mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:44:52 +00:00
2363 lines
78 KiB
2363 lines
78 KiB
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2018 Oliver Georgi
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# $Id$
# 13.12.2017 0.0.2 diverses
# 16.12.2017 0.0.3 neuer pass check: else in @ sowie %
# nicht alle pass keys werden durchlaufen sondern nur die geforderten
# pass ^()$ ergänzt
# 19.12.2017 0.1.0 FHEM-Modul Funktionen eingefügt
# Attribute T2F_keywordlist und T2F_modwordlist erzeugt
## 30.12.2017 0.2.0 Umgebungssuchen in regexp unterstützt
# # Kommentierung ermöglicht
# Syntaxcheck der Definition
# Multiple Datumsangaben korrigiert
# Wochentagsangaben korrigiert
# Syntaxvereinfachung
# Regexp-Listen erweitert
# Multilingual DE EN
# 02.01.2018 0.2.1 Liste der erase Wörter erweitert
# problem bei wordlist ergänzung
# multideviceable
# Regexp in HASH auswertung
# Automatische Umlautescaping
# komma in wordlists
# 26.01.2018 0.3.2 extra word search && in phrase
# reihenfolge der DEF wird berücksichtigt
# FHEM helper hash für globale verwendet
# Code aufgeräumt
# including definition files
# zugriff auf Umgebungsmuster und Zeitphrasen
# Phraseindikator ? und !
# $n@ for keylistsaccess added
# Zahlenwörter in Zeitphrase konvertieren
# Eventgesteurte Befehle
# Leerer set parameter löst den letzten befehl nochmal aus
# 10.02.2018 0.4.0
# wieder Erkennung verbessert
# Logikfehler bei verschachtelten Sätzen mit "und" behoben
# Neue pass checks float, numeral
# Extraktion des Klammernarrays auch bei Keylistenselector $n@
# Bug on none existing namelists
# Fhem $_ modifikations bug behoben
# Log ausgaben verbessert
# Neues Attribut T2F_if
# Neues Attribut T2F_origin
# Neuer GET standardfilter
# Neuer GET log
# Neue Variable $IF
# Errormessages detaliert
# Neuer Get @keylist @modlist
# 12.02.2018 0.4.1
# Community Notes
# Nested Modifikations
# Neuer Get modificationtypes
# 19.02.2018 0.4.2
# pass word changed
# english adjust
# nested bracket crash in arraymod fixed
# syntaxissues on extendet commands fixed
# umlautfix
# 20.02.2018 0.4.3
# Bug that not load attributes at bootup fixed
# Function normalication updated
# 21.02.2018 0.4.4
# bracket extraction bug fixed
# def not load at bootup fixed
# 03.03.2018 0.4.5
# timephrase modified
# recognize order in hash replacement
# Commandref fix unwanted characters
# possibility of nested brackets in modifiacator
# stabitility fixes in user regexp
# replace ; to ;; in timecommands
# Add 1 day if timecode is in past in hour phrases
# Added async warning if keywordlist is unkown
# 04.03.2018 0.4.6
# Breacket decoding bug fixed
# 04.02.2018 0.5.0
# Feature: Object radiusing
# 05.02.2018 0.5.1
# Semicolon adding concretized
# Problem with first letter umlaut in type modificator fixed
# Fixed problems Attributes not ready
# Matched/Unmatched corrected
# Else in arraymodifikation expanded
# 17.03.2018 0.5.2
# Startup bug fixed
# && Regexp removes match from Command
# Time identification added
# Newlines in configuration now replaced by space
# 18.03.2018 0.5.3
# Time identification fixes
# answerx
# klammern in keywordlists sollen die $n nummerierung nicht beeinflussen
# in keywordlists sind vermutlich nur maximal eine klammerebene möglich direkte regex arrays sind endlos verschachtelbar
# zusätzlich unmodifizierte zeit greifbar machen
#vordefinierte regex zu verfügung stellen
# (i[nm]|vor|auf|unter|hinter)? ?(de[rmn]|die|das)? ?
# neue option notime: deaktiviert für diese Phrase die Zeitenerkennung
package main;
use strict;
#use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::Local;
use Text::ParseWords;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_multiple extract_bracketed);
#use Encode qw(decode encode);
my %Talk2Fhem_globals;
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{erase} = ['\bplease\b', '\balso\b', '^msgtext:'];
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers} = {
'zero' => 0
,'^one\S*' => 1
,'^(two|twice)' => 2
,'^(three|third)' => 3
,'^four\S*' => 4
,'^five\S*' => 5
,'^six\S*' => 6
,'^seven\S*' => 7
,'^eight\S*' => 8
,'^nine\S*' => 9
,'^ten\S*' => 10
,'^eleven\S*' => 11
,'^twelve\S*' => 12
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre} = join("|", ('\d+', keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}}));
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{pass} = {
true => '^(yes|1|true|on|open|up|bright.*)$',
false => '^(no|0|false|off|close|down|dark.*)$',
numeral => {re=>"($Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numberre})",fc=>sub{
return ($_[0]) if $_[0] =~ /\d+/;
my $v = $_[0];
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_);
last if ($v =~ s/$tmp/$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers}{$_}/i);
integer => '\b(\d+)\b',
float => {re=>'\b(\d+)(\s*[,.])?(\s*(\d+))?\b',fc=>'"$1".("$4"?".$4":"")'},
word => '\b(\w{4,})\b',
empty => '^\s*$'
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{datephrase} = {
'tomorrow'=> {days=>1}
, 'day after tomorrow'=> {days=>2}
, 'yesterday'=> {days=>-1}
, 'the day before yesterday'=> {days=>-2}
, 'in (\d+) week\S?'=> {days=>'(7*$1)'}
, 'in (\d+) month(\S\S)?'=> {month=>'"$1"'}
, 'in (\d+) year(\S\S)?'=> {year=>'"$1"'}
, 'next week'=> {days=>7}
, 'next month'=> {month=>1}
, 'next year'=> {year=>1}
, '(on )?sunday'=> {wday=>0}
, '(on )?monday'=> {wday=>1}
, '(on )?tuesday'=> {wday=>2}
, '(on )?Wednesday'=> {wday=>3}
, '(on )?thursday'=> {wday=>4}
, '(on )?friday'=> {wday=>5}
, '(on )?saturday'=> {wday=>6}
, 'in (\d+) days?'=> {days=>'"$1"'}
, 'on (\d\S*(\s\d+)?)'=> {date=>'"$1"'}
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{timephrase} = {
'(in|and|after)? (\d+) hours?' => {hour=>'"$2"'}
, '(in|and|after)? (\d+) minutes?' => {min=>'"$2"'}
, '(in|and|after)? (\d+) seconds?' => {sec=>'"$2"'}
, 'now' => {min=>3}
, 'after' => {min=>30}
, 'later' => {hour=>1}
, 'right now' => {unix=>'time'}
, 'immediately' => {unix=>'time'}
, 'by (\d+) (o.clock)?' => {time=>'"$1"'}
, 'at (\d+) (o.clock)?' => {time=>'"$1"'}
, 'morning' => {time=>'"09:00"'}
, 'evening' => {time=>'"18:00"'}
, 'afternoon' => {time=>'"16:00"'}
, 'morning' => {time=>'"10:30"'}
, 'noon' => {time=>'"12:00"'}
, 'at lunchtime' => {time=>'"12:00"'}
, 'today' => {time=>'"12:00"'}
#$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{erase} = ['\bbitte\b', '\bauch\b', '\smachen\b', '\sschalten\b', '\sfahren\b', '\bkann\b', '\bsoll\b', '\bnach\b', '^msgtext:'];
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{erase} = ['\bbitte\b', '\bauch\b','\bkann\b', '\bsoll\b'];
# true => '^(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|öffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*)$',
# false => '^(nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie\S\S?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*)$',
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers} = {
#ACHTUNG keine Klammern verwenden sonst ändert numberre die suchmuster positionen z.b. in get_time_by_phrase
'null' => 0
,'ein\S*|erste\S*' => 1
,'zwei\S*' => 2
,'drei\S*|dritt\S*' => 3
,'vier\S*' => 4
,'fünf\S*' => 5
,'sechs\S*' => 6
,'sieb\S*' => 7
,'acht\S*' => 8
,'neun\S*' => 9
,'zehn\S*' => 10
,'elf\S*' => 11
,'zwölf\S*' => 12
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre} = join("|", ('\d+', keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}}));
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{pass} = {
true => '\b(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|\S*ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*|start.*|(ab)?spiele\S?)\b',
false => '\b(nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie\S\S?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*|stop.*|beende\S?)\b',
numeral => {re=>"($Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre})",fc=>sub{
return ($_[0]) if $_[0] =~ /\d+/;
my $v = $_[0];
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_);
last if ($v =~ s/$tmp/$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}{$_}/i);
integer => '\b(\d+)\b',
float => {re=>'\b(\d+)(\s*[,.])?(\s*(\d+))?\b',fc=>'"$1".("$4"?".$4":"")'},
word => '\b(\w{4,})\b',
empty => '^\s*$'
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{dtspec} = [
# ---------------------------------- DATUMPHRASEN -----------------------------------------
{phr=>'morgen', dtmod=>{days=>1}},
{phr=>'übermorgen', dtmod=>{days=>2}},
{phr=>'gestern', dtmod=>{days=>-1}},
{phr=>'vorgestern', dtmod=>{days=>-2}},
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') wochen?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') monat(en)?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') jahr(en)?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einem halben? jahr',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einem viertel jahr',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einem dreiviertel jahr',
{phr=>'nächste.? woche', dtmod=>{days=>7}},
{phr=>'nächste.? monat', dtmod=>{month=>1}},
{phr=>'nächste.? jahr', dtmod=>{year=>1}},
