mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-01 15:44:52 +00:00
justme-1968 0e51944f79 commandref: added summary
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@12056 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2016-08-22 19:30:31 +00:00

541 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Color;
use constant CMD_REG => '0F';
use constant { CMD_NOOP => '00',
RET_OK => '05',
RET_ERR => '06',
CMD_On => '10',
CMD_Off => '11',
CMD_DimUp => '12',
CMD_DimDown => '13',
CMD_OnForTimer => '14',
CMD_Toggle => '20',
CMD_GetIR => '30',
CMD_SetIR => '31',
CMD_LearnIR => '32',
CMD_GetFade => '40',
CMD_SetFade => '41',
CMD_StartFade => '42',
CMD_SendIR => '50',
CMD_RESET => 'FF', };
my %dim_values = (
0 => "dim06%",
1 => "dim12%",
2 => "dim18%",
3 => "dim25%",
4 => "dim31%",
5 => "dim37%",
6 => "dim43%",
7 => "dim50%",
8 => "dim56%",
9 => "dim62%",
10 => "dim68%",
11 => "dim75%",
12 => "dim81%",
13 => "dim87%",
14 => "dim93%",
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/34_SWAP.pm";
$hash->{SWAP_SetFn} = "SWAP_0000002200000003_Set";
$hash->{SWAP_SetList} = { off => 0, on => 0, "on-for-timer" => 1, fadeTo => undef,
"rgb:colorpicker,RGB" => 1,
"hue:colorpicker,HUE,0,1,359" => 1,
"pct:slider,0,1,100" => 1,
toggle => 0,
dimUp => 0, dimDown => 0,
getIR => 1, setIR => 2, learnIR => 1, storeIR => 3,
getFade => 1, setFade => 3, startFade => 2,
sendIR => 1,
reset => 0 };
$hash->{SWAP_GetFn} = "SWAP_0000002200000003_Get";
$hash->{SWAP_GetList} = { devStateIcon => 0, rgb => 0, RGB => 0, pct => 0,
listIR => 0,
listFade => 0 };
$hash->{SWAP_ParseFn} = "SWAP_0000002200000003_Parse";
my $ret = SWAP_Initialize($hash);
$hash->{AttrList} .= " color-icons:1,2 defaultFadeTime";
#$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "SWAP_0000002200000003_summaryFn";
return $ret;
my($hash,$state) = @_;
$hash = $defs{$hash} if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' );
return undef if( !$hash );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $rgb = CommandGet("","$name rgb");
$rgb = $state if( $state );
$state = ReadingsVal($name,"state","unknown") if( !$state );
return undef if( !defined($attr{$name}{ProductCode}) );
return undef if( $attr{$name}{ProductCode} ne '0000002200000003' );
return ".*:light_question" if( $state eq "unknown" );
return ".*:light_exclamation" if( $state =~m/^set/ );
return ".*:off:toggle" if( $state eq "off" );
my ($pct,$RGB) = SWAP_0000002200000003_rgbToPct($rgb);
my $s = $dim_values{int($pct/7)};
return ".*:$s@#".$RGB.":toggle" if( $pct < 100 && AttrVal($name, "color-icons", 2) == 2 );
$rgb = substr( $rgb, 0, 6 );
return ".*:on@#".$rgb.":toggle" if( AttrVal($name, "color-icons", 2) != 0 );
return ".*:on@#".$rgb.":toggle";
return '<div style="width:32px;height:19px;'.
