl = AttrVal($FW_wname, 'editFileList',
"Own modules and helper files:\$MW_dir:^(.*sh|[0-9][0-9].*Util.*pm|".
"Config files:\$FW_confdir:^".FW_confFiles."\$\n".
"Gplot files:\$FW_gplotdir:^.*gplot\$\n".
"Style files:\$FW_cssdir:^.*(css|svg)\$");
foreach my $l (split(/[\r\n]/, $efl)) {
my ($t, $v, $re) = split(":", $l, 3);
$v = eval $v;
my @fList;
if($v eq $FW_gplotdir && AttrVal($FW_wname,'showUsedFiles',0)) {
@fList = defInfo('TYPE=SVG','GPLOTFILE');
@fList = map { "$_.gplot" } @fList;
@fList = map { "$_.configDB" } @fList if configDBUsed();
my %fListUnique = map { $_, 1 } @fList;
@fList = sort keys %fListUnique;
} else {
@fList = FW_fileList("$v/$re");
FW_displayFileList($t, @fList);
FW_pO $end;
} elsif($a[1] eq "select") {
my @fl = grep { $_ !~ m/(floorplan|dashboard)/ }
FW_pO "<div class='fileList styles'>Styles</div>";
FW_pO "<table class='block wide fileList'>";
my $row = 0;
foreach my $file (@fl) {
next if($file =~ m/svg_/);
$file =~ s/style.css//;
$file = "default" if($file eq "");
FW_pO "<tr class=\"" . ($row?"odd":"even") . "\">";
FW_pH "cmd=style set $file", "$file", 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
FW_pO "</table>$end";
} elsif($a[1] eq "set") {
CommandAttr(undef, "$FW_wname stylesheetPrefix $a[2]");
$FW_styleStamp = time();
$FW_RET =~ s,/style.css\?v=\d+,/style.css?v=$FW_styleStamp,;
FW_pO "Reload the page in the browser.$end";
} elsif($a[1] eq "edit") {
my $fileName = $a[2];
my $data = "";
my $cfgDB = defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : "";
my $forceType = ($cfgDB eq 'configDB') ? $cfgDB : "file";
$fileName =~ s,.*/,,g; # Little bit of security
my $filePath = FW_fileNameToPath($fileName);
my($err, @content) = FileRead({FileName=>$filePath, ForceType=>$forceType});
if($err) {
$data = join("\n", @content);
$data =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$attr{global}{configfile} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
my $readOnly = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "editConfig", ($1 ne $fileName)) ?
"" : "readonly");
my $ncols = $FW_ss ? 40 : 80;
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\">";
if($readOnly) {
FW_pO "You can enable saving this file by setting the editConfig ";
FW_pO "attribute, but read the documentation first for the side effects.";
FW_pO "<br><br>";
} else {
FW_pO FW_submit("save", "Save $fileName");
FW_pO "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
FW_pO FW_submit("saveAs", "Save as");
FW_pO FW_textfieldv("saveName", 30, "saveName", $fileName);
FW_pO "<br><br>";
FW_pO FW_hidden("cmd", "style save $fileName $cfgDB");
FW_pO "<textarea $readOnly name=\"data\" cols=\"$ncols\" rows=\"30\">" .
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_pO "</div>";
} elsif($a[1] eq "save") {
my $fileName = $a[2];
my $cfgDB = defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : "";
$fileName = $FW_webArgs{saveName}
if($FW_webArgs{saveAs} && $FW_webArgs{saveName});
$fileName =~ s,.*/,,g; # Little bit of security
my $filePath = FW_fileNameToPath($fileName);
my $isImg = ($fileName =~ m,\.(svg|png)$,i);
my $forceType = ($cfgDB eq 'configDB' && !$isImg) ? $cfgDB : "file";
$FW_data =~ s/\r//g if(!$isImg);
my $err;
if($fileName =~ m,\.png$,) {
$err = FileWrite({FileName=>$filePath,ForceType=>$forceType,NoNL=>1},
} else {
$err = FileWrite({ FileName=>$filePath, ForceType=>$forceType },
split("\n", $FW_data));
if($err) {
FW_addContent(">$filePath: $!</div");
my $ret = FW_fC("rereadcfg") if($filePath eq $attr{global}{configfile});
$ret = FW_fC("reload $fileName") if($fileName =~ m,\.pm$,);
$ret = FW_Set("","","rereadicons") if($isImg);
DoTrigger("global", "FILEWRITE $filePath", 1) if(!$ret); # Forum #32592
my $sfx = ($forceType eq "configDB" ? " to configDB" : "");
$ret = ($ret ? "<h3>ERROR:</h3><b>$ret</b>" : "Saved $fileName$sfx");
FW_style("style list", $ret);
$ret = "";
} elsif($a[1] eq "iconFor") {
FW_iconTable("iconFor", "icon", "style setIF $a[2] %s", undef);
} elsif($a[1] eq "setIF") {
FW_fC("attr $a[2] icon $a[3]");
} elsif($a[1] eq "showDSI") {
FW_iconTable("devStateIcon", "",
"style addDSI $a[2] %s", "Enter value/regexp for STATE");
} elsif($a[1] eq "addDSI") {
my $dsi = AttrVal($a[2], "devStateIcon", "");
$dsi .= " " if($dsi);
FW_fC("attr $a[2] devStateIcon $dsi$FW_data:$a[3]");
} elsif($a[1] eq "eventMonitor") {
FW_pO "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/pgm2/console.js\">".
my $filter = $a[2] ? ($a[2] eq "log" ? "global" : $a[2]) : ".*";
FW_pO "Events (Filter: <a href=\"#\" id=\"eventFilter\">$filter</a>) ".
"&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='fhemlog'>FHEM log ".
"<input id='eventWithLog' type='checkbox'".
($a[2] && $a[2] eq "log" ? " checked":"")."></span>".
"&nbsp;&nbsp;<button id='eventReset'>Reset</button><br><br>\n";
FW_pO "<div id=\"console\"></div>";
FW_pO "</div>";
my ($name, $class, $cmdFmt, $textfield) = @_;
my %icoList = ();
foreach my $style (@FW_iconDirs) {
foreach my $imgName (sort keys %{$FW_icons{$style}}) {
next if($imgName =~ m+^\.+ || $imgName =~ m+/\.+); # Skip dot files
$imgName =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; # Cut extension
next if(!$FW_icons{$style}{$imgName}); # Dont cut it twice: FS20.on.png
next if($FW_icons{$style}{$imgName} !~ m/$imgName/); # Skip alias
next if($imgName=~m+^(weather/|shutter.*big|fhemicon|favicon|ws_.*_kl)+);
next if($imgName=~m+^(dashboardicons)+);
$icoList{$imgName} = 1;
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\">";
FW_pO "Filter:&nbsp;".FW_textfieldv("icon-filter",20,"iconTable","")."<br>";
if($textfield) {
FW_pO "$textfield:&nbsp;".FW_textfieldv("data",20,"iconTable",".*")."<br>";
foreach my $i (sort keys %icoList) {
FW_pF "<button title='%s' type='submit' class='dist' name='cmd' ".
"value='$cmdFmt'>%s</button>", $i, $i, FW_makeImage($i,$i,$class);
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_pO "</div>";
# print (append) to output
my $arg = shift;
return if(!defined($arg));
$FW_RET .= $arg;
$FW_RET .= "\n";
# add href
my ($link, $txt, $td, $class, $doRet,$nonl) = @_;
my $ret;
$link .= $FW_CSRF if($link =~ m/cmd/ &&
$link !~m/cmd=style%20(list|select|eventMonitor)/);
$link = ($link =~ m,^/,) ? $link : "$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link";
# Using onclick, as href starts safari in a webapp.
# Known issue: the pointer won't change
if($FW_ss || $FW_tp) {
$ret = "<a onClick=\"location.href='$link'\">$txt</a>";
} else {
$ret = "<a href=\"$link\">$txt</a>";
#actually 'div' should be removed if no class is defined
# as I can't check all code for consistancy I add nonl instead
$class = ($class)?" class=\"$class\"":"";
$ret = "<div$class>$ret</div>" if (!$nonl);
$ret = "<td>$ret</td>" if($td);
return $ret if($doRet);
FW_pO $ret;
# href without class/div, returned as a string
my ($link, $txt, $td) = @_;
$link = "?$link" if($link !~ m+^/+);
my $ret = "";
$ret .= "<td>" if($td);
$link .= $FW_CSRF;
if($FW_ss || $FW_tp) {
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"location.href='$FW_ME$FW_subdir$link'\">$txt</a>";
} else {
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir$link\">$txt</a>";
$ret .= "</td>" if($td);
return $ret;
my ($name, $txt, $class)= @_;
$txt = $name if(!defined($txt));
$class = "" if(!$class);
$class = "$class $name";
$class =~ s/\./_/g;
$class =~ s/@/ /g;
my $p = FW_iconPath($name);
return $name if(!$p);
if($p =~ m/\.svg$/i) {
if(open(FH, "$FW_icondir/$p")) {
my $data;
do {
$data = <FH>;
if(!defined($data)) {
Log 1, "$FW_icondir/$p is not useable";
return "";
} until( $data =~ m/^<svg/ );
$data .= join("", <FH>);
$data =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
$data =~ s/ *$//g;
$data =~ s/<svg/<svg class="$class" data-txt="$txt"/; #52967
$name =~ m/(@.*)$/;
my $col = $1 if($1);
if($col) {
$col =~ s/@//;
$col = "#$col" if($col =~ m/^([A-F0-9]{6})$/);
$data =~ s/fill="#000000"/fill="$col"/g;
$data =~ s/fill:#000000/fill:$col/g;
} else {
$data =~ s/fill="#000000"//g;
$data =~ s/fill:#000000//g;
return $data;
} else {
return $name;
} else {
$class = "class='$class'" if($class);
$p = urlEncodePath($p);
return "<img $class src=\"$FW_ME/images/$p\" alt=\"$txt\" title=\"$txt\">";
my ($name)= @_;
return "$FW_ME/icons/$name";
# print formatted
my $fmt = shift;
$FW_RET .= sprintf $fmt, @_;
# fhem command
my ($cmd, $unique) = @_;
my $ret;
if($unique) {
$ret = AnalyzeCommand($FW_chash, $cmd);
} else {
$ret = AnalyzeCommandChain($FW_chash, $cmd);
return $ret;
my ($type, $devName, $attrName, @param) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$devName};
my $sP = "stylesheetPrefix";
my $retMsg;
if($type eq "set" && $attrName eq "HTTPS") {
if($type eq "set") { # Converting styles
if($attrName eq "smallscreen" || $attrName eq "touchpad") {
$attr{$devName}{$sP} = $attrName;
$retMsg="$devName: attribute $attrName deprecated, converted to $sP";
$param[0] = $attrName; $attrName = $sP;
if($attrName eq $sP) {
# AttrFn is called too early, we have to set/del the attr here
if($type eq "set") {
$attr{$devName}{$sP} = (defined($param[0]) ? $param[0] : "default");
} else {
delete $attr{$devName}{$sP};
if(($attrName eq "allowedCommands" ||
$attrName eq "basicAuth" ||
$attrName eq "basicAuthMsg")
&& $type eq "set") {
my $aName = "allowed_$devName";
my $exists = ($defs{$aName} ? 1 : 0);
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "defmod $aName allowed");
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "attr $aName validFor $devName");
AnalyzeCommand(undef, "attr $aName $attrName ".join(" ",@param));
return "$devName: ".($exists ? "modifying":"creating").