{phr=>'(am )?sonntag', dtmod=>{wday=>0}},
{phr=>'(am )?montag', dtmod=>{wday=>1}},
{phr=>'(am )?dienstag', dtmod=>{wday=>2}},
{phr=>'(am )?mittwoch', dtmod=>{wday=>3}},
{phr=>'(am )?donnerstag', dtmod=>{wday=>4}},
{phr=>'(am )?freitag', dtmod=>{wday=>5}},
{phr=>'(am )?samstag', dtmod=>{wday=>6}},
{phr=>'in ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') tag(en)?',
{phr=>'am (\d\S*(\s\d+)?)', dtmod=>{date=>'"$1"'}},
# ---------------------------------- ZEITPHRASEN -----------------------------------------
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') stunden?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) einer (halben?|viertel|dreiviertel) ?stunde',
dtmod=>{fc=>sub () {
my $res = $_[0];
if ($2=~/halbe/) {$res += 1800}
elsif ($2=~/^viertel$/) {$res += 900}
elsif ($2=~/^dreiviertel$/) {$res += 2700}
return $res;
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') minuten?',
{phr=>'(in|und|nach) ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') sekunden?',
{phr=>'gleich', dtmod=>{min=>3}},
{phr=>'nachher', dtmod=>{min=>30}},
{phr=>'später', dtmod=>{hour=>1}},
{phr=>'heute', dtmod=>{notime=>'"12:00"',time=>'"00:00"'}},
{phr=>'nachts?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"03:00"',pm=>0}},
{phr=>'früh', dtmod=>{notime=>'"09:00"',pm=>0}},
{phr=>'vormittags?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"10:30"',pm=>0}},
{phr=>'abends?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"18:00"',pm=>1}},
{phr=>'nachmittags?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"16:00"',pm=>1}},
{phr=>'mittags?', dtmod=>{notime=>'"12:00"',pm=>1}},
# fc modify time. $_[0] = ermittelte zeit. Zugriff auf $1 $2 !unmodifiert! $_[1] = zeit der vorherigen erkennung $_[2] = phr $_[3] = dtmod !evaled! $_[4] = $pm
# um 8:30 uhr um 8 : 30 uhr
{phr=>'um (\d+\s?\:\s?\d+)( uhr)?',
fc=>sub () {
my $res = (($_[0] + 3600) < $_[1]) ? ($_[0]+3600*24) : $_[0];
# Füge 12 hinzu wenn explicit pm und zeit nicht abends
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $1 =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
#eventuell bei den beiden näcshten wenn es nachmittag ist nur 12 addieren
# um 8 uhr 30 um acht uhr zwölf
{phr=>'um ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') uhr ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.')',
fc=>sub () {
my $res = (($_[0] + 3600) < $_[1]) ? ($_[0]+3600*24) : $_[0];
# Füge 12 hinzu wenn explicit pm und zeit nicht abends
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $_[3]{time} =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
# um 8 uhr um acht uhr
{phr=>'um ('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.') uhr',
fc=>sub () {
my $res = (($_[0] + 3600) < $_[1]) ? ($_[0]+3600*24) : $_[0];
# Füge 12 hinzu wenn explicit pm und zeit nicht abends
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $_[3]{time} =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
# um
{phr=>'um (halb|viertel vor|viertel nach|viertel|dreiviertel)? ?('.$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre}.')',
fc=>sub () { my $res=$_[0];
# Log 1, "0 ".localtime($_[0]);
# Log 1, "1 ".localtime($_[1]);
# Log 1, "2 ".$_[2];
# Log 1, "3 ".$_[3];
# Log 1, "4 ".$_[4];
my @evt = localtime($_[0]);
if ($evt[2] < 13) {
my @now = localtime($_[1]);
if ($_[0] < $_[1] or $now[2] > 12) {
$res += 3600*12;
if ($res < $_[1]) {
$res += 3600*12;
if ($1 eq "halb") {
$res -= 1800;
} elsif ($1 eq "viertel vor") {
$res -= 900;
} elsif ($1 eq "viertel nach") {
$res += 900;
} elsif ($1 eq "viertel") {
$res -= 2700;
} elsif ($1 eq "dreiviertel") {
$res -= 900;
$res += 12*3600 if (defined($_[4]) and $_[4] and $_[3]{time} =~ /^(0?[0-9]|1[0-2])/);
{phr=>'jetzt', dtmod=>{unix=>'time'}},
{phr=>'sofort', dtmod=>{unix=>'time'}},
sub Talk2Fhem_Initialize($);
sub Talk2Fhem_Define($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Undef($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Delete($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Notify($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@);
sub Talk2Fhem_addND($);
sub Talk2Fhem_UpdND($);
sub Talk2Fhem_Get($$@);
sub Talk2Fhem_Attr(@);
sub Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_parseParams($);
sub Talk2Fhem_realtrim($);
sub Talk2Fhem_normalize($);
sub Talk2Fhem_parseArray($;$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_loadList($$;$);
sub Talk2Fhem_language($);
sub Talk2Fhem_mkattime($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_exec($$$);
sub T2FL($$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Undef";
# $hash->{DeleteFn} = "X_Delete";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Get";
# $hash->{ReadFn} = "X_Read";
# $hash->{ReadyFn} = "X_Ready";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "Talk2Fhem_Notify";
# $hash->{RenameFn} = "X_Rename";
# $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "X_Shutdown";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"disable:0,1 T2F_disableumlautescaping:0,1 T2F_origin T2F_filter T2F_if:textField-long T2F_keywordlist:textField-long T2F_modwordlist:textField-long T2F_language:EN,DE";
sub Talk2Fhem_Define($$)
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
$hash->{STATE} = "Loading";
if ($def =~ /^\S+ Talk2Fhem$/) {
$hash->{DEF} = "# <regex> = <command>\n# Examples:\n# timer (löschen|zurück)\t= set \$NAME cleartimers\n# ereignis\\S* (löschen|zurück)\t= set \$NAME cleartriggers";
my $error = undef;
my @def = split(/ /, $def);
my $name = shift(@def);
my $dev = shift(@def);
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
if ($init_done) {
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_keywordlist")) && return;
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_modwordlist")) && return;
$error = Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "phrase", "@def");
T2FL($name, 1, $error) if $error;
# T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($Talk2Fhem_phrase{$name})) unless $error;
T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($hash->{helper}{phrase})) unless $error;
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
return $error;
sub Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($$$) {
my $hash = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $text = "@_";
my @h = Talk2Fhem_parseParams($text);
return ("Error while parsing Definition.\n$h[0]"."\n\n$text" ) unless(ref($h[0]) eq "HASH");
# Not ready yet
return unless $hash->{helper};
my $disu =AttrVal($hash, "T2F_disableumlautescaping", 0);
my %keylist = %{$hash->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist}} if $hash->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
my $i=0;
while ($i <= $#h) {
my $elmnt = $h[$i];
my @a = $$elmnt{key}=~/(?<!\\)\(/g;
my @b = $$elmnt{key}=~/(?<!\\)\)/g;
return("Error while parsing Definition HASH.\nOdd numbers of brackets ():\n".$$elmnt{key}) unless $#a eq $#b;
if ($$elmnt{key} eq '$include') {
T2FL $hash->{NAME}, 4, "Loading Configfile $$elmnt{val}";
# open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $$elmnt{val})
# open fh, "<", $$elmnt{val}
# or return "Could not open file '$$elmnt{val}' $!";
my ($error, @content) = FileRead($$elmnt{val});
return "$error '$$elmnt{val}'" if $error;
#local $/;
my @file = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(join("\n",@content));
return ("Error while parsing File $$elmnt{val}.\n$file[0]"."\n\n$text" ) unless(ref($file[0]) eq "HASH");
splice @h, $i, 1;
splice @h, $i, 0, @file;
# push(@h, @file);
if ($$elmnt{val} =~ /^\((.*)\)/) {
#my %r = eval($$elmnt{val});
#Log 1, "Hallo: ".$1;
my %r;
my $harr = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($1, undef, 1);
for my $el (@$harr) {
my @test = split(/[\s\t]*=>[\t\s\n]*/,$el,2);
my $t = $test[1] =~ /^[^"']/;
#Log 1, Dumper @test;
#Log 1, Dumper $t;
my $h = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($el, '\s*=>[\t\s\n]*', $t);
#my @arr = /(.*?)=>(.*)/;
#$h = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($_, "=>", 1) if $$h[0]=~ /answer/;
$r{$$h[0]} = $$h[1];
return("Error while parsing Definition HASH.\n".$$elmnt{val}."\n\n$text") unless (%r);
$$elmnt{val} = \%r;
}elsif ($$elmnt{val} =~ /^\(.*[^)]$/) {
return("Error while parsing Definition HASH.\nDid you forget closing ')' in:\n".$$elmnt{val}."\n\n$text");
} else {
my $tmp=$$elmnt{val};
$$elmnt{val} = undef;
$$elmnt{val}{($target eq "phrase") ? "cmd" : $target} = $tmp;
#alternative syntax wenn nur ein value
# elsif ($$elmnt{key} =~ /^\$if.*?\s+(.*)/) {
#return("Syntax Error. Can't locate IF condition.") unless $1;
#return("Syntax Error. Can't locate IF regexp.") unless $$elmnt{val};
#$hash->{helper}{ifs} = { IF=>$$elmnt{val}, regexp=>"$1" };
#splice @h, $i, 1;
# }
# Regexp Auflösung und Analyse
my $d=0;
my @hitnokeylist=(AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "T2F_origin", undef));
my @phrs = map { Talk2Fhem_realtrim($_) } split(/[\t\s]*\&\&[\t\s]*/, $$elmnt{key});
for my $phr (@phrs) {
my $keylistname;
my $tmp = $phr;