'border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:8px;background-color:#'.CommandGet("","$name rgb").';"></div>';
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return SWAP_0000002200000003_devStateIcon( $hash );
my ($hash) = @_;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "unknown", 1);
my ($hash, $reg, $func, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( ($reg == 0x01 || $reg == 0x02 )
&& defined($hash->{"SWAP_01-HardwareVersion"})
&& defined($hash->{"SWAP_02-FirmwareVersion"}) ) {
if( my $register = SWAP_getRegister($hash,0x0B) ) {
$hash->{CHANNELS} = $register->{endpoints}->[0]{size};
if( my $register = SWAP_getRegister($hash,0x0F) ) {
$hash->{CMD_SIZE} = $register->{endpoints}->[0]{size};
$hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE} = 5;
$hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE} = 3 if( $hash->{CMD_SIZE} < 10 );
if( $reg == 0x00 ) {
my $productcode = $data;
$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{(SWAP_0000002200000003_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")}' if( $productcode eq '0000002200000003'&& !defined( $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} ) );
$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:toggle:on:off:dimUp:dimDown' if( $productcode eq '0000002200000003'&& !defined( $attr{$name}{webCmd} ) );
} elsif( $reg == hex(CMD_REG) ) {
if( defined($hash->{waiting_for_ir_cmd}) ) {
my $ir_reg = $hash->{ir_reg}->[$hash->{waiting_for_ir_cmd}];
$ir_reg->{command} = $data;
} else {
my $cmd = substr( $data, 0, 2 );
if( $cmd eq CMD_GetIR ) {
my $reg = substr( $data, 2, 2 );
my $ir_value = substr( $data, 4, 8 );
my %ir_reg;
$ir_reg{ir_value} = $ir_value;
$hash->{ir_reg}->[hex($reg)] = \%ir_reg;
$hash->{waiting_for_ir_cmd} = hex($reg);
elsif( $cmd eq CMD_GetFade || $cmd eq CMD_SetFade ) {
my $reg = substr( $data, 2, 2 );
my $fade_rgb = substr( $data, 4, 6 );
my $fade_time = substr( $data, 10, 2 );
my %fade_reg;
$fade_reg{fade_rgb} = $fade_rgb;
$fade_reg{fade_time} = $fade_time;
$hash->{fade_reg}->[hex($reg)] = \%fade_reg;
} elsif( $reg == 0x0B ) {
my $rgb = ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", undef );
if( $rgb =~ m/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})/i ) {
my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1)/255.0, hex($2)/255.0, hex($3)/255.0);
my ($h, $s, $v) = Color::rgb2hsv($r,$g,$b);
my $hue = int($h*359);
my $pct = int($v*100);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'hue', $hue);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'pct', $pct);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+hex($hash->{'SWAP_0A-PeriodicTxInterval'})+10, "SWAP_0000002200000003_Watchdog", $hash, 0) if( defined $hash->{'SWAP_0A-PeriodicTxInterval'} );
sub SWAP_0000002200000003_Set($@);
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $arg, $arg2, $arg3) = @_;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "SWAP_0000002200000003_Watchdog", $hash, 0);
our $data = "00" x $hash->{CMD_SIZE};
sub ret($) {
my ($cmd) = @_;
substr( $data, 0, length($cmd), $cmd );
return $data;
#$cmd = (ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", "FFFFFF" ) eq "000000" ? "on" :"off") if( $cmd eq "toggle" );
if( $cmd eq "on" ) {
if( hex($hash->{"SWAP_02-FirmwareVersion"}) >= 0x00020002 ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_On. "00" x $hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE} ."01") );
} else {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_On. "FF" x $hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE} ."01") );
} elsif( $cmd eq "on-for-timer" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_OnForTimer. sprintf( "%04X",$arg ) ) ) if( $arg =~ /^\d{1,4}$/ );
return (undef, "$arg not a valid time" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "off" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_Off."0001" ) );
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_Off) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "toggle" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_Toggle) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "rgb" ) {
my $d = $hash->{CHANNELS}*2;
$d = 6 if( !$d );
$arg .= "00" x ($d/2-length($arg)/2);
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid color" ) if( $arg !~ /^[\da-f]{$d}$/i );
$arg .= "00" x ($hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE}-length($arg)/2);
if( $arg eq "00" x $hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE} ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_Off) );
} else {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_On.$arg."00") );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid color" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'hue' ) {
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid color" ) if( $arg !~ /^\d{1,3}$/ );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid color" ) if( $arg > 359 );
