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# $Id$
# 98_HourCounter.pm
# The HourCounter accumulates single events to a counter object.
# In the case of binary weighted events pulse- and pause-time are determined
# This module is written by john.
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# 16.11.13 - 0.99.b
# Loglevel adjusted
# 02.12.13 - 0.99.c
# $readingFnAttributes added
# 03.12.13 - 0.99.d
# missed attribute event-on-change-reading
# 02.02.14 - 1.00
# command queues
# 04.02.14 - 1.01
# queue removed
# 17.03.14 - 1.02
# adjusting log-levels, forceYearChange,HourCounter_RoundYear
# 07.06.14 - 1.03
# $ID changed
# setter for pulseTimeIncrement, pauseTimeIncrement
# 25.10.14 -
# official part of fhem
# adjusting log-output
# update documentation
# 14.11.14 -
# minor fixes for logging in HourCounter_Set: thanks kubuntufan
# reformating
# 17.11.14 -
# cyclic calculation of pulse/pause-duration
# correctly restores counter values after restart
# 10.12.14 -
# new readings pulseTimeEdge, pauseTimeEdge hold the last pusle*-Increment value
# all operative readings beside the tick*-readings are updated every cycle now
# new reading tickChanged is fired, if the value is changed
# new reading tickUpdated is fired each time the operative readings are updated
# some bug fixes concerning duration and calc calculations
# note, that also 99_UtilsHourCounter needs changes
# 21.12.14 -
# bug: if OFF is not defined, nothing was counted
# html : check with tidy
# 24.12.14 -
# bug: if cvent occurs without value change, wrong calculcation of pulseTimeIncrement, pauseTimeIncrement
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw(%modules);
my $HourCounter_Version = " - 24.12.2014";
my @HourCounter_cmdQeue = ();
my $DEBUG = 1;
sub HourCounter_Log($$$)
my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_;
my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2];
my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3];
my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2];
$sub =~ s/HourCounter_//;
my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : "HourCounter";
Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "HourCounter $instName $sub.$xline " . $text;
sub HourCounter_AddLog($$$)
my ( $logdevice, $readingName, $value ) = @_;
my $cmd = '';
if ( $readingName =~ m,state,i )
$cmd = "trigger $logdevice $value << addLog";
} else
$cmd = "trigger $logdevice $readingName: $value << addLog";
HourCounter_Log '', 3, $cmd;
# execute the content of the given parameter
sub HourCounter_Exec($)
my $doit = shift;
my $ret = '';
eval $doit;
$ret = $@ if ($@);
return $ret;
# add command to queue
sub HourCounter_cmdQueueAdd($$)
my ( $hash, $cmd ) = @_;
push( @{ $hash->{helper}{cmdQueue} }, $cmd );
# execute command queue
sub HourCounter_ExecQueue($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $result;
my $cnt = $#{ $hash->{helper}{cmdQueue} };
my $loops = 0;
my $cntAll = 0;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "cnt: $cnt";
while ( $cnt >= 0 )
for my $i ( 0 .. $cnt )
my $cmd = ${ $hash->{helper}{cmdQueue} }[$i];
${ $hash->{helper}{cmdQueue} }[$i] = '';
$result = HourCounter_Exec($cmd);
if ($result)
HourCounter_Log $hash, 2, "$result";
} else
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "exec ok:$cmd";
# bearbeitete eintraege loeschen
for ( my $i = $cnt ; $i > -1 ; $i-- )
splice( @{ $hash->{helper}{cmdQueue} }, $i, 1 );
$cnt = $#HourCounter_cmdQeue;
if ( $loops >= 5 || $cntAll > 100 )
HourCounter_Log $hash, 2, "!!! too deep recursion";
# round off the date passed to the hour
sub HourCounter_RoundHour($)
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) = localtime(shift);
return mktime( 0, 0, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year );
# round off the date passed to the day
sub HourCounter_RoundDay($)
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) = localtime(shift);
return mktime( 0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year );
# round off the date passed to the week
sub HourCounter_RoundWeek($)
my ($time) = @_;
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime($time);