" device $aName for attribute $attrName";
if($attrName eq "iconPath" && $type eq "set") {
foreach my $pe (split(":", $param[0])) {
$pe =~ s+\.\.++g;
if($attrName eq "JavaScripts" && $type eq "set") { # create some attributes
my (%a, @add);
map { $a{$_} = 1 } split(" ", $modules{FHEMWEB}{AttrList});
map {
$_ =~ s+.*/++; $_ =~ s/.js$//; $_ =~ s/fhem_//; $_ .= "Param";
push @add, $_ if(!$a{$_} && $_ !~ m/^-/);
} split(" ", $param[0]);
$modules{FHEMWEB}{AttrList} .= " ".join(" ",@add) if(@add);
if($attrName eq "csrfToken") {
return undef if($FW_csrfTokenCache{$devName} && !$init_done);
my $csrf = $param[0];
if($type eq "del" || $csrf eq "random") {
my ($x,$y) = gettimeofday();
($csrf = "csrf_".(rand($y)*rand($x))) =~ s/[^a-z_0-9]//g;
if($csrf eq "none") {
} else {
$hash->{CSRFTOKEN} = $csrf;
$FW_csrfTokenCache{$devName} = $hash->{CSRFTOKEN};
if($attrName eq "longpoll" && $type eq "set" && $param[0] eq "websocket") {
return "$devName: Could not load Digest::SHA on startup, no websocket"
return $retMsg;
# recursion starts at $FW_icondir/$dir
# filenames are relative to $FW_icondir
my ($dir,$subdir)= @_;
my $ldir = ($subdir ? "$dir/$subdir" : $dir);
my @entries;
if(opendir(DH, "$FW_icondir/$ldir")) {
@entries= sort readdir(DH); # assures order: .gif .ico .jpg .png .svg
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
if( -d "$FW_icondir/$ldir/$entry" ) { # directory -> recurse
FW_readIconsFrom($dir, $subdir ? "$subdir/$entry" : $entry)
unless($entry eq "." || $entry eq ".." || $entry eq ".svn");
} else {
if($entry =~ m/^iconalias.txt$/i && open(FH, "$FW_icondir/$ldir/$entry")){
while(my $l = <FH>) {
my @a = split(" ", $l);
next if($l =~ m/^#/ || @a < 2);
$FW_icons{$dir}{$a[0]} = $a[1];
} elsif($entry =~ m/(gif|ico|jpg|png|jpeg|svg)$/i) {
my $filename = $subdir ? "$subdir/$entry" : $entry;
$FW_icons{$dir}{$filename} = $filename;
my $tag = $filename; # Add it without extension too
$tag =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
$FW_icons{$dir}{$tag} = $filename;
$FW_icons{$dir}{""} = 1; # Do not check empty directories again.
my ($dir)= @_;
return if($FW_icons{$dir});
FW_readIconsFrom($dir, "");
# check if the icon exists, and if yes, returns its "logical" name;
my ($oname)= @_;
return undef if(!defined($oname));
my $name = $oname;
$name =~ s/@.*//;
foreach my $pe (@FW_iconDirs) {
return $oname if($pe && $FW_icons{$pe} && $FW_icons{$pe}{$name});
return undef;
# returns the physical absolute path relative for the logical path
# examples:
# FS20.on -> dark/FS20.on.png
# weather/sunny -> default/weather/sunny.gif
my ($name) = @_;
$name =~ s/@.*//;
foreach my $pe (@FW_iconDirs) {
return "$pe/$FW_icons{$pe}{$name}"
if($pe && $FW_icons{$pe} && $FW_icons{$pe}{$name});
return undef;
my ($name, $state) = @_;
my $d = $defs{$name};
return "" if(!$name || !$d);
my $devStateIcon = AttrVal($name, "devStateIcon", undef);
return "" if(defined($devStateIcon) && lc($devStateIcon) eq 'none');
my $type = $d->{TYPE};
$state = $d->{STATE} if(!defined($state));
return "" if(!$type || !defined($state));
my $model = AttrVal($name, "model", "");
my (undef, $rstate) = ReplaceEventMap($name, [undef, $state], 0);
my ($icon, $rlink);
if(defined($devStateIcon) && $devStateIcon =~ m/^{.*}$/s) {
my ($html, $link) = eval $devStateIcon;
Log3 $FW_wname, 1, "devStateIcon $name: $@" if($@);
return ($html, $link, 1) if(defined($html) && $html =~ m/^<.*>$/s);
$devStateIcon = $html;
if(defined($devStateIcon)) {
my @list = split(" ", $devStateIcon);
foreach my $l (@list) {
my ($re, $iconName, $link) = split(":", $l, 3);
if(defined($re) && $state =~ m/^$re$/) {
if(defined($iconName) && $iconName eq "") {
$rlink = $link;
if(defined($iconName) && defined(FW_iconName($iconName))) {
return ($iconName, $link, 0);
} else {
return ($state, $link, 1);
$state =~ s/ .*//; # Want to be able to have icons for "on-for-timer xxx"
$icon = FW_iconName("$name.$state") if(!$icon); # lamp.Aus.png
$icon = FW_iconName("$name.$rstate") if(!$icon); # lamp.on.png
$icon = FW_iconName($name) if(!$icon); # lamp.png
$icon = FW_iconName("$model.$state") if(!$icon && $model); # fs20st.off.png
$icon = FW_iconName($model) if(!$icon && $model); # fs20st.png
$icon = FW_iconName("$type.$state") if(!$icon); # FS20.Aus.png
$icon = FW_iconName("$type.$rstate") if(!$icon); # FS20.on.png
$icon = FW_iconName($type) if(!$icon); # FS20.png
$icon = FW_iconName($state) if(!$icon); # Aus.png
$icon = FW_iconName($rstate) if(!$icon); # on.png
return ($icon, $rlink, 0);
my ($name, $n, $val) = @_;
# Toggle Edit-Window visibility script.
my $psc = AttrVal("global", "perlSyntaxCheck", ($featurelevel>5.7) ? 1 : 0);
FW_pO "<td>";
FW_pO "<a id=\"DEFa\" style=\"cursor:pointer\">$n</a>";
FW_pO "</td>";
$val =~ s,\\\n,\n,g;
$val = FW_htmlEscape($val);
my $eval = $val;
$eval = "<pre>$eval</pre>" if($eval =~ m/\n/);
FW_pO "<td>";
FW_pO "<div class=\"dval\" id=\"disp\">$eval</div>";
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
FW_pO "<div id=\"edit\" style=\"display:none\">";
FW_pO "<form method=\"$FW_formmethod\">";
FW_pO FW_hidden("detail", $name);
my $cmd = "modify";
my $ncols = $FW_ss ? 30 : 60;
FW_pO "<textarea name=\"val.${cmd}$name\" ".
"cols=\"$ncols\" rows=\"10\">$val</textarea>";
FW_pO "<br>" . FW_submit("cmd.${cmd}$name", "$cmd $name",($psc?"psc":""));
FW_pO "</form></div>";
FW_pO "</td>";
my $fmt = shift;
if($fmt && $fmt eq "JSON") {
my @a;
map { my $x = $_; #Forum 57377, ASCII 0-19 \ "
$x=~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x22\x5c\x7f])/sprintf '\u%04x', ord($1)/ge;
push @a,$x; } @_;
return '["'.join('","', @a).'"]';
} else {
return join('<<', @_);
my ($me, $sinceTimestamp ) = @_;
return "" if($me->{inform}{type} !~ m/status/);
my %extPage = ();
my @data;
foreach my $dn (keys %{$me->{inform}{devices}}) {
next if(!defined($defs{$dn}));
my $t = $defs{$dn}{TYPE};
next if(!$t || $modules{$t}{FW_atPageEnd});
my $lastChanged = OldTimestamp( $dn );
next if(!defined($lastChanged) || $lastChanged lt $sinceTimestamp);
my ($allSet, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($dn, "", \%extPage);
if($defs{$dn} && $defs{$dn}{STATE} && $defs{$dn}{TYPE} ne "weblink") {
push @data,
FW_longpollInfo($me->{inform}{fmt}, $dn, $defs{$dn}{STATE}, $txt);
my $data = join("\n", map { s/\n/ /gm; $_ } @data)."\n";
return $data;
my ($me, $msg) = @_; # _NO_ Log3 here!