# klammern zählen die nicht geslasht sind und kein spezialklammern sind (?
while ($tmp =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?)(@(\w+))?/g) {
if ($1) {
$keylistname = $2;
unless ($keylist{$keylistname}) {
asyncOutput($hash->{CL}, "Warning: Unkown keywordlist $1. In phrase: $phr");
#return(T2FL($hash, 1, "Unkown keywordlist $1. In phrase: $phr"));
my $re = join("|", @{$keylist{$keylistname}});
$phr =~ s/@(\w+)/$re/;
#speichern welcher array in welcher klammer steht
$hitnokeylist[$d] = $keylistname;
push(@{$$elmnt{regexps}}, Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($phr, $disu));
$$elmnt{hitnokeylist} = \@hitnokeylist;
# for (@h) {
# next unless ($$_{val}{if});
# my $test = AnalyzeCommandChain ($hash, "IF ((".$$_{val}{if}.")) ({1})");
# if ($test and $test ne "1") {
# T2FL $hash, 1, "Condition ".$$_{val}{if}." failed: ".$test;
# return($test."\n\n".$text);
# }
# }
$hash->{helper}{$target} = \@h;
sub Talk2Fhem_Undef($$)
my ( $hash, $name) = @_;
$hash->{helper} = undef;
return undef;
sub Talk2Fhem_Delete($$)
my ( $hash, $name ) = @_;
return undef;
sub Talk2Fhem_Notify($$)
my ($own_hash, $dev_hash) = @_;
my $ownName = $own_hash->{NAME};
my $devName; # Device that created the events
for (@{$$own_hash{helper}{notifiers}}) {
$devName = $dev_hash->{NAME} if $_ eq $dev_hash->{NAME};
return "" unless $devName;
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1);
my @nots = @{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}};
my $i=0;
# for my $i (0 .. $#nots) {
while ($i <= $#{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}) {
my $not = ${$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}[$i];
if (grep { $devName eq $_ } (@{$$not{devs}})) {
T2FL $own_hash, 4, "Event detected ".$$not{if};
my $res = fhem($$not{if});
T2FL $own_hash, 5, "Result: ".$res;
if ($res == 1) {
T2FL $own_hash, 3, "Execute command: ".$$not{cmd};
my $fhemres = fhem($$not{cmd});
readingsSingleUpdate($own_hash, "response", $fhemres, 1);
splice(@{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}, $i--, 1);
} elsif ($res) {
T2FL $own_hash, 1, "Error on condition ($$not{if}): $res";
readingsSingleUpdate($own_hash, "response", $res, 1);
splice(@{$$own_hash{helper}{notifies}}, $i--, 1);
return "" if(IsDisabled($ownName));
if($devName eq "global" && grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$events}))
sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@)
my ( $hash, $name, @args ) = @_;
(return "\"set $name\" needs at least one argument") unless(scalar(@args));
(return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of ! cleartriggers:noArg cleartimers:noArg") if($args[0] eq "?");
if ($args[0] eq "cleartimers") {
AnalyzeCommand($hash->{CL}, "delete at_".$name."_.*");
} elsif ($args[0] eq "cleartriggers") {
$$hash{helper}{notifies} = [];
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = "Loading";
shift @args if $args[0] eq "!";
@args = ReadingsVal($name, "set", undef) unless(scalar(@args));
#my $txt = s/[^\x00-\xFF]//g;
#my $txt = decode("utf8", "@args");
my $txt = "@args";
Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_keywordlist") unless $hash->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_modwordlist") unless $hash->{helper}{T2F_modwordlist};
Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "phrase", $hash->{DEF}) unless $hash->{helper}{phrase};
Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "if", AttrVal($name, "T2F_if","")) if (AttrVal($name, "T2F_if",0) and ! $hash->{helper}{if});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "set", "$txt", 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
$hash->{STATE} = "Working";
my %res = Talk2Fhem_exec("$txt", $hash, $name);
if (%res && ! $res{err} && $res{cmds}) {
if ($res{cmds}) {
for my $h (@{$res{cmds}}) {
my $fhemcmd = ($$h{at}?Talk2Fhem_mkattime($name, $$h{at})." ":"").($$h{at}?($$h{cmd} =~ s/;/;;/gr):$$h{cmd});
unless ($$h{ifs}) { # kein IF
T2FL $name, 5, "Executing Command: ".$fhemcmd;
my $fhemres = AnalyzeCommandChain ($hash->{CL}, $fhemcmd) unless (IsDisabled($name));
$$h{"fhemcmd"} = $fhemcmd;
push(@{$res{fhemres}}, $fhemres) if ($fhemres);
T2FL $name, 5, "Pushed: ".$fhemcmd;
} else { # If
#Event erstellen
my %r;
$r{hash} = $hash;
$r{if} = "IF ((".(join(") and (", @{$$h{ifs}})).")) ({1})";
my $test = AnalyzeCommandChain ($hash->{CL}, $r{if});
if ($test and $test ne "1") {
T2FL $name, 1, "Condition $r{if} failed: ".$test;
push(@{$res{fhemres}}, $test);
} my %s = (); # make it unique
push(@{$r{devs}}, grep { ! $s{$_}++ } map {/\[(.*?)[:\]]/g} @{$$h{ifs}});
$r{cmd} = $fhemcmd;
} else {
# Nothing to do
T2FL $name, 1, "Nothing to do: ".$txt;
#push(@{$res{err}}, "FHEM: ".$fhemres) if $fhemres;
my $status;
if ($res{fhemres}) { $status = "response" }
elsif (IsDisabled($name)) {$status = "disabled"}
elsif ($res{err}) {$status = "err"}
elsif ($res{answers}) {$status = "answers"}
else {$status = "done"}
#T2FL($hash, 1, "CL:\n".Dumper($hash->{CL}));
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "client", $hash->{CL}{NAME});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "ifs", join(" and ", @{$res{ifs}})) if $res{ifs};
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "cmds", join(";\n", map { ($$_{at}?Talk2Fhem_mkattime($name, $$_{at})." ":"").$$_{cmd} } @{$res{cmds}})) if $res{cmds};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "cmds", join(";\n", map { $$_{"fhemcmd"} } @{$res{cmds}})) if $res{cmds};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "answers", join(" und ", @{$res{answers}})) if $res{answers};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "err", join("\n", @{$res{err}})) if $res{err};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "response", join("\n", @{$res{fhemres}})) if $res{fhemres};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "status", $status);
### in done könnte
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
sub Talk2Fhem_addND($) {
#Log 1, Dumper $_[0]{cmds};
my $hash = $_[0]{hash};
unless(IsDisabled($$hash{NAME})) {
my %h;
for (keys %{$_[0]}) {
next if /hash/;
$h{$_} = $_[0]{$_};
push(@{$$hash{helper}{notifies}}, \%h);
sub Talk2Fhem_UpdND($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my %s = (); # make it unique
my @ntfs = @{$$hash{helper}{notifies}};
@{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}} = grep { ! $s{$_}++ } map { @{$$_{devs}} } @ntfs;
#$$hash{NOTIFYDEV} = join ",",@{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}};
notifyRegexpChanged($hash, join "|",@{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}});
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "notifies", join( "\\n", map {$$_{if}} @ntfs), 1);
T2FL $hash, 4, "Updated NotifyDev: ".join( "|", @{$$hash{helper}{notifiers}});
T2FL $hash, 5, "Updated NotifyDev: ".Dumper @ntfs;
sub Talk2Fhem_Get($$@)
my ( $hash, $name, $opt, @args ) = @_;
my $lang = Talk2Fhem_language($hash);
return "\"get $name\" needs at least one argument" unless(defined($opt));
if($opt eq "keylistno")
my $res;
my $keylist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_keywordlist", ""));
foreach (keys %$keylist) {
$res .= $_.":\n";
my $arr = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$keylist{$_});
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#$arr;$i++) {
$res .= ($i+1).": ".$arr->[$i]."\n";
return $res;
elsif($opt =~ /^\@/)
my $keylist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_keywordlist", ""));
my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));
my $r;
(my $kwl = $opt) =~ s/^\@//;
(my $mwl = $args[0]) =~ s/^\@//;
my $kw = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$keylist{$kwl});
my $mw = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$modlist{$mwl});
my $l=11;
map { $l = length($_) if length($_) > $l } (@$kw);
$r .= "Keywordlist".(" " x ($l-11))." : "."Modwordlist\n";
$r .= $opt.(" " x ($l-length($opt)))." : ".$args[0]."\n\n";
for my $i (0..$#$kw) {
$r .= ($$kw[$i]//"").(" " x ($l-length(($$kw[$i]//""))))." : ".($$mw[$i]//"")."\n";
elsif($opt eq "standardfilter")
my $atr=AttrVal($name, "T2F_filter", 0);
my $filter = join(',',@{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($name)}{erase}});
if ($atr) {
return("Attribute T2F_filter is not empty please delete it.");
} else {
fhem("attr $name T2F_filter $filter");
return("Filterattribute set to standard.");
elsif($opt eq "log")
elsif($opt eq "modificationtypes")
my $res = ref $Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}{$args[0]} && $Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}{$args[0]}{re} || $Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}{$args[0]};
return(($lang eq "DE" ? "Folgende RegExp wird erwartet:\n" : "The following regexp is expected:\n").$res);
elsif($opt eq "datedefinitions")
return(Dumper %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{datephrase}});
elsif($opt eq "timedefinitions")
return(Dumper %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{timephrase}});
elsif($opt eq "version")
return(Dumper $Talk2Fhem_globals{version});
# ...
my $keylist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_keywordlist", ""));
my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of keylistno:noArg log:noArg standardfilter:noArg version:noArg".
" @".join(" @",map { $_.":@".join(",@", sort keys %$modlist) } sort keys %$keylist).
" modificationtypes:".join(",", sort keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}{pass}}).
