mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 14:47:00 +00:00
rudolfkoenig 085f2d70ee get pathlist added
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1913 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2012-10-03 09:51:48 +00:00

2488 lines
68 KiB
Executable File

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use TcpServerUtils;
use HttpUtils;
# Forward declaration
sub FW_AnswerCall($);
sub FW_calcWeblink($$);
sub FW_dev2image($);
sub FW_digestCgi($);
sub FW_doDetail($);
sub FW_dumpFileLog($$$);
sub FW_fatal($);
sub FW_fileList($);
sub FW_logWrapper($);
sub FW_makeEdit($$$);
sub FW_makeTable($$@);
sub FW_makeImage($);
sub FW_SetDirs();
sub FW_ReadIconsFrom($$);
sub FW_ReadIcons($);
sub FW_GetIcons();
sub FW_IconURL($);
sub FW_roomOverview($);
sub FW_select($$$$@);
sub FW_showLog($);
sub FW_showRoom();
sub FW_showWeblink($$$$);
sub FW_style($$);
sub FW_submit($$@);
sub FW_substcfg($$$$$$);
sub FW_textfieldv($$$$);
sub FW_textfield($$$);
sub FW_updateHashes();
sub FW_zoomLink($$$);
sub pF($@);
sub FW_PathList();
sub FW_pH(@);
sub FW_pHPlain(@);
sub FW_pO(@);
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server: the first available
# from $modpath/www, $modpath/FHEM
use vars qw($FW_icondir); # icon base directory for web server: the first
# available from $FW_dir/icons, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_docdir); # doc directory for web server: the first available
# from $FW_dir/docs, $modpath/docs, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_cssdir); # css directory for web server: the first available
# from $FW_dir/css, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_gplotdir);# gplot directory for web server: the first
# available from $FW_dir/gplot,$FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_jsdir); # js directory for web server: the first available
# from $FW_dir/javascript, $FW_dir
use vars qw($MW_dir); # moddir (./FHEM), needed by edit Files in new
# structure
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), needed by 97_GROUP
use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen, needed by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW
use vars qw($FW_tp); # is touchpad (iPad / etc)
# global variables, also used by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW/95_FLOORPLAN
use vars qw(%FW_types); # device types,
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL for extensions, e.g. 95_FLOORPLAN
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw($FW_cname); # Current connection name
my $zlib_loaded;
my $try_zlib = 1;
# As we are _not_ multithreaded, it is safe to use global variables.
# Note: for delivering SVG plots we fork
my @FW_httpheader; # HTTP header, line by line
my %FW_webArgs; # all arguments specified in the GET
my $FW_cmdret; # Returned data by the fhem call
my $FW_data; # Filecontent from browser when editing a file
my $FW_detail; # currently selected device for detail view
my %FW_devs; # hash of from/to entries per device
my %FW_icons; # List of icons
my $FW_plotmode; # Global plot mode (WEB attribute)
my $FW_plotsize; # Global plot size (WEB attribute)
my $FW_commandref; # $FW_docdir/commandref.html;
my $FW_RETTYPE; # image/png or the like
my $FW_room; # currently selected room
my %FW_rooms; # hash of all rooms
my %FW_types; # device types, for sorting
my @FW_zoom; # "qday", "day","week","month","year"
my %FW_zoom; # the same as @FW_zoom
my %FW_hiddenroom; # hash of hidden rooms
my $FW_longpoll; # Set if longpoll (i.e. server notification) is active
my $FW_inform;
my $FW_XHR; # Data only answer, no HTML
my $FW_jsonp; # jasonp answer (sending function calls to the client)
my $FW_cors; # Cross-origin resource sharing
my $FW_chash; # client fhem hash
#my $FW_encoding="ISO-8859-1";
my $FW_encoding="UTF-8";
# don't forget to amend FW_ServeSpecial if you change this!
my $ICONEXTENSION = "gif|ico|png|jpg";
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{ReadFn} = "FW_Read";
$hash->{GetFn} = "FW_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "FW_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "FW_Attr";
$hash->{DefFn} = "FW_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FW_Undef";
$hash->{NotifyFn}= "FW_SecurityCheck";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 webname fwmodpath fwcompress:0,1 ".
"plotmode:gnuplot,gnuplot-scroll,SVG plotsize refresh " .
"touchpad smallscreen plotfork basicAuth basicAuthMsg ".
"stylesheetPrefix iconpath hiddenroom HTTPS longpoll:1,0 ".
"redirectCmds:0,1 reverseLogs:0,1 allowfrom ";
# Initialize internal structures
my $n = 0;
@FW_zoom = ("qday", "day","week","month","year");
%FW_zoom = map { $_, $n++ } @FW_zoom;
my ($ntfy, $dev) = @_;
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global" ||
!grep(m/^INITIALIZED$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
my $motd = AttrVal("global", "motd", "");
if($motd =~ "^SecurityCheck") {
my @list = grep { !AttrVal($_, "basicAuth", undef) }
$motd .= (join(",", sort @list)." has no basicAuth attribute.\n")
$attr{global}{motd} = $motd;
$modules{FHEMWEB}{NotifyFn}= "FW_Notify";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my ($name, $type, $port, $global) = split("[ \t]+", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> FHEMWEB [IPV6:]<tcp-portnr> [global]"
if($port !~ m/^(IPV6:)?\d+$/ || ($global && $global ne "global"));
# we do it only once at startup to save ressources at runtime
my $ret = TcpServer_Open($hash, $port, $global);
# Make sure that fhem only runs once
if($ret && !$init_done) {
Log 1, "$ret. Exiting.";
return $ret;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return TcpServer_Close($hash);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($hash->{SERVERSOCKET}) { # Accept and create a child
TcpServer_Accept($hash, "FHEMWEB");
$FW_chash = $hash;
$FW_wname = $hash->{SNAME};
$FW_cname = $name;
$FW_subdir = "";
my $ll = GetLogLevel($FW_wname,4);
my $c = $hash->{CD};
if(!$zlib_loaded && $try_zlib && AttrVal($FW_wname, "fwcompress", 1)) {
$zlib_loaded = 1;
eval { require Compress::Zlib; };
if($@) {
$try_zlib = 0;
Log 1, $@;
Log 1, "$FW_wname: Can't load Compress::Zlib, deactivating compression";
$attr{$FW_wname}{fwcompress} = 0;
# This is a hack... Dont want to do it each time after a fork.
if(!$modules{SVG}{LOADED} && -f "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/98_SVG.pm") {
my $ret = CommandReload(undef, "98_SVG");
Log 0, $ret if($ret);
# Data from HTTP Client
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($c, $buf, 1024);
if(!defined($ret) || $ret <= 0) {
CommandDelete(undef, $name);
Log($ll, "Connection closed for $name");
$hash->{BUF} .= $buf;
return if($hash->{BUF} !~ m/\n\n$/ && $hash->{BUF} !~ m/\r\n\r\n$/);
@FW_httpheader = split("[\r\n]", $hash->{BUF});
my @origin = grep /Origin/, @FW_httpheader;
my $headercors = ($FW_cors ? "Access-Control-Allow-".$origin[0]."\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Authorization, Accept\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\n".
"Access-Control-Max-Age:86400\r\n" : "");
my $basicAuth = AttrVal($FW_wname, "basicAuth", undef);
my @headerOptions = grep /OPTIONS/, @FW_httpheader;
if($basicAuth) {
$hash->{BUF} =~ m/Authorization: Basic ([^\r\n]*)/s;
my $secret = $1;
my $pwok = ($secret && $secret eq $basicAuth);
if($secret && $basicAuth =~ m/^{.*}$/ || $headerOptions[0]) {
eval "use MIME::Base64";
if($@) {
Log 1, $@;
} else {
my ($user, $password) = split(":", decode_base64($secret));
$pwok = eval $basicAuth;
Log 1, "basicAuth expression: $@" if($@);
if($headerOptions[0]) {
print $c "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n",
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n";
if(!$pwok) {
my $msg = AttrVal($FW_wname, "basicAuthMsg", "Fhem: login required");
print $c "HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required\r\n",
"WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"$msg\"\r\n",
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n";
my @enc = grep /Accept-Encoding/, @FW_httpheader;
my ($mode, $arg, $method) = split(" ", $FW_httpheader[0]);
$hash->{BUF} = "";
$arg = "" if(!defined($arg));
Log $ll, "HTTP $name GET $arg";
my $pid;
if(AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotfork", undef)) {
# Process SVG rendering as a parallel process
return if(($arg =~ m/cmd=showlog/) && ($pid = fork));
my $cacheable = FW_AnswerCall($arg);
return if($cacheable == -1); # Longpoll / inform request;
my $compressed = "";
if(($FW_RETTYPE =~ m/text/i ||
$FW_RETTYPE =~ m/svg/i ||
$FW_RETTYPE =~ m/script/i) &&
(int(@enc) == 1 && $enc[0] =~ m/gzip/) &&
$try_zlib &&
AttrVal($FW_wname, "fwcompress", 1)) {
$FW_RET = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($FW_RET);
$compressed = "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
my $length = length($FW_RET);
my $expires = ($cacheable?