my $ntfy = $defs{$me};
if(!$ntfy) {
delete $logInform{$me};
$msg = FW_htmlEscape($msg);
if(!FW_addToWritebuffer($ntfy, "<div class='fhemlog'>$msg</div>") ){
TcpServer_Close($ntfy, 1);
delete $logInform{$me};
my ($ntfy, $dev) = @_;
my $h = $ntfy->{inform};
return undef if(!$h);
my $isStatus = ($h->{type} =~ m/status/);
my $events;
my $dn = $dev->{NAME};
if($dn eq "global" && $isStatus) {
my $vs = int(@structChangeHist) ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
my $data = FW_longpollInfo($h->{fmt},
FW_addToWritebuffer($ntfy, $data."\n");
if($dev->{CHANGED}) {
$dn = $1 if($dev->{CHANGED}->[0] =~ m/^MODIFIED (.*)$/);
if($dev->{CHANGED}->[0] =~ m/^ATTR ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)$/s) {
$dn = $1;
my @a = ("a-$2: $3");
$events = \@a;
if($dn eq $ntfy->{SNAME} &&
$dev->{CHANGED} &&
$dev->{CHANGED}->[0] =~ m/^JS(#([^:]*))?:(.*)$/) {
my $data = $3;
return if( $2 && $ntfy->{PEER} !~ m/$2/ );
$data = FW_longpollInfo($h->{fmt}, "#FHEMWEB:$ntfy->{NAME}",$data,"");
FW_addToWritebuffer($ntfy, $data."\n");
return undef if($isStatus && !$h->{devices}{$dn});
my @data;
my %extPage;
my $isRaw = ($h->{type} =~ m/raw/);
$events = deviceEvents($dev, AttrVal($FW_wname, "addStateEvent",!$isRaw))
if($isStatus) {
# Why is saving this stuff needed? FLOORPLAN?
my @old = ($FW_wname, $FW_ME, $FW_ss, $FW_tp, $FW_subdir);
$FW_wname = $ntfy->{SNAME};
$FW_ME = "/" . AttrVal($FW_wname, "webname", "fhem");
$FW_subdir = ($h->{iconPath} ? "/floorplan/$h->{iconPath}" : ""); # 47864
$FW_sp = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "f18");
$FW_sp = "" if($FW_sp eq "default");
$FW_ss = ($FW_sp =~ m/smallscreen/);
$FW_tp = ($FW_sp =~ m/smallscreen|touchpad/);
my $spDir = ($FW_sp eq "default" ? "" : "$FW_sp:");
@FW_iconDirs = grep { $_ } split(":", AttrVal($FW_wname, "iconPath",
if($h->{iconPath}) {
unshift @FW_iconDirs, $h->{iconPath};
if( !$modules{$defs{$dn}{TYPE}}{FW_atPageEnd} ) {
my ($allSet, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($dn, "", \%extPage);
($FW_wname, $FW_ME, $FW_ss, $FW_tp, $FW_subdir) = @old;
push @data, FW_longpollInfo($h->{fmt}, $dn, $dev->{STATE}, $txt);
if($events) { # It gets deleted sometimes (?)
my $tn = TimeNow();
my $max = int(@{$events});
for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
if($events->[$i] !~ /: /) {
if($dev->{NAME} eq 'global') { # Forum #47634
my($type,$args) = split(' ', $events->[$i], 2);
$args = "" if(!defined($args)); # global SAVE
push @data, FW_longpollInfo($h->{fmt}, "$dn-$type", $args, $args);
next; #ignore 'set' commands
my ($readingName,$readingVal) = split(": ",$events->[$i],2);
next if($readingName !~ m/^[A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/:]+$/); # Forum #70608,70844
push @data, FW_longpollInfo($h->{fmt},
"$dn-$readingName", $readingVal,$readingVal);
push @data, FW_longpollInfo($h->{fmt}, "$dn-$readingName-ts", $tn, $tn);
if($isRaw) {
if($events) { # It gets deleted sometimes (?)
my $tn = TimeNow();
if($attr{global}{mseclog}) {
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday();
$tn .= sprintf(".%03d", $microseconds/1000);
my $max = int(@{$events});
my $dt = $dev->{TYPE};
for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $line = "$tn $dt $dn ".$events->[$i]."<br>";
eval {
my $ok;
if($h->{filterType} && $h->{filterType} eq "notify") {
$ok = ($dn =~ m/^$h->{filter}$/ ||
"$dn:$events->[$i]" =~ m/^$h->{filter}$/) ;
} else {
$ok = ($line =~ m/$h->{filter}/) ;
push @data,$line if($ok);
join("\n", map { s/\n/ /gm; $_ } @data)."\n") ){
my $name = $ntfy->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "Closing connection $name due to full buffer in FW_Notify";
TcpServer_Close($ntfy, 1);
return undef;
FW_directNotify($@) # Notify without the event overhead (Forum #31293)
my $filter;
if($_[0] =~ m/^FILTER=(.*)/) {
$filter = "^$1\$";
my $dev = $_[0];
foreach my $ntfy (values(%defs)) {
next if(!$ntfy->{TYPE} ||
$ntfy->{TYPE} ne "FHEMWEB" ||
!$ntfy->{inform} ||
!$ntfy->{inform}{devices}{$dev} ||
$ntfy->{inform}{type} ne "status");
next if($filter && $ntfy->{inform}{filter} !~ m/$filter/);
FW_longpollInfo($ntfy->{inform}{fmt}, @_)."\n")) {
my $name = $ntfy->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "Closing connection $name due to full buffer in FW_Notify";
TcpServer_Close($ntfy, 1);
# Compute the state (==second) column
my ($d, $rf, $extPage) = @_;
my ($hasOnOff, $link);
my $cmdList = AttrVal($d, "webCmd", "");
my $allSets = FW_widgetOverride($d, getAllSets($d, $FW_chash));
my $state = $defs{$d}{STATE};
$state = "" if(!defined($state));
my $txt = $state;
my $dsi = ($attr{$d} && ($attr{$d}{stateFormat} || $attr{$d}{devStateIcon}));
$hasOnOff = ($allSets =~ m/(^| )on(:[^ ]*)?( |$)/i &&
$allSets =~ m/(^| )off(:[^ ]*)?( |$)/i);
if(AttrVal($d, "showtime", undef)) {
my $v = $defs{$d}{READINGS}{state}{TIME};
$txt = $v if(defined($v));
} elsif(!$dsi && $allSets =~ m/\bdesired-temp:/) {
$txt = "$1 &deg;C" if($txt =~ m/^measured-temp: (.*)/); # FHT fix
$cmdList = "desired-temp" if(!$cmdList);
} elsif(!$dsi && $allSets =~ m/\bdesiredTemperature:/) {
$txt = ReadingsVal($d, "temperature", ""); # ignores stateFormat!!!
$txt =~ s/ .*//;
$txt .= "&deg;C";
$cmdList = "desiredTemperature" if(!$cmdList);
} else {
my ($icon, $isHtml);
($icon, $link, $isHtml) = FW_dev2image($d);
$txt = ($isHtml ? $icon : FW_makeImage($icon, $state)) if($icon);
my $cmdlist = (defined($link) ? $link : "");
my $h = "";
foreach my $cmd (split(":", $cmdlist)) {
my $htmlTxt;
my @c = split(' ', $cmd); # @c==0 if $cmd==" ";
if(int(@c) && $allSets && $allSets =~ m/\b$c[0]:([^ ]*)/) {
my $values = $1;
foreach my $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$htmlTxt = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,
$d, $FW_room, $cmd, $values);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($htmlTxt));
if( $htmlTxt ) {
$h .= "<p>$htmlTxt</p>";
if( $h ) {
$link = undef;
$h =~ s/'/\\"/g;
$txt = "<a onClick='FW_okDialog(\"$h\",this)'\>$txt</a>";
} else {
$link = "cmd.$d=set $d $link" if(defined($link));
if($hasOnOff) {
my $isUpperCase = ($allSets =~ m/(^| )ON(:[^ ]*)?( |$)/ &&
$allSets =~ m/(^| )OFF(:[^ ]*)?( |$)/);
# Have to cover: "on:An off:Aus", "A0:Aus AI:An Aus:off An:on"
my $on = ReplaceEventMap($d, $isUpperCase ? "ON" :"on" , 1);
my $off = ReplaceEventMap($d, $isUpperCase ? "OFF":"off", 1);
$link = "cmd.$d=set $d " . ($state eq $on ? $off : $on) if(!defined($link));
$cmdList = "$on:$off" if(!$cmdList);
if(defined($link)) { # Have command to execute
my $room = AttrVal($d, "room", undef);
if($room) {
if($FW_room && $room =~ m/\b$FW_room\b/) {
$room = $FW_room;
} else {
$room =~ s/,.*//;
$link .= "&room=".urlEncode($room);
$txt = "<a href=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link$rf$FW_CSRF\">$txt</a>"
if($link !~ m/ noFhemwebLink\b/);
my $style = AttrVal($d, "devStateStyle", "");
$state =~ s/"//g;
$state =~ s/<.*?>/ /g; # remove HTML tags for the title
$txt = "<div id=\"$d\" $style title=\"$state\" class=\"col2\">$txt</div>";
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
my $sfn = $modules{$type}{FW_summaryFn};
if($sfn) {
if(!defined($extPage)) {
my %hash;
$extPage = \%hash;
no strict "refs";
my $newtxt = &{$sfn}($FW_wname, $d, $FW_room, $extPage);
use strict "refs";
$txt = $newtxt if(defined($newtxt)); # As specified
return ($allSets, $cmdList, $txt);
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $arg = (defined($a[1]) ? $a[1] : "");
if($arg eq "icon") {
return "need one icon as argument" if(int(@a) != 3);
my $ofn = $FW_wname;
$FW_wname = $hash->{NAME};
my $icon = FW_iconPath($a[2]);
$FW_wname = $ofn;
return defined($icon) ? "$FW_icondir/$icon" : "no such icon";
} elsif($arg eq "pathlist") {
return "web server root: $FW_dir\n".
