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# $Id: 96_RenaultZE.pm 2023-10-15 plin $
# 96_RenaultZE.pm
# Forum : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,116273.0.html
# Ref https://renault-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/endpoints.html
# (c) 2017 Copyright: plin
# All rights reserved
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and imPORTant notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# need:
# - HttpUtils
# - Time::Piece
# - JSON
# Version History
# v 1.14 changed code for automatic update of readings distance/home during
# v 1.13 recalculation of varius readings distance/home during update
# v 1.12 implemented new Attribute ze_homeRadius
# v 1.11 implemented new function GET checkAPIkeys
# v 1.10 addedd attribute brand, 'Dacia' will allow start/stop charge, additional readings after issueing get vehicles
# v 1.09 fixed problem with readingsBulkUpdate/readingsSingleUpdate in lines 1002ff
# v 1.08 new KAMERON API key
# v 1.07 adjusting to new output format from charges
# v 1.06 logging "well known error" Failed to forward request to remote service only at log level 5
# v 1.05 fixed timing problem in update request
# v 1.04 typo denbled corrected
# v 1.03 hvac settings output corrected
# v 1.02 some minor corrections
# v 1.01 added hvac-settings
# v 1.00 added module to the contrib directory
# v 0.32 added attribute disabled
# v 0.31 changed API keys due to change by Renault
# v 0.30 fixed problem with bulk update
# v 0.29 fixed problem with from_json
# v 0.28 fixed timestamp issue
# v 0.27 added error-Reading in case of malformed json string
# v 0.26 fixed decode_json issue (additional tests)
# v 0.25 fixed decode_json issue
# v 0.24 get link for car image from vehicles listing
# v 0.23 pretty print ze_lastErr
# v 0.22 interpret charges data, default time frames for histories
# v 0.21 implemented further get options implemented for Phase 1 already
# v 0.20 implemented zTest attribute to test new options
# v 0.19 fix for time format "2021-01-27T16:41:42+01:00"
# v 0.18 renamed distance to distanceFromHome
# v 0.17 added reverse geocoding
# v 0.16 added distance from home
# v 0.15 minor fix (warning messages)
# v 0.14 detect '<html>' in $data (RenaultZE_gData_Step2)
# v 0.13 fixed timezone problem for UTC timestamps
# v 0.12 fixed attr problem country/county
# v 0.11 fixed parameter problem when using timer
# v 0.10 fixed timer problem
# v 0.9 changed logic, new readings
# v 0.8 suppress 0 readings
# v 0.7 fixed timer problem
# v 0.6 bug fixes
# v 0.5 improved feedback and error code checking
# v 0.4 fix bug when accId = 0
# v 0.3 adjusted options an placed hint about untested option
# v 0.2 set commands were added
# v 0.1 first version with get options
# code basis
# - https://github.com/jamesremuscat/pyze
# - https://gist.github.com/mountbatt/772e4512089802a2aa2622058dd1ded7
# API keys
# - https://renault-wrd-prod-1-euw1-myrapp-one.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/configuration/android/config_de_DE.json
# KAMEREON_API -> "wiredProd" -> apikey
# GIGYA_API -> "gigyaProd" -> apikey
# oder https://renault-wrd-prod-1-euw1-myrapp-one.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/configuration/iOS/config_de_DE.json ???
# lock-status
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
use Time::Piece;
#use JSON qw(decode_json);
use JSON;
my $RenaultZE_version ="V1.14 / 1.11.2023";
my %RenaultZE_sets = (
"AC:on,cancel" => "",
"charge:start,stop" => "",
"password" => "",
"state" => ""
my %RenaultZE_gets = (
"charge-history" => "",
"charges" => "",
"charging-settings:noArg" => "",
"hvac-history" => "",
"hvac-settings:noArg" => "",
"notification-settings:noArg" => "",
"update:noArg" => "",
"vehicles:noArg" => "",
"checkAPIkeys:noArg" => "",
"zTest" => ""
sub RenaultZE_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = 'RenaultZE_Define';
$hash->{UndefFn} = 'RenaultZE_Undef';
$hash->{SetFn} = 'RenaultZE_Set';
$hash->{GetFn} = 'RenaultZE_Get';
$hash->{AttrFn} = 'RenaultZE_Attr';
$hash->{ReadFn} = 'RenaultZE_Read';
$hash->{AsyncOutputFn} = 'RenaultZE_AsyncOutput';
$hash->{AttrList} = "ze_phase:1,2 ".
"ze_brand:Renault,Dacia ".
"ze_user ".
"ze_country ".
"ze_latitude ".
"ze_longitude ".
"ze_homeRadius ".
"ze_showaddress:0,1 ".
"ze_showimage:0,1,2 ".
"disabled:0,1 ".
sub RenaultZE_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @param = split('[ \t]+', $def);
if(int(@param) < 3) {
return "too few parameters: define <name> RenaultZE <vin> <interval>";
my $name = $param[0];
$hash->{VIN} = $param[2];
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $param[3];
$hash->{STATE} = "defined";
$hash->{GIGYA_API} = '3_7PLksOyBRkHv126x5WhHb-5pqC1qFR8pQjxSeLB6nhAnPERTUlwnYoznHSxwX668';
#$hash->{KAMEREON_API} = 'Ae9FDWugRxZQAGm3Sxgk7uJn6Q4CGEA2';
#$hash->{KAMEREON_API} = 'VAX7XYKGfa92yMvXculCkEFyfZbuM7Ss';
#$hash->{KAMEREON_API} = 'YjkKtHmGfaceeuExUDKGxrLZGGvtVS0J';
$hash->{KAMEREON_API} = 'YjkKtHmGfaceeuExUDKGxrLZGGvtVS0J';
#$hash->{KAMEREON_API} = 'oF09WnKqvBDcrQzcW1rJNpjIuy7KdGaB';
$hash->{VERSION} = $RenaultZE_version;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall","0",1) unless (ReadingsVal($name,"ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall","empty") ne "empty");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Gigya_JWT_Token","",1) unless (ReadingsVal($name,"ze_Gigya_JWT_Token","empty") ne "empty");
$attr{$name}{ze_country} = 'DE' unless (exists($attr{$name}{ze_country}));
$attr{$name}{ze_showaddress} = '1' unless (exists($attr{$name}{ze_showaddress}));
$attr{$name}{ze_showimage} = '1' unless (exists($attr{$name}{ze_showimage}));
my $firstTrigger = gettimeofday() + 2;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $firstTrigger;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($firstTrigger);
InternalTimer($firstTrigger, "RenaultZE_UpdateTimer", $hash, 0);
Log3 $hash, 5, "TRAFFIC: ($name) InternalTimer set to call GetUpdate in 2 seconds for the first time";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
# nothing to do
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash );
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @param) = @_;
my $name = shift @param;
my $opt = shift @param;
my $value = join("", @param);
if ($opt ne "?")