# wday 0 Sonntag 1 Montag ...
$time -= $wday * 86400;
return HourCounter_RoundDay($time);
# returns the seconds since the start of the day
sub HourCounter_SecondsOfDay()
my $timeToday = gettimeofday();
return int( $timeToday - HourCounter_RoundDay($timeToday) );
# round off the date passed to the month
sub HourCounter_RoundMonth($)
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) = localtime(shift);
return mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, $mon, $year );
# round off the date passed to the year
sub HourCounter_RoundYear($)
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) = localtime(shift);
return mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year );
sub HourCounter_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "HourCounter_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HourCounter_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HourCounter_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "HourCounter_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "HourCounter_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HourCounter_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 interval:1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,30,60 " . $readingFnAttributes;
HourCounter_Log "", 3, "Init Done with Version $HourCounter_Version";
sub HourCounter_Define($$$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $name = $a[0];
HourCounter_Log $hash, ($DEBUG) ? 0 : 4, "parameters: @a";
if ( @a < 3 )
return "wrong syntax: define <name> HourCounter <regexp_for_ON> [<regexp_for_OFF>]";
my $onRegexp = $a[2];
my $offRegexp = ( @a == 4 ) ? $a[3] : undef;
# Checking for misleading regexps
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$onRegexp/ };
return "Bad regexp_for_ON : $@" if ($@);
if ($offRegexp)
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$offRegexp/ };
return "Bad regexp_for_ON : $@" if ($@);
# some inits
$hash->{VERSION} = $HourCounter_Version;
$hash->{helper}{ON_Regexp} = $onRegexp;
$hash->{helper}{OFF_Regexp} = $offRegexp;
$hash->{helper}{isFirstRun} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{value} = -1;
$hash->{helper}{forceHourChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{forceDayChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{forceWeekChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{forceMonthChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{forceYearChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{forceClear} = '';
$hash->{helper}{calledByEvent} = '';
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = '';
@{ $hash->{helper}{cmdQueue} } = ();
$modules{HourCounter}{defptr}{$name} = $hash;
# wait until alle readings have been restored
InternalTimer( int( gettimeofday() + 15 ), "HourCounter_Run", $name, 0 );
return undef;
sub HourCounter_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 3, "Done";
return undef;
sub HourCounter_Get($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of version:noArg";
my $cmd = lc( $a[1] );
if ( $cmd eq 'version' )
$ret = "Version : $HourCounter_Version\n";
return $ret;
sub HourCounter_Set($@)
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $reINT = '^([\\+,\\-]?\\d+$)'; # int
# determine userReadings beginning with app
my @readingNames = keys( %{ $hash->{READINGS} } );
my @userReadings = ();
foreach (@readingNames)
if ( $_ =~ m/app.*/ )
push( @userReadings, $_ );
my $strUserReadings = join( " ", @userReadings ) . " ";
# standard commands with parameter
my @cmdPara = (
"countsOverall", "countsPerDay", "pauseTimeIncrement", "pauseTimePerDay",
"pauseTimeOverall", "pulseTimeIncrement", "pulseTimePerDay", "pulseTimeOverall"
# standard commands with no parameter
my @cmdNoPara =
( "clear", "forceHourChange", "forceDayChange", "forceWeekChange", "forceMonthChange", "forceYearChange", "calc" );
my @allCommands = ( @cmdPara, @cmdNoPara, @userReadings );
my $strAllCommands =
join( " ", ( @cmdPara, @userReadings ) ) . " " . join( ":noArg ", @cmdNoPara ) . ":noArg ";
#HourCounter_Log $hash, 2, "strAllCommands : $strAllCommands";
# stop:noArg
my $usage = "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . $strAllCommands;
# we need at least 2 parameters
return "Need a parameter for set" if ( @a < 2 );
my $cmd = $a[1];
if ( $cmd eq "?" )
return $usage;
my $value = $a[2];
# is command defined ?
if ( ( grep { /$cmd/ } @allCommands ) <= 0 )
HourCounter_Log $hash, 2, "cmd:$cmd no match for : @allCommands";
return return "unknown command : $cmd";