("Expires: ".localtime(time()+900)." GMT\r\n") : "");
Log $ll, "$arg / RL: $length / $FW_RETTYPE / $compressed / $expires";
print $c "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n",
"Content-Length: $length\r\n",
$expires, $compressed, $headercors,
"Content-Type: $FW_RETTYPE\r\n\r\n",
exit if(defined($pid));
FW_ServeSpecial($$$) {
my ($file,$ext,$dir)= @_;
$file =~ s,\.\./,,g; # little bit of security
#Debug "We serve $dir/$file.$ext";
open(FH, "$dir/$file.$ext") || return 0;
binmode(FH) if($ext =~ m/$ICONEXTENSION/); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
$FW_RETTYPE = ext2MIMEType($ext);
return 1;
FW_SetDirs() {
# web server root
if(-d "$attr{global}{modpath}/www") {
$FW_dir = AttrVal($FW_wname, "fwmodpath", "$attr{global}{modpath}/www");
} else {
$FW_dir = AttrVal($FW_wname, "fwmodpath", "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM");
# icon dir
if(-d "$FW_dir/images") {
$FW_icondir = "$FW_dir/images";
} elsif( -d "$FW_dir/pgm2") {
$FW_icondir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
} else {
$FW_icondir = $FW_dir;
# doc dir
if(-d "$FW_dir/docs") {
$FW_docdir = "$FW_dir/docs";
} elsif(-d "$attr{global}{modpath}/docs") {
$FW_docdir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/docs";
} elsif(-f "$FW_dir/pgm2/commandref.html") {
$FW_docdir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
} else {
$FW_docdir = $FW_dir;
# css dir
if(-d "$FW_dir/pgm2") {
$FW_cssdir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
} else {
$FW_cssdir = $FW_dir;
# gplot dir
if(-d "$FW_dir/gplot") {
$FW_gplotdir = "$FW_dir/gplot";
} elsif(-d "$FW_dir/pgm2") {
$FW_gplotdir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
} else {
$FW_gplotdir = $FW_dir;
# javascript dir
if(-d "$FW_dir/pgm2") {
$FW_jsdir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
} else {
$FW_jsdir = $FW_dir;
Log 4, "FHEMWEB directories:";
Log 4, " web server root: $FW_dir";
Log 4, " icon directory: $FW_icondir";
Log 4, " Notice: if style-specific subdirectories ${FW_icondir}/default etc. exist, icons are only read from there and not from ${FW_icondir}!";
Log 4, " doc directory: $FW_docdir";
Log 4, " css directory: $FW_cssdir";
Log 4, " gplot directory: $FW_gplotdir";
Log 4, " javascript directory: $FW_jsdir";
my ($arg) = @_;
my $me=$defs{$FW_cname}; # cache, else rereadcfg will delete us
$FW_RET = "";
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=$FW_encoding";
$FW_ME = "/" . AttrVal($FW_wname, "webname", "fhem");
$FW_commandref = "$FW_docdir/commandref.html";
#Debug "commandref.html is at $FW_commandref";
FW_GetIcons(); # get the icon set for the current instance
$MW_dir = AttrVal($FW_wname, "fwmodpath", "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM");
$FW_ss = AttrVal($FW_wname, "smallscreen", 0);
$FW_tp = AttrVal($FW_wname, "touchpad", $FW_ss);
my $prf = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "");
# Lets go:
if($arg =~ m,^$FW_ME/docs/(.*)\.(html|txt|pdf)$,) {
return FW_ServeSpecial($1,$2,$FW_docdir);
} elsif($arg =~ m,^${FW_ME}/css/(.*)\.css$,) {
return FW_ServeSpecial($1,"css",$FW_cssdir);
} elsif($arg =~ m,^${FW_ME}/js/(.*)\.js$,) {
return FW_ServeSpecial($1,"js",$FW_jsdir);
} elsif($arg =~ m,^$FW_ME/icons/(.*)$,) {
my ($icon,$cachable) = ($1, 1);
#Debug "You want $icon which is " . $FW_icons{$icon};
# if we do not have the icon, we convert the device state to the icon name
$icon =~ s/\.($ICONEXTENSION)$//;
if(!$FW_icons{$icon}) {
$icon = FW_dev2image($icon);
#Debug "We do not have it and thus use $icon which is ".$FW_icons{$icon};
$cachable = 0;
return 0 if(!$icon);
$FW_icons{$icon} =~ m/(.*)\.($ICONEXTENSION)/;
my ($file,$ext)= ($1,$2);
if(FW_ServeSpecial($file,$ext,$FW_icondir)) {
return $cachable;
} else {
return 0;
} elsif($arg !~ m/^$FW_ME(.*)/) {
my $c = $me->{CD};
Log 2, "$FW_wname: redirecting $arg to $FW_ME";
print $c "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n",
"Content-Length: 0\r\n",
"Location: $FW_ME\r\n\r\n";
return -1;
$arg = $1; # The stuff behind FW_ME
$FW_plotmode = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotmode", "SVG");
$FW_plotsize = AttrVal($FW_wname, "plotsize", $FW_ss ? "480,160" :
$FW_tp ? "640,160" : "800,160");
# Axels FHEMWEB modules...
if(defined($data{FWEXT})) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$data{FWEXT}}) {
if($arg =~ m/^$k/) {
no strict "refs";
($FW_RETTYPE, $FW_RET) = &{$data{FWEXT}{$k}{FUNC}}($arg);
use strict "refs";
return 0;
my $cmd = FW_digestCgi($arg);
my $docmd = 0;
$docmd = 1 if($cmd &&
$cmd !~ /^showlog/ &&
$cmd !~ /^logwrapper/ &&
$cmd !~ /^toweblink/ &&
$cmd !~ /^style / &&
$cmd !~ /^edit/);
$FW_cmdret = $docmd ? FW_fC($cmd) : "";
my @origin = grep /Origin/, @FW_httpheader;
my $headercors = ($FW_cors ?
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Authorization, Accept\r\n".
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true\r\n".