"icon directory: $FW_icondir\n".
"css directory: $FW_cssdir\n".
"gplot directory: $FW_gplotdir";
} else {
return "Unknown argument $arg choose one of icon pathlist:noArg";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my %cmd = ("rereadicons" => 1, "clearSvgCache" => 1);
return "no set value specified" if(@a < 2);
return ("Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".
join(" ", map { "$_:noArg" } sort keys %cmd))
if($a[1] eq "rereadicons") {
my @dirs = keys %FW_icons;
%FW_icons = ();
foreach my $d (@dirs) {
if($a[1] eq "clearSvgCache") {
my $cDir = "$FW_dir/SVGcache";
if(opendir(DH, $cDir)) {
map { my $n="$cDir/$_"; unlink($n) if(-f $n); } readdir(DH);
} else {
return "Can't open $cDir: $!";
return undef;
my $now = time();
foreach my $dev (keys %defs) {
next if(!$defs{$dev}{TYPE} || $defs{$dev}{TYPE} ne "FHEMWEB" ||
!$defs{$dev}{LASTACCESS} || $defs{$dev}{inform} ||
($now - $defs{$dev}{LASTACCESS}) < 60);
Log3 $FW_wname, 4, "Closing inactive connection $dev";
FW_Undef($defs{$dev}, undef);
delete $defs{$dev};
delete $attr{$dev};
InternalTimer($now+60, "FW_closeInactiveClients", 0, 0);
my ($txt) = @_;
$txt =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$txt =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$txt =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$txt =~ s/'/&apos;/g;
# $txt =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
return $txt;
# Widgets START
my ($FW_wname, $d, $FW_room, $cmd, $values) = @_;
# webCmd "temp 30" should remain text
# noArg is needed for fhem.cfg.demo / Cinema
return "" if(!$values || $values eq "noArg");
my($reading) = split( ' ', $cmd, 2 );
my $current;
if($cmd eq "desired-temp" || $cmd eq "desiredTemperature") {
$current = ReadingsVal($d, $cmd, 20);
$current =~ s/ .*//; # Cut off Celsius
$current = sprintf("%2.1f", int(2*$current)/2) if($current =~ m/[0-9.-]/);
} else {
$current = ReadingsVal($d, $reading, undef);
if( !defined($current) ) {
$reading = 'state';
$current = Value($d);
$current =~ s/$cmd //;
$current = ReplaceEventMap($d, $current, 1);
return "<td><div class='fhemWidget' cmd='$cmd' reading='$reading' ".
"dev='$d' arg='$values' current='$current'></div></td>";
# Widgets END
my($FW_wname) = @_;
my %devices = ();
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
next if(!defined($defs{$d}));
my $h = $defs{$d};
next if(!$h->{TEMPORARY});
next if($h->{TYPE} ne "FHEMWEB");
next if(defined($FW_wname) && $h->{SNAME} ne $FW_wname);
next if(!defined($h->{inform}));
@devices{ keys %{$h->{inform}->{devices}} } =
values %{$h->{inform}->{devices}};
return %devices;
my ($cl, $arg) = @_;
$FW_activateInform = ($arg ? $arg : 1);
my ($d, $str) = @_;
return $str if(!$str);
my $da = AttrVal($d, "widgetOverride", "");
my $fa = AttrVal($FW_wname, "widgetOverride", "");
return $str if(!$da && !$fa);
my @list;
push @list, split(" ", $fa) if($fa);
push @list, split(" ", $da) if($da);
foreach my $na (@list) {
my ($n,$a) = split(":", $na, 2);
$str =~ s/\b($n)\b(:[^ ]*)?/$1:$a/g;
return $str;
=item helper
=item summary HTTP Server and FHEM Frontend
=item summary_DE HTTP Server und FHEM Frontend
=begin html
<a name="FHEMWEB"></a>
FHEMWEB is the builtin web-frontend, it also implements a simple web
server (optionally with Basic-Auth and HTTPS).
<br> <br>
<a name="FHEMWEBdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; FHEMWEB &lt;tcp-portnr&gt; [global|IP]</code>
Enable the webfrontend on port &lt;tcp-portnr&gt;. If global is specified,
then requests from all interfaces (not only localhost / are
serviced. If IP is specified, then FHEMWEB will only listen on this IP.<br>
To enable listening on IPV6 see the comments <a href="#telnet">here</a>.
<a name="FHEMWEBset"></a>
reads the names of the icons from the icon path. Use after adding or
deleting icons.
delete all files found in the www/SVGcache directory, which is used to
cache SVG data, if the SVGcache attribute is set.
<a name="FHEMWEBget"></a>
<li>icon &lt;logical icon&gt;<br>
returns the absolute path to the logical icon. Example:
<code>get myFHEMWEB icon FS20.on<br>
return FHEMWEB specific directories, where files for given types are
<a name="FHEMWEBattr"></a>
<a name="addHtmlTitle"></a>
If set to 0, do not add a title Attribute to the set/get/attr detail
widgets. This might be necessary for some screenreaders. Default is 1.
<li><a href="#addStateEvent">addStateEvent</a></li><br>
If you define a userattr alias_&lt;RoomName&gt; and set this attribute
for a device assgined to &lt;RoomName&gt;, then this value will be used
when displaying &lt;RoomName&gt;.<br>
Note: you can use the userattr alias_.* to allow all rooms, but in this
case the attribute dropdown in the device detail view won't work for the
alias_.* attributes.
<li><a href="#allowfrom">allowfrom</a></li>
<li>allowedCommands, basicAuth, basicAuthMsg<br>
Please create these attributes for the corresponding <a
href="#allowed">allowed</a> device, they are deprecated for the FHEMWEB
instance from now on.
<a name="allowedHttpMethods"></a>
FHEMWEB implements the GET, POST and OPTIONS HTTP methods. Some external
devices require the HEAD method, which is not implemented correctly in
FHEMWEB, as FHEMWEB always returns a body, which, according to the spec,
is wrong. As in some cases this not a problem, enabling GET may work.
To do this, set this attribute to GET|POST|HEAD, default ist GET|POST.
OPTIONS is always enabled.
<a name="closeConn"></a>
If set, a TCP Connection will only serve one HTTP request. Seems to
solve problems on iOS9 for WebApp startup.
<a name="column"></a>
Allows to display more than one column per room overview, by specifying
the groups for the columns. Example:<br>
attr WEB column LivingRoom:FS20,notify|FHZ,notify DiningRoom:FS20|FHZ
In this example in the LivingRoom the FS20 and the notify group is in
the first column, the FHZ and the notify in the second.<br>
Notes: some elements like SVG plots and readingsGroup can only be part of
a column if they are part of a <a href="#group">group</a>.
This attribute can be used to sort the groups in a room, just specify
the groups in one column.
Space in the room and group name has to be written as %20 for this
attribute. Both the room name and the groups are regular expressions.
<a name="confirmDelete"></a>
confirm delete actions with a dialog. Default is 1, set it to 0 to
disable the feature.
<a name="confirmJSError"></a>
JavaScript errors are reported in a dialog as default.
Set this attribute to 0 to disable the reporting.
<a name="CORS"></a>
If set to 1, FHEMWEB will supply a "Cross origin resource sharing"
header, see the wikipedia for details.
<a name="csrfToken"></a>
If set, FHEMWEB requires the value of this attribute as fwcsrf Parameter
for each command. It is used as countermeasure for Cross Site Resource
Forgery attacks. If the value is random, then a random number will be
generated on each FHEMWEB start. If it is set to the literal string
none, no token is expected. Default is random for featurelevel 5.8 and
greater, and none for featurelevel below 5.8 </li><br>
<a name="csrfTokenHTTPHeader"></a>
If set (default), FHEMWEB sends the token with the X-FHEM-csrfToken HTTP
header, which is used by some clients. Set it to 0 to switch it off, as
a measurre against shodan.io like FHEM-detection.</li><br>
<a name="CssFiles"></a>
Space separated list of .css files to be included. The filenames
are relative to the www directory. Example:
attr WEB CssFiles pgm2/mystyle.css
<a name="Css"></a>
CSS included in the header after the CssFiles section.
<a name="cmdIcon"></a>
Space separated list of cmd:iconName pairs. If set, the webCmd text is
replaced with the icon. An easy method to set this value is to use
"Extend devStateIcon" in the detail-view, and copy its value.<br>
attr lamp cmdIcon on:control_centr_arrow_up off:control_centr_arrow_down
<a name="defaultRoom"></a>
show the specified room if no room selected, e.g. on execution of some
commands. If set hides the <a href="#motd">motd</a>. Example:<br>
attr WEB defaultRoom Zentrale
<a name="devStateIcon"></a>
First form:<br>
Space separated list of regexp:icon-name:cmd triples, icon-name and cmd
may be empty.<br>
If the state of the device matches regexp, then icon-name will be
displayed as the status icon in the room, and (if specified) clicking
on the icon executes cmd. If fhem cannot find icon-name, then the
status text will be displayed.
attr lamp devStateIcon on:closed off:open<br>
attr lamp devStateIcon on::A0 off::AI<br>
attr lamp devStateIcon .*:noIcon<br>
Note: if the image is referencing an SVG icon, then you can use the
@colorname suffix to color the image. E.g.:<br>
attr Fax devStateIcon on:control_building_empty@red
If the cmd is noFhemwebLink, then no HTML-link will be generated, i.e.
nothing will happen when clicking on the icon or text.
Second form:<br>
Perl code enclosed in {}. If the code returns undef, then the default
icon is used, if it retuns a string enclosed in <>, then it is
interpreted as an html string. Else the string is interpreted as a
devStateIcon of the first fom, see above.