# need we a parameter ?
my $hits = scalar grep { /$cmd/ } @cmdNoPara;
my $needPara = ( $hits > 0 ) ? '' : 1;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "hits: $hits needPara:$needPara";
# if parameter needed, it must be an integer
return "Value must be an integer" if ( $needPara && !( $value =~ m/$reINT/ ) );
my $info = "command : " . $cmd;
$info .= " " . $value if ($needPara);
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, $info;
my $doRun = '';
if ($needPara)
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $cmd, $value, 1 );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "forceHourChange" )
$hash->{helper}{forceHourChange} = 1;
$doRun = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "forceDayChange" )
$hash->{helper}{forceDayChange} = 1;
$doRun = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "forceWeekChange" )
$hash->{helper}{forceWeekChange} = 1;
$doRun = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "forceMonthChange" )
$hash->{helper}{forceMonthChange} = 1;
$doRun = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "forceYearChange" )
$hash->{helper}{forceYearChange} = 1;
$doRun = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "clear" )
$hash->{helper}{forceClear} = 1;
$doRun = 1;
} elsif ( $cmd eq "calc" )
$doRun = 1;
} else
return "unknown command (2): $cmd";
# perform run
if ( $doRun && !$hash->{helper}{isFirstRun} )
$hash->{helper}{value} = -1;
$hash->{helper}{calledByEvent} = 1;
HourCounter_Run( $hash->{NAME} );
sub HourCounter_Notify($$)
my ( $hash, $dev ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
# return if disabled
if ( AttrVal( $name, 'disable', '0' ) eq '1' )
return "";
my $onRegexp = $hash->{helper}{ON_Regexp};
my $offRegexp = $hash->{helper}{OFF_Regexp};
my $max = int( @{ $dev->{CHANGED} } );
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $max ; $i++ )
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i]; # read changed reading
$s = "" if ( !defined($s) );
my $isOnReading = ( "$devName:$s" =~ m/^$onRegexp$/ );
my $isOffReading = ($offRegexp) ? ( "$devName:$s" =~ m/^$offRegexp$/ ) : '';
# HourCounter_Log $hash, 5, "devName:$devName; CHANGED:$s; isOnReading:$isOnReading; isOffReading:$isOffReading;";
next if ( !( $isOnReading || ( $isOffReading && $offRegexp ) ) );
$hash->{helper}{value} = 1 if ($isOnReading);
$hash->{helper}{value} = 0 if ($isOffReading);
$hash->{helper}{calledByEvent} = 1;
if ( !$hash->{helper}{isFirstRun} )
HourCounter_Run( $hash->{NAME} );
sub HourCounter_Attr($$$$)
my ( $command, $name, $attribute, $value ) = @_;
my $msg = undef;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ( $attribute eq "interval" )
#HourCounter_Log $hash, 0, "cmd:$command name:$name attribute:$attribute";
if ( !$hash->{helper}{isFirstRun} )
return $msg;
# converts the seconds in the date format
sub HourCounter_Seconds2HMS($)
my ($seconds) = @_;
my ( $Sekunde, $Minute, $Stunde, $Monatstag, $Monat, $Jahr, $Wochentag, $Jahrestag, $Sommerzeit ) =
my $days = int( $seconds / 86400 );
return sprintf( "%d Tage %02d:%02d:%02d", $days, $Stunde - 1, $Minute, $Sekunde );
# rounds the timestamp do the beginning of the week
sub HourCounter_weekBase($)
my ($time) = @_;
my $dayDiff = 60 * 60 * 24;
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime($time);