"Access-Control-Max-Age:86400\r\n" : "");
if($FW_inform) { # Longpoll header
$me->{inform} = ($FW_room ? $FW_room : $FW_inform);
# NTFY_ORDER is larger than the normal order (50-)
$me->{NTFY_ORDER} = $FW_cname; # else notifyfn won't be called
my $c = $me->{CD};
print $c "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n",
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$FW_encoding\r\n\r\n";
return -1;
if($FW_XHR || $FW_jsonp) {
$FW_RETTYPE = "text/plain; charset=$FW_encoding";
if($FW_jsonp) {
$FW_cmdret =~ s/'/\\'/g;
FW_pO "$FW_jsonp('$FW_cmdret');";
} else {
FW_pO $FW_cmdret;
return 0;
# Redirect after a command, to clean the browser URL window
if($docmd && !$FW_cmdret && AttrVal($FW_wname, "redirectCmds", 1)) {
my $tgt = $FW_ME;
if($FW_detail) { $tgt .= "?detail=$FW_detail" }
elsif($FW_room) { $tgt .= "?room=$FW_room" }
my $c = $me->{CD};
print $c "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n",
"Content-Length: 0\r\n",
"Location: $tgt\r\n",
return -1;
if($cmd =~ m/^showlog /) {
return 0;
$FW_longpoll = (AttrVal($FW_wname, "longpoll", undef) &&
(($FW_room && !$FW_detail) || ($FW_subdir ne "")));
if($cmd =~ m/^toweblink (.*)$/) {
my @aa = split(":", $1);
my $max = 0;
for my $d (keys %defs) {
$max = ($1+1) if($d =~ m/^wl_(\d+)$/ && $1 >= $max);
$defs{$aa[0]}{currentlogfile} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
$aa[2] = "CURRENT" if($1 eq $aa[2]);
$FW_cmdret = FW_fC("define wl_$max weblink fileplot $aa[0]:$aa[1]:$aa[2]");
if(!$FW_cmdret) {
$FW_detail = "wl_$max";
my $t = AttrVal("global", "title", "Home, Sweet Home");
FW_pO '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">';
FW_pO '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">';
FW_pO "<head>\n<title>$t</title>";
FW_pO "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"$FW_ME/icons/favicon.ico\" />";
# Enable WebApp
if($FW_tp || $FW_ss) {
FW_pO '<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="'.$FW_ME.'/icons/fhemicon"/>';
FW_pO '<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>';
if($FW_ss) {
FW_pO '<meta name="viewport" content="width=320"/>';
} elsif($FW_tp) {
FW_pO '<meta name="viewport" content="width=768"/>';
# meta refresh in rooms only
if ($FW_room) {
my $rf = AttrVal($FW_wname, "refresh", "");
FW_pO "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$rf\">" if($rf);
$prf = "smallscreen" if(!$prf && $FW_ss);
$prf = "touchpad" if(!$prf && $FW_tp);
FW_pO "<link href=\"$FW_ME/css/".$prf."style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>";
FW_pO "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/js/svg.js\"></script>"
if($FW_plotmode eq "SVG");
FW_pO "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/js/fhemweb.js\"></script>";
my $onload = $FW_longpoll ? "onload=\"FW_delayedStart()\"" : "";
FW_pO "</head>\n<body name=\"$t\" $onload>";
if($FW_cmdret) {
$FW_detail = "";
$FW_room = "";
$FW_cmdret =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$FW_cmdret =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
$FW_cmdret = "<pre>$FW_cmdret</pre>" if($FW_cmdret =~ m/\n/);
if($FW_ss) {
FW_pO "<div class=\"tiny\">$FW_cmdret</div>";
} else {
FW_pO $FW_cmdret;
FW_pO "</div>";
if($cmd =~ m/^style /) { FW_style($cmd,undef); }
elsif($FW_detail) { FW_doDetail($FW_detail); }
elsif($FW_room) { FW_showRoom(); }
elsif($cmd =~ /^logwrapper/) { FW_logWrapper($cmd); }
elsif(!$FW_cmdret && AttrVal("global", "motd", "none") ne "none") {
my $motd = AttrVal("global","motd",undef);
$motd =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">$motd</div>";
FW_pO "</body></html>";
return 0;
# Digest CGI parameters
my ($arg) = @_;
my (%arg, %val, %dev);
my ($cmd, $c) = ("","","");
%FW_pos = ();
$FW_room = "";
$FW_detail = "";
$FW_XHR = undef;
$FW_jsonp = undef;
$FW_inform = undef;
$FW_cors = undef;
%FW_webArgs = ();
$arg =~ s,^[?/],,;
foreach my $pv (split("&", $arg)) {
$pv =~ s/\+/ /g;
$pv =~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge;
my ($p,$v) = split("=",$pv, 2);
# Multiline: escape the NL for fhem
$v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g if($v && $p && $p ne "data");
$FW_webArgs{$p} = $v;
if($p eq "detail") { $FW_detail = $v; }
if($p eq "room") { $FW_room = $v; }
if($p eq "cmd") { $cmd = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^arg\.(.*)$/) { $arg{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^val\.(.*)$/) { $val{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^dev\.(.*)$/) { $dev{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^cmd\.(.*)$/) { $cmd = $v; $c = $1; }
if($p eq "pos") { %FW_pos = split(/[=;]/, $v); }
if($p eq "data") { $FW_data = $v; }
if($p eq "XHR") { $FW_XHR = 1; }
if($p eq "jsonp") { $FW_jsonp = $v; }
if($p eq "inform") { $FW_inform = $v; }
if($p eq "CORS") { $FW_cors = 1; }
$cmd.=" $dev{$c}" if(defined($dev{$c}));
$cmd.=" $arg{$c}" if(defined($arg{$c}) &&
($arg{$c} ne "state" || $cmd !~ m/^set/));
$cmd.=" $val{$c}" if(defined($val{$c}));
return $cmd;
# Make a room hash
%FW_rooms = ();
foreach my $d (keys %defs ) {
next if(IsIgnored($d));
foreach my $r (split(",", AttrVal($d, "room", "Unsorted"))) {
$FW_rooms{$r}{$d} = 1;
# Needed for type sorting
%FW_types = ();
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs ) {
next if(IsIgnored($d));
my $t = AttrVal($d, "subType", $defs{$d}{TYPE});
$t = AttrVal($d, "model", $t) if($t eq "unknown");
$FW_types{$d} = $t;
$FW_room = AttrVal($FW_detail, "room", "Unsorted") if($FW_detail);
my($name, $hash, $cmd) = (@_);
return if(!$hash || !int(keys %{$hash}));
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide\">";
my $row = 1;
foreach my $n (sort keys %{$hash}) {
my $r = ref($hash->{$n});
next if($r && ($r ne "HASH" || !defined($hash->{$n}{VAL})));
pF "<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even";
my $val = $hash->{$n};
if($n eq "DEF" && !$FW_hiddenroom{input}) {
FW_makeEdit($name, $n, $val);
} else {
FW_pO "<td><div class=\"dname\">$n</div></td>";
if(ref($val)) {
my ($v, $t) = ($val->{VAL}, $val->{TIME});
if($FW_ss) {
$t = ($t ? "<br><div class=\"tiny\">$t</div>" : "");
FW_pO "<td><div class=\"dval\">$v$t</div></td>";
} else {
$t = "" if(!$t);
FW_pO "<td>$v</td><td>$t</td>";
} else {
FW_pO "<td><div class=\"dval\">$val</div></td>";
FW_pH "cmd.$name=$cmd $name $n&amp;detail=$name", $cmd, 1
if($cmd && !$FW_ss);
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "<br>";
my ($d, $cmd, $list,$class) = @_;
return if(!$list || $FW_hiddenroom{input});
my @al = sort map { s/:.*//;$_ } split(" ", $list);
my $selEl = $al[0];
$selEl = $1 if($list =~ m/([^ ]*):slider,/); # promote a slider if available
$selEl = "room" if($list =~ m/room:/);
FW_pO "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir\">";
FW_pO FW_hidden("detail", $d);
FW_pO FW_hidden("dev.$cmd$d", $d);
FW_pO FW_submit("cmd.$cmd$d", $cmd, $class);
FW_pO "<div class=\"$class downText\">&nbsp;$d&nbsp;</div>";
FW_pO FW_select("arg.$cmd$d",\@al, $selEl, $class,
FW_pO FW_textfield("val.$cmd$d", 30, $class);
# Initial setting
FW_pO "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" .
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_makeImage($) {
my ($name)= @_;
my $iconpath= FW_IconPath($name);
if(defined($iconpath)) {
my $iconurl= FW_IconURL($name);
return "<img src=\"$iconurl\"><!-- $iconpath -->";
} else {
return "<b>Image <i>$name</i> not found in $FW_icondir</b>";
my ($d) = @_;
FW_pO "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$FW_ME\">";
FW_pO FW_hidden("detail", $d);
my $t = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
if($FW_ss) { # FS20MS2 special: on and off, is not the same as toggle
my $webCmd = AttrVal($d, "webCmd", undef);
if($webCmd) {
FW_pO "<table>";
foreach my $cmd (split(":", $webCmd)) {
FW_pO "<tr>";
FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd&detail=$d", $cmd, 1, "col1";
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "<table><tr><td>";
FW_makeSelect($d, "set", getAllSets($d), "set");
FW_makeTable($d, $defs{$d});
FW_pO "Readings" if($defs{$d}{READINGS});
FW_makeTable($d, $defs{$d}{READINGS});
my $attrList = getAllAttr($d);
my $roomList = join(",", sort grep !/ /, keys %FW_rooms);
$attrList =~ s/room /room:$roomList /;
FW_makeSelect($d, "attr", $attrList,"attr");
FW_makeTable($d, $attr{$d}, "deleteattr");
if($t eq "FileLog" ) {
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide\">";
FW_dumpFileLog($d, 0, 1);
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "</td></tr></table>";
if($t eq "weblink") {
FW_showWeblink($d, $defs{$d}{LINK}, $defs{$d}{WLTYPE}, 1);
FW_pO "<br><br>";
FW_pH "cmd=style iconFor $d", "Select icon";
FW_pH "$FW_ME/docs/commandref.html#${t}", "Device specific help";
FW_pO "<br><br>";
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</form>";