" datedefinitions:noArg timedefinitions:noArg";
sub Talk2Fhem_Attr(@)
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrValue ) = @_;
# $cmd - Vorgangsart - kann die Werte "del" (löschen) oder "set" (setzen) annehmen
# $name - Gerätename
# $attrName/$attrValue sind Attribut-Name und Attribut-Wert
return unless $init_done;
#Log 1, Dumper @_;
if ($attrName eq "T2F_keywordlist" or $attrName eq "T2F_modwordlist") {
$defs{$name}{helper}{phrase} = undef;
$defs{$name}{helper}{if} = undef;
if ($cmd eq "set") {
T2FL $name, 4, "Attribute checking!";
return Talk2Fhem_loadList($defs{$name}, $attrName, $attrValue);
} else {
delete $defs{$name}{helper}{$attrName};
if ($attrName eq "T2F_if") {
if ($cmd eq "set") {
return(Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($defs{$name}, "if", $attrValue));
} else {
delete $defs{$name}{helper}{if};
#elsif ($attrName eq "T2F_filter")
#Log 1, "HALLO".$defs{global}{STATE};
#my $preattr = AttrVal($name, "T2F_filter", "");
#if ($preattr eq "") {
# $_[3] = join(",", @{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($name)}{erase}}).",".$attrValue;
return undef;
sub Talk2Fhem_parseParams_old($)
my ($val) = @_;
my %res; my $i=0;
foreach my $v (split(/\n/,$val)) {
# if ($v =~ /^[ \t]*(?!#)(.*?)[ \t]+=[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*$/) {
$v =~ s/#.*//;
next unless $v;
if ($v =~ /^[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]+=[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*$/) {
return ("#$i Missing REGEXP '$v'") unless ($1);
return ("#$i Missing Command '$v'") unless ($2);
$res{$1} = $2;
} else {
return ("#$i Syntaxerror. '$v'\nDid you forget whitespace before or after '='");
sub Talk2Fhem_realtrim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^[\s\t\n]*|[\s\t\n]*$//g;
# $string =~ s/^[\s\t\n]*|[\s\t\n]*$//g;
return $string;
sub Talk2Fhem_normalize($)
my $string = shift;
#mach probleme bei "ue"
# $string =~ s/\s{2,}|\b\w\b|\t|\n|['".,;:\!\?]/ /g;
$string =~ s/\s{2,}|\t|\n|['".,;\!\?]/ /g;
return $string;
sub Talk2Fhem_parseParams($)
my ($def) = @_;
my $val = $def;
my $i=0;
my %hres;
my @res;
while ($val =~ /(.*?)[ \t]+=[ \t\n]+((.|\n)*?)(?=(\n.*?[ \t]+=[ \t\n]|$))/) {
my $pre = Talk2Fhem_realtrim($`);
if ($pre) {
return ("Syntaxerror: $pre") if ($pre !~ /^#/);
$val = $';
next if (Talk2Fhem_realtrim($1) =~ /^#/);
my $key = $1;
my $val = $2; my $r;
$key = Talk2Fhem_realtrim($key);
foreach my $line (split("\n", $val)) {
$line =~ s/#.*//;
$line = Talk2Fhem_realtrim($line);
$r .= ($r?" ":"").$line;
if ( wantarray ) {
push(@res, {key => $key, val => $r});
} else {
$hres{$key} = $r;
return ("Syntaxerror: $val") if (Talk2Fhem_realtrim($val));
return(@res) if ( wantarray );
sub Talk2Fhem_parseArray($;$$)
my ($val, $split, $keep) = @_;
$split = "," unless $split;
my @r = map {Talk2Fhem_realtrim($_)} quotewords($split, $keep, $val);
sub Talk2Fhem_loadList($$;$)
my $hash = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $list = (shift || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, $type, ""));
$list = Talk2Fhem_parseParams($list);
return ("Error while parsing Keywordlist.\n$list" ) unless(ref($list) eq "HASH");
delete $hash->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist} if $type eq "T2F_keywordlist";
delete $hash->{helper}{$type};
foreach (keys %$list) {
# $$list{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_});
$hash->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_}) if /^\&/;
$hash->{helper}{$type}{s/^\&//r} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_});
# my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));;
# return ("Error while parsing Modwordlist.\n$modlist" ) unless(ref($modlist) eq "HASH");
# foreach (keys %$modlist)
## $$modlist{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$modlist{$_});
# $hash->{helper}{modlist}{$_} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$modlist{$_});
sub Talk2Fhem_language($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $lang = AttrVal($name, "T2F_language", AttrVal("global", "language", "DE"));
$lang = "DE" unless $lang =~ /DE|EN/;
sub Talk2Fhem_mkattime($$) {
my $myname = $_[0];
my $i = $_[1];
my @ltevt = localtime($i);
my $d=0; my $dev="at_".$myname."_".$i."_".$d;
while ($defs{$dev}) {$dev = "at_".$myname."_".$i."_".++$d}
return("define at_".$myname."_".$i."_".$d." at "
."-".sprintf("%02d", ($ltevt[4]+1))
."-".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[3])
."T".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[2])
.":".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[1])
.":".sprintf("%02d", $ltevt[0]));
sub Talk2Fhem_exec($$$) {
my %assires;
my %lastcmd;
sub Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($$$$$@);
sub Talk2Fhem_addevt($$$$;$$);
sub Talk2Fhem_err($$$;$);
sub Talk2Fhem_filter($$);
sub Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($;$);
sub Talk2Fhem_test($$);
my ($txt, $me, $myname) = @_;
#my $kl = $me->{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
#my $ml = $me->{helper}{T2F_modwordlist};
(Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "No Text given!",\%assires,1) && return(%assires)) unless $txt;
my $lang = Talk2Fhem_language($myname);
my %Talk2Fhem = %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{$lang}};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Talk2Fhem Version: ".$Talk2Fhem_globals{version});
T2FL($myname, 3, "Decoding Text: ".$txt);
my $t2ffilter = AttrVal($myname,"T2F_filter",0);
T2FL($me, 5, "Using User Filter: ".$t2ffilter) if $t2ffilter;
my $lastevt;
my $lastif;
my $lastifmatch;
my $origin = AttrVal($myname, "T2F_origin", "");
$txt =~ s/$origin//;
$origin = $&;
$txt = Talk2Fhem_normalize(Talk2Fhem_realtrim($txt));
readingsSingleUpdate($me, "origin", $origin, 1);
#Zeiten könnten auch ein und enthalten deswegen nicht wenn auf und eine Zahl folgt
my @cmds = split(/ und (?!$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre})/, $txt);
# CHECK if $cmd[0] hit Talk2Fhem_test. Unless dont split. And make a deeper analysis.
#if ($#cmd)
# before test remove time and if phrases simple
# unless (Talk2Fhem_test($me, $cmds[0]))
# Nun schauen wir mal was vor und nach dem und ist.
# könnte phrasentreffer auf kompletten satz ausschluss geben
@cmds = grep { $_ } @cmds;
# Tiefe UND analyse
# Präposition und Artikel
my $art = '(([ai][nm]|beim?|auf|unter|hinter|über|vo[rnm]) )?((de[rmns]|die|das) )?';
my $uart = '(eine?[smnr]?)';
my @regtargets;
for (keys %{$me->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}}) { push(@regtargets, \@{$me->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}{$_}}) };
my $reg = '\b'.${art}.'('.join("|",map { @$_ } @regtargets).')\b';
my @andlockinfo; #my @sets;
for (@regtargets) {
my $regtarget = join("|", @$_);
# d Satzteil x Teilposition y cmds Position
my $d=0; my $x=0; my $y=0; my $prepost; my $prepre;
for (@cmds) {
# erkenne target
if (/\s?\b(${art})(${regtarget})\b/i)
my ($pre,$post,$target) = ($`,$',$&);
my @targets=($target);
# weitere targets. Bei Auflistungen ohne und
while ($post =~ s/(,|\s)+(${art}(${regtarget}))\b//i) {
push(@targets, $2);
my $xx = -1;
# Fülle andlockinfo hash
for (@targets) {
my $s = $andlockinfo[$d]{count}++;
my $ref = \%{$andlockinfo[$d]{part}[$x+(++$xx)]};
# füge targets hinzu mit korregierten leerzeichen
$$ref{target} .= ((($$ref{target}||"")!~/\s$/ and $_!~/^\s/)?" ":"").$_;
$$ref{no} = $y;
$$ref{pre} = $pre || undef;
if ($post) {
#entferne Targets anderer Kategorien
$post =~ s/\s?$reg\s?/ /gi;
$post = undef if $post =~ /^\s*$/;
$$ref{post} = $post || undef;
$x += $xx if $xx ne -1;
$andlockinfo[$d]{pre} = ($pre || $prepre) if $pre || $prepre;# and !$andlockinfo[$d]{pre};
$andlockinfo[$d]{post} = ($post || $prepost) if $post || $prepost;# and !$andlockinfo[$d]{post};
$prepost=undef; $prepre=undef;
# wenn es ein post existiert fange neuen Satzteil an und speichere pre und post
if ($andlockinfo[$d]{count} > 1 and $post) {
$prepost = $andlockinfo[$d]{post};
$prepre = $andlockinfo[$d]{pre};
else {
$d++; $x=-1;
$x++; $y++;
#print Dumper @andlockinfo;
#Bilde komplette Sätze und füge nicht berücksichtigte sätze an richtiger position ein
my @ncmds; my $o=0;
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#andlockinfo;$i++) {
my $a = $andlockinfo[$i];
if (ref $a) {
for ($o..($$a{part}[0]{no}-1)) {
push(@ncmds, $cmds[$_]);
for my $p (@{$$a{part}}) {
push(@ncmds, ($$p{pre}//$$a{pre}||"").$$p{target}.($$p{post}//$$a{post}||""));
$o = $$p{no}+1;
push(@ncmds, splice(@cmds,$o));
@cmds = @ncmds ? @ncmds : @cmds;
T2FL($myname, 4, "After correction:\n".(join("\n", @cmds)));
foreach (@cmds) {
next unless $_;
my $cmd = $_;
my $specials;
$$specials{origin} = $origin;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Command part: '$cmd'");
my $rawcmd = $cmd;
my $time = time;
### wieder und dann/danach am Anfang legen die zeit auf das vorherige event
if ($lastevt and ($cmd =~ /\bwieder |^(dann|danach).*/i)) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Word again found. Reusing timeevent. ".localtime($lastevt));
$time = $lastevt;
my $evtime = Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($myname, $time, $time, \$cmd, \$specials, @{$Talk2Fhem{dtspec}});
#my $evtime = Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($myname, $time, $time, \$cmd, \$specials, %{$Talk2Fhem{datephrase}});
#$evtime = Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($myname, $evtime, $time, \$cmd, \$specials, %{$Talk2Fhem{timephrase}});
#T2FL($myname, 4, "Extracted Timephrase. '$$specials{timephrase}'") if $$specials{timephrase};
T2FL($myname, 4, "Extracted Timephrase. '$$specials{timephrase}'") if $$specials{timephrase};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Commandpart after datedecoding. '$cmd'") if $cmd ne $rawcmd;
unless($evtime) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "Error while time calculating: $rawcmd",\%assires,1);
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_filter($myname, $cmd);
if ($time < $evtime) {
T2FL($myname, 4, "Eventtime found: ".localtime($evtime));
} elsif ($time-10 > $evtime) {
T2FL($myname, 3, "Time is in past: $time $evtime");
} elsif ($lastevt) {$lastevt++}
foreach my $phr (@{$me->{helper}{if}}) {
my $sc = Talk2Fhem_addevt($myname, $phr, $lastevt, $cmd, \%assires, $specials);
push(@{$$specials{ifs}} , @{$lastif}) if ($lastif);
$lastif = $$specials{ifs};
$lastifmatch .= ($lastifmatch ? " und " : " ").$$specials{match};
$$specials{ifmatch} = $lastifmatch;
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_normalize(Talk2Fhem_realtrim($cmd));