<a name="devStateStyle"></a>
Specify an HTML style for the given device, e.g.:<br>
attr sensor devStateStyle style="text-align:left;;font-weight:bold;;"<br>
Configures if the device line from the room view (device icon, state
icon and webCmds/cmdIcons) should also be shown in the device detail
view. Can be set to always, onClick, iconOnly or never. Default is
<a name="editConfig"></a>
If this FHEMWEB attribute is set to 1, then you will be able to edit
the FHEM configuration file (fhem.cfg) in the "Edit files" section.
After saving this file a rereadcfg is executed automatically, which has
a lot of side effects.<br>
<a name="editFileList"></a>
Specify the list of Files shown in "Edit Files" section. It is a
newline separated list of triples, the first is the Title, the next is
the directory to search for as a perl expression(!), the third the
regular expression. Default
Own modules and helper files:$MW_dir:^(.*sh|[0-9][0-9].*Util.*pm|.*cfg|.*holiday|myUtilsTemplate.pm|.*layout)$<br>
Gplot files:$FW_gplotdir:^.*gplot$<br>
NOTE: The directory spec is not flexible: all .js/.css/_defs.svg files
come from www/pgm2 ($FW_cssdir), .gplot files from $FW_gplotdir
(www/gplot), everything else from $MW_dir (FHEM).
<a name="endPlotNow"></a>
If this FHEMWEB attribute is set to 1, then day and hour plots will
end at current time. Else the whole day, the 6 hour period starting at
0, 6, 12 or 18 hour or the whole hour will be shown. This attribute
is not used if the SVG has the attribute startDate defined.<br>
<a name="endPlotToday"></a>
If this FHEMWEB attribute is set to 1, then week and month plots will
end today. Else the current week or the current month will be shown.
<a name="fwcompress"></a>
Enable compressing the HTML data (default is 1, i.e. yes, use 0 to switch it off).
<a name="forbiddenroom"></a>
just like hiddenroom (see below), but accessing the room or the
detailed view via direct URL is prohibited.
<a name="hiddengroup"></a>
Comma separated list of groups to "hide", i.e. not to show in any room
of this FHEMWEB instance.<br>
Example: attr WEBtablet hiddengroup FileLog,dummy,at,notify
<a name="hiddengroupRegexp"></a>
One regexp for the same purpose as hiddengroup.
<a name="hiddenroom"></a>
Comma separated list of rooms to "hide", i.e. not to show. Special
values are input, detail and save, in which case the input areas, link
to the detailed views or save button are hidden (although each aspect
still can be addressed through URL manipulation).<br>
The list can also contain values from the additional "Howto/Wiki/FAQ"
<a name="hiddenroomRegexp"></a>
One regexp for the same purpose as hiddenroom. Example:
attr WEB hiddenroomRegexp .*config
Note: the special values input, detail and save cannot be specified
with hiddenroomRegexp.
<a name="httpHeader"></a>
One or more HTTP header lines to be sent out with each answer. Example:
attr WEB httpHeader X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
<a name="HTTPS"></a>
Enable HTTPS connections. This feature requires the perl module
IO::Socket::SSL, to be installed with cpan -i IO::Socket::SSL or
apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl; OSX and the FritzBox-7390
already have this module.<br>
A local certificate has to be generated into a directory called certs,
this directory <b>must</b> be in the <a href="#modpath">modpath</a>
directory, at the same level as the FHEM directory.
mkdir certs<br>
cd certs<br>
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server-cert.pem -days 3650 -keyout server-key.pem
<a name="icon"></a>
Set the icon for a device in the room overview. There is an
icon-chooser in FHEMWEB to ease this task. Setting icons for the room
itself is indirect: there must exist an icon with the name
ico&lt;ROOMNAME&gt;.png in the iconPath.
<a name="iconPath"></a>
colon separated list of directories where the icons are read from.
The directories start in the fhem/www/images directory. The default is
Set it to fhemSVG:openautomation to get only SVG images.
<a name="JavaScripts"></a>
Space separated list of JavaScript files to be included. The filenames
are relative to the www directory. For each file an additional
user-settable FHEMWEB attribute will be created, to pass parameters to
the script. The name of this additional attribute gets the Param
suffix, directory and the fhem_ prefix will be deleted. Example:
attr WEB JavaScripts codemirror/fhem_codemirror.js<br>
attr WEB codemirrorParam { "theme":"blackboard", "lineNumbers":true }
<a name="longpoll"></a>
<li>longpoll [0|1|websocket]<br>
If activated, the browser is notifed when device states, readings or
attributes are changed, a reload of the page is not necessary.
Default is 1 (on), use 0 to deactivate it.<br>
If websocket is specified, then this API is used to notify the browser,
else HTTP longpoll. Note: some older browser do not implement websocket.
<a name="longpollSVG"></a>
Reloads an SVG weblink, if an event should modify its content. Since
an exact determination of the affected events is too complicated, we
need some help from the definition in the .gplot file: the filter used
there (second parameter if the source is FileLog) must either contain
only the deviceName or have the form deviceName.event or deviceName.*.
This is always the case when using the <a href="#plotEditor">Plot
editor</a>. The SVG will be reloaded for <b>any</b> event triggered by
this deviceName. Default is off. Note: the plotEmbed attribute must be
<a name="mainInputLength"></a>
length of the maininput text widget in characters (decimal number).
<a name="menuEntries"></a>
Comma separated list of name,html-link pairs to display in the
left-side list. Example:<br>
attr WEB menuEntries fhem.de,http://fhem.de,culfw.de,http://culfw.de<br>
attr WEB menuEntries
<a name="nameDisplay"></a>
The argument is perl code, which is executed for each single device in
the room to determine the name displayed. $DEVICE is the name of the
current device, and $ALIAS is the value of the alias attribute or the
name of the device, if no alias is set. E.g. you can add a a global
userattr named alias_hu for the Hungarian translation, and specify
nameDisplay for the hungarian FHEMWEB instance as
AttrVal($DEVICE, "alias_hu", $ALIAS)
<a name="nrAxis"></a>
the number of axis for which space should be reserved on the left and
right sides of a plot and optionaly how many axes should realy be used
on each side, separated by comma: left,right[,useLeft,useRight]. You
can set individual numbers by setting the nrAxis of the SVG. Default is
<a name="ploteditor"></a>
Configures if the <a href="#plotEditor">Plot editor</a> should be shown
in the SVG detail view.
Can be set to always, onClick or never. Default is always.
<a name="plotEmbed"></a>
If set (to 1), SVG plots will be rendered as part of &lt;embed&gt;
tags, as in the past this was the only way to display SVG. Setting
plotEmbed to 0 (the default) will render SVG in-place.<br>
<a name="plotfork"></a>
If set to a nonzero value, run part of the processing (e.g. <a
href="#SVG">SVG</a> plot generation or <a href="#RSS">RSS</a> feeds) in
parallel processes, default is 0. Note: do not use it on systems with
small memory footprint.
<a name="plotmode"></a>
Specifies how to generate the plots:
The plots are created with the <a href="#SVG">SVG</a> module.
This is the default.</li>
The plots are created with the gnuplot program. The gnuplot
output terminal PNG is assumed. Scrolling to historical values
is also possible, just like with SVG.</li>
Like gnuplot-scroll, but the output terminal SVG is assumed.</li>
<a name="plotsize"></a>
the default size of the plot, in pixels, separated by comma:
width,height. You can set individual sizes by setting the plotsize of
the SVG. Default is 800,160 for desktop, and 480,160 for
<a name="plotWeekStartDay"></a>
Start the week-zoom of the SVG plots with this day.
0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.<br>
<a name="redirectCmds"></a>
Clear the browser URL window after issuing the command by redirecting
the browser, as a reload for the same site might have unintended
side-effects. Default is 1 (enabled). Disable it by setting this
attribute to 0 if you want to study the command syntax, in order to
communicate with FHEMWEB.
<a name="refresh"></a>
If set, a http-equiv="refresh" entry will be genererated with the given
argument (i.e. the browser will reload the page after the given
<a name="reverseLogs"></a>
Display the lines from the logfile in a reversed order, newest on the
top, so that you dont have to scroll down to look at the latest entries.
Note: enabling this attribute will prevent FHEMWEB from streaming
logfiles, resulting in a considerably increased memory consumption
(about 6 times the size of the file on the disk).
<a name="roomIcons"></a>
Space separated list of room:icon pairs, to override the default
behaviour of showing an icon, if there is one with the name of
"icoRoomName". This is the correct way to remove the icon for the room
Everything, or to set one for rooms with / in the name (e.g.
Anlagen/EDV). The first part is treated as regexp, so space is
represented by a dot. Example:<br>
attr WEB roomIcons Anlagen.EDV:icoEverything
<a name="smallscreenCommands"></a>
If set to 1, commands, slider and dropdown menues will appear in
smallscreen landscape mode.
<a name="sortby"></a>
Take the value of this attribute when sorting the devices in the room
overview instead of the alias, or if that is missing the devicename
itself. If the sortby value is enclosed in {} than it is evaluated as a
perl expression. $NAME is set to the device name.
<a name="showUsedFiles"></a>
In the Edit files section, show only the used files.
Note: currently this is only working for the "Gplot files" section.
<a name="sortRooms"></a>
Space separated list of rooms to override the default sort order of the
room links. As the rooms in this attribute are actually regexps, space
in the roomname has to be specified as dot (.).
attr WEB sortRooms DG OG EG Keller
See the global attribute sslVersion.
<a name="sslCertPrefix"></a>
Set the prefix for the SSL certificate, default is certs/server-, see
also the HTTPS attribute.