# Header, Zoom-Icons & list of rooms at the left.
my ($cmd) = @_;
%FW_hiddenroom = ();
foreach my $r (split(",",AttrVal($FW_wname, "hiddenroom", ""))) {
$FW_hiddenroom{$r} = 1;
if($FW_detail && $FW_ss) {
$FW_room = AttrVal($FW_detail, "room", undef);
$FW_room = $1 if($FW_room && $FW_room =~ m/^([^,]*),/);
$FW_room = "" if(!$FW_room);
FW_pHPlain "room=$FW_room",
"<div id=\"back\">" . FW_makeImage("back") . "</div>";
FW_pO "<div id=\"menu\">$FW_detail details</div>";
} else {
FW_pH "", "<div id=\"logo\"></div>";
FW_pO "<div id=\"hdr\">";
FW_pO '<table border="0"><tr><td style="padding:0">';
FW_pO "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$FW_ME\">";
FW_pO FW_hidden("room", "$FW_room") if($FW_room);
FW_pO FW_textfield("cmd", $FW_ss ? 25 : 40, "maininput");
if(!$FW_ss && !$FW_hiddenroom{save}) {
FW_pO "</form></td><td><form>" . FW_submit("cmd", "save");
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_pO "</td></tr></table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
my (@list1, @list2);
push(@list1, ""); push(@list2, "");
# FW Extensions
if(defined($data{FWEXT})) {
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$data{FWEXT}}) {
my $h = $data{FWEXT}{$k};
next if($h !~ m/HASH/ || !$h->{LINK} || !$h->{NAME});
push(@list1, $h->{NAME});
push(@list2, $FW_ME ."/".$h->{LINK});
push(@list1, ""); push(@list2, "");
$FW_room = "" if(!$FW_room);
# Rooms and other links
foreach my $r (sort keys %FW_rooms) {
next if($r eq "hidden" || $FW_hiddenroom{$r});
$FW_room = $r if(!$FW_room && $FW_ss);
$r =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$r =~ s/>/&lt;/g;
push @list1, $r;
$r =~ s/ /%20/g;
push @list2, "$FW_ME?room=$r";
my @list = (
"Everything", "$FW_ME?room=all",
"", "",
"Howto", "$FW_ME/docs/HOWTO.html",
"Wiki", "http://fhemwiki.de",
"Details", "$FW_ME/docs/commandref.html",
"Definition...", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20addDef",
"Edit files", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20list",
"Select style", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20select",
"Event monitor", "$FW_ME?cmd=style%20eventMonitor",
"", "");
my $lastname = ","; # Avoid double "".
for(my $idx = 0; $idx < @list; $idx+= 2) {
next if($FW_hiddenroom{$list[$idx]} || $list[$idx] eq $lastname);
push @list1, $list[$idx];
push @list2, $list[$idx+1];
$lastname = $list[$idx];
FW_pO "<div id=\"menu\">";
FW_pO "<table>";
if($FW_ss) { # Make a selection sensitive dropdown list
FW_pO "<tr><td><select OnChange=\"location.href=" .
foreach(my $idx = 0; $idx < @list1; $idx++) {
next if(!$list1[$idx]);
my $sel = ($list1[$idx] eq $FW_room ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "");
FW_pO "<option value=$list2[$idx]$sel>$list1[$idx]</option>";
FW_pO "</select></td>";
if(!$FW_hiddenroom{save}) {
FW_pO "<td><form method=\"get\" action=\"$FW_ME\">" .
FW_submit("cmd", "save").
FW_pO "</tr>";
} else {
FW_GetIcons(); # get the icon set for the current instance
foreach(my $idx = 0; $idx < @list1; $idx++) {
my ($l1, $l2) = ($list1[$idx], $list2[$idx]);
if(!$l1) {
FW_pO "</table></td></tr>" if($idx);
FW_pO "<tr><td><table id=\"room\">"
} else {
pF "<tr%s>", $l1 eq $FW_room ? " class=\"sel\"" : "";
# image tag if we have an icon, else empty
my $icon= $FW_icons{"ico${l1}"} ? FW_makeImage("ico${l1}") . "&nbsp;" : "";
if($l2 =~ m/.html$/ || $l2 =~ m/^http/) {
FW_pO "<td><a href=\"$l2\">$icon$l1</a></td>";
} else {
FW_pH $l2, "$icon$l1", 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
# Show the overview of devices in one room
# room can be a room, all or Unsorted
return if(!$FW_room);
FW_GetIcons(); # get the icon set for the current instance
FW_pO "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$FW_ME\">";
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
FW_pO "<table>"; # Need for equal width of subtables
my $rf = ($FW_room ? "&amp;room=$FW_room" : ""); # stay in the room
# array of all device names in the room except weblinkes
my @devs= grep { ($FW_rooms{$FW_room}{$_}||$FW_room eq "all") &&
!IsIgnored($_) } keys %defs;
my %group;
foreach my $dev (@devs) {
next if($defs{$dev}{TYPE} eq "weblink" && !AttrVal($dev, "group", undef));
foreach my $grp (split(",", AttrVal($dev, "group", $FW_types{$dev}))) {
$group{$grp}{$dev} = 1;
# row counter
my $row=1;
# iterate over the distinct groups
foreach my $g (sort keys %group) {
# Check if there is a device of this type in the room
FW_pO "\n<tr><td><div class=\"devType\">$g</div></td></tr>";
FW_pO "<tr><td>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block wide\" id=\"$g\">";
foreach my $d (sort @devs) {
next if(!$group{$g}{$d});
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
pF "\n<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even";
my $devName = AttrVal($d, "alias", $d);
my $icon = AttrVal($d, "icon", "");
if($icon =~ m/^(.*)\.($ICONEXTENSION)$/) {
$icon= $1; # silently remove the extension
$icon = FW_makeImage($icon) . "&nbsp;" if($icon);
if($FW_hiddenroom{detail}) {
FW_pO "<td><div class=\"col1\">$icon$devName</div></td>";
} else {
FW_pH "detail=$d", "$icon$devName", 1, "col1";
if($type eq "weblink") {
FW_pO "<td>";
FW_showWeblink($d, $defs{$d}{LINK}, $defs{$d}{WLTYPE}, undef);
FW_pO "</td>";
my ($allSets, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($d, $rf);
FW_pO "<td id=\"$d\">$txt";
# Commands, slider, dropdown
if(!$FW_ss) {
FW_pO "</td>";
if($cmdlist) {
my @cList = split(":", $cmdlist);
my $firstIdx = 0;
# Special handling (slider, dropdown)
my $cmd = $cList[0];
if($allSets && $allSets =~ m/$cmd:([^ ]*)/) {
my $values = $1;
if($values =~ m/^slider,(.*),(.*),(.*)/) { ##### Slider
my ($min,$stp, $max) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $srf = $FW_room ? "&room=$FW_room" : "";
my $curr = ReadingsVal($d, $cmd, Value($d));
$cmd = "" if($cmd eq "state");
FW_pO "<td colspan='2'>".
"<div class='slider' id='slider.$d'>".
"<div class='handle'>$min</div></div>".
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" .
"'$FW_ME?cmd=set $d $cmd %$srf')".
} else { ##### Dropdown
my @tv = split(",", $values);
# Hack: eventmap (translation only) should not result in a dropdown.
# eventMap/webCmd/etc handling must be cleaned up.
if(@tv > 1) {
if($cmd eq "desired-temp") {
$txt = ReadingsVal($d, "desired-temp", 20);
$txt =~ s/ .*//; # Cut off Celsius
$txt = sprintf("%2.1f", int(2*$txt)/2) if($txt =~ m/[0-9.-]/);
} else {
$txt = Value($d);
$txt =~ s/$cmd //;
FW_pO "<td>".
FW_hidden("arg.$d", $cmd) .
FW_hidden("dev.$d", $d) .
($FW_room ? FW_hidden("room", $FW_room) : "") .
FW_select("val.$d", \@tv, $txt, "dropdown").
FW_submit("cmd.$d", "set").