my $h = $arg/359;
my $s = 1;
my ($v,undef) = SWAP_0000002200000003_rgbToPct(ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", undef));
$v /= 100;
my ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($h,$s,$v);
my $rgb = Color::rgb2hex( $r*255, $g*255, $b*255 );
return SWAP_0000002200000003_Set( $hash, $name, 'rgb', $rgb );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'pct' ) {
return (undef, "$arg is not a dim level" ) if( $arg !~ /^\d{1,3}$/ );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid dim level" ) if( $arg > 100 );
my $rgb = ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", undef );
if( $rgb =~ m/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})/i ) {
my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1)/255.0, hex($2)/255.0, hex($3)/255.0);
my ($h, $s, $v) = Color::rgb2hsv($r,$g,$b);
$v = $arg/100;
($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($h,$s,$v);
$rgb = Color::rgb2hex( $r*255, $g*255, $b*255 );
return SWAP_0000002200000003_Set( $hash, $name, 'rgb', $rgb );
} elsif( $cmd eq "fadeTo" ) {
return (undef, "set $cmd requires 1 or 2 parameters" ) if( !defined($arg) || defined($arg3) );
$arg2 = AttrVal($name, "defaultFadeTime", 1) if( !defined($arg2) );
my $d = $hash->{CHANNELS}*2;
$arg .= "00" x ($d/2-length($arg)/2);
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid color" ) if( $arg !~ /^[\da-f]{$d}$/i );
return (undef, "$arg2 not a valid time" ) if( $arg2 !~ /^\d{1,2}$/ );
$arg .= "00" x ($hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE}-length($arg)/2);
if( $arg eq "00" x $hash->{helper}->{RGB_SIZE} ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_Off."00".sprintf( "%02X",$arg2 ) ) );
} else {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_On.$arg.sprintf( "%02X",$arg2 ) ) );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid color" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "dimUp" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_DimUp) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "dimDown" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_DimDown) );
} elsif( $cmd eq "getIR" ) {
if( $arg eq "all" ) {
for( my $reg = 0; $reg <= 0xF; ++$reg) {
SWAP_Send($hash, $hash->{addr}, "02", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_GetIR."0".sprintf("%1X",$reg)) );
return undef;
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_GetIR."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg) ) ) if( $arg =~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid ir register number" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "setIR" ) {
return (undef, "$arg2 not a valid ir value" )if( $arg2 !~ /^[\da-f]{8}$/i );
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_SetIR."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg).$arg2 ) ) if( $arg =~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid ir register" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "learnIR" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_LearnIR."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg) ) ) if( $arg =~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid ir register number" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "storeIR" ) {
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid ir register number" ) if( $arg !~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg2 not a valid ir value" )if( $arg2 !~ /^[\da-f]{8}$/i );
return (undef, "$arg3 not a valid command" ) if( $arg3 !~ /^[\da-f]{20}$/i );
SWAP_Send($hash, $hash->{addr}, "02", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_SetIR."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg).$arg2 ) );
SWAP_Send($hash, $hash->{addr}, "02", CMD_REG, ret($arg3) );
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, CMD_GetIR."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg)."00000000" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "getFade" ) {
if( $arg eq "all" ) {
for( my $reg = 0; $reg <= 0xF; ++$reg) {
SWAP_Send($hash, $hash->{addr}, "02", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_GetFade."0".sprintf("%1X",$reg) ) );
return undef;
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_GetFade."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg) ) ) if( $arg =~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid fade register number" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "setFade" ) {
return (undef, "$arg2 not a valid rgb value" ) if( $arg2 !~ /^[\da-f]{6}$/i );
return (undef, "$arg3 not a valid time value" ) if( $arg3 !~ /^[\da-f]{1,3}$/i );
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_SetFade."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg).$arg2.sprintf( "%02X",$arg3 ) ) ) if( $arg =~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg not a valid fade register" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "startFade" ) {