$hash->{FUNCTION} = 'GET';
$hash->{PARMS} = $opt;
$hash->{PARMVALUE} = $value;
$hash->{curCL} = $hash->{CL};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Get - opt = $opt, value = $value";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_lastErr","",1) if ($opt ne "?");
if ($opt eq "update")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "vehicles")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "charge-history")
if ($value eq "") {
my $tt = localtime()->strftime('%Y%m%d');
$value = "type=day&start=20000101&end=".$tt;
$hash->{PARMVALUE} = $value;
if ( $value =~ /type=month&start=\d{6}&end=\d{6}/ or $value =~ /type=day&start=\d{8}&end=\d{8}/) {
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
} else {
return "Syntax error for $opt, correct pattern is 'type=month&start=202012&end=202101' or 'type=day&start=20201212&end=20210120'";
elsif ($opt eq "charges")
if ($value eq "") {
my $tt = localtime()->strftime('%Y%m%d');
$value = "start=20000101&end=".$tt;
$hash->{PARMVALUE} = $value;
if ( $value =~ /start=\d{8}&end=\d{8}/ ) {
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
} else {
return "Syntax error for $opt, correct pattern is 'start=20201212&end=20210120'";
elsif ($opt eq "hvac-history")
if ($value eq "") {
my $tt = localtime()->strftime('%Y%m%d');
$value = "type=day&start=20000101&end=".$tt;
$hash->{PARMVALUE} = $value;
if ( $value =~ /type=month&start=\d{6}&end=\d{6}/ or $value =~ /type=day&start=\d{8}&end=\d{8}/) {
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
} else {
return "Syntax error for $opt, correct pattern is 'type=month&start=202012&end=202101' or 'type=day&start=20201212&end=20210120'";
elsif ($opt eq "hvac-settings")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "charging-settings")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "notification-settings")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "checkAPIkeys")
elsif ($opt eq "zTest")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif($opt eq "?") {
my @cList = keys %RenaultZE_gets;
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @param) = @_;
my $name = shift @param;
my $opt = shift @param;
my $value = join("", @param);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Set - opt = $opt, value = $value";
if ($opt ne "?")
$hash->{FUNCTION} = 'SET';
$hash->{PARMS} = $opt;
$hash->{PARMVALUE} = $value;
$hash->{curCL} = $hash->{CL};
if($opt eq "?") {
my @cList = keys %RenaultZE_sets;
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_lastErr","",1) if ($opt ne "?");
if ($opt eq "AC")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "charge")
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
elsif ($opt eq "password" && $value ne "")
return RenaultZE_storePassword($name,$value);
elsif ($opt eq "state")
$hash->{STATE} = $value;
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_AsyncOutput ($$)
my ( $client_hash, $text ) = @_;
return $text;
sub RenaultZE_UpdateTimer($) {
my ( $hash ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(AttrVal($name, "disabled", 0 ) == 1){
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
Log3 $hash, 3, "RenaultZE ($name) is disabled";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Step","RenaultZE ($name) is disabled",1);
return undef;
if ( $hash->{INTERVAL}) {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
my $nextTrigger = gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL};
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $nextTrigger;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($nextTrigger);
InternalTimer($nextTrigger, "RenaultZE_UpdateTimer", $hash, 0);
Log3 $hash, 4, "RenaultZE ($name) internal interval timer set to call StartUpdate again at " . $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT};
$hash->{PARMS} = "update";
$hash->{FUNCTION} = 'GET';
$hash->{PARMS} = 'update';
my @param = ('GET', 'update');
RenaultZE_Main1($hash, @param);
sub RenaultZE_Main1($@) {
my ($hash, @param) = @_;
#my $name = shift @param;
#my $opt = shift @param;
my $function = $hash->{FUNCTION};
my $opt = $hash->{PARMS};
my $value = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
my $key = $function."_".$opt;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - In, key=".$key;
#if ($key eq "GET_update" || $key eq "GET_vehicles" || $key eq "GET_ac-state" || $key eq "SET_AC" || $key eq "SET_charge")
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Gigya_JWT_Token","",1) if ($lastErr ne "");
my $ze_Gigya_JWT_Token = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_Token}{VAL};
my $ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall}{TIME};
my $res = 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall=".$ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall;
my $gigya_time = Time::Piece->strptime( $ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')->epoch;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - ze_Gigya_JWT_lastCall=".$gigya_time;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - gettimeofday=".gettimeofday();
if ( $ze_Gigya_JWT_Token eq "" || $gigya_time < gettimeofday() - 70000 ) {
my $res = RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1($hash);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - RC=".$res if defined($res);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - ze_Gigya_JWT_Token=>".$ze_Gigya_JWT_Token."<";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main1 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Main2($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $function = $hash->{FUNCTION};
my $opt = $hash->{PARMS};
my $value = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
my $key = $function."_".$opt;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main2 - In, key=".$key;
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
#if ($key eq "GET_update" || $key eq "GET_vehicles" || $key eq "GET_ac-state" || $key eq "SET_AC" || $key eq "SET_charge")
my $ze_Renault_AccId = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Renault_AccId}{VAL};
my $res = 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main2 - ze_Renault_AccId: ".$ze_Renault_AccId;
if ( $ze_Renault_AccId eq "" || $ze_Renault_AccId eq "0" ){
$res = RenaultZE_getAccId_Step1($hash);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getAccId_Step1 - RC=".$res;
return undef;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main2 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Main3($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $function = $hash->{FUNCTION};
my $opt = $hash->{PARMS};
my $value = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
my $key = $function."_".$opt;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main3 - In, key=".$key;
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
my $phase = AttrVal($name,"ze_phase","");
if ($key eq "GET_update")
#my $res = RenaultZE_getData_Step1($hash);
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'battery-status');
my $model = $hash->{READINGS}{vehicleDetails_model_label}{VAL};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - battery-status - RC=".$res;
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 1, sub() { my $a = 1;
$res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'cockpit');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - cockpit - RC=".$res;
}, undef);
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 2, sub() { my $a = 1;
$res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'location') if ($phase eq "2");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - location - RC=".$res if ($phase eq "2");
}, undef);
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, sub() { my $a = 1;
$res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'hvac-status') if ($phase eq "1");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - hvac-status - RC=".$res if ($phase eq "1");