# Maximal 2 Wörter vor dem wieder, ansonsten wird von einem neuen Kommando ausgegangen.
# dann wird nach der letzten Zahl, wort länger als 3 buchstaben oder wahr falsch wörter gesucht.
#if ($cmd =~ /^.?(\S+\s){0,2}wieder.* (\S+)$/i) {
if (%lastcmd and
( $cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{float})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{integer})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{word})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{true})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{pass}{false})/i ||
$cmd =~ /wieder\b.*($Talk2Fhem{numberre})/i)) {
$$specials{dir} = $1;
# hier erfolgt ein hitcheck, damit erkannt wird ob das kommando ohne wieder ein eigenständiger befehl ist.
# frage ist ob zusätzlich über specials eine rückgabe gegeben werden soll ob die konfig "wieder" fähig ist. z.b. überhaupt ein $n vorhanden ist.
# ist der 2 wörter check noch notwendig?
unless (Talk2Fhem_test($me, $cmd =~ s/\s?wieder\s/ /r)) {
#Vorhiges Kommando mit letztem wort als "direction"
# Log 1, Dumper Talk2Fhem_test($me, $_ =~ s/\s?wieder\s/ /r);
T2FL($myname, 4, "Word again with direction ($$specials{dir}) found. Using last command. ${$lastcmd{phr}}{key}");
Talk2Fhem_addevt($myname, $lastcmd{phr}, $lastevt, $lastcmd{cmd}, \%assires, $specials);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 3, "Again word ignored because Command matches own Phrase!");
$$specials{dir} = undef;
#wieder wird nicht mehr benötigt
$cmd =~ s/\bwieder\b|^(dann|danach) / /g;
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_normalize(Talk2Fhem_realtrim(Talk2Fhem_filter($myname, $cmd)));
T2FL($myname, 4, "Command left: '$cmd'") if $rawcmd ne $cmd;
my $sc;
#foreach my $phr (keys(%{$Talk2Fhem_phrase{$myname}})) {
foreach my $phr (@{$me->{helper}{phrase}}) {
#Teste Phrasenregex
$lastcmd{phr} = $phr;
$lastcmd{cmd} = $cmd;
$sc = Talk2Fhem_addevt($myname, $phr, $lastevt, $cmd, \%assires, $specials);
# undef nicht gefunden, 0 fehler beim umwandeln, 1 erfolgreich
last if defined($sc);
unless ($sc) {
unless(defined($sc)) {
# undef
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "No match: '$rawcmd'",\%assires,1);
} else {
# 0
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, "Error on Command: '$rawcmd'",\%assires,1) unless $assires{err};
# eventuell ganz abbrechen bei fehler, jetzt wird noch das nächste und ausgewertet
sub Talk2Fhem_filter($$) {
my ($name, $cmd) = @_;
my $filter = AttrVal($name,"T2F_filter",$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($name)}{erase});
unless (ref($filter) eq "ARRAY") {
$filter = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($filter);
for (@$filter) {
$cmd =~ s/$_/ /gi;
$cmd =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
sub Talk2Fhem_get_time_by_phrase($$$$$@) {
#$evt (@lt) = Zeit bei der wir uns gerade befinden
#$now (@now) = Grundlage bei Zeiten mit relativen Zeitangaben
my ($myname, $evt, $now, $cmd, $spec, @tp) = @_;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "get_time_by_phrase. Using eventtime: ".localtime($evt)." now: ".localtime($now)." command: ".$$cmd);
return(0) unless ($evt);
my @lt = localtime($evt);
my @now = localtime($now);
my $disu = AttrVal($myname, "T2F_disableumlautescaping", 0);
my $pm; my $timeset;
foreach my $e (@tp) {
my $key = $$e{phr};
my %tf = %{$$e{dtmod}};
my $esckey = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($key, $disu);
my @opt = ($$cmd =~ /\b$esckey\b/i);
while ($$cmd =~ s/\b$esckey\b/ /i) {
$$$spec{timephrase} .= $&." ";
$pm = $tf{pm} if defined $tf{pm};
$timeset = $tf{notime} if defined $tf{notime};
# my %tf = %{$tp{$key}};
T2FL($myname, 4, "Timephrase found: =~ s/\\b$key\\b/");
foreach my $datemod (keys(%tf)) {
next if $datemod eq "fc";
next if $datemod eq "pm";
# Suche Ersetzungsvariablen
my $dmstore = $tf{$datemod};
while ($tf{$datemod} =~ /\$(\d+)/) {
my $d=$1;
my $v = $opt[($d-1)];
if ($v !~ /^\d+$/) {
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu);
last if ($v =~ s/$tmp/$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}{$_}/i);
$tf{$datemod} =~ s/\$\d+/$v/;
$tf{$datemod} = eval($tf{$datemod}); # Kalkulationen
T2FL($myname, 5, "TIMEPHRASEDATA mod: '$datemod' raw: '$dmstore' result: '$tf{$datemod}' opt: '@opt' pm: '".($pm // "")."'" );
if ($datemod eq "days") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,($lt[3]+$tf{days}),$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "wday") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,($lt[3]-$lt[6]+$tf{wday}+(( $tf{wday} <= $lt[6] )?7:0)),$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "year") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,$lt[3],$lt[4],($lt[5]+$tf{year})) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "month") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,0,$lt[3],($lt[4]+$tf{month}),$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = "12:00";
} elsif ($datemod eq "sec") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime(($now[0]+$tf{sec}),$now[1],$now[2],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "min") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime($now[0],($now[1]+$tf{min}),$now[2],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "hour") {
$evt = POSIX::mktime($now[0],$now[1],($now[2]+$tf{hour}),$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "time") {
my @t = map { s/\s//gr } split(":", $tf{time});
$evt = POSIX::mktime($t[2] || 0,$t[1] || 0,$t[0],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "date") {
my @t = split(/\.|\s/, $tf{date});
if ($t[1]) {$t[1]--} else {$t[1] = $now[4]+1}
if ($t[2]) {if (length($t[2]) eq 2) { $t[2] = "20".$t[2] }; $t[2]=$t[2]-1900} else {$t[2] = $now[5]}
$evt = POSIX::mktime(0,0,12,$t[0], $t[1], $t[2]) || 0;
$timeset = undef;
} elsif ($datemod eq "unix") {
$evt = localtime($tf{unix});
$timeset = undef;
@now = localtime($evt);
@lt = localtime($evt);
if ($tf{fc}) {
if (ref $tf{fc} eq "CODE") {
my $lock = $evt;
$evt = &{$tf{fc}}($evt, $now, $key, \%tf, $pm);
T2FL($myname, 4, "Time modified by function. ".$lock." -> ".$evt) if $lock != $evt;
#notwendig wenn fc ohne zeitsetzer ode notime steht $timeset = undef;
$now = $evt;
#wenn keine Zeit gesetzt wurde setze $timeset.
if ($timeset) {
#Log 1, "TIMESET: $timeset";
my @t = split(":", $timeset);
my @lt = localtime($evt);
$evt = POSIX::mktime($t[2] || 0,$t[1] || 0,$t[0],$lt[3],$lt[4],$lt[5]) || 0;
sub Talk2Fhem_test($$) {
my ($hash, $cmd) = @_;
foreach my $phr (@{$hash->{helper}{phrase}}) {
my $r = Talk2Fhem_addevt($hash->{NAME}, $phr, undef, $cmd);
return $r if $r;
sub Talk2Fhem_addevt($$$$;$$) {
#print Dumper @_;
my ($myname, $phr, $lastevt, $cmd, $res, $spec) = @_;
my $success;
my $rawcmd = $cmd;
my $cmdref = \$_[3];
my $disu =AttrVal($myname, "T2F_disableumlautescaping", 0);
my %keylist = %{$defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_keywordlist}} if $defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_keywordlist};
my %modlist = %{$defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_modwordlist}} if $defs{$myname}{helper}{T2F_modwordlist};
#T2FL($me, 5, "Using lists:\n".Dumper(%keylist, %modlist));
# my @phrs = map { Talk2Fhem_realtrim($_) } split(/[\t\s]*\&\&[\t\s]*/, $$phr{key});
my @hitnokeylist = @{$$phr{hitnokeylist}};
my @fphrs = @{$$phr{regexps}};
my $pmatch;
#my $punmatch = $cmd;
my @dir = ($$spec{origin});
T2FL($myname, 5, "$myname Evaluate search:\n$cmd =~ /$$phr{key}/i") if ref $res;
for my $fphr (@fphrs) {
# if (my @d = ($cmd =~ qr/$fphr/i))
if ($fphr =~ s/^\?//){
my @d = ($cmd =~ /$fphr/i);
my $m = $&;
#Log 1, "A: ".$fphr;
#Log 1, "A: ".Dumper $m;
#Log 1, "B: ".Dumper @d;
my $b = () = $fphr =~ m/(?<!\\)\((?!\?)/g;
#Log 1, "C: $#d".Dumper $b;
# Wenn die klammer kein erfolg hat wird auch @d nicht gefüllt und muß manuell gefüllt werden
if ($#d == -1) {
for (1..$b) {
push(@d, undef);
# push(@d, "");
push(@dir, @d);
next if $m eq "?";
$pmatch .= $m;
# $punmatch =~ s/$m//gi;
$cmd =~ s/$m//gi;
} elsif ($fphr =~ /^\!/) {
return if (eval { $cmd =~ /$'/i });
} elsif (my @d = ($cmd =~ /$fphr/i ) ){
my $m = $&;
$pmatch .= $m;
# $punmatch =~ s/$m//gi;
$cmd =~ s/$m//gi;
# Klammerinhalt speichern wenn Klammer vorhanden
push(@dir, @d) if $fphr =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?)/;
# push(@dir, @d) if $fphr =~ /\((?!\?)/;
} else {
#T2FL($myname, 5, "$myname No hit with:\n$cmd =~ /$fphr/i");
$cmd = Talk2Fhem_normalize($cmd);
$$spec{match} = $pmatch;
$$spec{unmatch} = $cmd;
return(1) unless ref $res;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Command after Phrasecheck: ".$cmd) if $cmd ne $rawcmd;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Keylists: ".Dumper @hitnokeylist);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Filled lists: ".Dumper @fphrs);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Words: ".Dumper @dir);
my $punmatch=Talk2Fhem_realtrim($cmd);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Match: ".$pmatch);
T2FL($myname, 5, "Unmatch: ".$punmatch);
T2FL($myname, 4, "Hit with phrase: qr/$$phr{key}/i");
my %react;
####### TODO:
####### $[1..n,n,...] für multiple hit auswahl !!! Was ist das trennzeichen in der ausgabe?