<a name="styleData"></a>
data-storage used by dynamic styles like f18
<a name="stylesheetPrefix"></a>
prefix for the files style.css, svg_style.css and svg_defs.svg. If the
file with the prefix is missing, the default file (without prefix) will
be used. These files have to be placed into the FHEM directory, and can
be selected directly from the "Select style" FHEMWEB menu entry. Example:
attr WEB stylesheetPrefix dark<br>
Referenced files:<br>
<b>Note:</b>if the argument contains the string smallscreen or touchpad,
then FHEMWEB will optimize the layout/access for small screen size (i.e.
smartphones) or touchpad devices (i.e. tablets)<br>
The default configuration installs 3 FHEMWEB instances: port 8083 for
desktop browsers, port 8084 for smallscreen, and 8085 for touchpad.<br>
If touchpad or smallscreen is specified, then WebApp support is
activated: After viewing the site on the iPhone or iPad in Safari, you
can add a link to the home-screen to get full-screen support. Links are
rendered differently in this mode to avoid switching back to the "normal"
<a name="SVGcache"></a>
if set, cache plots which won't change any more (the end-date is prior
to the current timestamp). The files are written to the www/SVGcache
directory. Default is off.<br>
See also the clearSvgCache command for clearing the cache.
<a name="title"></a>
Sets the title of the page. If enclosed in {} the content is evaluated.
<a name="viewport"></a>
Sets the &quot;viewport&quot; attribute in the HTML header. This can for
example be used to force the width of the page or disable zooming.<br>
Example: attr WEB viewport
<a name="webCmd"></a>
Colon separated list of commands to be shown in the room overview for a
certain device. Has no effect on smallscreen devices, see the
devStateIcon command for an alternative.<br>
attr lamp webCmd on:off:on-for-timer 10<br>
The first specified command is looked up in the "set device ?" list
(see the <a href="#setList">setList</a> attribute for dummy devices).
If <b>there</b> it contains some known modifiers (colon, followed
by a comma separated list), then a different widget will be displayed.
See also the widgetOverride attribute below. Examples:
define d1 dummy<br>
attr d1 webCmd state<br>
attr d1 readingList state<br>
attr d1 setList state:on,off<br><br>
define d2 dummy<br>
attr d2 webCmd state<br>
attr d2 readingList state<br>
attr d2 setList state:slider,0,1,10<br><br>
define d3 dummy<br>
attr d3 webCmd state<br>
attr d3 readingList state<br>
attr d3 setList state:time<br>
If the command is state, then the value will be used as a command.<br>
Note: this is an attribute for the displayed device, not for the FHEMWEB
<a name="webCmdLabel"></a>
Colon separated list of labels, used to prefix each webCmd. The number
of labels must exactly match the number of webCmds. To implement
multiple rows, insert a return character after the text and before the
<a name="webname"></a>
Path after the http://hostname:port/ specification. Defaults to fhem,
i.e the default http address is http://localhost:8083/fhem
<a name="widgetOverride"></a>
Space separated list of name:modifier pairs, to override the widget
for a set/get/attribute specified by the module author.
Following is the list of known modifiers:
<!-- INSERT_DOC_FROM: www/pgm2/fhemweb.*.js -->
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="FHEMWEB"></a>
FHEMWEB ist das default WEB-Frontend, es implementiert auch einen einfachen
Webserver (optional mit Basic-Auth und HTTPS).
<br> <br>
<a name="FHEMWEBdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; FHEMWEB &lt;tcp-portnr&gt; [global|IP]</code>
Aktiviert das Webfrontend auf dem Port &lt;tcp-portnr&gt;. Mit dem
Parameter global werden Anfragen von allen Netzwerkschnittstellen
akzeptiert (nicht nur vom localhost / Falls IP angegeben wurde,
dann werden nur Anfragen an diese IP Adresse akzeptiert. <br>
Informationen f&uuml;r den Betrieb mit IPv6 finden Sie <a
<a name="FHEMWEBset"></a>
Damit wird die Liste der Icons neu eingelesen, f&uuml;r den Fall, dass
Sie Icons l&ouml;schen oder hinzuf&uuml;gen.
Im Verzeichnis www/SVGcache werden SVG Daten zwischengespeichert, wenn
das Attribut SVGcache gesetzt ist. Mit diesem Befehl leeren Sie diesen
<a name="FHEMWEBget"></a>
<li>icon &lt;logical icon&gt;<br>
Liefert den absoluten Pfad des (logischen) Icons zur&uuml;ck. Beispiel:
<code>get myFHEMWEB icon FS20.on<br>
Zeigt diejenigen Verzeichnisse an, in welchen die verschiedenen Dateien
f&uuml;r FHEMWEB liegen.
<a name="FHEMWEBattr"></a>
<a name="addHtmlTitle"></a>
Falls der Wert 0 ist, wird bei den set/get/attr Parametern in der
DetailAnsicht der Ger&auml;te kein title Attribut gesetzt. Das is bei
manchen Screenreadern erforderlich. Die Voreinstellung ist 1.
<li><a href="#addStateEvent">addStateEvent</a></li><br>
Falls man das Attribut alias_&lt;RoomName&gt; definiert, und dieses
Attribut f&uuml;r ein Ger&auml;t setzt, dann wird dieser Wert bei
Anzeige von &lt;RoomName&gt; verwendet.<br>
Achtung: man kann im userattr auch alias_.* verwenden um alle
m&ouml;glichen R&auml;ume abzudecken, in diesem Fall wird aber die
Attributauswahl in der Detailansicht f&uuml;r alias_.* nicht
<li><a href="#allowfrom">allowfrom</a>
<li>allowedCommands, basicAuth, basicAuthMsg<br>
Diese Attribute m&uuml;ssen ab sofort bei dem passenden <a
href="#allowed">allowed</a> Ger&auml;t angelegt werden, und sind
f&uuml;r eine FHEMWEB Instanz unerw&uuml;nscht.
<a name="allowedHttpMethods"></a>
FHEMWEB implementiert die HTTP Methoden GET, POST und OPTIONS. Manche
externe Ger&auml;te ben&ouml;tigen HEAD, das ist aber in FHEMWEB nicht
korrekt implementiert, da FHEMWEB immer ein body zur&uuml;ckliefert, was
laut Spec falsch ist. Da ein body in manchen F&auml;llen kein Problem
ist, kann man HEAD durch setzen dieses Attributes auf GET|POST|HEAD
aktivieren, die Voreinstellung ist GET|POST. OPTIONS ist immer
<a name="closeConn"></a>
Falls gesetzt, wird pro TCP Verbindung nur ein HTTP Request
durchgef&uuml;hrt. F&uuml;r iOS9 WebApp startups scheint es zu helfen.
<a name="cmdIcon"></a>
Leerzeichen getrennte Auflistung von cmd:iconName Paaren.
Falls gesetzt, wird das webCmd text durch den icon gesetzt.
Am einfachsten setzt man cmdIcon indem man "Extend devStateIcon" im
Detail-Ansicht verwendet, und den Wert nach cmdIcon kopiert.<br>
attr lamp cmdIcon on:control_centr_arrow_up off:control_centr_arrow_down
<a name="column"></a>
Damit werden mehrere Spalten f&uuml;r einen Raum angezeigt, indem
sie verschiedene Gruppen Spalten zuordnen. Beispiel:<br>
attr WEB column LivingRoom:FS20,notify|FHZ,notify DiningRoom:FS20|FHZ
In diesem Beispiel werden im Raum LivingRoom die FS20 sowie die notify
Gruppe in der ersten Spalte, die FHZ und das notify in der zweiten
Spalte angezeigt.<br>
Anmerkungen: einige Elemente, wie SVG Plots und readingsGroup
k&ouml;nnen nur dann Teil einer Spalte sein wenn sie in <a
href="#group">group</a> stehen. Dieses Attribut kann man zum sortieren
der Gruppen auch dann verwenden, wenn man nur eine Spalte hat.
Leerzeichen im Raum- und Gruppennamen sind f&uuml;r dieses Attribut als
%20 zu schreiben. Raum- und Gruppenspezifikation ist jeweils ein
%regul&auml;rer Ausdruck.
<a name="confirmDelete"></a>
L&ouml;schaktionen weden mit einem Dialog best&auml;tigt.
Falls dieses Attribut auf 0 gesetzt ist, entf&auml;llt das.
<a name="confirmJSError"></a>
JavaScript Fehler werden per Voreinstellung in einem Dialog gemeldet.
Durch setzen dieses Attributes auf 0 werden solche Fehler nicht
<a name="CORS"></a>
Wenn auf 1 gestellt, wird FHEMWEB einen "Cross origin resource sharing"
Header bereitstellen, n&auml;heres siehe Wikipedia.
<a name="csrfToken"></a>
Falls gesetzt, wird der Wert des Attributes als fwcsrf Parameter bei
jedem &uuml;ber FHEMWEB abgesetzten Kommando verlangt, es dient zum
Schutz von Cross Site Resource Forgery Angriffen.
Falls der Wert random ist, dann wird ein Zufallswert beim jeden FHEMWEB
Start neu generiert, falls er none ist, dann wird kein Parameter
verlangt. Default ist random f&uuml;r featurelevel 5.8 und
gr&ouml;&szlig;er, und none f&uuml;r featurelevel kleiner 5.8
<a name="csrfTokenHTTPHeader"></a>
Falls gesetzt (Voreinstellung), FHEMWEB sendet im HTTP Header den
csrfToken als X-FHEM-csrfToken, das wird von manchen FHEM-Clients
benutzt. Mit 0 kann man das abstellen, um Sites wie shodan.io die
Erkennung von FHEM zu erschweren.</li><br>
<a name="CssFiles"></a>
Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von .css Dateien, die geladen werden.
Die Dateinamen sind relativ zum www Verzeichnis anzugeben. Beispiel:
attr WEB CssFiles pgm2/mystyle.css
<a name="Css"></a>
CSS, was nach dem CssFiles Abschnitt im Header eingefuegt wird.
<a name="defaultRoom"></a>
Zeigt den angegebenen Raum an falls kein Raum explizit ausgew&auml;hlt
wurde. Achtung: falls gesetzt, wird motd nicht mehr angezeigt.
attr WEB defaultRoom Zentrale
<a name="devStateIcon"></a>
Erste Variante:<br>
Leerzeichen getrennte Auflistung von regexp:icon-name:cmd
Dreierp&auml;rchen, icon-name und cmd d&uuml;rfen leer sein.<br>
Wenn der Zustand des Ger&auml;tes mit der regexp &uuml;bereinstimmt,
wird als icon-name das entsprechende Status Icon angezeigt, und (falls
definiert), l&ouml;st ein Klick auf das Icon das entsprechende cmd aus.