for(my $idx=$firstIdx; $idx < @cList; $idx++) {
FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cList[$idx]$rf", $cList[$idx], 1,"col3";
} elsif($type eq "FileLog") {
$row = FW_dumpFileLog($d, 1, $row);
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
FW_pO "</table><br>";
# Now the weblinks
my $buttons = 1;
$FW_room = "" if(!defined($FW_room));
my @list = ($FW_room eq "all" ? keys %defs : keys %{$FW_rooms{$FW_room}});
foreach my $d (sort @list) {
next if(IsIgnored($d));
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
next if(!$type || $type ne "weblink" || AttrVal($d, "group", undef));
$buttons = FW_showWeblink($d, $defs{$d}{LINK}, $defs{$d}{WLTYPE}, $buttons);
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</form>";
# return a sorted list of actual files for a given regexp
my ($fname) = @_;
$fname =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Split into dir and file
my ($dir,$re) = ($1, $2);
return if(!$re);
$re =~ s/%./[A-Za-z0-9]*/g;
my @ret;
return @ret if(!opendir(DH, $dir));
while(my $f = readdir(DH)) {
next if($f !~ m,^$re$,);
push(@ret, $f);
return sort @ret;
# return a hash name -> path of actual files for a given regexp
my ($fname) = @_;
$fname =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Split into dir and file
my ($dir,$re) = ($1, $2);
return if(!$re);
$re =~ s/%./[A-Za-z0-9]*/g;
my %ret;
return %ret if(!opendir(DH, $dir));
while(my $f = readdir(DH)) {
next if($f !~ m,^$re$,);
$ret{$f}= "${dir}/${f}";
return %ret;
# Show the content of the log (plain text), or an image and offer a link
# to convert it to a weblink
my ($cmd) = @_;
my (undef, $d, $type, $file) = split(" ", $cmd, 4);
if($type eq "text") {
$defs{$d}{logfile} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File
my $path = "$1/$file";
$path = AttrVal($d,"archivedir","") . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
if(!open(FH, $path)) {
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">$path: $!</div>";
my $reverseLogs = AttrVal($FW_wname, "reverseLogs", 0);
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
my $cnt = join("", $reverseLogs ? reverse <FH> : <FH>);
$cnt =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$cnt =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
FW_pO "<div class=\"tiny\">" if($FW_ss);
FW_pO "<pre>$cnt</pre>";
FW_pO "</div>" if($FW_ss);
FW_pO "</div>";
} else {
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
FW_pO "<br>";
FW_zoomLink("cmd=$cmd;zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
FW_zoomLink("cmd=$cmd;zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
FW_zoomLink("cmd=$cmd;off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
FW_zoomLink("cmd=$cmd;off=1", "Next", "next");
FW_pO "<table><tr><td>";
FW_pO "<td>";
my $logtype = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
my $wl = "&amp;pos=" . join(";", map {"$_=$FW_pos{$_}"} keys %FW_pos);
my $arg = "$FW_ME?cmd=showlog $logtype $d $type $file$wl";
if(AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode) eq "SVG") {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", AttrVal($d,"plotsize",$FW_plotsize));
FW_pO "<embed src=\"$arg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" " .
"width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" name=\"$d\"/>\n";
} else {
FW_pO "<img src=\"$arg\"/>";
FW_pO "<br>";
FW_pH "cmd=toweblink $d:$type:$file", "Convert to weblink";
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</td></tr></table>";
FW_pO "</div>";
my ($wl, $gplot_pgm, $file) = @_;
# Read in the template gnuplot file. Digest the #FileLog lines. Replace
# the plot directive with our own, as we offer a file for each line
my (@filelog, @data, $plot);
my $wltype = "";
$wltype = $defs{$wl}{WLTYPE} if($defs{$wl} && $defs{$wl}{WLTYPE});
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return (FW_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!"), undef);
while(my $l = <FH>) {
$l =~ s/\r//g;
if($l =~ m/^#FileLog (.*)$/ &&
($wltype eq "fileplot" || $wl eq "FileLog")) {
push(@filelog, $1);
} elsif ($l =~ m/^#DbLog (.*)$/ &&
($wltype eq "dbplot" || $wl eq "DbLog")) {
push(@filelog, $1);
} elsif($l =~ "^plot" || $plot) {
$plot .= $l;
} else {
push(@data, $l);
return (undef, \@data, $plot, \@filelog);
my ($splitret, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile) = @_;
# interpret title and label as a perl command and make
# to all internal values e.g. $value.
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my $fileesc = $file;
$fileesc =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # For Windows, by MarkusRR
my $title = AttrVal($wl, "title", "\"$fileesc\"");
$title = AnalyzeCommand($FW_chash, "{ $title }");
my $label = AttrVal($wl, "label", undef);
my @g_label;
if ($label) {
@g_label = split("::",$label);
foreach (@g_label) {
$_ = AnalyzeCommand($FW_chash, "{ $_ }");
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
my $gplot_script = join("", @{$cfg});
$gplot_script .= $plot if(!$splitret);
$gplot_script =~ s/<OUT>/$tmpfile/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<IN>/$file/g;
my $ps = AttrVal($wl,"plotsize",$FW_plotsize);
$gplot_script =~ s/<SIZE>/$ps/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<TL>/$title/g;
my $g_count=1;
if ($label) {
foreach (@g_label) {
$gplot_script =~ s/<L$g_count>/$_/g;
$plot =~ s/<L$g_count>/$_/g;
$plot =~ s/\r//g; # For our windows friends...
$gplot_script =~ s/\r//g;
if($splitret == 1) {
my @ret = split("\n", $gplot_script);
return (\@ret, $plot);
} else {
return $gplot_script;
# Generate an image from the log via gnuplot or SVG
my ($cmd) = @_;
my (undef, $wl, $d, $type, $file) = split(" ", $cmd, 5);
my $pm = AttrVal($wl,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
my $gplot_pgm = "$FW_gplotdir/$type.gplot";
if(!-r $gplot_pgm) {
my $msg = "Cannot read $gplot_pgm";
Log 1, $msg;
if($pm =~ m/SVG/) { # FW_fatal for SVG:
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
FW_pO '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">';
FW_pO '<text x="20" y="20">'.$msg.'</text>';
FW_pO '</svg>';
} else {
return FW_fatal($msg);
if($pm =~ m/gnuplot/) {
my $tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $errfile = "/tmp/gnuplot.err";
if($pm eq "gnuplot" || !$FW_devs{$d}{from}) {
# Looking for the logfile....
$defs{$d}{logfile} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File
my $path = "$1/$file";
$path = AttrVal($d,"archivedir","") . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
return FW_fatal("Cannot read $path") if(!-r $path);
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, undef) = FW_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm, $file);
return $err if($err);
my $gplot_script = FW_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file,$tmpfile);
my $fr = AttrVal($wl, "fixedrange", undef);
if($fr) {
$fr =~ s/ /\":\"/;
$fr = "set xrange [\"$fr\"]\n";
$gplot_script =~ s/(set timefmt ".*")/$1\n$fr/;
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script;
} elsif($pm eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $flog) = FW_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm, $file);
return $err if($err);
# Read the data from the filelog
my ($f,$t)=($FW_devs{$d}{from}, $FW_devs{$d}{to});
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0; # Else the filenames will be Log'ged
my @path = split(" ", FW_fC("get $d $file $tmpfile $f $t " .
join(" ", @{$flog})));
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;
# replace the path with the temporary filenames of the filelog output
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
my $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
next if(!-z $p);
open(FH, ">$p");
print FH "$f 0\n";
my $gplot_script = FW_substcfg(0, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, $tmpfile);
open(FH, "|gnuplot >> $errfile 2>&1");# feed it to gnuplot
print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot;
foreach my $p (@path) {
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/png";
open(FH, "$tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
binmode (FH); # necessary for Windows
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($pm eq "SVG") {
my ($err, $cfg, $plot, $flog) = FW_readgplotfile($wl, $gplot_pgm, $file);
return $err if($err);
my ($f,$t)=($FW_devs{$d}{from}, $FW_devs{$d}{to});
$f = 0 if(!$f); # From the beginning of time...
$t = 9 if(!$t); # till the end
my $ret;
if(!$modules{SVG}{LOADED}) {
$ret = CommandReload(undef, "98_SVG");
Log 0, $ret if($ret);
Log 5, "plotcommand: get $d $file INT $f $t " . join(" ", @{$flog});
$ret = FW_fC("get $d $file INT $f $t " . join(" ", @{$flog}));
($cfg, $plot) = FW_substcfg(1, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, "<OuT>");
FW_pO SVG_render($wl, $f, $t, $cfg, $internal_data, $plot, $FW_wname, $FW_cssdir);
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
my ($msg) = @_;
FW_pO "<html><body>$msg</body></html>";
my ($n, $v) = @_;
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\"/>";
# Generate a select field with option list
my ($n, $va, $def, $class, $jSelFn) = @_;
$jSelFn = ($jSelFn ? "onchange=\"$jSelFn\"" : "");
my $s = "<select $jSelFn name=\"$n\" class=\"$class\">";
foreach my $v (@{$va}) {
if($def && $v eq $def) {
$s .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"$v\">$v</option>\n";
} else {
$s .= "<option value=\"$v\">$v</option>\n";
$s .= "</select>";
return $s;
my ($n, $z, $class, $value) = @_;
my $v;
$v=" value=\"$value\"" if(defined($value));
return if($FW_hiddenroom{input});
my $s = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$n\" class=\"$class\" size=\"$z\"$v/>";
return $s;
return FW_textfieldv($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], "");
my ($n, $v, $class) = @_;
$class = ($class ? "class=\"$class\"" : "");
my $s ="<input type=\"submit\" name=\"$n\" value=\"$v\" $class/>";
return $s;
# Generate the zoom and scroll images with links if appropriate
my ($cmd, $img, $alt) = @_;
my $prf;
$cmd =~ m/^(.*);([^;]*)$/;
($prf, $cmd) = ($1, $2) if($2);
my ($d,$off) = split("=", $cmd, 2);
my $val = $FW_pos{$d};
$cmd = ($FW_detail ? "detail=$FW_detail":
($prf ? $prf : "room=$FW_room")) . "&amp;pos=";
if($d eq "zoom") {
$val = "day" if(!$val);
$val = $FW_zoom{$val};
return if(!defined($val) || $val+$off < 0 || $val+$off >= int(@FW_zoom) );
$val = $FW_zoom[$val+$off];
return if(!$val);