my %exec;
my @types = ("if", "cmd","answer");
my $mainbracket;
foreach my $type (@types) {
my $raw = $react{$type};
next unless $raw;
my $mainbracket = (sort { $b <=> $a } ($raw =~ /\$(\d+)/g))[0] unless ($mainbracket);
my $do = $raw;
my $dirbracket = $react{offset};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Handle reaction $type: $raw");
if ($raw) {
# Suche Ersetzungsvariablen
$do =~ s/\!\$\&/$punmatch/g;
$do =~ s/\$\&/$pmatch/g;
$do =~ s/\$DATE/$$spec{timephrase}/g;
my $tagain = ($$spec{dir} ? "wieder" : "");
$do =~ s/\$AGAIN/$tagain/g;
$do =~ s/\$TIME/$lastevt/g;
$do =~ s/\$NAME/$myname/g;
# $do =~ s/\$ORIGIN/$$spec{origin}/g;
$do =~ s/\$IF/$$spec{ifmatch}/g;
while ($do =~ /\$(\d+)\@/) {
my $no = $1;
my @keywords;
# wenn kein @array in klammer clipno
unless ($hitnokeylist[$no]) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Clipnumber $no is no array! Try to extract by seperator '|'");
my @cs = map { my @t = split('\|', $_ =~ s/^\(|\)$//gr); \@t } $$phr{key} =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?).*?\)/g;
@keywords = @{$cs[($no-1)]};
#wenn keine Liste in Klammer ist
if ($#keywords == -1) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Clipnumber $no includes no array in '$$phr{key}!"),$res,1);
} elsif ($hitnokeylist[$no]) {
@keywords = map { Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu) } @{$keylist{$hitnokeylist[$no]}};
my $i;
last if $dir[$no] =~ /^$keywords[$i]$/i;
my $k = ($$spec{dir} and ($no) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $keywords[$i];
T2FL($myname, 5, "Simple bracket selection (No. $no) with Keyword $i: '$k'");
$do =~ s/\$$no\@(?!(\[|\{|\(|\d))/$k/;
# Einfache Variablenersetzung ohne Array oder Hash
while ($do =~ /\$(\d+)(?!(\[|\{|\(|\d))/) {
my $r = ($$spec{dir} and ($1) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $dir[$1];
T2FL($myname, 5, "Simple bracket selection (No. $1): '$r'") if $r;
$do =~ s/\$$1(?!(\[|\{|\(|\d))/${r}/;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Replaced bracket: $raw -> $do") if $raw ne $do;
# while ($do =~ s/(.*)\$(\d+)(\[|\{|\()(.*?)(?3)/$1###/) {
# while ($do =~ s/(.*)\$(\d+)(\[|\{|\()(.*?)(\]|\}|\))/$1###/) {
while ($do =~ /(.*)\$(\d+)(?=\[|\{|\()/) {
my $pre = $1;
my $clipno = $2;
my $post = $';
my ($found, $rest) = extract_bracketed( $post, '{}[]()' );
unless ($found) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "'$raw': Fehler in Kommandoteilmodifikator Nr. '\$$clipno' nach: '$pre'"),$res,1);
#Klammer aus Value in Hash überführen
$do = $pre."###".$rest;
$found =~ /(.)(.*)./;
my $utype = $1;
my $uhash = $2;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Advanced bracket replacement. \$$clipno$uhash = $do");
if ($uhash =~ /@(\w+)/) {
if ($modlist{$1}) {
$uhash = $`.'"'.Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts(join('","', @{$modlist{$1}}), $disu).'"'.$' ;
#ersetze ,, durch "","",
# zwei mal weil immer eins zu weit geschoben wird
#### ist noch notwendig???
$uhash =~ s/([\[,])([,\]])/$1""$2/g;
$uhash =~ s/([\[,])([,\]])/$1""$2/g;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Adding modlist: ".$uhash);
} else {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Unbekannte modwordlist in '$$phr{key}' \@$1"),$res,1);
my $hash;
if ($utype eq "[") {
$hash = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($uhash)
} elsif ($utype eq "{") {
#$hash = eval($uhash)
my $harr = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($uhash); my $i=0;
for (@$harr) {
my $h = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($_, "=>");
$$hash{$$h[0]} = {val=>$$h[1],order=>$i++};
} elsif ($utype eq "(") {
##### klappt nicht weil in while regex nicht bis zur schließenden klammer getriggert wird wenn vorher ein } oder ] kommt
#$hash = eval($uhash);
T2FL($myname, 1, '$n() has no function at this moment. Possible worng Syntax: '.$$phr{key});
} else {
#sollte eigentlich nie eintreffen weil auf die zeichen explizit gesucht wird
T2FL($myname, 1, "Unkown modwordtype ($utype) in '$$phr{key}'");
#aktuelles Wort im Key auswählen
if (($clipno-1) > $#dir) {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Not enough clips in phrase '$$phr{key} =~ $raw'");
my $d = ($$spec{dir} and ($clipno) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $dir[$clipno];
T2FL($myname, 4, "Keyword (".($clipno)."): '$d'");
# Wort übersetzen
if (ref($hash) eq "HASH") {
T2FL($myname, 5, "HASH evaluation:\n".Dumper($hash));
#my $passed=0;
foreach my $h (sort {$$hash{$a}{order} <=> $$hash{$b}{order} } keys(%$hash)) {
#sollte eigentlich in den syntaxcheck
unless (defined $$hash{$h}{val}) {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Empty replacementstring! $h");
next if ($h eq "else");
unless ($h =~ /^\/.*\/$/ or defined ${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{$h}) {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Replacementtype unkown! $h");
next if ($h eq "empty");
next unless $d;
my $re;
my $fc;
if ($h =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/) {
$re = $1;
} else {
$re = ${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{$h};
if (ref($re) eq "HASH") {
$re = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($re, $disu);
if ($d =~ qr/$re/i) {
my $rp = $$hash{$h}{val};
if (ref $fc eq "CODE") {
T2FL($myname,5,"Functionmod '$fc' $rp");
my @res = $d =~ qr/$re/i;
$rp = &$fc(@res);
} elsif ($fc) {
T2FL($myname,5,"Functionmod '$$fc' $rp");
my $ev = eval($fc);
$rp =~ s/$re/$ev/gi;
T2FL($myname, 5, "Word found ($h): '$d' replace with '$rp'");
$do =~ s/###/$rp/;
# empty != undef
# if (defined($d) and $d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/ and ($$hash{empty}{val} or (! $$hash{empty}{val} and $$hash{else}{val}))) {
# empty undef
if (! defined($d) or $d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) {
#$d existiert nicht
my $e = ($$hash{empty}{val} || $$hash{else}{val});
T2FL($myname, 5, "Empty word replace with '$e'");
$do =~ s/###/$e/;
if ($do =~ /###/) {
#Vergleich fehlgeschlagen
if ($$hash{else}{val}) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Unkown word '$d' replace with '$$hash{else}{val}'");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash{else}{val}/;
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "HASH Replacement Failed! $do");
#%$res = undef;
if (ref($hash) eq "ARRAY") {
my $else="";
my $empty="";
# keywords else und empty löschen und nächsten wert als parameter nehmen
@$hash = grep {
if ("$_" eq "else") { $else = " "; 0 }
else { if ($else eq " ") { $else = $_; 0 }
else { 1 } } } @$hash;
@$hash = grep {
if ("$_" eq "empty") { $empty = " "; 0 }
else { if ($empty eq " ") { $empty = $_; 0 }
else { 1 } } } @$hash;
T2FL($myname, 5, "ARRAY evaluation: else: $else empty: $empty\narray: @$hash");
# if (($d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) and defined($d)) {
my $intd = $d;
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($myname)}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu);
if ($d =~ /$tmp/i) {
$intd = $Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($myname)}{numbers}{$_};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Numeral word found. '$d' converted to; $intd");
if (($d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) or ! defined($d)) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Empty word replace with! $empty");
$do =~ s/###/$empty/;
} elsif (IsInt($intd)) {
unless ($$hash[$intd]) {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 3, "Field #$intd doesn't exist in Array!");
if ($else eq "") {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err, $res,1);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Integer ($intd) used for array selection! $$hash[$intd]");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$intd]/ if $$hash[$intd];
} elsif ($d) {
my @keywords;
# wenn kein @array in klammer clipno
unless (defined($hitnokeylist[$clipno])) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Clipnumber $clipno is no array! Try to extract by seperator '|'");
# my @cs = map { my @t = split('\|', $_ =~ s/^\(|\)$//gr); \@t } $$phr{key} =~ /(?<!\\)\((?!\?).*?\)/g;
# my @cs = map { my @t = split('\|', $_ =~ s/^\(|\)$//gr); \@t } $$phr{key} =~ /(?<! \\ ) \( (?! \? ) (?: (?R) | [^()]+ )+ \) /xg;
# Klammern extrahieren
my @cs = ("onlysometext".$$phr{key});
#unshift(@cs, undef) if $$phr{key} =~ /^\(/;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#cs; $i++) {
my $c = $cs[$i];
#T2FL($myname, 5, "C: ".Dumper $c);