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid fade register number" ) if( $arg !~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_StartFade."0".sprintf("%1X",$arg)."0".sprintf( "%1X",$arg2 ) ) ) if( $arg2 =~ /^(\d|0\d|1[0-5])$/ );
return (undef, "$arg2 not a valid fade register number" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "sendIR" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_SendIR.$arg ) ) if( $arg =~ /^[\da-f]{10}$/i );
return (undef, "$arg is not a valid IR command" );
} elsif( $cmd eq "reset" ) {
return( "regSet", CMD_REG, ret(CMD_RESET) );
return undef;
my ($max, @vars) = @_;
for (@vars) {
$max = $_ if $_ > $max;
return $max;
my ($rgb) = @_;
$rgb = "000000" if( $rgb eq "off" );
$rgb = "FFFFFF" if( $rgb eq "on" );
if( $rgb =~ m/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})/i ) {
my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1), hex($2), hex($3));
my $f = SWAP_0000002200000003_max($r,$g,$b);
my $p = $f / 2.55;
$f = 255.0 / $f if( $f > 0 );
return (int($p), sprintf( "%02x%02x%02x", $f*$r, $f*$g, $f*$b ));
return (0,undef) ;
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @a) = @_;
if( $cmd eq 'rgb' ) {
return ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", undef );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'RGB' ) {
my ($pct,$RGB) = SWAP_0000002200000003_rgbToPct(ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", undef));
return $RGB;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'pct' ) {
my ($pct,$RGB) = SWAP_0000002200000003_rgbToPct(ReadingsVal( $name, "0B-RGBlevel", undef));
return $pct + " ";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'devStateIcon' ) {
return SWAP_0000002200000003_devStateIcon( $hash );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'listIR' ) {
my $ret = "no ir registers known";
if( defined($hash->{ir_reg}) ) {
$ret = "known ir registers:\n";
$ret .= sprintf( "%s\t%s\t%s\n", "reg", "ir_value", "command" );
for( my $reg = 0; $reg <= 0xF; ++$reg) {
if( defined($hash->{ir_reg}->[$reg]) ) {
$ret .= sprintf( "%02i\t%8s\t%s\n", $reg, $hash->{ir_reg}->[$reg]->{ir_value}, $hash->{ir_reg}->[$reg]->{command} );
return $ret;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'listFade' ) {
my $ret = "no fade registers known";
if( defined($hash->{fade_reg}) ) {
$ret = "known fade registers:\n";
$ret .= sprintf( "%s\t%s\t%s\n", "reg", "rgb", "time" );
for( my $reg = 0; $reg <= 0xF; ++$reg) {
if( defined($hash->{fade_reg}->[$reg]) ) {
$ret .= sprintf( "%02i\t%6s\t%4s\n", $reg, $hash->{fade_reg}->[$reg]->{fade_rgb}, $hash->{fade_reg}->[$reg]->{fade_time} );
return $ret;
return undef;
=item summary specialized module for SWAP based rgb(w) led drivers
=item summary_DE spezialisiertes Modul für SWAP basierte RGB(W) LED Driver
=begin html
<a name="SWAP_0000002200000003"></a>
Module for the justme version of the panstamp rgb driver board with ir (sketch product code 0000002200000003).
to learn an ir command the simplest way ist to use 'learnIR #'. the on board led will start to blink indicating ir learning mode. after an ir command is received the blinking will switch to slow and the boards waits for a fhem command (on/off/...) and will link the ir command to the fhem command.
received ir commands that will not trigger one of the 16 possible learned commands will be send as SWAP register 0C to fhem and can be used in notifys.
SWAP register 0E will configure the power on state of the board: off, configured color, last color before power down.
<a name="SWAP_0000002200000003_Define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; SWAP_0000002200000003 &lt;ID&gt; 0000002200000003</code> <br>
<a name="SWAP_0000002200000003_Set"></a>
<b>Set </b>
all SWAP set commands and:
<li>on-for-timer &lt;time&gt;<br>
<li>rgb &lt;RRGGBB&gt;<br>
set the led color
<li>setIR # &lt;code&gt;<br>
<li>learnIR #<br>
<li>storeIR # &lt;code&gt; &lt;command&gt;<br>
<li>getIR # | all<br>
read content of IR regisgter # or all IR registers
<li>setFade &lt;RRGGBB&gt; &lt;time&gt;<br>
stores color and time in fede register #
<li>startFade &lt;#1&gt; &lt;#2&gt;<br>
starts an endless fading loop over all fading registers [#1..#2]
<li>getFade # | all<br>
read content of fade regisgter # or all fade regisgters
<li><a href="#setExtensions"> set extensions</a> are supported.</li>
<a name="SWAP_0000002200000003_Get"></a>
all SWAP get commands and:
returns the current led color
list all IR registers of this device. use getIR first.
list all fade registers. use getFade first.
<a name="SWAP_0000002200000003_Attr"></a>
1 -> use lamp color as icon color and 100% shape as icon shape<br>
2 -> use lamp color scaled to full brightness as icon color and dim state as icon shape</li>
must be 0000002200000003</li><br>
=end html