# Approximation of the next offset.
my $w_off = $FW_pos{off};
$w_off = 0 if(!$w_off);
if($val eq "qday") {
$w_off = $w_off*4;
} elsif($val eq "day") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*7 : int($w_off/4);
} elsif($val eq "week") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*4 : int($w_off/7);
} elsif($val eq "month") {
$w_off = ($off < 0) ? $w_off*12: int($w_off/4);
} elsif($val eq "year") {
$w_off = int($w_off/12);
$cmd .= "zoom=$val;off=$w_off";
} else {
return if((!$val && $off > 0) || ($val && $val+$off > 0)); # no future
$off=($val ? $val+$off : $off);
my $zoom=$FW_pos{zoom};
$zoom = 0 if(!$zoom);
$cmd .= "zoom=$zoom;off=$off";
FW_pO "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
FW_pHPlain "$cmd", "<img style=\"border-color:transparent\" alt=\"$alt\" ".
# Calculate either the number of scrollable weblinks (for $d = undef) or
# for the device the valid from and to dates for the given zoom and offset
my ($d,$wl) = @_;
my $pm = AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode);
return if($pm eq "gnuplot");
my $frx;
if($defs{$wl}) {
my $fr = AttrVal($wl, "fixedrange", undef);
if($fr) {
#klaus fixed range day, week, month or year
if($fr eq "day" || $fr eq "week" || $fr eq "month" || $fr eq "year" ) {
else {
my @range = split(" ", $fr);
my @t = localtime;
$FW_devs{$d}{from} = ResolveDateWildcards($range[0], @t);
$FW_devs{$d}{to} = ResolveDateWildcards($range[1], @t);
my $off = $FW_pos{$d};
$off = 0 if(!$off);
$off += $FW_pos{off} if($FW_pos{off});
my $now = time();
my $zoom = $FW_pos{zoom};
$zoom = "day" if(!$zoom);
$zoom = $frx if ($frx); #for fixedrange {day|week|...} klaus
if($zoom eq "qday") {
my $t = $now + $off*21600;
my @l = localtime($t);
$l[2] = int($l[2]/6)*6;
= sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3],$l[2]);
= sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3],$l[2]+6);
} elsif($zoom eq "day") {
my $t = $now + $off*86400;
my @l = localtime($t);
$FW_devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]);
$FW_devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]+1);
} elsif($zoom eq "week") {
my @l = localtime($now);
my $t = $now - ($l[6]*86400) + ($off*86400)*7;
@l = localtime($t);
$FW_devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]);
@l = localtime($t+7*86400);
$FW_devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]);
} elsif($zoom eq "month") {
my @l = localtime($now);
while($off < -12) {
$off += 12; $l[5]--;
$l[4] += $off;
$l[4] += 12, $l[5]-- if($l[4] < 0);
$FW_devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1);
$l[4] = 0, $l[5]++ if($l[4] == 12);
$FW_devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1);
} elsif($zoom eq "year") {
my @l = localtime($now);
$l[5] += $off;
$FW_devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d", $l[5]+1900);
$FW_devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d", $l[5]+1901);
FW_pFileHash($%) {
my ($heading,%files)= @_;
FW_pO "$heading<br>";
FW_pO "<table class=\"block\" id=\"at\">";
my $row = 0;
my @filenames= sort keys %files;
foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
FW_pO "<tr class=\"" . ($row?"odd":"even") . "\">";
FW_pH "cmd=style edit $files{$filename}", $filename, 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
FW_pO "</table>";
FW_pO "<br>";
# List/Edit/Save css and gnuplot files
my ($cmd, $msg) = @_;
my @a = split(" ", $cmd);
my $start = "<div id=\"content\"><table><tr><td>";
my $end = "</td></tr></table></div>";
if($a[1] eq "list") {
# list files for editing
my %files;
FW_pO $start;
FW_pO "$msg<br><br>" if($msg);
%files= ("global configuration" => $attr{global}{configfile} );
FW_pFileHash("configuration", %files);
%files= FW_fileHash("$MW_dir/.*(sh|Util.*|cfg|holiday)");
FW_pFileHash("modules and other files", %files);
%files= FW_fileHash("$FW_cssdir/.*.(css|svg)");
FW_pFileHash("styles", %files);
%files= FW_fileHash("$FW_gplotdir/.*.gplot");
FW_pFileHash("gplot files", %files);
FW_pO $end;
} elsif($a[1] eq "select") {
my @fl = FW_fileList("$FW_cssdir/.*style.css");
FW_pO "$start<table class=\"block\" id=\"at\">";
my $row = 0;
foreach my $file (@fl) {
next if($file =~ m/(svg_|smallscreen|touchpad)style.css/);
$file =~ s/style.css//;
$file = "Default" if($file eq "");
FW_pO "<tr class=\"" . ($row?"odd":"even") . "\">";
FW_pH "cmd=style set $file", "$file", 1;
FW_pO "</tr>";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
FW_pO "</table>$end";
} elsif($a[1] eq "set") {
if($a[2] eq "Default") {
} else {
$attr{$FW_wname}{stylesheetPrefix} = $a[2];
FW_pO "${start}Reload the page in the browser.$end";
} elsif($a[1] eq "edit") {
# edit a file
#$a[2] =~ s,/,,g; # little bit of security
#my $f = ($a[2] eq "fhem.cfg" ? $attr{global}{configfile} :
# "$FW_dir/$a[2]");
# my $f;
# if($a[2] eq "fhem.cfg") {
# $f = $attr{global}{configfile};
# } elsif ($a[2] =~ m/.*(sh|Util.*|cfg|holiday)/ && $a[2] ne "fhem.cfg") {
# $f = "$MW_dir/$a[2]";
# } else {
# $f = "$FW_dir/$a[2]";
# }
my $fullname= $a[2];
if(!open(FH, $fullname)) {
FW_pO "$fullname: $!";
my $data = join("", <FH>);
my $ncols = $FW_ss ? 40 : 80;
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
FW_pO "<form>";
my $basename= $fullname;
$basename =~ s,^.*/,,;
FW_pO FW_submit("save", "Save $basename");
FW_pO "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
FW_pO FW_submit("saveAs", "Save as");
FW_pO FW_textfieldv("saveName", 30, "saveName", $fullname);
FW_pO "<br><br>";
FW_pO FW_hidden("cmd", "style save $fullname");
FW_pO "<textarea name=\"data\" cols=\"$ncols\" rows=\"30\">" .
FW_pO "</form>";
FW_pO "</div>";
} elsif($a[1] eq "save") {
my $fName = $a[2];