Wenn fhem icon-name nicht finden kann, wird der Status als Text
attr lamp devStateIcon on:closed off:open<br>
attr lamp devStateIcon on::A0 off::AI<br>
attr lamp devStateIcon .*:noIcon<br>
Anmerkung: Wenn das Icon ein SVG Bild ist, kann das @colorname Suffix
verwendet werden um das Icon einzuf&auml;rben. Z.B.:<br>
attr Fax devStateIcon on:control_building_empty@red
Falls cmd noFhemwebLink ist, dann wird kein HTML-Link generiert, d.h.
es passiert nichts, wenn man auf das Icon/Text klickt.
Zweite Variante:<br>
Perl regexp eingeschlossen in {}. Wenn der Code undef
zur&uuml;ckliefert, wird das Standard Icon verwendet; wird ein String
in <> zur&uuml;ck geliefert, wird dieser als HTML String interpretiert.
Andernfalls wird der String als devStateIcon gem&auml;&szlig; der
ersten Variante interpretiert, siehe oben. Beispiel:<br>
{'&lt;div style="width:32px;height:32px;background-color:green"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'}
<a name="devStateStyle"></a>
F&uuml;r ein best. Ger&auml;t einen best. HTML-Style benutzen.
attr sensor devStateStyle style="text-align:left;;font-weight:bold;;"<br>
Gibt an ob die Darstellung aus der Raum-Ansicht (Zeile mit
Ger&uuml;teicon, Stateicon und webCmds/cmdIcons) auch in der
Detail-Ansicht angezeigt werden soll. Kann auf always, onClick,
iconOnly oder never gesetzt werden. Der Default ist always.
<a name="editConfig"></a>
Falls dieses FHEMWEB Attribut (auf 1) gesetzt ist, dann kann man die
FHEM Konfigurationsdatei in dem "Edit files" Abschnitt bearbeiten. Beim
Speichern dieser Datei wird automatisch rereadcfg ausgefuehrt, was
diverse Nebeneffekte hat.<br>
<a name="editFileList"></a>
Definiert die Liste der angezeigten Dateien in der "Edit Files"
Abschnitt. Es ist eine Newline getrennte Liste von Tripeln bestehend
aus Titel, Verzeichnis f&uuml;r die Suche als perl Ausdruck(!), und
Regexp. Die Voreinstellung ist:
Own modules and helper files:$MW_dir:^(.*sh|[0-9][0-9].*Util.*pm|.*cfg|.*holiday|myUtilsTemplate.pm|.*layout)$<br>
Gplot files:$FW_gplotdir:^.*gplot$<br>
Achtung: die Verzeichnis Angabe ist nicht flexibel: alle
.js/.css/_defs.svg Dateien sind in www/pgm2 ($FW_cssdir), .gplot
Dateien in $FW_gplotdir (www/gplot), alles andere in $MW_dir (FHEM).
<a name="endPlotNow"></a>
Wenn Sie dieses FHEMWEB Attribut auf 1 setzen, werden Tages und
Stunden-Plots zur aktuellen Zeit beendet. (&Auml;hnlich wie
endPlotToday, nur eben min&uuml;tlich).
Ansonsten wird der gesamte Tag oder eine 6 Stunden Periode (0, 6, 12,
18 Stunde) gezeigt. Dieses Attribut wird nicht verwendet, wenn das SVG
Attribut startDate benutzt wird.<br>
<a name="endPlotToday"></a>
Wird dieses FHEMWEB Attribut gesetzt, so enden Wochen- bzw. Monatsplots
am aktuellen Tag, sonst wird die aktuelle Woche/Monat angezeigt.
<a name="forbiddenroom"></a>
Wie hiddenroom, aber der Zugriff auf die Raum- oder Detailansicht
&uuml;ber direkte URL-Eingabe wird unterbunden.
<a name="fwcompress"></a>
Aktiviert die HTML Datenkompression (Standard ist 1, also ja, 0 stellt
die Kompression aus).
<a name="hiddengroup"></a>
Wie hiddenroom (siehe unten), jedoch auf Ger&auml;tegruppen bezogen.
Beispiel: attr WEBtablet hiddengroup FileLog,dummy,at,notify
<a name="hiddengroupRegexp"></a>
Ein regul&auml;rer Ausdruck, um Gruppen zu verstecken.
<a name="hiddenroom"></a>
Eine Komma getrennte Liste, um R&auml;ume zu verstecken, d.h. nicht
anzuzeigen. Besondere Werte sind input, detail und save. In diesem
Fall werden diverse Eingabefelder ausgeblendent. Durch direktes Aufrufen
der URL sind diese R&auml;ume weiterhin erreichbar!<br>
Ebenso k&ouml;nnen Eintr&auml;ge in den Logfile/Commandref/etc Block
versteckt werden. </li><br>
<a name="hiddenroomRegexp"></a>
Ein regul&auml;rer Ausdruck, um R&auml;ume zu verstecken. Beispiel:
attr WEB hiddenroomRegexp .*config
Achtung: die besonderen Werte input, detail und save m&uuml;ssen mit
hiddenroom spezifiziert werden.
<a name="httpHeader"></a>
Eine oder mehrere HTTP-Header Zeile, die in jede Antwort eingebettet
wird. Beispiel:
attr WEB httpHeader X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
<a name="HTTPS"></a>
Erm&ouml;glicht HTTPS Verbindungen. Es werden die Perl Module
IO::Socket::SSL ben&ouml;tigt, installierbar mit cpan -i
IO::Socket::SSL oder apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl; (OSX und
die FritzBox-7390 haben dieses Modul schon installiert.)<br>
Ein lokales Zertifikat muss im Verzeichis certs erzeugt werden.
Dieses Verzeichnis <b>muss</b> im <a href="#modpath">modpath</a>
angegeben werden, also auf der gleichen Ebene wie das FHEM Verzeichnis.
mkdir certs<br>
cd certs<br>
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server-cert.pem -days 3650 -keyout
<a name="icon"></a>
Damit definiert man ein Icon f&uuml;r die einzelnen Ger&auml;te in der
Raum&uuml;bersicht. Es gibt einen passenden Link in der Detailansicht
um das zu vereinfachen. Um ein Bild f&uuml;r die R&auml;ume selbst zu
definieren muss ein Icon mit dem Namen ico&lt;Raumname&gt;.png im
iconPath existieren (oder man verwendet roomIcons, s.u.)
<a name="iconPath"></a>
Durch Doppelpunkt getrennte Aufz&auml;hlung der Verzeichnisse, in
welchen nach Icons gesucht wird. Die Verzeichnisse m&uuml;ssen unter
fhem/www/images angelegt sein. Standardeinstellung ist:
Setzen Sie den Wert auf fhemSVG:openautomation um nur SVG Bilder zu
<a name="JavaScripts"></a>
Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von JavaScript Dateien, die geladen werden.
Die Dateinamen sind relativ zum www Verzeichnis anzugeben. F&uuml;r
jede Datei wird ein zus&auml;tzliches Attribut angelegt, damit der
Benutzer dem Skript Parameter weiterreichen kann. Bei diesem
Attributnamen werden Verzeichnisname und fhem_ Pr&auml;fix entfernt
und Param als Suffix hinzugef&uuml;gt. Beispiel:
attr WEB JavaScripts codemirror/fhem_codemirror.js<br>
attr WEB codemirrorParam { "theme":"blackboard", "lineNumbers":true }
<a name="longpoll"></a>
<li>longpoll [0|1|websocket]<br>
Falls gesetzt, FHEMWEB benachrichtigt den Browser, wenn
Ger&auml;testatuus, Readings or Attribute sich &auml;ndern, ein
Neuladen der Seite ist nicht notwendig. Zum deaktivieren 0 verwenden.
Falls websocket spezifiziert ist, l&auml;uft die Benachrichtigung des
Browsers &uuml;ber dieses Verfahren sonst &uuml;ber HTTP longpoll.
Achtung: &auml;ltere Browser haben keine websocket Implementierung.
<a name="longpollSVG"></a>
L&auml;dt SVG Instanzen erneut, falls ein Ereignis dessen Inhalt
&auml;ndert. Funktioniert nur, falls die dazugeh&ouml;rige Definition
der Quelle in der .gplot Datei folgenden Form hat: deviceName.Event
bzw. deviceName.*. Wenn man den <a href="#plotEditor">Plot Editor</a>
benutzt, ist das &uuml;brigens immer der Fall. Die SVG Datei wird bei
<b>jedem</b> ausl&ouml;senden Event dieses Ger&auml;tes neu geladen.
Die Voreinstellung ist aus. Achtung: das plotEmbed Attribute muss
gesetzt sein.
<a name="mainInputLength"></a>
L&auml;nge des maininput Eingabefeldes (Anzahl der Buchstaben,
</li> <br>
<a name="menuEntries"></a>
Komma getrennte Liste; diese Links werden im linken Men&uuml; angezeigt.
attr WEB menuEntries fhem.de,http://fhem.de,culfw.de,http://culfw.de<br>
attr WEB menuEntries
<a name="nameDisplay"></a>
Das Argument ist Perl-Code, was f&uuml;r jedes Ger&auml;t in der
Raum-&Uuml;bersicht ausgef&uuml;hrt wird, um den angezeigten Namen zu
berechnen. Dabei kann man die Variable $DEVICE f&uuml;r den aktuellen
Ger&auml;tenamen, und $ALIAS f&uuml;r den aktuellen alias bzw. Name,
falls alias nicht gesetzt ist, verwenden. Z.Bsp. f&uuml;r eine FHEMWEB
Instanz mit ungarischer Anzeige f&uuml;gt man ein global userattr
alias_hu hinzu, und man setzt nameDisplay f&uuml;r diese FHEMWEB
Instanz auf dem Wert:
AttrVal($DEVICE, "alias_hu", $ALIAS)
<a name="nrAxis"></a>
(bei mehrfach-Y-Achsen im SVG-Plot) Die Darstellung der Y Achsen
ben&ouml;tigt Platz. Hierdurch geben Sie an wie viele Achsen Sie
links,rechts [useLeft,useRight] ben&ouml;tigen. Default ist 1,1 (also 1
Achse links, 1 Achse rechts).