}, undef);
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 4, sub() { my $a = 1;
$res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'charge-mode') if ($model ne "SPRING");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - charge-mode - RC=".$res if ($model ne "SPRING");
}, undef);
if ($key eq "GET_vehicles")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'vehicles');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - vehicles - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_charge-history")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'charge-history');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - charge-history - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_charges")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'charges');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - charges - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_charging-settings")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'charging-settings');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - charging-settings - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_hvac-history")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'hvac-history');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - hvac-history - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_hvac-settings")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'hvac-settings');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - hvac-settings - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_notification-settings")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'notification-settings');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - notification-settings - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "GET_zTest")
my $res = RenaultZE_gData_Step1($hash,'zTest');
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - zTest - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "SET_AC")
my $res = RenaultZE_AC_Step1($hash);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - RC=".$res;
if ($key eq "SET_charge")
my $res = RenaultZE_Charge_Step1($hash);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - RC=".$res;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Main3 - Out";
sub RenaultZE_Main4($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
$hash->{STATE} = "updated";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd,$name,$attrName,$attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if($cmd eq "set") {
if (substr($attrName ,0,3) eq "ze_")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
if (($attrName eq "disabled") && ($attrVal == 1))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Step","RenaultZE ($name) is disabled",1);
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
elsif (($attrName eq "disabled") && ($attrVal == 0))
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Step","RenaultZE ($name) is enabled",1);
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
my $firstTrigger = gettimeofday() + 2;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $firstTrigger;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($firstTrigger);
InternalTimer($firstTrigger, "RenaultZE_UpdateTimer", $hash, 0);
elsif ($cmd eq "del")
if (substr($attrName,0,3) eq "ze_")
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
elsif (($attrName eq "disabled") )
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_Step","RenaultZE ($name) is enabled",1);
$_[3] = $attrVal;
$hash->{".reset"} = 1 if defined($hash->{LPID});
my $firstTrigger = gettimeofday() + 2;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $firstTrigger;
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($firstTrigger);
InternalTimer($firstTrigger, "RenaultZE_UpdateTimer", $hash, 0);
if ($attrName eq "ze_homeRadius")
my $gpsLatitude = ReadingsVal($name,"gpsLatitude","empty");
my $gpsLongitude = ReadingsVal($name,"gpsLongitude","empty");
my $homeRadius = 20; # defule radius
$homeRadius = $attrVal if ( $cmd eq "set" );
$homeRadius = 20 if ( $homeRadius eq "" ); # just in case
#Log3 $name, 5, "pre RenaultZE_distanceFromHome - In ".$cmd."/".$gpsLatitude." ".$gpsLongitude."/".$homeRadius;
return undef;
# storePW & readPW Code geklaut aus 72_FRITZBOX.pm :)
sub RenaultZE_storePassword($$)
my ($name, $password) = @_;
my $index = "ZE_".$name."_passwd";
my $key = getUniqueId().$index;
my $e_pwd = "";
if (eval "use Digest::MD5;1")
$key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(unpack "H*", $key);
$key .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
for my $char (split //, $password)
my $encode=chop($key);
my $error = setKeyValue($index, $e_pwd);
return "error while saving ZE user password : $error" if(defined($error));
return "ZE user password successfully saved in FhemUtils/uniqueID Key $index";
sub RenaultZE_readPassword($)
my ($name) = @_;
my $index = "ZE_".$name."_passwd";
my $key = getUniqueId().$index;
my ($password, $error);
#Log3 $name,5,"$name, read ZE user password from FhemUtils/uniqueID Key $key";
($error, $password) = getKeyValue($index);
if ( defined($error) )
Log3 $name,5, "$name, cant't read ZE user password from FhemUtils/uniqueID: $error";
return undef;
if ( defined($password) )
if (eval "use Digest::MD5;1")
$key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(unpack "H*", $key);
$key .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
my $dec_pwd = '';
for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($password =~ /(..)/g))
my $decode=chop($key);
return $dec_pwd;
Log3 $name,3,"$name, no ZE user password found in FhemUtils/uniqueID";
return undef;
####### getStatus Dialog #####
sub RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
my $gigya_api = $hash->{GIGYA_API};
my $username = AttrVal($name,"ze_user","");
my $password = RenaultZE_readPassword($name);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - Parms: ".$gigya_api."/".$username."/".$password;
my $step1= {
ApiKey => $gigya_api,
loginId => $username,
password => $password,
include => 'data',
sessionExpiration => 60
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - Data".$step1;
my $param = {
url => "https://accounts.eu1.gigya.com/accounts.login",
header => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "POST",
data => $step1,
callback => \&RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
my $errorCode = $decode_json->{errorCode};
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode1($hash,"RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($errorCode ne 0);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
$decode_json = from_json($data);
my $ze_personId = $decode_json->{data}->{personId};
my $oauth_token = $decode_json->{sessionInfo}->{cookieValue};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2 - ze_personId:".$ze_personId.", ze_cookieValue:".$oauth_token;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
my $gigya_api = $hash->{GIGYA_API};
my $step2= {
login_token => $oauth_token,
ApiKey => $gigya_api,
fields => 'data.personId,data.gigyaDataCenter',
expiration => 87000
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2 - Data".$step2;
my $param2 = {
url => "https://accounts.eu1.gigya.com/accounts.getJWT",
header => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "POST",
data => $step2,
callback => \&RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param2); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
#my $res = RenaultZE_getStatusPerformHttpRequest2($i, $e, $o, $a);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
my $errorCode = $decode_json->{errorCode};
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode1($hash,"RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($errorCode ne 0);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