# I removed all that special treatment since $fName now contains the full original filename
# this means that one can in principle overwrite any file in the file system if fhem
# runs with too many rights, e.g. if run as root!
$fName = $FW_webArgs{saveName}
if($FW_webArgs{saveAs} && $FW_webArgs{saveName});
if(!open(FH, ">$fName")) {
FW_pO "$fName: $!";
$FW_data =~ s/\r//g if($^O !~ m/Win/);
binmode (FH);
print FH $FW_data;
my $ret = FW_fC("rereadcfg") if($fName eq $attr{global}{configfile});
$ret = FW_fC("reload $1") if($fName =~ m,.*/([^/]*).pm,);
$ret = ($ret ? "<h3>ERROR:</h3><b>$ret</b>" : "Saved the file $fName");
FW_style("style list", $ret);
$ret = "";
} elsif($a[1] eq "iconFor") {
FW_GetIcons(); # get the icon set for the current instance
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\"><table class=\"iconFor\">";
foreach my $i (sort grep {/^ico/} keys %FW_icons) {
FW_pO "<tr><td>";
FW_pO "<a href=\"$FW_ME?cmd=attr $a[2] icon $i\">$i</a>";
FW_pO "</td><td>";
FW_pO FW_makeImage($i);
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
FW_pO "</table></div>";
} elsif($a[1] eq "eventMonitor") {
FW_pO "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/js/console.js\"></script>";
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
FW_pO "<div id=\"console\">";
FW_pO "Events:<br>\n";
FW_pO "</div>";
FW_pO "</div>";
} elsif($a[1] eq "addDef") {
my $cnt = 0;
my %isHelper;
my $colCnt = ($FW_ss ? 2 : 8);
FW_pO "<div id=\"content\">";
FW_pO "Helpers:";
FW_pO "<div id=\"block\"><table><tr>";
foreach my $mn ( "at", "notify", "average", "dummy", "holiday", "sequence",
"structure", "watchdog", "weblink", "FileLog", "PID", "Twilight") {
$isHelper{$mn} = 1;
FW_pH "cmd=style addDef $mn", "$mn", 1;
FW_pO "</tr><tr>" if(++$cnt % $colCnt == 0);
FW_pO "</tr>" if($cnt % $colCnt);
FW_pO "</table></div>";
$cnt = 0;
FW_pO "<br>Other Modules:";
FW_pO "<div id=\"block\"><table><tr>";
foreach my $mn (sort keys %modules) {
my $mp = $modules{$mn};
next if($isHelper{$mn});
# If it is not loaded, read it through to check if it has a Define Function
if(!$mp->{LOADED} && !$mp->{defChecked}) {
$mp->{defChecked} = 1;
if(open(FH, "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/$modules{$mn}{ORDER}_$mn.pm")) {
while(my $l = <FH>) {
$mp->{DefFn} = 1 if(index($l, "{DefFn}") > 0);
next if(!$mp->{DefFn});
FW_pH "cmd=style addDef $mn", "$mn", 1;
FW_pO "</tr><tr>" if(++$cnt % $colCnt == 0);
FW_pO "</tr>" if($cnt % $colCnt);
FW_pO "</table></div><br>";
if($a[2]) {
if(!open(FH, "$FW_commandref")) {
FW_pO "<h3>comandref.html is missing</h3>";
} else {
my $inDef;
while(my $l = <FH>) {
if($l =~ m/<h3>$a[2]</) {
$inDef = 1;
} else {
next if (!$inDef);
last if($l =~ m/<h3>/);
$l =~ s/href="#/href="$FW_commandref#/g;
FW_pO $l;
FW_pO "</div>";
# print (append) to output
my $arg = shift;
return if(!defined($arg));
$FW_RET .= $arg;
$FW_RET .= "\n";
# add href
my ($link, $txt, $td, $class) = @_;
FW_pO "<td>" if($td);
$link = ($link =~ m,^/,) ? $link : "$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link";
$class = "" if(!defined($class));
$class = " class=\"$class\"" if($class);
if($FW_ss || $FW_tp) { # No pointer change if using onClick
FW_pO "<a onClick=\"location.href='$link'\"><div$class>$txt</div></a>";
} else {
FW_pO "<a href=\"$link\"><div$class>$txt</div></a>";
FW_pO "</td>" if($td);
my ($link, $txt, $td) = @_;
FW_pO "<td>" if($td);
if($FW_ss || $FW_tp) {
FW_pO "<a onClick=\"location.href='$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link'\">$txt</a>";
} else {
FW_pO "<a href=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link\">$txt</a>";
FW_pO "</td>" if($td);
# print formatted
my $fmt = shift;
$FW_RET .= sprintf $fmt, @_;
# fhem command
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $ret = AnalyzeCommand($FW_chash, $cmd);
return $ret;
my ($d, $v, $t, $buttons) = @_;
my $attr = AttrVal($d, "htmlattr", "");
if($t eq "htmlCode") {
$v = AnalyzePerlCommand($FW_chash, $v) if($v =~ m/^{(.*)}$/);
FW_pO $v;
} elsif($t eq "link") {
FW_pO "<a href=\"$v\" $attr>$d</a>"; # no FW_pH, want to open extra browser
} elsif($t eq "image") {
FW_pO "<img src=\"$v\" $attr><br>";
FW_pO "<br>";
FW_pHPlain "detail=$d", $d if(!$FW_subdir);
FW_pO "<br>";
} elsif($t eq "iframe") {
FW_pO "<iframe src=\"$v\" $attr>Iframes disabled</iframe>";
FW_pO "<br>";
FW_pHPlain "detail=$d", $d if(!$FW_subdir);
FW_pO "<br>";
} elsif($t eq "fileplot" || $t eq "dbplot" ) {
# plots navigation buttons
if($buttons &&
($defs{$d}{WLTYPE} eq "fileplot" || $defs{$d}{WLTYPE} eq "dbplot")&&
!AttrVal($d, "fixedrange", undef)) {
FW_zoomLink("zoom=-1", "Zoom-in", "zoom in");
FW_zoomLink("zoom=1", "Zoom-out","zoom out");
FW_zoomLink("off=-1", "Prev", "prev");
FW_zoomLink("off=1", "Next", "next");
$buttons = 0;
FW_pO "<br>";
my @va = split(":", $v, 3);
if($defs{$d}{WLTYPE} eq "fileplot" && (@va != 3 || !$defs{$va[0]} || !$defs{$va[0]}{currentlogfile})) {
FW_pO "Broken definition for fileplot $d: $v<br>";
} elsif ($defs{$d}{WLTYPE} eq "dbplot" && (@va != 2 || !$defs{$va[0]})) {
FW_pO "Broken definition for dbplot $d: $v<br>";
} else {
if(defined($va[2]) && $va[2] eq "CURRENT") {
$defs{$va[0]}{currentlogfile} =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
$va[2] = $1;
if ($defs{$d}{WLTYPE} eq "dbplot") {
$va[2] = "-";
my $wl = "&amp;pos=" . join(";", map {"$_=$FW_pos{$_}"} keys %FW_pos);
my $arg="$FW_ME?cmd=showlog $d $va[0] $va[1] $va[2]$wl";
if(AttrVal($d,"plotmode",$FW_plotmode) eq "SVG") {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", AttrVal($d,"plotsize",$FW_plotsize));
FW_pO "<embed src=\"$arg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" " .
"width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" name=\"$d\"/>\n";
} else {
FW_pO "<img src=\"$arg\"/>";
FW_pO "<br>";
FW_pHPlain "detail=$d", $d if(!$FW_subdir);
FW_pO "<br>";
return $buttons;
my @a = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$a[1]};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "HTTPS") {
if($a[2] eq "stylesheetPrefix" ||
$a[2] eq "smallscreen") {
# AttrFn is called too early, we have to set/del the attr here
if($a[0] eq "set") {
$attr{$name}{$a[2]} = (defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : 1);
} else {
delete $attr{$name}{$a[2]};
return undef;
FW_ReadIconsFrom($$) {
# recursively reads .gif .ico .jpg .png files and returns filenames as array
# recursion starts at $FW_icondir/$dir
# filenames are relative to $FW_icondir
my ($prepend,$dir)= @_;
return if($dir =~ m,/\.svn,);
#Debug "read icons from \"${FW_icondir}/${dir}\", prepend \"$prepend\"";
my (@entries, @filenames);
if(opendir(DH, "${FW_icondir}/${dir}")) {
@entries= sort readdir(DH); # assures order: .gif .ico .jpg .png
#Debug "$#entries entries found.";
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $filename= "$dir/$entry";
#Debug " entry: \"$entry\", filename= \"$filename\"";
if( -d "${FW_icondir}/${filename}" ) { # entry is a directory
FW_ReadIconsFrom("${prepend}${entry}/", $filename)
unless($entry eq "." || $entry eq "..");
} elsif( -f "${FW_icondir}/${filename}") { # entry is a regular file
if($entry =~ m/^(.*)\.($ICONEXTENSION)$/i) {
my $logicalname= $1;
my $iconname= "${prepend}${logicalname}";
#Debug " icon: \"$iconname\"";
$FW_icons{$iconname}= $filename;
my ($hash)= @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
%FW_icons = ();
# read icons from default directory
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "default");
# read icons from stylesheet specific directory, icons found here supersede
# default icons with same name. Smallscreen a special "stylesheet"
my $prefix = AttrVal($name, "smallscreen", "") ? "smallscreen" : "";
$prefix = AttrVal($name, "stylesheetPrefix", $prefix);
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "$prefix") unless($prefix eq "");
# read icons from explicit directory, icons found here supersede all other
# icons with same name
my $iconpath= AttrVal($name, "iconpath", "");
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "$iconpath") unless($iconpath eq "");
# if now icons were found so far, read icons from icondir itself
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "") unless(%FW_icons);
$hash->{fhemIcons} = \%FW_icons;
my $dumpLevel = 4;
if($attr{global}{verbose} >= $dumpLevel) {
Log $dumpLevel, "$name: Icon dictionary for $FW_icondir follows...";
foreach my $k (sort keys %FW_icons) {
Log $dumpLevel, " $k => " . $FW_icons{$k};
# get the icon set from the device
FW_GetIcons() {
#Debug "Getting icons for $FW_wname.";
my $hash= $defs{$FW_wname};
%FW_icons= %{$hash->{fhemIcons}};
FW_canonicalizeIcon($) {
my ($name)= @_;
if($name =~ m/^(.*)\.($ICONEXTENSION)$/) {
Log 1, "WARNING: argument of FW_canonicalizeIcon($name) has extension - inform the developers!";
$name= $1;
return $name;
FW_getIcon($) {
my ($name)= @_;
$name= FW_canonicalizeIcon($name);
return $FW_icons{$name} ? $name : undef;
# returns the physical absolute path relative for the logical path
# examples:
# FS20.on -> $FW_icondir/dark/FS20.on.png
# weather/sunny -> $FW_icondir/default/weather/sunny.gif
FW_IconPath($) {
my ($name)= @_;
$name= FW_canonicalizeIcon($name);
FW_GetIcons(); # get the icon set for the current instance
my $path= $FW_icons{$name};
return $path ? $FW_icondir. $path : undef;
# returns the URL for the logical path
# examples:
# FS20.on -> /icons/FS20.on
# weather/sunny -> /icons/sunny
sub FW_IconURL($) {
my ($name)= @_;
$name= FW_canonicalizeIcon($name);
return "$FW_ME/icons/${name}";
my ($name) = @_;
my $d = $defs{$name};
return "" if(!$name || !$d);
my ($type, $state) = ($d->{TYPE}, $d->{STATE});
return "" if(!$type || !$state);
my (undef, $rstate) = ReplaceEventMap($name, [undef, $state], 0);
$state =~ s/ .*//; # Want to be able to have icons for "on-for-timer xxx"
my $icon;
$icon = FW_getIcon("$name.$state") if(!$icon); # lamp.Aus.png
$icon = FW_getIcon("$name.$rstate") if(!$icon); # lamp.on.png
$icon = FW_getIcon($name) if(!$icon); # lamp.png
$icon = FW_getIcon("$type.$state") if(!$icon); # FS20.Aus.png
$icon = FW_getIcon("$type.$rstate") if(!$icon); # FS20.on.png
$icon = FW_getIcon($type) if(!$icon); # FS20.png
$icon = FW_getIcon($state) if(!$icon); # Aus.png
$icon = FW_getIcon($rstate) if(!$icon); # on.png
return $icon;
my ($name, $n, $val) = @_;