<a name="ploteditor"></a>
Gibt an ob der <a href="#plotEditor">Plot Editor</a> in der SVG detail
ansicht angezeigt werden soll. Kann auf always, onClick oder never
gesetzt werden. Der Default ist always.
<a name="plotEmbed"></a>
<li>plotEmbed 0<br>
Falls gesetzt (auf 1), dann werden SVG Grafiken mit &lt;embed&gt; Tags
gerendert, da auf &auml;lteren Browsern das die einzige
M&ouml;glichkeit war, SVG dastellen zu k&ouml;nnen. Falls 0 (die
Voreinstellung), dann werden die SVG Grafiken "in-place" gezeichnet.
<a name="plotfork"></a>
Falls gesetzt, dann werden bestimmte Berechnungen (z.Bsp. SVG und RSS)
auf nebenl&auml;ufige Prozesse verteilt. Voreinstellung ist 0. Achtung:
nicht auf Systemen mit wenig Hauptspeicher verwenden.
<a name="plotmode"></a>
Spezifiziert, wie Plots erzeugt werden sollen:
Die Plots werden mit Hilfe des <a href="#SVG">SVG</a> Moduls als SVG
Grafik gerendert. Das ist die Standardeinstellung.</li>
Die plots werden mit dem Programm gnuplot erstellt. Das output
terminal ist PNG. Der einfache Zugriff auf historische Daten
ist m&ouml;glich (analog SVG).
Wie gnuplot-scroll, aber als output terminal wird SVG angenommen.
<a name="plotsize"></a>
gibt die Standardbildgr&ouml;&szlig;e aller erzeugten Plots an als
Breite,H&ouml;he an. Um einem individuellen Plot die Gr&ouml;&szlig;e zu
&auml;ndern muss dieses Attribut bei der entsprechenden SVG Instanz
gesetzt werden. Default sind 800,160 f&uuml;r Desktop und 480,160
f&uuml;r Smallscreen
<a name="plotWeekStartDay"></a>
Starte das Plot in der Wochen-Ansicht mit diesem Tag.
0 ist Sonntag, 1 ist Montag, usw.
<a name="redirectCmds"></a>
Damit wird das URL Eingabefeld des Browser nach einem Befehl geleert.
Standard ist eingeschaltet (1), ausschalten kann man es durch
setzen des Attributs auf 0, z.Bsp. um den Syntax der Kommunikation mit
FHEMWEB zu untersuchen.
<a name="refresh"></a>
Damit erzeugen Sie auf den ausgegebenen Webseiten einen automatischen
Refresh, z.B. nach 5 Sekunden.
<a name="reverseLogs"></a>
Damit wird das Logfile umsortiert, die neuesten Eintr&auml;ge stehen
oben. Der Vorteil ist, dass man nicht runterscrollen muss um den
neuesten Eintrag zu sehen, der Nachteil dass FHEM damit deutlich mehr
Hauptspeicher ben&ouml;tigt, etwa 6 mal so viel, wie das Logfile auf
dem Datentr&auml;ger gro&szlig; ist. Das kann auf Systemen mit wenig
Speicher (FRITZ!Box) zum Terminieren des FHEM Prozesses durch das
Betriebssystem f&uuml;hren.
<a name="roomIcons"></a>
Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von room:icon Zuordnungen
Der erste Teil wird als regexp interpretiert, daher muss ein
Leerzeichen als Punkt geschrieben werden. Beispiel:<br>
attr WEB roomIcons Anlagen.EDV:icoEverything
<a name="sortby"></a>
Der Wert dieses Attributs wird zum sortieren von Ger&auml;ten in
R&auml;umen verwendet, sonst w&auml;re es der Alias oder, wenn keiner
da ist, der Ger&auml;tename selbst. Falls der Wert des sortby
Attributes in {} eingeschlossen ist, dann wird er als ein perl Ausdruck
evaluiert. $NAME wird auf dem Ger&auml;tenamen gesetzt.
<a name="showUsedFiles"></a>
Zeige nur die verwendeten Dateien in der "Edit files" Abschnitt.
Achtung: aktuell ist das nur f&uuml;r den "Gplot files" Abschnitt
<a name="sortRooms"></a>
Durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von R&auml;umen, um deren Reihenfolge
zu definieren.
Da die R&auml;ume in diesem Attribut als Regexp interpretiert werden,
sind Leerzeichen im Raumnamen als Punkt (.) zu hinterlegen.
attr WEB sortRooms DG OG EG Keller
<a name="smallscreenCommands"></a>
Falls auf 1 gesetzt werden Kommandos, Slider und Dropdown Men&uuml;s im
Smallscreen Landscape Modus angezeigt.
Siehe das global Attribut sslVersion.
<a name="sslCertPrefix"></a>
Setzt das Pr&auml;fix der SSL-Zertifikate, die Voreinstellung ist
certs/server-, siehe auch das HTTP Attribut.
<a name="styleData"></a>
wird von dynamischen styles wie f18 werwendet
<a name="stylesheetPrefix"></a>
Pr&auml;fix f&uuml;r die Dateien style.css, svg_style.css und
svg_defs.svg. Wenn die Datei mit dem Pr&auml;fix fehlt, wird die Default
Datei (ohne Pr&auml;fix) verwendet. Diese Dateien m&uuml;ssen im FHEM
Ordner liegen und k&ouml;nnen direkt mit "Select style" im FHEMWEB
Men&uuml;eintrag ausgew&auml;hlt werden. Beispiel:
attr WEB stylesheetPrefix dark<br>
<b>Anmerkung:</b>Wenn der Parametername smallscreen oder touchpad
enth&auml;lt, wird FHEMWEB das Layout/den Zugriff f&uuml;r entsprechende
Ger&auml;te (Smartphones oder Touchpads) optimieren<br>
Standardm&auml;&szlig;ig werden 3 FHEMWEB Instanzen aktiviert: Port 8083
f&uuml;r Desktop Browser, Port 8084 f&uuml;r Smallscreen, und 8085
f&uuml;r Touchpad.<br>
Wenn touchpad oder smallscreen benutzt werden, wird WebApp support
aktiviert: Nachdem Sie eine Seite am iPhone oder iPad mit Safari
angesehen haben, k&ouml;nnen Sie einen Link auf den Homescreen anlegen um
die Seite im Fullscreen Modus zu sehen. Links werden in diesem Modus
anders gerendert, um ein "Zur&uuml;ckfallen" in den "normalen" Browser zu
<a name="SVGcache"></a>
Plots die sich nicht mehr &auml;ndern, werden im SVGCache Verzeichnis
(www/SVGcache) gespeichert, um die erneute, rechenintensive
Berechnung der Grafiken zu vermeiden. Default ist 0, d.h. aus.<br>
Siehe den clearSvgCache Befehl um diese Daten zu l&ouml;schen.
<a name="title"></a>
Setzt den Titel der Seite. Falls in {} eingeschlossen, dann wird es
als Perl Ausdruck evaluiert.
<a name="viewport"></a>
Setzt das &quot;viewport&quot; Attribut im HTML Header. Das kann benutzt
werden um z.B. die Breite fest vorzugeben oder Zoomen zu verhindern.<br>
Beispiel: attr WEB viewport
<a name="webCmd"></a>
Durch Doppelpunkte getrennte Auflistung von Befehlen, die f&uuml;r ein
bestimmtes Ger&auml;t gelten sollen. Funktioniert nicht mit
smallscreen, ein Ersatz daf&uuml;r ist der devStateIcon Befehl.<br>
attr lamp webCmd on:off:on-for-timer 10<br>
Der erste angegebene Befehl wird in der "set device ?" list
nachgeschlagen (Siehe das <a href="#setList">setList</a> Attrib
f&uuml;r Dummy Ger&auml;te). Wenn <b>dort</b> bekannte Modifier sind,
wird ein anderes Widget angezeigt. Siehe auch widgetOverride.<br>
Wenn der Befehl state ist, wird der Wert als Kommando interpretiert.<br>
define d1 dummy<br>
attr d1 webCmd state<br>
attr d1 setList state:on,off<br>
define d2 dummy<br>
attr d2 webCmd state<br>
attr d2 setList state:slider,0,1,10<br>
define d3 dummy<br>
attr d3 webCmd state<br>
attr d3 setList state:time<br>
Anmerkung: dies ist ein Attribut f&uuml;r das anzuzeigende Ger&auml;t,
nicht f&uuml;r die FHEMWEBInstanz.
<a name="webCmdLabel"></a>
Durch Doppelpunkte getrennte Auflistung von Texten, die vor dem
jeweiligen webCmd angezeigt werden. Der Anzahl der Texte muss exakt den
Anzahl der webCmds entsprechen. Um mehrzeilige Anzeige zu realisieren,
kann ein Return nach dem Text und vor dem Doppelpunkt eingefuehrt
<a name="webname"></a>
Der Pfad nach http://hostname:port/ . Standard ist fhem,
so ist die Standard HTTP Adresse http://localhost:8083/fhem
<a name="widgetOverride"></a>
Leerzeichen separierte Liste von Name/Modifier Paaren, mit dem man den
vom Modulautor f&uuml;r einen bestimmten Parameter (Set/Get/Attribut)
vorgesehene Widgets &auml;ndern kann. Folgendes ist die Liste der
bekannten Modifier:
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