if ($c =~ /^\(\?.*\)$/) {
# Perl Special bracket delete it.
splice(@cs, $i, 1);
$c = $cs[$i];
(my $locked = $c) =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/g;
my @add = extract_multiple($locked, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }],undef, 1);
splice(@cs, ($i+1) ,0 , @add);
last if $i > 10;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "CS: ".Dumper @cs);
# @keywords = @{$cs[($clipno-1)]};
# Log 1, Dumper @cs;
# @cs = grep { /^\(/ } @cs;
# Log 1, Dumper @cs;
# Log 1, "-----> ".$cs[($clipno-1)];
(my $clip = $cs[($clipno)]) =~ s/^\(|\)$//g;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "clip: ".Dumper $clip);
# push(@keywords, split('\|', $clip) extract_bracketed($clip, '()'));
my @extract;
for (extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }])) {
#T2FL($myname, 5, "EM: ".Dumper $_);
if ($_ =~ /^\(/) {
push (@extract, "") if ($#extract eq -1);
$extract[$#extract] .= $_;
if (s/^\|// or /^[^(]/) {
if ($_ ne "") {
push(@extract, split('\|', $_));
} else {
push(@extract, "");
} else {
push (@extract, "") if ($#extract eq -1);
$extract[$#extract] .= $_;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "A: ".Dumper @extract);
#@keywords = map { /^\(/ ? $_ : split('\|', $_=~s/^\||\|$//gr) } extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }]);
@keywords = @extract;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "keywords: ".Dumper @keywords);
# @keywords = split('\|',);
#Log 1, Dumper @keywords;
#wenn keine Liste in Klammer ist
if ($#keywords == -1 and $else eq "") {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 1, "Clipnumber $clipno includes no array or integer in '$$phr{key}!");
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err,$res,1);
} else {
@keywords = @{$keylist{$hitnokeylist[$clipno]}};
# T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of $d in @keywords");
@keywords = map { Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu) } @keywords;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of '$d' in '@keywords'");
my $i=0;
foreach (@keywords) {
# if ($d =~ /^\Q$_\E$/i) {
if (eval{$d =~ /^$_$/i}) {
unless (defined($$hash[$i])) {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 1, "Not enough elements in modwordlist! Position $i in (@$hash) doesn't exist.");
if ($else eq "") {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err, $res,1);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Found '$d' at position $i");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$i]/;
if ($do =~ /###/) {
if ($else ne "") {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Unkown word '$d' replace with '$else'");
$do =~ s/###/$else/;
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "ARRAY Replacement Failed! $do");
if ($do and ($do !~ /###/)) {
my $result;
if ($type eq "if") {
push(@{$$spec{ifs}}, $do);
#push(@{$exec{$type}}, $do);
$$cmdref = $punmatch;
T2FL($myname, 3, "New Command after IF: ".$$cmdref);
} elsif ($type eq "cmd") {
my $at;
# $at=Talk2Fhem_mkattime($myname, ($react{offset}) ? ($lastevt+$react{offset}) : $lastevt) if ($lastevt);
$$result{cmd} = $do;
$$result{at} = (($react{offset}) ? ($lastevt+$react{offset}) : $lastevt) if ($lastevt);
$$result{ifs} = $$spec{ifs} if $$spec{ifs};
#$$spec{ifs} = undef;
$success = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "answer") {
T2FL($myname, 4, "Answer eval: $do");
my $answ = eval("$do");
if (defined($answ)) {
$result = $answ;
#$exec{$type} = $answ;
$success = 1;
} else {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Error in answer eval: ".$do),$res,1);
} elsif ($type eq "offset") {
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "Unkown KEY $type in Commandhash");
T2FL($myname, 3, "Result of $type: ".Dumper $result);
$exec{$type."s"} = $result if ($result);
#push(@{$$res{$type."s"}}, $result) if ($result);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 1, "No hit on advanced bracket selection: ".($do || $raw));
#%{$res} = undef;
$success = undef;
#Hier Befehle ausführen.
if ($success) {
for (keys %exec) {
push(@{$$res{$_}}, $exec{$_});
sub Talk2Fhem_err($$$;$) {
my ($myname, $t, $res, $v) = @_;
$v = 1 unless $v;
T2FL($myname, $v, $t);
push(@{${$res}{err}}, $t);
sub Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($;$) {
my ($cmd, $disable) = @_;
return($cmd) if $disable;
(my $res = $cmd) =~ s/[äöüß]/\\S\\S?/gi;
#Umlaute sind Arschlöcher
$res =~ s/(\\S\\S\?){2}/\\S\\S?/g;
sub T2FL($$$) {
Log3($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
my $h = $_[0];
$h = ref $h && $h || $defs{$h} || return;
if ($defs{$h->{NAME}}) {
$h->{helper}{LOG} .= $_[2]."\n";
# Beginn der Commandref
=item helper
=item summary A RegExp based language control module
=item summary_DE Ein auf RegExp basierendes Sprachsteuerung Modul
=begin html
<a name="Talk2Fhem"></a>
The module <i>Talk2Fhem</i> is a connection between natural language and FHEM commands.
The configuration is carried out conveniently via the FHEM web frontend.<br>
For a more detailed description and further examples see <a href="http://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_Talk2Fhem">Talk2Fhem Wiki</a>.
<a name="Talk2Fhemdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> Talk2Fhem</code>
Example: <code>define talk Talk2Fhem</code>
The actual configuration should first be done on the FHEM side.
The individual language phrases are configured line by line. A configuration
always starts by the regular expression, followed by at least one space or tab
from an equal sign. <br>
The command part begins after the equals sign with a space, tab, or newline. <br> <br>
<code><regexp> = <command></code>
<b>Short refernce:</b>
<code><RegExpPart> [&& [?!]<RegExpPart_n>] = [ <FHEM command> | { <Perl code> } | (<option> => '<wert>' , ... ) ]</code>
Example: <code>helo world = {Log 1, Helo World}</code>
Everything after a hashtag '#' is ignored until the end of the line.
<ul>Regular expression describing the text at which the command should be executed</ul>
The executive part. The following formats are allowed:
<li>FHEM Command</li>
<li>(<option> => '<value>' , ... )</li>
<li><b>cmd</b><br>FHEM command as above</li>
<li><b>offset</b><br>Integer value in seconds that is added at the time</li>
<li><b>answer</b><br>Perl code whose return is written in the Reading answer</li>
Bracket transfer:
Brackets set in the regular expression can be transferred to the command section with $1, $2, [...], $n and
be modified. The following modification options are available here.
<li>$n <br>Get the word straight without change.</li>
<li>$n{<type> => <value>}<br>
Types are:<br>
true, false, integer, empty, else<br>
true, false, integer, float, numeral, /<regexp>/, word, empty, else<br>
<b>true</b> corresponds to: ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|..?ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*<br>
<b>false</b> corresponds to: nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie..?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*<br>
<b>integer</b> Word is an integer<br>
<b>float</b> Word is a float number<br>
<b>numeral</b> Word is numeral or an integer<br>
<b>/<regexp>/</b> Word is matching <regexp><br>
<b>word</b> Word contains 4 or more letters<br>
<b>empty</b> Word Contains an empty string<br>
<b>else</b> If none of the cases apply<br>
If a <type> is identified for $n the <value> is beeing used.
Example: <code>light (\S*) = set light $1{true => on,false => off}</code>
Comma separated list: [value1,value2,...,[else,value], [empty,value]] or [@modwordlist]<br>
If $n is a number, the word at that position in <list> is selected.<br><br>
If $n is a text, it searches for a list in its parenthesis in the <regexp> part. (a|b|c) or (@keywordlist)
In this list, $n is searched for and successively positioned in <list> chosen for $n.
<br>Example: <code>light .* (kitchen|corridor|bad) (\S*) on = set $1[dev_a,dev_b,dev_c] $2{true => on,false => off}</code>
<li>$n@<br>The word is adopted as it is written in the list in the <regexp>-part.</li>
Environment variables::
There are a number of variables that can be accessed in the <command>-part.
<li><b>$&</b> Contains all found words </li>
<li><b>!$&</b> Contains the rest that was not included by RegExp</li>
<li><b>$DATE</b> Contains the time and date text of the voice </li>
<li><b>$AGAIN</b> Contains the word again if it is a command again</li>
<li><b>$TIME</b> Contains the found time.</li>
<li><b>$NAME</b> Contains the devicename.</li>
<li><b>$IF</b> Contains the text of the detected T2F_if configuration.</li>
<li><b>$0</b> Contains the text of the detected T2F_origin regexp.</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemset"></a>
<code>set <name> [!]<text></code>
The text is sent to the module via the <i>set</i> command.
See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#set">commandref#set</a> for more help.
<li>cleartimers</li> Removes the pending time-related commands
<li>cleartriggers</li> Removes the pending event-related commands
<a name="Talk2Fhemget"></a>
<code>get <name> <option></code>
Information can be read from the module via <i>get</i>.
See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#get">commandref#get</a> for more information on "get". <br><br>
<li><i>@keywordlist</i> <i>@modwordlist</i><br>
Compare the two lists word by word.</li>
A list of the configured "keyword" lists. For easier positioning of "modword" lists </li>
Shows the log entries of the last command </li>
Shows the regexp of the modificationtypes. </li>
Load the standartfilter and print it in the Attribute T2F_filter if its empty </li>
The module version</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemreadings"></a>
Contains the last text sent via "set".
Contains the last executed command. Is also set with disable = 1.
Contains the response text of the last command.
Contains the last error message. <br>
"No match" match with no RegExp. <br>
"Error on Command" see FHEM log.