# Toggle Edit-Window visibility script.
my $pgm = "Javascript:" .
"s.display = s.display=='none' ? 'block' : 'none';".
"s.display = s.display=='none' ? 'block' : 'none';";
FW_pO "<td>";
FW_pO "<a onClick=\"$pgm\">$n</a>";
FW_pO "</td>";
$val =~ s,\\\n,\n,g;
my $eval = $val;
$eval = "<pre>$eval</pre>" if($eval =~ m/\n/);
FW_pO "<td>";
FW_pO "<div class=\"dval\" id=\"disp\">$eval</div>";
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
FW_pO "<div id=\"edit\" style=\"display:none\"><form>";
my $cmd = "modify";
my $ncols = $FW_ss ? 30 : 60;
FW_pO "<textarea name=\"val.${cmd}$name\" cols=\"$ncols\" rows=\"10\">".
FW_pO "<br>" . FW_submit("cmd.${cmd}$name", "$cmd $name");
FW_pO "</form></div>";
FW_pO "</td>";
my ($d, $oneRow,$row) = @_;
foreach my $f (FW_fileList($defs{$d}{logfile})) {
my $nr;
if($oneRow) {
pF "<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even";
pF "<td><div class=\"dname\">$f</div></td>";
foreach my $ln (split(",", AttrVal($d, "logtype", "text"))) {
my ($lt, $name) = split(":", $ln);
$name = $lt if(!$name);
if(!$oneRow) {
pF "<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even";
pF "<td><div class=\"dname\">%s</div></td>", ($nr ? "" : $f);
FW_pH "cmd=logwrapper $d $lt $f",
"<div class=\"dval\">$name</div>", 1, "dval";
if(!$oneRow) {
FW_pO "</tr>";
if($oneRow) {
FW_pO "</tr>";
return $row;
my ($ntfy, $dev) = @_;
my $filter = $ntfy->{inform};
return undef if(!$filter);
my $ln = $ntfy->{NAME};
my $dn = $dev->{NAME};
my $data;
my $rn = AttrVal($dn, "room", "");
if($filter eq "all" || $rn =~ m/\b$filter\b/) {
FW_GetIcons(); # get the icon set for the current instance
my @old = ($FW_wname, $FW_ME, $FW_longpoll, $FW_ss, $FW_tp, $FW_subdir);
$FW_wname = $ntfy->{SNAME};
$FW_ME = "/" . AttrVal($FW_wname, "webname", "fhem");
$FW_subdir = "";
$FW_longpoll = 1;
$FW_ss = AttrVal($FW_wname, "smallscreen", 0);
$FW_tp = AttrVal($FW_wname, "touchpad", $FW_ss);
my ($allSet, $cmdlist, $txt) = FW_devState($dn, "");
($FW_wname, $FW_ME, $FW_longpoll, $FW_ss, $FW_tp, $FW_subdir) = @old;
$data = "$dn;$dev->{STATE};$txt\n";
} elsif($filter eq "console") {
if($dev->{CHANGED}) { # It gets deleted sometimes (?)
my $tn = TimeNow();
if($attr{global}{mseclog}) {
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday();
$tn .= sprintf(".%03d", $microseconds/1000);
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
my $dt = $dev->{TYPE};
for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
$data .= "$tn $dt $dn ".$dev->{CHANGED}[$i]."<br>\n";
if($data) {
# Collect multiple changes (e.g. from noties) into one message
$ntfy->{INFORMBUF} .= $data;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "FW_FlushInform", $ln, 0);
return undef;
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return if(!$hash);
my $c = $hash->{CD};
print $c $hash->{INFORMBUF};
CommandDelete(undef, $name);
# Compute the state (==second) column
my ($d, $rf) = @_;
my ($hasOnOff, $cmdlist, $link);
my $webCmd = AttrVal($d, "webCmd", "");
my $allSets = getAllSets($d);
my $state = $defs{$d}{STATE};
$state = "" if(!defined($state));
$hasOnOff = (!$webCmd && $allSets =~ m/\bon\b/ && $allSets =~ m/\boff\b/);
my $txt = $state;
if(defined(AttrVal($d, "showtime", undef))) {
my $v = $defs{$d}{READINGS}{state}{TIME};
$txt = $v if(defined($v));
} elsif($allSets =~ m/\bdesired-temp:/) {
$txt = ReadingsVal($d, "measured-temp", "");
$txt =~ s/ .*//;
$txt .= "&deg;C";
$cmdlist = "desired-temp";
} else {
my $icon;
$icon = FW_dev2image($d);
#Debug "Dev2Image returned $icon for $d";
$txt = "<img src=\"" . FW_IconURL($icon) . "\" alt=\"$txt\"/>" if($icon);
$txt = "<div id=\"$d\" align=\"center\" class=\"col2\">$txt</div>";
if($webCmd) {
my @a = split(":", $webCmd);
$link = "cmd.$d=set $d $a[0]";
$cmdlist = $webCmd;
} elsif($hasOnOff && !$cmdlist) {
# Have to cover: "on:An off:Aus", "A0:Aus AI:An Aus:off An:on"
my $on = ReplaceEventMap($d, "on", 1);
my $off = ReplaceEventMap($d, "off", 1);
$link = "cmd.$d=set $d " . ($state eq $on ? $off : $on);
$cmdlist = "$on:$off";
if($link) {
my $room = AttrVal($d, "room", undef);
if($room) {
if($FW_room && $room =~ m/\b$FW_room\b/) {
$room = $FW_room;
} else {
$room =~ s/,.*//;
$link .= "&room=$room";
if($FW_longpoll) {
$txt = "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&$link')\">$txt</a>";
} elsif($FW_ss || $FW_tp) {
$txt ="<a onClick=\"location.href='$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link$rf'\">$txt</a>";
} else {
$txt = "<a href=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link$rf\">$txt</a>";
return ($allSets, $cmdlist, $txt);
return "web server root: $FW_dir\n".
"icon directory: $FW_icondir\n".
"doc directory: $FW_docdir\n".
"css directory: $FW_cssdir\n".
"gplot directory: $FW_gplotdir\n".
"javascript directory: $FW_jsdir";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
$FW_wname= $hash->{NAME};
if($a[1] eq "icon") {
return "need one icon as argument" if(int(@a) != 3);
my $icon= FW_IconPath($a[2]);
return defined($icon) ? $icon : "no such icon";
} elsif($a[1] eq "pathlist") {
return FW_PathList();
} else {
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of icon pathlist";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if(@a < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . "rereadicons"
unless($a[1] eq "rereadicons");
return undef;