$decode_json = from_json($data);
my $id_token = $decode_json->{id_token};
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
#my $res = RenaultZE_getStatusPerformHttpRequest2($i, $e, $o, $a);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step3 - Out";
sub RenaultZE_getAccId_Step1($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getAccId_Step1 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
my $kamereon_api = $hash->{KAMEREON_API};
my $id_token = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_Token}{VAL};
my $ze_personId = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_personId}{VAL};
my $country = AttrVal($name,"ze_country","DE");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - Parms: ".$kamereon_api."/".$id_token;
return undef if ( $id_token eq "" || $ze_personId eq "" );
my $step1= {
'ApiKey' => $kamereon_api,
'x-gigya-id_token' => $id_token
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - Data".$step1;
my $url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/persons/".$ze_personId."?country=".$country;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step1 - URL ".$url;
my $param = {
url => $url,
header => $step1,
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "GET",
callback => \&RenaultZE_getAccId_Step2
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getAccId_Step1 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_getAccId_Step2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getAccId_Step2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_getAccId_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_getAccId_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($hash,"RenaultZE_getAccId_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data =~ /error/);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
my $accountId = $decode_json->{accounts}[0]->{accountId};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCreds_Step2 - accountId:".$accountId;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getCAccId_Step2 - Out";
sub RenaultZE_gData_Step1($$)
my ($hash,$tree) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $v1v2 = "v1";
$v1v2 = "v2" if ( $tree eq "battery-status");
my $shortlong = "long";
$shortlong = "short" if ( $tree eq "vehicles");
my $popup = "no";
$popup = "yes" if ( $tree eq "vehicles");
$popup = "yes" if ( $tree eq "charge-mode");
my $testparms = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
my $timespecs = "";
if ( $tree eq "charge-history" or $tree eq "hvac-history" or $tree eq "charges") {
$timespecs = "&".$testparms;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - In ".$hash."/".$tree."/".$name;
my $kamereon_api = $hash->{KAMEREON_API};
my $id_token = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_Token}{VAL};
my $accId = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Renault_AccId}{VAL};
my $vin = $hash->{VIN};
my $country = AttrVal($name,"ze_country","DE");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - Parms: ".$kamereon_api."/".$id_token;
return 4 if ( $id_token eq "" || $accId eq "" );
my $header= {
'apikey' => $kamereon_api,
'x-gigya-id_token' => $id_token
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_getData_Step1 - Data".$header;
my $url = "";
if ( $shortlong eq "long") {
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/".$tree."?country=".$country.$timespecs;
}else {
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/".$tree."?country=".$country;
# for development of new options and users of a phase 1 Zoe
if ( $tree eq "zTest") {
my $testparms = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/".$testparms;
# In Vorbereit8ung, aber derzeit noch nicht seitens Renault unterstützt:
#$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/hvac-history?type=day&start=20201101&end=20210108&country=".$country;
#$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/hvac-sessions?start=20201101&end=20210108&country=".$country;
#$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/charges?start=20201101&end=20210108&country=".$country;
#$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/charge-history?type=day&start=20201101&end=20210108&country=".$country;
#$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/charge-history?type=month&start=202011&end=202101&country=".$country;
#$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/".$v1v2."/cars/".$vin."/lock-status?country=".$country;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - URL ".$url;
my $param = {
url => $url,
header => $header,
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "GET",
callback => \&RenaultZE_gData_Step2
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - Out";
return 0;
sub RenaultZE_gData_Step2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_gData_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_gData_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($hash,"RenaultZE_gData_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data =~ /errorMessage/);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
my $lastUrl = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastUrl}{VAL};
Log3 $name, 3, "RenaultZE_gData_Step2 - DataError ".$data if ($data =~ /\<html\>/);
return undef if ($data =~ /\<html\>/);
my $phase = AttrVal($name,"ze_phase","");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
if($data =~ /batteryLevel/) {
my $timestamp = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{timestamp};
#$timestamp =~ s/\+01:00/Z/sg; # fix for time format "2021-01-27T16:41:42+01:00"
#my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")->epoch;
my $t = RenaultZE_EpochFromDateTime($timestamp);
my $tt = localtime($t)->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"batteryTemperature",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{batteryTemperature}) if ($phase eq "1");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"batteryCapacity",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{batteryCapacity}) if ($decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{batteryCapacity} gt 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"batteryAvailableEnergy",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{batteryAvailableEnergy}) if ($decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{batteryAvailableEnergy} gt 0);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return 0;
### cockpit ###
if($data =~ /totalMileage/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"fuelAutonomy",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{fuelAutonomy}) if ($decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{fuelAutonomy} gt 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"fuelQuantity",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{fuelQuantity}) if ($decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{fuelQuantity} gt 0);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return 0;
### hvac-status ###
if($data =~ /hvacStatus/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"socThreshold",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{socThreshold}) if ($decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{socThreshold} gt 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"xternalTemperature",$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{xternalTemperature}) if ($decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{xternalTemperature} gt 0);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return 0;
my $gpsLatitude = "";
my $gpsLongitude = "";
my $lastUpdateTime = "";
if($data =~ /gpsLatitude/) {
if ($data =~ /locationStatus/) {
$gpsLatitude = $decode_json->{locationStatus}->{attributes}->{gpsLatitude};
$gpsLongitude = $decode_json->{locationStatus}->{attributes}->{gpsLongitude};