# wday 0 Sonntag 1 Montag ...
my $a = $time - $wday * $dayDiff;
my $b = int( $a / $dayDiff ); # auf tage gehen
my $c = $b * $dayDiff;
return $c;
# this either called by timer for cyclic update
# or it is called by an event (on/off)
sub HourCounter_Run($)
# print "xxx TAG A\n" ;
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
# must be of type hourcounter
return if ( !defined( $hash->{TYPE} ) || $hash->{TYPE} ne 'HourCounter' );
# timestamps for event-log-file-entries, older than current time
delete( $hash->{CHANGETIME} );
# flag for called by event
my $calledByEvent = $hash->{helper}{calledByEvent};
# reset flag
$hash->{helper}{calledByEvent} = '';
# if call was made by timer, than force value to -1
my $valuePara = ($calledByEvent) ? $hash->{helper}{value} : -1;
# initialize changedTimestamp, if it does not exist
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = ReadingsTimestamp( $name, "value", TimeNow() )
if ( !$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} );
# serial date for changed timestamp
my $sdValue = time_str2num( $hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} );
my $sdCurTime = gettimeofday();
my $isOffDefined = ( $hash->{helper}{OFF_Regexp} ) ? 1 : '';
# calc time diff
my $timeIncrement = int( $sdCurTime - $sdValue );
# wrong time offset in case of summer/winter time
$timeIncrement = 0 if ( $timeIncrement < 0 );
# get the old value
my $valueOld = ReadingsVal( $name, 'value', 0 );
# variable for reading update
my $value = undef;
my $countsPerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsPerDay", 0 );
my $countsOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsOverall", 0 );
my $pulseTimeIncrement = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeIncrement", 0 );
my $pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimePerDay", 0 );
my $pulseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeOverall", 0 );
my $pulseTimeEdge = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeEdge", 0 );
my $pauseTimeIncrement = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeIncrement", 0 );
my $pauseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimePerDay", 0 );
my $pauseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeOverall", 0 );
my $pauseTimeEdge = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeEdge", 0 );
my $tickUpdated = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickUpdated", 0 ) + 1;
$tickUpdated = 1 if ( $tickUpdated >= 1000 );
my $tickChanged = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickChanged", 0 );
my $tickHour = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickHour", 0 );
my $tickDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickDay", 0 );
my $tickWeek = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickWeek", 0 );
my $tickMonth = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickMonth", 0 );
my $tickYear = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickYear", 0 );
my $state = '';
my $sdTickHour = time_str2num( ReadingsTimestamp( $name, "tickHour", TimeNow() ) );
# serial date for current hour
my $sdRoundHour = HourCounter_RoundHour($sdCurTime);
my $sdRoundHourLast = HourCounter_RoundHour($sdTickHour);
$sdRoundHourLast = $sdRoundHour if ( !$sdRoundHourLast );
my $isHourChanged = ( $sdRoundHour != $sdRoundHourLast ) || $hash->{helper}{forceHourChange};
# serial date for current day
my $sdRoundDayCurTime = HourCounter_RoundDay($sdCurTime);
my $sdRoundDayValue = HourCounter_RoundDay($sdRoundHourLast);
my $isDayChanged = ( $sdRoundDayCurTime != $sdRoundDayValue ) || $hash->{helper}{forceDayChange};
# serial date for current week
my $sdRoundWeekCurTime = HourCounter_RoundWeek($sdCurTime);
my $sdRoundWeekValue = HourCounter_RoundWeek($sdRoundHourLast);
my $isWeekChanged =
( $sdRoundWeekCurTime != $sdRoundWeekValue ) || $hash->{helper}{forceWeekChange};
# serial date for current month
my $sdRoundMonthCurTime = HourCounter_RoundMonth($sdCurTime);
my $sdRoundMonthValue = HourCounter_RoundMonth($sdRoundHourLast);
my $isMonthChanged =
( $sdRoundMonthCurTime != $sdRoundMonthValue ) || $hash->{helper}{forceMonthChange};
# serial date for current year
my $sdRoundYearCurTime = HourCounter_RoundYear($sdCurTime);
my $sdRoundYearValue = HourCounter_RoundYear($sdRoundHourLast);
my $isYearChanged =
( $sdRoundYearCurTime != $sdRoundYearValue ) || $hash->{helper}{forceYearChange};
# loop forever
while (1)
# stop if disabled
last if ( AttrVal( $name, 'disable', '0' ) eq '1' );
# variables for controlling
HourCounter_Log $hash, 5, "value:$valuePara changedTimestamp:" . $hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp};
# ------------ basic init, when first run
if ( $hash->{helper}{isFirstRun} )
$hash->{helper}{isFirstRun} = undef;
$hash->{helper}{sdRoundHourLast} = $sdRoundHourLast;
# first init after startup
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickHour', 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickDay', 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickWeek', 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickMonth', 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickYear', 0 );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
# set initial values
$value = $valueOld; # value als reading anlegen falls nicht vorhanden
$timeIncrement = 0;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 0, "first run done countsOverall:" . $countsOverall; #4
# -------- force clear request
if ( $hash->{helper}{forceClear} )
HourCounter_Log $hash, 0, "force clear request";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'clearDate', TimeNow(), 1 );
# reset all counters
$countsOverall = 0;
$countsPerDay = 0;
$pauseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pauseTimeEdge = 0;
$pauseTimeOverall = 0;
$pauseTimePerDay = 0;
$pulseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pulseTimeEdge = 0;
$pulseTimeOverall = 0;
$pulseTimePerDay = 0;
$hash->{helper}{forceClear} = '';
$timeIncrement = 0;
# -------------- handling of transitions
my $hasValueChanged = 0;
if ( ( $isOffDefined && $valuePara >= 0 && $valuePara != $valueOld )
|| ( !$isOffDefined && $calledByEvent ) )
$hasValueChanged = 1;
if ($hasValueChanged)
$value = $valuePara;
$valueOld = $valuePara;
# -------------- positive edge
if ( $valuePara == 1 )
# handling of counters
$countsPerDay += 1;
$countsOverall += 1;
# handling of pause time
if ($isOffDefined)
# calc the rest of puse-time until edge
$pauseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pauseTimeEdge = $pauseTimeIncrement;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "rising edge; pauseTimeIncr:$pauseTimeIncrement countPerDay:$countsPerDay";
# ------------ negative edge
elsif ( $valuePara == 0 )
# handlich of pulse time
if ($isOffDefined)
$pulseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pulseTimeEdge = $pulseTimeIncrement;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "falling edge pulseTimeIncrement:$pulseTimeIncrement";
# ------------ no value change
# it is possible to receive an event without change of value (e.g. Max Shutter does it hourly)
elsif ($isOffDefined)
if ( $valueOld == 0 )
$pauseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
} elsif ( $valueOld == 1 )
$pulseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = TimeNow();
$value = $valueOld;
$state = $countsPerDay;
# ---------update readings, if vars defined
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsPerDay", $countsPerDay );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsOverall", $countsOverall );
if ($isOffDefined)
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeIncrement", $pulseTimeIncrement );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeEdge", $pulseTimeEdge );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimePerDay", $pulseTimePerDay );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeOverall", $pulseTimeOverall );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeIncrement", $pauseTimeIncrement );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeEdge", $pauseTimeEdge );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimePerDay", $pauseTimePerDay );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeOverall", $pauseTimeOverall );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "value", $value );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', $state );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickUpdated', $tickUpdated );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------- fire time interval ticks for hour,day,month
if ($hasValueChanged)
$tickChanged = 1 if ( $tickChanged >= 1000 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickChanged', $tickChanged, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, 'tickChanged fired ';
if ($isHourChanged)
$tickHour = 1 if ( $tickHour >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceHourChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{sdRoundHourLast} = $sdRoundHour;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickHour', $tickHour, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickHour fired";
if ($isDayChanged)
$tickDay = 1 if ( $tickDay >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceDayChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickDay', $tickDay, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickDay fired";
if ($isWeekChanged)
$tickWeek = 1 if ( $tickWeek >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceWeekChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickWeek', $tickWeek, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickWeek fired";
if ($isMonthChanged)
$tickMonth = 1 if ( $tickMonth >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceMonthChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickMonth', $tickMonth, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickMonth fired";
if ($isYearChanged)
$tickYear = 1 if ( $tickYear >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceYearChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickYear', $tickYear, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickYear fired";
# execute command queue
# day change, so reset day readings
if ($isDayChanged)
### reset all day counters
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsPerDay", 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimePerDay", 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimePerDay", 0 );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "reset day counters";
# ------------ calculate seconds until next hour starts
my $interval = AttrVal( $name, 'interval', '60' );
my $actTime = int( gettimeofday() );
my ( $sec, $min, $hour ) = localtime($actTime);
# round to next interval
my $seconds = $interval * 60;
my $nextHourTime = int( ( $actTime + $seconds ) / $seconds ) * $seconds;
# calc diff in seconds
my $nextCall = $nextHourTime - $actTime;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 5, "nextCall:$nextCall changedTimestamp:" . $hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp};
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $nextCall, "HourCounter_Run", $hash->{NAME}, 0 );
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="HourCounter" id="HourCounter"></a>
<a name="HourCounterdefine" id="HourCounterdefine"></a> <b>Define</b>
<br />
<code>define <name> HourCounter <pattern_for_ON> [<pattern_for_OFF>]</code><br />