Got the response of the fhem Command.
Contains the found string of the RegExp defined in the attribute T2F_origin.
Got the status of the request.
response, disabled, err, answers, done
Contains the conditions at which the command will be executed.
Contains a list of the devices that are relevant for the currently waiting conditional commands. There is an internal notify on these devices.
<a name="Talk2Fhemattr"></a>
<code>attr <name> <attribute> <value></code>
See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#attr">commandref#attr</a> for more information about the attributes.
<li><i>T2F_keywordlist</i> <name> = <list><br>
A comma-separated list of keywords such as: rooms, names, colors, etc ... <br>
In other words, things named with a natural name. </li>
<li><i>T2F_modwordlist</i> <name> = <list><br>
A comma seperated list of substitution words used for the keywords.
For example: device names in FHEM <br> </li>
A collection of event-driven configurations. The syntax is that of the definition. Command part is an IF condition. <br>
z.B.: (when|if) .*?door = [door] eq "open"
Comma-separated list of RegExp generally removed. <br>
Standard: \bplease\b,\balso\b
A RegExp which is generally removed and whose output can be accessed via $0. <br>
Can be used for user mapping.</li>
The used language can be set via the global attribute "language". Or overwritten with this attribute.
<li><i>T2F_disableumlautescaping</i> <0|1><br>
Disable convertimg umlauts to "\S\S?"</li>
<li><i>disable</i> <0|1><br>
Can be used for test purposes. If the attribute is set to 1, the FHEM command is not executed
but written in reading cmds.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="Talk2Fhem"></a>
Das Modul <i>Talk2Fhem</i> stellt eine Verbindung zwischen natürlicher Sprache und FHEM Befehlen her.
Die Konfiguration erfolgt dabei komfortabel über das FHEM Webfrontend.<br>
Für eine genauere Beschreibung und weiterführende Beispiele siehe <a href="http://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_Talk2Fhem">Talk2Fhem Wiki</a>.
<a name="Talk2Fhemdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> Talk2Fhem</code>
Beispiel: <code>define talk Talk2Fhem</code>
Die eigentliche Konfigration sollte erst auf der FHEM Seite erfolgen.
Die einzelnen Sprachphrasen werden Zeile für Zeile konfiguriert. Hierbei fängt eine Konfiguration
immer mit dem Regulärem Ausdruck an, gefolgt von mindestens einem Leerzeichen oder Tabulator gefolgt
von einem Gleichheitszeichen.<br>
Der Kommandoteil fängt nach dem Gleichheitszeichen mit einem Leerzeichen, Tabulator oder Zeilenumbruch an.<br><br>
<code><regexp> = <command></code>
<code><RegExpPart> [&& [?!]<RegExpPart_n>] = [ <FHEM command> | { <Perl code> } | (<option> => '<wert>' , ... ) ]</code>
Beispiel: <code>hallo welt = {Log 1, Hallo Welt}</code>
Alles nach einem Hashtag '#' wird bis zum Zeilenende ignoriert.
<ul>Regulärer Ausdruck der den Text beschreibt, bei dem das Kommando ausgeführt werden soll</ul>
Der ausführende Teil. Folgende Formate sind Zulässig:
<li>FHEM Kommando</li>
<li>(<option> => '<wert>' , ... )</li>
<li><b>cmd</b><br>FHEM Kommando wie oben</li>
<li><b>offset</b><br>Ganzzahliger Wert in Sekunden der auf den Zeitpunkt addiert wird</li>
<li><b>answer</b><br>Perl Code dessen Rückgabe in das Reading answer geschrieben wird</li>
Im Regulärem Ausdruck gesetzte Klammern können in den Kommandoteil mit $1, $2, [...], $n überführt und
modifiziert werden. Folgende Modifizierungsmöglichkeiten stehen hierbei zur Verfügung.
<li>$n<br>Ohne Änderung direkt das Wort überführen.</li>
<li>$n{<typ> => <wert>}<br>
Die Typen sind:<br>
true, false, integer, float, numeral, /<regexp>/, word, empty, else<br>
<b>true</b> entspricht: ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|..?ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*<br>
<b>false</b> entspricht: nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie..?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*<br>
<b>integer</b> Wort enthält eine Zahl
<b>float</b> Wort enthält eine Gleitkommazahl
<b>numeral</b> Word ist ein Zahlenwort oder Zahl <br>
<b>/<regexp>/</b> Wort entspricht der <regexp>
<b>word</b> Wort enthält gleich oder mehr als 4 Zeichen
<b>empty</b> Wort enthält eine Leere Zeichenkette
<b>else</b> Falls keines der Fälle zutrifft
Wird ein <typ> identifiziert wird für $n der <wert> eingesetzt<br>
Beispiel: <code>licht (\S*) = set light $1{true => on,false => off}</code>
Kommaseparierte Liste: [wert1,wert2,...,[else,value], [empty,value]] oder [@modwordlist]<br>
Ist $n eine Zahl, wird das Wort das an dieser Position in <list> steht gewählt.<br><br>
Ist $n ein Text wird in der zugehörigen Klammer im <regexp>-Teil nach einer Liste gesucht. (a|b|c) oder (@keywordlist)
In dieser Liste, wird nach $n gesucht und bei erfolg dessen Position in <list> für $n gewählt.
<br>Beispiel: <code>licht .* (küche|flur|bad) (\S*) an = set $1[dev_a,dev_b,dev_c] $2{true => on,false => off}</code>
<li>$n@<br>Das Wort wird so übernommen wie es in der Liste im <regexp>-Teil steht.</li>
Es stehen eine Reihe von Variablen zur Verfügung auf die im <command>-Teil zugegriffen werden können.
<li><b>$&</b> Enthält alle gefundenen Wörter</li>
<li><b>!$&</b> Enthält den Rest der nicht von der RegExp eingeschlossen wurde</li>
<li><b>$DATE</b> Enthält den Zeit und Datumstext des Sprachbefehls</li>
<li><b>$AGAIN</b> Enthält das Wort wieder wenn es sich um ein wieder Kommando handelt</li>
<li><b>$TIME</b> Enthält die erkannte Zeit.</li>
<li><b>$NAME</b> Enthält den Devicenamen.</li>
<li><b>$IF</b> Enthält den Text der erkannten T2F_if Konfiguration.</li>
<li><b>$0</b> Enthält den Text der erkannten T2F_origin RegExp.</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemset"></a>
<code>set <name> [!]<text></code>
Über das <i>set</i> Kommando wird der zu interpretierende Text an das Modul gesendet.
Schaue unter <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#set">commandref#set</a> für weiterführende Hilfe.
<li>cleartimers</li> Entfernt die wartenden zeitbezogenen Kommandos
<li>cleartriggers</li> Entfernt die wartenden ereignisbezogenen Kommandos
<a name="Talk2Fhemget"></a>
<code>get <name> <option></code>
Über <i>get</i> lassen sich Informationen aus dem Modul auslesen.
Siehe <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#get">commandref#get</a> für weitere Informationen zu "get".
<li><i>@keywordlist</i> <i>@modwordlist</i><br>
Vergleich der zwei Listen Wort für Wort</li>
Eine Auflistung der Konfigurierten "Keyword"-Listen. Zur einfacheren Positionierung der "Modword"-Listen</li>
Zeigt die Logeinträge des letzten Kommandos</li>
Zeigt die RegExp der Modifikationstypen. </li>
Lädt den Standardfilter und schreibt ihn in das Attribut T2F_filter wenn er leer ist</li>
Die Modulversion</li>
<a name="Talk2Fhemreadings"></a>
Enthält den zuletzt über "set" gesendeten Text.
Enthält das zuletzt ausgeführte Kommando. Wird auch bei disable=1 gesetzt.
Enthält den Antworttext des letzten Befehls.
Enthält die letzte Fehlermeldung.<br>
"No match" Übereinstimmung mit keiner RegExp.<br>
"Error on Command" siehe FHEM log.
Enthällt die Rückgabe des FHEM Befhels.
Enthält die gefundene Zeichenkette der in dem Attribut T2F_origin definierten RegExp.
Enthält den Status der Ausgabe.
response, disabled, err, answers, done
Enthält die Bedingungen bei denen das Kommando ausgeführt werden wird.
Enthält eine Auflistung der Devices die für die aktuell wartenden bedingten Kommandos relevant sind. Auf diesen Devices liegt ein internes notify.
<a name="Talk2Fhemattr"></a>
<code>attr <name> <attribute> <value></code>
Siehe <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#attr">commandref#attr</a> für weitere Informationen zu den Attributen.
<li><i>T2F_keywordlist</i> <name> = <list><br>
Eine Komma seperierte Liste von Schlüsselwörtern wie z.B.: Räumen, Namen, Farben usw...<br>
Mit anderen Worten, mit natürlichem Namen benannte Sachen.
<li><i>T2F_modwordlist</i> <name> = <list><br>
Eine Komma seperierte Liste von Ersetzungswörten die für die Schlüsselwörter eingesetzt werden.
z.B.: Gerätenamen in FHEM<br>
Eine Auflistung von ereignisgesteuerten Konfigurationen. Die Syntax ist die der Definition. Kommandoteil ist eine IF Bedingung.<br>
z.B.: wenn .*?tür = [door] eq "open"
Kommaseparierte Liste von RegExp die generell entfernt werden.<br>
Standard: \bbitte\b,\bauch\b,\bkann\b,\bsoll\b
Eine RegExp die generell entfernt wird und deren Ausgabe über $0 angesprochen werden kann.<br>
Kann für eine Benutzerzuordnung verwendet werden.
Die verwendete Sprache kann über das globale Attribut "language" gesetzt werden. Oder über dieses Attribut überschrieben werden.
<li><i>T2F_disableumlautescaping</i> <0|1><br>
Deaktiviert das Konvertieren der Umlaute in "\S\S?"</li>
<li><i>disable</i> <0|1><br>
Kann zu Testzwecken verwendet werden. Steht das Attribut auf 1, wird das FHEM-Kommando nicht ausgeführt
aber in das Reading cmds geschrieben.
=end html_DE