$lastUpdateTime = $decode_json->{locationStatus}->{attributes}->{lastUpdateTime};
} else {
$gpsLatitude = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{gpsLatitude};
$gpsLongitude = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{gpsLongitude};
$lastUpdateTime = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{lastUpdateTime};
my $gpsLatitude = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{gpsLatitude};
my $gpsLongitude = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{gpsLongitude};
my $lastUpdateTime = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{lastUpdateTime};
#$lastUpdateTime =~ s/\+01:00/Z/sg; # fix for time format "2021-01-27T16:41:42+01:00"
#my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($lastUpdateTime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")->epoch;
my $t = RenaultZE_EpochFromDateTime($lastUpdateTime);
my $tt = localtime($t)->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
my $oldlat = ReadingsVal($name,"gpsLatitude","empty");
my $oldlong = ReadingsVal($name,"gpsLongitude","empty");
my $link = "<html><a href=\"https://www.google.com/maps/place/".$gpsLatitude.",".$gpsLongitude."\" target=\”_blank\”>Google Maps</a></html>";
if ( $oldlat != $gpsLatitude or $oldlong != $gpsLongitude ) {
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step2 - GPS ".$oldlat."/".$gpsLatitude." ".$oldlong."/".$gpsLongitude;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return 0;
if($data =~ /vehicleLink/) {
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
my $output = JSON->new->ascii->pretty->encode(decode_json join '', $data);
# extract image urls
my $mtab = $decode_json->{vehicleLinks};
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
next if ($item->{vin} ne $hash->{VIN});
my $assets = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{assets};
foreach my $ass( @$assets ) {
my $cars = $ass->{renditions};
foreach my $car( @$cars ) {
my $url = $car->{url};
my $size = $car->{resolutionType};
my $link = "<html><img src=\"".$url."\"></html>";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"img_".$size."_img",$link,1) if (AttrVal($name,"ze_showimage","1") gt 0 and $size =~ /SMALL/ );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"img_".$size."_img",$link,1) if (AttrVal($name,"ze_showimage","1") eq 2 and $size =~ /LARGE/ );
my $detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{family}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{family}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{family}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{engineEnergyType};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{navigationAssistanceLevel}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{navigationAssistanceLevel}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{navigationAssistanceLevel}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{version}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{gearbox}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{gearbox}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{gearbox}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{radioType}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{radioType}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{radioType}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{tcu}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{tcu}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{tcu}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{model}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{model}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{model}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{engineType};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{modelSCR};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{battery}->{code};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{battery}->{label};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{battery}->{group};
$detail = $item->{vehicleDetails}->{brand}->{label};
asyncOutput( $hash->{curCL}, $output );
return 0;
if($data =~ /externalTemperature/) {
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
return 0;
if($data =~ /chargeMode/) {
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
return 0;
### charge-history?country=DE&type=day&start=20201212&end=20210120
### charge-history?country=DE&type=month&start=202012&end=202101
if($data =~ /chargeSummaries.*totalChargesNumber/) {
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{chargeSummaries};
my $tperiod = "day";
$tperiod = "month" if ($data =~ /month/);
print ">>>".$tperiod."\n";
my $output = "<html><body><b>Charge Summaries (".$tperiod.")</b><table border=1 center>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$tperiod."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>totalChargesNumber</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>totalChargesDuration</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>totalChargesErrors</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{$tperiod}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{totalChargesNumber}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{totalChargesDuration}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{totalChargesErrors}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table></body></html>";
return 0;
### hvac-history?country=DE&type=month&start=202012&end=202101
### hvac-history?country=DE&type=day&start=20201212&end=20210120
if($data =~ /hvacSessionsSummaries.*totalHvacSessionsNumber/) {
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{hvacSessionsSummaries};
my $tperiod = "day";
$tperiod = "month" if ($data =~ /month/);
print ">>>".$tperiod."\n";
my $output = "<html><body><b>HVAC Session Summaries (".$tperiod.")</b><table border=1 center>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$tperiod."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>totalHvacSessionsNumber</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>totalHvacSessionsErrors</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{$tperiod}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{totalHvacSessionsNumber}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{totalHvacSessionsErrors}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table></body></html>";
return 0;
### hvac-sessions?country=DE&start=20201210&end=20210110
if($data =~ /hvacSessions.*hvacSessionRequestDate/) {
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{hvacSessions};
#print scalar @$mtab."\n";
my $output = "<html><body><b>HVAC Sessions</b><table border=1 center>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>hvacSessionRequestDate</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>hvacSessionStartDate</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>hvacSessionEndStatus</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{hvacSessionRequestDate}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{hvacSessionStartDate}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{hvacSessionEndStatus}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table></body></html>";
return 0;
### charging-settings?country=DE
if(($data =~ /mode.*schedules/) && ($lastUrl =~ /charg/)){
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{schedules};
my $sss = @$mtab;
#print scalar @$mtab."\n";
my $output = "<html><body><b>Charging Settings</b><p>Mode=".$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{mode}."<p> <p>Schedules:<p> <p>";
my @wdays = ("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "saturday" );
if ( $sss > 0 ) {