<br />
Hourcounter can detect both the activiy-time and the inactivity-time of a property.<br />
The "pattern_for_ON" identifies the events, that signal the activity of the desired property.<br />
The "pattern_for_OFF" identifies the events, that signal the inactivity of the desired property.<br />
<br />
If "pattern_for_OFF" is not defined, any matching event of "patter_for_ON" will be counted.<br />
Otherwise only the rising edges of "pattern_for_ON" will be counted.<br />
This means a "pattern_for_OFF"-event must be detected before a "pattern_for_ON"-event is accepted.<br />
<br />
"pattern_for_ON" and "pattern_for_OFF" must be formed using the following structure:<br />
<br />
<code>device:[regexp]</code><br />
<br />
The forming-rules are the same as for the notify-command.<br />
<br />
<b>Example:</b><br />
<br />
<code>define BurnerCounter HourCounter SHUTTER_TEST:on SHUTTER_TEST:off</code>
</div><br />
<a name="HourCounterset" id="HourCounterset"></a> <b>Set-Commands</b>
<br />
<code>set <name> calc</code><br />
<br />
starts the calculation of pulse/pause-time.<br />
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> clear</code><br />
<br />
clears the readings countsPerDay, countsOverall,pauseTimeIncrement, pauseTimePerDay, pauseTimeOverall,
pulseTimeIncrement, pulseTimePerDay, pulseTimeOverall by setting to 0.<br />
The reading clearDate is set to the current Date/Time.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> countsOverall <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading countsOverall to the given value.This is the total-counter.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> countsPerDay <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading countsPerDay to the given value. This reading will automatically be set to 0, after change
of day.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pauseTimeIncrement <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pauseTimeIncrement to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pauseTimeEdge <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pauseTimeEdge to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pauseTimeOverall <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pauseTimeOverall to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically adjusted after a change of pauseTimeIncrement.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pauseTimePerDay <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pauseTimePerDay to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically adjusted after a change of pauseTimeIncrement and set to 0 after
change of day.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pulseTimeIncrement <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pulseTimeIncrement to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a falling edge of the property.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pulseTimeEdge <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pulseTimeEdge to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pulseTimeOverall <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pulseTimeOverall to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically adjusted after a change of pulseTimeIncrement.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> pulseTimePerDay <value></code><br />
<br />
Sets the reading pulseTimePerDay to the given value.<br />
This reading in seconds is automatically adjusted after a change of pulseTimeIncrement and set to 0 after
change of day.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> forceHourChange</code><br />
<br />
This modifies the reading tickHour, which is automatically modified after change of hour.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> forceDayChange</code><br />
<br />
This modifies the reading tickDay, which is automatically modified after change of day.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> forceWeekChange</code><br />
<br />
This modifies the reading tickWeek, which is automatically modified after change of week.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> forceMonthChange</code><br />
<br />
This modifies the reading tickMonth, which is automatically modified after change of month.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> forceYearChange</code><br />
<br />
This modifies the reading tickYear, which is automatically modified after change of year.
</div><br />
<br />
<code>set <name> app.* <value></code><br />
<br />
Any reading with the leading term "app", can be modified.<br />
This can be useful for user-readings.
</div><br />
</div><br />
<a name="HourCounterget" id="HourCounterget"></a> <b>Get-Commands</b><br />
<br />
<code>get <name> version</code><br />
<br />
Get the current version of the module.
</div><br />
</div><br />
<a name="HourCounterattr" id="HourCounterattr"></a> <b>Attributes</b>
<br />
<li><p><b>interval</b><br />
the update interval for pulse/pause-time in minutes [default 60]</p></li>
<li><p><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></p></li>
<b>Additional information</b>
<br />
<li><p><a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,12216.0.html">Discussion in FHEM forum</a></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/HourCounter">WIKI information in FHEM Wiki</a></p></li>
<li><p>The file 99_UtilsHourCounter.pm is a reference implementation for user defined extensions.<br />
It shows how to create sum values for hours,days, weeks, months and years.<br />
This file is located in the sub-folder contrib. For further information take a look to FHEM Wiki.</p></li>
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