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."activated =".$item->{activated}."<table border=1 center>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>Day of Week</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>startTime</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>duration</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $wd( @wdays ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$wd."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{$wd}->{startTime}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{$wd}->{duration}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table>";
$output = $output."</body></html>";
return 0;
### hvac-settings?country=DE
if(($data =~ /mode.*schedules/) && ($lastUrl =~ /hvac/)){
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{schedules};
my $sss = @$mtab;
#print scalar @$mtab."\n";
my $output = "<html><body><b>HVAC Settings</b><p>Mode=".$decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{mode}."<br>";
my @wdays = ("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "saturday" );
if ( $sss > 0 ) {
$output = $output."<p>Schedules";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
if ($item->{activated} == 1 ) {
$output = $output."<p>activated =".$item->{activated}."<table border=1 center>";
$output = $output.", Target Temperature =".$item->{targetTemperature}."<table border=1 center>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>Day of Week</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>readyAtTime</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $wd( @wdays ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$wd."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{$wd}->{readyAtTime}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table>";
$output = $output."</body></html>";
return 0;
### notification-settings?country=DE
if($data =~ /settings.*messageKey/) {
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{settings};
my $output = "<html><body><b>Notification Settings</b><table border=1 center>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>messageKey</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>email</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>sms</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>pushApp</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{messageKey}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{email}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{sms}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{pushApp}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table></body></html>";
return 0;
### charges start=20200202&end=20210202
if($data =~ /charges/) {
my $mtab = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{charges};
my $output = "<html><body><b>Charges</b><table border=1 align=middle>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge Start Date</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge End Date</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge Duration</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge Start Battery Level</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge End Battery Level</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge Energy Recovered</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>charge End Status</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeStartDate}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeEndDate}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeDuration}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeStartBatteryLevel}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeEndBatteryLevel}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeEnergyRecovered}."</td>";
$output = $output."<td align=center>".$item->{chargeEndStatus}."</td>";
$output = $output."</tr>";
$output = $output."</table></body></html>";
$output =~ s/charge//g;
return 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step2 - opt=".$hash->{PARMS};
if($hash->{PARMS} eq "zTest") {
asyncOutput( $hash->{curCL}, $data );
return 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step2 - Out";
return 0;
sub RenaultZE_AC_Step1($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $value = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Set - value = >$value<";
my $kamereon_api = $hash->{KAMEREON_API};
my $id_token = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_Token}{VAL};
my $accId = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Renault_AccId}{VAL};
my $vin = $hash->{VIN};
my $country = AttrVal($name,"ze_country","DE");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - Parms: ".$kamereon_api."/".$id_token;
return undef if ( $id_token eq "" || $accId eq "" );
my $step1= {
'Content-type' => 'application/vnd.api+json',
'apikey' => $kamereon_api,
'x-gigya-id_token' => $id_token
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - Data".$step1;
my $url= "empty";
my $jsonData = "empty";
if ( $value eq "on" )
$jsonData = '{"data":{"type":"HvacStart","attributes":{"action":"start","targetTemperature":"21"}}}';
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v1/cars/".$vin."/actions/hvac-start?country=".$country;
} else {
$jsonData = '{"data":{"type":"HvacStart","attributes":{"action":"cancel"}}}';
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v1/cars/".$vin."/actions/hvac-start?country=".$country;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - URL ".$url;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - jsonData ".$jsonData;
my $param = {
url => $url,
header => $step1,
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "POST",
data => $jsonData,
callback => \&RenaultZE_AC_Step2
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step1 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_AC_Step2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_AC_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_AC_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($hash,"RenaultZE_AC_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data =~ /error/);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step2 - returned".$decode_json;
my $acstatus = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{action};
my $msg = "AC:".$acstatus;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_AC_Step2 - acstatus=".$msg;
$hash->{STATE} = $msg;
#asyncOutput( $hash->{curCL}, $output );
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Charge_Step1($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $value = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - value = >$value<";
my $kamereon_api = $hash->{KAMEREON_API};
my $id_token = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_Token}{VAL};
my $accId = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Renault_AccId}{VAL};
my $vin = $hash->{VIN};
my $country = AttrVal($name,"ze_country","DE");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - Parms: ".$kamereon_api."/".$id_token;
return undef if ( $id_token eq "" || $accId eq "" );
my $step1= {
'Content-type' => 'application/vnd.api+json',
'apikey' => $kamereon_api,
'x-gigya-id_token' => $id_token
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - Data".$step1;
my $jsonData = "empty";
my $url= "empty";
my $brand = AttrVal($name,"ze_brand","Renault");
if ( $value eq "start" )
if ( $brand eq "Renault" )
$jsonData = '{"data":{"type":"ChargingStart","attributes":{"action":"start"}}}';
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v1/cars/".$vin."/actions/charging-start?country=".$country;
if ( $brand eq "Dacia" )
$jsonData = '{"data":{"type":"ChargePauseResume","attributes":{"action":"resume"}}}';
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kcm/v1/vehicles/".$vin."/charge/pause-resume?country=".$country;
} else {
if ( $brand eq "Renault" )
$jsonData = '{"data":{"type":"ChargingStart","attributes":{"action":"stop"}}}';
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v1/cars/".$vin."/actions/charging-start?country=".$country;
if ( $brand eq "Dacia" )
$jsonData = '{"data":{"type":"ChargePauseResume","attributes":{"action":"pause"}}}';
$url = "https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/".$accId."/kamereon/kcm/v1/vehicles/".$vin."/charge/pause-resume?country=".$country;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - URL ".$url;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - jsonData ".$jsonData;
my $param = {
url => $url,
header => $step1,
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "POST",
data => $jsonData,
callback => \&RenaultZE_Charge_Step2
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step1 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Charge_Step2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_Charge_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_Charge_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($hash,"RenaultZE_Charge_Step2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data =~ /error/);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step2 - returned".$decode_json;
my $chargestatus = $decode_json->{data}->{attributes}->{action};
my $msg = "Charge:".$chargestatus;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_Charge_Step2 - chargestatus=".$msg;
$hash->{STATE} = $msg;
#asyncOutput( $hash->{curCL}, $output );
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Log_Data($$$$$)
my ($hash, $step, $url, $err, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "INFO: ".$step.", url: ".$url.", data: ".$data.", error: ".$err;
$err = RenaultZE_pp_err($hash,$err) if($err ne "");;
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_Error_err($$$$$)
my ($hash, $step, $url, $err, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "ERROR: ".$step.", error while calling ".$url." - $err";
$err = RenaultZE_pp_err($hash,$err) if($err ne "");;
sub RenaultZE_Error_errorCode1($$$$$)
my ($hash, $step, $url, $err, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
my $errorCode = $decode_json->{errorCode};
my $errorDetails = $decode_json->{errorDetails};
my $errorMessage = $decode_json->{errorMessage};
my $statusReason = $decode_json->{statusReason};
my $msg = "errorCode=".$errorCode.", errorDetails=".$errorDetails.", errorMessage=".$errorMessage.", statusReason=".$statusReason;
Log3 $name, 3, "ERROR: (1) ".$step.", errorCode while calling ".$url." - $msg";
$msg = RenaultZE_pp_err($hash,$errorMessage) if($errorMessage ne "");;
sub RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($$$$$)
my ($hash, $step, $url, $err, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
my $errorCode = $decode_json->{errors}[0]->{errorCode};
my $errorMessage = $decode_json->{errors}[0]->{errorMessage};
my $msg = "errorCode=".$errorCode.", errorMessage=".$errorMessage;
Log3 $name, 3, "ERROR: (2) ".$step.", error (data) while calling ".$url." - $msg" if($errorMessage !~ /Failed to forward request to remote service/);;
Log3 $name, 5, "ERROR: (2) ".$step.", error (data) while calling ".$url." - $msg" if($errorMessage =~ /Failed to forward request to remote service/);;
$msg = RenaultZE_pp_err($hash,$msg) if($msg ne "");;
sub RenaultZE_pp_err($$)
my ($hash,$err) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 3, "INFO: pretty printing error ".$err;
my $errj = $err;
$errj =~ s/.*errorMessage=//g;
my $json_out = eval { decode_json($errj) };
my $output = "";
if ($@)
$output = $err;
} else {
my $decode_json = from_json($errj);
my $mtab = $decode_json->{errors};
$output = "<html><body><b>Error</b><table border=1 center><colgroup><col width=\"10%\"><col width=\"*\"></colgroup>";
$output = $output."<tr>";
$output = $output."<td><b>raw</b></td><td>".$err."</td></tr>";
foreach my $item( @$mtab ) {
$output = $output."<td><b>status</b></td><td>".$item->{status}."</td></tr>";
$output = $output."<td><b>code</b></td><td>".$item->{code}."</td></tr>";
$output = $output."<td><b>title</b></td><td>".$item->{title}."</td></tr>";
$output = $output."<td><b>detail</b></td><td>".$item->{detail}."</td></tr>";
$output = $output."</table></body></html>";
return $output;
sub RenaultZE_distanceFromHome($$$$)
my ($hash, $lat, $long, $homeRadius) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_distanceFromHome - In ".$hash."/".$lat." ".$long."/".$homeRadius;
my $hlong = AttrVal( $name, "ze_longitude", AttrVal( "global", "longitude", 0.0 ) );
my $hlat = AttrVal( $name, "ze_latitude", AttrVal( "global", "latitude", 0.0 ) );
#Kreiszahl Pi
my $pi = 3.14159;
#Umrechnung von Grad in Radius
my $long1 = $long / 180 * $pi;
my $lat1 = $lat / 180 * $pi;
my $long2 = $hlong / 180 * $pi;
my $lat2 = $hlat / 180 * $pi;
my $distance = acos(sin($long1)*sin($long2) + cos($long1)*cos($long2)*cos($lat2-$lat1));
#Erdrundung einbeziehen
$distance = $distance * 6378.137;
my $dim = "km";
my $homeinfo = "";
my $homestate = "away";
$homeRadius = AttrVal( $name, "ze_homeRadius", 20 ) if ( $homeRadius eq "auto");
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_distanceFromHome - Check ".$hash."/".$lat." ".$long."/".$homeRadius;
if ($distance < $homeRadius) {
$distance = $distance * 1000;
$dim = "m";
if ($distance < $homeRadius) {
$homeinfo = "home";
$homestate = "home";
$distance = sprintf("%.3f", $distance);
$homeinfo = $distance." ".$dim." away" if ( $homeinfo eq "");
if ( $hlong != 0.0 and $hlat != 0.0) {
RenaultZE_gAddress1($hash,$lat,$long) if (AttrVal($name,"ze_showaddress","1") eq 1);
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_gAddress1($$$)
my ($hash,$lat,$long) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress1 - In ".$hash."/".$name." ".$lat."/".$long;
my $url = "https://www.google.com/maps/place/$lat+$long";
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gData_Step1 - URL ".$url;
my $param = {
url => $url,
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "GET",
callback => \&RenaultZE_gAddress2
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress1 - Out";
return 0;
sub RenaultZE_gAddress2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress2 - In err".$hash."/".$err;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress2 - In data".$hash."/".$data;
# RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_gAddress2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
# RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_gAddress2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
# RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($hash,"RenaultZE_gAddress2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data =~ /error/);
# my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
# return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
$data =~ s/.*meta content=\"(.*)\" itemprop=\"description\".*/$1/sg;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress2 - Address ".$data;
my $oldinfo = ReadingsVal($name,"homeInfo","");
my $newinfo = $oldinfo." (".$data.")";
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_gAddress2 - Out";
sub RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys1($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $value = $hash->{PARMVALUE};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys_Step1 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
my $kamereon_api = $hash->{KAMEREON_API};
my $id_token = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_Gigya_JWT_Token}{VAL};
my $country = AttrVal($name,"ze_country","DE");
my $step1= {
'Content-type' => 'application/vnd.api+json'
my $url= "https://renault-wrd-prod-1-euw1-myrapp-one.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/configuration/android/config_de_DE.json";
my $jsonData = "empty";
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys1 ".$url;
my $param = {
url => $url,
header => $step1,
hash => $hash,
timeout => 15,
method => "GET",
data => $jsonData,
callback => \&RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); # Starten der HTTP Abfrage. Es gibt keinen Return-Code.
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys1 - Out";
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2($)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $kamereon_api = $hash->{KAMEREON_API};
my $gigya_api = $hash->{GIGYA_API};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2 - In ".$hash."/".$name;
RenaultZE_Error_err($hash,"RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($err ne "");
RenaultZE_Log_Data($hash,"RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data ne "");
RenaultZE_Error_errorCode2($hash,"RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2",$param->{url},$err,$data) if($data =~ /error/);
my $lastErr = $hash->{READINGS}{ze_lastErr}{VAL};
return undef if ($lastErr ne "");
return undef if (RenaultZE_CheckJson($hash,$data));
my $decode_json = from_json($data);
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2 - returned".$decode_json;
#my $kameronkey = $decode_jmson->{data}->{servers}->{wiredProd}->{apikey};
#my $gigyakey = $decode_json->{data}->{servers}->{gigyaProd}->{apikey};
my $kameronkey = $decode_json->{servers}->{wiredProd}->{apikey};
my $gigyakey = $decode_json->{servers}->{gigyaProd}->{apikey};
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2 KAMERON: ".$kameronkey;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2 GIGYA".$gigyakey;
Log3 $name, 5, "RenaultZE_checkAPIkeys2 Out";
my $message = "";
if ($kameronkey ne $kamereon_api) {
$message = "Neuer KAMERON API Key: \nIst: ".$kamereon_api."\nNeu: ".$kameronkey."\n\n";
} else {
$message = "KAMERON API Key ist OK: \nIst: ".$kamereon_api."\nNeu: ".$kameronkey."\n\n";
if ($gigyakey ne $gigya_api) {
$message = $message."Neuer GIGYA API Key: \nIst: ".$gigya_api."\nNeu: ".$gigyakey."\n";
} else {
$message = $message."GIGYA API Key ist OK: \nIst: ".$gigya_api."\nNeu: ".$gigyakey."\n";
asyncOutput( $hash->{curCL}, $message );
return undef;
sub RenaultZE_CheckJson($$)
my ($hash,$json) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $json_out = eval { decode_json($json) };
if ($@)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"ze_lastErr","unexpected json error",1);
return 1;
return 0;
sub RenaultZE_EpochFromDateTime($) {
my ($timestamp) = @_;
my $t;
if ( substr($timestamp,-1,1) eq "Z" )
$t = eval { Time::Piece->strptime($timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")->epoch };
elsif ( substr($timestamp,-3,1) eq ":" )
$timestamp =~ s/\+(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/+$1$2/;
$timestamp =~ s/\.\d{3}+/+/;
$t = eval { Time::Piece->strptime($timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")->epoch };
elsif ( substr($timestamp,-5,5) =~ /\+(\d{4})/ )
$t = eval { Time::Piece->strptime($timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")->epoch };
$t = 0 if ($t eq "");
return $t;
=begin html
<a name="RenaultZE"></a>
<i>RenaultZE</i> implements an interface to the Renualt ZE API<br>
<a name="RenaultZEdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> RenaultZE <VIN> <Interval></code>
Example: <code>define myZoe RenaultZE VF1....... 300</code>
VIN is the Vehicle Identification Number (you'll find it in your registration)<br>
Interval is the interval in seconds between status updates
<a name="RenaultZEset"></a>
<code>set <name> <option> <value></code>
You can <i>set</i><br>
enter your Renault ZE accounts password</li>
either on or cancel (which probably only cancles a timer)</li>
either on or off (off doesn't work if you have set 'charge mode walways')</li>
<a name="RenaultZEget"></a>
<code>get <name> <option></code>
You can <i>get</i><br>
<li><a name="charge-history"></a><i>charge-history</i><br>
summary of charges, parameter options: <br>
type=day&start=YYYYMMDD&end=YYYYMMDD (default: 1.1.2000 till today)<br>
<li><a name="charges"></a><i>charges</i><br>
<b>only for Phase1 models</b><br>
list of charges, parameter options: <br>
start=YYYYMMDD&end=YYYYMMD (default: 1.1.2000 till today)
<li><a name="charging-settings"></a><i>charging-settings</i><br>
lists the settings for charging
<li><a name="hvac-history"></a><i>hvac-history</i><br>
<b>only for Phase1 models</b><br>
shows the air condition history, parameter options: <br>
type=day&start=YYYYMMDD&end=YYYYMMDD (default: 1.1.2000 till today)<br>
<li><a name="hvac-settings"></a><i>hvac-settings</i><br>
shows the ac settingS <br>
<li><a name="notification-settings"></a><i>notification-settings</i><br>
<b>only for Phase1 models</b><br>
lists the settings for cnotifications
<li><a name="update"></a><i>update</i><br>
force update of the current readings (battery-status, cockpit, location, hvac-status, charge-mode)</li>
<li><a name="checkAPIkeys"></a><i>checkAPIkeys</i><br>
check if the API are uptodate<br>
<li><a name="vehicles"></a><i>vehicles</i><br>
get a list of your vehicles with details, set the readings for the images and some technical details<br>
if the attribute ze_showimage is set you get readings with the cars images</li>
<li><a name="zTest"></a><i>zTest</i><br>
Option to test new API functions which might be implemented one day ...<br>
sub parameters are<br>
As result you will either get a msgbox when the function is implemented by Renault, otherwise the ze-Readings will tell you more
<a name="RenaultZEattr"></a>
<code>attr <name> <attribute> <value></code>
See <a href="http://fhem.de/commandref.html#attr">commandref#attr</a> for more info about
the attr command.
<li><i>ze_brand</i> Renault|Dacia<br>
Car brand, default is Renault
<li><i>ze_phase</i> 1|2<br>
The phase of ZE technology, either 1 or 2, right now only phase 2 is supported
2 letter country code, e.g. DE ot GB
allowed distance of car from home in m that is still considered 'home'
The user-id that you used to register at Renault
Latitude of your home location. Is being used to calculate homeInfo. Function also checks for global attribte latitude als default.
Longitude of your home location. Is being used to calculate homeInfo. Function also checks for global attribte longitude als default.
Retrieve address via reverse geocoding fromn Google Maps and add it to homeInfo.
Show the image of the car that you get from vehicles as reading<br>
0 = off
1 = only the small image (default)<br>
2 = both, small and large image
=end html